Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: HenryRomp on August 23, 2014, 05:05:29 AM

Title: [removed]
Post by: HenryRomp on August 23, 2014, 05:05:29 AM
This post was an embarrassment and so I've edited it to delete the content.

-Henry Romp

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: Vod on August 23, 2014, 05:14:59 AM
Just my opinion, but people who believe they are above legal responsibilities (running from the police) probably also believe they are above civil responsibilities (paying back debt).

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on August 23, 2014, 05:51:02 AM
Just my opinion, but people who believe they are above legal responsibilities (running from the police) probably also believe they are above civil responsibilities (paying back debt).

This. You endangered people's lives by driving drunk on a motorcycle (with 2 people on the back) and you expect us to lend you money?

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: haploid23 on August 23, 2014, 06:13:56 AM
I was driving my motorcycle in Brooklyn, with two girls on the back, and ran from the cops, and then hit a taxi, while intoxicated, and got arrested.

You had no problem running from cops and didn't give a shit about anyone around you, I'm pretty sure you'll do the same with the loan and won't give a shit either. You're already in debt, taking out a 10btc loan will put you in further debt.

The honesty is nice though, although it won't help this time.

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: QuarantinedMoon on August 23, 2014, 08:31:39 AM
Seems like a neat way of selling too over-appraised guitars.

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: TheGr33k on August 23, 2014, 05:32:45 PM
Now what will haplen if you end up in jail for a extended time? Will we be stuck with two over valued guitars?

Title: [removed]
Post by: HenryRomp on August 24, 2014, 04:33:36 PM
This post was such an embarrassment and so I've removed the content.

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: Bitcoins101 on August 24, 2014, 09:07:47 PM
There is a very small chance that I would be able to do this. The payback amount would have to be tied to USD if bitcoin significantly drops in price, as January 2015 is a long time from now.

However, you would need to provide full collateral. I think the guitar could fetch nearly $2K if it's in perfect condition and it is sold correctly. If not, then likely more like a grand like this one ( Here's one ( that possibly sold from a guy in Brooklyn.

I can't find much about the base, but it looks like you're only going to be about halfway there in the absolute best-case scenario.

Unfortunately, your emotional attachment and/or the appraisers price does not accurately reflect what value a lender on here would put on these instruments.

How about your bike as collateral?

Title: Re: Loan request ...
Post by: haploid23 on August 24, 2014, 09:30:31 PM
As for respect for the law, I have no respect for the law, but I do have respect for my fellow human beings. As an agorist/anarcho-capitalist/libertarian etc., I really feel that pre-emptively restricting your fellow human beings behavior in order to prevent them from harming others is not morally acceptable. Holding people accountable for their actions is; however, in this case, I did not harm anybody. The girls were both fine, the taxi was not damaged. I did no moral wrongdoing. The police are simply jack-booted thugs protecting the interests of the state, there is no honor in cooperating with them. I consider myself to have been captured by the enemy.

You have good morals in one aspect, but it lacks in a different area. Lets not look at the law for a second. You still had two fellow human beings in the back when you ran. You put both of their lives and the taxi driver's life directly in danger, and indirectly put everyone else around you in danger as well. You ran to save yourself, and the two girls had no say in whether they want out or not. Hows that for respect for your fellow human beings? It COULD have ended pretty bad. Just because nobody was hurt does not mean your actions are justified.

This is almost the equivalent of saying you brought fully automatic guns to a school shooting, hailed some bullets at everyone but happened to miss every shot. But it's perfectly ok to do so, just because you didn't actually kill anyone.

Title: [removed]
Post by: HenryRomp on August 26, 2014, 03:53:02 AM
Removed content due to embarrassment.