Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 03:55:48 PM

Title: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 03:55:48 PM
Thought this might be an interesting poll, I myself never buy anything. Download everything through torrennts.

EDIT: I have Ratio: 3.062   UL: 27.XX TB  DL: 8.XX TB  Buffer: 18XX TB  on That's a lot of money I'd owe :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: pedrog on September 03, 2014, 03:58:40 PM
I download a lot, but it's not illegal for me.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: MegaTech on September 03, 2014, 04:05:52 PM
No more than 40GB per day. ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: ssaillenss on September 03, 2014, 04:08:30 PM
i always download ilegal cracked apps or games, movies, songs all what i need just get ilegal for free by torrents or some others pages :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jersey19957 on September 03, 2014, 04:12:36 PM
Yes because im forced too, too poor to buy what i like  :'(

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: YOLOMAN on September 03, 2014, 04:16:17 PM
I download it with the internet i paid for  :o  ???
so i think it's legal  ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DodoB on September 03, 2014, 04:21:39 PM
Yes,i download EA games because i dont think they deserve my money.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Lethn on September 03, 2014, 04:24:53 PM
I very rarely ever download indie developers' stuff because they always represent their product honestly with gameplay videos and such, however when it comes to publishers I'll pirate just to piss them off, I hope they all go to consoles and leave PC gamers alone.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Kluge on September 03, 2014, 04:32:23 PM
Very often, and if I do buy it, I usually still use the pirated version unless it's obscure and not frequently updated. Microsoft OSes, for example, I'd never want to use a legit key for - they're a PitA, so I have a bunch of purchased keys or keys which came with a laptop, and in the latter case, the first thing I do is to replace it with a pirated copy.

Music, I almost exclusively use Pandora for, but will sometimes buy an album or donate if I like the artist (but still have no use for it). It's unusual for me to watch movies... we DVR some things on TV, though. Have thought about ditching satellite TV service, but even with pre-amp, outdoor antenna, and using TVfool, we only get a couple public stations.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 05:04:41 PM
I download a lot, but it's not illegal for me.
Live in a country where it's legal?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: deepestfear on September 03, 2014, 05:21:48 PM
I am a torrent man all the way, beginning to end
Think that answers the question pretty well

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: counter on September 03, 2014, 05:27:39 PM
I personally can't see a reason to download when I can just stream what I want to watch.  I've been intrigued to downloading and saving some films but I just haven't really had a good reason to do that just yet.  Maybe I'm just spoiled and want to save space on my computer.  8)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DarkHyudrA on September 03, 2014, 05:41:28 PM
Mostly music, although I always try to listen to the musics on a playlist on youtube(the author of the content gets paid not only the channel) and movies, but only the ones that my friends come like "OMG YOU MUST WATCH IT".

For small apps I always try to buy, although I most of the times I want to a single, so no there is no point for me to pay 6.99$ for a single day of use of an aplication. For games I have 90% of them bought(some of them I play the pirated version, but its because I'm too lazy t odownload the game all over again). For the SO I have it totaly not pirated, but I control the update of it, so it doesn't tear apart my laptop.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: cookiemonsterwhat on September 03, 2014, 06:01:29 PM
I dont download anything, I just stream it?

Its better I think because you dont used up your memory.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 06:25:12 PM
Added option for streaming illegally.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Lauda on September 03, 2014, 06:26:00 PM
Like all the time. The average pay in this country is horrible and the situation overall. Look at the newer games, 60-70 euros (!); once can't afford this when we can barely survive here.
The software that I use for video rendering, music (up to a few thousand euros!) is even worse. Should I be restricted to their use because I can't afford it? No thank you.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: dinda22 on September 03, 2014, 06:27:24 PM
yes true since I know a torrent or download free movie I so kencanduan, often used only buy pirated CDs: D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: ronaldo40 on September 03, 2014, 06:29:21 PM
yes i would rather download it for free and illegal, but sometimes I get annoyed if my internet really slow -_-

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?piui
Post by: Brewins on September 03, 2014, 06:35:54 PM
Yes, I do it.

I have better uses for my money, like buy Bitcoins and stuff I can't find for download(yes, it happens with some frequence)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jaberwock on September 03, 2014, 10:07:31 PM
Why would you people admit to committing felonies on a talk forum? You Do realize the NSA,F.B.I.,CCIA,Interpol and other such organizations watch this forum? I'm pretty sure Downloading bootleg copies of anything is Illegal every where in the world.

Your Information is readily available to be turned over by theymos if asked to do so by Law enforcement he has already said this before.

Good luck with your confessions lol

Lolwut do you think the NSA and the FBI will make the seals take you to US ground to be judged for downloading pirated contend?

They will need proof people did it, and a confession in a forum is not enough for that, of course.

Plus as far I know the people that have the copyright need to complain first to the authorities come after you, it is not something the State can make by its own initiative, at least in part of the world.

Plus anyone here probably already took conceal measures to avoid being identified, even with full cooperation of the forum owner

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on September 03, 2014, 10:30:15 PM
only books.  cause books suck/are gay

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Entz on September 03, 2014, 10:53:31 PM
I do but just private trackers like and so on

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: vm1990 on September 03, 2014, 11:14:27 PM
Why would you people admit to committing felonies on a talk forum? You Do realize the NSA,F.B.I.,CCIA,Interpol and other such organizations watch this forum? I'm pretty sure Downloading bootleg copies of anything is Illegal every where in the world.

Your Information is readily available to be turned over by theymos if asked to do so by Law enforcement he has already said this before.

Good luck with your confessions lol

not true there are several country's in the world where downloading pirated content is not illegal and only becomes illegal when its re-distributed for a price. i for one am happy to download my ass off. i pay for my internet (if i could get it free i would) why should i give any American any of my money. im much happier spending it on stuff i like.

if the law wasnt still stuck in the 1980's then maybe id respect or try to follow it more. i compare it to driving a car, have you ever speeded? everyone has at some point

P.S speeding dosnt kill. hitting something does

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Kluge on September 03, 2014, 11:19:47 PM
P.S speeding dosnt kill. hitting something does
??? Neither does driving while wasted, but they should still be taken off the road ASAP for causing extreme risk of killing at least one person?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 11:20:33 PM
Why would you people admit to committing felonies on a talk forum? You Do realize the NSA,F.B.I.,CCIA,Interpol and other such organizations watch this forum? I'm pretty sure Downloading bootleg copies of anything is Illegal every where in the world.

Your Information is readily available to be turned over by theymos if asked to do so by Law enforcement he has already said this before.

Good luck with your confessions lol
And I am sure the FBI is going to raid your house because you type yeah in this thread. Also sure they are going to notice it!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 03, 2014, 11:22:30 PM
P.S speeding dosnt kill. hitting something does
??? Neither does driving while wasted, but they should still be taken off the road ASAP for causing extreme risk of killing at least one person?
Yeah and neither does using an AK47 in a crowded town while blindfolded unless a bullet hit someone. That was actually a really really bad statement lol.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: pedrog on September 03, 2014, 11:36:39 PM
I download a lot, but it's not illegal for me.
Live in a country where it's legal?

Yes, at least for now.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: cryptogoku on September 04, 2014, 12:10:54 AM
who does not ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 04, 2014, 12:56:14 AM
I download a lot, but it's not illegal for me.
Live in a country where it's legal?

Yes, at least for now.
Was legal to download but not upload in Sweden up untill a couple of years ago (2005 IIRC). When they made it illegal they persecuted maybe 2-3 people the first years, fining them huge amounts (family people) just to set an example. The anti piracy department has spent A LOT of millions on nothing the last years since it was made illegal, in total I think 8 or 9 people has been sentenced and that includes the owners of ThePirateBay..

t's like the war on drugs but 100 times worse, just a huge waste of money.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DMeeks on September 04, 2014, 02:07:06 AM
Not downloading illegally anymore. Afraid of trojan..

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: williamj2543 on September 04, 2014, 02:10:19 AM
Games: I only pirate if I want to try it out, Ill buy it if the game is worth playing, if I found it boring, I just delete the game and move on with my life.
Movies: I use netflix or other sources, no need to download
Music: I used to manually download and put into iTunes for syncing to my iPhone, but spotify is so much easier, and only 10$ a month for offline high quality 320kbs streaming? Why not

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: techgeek on September 04, 2014, 02:25:20 AM
is streaming consider illegal? lol.  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sionsandman on September 04, 2014, 10:22:45 AM

I d/l legally and never pay.

Why do people insist on doing the oppressor job and automatically assume everything is illegal without any evidence?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: vm1990 on September 04, 2014, 10:54:45 AM
P.S speeding dosnt kill. hitting something does
??? Neither does driving while wasted, but they should still be taken off the road ASAP for causing extreme risk of killing at least one person?
Yeah and neither does using an AK47 in a crowded town while blindfolded unless a bullet hit someone. That was actually a really really bad statement lol.

its not as bad as you make it out to be if your from the UK and have ever seen the "speeding kills" campaign they did a few years back. it got to the point where they made alsorts of crap up. as for your theory people in America carry guns everywhere i dont see everybody around them dieing just because someones carrying a gun

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: wildan88 on September 04, 2014, 11:35:33 AM
yes I like to download movies instead of buying a CD, let alone my internet faster :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sumantso on September 04, 2014, 11:53:10 AM
I have a running game with my ISP about torrent. They blocked it, then I could get with packet spoofing, and now its blocked again.

Downloading through normal means is so tedious. Have to find some good FTP links.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: MilesJohan on September 04, 2014, 03:22:40 PM
Always, its free..

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: byt411 on September 04, 2014, 03:29:32 PM
Why would you people admit to committing felonies on a talk forum? You Do realize the NSA,F.B.I.,CCIA,Interpol and other such organizations watch this forum? I'm pretty sure Downloading bootleg copies of anything is Illegal every where in the world.

Your Information is readily available to be turned over by theymos if asked to do so by Law enforcement he has already said this before.

Good luck with your confessions lol

Yeah, and the NSA and the interpol are going to waste that much time and effort to find someone like us, and then arrest us and deport us. Yeah right.
What information? My email? My IP? VPNs pls.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: foxkyu on September 04, 2014, 03:48:39 PM
always illegaly and never buy software or anything
if any free option, why we have to buy?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: romerun on September 04, 2014, 04:09:23 PM
who doesn't

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Rockefeller on September 04, 2014, 05:03:45 PM
If i ever have to pay for all the stuff i've downloaded i will probably have to sell my car. :o

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 05, 2014, 01:57:41 AM
If i ever have to pay for all the stuff i've downloaded i will probably have to sell my car. :o
I would owe millions :p

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Victoo on September 05, 2014, 02:10:07 AM
I download around 40 gb a month from torrents, Still paying for bandwidth which is costly.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: BiTJack on September 05, 2014, 02:19:48 AM
I do download stuff from torrents ans other places but i don't call it downloading illegally.  :-\

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 05, 2014, 09:34:06 AM
Here in Sweden there is an organization called "Copyswede" that takes a share of the money from every empty CD/DVD, hard drive (you get it) sale that takes place. They then give the money to artists, bands and so on. So I kinda pay for everything lol! ;)
(But I download illegally) ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Gumbork on September 05, 2014, 10:42:42 AM
I download around 40 gb a month from torrents, Still paying for bandwidth which is costly.

Its good that my bandwidth is unlimited. :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 05, 2014, 02:53:58 PM
I download around 40 gb a month from torrents, Still paying for bandwidth which is costly.

Its good that my bandwidth is unlimited. :)
I'm getting 1000/1000 the 11th. Hard drives writes in 85mb/s :)

100/100 right now, works ok for me

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 05, 2014, 06:29:01 PM
Would like to see more opinions!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jambola2 on September 05, 2014, 06:42:17 PM
I buy games legally, as I am addicted to steam with its achievements and trading cards.

Pretty easy with humble bundle and other bundles.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Wooden Plate on September 05, 2014, 06:48:46 PM
Yes, most of the things on the internet you can download for free. I rarely buy something digital.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tsm on September 05, 2014, 06:50:58 PM
i stream more then i download  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: niktitan132 on September 05, 2014, 07:36:37 PM
Yes,i download illegally,who doesn't? But,i buy sometimes legal if it has a cheap price.  ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hgerson on September 05, 2014, 08:27:18 PM
I do download stuff from torrents ans other places but i don't call it downloading illegally.  :-\


It's widely available for download so I have to assume it's legal.

Many artists/authors already claimed they're pro-downloading. 

Some of them owe their entire fan base to so-called pirating. They don't complain.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tsm on September 05, 2014, 08:46:59 PM
can someone give me good sites besides solarmovie for free movies.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: iram3130 on September 05, 2014, 08:54:56 PM
I use torrentz to downloads movie and music, and what I believe it is illegal.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tsm on September 05, 2014, 09:00:05 PM
I use torrentz to downloads movie and music, and what I believe it is illegal.

do you know any good streaming sites. besides torrents?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lemfuture on September 05, 2014, 09:18:08 PM
i like yify

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: pedrog on September 05, 2014, 11:10:19 PM
I use torrentz to downloads movie and music, and what I believe it is illegal.

do you know any good streaming sites. besides torrents?

How about Popcorn Time (

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Nabilo on September 05, 2014, 11:26:17 PM

 Do you download illegally?

so without use lot fraudulent way's to do it.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 06, 2014, 12:44:57 AM

 Do you download illegally?

so without use lot fraudulent way's to do it.
What do you mean?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: counter on September 06, 2014, 01:17:10 AM
I use torrentz to downloads movie and music, and what I believe it is illegal.

do you know any good streaming sites. besides torrents?

How about Popcorn Time (

Don't want to alert the alphabet boys to my fav spots haha but look up Project free tv and check out  those are a couple that come to mind and have been helpful in the past.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Nabilo on September 06, 2014, 01:57:24 AM

 Do you download illegally?

so without use lot fraudulent way's to do it.
What do you mean?

 the most of it is more easiest to download (illegally) than using the legal way.  If you catch my meaning

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: twister on September 06, 2014, 02:40:06 AM
Anyone who says that they don't! is simply lying!

To answer your question OP, I don't!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 07, 2014, 11:27:18 PM
Anyone who says that they don't! is simply lying!

To answer your question OP, I don't!
Liar liar, pants on fire! No but there are honest people out there, I've sold used DVD's on Ebay - the scare tactic works on some people.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Yeni78 on September 08, 2014, 01:56:20 AM
I don't call it illegal because it is not illegal is in my country.  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Frizork on September 08, 2014, 01:58:23 AM
I don't call it illegal because it is not illegal is in my country.  :)
Where are you from?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Yeni78 on September 08, 2014, 02:07:01 AM
I don't call it illegal because it is not illegal is in my country.  :)
Where are you from?

I prefer not to disclose my location. But this stuffs is not illegal in my country.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: laverre on September 08, 2014, 05:28:25 AM
I can't choose multiple answer in this poll so I'll vote just "I stream legally".

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Thekool1s on September 08, 2014, 05:48:20 AM
Best ROI product " Internet"  ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Habeler876 on September 08, 2014, 07:07:42 AM
I have a big collection of movies/music from torrents and P2P.... but I also pay for Netflix and Amazon Prime and occasionally even buy streaming versions of things out of laziness. That's the trouble of being able to spend BTC so easily on Amazon gift cards. And also, just not wanting to download torrents/use sketchy streaming websites, what with my hot wallet and exchange account on this computer. :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 08, 2014, 11:02:45 AM

 Do you download illegally?

so without use lot fraudulent way's to do it.
What do you mean?

 the most of it is more easiest to download (illegally) than using the legal way.  If you catch my meaning
Yeah got'cha.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Justin00 on September 08, 2014, 02:52:34 PM
Yeah Just TV shows...
usuaullly never movies... me and the GF lik going to the cinema so happy (well not really) but we pay the $22 each to see...

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Ayers on September 08, 2014, 02:54:44 PM
Once maybe, nowaday not so much, also steam is fabulous with his sale

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Ringumbau on September 08, 2014, 03:05:54 PM
Yes, because i cant afford all i want unfortunately.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: CodyAlfaridzi on September 08, 2014, 03:15:29 PM
Movies, nope. Games no. Music yes! :D
I usually watch movies directly on cinema, and play games from Steam. So yeah that's legal

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: captainless on September 08, 2014, 05:17:00 PM
I can't even remember the last time I purchased any digital goods lol.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 08, 2014, 05:26:49 PM
is music from legally download different from illegally download?  ::)
It's more expensive and sometimes contains DRM and stuff.
(Also the artist get a very small part of the money).

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sana0040 on September 08, 2014, 07:30:36 PM
Why pay when there is free.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: BADecker on September 08, 2014, 07:39:23 PM
Illegally perhaps, but not unlawfully.  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: BADecker on September 08, 2014, 07:48:45 PM
Illegally perhaps, but not unlawfully.  :)

"Illegal" has to do with some statute or constitution.

"Unlawful" has to do with harm or damage to someone or his property, or breach of contract.

I'm not a party to the laws and constitutions. If you try to force me into it, you are harming or damaging me. In the common law countries of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Bangladesh, if you are being harmed by someone trying to force you into obedience of statutes that you are not a party to, you can beat them personally under common law. See:

and watch the videos/audios at the right.


Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: der_troll on September 08, 2014, 07:55:49 PM
It's the only way I download

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hgerson on September 08, 2014, 11:50:49 PM
Yeah Just TV shows...
usuaullly never movies... me and the GF lik going to the cinema so happy (well not really) but we pay the $22 each to see...


Where is that?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Nabilo on September 09, 2014, 12:41:47 AM

"Unlawful" has to do with harm or damage to someone or his property, or breach of

 My think is that when someone create a product destined to the general  public he is (morally) not able to claim its copyright (as an absolute right). And this even less than anyone

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Prelude on September 09, 2014, 01:18:19 AM
Why just the other day I downloaded a car.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: pilitusanelidus on September 09, 2014, 06:34:14 PM
The question nowadays is who doesn't, in personel opinion I download from internet music, some software, games and so on, but it ups on each person

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jbrnt on September 09, 2014, 06:43:27 PM
My answer is not available: "No, I pay for my movies and music because it is the right thing to do"

Musicians create music, film makers and actors make films. They create a product. They may be overpriced, but your choice is to buy it (now or when it is on sale), borrow/rent it, or not at all.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 09, 2014, 08:10:32 PM
My answer is not available: "No, I pay for my movies and music because it is the right thing to do"

Musicians create music, film makers and actors make films. They create a product. They may be overpriced, but your choice is to buy it (now or when it is on sale), borrow/rent it, or not at all.
It's too overpriced though, hollywood takes such a huge percentage. One new DVD here = ~$25.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Kluge on September 09, 2014, 11:00:09 PM
Why just the other day I downloaded a car.
You Print, too? ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: raveldoni on September 10, 2014, 02:56:02 AM
I just download TV shows and sometimes movies because it's hard to wait for DVDs to be released. I still use legal softwares.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Prelude on September 10, 2014, 03:59:07 AM
Why just the other day I downloaded a car.
You Print, too? ;D

Still waiting on my first 3D printer!  ;)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DrG on September 10, 2014, 06:46:47 AM
Why just the other day I downloaded a car.

Next thing you know you'll be downloading a handbag and a television.  Don't do it.  Think of the children!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hgerson on September 14, 2014, 11:56:08 PM
My answer is not available: "No, I pay for my movies and music because it is the right thing to do"

Musicians create music, film makers and actors make films. They create a product. They may be overpriced, but your choice is to buy it (now or when it is on sale), borrow/rent it, or not at all.

I buy my internet connection.

I could steal it from neighbors but that would be wrong.

Download tv shows, music and movies is a right thing to do.

Art should not be exclusive for the rich.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bitgeek on September 15, 2014, 01:39:09 AM
I download a lot of stuff, like TV shows (because I don't even have a TV) but most of it isn't considered illegal. The games I play are usually free, or cost a few bucks on steam, I don't watch movie screeners because the quality sucks.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Mike Christ on September 15, 2014, 01:50:14 AM
In a world where digital content can be copied and pasted very easily, old laws like copyright just aren't useful anymore.  As a soon-to-be content creator myself, I've decided to roll with the donation model of business; there's no point in selling my work since the people who want to give me money, already will, and the people who don't want to give me money, get it off torrent sites.  Might as well cut out the middle man and offer content for free: it allows your content to get into as many hands as possible, which increases the odds of finding people willing to pay for your content.

Piracy can never be theft as there is no deprivation involved: if people want to pay, they will, and if they don't, they won't; it doesn't change your profits whether or not piracy gets involved.  When you steal someone's shoe, they don't have that shoe anymore; you can't steal a copy of his shoe since he still has his shoe, and you have your copy.  One could argue intellectual property in the sense that an idea exists and copying that idea without permission is wrong, but considering how great the state has been at enforcing IP law, it's pointless to consider it: whether or not you think it's right or wrong, people will copy+paste anyway.  We're amoral creatures: if we can get away with something and it benefits us, we'll do it.  We could spend years arguing over the validity of piracy, and in those years, piracy will continue: it doesn't help the content creator to take a stance.

Certain websites like Patreon have already caught onto this trend; there, people offer to pay you every time to create something.  This is great for small things like YouTube videos and comics, but what if you wanted to make something that requires a large investment to get rolling, such as a movie, or line of clothing?  You don't have to get a loan from a bank anymore, you can go to Kickstarter or Indiegogo and get funded that way.  While a pirate can copy+paste your content without your permission, he cannot take something that does not yet exist, which is one major way entertainers make money: it then becomes a service, rather than selling a digital good.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Starscream on September 15, 2014, 09:30:56 AM
I wouldn't steal a car, but I'd download one.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jontrue on September 15, 2014, 09:45:44 AM
watch movies online

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Decksperiment on September 15, 2014, 11:37:52 AM
Personally, I know that there is a so called 'safety' net, where you are allowed to download any file once to check it's authenticity, so up until this point, No-one downloads illegally, however if you find it's a pirate movie, you must delete it within 24 hours. Should you chose to become a pirate and put it back on the web, well, then you allow others to download illegally, but they are also covered by this statement.

So no, I do not download illegally.
I may find I have downloaded an illegal file.. after I have downloaded.. and if I still have it after 24 hours, then I am open to prosecution.

This is my stance on the net, fuck the masonic laws..

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Cryptock on September 15, 2014, 11:42:57 AM
Of course  :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Justin00 on September 15, 2014, 11:57:05 AM
I pay like $100/month in pay tv... its mostly crap... so I'm entitled to it :p

I haven't read the entire thread... but can anyone honestly say they will not download a tv show/movie because it is illegal ?
I could understand an aspiring artist here not downloading music.. or perhaps porn lol because its their industry... but movies ? Anyone who says that... I say you a liar good sir!

Even my gf who won't even cross the road until the little green man is flashing (indicating to cross...) downloads torrents after I showed her how .

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: RickStoner on September 15, 2014, 06:38:59 PM
what is really illegal...

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: FlatTime on September 15, 2014, 06:48:19 PM
stream but yeah same thing

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Decksperiment on September 15, 2014, 09:02:59 PM
stream but yeah same thing

I beg to differ here, to stream is to tune in to the transmission, after show is ended, you have no copy, unless of course you recorded it..

Like radio, there are radio broadcasters, and pirate radio broadcasters. You having the radio, you dont care who is transmitting what, as long as you get to hear what you want.. you are not the pirate, or the legit radio broadcaster. you tune in, njoi the show, and thats it.

However, downloading is another matter entirely.. just like recording EITHER illegal or legal broadcasts is also illegal without consent.

In my opinion, people cannot be called 'pirate's' for streaming what someone else is transmitting, unless of course, you make a copy, which makes you the pirate. Illegal streaming service's are the pirate's, not the person who tunes in.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DodoriousMaximus on September 15, 2014, 09:35:21 PM
I dont (jking im poor)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hgerson on September 16, 2014, 12:37:38 AM
In a world where digital content can be copied and pasted very easily, old laws like copyright just aren't useful anymore.  As a soon-to-be content creator myself, I've decided to roll with the donation model of business; there's no point in selling my work since the people who want to give me money, already will, and the people who don't want to give me money, get it off torrent sites.  Might as well cut out the middle man and offer content for free: it allows your content to get into as many hands as possible, which increases the odds of finding people willing to pay for your content.

Piracy can never be theft as there is no deprivation involved: if people want to pay, they will, and if they don't, they won't; it doesn't change your profits whether or not piracy gets involved.  When you steal someone's shoe, they don't have that shoe anymore; you can't steal a copy of his shoe since he still has his shoe, and you have your copy.  One could argue intellectual property in the sense that an idea exists and copying that idea without permission is wrong, but considering how great the state has been at enforcing IP law, it's pointless to consider it: whether or not you think it's right or wrong, people will copy+paste anyway.  We're amoral creatures: if we can get away with something and it benefits us, we'll do it.  We could spend years arguing over the validity of piracy, and in those years, piracy will continue: it doesn't help the content creator to take a stance.

Certain websites like Patreon have already caught onto this trend; there, people offer to pay you every time to create something.  This is great for small things like YouTube videos and comics, but what if you wanted to make something that requires a large investment to get rolling, such as a movie, or line of clothing?  You don't have to get a loan from a bank anymore, you can go to Kickstarter or Indiegogo and get funded that way.  While a pirate can copy+paste your content without your permission, he cannot take something that does not yet exist, which is one major way entertainers make money: it then becomes a service, rather than selling a digital good.

I agree with everything you posted.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DonQuijote on September 16, 2014, 12:43:38 AM
Illegally? No!
Open source rules

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: JLynn171 on September 16, 2014, 12:46:13 AM
you can see most anything legally why download?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lightningmccoin on September 16, 2014, 07:28:16 AM
Nobody cares if I download the whole series of Breaking Bad in one day.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: davien on September 16, 2014, 11:01:04 AM
No! Never! Ever! Yeaaakkss >:(

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: kingcoin111 on September 18, 2014, 05:08:50 AM
who doesnt? everyone who has the internet always download illegally.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tylerdur2 on September 21, 2014, 11:01:03 PM
who doesnt? everyone who has the internet always download illegally.

Why. I don't assume it's illegal.

There are movies on youtube. Is that illegal?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Frizork on September 21, 2014, 11:06:03 PM
Only legal webpages, please

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Argwai96 on September 21, 2014, 11:13:20 PM
who doesnt? everyone who has the internet always download illegally.

Hmm, I'm not actually sure on the laws, really. I have a big collection of movies from torrents and music from P2P file sharing, but I have never been much of a seeder. These days, I mostly just stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime. In a pinch, I'll download a torrent if I can't find it streaming somewhere else.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bloodhoundgang on September 21, 2014, 11:18:34 PM
No. too many virus.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Argwai96 on September 21, 2014, 11:50:41 PM
No. too many virus.

I've never once had an issue. Generally, though, I only download media files (no applications), and from trusted/VIP uploaders + high number of seeders and downloads. You should rarely have any issues then.

But I also don't keep my bitcoins on this computer, hehe.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 22, 2014, 08:38:43 AM
Only legal webpages, please
The websites themselves are rarely declared "illegal", however, they assist illegal activity in forms of illegal downloading.
The sites however does not store any illegal data.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Gimmelfarb on September 22, 2014, 09:31:13 AM
who doesnt? everyone who has the internet always download illegally.

Hmm, I'm not actually sure on the laws, really. I have a big collection of movies from torrents and music from P2P file sharing, but I have never been much of a seeder. These days, I mostly just stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime. In a pinch, I'll download a torrent if I can't find it streaming somewhere else.

i'm in a similar position. hell, i hate to say it, but Amazon is so damn convenient (and i also buy discount Amazon gift cards on and get Instant Video credits for using super saver delivery) that i often end up just spending a couple bucks to buy a movie or episode of a TV show rather than deal with dodgy streaming sites or torrents.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: $erver-X on September 22, 2014, 02:22:05 PM
never thought of paying to download anything

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: the_K_man on September 22, 2014, 03:27:49 PM
Well I don't pay for anything I download so I guess I do download illegally  :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Crazy-Rayz on September 22, 2014, 04:15:55 PM
why pay for it when you can get it free

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: andycarrol on September 22, 2014, 05:48:15 PM
yes because if you need legal download payment and I do not have to pay it: D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: ssaillenss on September 22, 2014, 08:32:19 PM
I download a lot, dont have many for pay everything what i download :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: PotatoPie on September 22, 2014, 11:20:18 PM
I normally pay for the main things like anti-virus software, and software from small companies. In a lot of cases like all of the adobe software, they'll gain off you downloading it illegally because it increases popularity and then you'll go off and actually buy it legally for your workplace.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Nabilo on September 23, 2014, 06:46:58 AM
why pay for it when you can get it free

well, but here a little problem;
 when downloading illegally you don't have a warranty of authenticity and quality. /authenticity of sound of music for example. (it's maybe that's the snag when you don't know what happened with a song when you have download it in 320kbp mp3 quality)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Nabilo on September 23, 2014, 07:43:53 AM
Like that, a torrents download site user can easily convert a discography of an artist whom he downloaded in an average quality to a superior quality having before this converted it in audio format . And steal the star from the first Uploader and get more privileges on the site.

or either a psychopath can mix musics with parasites or to bring modifications on the sound stamp because it amuses him playing with spirits .

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: turncoat_ewok on September 23, 2014, 12:51:52 PM
I don't understand what do you mean by illegally. I always pay my internet bill.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 23, 2014, 07:51:48 PM
I don't understand what do you mean by illegally. I always pay my internet bill.
Different laws different countries. More votes please :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bitcoinforhelp on September 24, 2014, 01:05:42 AM
I didn't dowloaded anything illegal ever. Not my style, but i won't judge others.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: forsakenpnut on September 24, 2014, 01:32:45 AM
Games torrent mostly

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bluefirecorp on September 24, 2014, 02:38:17 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 24, 2014, 08:36:45 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
That's quite a difference, if you TAKE the cash, then the store loses it. However, if you could just make an EXACT REPLICA of them then, both you and the store would still have the money (in this case that would cause massive inflation though, and the money wouldn't be worth anything).

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Hash Master on September 24, 2014, 08:48:01 AM
Yea, mostly movie and cracked software torrents

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bluefirecorp on September 24, 2014, 08:48:51 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
That's quite a difference, if you TAKE the cash, then the store loses it. However, if you could just make an EXACT REPLICA of them then, both you and the store would still have the money (in this case that would cause massive inflation though, and the money wouldn't be worth anything).
Actually, it'd be closer to me generating 50 extra bitcoins, now we have 21 million + 50 extra btc. I suppose your inflation analogy does work to an extent.

It devalues every other bitcoin out there, by a tiny amount. It's not a big deal when it's one person, but say it's a million people that do it. 21 million + 50 million has a massive effect on those who obtained their coins via legit means (not 'magically' hacking the blockchain).

Piracy is stealing either way you look at it. People who brag about stealing content should be ashamed. Sure, there IS a problem with distribution of digital content, but there's absolutely no reason to brag that you're stealing it all

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 24, 2014, 09:02:09 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
That's quite a difference, if you TAKE the cash, then the store loses it. However, if you could just make an EXACT REPLICA of them then, both you and the store would still have the money (in this case that would cause massive inflation though, and the money wouldn't be worth anything).
Actually, it'd be closer to me generating 50 extra bitcoins, now we have 21 million + 50 extra btc. I suppose your inflation analogy does work to an extent.

It devalues every other bitcoin out there, by a tiny amount. It's not a big deal when it's one person, but say it's a million people that do it. 21 million + 50 million has a massive effect on those who obtained their coins via legit means (not 'magically' hacking the blockchain).

Piracy is stealing either way you look at it. People who brag about stealing content should be ashamed. Sure, there IS a problem with distribution of digital content, but there's absolutely no reason to brag that you're stealing it all
Exactly - more money, less value.

Yeah, but the value of a mp3 doesn't decrease just because someone makes a copy of it.

Nah, not stealing, for theft to take place someone actually has to lose whatever is being stolen. You can look at it this way, you would not go to a store and just take a bread, but IF you could make a copy of the bread and you both would have it, then I can't see the problem (except for the store going bankrupt).

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bluefirecorp on September 24, 2014, 09:04:48 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
That's quite a difference, if you TAKE the cash, then the store loses it. However, if you could just make an EXACT REPLICA of them then, both you and the store would still have the money (in this case that would cause massive inflation though, and the money wouldn't be worth anything).
Actually, it'd be closer to me generating 50 extra bitcoins, now we have 21 million + 50 extra btc. I suppose your inflation analogy does work to an extent.

It devalues every other bitcoin out there, by a tiny amount. It's not a big deal when it's one person, but say it's a million people that do it. 21 million + 50 million has a massive effect on those who obtained their coins via legit means (not 'magically' hacking the blockchain).

Piracy is stealing either way you look at it. People who brag about stealing content should be ashamed. Sure, there IS a problem with distribution of digital content, but there's absolutely no reason to brag that you're stealing it all
Exactly - more money, less value.

Yeah, but the value of a mp3 doesn't decrease just because someone makes a copy of it.

Nah, not stealing, for theft to take place someone actually has to lose whatever is being stolen. You can look at it this way, you would not go to a store and just take a bread, but IF you could make a copy of the bread and you both would have it, then I can't see the problem (except for the store going bankrupt).

The problem is the store would go bankrupt, and then the bread producers would go bankrupt. And eventually, all the producers of the items sold in the store will go bankrupt.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on September 24, 2014, 09:08:16 AM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
That's quite a difference, if you TAKE the cash, then the store loses it. However, if you could just make an EXACT REPLICA of them then, both you and the store would still have the money (in this case that would cause massive inflation though, and the money wouldn't be worth anything).
Actually, it'd be closer to me generating 50 extra bitcoins, now we have 21 million + 50 extra btc. I suppose your inflation analogy does work to an extent.

It devalues every other bitcoin out there, by a tiny amount. It's not a big deal when it's one person, but say it's a million people that do it. 21 million + 50 million has a massive effect on those who obtained their coins via legit means (not 'magically' hacking the blockchain).

Piracy is stealing either way you look at it. People who brag about stealing content should be ashamed. Sure, there IS a problem with distribution of digital content, but there's absolutely no reason to brag that you're stealing it all
Exactly - more money, less value.

Yeah, but the value of a mp3 doesn't decrease just because someone makes a copy of it.

Nah, not stealing, for theft to take place someone actually has to lose whatever is being stolen. You can look at it this way, you would not go to a store and just take a bread, but IF you could make a copy of the bread and you both would have it, then I can't see the problem (except for the store going bankrupt).

The problem is the store would go bankrupt, and then the bread producers would go bankrupt. And eventually, all the producers of the items sold in the store will go bankrupt.
Yeah, but then you would have bread for all eternity, so who cares lol? :D
Also, most musicians does not make music to earn money, they do it because they are creative people that feel happy playing music.
(Source: I'm a musician, and most people I know are as well)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: u9y42 on September 24, 2014, 11:13:12 AM
The problem is the store would go bankrupt, and then the bread producers would go bankrupt. And eventually, all the producers of the items sold in the store will go bankrupt.

As lepirate said, in that case, the model that the store is based on would be obsolete - as well as any other model that is based on handling bread as a finite resource. So, there would effectively be no reason for them to exist at that point. A good analogy here, I think, is what happened to the ice maker industry when confronted with electricity and refrigerators on the 19th/20th century.

But on broader terms, looking at your comparison of downloading content to piracy and stealing, it makes little sense and breaks down fairly quickly; not only because no goods are actually being removed from the market, but also because it assumes people would otherwise actually buy said goods, if they had no other choice (remember, these aren't bread/food/fundamental goods we're talking about here) - I for one don't often bother to download stuff from the net (well, movies and such), but I would most certainly not buy 99.9% of what I do download. Then the reverse of that is, when you download something (legally or otherwise) and find it to be so good that you then go and pay for an original copy (and you probably wouldn't even find/see it, if it wasn't freely available on the net first).

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bitgeek on September 24, 2014, 12:40:39 PM
I download things. People always lended and borrowed things, that's how libraries were created!
If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever, it's not up to some government asshole to tell me whether I can take it or not.

Yeah, I once decided I wanted like $1000. So I walked into a store and took it out of the cash register. Fucking government assholes decided to tell me not to do that. I showed them though. I totally got away with it.

Fuck the government, fuck the store owner! Cause fuckers are telling me what I can and can't do.
What he said was: If someone wants to give me a file, book, game, whatever,

When you go to the store and take whatever you want without paying you're stealing. On the other hand when you go to a public library and take a book, is that stealing?
I remember borrowing games from my friends on cartridges>floppy's>CD's>DVD's and then simply downloading when the network allowed for that.
When you buy a book and somebody comes to you, sees it and wants to borrow, what do you do? Give them a lecture about copyright law?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: 3x2 on September 24, 2014, 12:42:26 PM
Piratebay all the time, enough said.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Thenen on September 24, 2014, 12:51:38 PM
I dont download ilegally but I watch online stream.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: floman on September 25, 2014, 06:58:49 AM
Sometimes, but most of the times I buy legit

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitcoin Investion on September 25, 2014, 11:33:04 AM
of course, why are published

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: vipgelsi on September 25, 2014, 11:35:56 AM
I'm old fashioned lol i still buy cd's at the store.  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tabareseduardo on September 26, 2014, 02:03:17 PM
Nowadays who doesn't hehehe', music, movies, games, images, videos, although there is  some software worth to pay.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on September 26, 2014, 06:25:18 PM
certainly.  especialy if it is Sheriff Arpaio's own book (just kidding i bought that on :))

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: redsn0w on September 26, 2014, 06:28:36 PM
Why ? Is it illegal to download a file from internet  ::) .... I've download some .iap and sometimes a couple of songs  .

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on September 26, 2014, 06:45:10 PM
Why ? Is it illegal to download a file from internet  ::) .... I've download some .iap and sometimes a couple of songs  .

tell us your file roster to determine if you should be jailed

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: AlpariForex on September 26, 2014, 06:58:32 PM
it's a common thing

torrent etc

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on September 26, 2014, 07:23:11 PM
it's a common thing

torrent etc

greater chances of being arrested for downloading child porn than U2's album Songs of Innocence

so certain things can certainly be "more" illegal than other things.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: patt0 on September 26, 2014, 09:58:45 PM
Why ? Is it illegal to download a file from internet  ::) .... I've download some .iap and sometimes a couple of songs  .

tell us your file roster to determine if you should be jailed

It isn't always illegal to download things. It depends on what you download, what you do with it and what country you are in.

so certain things can certainly be "more" illegal than other things.

That's true xD

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Undernoxo on September 28, 2014, 04:11:48 AM
I always pay / donate for software that is worth, but I can't imagine to pay for music that otherwise I'd never listen to.

While surfing at Youtube etc, If then I discover a good artist that I like, I don't mind donating to it / going to live concerts etc. But I am not going to pay for a CD, they just rip the artists and the clients.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: FarSky7 on September 28, 2014, 10:59:48 AM
I torrent everything, and probably have a notice or two from my cable provider,

but I have never checked my email,  not even once in 5 years.

Torrenting is like having full, free cable, with a 1 hour delay.

The modern world is beautiful.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: glennmatthew on September 28, 2014, 11:08:11 AM
Since I've paid for access to Netflix/Hulu, I don't bother with EZTV/torrents anymore.

I'm happy to pay, but not $40 for a DVD a year after it's released in the U.S. Pfft.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Daniel91 on September 28, 2014, 11:09:57 AM
If I do, I will not confess publicly :)
Seriously, I think everybody do this.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 28, 2014, 11:37:53 AM
I'll just leave this here

When the game detects you're running an illegal copy, it spawns an immortal scorpion which follows you and kills you troughout the game

This is how we should battle pirating, it's a million times harder to crack it + way cooler :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Stedsm on September 28, 2014, 12:56:48 PM
I'll just leave this here

When the game detects you're running an illegal copy, it spawns an immortal scorpion which follows you and kills you troughout the game

This is how we should battle pirating, it's a million times harder to crack it + way cooler :D

So if itunes notices you're playing a pirated copy of "in the end", it will freeze your computer. To unfreeze it, it gives you the option to delete the file.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 28, 2014, 06:29:01 PM
I'll just leave this here

When the game detects you're running an illegal copy, it spawns an immortal scorpion which follows you and kills you troughout the game

This is how we should battle pirating, it's a million times harder to crack it + way cooler :D

So if itunes notices you're playing a pirated copy of "in the end", it will freeze your computer. To unfreeze it, it gives you the option to delete the file.

nah, first 30 seconds is real music, then it just gives you a scream on max volume to scare the shit out of you

rest of audio file is some buzzy sound

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: SamTsuedo on September 30, 2014, 06:35:08 AM
No. I watch everything on Netflix or sometimes at Amazon prime which is legal.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: quihry on September 30, 2014, 06:59:40 AM
I always pay / donate for software that is worth, but I can't imagine to pay for music that otherwise I'd never listen to.

While surfing at Youtube etc, If then I discover a good artist that I like, I don't mind donating to it / going to live concerts etc. But I am not going to pay for a CD, they just rip the artists and the clients.

Depending on where you are from, you might already be paying for music you don't listen to. Some countries have a private copying levy on recordable mediums (cds, dvds, pens, hard drives, etc) which goes to copyright bodies:

I'll just leave this here

When the game detects you're running an illegal copy, it spawns an immortal scorpion which follows you and kills you troughout the game

This is how we should battle pirating, it's a million times harder to crack it + way cooler :D

I don't believe that's much harder to crack (once you know it's there), and though amusing, it's a stupid way of dealing with the issue. You already have millions of people copying software, and if you think that's a problem, you should look into why they are doing it, and address their concerns, not try to keep the status quo at any cost.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: HTC123 on September 30, 2014, 07:56:07 AM
I live in a magic country where the free download is always Legal.   ;D ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on September 30, 2014, 02:42:38 PM
I live in a magic country where the free download is always Legal.   ;D ;D
Luxury, I'd save $10 on my VPN. :((

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: jontrue on September 30, 2014, 11:33:35 PM
I live in a magic country where the free download is always Legal.   ;D ;D

nice country ...  ;D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bitcoinforhelp on October 01, 2014, 02:15:29 AM
im 100% legal user, always, proud of that

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Gotti III on October 02, 2014, 11:50:53 AM
Yes, I download illegally regularly.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on October 02, 2014, 06:39:34 PM
Bump for moar votes, I thought the number of people downloading everything would be a lot higher.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: patt0 on October 02, 2014, 07:35:06 PM
Bump for moar votes, I thought the number of people downloading everything would be a lot higher.

That is already the majority xD
And in many countries downloading for personal use is legal, and many others pay for some things they like and download the rest. I think that is normal lol. Strange is paying for everything! xD

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: vm1990 on October 02, 2014, 07:36:20 PM
perfect song for this poll

Happy Machine FREE.MP3

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: CustomChickenDelivery on October 02, 2014, 10:38:40 PM
I live in the US, and 100% of my viewing is illegal downloads. Fuck Hollywood.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on October 03, 2014, 02:29:05 AM
Bump for moar votes, I thought the number of people downloading everything would be a lot higher.

That is already the majority xD
And in many countries downloading for personal use is legal, and many others pay for some things they like and download the rest. I think that is normal lol. Strange is paying for everything! xD
Yeah that's right... Tunnelvisioning both in eyes and brain, it was only 8 years roughly since they made it illegal over here.. And we PC country #1.
perfect song for this poll

Happy Machine FREE.MP3
It saddens me greatly that The Lonely Island has started to have dubstep in their songs.
I live in the US, and 100% of my viewing is illegal downloads. Fuck Hollywood.
I'm fairly sure someone is going to come running and say that "without them u couldn't even see the movies because none made them" but the truth is that they are running a fucking monopoly on the moviemaking industry more or less, making it impossible for creative outside-the-box thinking movies to make it big.. So yeah, FUCK Hollywood - if Hollywood burned to the ground I'd celebrate with dance (and trust me I don't dance).

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: mr.coinstrader on October 03, 2014, 04:04:58 AM
Art Has a Price Artist spend hours and hours making music for other people to hear

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: bornil267645 on October 03, 2014, 08:02:56 AM
I don't even know how to download illegally...Even if idid...I would try...I guess.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Feneusens on October 03, 2014, 01:22:43 PM
Streaming online is safer compare to download. You might get caught...

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: ApexEvo on October 03, 2014, 03:30:36 PM
I download just because it is illegal, if it would be legal, I would not even want to do it.  :P

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: ApexEvo on October 03, 2014, 03:33:56 PM
Art Has a Price Artist spend hours and hours making music for other people to hear


You are artist or you are biznisman. Artists are doing Art because they love doing it, not to buy lamborghini. If they just want pussy, fame and luxury they are not artists. They dont express they inner world, but their lust for money. They can NOT have mine.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: VistaSharpie on October 03, 2014, 03:37:16 PM
I do not download illegally, however I do tend to use the sketchy streaming websites when I really want to watch something.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Ghris on October 03, 2014, 03:41:27 PM
Bit of both. I download games, but if I like it I buy it most of the times.

I go to the movies and had netflix, but I also download movies/series (because the movies/series have a much later release date in my country)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: seattlenonsmoker on October 03, 2014, 08:04:48 PM
I don't download illegally - I share bits of files as a backup method for myself and others.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tibor on October 03, 2014, 08:06:51 PM
I download mostly on torrents. I don't heard any laws yet that downloading torrents is prohibited in my country.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Magic8Ball on October 03, 2014, 09:26:16 PM
Illegally is the only way I download :D

Not rich enough yet to pay for movies, songs, games.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hosumfu on October 04, 2014, 08:50:04 AM
I'm not rich yet.
then.. movies and series.

But i'm paying games in steam, like bioshock saga (the best game ever, infinite)..

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: rivoke on October 04, 2014, 09:34:03 AM
I only pay for songs that are from someone that is no super famous and really needs the support

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: SBradford on October 04, 2014, 10:40:10 AM
I do sometimes.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: kaykawa on October 04, 2014, 11:52:34 AM
who doesn't download music from internet?

Or i'm the only one?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: lepirate on October 04, 2014, 11:58:57 AM
who doesn't download music from internet?

Or i'm the only one?
According to the poll you're in good company! :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: GenieBTC on October 04, 2014, 12:27:22 PM
Im just sad for the people who cannot download new movies online..

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: rhino34567 on October 04, 2014, 11:02:39 PM
I have yet to need to do any illegal downloading. I am not a big movie person and Netflix already suits my needs. For music I use YouTube and Spotify. My games, I just buy them on Steam, they are already very cheap.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: hosumfu on October 05, 2014, 03:46:26 AM
we are in family?, right?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: sickhouse on October 05, 2014, 06:21:09 PM
who doesn't download music from internet?

Or i'm the only one?
I'm member on a music torrent site so yeah.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: TheMasterKey on October 06, 2014, 10:11:37 AM
I wouldn't say it illegal... may be less legal  :D

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Bitzkrieg on October 06, 2014, 12:23:09 PM
Yes I do!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: blitzcrank on October 06, 2014, 04:55:44 PM
I stream stuff more then download  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: h4xx0r on October 06, 2014, 04:56:22 PM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Dafar on October 06, 2014, 07:20:06 PM
I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: (oYo) on October 07, 2014, 05:10:31 AM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: cocos on October 07, 2014, 10:26:02 AM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

NSA knows everything? So what? What will they do?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: (oYo) on October 07, 2014, 04:24:15 PM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

NSA knows everything? So what? What will they do?

Obviously you cater to the argument,  "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."

The NSA doesn't simply collect information. They share such info with other agencies that make assumptions and act on said info. We should worry about this because government agencies have a well-established track record of overreaching, exceeding their authority and abusing the law. Even when not acting nefariously, people could make errors or be careless with your info, which may result in wrongful assumptions about you or identity theft.

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'  (

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: nelruk on October 07, 2014, 04:29:16 PM
I download but for me and a thousand of people which support seeding torrent, is not illegal.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: TikiShack on October 07, 2014, 04:38:01 PM
No, I don't see the need when an account on Netflix is only £5 a month and you don't have to worry about bad quality!

Although I only watch movie/tv shows...

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: cocos on October 07, 2014, 04:41:43 PM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

NSA knows everything? So what? What will they do?

Obviously you cater to the argument,  "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."

The NSA doesn't simply collect information. They share such info with other agencies that make assumptions and act on said info. We should worry about this because government agencies have a well-established track record of overreaching, exceeding their authority and abusing the law. Even when not acting nefariously, people could make errors or be careless with your info, which may result in wrongful assumptions about you or identity theft.

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'  (

No, I mean how they can arrest millions of people?

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: llanillo on October 07, 2014, 04:43:27 PM
Hmmmmmm Games?! Nop i buy them from steam ....Music? Yes.. i dont have money for that.... Movies and Series? Yes xD

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: Splatters on October 07, 2014, 05:20:08 PM
illegal is the price they sell digital stuffs to us.
Btw I used to buy xbox games. Few but good, is better than many but unplayed.
I bought only one music cd in my life, in 2002, in Dublin.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: (oYo) on October 07, 2014, 05:21:36 PM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

NSA knows everything? So what? What will they do?

Obviously you cater to the argument,  "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."

The NSA doesn't simply collect information. They share such info with other agencies that make assumptions and act on said info. We should worry about this because government agencies have a well-established track record of overreaching, exceeding their authority and abusing the law. Even when not acting nefariously, people could make errors or be careless with your info, which may result in wrongful assumptions about you or identity theft.

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'  (

No, I mean how they can arrest millions of people?
It's most likely we will only be fined but, if you really want to know how they can arrest millions of people, the USA is tirelessly looking for ways make people out to be terrorists (oops, it's been updated to extremists). Piracy could be near the bottom of a list of many reasons for which they finally decide to declare martial law and begin filling their FEMA camps. At this point it's more a matter of 'when', rather than 'how'.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: cocos on October 07, 2014, 05:56:55 PM
Do you foolishly admit to crimes on the internet?  ::)
This is why I didn't answer this thread originally. After some thought on the matter I concluded my ISP (NSA, ECHELON, etc.) knows everything I do on the internet.  :-[

I pirate everything from Windows 8.1, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut X, console games, ROMs, Movies and Music

I lol at anyone who still pays for movies or music these days
Me too.  :)

NSA knows everything? So what? What will they do?

Obviously you cater to the argument,  "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."

The NSA doesn't simply collect information. They share such info with other agencies that make assumptions and act on said info. We should worry about this because government agencies have a well-established track record of overreaching, exceeding their authority and abusing the law. Even when not acting nefariously, people could make errors or be careless with your info, which may result in wrongful assumptions about you or identity theft.

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'  (

No, I mean how they can arrest millions of people?
It's most likely we will only be fined but, if you really want to know how they can arrest millions of people, the USA is tirelessly looking for ways make people out to be terrorists (oops, it's been updated to extremists). Piracy could be near the bottom of a list of many reasons for which they finally decide to declare martial law and begin filling their FEMA camps. At this point it's more a matter of 'when', rather than 'how'.

It's impossible to declare martial law. People will make revolution.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: TikiShack on October 07, 2014, 06:17:44 PM
I bought only one music cd in my life, in 2002, in Dublin.

Sounds like a story to tell your children.  :P

Kids.. one time your father was in Dublin and he purchased..... a CD!!

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: DogecoinMachine on October 07, 2014, 06:51:33 PM
Payed couple of times, but mostly I download with torrents  :)

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: grouper fish on October 08, 2014, 12:18:10 AM
pay when I want to give support, otherwise I just download what I need.

Title: Re: Do you download illegally?
Post by: tibor on October 08, 2014, 12:46:16 AM
I download torrents most of the time sometimes I watch it on cinema.