Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Securities => Topic started by: twentyseventy on May 30, 2014, 06:19:39 AM

Title: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: twentyseventy on May 30, 2014, 06:19:39 AM
I am sick and tired of scammers hiding themselves under the guise of moderated posts. For every moderated thread that is posted here, I will post an unmoderated version.

I have no ulterior motive except to provide an uncensored thread for anyone to discuss any thread that is moderated here.

My security does not operate under a moderated thread and I do not expect or think it should be allowed for anyone else to do so.

Usagi has deleted many posts critical of him, so I hope that this thread can be a place where people can be openly critical without the threat of deletion.

Those that have the most to hide have the most to lose because of the revelation of the truth.


Hello. This is the letter I never expected I would have to write, primarily because I never saw this coming.

On MayMarch 29th, 2014, I received the last e-mail which passed through and the website was shut down by BitVPS.

The official story is that a RAID disk was pulled and was no longer in use. How this could have happened to a live server, esp. one of the more expensive plans (KVM-6) was never explained. The problem was not noticed by BitVPS but two weeks after, I sent them a letter asking about my server. I was assured someone would look into it.

How the remote backups which I had running via cron disappeared was never explained or commented on.

Over the next month, there were few emails sent to support. The responses were typically "someone is looking into it" or abouts; I didn't pay it much attention. In the back of my mind I had always assumed someone was looking into it and that the problem would be fixed soon. In the last two weeks (or so) I have stepped up efforts; On the 20th I ended up opening a ticket because email and IRC was something of a dead-end. Not because I couldn't talk to people like arij and Starsoccer and a few others, but because nothing was ever done.

On the 23rd my ticket expired unanswered so I reopened it. It remains unanswered and just expired again.

On the 27th I sent arij (the president of BitVPS) a detailed e-mail letter explaining what was going on and he assured me on IRC that he would open a new server for me "right away" while they worked on the backups so that I could at least resume development and have a webpage.

Of course, two days later, nothing has been done. Unfortunately I still don't know precisely why this hasn't been fixed and due to the exceedingly odd circumstances surrounding it, I am forced to disclose this as material information about BMF; BMF's webpage and it's wallet were hosted on that server (primarily because I was developing a web wallet service called since a couple of years ago). This wallet and all the bitcoins in it have been lost. The total estimated damage is about $10,000 in realized costs. There is a much larger amount possibly lost in losing the ability to prove we are GLBSE claimants. Not a small amount of money by any means, but not a huge and ugly number like "millions" (I pity some web businesses). However it means we can never prove a legal claim to money owed to us by HashKing, AmazingRando, Ian Bakewell, BitcoinRS, etc.

I have to admit, I have been assured by tech support that I would be taken care of and that a new server would be set up for us. However, it has not been done. Two months is a long time; if it gets done later I'll post an update.

This has set us back about 2 years. Essentially, our only asset now is our mining income stream. We have 36 mHash/share which is a significant increase over our last reported number, but please excuse me for not calculating the gain in percentage terms because this setback is deeply troubling to me.

I may have slightly panicked; they have assured me a new server can be up in about a day. Fingers crossed!

We can all learn something from here:
   The act of spilling cofee absolve everybody from any guilt. Nobody is to blaim. Look no further! (but if you do you will be deleted)

Nahh I don't delete people unless they're trolling. As I said I am sorry it happened but these things do end up occurring one in a million once in a while. It's like having a top executive commit suicide; If you want I guess you can blame the boss for giving him too much pressure at work but it's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

EDIT: Removed the name of the Security to assuage concerns that this is a self-promoting post.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 06:23:44 AM
I am sick and tired of scammers hiding themselves under the guise of moderated posts. For every moderated thread that is posted here, I will post an unmoderated version.

I have no ulterior motive except to provide an uncensored thread for anyone to discuss any thread that is moderated here.

My Security, BDD, does not operate under a moderated thread and I do not expect or think it should be allowed for anyone else to do so.

Usagi has deleted many posts critical of him, so I hope that this thread can be a place where people can be openly critical without the threat of deletion.

You have a competing security?

You should be very careful about calling me a scammer as you just did. I deleted posts which stated I had committed criminal negligence and that I had a history of mishandling customer's money, both of which are untrue. Please don't paint yourself into a corner where you sound like you're talking trash about your competitors.

You will note that your post above quoted my entire OP from my thread which I haven't deleted. Why quote the whole thing here all over again, as if I had something to hide? I didn't delete MY own OP either? What are you trying to show here? That I know how to post to

I'm really surprised at you twentyseventy esp. considering how we worked together to go after Ian Bakewell. I'd have to say overall, you let me down.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: twentyseventy on May 30, 2014, 06:27:41 AM
I am sick and tired of scammers hiding themselves under the guise of moderated posts. For every moderated thread that is posted here, I will post an unmoderated version.

I have no ulterior motive except to provide an uncensored thread for anyone to discuss any thread that is moderated here.

My Security, BDD, does not operate under a moderated thread and I do not expect or think it should be allowed for anyone else to do so.

Usagi has deleted many posts critical of him, so I hope that this thread can be a place where people can be openly critical without the threat of deletion.

You have a competing security?

You should be very careful about calling me a scammer as you just did. I deleted posts which stated I had committed criminal negligence and that I had a history of mishandling customer's money, both of which are untrue. Please don't paint yourself into a corner where you sound like you're talking trash about your competitors.

You will note that the OP quoted my entire OP from my thread in my thread and I haven't deleted it, nor posts which call to question my culpability. This thread is uncalled for. I'm really surprised at you twentyseventy esp. considering how we worked together to go after Ian Bakewell. I'd have to say overall, you let me down.

A competing security? Not at all. I run a derivative based upon the DMS model. Yours is a hedge fund model, if I remember correctly. Welcome to the unmoderated thread.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 06:30:09 AM
A competing security? Not at all. I run a derivative based upon the DMS model.

Oh lord, the irony.

Are you incorporated?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: fluffypony on May 30, 2014, 07:13:52 AM
All the original posts are still up here:

I'm quite confused as to whether this was a hot wallet for a webwallet, or a wallet used to receive funds from mining operations?

In the case of the former, running a hot wallet on a VPS (shudder) or even on the same physical hardware is an architecturally terrible decision. Isolating the hot wallet is, like, step 1 in operating infrastructure that handles money for other people.

In the case of the latter...well...why even bother to have it hosted anywhere at all? It could be operated in a VM on one's own laptop without issue.

So either we have a case of ignorance, negligence, stupidity, or all 3. Were this a n00b with 4 posts it could be written off as "n00bs gonna n00b", but I think a certain level of expertise is expected from someone that has been here for 3 years and is a "VIP".

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 01:08:08 PM
Anyway, on the subject of this thread, it's probably a good occasion to talk about backups.

While most users learn to make backups after a loss, I can always hope some don't. Again, if you manage someone else's data or funds, you should be extra careful and do the last step regularly.

I know what you mean. I had regular weekly backups. Check.

A good backup is offsite. That means storing it elsewhere than where the data is. If you're with provider A, the backup shouldn't be managed by provider A. And obviously, in another physical location.

Check, we had offsite backups. But there's no reason not to trust the same provider; I'd be interested to know a scenario other than outright fraud where keeping a backup with another provider would add security. In many ways, keeping an offsite backup with the same provider increases security vs. using a second provider.

A good backup is offline. If somehow your automated backup fails and deletes the old stuff, you're screwed. Offline backups have the advantage of being in a certain, know state. Of course, they aren't always practical, but you should have at least one offline backup at all times.

Point taken, but the likelyhood of a fire in a home destroying a piece of paper is greater than the likelyhood of a fire in a well-managed data center with an auto shutdown procedure. From the standpoint of security, encrypted communicatoins from one place to another with rsync is much more secure than keeping a paper backup.

A good backup has history - don't keep only the latest copy. Maybe something is broken in the new ones. The ability to go back is very comfortable.

Check. Our backups were incremental (and our new backups are incremental as well). I like incremental backups -- damn you, Time Machine!

Since we're in Bitcoin, and you're likely to store sensitive information, you should definitively encrypt your backups.
Of course, you also have to not lose your way of decrypting it. There are various choices which I'm not going to expose here.

Aye. If someone got ahold of my paper copy privkeys they would not be able to use that information to directly input and get the bitcoins. They're not quite encrypted but without knowing the key it would be useless information.

RAID is not a backup. It helps reduce service interruptions, but will never protect against many type of data loss.

A good backup is tested. Which means restoring your data on a new system with only the backup available. I have seen backups systems that were not tested, and were broken, incomplete, etc. This is probably the least done thing in backups.

A remote raid array keeping an incremental copy is a backup copy of your data.

No matter how you store your data it is at risk. You can go to tape and you will be at risk of magnetic interference. You can go to punchcards and be at risk of fire, or even careless folding, spindling and mutilating. Right now we have a local raid array as a remote backup, but I can tell you first hand that is not 100% secure -- just two weeks ago a disk failed on another RAID in the office and before I could replace it the volume crashed.

The main point of a backup is that when your main copy fails you can go to the backup to restore your data. If you want extra security the best you can do is have two or more backups in different locations. I assure you that this is a risk vs. reward scenario; I just spent $1200 on a new DS-4 and drives; if I spend another $2000-$3000 on a better backup solution and maybe again in another location, I quickly approach the value of what was just lost. From a risk vs reward scenario doing that does not make sense based on how much money I kept in the wallet. That is what I find so humorous about people like floppypony and the team -- they just don't get it. I did the all the right things -- including not overspending on financially unjustifiable redundancy.

And there's a good chance the backups will be found and restored any day now. After all, I did have offsite backups.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: twentyseventy on May 30, 2014, 01:40:07 PM
I am sick and tired of scammers hiding themselves under the guise of moderated posts. For every moderated thread that is posted here, I will post an unmoderated version.

I have no ulterior motive except to provide an uncensored thread for anyone to discuss any thread that is moderated here.

My Security, BDD, does not operate under a moderated thread and I do not expect or think it should be allowed for anyone else to do so.

Usagi has deleted many posts critical of him, so I hope that this thread can be a place where people can be openly critical without the threat of deletion.

You have a competing security?

You should be very careful about calling me a scammer as you just did. I deleted posts which stated I had committed criminal negligence and that I had a history of mishandling customer's money, both of which are untrue. Please don't paint yourself into a corner where you sound like you're talking trash about your competitors.

You will note that your post above quoted my entire OP from my thread which I haven't deleted. Why quote the whole thing here all over again, as if I had something to hide? I didn't delete MY own OP either? What are you trying to show here? That I know how to post to

I'm really surprised at you twentyseventy esp. considering how we worked together to go after Ian Bakewell. I'd have to say overall, you let me down.

First, you're inferring here that I'm calling you a scammer. However, from all that I can see, this appears to be an honest but quite negligent mistake on your part.

In the clarity that often comes in the morning, I admit that this post was made more out of frustration against censorship and self-moderated posts than serious thought that you're running with $10,000 or so of BTC. I apologize for the unfounded nature of my comments. In my defense, loss of BTC on this forum is much more often theft than true loss/deletion.

I was trying to recall why I harbored mistrust for you and I recalled that, funny enough, it was because you deleted one of my posts about you and Deprived (months ago). I'll see if I can track that down.

That being said, I stand behind my comments regarding these types of threads - you'll notice that I didn't name this thread 'Scammer this' and 'Fraud' that - it simply says the post title with [Unmoderated] after it.

I don't consider our securities to be competing, as mine is listed on-exchange and has a different model than yours; I've removed the name of my security from the OP. My comments still stand; I had people calling me this and that, left and right when I started it - my reputation, however, has stood the test of time and trolling comments.

Finally, I don't recall 'going after' Ian Bakewell at all; I believe that was a bit before my time here, but I could be wrong.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: Blazed on May 30, 2014, 02:05:20 PM
What blows my mind in all of this is the fact he does not think he did anything wrong...

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: twentyseventy on May 30, 2014, 02:16:50 PM
My deleted post, for posterity:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Your post isn't critical of me, it's just asinine. [snip]

It was meant to be critical of you; I've always been wary of your dealings in the past. One of the first things to happen are accusations, baseless or otherwise. I don't see the point in deleting a post if you're going to leave the 'record' of it up - what's the point.

In any case, it's extremely irresponsible to not be checking on the backups with that amount of money at stake.

*shrug* Thanks for your opinion, but you don't know what you are talking about. Try designing a web wallet sometime. You need to keep what happened here in perspective. You are flying off the handle at me because someone spilled coffee on a raid disk 5,000 miles away? Huh? Go back and read the OP then read what you just wrote. If you aren't embarrassed enough to delete your own post I would be very surprised. Beyond that, unless you have something positive to say no you are not welcome to post in this thread anymore.

It's you who is creating the situation of "One of the first things to happen are accusations..." -- if you don't like it, then don't be part of the problem.

Something positive to say? In this post? Should there be?

I'm not flying off the handle here, far from it. You should be more careful to guard BTC against the failure of a single disk, regardless of whether the failure is coffee-related or whether it's 5,000 inches or 5,000 miles away. The point remains.

Best of luck to BMF holders

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 03:29:11 PM you didn't.

Oh yes I did.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 03:30:50 PM
What blows my mind in all of this is the fact he does not think he did anything wrong...

Do you have any experience in developing web applications, or programming in general? I.E. do you know what you're talking about or are you just here to troll?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: Blazed on May 30, 2014, 03:58:48 PM
What blows my mind in all of this is the fact he does not think he did anything wrong...

Do you have any experience in developing web applications, or programming in general? I.E. do you know what you're talking about or are you just here to troll?

What does web dev have to do with not backing up your wallet??? I am a systems admin for my job, and guess what...I backup stuff!  We do have several colo'd servers and I make sure that I have backups...not hope that they are doing it.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: pummle on May 30, 2014, 04:10:33 PM
What blows my mind in all of this is the fact he does not think he did anything wrong...

Do you have any experience in developing web applications, or programming in general? I.E. do you know what you're talking about or are you just here to troll?

Ad hominem attacks do not help your side. It does not matter who asks the question if it is a good question.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Blazed on May 30, 2014, 04:12:16 PM
Hey guys I wrote a web coding skills rock!!!  Oh do we back it up??...hmmm let me ask my VPS provider and get back to you on that.  Seems legit  ::)

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: E.Sam on May 30, 2014, 05:22:08 PM

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UNMODERATED]
Post by: pascal257 on May 30, 2014, 05:32:50 PM
You should be very careful about calling me a scammer as you just did. I deleted posts which stated I had committed criminal negligence and that I had a history of mishandling customer's money, both of which are untrue.
I connect your name at least with high incompetence. The lines between scammers and idiots are quite thin. Which group you belong to needs to be determined here, but it does not speak for you that you're deleting comments on the main thread.

Do we have the addresses available and can trace the flow of the coins?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 05:37:52 PM

I know! This thread is a laugh riot. It's clearly full of trolls; all you can do is eat more popcorn.

Gotta hand it to that guy who claims to be a web admin yet so obviously has no concept of the delegation of authority or any management experience whatsoever.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: bitlind on May 30, 2014, 06:47:29 PM
I need to point out, if someone is drinking coffee around your SAN or DAS units, or in any DC, they need to be fired, flogged, and shot.  Food and drink should be no where near any equipment, let alone hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment.

Backups are not a programmers job, they are that of a server admin/engineer.  Programming skills have nothing to do with due diligence.

Just my 2c

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on May 30, 2014, 06:51:00 PM

I know! This thread is a laugh riot. It's clearly full of trolls; all you can do is eat more popcorn.

Gotta hand it to that guy who claims to be a web admin yet so obviously has no concept of the delegation of authority or any management experience whatsoever.

Whether he does or not is irrelevant - I do, at C-level at a listed company for several years, and everything he has said has been entirely valid. Delegation of authority does not mean you hand the job of backing up over to an external company. It means you or a trusted aide ensures you have fully controlled backups on your territory and THEN you additionally allow someone else to handle encrypted backups for a faster and smoother DRP.

Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on May 30, 2014, 07:39:35 PM
Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

How will backing up wallet.dat to a couple of flash drives work if your house burns down? You're such a 'tard. You act like it is impossible to lose data. Let me be honest with you -- I'm laughing at you. You and twentyseventy clearly have no idea what is going on here.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Rannasha on May 30, 2014, 07:59:15 PM
Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

How will backing up wallet.dat to a couple of flash drives work if your house burns down? You're such a 'tard. You act like it is impossible to lose data. Let me be honest with you -- I'm laughing at you. You and twentyseventy clearly have no idea what is going on here.

It works because you keep one flash drive at home, one in the office, one in a safety deposit box or whatever, etc...

A single backup is not a backup. Any backup strategy should have at least 2 backups at physically separate locations and if the backups are managed by external parties then 2 different parties unrelated to eachother should be managing the backups. There should never be a single point of failure.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: NotLambchop on May 30, 2014, 08:03:21 PM
Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

How will backing up wallet.dat to a couple of flash drives work if your house burns down?...

By not keeping both of them in your house.
inb4 what if both your house and your bank safe-deposit box burn down:  Hopefully this doesn't happen simultaneously, leaving you a copy to dupe.
If both your house and your bank do burn down simultaneously:  you don't care because nuclear war/Armageddon.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Blazed on May 30, 2014, 08:05:01 PM
If you can not figure out how to make a secure can you provide a secure wallet for others?!?!?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: watcoin on May 30, 2014, 08:34:35 PM

I know! This thread is a laugh riot. It's clearly full of trolls; all you can do is eat more popcorn.

Gotta hand it to that guy who claims to be a web admin yet so obviously has no concept of the delegation of authority or any management experience whatsoever.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on May 31, 2014, 01:03:14 PM
Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

How will backing up wallet.dat to a couple of flash drives work if your house burns down? You're such a 'tard. You act like it is impossible to lose data. Let me be honest with you -- I'm laughing at you. You and twentyseventy clearly have no idea what is going on here.

This would be your backup under your control, so in the event your primary system is destroyed (it was) and your automated backups are unavailable (they are) you have a manual backup from which to begin rebuilding. The "multiple flash drives" bit is merely to combat any one of them failing. The chances of what you encountered happening are statistically high (because you trusted backups to the same person doing your hosting), but you could have at least marginally circumvented that by having a backup 100% under your direct control. I fear that your inability to comprehend the fundamentals of "what is going on here" are indicative of your ability to grok incredibly basic fundamental principles. Doubling down on your stance doesn't really help your situation at all.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on May 31, 2014, 04:29:55 PM
Again, operating at your level means backing the wallet.dat up to a couple of flash drives, no need for any formal DRP or delegation of anything.

How will backing up wallet.dat to a couple of flash drives work if your house burns down? You're such a 'tard. You act like it is impossible to lose data. Let me be honest with you -- I'm laughing at you. You and twentyseventy clearly have no idea what is going on here.

This would be your backup under your control, so in the event your primary system is destroyed (it was) and your automated backups are unavailable (they are) you have a manual backup from which to begin rebuilding. The "multiple flash drives" bit is merely to combat any one of them failing. The chances of what you encountered happening are statistically high (because you trusted backups to the same person doing your hosting), but you could have at least marginally circumvented that by having a backup 100% under your direct control. I fear that your inability to comprehend the fundamentals of "what is going on here" are indicative of your ability to grok incredibly basic fundamental principles. Doubling down on your stance doesn't really help your situation at all.

No, the same person doing the hosting was not the same person doing the backups. They were in different datacenters. Hence the term remote backup. "What is going on here" is simply you being a jackass -- I don't need to "help" my situation, I have no "situation". I'm laughing at you. Don't you get it? We know you're a troll, and you lost the troll game. Keep posting please,

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on May 31, 2014, 05:28:48 PM
No, the same person doing the hosting was not the same person doing the backups. They were in different datacenters. Hence the term remote backup. "What is going on here" is simply you being a jackass -- I don't need to "help" my situation, I have no "situation". I'm laughing at you. Don't you get it? We know you're a troll, and you lost the troll game. Keep posting please,

It's irrelevant if it was in a different datacenter. "The same person" means "the same idiot that can't keep a VPS slice up and hot-swap RAID disks if they're being testy".

You're probably right - you are laughing at me. I'm ok with that. I have no problem with someone on your level laughing at me.

This is especially true when everyone else is laughing at you:

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Blazed on May 31, 2014, 05:36:08 PM

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 01, 2014, 12:05:48 PM
No, the same person doing the hosting was not the same person doing the backups. They were in different datacenters. Hence the term remote backup. "What is going on here" is simply you being a jackass -- I don't need to "help" my situation, I have no "situation". I'm laughing at you. Don't you get it? We know you're a troll, and you lost the troll game. Keep posting please,

It's irrelevant if it was in a different datacenter. "The same person" means "the same idiot that can't keep a VPS slice up and hot-swap RAID disks if they're being testy".

You're probably right - you are laughing at me. I'm ok with that. I have no problem with someone on your level laughing at me.

This is especially true when everyone else is laughing at you:

Even Mircea knows what pete wrote was a lie.
mircea_popescu:;;later tell bitcoinpete "He fleeced -assette extraordinaire kakobrekla for 145 BTC" doesn't seem an accurate rendition. iirc usagi sold pirate insurance, which he paid up on.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: pascal257 on June 01, 2014, 06:18:52 PM
This is a great reference for future projects of usagi.

Not only did he fuck up, not only does he refuse to admit that he fucked up, he also attacks those who show him why he fucked up.

Just link to this thread if someone is thinking about doing business with him or he's advertising his next fail.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 02, 2014, 09:38:50 AM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Such incompetence and such atitude leaves me without words...
I guess now I'm on your troll list too and tagged as someone that "doesn't know what he is talking about". In that case, it's good we have people like you that "know what they're doing".

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 02, 2014, 10:06:18 AM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Let me educate you because you seem like an honest gentleman.

This is a troll thread. Everyone, including you, seems to understand that the rule is "don't post in the official BMF thread" because usagi is not interested in responding to bullshit accusations. What do you want me to do, go back in time? Seriously, tell me -- what do you want me to do? Oh, and do it in the official thread.

If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 02, 2014, 11:51:37 AM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Let me educate you because you seem like an honest gentleman.

This is a troll thread. Everyone, including you, seems to understand that the rule is "don't post in the official BMF thread" because usagi is not interested in responding to bullshit accusations. What do you want me to do, go back in time? Seriously, tell me -- what do you want me to do? Oh, and do it in the official thread.

If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

     You got it all wrong. I don't want you to go back in time and it's not even about loosing access to that wallet. It's about your atitude about the whole thing.
Anyone can make a mistake and in your situation it was a good amount of bad luck involved, but to say you had absolutly no guilt at all, well... it's outrageous.
     As for posting in the official BMF thread this is my response: I stand for the total freedom of speach and I'm against all censorship, especially on a public forum. You don't have to respond to trolls because the comunity has the power to distinguish and ignore them and if you don't belive that it means you think you are better than the comunity and only you are capable of thinking. You can say, that in a way, moderated threads are like banks and unmoderated ones are like bitcoin. I will use them (boths banks and moderated threads) when it's no other way and hope not to loose my money or my time, so, you see, it's not about "guts".
     The answers you received from the comunity were based mostly on your atitude, not on your facts. Nobody asked you to do anything about what happend but you bashed very agressively anyone who criticized you.

     As for "I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread", I can only ask you: fair by who'se standards?

     Anyway, up to this point, it's very clear to me that you will remain to the fixed ideea that you have absolutely no guilt and no responsability in this and that it's nothing you could have done to prevent this, so, I don't try to "educate" you. My response was mostly for the comunity, in witch I trust and you are free to ignore this, especially that I "didn't had the guts" to post in the official BMF thread.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 02, 2014, 12:07:26 PM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Let me educate you because you seem like an honest gentleman.

This is a troll thread. Everyone, including you, seems to understand that the rule is "don't post in the official BMF thread" because usagi is not interested in responding to bullshit accusations. What do you want me to do, go back in time? Seriously, tell me -- what do you want me to do? Oh, and do it in the official thread.

If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

     You got it all wrong. I don't want you to go back in time and it's not even about loosing access to that wallet. It's about your atitude about the whole thing.

If you want me to care, post on the BMF thread. I won't respond to trolls here.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 02, 2014, 12:22:31 PM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Let me educate you because you seem like an honest gentleman.

This is a troll thread. Everyone, including you, seems to understand that the rule is "don't post in the official BMF thread" because usagi is not interested in responding to bullshit accusations. What do you want me to do, go back in time? Seriously, tell me -- what do you want me to do? Oh, and do it in the official thread.

If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

     You got it all wrong. I don't want you to go back in time and it's not even about loosing access to that wallet. It's about your atitude about the whole thing.

If you want me to care, post on the BMF thread. I won't respond to trolls here.

It's ok, usagi, no need for a response. You have "educated" people enough. All will be fine.

Maybe Kumala could ask for usagi's help, I heard he's quite good with online wallets.

great idea, perhaps tradefortress, ukyo and karpeles can lend a hand too, all star lineup creating a killer exchange platform

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 02, 2014, 02:13:32 PM
It's ok, usagi, no need for a response. You have "educated" people enough. All will be fine.

I think what we're observing here is our very own mini version of the Streisand Effect.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: E.Sam on June 02, 2014, 02:45:22 PM
I'm astonished of usagi response: calling everyone a troll, including lots of Sr Members. Usagi fu..ed up and now he sais: "we are laughint at you". Who is "we"?
NO, Usagi, you are wrong AGAIN! WE are laughing at you, but we pity the people whose money you lost.

Let me educate you because you seem like an honest gentleman.

This is a troll thread. Everyone, including you, seems to understand that the rule is "don't post in the official BMF thread" because usagi is not interested in responding to bullshit accusations. What do you want me to do, go back in time? Seriously, tell me -- what do you want me to do? Oh, and do it in the official thread.

If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

     You got it all wrong. I don't want you to go back in time and it's not even about loosing access to that wallet. It's about your atitude about the whole thing.

If you want me to care, post on the BMF thread. I won't respond to trolls here.

I think the notion of trolling eludes you. People have been criticising your recklessness, incompetence, lack of judgement, etc... via logic argumentation.

trolling would be something more like this:

Edit: as well as this
trolling would be something more like this:

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: ondratra on June 02, 2014, 03:03:21 PM
Usagi I have a question for you - cause I got confused by this shoutout.

You are saying you had backups on other servers maintained by other provider. Tell me in short what goes wrong then? Why you can't recover data from this backup???

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: dropt on June 02, 2014, 03:34:04 PM
If you don't have the guts to post in the official BMF thread, then you are admitting you have nothing except rumor and innuendo. I have demonstrated I will let people have their fair say in my thread.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

You absolutely should be culpable, I am shocked that you think you are not. Your attitude of not assuming you have done anything wrong has prompted me to speak out.

Firstly: this is not "advanced Bitcoin techniques that require an in-depth knowledge of C++", this is "Bitcoin 101 - stuff we tell all the n00bs".

I have nothing to do with BFM (I don't even know what it is), but the thread title caught my attention.  I agree with what fluffypony has stated, these mistakes are noob status and it concerns me that you've been working on a web wallet but haven't taken even the most basic precautions to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

You lying sack of shit.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: E.Sam on June 02, 2014, 03:43:21 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Baffled by OP answers. Fluffypony post says it all.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 02, 2014, 09:34:41 PM
It's ok, usagi, no need for a response. You have "educated" people enough. All will be fine.

You're right, I have.

Anyone who reads this thread will instantly realize it is of no value.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 02, 2014, 10:35:19 PM
It's ok, usagi, no need for a response. You have "educated" people enough. All will be fine.

You're right, I have.

Anyone who reads this thread will instantly realize it is of no value.

Yes, you are right. I can see that by the way that hero members calling you a "lying sack of shit".
And by the way, they are right ;)

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 02, 2014, 10:58:28 PM
It's ok, usagi, no need for a response. You have "educated" people enough. All will be fine.

You're right, I have.

Anyone who reads this thread will instantly realize it is of no value.

Yes, you are right. I can see that by the way that hero members calling you a "lying sack of shit".
And by the way, they are right ;)

No they aren't.  ;)

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: twentyseventy on June 02, 2014, 11:19:50 PM
Usagi is enjoying his witch hunt, I can see. He crafted a whole 'Bitcoin Difficulty Derivative EXPOSED' thread and then deleted it when I responded in a rational manner.

It seems that deleting posts and threads is his MO.

EDIT: Looks like he changed the title of the thread, but I quoted him in the thread, so his original words are still there.

I thank all of your for bringing attention to his lack of judgment and generally threatening demeanor; hopefully these comments in the past week will serve to deter future investors from entrusting him with funds. I'm done with him.

I feel it is important to notify the community that twentyseventy, the owner of "[Havelock] Bitcoin Difficulty Derivative (BDD)", is a morally depraved, back-stabbing troll.

I had worked with twentyseventy on the ian bakewell case, IIRC, but in recent days he has decided to jump on a sort of troll bandwagon that I am a "known criminal", who has "absconded" with customer's bitcoins.

This kind of competition is not friendly. It is wrong. Look, I know we're all out for investor dollars, sure. But I want to believe that this is a fair society and that people like twentyseventy would not resort to such bs tactics. Because that is how I was raised.

I guess I was wrong.

In a post designed to look like one of my own news releases, he ambushes readers with the following:

I am sick and tired of scammers hiding themselves under the guise of moderated posts. For every moderated thread that is posted here, I will post an unmoderated version.
I have no ulterior motive except to provide an uncensored thread for anyone to discuss any thread that is moderated here.
My security does not operate under a moderated thread and I do not expect or think it should be allowed for anyone else to do so.
Usagi has deleted many posts critical of him, so I hope that this thread can be a place where people can be openly critical without the threat of deletion.

As his evidence that I am a "scammer" who is "hiding" he quotes a news release post I made. He makes much noise of the "threat of deletion" but I have left many posts critical of me on that thread. I am not trying to suppress valid opinion. I am trying to supress a type of expression which is designed not to communicate (even to communicate frustration or displeasure) but to communicate baseless hatred and lies.

The second reason I am making this post is I will not stand for being subject to his belief model that self-moderated threads are a bad idea. They exist precisely to stop trolls from taking over threads. If you doubt this is not a sport for trolls, look at usenet which has been utterly destroyed by groups of organized trolls.

Discussion boards are all that's left for these people. Beware.

As I said earlier, Ad Hominem attacks don't bother me; you can call me what you like. I don't recall any Ian Bakewell 'case', I'm nearly positive believe that that was before my time here. Do you have any contact from me? Emails, PMs, etc? I think that you genuinely have me confused with someone else in that regard.

You'll note that I never called you a scammer, you merely inferred it. My issue, as I said, is mostly with your censorship.

I appreciate that fact that this is a not a moderated thread; I suppose that my actions are somewhat vindicated in this regard. However, the title is misleading, as this thread is about me and not BDD. I've requested that this be moved to Scam Accusations, where I believe that it belongs.

EDIT: The thread title has been changed to add 'exposed', so that it's not a word-for-word copy of the BDD thread.

Double EDIT: Usgai has now changed the title of the thread from its original content, but clearly you can see here his original text in this quote.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: GeoRW on June 03, 2014, 04:29:38 AM
I wonder how can anyone still trust this Usagi person. He lost/scammed so much of people's bitcoins in the past and lied all the time, that it is really ridiculous. BTW, he's deleting his own posts and whole threads quite often. He's even managed to remove quoted posts of other forum members. Keep away from him.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Sydboy on June 03, 2014, 07:27:06 AM
usagi you are a lying scamming piece of crap. You said post in your thread if you had guts, I did and you deleted both my posts


I read what you wrote in the unmoderated thread.

You ask people if they know about management and authority delegation... you fucking idiot.
what does that have to do with you not being able to back something up ?
also why on gods earth would anyone store a wallet on a VPS ? You aren't familiar with what happens ?
You are a nothing. a nobody. you have basic skills in X Y and Z but unfortunately you do not know what you are talking about.  You specialize in nothing. You a sad little person who jumps from project to project, never actually completing anything.

You made a thread here and what did you expect ? people would congradulate you for doing everything wrong ?

To sum up, you are basically goat.

keep reading your "how to make a web wallet book" you pathetic tool.

lol secret project x
what a tool

yeah invest in the secret project. greaaat idea !!
give him all your money. maybe the next failure could be due to some rats chewing on the cables ??


you really are a scammy moron arent you. you asked people to invest in your secret business. .you can't secure your own wallet but yet want people to invest in your secret business. get a grip.

what an ass tard

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Sydboy on June 03, 2014, 07:29:30 AM
oh and so their is no miscommunications. I am calling you an incompetent scammer.
go fix your japanese book, or your wallet or whatever your flavour of the week is.

join goat and fuck off.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 03, 2014, 09:12:40 AM
Now I understand. Usagi is simply delusional. He lives in his own reality. Feel sorry for him but mostly for the people that intrusted their money. Usagi, please seek specialized help.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Puppet on June 03, 2014, 09:32:47 AM
I am calling you an incompetent scammer.

Im not sure how you measure competence of a scammer, but if you measure it by success, Usagi is a competent scammer.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Sydboy on June 03, 2014, 09:36:41 AM
nicely spotted, my mistake.

I am calling you an incompetent scammer.

Im not sure how you measure competence of a scammer, but if you measure it by success, Usagi is a competent scammer.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 03, 2014, 01:07:17 PM
usagi you are a lying scamming piece of crap. You said post in your thread if you had guts, I did and you deleted both my posts

Yeah but you're a troll. You posted whiney garbage about how much you hate me. Congratulations -- nobody cares.

You ask people if they know about management and authority delegation... you fucking idiot.
what does that have to do with you not being able to back something up ?

So let me get this straight. Despite being completely aware we didn't lose anything except what amounts to the price of a new backup system (because we bought it) you want to fly off the handle and call me a fucking idiot? Wow, it must be nice to be anonymous.

also why on gods earth would anyone store a wallet on a VPS ? You aren't familiar with what happens ?

Because it was a KVM i.e. not shared, non-production system which was not being developed or used.

You know this, yet you are still an asshole. Hmm. Interesting.

You are a nothing. a nobody. you have basic skills in X Y and Z but unfortunately you do not know what you are talking about.  You specialize in nothing. You a sad little

you really are a scammy moron arent you. you asked people to invest in your secret business. .you can't secure your own wallet but yet want people to invest in your secret business. get a grip.

what an ass tard

No, I did not ask people to invest in my "secret business"; I offered to tell people about it. I don't need your money, and frankly, you (especially you in particular) have no skills I need for the project. But sure, if you'd like to know more, send me a PM. Just don't be such a fucking tard. It's embarrasing.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: ondratra on June 03, 2014, 01:12:35 PM
Usagi I have a question for you - cause I got confused by this shoutout.

You are saying you had backups on other servers maintained by other provider. Tell me in short what goes wrong then? Why you can't recover data from this backup???

My question is still unanswered. Usagi can you answer for me?

I mean no offense - just rly want to know the answer.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 03, 2014, 02:32:09 PM
Usagi I have a question for you - cause I got confused by this shoutout.

You are saying you had backups on other servers maintained by other provider. Tell me in short what goes wrong then? Why you can't recover data from this backup???

My question is still unanswered. Usagi can you answer for me?

I mean no offense - just rly want to know the answer.

Sorry, I don't know. I was told they're working on it.

I had it set up on cron. Presumably if I had the server address, username and password (or whatever) in the cron file, I could restore the backups myself. Maybe I'll fire off another e-mail to the team and ask them about it.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 03, 2014, 03:07:02 PM
also why on gods earth would anyone store a wallet on a VPS ? You aren't familiar with what happens ?

Because it was a KVM i.e. not shared, non-production system which was not being developed or used.

So what you're saying is that the wallet wasn't in use or required at all, and could safely be stored on your computer with a remote encrypted backup (even DropBox would work for this) and, for good measure, on a bunch of flash drives chucked in the safe?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 03, 2014, 03:12:09 PM
Usagi I have a question for you - cause I got confused by this shoutout.

You are saying you had backups on other servers maintained by other provider. Tell me in short what goes wrong then? Why you can't recover data from this backup???

My question is still unanswered. Usagi can you answer for me?

I mean no offense - just rly want to know the answer.

Sorry, I don't know. I was told they're working on it.

I had it set up on cron. Presumably if I had the server address, username and password (or whatever) in the cron file, I could restore the backups myself. Maybe I'll fire off another e-mail to the team and ask them about it.

So just to be have remote, regular, offsite backups, but you have no idea how to login to the service if you needed to, I dunno, restore the backup? And you don't know who the provider is? (To clarify that last question: I can't tell if "the team" means your imaginary team of IT specialists or the team at the remote backup provider, but I would assume that if you had working backups and you know who you were paying every month to store them, you would simply pick up the phone and say "hello LiveDrive, I seem to have lost my system, and I'd like to know how to get at my backups")

Were those backups on space provided by BitVPS, which is why you're struggling to get hold of them?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 03, 2014, 03:27:03 PM
So just to be clear...

Just to be clear, you have been writing dozens of incredibly hostile posts slamming me because you misread a news release.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 03, 2014, 04:55:14 PM
So just to be clear...

Just to be clear, you have been writing dozens of incredibly hostile posts slamming me because you misread a news release.

Then explain it to me and to us. PLEASE explain it concisely and clearly. We understand that the root of the problem is that the VPS slice has been nuked, and we understand this happens. Now please explain in its entirety, stating clear and unobtrusive facts, where your backups are, who they are with, and why they are unavailable. You've been asked this question by a number of people, and you keep deflecting, so this is your opportunity to explain.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: ABitInterested on June 03, 2014, 05:12:38 PM
usagi, I know this is the Internet but you don't always have to "win" or get the last word in. Sometimes it's ok to say something like "you know what, you're right and I'll remember that in the future".

This is specifically regarding your ridiculous post about house fires and USB backups. I can't believe that you are that dim so obviously it was typed with the sole purpose of "winning" the argument.

Such a simple, minor thing should not anger you so.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 03, 2014, 05:32:33 PM
usagi, I know this is the Internet but you don't always have to "win" or get the last word in. Sometimes it's ok to say something like "you know what, you're right and I'll remember that in the future".

This is specifically regarding your ridiculous post about house fires and USB backups. I can't believe that you are that dim so obviously it was typed with the sole purpose of "winning" the argument.

Such a simple, minor thing should not anger you so.

Well, from a delusional person's point of view this is completely untrue...

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 03, 2014, 07:48:14 PM
usagi, I know this is the Internet but you don't always have to "win" or get the last word in. Sometimes it's ok to say something like "you know what, you're right and I'll remember that in the future".

This is specifically regarding your ridiculous post about house fires and USB backups. I can't believe that you are that dim so obviously it was typed with the sole purpose of "winning" the argument.

Such a simple, minor thing should not anger you so.

I'm not really angry. For a long time I was laughing at fluffypony, and I told him so. It's so obvious how wrong they are that past a certain point you just have to pat them on the head and say "there, there".

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: ABitInterested on June 03, 2014, 08:51:01 PM

I'm not really angry. For a long time I was laughing at fluffypony, and I told him so. It's so obvious how wrong they are that past a certain point you just have to pat them on the head and say "there, there".

I have no skin in this game and really do not care but you specifically said "what if your house burns down!" in regards to USB backups.

To that I say, what if it does? Unless your house burns down the exact instant your standard backup is corrupted you simply make a new backup and go about your day.

That is of course ignoring the obvious step of keeping the two backups in different locations.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 03, 2014, 10:22:29 PM
usagi, I know this is the Internet but you don't always have to "win" or get the last word in. Sometimes it's ok to say something like "you know what, you're right and I'll remember that in the future".

This is specifically regarding your ridiculous post about house fires and USB backups. I can't believe that you are that dim so obviously it was typed with the sole purpose of "winning" the argument.

Such a simple, minor thing should not anger you so.

I'm not really angry. For a long time I was laughing at fluffypony, and I told him so. It's so obvious how wrong they are that past a certain point you just have to pat them on the head and say "there, there".

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: ondratra on June 04, 2014, 12:26:56 AM
Hey guys, I tried to show you what was a good backup.

usagi's backup did not follow:

offsite. despite claimining it is "offsite", it's managed by the same provider, so I consider it to be the same point of failure
offline: nope, by his own admission. claims "usb keys fail". well, then, keep two. keep your online backup and one offline. omg revolutionary!!!
history: probably not
encrypted: unknown, probably not
tested: lol

Even if we abide by usagi's fail definition of offsite, he failed everywhere else.
Spending $10000 on backup when you can achieve that for $100 tops is adding insult to injury.

What else is there to add?

But don't worry, this happens ( to the best (

I agree with this completely. Even with last paragraph - as you might read about Slush's stolen BTC some time ago.

On other hand(unrelevant) I don't believe that those USB sticks are more durable to situations like house fire(very high temperatures) or house beign destroyed(like earthquakes, etc.).

Hopefully there will be services in future that will guarantee your BTC won't be stolen/lost by some kind of insurence or something similiar so everyone running service with lot of BTC could use it for everybody's sake(even the owner). Because let's be clear, after BTC will become legal tender there won't be any difference between stolen/lost BTC and default/scam.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: E.Sam on June 04, 2014, 01:04:07 AM
Hey guys, I tried to show you what was a good backup.

usagi's backup did not follow:

offsite. despite claimining it is "offsite", it's managed by the same provider, so I consider it to be the same point of failure
offline: nope, by his own admission. claims "usb keys fail". well, then, keep two. keep your online backup and one offline. omg revolutionary!!!
history: probably not
encrypted: unknown, probably not
tested: lol

Even if we abide by usagi's fail definition of offsite, he failed everywhere else.
Spending $10000 on backup when you can achieve that for $100 tops is adding insult to injury.

What else is there to add?

But don't worry, this happens ( to the best (

I agree with this completely. Even with last paragraph - as you might read about Slush's stolen BTC some time ago.

On other hand(unrelevant) I don't believe that those USB sticks are more durable to situations like house fire(very high temperatures) or house beign destroyed(like earthquakes, etc.).

Hopefully there will be services in future that will guarantee your BTC won't be stolen/lost by some kind of insurence or something similiar so everyone running service with lot of BTC could use it for everybody's sake(even the owner). Because let's be clear, after BTC will become legal tender there won't be any difference between stolen/lost BTC and default/scam.

For a cheap cold storage solution just buy a raspberry pi, install armory via USB stick (, and use the offline wallet feature if you need to effectuate transactions ( Backup your private keys on 2 5 10 (lets be paranoid) heavily encrypted USB sticks and untrust them to people you know (family, friends, bank safe, collar of your dog, etc...).
Assuming you already have an online computer, the raspberry pi + 10 USB sticks will set u back $100-$150
easy  ;D

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Sydboy on June 04, 2014, 04:53:58 AM
lol usage you speak of being anonymous
no one even knows if you are male or female.

another VIP turned scammer. Actually in fairness. You have been a scammer, on these forums since 2011.
Yeah, that implies you may have been a scammer for longer.

What does it feel like to be so stupid you lose money, or other people money ?

The great usagi the web wallet coder, but can't do a simple backup.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 04, 2014, 06:08:21 AM
What does it feel like to be so stupid you lose money, or other people money ?

I don't know.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 04, 2014, 08:02:35 AM
I thought this was a gem:

Vexual: usagi hotwallet method:to a hot array of failing hard disks is added a bitcoin wallet, and all backups. Hotter coffee is added splashwise until the hot wallet becomes cold.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 04, 2014, 01:54:28 PM
I thought this was a gem:

Vexual: usagi hotwallet method:to a hot array of failing hard disks is added a bitcoin wallet, and all backups. Hotter coffee is added splashwise until the hot wallet becomes cold.

Of course you would -- you know this isn't what happened, you know you're blowing things out of proportion, but because you're a malicious asshole you post "Oh look at this gem" on a news release thread. This is why the real thread is moderated -- people like you are simply not welcome. You have nothing to add except dead weight.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 04, 2014, 07:14:05 PM
I thought this was a gem:

Vexual: usagi hotwallet method:to a hot array of failing hard disks is added a bitcoin wallet, and all backups. Hotter coffee is added splashwise until the hot wallet becomes cold.

Of course you would -- you know this isn't what happened, you know you're blowing things out of proportion, but because you're a malicious asshole you post "Oh look at this gem" on a news release thread. This is why the real thread is moderated -- people like you are simply not welcome. You have nothing to add except dead weight.

My boy, I haven't called you a scammer once. You, on the other hand, have resorted to personal attacks instead of admitting your own failures or even explaining: who you paid for your offsite backups, and why those backups are inaccessible (even a very ancient backup of wallet.dat is a backup). Two questions, two direct answers, yet you are unable to give them.

I don't think you're a scammer, I just think you're completely technically and managerially inept, and I find your deflection on the backup issue quite strange.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: watcoin on June 04, 2014, 07:17:41 PM
So how does a person responsibly back up?

Personally all of mine are encrypted then zipped and uploaded to mega. I also keep a copy on two SD cards and one memory stick. All of them are in different locations. I figure that I am safe.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 04, 2014, 09:01:57 PM
I thought this was a gem:

Vexual: usagi hotwallet method:to a hot array of failing hard disks is added a bitcoin wallet, and all backups. Hotter coffee is added splashwise until the hot wallet becomes cold.

Of course you would -- you know this isn't what happened, you know you're blowing things out of proportion, but because you're a malicious asshole you post "Oh look at this gem" on a news release thread. This is why the real thread is moderated -- people like you are simply not welcome. You have nothing to add except dead weight.

My boy, I haven't called you a scammer once. You, on the other hand, have resorted to personal attacks instead of admitting your own failures or even explaining: who you paid for your offsite backups, and why those backups are inaccessible (even a very ancient backup of wallet.dat is a backup). Two questions, two direct answers, yet you are unable to give them.

I don't think you're a scammer, I just think you're completely technically and managerially inept, and I find your deflection on the backup issue quite strange.

Great - you had your say, I had my say, why do you still want to talk about it? How long do you want to discuss this?

last one out hit the lights

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 06, 2014, 04:58:39 PM
Usagi I got you a present. And no, it's not a My First Backup kit. Here: (

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 07, 2014, 09:26:14 AM
Nice video, unfortunately the "we may never know..." line is more than a little ironic -- based on what you've said in this thread it's quite clear you are not intellectually capable of understanding what I am working on.

Hint: When I said I hadn't done any work on the web wallet for over a year since I sold the code, that should have been a major clue. Do you even know what BMF does?

Hint #2: You are a terrible embarrassment to this community. You & team produced that video why? Because you chose to believe a lie? Nice, so you're not just stupid, you're gullible too. What a combo! Congratulations!

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: SirChiko on June 07, 2014, 09:29:17 AM
WTF dude why didn't you back it up yourself?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 07, 2014, 12:02:36 PM
Nice video, unfortunately the "we may never know..." line is more than a little ironic -- based on what you've said in this thread it's quite clear you are not intellectually capable of understanding what I am working on.

Hint: When I said I hadn't done any work on the web wallet for over a year since I sold the code, that should have been a major clue. Do you even know what BMF does?

Hint #2: You are a terrible embarrassment to this community. You & team produced that video why? Because you chose to believe a lie? Nice, so you're not just stupid, you're gullible too. What a combo! Congratulations!

Are we still playing the game where you insult me personally and directly instead of providing a rational answer to the questions raised? I thought we'd stopped that already, since such personal attacks have never worked for anyone in all of recorded human history.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 07, 2014, 12:39:41 PM
Nice video, unfortunately the "we may never know..." line is more than a little ironic -- based on what you've said in this thread it's quite clear you are not intellectually capable of understanding what I am working on.

Hint: When I said I hadn't done any work on the web wallet for over a year since I sold the code, that should have been a major clue. Do you even know what BMF does?

Hint #2: You are a terrible embarrassment to this community. You & team produced that video why? Because you chose to believe a lie? Nice, so you're not just stupid, you're gullible too. What a combo! Congratulations!

Are we still playing the game where you insult me personally and directly instead of providing a rational answer to the questions raised? I thought we'd stopped that already, since such personal attacks have never worked for anyone in all of recorded human history.

It's not an insult. You are not capable of doing work on the projects I am working on -- you're not qualified.

I'm saying this because I'm trying to shock you back to reality.

Do you have any concept of the moral high ground? You think you've won some kind of game here -- but you have no idea what you lost, do you?

Recall the words of Robert Frank; socially responsible firms often progress ahead of their rivals in highly competitive environments, because their commitment to principle makes them more attractive as partners to do business with.

You guys have no idea how badly you've screwed up trying to troll people to get ahead, and all the junk lies that you are telling.

11:58:05fluffypony:"@fluffyponny @jurov @davout @pankkake please stay out now from this postings, everyone know now that only 4 or 5 guys from IRC chat only claims problems with us how sad is that for you guys, do you not have any work in real life? do you only accuse other companies of scam and more, each forum member looks to your profile history can see that the only people accuse others of scam are a small group talking 24

No shit, but this isn't news, we've known this for the last two years haven't we?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: watcoin on June 07, 2014, 12:57:34 PM
Usagi I got you a present. And no, it's not a My First Backup kit. Here: (

Good troll

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 07, 2014, 01:41:39 PM
It's not an insult. You are not capable of doing work on the projects I am working on -- you're not qualified.

I'm saying this because I'm trying to shock you back to reality.

Do you have any concept of the moral high ground? You think you've won some kind of game here -- but you have no idea what you lost, do you?

Recall the words of Robert Frank; socially responsible firms often progress ahead of their rivals in highly competitive environments, because their commitment to principle makes them more attractive as partners to do business with.

You guys have no idea how badly you've screwed up trying to troll people to get ahead, and all the junk lies that you are telling.

11:58:05fluffypony:"@fluffyponny @jurov @davout @pankkake please stay out now from this postings, everyone know now that only 4 or 5 guys from IRC chat only claims problems with us how sad is that for you guys, do you not have any work in real life? do you only accuse other companies of scam and more, each forum member looks to your profile history can see that the only people accuse others of scam are a small group talking 24

No shit, but this isn't news, we've known this for the last two years haven't we?

"You are not capable of doing work on the projects I am working on -- you're not qualified." - does this mean you're finally revealing that you're the person behind AuroraCoin?

Also, you're quoting the words of BitcoinBourse as a defence?

Title: Re: scammers scamming scammers
Post by: Little P 1 on June 07, 2014, 06:08:00 PM
This forum serves no purpose besides slowly but surely robbing users of their coins.
Do not trust anyone, especially at the higher level.


Dear Mr ,


to paint us all black.

As black as I am... is a sad thing in my opinion.

If you want to try a company that is not here to steal users coins.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: queptiv on June 07, 2014, 11:19:46 PM
lol lost access to its wallet, what is this 2011

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: Phildo on June 07, 2014, 11:26:40 PM
Hey guys, I tried to show you what was a good backup.

usagi's backup did not follow:

offsite. despite claimining it is "offsite", it's managed by the same provider, so I consider it to be the same point of failure
offline: nope, by his own admission. claims "usb keys fail". well, then, keep two. keep your online backup and one offline. omg revolutionary!!!
history: probably not
encrypted: unknown, probably not
tested: lol

Even if we abide by usagi's fail definition of offsite, he failed everywhere else.
Spending $10000 on backup when you can achieve that for $100 tops is adding insult to injury.

What else is there to add?

But don't worry, this happens ( to the best (

I agree with this completely. Even with last paragraph - as you might read about Slush's stolen BTC some time ago.

On other hand(unrelevant) I don't believe that those USB sticks are more durable to situations like house fire(very high temperatures) or house beign destroyed(like earthquakes, etc.).

Hopefully there will be services in future that will guarantee your BTC won't be stolen/lost by some kind of insurence or something similiar so everyone running service with lot of BTC could use it for everybody's sake(even the owner). Because let's be clear, after BTC will become legal tender there won't be any difference between stolen/lost BTC and default/scam.

That would be great (as long as the insurance wasn't backed by people investing in the ponzi scheme that everyone is looking for insurance against).

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 08, 2014, 12:16:43 AM
Loock at this:

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 08, 2014, 09:57:47 AM
Loock at this:

Yes, please do.

As a direct result of that thread and my follow up immortalized here ( ( deprived ended up investing 150 bitcoins into BMF.


Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: NotLambchop on June 08, 2014, 12:55:20 PM
^Deprived?  Of the Deprived Mining Speculation (DMS) fame?  Several gentlemen would be interested in getting in touch with him.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 10, 2014, 04:03:58 PM
Usagi I got you a present. And no, it's not a My First Backup kit. Here: (

Updated (and, really, this is the problem with being a defective bird in an area surrounded by cats) -

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 10, 2014, 05:39:49 PM
Updated (and, really, this is the problem with being a defective bird in an area surrounded by cats) -

Sorry, what's your point? I don't mean to be rude but you aren't making sense. The video I get -- you think I'm an idiot, based on what a couple of trolls told you. You want to fit in on #bitcoin-assets -- yeah I get that. Check. But what's this about the cat and mousetraps? Sorry I'm a little busy coding if it's obvious, not sure if I missed something but it looks like you might have taken the joke a little long here.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: fluffypony on June 10, 2014, 07:25:58 PM
Updated (and, really, this is the problem with being a defective bird in an area surrounded by cats) -

Sorry, what's your point? I don't mean to be rude but you aren't making sense. The video I get -- you think I'm an idiot, based on what a couple of trolls told you. You want to fit in on #bitcoin-assets -- yeah I get that. Check. But what's this about the cat and mousetraps? Sorry I'm a little busy coding if it's obvious, not sure if I missed something but it looks like you might have taken the joke a little long here.

PS: don't forget to backup your codings!

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 10, 2014, 08:25:21 PM
Updated (and, really, this is the problem with being a defective bird in an area surrounded by cats) -

Sorry, what's your point? I don't mean to be rude but you aren't making sense. The video I get -- you think I'm an idiot, based on what a couple of trolls told you. You want to fit in on #bitcoin-assets -- yeah I get that. Check. But what's this about the cat and mousetraps? Sorry I'm a little busy coding if it's obvious, not sure if I missed something but it looks like you might have taken the joke a little long here.

PS: don't forget to backup your codings!

Ok so by that I guess you have no point. Thank you for playing.

And yes, as I mentioned quite a number of times, not only do we have off-site backups I am mirroring daily backups to a Synology DS-4 I keep in my office.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: pascal257 on June 11, 2014, 11:26:09 AM
Ok so by that I guess you have no point. Thank you for playing.

And yes, as I mentioned quite a number of times, not only do we have off-site backups I am mirroring daily backups to a Synology DS-4 I keep in my office.
So the wallet isn't lost and you're just raking in the cash pretending its lost?

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 11, 2014, 11:33:42 AM
Usagi, can you post the address/addresses of the wallet so we can track it? If not than something is very very suspicious about the whole thing with the "lost" wallet.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 11, 2014, 12:53:08 PM
Usagi, can you post the address/addresses of the wallet so we can track it? If not than something is very very suspicious about the whole thing with the "lost" wallet.

You should ask this on the moderated thread. This thread is for trolls.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 11, 2014, 01:23:53 PM
Usagi, can you post the address/addresses of the wallet so we can track it? If not than something is very very suspicious about the whole thing with the "lost" wallet.

You should ask this on the moderated thread. This thread is for trolls.

Ups... things are turning to be not as they apear. (
This thread is for liberty susteiners.Nobody is going to moderate me, especially not you. You have moderate preety good your investors donors!

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: jonsi on June 11, 2014, 01:26:26 PM
On the other hand it was expected that usagi will get confused and "loose" the wallet. In general he's so confused that he doesn't know if he's a she or she's a he.

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on June 11, 2014, 02:35:44 PM
Does BMF still not have access to its wallet (I read a few days ago that they might be able to recover it)? If not, what is the BMF operator going to do for shareholders? Considering that they lost the funds, shouldn't they reimburse all investors at the last current price?

If not, I would like to hear why you don't think you should have to do that usagi... Your the one that fucked up

Title: Re: BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated]
Post by: usagi on June 11, 2014, 04:33:35 PM
Does BMF still not have access to its wallet (I read a few days ago that they might be able to recover it)? If not, what is the BMF operator going to do for shareholders? Considering that they lost the funds, shouldn't they reimburse all investors at the last current price?

If not, I would like to hear why you don't think you should have to do that usagi... Your the one that fucked up

You should ask this on the moderated thread. This thread is for trolls.

If you don't want to get your post deleted, just ask the question and don't use foul language.

P.S. I don't really give a fuck what you or anyone thinks about moderation, but foul language is simply not acceptable for a news release thread. Deal with it, bitch.