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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Chef Ramsay on June 27, 2014, 11:18:37 PM

Title: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Chef Ramsay on June 27, 2014, 11:18:37 PM
Front and center on the Drudge Report which is one of the top rated websites in the Western world.
“The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents,” Del Cueto said in a statement to KVOA. “The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The agents were unharmed. The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident.”

Del Cueto said four agents were in a marked patrol vehicle when they were shot at.

“They could say they didn’t fire at the agents intentionally. But for them to say that they were no shots fired within the United States, toward the United States Border Patrol, is a lie. They got in contact with our managers and apologized for the incident,” Del Cueto said.

Andy Adame, Border Patrol spokesperson, said that Mexican authorities fired two shots at the border agents.
“Two shots were fired from the helicopter but no injuries or damage to U.S. property were reported,”
More... (
I feel bad for all of those that live along the border in TX and AZ that have to deal w/ the spill over and all the rampant funneling of illegals into the country. There's a whole other list of stories to corroborate this on Drudge.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Shattered on June 28, 2014, 04:47:17 AM
Does this mean the US will take military action against Canada?  :P

In all seriousness, this is a pretty absurd.
The border issue is getting worse by the year...

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: boraf on June 28, 2014, 07:54:17 AM
Does this mean the US will take military action against Canada?  :P

In all seriousness, this is a pretty absurd.
The border issue is getting worse by the year...

We need to treat the cause rather than the symptom.

The solution isn't build a wall or a fence. Nuking them will solve the problem long term.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: DrG on June 28, 2014, 08:13:07 AM
Does this mean the US will take military action against Canada?  :P

In all seriousness, this is a pretty absurd.
The border issue is getting worse by the year...

We need to treat the cause rather than the symptom.

The solution isn't build a wall or a fence. Nuking them will solve the problem long term.

Well those drug cartel leaders are harder to kill than cockroaches so I don't think nuking them would fix anything.  Central America would just pick up their bags and wonder where everybody went and why it's so dusty.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Charlie Prime on June 28, 2014, 12:16:41 PM
To be fair, the United States should be very tolerant of countries which send aircraft into other countries to shoot at people.

But the U.S. is not really much into fairness, justice, or liberty.

The U.S. is dumb thug muscle for global banksters.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 28, 2014, 12:21:36 PM
Mexico is such a shitty country. Today, one of the prominent anti-drug activists was arrested by the government in the state of Michoacan ( Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles). Really pathetic step.

BTW.. here comes the denial from Mexico:

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Wilikon on June 28, 2014, 03:45:33 PM

Border Patrol Agents: Cartels May Have "Rented" Cover From Mexican Military Helicopter in Shooting Incident

On Thursday morning between midnight and 6 a.m. at least one Mexican military helicopter crossed eight miles into the United States and shot at Border Patrol agents with lethal force before returning to Mexican territory. The incident occurred in an area notorious for violent drug cartel activity just west of the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation during a Border Patrol drug interdiction operation. The timing and location of the incident has prompted agents to believe the use of the helicopter by the Mexican military may have been on behalf of drug cartels operating in the area.

"Mexican military are oftentimes working hand in glove with the cartels. The Mexican military has routinely crossed the border in areas that Border Patrol agents are actively tracking or seizing drug loads. Inevitably the Mexican military claim they got lost, that the border was not clearly marked, or in extreme cases fire on agents to cover their retreat," National Border Patrol Council Spokesman Shawn Moran exclusively tells Townhall. "Ajo, AZ Border Patrol agents have had several incidents like this over the years where they have taken shots from the Mexican military. The cartels' resources are nearly limitless and it would not surprise me if they "rented" the cover by the Mexican military helicopter in this incident."

A Border Patrol agent stationed in Arizona, who asked to remain anonymous, backed up Moran's statements saying the Mexican military regularly works with cartels on the border and has been doing so for years.

The Mexican government has apologized for the shooting, but has not explained why the helicopter was in the area.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: commandrix on June 28, 2014, 04:08:43 PM
How much you wanna bet that chopper crew was responding to a bounty some drug cartel put on American border agents and did that on purpose so they could claim a couple of kills. Then they could claim they mistook those border agents for drug smugglers in the dark.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: bitsmichel on June 28, 2014, 04:23:19 PM
How much you wanna bet that chopper crew was responding to a bounty some drug cartel put on American border agents and did that on purpose so they could claim a couple of kills. Then they could claim they mistook those border agents for drug smugglers in the dark.

Not a lot of coorporation between the Mexican gov. and US gov. it seems. In such circumstances as you described it's quite possible the border agents got shot at.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: zolace on June 28, 2014, 04:56:36 PM
New figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that more than 500 armed Mexican troops or police have crossed the border and entered the U.S. over the past 10 years. 

According to the Washington Times, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) commissioner Gil Kerlikowske said that 131 people were detained as a result of the instances, which are reportedly referred to as "incursions." A total of 81 such incursions involved "verbal or physical contact."

U.S. Border Patrol's involvement in each incident is unclear at this time.

In addition to the 500+ armed Mexican authorities crossing into the U.S., an additional 148 came into the country without firearms.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Chef Ramsay on June 28, 2014, 05:32:43 PM
These border posts usually have what, a couple handfuls of agents on at any one time so it's not like any group of them is a force to be reckoned with. A couple years ago I was going through the steps to become a Border agent but backed out as I saw the Fast and Furious heating up. What I can say is, these agents are not hardcore kind of people for the most part. Outside of learning Spanish fluently, the other main aspect of testing is being able to run 6-9 miles so many of them have slender builds. I'm sure they all can shoot proficiently but they aren't gritty in the sense of the term. Plus, I can imagine all the politics that's been going on that many of them are aware of and morale can't be good especially if the US govt is hanging them out to dry all the while facilitating easy illegal entry into the country and jetsetting them to other locations. The govt's behavior is so brazen on all of these corruption aspects that the people are gonna be in a populist minded position come the next few elections at least.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: sana8410 on June 28, 2014, 05:47:20 PM
New figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that more than 500 armed Mexican troops or police have crossed the border and entered the U.S. over the past 10 years. 

According to the Washington Times, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) commissioner Gil Kerlikowske said that 131 people were detained as a result of the instances, which are reportedly referred to as "incursions." A total of 81 such incursions involved "verbal or physical contact."

U.S. Border Patrol's involvement in each incident is unclear at this time.

In addition to the 500+ armed Mexican authorities crossing into the U.S., an additional 148 came into the country without firearms.
The Mexican Police and military are for hire to the highest bidder among the drug cartels.  Aren't you so glad WE train and equip them?????????????????????????

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: dank on June 29, 2014, 01:23:29 AM
Does this mean the US will take military action against Canada?  :P

In all seriousness, this is a pretty absurd.
The border issue is getting worse by the year...

We need to treat the cause rather than the symptom.

The solution isn't build a wall or a fence. Nuking them will solve the problem long term.

Or dissolve the concepts of nations all together and realize that we are one being on one planet.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Benjig on June 29, 2014, 02:57:07 AM
Why doesn't the US just declare war on Mexico, defeat them, and then help rehabilitate them? Look what it did for German and Japan. It would be nice to have a prosperous neighbor to our south.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: MidnightRon on June 29, 2014, 03:32:29 AM
Can't wait fo US reaction

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 29, 2014, 04:31:13 AM
Why doesn't the US just declare war on Mexico, defeat them, and then help rehabilitate them? Look what it did for German and Japan. It would be nice to have a prosperous neighbor to our south.

Hmm.. you can't just invade countries like that. The Mexican people will take care of their own problems and if they need any external support, they will ask for it. Already civilian vigilante squads have driven off the drug cartels from many cities such as Michoacan.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 04:37:39 AM
To be fair, the United States should be very tolerant of countries which send aircraft into other countries to shoot at people.

But the U.S. is not really much into fairness, justice, or liberty.

The U.S. is dumb thug muscle for global banksters.

Did the US kill your family or something?  I sense much hate in you.  Fear, anger, hate, darkside.....

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Nik1ab on June 29, 2014, 11:02:56 AM
To be fair, the United States should be very tolerant of countries which send aircraft into other countries to shoot at people.

But the U.S. is not really much into fairness, justice, or liberty.

The U.S. is dumb thug muscle for global banksters.

Did the US kill your family or something?  I sense much hate in you.  Fear, anger, hate, darkside.....
The US killed many innocent people. I don't see any reason how a person could not hate the US from the bottom of his/her heart.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 11:33:47 AM
To be fair, the United States should be very tolerant of countries which send aircraft into other countries to shoot at people.

But the U.S. is not really much into fairness, justice, or liberty.

The U.S. is dumb thug muscle for global banksters.

Did the US kill your family or something?  I sense much hate in you.  Fear, anger, hate, darkside.....
The US killed many innocent people. I don't see any reason how a person could not hate the US from the bottom of his/her heart.

I won't argue that the US government hasn't killed many people.  Innocents...well until drones can fire a laser from 30 miles away with 1cm accuracy there is a risk of casualties.  If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  Pretty much every nation/civilization since the beginning of time has killed others.  Short of Ghandi and some recent Bhuddist/Taoist leaders, what leaders haven't ordered others to their death?

Read my other posts you'll see I'm not happy with the US government or the clowns who occupy those seats, but to single out a country which pretty much has to play daddy to 50 other countries around the world, well it gets tiring getting bashed.

Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Nik1ab on June 29, 2014, 12:48:10 PM
To be fair, the United States should be very tolerant of countries which send aircraft into other countries to shoot at people.

But the U.S. is not really much into fairness, justice, or liberty.

The U.S. is dumb thug muscle for global banksters.

Did the US kill your family or something?  I sense much hate in you.  Fear, anger, hate, darkside.....
The US killed many innocent people. I don't see any reason how a person could not hate the US from the bottom of his/her heart.

I won't argue that the US government hasn't killed many people.  Innocents...well until drones can fire a laser from 30 miles away with 1cm accuracy there is a risk of casualties.  If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  Pretty much every nation/civilization since the beginning of time has killed others.  Short of Ghandi and some recent Bhuddist/Taoist leaders, what leaders haven't ordered others to their death?

Read my other posts you'll see I'm not happy with the US government or the clowns who occupy those seats, but to single out a country which pretty much has to play daddy to 50 other countries around the world, well it gets tiring getting bashed.

Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?
US killings outnumber killings of earlier civilisations by far. So far that I wouldn't call the US a civilised country.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Charlie Prime on June 29, 2014, 01:08:21 PM
If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  ...Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?

In 1998 Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA. 

Roosevelt set up Pearl Harbor to happen.

Hitler was funded and brought to power by Wall Street banks.

In 1933 Mussolini was praised by Roosevelt.

You are a victim of indoctrination and propaganda, but don't even know it.  It is YOUR responsibility to learn the true history of how governments and international finance actually work.  Nobody can do it for you.  Start now.  Help future generation gain freedom.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: ManFromJupiter on June 29, 2014, 01:18:56 PM
If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  ...Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?

In 1998 Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA. 

Roosevelt set up Pearl Harbor to happen.

Hitler was funded and brought to power by Wall Street banks.

In 1933 Mussolini was praised by Roosevelt.

You are a victim of indoctrination and propaganda, but don't even know it.  It is YOUR responsibility to learn the true history of how governments and international finance actually work.  Nobody can do it for you.  Start now.  Help future generation gain freedom.

I must to admit that this sir sees the root. I also recommend to listen one song called "Guilty" -

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: HornyMiner on June 29, 2014, 02:03:59 PM
If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  ...Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?

In 1998 Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA. 

Roosevelt set up Pearl Harbor to happen.

Hitler was funded and brought to power by Wall Street banks.

In 1933 Mussolini was praised by Roosevelt.

You are a victim of indoctrination and propaganda, but don't even know it.  It is YOUR responsibility to learn the true history of how governments and international finance actually work.  Nobody can do it for you.  Start now.  Help future generation gain freedom.

I must to admit that this sir sees the root. I also recommend to listen one song called "Guilty" -
Wow! Dan's lyrics are awesome! I can also suggest you to watch his another song about Need for free speech.

Title: Re: Mexican Military chopper opens fire on US Border Patrol Agents
Post by: Shattered on June 30, 2014, 12:03:10 AM
If the US was not so worried about casualties and intercepted Osama in 1998 perhaps 9/11 would not have occurred.  ...Perhaps the US should have conceded Pearl Harbor to Japan and ignored Hitler's/Mussolini's  Europe and spent the last 60 years on inner reflection?

In 1998 Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA. 

Roosevelt set up Pearl Harbor to happen.

Hitler was funded and brought to power by Wall Street banks.

In 1933 Mussolini was praised by Roosevelt.

You are a victim of indoctrination and propaganda, but don't even know it.  It is YOUR responsibility to learn the true history of how governments and international finance actually work.  Nobody can do it for you.  Start now.  Help future generation gain freedom.

+1 for your post
If we ever meet, i will buy u a drink.

In this day and age, ignorance is a choice