Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: dank on May 31, 2014, 03:38:32 PM

Title: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 03:38:32 PM

Freestyled these with my iphone cause errybody hates dank and so what difference does it make if someone judges me for making some sporadic music?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: SirChiko on May 31, 2014, 03:42:32 PM
Wasn't you perm banned dank? :O

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 03:44:31 PM
1337 h4x.

No.  Why would I be?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: SirChiko on May 31, 2014, 03:47:22 PM
1337 h4x.

No.  Why would I be?
I don't know...i've seen some thread about it without your reply there some time ago i think.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on May 31, 2014, 03:48:17 PM

Freestyled these with my iphone cause errybody hates dank and so what difference does it make if someone judges me for making some sporadic music?

You havin' a bad day Dank?

Cheer up!

It could always be worse!

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 03:50:38 PM
It was a temp ban.

Like the hotel I'm in could be gone in a couple days.

Don't be surprised if I just fall off the face of earth to say.  Will have to deal with your self hatred and judgement yourself then if you don't have me to direct it towards.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Vod on May 31, 2014, 05:11:29 PM
Like the hotel I'm in could be gone in a couple days.

Don't be surprised if I just fall off the face of earth to say.  Will have to deal with your self hatred and judgement yourself then if you don't have me to direct it towards.

You're the one refusing to pay your own way in life.  Get a job, you lazy bum, and rent a place before you become homeless without the internet.

How will you be paying your debt?  You'll never be successful without a soul. 

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: jambola2 on May 31, 2014, 05:40:54 PM
When did scammer tags go o.o
You look so much better without it , free in the world !

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: onlinepro on May 31, 2014, 06:03:27 PM
When did scammer tags go o.o
You look so much better without it , free in the world !

We can't see trust thing at off topic.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 06:32:18 PM
Like the hotel I'm in could be gone in a couple days.

Don't be surprised if I just fall off the face of earth to say.  Will have to deal with your self hatred and judgement yourself then if you don't have me to direct it towards.

You're the one refusing to pay your own way in life.  Get a job, you lazy bum, and rent a place before you become homeless without the internet.

How will you be paying your debt?  You'll never be successful without a soul. 

And you're the reason nations commit genocide and we bomb our neighbors with RC planes.

I'm on the right path, can't say yours is wrong vod but you know where negativity goes. (hint: down)

It's wonderful to be one of the most loving and truthful people in the world and be hated more than anybody.  Such irony, much hypocrisy.

I could have kept all the ancient wisdom and knowledge I learned to myself and become a rockstar in quietmode but I decided to share the truth with you to help you do anything you could wish as well.  And that's why the world hates me so.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Buffer Overflow on May 31, 2014, 07:29:48 PM
Freestyled these with my iphone

How do you afford to run an iPhone if you don't work?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 07:55:21 PM
family used to care for me.

seems that no one does anymore though.  people are too concerned with money in a wallet somewhere they'll never even touch within the next few months that would mean the world to me and give me a place to live, a proper musical environment to perform and record and a little more faith in humanity.

what a world.  only on earth does killing in the name of peace get you a following of millions.  only on earth does speaking your mind and doing what you believe in get you prosecuted by society and judged by your peers.  what a world indeed.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Buffer Overflow on May 31, 2014, 07:59:09 PM
Only on earth do we have to work hard for a living to survive, instead of expecting others to work while we sit around bone idle all day expecting free handouts.

What a world....

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: SirChiko on June 01, 2014, 09:59:05 AM
Like the hotel I'm in could be gone in a couple days.

Don't be surprised if I just fall off the face of earth to say.  Will have to deal with your self hatred and judgement yourself then if you don't have me to direct it towards.

You're the one refusing to pay your own way in life.  Get a job, you lazy bum, and rent a place before you become homeless without the internet.

How will you be paying your debt?  You'll never be successful without a soul. 
This is absolutely wrong, persons without soul are often most successful.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on June 01, 2014, 03:16:22 PM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: aboo on June 01, 2014, 03:50:51 PM
All I can say is be pro-active at where you are at, understand your current scenario.

And hack your life. No one will do it for you, but you.

Take everything into your own hands.

Book mark this and start now.

I recommend to change your thinking - go listen to Jim Rohn.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 01, 2014, 04:03:19 PM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Says the man who hasn't astral traveled around his house outside of his body.

Or experienced egodeath.

The proof is inside you.

All I can say is be pro-active at where you are at, understand your current scenario.

And hack your life. No one will do it for you, but you.

Take everything into your own hands.

Book mark this and start now.

I recommend to change your thinking - go listen to Jim Rohn.

Stephen Covey basically put the same principles I believe in in different terms.

Things are all bout to work out.  Yesterday was a great day.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on June 01, 2014, 10:51:07 PM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Says the man who hasn't astral traveled around his house outside of his body.

Or experienced egodeath.

The proof is inside you.

All I can say is be pro-active at where you are at, understand your current scenario.

And hack your life. No one will do it for you, but you.

Take everything into your own hands.

Book mark this and start now.

I recommend to change your thinking - go listen to Jim Rohn.

Stephen Covey basically put the same principles I believe in in different terms.

Things are all bout to work out.  Yesterday was a great day.

I have seen a UFO and may have been abducted by aliens but we only drank beer, ate pizza and played cards.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Acidyo on June 01, 2014, 11:19:56 PM
How did you get rid of your scammer tag? lol

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 01, 2014, 11:49:48 PM

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 01, 2014, 11:58:26 PM
And the tides turn.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on June 02, 2014, 12:15:54 AM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Has the opposite been proven?


Oh, what's proven is: When you die, you lose 20-22 grams.

Science is a bitch and it can go against us.

Arguments? :P

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 01:11:50 AM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Has the opposite been proven?


Oh, what's proven is: When you die, you lose 20-22 grams.

Science is a bitch and it can go against us.

Arguments? :P

That is an urban myth.

Surprised that anyone intelligent enough to follow Bitcoin would believe in that shit.

"It turns out that the only source for the 21 gram figure is a discredited study carried out in 1907 by a Haverhill, Massachusetts, doctor by the name of Duncan MacDougall. He managed (apparently overcoming any ethical qualms over human experimentation) to put six dying people on a bed equipped with sensitive springs, and claimed to have observed a sudden loss of weight – about ¾ of an ounce – at the exact moment of their death. Having reasoned that such loss could not be explained by bowel movements or evaporation, he concluded he must have measured the weight of the soul. A follow-up experiment also showed that dogs (which were healthy, so they were probably poisoned on purpose by the good doctor) don't seem to suffer the same sort of loss, therefore they don't have souls (sorry, you canine lovers).

This is an excellent example of where pseudoscience and belief go wrong, on a variety of levels. Let us start with MacDougall's claim itself: it turns out that his data were decidedly unreliable by any decent scientific standard. Not only was the experiment never repeated (by either MaDougall or anyone else), but his own notes (published in American Medicine in March 1907) show that of the six data points, two had to be discarded as “of no value”; two recorded a weight drop, followed by additional losses later on (was the soul leaving bit by bit?); one showed a reversal of the loss, then another loss (the soul couldn't make up its mind, leaving, re-entering, then leaving for good); and only one case actually constitutes the basis of the legendary estimate of ¾ of an ounce. With data like these, it's a miracle the paper got published in the first place.

Second, as was pointed out immediately by Dr. Augustus P. Clarke in a rebuttal also published in American Medicine, MacDougall failed to consider another obvious hypothesis: that the weight loss (assuming it was real) was due to evaporation caused by the sudden rise in body temperature that occurs when the blood circulation stops and the blood can no longer be air-cooled by the lungs. This also elegantly explains why the dogs showed no weight loss: as is well known, they cool themselves by panting, not sweating like humans do.

Third, MacDougall's allegedly inescapable conclusion (“How other shall we explain it?”) did not derive from any theory of the soul, but was simply arrived at by excluding a small number of other possibilities. In other words, the soul “explanation” won by default, without having to go through the onerous process of positive confirmation. This is yet another version of the “god-of-the-gaps” argument so in vogue among the faithful, and that constitutes the backbone – such as it is – of Intelligent Design “theory.”

But perhaps most damning of all is the very idea that the soul has weight. Whatever it is, the soul since Plato's time has been understood as immaterial, i.e. without mass and, therefore, weightless. Obviously, this in turn raises all the classic problems of dualism: how can something immaterial interact with a material world? How can ghosts walk through walls and yet “see” things or make noises? How can the mind direct our actions – that famous conundrum that stymied Descartes – if it is an incorporeal “substance” (itself an oxymoron)?"

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 01:16:50 AM
It only takes one experience to debunk the entire thing we base our society around called society.

Guess what, I have seen physics violated on several occasions.  We create the laws of the universe.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on June 02, 2014, 01:22:23 AM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?


Has the opposite been proven?


Oh, what's proven is: When you die, you lose 20-22 grams.

Science is a bitch and it can go against us.

Arguments? :P

That is an urban myth.

Surprised that anyone intelligent enough to follow Bitcoin would believe in that shit.

"It turns out that the only source for the 21 gram figure is a discredited study carried out in 1907 by a Haverhill, Massachusetts, doctor by the name of Duncan MacDougall. He managed (apparently overcoming any ethical qualms over human experimentation) to put six dying people on a bed equipped with sensitive springs, and claimed to have observed a sudden loss of weight – about ¾ of an ounce – at the exact moment of their death. Having reasoned that such loss could not be explained by bowel movements or evaporation, he concluded he must have measured the weight of the soul. A follow-up experiment also showed that dogs (which were healthy, so they were probably poisoned on purpose by the good doctor) don't seem to suffer the same sort of loss, therefore they don't have souls (sorry, you canine lovers).

This is an excellent example of where pseudoscience and belief go wrong, on a variety of levels. Let us start with MacDougall's claim itself: it turns out that his data were decidedly unreliable by any decent scientific standard. Not only was the experiment never repeated (by either MaDougall or anyone else), but his own notes (published in American Medicine in March 1907) show that of the six data points, two had to be discarded as “of no value”; two recorded a weight drop, followed by additional losses later on (was the soul leaving bit by bit?); one showed a reversal of the loss, then another loss (the soul couldn't make up its mind, leaving, re-entering, then leaving for good); and only one case actually constitutes the basis of the legendary estimate of ¾ of an ounce. With data like these, it's a miracle the paper got published in the first place.

Second, as was pointed out immediately by Dr. Augustus P. Clarke in a rebuttal also published in American Medicine, MacDougall failed to consider another obvious hypothesis: that the weight loss (assuming it was real) was due to evaporation caused by the sudden rise in body temperature that occurs when the blood circulation stops and the blood can no longer be air-cooled by the lungs. This also elegantly explains why the dogs showed no weight loss: as is well known, they cool themselves by panting, not sweating like humans do.

Third, MacDougall's allegedly inescapable conclusion (“How other shall we explain it?”) did not derive from any theory of the soul, but was simply arrived at by excluding a small number of other possibilities. In other words, the soul “explanation” won by default, without having to go through the onerous process of positive confirmation. This is yet another version of the “god-of-the-gaps” argument so in vogue among the faithful, and that constitutes the backbone – such as it is – of Intelligent Design “theory.”

But perhaps most damning of all is the very idea that the soul has weight. Whatever it is, the soul since Plato's time has been understood as immaterial, i.e. without mass and, therefore, weightless. Obviously, this in turn raises all the classic problems of dualism: how can something immaterial interact with a material world? How can ghosts walk through walls and yet “see” things or make noises? How can the mind direct our actions – that famous conundrum that stymied Descartes – if it is an incorporeal “substance” (itself an oxymoron)?"

1 man said that. Then most of non believers accepted the idea.

I can believe that earth is flat. Does that make me wrong?

It only takes one experience to debunk the entire thing we base our society around called society.

Guess what, I have seen physics violated on several occasions.  We create the laws of the universe.
The answer is φ.

Sad to see that you're a intelligent person, yet abusing your intelligence to do shit.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 01:24:01 AM
i wouldn't say everybody hates you dank, but people think you're either crazy or a troll. either way you're a unique forum member.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 01:26:22 AM
It only takes one experience to debunk the entire thing we base our society around called science.

Guess what, I have seen physics violated on several occasions.  We create the laws of the universe.


i wouldn't say everybody hates you dank, but people think you're either crazy or a troll. either way you're a unique forum member.

The craziest people are the ones who say they're not crazy.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 01:27:40 AM
It only takes one experience to debunk the entire thing we base our society around called science.

Guess what, I have seen physics violated on several occasions.  We create the laws of the universe.


i wouldn't say everybody hates you dank, but people think you're either crazy or a troll. either way you're a unique forum member.

The craziest people are the ones who say they're not crazy.

i guess it's a catch 22 then, because that means you're admitting you are crazy?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 01:37:03 AM
If believing in love/god and your dreams is crazy, then I'm crazy.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 01:39:02 AM
If believing in love/god and your dreams is crazy, then I'm crazy.

that's like saying, after drinking/driving and killing someone, "if drinking means i'm bad, then i'm just bad."

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 01:53:05 AM
If believing in love/god and your dreams is crazy, then I'm crazy.

Dank, consider a visit to a competent pyhsican and seeing about medication.

Your life would improve a lot.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: on June 02, 2014, 02:07:22 AM
Love the tunes. I like the classic sound.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 02:27:20 AM
If believing in love/god and your dreams is crazy, then I'm crazy.

Dank, consider a visit to a competent pyhsican and seeing about medication.

Your life would improve a lot.

That just happened to me, against my will.

Let's see what antipsychotics did for me.

1. Gained 10-20 pounds in a couple weeks.
2. Lost half my strength/muscle mass.
3. Damaged brain and decreased brain tissue.
4. Gave me an anxiety attack for the first time in a year.
5. Sent me in to a depression when I got home.
6. Made me sing sad depressing songs about my life and feel that no one loved me.

joyful medication right there.

Let's see what acid has done for me.

1. Taught me to believe and understand god.
2. Taught me to become confident in myself and raise my self esteem.
3. Removed my sense of fear.
4. Enabled me to fearlessly fall in love with the most beautiful girl I have laid eyes upon.
5. Enabled me to play guitar multitudes better than without it.
6. Enabled me to articulate myself and my perception monumentally more accurate.

Yeah.  I'm gonna stick with psychedelics that nature has perfected over millions of years rather than some doctor's who won't even call himself my friend's neurotoxic drugs that damage and decrease brain function.

Love the tunes. I like the classic sound.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 02, 2014, 04:53:01 AM
3. Damaged brain and decreased brain tissue.

I am glad to see this. You are confessing that you have brain damage. May be it is time to get you some decent medical treatment. We could even setup a Bitcoin fundraiser to sponsor your treatment.  ;D

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 04:57:10 AM
The medical treatment that I received against my will is what caused it.

The cure is love and psychedelics.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 06:43:34 AM
3. Damaged brain and decreased brain tissue.

I am glad to see this. You are confessing that you have brain damage. May be it is time to get you some decent medical treatment. We could even setup a Bitcoin fundraiser to sponsor your treatment.  ;D

well, in that case, i think he might finally admit that he is mentally ill.

The medical treatment that I received against my will is what caused it.

The cure is love and psychedelics.

it is very scary that you are proclaiming that psychadelics have cured you.. i'm not saying that psychadelics don't help, because there's a lot of evidence that it does.. but based on the way you type here, and the amount of those drugs you've done, i'd be willing to bet bitcoin that you need a little help.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 02, 2014, 06:52:22 AM
Does a person, like Dank, that has brain damage, understand that they have brain damage?
For example, everything could appear normal for the person, but for everyone else looking in externally, that person will be batty as a fruitcake. Of course to the person everyone else is in the wrong and they are quite healthy.

Can this happen?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 06:54:08 AM
Does a person, like Dank, that has brain damage, understand that they have brain damage?
For example, everything could appear normal for the person, but for everyone else looking in externally, that person will be batty as a fruitcake. Of course to the person everyone else is in the wrong and they are quite healthy.

Can this happen?

no, that's the problem.. they live in a separate reality, one of their own mind.. and nothing you can say will affect it. i've come to realize that there are plenty of people who suffer from this.. kinda like the people who refuse to believe that man-made climate change is real. it's like actor tom truong, who most definitely has schizophrenia, but then again i'm not expert on this  :D

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: b!z on June 02, 2014, 01:43:18 PM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?



It's been proven by dank 8)

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 02, 2014, 03:11:50 PM
I don't have brain damage in any sense of a dysfunctional disorder.  I simply was forced to take highly neurotoxic chemicals by a doctor who thought LSD was the worst drug in the word (that kills 0 people) and whom wouldn't even let me present my side.

They just made me more negative fucked my health up and sent me into a small depression.

Have you ever wondered why antidepressants main side effect is suicidal thoughts?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 03:19:36 PM
Has the existence of a soul ever been proven?



It's been proven by dank 8)

Oh, well then I must say "Mea Culpa! and about 50 "Hail Marys"!

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: surebet on June 02, 2014, 11:29:19 PM
Have you ever wondered why antidepressants main side effect is suicidal thoughts?

Because people taking that medication have a predisposition to depression, and if exacerbated, in some cases suicidal thoughts may appear if the underlying psychological issues aren't resolved or if the dosage or type of medication isn't appropriate, or if it's not well tolerated.

Self-medication is the worst approach if only because you, especially you, lack the required objectivity and knowledge to properly assess and manage your treatment, especially if you're taking mind altering substances.

I feel like I'm pissing against the wind by asking this, but I'm curious, during the times where you were prescribed whatever you've been prescribed by actual doctors, have you 1) followed the dosage both in terms of time and quantity, and 2) have you taken anything else non-prescribed (marijuana, lsd, whatever) during that time?

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: dank on June 03, 2014, 02:29:48 AM
Bullshit, it's because pharmaceuticals are shitty, they kill 100,000 people a year in the US.  Shit, aspirin kills more people than illegal drugs do.

I was at one of the happiest points of my life a few weeks ago.  I get kidnapped to a nazi drug prison and I am crying in my room at 3:00 AM.

And it's not the 'medicine' yeah okay buddy.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: Benjig on June 03, 2014, 04:05:43 AM
Have you ever wondered why antidepressants main side effect is suicidal thoughts?

Because people taking that medication have a predisposition to depression, and if exacerbated, in some cases suicidal thoughts may appear if the underlying psychological issues aren't resolved or if the dosage or type of medication isn't appropriate, or if it's not well tolerated.

Self-medication is the worst approach if only because you, especially you, lack the required objectivity and knowledge to properly assess and manage your treatment, especially if you're taking mind altering substances.

I feel like I'm pissing against the wind by asking this, but I'm curious, during the times where you were prescribed whatever you've been prescribed by actual doctors, have you 1) followed the dosage both in terms of time and quantity, and 2) have you taken anything else non-prescribed (marijuana, lsd, whatever) during that time?

This time dank has kind of right.

Suicidal toughs may appear not because "underlying psychological issues aren't resolved" , is because any antidepressant is kind of similar to illegal drugs, some will rise your serotonine/dopamine levels and others will decrease the release of  other neurotransmitters , but there will be the time that you will need the antidepressant just to feel normal because of the tolerance, that plus unknown/complex effects in the srotoninergic/dopaminergic neurons as well with the GABA system.
In resume, suicidal toughs are a serious adverse effect that many antidepressants can cause and if it is the case, you should go to your psychiatrist as fast as possible, he will either or reduce the dose or change/remove that medication from you.

Prescribed psychiatrist medication should be taken for the less period of time to avoid this effects, so if you are taking one, avoid illegal drugs, dont make your mental illness worse.

Title: Re: Hear dank sing sad songs about his life
Post by: surebet on June 03, 2014, 08:10:49 AM
Have you ever wondered why antidepressants main side effect is suicidal thoughts?

Because people taking that medication have a predisposition to depression, and if exacerbated, in some cases suicidal thoughts may appear if the underlying psychological issues aren't resolved or if the dosage or type of medication isn't appropriate, or if it's not well tolerated.

Self-medication is the worst approach if only because you, especially you, lack the required objectivity and knowledge to properly assess and manage your treatment, especially if you're taking mind altering substances.

I feel like I'm pissing against the wind by asking this, but I'm curious, during the times where you were prescribed whatever you've been prescribed by actual doctors, have you 1) followed the dosage both in terms of time and quantity, and 2) have you taken anything else non-prescribed (marijuana, lsd, whatever) during that time?

This time dank has kind of right.

Suicidal toughs may appear not because "underlying psychological issues aren't resolved" , is because any antidepressant is kind of similar to illegal drugs, some will rise your serotonine/dopamine levels and others will decrease the release of  other neurotransmitters , but there will be the time that you will need the antidepressant just to feel normal because of the tolerance, that plus unknown/complex effects in the srotoninergic/dopaminergic neurons as well with the GABA system.
In resume, suicidal toughs are a serious adverse effect that many antidepressants can cause and if it is the case, you should go to your psychiatrist as fast as possible, he will either or reduce the dose or change/remove that medication from you.

Prescribed psychiatrist medication should be taken for the less period of time to avoid this effects, so if you are taking one, avoid illegal drugs, dont make your mental illness worse.

You kind of skipped the rest of my sentence there, of course the wrong pharmacological package can cause harm. My point was that you can't just throw pills at someone and expect things to get better. If you're at a point in your life where you require such prescriptions, you also require a formal support structure and counselling.

The various anti-depressants out there will attempt to correct various imbalances, but that in and of itself isn't the entire solution.

Dank, you predictably skipped my question, have you attempted to follow through with your prescribed medication according to the instructions given, and have you abstained from introducing other psychoactive drugs in the equation while doing so?