I'm seriously considering when I get my own house next time the elections come round I'm going to plant some Anarchist flags to see what happens next.
Oh god, it's terrible when mummy and daddy won't let you put up some anarchist flags. I know you're probably not seriously considering it - though it wouldn't surprise me with you - but putting flags up is only going to indicate that a twat lives there and you're only going to invite trouble, but it's a free country I guess.
Has anybody else been declaring their political affiliation more openly lately with all the bullshit going on? Before believe it or not I was actually fairly reserved about my political beliefs but now I'm actually tempted to buy an Anarchy t-shirt as well or something so people get the fucking point If I ever get to vote on the EU referendum and stop trying to convince me to vote for them.
Don't forget the Mohawk, nose-piercing and Doc Martins, but be careful, sounds like you're in danger of going full-neckbeard. I usually only declare my political affiliation if someone asks for it, but I don't think I'd ever announce I was an Anarchist, but I would say a Liberterian Socialist. It's easier to tell people what that is than what Anarchism isn't, which they will usually always have a clouded and preconceived misunderstanding of what it is.
are you an anarcho-capitalist?
one of the things i find annoying about anarchists Lethn is his willingness to shove it in everyone's face that they are anarchists, and somehow their opinion is absolutely superior to everyone else's.
That's just Lethn for you.