Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: abercrombie on August 04, 2014, 01:16:56 AM

Title: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on August 04, 2014, 01:16:56 AM
I've seen all of the Andreas Antonopoulos videos on YouTube speaking to various audiences.  They're truly inspirational but gave me the impression that Bitcoin in the United States was mainly for white people with a few token Asians sprinkled here and there.

Anyhow, I have an advertisement for local in-person cash trades for Bitcoin.  Trades are rare in my area, but I like to proliferate the coin whenever I can.  Plus, at my asking price the transaction would result in a relatively significant amount of pocket change.  So, I get a request to meet at my local Zoo parking lot.  Apparently, it was a person from one of America's largest cities driving in from out of town to visit our world famous local Zoo. But it just set off a few alarms.   How hard is it to get Bitcoins from the large city that he's from?  Meet at Zoo parking lot?  My ad specifically states to meet at Starbucks or McDonalds mainly for Internet access but also because of cameras everywhere.  Lastly, the guy sounded... black.   :o

Anyhow, I go ahead and call and have him meet me at the Starbucks nearest to the zoo.  I was getting nervous, even started to sweat after getting off the call.  Should I just cancel?  He could then give me my first bad feedback.   What if I get mugged.  I thought to myself what a horrible person I'd be cancelling the meet just because the guy sounded black.  Me being the weanie, I brought "muscle" just in case the guy tried to strong arm me into inputting my Google 2FA to validate the escrow and steal my coins.  My muscle was a fat guy that plays video games all day in his mother's basement.  No way would he get physical, but his orders were to video record from another table pretending to be a random customer.  :D

The young guy finally shows up with basketball jersey tank top showing off his tattoos and wild urban cut afro.  He looked part Latino and Black and after inquiring about my handle, put down his phone to pull out the money.   The guy's smart phone had a shattered screen.  He has 1k to buy Bitcoin but can't even get a replacement screen for his phone?  After handing me 1k in hundred dollar bills, I broke out my counterfeit pen with UV light and validated the bills, verified the stripe was in the correct spot with the UV light.  He said, "You're a smart man."  Everything looked good and transferred the funds to the buyer.  

He even gave me the # (pound).  You know, when you knock fists like players do in basketball?  :P

Worked out well.  Have to admit, it was a rush.  Treated my fat friend to lunch at the nearby restaurant.

Going to hit a gentlemen's club tonight.  ;D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 04, 2014, 01:40:07 AM

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TimS on August 04, 2014, 01:41:43 AM
Apparently, it was a person from one of the U.S.'s largest cities driving in from out of town to visit our world famous local Zoo. But it just set off a few alarms.   How hard is it to get Bitcoins in the largest city where he's from?  My ad specifically states to meet at Starbucks or McDonalds mainly for Internet access but also because of cameras everywhere.  The handle was brand new.

Should I just cancel?  He could then give me my first bad feedback.   What if I get mugged.

The young guy finally shows up with basketball jersey tank top showing off his tattoos and wild urban cut ...  The guy's smart phone had a cracked screen.  He has 1k to buy Bitcoin but can't even get a replacement screen for his phone?  After handing me 1k in hundred dollar bills...
Some reasonable suspicions here.
Andreas Antonopoulos...gave me the impression that Bitcoin in the United States was mainly for white people with a few token Asians sprinkled here and there.

...Lastly, the guy sounded... black.   :o

What if I get mugged.  I thought to myself what a horrible person I'd be cancelling the meet just because the guy sounded black.

... afro.  He looked part Latino and Black ...
And racism here. Which is the larger part of your post? Yeah.

I'm glad to live in a place in the US where my race is not a huge majority. Helps keep me from seeing other races as "others" (

Regardless, glad to hear that the trade went through without a problem.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: haploid23 on August 04, 2014, 02:02:18 AM
haha that's awesome. Glad everything worked out. Personally I'd be too chickenshit to do face-to-face with that much cash. Once you use your phone to release the btc, you can't predict if the dude will mean-mug you to take his cash back.

Let me guess, you met him at San Diego Zoo?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TheButterZone on August 04, 2014, 02:18:13 AM
Let me see, the races I sold to were...


Oh, and one ET.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: jjc326 on August 04, 2014, 02:24:51 AM
This is why I recommend doing the transaction in a public place, and with someone who has previous positive feedback from whatever system you're using.  Then, it really wouldn't matter what they looked like, I'd be comfortable doing it.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: commandrix on August 04, 2014, 02:31:29 AM
Congrats on a successful sale. I don't blame you for being a wee bit nervous about meeting somebody completely random this way, whether he's black or not. That's why I like to do most of my business online. The other person might steal my money or my work, but at least he can't beat me up. And the other thing I like about the Internet is that, unless you're posting a bunch of selfies or that video of you getting drunk and doing something you wouldn't do while sober, nobody can tell what color your skin is. I could be Asian for all you know. And I was just talking to somebody who wasn't a native English speaker and he was fluent enough that I couldn't tell until he told me. So you never know.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: LouReed on August 04, 2014, 02:33:58 AM
Are you from the deep south by any chance? Lol!

I'm a little bit surprised you didn't say that you thought he was buying the Bitcoin to use to buy some Crack on the secret dark interweb! It's about the only racist implication you left out! ::)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: QuestionAuthority on August 04, 2014, 02:42:57 AM
You're surprised that black people use money and can conduct business without committing a crime. Yeah, ok.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: caribbeanbitcoiner on August 04, 2014, 04:25:01 AM
smh, white people   :D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: davida on August 04, 2014, 05:50:25 AM
Are you from the deep south by any chance? Lol!

I'm a little bit surprised you didn't say that you thought he was buying the Bitcoin to use to buy some Crack on the secret dark interweb! It's about the only racist implication you left out! ::)

To be fair... White or black, sounds like this is exactly what he was doing!!!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Honeypot on August 04, 2014, 07:37:49 AM
Heard there's a bitch fest going on here with blackies and white people.

Mostly I hear black bitching.

Funny because rest of the world regard 1st world white vs. black bitching the same way they look at two gay boys fighting over who gets to wear the dress.

Grow a fucking spine.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: davida on August 04, 2014, 07:38:26 AM
Fkn white people.
*sigh* white Americans......worst white people..

Replace the word white with black in these sentences and I believe right now you would be getting attacked by hundred of people for being racist!!!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: maurya78 on August 04, 2014, 09:19:39 AM
Whatever his race, this is a smart dude who is investing in the future
great story though I could have done without the stereotyping

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: BitCoinNutJob on August 04, 2014, 09:25:10 AM

Race has never been the issue, its always been socio economics.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: deepestfear on August 04, 2014, 09:26:48 AM
Fantastic story, the slightly racist overtone aside
Underscores how btc can transcend all boundaries though

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Pente on August 04, 2014, 09:28:34 AM
Heard there's a bitch fest going on here with blackies and white people.

Mostly I hear black bitching.

Funny because rest of the world regard 1st world white vs. black bitching the same way they look at two gay boys fighting over who gets to wear the dress.

Grow a fucking spine.

I will admit that I feel a hundred times safer walking around downtown Nairobi at night than I do in most large U.S. cities at night.

Congrats to OP for fulfilling the deal despite his trepidation about it.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Divinespark on August 04, 2014, 09:29:19 AM
I have traded coin with black folks several times before
Hardly the groundbreaking news you are making this out to be...

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Pente on August 04, 2014, 09:32:41 AM
I have traded coin with black folks several times before
Hardly the groundbreaking news you are making this out to be...

It was completely outside his comfort zone though, he just needed to share it.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 04, 2014, 11:31:20 AM
Fkn white people.

You guys realize the story is most likely either a comedians attempt to be funny or a black man attempting to troll bait white people for a laugh.
Look at his sig,his post history, his username, the absurdity of his story and the images.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: oceans on August 04, 2014, 11:40:36 AM
Regardless of race at least you know this guy came through and you got the cash for the bitcoins. It's great to hear that your deal went through smoothly. This guy definitely had hit wits about him to snap up such a deal like that.


Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Kluge on August 04, 2014, 12:02:45 PM
You "fkn white people" lot are just ignorant to our ignorance.

I made friends with one of my co-workers last year, was friendlier with him than anyone else - really comfortable. Worked in the same place 10 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, and we went out to a bar together, even. One day after around two months of knowing each other, he pulled out a picture of himself ~5 years ago, and I was looking at it really confused-like. I didn't even know who he was showing me a picture of, and I was doing this kind of preoccupied smile-and-nod motion because here was this clearly black guy with an afro. How was this guy relevant to me? All of the sudden, it dawned on me. "Hoooo-ly shit. You're black?!" :D

I mean, there were only four black people I knew of on our shift of 400, there were only two in our high school of five-hundred (none I recall in elementary or middle school), and I'd never worked with "one of them" before, so... not a lot of opportunities to really understand, and it's drilled into our heads that we can't judge everyone by a few, but with Black History, BET, HBCUs - it seems they must be some kind of completely different people who eat water, wear shoes on their hands, and shit through their belly buttons, and I just can't treat someone truly normally unless I don't know that they're black, or old, or young, or gay, or female, or whatever else. Once I know it, then it's "oh, what's relevant to THEM?" -And I remember, that co-worker told me this before, and I didn't get it at the time - he was annoyed because people kept asking him what kind of rap music he liked. :D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: cr1776 on August 04, 2014, 12:04:51 PM
Are you from the deep south by any chance? Lol!

Check out the racism there - anti-people from below the equator!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: bitpump on August 04, 2014, 12:45:49 PM
"A new poll has found the most likely ethnic group to have heard about Bitcoin is (*drumroll*) Hispanic Americans.

When asked how much they had heard about Bitcoin, just 8 % of self-identifying white respondents to the survey by digital media company Morning Consult answered “a lot.” African-American respondents were similarly unfamiliar, with 7% saying they’d heard a lot about the cryptocurrency.

A staggering 21% of Hispanic-Americans , meanwhile, gave this answer, along with 22% of “other” respondents, many of whom are likely Asian.

Hispanic-Americans were by far the ethnic group most likely to say they would consider using Bitcoin themselves: 23% answered they were “very likely,” compared to 9% from African-Americans and “others” and just 5% from whites."

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: leex1528 on August 04, 2014, 12:53:17 PM
So you post this story here?  lol, not to be that mean but this is a pretty racist story...

Didn't you think at all, hey what if he is on the forums too?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Ron~Popeil on August 04, 2014, 01:13:38 PM
Self proclaimed color blind superiority bullshit aside I am glad the OP got beyond their comfort zone. You tend to find out that good bad or otherwise people are just people. If you get all your information from television or the internet you are missing a lot about the world.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 04, 2014, 02:21:24 PM

I find it humorous so many people are taking this post seriously when it most likely is troll bait or comedy gold created by someone who isn't racist at all.

On a side note, most people are indeed subconsciously racist as culture, media, and society has created these biases within us. First step is to recognize this, than take steps to combat these cognitive biases.

Here is an amazing series of tests that will reveal your inner prejudices-


Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on August 04, 2014, 02:28:30 PM
For the haters, I don't see the human race as one colorless melting pot.  We're like that cantina in Star Wars with all the aliens of various locations intermixing.  Need to recognize your own limitations and the cultural and physical gifts other races may bring to the table.  If I were ripped off by a white person, I have a feeling I could keep up chasing them for a few miles down the road.  As for a black guy, he'd out sprint me the first 100 yards.  If he chose not to run and just fight, my coordination would get me knocked on my ass.   :-\

Thanks for the supporters, yes it was a challenge exiting my comfort zone.  Air High Fives!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 04, 2014, 02:36:52 PM
 If I were ripped off by a white person, I have a feeling I could keep up chasing them for a few miles down the road.  As for a black guy, he'd out sprint me the first 100 yards.  If he chose not to run and just fight, my coordination would get me knocked on my ass.   :-\

This is a master troll in action; thanks for the laugh good sir.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Fat Ronaldo on August 04, 2014, 02:41:50 PM
Fkn white people.

You guys realize the story is most likely either a comedians attempt to be funny or a black man attempting to troll bait white people for a laugh.
Look at his sig,his post history, his username, the absurdity of his story and the images.

It looks just like he's trolling to me. If not, you need to get over your irrational fear of black people.

If the story is true he was likely not uncomfortable at all in meeting a black guy.

AKA being a racist.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: ovais909 on August 04, 2014, 03:01:16 PM
Fkn white people.
*sigh* white Americans......worst white people..

Replace the word white with black in these sentences and I believe right now you would be getting attacked by hundred of people for being racist!!!!

it was sarcasm!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: chopstick on August 04, 2014, 03:04:21 PM
Y'all motherfuckers are RACIST!!!!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on August 04, 2014, 03:31:28 PM
Fkn white people.
*sigh* white Americans......worst white people..

Replace the word white with black in these sentences and I believe right now you would be getting attacked by hundred of people for being racist!!!!

Ohhh stfu

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: CryptoPanda on August 04, 2014, 04:12:59 PM
So, you want to convince us that you didn't get stabbed even once?
I call this story bulsh*t :)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Chef Ramsay on August 04, 2014, 05:52:00 PM
I have traded coin with black folks several times before
Hardly the groundbreaking news you are making this out to be...

It was completely outside his comfort zone though, he just needed to share it.
That and let's face it, there's many white people of differing builds who are from the suburbs that would have an issue meeting and transacting w/ a black person from the inner city. Then, when each other meet, the preconceived notion is either confirmed or disparaged by the way they carry themselves. But, I imagine most people of every ethnicity tend to steer away from others that appear dressed sloppily and/or presenting the image of a bum or ghetto person.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: S4VV4S on August 04, 2014, 06:01:41 PM
OP, how many coins have you sold him for $1000 ???

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Honeypot on August 04, 2014, 06:08:31 PM
Fkn white people.
*sigh* white Americans......worst white people..

Replace the word white with black in these sentences and I believe right now you would be getting attacked by hundred of people for being racist!!!!

Ohhh stfu

LOL this bitch/

Blackie got a mouth.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: DeboraMeeks on August 04, 2014, 06:09:32 PM
I dont get this story at all, why isnt it in off topic?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: counter on August 04, 2014, 07:31:22 PM
This thread is awesome I laughed I cried.  I for one appreciate the honesty of the story the OP shared, hopefully it really happened, because that would make this even more awkward haha.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Possum577 on August 04, 2014, 08:48:20 PM
Abercrombie sounds pretty racist, from all angles. People are actually entertaining this guy's commentary? We all just got dumber....let's let this thread die!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: counter on August 04, 2014, 10:23:13 PM
 If I were ripped off by a white person, I have a feeling I could keep up chasing them for a few miles down the road.  As for a black guy, he'd out sprint me the first 100 yards.  If he chose not to run and just fight, my coordination would get me knocked on my ass.   :-\

This is a master troll in action; thanks for the laugh good sir.

My sentiments exactly.  I was impressed by both the subtlety of the post and delivery.  I was almost talking myself out of believing this is fud.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on August 05, 2014, 12:27:27 AM
Proof for the naysayers.   ;D (

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 05, 2014, 06:07:36 AM
 If I were ripped off by a white person, I have a feeling I could keep up chasing them for a few miles down the road.  As for a black guy, he'd out sprint me the first 100 yards.  If he chose not to run and just fight, my coordination would get me knocked on my ass.   :-\

This is a master troll in action; thanks for the laugh good sir.

My sentiments exactly.  I was impressed by both the subtlety of the post and delivery.  I was almost talking myself out of believing this is fud.

nice trolling, hats off to you OP  ;D

but it does raise an interesting DO you do a local
trade with a stranger? do you take the cash first and then hit the button?
or the other way around? 

do you have a cashier at dunkin donuts escrow the cash?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: eid on August 05, 2014, 06:35:32 AM
Proof for the naysayers.   ;D (

Is "Bitcoin Gangsta" you or the other guy?  :D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: mktrader on August 05, 2014, 12:44:29 PM
Members! Let's be a bit considerate towards many noble black people who would visit this thread. Truth is that the color of a person's skin does not make her/him superior or inferior.. This is a well known fact!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: leex1528 on August 05, 2014, 01:06:04 PM
I want a picture of the black guy standing next to you or no dice!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TwinWinNerD on August 05, 2014, 01:10:25 PM
THis thread is pure gold. Racism is much alive!!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on August 05, 2014, 06:59:17 PM
nice trolling, hats off to you OP  ;D

but it does raise an interesting DO you do a local
trade with a stranger? do you take the cash first and then hit the button?
or the other way around?  

do you have a cashier at dunkin donuts escrow the cash?
Cash first, then yes just hit the send button.

Is "Bitcoin Gangsta" you or the other guy?  :D
Just to avoid having to blur his phone number in the photo, I added him as a contact in my address book.   :P

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Beliathon on August 05, 2014, 08:02:18 PM
Nothing says "internet story time" quite like racism.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Razick on August 05, 2014, 08:06:47 PM
This makes me want to get into local selling. It sounds fun. It's almost like being some kind of international super criminal but without doing anything illegal.  :D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: RodeoX on August 05, 2014, 08:08:52 PM
Wow, where do you guys live that you never see black people? You make it sound like you met bigfoot. lol

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Welsh on August 05, 2014, 08:12:58 PM
I actually liked this post. It was something which everyone would think at the time of doing a deal in your situation but, you had the confidence to actually share your experience. Something, which a lot of people don't like to do in the community for some reason.

Seems like local trading can be a sort of thrill at the same time being utterly nerve racking.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: escrow.dude on August 05, 2014, 10:17:17 PM
Members! Let's be a bit considerate towards many noble black people who would visit this thread. Truth is that the color of a person's skin does not make her/him superior or inferior.. This is a well known fact!
This is very true, but unfortunately most people do not think this way. Many people in society like to use stereotypes. There are also some places in the US (and the world) that are not as diverse as others.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: wesk1212 on August 06, 2014, 01:46:23 AM
so racist. but its the WHITE people who smells the most

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: wesk1212 on August 06, 2014, 01:48:17 AM
hey abercrombie, ask your grandma about that boat trip from europe to the freedom land.
whyd your family flew here anyways

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: bbit on August 06, 2014, 02:02:18 AM
Grabs some popcorn!  ;D

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: counter on August 06, 2014, 02:07:52 AM
Wow, where do you guys live that you never see black people? You make it sound like you met bigfoot. lol

Oh my lord I was laughing so hard when I first read this thread.  From what I can imagine it's like the OP was trying his best to not yell "there's one"  when the black guy walked in the restaurant lol.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: wachtwoord on August 06, 2014, 02:12:24 AM
You're surprised that black people use money and can conduct business without committing a crime. Yeah, ok.

One might almost think they're humans ....

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: bbit on August 06, 2014, 02:20:12 AM
Wow, where do you guys live that you never see black people? You make it sound like you met bigfoot. lol

Oh my lord I was laughing so hard when I first read this thread.  From what I can imagine it's like the OP was trying his best to not yell "there's one"  when the black guy walked in the restaurant lol.

HAHAHA ^^ I was thinking the very same thing. Pretty good shit! haha

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: bbit on August 06, 2014, 02:20:29 AM
You're surprised that black people use money and can conduct business without committing a crime. Yeah, ok.

One might almost think they're humans ....

You would think right ? ^^

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Honeypot on August 06, 2014, 03:55:32 AM
hey abercrombie, ask your grandma about that boat trip from europe to the freedom land.
whyd your family flew here anyways

Why are you here?

Funny american minorities try to scrounge up every last bit of excuse to bitch like whore in heat.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Mt. Gox on August 08, 2014, 07:51:20 AM
It's possible that whoever bought the bitcoins is reading this thread right now. Most people who are interested enough in Bitcoin to buy $1,000 worth of it probably lurk or post here. I once bought a bunch of USB miners and wanted to ask a question about them here on the forums but waited because I didn't want my forum account to be linked to my real-world identity.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: wasserman99 on August 09, 2014, 12:38:24 AM
It's possible that whoever bought the bitcoins is reading this thread right now. Most people who are interested enough in Bitcoin to buy $1,000 worth of it probably lurk or post here. I once bought a bunch of USB miners and wanted to ask a question about them here on the forums but waited because I didn't want my forum account to be linked to my real-world identity.
It really depends. I think a lot of people will look up news about bitcoin for a long time before then decide to join this forum. I think the forum is really for more hard core, longer term users (people who have been using bitcoin fora long time).

I think it is wrong for the OP to discriminate against people of a certain race or because of skin color.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: cryptopaths on August 09, 2014, 01:52:37 AM

I find it humorous so many people are taking this post seriously when it most likely is troll bait or comedy gold created by someone who isn't racist at all.

On a side note, most people are indeed subconsciously racist as culture, media, and society has created these biases within us. First step is to recognize this, than take steps to combat these cognitive biases.

Here is an amazing series of tests that will reveal your inner prejudices-


interesting test what did you score?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: anderl on August 09, 2014, 02:02:42 AM

I find it humorous so many people are taking this post seriously when it most likely is troll bait or comedy gold created by someone who isn't racist at all.

On a side note, most people are indeed subconsciously racist as culture, media, and society has created these biases within us. First step is to recognize this, than take steps to combat these cognitive biases.

Here is an amazing series of tests that will reveal your inner prejudices-


interesting test what did you score?

I don't know who you are kid and I don't know what I want but your following a dangerous path.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: luckyluigi on August 09, 2014, 02:14:50 AM
Nice trolling bro

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 14, 2014, 01:45:47 AM
interesting test what did you score?

   Not good :(

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: freedomno1 on August 14, 2014, 05:35:41 AM

The young guy finally shows up with basketball jersey tank top showing off his tattoos and wild urban cut afro.  He looked part Latino and Black and after inquiring about my handle, put down his phone to pull out the money.   The guy's smart phone had a shattered screen.  He has 1k to buy Bitcoin but can't even get a replacement screen for his phone?  After handing me 1k in hundred dollar bills, I broke out my counterfeit pen with UV transferred the funds to the buyer. 
light and validated the bills, verified the stripe was in the correct spot with the UV light.  He said, "You're a smart man."  Everything looked good and
He even gave me the # (pound).  You know, when you knock fists like players do in basketball?  :P

Worked out well.  Have to admit, it was a rush.  Treated my fat friend to lunch at the nearby restaurant.

Going to hit a gentlemen's club tonight.  ;D

I'm glad it worked out for you
After all it was designed for everyone but I did enjoy your story sounded like the Fresh Prince of Belair
Without the rap parts included.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: FelixOliver on August 14, 2014, 09:36:16 AM
Not interesting/funny at all.. Quite small minded actually.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Soros Shorts on August 14, 2014, 10:43:14 AM
What a certified nerd.  ::)

Not interesting/funny at all.. just proof of how much of a loser you truly are.

You break out UV pens because a black guy wants to buy some coin?.. You are the ultimate Loser
Well it is a real risk. I have a small collection of fake $20 bills accumulated through localbitcoins selling over a period of time. I only noticed them after I got home and ran them through a currency counter. Never got a fake $100 bill though.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: wesk1212 on August 14, 2014, 02:49:16 PM
hey abercrombie, ask your grandma about that boat trip from europe to the freedom land.
whyd your family flew here anyways

Why are you here?

Funny american minorities try to scrounge up every last bit of excuse to bitch like whore in heat.

All your posts are non bitcoin related. Why are u at this forum anyways.
Are you an anti gay ir 99% wall street march some shit like that? Keep complaining about your life and society to your mom not here. Non of us are interested in your opinion.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Dabs on August 14, 2014, 02:59:19 PM
I do my trades near a bank. I let the girl at the counter look at the bills, and I don't even have to ask. If it gets deposited to the account, then the bills are good. Then I send the bitcoins.

Or the other way around.

I'm also armed, so I could care less what colour my buyer is.

Often times, I never even have to meet them. We just do bank deposit and text messages, and they get their bitcoins in a few minutes.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: zedicus on August 14, 2014, 04:37:52 PM
What a certified nerd.  ::)

Not interesting/funny at all.. just proof of how much of a loser you truly are.

You break out UV pens because a black guy wants to buy some coin?.. You are the ultimate Loser
Well it is a real risk. I have a small collection of fake $20 bills accumulated through localbitcoins selling over a period of time. I only noticed them after I got home and ran them through a currency counter. Never got a fake $100 bill though.
It really should almost be a best practice to run bills you receive through a bill counter (that can detect fake bills and/or use a "counterfeit pen" on all of the bills to make sure they are not counterfeit. If you do not realize they are counterfeit and try to deposit them at the bank you could potentially get in a lot of trouble.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: ajareselde on August 14, 2014, 05:50:47 PM
I've sold Bitcoin to a ton of black guys. Actually, 50% of my buyers are black.

Then again, I live in a "black" city.

Dont realy understand this whole "black guy" thing, which actualy has even stopped being a "thing" long time ago.
Even the president is black, and not to mention whole bunch of rich ass bussiness owners.

What bothers me more is the fact that OP sold bitcoins ... at this price... insane
Talk about a bad calls ..

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 14, 2014, 05:58:48 PM
What bothers me more is the fact that OP sold bitcoins ... at this price... insane
Talk about a bad calls ..

The OP didn't indicate he sold 1 BTC for 1k but 1k worth of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TheButterZone on August 14, 2014, 07:21:11 PM
Dont realy understand this whole "black guy" thing, which actualy has even stopped being a "thing" long time ago.
Even the president is black, and not to mention whole bunch of rich ass bussiness owners.

Even the (U.S.) president? Um, he's functionally indistinguishable from his sociopath fully Caucasian predecessors.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Dabs on August 15, 2014, 05:28:26 PM
There is a gray area... Actually, the other colours are brown, red, yellow, pink...

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: counter on August 15, 2014, 05:39:19 PM
It is threads like these that make me wonder long and hard if the world is even ready for the kind of technology Bitcoins offers it's users.  I mean we have had nukes and havne't completely destroyed the planet so I guess there is some hope.   ::)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Predict27 on August 15, 2014, 05:43:23 PM
Threads title is racist.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: CoinHoarder on August 15, 2014, 05:47:16 PM
Threads title is racist.

Only the title is racist? Did you read the OP? lol  :P

I am convinced the OP is just trolling everyone.. there's no way someone smart enough to know about Bitcoin can be this ignorant in the year 2014. :)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: bornil267645 on August 15, 2014, 05:51:59 PM
This types of posts are allowed!!!!!!

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: powganima on August 15, 2014, 05:58:26 PM
I've seen all of the Andreas Antonopoulos videos on YouTube speaking to various audiences.  They're truly inspirational but gave me the impression that Bitcoin in the United States was mainly for white people with a few token Asians sprinkled here and there.

Anyhow, I have an advertisement for local in-person cash trades for Bitcoin.  Trades are rare in my area, but I like to proliferate the coin whenever I can.  Plus, at my asking price the transaction would result in a relatively significant amount of pocket change.  So, I get a request to meet at my local Zoo parking lot.  Apparently, it was a person from one of America's largest cities driving in from out of town to visit our world famous local Zoo. But it just set off a few alarms.   How hard is it to get Bitcoins from the large city that he's from?  Meet at Zoo parking lot?  My ad specifically states to meet at Starbucks or McDonalds mainly for Internet access but also because of cameras everywhere.  Lastly, the guy sounded... black.   :o

Anyhow, I go ahead and call and have him meet me at the Starbucks nearest to the zoo.  I was getting nervous, even started to sweat after getting off the call.  Should I just cancel?  He could then give me my first bad feedback.   What if I get mugged.  I thought to myself what a horrible person I'd be cancelling the meet just because the guy sounded black.  Me being the weanie, I brought "muscle" just in case the guy tried to strong arm me into inputting my Google 2FA to validate the escrow and steal my coins.  My muscle was a fat guy that plays video games all day in his mother's basement.  No way would he get physical, but his orders were to video record from another table pretending to be a random customer.  :D

The young guy finally shows up with basketball jersey tank top showing off his tattoos and wild urban cut afro.  He looked part Latino and Black and after inquiring about my handle, put down his phone to pull out the money.   The guy's smart phone had a shattered screen.  He has 1k to buy Bitcoin but can't even get a replacement screen for his phone?  After handing me 1k in hundred dollar bills, I broke out my counterfeit pen with UV light and validated the bills, verified the stripe was in the correct spot with the UV light.  He said, "You're a smart man."  Everything looked good and transferred the funds to the buyer.  

He even gave me the # (pound).  You know, when you knock fists like players do in basketball?  :P

Worked out well.  Have to admit, it was a rush.  Treated my fat friend to lunch at the nearby restaurant.

Going to hit a gentlemen's club tonight.  ;D

fake.  the story is made up.  The clues are abound. 

1. too many unnecessary details
2. trolling
3. purposely confessing to something that is an attention getter.
4. Sensationalistic title.

case closed.

get out of here, troll (ie: OP).  As the OP would yourself say to others: your kind don't belong here.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: gogxmagog on August 15, 2014, 06:29:19 PM
I asked my buddy Ted Nugent what he thought about this thread and he shot my dog.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Magicman420 on August 15, 2014, 07:07:11 PM
Proof for the naysayers.   ;D (

Didn't you say you treated your friend to lunch and hit the strip club??? How in the world do you still have 1,000 for the picture after all that fun? Sounds fishy lol

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Spearmint on August 15, 2014, 07:15:31 PM
wow a black guy who uses bitcoin? how crazy......  ::)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: BADecker on August 15, 2014, 07:18:17 PM
With a handle like "abercrombie" besides.


Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TheButterZone on August 15, 2014, 09:20:23 PM
I asked my buddy Ted Nugent what he thought about this thread and he shot my dog.

Since when was Ted Nugent a cop?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Maidak on August 15, 2014, 09:25:53 PM
Fkn white people.

You guys realize the story is most likely either a comedians attempt to be funny or a black man attempting to troll bait white people for a laugh.
Look at his sig,his post history, his username, the absurdity of his story and the images.

I think you hit the nail on the head. :)

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: gogxmagog on August 15, 2014, 11:02:50 PM
I asked my buddy Ted Nugent what he thought about this thread and he shot my dog shit in his pants.

Since when was Ted Nugent a cop?

There. I fixed that for you.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: TheButterZone on August 15, 2014, 11:46:53 PM
I asked my buddy Ted Nugent what he thought about this thread and he shot my dog shit in his pants.

Since when was Ted Nugent a cop?

There. I fixed that for you.

Since when was opposing racist gun control, racist?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: heybigboy1 on August 16, 2014, 08:26:37 AM
BTC has nothing to do with race... You putting it that way makes it seem pretty darn racist if any.. Should watch how you word things next time

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Sheldor333 on August 16, 2014, 08:34:24 AM
Why would you be surprised by something like that. I don't see anything weird with that at all, just another smart human that decided to buy some bitcoins and invest in his future, nothing more, nothing less.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on August 16, 2014, 02:14:02 PM
What bothers me more is the fact that OP sold bitcoins ... at this price... insane
Talk about a bad calls ..

Check the date of the OP and add a percentage to Bitstamp that would allow one to continue with a perceived risky situation and it turns out to be a good trade.

Bitstamp Aug 16 $496 (current)
Bitstamp Aug 03 $585

FWIW, bought 5 BTC yesterday.  Will buy more on continued weakness.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on August 16, 2014, 03:16:17 PM
did the nigger get his bitcoins or did u get arrested for Aggrevated Assault

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: idev on August 16, 2014, 03:35:03 PM
90% of bitcoiners are racist.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: fanboy4 on August 16, 2014, 03:35:55 PM
;D agree

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: inBitweTrust on August 16, 2014, 05:30:27 PM
90% of bitcoiners are racist.

There is racism, and than there is Racism... 99.9% of humans have subconscious prejudices; take the test to find out you are "racist" too:

In-group and out-group preferences are innate biologically despite acknowledging racism is illusory because in reality an African man is closer to an albino swede genetically than his follow African neighbor 5 km away.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: QuestionAuthority on August 16, 2014, 05:43:32 PM
90% of bitcoiners are racist white/Asian racists. This makes them the worst kind of black hating racist.


Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: StephenJH on August 16, 2014, 06:31:33 PM
Just go buy some blackcoin... this will prove you're not racist.

I'm as white as virgin Vermont snow but I never feel quite right unless I'm in a diverse crowd, probably because I grew up in a ghetto. And those of you with a more sheltered view of the world... just hope or pray our darker skinned brothers and sisters get into cryptos. If they don't it's a dead end.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: Magicman420 on August 19, 2014, 05:32:17 PM
Dumb story period.. Everyone buys bitcoins.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: abercrombie on December 06, 2014, 07:03:54 PM
Ok, now that I've had 4 months experience of direct buying and selling to people,  here is what I've observed.

Sellers tend to be mostly white.

Buyers include a huge percentage of blacks and Spanish speakers.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: dKingston on December 06, 2014, 07:10:23 PM
I AM a BLACK GUY .. are u some sort racist?

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: solitude on December 06, 2014, 07:51:59 PM

Tyrone spends his welfare check on bitcoins.  News at 11.

Title: Re: Just Sold $1k worth of Bitcoins to... a Black Guy (gasp)
Post by: philiveyjr on December 08, 2014, 06:23:36 AM
You're surprised that black people use money and can conduct business without committing a crime. Yeah, ok.

Lol..!! I guess they r just trying to be funny..! well...It better be that way..!! coz that was racist.!!