Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 16, 2014, 11:08:09 PM

Title: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 16, 2014, 11:08:09 PM
One of the biggest problem getting people into Bitcoin is that we are: young, geeks, nerds, liberals, anarcho-capitalist, etc... (choose what you want) and we choose bitcoin only for its potential and its benefits, but in the real world we are only a minority

Most people are employees that buy the brand new and expensive smartphones, fashion clothes, listen new commercial music, etc just to follow the trend, and probably live their entire life apart from risk and investments... so, how we can reach them?

maybe one method is making bitcoin a new fashion, with merchandising and concentrating in how easy is to be used instead of how its works, mining, volatility of price, blockchain, etc

In Argentina we started a "evangelizing" movement doing travels around the country doing meetups, you can follow news on facebook

Bitcoiner Tour Argentina 2014

this thread is for share your ideas and opinions

Donations -> 1AJHWkkaQYY6MTGteKGVFeubhPJBi9z8Be

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 16, 2014, 11:20:17 PM
Also we have a "revolutionary movement" called LaSatoshi where we do a little publicity with stickers , it's a half joke, a half seriuos

Inside argentinian Senate

It says: good bye pesos (argentinian currency)

it says: Postnet doesn't work, sorry for the inconvenience

an argentinian peso value

A cellphone advertisement in a supermarket

a famous payment processor

like in Venezuela we have "Precios cuidados" (a government price regulation of cosumer goods)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: cryptworld on August 17, 2014, 01:30:21 AM
Great initiative
I think bitcoin is still in early phases but it will be something mainstream in the next years
just need some time to arrive to the most of the world

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: littlewizard on August 17, 2014, 02:22:46 AM
It is great to see the efforts, there is still inflation in bitcoin, and in a few years it will become the mainstream

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: hiperion on August 17, 2014, 02:25:37 AM
It is great to see the efforts, there is still inflation in bitcoin, and in a few years it will become the mainstream

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: herebittybittybitty on August 17, 2014, 02:48:54 AM
Whoa, you have girls with you. That's a start.  :P

I think one "cool" thing it has going for it is that it is truly a world currency, and it is subversive to the political status quo. If people have any dissatisfaction with their government, they should know Bitcoin is a good way to protest it.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Malin Keshar on August 17, 2014, 03:02:51 AM
Just be carefull with the legal aspects, because at least here write in money notes is crime, and it might be used against you in the future.

There are people that will make and used everything to make the Bitcoiner's image be the worst.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Skoupi on August 17, 2014, 03:10:57 AM
You don't get it. Bitcoin it's like the internet. It's a protocol. It needs to mature.
You don't have to rush things. And frankly you can't.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 17, 2014, 03:33:53 AM
You don't get it. Bitcoin it's like the internet. It's a protocol. It needs to mature.
You don't have to rush things. And frankly you can't.

I know, in fact i was the last 3 years against bitcoin propaganda, because people use it for its benefits and no because you are selling it

but, at least in Argentina, we have reach a big part of young-geek-investor market, but we have no progress in mainframe market, things like this can help to reach them faster

for example, here we have a lot of people buying things that they don't need, paying an insane overprice only for advertisements and things like this (being a 3rd world "poor" country), if we can use some marketing strategies we can accelerate the process, for example teaching how to use Mycelium wallet instead of teaching about mining

As you can see in Coinmap, in Argentina we have a lot of business which accepts bitcoins, 148 vs 154 from the other countrys in hole south america

also we have some e-business like bitpagos, digicoins, (where you can pay taxes and services with bitcoin), two exchange (unisend and satoshitango)

on the other hand, we are near 40.000.000 inhabitants, so we still have a long road...

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 17, 2014, 03:46:14 AM
Just be carefull with the legal aspects, because at least here write in money notes is crime, and it might be used against you in the future.

There are people that will make and used everything to make the Bitcoiner's image be the worst.

thank you Malin Keshar, but we have 35% inflation per year and last year we had a 100% devaluation against american dollars...

our money it's a joke...  even they have printing errors, or they are badly cut

we have a new movement for making art in our cash for example:

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Parsons on August 17, 2014, 04:29:12 AM
The best thing is that Bitcoin is already kind of mainstream now. A lot of people that don't really understand it have at least heard about it. That's big progress in itself. Give it some more time and the final step will be easier... adoption.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: lihuajkl on August 17, 2014, 04:39:57 AM
It is great to see the efforts, there is still inflation in bitcoin, and in a few years it will become the mainstream
I don't think BTC is inflation currency. The amount of BTC is limited to 21 million. The  value is increasing as it is going to mainstream.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: gjgjg on August 20, 2014, 10:42:33 PM
Not sure if you know about quickcoin but it lets facebook users send btc to each other via their fb friends lists.
If fb is in fashion in Argentina it could be utilized if you had some btc to spare on an awareness campaign (just to get people using it and at the same time start a kind of viral theme):

1. get someone (or many ppl) to donate 1.5 btc for this 'awareness' campaign.

2. of the 1.5b, divide 1btc into 500 or 0.002btc ie ~50c (or whatever multiple you want).

3. get word 'out' via posters around town or through facebook or whatever works, that the 'next 500 people who like your fb page who live in Argentina will get some free btc' via facebook (ie quickcoin)

4. distribute that 0.002btc to the subsequent 500 'likes' received and at the same time:

5. tell them when they get that 0.002btc that if they send that to someone, and that person sends it to another person and that person to another person etc (like a pass the parcel game), that the first one to prove they have sent it through 20 people, that the originator will receive a prize of 0.5btc (which is the remainder of the original 1.5btc investment). This part can be changed to whatever way you want, like the prize can be shared among the 20 people for eg, but its important to get people to convince their friends to receive the btc and then they send it to someone who has to convince the next person etc.

6 repeat every time you can get 1.5btc investment.

This way you get people actively/aggressively spreading the word out and at the same time getting people to use btc (sending and receiving).
Once they dip their feet in, it opens the flood gates and they are way more likely to re-dip on their own later.

Next, once they then become aware of where they can spend btc (which is what you can do via fb posts) now that they know how to use it, it should be easier to get people to go buy btc on their own afterwards and hopefully get some more believers.  

Whatever you do id always skip ideology and economics and technology when converting the average joe. keep it light, simple get them to have fun using it and just show them how fast it is and that its cool cos you can do it over facebook or apps etc. the average joe doesnt care about the things 90% of us here signed up for, so keep it simple and fun and centered around gadgets they already use: phones apps and facebook.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 21, 2014, 03:49:33 PM
Not sure if you know about quickcoin but it lets facebook users send btc to each other via their fb friends lists.
If fb is in fashion in Argentina it could be utilized if you had some btc to spare on an awareness campaign (just to get people using it and at the same time start a kind of viral theme):

1. get someone (or many ppl) to donate 1.5 btc for this 'awareness' campaign.

2. of the 1.5b, divide 1btc into 500 or 0.002btc ie ~50c (or whatever multiple you want).

3. get word 'out' via posters around town or through facebook or whatever works, that the 'next 500 people who like your fb page who live in Argentina will get some free btc' via facebook (ie quickcoin)

4. distribute that 0.002btc to the subsequent 500 'likes' received and at the same time:

5. tell them when they get that 0.002btc that if they send that to someone, and that person sends it to another person and that person to another person etc (like a pass the parcel game), that the first one to prove they have sent it through 20 people, that the originator will receive a prize of 0.5btc (which is the remainder of the original 1.5btc investment). This part can be changed to whatever way you want, like the prize can be shared among the 20 people for eg, but its important to get people to convince their friends to receive the btc and then they send it to someone who has to convince the next person etc.

6 repeat every time you can get 1.5btc investment.

This way you get people actively/aggressively spreading the word out and at the same time getting people to use btc (sending and receiving).
Once they dip their feet in, it opens the flood gates and they are way more likely to re-dip on their own later.

Next, once they then become aware of where they can spend btc (which is what you can do via fb posts) now that they know how to use it, it should be easier to get people to go buy btc on their own afterwards and hopefully get some more believers.  

Whatever you do id always skip ideology and economics and technology when converting the average joe. keep it light, simple get them to have fun using it and just show them how fast it is and that its cool cos you can do it over facebook or apps etc. the average joe doesnt care about the things 90% of us here signed up for, so keep it simple and fun and centered around gadgets they already use: phones apps and facebook.


I shared your comment in our facebook group (Bitcoin-Argentina) for new points of view

one problem is that 1.5btc in argentina is more than an average person earn in a month, so the amount for share it would be a bit smaller... maybe 100 satoshis, for new ones it would be interesting

other idea for meetups in bars:

when people come they pay you $X for enter, so you give them the same amount in btc in a paper wallet for buy inside drinks or whatever they want. Doing this they learn how to receive and send bitcoins in a few minutes

btw, your last paragraph it's excellent!

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: lyth0s on August 21, 2014, 03:58:56 PM
Wow you're doing a great job TETOCONPOLERA. Keep the movement going in Argentina, it may be the one thing that saves the poor from becoming even poorer as they have no other way to protect themselves from the upcoming and continued inflation in your country.

Please PM or post a donation BTC address so I can donate to your cause :)

If you post your donation address, please PM me too just so that I don't forget.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Hashforfun on August 21, 2014, 05:40:04 PM
What if people are paid their salaries in bitcoins? Not the entire value but a %.

There are many people receiving their salaries on Paypal already.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 21, 2014, 06:57:52 PM
Wow you're doing a great job TETOCONPOLERA. Keep the movement going in Argentina, it may be the one thing that saves the poor from becoming even poorer as they have no other way to protect themselves from the upcoming and continued inflation in your country.

Please PM or post a donation BTC address so I can donate to your cause :)

If you post your donation address, please PM me too just so that I don't forget.

This is an excellent idea, I have modified the thread an added a wallet for donations


this would be used for buying merchandising, stickers, etc

thanks for the idea and the good vibes!!

What if people are paid their salaries in bitcoins? Not the entire value but a %.

There are many people receiving their salaries on Paypal already.

I think that for the average employee this could be cumbersome except for who already are bitcoiners  :-\

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: xDan on August 21, 2014, 07:14:36 PM
that's a brilliant initiative. I love the guerilla advertising, more people all over the world need to start that. Good luck.

Whatever you do id always skip ideology and economics and technology when converting the average joe. keep it light, simple get them to have fun using it and just show them how fast it is and that its cool cos you can do it over facebook or apps etc. the average joe doesnt care about the things 90% of us here signed up for, so keep it simple and fun and centered around gadgets they already use: phones apps and facebook.
also agree with this! Lots of bitcoiners would do well to keep the politics to themselves and instead play the "magic internet money" angle.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: lyth0s on August 21, 2014, 07:18:56 PM
Wow you're doing a great job TETOCONPOLERA. Keep the movement going in Argentina, it may be the one thing that saves the poor from becoming even poorer as they have no other way to protect themselves from the upcoming and continued inflation in your country.

Please PM or post a donation BTC address so I can donate to your cause :)

If you post your donation address, please PM me too just so that I don't forget.

This is an excellent idea, I have modified the thread an added a wallet for donations


this would be used for buying merchandising, stickers, etc

thanks for the idea and the good vibes!!

What if people are paid their salaries in bitcoins? Not the entire value but a %.

There are many people receiving their salaries on Paypal already.

I think that for the average employee this could be cumbersome except for who already are bitcoiners  :-\

Like I said, great project! I sent you some bitcoins, keep it up!

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: bornil267645 on August 21, 2014, 07:24:07 PM
This is the sort of Idea that will keep the bitcoin going...bitcoin does the bitcoin users... 8) 8)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: gjgjg on August 22, 2014, 12:49:04 AM
Not sure if you know about quickcoin but it lets facebook users send btc to each other via their fb friends lists.
If fb is in fashion in Argentina it could be utilized if you had some btc to spare on an awareness campaign (just to get people using it and at the same time start a kind of viral theme):

1. get someone (or many ppl) to donate 1.5 btc for this 'awareness' campaign.

2. of the 1.5b, divide 1btc into 500 or 0.002btc ie ~50c (or whatever multiple you want).

3. get word 'out' via posters around town or through facebook or whatever works, that the 'next 500 people who like your fb page who live in Argentina will get some free btc' via facebook (ie quickcoin)

4. distribute that 0.002btc to the subsequent 500 'likes' received and at the same time:

5. tell them when they get that 0.002btc that if they send that to someone, and that person sends it to another person and that person to another person etc (like a pass the parcel game), that the first one to prove they have sent it through 20 people, that the originator will receive a prize of 0.5btc (which is the remainder of the original 1.5btc investment). This part can be changed to whatever way you want, like the prize can be shared among the 20 people for eg, but its important to get people to convince their friends to receive the btc and then they send it to someone who has to convince the next person etc.

6 repeat every time you can get 1.5btc investment.

This way you get people actively/aggressively spreading the word out and at the same time getting people to use btc (sending and receiving).
Once they dip their feet in, it opens the flood gates and they are way more likely to re-dip on their own later.

Next, once they then become aware of where they can spend btc (which is what you can do via fb posts) now that they know how to use it, it should be easier to get people to go buy btc on their own afterwards and hopefully get some more believers.  

Whatever you do id always skip ideology and economics and technology when converting the average joe. keep it light, simple get them to have fun using it and just show them how fast it is and that its cool cos you can do it over facebook or apps etc. the average joe doesnt care about the things 90% of us here signed up for, so keep it simple and fun and centered around gadgets they already use: phones apps and facebook.


I shared your comment in our facebook group (Bitcoin-Argentina) for new points of view

one problem is that 1.5btc in argentina is more than an average person earn in a month, so the amount for share it would be a bit smaller... maybe 100 satoshis, for new ones it would be interesting

other idea for meetups in bars:

when people come they pay you $X for enter, so you give them the same amount in btc in a paper wallet for buy inside drinks or whatever they want. Doing this they learn how to receive and send bitcoins in a few minutes

btw, your last paragraph it's excellent!

Thats understood about the 1.5Btc; it could be any amount really, i just did 1.5 so it would be easier to calculate in my poor brain ;p
If you try to contact a few btc rich guys to sponsor you from the usa or eu you could get lucky. there are plenty of people that want to see further adoption that might be willing to sponsor it. even try a kickstarter?

ps i just got free 0.02btc from signing up to @changetip. its just as good as quickcoin :) would be a great way to start a viral campaign

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: iluvpie60 on August 22, 2014, 01:32:20 AM
One of the biggest problem getting people into Bitcoin is that we are: young, geeks, nerds, liberals, anarcho-capitalist, etc... (choose what you want) and we choose bitcoin only for its potential and its benefits, but in the real world we are only a minority

Most people are employees that buy the brand new and expensive smartphones, fashion clothes, listen new commercial music, etc just to follow the trend, and probably live their entire life apart from risk and investments... so, how we can reach them?

maybe one method is making bitcoin a new fashion, with merchandising and concentrating in how easy is to be used instead of how its works, mining, volatility of price, blockchain, etc

In Argentina we started a "evangelizing" movement doing travels around the country doing meetups, you can follow news on facebook

Bitcoiner Tour Argentina 2014

this thread is for share your ideas and opinions

Donations -> 1AJHWkkaQYY6MTGteKGVFeubhPJBi9z8Be

very interesting. i am digging how u are leaving things everywhere and then writing down the converted rate. i shall do that righ tnow on my USD rofl. im going to convert all USD i have and write it out on each bill. thanks for the great idea heheh :)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: arbitrage001 on August 22, 2014, 01:41:51 AM
What if people are paid their salaries in bitcoins? Not the entire value but a %.

There are many people receiving their salaries on Paypal already.

Some already doing this. For instance, you can hire coders and pay them using btc. And many bitcoin business are paying posters using btc.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Fundmanager23 on August 22, 2014, 03:15:14 AM
We have been promoting bitcoin on televised MMA shows in the US. We have a fighter on the UFC tomorrow night which will be seen across the country on Fox Sports.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: evanito on August 22, 2014, 03:28:26 AM
Come on Bitcoin! It will only take some time for the masses to see the viability of bitcoin. Once we get more adoption it will only get better from there.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 22, 2014, 04:55:43 AM
We have been promoting bitcoin on televised MMA shows in the US. We have a fighter on the UFC tomorrow night which will be seen across the country on Fox Sports.

this is amazing.... here we have a lots of interviews on television and radio, but nothing like publicity for sales, they are more informative interviews...

Other good idea that we are using is give a paperwallet with some mBtc and instructions for use to waiters in restaurants as tip, you can learn more in

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: DDuckworth on August 22, 2014, 06:51:33 AM
I dont feel like we need to push it onto the mainstream.  It's just bound to happen - the world has been waiting for a solution to the current form of money, even if it didn't know it.  The world generally adapts better solutions for everything on the whole, we chose cars over horses for a reason; convenience.

If you absolutely HAVE to push the coin, find ways to prove it's more convenient than money.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Bitbirdhunt on August 22, 2014, 08:37:03 AM
If the rich sheikhs decide to do transactions in bitcoin when selling mineral oil, just see how much popular btc gets :)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: CreamyPie on August 22, 2014, 12:43:38 PM
We can make lots of twitter tweets and FB pages about bitcoins and people will know easily.

Social networking indeed rocks.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: MoonRise on August 22, 2014, 03:40:11 PM
If someone takes initiative to pay for advertisment, makes a wallet and accepts donations from every btc user, then all of ad space of internet will be flooded with bitcoin :)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Wealthy on August 22, 2014, 04:48:27 PM
Bitcoin will easily get into mainstream without much effort. So don't worry..its spreading like wildfire.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: SpongeBTCants on August 22, 2014, 04:57:24 PM
It cannot be stopped. It doesnt matter much what we do.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: BtcGains on August 22, 2014, 05:01:49 PM
It'll be a heck of a job making Bitcoin a mainstream topic.
My doubts are high, but best of luck to you and the community who participates!

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: MÖGUL™ on August 22, 2014, 05:02:36 PM
Great work... As more companies start to recognize it and Venture Capitalists start to invest in bitcoin startups, it will become more mainstream. The sky is the limit.

BTC The Future!

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: gjgjg on August 22, 2014, 05:08:00 PM
If the rich sheikhs decide to do transactions in bitcoin when selling mineral oil, just see how much popular btc gets :)

interesting idea, im sure they wouldnt mind getting away from the $, but the last time Saddam Heussain said he'd do his oil transactions in Euros the USA upgraded him from ally to terrorist dictator... (among other reasons apparently). think a ground up effort is easier for the moment lol

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: clovex on August 22, 2014, 06:55:09 PM
We need a viral plan, some of these viral videos get thousands of millions of views, we need that shit with BTC involved.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: frankh13 on August 22, 2014, 11:05:32 PM
One of the biggest problem getting people into Bitcoin is that we are: young, geeks, nerds, liberals, anarcho-capitalist, etc... (choose what you want) and we choose bitcoin only for its potential and its benefits, but in the real world we are only a minority

Most people are employees that buy the brand new and expensive smartphones, fashion clothes, listen new commercial music, etc just to follow the trend, and probably live their entire life apart from risk and investments... so, how we can reach them?

maybe one method is making bitcoin a new fashion, with merchandising and concentrating in how easy is to be used instead of how its works, mining, volatility of price, blockchain, etc

In Argentina we started a "evangelizing" movement doing travels around the country doing meetups, you can follow news on facebook

Bitcoiner Tour Argentina 2014

this thread is for share your ideas and opinions

Donations -> 1AJHWkkaQYY6MTGteKGVFeubhPJBi9z8Be

May be people will chose that after some time. Also people add same auto, and mobile phones, and smartphones, and airplanes, and social nettworks, and emoney. After time they will add crypto currency in their lifes.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: mannedmssn2M on August 23, 2014, 06:12:29 PM
I posted this already as a new topic  but  thought bitcoin stickers on gas pumps was a good one. or i mean i posted bitcoin geocaching no reply tho

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 24, 2014, 12:10:39 AM
other useful method can be helping people for collecting funds for charity, animals care, community dining rooms, sick people, etc

in this way bitcoin is used like a tool for help people who needs  ;D

in our facebook group last month we help a father whose child have leukemia to open a bitcoin account for receiving payments around the world, and in a few days he received 1 bitcoin, which in Argentina it's a lot of money... (almost one month salary)

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: Hasher99 on August 24, 2014, 05:36:09 AM
No serious efforts will be required to bring btc to mainstream, according to the current scenario..

Its already spreading fast.

Title: Re: Bringing Bitcoin to the mainstream
Post by: TETOCONPOLERA on August 25, 2014, 11:06:15 PM
No serious efforts will be required to bring btc to mainstream, according to the current scenario..

Its already spreading fast.

bitcoin could be an unique opportunity for Argentina's citizen, being a third world country this could reduce the gap with developed countries, this is why we are trying to spreading bitcoin benefits