Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: just_me on July 07, 2014, 04:24:53 AM

Title: bitcoin is nothing
Post by: just_me on July 07, 2014, 04:24:53 AM

Jesus is LOrd

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: JoelKatz on July 07, 2014, 04:29:01 AM
God can change electricity
Reliable citation needed.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: LouReed on July 07, 2014, 04:37:25 AM
Yeah, and so can any fiat currency! What's your point???

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: ThomasCrowne on July 07, 2014, 04:39:10 AM
This has got to be the most far-fetched opening post I think I've ever seen!

You talking Christian God?  What if the Christian God decides to "change" electricity?  Does that affect Hindu or Buddhist electric as well?

I have faith God will keep electricity just the way it is for sometime to come :p

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: bongobirdie on July 07, 2014, 04:43:44 AM
Thanks for the laugh; it's been a long night.

Regarding my position on this topic:

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Nobitcoin on July 07, 2014, 04:47:16 AM
I think a greater threat would be a huge emp device rendering everything electrical useless then bitcoin will become worthless as well as all alt coins.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: FlowerMatt on July 07, 2014, 04:53:30 AM
Heard about a cell phone client that would make a ad-hoc connection to another phone to transfer bitcoins without the rest of the network.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: JoelKatz on July 07, 2014, 05:01:46 AM
Well, some of us believe the holy bible is probably the most reliable source for information
The Bible provides good support for the claim that bats are birds, that pi is 3, and that the Earth does not move in space. It is an undeniable fact that humans have a mixed track record of extracting truths from it.

In any event, this would seem to be the kind of thing that god never, ever does, regardless of how good the reasons for doing so might be -- like making an amputee regrow a limb. He didn't stop Hitler or the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, it seems unlikely he's going to stop Bitcoin.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: JoelKatz on July 07, 2014, 05:06:13 AM
Now, it makes sense, that when Jesus tells a demon to 'come out of the man' then the demon almost always or always must obey Jesus, because Jesus is above all of that in the hierarchy of Gods creation.
You don't seem to understand that making things up and asserting them as facts is not a form of argument. You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but if you want to cite your beliefs to others, you have to back them up with evidence and arguments. "I have chosen to believe X" is not an argument for the truth or validity of X.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: zetaray on July 07, 2014, 05:21:37 AM
As likely as TV series "Revolution" coming true. I thought you are going to say something more technical like a vulnerability in SHA256.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: cbeast on July 07, 2014, 05:37:11 AM
The laws of math are as eternal and immutable as God. Bitcoin is math. Therefore, Bitcoin is the Law of God.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: JoelKatz on July 07, 2014, 05:40:24 AM
There actually was a debate which proved Gods existence, here at bitcointalk, which I didn't really need, but might help others to logically believe via reason.
There's certainly no point in trying to reason with someone who begins by abandoning reason. I'll just keep warning others that while it may appear that you are reasoning with them, you have in fact conceded that you aren't. I ask only that you be clear about this and not pretend that you are reasoning with people when you have begun by consciously electing not to do so.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: mamarried on July 07, 2014, 05:46:30 AM
Without outside confirmation you'd be vulnerable to double-spending. There's a reason you have to wait for confirmations to consider a transaction confirmed.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Habeler876 on July 07, 2014, 05:49:39 AM
I'm not sure I follow the same logic as the OP, but I try to keep an open mind about bitcoin, being quite new and experimental and all. There's still plenty of time for bitcoin to head to zero. :trollface

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Bynavama on July 07, 2014, 05:52:35 AM
I saw an article that mentioned that the total electricity being used for the Bitcoin network was over half of what the Large hadron collider uses. I found this a bit shocking, I had no idea it was this much.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: campycoin on July 07, 2014, 05:56:55 AM
The laws of math are as eternal and immutable as God. Bitcoin is math. Therefore, Bitcoin is the Law of God.

Making up your own rules? Why not refer to the holy bible and find a scripture that backs what you just said? Because you won't find it in the holy bible, that is why.

'the laws of math....etc....' that isn't in the holy bible....

But if I make reference to the word of God, then I am referring to the highest authority, the most high God.

I am making references to Gods Living Word.

Gods word is alive

You may be the biggest wack job of all time.  You must, and I repeat must be kidding with this shit.

If God had words he wished to speak he would SPEAK them.  The bible is not god's word you dope.  You have brain damage.  You are lost and confused and anyone who tries to rationalize the world by carrying around a book written by primitive man in the desert who thought God put two lights in the sky, one for evening and one to light the day. And this was the sun and moon a few days after plants.

You are a fool.  I am not being nice Christians anymore.  They are welcome to believe their Zombie Jesus is coming back (can't, he's dead, we have laws in this world and unfortunately for all of us including Jesus, when you die, you don't come back.  It's dirt nap time.) But Jesus aint coming back and God is not cutting electricity.  God does not like animal sacrifice because of the sweet savory smell.... PEOPLE DO

God does not think women are unclean for 7 days , MEN DID

God did not okay slavery, MEN DID

God did not make bitcoin, MEN DID

God does not write books, MEN DO

God clearly made idiots... clearly


Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: cbeast on July 07, 2014, 05:57:38 AM
The laws of math are as eternal and immutable as God. Bitcoin is math. Therefore, Bitcoin is the Law of God.

Making up your own rules? Why not refer to the holy bible and find a scripture that backs what you just said? Because you won't find it in the holy bible, that is why.

'the laws of math....etc....' that isn't in the holy bible....

But if I make reference to the word of God, then I am referring to the highest authority, the most high God.

I am making references to Gods Living Word.

Gods word is alive
Nowhere in the Bible does it mention where He created it, yet math is mentioned in Scripture. That means math existed before creation. Of course, I am talking about Scripture, not Gospel. You may interpret His Holy Word any way you wish.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: jjdub7 on July 07, 2014, 05:58:05 AM
I saw an article that mentioned that the total electricity being used for the Bitcoin network was over half of what the Large hadron collider uses. I found this a bit shocking, I had no idea it was this much.

Well, I mean consider how much electricity it takes to power the banks of the world, the ACH system, and all the computer infrastructure supporting them and the fiat-denominated securities markets, and I'm sure you'd have a sum possibly orders of magnitude greater.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: campycoin on July 07, 2014, 06:00:58 AM
I saw an article that mentioned that the total electricity being used for the Bitcoin network was over half of what the Large hadron collider uses. I found this a bit shocking, I had no idea it was this much.

How much electricity is the hadron collider using? ( I worried a little about that thing, thinking that maybe they might make a big explosion, or do some kind of cross-dimensional time-warping or strange wierd stuff, like the philadelphia experiment)

Go somewhere else with your Jesus crap.  The guy was a liar or retard or didn't exist.  HE CLEARLY WASN'T GOD.

Joel Osteen called, he wants his straight jacket back.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: jjdub7 on July 07, 2014, 06:02:24 AM
I saw an article that mentioned that the total electricity being used for the Bitcoin network was over half of what the Large hadron collider uses. I found this a bit shocking, I had no idea it was this much.

How much electricity is the hadron collider using? ( I worried a little about that thing, thinking that maybe they might make a big explosion, or do some kind of cross-dimensional time-warping or strange wierd stuff, like the philadelphia experiment)

Dated 2007, but:

Says the LHC in and of itself is expected to use 41 PJ/yr.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: on July 07, 2014, 06:03:07 AM
God can change electricity
Reliable citation needed.

God is almighty.

The bible tells us that 'there be no power, except it be of God'

For example, Adam was created from dirt.

Jesus said: 'All that you see, came from that which is not'

Images are not really a 'good' thing, but might be regarded as 'molten images',
but when Jesus returns with his saints, then all those molten images might get thrown into the lake of fire.
Same with cars, into the lake of fire possibly.

You don't need to attack me about what I am interpreting from the holy bible, as a possible or potential interpretation.

But, I do interpret the holy bible as indicating that things like computers will not last forever.
I cannot see any agreement between Jesus and images.
The holy bible says: 'God does not give his glory to images'
Well, the computer and internet are alot of images.
I know, its difficult to swallow, but it may be part of reasoning with God

lol. unleash a torrent of insults and then strike you dead with the bolt of lightning.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: on July 07, 2014, 06:09:30 AM


The word of God is one of the highest authorities that there is.

The USA money even says: 'In god we trust'
Some people may think to misinterpret that, but I think it was intended to mean God and not money they trust.

God bless America, or how about God bless the world?

That's because there are so many dumbdumbs in this world.  The folks that give america value and economic superiority are the minority, and they'll give you a quick glance and conclude a that you're a top-of-the-line-nutjob.  One ripe to fuel the economy.  Designed to burn through the engine of prosperity.  And then you're dead.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: campycoin on July 07, 2014, 06:13:00 AM
God can change electricity
Reliable citation needed.

God is almighty.

The bible tells us that 'there be no power, except it be of God'

For example, Adam was created from dirt.

Jesus said: 'All that you see, came from that which is not'

Images are not really a 'good' thing, but might be regarded as 'molten images',
but when Jesus returns with his saints, then all those molten images might get thrown into the lake of fire.
Same with cars, into the lake of fire possibly.

You don't need to attack me about what I am interpreting from the holy bible, as a possible or potential interpretation.

But, I do interpret the holy bible as indicating that things like computers will not last forever.
I cannot see any agreement between Jesus and images.
The holy bible says: 'God does not give his glory to images'
Well, the computer and internet are alot of images.
I know, its difficult to swallow, but it may be part of reasoning with God

Please don't attack me, I am about to interpret something from my holy book regarding bitcoin.

You might have heard of this book, if not, you can only be saved if you figure out its message like I have so pick one up at your local K-Mart please


the sun did not shine.
it was too wet to play.
so we sat in the house
all that cold, cold, wet day.

i sat there with sally.
we sat there, we two.
and i said, 'how i wish
we had something to do!'

Here I think they mean bitcoin, they wanted to mine, clearly.

too wet to go out
and too cold to play ball.
so we sat in the house.
we did nothing at all.

See the TerraMiner IV did all the work for them I think

so all we could do was to
and we did not like it.
not one little bit.

NOTICE BIT------ Guys, guys, my interpretation......

and then something went BUMP!
how that bump made us jump!
we looked!
then we saw him step in on the mat!
we looked!
and we saw him!
the cat in the hat!
and he said to us,
'why do you sit there like that?'
'i know it is wet
and the sun is not sunny.
but we can have
lots of good fun that is funny!'

then i let down my net.
it came down with a PLOP!
and i had them!  at last!
those two things had to stop.
then i said to the cat,
'now you do as i say.
you pack up those Things
and you take them away!'

'oh dear!' said the cat.
'you did not like our game...
oh dear.
       what a shame!
            what a shame!
                 what a shame!'

then he shut up the things
in the box with the hook.
and the cat went away
with a sad kind of look.

See here the won the award the 25 btc.  I think Satan was with them though

'that is good,' said the fish.
'he has gone away.  yes.
but your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
and this mess is so big
and so deep and so tall,
we can not pick it up.
there is no way at all!'

and THEN!
who was back in the house?
why, the cat!
'have no fear of this mess,'
said the cat in the hat.
'i always pick up all my playthings
and so...
i will show you another
good trick that i know!'

then we saw him pick up all the things that were down.
he picked up the cake,
and the rake, and the gown,
and the milk, and the strings,
and the books, and the dish,
and the fan, and the cup,
and the ship, and the fish.
and he put them away.
then he said, 'that is that.'
and then he was gone
with a tip of his hat.

then our mother came in
and she said to us two,
'did you have any fun?
tell me.  what did you do?'

and sally and i did not know
what to say.
should we tell her
the things that went on there that day?

should we tell her about it?
now, what SHOULD we do?
what would YOU do
if your mother asked YOU?

So, in conclusion, bitcoin will go bye bye soon

Please guys, no coming doen on me for my interpretation of this book.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: campycoin on July 07, 2014, 06:20:38 AM


The word of God is one of the highest authorities that there is.

The USA money even says: 'In god we trust'
Some people may think to misinterpret that, but I think it was intended to mean God and not money they trust.

God bless America, or how about God bless the world?

That's because there are so many dumbdumbs in this world.  The folks that give america value and economic superiority are the minority, and they'll give you a quick glance and conclude a that you're a top-of-the-line-nutjob.  One ripe to fuel the economy.  Designed to burn through the engine of prosperity.  And then you're dead.

You dont seem to realize it, but 'the wise man of the world has been brought to nothing' seeing as how Jesus Christ was crucified.

And, where is the rich man without his money? Come now, reason with God.
Jesus told the rich man ' Go and give all your money to charity and come and follow me'

I am saying this, because you seem to be glorifying the rich man, or ruthless or cruel man, or churl;
but once again, the bible tells us that there will come a time, when the churl is no longer exalted.

You are taking your words from a book.  DO YOU HEAR ME?  Did God speak those words to you?  Oh no?  So the person who wrote the book said God told him to write them down?

Oh my bad, where is this Jesus so I can worship this human being idol myself.

Awesome!  I thought God didn't talk to me but I never thought it's because he talks to others and they write book for me.

Our God, he's so smart!

Like after the flood when he got rid of Satan so the same thing wouldn't happen again.

What?  Satan is still here?

I'm lost.  I need a second cummmmming

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: mbaeichapareiko on July 07, 2014, 07:20:57 AM
great dialogue ,  thanks guys.

for making us think.

Of course as O.P'er  states   God is Almighty and will do away with all currency upon His return.   The more exciting proposition is many things in our present world seems to be lining up exactly the way book of  Revelation and the Holy Bible has written.  For example one prophesy of a  world currency digital, cashless society, looks like it may be fulfilled in the near future and it looks like the best candidate is...... bit coin... so far!   This is good news!  Why?  Because if it is, this means it (bit coin) will take off to the "moon" and become the world currency. 

The Rockeffeler also was an avid bible student.  He read about the pitch "tar" that was used in the Bible accounts.  Where there  is pitch "tar" there is .... oil.   well you know the rest of the history.   He located oil in the middle east and became filthy rich.    Many of you may be the worlds next wealthy elite, by the grace of God.   

If yes.
What will you do with your riches?
more importantly as O.P. stated, God can and will do way with all.  So lets not make the riches our god,  but make sure Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.    not any worldy things that we can only enjoy for a few decades.   

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Justin00 on July 07, 2014, 07:31:39 AM
whats with all the religious stuff lately ?

Love it how all the Christians need to tell everyone how smart they are, or how great god is... you guys convincing us or yourself :) ??

Some fucktard posted up in another thread saying only "Christians know about Bitcoin, cause they the smartest..." or something along those lines.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: CryptInvest on July 07, 2014, 07:36:42 AM
If the electricity is shut off for a long time on the planetary scale disaster, then everything else will quickly lose value. In the course will only salt, matches, weapons and ammunition.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Febo on July 07, 2014, 03:53:38 PM

God can change electricity, thereby making it so all machines powered by electricity, stop functioning,
and that includes computers.

Without computers, or without electricity, there isn't any bitcoin.  :)

You made one mayor mistake. God is Electricity, He will not demolish itself it is against everything. Demolishing him self could curs him to eternal suffer.
 So bitcoins are safe.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: cookmac on July 07, 2014, 04:03:01 PM
If the electricity is shut off for a long time on the planetary scale disaster, then everything else will quickly lose value. In the course will only salt, matches, weapons and ammunition.

Its more like a nuclear meltdown, all those power plants will pretty much start how the recent Japan Tsunami incident a couple years back.

Its the same way..

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: cardut on July 10, 2014, 11:53:58 PM
If you mine on your own that it becomes worthless for sure, that's why its better to use multi pool

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: commandrix on July 11, 2014, 12:14:56 AM
"God" is not going to change electricity unless he wants to change some of the most fundamental laws of physics across the entire universe. Bitcoin can become worthless IF there is some cataclysm that renders every computer everywhere useless, or IF everybody decides to sell all of their Bitcoin all at once, or IF we all just suddenly forget that Bitcoin even exists.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Lauda on July 11, 2014, 12:30:22 AM
Science vs Religion here we go again.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: jeffthebaker on July 11, 2014, 01:15:05 AM
WOW I new this whole cryptocurrency was a scam from the start!

God is running up the prices on our money then getting rid of electricity so he can have it all to himself. We've been duped!

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: bitgeek on July 11, 2014, 02:06:26 AM
Let's make bitcoin our new god :D This way bitcoin will run everything and OP will stop worrying about electricity.
Problem solved.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Brewins on July 11, 2014, 02:49:19 AM
If electricity is shut down, all the civilization will collapse and no one will think about bitcoin.

But bitcoin collapse might happens in the next halving. Current btc price is the same as its costs to mine now, if we don't see it doubling before the halving, we may see btc facing serious problems

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: BawsyBoss on July 11, 2014, 03:01:49 AM
Could it happen? Debatable depending on what you believe. Either way, I highly doubt God has any reason to change electricity in any sort of way.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: bluefirecorp on July 11, 2014, 03:26:07 AM
Fixed that for you.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: CoinsCoinsEverywhere on July 11, 2014, 08:01:52 AM
Let's make bitcoin our new god :D This way bitcoin will run everything and OP will stop worrying about electricity.
Problem solved.
A seem to remember a story about a golden calf... ;)

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: CoinsCoinsEverywhere on July 11, 2014, 08:09:05 AM
If electricity is shut down, all the civilization will collapse and no one will think about bitcoin.

But bitcoin collapse might happens in the next halving. Current btc price is the same as its costs to mine now, if we don't see it doubling before the halving, we may see btc facing serious problems
Or some miners will just have to shut down so the market balances.  We don't need exahashes for the bitcoin network; I don't think we need hundreds of petahashes like we have now either.  The network can't keep growing indefinitely.  And it seems pointless to waste so much energy on it.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Lauda on July 11, 2014, 09:35:52 AM
If electricity is shut down, all the civilization will collapse and no one will think about bitcoin.

But bitcoin collapse might happens in the next halving. Current btc price is the same as its costs to mine now, if we don't see it doubling before the halving, we may see btc facing serious problems
You have no idea what you're talking about. The market will correct itself and make BTC much more worth after the halving.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Sydboy on July 11, 2014, 11:10:54 AM
man created god
god created ,,.



man kills god

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: bajlox on July 11, 2014, 11:17:11 AM
no way i just started in this story.


Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: spazzdla on July 11, 2014, 01:57:38 PM

God can change electricity, thereby making it so all machines powered by electricity, stop functioning,
and that includes computers.

Without computers, or without electricity, there isn't any bitcoin.  :)

You have ZERO idea the ramafactions this would have.
Also there is no god.
You'd be killed and eaten before the end of the week if this happend.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: RodeoX on July 11, 2014, 02:03:27 PM
God can't defeat bitcoin, he's not backed by anything.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on July 11, 2014, 02:13:43 PM
Well I suppose that could be quite disadvantageous to bitcoin, sure hope planet earth doesn't spontaneously blow up, that would really hurt progress.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: onlinepro on July 12, 2014, 01:03:00 PM
Oh, then I'm safe.
Because I don't believe god.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Lauda on July 12, 2014, 01:23:07 PM
No electricity would cause chaos, fiat and bitcoin would be useless.
Items for survival (example: would be the most valuable.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: mailmansDOGE on July 12, 2014, 01:25:15 PM
No electricity would cause chaos, fiat and bitcoin would be useless.
Items for survival (example: would be the most valuable.

If we're tralking about doomsday, I'd say that every currency could become worthless then.

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: josephliton on July 12, 2014, 01:40:30 PM
 Bitcoin remain a viable currency in the future (yes) or become worthless no one knows. Only time will tell.  ???

Title: Re: bitcoin can become worthless
Post by: Baitty on July 12, 2014, 02:00:19 PM
No electricity would cause chaos, fiat and bitcoin would be useless.
Items for survival (example: would be the most valuable.

If we're tralking about doomsday, I'd say that every currency could become worthless then.

Pretty obvious to me. only essential items would become worthy.