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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Lethn on May 19, 2014, 05:51:29 PM

Title: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Lethn on May 19, 2014, 05:51:29 PM
Genuinely the first time I've done that to people outside of my own circle really, he didn't hang around very long after that because he knew he wasn't going to really get my vote lol! :P Seemed like a reasonable enough person though because at least he knew what Anarchism actually was but he was clearly on the statist side of the fence. I'm seriously considering when I get my own house next time the elections come round I'm going to plant some Anarchist flags to see what happens next.

Has anybody else been declaring their political affiliation more openly lately with all the bullshit going on? Before believe it or not I was actually fairly reserved about my political beliefs but now I'm actually tempted to buy an Anarchy t-shirt as well or something so people get the fucking point If I ever get to vote on the EU referendum and stop trying to convince me to vote for them.

For Americans, MP is Member of Parliament, we've got local elections going on over here at the moment.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Balthazar on May 19, 2014, 06:24:02 PM
Anarchism is boring and tritely. ::)

Has anybody else been declaring their political affiliation more openly lately with all the bullshit going on?
I sometimes wear a badge which depicts the flag of my party.

I'm seriously considering when I get my own house next time the elections come round I'm going to plant some Anarchist flags to see what happens next.
Nothing would happen as long as your government don't care about your existence. :) This could change if you are giving them a reason to worry... I mean something like a molotov cocktail, thrown through your window. It's a joke, of course.:D

But actually, even if you convince somebody to ignore elections or referendum, this won't change anything. Because anyone who ignores elections only makes it easier to manipulate the results through usage of administrative resource or brainwashing. You need to participate in the voting and convince all your friends and acquaintances to vote for anybody except specific candidate. ::)

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: beetcoin on May 19, 2014, 06:39:56 PM
are you an anarcho-capitalist?

one of the things i find annoying about anarchists is their willingness to shove it in everyone's face that they are anarchists, and somehow their opinion is absolutely superior to everyone else's.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: practicaldreamer on May 19, 2014, 06:50:17 PM

Has anybody else been declaring their political affiliation more openly lately with all the bullshit going on?

No - but I did once identify myself as queer to a Jehovahs Witness as I knew it was the only sure way of getting rid of the self righteous twat once and for all  ;D

(I'm not, BTW)

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Balthazar on May 19, 2014, 06:57:52 PM
It's easy to bring the Jehovah's Witnesses to cognitive dissonance through a discussion of dialectical materialism. Did it twice and they're not coming to me anymore.

Of course it would be simpler to say that I got kicked out from their society but that's not so funny.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Nathonas on May 19, 2014, 08:42:49 PM
I can't wait until the Millennial generation actually gets their own political party. This outdated liberal/conservative system does not serve us and doesn't represent our views very effectively - it is a relic of the past mired in corruption and inefficiency. This is evident by how most of the voters nowadays are older generations. Hopefully groups like the Pirate party in Europe start spreading, these guys are much more inline with our generation's culture and beliefs. That is not to say that there aren't older people who also disagree with the current political systems - but it is mostly the younger people.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: beetcoin on May 19, 2014, 09:11:23 PM
I can't wait until the Millennial generation actually gets their own political party. This outdated liberal/conservative system does not serve us and doesn't represent our views very effectively - it is a relic of the past mired in corruption and inefficiency. This is evident by how most of the voters nowadays are older generations. Hopefully groups like the Pirate party in Europe start spreading, these guys are much more inline with our generation's culture and beliefs. That is not to say that there aren't older people who also disagree with the current political systems - but it is mostly the younger people.

there is so much money entrenched in the 2 party political system, that i don't foresee any changes within the near future. there's just no way you could win a considerable amount of seats without the money, and the money goes to 2 parties only. to make matters worse, the middle class (which is what this party would represent) is seeing shrinking income.. which means less "free speech."

by the way, if i were an anarchist, i wouldn't go around announcing it to everyone.. unless i wanted the NSA to spy on me.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Ron~Popeil on May 20, 2014, 02:10:59 AM
I am a rather vocal libertarian. Liberals and conservatives despise me equally so I am doing something right.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: hilariousandco on May 20, 2014, 06:09:40 AM
I'm seriously considering when I get my own house next time the elections come round I'm going to plant some Anarchist flags to see what happens next.

Oh god, it's terrible when mummy and daddy won't let you put up some anarchist flags. I know you're probably not seriously considering it - though it wouldn't surprise me with you - but putting flags up is only going to indicate that a twat lives there and you're only going to invite trouble, but it's a free country I guess.

Has anybody else been declaring their political affiliation more openly lately with all the bullshit going on? Before believe it or not I was actually fairly reserved about my political beliefs but now I'm actually tempted to buy an Anarchy t-shirt as well or something so people get the fucking point If I ever get to vote on the EU referendum and stop trying to convince me to vote for them.

Don't forget the Mohawk, nose-piercing and Doc Martins, but be careful, sounds like you're in danger of going full-neckbeard. I usually only declare my political affiliation if someone asks for it, but I don't think I'd ever announce I was an Anarchist, but I would say a Liberterian Socialist. It's easier to tell people what that is than what Anarchism isn't, which they will usually always have a clouded and preconceived misunderstanding of what it is.

are you an anarcho-capitalist? 

one of the things i find annoying about anarchists Lethn is his willingness to shove it in everyone's face that they are anarchists, and somehow their opinion is absolutely superior to everyone else's.

That's just Lethn for you.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: Lethn on May 20, 2014, 07:35:45 AM
are you an anarcho-capitalist?

one of the things i find annoying about anarchists is their willingness to shove it in everyone's face that they are anarchists, and somehow their opinion is absolutely superior to everyone else's.

For people who actually know about politics, like here, I'm a mixture, I follow Anarchism and Libertarianism, however I do tend towards Anarchist beliefs the majority of the time, I'm not in your face about it, but lately I've been getting so fed up with politics I think It's about time we reminded these mainstream twats that there are more than just the political parties and ideologies listed on the ballot paper. I wasn't in your face about it before, but I am starting to get that way the worse things are getting, because these people are part of the problem because they're all running around trying desperately to get people to vote and they know precisely why it's so hard for them to do it.

And LOL I've very rarely had religous people come to our door, might have something to do with the large muslim population we have, gotta give credit to those guys :D I'm really passive believe it or not, so people have no reason to worry about me to begin with, just don't go around trying to get me to join the Green Party which is who this guy represented >_< like I said earlier though, he seemed to be one of the nicer ones.

Title: Re: Just identified myself as an Anarchist to a local MP ( UK )
Post by: hilariousandco on May 20, 2014, 08:31:34 AM
are you an anarcho-capitalist?

one of the things i find annoying about anarchists is their willingness to shove it in everyone's face that they are anarchists, and somehow their opinion is absolutely superior to everyone else's.

For people who actually know about politics, like here, I'm a mixture, I follow Anarchism and Libertarianism, however I do tend towards Anarchist beliefs the majority of the time, I'm not in your face about it, but lately I've been getting so fed up with politics I think It's about time we reminded these mainstream twats that there are more than just the political parties and ideologies listed on the ballot paper. I wasn't in your face about it before, but I am starting to get that way the worse things are getting, because these people are part of the problem because they're all running around trying desperately to get people to vote and they know precisely why it's so hard for them to do it.

What's wrong with Libertarian Socialism in that case? Sounds like a perfect fit. Democracy is but an illusion in this and most other countries. I'm with Galloway when he calls Labour, Conservatives & Lib Dems three cheeks of the same arse. Doesn't matter who gets in, they'll all do the same shit.