Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: FrozenBit on June 12, 2014, 10:42:41 PM

Title: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
Post by: FrozenBit on June 12, 2014, 10:42:41 PM   -  TESTING SITE IS NOW UP; NO FEATURES YET

We're are fully Community supported:

Thanks, can't wait for release. Will mobile be up at time of release?

 Also I donated a bit to 3K1TM1inoZXaRMiAHcBJqZbxeweHgZEcGL

This looks promising it will make multi-sig wallets easier to use as they still are very technical and give alot of people head aches
+1 for you.  :)

cant wait for it to get released

Keep an eye on it in the next 2 months  ;D

thank you for hearing our suggestions.

eagerly awaiting your release...

Can't wait for Pete to review frozenbit! Let me ping him!

Feel like supporting the team? You can contribute at 3K1TM1inoZXaRMiAHcBJqZbxeweHgZEcGL, thank you.

Click For Video

First you should see what we're all about at:

  Bitcoin's biggest problem has been how can someone fully secure their (BTC)bitcoin's? While there are decent solutions, there hasn't been a way to do this trustlessly. I'm proud to present our solution to this problem. FrozenBit, the first multisignature bitcoin wallet with a trustless approach.

What is FrozenBit?

 FrozenBit is a project that's goal has been to equally allow all users from all experiences to dive right into bitcoin. This means we rid the technical's in an attempt to attract the masses who wish to try bitcoin. Like a study we've recently done where we sat a few people down and had them attempt to dive into multisignature bitcoin addresses by themselves, using only online help (Not us). They were unable to find a useful non-technical guide that worked with any kind of key they had. When they asked for help here on bitcoin talk, they we're ridiculed for being "unable to use search function" those technicals where just unapplealing for your everyday person. So this fits into our core goal, make multisig what is should be. Simple, Secure and Accessible. Thus allowing bitcoin to expand from a technically efficent niche, to a more consumer accessible niche with "bank-like" features. But don't worry technocrats, we still have features on the way that we feel you'll enjoy.

 That's what FrozenBit is.

Why FrozenBit:

 Besides our unmatched security through second factor authentication (2fa) and transparency provided by being open source frozenbit has many benefits.
The first of which is being multisignature, providing 2-of-3 sense of security. You can sleep well at night knowing no one, not even us can take your bitcoins.
Continuing on, in order to prevent a gox. like situation we place you solely responsible for your keys. We've also taken the liberty of adding 24/7 monitoring for the service, alerting you to any transactions. Making the service trustless and secure as a coldstorage while being as convient as a hot wallet.

Key Features:
    • Multisignature wallets
    • 2FA
    • User controlled keys
    • The only MULTIPLATFORM bitcoin wallet
    • Trezor Key generation
    • Killer API
    • Referral Program
    • Real World Escrow Situations (Dev)
    • Watch Only (Dev)

    Multisignature Wallets:
       Multisignature wallets are in essence the technology all financial institutions use today to secure client funds. Since bitcoin is a way to avoid banks, this is the perfect way to feel as secure as you would in a bank with bitcoin. Multisignature is an underlying protocol in bitcoin that allows 3 randomly connected people to form a trustless storage for their coins. Using encrypted keys called public keys, users enter 3 of these (or more) into bitcoin qt or some generator site like
     This forms an address that starts with a 3, that no one person can send funds from. Instead this one person can initiate a transaction to give to other people who's keys are used to sign the wallet to spend. Depending on the setup, such as 2 of 3 that's how many users are required to sign then broadcast the transaction into the bitcoin network. Not only does this have trustless applications, this also allows multiple devices to generate a more secure coldstorage address with no single point of failure.


      Like I previously noted we take our security seriously and accomplished this by incorporating features the community would ask for in a wallet. We refuse to compromise, and we refuse to hear about the next theft so we've mandated this key piece of preventative security. You're required to enter a SMS pin whenever you login, and attempt a withdrawal.

    User controlled keys:
      Every wallet on FrozenBit is user generated. Meaning made in browser, without help from us. The only thing that is actually on the server when it comes time to spend funds is the encrypted public key. We learned from armory, and the community people don't like third parties, we'll we don't even like parties so we decided just not to attend that one and let you control your keys.
     -This action can be verified over github on our open-source offline package. Meaning you can even generate your own coldstorages.

    Multiplatform Bitcoin Wallet:
     We have 2 apps pending approval on mobile devices both apple, and android in which they allow users to completely control their funds even on the go. Stay tuned for the official approval announcement. Lets also not forget our powerful desktop application that will be completely offline that will allow users 100% easier access to bitcoin multisignature technology. This will be more geared towards our advanced users.

    Referral Program:
      The referral program acts like any other referral program does. When you invite a user onto site and they secure their bitcoins, the site pays you 0.05% of their deposited amount in bitcoin directly to your wallet. There is no minimum and very little referral verification time. We feel this is the best way to adept users into multisignature and entice you to advertise us to your friends and others you know who use bitcoin. We feel this is needed for people to want to spread Multisignature technology around to every user possible. Also, we have tools that allow you to track and verify how much you should be receiving in result of your referral actions.

    In Developement:
     I would like to state right now that the site is constantly being innovated upon and is constantly being update with new features. Nothing is set in stone and we are not finished with design and user interface.

    We have a plethora of features we want to roll out very soon.

     This Includes

    HD Wallets: Allowing many addresses in 1 wallet instead of 1 address, per 1 wallet.


    RWES: (REAL WORLD ESCROW SITUATIONS) We are considering this something that will make FrozenBit entirely different from your ordinary run of the mill bitcoin wallet. Yeah we're multisig, but how can we expand bitcoin trust? How can we make a trustless system between random people?
    RWES is here to solve that. By allowing 3 emails to be entered at registration and each email receiving a log-in that generates their key (1 of 3) that allows the initiation or signature for a transaction (2 of 3) from their joint address. This means people can finally hold money together without fear one signee will go rogue, because they no longer have the means to do it. This program acts as the first attempt at a fee-less escrow where the technicals are fully removed from the process. We are 100% uninvolved and this rely's 100% on the bitcoins protocol to work.


    Watch Only: Details coming soon.


     Also Reference a recent interview our CEO, Calvin Partaken with bitcoinegghead's Chris Emberely.

    "Considering Calvin, frozenbits CEO was someone who is on the front-line of bitcoin innovation I wanted to get his input on things surrounding this mysterious new feature people are just now talking about. I asked him to go on the record talking about his service, multisig in general and what he difference really is. He agreed.

     CHRIS- "So Calvin thanks for agreeing for the interview, I'm quite inspired by a few of the related emails you sent me and thanks for the time explaining the concept of multisig."
    CALVIN- "We'll thanks for having me do the interview, It's been quite the journey. Seeing someone begin interest in multisig and what we're trying to do is a sign frozenbits development is justified."

    CHRIS- "I wanted to start off with something other than multisig. In regards to apple, how do you take this news?"
    CALVIN- "Apple is creative, solid business plan and I think this is a calculated move they've been waiting for. I don't think I'd be far off from saying it both attracts a desirable demographic 18-25 years of age back into apple. It may also play into their new tone of "we're still cool and we like cool things." Like bicoin!
    CHRIS- Insightful, Didn't think of that.

    CHRIS- "I seen a tweet the other day from you to armory. They released their own multisig feature called lockboxes I believe. Seeing you congratulate them was an interesting move."
    CALVIN- " I love armory, I personally use their wallet for cold storage. Nothing beats being in control of your own coins. This inspired me to strive to leave the customer in charge of their coins when designing frozenbits underlying protocol. So that tweet was out of genuine love for their service, and philosophy. Seeing them dive into multisig was wonderful, knowing that people are seeing advances and Armory out of all services is embracing is forthright."

    CHRIS- "There is so many different services out there, what makes frozenbit so special."
    CALVIN- "Lets forget about the multisignature difference for a minute, because I believe so many others are going to embrace it soon. Frozenbit is, and will always will be a company that learns from all those before it. We know people want to be in control of their coins, we know people want privacy, we know people don't want another mark managing a system where their coins could be at risk.
    I can assure you and any hearing about us for the first time or a long time follower that this is not the case. We have a dedicated team who works long nights, to get this to market as fast a possible. Great relations with bitcoin users, enthusiasts and even just the code behind it.
    CHRIS- "Nice outlook, what about features, bonuses and such?"
    CALVIN- "Frozenbit is the goodie bad of features. We pulled out all the stops to dedicate ourselves to living bitcoin. We use the same encryption techniques the military does, we store coins and wallets offline and we assign a cryptographic footprint to every account to sign their transactions when spending funds. Now our greatest feature is out strive to go mobile, very few wallets are.
    I can assure you this will be the easiest bitcoin platform you've ever used, simplicity, accessibility and security all in one platform. And friends, lets not forget about referring your friends and reaping rewards! We want everyone to be as protected as our users so we are PAYING out bonuses when you refer a user!"

    CHRIS- "Now, there isn't that much about you out there when I was researching into your developments."
    CALVIN- "Well I'm to Stanford university, I'm pursuing a masters in computer science and an MBA in risk management. Two things that make me keen and intrigued by bitcoin as a monetary system and it's underlying code. We're based in Palo alto, CA (Come visit us sometime, the coffee is on me) and there are 3 people working with me on this. We're a 100% self funded start-up, not one investor dollar is in this company we only answer to the people who love bitcoin and those who use our service.

    CHRIS- "I may take you up on the coffee. Thanks for the interview, I think that about sums up everything I wanted to personally ask you!"
    CALVIN- "Hey it's no problem. Like I said earlier thanks for doing this, bitcoin holds a lot of things that truly make it unique. I'm only one of the people unlocking those features and giving them to everyone equally.""

    What People have been saying about multisig:

    "Multisignature protocol caught my eye when gox failed. As someone who lost about every bitcoin they had in gox it intrigued me.
    I asked myself how so few people know about something so innovatively simple and built into bitcoins protocol. Multisig is the perfect marriage for bitcoin and security.
    Instead of one key, there are essentially 3 keys (or more) attributed to bitcoin address. It requires 2 of 3 private keys to-agree-to spend funds, that means you could hold all 3 for added security or have an address where you and your friends each have a key." -Chris,

    "Imagine a safe in a bank that needs two keys to unlock the safe at any time – the bank’s key and your personal key. Multisignature addresses capture the essence of this but without needing to be in the same place" - Thomas Kerin, Bitswap

    "Year of Multisig"- Gavin Andresen, Bitcoin Core Developer

     So why aren't you using multisig? Protect your funds today at,

     Team information is currently being typed up at the time your seeing this, and github will be updated and uploaded when site is finished. We don't want people using a broken product now do we?

    Feel like supporting the team? You can contribute at 3K1TM1inoZXaRMiAHcBJqZbxeweHgZEcGL, thank you.[/list]

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: kittucrypt on June 12, 2014, 11:26:07 PM
    Gonna watch this!

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: kittucrypt on June 12, 2014, 11:29:08 PM
    User controlled keys:
     Every wallet on FrozenBit is user generated. Meaning made in browser, without help from us. The only thing that is actually on the server when it comes time to spend funds is the encrypted public key. We learned from armory, and the community people don't like third parties, we'll we don't even like parties so we decided just not to attend that one and let you control your keys.
     -This action can be verified over github on our open-source offline package. Meaning you can even generate your own coldstorages.

    So does this mean that the users will HOLD ALL the 3 keys(considering a 2-3 multisig)?

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 12, 2014, 11:33:33 PM
    User controlled keys:
     Every wallet on FrozenBit is user generated. Meaning made in browser, without help from us. The only thing that is actually on the server when it comes time to spend funds is the encrypted public key. We learned from armory, and the community people don't like third parties, we'll we don't even like parties so we decided just not to attend that one and let you control your keys.
     -This action can be verified over github on our open-source offline package. Meaning you can even generate your own coldstorages.

    So does this mean that the users will HOLD ALL the 3 keys(considering a 2-3 multisig)?

     Yes, it does! It's just one of our commitments to sticking to bitcoins roots.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: BeaverCL on June 13, 2014, 12:26:22 AM
    Very nice video! I'll definitely keep an eye on this as the suspected completion date comes closer and closer. Good luck!

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: c5h3ris1253 on June 13, 2014, 01:06:58 AM
    Very nice video! I'll definitely keep an eye on this as the suspected completion date comes closer and closer. Good luck!

     I'm also very excited for this release.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 13, 2014, 01:25:27 AM
    Very nice video! I'll definitely keep an eye on this as the suspected completion date comes closer and closer. Good luck!

     I'm also very excited for this release.

     Thanks guys, we really appreciate he support we've received in result of our project. We hope for this to be a long term sustainable service with some of the most advanced features to date.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: CryptoNames on June 13, 2014, 02:45:42 AM
    We hope for this to be a long term sustainable service with some of the most advanced features to date.
    This is key for a wallet service.
    Been waiting for a legitimate and easy to use multisignature wallet service.. Looking forward to launch!

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: wywoc1 on June 13, 2014, 05:07:09 AM
    good ideal,+1

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: validium on June 13, 2014, 07:00:39 AM
    This looks promising it will make multi-sig wallets easier to use as they still are very technical and give alot of people head aches
    +1 for you.  :)

    cant wait for it to get released

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: digicoin on June 13, 2014, 12:18:39 PM
    Keep an eye on it in the next 2 months  ;D

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 13, 2014, 08:12:42 PM
    Keep an eye on it in the next 2 months  ;D

     We'll be up by end of june!

     Hopefully most of the features will be active mid july!


     - Calvin

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: c5h3ris1253 on June 14, 2014, 02:00:03 AM
    Keep an eye on it in the next 2 months  ;D

     We'll be up by end of june!

     Hopefully most of the features will be active mid july!


     - Calvin

     Thanks, can't wait for release. Will mobile be up at time of release?

     Also I donated a bit to 3K1TM1inoZXaRMiAHcBJqZbxeweHgZEcGL

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 14, 2014, 05:58:08 PM
    Keep an eye on it in the next 2 months  ;D

     We'll be up by end of june!

     Hopefully most of the features will be active mid july!


     - Calvin

     Thanks, can't wait for release. Will mobile be up at time of release?

     Also I donated a bit to 3K1TM1inoZXaRMiAHcBJqZbxeweHgZEcGL

     Mobile will be up when it's approved by apple and google to be on their stores as this is a wallet.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Vintage on June 14, 2014, 07:21:54 PM
    Can't wait to store my coins with multisig on FrozenBit. Hope this one is a keeper and plan on referring many friends so I can get some of their btc hehehe.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Triffin on June 14, 2014, 09:14:04 PM
    BitCoin only or can this wallet approach be utilized by other coin devs if they wish ??

    Triff ..

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 14, 2014, 11:28:02 PM
    BitCoin only or can this wallet approach be utilized by other coin devs if they wish ??

    Triff ..

     The tools FrozenBit uses are relative to any coin in which a bip 11 or bip 18 type are implemented. That's just big words for multisignature tools. We do not currently support other currencies, that doesn't mean we won't. Our source will not natively accept other coins, you'll have to innovate that on your own time using tools available to the coin you're targeting.

     I did see a paper on Multisig Doge Coin awhile back, the github will be released soon. I'd see what conjunction you can pull off with that.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Triffin on June 15, 2014, 03:01:09 AM
    Thanks for your reply ..

    I personally think that a multi coin / multi sig / brain wallet with both
    hot and cold storage solutions needs to be developed
    to facilitate widespread public acceptance/usage of crypto currency ..

    There was no internet ( as we've come to know it )
    before Marc Andreessen's Mosaic/Netscape Navigator browser in the mid 1990's
    The browser was the disruptive technological development that led to explosive internet growth

    The key to future crypto currency growth is the wallet ..
    It's got to be 'elegant' and idiot proof for widespread adoption ..
    The simpler the wallet/user interface the better ..
    This thread proves my point ..

    Triff ..

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Vintage on June 15, 2014, 03:31:15 AM
    Thanks for your reply ..

    I personally think that a multi coin / multi sig / brain wallet with both
    hot and cold storage solutions needs to be developed
    to facilitate widespread public acceptance/usage of crypto currency ..

    There was no internet ( as we've come to know it )
    before Marc Andreessen's Mosaic/Netscape Navigator browser in the mid 1990's
    The browser was the disruptive technological development that led to explosive internet growth

    The key to future crypto currency growth is the wallet ..
    It's got to be 'elegant' and idiot proof for widespread adoption ..
    The simpler the wallet/user interface the better ..

    Triff ..

    I think that is one of many keys to frozenbit. Simplicity with the highest security.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 15, 2014, 06:30:37 PM
    Thanks for your reply ..

    I personally think that a multi coin / multi sig / brain wallet with both
    hot and cold storage solutions needs to be developed
    to facilitate widespread public acceptance/usage of crypto currency ..

    There was no internet ( as we've come to know it )
    before Marc Andreessen's Mosaic/Netscape Navigator browser in the mid 1990's
    The browser was the disruptive technological development that led to explosive internet growth

    The key to future crypto currency growth is the wallet ..
    It's got to be 'elegant' and idiot proof for widespread adoption ..
    The simpler the wallet/user interface the better ..
    This thread proves my point ..

    Triff ..

     That is the project goal.

      Really, if we can get just one person to try bitcoin and feel safe knowing they can use multisig our goal is complete. Our metrics are going to be based on how many new people we can attract to the project. Every business, user and institution that tries us is just one step further for adoption.

     I'll see you on

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 16, 2014, 05:09:30 AM
    Thanks for your reply ..

    I personally think that a multi coin / multi sig / brain wallet with both
    hot and cold storage solutions needs to be developed
    to facilitate widespread public acceptance/usage of crypto currency ..

    There was no internet ( as we've come to know it )
    before Marc Andreessen's Mosaic/Netscape Navigator browser in the mid 1990's
    The browser was the disruptive technological development that led to explosive internet growth

    The key to future crypto currency growth is the wallet ..
    It's got to be 'elegant' and idiot proof for widespread adoption ..
    The simpler the wallet/user interface the better ..

    Triff ..

    I think that is one of many keys to frozenbit. Simplicity with the highest security.

     Simplicity is indeed the goal, and the focus of the frozenbit project. Let anyone be able to adopt bitcoin and you have an ecosystem not a niche.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: CoolBliss on June 16, 2014, 09:16:17 AM
    Don't Dark Wallet and Armory both already support multisig?

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 16, 2014, 03:16:20 PM
    Don't Dark Wallet and Armory both already support multisig?

     Thanks for the question. Dark wallet and armory are technical multisigs in which normal people aren't inclined to use. Also both are unethical to put any coins into due to there unstable nature. So in short they DO NOT support multisig, but they have their first steps in place.

     FrozenBit Will be usable anywhere without a central server holding your keys. It'll also allow anyone to able to use our technology due to the simplicity we're broadcasting.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: c5h3ris1253 on June 16, 2014, 11:44:41 PM
    Don't Dark Wallet and Armory both already support multisig?

     Thanks for the question. Dark wallet and armory are technical multisigs in which normal people aren't inclined to use. Also both are unethical to put any coins into due to there unstable nature. So in short they DO NOT support multisig, but they have their first steps in place.

     FrozenBit Will be usable anywhere without a central server holding your keys. It'll also allow anyone to able to use our technology due to the simplicity we're broadcasting.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 17, 2014, 01:12:25 AM
    Don't Dark Wallet and Armory both already support multisig?

     Thanks for the question. Dark wallet and armory are technical multisigs in which normal people aren't inclined to use. Also both are unethical to put any coins into due to there unstable nature. So in short they DO NOT support multisig, but they have their first steps in place.

     FrozenBit Will be usable anywhere without a central server holding your keys. It'll also allow anyone to able to use our technology due to the simplicity we're broadcasting.

     Overall that is the general concept. It's going to be a little bit more technical for us, but we hide that behind the interface which is more user friendly.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: paythrough_team on June 17, 2014, 01:44:23 AM
    Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets still just a concept.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 17, 2014, 02:13:47 AM
    Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets still just a concept.

     Actually that couldn't be more wrong, there is a beta test going on right now. It's just not public until all bugs are phased put. We know this is the best course of action to take so we can be confident users will have the best experience.

     So lets recap, It's a promise not a concept.


    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 17, 2014, 07:41:14 PM
    Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets still just a concept.

     See post above.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: c5h3ris1253 on June 18, 2014, 03:24:57 PM
    Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets still just a concept.

     See post above.

     Hey what's meant by watch only address? Does that mean I can upload my keys to the site and spend funds?

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 19, 2014, 12:18:47 AM
    Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets still just a concept.

     See post above.

     Hey what's meant by watch only address? Does that mean I can upload my keys to the site and spend funds?

     Watch only means you enter an address, without the keys and able to track it's inputs and outputs.

     Currently we don't want to have people enter keys because of the trustless nature of the service. We may consider allowing users to import their own wallets, but
    currently no.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Vintage on June 20, 2014, 02:38:20 AM
    So what all does Frozenbit have planned besides a wallet/storage? Are they going to be like coinbase too?

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: franky1 on June 20, 2014, 03:14:27 AM
    s simple to use wallet for everyone.

    ok so to log in
    1 username
    2 password
    3 email username
    4 email password to check for email from frozenbit
    5 the 2FA code to verify

    to spend
    2 multisigs

    SEVEN pieces of information.. i can convince my grandma that she has Alzheimer using frozenbit, way way way long before convincing her to use bitcoins using frozenbit

    some actual constructive advice
    either keep the platform as laid out above and advertise is to only: escrows, groups, co-ops
    or change the platform to be just an offline transaction signer, remove any login requirement so that all people have to do with the offline script is put in their privkey, destination(s) and amount. to send only the signed tx to a PUSHtx gateway, and advertise it as the simplist way to send bitcoins.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 20, 2014, 03:20:48 AM
    s simple to use wallet for everyone.

    ok so to log in
    1 username
    2 password
    3 email username
    4 email password to check for email from frozenbit
    5 the 2FA code to verify

    to spend
    2 multisigs

    SEVEN pieces of information.. i can convince my grandma that she has Alzheimer using frozenbit, way way way long before convincing her to use bitcoins using frozenbit

     Yes, thank you franky. We do take our process very seriously. We feel we can stay proprietary and be opensource by having these in place. Let's take a step back and examine other options and their process.

     -Blockchain, 2fa possible but traditionally you just spend.
     -Coinbase, They control your keys
     -Greenaddress, multisig, but central service., unable to use compressed keys and has no HD or P2SH implementatin
     -Dark Wallet, Created a negative stigma, multisig is too technical

     So thus we present frozenbit, something so easy franks grandma can use :)

    So what all does Frozenbit have planned besides a wallet/storage? Are they going to be like coinbase too?

     We have planned implementations of bip 71, and escrow situations very soon.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: BeaverCL on June 20, 2014, 03:33:15 AM
    Hopefully this project is coming along well! Can't wait for the release ^_^

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Triffin on June 20, 2014, 04:42:13 PM
    Here we go again ..
    Another tale of wallet woe ..

    I'm assuming the OP isn't running a scam in the referenced thread above ..

    I have to say that there are at least a couple of threads on a daily basis
    that deal with someone having their pocket picked of BitCoin or Altcoins ..

    Maybe the solution is no wallet on the local computer ..
    Offline cold storage for coins you plan to hold ..
    Hot wallets need to be 'brain' wallets ala NXT ..

    Wallets still need an additional security feature ( or two ) from within
    the wallet that requires an action on the part of the wallet owner prior
    to allowing a 'transfer' of coins to take place ..

    This whole cryptocurrecy revolution is going to be relegated to a minor
    financial sideshow until the wallet 'issue' is resolved once and for all ..

    Triff ..

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 21, 2014, 07:01:27 PM
    Here we go again ..
    Another tale of wallet woe ..

    I'm assuming the OP isn't running a scam in the referenced thread above ..

    I have to say that there are at least a couple of threads on a daily basis
    that deal with someone having their pocket picked of BitCoin or Altcoins ..

    Maybe the solution is no wallet on the local computer ..
    Offline cold storage for coins you plan to hold ..
    Hot wallets need to be 'brain' wallets ala NXT ..

    Wallets still need an additional security feature ( or two ) from within
    the wallet that requires an action on the part of the wallet owner prior
    to allowing a 'transfer' of coins to take place ..

    This whole cryptocurrecy revolution is going to be relegated to a minor
    financial sideshow until the wallet 'issue' is resolved once and for all ..

    Triff ..

     That's why we are creating multisignature wallets, he says his computer is compromised. In multisignature systems more than just his computer needs to be compromised in order to sell funds. Also they'll have to pass the 2fa to send which is unlikely.

    Title: Re: [ANN] FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: c5h3ris1253 on June 22, 2014, 10:56:05 PM
    Looks like alot of work is getting done, can't wait until this launches.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 23, 2014, 07:25:41 AM

     Note, no functions are up yet. Please point out anything that could be fixed and any security holes you find.

    0.05BTC for every security based bug fixed.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: testconpastas2 on June 23, 2014, 09:56:33 AM
    you should auto-redirect from http to https.

    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: minimalB on June 23, 2014, 10:33:35 AM
    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

    Yes please, no phone number, thank you.

    BTW: I tried to register but nothing happened, just the same screen showed up again with empty fields when i clicked "REGISTER" button... no error message, nothing...

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 23, 2014, 02:49:38 PM
    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

    Yes please, no phone number, thank you.

    BTW: I tried to register but nothing happened, just the same screen showed up again with empty fields when i clicked "REGISTER" button... no error message, nothing...

     All features are offline until we get a security audit completed.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 23, 2014, 03:05:32 PM
    you should auto-redirect from http to https.

    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

     Thanks for catching that, looks like someone forgot to set it up.

     Also we're exploring secure options that could replace SMS, but note one of our features were boasting is 24/7 SMS balance change alerts. I'll see what it comes to though. I just wanted to show our site is done.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 23, 2014, 09:49:56 PM
    -Site is undergoing first security code reviews
    -Github Will soon be created
    -Fixed Issue where SSL was not applied to whole site, now it is.
    -Site is now being redirected back to post during code reviews.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: testconpastas2 on June 24, 2014, 09:53:44 AM
    you should auto-redirect from http to https.

    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

     Thanks for catching that, looks like someone forgot to set it up.

     Also we're exploring secure options that could replace SMS, but note one of our features were boasting is 24/7 SMS balance change alerts. I'll see what it comes to though. I just wanted to show our site is done.

    google auth  is better and safer than SMS, and keeps your privacy , so SMS only should be available as another type of 2nd factor auth. not a mandatory one.

    Edit: I've seen you have removed phone number from sign up form. Nice

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Vintage on June 24, 2014, 03:56:17 PM
    you should auto-redirect from http to https.

    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

     Thanks for catching that, looks like someone forgot to set it up.

     Also we're exploring secure options that could replace SMS, but note one of our features were boasting is 24/7 SMS balance change alerts. I'll see what it comes to though. I just wanted to show our site is done.

    google auth  is better and safer than SMS, and keeps your privacy , so SMS only should be available as another type of 2nd factor auth. not a mandatory one.

    Edit: I've seen you have removed phone number from sign up form. Nice

    That's what they must be doing then. The little ice cube is a nice touch too on the tab bar.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 24, 2014, 06:24:41 PM
    you should auto-redirect from http to https.

    And why are you asking for a phone number? it should be optional.

     Thanks for catching that, looks like someone forgot to set it up.

     Also we're exploring secure options that could replace SMS, but note one of our features were boasting is 24/7 SMS balance change alerts. I'll see what it comes to though. I just wanted to show our site is done.

    google auth  is better and safer than SMS, and keeps your privacy , so SMS only should be available as another type of 2nd factor auth. not a mandatory one.

    Edit: I've seen you have removed phone number from sign up form. Nice

     Yeah, we're integrating google authentication but leaving SMS as an option. Thanks for your contribution to the site.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: testconpastas2 on June 24, 2014, 07:47:21 PM
    thank you for hearing our suggestions.

    eagerly awaiting your release...

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 25, 2014, 04:51:30 PM
    thank you for hearing our suggestions.

    eagerly awaiting your release...

     Thank you, I'm sure you'll find alot of features that allow you to better manage and control your coins with us. We've done alot of work on hiding technicals, allowing key management and security for our users. I think everyone who uses bitcoin will get a kick from some of these features.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 25, 2014, 09:01:20 PM

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: franky1 on June 25, 2014, 09:53:44 PM
    hiding technicals... vs open source

    which is it?

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 26, 2014, 07:14:50 AM
    hiding technicals... vs open source

    which is it?

    Explain Like I'm Five

     I didn't realize a site HAD to be technical :)

     Also I'm not sure how many apps you've developed but it requires code to do. Code means technicals, now code can be used in nice ways to make nice things that hide what that code is doing. This means things like facebook can be made without 1970's internet protocol being displayed.
     Thus we have a fork in the road, on one side we have gox where code is hidden, and the other we have open-source paradise. Where the code is hidden on site, but not hidden from anyone who want's to use it. Simply people don't want things that look like their in the 80's they want intuitive, innovate and usable platforms. You want bitcoin adoption to spread? That's how you do it.

     So frozenbit is both. See explanation above :)


    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 27, 2014, 04:20:24 PM
     Backup domain has been established.

     check it out, and incase something happens to the first one. This one is able to kick into action.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 29, 2014, 09:04:37 AM

    What is this address starting with a 3? I don't think I can remember seeing a bitcoin address starting with anything but a '1'.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 29, 2014, 03:19:30 PM

    What is this address starting with a 3? I don't think I can remember seeing a bitcoin address starting with anything but a '1'.

     That's a Multisignature address, that's what our service is offering to anyone who signs up.

     Multisignature address are address in which multiple people can secure funds trustless, and solo actors can enchance security of funds. The basic protocol is confusing, but still it involves entering 3 PUBLIC keys (assume 2 of 3) this creates an address. These public keys DO NOT have to belong to the same person, the private keys do not have to be on the same computer and you do not have to be online.

     That is the basic creation, to spend you do createtx on a site like you enter the PRIVATE key of the address you got the PUBLIC key from. AND you export for signatures :D That's the basics of multisig.

     Note this is a rough summary

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: franky1 on June 29, 2014, 10:06:16 PM
    we all know chris is frozenbit.. its not even worth him logging into his different usernames anymore..

    but please people do not sign up to frozenbit using emails and passwords that are previously used!!!

    make a fresh password especially for frozenbit.

    and i do not need to explain why, as it should be standard security.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 04:29:55 AM
    Great news coming soon! Trust me, it's good news.


    (ooooo he's being mysterious) *this is your only hint*

    (I wonder what it is?)

    [Clicks send private message] {Dear calvin } | { can I know what this news is please?},

    Typing reply...............


    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 02:36:30 PM
    Can you:

    1) Stop your false advertising ( (you are not the first multisig nor the first multiplatform) and therefore you are far from being the only one

    2) stop trolling or clarify that this has nothing to do with Frozenbit people reddit ( (   Your posts ( and imgur ( in case you delete your account.

    3) Open source your code so that people can verify your security claims

    4) Assuming your service is decentralized as you claim, what is the point of having a registration process and centralized domain name or two centralized domain names? should it not be enough to just have the open source software?

    That's it, thanks folks!

    edit: questioning (4) the decentralized nature of the product.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 05:19:03 PM

     I think that quote about sums this guys post up.  ::)  < That

    Anyway I invite you to read about our service, and wait for launch. Since we're both multisig I don't see what you're complaining for.

     If this is about what was on the front page of reddit yesterday which I've been messaged about I never clicked on that link and didn't know in detail what it was about. If you respond to bad criticism by feeding the troll you're just hurting yourself. Don't point fingers, instead address it which I haven't seen you do.

    EDIT: Link to Greenaddress using deceptive buissness practices -

    EDIT: Link to Greenaddress using peddlers to that on reddit -

     However, lawrence appears to be trolling, must not feed trolls.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 05:25:47 PM
    I see you avoid addressing the questions  :o :o :o

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 05:38:21 PM
    I see you avoid addressing the questions  :o :o :o

     It appears GreenAddress is attempting to run a scam, or just using children tactics.

    It appears FrozenBit has been brought into this mix somehow. I have greater assumptions of why this is, mostly because greenaddress is pointing fingers.

    If this is about what was on the front page of reddit yesterday which I've been messaged about I never clicked on that link and didn't know in detail what it was about. If you respond to bad criticism by feeding the troll you're just hurting yourself. Don't point fingers, instead address it which I haven't seen you do. However, I can assure you we are NOT behind this.

     Anyway I invite you to read about our service, and wait for launch. Since we're both multisig I don't see what you're complaining for. Multisig is about awareness. All of my talks with have been about spreading awareness not crying when someone comes into the mix who does things a little different. I think you could learn some things from that playbook.

     Anyway the Gist is, don't point fingers and address what this guy is saying. It's not that hard is it?

     Now you can put your finger down.

    EDIT: Link to Greenaddress using deceptive buissness practices -

    EDIT: Link to Greenaddress using peddlers to hide that on reddit -

     However, lawrence appears to be trolling, must not feed trolls.

    EDIT: It doesn't matter if they're affiliated with FrozenBit or not. It's a matter of their opinion on what they see above, if you can't take criticism you're in the wrong business.

     To answer your questions

    1.) Is that a question?

    2.) Is that a question?

    3.) Ok

    4.) No, I just see this as something people just aren't doing. It's much easier to just let users control all their keys instead of lying to them.

    Your more fake than your reddit accounts :

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 05:43:58 PM
    Meh, you are more fake than your fake followers on twitter

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 05:57:51 PM
    Sockpuppet summer compilation: Yawn  ;)  (

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 06:02:29 PM[/url]

     There is enough green address sock puppets in there.

     However, since you refuse to acutely address any question or criticism you're given I see no reason to further this conversation.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 06:06:56 PM
    Well done, according to the mods they are all your sockpuppets

    Quick, delete all accounts!

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 06:09:51 PM
    Well done, according to the mods they are all your sockpuppets

    Quick, delete all accounts!

     I don't think you've shared a factual thing today.

    How does anyone use greenaddress when their founder constantly lies, uses deceptive practices then tries to cover it up? I'm glad someone brought it up though, forces you onto the defensive.

     Which you still haven't addressed that article.

    More of a reason to not use services that hold your keys for you. They have sketchy founders.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 06:18:49 PM
    You think people are stupid?

    People know GreenAddress, they know it is open source (unlike frozenbit), they know it is multiplatform (unlike frozenbit), and the white paper and design have been reviewed by a bunch of core developers (in fact, I got great suggestions from them!)

    If I was you, I'd wait for your code to be open source before making claims of being open source. Same for multiplatform and multisig.

    Also, I would learn to read code before spreading stupid FUD on either reddit or bitcointalk.

    Last, I would _really_, _really_ avoid sockpuppets and fake followers on twitter, the bitcoin community is more technical and advanced than the people you usually scam.

    Thank you!

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 06:24:10 PM

    You surely have no problem scamming people with a central server, do you understand how big of a risk your putting on people with that?!?

    also did you already forget?

    You have no problem using shills, and sock puppets. Do you think people are stupid enough not to notice?

    You must of glossed over your criticism thread, alot of people saying they don't trust greenaddress.

    Also no one knows greenaddress, you have yet to make news. If you want multisig awareness don't cry over things, address them then start a campaign to spread awareness.

     We have our own campaign planned, if you think it'd be beneficial you should actively engage with people working on multisig.

     Your press is already bad as it is, wouldn't hurt.


    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 06:26:57 PM
    I would not call your sock puppets criticism, giving yourself too much credit ;p

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 06:47:13 PM
    I would not call your sock puppets criticism, giving yourself too much credit ;p

     Another instance of you responding bad to criticism? He even brought it up on an IRC and you had a hissy fit!

     Anyway, since you fail to respond to any questions about criticism I see you as increasing red flagged.

     However a few updates:

    • News article being worked on.
    • Source code and github ready to be published upon launch.
    • Apps are pending approval.

     Besides that if you see a problem with how FrozenBit is, even though it hasn't launched yet? Therefore I'm skeptical about your motives here, I suggest you email calvin, @



    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 06:53:05 PM
    Can't wait for Pete to review frozenbit! Let me ping him!

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: Vintage on June 30, 2014, 07:01:34 PM
    Can't wait for Pete to review frozenbit! Let me ping him!

    The site has to be fully launced before any review. They are just giving out news as it happens, they haven't launched so how is it fair to fully criticize them?

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 07:11:16 PM
    Can't wait for Pete to review frozenbit! Let me ping him!

    The site has to be fully launced before any review. They are just giving out news as it happens, they haven't launched so how is it fair to fully criticize them?

     Criticism is fine, I actively embrace it.

     However, we saw issues with wallets and we've attempted to make a wallet that's more secure and that we have nothing to do with. Meaning we have no hand in the process of using the wallet. Alot of services fake security by saying there is no central server, there is.

     It seems we're getting blamed for criticism of another services short comings, it's fine I guess we are doing something right.

     That's fine aswell, we are taking our time and listening to criticism look at our previous post history ~ we've changed alot of things.

     We want things to be right, not release code that you try to use and it doesn't work. Alot of people are stuck using shit products already, we aren't one of them.

     I do encourage questions, but we are feeding a service troll :)

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 09:39:25 PM
    Looks like someone posted this:

    Good thing, thanks for clarifying!  :-*

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on June 30, 2014, 10:07:20 PM
    Looks like someone posted this:

    Good thing, thanks for clarifying!  :-*

     Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Just proves why you shouldn't use any service like greenaddress that holds your keys!

     Especially when not all their founders are listed on their about us page. By the looks of the amount of people who seem to own it (or are those shills?)
    It seems sketchy.

     Stay away from things that hold your keys those are red flags.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: tryexcept on June 30, 2014, 11:38:07 PM
    More red flags then:

    1) and are both registered using HIDDEN whois information (the latter registered via

    2) is on a server in germany, IP, you can check via this for

    3) check it: indeed the server has answering , just try it: wget --header="Host:"

    4) they run LOTS of services there!

    And these too!!


    5) they have 8000 followers on twitter but no code to show and no way to register a new account on their site

    6) no surnames

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: henrydavidharris on July 01, 2014, 12:04:37 AM

     Good luck with your service m8

     WARNING, I've seen this guy point all of his sites issues on frozenbit. Jesus m8 can you not fix the issues you have with your own site?

     This tryexcept guy is running a scam, Idc if you listen to me or not. The tide will come in eventually.

     Besides this, good luck with your service OP. If it's like it described it'll work. You'll always have haters and trolls. and m8 that's what this guy is.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on July 01, 2014, 05:10:39 AM

     Good luck with your service m8

     WARNING, I've seen this guy point all of his sites issues on frozenbit. Jesus m8 can you not fix the issues you have with your own site?

     This tryexcept guy is running a scam, Idc if you listen to me or not. The tide will come in eventually.

     Besides this, good luck with your service OP. If it's like it described it'll work. You'll always have haters and trolls. and m8 that's what this guy is.

     Yeah he surely showed his true colors. Stay away from greenaddress for sure, likely a scam.

     Anyway, we're going to begin experimenting with trezor support. You'll be able to generate one or more keys on trezor!

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: on July 01, 2014, 05:58:29 AM
    Why use a shared server?

    Does not seem very reliable.

    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on July 01, 2014, 06:25:14 AM
    Why use a shared server?

    Does not seem very reliable.

     We don't, but check DNS records of a competitor and you find very fast they are. Dishonest security appears rampant.

     We use managed dedicated server hosting provided by rackspace  :)

     If you're talking about the testing site it's simply just setting on a testing server? It's only standard to do so?

     You don't work on a live site silly?

     EDIT: Date Registered:    Today at 05:36:34 AM


      However if you want to be apart of the alpha testing going on, on the working version message me on BTC talk.

     I'll set you up with an account and some testnet coins!


    Title: Re: [ANN]*SITE UP* FrozenBit Multisignature & Multiplatform Secure Bitcoin Wallets
    Post by: FrozenBit on July 01, 2014, 03:50:35 PM
     Centralized services are a thing of the past. Over the last 3 months the team and I have decided on a lot of features to introduce to frozenbit. It's time to see what you guys can do.

     I'd like to introduce Frozenbit API;

    • make a higher security exchange
    • create your own wallet provider
    • fully integrate a multisig market
    • make something new!

       Expect release very soon! Want to be on the mailing list?

     +message me on site to be added to developer list!

    P.s. Message me if you'd like to try frozenbit testnet aswell.