Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bitcoin-hotep on July 09, 2014, 02:45:41 AM

Title: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Bitcoin-hotep on July 09, 2014, 02:45:41 AM
There is a movie out right now that is basically SHIT TALKING America.


What it does is pretend that civil rights were ANTI American, for the simple fact that they were viewed as "Lefties". Then it pretends that our modern Government can in no way be harnessed, and then says that the Right wing is the only answer.


Firstly, "America" is 2 continents, not a country. So the entire movie falls on it's face when it argues that "Americans" are exceptional and doesn't include all of America, only the "United States of America".


Second, the Right Wing (Republicans) used to be the party that was FOR civil rights. Lincoln was a Republican, but then LBJ signed the Civil rights bill in the 60s and he said "We have lost the south for a generation" (he was a democrat), then after that the south took on "The Southern Strategy" which was to play on segregation politics...


And now we are where we are. We NEED a third party. Republicans that play on segregation tactics are NOT the answer.


Obama has pretty much sucked, but that does not mean that the opposite of him is the answer.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Bitcoin-hotep on July 09, 2014, 02:48:39 AM
Sean Hannity is one of the biggest supporters of this, but when the people watching this movie start shooting up schools, he will not report on it. Or at least won't connect their American flags and AR-15s to his ideologies.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: beetcoin on July 09, 2014, 02:48:46 AM
i agree.. but yeah, if i were to take your title out of context, i'd probably say that the world without america is probably a better one... at least that's the opinion of noam chomsky.

but yeah, back to the topic.. they're just trolls sending out misinformation. no point in getting mad about it.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 09, 2014, 03:43:55 AM
I heard Laura Ingraham talking about this earlier today and I believe it's a move by conservative writer and Obama critic, Dinesh D'souza. She was saying that everyone should take their kids and grandkids and make it a family movie day. She then went on to say that it's PG-13 but there's no reason that kids shouldn't watch it... All this coming from one of the biggest social conservatives mind you. I like her and all but only up to a point. Her big issue is this immigration fiasco that's been going on.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: beetcoin on July 09, 2014, 03:51:05 AM
dinesh d'souza is a clown.. he makes trollish republican documentaries that ignore logic. he is basically the republican version of michael moore. guess who he has dated? another troll: ann coulter.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 04:55:19 AM
Sean Hannity is one of the biggest supporters of this, but when the people watching this movie start shooting up schools, he will not report on it. Or at least won't connect their American flags and AR-15s to his ideologies.

"Supporters of the movie start shooting up schools"?

Links and citations please.

Are you on drugs?

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Victorius on July 09, 2014, 07:27:32 PM
Well I dont think that world without United states would be worse than this one. Not trolling. Basically american entertainment industry transform people into trend chasing consuments, mindless puppets. I do understand that people with different values and different cultures are not happy when their kids are rised by ganstas and sluts. Sure, parents cant compete with super cool hyped up marketers exploitng human psychology. And Im not even talking about geopolitical influence. There is reason why whole world dislikes america and it is not your freedom :D

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 07:45:17 PM
Well I dont think that world without United states would be worse than this one. Not trolling. Basically american entertainment industry transform people into trend chasing consuments, mindless puppets. I do understand that people with different values and different cultures are not happy when their kids are rised by ganstas and sluts. Sure, parents cant compete with super cool hyped up marketers exploitng human psychology. And Im not even talking about geopolitical influence. There is reason why whole world dislikes america and it is not your freedom :D

I'll bet that your country doesn't turn down US Foreign Aid though, does it?

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: u9y42 on July 09, 2014, 10:04:06 PM
i agree.. but yeah, if i were to take your title out of context, i'd probably say that the world without america is probably a better one... at least that's the opinion of noam chomsky.

but yeah, back to the topic.. they're just trolls sending out misinformation. no point in getting mad about it.

Are you sure that is Chomsky's opinion? I know he frequently bashes the US, and in my view, rightly so; but for all it's wrongdoings, the US is an imperial power like any other has been throughout history. That is, if it wasn't the US doing it, some other powerful country would be doing it. In fact, I remember him saying something to this effect at least on one occasion (I'll post the video, if I remember what it was :)).

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: beetcoin on July 09, 2014, 10:24:35 PM
i agree.. but yeah, if i were to take your title out of context, i'd probably say that the world without america is probably a better one... at least that's the opinion of noam chomsky.

but yeah, back to the topic.. they're just trolls sending out misinformation. no point in getting mad about it.

Are you sure that is Chomsky's opinion? I know he frequently bashes the US, and in my view, rightly so; but for all it's wrongdoings, the US is an imperial power like any other has been throughout history. That is, if it wasn't the US doing it, some other powerful country would be doing it. In fact, I remember him saying something to this effect at least on one occasion (I'll post the video, if I remember what it was :)).

i didn't see any mention of that in his book. he seems to mention a lot of unionized/liberal regimes in countries that try to prop up, but were quashed by the CIA/US efforts in order to decrease their influence.. he mentioned multiple countries in the middle east, central and south america. hell, he even seems to defend russia a little bit.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: u9y42 on July 09, 2014, 11:04:25 PM
i agree.. but yeah, if i were to take your title out of context, i'd probably say that the world without america is probably a better one... at least that's the opinion of noam chomsky.

but yeah, back to the topic.. they're just trolls sending out misinformation. no point in getting mad about it.

Are you sure that is Chomsky's opinion? I know he frequently bashes the US, and in my view, rightly so; but for all it's wrongdoings, the US is an imperial power like any other has been throughout history. That is, if it wasn't the US doing it, some other powerful country would be doing it. In fact, I remember him saying something to this effect at least on one occasion (I'll post the video, if I remember what it was :)).

i didn't see any mention of that in his book. he seems to mention a lot of unionized/liberal regimes in countries that try to prop up, but were quashed by the CIA/US efforts in order to decrease their influence.. he mentioned multiple countries in the middle east, central and south america. hell, he even seems to defend russia a little bit.

Yeah, such revolutionary regimes are what he/others call a "virus" that could spread if you let them; that is, serve as an example for others to follow, and end up unraveling the whole system of US control if you leave them be. Cuba and Vietnam are very clear examples of this; Cuba somehow managed to survive to this day, despite the US' efforts, but Vietnam wasn't so lucky, unfortunately.

But it doesn't follow that because he criticizes the US' role in all this, he is of the opinion that the country not existing would make for a better world. As I said, it could easily be the case that someone else would step up to fill the role; the US is powerful, but not particularly special otherwise - it's a country like any other. The imperialist tendencies are there for sure, but they are the same that existed in any of the previous empires.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: beetcoin on July 09, 2014, 11:13:37 PM
i agree.. but yeah, if i were to take your title out of context, i'd probably say that the world without america is probably a better one... at least that's the opinion of noam chomsky.

but yeah, back to the topic.. they're just trolls sending out misinformation. no point in getting mad about it.

Are you sure that is Chomsky's opinion? I know he frequently bashes the US, and in my view, rightly so; but for all it's wrongdoings, the US is an imperial power like any other has been throughout history. That is, if it wasn't the US doing it, some other powerful country would be doing it. In fact, I remember him saying something to this effect at least on one occasion (I'll post the video, if I remember what it was :)).

i didn't see any mention of that in his book. he seems to mention a lot of unionized/liberal regimes in countries that try to prop up, but were quashed by the CIA/US efforts in order to decrease their influence.. he mentioned multiple countries in the middle east, central and south america. hell, he even seems to defend russia a little bit.

Yeah, such revolutionary regimes are what he/others call a "virus" that could spread if you let them; that is, serve as an example for others to follow, and end up unraveling the whole system of US control if you leave them be. Cuba and Vietnam are very clear examples of this; Cuba somehow managed to survive to this day, despite the US' efforts, but Vietnam wasn't so lucky, unfortunately.

But it doesn't follow that because he criticizes the US' role in all this, he is of the opinion that the country not existing would make for a better world. As I said, it could easily be the case that someone else would step up to fill the role; the US is powerful, but not particularly special otherwise - it's a country like any other. The imperialist tendencies are there for sure, but they are the same that existed in any of the previous empires.

to be fair, he does talk about imperialism through other societies, like the british opium war and how they left a trail of devastation everywhere they went (in india or china). and while i'm not speaking for him, i think it would be a different world if there weren't only 1 superpower to who reigned over everyone else. it's like having a monopoly vs. an oligopoly. i prefer the oligopoly to having 1 guy call all of the shots. currently, the U.S. has such a heads-up advantage over every other country (or even europe as a whole).

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: u9y42 on July 09, 2014, 11:37:52 PM
to be fair, he does talk about imperialism through other societies, like the british opium war and how they left a trail of devastation everywhere they went (in india or china). and while i'm not speaking for him, i think it would be a different world if there weren't only 1 superpower to who reigned over everyone else. it's like having a monopoly vs. an oligopoly. i prefer the oligopoly to having 1 guy call all of the shots. currently, the U.S. has such a heads-up advantage over every other country (or even europe as a whole).

I think it was the leader of Malaysia that complained about pretty much the same thing when the USSR disbanded, basically saying that most countries' defense against the US' hegemony was the threat of defecting to the other side, and that now that was no longer a possibility. :)

Still, I'd hope that the spectrum of possible choices was broader than just "monopoly" and "oligopoly"; perhaps one of those "virus" will finally break out one day. ;)

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: dank on July 10, 2014, 01:14:19 AM
Governments: Imagine a world without them

We would be left with nothing short of world peace.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 10, 2014, 01:15:35 AM
Governments: Imagine a world without them

We would be left with nothing short of world peace.

Wrongo, boyo!

We would be left with a world in utter chaos!

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: dank on July 10, 2014, 01:48:58 AM
Governments: Imagine a world without them

We would be left with nothing short of world peace.

Wrongo, boyo!

We would be left with a world in utter chaos!

Right, because a world that's been at constant war for several decades isn't chaotic.

Your premise is that humans are generally barbaric and hateful creatures that wish nothing more than to reek havoc.  You are wrong.  99% of humans are loving beings.  It is not our nature to kill each other, it is how have we been conditioned by oligarchic hierarchies that instill fear into society to keep the suppression of populations.  Divide and conquer.  Turn us against each other to distract us from the real threat, the people who claim power over humanity.

Human nature is to love.  To create a society where humans can prosper and truly thrive as a species.

It is the remaining 1% that are sociopaths.  It is the sociopaths that hold 'power' at this time.  It is the sociopaths that order populations to slaughter each other over false rhetoric and dogma.  It is the sociopaths that create a system that thrives off death and conflict, while profiting the materialistic minds of today's 'leaders'.

A world without governments (tyranny, monopolized violence and criminal gangs) would be a world of freedom.  It would be a world of peace.

Sure, the 1% of sociopaths would think it made them free to do as they wish to others.  But the 1% of egomaniacs would quickly eliminate each other.  It is simply the law of attraction.  Negative beings attract negative beings.  Positive attracts positive.  It is karma.  No earthly human can supersede the universal law of karma.

The sooner we realize we are currently living in a state of disharmony and chaos, the quicker we can create a new world dictated by the power of love rather than fear.

The night is always darkest before the light.  But if we remain in a state of darkness forever, the light will never truly shine.

We must realize we are all one.  We are all a family.  We are one species, one race, one being.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 10, 2014, 01:57:22 AM
Governments: Imagine a world without them

We would be left with nothing short of world peace.

Wrongo, boyo!

We would be left with a world in utter chaos!

Right, because a world that's been at constant war for several decades isn't chaotic.

Your premise is that humans are generally barbaric and hateful creatures that wish nothing more than to reek havoc.  You are wrong.  99% of humans are loving beings.  It is not our nature to kill each other, it is how have we been conditioned by oligarchic hierarchies that instill fear into society to keep the suppression of populations.  Divide and conquer.  Turn us against each other to distract us from the real threat, the people who claim power over humanity.

Human nature is to love.  To create a society where humans can prosper and truly thrive as a species.

It is the remaining 1% that are sociopaths.  It is the sociopaths that hold 'power' at this time.  It is the sociopaths that order populations to slaughter each other over false rhetoric and dogma.  It is the sociopaths that create a system that thrives off death and conflict, while profiting the materialistic minds of today's 'leaders'.

A world without governments (tyranny, monopolized violence and criminal gangs) would be a world of freedom.  It would be a world of peace.

Sure, the 1% of sociopaths would think it made them free to do as they wish to others.  But the 1% of egomaniacs would quickly eliminate each other.  It is simply the law of attraction.  Negative beings attract negative beings.  Positive attracts positive.  It is karma.  No earthly human can supersede the universal law of karma.

The sooner we realize we are currently living in a state of disharmony and chaos, the quicker we can create a new world dictated by the power of love rather than fear.

The night is always darkest before the light.  But if we remain in a state of darkness forever, the light will never truly shine.

We must realize we are all one.  We are all a family.  We are one species, one race, one being.

Horseshit on so many levels that I can't even deal with them all.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: dank on July 10, 2014, 02:30:57 AM
Calling something horseshit does not make it less of truth.

Articulate how you feel if you wish to have a logical conversation.

Please explain how the world could be anymore chaotic than it is now without violent tyrannical oppressors engaging in war and conducting mass amounts of conflict and unrest.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 10, 2014, 02:32:28 AM
dank is in the house.

Thread dead.

Move along.

Nothing further to see here.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Vod on July 10, 2014, 03:15:01 AM
Right, because a world that's been at constant war for several decades isn't chaotic.

Maybe the world you live in with your drug use, but our world hasn't been at war for 80 years.

Personally, I have lived a stable life for over 40 years.  No chaos at all.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: dank on July 10, 2014, 04:20:08 AM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 10, 2014, 06:01:52 AM
Well I dont think that world without United states would be worse than this one. Not trolling. Basically american entertainment industry transform people into trend chasing consuments, mindless puppets. I do understand that people with different values and different cultures are not happy when their kids are rised by ganstas and sluts. Sure, parents cant compete with super cool hyped up marketers exploitng human psychology. And Im not even talking about geopolitical influence. There is reason why whole world dislikes america and it is not your freedom :D

I'll bet that your country doesn't turn down US Foreign Aid though, does it?

Or military aid for that matter.

A good portion of the criticism is well deserved, the US has had bad leadership for a good while now for sure but to suggest the world would be a better place without the US requires a large amount if willful ignorance.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Vod on July 10, 2014, 07:31:23 AM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

My homeland isn't invading other homelands of other humans anywhere.

This world the rest of us live in is actually quite peaceful one overall, thanks to our governments.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 10, 2014, 10:50:14 AM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

My homeland isn't invading other homelands of other humans anywhere.

This world the rest of us live in is actually quite peaceful one overall, thanks to our governments.


There have been dozens of wars, both large and small, which have been fought throughout the world since 1900 and the USA was not involved in most of them.

Doubt me?

Go here and learn:

Doesn't look as though the world has been very peaceful for the 114 years.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 10, 2014, 01:58:47 PM
Imagine the world without her?

Oh my god

It's so beautiful!

There so much less warfare

There isn't a noisy country pushing itself wherever she isn't needed and making problems for everyone!

Does your country receive US aid in any form?

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: u9y42 on July 10, 2014, 03:12:10 PM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

My homeland isn't invading other homelands of other humans anywhere.

This world the rest of us live in is actually quite peaceful one overall, thanks to our governments.

LostDutchman is right, there have been a large number of conflicts since the second world war (I take it that's where your "80 years" came from); I would hardly call it a peaceful period. Now, you can argue that your life and the lives of those around you aren't being affected by these conflicts, but even then that's doubtful.

I mean, even if your countrymen aren't being killed (either invading other countries, supporting others during their invasions, or being invaded themselves), remember that the weapons used in these conflicts still have to come from somewhere: the US, European countries, Russia, Israel, etc. are major weapons producers and exporters. So, in effect, those are large amounts of resources that are being used to fill the pockets of weapons manufacturers, instead of improving society as a whole (and sometimes with the population's own tax money to boot). Also, if your country is anywhere near a war zone, it's also likely it will have to deal with an influx of refugees at some point in time.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: beetcoin on July 10, 2014, 05:06:36 PM
Imagine the world without her?

Oh my god

It's so beautiful!

There so much less warfare

There isn't a noisy country pushing itself wherever she isn't needed and making problems for everyone!

Does your country receive US aid in any form?

if US foreign aid is going anywhere, it's not out of the goodness of the U.S. government's heart. it's because they need to lube up a country to submit to them. call that a "liberal bias," if you will.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 10, 2014, 05:16:23 PM
Imagine the world without her?

Oh my god

It's so beautiful!

There so much less warfare

There isn't a noisy country pushing itself wherever she isn't needed and making problems for everyone!

Does your country receive US aid in any form?

if US foreign aid is going anywhere, it's not out of the goodness of the U.S. government's heart. it's because they need to lube up a country to submit to them. call that a "liberal bias," if you will.

True...The USA also "gives" weapons and money to both sides of a disturbing number of wars & "minor" armed conflicts.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: dank on July 10, 2014, 10:17:54 PM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

My homeland isn't invading other homelands of other humans anywhere.

This world the rest of us live in is actually quite peaceful one overall, thanks to our governments.

"The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world"

Oh, yeah, I also forgot, flying RC planes over other countries and pussifatically bombing them remotely isn't an act of war.  Silly me, I forgot we could bomb people without technically being in a war.

Yup, nothing chaotic about bombing people with souped up RC planes.  Totally peaceful, carry on.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Vod on July 10, 2014, 11:28:01 PM
Oh that's right, I forgot it's only war if our homeland is being invaded.  Not if we're invading the homeland of other humans on the other side of the globe.

Right right, carry on.  No war here, just the standard Iraqi genocide, nothing chaotic about that since we are strategically slaughtering them.

My homeland isn't invading other homelands of other humans anywhere.

This world the rest of us live in is actually quite peaceful one overall, thanks to our governments.

"The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world"

Oh, yeah, I also forgot, flying RC planes over other countries and pussifatically bombing them remotely isn't an act of war.  Silly me, I forgot we could bomb people without technically being in a war.

Yup, nothing chaotic about bombing people with souped up RC planes.  Totally peaceful, carry on.

I'm glad we finally agree on something.  Governments keep the world orderly.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 11, 2014, 02:00:56 AM
Tell ya what.............................................

......all you America-hating SOBs......................... time your little pissant country is in a jam..........................


Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Vod on July 11, 2014, 02:03:50 AM
Tell ya what.............................................

......all you America-hating SOBs......................... time your little pissant country is in a jam..........................


Dank has no problem mooching off the welfare tit of his country, but he'll badmouth it every other way.   ::)

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 11, 2014, 02:14:58 AM
Tell ya what.............................................

......all you America-hating SOBs......................... time your little pissant country is in a jam..........................


Dank has no problem mooching off the welfare tit of his country, but he'll badmouth it every other way.   ::)

Screw dank.

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 11, 2014, 02:41:43 AM
Tell ya what.............................................

......all you America-hating SOBs......................... time your little pissant country is in a jam..........................


Tell ya what.........
Mr. history "expert", please consider this:
Google "American military atrocities (" and learn a bit about why so many people hate America.

Then perhaps study up a bit more on this:
...and learn why many people who love freedom are falsely accused of "hating America".  ;D

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 11, 2014, 02:47:13 AM
Tell ya what.............................................

......all you America-hating SOBs......................... time your little pissant country is in a jam..........................


Tell ya what.........
Mr. history "expert", please consider this:
Google "American military atrocities (" and learn a bit about why so many people hate America.

Then perhaps study up a bit more on this:
...and learn why many people who love freedom are falsely accused of "hating America".  ;D

I probably know the Constitution better than most, thank you!

Pot, meet kettle:

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 11, 2014, 02:57:03 AM
I probably know the Constitution better than most, thank you!

You are welcome.
So, other countries military atrocities somehow excuse ours, is that what you are saying?

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 11, 2014, 03:07:20 AM
I probably know the Constitution better than most, thank you!

You are welcome.
So, other countries military atrocities somehow excuse ours, is that what you are saying?

Do NOT put words into my keyboard!

I wrote no such fucking thing and you know it!

Title: Re: America: Imagine the World Without Her
Post by: LostDutchman on July 11, 2014, 07:08:33 AM
I am giong to get out of this thread although it is good for post count, it is bad for me.

If America, by which is meant the United States of America is so Goddamned bad, how come it is that so many WANT IN?

Check the news on the so-called "border crisis".

You all have a nice day.