Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: osmosis on April 07, 2012, 10:29:13 PM

Title: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on April 07, 2012, 10:29:13 PM

I have been emailing with Tomasz Kaye, and he says he is willing to do a bitcoin video.  For those who do not know, Thomasz is the one behind 

The bitcoin video would most likely be in the style of his most recent video on liberty you can view here..

Last order of business, Tomasz is requesting we organize $2k worth of bitcoins to fund this project. I think this is very reasonable,..if you see his other crowdfunded projects he is getting $5k for it and doesnt seem to have a problem raising it.

So next, we need to create the audio side of things. At first I was considering these talks,
but there were only parts of them I liked. Then I realized that we could probably just splice together the best parts from all the best talks. Ill need everyones help for this...locating the talks, getting permission to use them, and deciding which segments to use. Then we need someone who can do the editing to pull it all together

If we can pull this all together, I think this could be the best bitcoin video made so far, and could potentially be much more interesting, informative, and go viral to a much larger audience.

One other note from Tomasz, "It's maybe a good idea to offer that donations above 10 BTC will be rewarded by the donators name or URL listed in the end credits of the film. That's straightforward to do, and offers a nice incentive for people to promote their BTC friendly businesses."

Please give your thoughts and suggestions here.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on April 07, 2012, 10:36:40 PM
I would suggest the perfect crowdsourcing site, which can accept bitcoin donations:

I am still producing the bitcoin video that I fundraised through that, and its coming along very nicely!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: evoorhees on April 07, 2012, 11:13:24 PM
What's the length of this video?

If there isn't a perfect example of an already recorded narrative, it's probably best to create the perfect narrative for the purpose of the video. Meaning, make a script, and have it recorded by a quality voice actor.

I think for any video to come close to matching the professionalism or appeal of WeUseCoins, it cannot just be an excerpt from a pre-recorded speech or a mash-up of several such speeches. The narrative needs to be produced on target, and then the animation produced to the narrative.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: MaxSan on April 07, 2012, 11:25:06 PM
What's the length of this video?

If there isn't a perfect example of an already recorded narrative, it's probably best to create the perfect narrative for the purpose of the video. Meaning, make a script, and have it recorded by a quality voice actor.

I think for any video to come close to matching the professionalism or appeal of WeUseCoins, it cannot just be an excerpt from a pre-recorded speech or a mash-up of several such speeches. The narrative needs to be produced on target, and then the animation produced to the narrative.

This. This is the way things are suppose to be done not the other way round.

EDIT: I do still like the idea. Didnt seem to come across as cold.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: terrytibbs on April 07, 2012, 11:32:18 PM
I would suggest the perfect crowdsourcing site, which can accept bitcoin donations:

I am still producing the bitcoin video that I fundraised through that, and its coming along very nicely!
Tell me, Sir,
will you make a financial gain on payments sent to "piratemyfilm"?
I believe they use Bit-Pay, in which case there is a fee unless they have been granted an exception for some reason.
Failing that, I see why you would promote this site (to pad your pocket, obviously), although full disclosure would be preferred. To be blunt, I would expect full disclosure from a man of your stature.

On behalf of the uninitiated,

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on April 07, 2012, 11:44:42 PM
I would suggest the perfect crowdsourcing site, which can accept bitcoin donations:

I am still producing the bitcoin video that I fundraised through that, and its coming along very nicely!
Tell me, Sir,
will you make a financial gain on payments sent to "piratemyfilm"?
I believe they use Bit-Pay, in which case there is a fee unless they have been granted an exception for some reason.
Failing that, I see why you would promote this site (to pad your pocket, obviously), although full disclosure would be preferred. To be blunt, I would expect full disclosure from a man of your stature.

On behalf of the uninitiated,

We spent about $2000 of our own money to fly to Prague, fly Max and Stacy to Prague, negotiate the deal for them to accept bitcoin, work with their developer to integrate bit-pay, and test and launch the system.

Bit-Pay makes 0.99% of bitcoin sales on this site.  So far to date that has earned us approximately $7.95.  So we have a loooooooong way to go before any profits are close to being realized.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: matthewh3 on April 07, 2012, 11:53:28 PM
I can recommend this for crowdfunding - BitcoinStarter - (

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: evoorhees on April 08, 2012, 12:03:31 AM
I would suggest the perfect crowdsourcing site, which can accept bitcoin donations:

I am still producing the bitcoin video that I fundraised through that, and its coming along very nicely!
Tell me, Sir,
will you make a financial gain on payments sent to "piratemyfilm"?
I believe they use Bit-Pay, in which case there is a fee unless they have been granted an exception for some reason.
Failing that, I see why you would promote this site (to pad your pocket, obviously), although full disclosure would be preferred. To be blunt, I would expect full disclosure from a man of your stature.

On behalf of the uninitiated,

Shut up Terry. Profit is good, not bad.

PirateMyFilm is a extremely appropriate tool for this project and I hope Tony makes a gazillion Bitcoins for producing such a wonderful system to enable easy and efficient payments through that site.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on April 08, 2012, 12:07:00 AM
osmosis I am confused.

You say Mr. Kaye will make a video for $2K and that sounds great I would gladly donate towards a top notch video explaining the merits of Bitcoin.

Then you go on to say we need to create the audio and talk about grabbing sound clips.  $2K for a seemless video (something similar to what is recorded at the link) is a great deal.  $2K for some animation which clashes horribly with soundbites is worthless IMHO.

The goal would be a professional seemless top notch video.   Maybe I am not understanding what is proposed?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: terrytibbs on April 08, 2012, 12:27:45 AM
We spent about $2000 of our own money to fly to Prague, fly Max and Stacy to Prague, negotiate the deal for them to accept bitcoin, work with their developer to integrate bit-pay, and test and launch the system.

Bit-Pay makes 0.99% of bitcoin sales on this site.  So far to date that has earned us approximately $7.95.  So we have a loooooooong way to go before any profits are close to being realized.
Thanks, this is the reply I expected.

Shut up Terry. Profit is good, not bad.

PirateMyFilm is a extremely appropriate tool for this project and I hope Tony makes a gazillion Bitcoins for producing such a wonderful system to enable easy and efficient payments through that site.
Profit is great! Concealing an advertisement in something that looks like a personal recommendation without disclosing the nature of your business interests isn't (in my book).

You are of course free to do what ever you'd like.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: MemoryDealers on April 08, 2012, 01:30:07 AM
I have had numerous interactions with Tomasz as well, and I would LOVE to have him help with the next Bitcoin video.

His video: (  is one of my very favorites in all of youtube.
It started the longest discussion my facebook page has ever seen.

I am more than happy to donate towards making this happen.

Tomasz is a real world HERO!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: on April 08, 2012, 02:08:26 AM
I have had numerous interactions with Tomasz as well, and I would LOVE to have him help with the next Bitcoin video.

His video: (  is one of my very favorites in all of youtube.
It started the longest discussion my facebook page has ever seen.

I am more than happy to donate towards making this happen.

Tomasz is a real world HERO!

thanks for the link. from someone who'd never heard of tomasz or georgeoughttohelp before.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: RodeoX on April 08, 2012, 05:38:40 AM
osmosis I am confused.

You say Mr. Kaye will make a video for $2K and that sounds great I would gladly donate towards a top notch video explaining the merits of Bitcoin.

Then you go on to say we need to create the audio and talk about grabbing sound clips.  $2K for a seemless video (something similar to what is recorded at the link) is a great deal.  $2K for some animation which clashes horribly with soundbites is worthless IMHO.

The goal would be a professional seemless top notch video.   Maybe I am not understanding what is proposed?
I met with osmosis this morning and got the short version of this project. My understanding is that the audio/video that would be used in the final product would be edited in with matched animation. Using snippets from bitcoin talks given around the world.  but I'll let him explain his vision.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: kiba on April 08, 2012, 05:48:06 AM
Don't we have an awesome video already at

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitlizard on April 08, 2012, 06:34:08 PM
Terry, thanks for protecting us ignorant folk from the massive fraud that bitpay tried to pull on us by recommending a service for our needs! lets stay vigilant and make sure no one makes any profit ever. That's a sure way to discourage capital investment and ensure bitcoin goes nowhere fast.
Will this discussion be on piratemyfilm? link?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: terrytibbs on April 08, 2012, 06:42:47 PM
Terry, thanks for protecting us ignorant folk from the massive fraud that bitpay tried to pull on us by recommending a service for our needs! lets stay vigilant and make sure no one makes any profit ever. That's a sure way to discourage capital investment and ensure bitcoin goes nowhere fast.
Will do, Sir!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on April 08, 2012, 07:02:19 PM
Tomasz doesnt have a bitcointalk account yet, so I am posting this for him here..

A few things i wanted to mention in response to the conversation there:


I'm very happy to have the decisions made about which parts of spoken text to include, made by you and others. But it will make sense for me to do the actual editing of the audio myself as I put the thing together. I have a bunch of software that I'll be using to optimise the audio quality, and if i'm doing the editing I'll have more flexibility during this stage.

Expectations, working process

The way I see it potentially working is that the decisions about narrative content are handled by you and others, and then that's passed on to me. I'll need a good deal of autonomy while working on the animation, so this won't be a democratic or transparent process (at least after it gets passed on to me)--it will require a good amount of trust in my ability to create something worthwhile. This may be important to communicate to potential sponsors early on.

If there are particular requirements about how things should be visualised, you can let me know, but I expect most of these decisions to be left up to me--in order for me to be able to draw the kinds of things I think i can do a good job of!

A video about Bitcoin, not libertarianism

Although I'm certainly a libertarian, any worries that this video be an advocacy for a stateless society are unfounded. At least as far as I'm imagining the content chosen, it will be a video about BitCoin--not about libertarianism (although of course there are obvious overlaps). Nor will I be a spokesperson for BitCoin in this vid, I plan to mention my my name and email address in the credits, but apart from that I'll be as 'behind the scenes' as possible.

Rough audio can be good audio

I strongly disagree with the one commentator who believes that a high-quality custom narration recording would be necessary to create a video capable of achieving the desired impact. I believe that a 'patchwork' of different voices can give a very dynamic and engaging effect. Also worth bearing in mind: there is an extent to which people appreciate perceived authenticity. The 'slick' approach is already very well represented in the weusecoins video. This new video would take a different approach. In my view, what it may lack in polish (as far as the audio recordings go at least) it would more than make up for in dynamism, the impression of authenticity, and engaging visual style.

In my view the RSA animated illustration format works best when there's a certain casualness to the narration--the result is as if these images are a visual manifestation of thought, conjured up as the person develops his story on the spot. This effect is diminished, imo, to the extent that the viewer is under the impression they're listening to a carefully scripted narration. I believe that the 'roughness' of the sample audio I've heard suits this approach very well.

That's all for now (please feel free to relay any of this to the forum as you see fit).
Thanks! Tomasz

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bulanula on April 08, 2012, 07:18:23 PM
I await this video with great patience.

Hopefully the price will go to $5 again as a result, too :D

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Portnoy on April 08, 2012, 08:54:37 PM
Rough audio can be good audio

I strongly disagree with the one commentator who believes that a high-quality custom narration recording would be necessary to create a video capable of achieving the desired impact. I believe that a 'patchwork' of different voices can give a very dynamic and engaging effect. Also worth bearing in mind: there is an extent to which people appreciate perceived authenticity. The 'slick' approach is already very well represented in the weusecoins video. This new video would take a different approach. In my view, what it may lack in polish (as far as the audio recordings go at least) it would more than make up for in dynamism, the impression of authenticity, and engaging visual style.

In my view the RSA animated illustration format works best when there's a certain casualness to the narration--the result is as if these images are a visual manifestation of thought, conjured up as the person develops his story on the spot. This effect is diminished, imo, to the extent that the viewer is under the impression they're listening to a carefully scripted narration. I believe that the 'roughness' of the sample audio I've heard suits this approach very well.


I feel it would work especially well with a p2p project like bitcoin. 

Bitcoin, I feel, is best portrayed as 'not' just another way/scheme for one to get wealthy, but as a fair system that just works, for everybody.

Such ideas, I think, are best put across using as little as possible the usual slick formulaic advertising/propaganda tricks that have become
ubiquitous post World War II; instead appealing to higher centers within the human psyche.   

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on April 08, 2012, 09:33:06 PM
Rough audio can be good audio

I strongly disagree with the one commentator who believes that a high-quality custom narration recording would be necessary to create a video capable of achieving the desired impact. I believe that a 'patchwork' of different voices can give a very dynamic and engaging effect. Also worth bearing in mind: there is an extent to which people appreciate perceived authenticity. The 'slick' approach is already very well represented in the weusecoins video. This new video would take a different approach. In my view, what it may lack in polish (as far as the audio recordings go at least) it would more than make up for in dynamism, the impression of authenticity, and engaging visual style.

In my view the RSA animated illustration format works best when there's a certain casualness to the narration--the result is as if these images are a visual manifestation of thought, conjured up as the person develops his story on the spot. This effect is diminished, imo, to the extent that the viewer is under the impression they're listening to a carefully scripted narration. I believe that the 'roughness' of the sample audio I've heard suits this approach very well.


I feel it would work especially well with a p2p project like bitcoin. 

Bitcoin, I feel, is best portrayed as 'not' just another way/scheme for one to get wealthy, but as a fair system that just works, for everybody.

Such ideas, I think, are best put across using as little as possible the usual slick formulaic advertising/propaganda tricks that have become
ubiquitous post World War II; instead appealing to higher centers within the human psyche.   

Having multiple voices would really convey that this is a decentralized movement ... in a kind of 'we are the world' type of feeling (if you know what I mean.)

Now for the actual work of getting this done...

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: whitslack on April 09, 2012, 10:13:03 PM
If this project does need any custom narration to fill in some gaps, Stephanie Murphy, host of Porc Therapy on the Liberty Radio Network, does voice work for about 10 BTC per minute of finished audio.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 10, 2012, 07:58:01 PM
Ah I can post here! I must have graduated from n00b academy. Thanks for the valuable feedback.

I figured out some important tricks today that will enable a much smoother result with the 'animated illustration' style. Together with the stuff I learned doing the first one I'm confident that the next one will be much better. I hope it works out with the funding somehow, would love to do this project.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 10, 2012, 10:33:48 PM
Yes I'm him (though don't know how I could prove it to you in case you're looking for a weightier confirmation).

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: RaggedMonk on April 10, 2012, 11:55:36 PM
Yes I'm him (though don't know how I could prove it to you in case you're looking for a weightier confirmation).

Post a picture of yourself (face) holding a sign with your username.

Bonus points for putting a shoe on your head.

EDIT: Other options include a public post from your twitter, facebook, etc. referencing this thread

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 11, 2012, 07:46:05 AM
Ha! Hope this will do. (You can compare it to my likeness in this recent video: ( ).

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: istar on April 11, 2012, 10:12:29 AM
Have you got a script or Storyboard?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: minimalB on April 11, 2012, 03:08:50 PM
I am willing to donate 5btc.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: BitcoinBug on April 11, 2012, 03:53:11 PM
If this project does need any custom narration to fill in some gaps, Stephanie Murphy, host of Porc Therapy on the Liberty Radio Network, does voice work for about 10 BTC per minute of finished audio.

+1, her voice is beautiful

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: RaggedMonk on April 11, 2012, 05:06:27 PM
Ha! Hope this will do. (You can compare it to my likeness in this recent video: ( ).

Awesome!!!  I am in for 5 BTC.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Technomage on April 11, 2012, 05:50:03 PM
I pledge 5 bitcoins to this project. By the way I strongly support hiring Stephanie for the voice work, her voice is really pleasant to listen to.

This project has potential to be much better than the WeUseCoins vid. And what's more, we would actually produce it entirely with bitcoins! Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing for the win.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitlizard on April 11, 2012, 05:52:38 PM
bitbutter do i send btc to 1MtpzbMH3u4F73Gn4dKN6pGZWnofiYEAMD or is there another specific address for the project?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Technomage on April 11, 2012, 05:54:17 PM
I think it would be wise to first create the script for this video until we start paying our animator. I for one want to know that the script is solid until I start donating my money. Pledges suffice for now.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 11, 2012, 06:10:22 PM
Thanks all for the pledges! that's very encouraging. @bitlizzard: the address i have in the sig will be dedicated to this animation, but you may want to hold off paying just yet until osmosis and I have more details worked out (potential rewards, time frame, what happens if the target isn't met etc).

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: RaggedMonk on April 11, 2012, 09:16:00 PM
Tomasz - Did you write George Ought to Help and Edgar the Exploiter, as well as animating them?  Because if so, I would prefer that you wrote the script.  It seems like you have a great talent for reducing complex ideas into something even a child could grasp.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 11, 2012, 09:44:47 PM
@RaggedMonk: thanks very much!, yes I wrote those scripts.

In this case I don't think I could do something similar, unfortunately. I've been watching BitCoin from the sidelines but don't feel nearly familiar enough with the whole thing at the moment  to a) Feel I have a BitCoin-related message I urgently want to communicate b) Be able to defend my script against any likely criticism leveled against it. Those two things are crucial prerequisites for me to write a good script I think.

So this time the plan was that the enthusiastic experts of bitcoin would be doing the talking--and I'd focus entirely on visualisation.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: World on April 11, 2012, 10:12:50 PM
 There is the voice in many languages

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on April 12, 2012, 05:22:49 AM
@RaggedMonk: thanks very much!, yes I wrote those scripts.

In this case I don't think I could do something similar, unfortunately. I've been watching BitCoin from the sidelines but don't feel nearly familiar enough with the whole thing at the moment  to a) Feel I have a BitCoin-related message I urgently want to communicate b) Be able to defend my script against any likely criticism leveled against it. Those two things are crucial prerequisites for me to write a good script I think.

So this time the plan was that the enthusiastic experts of bitcoin would be doing the talking--and I'd focus entirely on visualisation.

Tomasz - Since I maintain, I have a thorough library of talks and materials to draw from. I was at the NY bitcoin conf, and know many prominent members of the community. I can communicate the bitcoin message, and as well am familiar with the standard criticisms that are attempted.  I can support you in these areas. Sounds like we have more to discuss.  I am currently working full time regular hours, so weekends might be best. Will sync up with you on email.

Everyone else, Please post any contributions for material here so it doesnt get missed in consideration. I appreciate the recent suggestions being made. As well, thank you for posting your pledges, as it is very helpful to know this is supported. As we have more to show, the rest of the donations should arrive. I will keep everyone updated on the status.


Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on December 26, 2012, 11:53:10 PM
Thomasz project has a page online here now, and needs pledges to make it a reality.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: teukon on December 27, 2012, 02:28:50 AM
Thomasz project has a page online here now, and needs pledges to make it a reality.

I'd love to help but the site appears to be broken.  I can't get past the index page.  I'll try again in a few days.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: osmosis on December 28, 2012, 03:54:54 AM
Its working now, I just donated myself. Go ahead and give it a shot.

Thomasz project has a page online here now, and needs pledges to make it a reality.

I'd love to help but the site appears to be broken.  I can't get past the index page.  I'll try again in a few days.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitcoinstarter on December 28, 2012, 04:05:59 AM
Thomasz project has a page online here now, and needs pledges to make it a reality.

I'd love to help but the site appears to be broken.  I can't get past the index page.  I'll try again in a few days.

Teukon, we are back-up and operating.  As Osmosis pointed out please take a moment and pledge to Tomasz Kaye bitcoin video project ( Let's show how powerful Bitcoin crowdfunding can be. Thanks.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: minimalB on December 28, 2012, 11:14:53 AM
It's good to see this project alive!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitcoinstarter on December 28, 2012, 05:46:59 PM
It's good to see this project alive!

It's great to see a project like this see the light of day no less through Bitcoins. Thanks for your support MinimalB.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Tuxavant on January 28, 2013, 06:42:02 AM
site still busted?

That project doesn't exist. Contact us if you think this is an error.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitstarter on January 28, 2013, 06:49:12 AM
site still busted?

That project doesn't exist. Contact us if you think this is an error.

Hi Tux,

We are doing a complete re-design of the website and should be up in beta by Wednesday. Tomasz has gotten his project funded with bitcoins and will start working on the video.


Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Tuxavant on January 28, 2013, 12:57:02 PM
Tomasz has gotten his project funded with bitcoins and will start working on the video.

Ah cool! That's what I wanted to hear. Is there any place that will document the roadmap/timeline for this? i.e. ETA for the video?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitstarter on January 28, 2013, 04:54:23 PM
Tomasz has gotten his project funded with bitcoins and will start working on the video.

Ah cool! That's what I wanted to hear. Is there any place that will document the roadmap/timeline for this? i.e. ETA for the video?

Yes, he has a website that will document his progress I'll find it and update this post!  I believe he said sometime in March as ETA but don't quote me on it. I'll find out more.


Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on January 31, 2013, 09:58:20 AM
Hi all. I plan to begin working on the video in earnest in March, conditional on current projects being completed before then. A very conservative delivery estimate: It will be published before the end of 2013--but as soon as possible, i'd like to have it finished considerably earlier than that. There will be no formal progress log but I'll very likely post some stills of the WIP at the George Ought to Help facebook page: this page currently shows production stills from the 3rd animation in the George Ought to Help series that I'm working on right now.

Apologies for not being able to give more concrete information, and thanks in advance for your understanding!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: TheButterZone on January 31, 2013, 10:33:04 AM
And so we meet!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on February 18, 2013, 09:48:06 AM
Hi all. There are a couple of things I need to arrange with donators to the video project. Unfortunately their details aren't available from right now and there are a couple of users I've not yet been able to track down via other sites.

If you're a donator and your bitcoinstarter username begins with any of the following letter combinations could you get in touch with me at info at redshiftmedia dot com with the subject line 'Donator' (or reply here if you prefer), Please mention your bitcoinstarter username and the amount you pledged if you can remember.



Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on May 09, 2013, 07:37:23 AM
I have a first draft of the script, and I'd like your help improving it.

The aim is to provide the motivated layperson viewer with a decent grasp of the two main ideas behind the technical design of Bitcoin. It's aimed at viewers who might find the 'What is Bitcoin?' video too superficial, but for whom the Khan academy's series is too dry and technical.

After watching the video, a viewer in this target group should feel as though they have enough of a grasp of how Bitcoin is put together to understand why tech people are excited about it--that they no longer have to feel as though they need to take the word of the enthusiasts on faith.

The two main ideas it attempts to explain are cryptographically signed transactions and decentralised stabilizing consensus.

Any comments most welcome (NB. I will not act on all suggestions, but they're all welcome all the same).

Here's a link to an auto-published google doc. The content of the doc will change as I implement suggestions/changes.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: amincd on May 09, 2013, 08:25:11 AM
It's very complete and informative.

I would change this:

In 2008 an anonymous person or group of people going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto wrote a paper describing the design of a digital currency called Bitcoin. Programmers wrote software that used the protocol Nakamoto described, and more and more people started buying and selling things using Bitcoin.

To this:

In 2008 an anonymous person or group of people going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto wrote a paper describing the design of a digital currency called Bitcoin. On January 3rd, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto released the first Bitcoin client which used the protocol described in the white paper, and very soon, people started running the software on their computer and buying and selling things using Bitcoin.

I would change the "Satoshi's" here:

And each Bitcoin is divisible into a hundred million atomic units, called Satoshi’s.

to "Satoshis".

Typo here:

an a number known as the nonce.

Should be "and a number.."

Typo here:

If we repeatedly has the same

Should be "repeatedly hash the.."

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on May 09, 2013, 09:13:43 AM
Great input. Thanks amincd!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Tuxavant on May 09, 2013, 12:31:34 PM
Near the "Proof of work" section, I think it is important to include some details of the rule that limits production of monetary units. It is a feedback look that requires looking back ~2000 blocks and determining the date. If the date is greater than 2 weeks, the work is made easier. If the date is less than 2 weeks, the work is made harder. This controls the rate at which the blocks are created, and thus, the amount of new currency generated.

Another rule in the feedback loop is the reward value. The block reward starts off at 50 bitcoins and divides in half every 210,000 blocks. This is what limits the monetary units to 21,000,000 bitcoins.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: kiko on May 09, 2013, 03:24:00 PM
Great work. I did some pruning. The main goal being to reduce syllable count so people don't get lost mid sentence. Obviously take or leave whatever you want. I only got through the first half so far.

In 2008 an anonymous person or group of people going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto wrote a paper describing the design of a digital currency called Bitcoin. On In January 3rd, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto released the first Bitcoin client which used the new protocol described in the white paper, and very soon, people started running the software on their computer and buying and selling things using Bitcointhe first real-world transaction occurred (the famous million dollar Pizza).
Bitcoin facts
If you’ve heard about Bitcoin you’ll probably already know that the price of Bitcoins has been increasing quickly over the last year or so rapidly, and that it’sis volatile.
You’ll probably know that Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system so itthat doesn't require any trust to be placed in a central authority. There are no servers to hack, no databases containing sensitive information that can be leaked. And there’s no one in control who governments and other powerful parties can strong-arm to get their way.
You might have understood that you don’t need anyone’s No permissionis required to start using Bitcoin, there are no forms to fill in. Anyone with a computer, an internet connection, and some free software, anywhere in the world can start accepting (and then sending)use Bitcoins.
One other well known fact is that the maximum number of Bitcoins that can ever exist is slightly lessHard-wired into the software are rules ensuring there can never be more than 21 Million Bitcoins. The rate that new coins are created is known in advance. This means that unlike fiat currencies issued by governments, no one has the ability to deliberately inflate the supply of, confiscate, or block Bitcoins payments.
The meaning of Bitcoin
The word Bitcoin refers to twodifferent things.The currency (unit of account) and the payment system that enables transactions.
A Bitcoin is a unit of account, analogous to a Euro or a Dollar. There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoins in the world, and each Bitcoin is divisible into a hundred million atomic units, called Satoshis.
Note that the software will happily send a small fraction of a bitcoin to any recipient, so an economy "running out" is never an issue with bitcoin.
Bitcoin is also used to refer to a public protocol.When refering to Tthe protocol. It can be thought of as a set of rules for how pieces of software--known as Bitcoin clients--must communicate with each other. A bitcoin client allows a person to send and receive Bitcoins. The clients work by sending messages to one another. If the messages passed between clients stick to the rules of the protocol, they’re forwarded on, spreading throughout the network.
Collectively we’ll call all these things the Bitcoin system. We’re going to look at the fundamental ideas behind how the Bitcoin system works.
Transactions and addresses
Bitcoins, and satoshis, are not reallyPhysical coins of course, but they’re not files on a computer either. They’re really numbers in a ledger. The bitcoin system uses a public ledger called the blockchain. The blockchain This contains a record of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever happened. The system operates similar to a Land Registry that determines who owns which piece of real-estate.
You can think of a transaction in the blockchain as a record that a certain amount of Bitcoins were sent from one Bitcoin address to another.
A Bitcoin address looks like this: 1K3p8wnV6bjGEk3ShyKxeiMBrCTTRQA4YE      (Don't worry, all common bitcoin software checks for typos!)
One person can have access to many Bitcoin addresses. In fact it's common to use a new address for each payment, it's free and helps maintain privacy. To make a Bitcoin payment to someone, you need to know an address of theirs.
At any moment, yYour Bitcoin balance is the combined total of all the Bitcoins assigned to addresses under your control. Bitcoin clients typically download the blockchain and scan the transaction history for you to figure out what your current Bitcoin balance is by checking the flow of funds into (and out of) all the addresses under your control. When a user sends Bitcoins to an address, behind the scenes his client creates a transaction , adds a digital signature and broadcasts it to the rest of the network for verification.
Sending money
So what stops a person from maliciously creating and broadcasting a transaction that sends Bitcoins from someone elses address, to one of his own?
Bitcoin addresses are designed to be public
We know that each Bitcoin user has many addresses. What this really means is that the user has the power to re-assign the funds at those addresses to any other valid Bitcoin address, in other words, they have the power to spend theose funds stored at those addresses.
Bitcoin addresses are designed to be public. People share them with others to request payment. Addresses might be publishedAccepting bitcoin payments is as simple as publishing an address on forums, on websites, or on printed material. Scanable barcodes (often on a phone screen) can help save typing too. Knowing a bitcoin address is enough information to send funds to it, but it’s not enough information to does not allow sending funds from that address anywhere else.
The reason you can’t send other people’s money to yourselfbehind this is that Bitcoin transactions must be prepared in a special way before they’re sent: they’re cryptographically signed.
Public key cryptography
A Bitcoin address is really a short representation ofs a code known as a public key. Each public key has an unique accompanying code called a private key. Bitcoin addresses (and the public keys they’re derived from) can safely be displayed to the world, but their corresponding private keys need to be kept secret. This is important because knowing a private key allows a person to spend the funds attached to the corresponding Bitcoin address.
By the way: Most of the time Bitcoin users don’t need to worry about this complexity because their Bitcoin clients automatically keep track of their receiving addresses, as well as their public and private keys. Typically a Bitcoin client stores all this information in an important file known as a Bitcoin wallet. This is the file that should be password protected and backed up in case of computer failure

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: amincd on May 17, 2013, 12:38:35 AM
Thanks Kiko. Do you think you would have time to edit the second half too?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on May 17, 2013, 04:04:00 PM
Great work Kiko. I've incorporated many of your suggestions so far. Thanks!

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on May 17, 2013, 05:17:13 PM
If the date is less than 2 weeks, the work is made harder.

For my understanding: would it be accurate to say that it's thanks to clients verifying block solutions in accordance with the Bitcoin protocol that we can be sure that it actually does become harder to solve blocks when network hashing power increases?

Quote from: Tuxavant
Another rule in the feedback loop is the reward value. The block reward starts off at 50 bitcoins and divides in half every 210,000 blocks.

Similar question: would it be accurate to say that it's thanks to clients verifying block solutions in accordance with the Bitcoin protocol, that we can be sure that the block reward will actually decrease over time?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: Tuxavant on May 21, 2013, 11:22:41 PM
That sounds about right. The difficulty and reward values are all calculations based on each client's perception of data in the blockchain. Because they all follow the same rules of interpretation, they all come up with the same changes to reward and difficulty that must then be used later on.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: minimalB on January 08, 2014, 11:51:37 PM

What's going on with this project? Any news?

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on January 08, 2014, 11:55:28 PM
Stylistic exploratory stages and storyboarding at the moment. News will be posted as it happens on the facebook page here:

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on November 17, 2014, 10:24:57 AM
Quick update. While working out some questions about the visual approach and production pipeline for the longer piece I made this animated study based on Roger Ver's talk at Coin Conference. 'How Bitcoin Can Stop War'. (

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitbutter on April 24, 2015, 06:18:28 AM
'Bitcoin For The Intelligent Layperson. Part One: Context.' is online here:

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: bitcoinstarter on April 24, 2015, 06:35:39 AM
'Bitcoin For The Intelligent Layperson. Part One: Context.' is online here:

I always wondered what happened with this :)

Glad to see it finally going.

Title: Re: Tomasz Kaye will make a Bitcoin Video
Post by: UsernameBitcoin on April 24, 2015, 08:24:49 AM
great video - thanks