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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Kokosek on April 29, 2014, 11:33:25 PM

Title: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on April 29, 2014, 11:33:25 PM
Every year millions of fur animals are killed just to make satisfied some small group of people. In China there are no regulations governing how animals are treated on fur farms or how their pelts are procured.

Please read it and sign.

If you are strong enough you can watch it: -----> in fact I watched only 36s and it was fully enough for me so I am not sure what is after this...

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Recuperate on April 29, 2014, 11:51:38 PM
Trust me, I've seen all the gore and shit there is on the internet, but stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach immediately and is the only thing I can't watch.


Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: roslinpl on April 29, 2014, 11:52:01 PM
I signed this petition!
 I am not sure is this going to change anything in China .. but perhaps it is worth a try!

Well there are differences in cultures and something what is wrong for us might be OK for someone else. World is crazy.
Sad fact is that there are many sick activities around the world that are really hard to be stopped ...

But as I was saying! Worth a try!

+1 Kokosek for your will to change things to better ;)

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Malin Keshar on April 30, 2014, 12:31:47 AM
They support the North Korean regime, that do things like this with their own people. Not sadly enough I think this will have no effect at all in the real world

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on April 30, 2014, 12:32:59 AM
ban pornography/freedom

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: lanbo on April 30, 2014, 01:23:51 AM
Fur farm industry dies if there are no customers. People should stop buying fur clothing.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: zhanlang13 on April 30, 2014, 05:50:49 AM
No trading would be no killing

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Sindelar1938 on April 30, 2014, 06:41:57 AM
Really, really disturbing. Sadly, no end in sight.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on April 30, 2014, 07:40:23 AM
For the second petition concerning eating cats and dogs in China

I don't know how to reply to this... I mean what give you or me the right to criticize Chinese culture especially when it comes to food and eating dogs and cats, while I my self would never get my self to eat such animals, I find it hard to criticize other culture for it. I mean Japanese eats Whales and dolphins, people that lives in polar regions eat seals and walrus and other stuff, we eat cows and sheep and stuff, and each culture might consider what the other culture consume wrong, for example Hindus might see us in the same way for consuming cows (mistreading and murdering one of their religious symbol).

I feel like we shouldn't push our vision of things on others and try to format them to our way of doing things, how can people be sure that their way is the correct way, it doesn't make sense

As for fur, while it was justified in the past to get fur from animal origin, nowadays it is unjustified since there are replacement, but again we shouldn't see this from own perspective, as in western world leather and stuff are from animal sources as well so again It's hard to take a clear position here

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on April 30, 2014, 02:41:29 PM
For the second petition concerning eating cats and dogs in China

I don't know how to reply to this... I mean what give you or me the right to criticize Chinese culture especially when it comes to food and eating dogs and cats, while I my self would never get my self to eat such animals, I find it hard to criticize other culture for it. I mean Japanese eats Whales and dolphins, people that lives in polar regions eat seals and walrus and other stuff, we eat cows and sheeps and stuff, and each culture might fight what the other culture consume wrong, for example us Hindus might see us in the same way for consuming cows.

I feel like we shouldn't push or vision of things on others and try to format them to our way of doing things, how can people be sure that their way is the correct way it doesn't make sense

As for fur, while it was justified in the past to get fur from animal origin, nowadays it is unjustified since there are replacement, but again we shouldn't see this from own perspective, as in western world leather and stuff are from animal sources as well so again It's hard to take a clear position here

It`s not only about eating cats and dogs. It`s about treating them, maltreating... Does any culture should accord to do this? Should`t they have some law which let animals just not to die in pain? Where are some humanitarian laws for animals?

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 30, 2014, 02:44:39 PM
China doesn't really care about animal rights. So I don't think that organizing petitions is going to work. BTW.... I think fur farms exists in other countries as well, although China might be the no.1 fur producer.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on April 30, 2014, 03:16:28 PM
China doesn't really care about animal rights. So I don't think that organizing petitions is going to work. BTW.... I think fur farms exists in other countries as well, although China might be the no.1 fur producer.

I hope that publicity on wild scale can do sth. Maybe some world organisation could take care of it. Pretending that problem does`t exist will never solve it. That`s my point.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: crocko on April 30, 2014, 03:28:55 PM
Don't watch this if don't have a strong stomach:

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 30, 2014, 03:46:45 PM
Don't watch this if don't have a strong stomach:

Hmm...It is Vietnam. I had earlier seen a video where small puppies were boiled alive to make dog soup. The chef believed that boiling them alive will make the soup more delicious. Almost threw up after watching it.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: roslinpl on April 30, 2014, 05:28:41 PM
Don't watch this if don't have a strong stomach:

Hmm...It is Vietnam. I had earlier seen a video where small puppies were boiled alive to make dog soup. The chef believed that boiling them alive will make the soup more delicious. Almost threw up after watching it.

This is sick and this is a reason I will never spend vacations in Vietnam...

And I never really wanted to go to China too.. Just to buy some cheap devices and go back ...

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Hazir on April 30, 2014, 05:39:22 PM
China doesn't really care about animal rights. So I don't think that organizing petitions is going to work. BTW.... I think fur farms exists in other countries as well, although China might be the no.1 fur producer.

I hope that publicity on wild scale can do sth. Maybe some world organisation could take care of it. Pretending that problem does`t exist will never solve it. That`s my point.

China does not care about HUMAN rights to begin with. And interference in their internal affairs is just impossible. They will do what they want to do anyway. It is so sad really, but there is no way to stop them from hurting animals, business is business in China.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: roslinpl on April 30, 2014, 05:43:15 PM
China doesn't really care about animal rights. So I don't think that organizing petitions is going to work. BTW.... I think fur farms exists in other countries as well, although China might be the no.1 fur producer.

I hope that publicity on wild scale can do sth. Maybe some world organisation could take care of it. Pretending that problem does`t exist will never solve it. That`s my point.

China does not care about HUMAN rights to begin with. And interference in their internal affairs is just impossible. They will do what they want to do anyway. It is so sad really, but there is no way to stop them from hurting animals, business is business in China.

You might be right but I understand people who really want to change the way China is acting on an animals but .. this story seems to have a beginning a long long time ago and till now nothing changes ..

But as I was saying! I would be great if we can change it.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 30, 2014, 06:15:31 PM
Every year millions of fur animals are killed just to make satisfied some small group of people. In China there are no regulations governing how animals are treated on fur farms or how their pelts are procured.

Please read it and sign.

If you are strong enough you can watch it: -----> in fact I watched only 36s and it was fully enough for me so I am not sure what is after this...

If it's what I think it is, and once viewed, I'm surprised you got to the 36s mark. To date, every time I see a monkey, I recall that iconic scene in Faces of Death where folks are enjoying fresh monkey brains from a once live monkey only >36s earlier. The screeching sounds made by that monkey as it was beaten on the head while strapped to the family's dinner table is not for the fainthearted.

Now, what I'm going to suggest may come across as weird on the surface but, if implemented, has the potential to cause a stir worldwide, thus bringing attention to this incredibly cruel practice.

Strategically stage protests worldwide where the protesters ONLY carry signs (not everybody, just a few) and most everybody is playing recordings (not extremely loud, but loud enough) of the sounds of animals being tortured. The ONLY other sounds heard throughout the protest are people crying due to not being able to handle it any further, some of which are taking aware by ambulances due to going into shock.

Why it would go viral is because summer is fast approaching and the media is on the lookout for a good movement story. Needless to say but, by day three, the national guard would have been called out surrounding the terrorists with their tanks and other weapons used for unruly crowds, thus bringing out more media, along with more protesters with their primitive signs penned in blood also playing their newly created recordings.

PLEASE DON'T USE THE WORD OCCUPY IN THE NAMING OF THIS CAUSE! Perhaps, something simple like yoU Hear That? (UHT?) would suffice. For marketing purposes, of sorts, the cause's acronym could spell out one of the sounds that a beaten critter makes. Backronym ( immediately comes to mind. That would help further the movement.

To recap, the protest scenes would consist of tens of thousands of protesters holding signs, and the only sounds heard are animals being beaten to death and humans crying. NO STAGE, MICROPHONE, SPEECHES, etc.

All that would be needed at the onset is a good name with an accompanied acronym/backronym and suggestions for the venues as to where the protests should be stage, along with a .org website, whereupon the rest would take on a life of its own, for the latter's the easy part.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 30, 2014, 07:10:08 PM
Don't watch this if don't have a strong stomach:

Hmm...It is Vietnam. I had earlier seen a video where small puppies were boiled alive to make dog soup. The chef believed that boiling them alive will make the soup more delicious. Almost threw up after watching it.

Damn, I wish tshirtOS ( were available, then I would have several protesters donning videos, sans sound, of various cruel acts.

The second best option is screen printing tees.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on April 30, 2014, 07:13:27 PM
For the second petition concerning eating cats and dogs in China

I don't know how to reply to this... I mean what give you or me the right to criticize Chinese culture especially when it comes to food and eating dogs and cats, while I my self would never get my self to eat such animals, I find it hard to criticize other culture for it. I mean Japanese eats Whales and dolphins, people that lives in polar regions eat seals and walrus and other stuff, we eat cows and sheeps and stuff, and each culture might fight what the other culture consume wrong, for example us Hindus might see us in the same way for consuming cows.

I feel like we shouldn't push or vision of things on others and try to format them to our way of doing things, how can people be sure that their way is the correct way it doesn't make sense

As for fur, while it was justified in the past to get fur from animal origin, nowadays it is unjustified since there are replacement, but again we shouldn't see this from own perspective, as in western world leather and stuff are from animal sources as well so again It's hard to take a clear position here

It`s not only about eating cats and dogs. It`s about treating them, maltreating... Does any culture should accord to do this? Should`t they have some law which let animals just not to die in pain? Where are some humanitarian laws for animals?
Maltreating them? In what way? I doubt you'll maltreat your food if you want it to be consumable don't you think so? it's not like they are cooking them alive or something <.<

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on April 30, 2014, 07:14:50 PM
We should deffinately keep an eye on those who commented on this video.
They are talking about commiting atrocities on other people just because they did what every species who eats flesh does.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: sana8410 on April 30, 2014, 08:18:47 PM
They used to skin horses alive in southern Europe, the extreme cruelty there stopped largely to the efforts of a very few campaigners from Britain in the 19th C.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on April 30, 2014, 08:39:29 PM
we still hunt animals for fun in the western world what give us the right the others when we aren't criticizing our selfs, I find it more of a double standards and interfering with other people culture (I'm not saying what they are doing is good (or bad for that matter) I'm saying before criticizing others let's fix ourself first according to our culture and our moeurs before talking about others

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on April 30, 2014, 08:55:01 PM
For the second petition concerning eating cats and dogs in China

I don't know how to reply to this... I mean what give you or me the right to criticize Chinese culture especially when it comes to food and eating dogs and cats, while I my self would never get my self to eat such animals, I find it hard to criticize other culture for it. I mean Japanese eats Whales and dolphins, people that lives in polar regions eat seals and walrus and other stuff, we eat cows and sheeps and stuff, and each culture might fight what the other culture consume wrong, for example us Hindus might see us in the same way for consuming cows.

I feel like we shouldn't push or vision of things on others and try to format them to our way of doing things, how can people be sure that their way is the correct way it doesn't make sense

As for fur, while it was justified in the past to get fur from animal origin, nowadays it is unjustified since there are replacement, but again we shouldn't see this from own perspective, as in western world leather and stuff are from animal sources as well so again It's hard to take a clear position here

It`s not only about eating cats and dogs. It`s about treating them, maltreating... Does any culture should accord to do this? Should`t they have some law which let animals just not to die in pain? Where are some humanitarian laws for animals?
Maltreating them? In what way? I doubt you'll maltreat your food if you want it to be consumable don't you think so? it's not like they are cooking them alive or something <.<
Hmm maybe I should just let you think like this for your better frame of mind ;) but the truth is more cruel... And yes... it`s like they are cooking them alive or something... and if you think that they are dead when are skinned you are also wrong.

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on May 01, 2014, 12:53:39 AM
For the second petition concerning eating cats and dogs in China

I don't know how to reply to this... I mean what give you or me the right to criticize Chinese culture especially when it comes to food and eating dogs and cats, while I my self would never get my self to eat such animals, I find it hard to criticize other culture for it. I mean Japanese eats Whales and dolphins, people that lives in polar regions eat seals and walrus and other stuff, we eat cows and sheeps and stuff, and each culture might fight what the other culture consume wrong, for example us Hindus might see us in the same way for consuming cows.

I feel like we shouldn't push or vision of things on others and try to format them to our way of doing things, how can people be sure that their way is the correct way it doesn't make sense

As for fur, while it was justified in the past to get fur from animal origin, nowadays it is unjustified since there are replacement, but again we shouldn't see this from own perspective, as in western world leather and stuff are from animal sources as well so again It's hard to take a clear position here

It`s not only about eating cats and dogs. It`s about treating them, maltreating... Does any culture should accord to do this? Should`t they have some law which let animals just not to die in pain? Where are some humanitarian laws for animals?
Maltreating them? In what way? I doubt you'll maltreat your food if you want it to be consumable don't you think so? it's not like they are cooking them alive or something <.<
Hmm maybe I should just let you think like this for your better frame of mind ;) but the truth is more cruel... And yes... it`s like they are cooking them alive or something... and if you think that they are dead when are skinned you are also wrong.

The same thing happens everyday our countries, you think that the electric stun is 100% reliable? I'm not taking Chinese defense here, what I find irritating giving lessons to other, while we have similar problems in our society (where these are a problem and in other cultures it's not which is even worst sadly) maybe we'd better start without ourself before criticizing others, we just look selfish asses, trying to middle in other people cultural way of doing things.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: acs267 on May 01, 2014, 01:03:54 AM
I lived in Worcester Ma. back in the 70's and i heard a dog screaming so i went out in backyard. I have to this day wished i had never gone outside to investigate.
there was a doberman pinser hanging from a rope still alive and partially skinned. I have never heard a sound like that since and i never wish to.

humans are the single Most Destructive,Evil insane creatures on the planet. We stop at NOTHING for a $.

Not money - power. Wealth, corruption, intimidation. All of those lead up to power. If you have power, you can control anybody, any aspect of your life, and even a country. Human rights doesn't matter is this corrupted Tycoon. Only power.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bc_wwang on May 01, 2014, 01:07:39 AM
There are too many alter coins. They threaten the btc and ltc.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: acs267 on May 01, 2014, 01:14:19 AM
There are too many alter coins. They threaten the btc and ltc.

Err, how does that tie in with the ongoing topic? But then again, this is the 'off topic' section.

Continue on.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2014, 02:50:32 AM
There are too many alter coins. They threaten the btc and ltc.

What this has to do with this thread?

They used to skin horses alive in southern Europe, the extreme cruelty there stopped largely to the efforts of a very few campaigners from Britain in the 19th C.

And it is still going on...

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: crocko on May 01, 2014, 07:30:36 AM
Do you will drink milk from here ?

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on May 01, 2014, 08:46:08 AM
Do you will drink milk from here ?

aren't those process and practices developed here in our western countries :( , Also I'm surprised I thought that most india population followed hindism but from this video it seems that it's not the case for everyone there, I do know that in some cities/areas at least cows are worshiped and are deities

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on May 01, 2014, 08:48:04 AM
There are too many alter coins. They threaten the btc and ltc.

What this has to do with this thread?

They used to skin horses alive in southern Europe, the extreme cruelty there stopped largely to the efforts of a very few campaigners from Britain in the 19th C.

And it is still going on...

Thank you for posting this. This is what I'm trying to convey, before trying to criticize china, lets fix our self, it's funny how people don't look at them self and starts attacking others, while in our culture where we claim that such practice is animal torture we are doing even worse :(

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: noviapriani on May 01, 2014, 10:29:17 AM
This is horrifying  I have signed petitions online to stop stores like top shops, asos and H&M from selling these products with angora fur and those stores have suspended those items from being sold in those stores. Those poor bunnies  this breaks my hearts how can China and other countries do this to animals?

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on May 01, 2014, 01:12:33 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on May 01, 2014, 01:38:57 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?

Title: Re: Bun fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 02:15:11 PM
China doesn't really care about animal rights. So I don't think that organizing petitions is going to work. BTW.... I think fur farms exists in other countries as well, although China might be the no.1 fur producer.

indeed how can they banned those farm who give them profit and a lot of money i doubt it if they stop this animal killing for money when they are also eating some fetus i hate Chinese people and im happy that i only have 1/4 of their blood and my mother's ancestor has already adapted the culture here in my country rather than chinese culture

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on May 01, 2014, 02:21:09 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 02:27:11 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on May 01, 2014, 02:55:54 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 03:01:23 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

yes because you only need to kill animal one time in order to eat it without let it suffering
but from obtaining fur from it ohh i either dont wantbto rember this but the animal is still alive and crying while those fucking people removing their fur how fucking painful is that??

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on May 01, 2014, 03:03:49 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

yes because you only need to kill animal one time in order to eat it without let it suffering
but from obtaining fur from it ohh i either dont wantbto rember this but the animal is still alive and crying while those fucking people removing their fur how fucking painful is that??
Like I said before: Animals don't give a shit about if we are suffering before they kill us or not.
Why should we care now? What's the difference?

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2014, 03:06:24 PM
Thank you for posting this. This is what I'm trying to convey, before trying to criticize china, lets fix our self, it's funny how people don't look at them self and starts attacking others, while in our culture where we claim that such practice is animal torture we are doing even worse :(

Yes... these sort of things happen everywhere. In China the magnitude might be higher. The case which I had mentioned earlier (seal hunting) is very popular in parts of Canada and the US (Alaska).

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 03:11:00 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

yes because you only need to kill animal one time in order to eat it without let it suffering
but from obtaining fur from it ohh i either dont wantbto rember this but the animal is still alive and crying while those fucking people removing their fur how fucking painful is that??
Like I said before: Animals don't give a shit about if we are suffering before they kill us or not.
Why should we care now? What's the difference?
some animal does like dogs they will be very angry they saw that their owner is being hurt by someone they will get depressed when their owner is gone for a long time they even refuse to eat and lead them into so much depression and sadness that can cause death also the dolphins animals have feelings too but they cannot voiced it out because they dont speak but they can show it to you by their action do you know that even snake can feel glad when they saw their owner??

EDIT: animal can kill us if we do something bad to them but its not the same in the jungle which wild animal is living

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on May 01, 2014, 03:27:51 PM
I'm talking about wild animals here, not about "man made" animals that humans pretty much designed to do what they are doing today.
These animals were teached to be like that. Wolfs, the "untamed dogs" don't give a shit about humans (except when they are tamed too).
But if you compare tamed wolfs and dogs you will notice that the wolf listens much less to his owner than the dog. That's the difference that is made by millenniums of taming.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: WEB slicer on May 01, 2014, 03:30:41 PM
ban all of china

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 03:34:28 PM
I'm talking about wild animals here, not about "man made" animals that humans pretty much designed to do what they are doing today.
These animals were teached to be like that. Wolfs, the "untamed dogs" don't give a shit about humans (except when they are tamed too).
But if you compare tamed wolfs and dogs you will notice that the wolf listens much less to his owner than the dog. That's the difference that is made by millenniums of taming.

we still dont have the rights to maltreating them and kill them as long as they didnt harm us

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2014, 03:35:51 PM
ban all of china

Then 80% of your supermarket will be empty. Seriously, you really don't know about the volume of imports from China.  ;D

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 03:39:21 PM
ban all of china

Then 80% of your supermarket will be empty. Seriously, you really don't know about the volume of imports from China.  ;D

yeah their dangerous import can kill us also with some of their product contain a lot of mercury and other harmful chemicals ;D what else we can do to stop china from making a stupid things :D

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Nik1ab on May 01, 2014, 03:40:14 PM
I'm talking about wild animals here, not about "man made" animals that humans pretty much designed to do what they are doing today.
These animals were teached to be like that. Wolfs, the "untamed dogs" don't give a shit about humans (except when they are tamed too).
But if you compare tamed wolfs and dogs you will notice that the wolf listens much less to his owner than the dog. That's the difference that is made by millenniums of taming.

we still dont have the rights to maltreating them and kill them as long as they didnt harm us
We as intelligent beings can do whatever we want. The only limitations we have are those that we choose for ourselves.
You as just another intelligent being have not the right to judge people for doing natural things.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2014, 04:42:38 PM
yeah their dangerous import can kill us also with some of their product contain a lot of mercury and other harmful chemicals ;D what else we can do to stop china from making a stupid things :D

The European companies can't compete with them on the pricing. I agree that quality-wise, American and European products are much better than the Chinese ones. But who will buy the former, when the latter is available for half the price?

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bitmaster111 on May 01, 2014, 05:13:33 PM
its very bad thing bcoz animals are also part of life cycle :)

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 05:24:32 PM
yeah their dangerous import can kill us also with some of their product contain a lot of mercury and other harmful chemicals ;D what else we can do to stop china from making a stupid things :D

The European companies can't compete with them on the pricing. I agree that quality-wise, American and European products are much better than the Chinese ones. But who will buy the former, when the latter is available for half the price?

i still go the high price because i am not after the money i dont want the half price because the quality is also half china is good on copying such item but they cannot guarantee the quality

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2014, 05:33:22 PM
i still go the high price because i am not after the money i dont want the half price because the quality is also half china is good on copying such item but they cannot guarantee the quality

Not many people do that. May be maximum 15% to 20% of the population. The remaining 80% will go for the cheaper Chinese product, especially given the present economic situation.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 01, 2014, 05:36:05 PM
i still go the high price because i am not after the money i dont want the half price because the quality is also half china is good on copying such item but they cannot guarantee the quality

Not many people do that. May be maximum 15% to 20% of the population. The remaining 80% will go for the cheaper Chinese product, especially given the present economic situation.

oh well maybe its just me

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: counter on May 02, 2014, 03:34:28 AM
I've seen the horror shows of how this industry thrives and it makes me sick.  I think reulations, laws or whatever be put into place to change the way business is operating.  I guess I don't like the idea of outright bans really.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: jodybay on May 02, 2014, 03:39:31 AM
I've seen the horror shows of how this industry thrives and it makes me sick.  I think reulations, laws or whatever be put into place to change the way business is operating.  I guess I don't like the idea of outright bans really.

of course they cannot banned it but atleast they should kill the animal first before they obtain its fur not obtataining fur and the animal is still alive and crying because of the pain they have been thru its like a torture that is why i always refuse to watch such video regarding that kind of matter which is very disturbing and always make me sick

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: counter on May 02, 2014, 03:46:54 AM
Wow thanks for putting all the into perspective for me. That is basically what I was saying but I completely understand all the points you made and I agree with you completely.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: sanjoea on May 02, 2014, 04:56:31 AM
Its very sad the killing animals for the benefit of human being

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: kuroman on May 02, 2014, 06:18:14 AM
ban all of china

lol, there is no industry left in the rest of the world to be self sufficient right now, most of the production is done in China (even if there are factories in our countries there will always parts that are manufactured exclusively in china)

Banning china is shooting once self on the foot

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: crocko on May 04, 2014, 05:43:34 AM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

yes because you only need to kill animal one time in order to eat it without let it suffering
but from obtaining fur from it ohh i either dont wantbto rember this but the animal is still alive and crying while those fucking people removing their fur how fucking painful is that??
Like I said before: Animals don't give a shit about if we are suffering before they kill us or not.
Why should we care now? What's the difference?

The difference is the MONEY.
The animals are savage killed for the money: rhinos for their horns, parrots for they feathers,whales for their fat meat and now these poor bastards for the fur.
Humans kills for money, animals kills because of the instinct.
In their natural habitat the animals try to avoid humans. (see Discovery channel)
If an animal it is cornered or has cubs he will be defensive.
And if you break the most basics rules when you are in the wilderness (you have open bags with food, swim in the sharks/crocks infested  waters, throw rocks in the hornet's nests etc.), they will get your ass for sure.
Even a non-meat eater like a deer / bison / moose will kick your if you disturb their matting ritual.
We live on a planet with a big bio-diversity. We are not alone.
We must protect and respect this.
We live no longer in the Ice Age, when we where forced to battle against the cave bears / lions / sabertooth. The ancient Romans build the arenas and took revenge for centuries of fear by slaughtering thousands of wild beasts: bears, tigers,lions, elephants etc.
We can't and we shouldn't follow their example: the Eco-balance is too fragile.
I am not a hypocrite: we still need eggs, feathers, meat, milk, skins (for the shoes) and even furs.
IMHO, let's try to do this less painfully and allow to die fast and with dignity these animals when we harvest them.

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 04, 2014, 06:42:23 AM
lol, there is no industry left in the rest of the world to be self sufficient right now, most of the production is done in China (even if there are factories in our countries there will always parts that are manufactured exclusively in china)

Banning china is shooting once self on the foot

Hmm.... that is correct. If you ban China, then you will run out of:

1. Iphones
2. LED Televisions
3. Laptops
4. Bitcoin mining rigs
5. Game consols.... and a lot more.  ;D

Title: Re: Ban fur farms in China
Post by: Kokosek on May 05, 2014, 07:51:46 PM
I think that all of this problems should be somehow solved. It`s not like I attack some culture and see only problems in China. All of this behaviors - never mind if it is china, europe or states - should be punished. What should be done first? I don`t know. The best if all the things could be done the sooner the better. However what is done in china it's not acceptable for me. And the worst that they can do this with no worry about penalty. If there is nothing what could be done for this animals (from all of the world) please I want to change this f*cking planet...
Punishing natural things? Are you out of your mind?
Natural things? OMG

i have never read a natural thing from above statement
seriously where did it come from???
All flesh eating animals kill. And they don't give a shit about how you suffer before dying either.
Obtaining fur from animals is not much different from killing for food.

yes because you only need to kill animal one time in order to eat it without let it suffering
but from obtaining fur from it ohh i either dont wantbto rember this but the animal is still alive and crying while those fucking people removing their fur how fucking painful is that??
Like I said before: Animals don't give a shit about if we are suffering before they kill us or not.
Why should we care now? What's the difference?

The difference is the MONEY.
The animals are savage killed for the money: rhinos for their horns, parrots for they feathers,whales for their fat meat and now these poor bastards for the fur.
Humans kills for money, animals kills because of the instinct.
In their natural habitat the animals try to avoid humans. (see Discovery channel)
If an animal it is cornered or has cubs he will be defensive.
And if you break the most basics rules when you are in the wilderness (you have open bags with food, swim in the sharks/crocks infested  waters, throw rocks in the hornet's nests etc.), they will get your ass for sure.
Even a non-meat eater like a deer / bison / moose will kick your if you disturb their matting ritual.
We live on a planet with a big bio-diversity. We are not alone.
We must protect and respect this.
We live no longer in the Ice Age, when we where forced to battle against the cave bears / lions / sabertooth. The ancient Romans build the arenas and took revenge for centuries of fear by slaughtering thousands of wild beasts: bears, tigers,lions, elephants etc.
We can't and we shouldn't follow their example: the Eco-balance is too fragile.
I am not a hypocrite: we still need eggs, feathers, meat, milk, skins (for the shoes) and even furs.
IMHO, let's try to do this less painfully and allow to die fast and with dignity these animals when we harvest them.

You are absolutely right.
Animals behavior is different than humans. It`s hard to compare but if we do so lets say that apparently we are thinking beings... And we have choice and we can decide what to do. And I must say that sometimes I think that we are wilder than this animals... Someday they will revange and then look care for your asses  ;D