Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: danonthehill on May 07, 2014, 01:30:47 PM

Title: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 07, 2014, 01:30:47 PM
CARBONCOIN: The Completely Carbon Neutral Cryptocurrency



Winning designer to receive 5 Million Carboncoins.

NEW! One voter who leaves the best / most interesting / observation / comment will receive 2 Million Carboncoins (generously donated by ethought)

Please take a look at the Carboncoin and Carboncoin Forest websites before voting, to help decide which designs best represent the ideals and aims of the coin.  

The votes will be counted along with those placed via a coordinated Twitter poll.

Also, this coin is a relaunch, so we are looking for others to become a part of the community. Please get in touch if you are environmentally aware and would like to be involved.


1. MagicSnow

Click below for a better resolution:
Project & concept: (

V1 (HD): (
V2 (HD): (
V3 (HD): (
V4 (HD): (

2. kussaka
pic.5 edited ( (
And pic.2+pic.3 ( (
full size 5:
full size 2:

3. morphtrust

4. pavondunbar

5. ning_chang

6. ckybe

7. mymenace

8. pipipipopopo ...[/img[/td][td][IMG]

Full size (

Full size (

Full size (
Full Size (
Full size (
Full size (

9. Mjbmonetarymetals

10. B1 Graphics

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: hanoosh on May 10, 2014, 03:20:02 AM
Well done @kussaka this is really simple & eye catchy! i really like the concept! hope this one wins  ;D

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 10, 2014, 06:40:00 PM
Late entry B1 graphics added. Any more? It's not too late.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: nagatlakshmi on May 11, 2014, 05:11:37 AM
Following is the great work, Keep it up.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 12, 2014, 07:26:28 PM
Please vote at the top.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: ethought on May 12, 2014, 07:29:48 PM
Surely ckybe has to win!!!  ;D

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 13, 2014, 11:40:19 PM
Hopefully, we can get a few more votes.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: doge-f on May 14, 2014, 09:58:41 PM
How to vote? Really like ckybe's..

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: lotosminer on May 14, 2014, 10:01:32 PM
Most of them are very nice.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: axismundi on May 14, 2014, 11:58:15 PM
How to vote? Really like ckybe's..

Just click on the one you choose from the selection above. Thanks for voting

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: solimi on May 15, 2014, 12:45:20 AM
I like ckybe's. and you?

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: doge-f on May 15, 2014, 10:47:04 AM
How to vote? Really like ckybe's..

Just click on the one you choose from the selection above. Thanks for voting


http://[Suspicious link removed]/image/282s1V0h030s/Screen%20Shot%202014-05-15%20at%2013.46.16.png

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: doge-f on May 15, 2014, 10:57:56 AM
How to vote? Really like ckybe's..

Just click on the one you choose from the selection above. Thanks for voting


Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 15, 2014, 11:01:26 AM
Is the poll working for everyone else? 

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: axismundi on May 15, 2014, 04:23:57 PM
Yes working fine as far as I can see... You need to be logged in though obviously

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 15, 2014, 07:05:12 PM
Not sure, maybe there is a restriction on new members with less than a certain amount of posts voting in a poll?

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: morphtrust on May 16, 2014, 09:12:16 AM
Not sure, maybe there is a restriction on new members with less than a certain amount of posts voting in a poll?

that was what I was thinking

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 16, 2014, 10:36:48 AM
Perhaps it's easier to compare some of the designs like this.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: morphtrust on May 16, 2014, 11:58:07 AM
Perhaps it's easier to compare some of the designs like this. (

it does cut out the shotgun effect that those with the most votes are doing, having a bunch of different designs all in one, maybe you should make them make those all as separate entries so we know what exactly*design wise* people are voting on. other wise it just looks like a money grab on their part,

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: morphtrust on May 16, 2014, 12:11:37 PM
just to clarify, we should at least have a representative mention for each vote a person who has more than one design entry under their number that tells us which design they actually voted for, or PM axis with this information, other wise I see one person is going to win the money but then we are going to have to sort out which design got the most desire from the group, and maybe we will find that the design they had the most interest in, has less interest than someone who had only one good design they put forth. seriously, this is the point of the voting right? to get everyone's consensus on what we all find to be the most appropriate and desired design right?

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 16, 2014, 12:38:59 PM
I think AM's idea is that a coin designer is chosen to work with his graphic design team on the integration of the coin design with all the other Carboncoin branding and website design, therefore the final design might have to undergo some modification, so that the branding is consistent and on message.  The aim being that the design should achieve the best of both worlds, in terms of its appreciation in a crypto context and in encouraging real world adoption of the coin.

But I take your point, if people think there is a fairer way of doing this, we can reformat and restart the poll, or an alternative, which i would prefer, is that we have a 2nd round vote of the top 3 designers represented by a single design. 

It would also be good, at this stage, to have a representative comment for each vote, as you suggested, and i would encourage voters to do this.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 16, 2014, 12:49:04 PM
I also like your idea of a double sided coin and think your 3D rendering improves the designs in some respects, so this is something we should also consider, but we really need more people to engage in the dialogue about this to come up with the best solution.

I'd particularly be interested in what all of the designers think about this.  The important thing is that we come up with the best branding solution as a community. Whatever happens, I'll ensure that the prize award is fair, and if we reach a consensus that more than one design can be utilized, I will contribute more funds so that no one will loose out.  

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: ethought on May 16, 2014, 02:08:32 PM
As in extra incentive to get voting and leave a comment I will give the one voter who leaves the best / most interesting / observation / comment etc...

2 Million CARB

Winning voter will be chosen when the voting finishes.


Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Competition - Please Vote
Post by: danonthehill on May 16, 2014, 02:37:52 PM
As in extra incentive to get voting and leave a comment I will give the one voter who leaves the best / most interesting / observation / comment etc...

2 Million CARB

Winning voter will be chosen when the voting finishes.



Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: jungle_dave on May 16, 2014, 03:37:58 PM
Casting my vote was difficult as there are so many good designs, hard to find any bad ones here so my compliments to all.
My personal favorite was the green diamond pattern by pipipipopopo, reason being that it is a strong visual form that turns a negative into a positive and screams value :)
You have to take into consideration that once this gets listed on the bigger exchanges that an easily identifiable "icon" in the sea of coins listed out there needs to stand out. Carboncoin the green diamond sums that up well. Just my 2 satoshis and good luck to all.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: mymenace on May 16, 2014, 07:59:59 PM
havin some fun

concept 3d



Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 16, 2014, 08:15:56 PM
Looks good.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: EvolutionA2Z on May 17, 2014, 06:45:36 AM
I just started to drink wine. When I go to the liquor store to buy a bottle of red there are hundreds to choose from. I end up picking the one with the fanciest label.

If there is not a good response to this contest, maybe none of the logos stand out. The market has been saturated with over 200 coins on coinmarketcap now. (and growing every day)

It will be tough to stand out.

I love the idea of the 2 sided coin. The 3D is very cool.

I think the coin should have a serrated edge. It is symbolic to the roman days when thief's would shave the edges of the coins off. The serrated edge helped prevent the fraud.

I really like number 6 because the leaf making a C in the coin is clever. I also like the leaf because it gives it the eco friendly appeal.

I also like number 4 for the contours in the coin. Makes it more realistic. The idea of having writing wrapping around the coin was great too. Est. in 2014 is kinda cheesy though. It should say Carbon Neutral and Carbon Coin wrapping around it.  

I do see coins on coinmarketcap change logos every now and then. Maybe we are just not in our final form yet.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 12:22:34 PM
Only one hour remaining to vote.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: GAML on May 17, 2014, 12:30:50 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: doge-f on May 17, 2014, 01:19:36 PM
Still cant vote... is it ok?

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: ckybe on May 17, 2014, 01:21:24 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

OMG Thanks a lot man! :)

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 01:31:08 PM
Still cant vote... is it ok?

Just post a number and I'll add it to the vote.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 01:31:52 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

OMG Thanks a lot man! :)

Well, he has convinced me.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 01:35:38 PM
Still cant vote... is it ok?

Just post a number and I'll add it to the vote.

Soon please.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: doge-f on May 17, 2014, 01:44:22 PM
Still cant vote... is it ok?

Just post a number and I'll add it to the vote.

Soon please.

ok 6

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 03:02:27 PM
Congratulations to Ckybe.  You are the winner!

axismundi will be in touch with you shortly.  

All of the entries were great so, I will be awarding 1.5 Million each to all of the other designers.  Thank you for taking the time to enter.  Please send me your address for the coins.

ethought if you could choose the winner for the best comment that would be great.

6. ckybe                             9
1. MagicSnow                  6
8. pipipipopopo                5
5. ning_chang                 3
2. kussaka                      3
7. mymenace                  2
3. morphtrust                  2
4. pavondunbar                1
9. Mjbmonetarymetals       1
10. B1 Graphics                1

Total: 33 Votes
Breakdown of votes:
1. MagicSnow       4 (16.7%) + 1 Twitter + 1 Coinstack Thread
2. kussaka       3 (12.5%)
3. morphtrust       1 (4.2%)
4. pavondunbar       1 (4.2%)
5. ning_chang       3 (12.5%)
6. ckybe       4 (16.7%) +4 Twitter + 1 BTT Thread
7. mymenace       2 (8.3%)
8. pipipipopopo       5 (20.8%)
9. Mjbmonetarymetals       1 (4.2%)
10. B1 Graphics       0 (0%) + 1 Twitter

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: Demous on May 17, 2014, 03:11:04 PM
Congratulations to Ckybe.  You are the winner!

axismundi will be in touch with you shortly.  

All of the entries were great so, I will be awarding 1.5 Million each to all of the other designers.  Thank you for taking the time to enter.  Please send me your address for the coins.

ethought if you could choose the winner for the best comment that would be great.

6. ckybe                             9
1. MagicSnow                  6
8. pipipipopopo                5
5. ning_chang                 3
2. kussaka                      3
7. mymenace                  2
3. morphtrust                  2
4. pavondunbar                1
9. Mjbmonetarymetals       1
10. B1 Graphics                1

Total: 33 Votes
Breakdown of votes:
1. MagicSnow       4 (16.7%) + 1 Twitter + 1 Coinstack Thread
2. kussaka       3 (12.5%)
3. morphtrust       1 (4.2%)
4. pavondunbar       1 (4.2%)
5. ning_chang       3 (12.5%)
6. ckybe       4 (16.7%) +4 Twitter + 1 BTT Thread
7. mymenace       2 (8.3%)
8. pipipipopopo       5 (20.8%)
9. Mjbmonetarymetals       1 (4.2%)
10. B1 Graphics       0 (0%) + 1 Twitter

Congrats Ckybe you've made a great design. ;)

danonthehill I'm also giving away 500k to anyone who submitted a logo for the contest and so far only morphtrust, pipipipopopo, ning_chang and MagicSnow collected their coins. For the 6 other contributors please post or PM me with your CARB address to collect your coins.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 03:31:17 PM
Great so that's 2 million each for the designers and 5 million for the winner.

Designers get your Carboncoin wallet here:

windows wallet (

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: ckybe on May 17, 2014, 03:52:14 PM
Wooo )) Thanks for your vote! Thanks for Carbon Team and all competitors!

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 04:02:47 PM
Well done.  ckybe, send me your wallet address, I will be sending you some of your prize coins.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: ethought on May 17, 2014, 05:28:26 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

Great comments!

You have just been sent 2,000,000 CARB.


Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: ethought on May 17, 2014, 05:30:00 PM
I just started to drink wine. When I go to the liquor store to buy a bottle of red there are hundreds to choose from. I end up picking the one with the fanciest label.

If there is not a good response to this contest, maybe none of the logos stand out. The market has been saturated with over 200 coins on coinmarketcap now. (and growing every day)

It will be tough to stand out.

I love the idea of the 2 sided coin. The 3D is very cool.

I think the coin should have a serrated edge. It is symbolic to the roman days when thief's would shave the edges of the coins off. The serrated edge helped prevent the fraud.

I really like number 6 because the leaf making a C in the coin is clever. I also like the leaf because it gives it the eco friendly appeal.

I also like number 4 for the contours in the coin. Makes it more realistic. The idea of having writing wrapping around the coin was great too. Est. in 2014 is kinda cheesy though. It should say Carbon Neutral and Carbon Coin wrapping around it.  

I do see coins on coinmarketcap change logos every now and then. Maybe we are just not in our final form yet.

Please send me you Carboncoin address and I will send you 500,000 for second best comment  :)

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 05:33:58 PM
You are a generous person ethought.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: GAML on May 17, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

Great comments!

You have just been sent 2,000,000 CARB.


Thank you very much ethought and Danonthehill.  Congratulations to Ckybe

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: GAML on May 17, 2014, 07:15:30 PM
Number 6.  Instantly recognisable if you drove past a billboard with it on and it caught your eye only for a split second.  When it comes to logo design; think Nike and Apple. Clear, uncluttered, instantly recognisable from a distance.  In addition this logo also contains Gestalt principles within it's design which is used a great deal in modern marketing.   In short Gestalt psychology states that we see things as a whole rather than a sum of its parts.  The lines and curves in the central design clearly create an image that can be perceived as a tree or a leaf.  The Gestalt principle of closure often leads consumers to pursue a further search for information on what they are seeing i.e seek confirmation if what the design represents / actually shows and it is a very powerful way of capturing consumers attention and then creating the opportunity for exposure to the product / service.   Exposure leads to learning, leads to evaluation, leads to use / consumption.  Without the initial exposure the next steps cannot take place.  A person who is ecologically conscious is more likely to be attracted to this design because the tree/leaf has a conscious or subconscious importance in regards their beliefs / attitudes towards environmental issues. I would imagine this is the type of person Carboncoin wishes to attract and this type of person is highly likely to use / invest in the coin as it has a strong affinity with their values / ethical stance. 

That is why I am particularly impressed with this logo. A great deal of thought has gone into the design by the creator.  

I make this statement with confidence as I am reading for my masters degree in marketing  ;)  

If I were the lucky winner in regards comments my Carboncoin wallet address is LBRUeWvHzSiKBXNehAkyUTeA9qVsD8EhEd

Good luck with the relaunch.

OMG Thanks a lot man! :)

You are very welcome.  It is a brilliant design.  Congratulations again on winning the competition.   :)

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: kussaka on May 17, 2014, 07:37:10 PM
Congratulations to Ckybe, like his version, expecially last version with black canvas.
Thanks for voters, and all who took part in discussion.

Surprising that there is only two votes for Mymenace design, because lot of people discussing
and praised his design.

I wish all the best for the team of Carboncoin. I hope new logo will bring good luck!

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: MagicSnow on May 17, 2014, 08:29:43 PM
Congratulations ckybe!
thank all who voted me
If you want send some this is my address: LEysHJDHxGxnRBLBotUaERnbCSiNQhpkLf

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: danonthehill on May 17, 2014, 09:29:38 PM
Sent 1.5M.

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: EvolutionA2Z on May 18, 2014, 03:03:49 AM
I was told that doge is very successful becuase it has a good community behind it. I see very good things for CarbonCoin  :D Thanks for your graciousness Kww6W4DFgcHJwK8fgGgJM3BBEcAduy421V

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: ethought on May 18, 2014, 10:24:25 AM
I was told that doge is very successful becuase it has a good community behind it. I see very good things for CarbonCoin  :D Thanks for your graciousness Kww6W4DFgcHJwK8fgGgJM3BBEcAduy421V

500,000 CARB has been sent to your address  :)

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: MagicSnow on May 18, 2014, 12:34:53 PM
Sent 1.5M.
Thank you :)

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: morphtrust on May 18, 2014, 04:32:26 PM
havin some fun
concept 3d
large (

glad someone else spoke up about liking the 3D design and adding the round to the hex shape, that makes what? 4 of us now XD

again if you guys need any help with bringing this together as a 3D concept, let me know, Hopefully soon I will have a better system to work off of so that more realistic renderings will not take for ever just to put out a few seconds of video lol

Title: Re: [POLL] Carboncoin Logo Contest - 2M CARB prize for voter who leaves best comment
Post by: EvolutionA2Z on May 21, 2014, 07:45:13 AM
Thank you ethought!