Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Securities => Topic started by: ABitInterested on May 17, 2014, 12:33:53 AM

Title: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on May 17, 2014, 12:33:53 AM


We have added some new bonus and discount information.

As of June 11, 2014 we will be using a floating rate to keep the USD cost per unit equivalent to where it was when this was first posted.

Currently .002785 BTC Per Unit - This is before any discounts discussed below.

[ApplianceStore] - We are seeking business partners for an existing, profitable appliance business.

20 Page Business Plan -

Daily Reports -

We have posted some images showing a shop overview prior to reorganization on page two of this thread ( (


We are seeking capital contributing, voting partners and are offering for sale up to 30% interest in this business represented by 300,000 "units" worth .0001% ownership interest each. These "units" are offered at .004 BTC each see below.

New Per Unit Price

Do to the increase in BTC over the last few weeks and because this is a USD business we have decided to use a floating per unit rate effective June 11, 2014. When this was first posted the full cost of each unit was $1.80 so we will use that as the benchmark. We will post a new rate periodically to reflect current USD/BTC exchange rates.

As of June 11, 2014 each unit would be .002785. Any discounts offered would be calculated based on that number until a new rate is posted.

Partners Paid Daily And Monthly

We offer our business partners both daily and monthly distributions as follows.

Monthly Profit Distribution

Each month's profit will be distributed to partners based on their ownership interest and within 10 days of the month ending.

Daily Payments

10% of the daily gross of this business, in the form of a management fee, will be paid to partners based on their ownership interest.

See the reports thread ( to find past daily dividend amounts.

Incentives For Partners

  • Fast Tracked BEP (Break Even Point) - 100% of the daily management fee (10% of daily gross income) will be distributed to our partners until they have reached break even. In addition, the full 30% of monthly net represented by these 300,000 units will be distributed to partners starting immediately. As a bonus, an additional 10% of monthly net will be distributed to partners as outlined below. This unique profit distribution plan will greatly increase the speed at which our partners can reach break even on their contributions.

  • Discounted Units - In order to facilitate faster growth the first 100,000 units are offered at a discount and partners contributing .5 or more BTC will receive additional discounts as outlined below.

Daily Distribution Bonus - 100% of this management fee will be distributed to partners, excluding us, regardless of how many units have been sold. This will allow partners to reach break even more quickly, by increasing their exposure by 233% or more.

Example: If you purchased 200 units and no more were sold then you would receive 10% of daily gross until your initial contribution was fully recovered. If a second person purchased 100 units then the next distribution would be 10% of the daily gross with 66.66% going to you and 33.33% going to person 2.

Monthly Distribution Bonuses

  • Bonus 1 - The full monthly distribution for all 300,000 units will be sent to partners that were active that month. This means that partners will receive a larger share of monthly profits than their ownership interest would normally allow until all 300,000 units have been claimed.

  • Bonus 2 - As a bonus an additional 10% of monthly net will be shared with partners in the following manner. An extra 10% of the monthly net will be divided between the first 10,000 units until break even is reached. At that point the extra 10% would be divided between the next 40,000 units until break even was reached. The extra 10% would then be divided among the next 50,000 units until they broke even as well.

Discount Details - There are two types of discounts as follows.

  • Early Bird Discount - The first 50,000 units are offered at a 25% discount and the following 50,000 units are offered at a 12.5% discount.

  • Contribution Based Discounts - Further discounts are offered to partners contributing at least .5 BTC and increase based on the total contribution amount. Please contact me via PM or at to discuss discounts for larger contributions.

Additional Information

  • There is no minimum contribution. The term "unit" is used to represent a specific owership interest in an easily understandable way.

  • We are seeking actual, voting rights partners.

  • Operations manager(s) are taking no salary until all units have reached break even and are providing "sweat equity" until that time.

  • We welcome potential trade for equity deals. If you provide skills or services that may be beneficial please contact us to discuss a possible trade for ownership interest.

  • As the value of this business rises so will cost per unit.

  • After approximately one year of growth we plan to offer additional units to partners at an approximately 250% increase over the rate offered here.

In Closing

We've already made amazing strides in the reorganization and streamlining of this business and look forward to working hard on continuing that progress. Our mission is to offer partners an amazing value, quick returns and to operate in a fair and transparent manner. Active participation is encouraged and appreciated.

Participate Now

To become a partner in this business please email or send me a PM through the forum.

You can also reach me on Skype (text) under the name southern.appliance. Questions or comments are welcome.

Full Business Plan & Overview Located Here (

Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: IPO Magic on May 17, 2014, 07:59:34 PM
First stage separation, second stage ignition.  .

Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: ABitInterested on May 17, 2014, 08:27:20 PM
So 30% of the company are valued 1200BTC which means 540000 USD.

I have actually been looking forward to someone bringing this up and I would like to answer in two parts.

1) While true that an established business is being purchased as phase one of operations this is not an established business. It would be a startup with capital and a full business plan that both expands on and adds to the current revenue of that business. As you know this makes valuations a lot more difficult and open for interpretation by each individual. That said, given the circumstances and plan $540,000 for 30% wouldn't be too far out of line depending on how you calculated.

2) More importantly, it is true that I mentioned exactly 30% which appears to make the standard calculations quite simple. However, you are overlooking a very important point that is not typical in these offers. On the daily dividend that is paid to partners I am waiving all of my interest until everyone that provided a capital investment has recovered what they put in. For instance, if only one person contributes $500 in capital and $1000 is sold the next day he would get back $100 or 20% of his total initial capital investment in 24 hours. Obviously the goal is to raise enough capital to increase profits as quickly as possible but I have laid out a plan that will allow growth even if only a fraction of the ownership interest is claimed or for some reason none at all. As you can see this would make any valuation more complicated because 100% of those distributions would be going to all other partners, even if their ownership was less than 1%. Even being pedantic about the term "valuation" does not change the fact that some would prefer to get their initial contribution back more quickly than to own a percentage of something you find valued exactly right but pays a small dividend over a long period of time. As said, complicated.

You write that the $10000 income from ebay in april was because you hired someone to list half of the inventory. For me that sounds like its something that wont work each month since in that month most probably the wanted things were sold fast. So it would be more interesting to know the income and more important the profit that is reachable per month.

I may need to adjust the wording but you misunderstood this part. My eBay account, like most, has a limitation on how much can be listed at any given time. The current limitation is $125,000 or 2,500 items. The $10,000 was sold with around half of that threshold being reached, I want to say it was 1,200 parts with total retail of $58,000. With eBay some parts provide linear revenue growth where others are slower selling and adding more of them doesn't immediately pad the bottom line. Half of the parts available were not listed, just half of the amount allowed on eBay at the time. There are always other options on marketplaces as well and I think a near immediate increase to $20,000 per month in revenue is a reachable goal.

You didnt give numbers for the other income streams.

I did not but I am currently finishing up the multi page, very boring (or exciting if you're into that) report that will have more details on that and everything else. I just had to get this summary submitted while I had time to sit down and do it, the full report will be much more helpful.

Lets assume you make $20000 profit. I dont know what income is needed for that after you paid all workers, contractors and all. 30% of the profit are split for the shares. Thats $6000. With that amount of profit that goes to the shareholders it would need 90 months or 7.5 years to break even.

The profit per month is not that high but that number is very reachable in the near future (under 1 year) with a little work. Your calculations are correct if you are not considering the other part of the offer, it would be a 13.33% return per year using the numbers provided.  The part you missed is the important one though, 10% of the gross revenue every single day will be shared with partners. If at any time any other current partners have not recovered their initial contribution then I will take $0 of the distribution owed to me and give it to those partners. This will greatly impact your math on the time required to break even.

Obviously if all 30% of interest were accounted for in one fell swoop things wouldn't move quite as fast but I don't expect that to happen immediately.

For fun though, in your hypothetical above, $20,000 monthly profit, let's also assume $50,000 in revenue. That is an additional $5,000 that would be distributed per month and only to partners that are not me for a total of $11,000 instead of $6000.

While in this scenario it would take 4 years and 1 month to break even (a 24.4% return, pretty decent I think) I do not expect for all 30% of interest to be accounted for that quickly. The way this offer is written those interested will set the value at any given time in that the more people who contribute / become partners the lower their share of the daily dividend would be. However, as some people hit break even they would quit receiving the bonus dividend out of my share which would then be distributed to others. This means that anyone looking to contribute will have to evaluate things at that specific time given the fluidity.

So i think you need to provide numbers and a plan that justifies that shareprice...

I agree with you, and I am close to posting a more comprehensive overview of the entire business as is and the plans for the future both immediate and long term. I do hope my responses above helped some and I hope you don't mind the long winded replies. I find this quite interesting and fun but also hard to put into words where it is easily understandable given the complexities.

Thanks for the questions.

Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: ABitInterested on May 17, 2014, 08:35:29 PM
You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

In the USA you can't have an LLC and offer shares from an IPO, if you do you are going to get hammered.

Set it up as a Sub S Corp giving K1s.

As you will notice I am looking for partners in this business, as in full voting rights partners.

That said, you can very well offer interest in an LLC just as you can offer shares in a corporation. If you were referring to IPO's in general then what you are talking about is true regardless of business status.

The reasons that LLC's are frowned upon are typically state laws and investor sentiments. If an LLC is chosen Delaware would be the state of choice but I am at the moment seeking partners in the business, not shareholders, that have the ability to be actively involved in the management.  That part is not finalized yet though, after talking to interested parties to discuss the pros and cons of all options then I am going to sit down with the people that push the pens and get this done. Obviously we are looking to choose the path of least resistance for partners from all over the world.


Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: ABitInterested on May 17, 2014, 11:05:26 PM
Another point im wondering about is the basis of your business. You claim you get broken things, repair it and sell it again. Do you get this for free? Even when... in my country such businesses exist too, but they are a very low wage job. More of a hobby as kindness for the people. Unemployed people that dont want to sit at home do this job. So what im wondering is how you could be able to turn this into something completely different and so profitable. Only with 4 persons create thousands of USD of sales. I dont really see how this is supposed to work.

I mean broken things still have a value which means mostly would have to be bought. Repairing is a time consuming job and a reasonable additional profit on top can only work with top hardware. But mostly broken things are old anyway. So getting another 100USD out of a broken pc would sound like a miracle, not to speak about repair parts and the worktime.

Washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, water heaters, etc. We pay $20 to $25 each, and they are worth between $80 and $1000 repaired. We sell every single one we fix. After parts are removed from the horribly broken ones the scrap metal alone is worth around $10.

We do get many for free.

Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: floatyfish on May 18, 2014, 05:17:58 PM
You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

In the USA you can't have an LLC and offer shares from an IPO, if you do you are going to get hammered.

Set it up as a Sub S Corp giving K1s.

As you will notice I am looking for partners in this business, as in full voting rights partners.

That said, you can very well offer interest in an LLC just as you can offer shares in a corporation. If you were referring to IPO's in general then what you are talking about is true regardless of business status.

The reasons that LLC's are frowned upon are typically state laws and investor sentiments. If an LLC is chosen Delaware would be the state of choice but I am at the moment seeking partners in the business, not shareholders, that have the ability to be actively involved in the management.  That part is not finalized yet though, after talking to interested parties to discuss the pros and cons of all options then I am going to sit down with the people that push the pens and get this done. Obviously we are looking to choose the path of least resistance for partners from all over the world.


How many shares would it take to be a full voting rights partner? I imagine the bar would be kind of high, wouldn't it?

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: Danglebee on May 18, 2014, 05:51:01 PM
again 3 question then this thread alone, promise.

you hold successful business. why you need investor in your porn site operation ?
as this real business, you have no problem reveal identity right ?
or will say no reason you have link to porn site ?

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: ABitInterested on May 18, 2014, 05:52:23 PM
again 1 question then this thread alone, promise.

you hold successful business. why you need investor in your porn site operation ?

Did you read the porn site thread? It was funded long ago, no additional partners are being accepted at this time and everyone has been paid for half a year.

It was a separate business, it is a separate business and it's chugging along just fine.

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: Danglebee on May 18, 2014, 05:54:12 PM
i change to 3 question sorry :)
you reply to fast!

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: Danglebee on May 18, 2014, 05:55:06 PM
i not reply or post anymore.
good luck!

Title: Re: [YourStore] IPO - Seeking Partners In Profitable Retail Store - Daily Returns
Post by: ABitInterested on May 18, 2014, 06:01:09 PM
You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

In the USA you can't have an LLC and offer shares from an IPO, if you do you are going to get hammered.

Set it up as a Sub S Corp giving K1s.

As you will notice I am looking for partners in this business, as in full voting rights partners.

That said, you can very well offer interest in an LLC just as you can offer shares in a corporation. If you were referring to IPO's in general then what you are talking about is true regardless of business status.

The reasons that LLC's are frowned upon are typically state laws and investor sentiments. If an LLC is chosen Delaware would be the state of choice but I am at the moment seeking partners in the business, not shareholders, that have the ability to be actively involved in the management.  That part is not finalized yet though, after talking to interested parties to discuss the pros and cons of all options then I am going to sit down with the people that push the pens and get this done. Obviously we are looking to choose the path of least resistance for partners from all over the world.


How many shares would it take to be a full voting rights partner? I imagine the bar would be kind of high, wouldn't it?

No. Voting rights are on a % basis so 1 unit wouldn't be equal to 10,000. I am going to explain voting in a bit though, I promise. I want people involved in voting. :)

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: floatyfish on May 18, 2014, 10:41:22 PM
Sounds good. Do you have a BTC address up yet?

Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 04:40:52 AM
Sounds good. Do you have a BTC address up yet?

I do, give me a few minutes to post a link to the documentation and update the main post here.


Title: Re: [RecycledMoney] IPO - Profitable Appliance Business - Daily Returns & Bonus
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 05:18:34 AM
Archive or original post. Top post is being edited to add business plan, summarize available information, etc.

Seeking voting partners on this venture if at all possible.

RecycledMoney - Placing an established, profitable business in your hands.

A full overview of this project with detailed information on all aspects of this business will be posted soon. The following is a summary of that information.

Southern Appliance is being created to buy and grow an established and profitable appliance business in north Louisiana. We will be working aggressively to increase profits by optimizing current revenue streams, adding more products and services, establishing new locations, and developing a shopping website for a very profitable arm of the business.

I am the sole owner of the business being purchased. It is an established, successful used appliance store that has been in operation since 2008. I managed that business for several years, bought a 49% interest in 2011 and bought the business outright in early 2013. Over the years I have worked tirelessly to expand operations from a 1,300 square foot building in 2008 to a now 15,000 square foot multi building complex. The lease on the last 4,600 square foot building was finalized and signed today and I am now focused on continued growth.

Current Operations

This business currently benefits from three main sources of income as outlined.

1) - The main source of income since inception has been the purchase of non working household appliances which are repaired and sold. We currently sell between 25 and 80 major appliances per week. We have a contract with multiple chain stores and receive all trade-in appliances by the 18 wheeler full from each location.

2) - The secondary source of income for this business is used parts sales over the Internet. I currently use eBay for all parts sales but will be expanding operations to both Amazon and a custom storefront. Because of limitations on space, time and the dollar value of items I was allowed to list on eBay I was not able to fully focus on this aspect of the business until recently. Our eBay limit has been increased to $125,000 or 2,500 parts listed and grows monthly if fully utilized. Earlier this year I paid a contractor to list over 1,000 parts with a value of over $50,000 on eBay and that resulted in $10,242.85 in sales for April.

3) - The final source of income for this business is scrap metal. Any appliance that is not cost effective to repair is parted out with the unusable parts sold or kept for business use and the rest is for scrap. We currently sell approximately 15,000 pounds per week which at the current rates comes out to around $1,200 and have sold as much as 30,000 pounds in a single week.

We currently employ 5 full time workers and contract work from a few others as needed.

We now lease 15,000 square foot consisting of three buildings on the same property. Today I finalized the lease on the last building which added 4,600 square foot to that total.
Goals For Current Income Sources

I am now working to increase profits in every aspect of this business and to expand into new areas.

While appliance sales have always been our main source of income we have mostly focused on wholesale to other dealers and budget retail. With the new contract came a huge influx in appliances and it took time to adjust so we were short on manpower to repair, clean, paint and sell for full retail. We also lacked a good showroom which has now been remedied with the lease of the final building. We often sell appliances for 30% to 50% less than our competitors, most of whom are now out of business.

Similarly, used part sales are far from optimized. It has taken more than a year to increase the total dollar amount limitation on eBay to an acceptable level. The last step is getting eBay fully utilized then adding items to both Amazon and a custom web store. Over $10,000 was sold on eBay in April using only half of available listings but this can be increased to $20,000 to $30,000 per month almost immediately with enough manpower to clean, inventory, list and ship these items. By using Amazon and a custom store to list items that are less likely to sell this can be increased even further. Due to these same limitations we don't always remove every part to be sold. Because of the cap it makes no sense to list items that are cheaper or slower to sell when a more expensive or quicker to sell item can take it's place.

And finally, our scrap metal operations are not optimized. In an effort to save manpower and free up space we often sell full units minus their working parts for tin which pays less than other items. By removing all iron, motors, copper and other metals to be sold separately the income derived from scrap metal can be increased significantly.

Expansion & Future Growth

There are a multitude of ways to expand operations and add new revenue with this business. We can add locations, find more sources for appliances, add a delivery truck, add a service truck and technician to do service calls, sell new parts and new appliances, add rent to own financing and more. Many of these are easy to implement with enough capital to get them off the ground. I will be posting a very comprehensive overview of this business soon and full details on these and other options will be discussed there.


Every aspect of this business will be fully transparent with updates and reports provided constantly. There will of course be a monthly report but we will be posting consistent updates several times a day to reflect all sales or other income, expenses and anything relevant to the general operation of this business in order to keep all owners well informed on business dealings. If legal I will install security cameras in the showroom so that owners can view transactions as they happen.

This Offer

I am currently selling up to 30% ownership in this new company in the form of actual percentage ownership and equivalent voting rights. Funds will be used for the purchase of the established business from myself and utilized to aggressively grow this business in all areas deemed worthy by the owners.

To keep things simple I am dividing this 30% interest into 300,000 units.

Each unit is .004 BTC (approximately $1.80 at current time) but will be adjusted accordingly if the BTC rate fluctuates more than 10% from it's current position.

Units are just a simplified way to measure ownership percentages per fraction of BTC so less than "one unit" can be purchased but we will need to discuss some things beforehand.

To discuss becoming a partner please PM for fastest response or email

Profit Sharing

Each partner will receive a percentage of all profit with payments being made daily (estimated) and monthly (balancing) in the following manner.

Daily Management Fee

A daily management fee of 10% of the gross income will be shared between all partners based on percent of ownership.

In Addition, I am waiving all management fees owed to me until the point that all other partners have fully recovered their initial capital contribution. For instance, if 10% of the business is sold I will have ownership of 90% of the business and be due 90% of the management fee. Instead, that money will be distributed as profit to all other partners that have not fully recovered their initial capital based on the % of ownership held.

Monthly Distribution

Each month 100% of the total remaining profit will be distributed to all partners based on percentage of ownership.

Of Note

I will perform work as operations manager for no fee until all partners that provided capital contributions have recovered their outlay.

Most issues will be voted on with me abstaining from voting. I plan only to vote if needed to avoid disaster / protect your capital.

The full terms of the purchase agreement of this business by the new company will be discussed in the full overview.

In the distant future I may decide that seeking more capital contributing partners is a good idea but this would be handled by selling some of my percentage in the company and not by diluting your ownership percentages.

I have been in discussions with both a lawyer and CPA to figure out the best structure for this new business but nothing is final yet. Depending on setup there may be differing tax obligations. Feel free to contact for information.

Discounted / Traded Interest

If you are interested in providing capital contributions of .5 BTC or more please contact me to discuss the possibility of a lower rate per unit.

If you are interested in trading services that you feel would benefit this business please contact me to discuss a work for interest situation.

In Conclusion

Again, this is a very brief summary and a very thorough overview will be posted soon. I am fully aware that all pertinent information is not available in this summary and that will be addressed in the overview.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Trolls will be answered only if the response will be of benefit to others.

Please PM or email to discuss becoming a partner or anything else you'd like to keep private.

Thank you.

Edit: Changed ticker to [ApplianceStore]

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 03:07:49 PM
Updates not yet reflected in report.

1. Although this is primarily a USD based business when we talk about a partner "breaking even" we mean in Bitcoin. If your contribution is .5 BTC then you are not whole until you have received that full .5 BTC back, regardless of the value of BTC at the time.

2. Anyone sending capital contributions before 12:00 PM CST will receive management fees for that same day. For those sent after 12:00 PM management fees will start the following day. Management fees will not be calculated until 2AM CST so that any eBay sales can be accounted for. Daily revenue totals will usually be posted prior to that but would be updated to reflect additional sales.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: Chef Ramsay on May 19, 2014, 06:10:41 PM
Just curious but is there a list of shareholders or shares being sold (overall tally/countdown kinda thing) and how would one exit their holdings at some point in the future should they so choose? Also, what are the tax implications for shareholders be they US citizens or otherwise?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: theGECK on May 19, 2014, 06:18:04 PM
It appears that your document has reached the bandwidth limit. Is there an alternative access location?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: theMiracle on May 19, 2014, 06:21:56 PM
Good news everyone!
ABitInterested just sold a washer/drier, a Kenmoar washer and a whole bunch of parts on eBay!  We feast tonight, gents!


Whirlpool washer / dryer set - $275.

Kenmore washer - $100.

Miscellaneous item - $75.

eBay - $17 Paid and $36 unpaid.

Total Collected So Far - $467

Current Showroom Value - $2,500.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 06:32:25 PM
Just curious but is there a list of shareholders or shares being sold (overall tally/countdown kinda thing) and how would one exit their holdings at some point in the future should they so choose? Also, what are the tax implications for shareholders be they US citizens or otherwise?

A running total of units remaining will be listed in the reports thread.

As for the rest, contact me to discuss as there are a couple of ways to handle it. If you are asking if you are supposed to pay taxes on revenue the answer is always yes since you are supposed to pay tax on all income, dividends, etc.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 06:33:50 PM
It appears that your document has reached the bandwidth limit. Is there an alternative access location?

I didn't know there was a bandwidth limit on Google, just used their viewer to point to a different document.

Anyhow, it can be downloaded from the following url until I find a good place to publish it.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: SebastianJu on May 19, 2014, 07:24:25 PM
I saw your other thread... why do you have costs of 100$ on a day only? I thought you had 4 employed? I guess that should cost way more than that.

Can you post the link to the ebay shop?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 07:37:31 PM
I saw your other thread... why do you have costs of 100$ on a day only? I thought you had 4 employed? I guess that should cost way more than that.

Can you post the link to the ebay shop?

I only posted because it was not a typical expense. I will not be reporting on standard costs every day as that would include employees, 1/30th of utilities and rent, etc.

However, aside from the fixed costs that was the only "employee" here on Sunday so there were no other costs in that regard.

Edit: In regards to the eBay shop, if you are actually considering investing I would be happy to share the url via PM.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: NotLambchop on May 19, 2014, 07:40:04 PM
^No link to the eBay shop?  Worried that someone might steal your "parting junk washing machines" idea?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 19, 2014, 08:10:06 PM
^No link to the eBay shop?  Worried that someone might steal your "parting junk washing machines" idea?

Nah, if you want to come visit I'll show you how to do it for yourself.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: NotLambchop on May 19, 2014, 08:35:40 PM
So.  Y no link?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: GT3000 on May 19, 2014, 09:05:12 PM
So.  Y no link?

The link is the performance thread.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: NotLambchop on May 19, 2014, 09:09:23 PM
ty GT3000

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 20, 2014, 02:23:35 AM
Updated Note

I just wanted to clear up one thing on this offer. We made all 300,000 units available immediately but we were not expecting to fully fund this venture in the short term. With the unique income sharing structure and the variable value that comes with that we expect potential partners to calculate the value of this offer at the point they consider entry.

We do however plan to increase the value of this company in both the short and long term and prove to everyone that there is enough room to grow this business by many multiples. In doing so we may at some point in the future increase the price on any remaining units.

Those remaining units and any additional units we might sell (from our share, no dilution) would be offered at a higher price. These further offerings would almost certainly be handled on an exchange like Havelock. In fact, we are not opposed to using such a system immediately if and when we are comfortable with how that system handles a few key things. I have scheduled this call to discuss.

After this conversation I may do some restructuring on total units available and when they would be released.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: Korbman on May 21, 2014, 10:56:53 PM
Is this the one?

eBay store:

APCO Appliance Part Supply (aka 1st Source Servall Appliance Parts, part of a turn-key operation).
5520 Jewella Ave, Shreveport, LA 71109

A friend of mine is actually stationed over at Barksdale AFB, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind paying a visit to see if this is legit.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: ABitInterested on May 21, 2014, 11:01:40 PM
Is this the one?

eBay store:

APCO Appliance Part Supply (aka 1st Source Servall Appliance Parts, part of a turn-key operation).
5520 Jewella Ave, Shreveport, LA 71109

A friend of mine is actually stationed over at Barksdale AFB, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind paying a visit to see if this is legit.

APCO is APCOLA now 1st Source Servall doing business as Appliance Parts. They bought that business last year and deal in new appliance parts both wholesale and retail. If you PM me your friends name there is a good chance we know him as we have friends and family stationed there.

That is not the store, please PM if you think they might want to visit though.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: ABitInterested on May 21, 2014, 11:53:35 PM
Updated main post and added some bonuses for early participants.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on May 22, 2014, 12:52:58 AM
[ApplianceStore] - For the purchase and growth of an existing, profitable appliance business.

20 Page Business Plan -

Daily Reports & Payments -

Of Importance

Revenue - $516,000 Per Year - Expected to increase moderately near term and more rapidly over the next 12-18 months.

Expenses - $396,000 Per Year

Detailed information available in the business plan (

Transparency - Transparent business operations and constant updates (

This Offer

Daily Returns - 10% of daily gross (management fee) is shared between all partners. See reports thread ( to find past daily dividend amounts.

Monthly Dividend - Profit share is paid monthly with no profit held back.

Bonuses on first 10,000 / 50,000 / 100,000 units. Read below.

300,000 Units - 30% Of Ownership

Full Cost Per Unit - .004 Each

Early Bird Discounts

First 10,000 Units (Group One - 6,262 Left)

.0025 Per Unit
.002 Per Unit @ 250 Or More

+10% Bonus On Monthly Profit Share (details below)

Next 40,000 Units (Group Two - 40,000 Left)

.003 Per Unit
.0025 Per Unit @ 250 Or More

+ 10% Bonus On Monthly Profit Share (details below)

Next 50,000 Units (Group Three - 50,000 Left)

.0035 Per Unit
.003 Per Unit @ 250 Or More

+10% Bonus On Monthly Profit Share (details below)

Bonus Payments

Management Fee Bonus

100% of the management fee will be distributed to partners until 100% of their initial contributions have been recovered.

Example: If one person claimed 1,000 units and no more were sold that person would receive the full 10% of daily gross until their initial contribution was fully recovered. Paid daily.

Profit Share Bonus

The profit share bonus is an additional % of monthly profit set aside for partners and works like this. The first 10,000 units (group one) will split an extra 10% of the total monthly profit until each of those units are break even.

At that point the 10% bonus will be shared with the next 40,000 (group two) units and once those units break even the bonus 10% will be shared with the next 50,000 (group three) units.

Additional Information

Partial Units OK - Start with any amount.

Only the first 100,000 units are guaranteed at .004 or less per unit at this time.

If you provide services that may be beneficial to this business please contact to discuss a trade for interest deal.

Once our growth strategy has proven effective we plan to do a second phase IPO, with no dilution, and offer units at a price of .2 per unit. We expect this to take between 12 and 18 months.

Participate Now

Send BTC To >>> 13c9kuUBBmni1VF3T5Mt1yo1gwBdka3NZ4

Then PM or email to confirm the transaction. Would prefer to return to send address but if notified first will send elsewhere. Unconfirmed transactions will only be returned to the send address.

Contact Us

Questions / Comments Welcome.

Please post, PM or email

Full Business Plan & Overview (

I've got a washer and a dryer I'd like to donate to you.  Where do I drop them off at?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: GT3000 on May 22, 2014, 01:07:53 AM
Keep up the good work. I know I'm not the only one who thinks it but you're doing stellar work. Don't throw your back out unloading that 18 wheeler!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: ABitInterested on May 22, 2014, 02:59:57 AM

I've got a washer and a dryer I'd like to donate to you.  Where do I drop them off at?

You're thinking about a different LA, we are in Shreveport. :)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: ABitInterested on May 22, 2014, 08:04:11 PM
Updated main post to reflect 5103 remaining group one units.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: GT3000 on May 22, 2014, 09:22:34 PM
Any chance you could publish previous earnings for the past few years?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: box0211 on May 23, 2014, 04:44:00 PM
how are you paying dividends when you sell your items in USD? do you convert them righ away and how so?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: ABitInterested on May 23, 2014, 04:56:26 PM
Some BTC is being held in reserve. At the moment I am using that, if it ever gets depleted there may be a 4 day lag on daily payments as I would have to convert via Coinbase as needed. I can't get them to accept my Visa for instant buy, going to try another one in the near future which would elimiate that lag.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns - Early Bird Bonuses
Post by: Satan666 on May 25, 2014, 07:05:55 PM
Keep up the good work. I know I'm not the only one who thinks it but you're doing stellar work. Don't throw your back out unloading that 18 wheeler!

I agree.  It's so good to see honest, hard-working people like the OP in the BTC community.

In fact, I really need to get another fridge soon and I'm looking forward to doing business with him.

OP, can I get your business address?  I'd like to swing by and buy a fridge from you later this week.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: Satan666 on May 26, 2014, 05:08:34 PM

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: ABitInterested on May 26, 2014, 06:20:24 PM

I saw your first post, looked through your history, saw that you were a bitcoin hating troll and ignored you.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: Satan666 on May 26, 2014, 07:02:34 PM

I saw your first post, looked through your history, saw that you were a bitcoin hating troll and ignored you.


Well then, I guess I'll be taking my precious fiat elsewhere. :D

Good luck nonetheless, I really admire what you're doing with this operation.  I'm sure it is going to be a huge success!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: ABitInterested on May 26, 2014, 07:28:15 PM

Well then, I guess I'll be taking my precious fiat elsewhere. :D

Good luck nonetheless, I really admire what you're doing with this operation.  I'm sure it is going to be a huge success!

If you are actually from the area you'll find us. There is not another appliance store of this size within a few hundred miles.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: webbrowser on May 27, 2014, 01:13:54 AM
I figure that the typical part buying process is that they will stumble upon several incorrect items before finding the correct part.  If the # of items on your ebay storefront is limiting potential part sales, would this help?

- adding a message to item descriptions that you have many items than are listed, and to send you a message with the part they're looking for so that you can list it; or
- adding a link to off-ebay website with a list of parts that you typically have (not sure if this violates ebay t&c)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: Branny on May 27, 2014, 07:24:55 PM
Pretty neat operation, I've done business with a few places like yours, they can do VERY well if they have the right crew/location/model setup.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: ABitInterested on May 27, 2014, 11:04:16 PM
I figure that the typical part buying process is that they will stumble upon several incorrect items before finding the correct part.  If the # of items on your ebay storefront is limiting potential part sales, would this help?

- adding a message to item descriptions that you have many items than are listed, and to send you a message with the part they're looking for so that you can list it; or
- adding a link to off-ebay website with a list of parts that you typically have (not sure if this violates ebay t&c)

We actually did this previously but it wasn't much help. It would be fine for new parts but since there are so many used ones (and we list all that are inventoried fully) it ended up just being a headache. People do ask all the time anyhow.

Pretty neat operation, I've done business with a few places like yours, they can do VERY well if they have the right crew/location/model setup.

Thanks Branny. I'm familiar with your line of work as well as we sell to a lot of property owners. I wish you all the best!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: webbrowser on June 04, 2014, 02:26:24 AM
I'm confused whether this venture is called Southern Appliance, YourStore, ApplianceStore, RecycledMoney or what-have-you  ;D

Here's some visualisation of the first 1/2 month of operations.

Some thoughts:

- It's still early days, but parts revenue is almost negligible, and there is no discernable upward trend
- nowhere close to $20k / month in eBay revenue (assuming that eBay revenue = parts sales), which was expected to be executed in the near-immediate time frame
- what are typical profit margins for appliance and parts sales?
- when is the monthly profit distribution expected?  I assumed it should have been on May 31st.
- I'd second DebitMe's call for a public spreadsheet (google spreadsheet preferred) to track everything - shareholder list, daily tracking, etc.  You are probably keying in the data anyway, so I assume it would incur minimal effort. Improves transparency and easier for us to analyse. 

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] IPO - Profitable Business - Daily Returns -BUSINESS PLAN ADDED
Post by: gogxmagog on June 04, 2014, 04:04:34 AM
Updated Note

I just wanted to clear up one thing on this offer. We made all 300,000 units available immediately but we were not expecting to fully fund this venture in the short term. With the unique income sharing structure and the variable value that comes with that we expect potential partners to calculate the value of this offer at the point they consider entry.

We do however plan to increase the value of this company in both the short and long term and prove to everyone that there is enough room to grow this business by many multiples. In doing so we may at some point in the future increase the price on any remaining units.

Those remaining units and any additional units we might sell (from our share, no dilution) would be offered at a higher price. These further offerings would almost certainly be handled on an exchange like Havelock. In fact, we are not opposed to using such a system immediately if and when we are comfortable with how that system handles a few key things. I have scheduled this call to discuss.

After this conversation I may do some restructuring on total units available and when they would be released.
I have 2 questions;
1. are the shared profits paid out in perpetuity or do the payments stop as soon as investor has made ROI?
2. if investor bought shares today, directly from ipo, and you later offered shares on an exchange such as havelock, could today's investor migrate his shares to havelock and trade them there? would each share retain its % of ownership based on today's rate? for example; if I bought one (1) share today at 0.003 and then 3 months from now you listed a new ipo on havelock selling shares for 0.03, would I be able to migrate my existing shares to havelock (or w/e exchange) and sell them at the new higher rate or would they be considered different/fractional?

I guess I am asking, what are my long range prospects, and what sort of exit strategies do I have?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: ABitInterested on June 04, 2014, 12:08:30 PM
I'm confused whether this venture is called Southern Appliance, YourStore, ApplianceStore, RecycledMoney or what-have-you  ;D

Here's some visualisation of the first 1/2 month of operations.

Some thoughts:

- It's still early days, but parts revenue is almost negligible, and there is no discernable upward trend
- nowhere close to $20k / month in eBay revenue (assuming that eBay revenue = parts sales), which was expected to be executed in the near-immediate time frame
- what are typical profit margins for appliance and parts sales?
- when is the monthly profit distribution expected?  I assumed it should have been on May 31st.
- I'd second DebitMe's call for a public spreadsheet (google spreadsheet preferred) to track everything - shareholder list, daily tracking, etc.  You are probably keying in the data anyway, so I assume it would incur minimal effort. Improves transparency and easier for us to analyse. 

There is definitely no upward trend on parts, nothing further (exept for the first couple of days) has been listed so the income you see there is based on parts that have been online for long periods of time. We've organized quite a bit in the two weeks since starting this but also lost a labor hand in between which has caused me personally to deal with a lot of time consuming things while searching for a replacement. It is difficult to find a trend based on a couple of weeks because the entire business is cyclic and this is true for daily / weekly / monthly revenue.

I do not have profit margins nailed down for a couple of reasons. We process so many appliances now and have grown so quickly over the last few years that this has changed dramatically over that time. Sure, you could break down the per piece profit with enough effort but we process things so fast and have so many variables to consider that it would actually cost profit to figure out. As things expand and additional staff is added I can focus on these things.

To give you a general idea, of  the appliances we fix we almost always handle this from parts off of another unit. With a raw cost of around $25 and an average selling price of $160 (last time I checked and based on a full year) the margin before labor and all other expenses is high.

On parts, similar story. The actual margin has fluctuated constantly as we added new part types to those that are sold and because each part type has it's own margin there has never been a steady percent to expect.  I will be breaking down some of the more detailed information as time allows and it will give a much clearer picture but it varies by age, brand, style, appliance type, shipping costs and more. Again, you could crunch these numbers and find specifics but while we are focused on explosive growth it would be a detrimental effort.

These numbers will become more and more important as things are streamlined. At this minute larger increases in profit can be had by focusing elsewhere.

I will start posting much more information on specific things so that the numbers can be crunched but please bare with me.

A public spreadsheet is doable but I would have to clean the one I currently use and add another update to the daily reports. I'll look into the best way to do that and see how much ongoing effort will be required.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: ABitInterested on June 04, 2014, 01:42:07 PM
Updated Note

I just wanted to clear up one thing on this offer. We made all 300,000 units available immediately but we were not expecting to fully fund this venture in the short term. With the unique income sharing structure and the variable value that comes with that we expect potential partners to calculate the value of this offer at the point they consider entry.

We do however plan to increase the value of this company in both the short and long term and prove to everyone that there is enough room to grow this business by many multiples. In doing so we may at some point in the future increase the price on any remaining units.

Those remaining units and any additional units we might sell (from our share, no dilution) would be offered at a higher price. These further offerings would almost certainly be handled on an exchange like Havelock. In fact, we are not opposed to using such a system immediately if and when we are comfortable with how that system handles a few key things. I have scheduled this call to discuss.

After this conversation I may do some restructuring on total units available and when they would be released.
I have 2 questions;
1. are the shared profits paid out in perpetuity or do the payments stop as soon as investor has made ROI?
2. if investor bought shares today, directly from ipo, and you later offered shares on an exchange such as havelock, could today's investor migrate his shares to havelock and trade them there? would each share retain its % of ownership based on today's rate? for example; if I bought one (1) share today at 0.003 and then 3 months from now you listed a new ipo on havelock selling shares for 0.03, would I be able to migrate my existing shares to havelock (or w/e exchange) and sell them at the new higher rate or would they be considered different/fractional?

I guess I am asking, what are my long range prospects, and what sort of exit strategies do I have?

1. Perpetuity but the bonus offered is that 100% of the management fee is shared with only current interest holders until they are at least break even. Once you broke even your share of the management fee would go down to the exact percentage of interest you hold (standard distribution).

2. There would be no dilution and yes, they would / could migrate. If further capital is deemed beneficial that would come from the remaining units that had yet to be offered.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: gogxmagog on June 04, 2014, 08:17:08 PM
I need more information.

I need your real world identity, background, etc. and The name and address of this business, who you purchased it from.

also, if you wish to list on havelock, you must incorporate first. I would like to see this documentation, if it exists, as well.

I think it is odd that you keep these infos secret and would need to see before I could consider investing.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 04, 2014, 08:35:03 PM
I need more information.

I need your real world identity, background, etc. and The name and address of this business, who you purchased it from.

also, if you wish to list on havelock, you must incorporate first. I would like to see this documentation, if it exists, as well.

I think it is odd that you keep these infos secret and would need to see before I could consider investing.

You shouldn't invest, would lower my dividends :P

And you do not need to incorporate before being listed on Havelock. Thats just ridiculous, not to mention with the recent SEC filings it wouldn't be in the best interests for him to release his real information. Take the risk or don't, but for him to share his real information / corporation (I highly doubt his business is not incorporated as is) could lead to the SEC filing large fee's against him and his business.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: Sydboy on June 05, 2014, 03:24:38 AM
then he shouldn't anonymously accept bitcoins for HIS real world business, should he ?
he can't have it both ways. well he can. you "investors" will keep paying.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 05, 2014, 05:55:31 AM
then he shouldn't anonymously accept bitcoins for HIS real world business, should he ?
he can't have it both ways. well he can. you "investors" will keep paying.

Im willing to take the risk. Ive had nothing except a positive experience so far. It's HIS business, exactly right. If he wants to share what its called or not is up to him. Just as it was up to me to invest in him or not. I like what I saw, and what I have seen so far.

To each their own

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on June 05, 2014, 06:57:08 AM
You shouldn't invest, would lower my dividends :P

If someone else "invests", your dividends go down?  How's that?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: E.Sam on June 05, 2014, 12:22:22 PM
You shouldn't invest, would lower my dividends :P

If someone else "invests", your dividends go down?  How's that?

Management Fee Bonus

100% of the management fee will be distributed to partners until 100% of their initial contributions have been recovered.

Example: If one person claimed 1,000 units and no more were sold that person would receive the full 10% of daily gross until their initial contribution was fully recovered. Paid daily.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] UPDATED IPO - Profitable - 10% Of Gross Sent To Partners DAILY
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 06, 2014, 03:49:57 PM
My initial investment has seen a nearly 20% return, overall Im around ~16% back already. The issue is that my ROI will slow down immensely if to many people join on the bandwagon :P

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on June 11, 2014, 05:35:21 PM
Updated main post to clarify some bonus and discount information.

We have also switched to a floating rate which is reflected at the top of the first post.

Thank you

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: webbrowser on June 12, 2014, 12:37:59 AM
Thanks; the floating rate relieves some of my pain.

Not sure if you missed my previous question: When is the monthly profit distribution expected?  I assumed it should have been at month end (ie May 31st).  Or would it be on 17th of each month?

Any progress on the public spreadsheets?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on June 12, 2014, 01:14:32 AM
Thanks; the floating rate relieves some of my pain.

Not sure if you missed my previous question: When is the monthly profit distribution expected?  I assumed it should have been at month end (ie May 31st).  Or would it be on 17th of each month?

Any progress on the public spreadsheets?

It will be after the end of each month. The first couple of weeks that rounded out "month 1" are giving me a legitimate headache because this was only active for half of the month. In other words I have to figure out percentages of use on utilities, space, etc then break down some other expenses to keep from piling obligations onto partners that had nothing to do with those expenses. I can say that profit will not be too high considering the adjustments made that slowed down sales in order to organize things and the lease payment that was due a few days into it for the new section.

On the public spreadsheet, waiting to hear back from some people but it might have to be a private spreadsheet for partners only. Will get more on that by Friday.

I actually have a lot of updates to get out covering several things but getting everything transferred over cleanly is a top priority right now as it will only get more difficult with time.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: DebitMe on June 12, 2014, 02:48:20 AM
Sounds good, keep up the goodwork!  So far really happy with this investment, you are doing a great job of informing the community and keeping people up to date (I understand if a day or two is missed here or there, heck I would be happy with weekly updates, but daily is above and beyond)

Keep it up!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on June 12, 2014, 03:55:47 AM
Sounds good, keep up the goodwork!  So far really happy with this investment, you are doing a great job of informing the community and keeping people up to date (I understand if a day or two is missed here or there, heck I would be happy with weekly updates, but daily is above and beyond)

Keep it up!

I am actually around every day now but we are doing so many things at once (and shorthanded temporarily) that I often spend 15 or so hours in the warehouse / office making sure people aren't screwing something up. Once I get a few more things settled I'm going to have some fun posting interesting updates.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: jonsi on June 13, 2014, 11:36:11 AM
It seems someone invested 60 btc into this.

If you don't wish to remain private you could confirm here.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on June 13, 2014, 12:12:51 PM
That is correct. I am here today to take care of all the backlog, had 4 trailers called in again so I'm chasing down some temp labor and getting back on the computer for the rest of the day.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 13, 2014, 03:27:57 PM
60 btc is like what, 30k shares? that makes my dividend 1/3  :-\

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: ABitInterested on June 13, 2014, 03:30:09 PM
Damnit :/
60 btc is like what, 30k shares? that makes my dividend 1/3 -.-

Little hit now, lot of help in the near future. We are already putting things in motion that were on hold so stand tight. :)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Satan666 on June 13, 2014, 04:48:06 PM
Damnit :/
60 btc is like what, 30k shares? that makes my dividend 1/3 -.-

Couldn't help myself.  Have to get my share of those juicy dividends!  :P

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 15, 2014, 02:48:19 PM
60 btc is like what, 30k shares? that makes my dividend 1/3  :-\

Little hit now, lot of help in the near future. We are already putting things in motion that were on hold so stand tight. :)

Cant wait to see :)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on September 25, 2014, 01:54:27 PM
... We are already putting things in motion that were on hold so stand tight. :)


Cant wait to see :)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on November 03, 2014, 11:37:40 PM
Ok, guys. It seems this finally turns out to be a scam. I wanted to check the ebay sales and found that no sales were done since october 22nd.

I checked the items that are offered now and zero items are offered.

I posted this on the internal forum and now, a couple hours later, the domain is suspended.

If this really is a scam then it would have been made very easy on him. Claiming to be the biggest store in 12km in Shreveport and no one bothered to check? Or did the business go wrong?

I guess since the issuer is the same for the xxxprofit projects that it might mean those incomes are gone too now.

Bitcoin business as usual... :( Lets hope he goes the pirate-way... to jail... or can he really come up with a good explaination?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 04, 2014, 12:00:42 AM
Don't blame yourself, bro.  Not like there was anything to suggest this was a scam, amirite?  I mean, sez right in his sig: "LEGIT OFFLINE BUSINESS," but ur telling me it's not legit?
If only some kind soul, maybe, warned you...

Anyhow, I'm sure TwentySeventy will take care of this--after all, he vouched for the guy :-\

  ~Happy Investing!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: floatyfish on November 05, 2014, 02:32:02 AM
Ok, guys. It seems this finally turns out to be a scam. I wanted to check the ebay sales and found that no sales were done since october 22nd.

I checked the items that are offered now and zero items are offered.

I posted this on the internal forum and now, a couple hours later, the domain is suspended.

If this really is a scam then it would have been made very easy on him. Claiming to be the biggest store in 12km in Shreveport and no one bothered to check? Or did the business go wrong?

I guess since the issuer is the same for the xxxprofit projects that it might mean those incomes are gone too now.

Bitcoin business as usual... :( Lets hope he goes the pirate-way... to jail... or can he really come up with a good explaination?

Was it in Shreveport? He posted a pic of the building from what I assume was Google Maps, so it would be easy to match the pic he provided with what's on Google Maps and then track him down from there. That being said, I did get 2 payments from an address that he uses within the last day, so who knows what's going on.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on November 05, 2014, 11:45:49 AM
I think this suggests it: and the following post. He then wrote it again himself here:

Im not sure if it's possible to find the building through google maps. I tried, but shreveport seems too big to have a chance to find it so easy. At the moment i still think its possible that all is faked. Voip-phonenumber, ebay accounts are used for scams regularly while the persons behind aren't really in the US and so on. I really! hope theres a good explaination for this but more than 2 months of missing divs and an ebay account that is practically dead speaks another language.

If he really only has problems with the business then wouldn't you have informed your investors about it? And at least told them that you switch ebay accounts or something? Or explain why there are 2 months, that's 60 days of div's not send, open? Might be there are problems. But not speaking about it only means trouble is piling up. Being honest is the only way. At least the investorforum runs again. But my hope is very thin.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 05, 2014, 12:33:25 PM
Don't worry gents, I informed tewentyseventy so it's likely that he ABitinterested will make another appearance on the forum and toss a bit of pocket lint your way.
Giving it ~25% chance :)

Hey twentyseventy.  It seems some folks are looking for your friend ABitInterested, the one with the legit offline business.
Care to help them?

Will be pushing him this week to get his act together; otherwise I will be releasing his personal information so that people can seek to be made whole financially in whatever way they see fit. If I choose to do so, that is my prerogative and I will do so when I feel the time is appropriate.

Not happy with him myself; I still have yet to recoup my initial investment.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: jdany on November 05, 2014, 01:05:32 PM
Is it too late to get in on this freight train?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 07, 2014, 04:51:24 PM
Gentlemen.  Unlike ABitInterested and his pal TwentySeventy, I keep my promises.

The heartfelt condolences gif you've been promised:


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on November 10, 2014, 07:21:30 PM
Did anyone else recieve a flurry of dividends yesterday? I got like a weeks worth of dividends ???

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: DebitMe on November 10, 2014, 07:26:51 PM
Did anyone else recieve a flurry of dividends yesterday? I got like a weeks worth of dividends ???

I did, received 8 payments on the 8th.  Just going in spurts at this point, but he is still paying I guess, also about 2 months behind.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on November 10, 2014, 07:29:24 PM
He did this a few weeks ago to. Doesn't make a lot of sense

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: DebitMe on November 10, 2014, 07:30:59 PM
He did this a few weeks ago to. Doesn't make a lot of sense

Were you the one with his docs?  Can you share with other investors so that we can figure out what the heck is going on and start finding ways to get our money back?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: floatyfish on November 10, 2014, 08:11:15 PM
He did this a few weeks ago to. Doesn't make a lot of sense

Were you the one with his docs?  Can you share with other investors so that we can figure out what the heck is going on and start finding ways to get our money back?

TwentySeven is the one with the docs. I've sent some PMs to him, and as of the last message we exchanged, he called ABI twice, but ABI never called back. He's going to give ABI one more chance before releasing the docs.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 10, 2014, 09:07:36 PM

   ~Happy Investing!

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: twentyseventy on November 11, 2014, 08:47:41 PM
Per my comments earlier, I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of communication by ABitInterested. I do not want the responsibility of being the only one to hold is IRL identity. I'm one of the few people to which he disclosed his identity but the complete lack of updates, not returning my calls, and general lack of communication forces me to release his information in order for those who invested in him to get in contact with him. It's not fair, at this point, for me to be the one withholding it; he is the one violating the contract with his shareholders here.

If you are a shareholder, and you would like the pertinent information, please PM me with some sort of proof that you're a shareholder (comment from one of the threads from a while ago or something of the sort). I reserve the right to provide this to whomever I choose and to withhold at my discretion.


Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on November 11, 2014, 09:18:15 PM
Per my comments earlier, I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of communication by ABitInterested. I do not want the responsibility of being the only one to hold is IRL identity. I'm one of the few people to which he disclosed his identity but the complete lack of updates, not returning my calls, and general lack of communication forces me to release his information in order for those who invested in him to get in contact with him. It's not fair, at this point, for me to be the one withholding it; he is the one violating the contract with his shareholders here.

If you are a shareholder, and you would like the pertinent information, please PM me with some sort of proof that you're a shareholder (comment from one of the threads from a while ago or something of the sort). I reserve the right to provide this to whomever I choose and to withhold at my discretion.


You should make his info public in order to make it harder for him to devise another scam targeting others.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: twentyseventy on November 11, 2014, 09:25:35 PM
Per my comments earlier, I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of communication by ABitInterested. I do not want the responsibility of being the only one to hold is IRL identity. I'm one of the few people to which he disclosed his identity but the complete lack of updates, not returning my calls, and general lack of communication forces me to release his information in order for those who invested in him to get in contact with him. It's not fair, at this point, for me to be the one withholding it; he is the one violating the contract with his shareholders here.

If you are a shareholder, and you would like the pertinent information, please PM me with some sort of proof that you're a shareholder (comment from one of the threads from a while ago or something of the sort). I reserve the right to provide this to whomever I choose and to withhold at my discretion.


You should make his info public in order to make it harder for him to devise another scam targeting others.

If I thought it was an out-and-out scam, I would. However, I genuinely believe that he is overworked and took on far too much for his plate. He works long hours at the store and had grand visions for the companies; however, these take time and time is something he is/was very short on.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on November 11, 2014, 09:36:46 PM
You should make his info public in order to make it harder for him to devise another scam targeting others.

If I thought it was an out-and-out scam, I would. However, I genuinely believe that he is overworked and took on far too much for his plate. He works long hours at the store and had grand visions for the companies; however, these take time and time is something he is/was very short on.

At what point does it become an outright scam?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: DebitMe on November 11, 2014, 09:40:25 PM
Per my comments earlier, I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of communication by ABitInterested. I do not want the responsibility of being the only one to hold is IRL identity. I'm one of the few people to which he disclosed his identity but the complete lack of updates, not returning my calls, and general lack of communication forces me to release his information in order for those who invested in him to get in contact with him. It's not fair, at this point, for me to be the one withholding it; he is the one violating the contract with his shareholders here.

If you are a shareholder, and you would like the pertinent information, please PM me with some sort of proof that you're a shareholder (comment from one of the threads from a while ago or something of the sort). I reserve the right to provide this to whomever I choose and to withhold at my discretion.


You should make his info public in order to make it harder for him to devise another scam targeting others.

If I thought it was an out-and-out scam, I would. However, I genuinely believe that he is overworked and took on far too much for his plate. He works long hours at the store and had grand visions for the companies; however, these take time and time is something he is/was very short on.

That may be true, but he still has stolen a lot of money from people.  I think someone invested like 60 btc a while back.  He has shared the contact info with me and I will look into this and do my own due diligence and contact some authorities, if deemed necessary, I will share his dox.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on November 12, 2014, 01:54:57 AM
That may be true, but he still has stolen a lot of money from people.  I think someone invested like 60 btc a while back.  He has shared the contact info with me and I will look into this and do my own due diligence and contact some authorities, if deemed necessary, I will share his dox.

I wonder if the last 8 payments are a sign that he want to keep things running. I can't understand his information policy so i will check these details too, if i get them, and see if he is real. If he is real i will try to contact him and ask whats happening. When he only changed his ebay account to an account with a proper name then he could say so. If the phone number is a voip-number but the address of the store is real then the store should have a phone number where customers can call. If AB wouldn't answer then he wouldn't sell. Im feeling stupid to get these details only now. Though i have a slight hope now that he didn't give up. I would prefer him not fully doxed yet or blamed at authorities until someone visited him in person, if possible, and checked out things there. I guess one of the shareholders must be american and living near his store.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: floatyfish on November 12, 2014, 02:17:21 AM
I think someone invested like 60 btc a while back.

Who the hell would invest 60 BTC on an investment scheme on this forum without ridiculous amounts of proof? ??? I can only think of ONE other investment opportunity that I've seen on this forum that would warrant that level of investment, and the person who offered it put a huge amount of info out about it.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 12, 2014, 02:08:17 PM
...he made a fb post asking for prayers for his grandpa etc...He has a wife and several young kids...

>Mysterious secret pr0ns site operator finds God.

@TwentySeventy: Dox him now, so I can conclusively tell you that the dox are as real as the rest of this "legitimate offline business" lol.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on November 13, 2014, 01:18:47 AM
I checked the info and it looks like the store is real. Thats a good sign for now. Is anyone of the shareholders near shreveport and can check things out in person?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 14, 2014, 12:49:02 PM
...Im not sure if it's possible to find the building through google maps. I tried, but shreveport seems too big to have a chance to find it so easy...

Looking for a used washing machine shop the modern way--with the aid of satellite imagery...

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on November 16, 2014, 10:18:28 PM
I got an answer from AB from his facebook appearance and he explained everything to me. Once the shareholder forum is up again i will post his answer there. I would like to avoid this public forum since its a matter that only should matter to shareholders.

So once i see the shareholder forum is back up i will post his answer.

Edit: I only see now that the forum is changing to a blog. I don't think this will be good for questions that arise though he mentioned this in his answer. I will see how i can post this so that only shareholders can see. For now send me a pm and i'll send you the answer.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: NotLambchop on November 30, 2014, 02:15:13 PM
As a reminder to future intrepid investors and finance enthusiasts :)

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: theGECK on January 25, 2015, 11:03:32 PM
Just for an FYI for whomever is watching this thread, I received 3 payouts to this investment's address from the same address that has been paying the other dividends.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: floatyfish on January 28, 2015, 06:06:52 AM
I keep getting dividends from this address as well. Not going to lie, I'm confused as to why it's happening. Is this some kind of payoff so we don't go blabbing to someone about what the name of his real life business is?

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: Stief on January 28, 2015, 11:33:52 AM
I keep bugging him on facebook and i think i can see a connection. In times i get asked by shareholders if i get a new info or if it turned scam i ask back at him how things go and push him to communicate the status of the business and maybe it reminds him that he occassionally should donate some time to his shareholders, processing some more days. At least it seems to me he wants to show that he is not bankrupt or something.

Title: Re: [ApplianceStore] - Seeking Partners - New Information - Daily Payments - BONUS
Post by: lampshad3 on February 12, 2015, 01:31:58 AM
I have still been receiving dividends here as well. Not even close to breaking even, still a long ways to go before that happens, but it all helps cushion the blow a little bit I suppose.