Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: hello_good_sir on May 08, 2014, 02:59:48 AM

Title: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: hello_good_sir on May 08, 2014, 02:59:48 AM
There have been two polls about the new unit's name in recent days, one by me and one by someone else.  "Bit"  leads the pack in both polls but there is no clear consensus.

This poll is between the 2nd and 3rd most popular choices in my previous poll.

In about a week I will make another poll, pitting the winner of this poll vs "bit".

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: klabaki on May 08, 2014, 03:29:16 AM
The most natural way of using abbreviations / short forms is to simply strip off the last syllable(s), e.g.: university → uni, µbitcoin → µbit.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: beatljuice on May 08, 2014, 03:45:23 AM
I've never liked "ubit" and while I like the word "centoshi" to me it means one hundredth of a bitcoin, not 100 satoshi.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: jc01480 on May 08, 2014, 04:21:40 AM
How many freaking threads are there talking about what to call this or that?  I feel like I'm in the middle of a domestic dispute between two gay people using very harsh, yet sensitive language!

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: DannyHamilton on May 08, 2014, 04:32:53 AM
This is silly.

None of the polls have enough participants to be relevant, and none of the options that I'm willing to accept are even offered as choices.  You can hold all the obscure polls you want with 100 to 200 participants.  It won't matter.  In the end, language develops organically, and people will use whatever they want regardless of what your poll decides.


Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: franky1 on May 08, 2014, 04:48:52 AM
another nonsense poll

bit has won. so what do th others do, choose their favourite and a second option and run a different poll.. then if their favourite loses they make another poll..

just accept the clear victor.. bit

if anything i think 'professions' should use ubit (much like forex uses USD, EUR, GBP) and common man just calls them bit ( much like comman man calls them bucks, quid)

as for centoshi... total fail as that is 0.01 of a satoshi... not 100satoshi..

a hectoshi atleast sounds more inline with professional naming terms

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on May 08, 2014, 04:55:57 AM
TIL some people really do suck as the metric system.  OP please don't be an American, you will just be fitting right into a stereotype.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: hello_good_sir on May 08, 2014, 05:33:55 AM
TIL some people really do suck as the metric system.  OP please don't be an American, you will just be fitting right into a stereotype.

You've never heard of the word century?  What about centipedes?  Have you ever read a book or attended a school?  You are confusing a centoshi (obviously not a metric term) with a centisatoshi (a metric term).  Typical Europeans with their metric mania...

Also I didn't invent the term.  Why would you have thought that?

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: jonald_fyookball on May 08, 2014, 05:35:41 AM
Centoshi is certainly cool,  but the general public won't get's like an inside joke.  The whole point of changing the denomination is to make it more marketable.

So for that reason, my vote is on "bit".  

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: hello_good_sir on May 08, 2014, 05:38:29 AM
bit has won. so what do th others do, choose their favourite and a second option and run a different poll.. then if their favourite loses they make another poll..

just accept the clear victor.. bit

if anything i think 'professions' should use ubit (much like forex uses USD, EUR, GBP) and common man just calls them bit ( much like comman man calls them bucks, quid)

as for centoshi... total fail as that is 0.01 of a satoshi... not 100satoshi..

a hectoshi atleast sounds more inline with professional naming terms

1. Bit has not won.  The fact that you are trying to silence the opposition makes it clear that you are scared that a superior alternative will emerge.  Which is rather silly... since I really doubt that you have anything personally invested in the name.

2.  You've never heard of centuries or centipedes?  I suppose such ignorance is to be expected from someone who wants 256-bit encryption to mean something different than it does now.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 5flags on May 08, 2014, 10:51:52 AM
Reindeer games.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: TrailingComet on May 08, 2014, 01:10:22 PM
Both of them suck to be honest
Centoshi sucks slightly less that's all

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: franky1 on May 08, 2014, 01:57:42 PM
Both of them suck to be honest
Centoshi sucks slightly less that's all

some other suggestions that atleast have bitcoin relevance are

gav ( to honour gavin andresen )
alp ( to honour alpaca socks (first legit bitcoin business))
silk (to honour sikroad (first non legit business))
piz (blah blah 'bitcoin pizza')

but zib just looks alien and has no bitcoin relevance. but on par with 'zib' we have 'bit' (both being known as a binary measure) but atleast bit sounds more bitcoin related

centoshi - cent is 100 parts of a larger item centipede's are actually measure in their body segments of a whole organism

so hectoshi is 100 whole units, not parts thus hectoshi is more of a correct term. and is a bottom up (0 to 100) term which most common people can deal with easily, compared to ubtc which is top down (many 0 decimals)

1. Bit has not won.  The fact that you are trying to silence the opposition makes it clear that you are scared that a superior alternative will emerge.  Which is rather silly... since I really doubt that you have anything personally invested in the name.

2.  You've never heard of centuries or centipedes?  I suppose such ignorance is to be expected from someone who wants 256-bit encryption to mean something different than it does now.

but in the end with all the bickering about topdown bottomup, zib vs bit, hecto vs cento what is boils down to, what will common man call 100satoshi

EG centoshi, would be abbreviated to cent... = confusion
hectoshi would be abbreviated to hects.. = less confusing
ubit will be abbreviated to bit.. = though its used for others terms, its bitcoin related
zib = alien, no relation and used for other terms

i am not advocating any one all i am saying is that atleast 400 out of 500 have already chosen bit over alot of names. so making new polls every day is just the OP of those posts not accepting the majority vote of 500 people,  ignoring the favourite and simply making new polls until he finally gets a poll that is biased in his favour

what would actually be more fair to the community is not another poll today or tomorrow. but a new topic where people can submit a whole host of varying names.. then have it announced that in a month/2 months time (a fair length of time to get a decent amount of suggestions) and then do the poll with ALL suggestions in one place. rather then 10 polls a week with biased and limited chioces

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: findftp on May 08, 2014, 08:06:54 PM
We should leave Satoshi intact and call 1000 satoshi -> 1kS (one kilo satoshi)
100 satoshi would be 0.1kS or 100 satoshi.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Bitcoin++ on May 13, 2014, 12:05:15 PM
Bit is intuitive and sounds good.
Someone suggested this symbol: ƀ

I hope people start using it. I'm tired of counting zeros...  ;D

1,000,000 ƀ = 1 BTC

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Bitcoin++ on May 13, 2014, 12:56:32 PM
After some more pondering it struck me how much we favor integers over decimals.

Something costs $1.24. Do you say
A* One dollar and twenty four cents?
B* One dollar point twenty four?
C* Hundred and twenty four cents?

I bet you go for A. Same with weight. I'd say two hundred grams of salmon rather than zero point two kilograms of salmon. If we need to divide a unit we rather use fractions than decimals. He's seven and a half years old - not seven point five.

With bits as the unit for bitcoin, we'd probably soon start using kilobits (kbits) just as we use kilograms when referring to more than 1000 grams.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: GigaBit on May 13, 2014, 02:13:05 PM
Bit is intuitive and sounds good.
Someone suggested this symbol: ƀ

I hope people start using it. I'm tired of counting zeros...  ;D

1,000,000 ƀ = 1 BTC

I think this is the best solution.

1ƀ = 0.00000001
10ƀ = 0.00000010


Now, let's wait until next year for the rest of the outside world to catch on...  ;D

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: counter on May 13, 2014, 02:39:35 PM
There have been two polls about the new unit's name in recent days, one by me and one by someone else.  "Bit"  leads the pack in both polls but there is no clear consensus.

This poll is between the 2nd and 3rd most popular choices in my previous poll.

In about a week I will make another poll, pitting the winner of this poll vs "bit".

Not to sure how effective these poles will be in the long run  but I do like Centoshi.  I think it is something many will be able to relate to and it's just clever.  I could see it being a nice conversation starter.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Zyborg on May 13, 2014, 08:42:06 PM
This is silly.

None of the polls have enough participants to be relevant, and none of the options that I'm willing to accept are even offered as choices.  You can hold all the obscure polls you want with 100 to 200 participants.  It won't matter.  In the end, language develops organically, and people will use whatever they want regardless of what your poll decides.




You can't decide to call something a certain name by a ridiculous poll. If it doesn't happen organically you can't force names on things.
Just because 200 people are OK with starting to call goats "hurberburber", they'd still have to explain that it means goat whenever using the word speaking to someone.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: DannyHamilton on May 14, 2014, 05:35:44 AM
Something costs $1.24. Do you say
A* One dollar and twenty four cents?
B* One dollar point twenty four?
C* Hundred and twenty four cents?

None of the above.

If I'm paying, I'd say "a buck and a quarter", and then tell the recipient to save the penny for the when someone else's total would require a penny.

If I'm receiving, I'd say "one twenty-four" or "a dollar twenty-four".  I wouldn't vocalize the "point" nor would I bother saying "cents", both are implied and obvious from context.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Elwar on May 14, 2014, 05:42:33 AM

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Zyborg on June 04, 2014, 07:00:20 AM
You sir, are a genius.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: franky1 on June 04, 2014, 12:43:44 PM
This is silly.

None of the polls have enough participants to be relevant, and none of the options that I'm willing to accept are even offered as choices.  You can hold all the obscure polls you want with 100 to 200 participants.  It won't matter.  In the end, language develops organically, and people will use whatever they want regardless of what your poll decides.




You can't decide to call something a certain name by a ridiculous poll. If it doesn't happen organically you can't force names on things.
Just because 200 people are OK with starting to call goats "hurberburber", they'd still have to explain that it means goat whenever using the word speaking to someone.

well its wierd you say that, because hamburgers contain no pork.. they should be called beefburgers, yet it only took 1 merchant to start the craze off, and we are now stuck with it.

this is why i dont like centoshi.. because it should be hectoshi as the denominational naming list.

over all if you look at all of the different polls, bit always get highest vote and least hated, in comparison to other individual choices.. so businesses see that as the preference. hense why businesses are now using it

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: spazzdla on June 04, 2014, 12:50:48 PM
It's mtb, milibtc and bits.. give up that is what it is now.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: DobZombie on June 04, 2014, 12:54:53 PM
To be honest, the term "bit" gave me the shits when I first heard of it(and kept hearing about it)

I'm warming to it.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 101111 on June 05, 2014, 01:17:46 AM
Talk about fighting a losing lost battle.

ubit - (confusingly pronounced both 'mubit' and 'youbit') would quickly get shortened to 'bit' in common usage anyway, so you may as well go straight to bit, as indeed everyone seems to be doing

and centoshi, who knows wtf that is

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: franky1 on June 05, 2014, 01:23:28 AM
Talk about fighting a losing lost battle.

ubit - (confusingly pronounced both 'mubit' and 'youbit') would quickly get shortened to 'bit' in common usage anyway, so you may as well go straight to bit, as indeed everyone seems to be doing

and centoshi, who knows wtf that is
centoshi is a hundredth of a satoshi.. definitely not 100 satoshi

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: bitfreak! on June 05, 2014, 01:26:34 AM
It's microbit. End of story.

cBTC = bitcent = 0.01 BTC
mBTC = millibit = 0.001 BTC
uBTC = microbit = 0.000001 BTC

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 101111 on June 05, 2014, 01:31:17 AM
It's microbit. End of story.
microbits are too small, not needed yet

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 101111 on June 05, 2014, 01:37:11 AM
Talk about fighting a losing lost battle.

ubit - (confusingly pronounced both 'mubit' and 'youbit') would quickly get shortened to 'bit' in common usage anyway, so you may as well go straight to bit, as indeed everyone seems to be doing

and centoshi, who knows wtf that is
centoshi is a hundredth of a satoshi.. definitely not 100 satoshi
next: millitoshi, microtoshi  :)

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: bitfreak! on June 05, 2014, 01:41:41 AM
It's microbit. End of story.
microbits are too small, not needed yet
What does that have to do with anything? This thread is about what to call 100 satoshis (aka 0.000001 BTC). Microbit is the most organic and technically correct term I've seen so far. It's also the accepted term according to the wiki.

0.01 BTC = 1 cBTC = 1 centibitcoin (also referred to as bitcent)
0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC = 1 millibitcoin (also referred to as mbit or millibit)
0.000001 BTC = 1 μBTC = 1 microbitcoin (also referred to as ubit or microbit)

PS - 'Bit" is a ridiculous term for 1 μBTC because it has no relevance. If anything bit should be another term for satoshi.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: bitcoinforhelp on June 05, 2014, 01:47:38 AM
none of the above, they are worse

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: jc01480 on June 05, 2014, 01:50:20 AM
Good to know we have some neurotic aggravating senseless poll going.  I was getting concerned.  Seriously, we have bigger concerns than this psychotic horseshit.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 101111 on June 05, 2014, 01:51:32 AM
It's microbit. End of story.
microbits are too small, not needed yet
What does that have to do with anything? This thread is about what to call 100 satoshis (aka 0.000001 BTC). Microbit is the most organic and technically correct term I've seen so far. It's also the accepted term according to the wiki.

0.01 BTC = 1 cBTC = 1 centibitcoin (also referred to as bitcent)
0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC = 1 millibitcoin (also referred to as mbit or millibit)
0.000001 BTC = 1 μBTC = 1 microbitcoin (also referred to as ubit or microbit)

PS - 'Bit" is a ridiculous term for 1 μBTC because it has no relevance. If anything Bit should be another term for Satoshi.
we know the technical terms; the whole idea is find non-technical terms.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: bitfreak! on June 05, 2014, 01:56:16 AM
we know the technical terms; the whole idea is find non-technical terms.
Microbitcoin is the full technical term, microbit is the shorter casual version. There's no need for anything else.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: 101111 on June 05, 2014, 02:24:46 AM
we know the technical terms; the whole idea is find non-technical terms.
Microbitcoin is the full technical term, microbit is the shorter casual version. There's no need for anything else.
Yeah microbit isn't too bad, but it's about more than simply casual versions of existing technical terms.

It does away - from a UX perspective - with centi, milli, and micro, and proposes using natural (or counting) numbers: 500 bits, 5,000 bits, 100,000 bits.

It's about changing to a 'normalised' currency format that most people will readily understand.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: btcton on June 05, 2014, 02:51:18 AM
we know the technical terms; the whole idea is find non-technical terms.
Microbitcoin is the full technical term, microbit is the shorter casual version. There's no need for anything else.
If you are thinking something different won't come up, you are quite wrong.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Este Nuno on June 05, 2014, 07:06:16 AM
Anything other than microbitcoin is seriously misguided. Microbitcoin is the logical choice.

Centoshi is ridiculous and doesn't even make sense at all.

Bits is bad too. Should have simply been ubits.

Title: Re: Runoff Poll: "ubit" vs "centoshi". Which should be the rival to "bit"?
Post by: Zyborg on June 06, 2014, 01:25:18 PM
Anything other than microbitcoin is seriously misguided. Microbitcoin is the logical choice.

Centoshi is ridiculous and doesn't even make sense at all.

Bits is bad too. Should have simply been ubits.
Because it is the logical choice it's the one being used. No forum poll will change that. These posts are useless.