Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitbets on September 04, 2014, 09:55:07 AM

Title: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on September 04, 2014, 09:55:07 AM
Hal Finney and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto both lived in Temple City, California, a smallish place with just over 30,000 residents.

I wonder why they would have used their real names though, if/when they created bitcoin?

One reason to use their real names, might be because they really didn't think bitcoin would amount to much,
so didn't think it was a big deal to use their real names.
Would you want all the attention they got, as bitcoin became more and more popular?

Surely, if they thought it would become as popular as it has become, they would have used secret names instead,
to cover up their identities?

Hal Finney's afflictions & the effect on the creation of bitcoin (

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: CliveK on September 04, 2014, 10:38:02 AM
Read up about what happened to the creators of alternate currencies in the USA in and around the 1990s to before Bitcoin was created and you will understand why someone would want to remain anonymous.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: Dogtanian on September 04, 2014, 12:54:51 PM
Who said Satoshi Nakamoto lives in Temple City, California, or are you going by that guy who got outed as Satoshi a while ago?

Read up about what happened to the creators of alternate currencies in the USA in and around the 1990s to before Bitcoin was created and you will understand why someone would want to remain anonymous.

Links to this?

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: CliveK on September 04, 2014, 01:13:05 PM
I made no claim or comment on Nakamoto at all.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: Yeezus on September 04, 2014, 01:15:31 PM
I made no claim or comment on Nakamoto at all.

I don't think he said you did. His first point was obviously in response to op, the bit after your quote looks to be directed to you.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: CliveK on September 04, 2014, 01:29:22 PM
Liberty Dollar is a good starting point.

I know there is E-Gold, Digicash, and eCash, and Liberty Dollar.

Google them.  Most forced out the market by the 3rd party trust companies, but others failed for other reasons.

There is a chapter on it in the Bitcoin Exposed book.  My interest is more in that there were crytocurrencies before Bitcoin.  Bitcoin is crypto 2.0 or as someone said on the forum, Bitcoin is an Altcoin :)

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: Beliathon on September 04, 2014, 01:31:28 PM
Links to this?
About the raid:

interview with Bernand von Nothaus:

Ron Paul being asked about it:

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: R2D221 on September 04, 2014, 02:07:33 PM
and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto

Now you're just making stuff up.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: iluvpie60 on September 04, 2014, 02:27:48 PM
please stop making baseless claims about stuff. so what if someone lived somewhere. it doesnt prove anything and  STOP POSTING FUDDDDDD

It gets really annoying seeing FUD spreadddd

anyways, it does not matter who did what. the source code is open to see. no one needs to know who created it as we can all see the code and see what it does and analyze it. this has been done and thats why people are using this protocol.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: MUFC on September 04, 2014, 02:50:32 PM
and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto

Now you're just making stuff up.

He's obviously talking about the 'real' Satoshi Nakamoto guy ie not our bitcoin Satoshi as they bothe lived in the same City. See here:

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: 2double0 on September 04, 2014, 04:25:35 PM
This could and can be completely logical!!  :o

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: dompsairs on September 04, 2014, 05:24:35 PM
Links to this?
About the raid:

interview with Bernand von Nothaus:

Ron Paul being asked about it:
Damn yo thats scary, no wonder sato went the anon route.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on September 04, 2014, 07:20:39 PM
and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto

Now you're just making stuff up.

He's obviously talking about the 'real' Satoshi Nakamoto guy ie not our bitcoin Satoshi as they bothe lived in the same City. See here:

That is the story I was reading, that gave me the theory about dorian satoshi nakamoto and hal finney creating bitcoin.

I just found it odd that they used their real names.
It also seems very obvious that these two fellows lived in the same small town/city of 30,000 people, and if any of you ever lived in a small town like that, you would realize that these two guys easily could have known each other.
It seems obvious that these two fellows created bitcoin.

Another theory:
It seems to indicate that someone else created bitcoin, but used satoshi nakamoto's and hal finney's names when they did that?
But who would do that, and why would they scapegoat satoshi nakamoto and hal finney?

Ok, so it makes more sense to me, that we consider theories that explain why these two high trained persons may have used their real names to create bitcoin; or why would others scapegoat or use their names to create bitcoin?

Why might they point the finger at themselves?
Or, why might others point the finger at them?

you do realize that the satoshi nakamoto or hal finney accounts may have been compromised?(maybe those accounts were used by someone else? not by those people?)
that the info provided by those accounts might not be true?
I noticed how most people think that those accounts tell the truth always?

So then, attempting to discern the truth, requires reading between the lines then, doesn't it?
(not 'conspiracy'. Reading between the lines. )

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: tilray on September 04, 2014, 07:23:07 PM
Please share conspiracy stories here ;D

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on September 04, 2014, 07:29:18 PM
The story presented about satoshi nakamoto and hal finney, requires READING BETWEEN THE LINES
not conspiracy
People with deeper understandings of life situations and events will know what I mean.
If the pieces of the presented story do not seem to fit together quite right(and I dont think they do),
then we have to try and reason and figure it out for ourselves.

Do you really think that I and others are so stupid?

When Dorian satoshi nakamoto was first confronted(and there are police officers who witnessed his statements),
he said: "I am not involved with bitcoin anymore" ( I think that is what it was)

Anymore. Anymore is the key word there.
That means he was involved with bitcoin, and his name is satoshi nakamoto.
Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that satoshi nakamoto and hal finney lived in the same small town,
and hal finney is the first person to receive a transaction from satoshi nakamoto.
So, we therefore know who created bitcoin then.
maybe they were in the same room when satoshi sent hal the first bitcoin transaction from one computer to another.
they were visiting you know.
No mystery anymore

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFX on September 04, 2014, 09:56:14 PM
The story presented about satoshi nakamoto and hal finney, requires READING BETWEEN THE LINES
not conspiracy
People with deeper understandings of life situations and events will know what I mean.
If the pieces of the presented story do not seem to fit together quite right(and I dont think they do),
then we have to try and reason and figure it out for ourselves.

Do you really think that I and others are so stupid?

When Dorian satoshi nakamoto was first confronted(and there are police officers who witnessed his statements),
he said: "I am not involved with bitcoin anymore" ( I think that is what it was)

Anymore. Anymore is the key word there.
That means he was involved with bitcoin, and his name is satoshi nakamoto.
Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that satoshi nakamoto and hal finney lived in the same small town,
and hal finney is the first person to receive a transaction from satoshi nakamoto.
So, we therefore know who created bitcoin then.
maybe they were in the same room when satoshi sent hal the first bitcoin transaction from one computer to another.
they were visiting you know.
No mystery anymore

You just have to pay attention to the stop signs. The 'truth' is probably so much more complex than we might all imagine. The Cypherpunks built Bitcoin.


"The creation of cryptocurrencies is technically illegal and could be prosecuted under title 18 U.S.C. 336, Sec. 336. which states “Whoever makes, issues, circulates, or pays out any note, check, memorandum, token, or other obligation for a less sum than $1, intended to circulate as money or to be received or used in lieu of lawful money of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.” However, this statute hasn’t been enforced in a published court opinion since 1899, a good sign for the budding currency."


Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on September 04, 2014, 10:07:05 PM

Thanks for the feedback, BitcoinFX, I am continually learning.

I think I have an interesting theory to share with you all,
at the link below:

Hal Finney's afflictions & the effect on the creation of bitcoin (

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: whysosweet on September 11, 2014, 01:22:35 PM
This is an interesting theory but in my point of view the only creator was Satoshi.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: franky1 on September 11, 2014, 01:32:48 PM
bill bags,

many hundreds of people were and are trying to create money every day. and the entity known of satoshi DID gather idea's, concepts and theories from many sources. such as hal finney and nick szabo. but it was only satoshi that put all of these idea's together into its unique and beautiful functional form that we know today.

this does not mean that satoshi was these people, nor does it mean that he knew these other people personally, nor does it prove that these people used his username.

imagine the conspiracy theorists trying to assume identification of satoshi, like trying to identify the creator of a car. by knowing the cave man invented fire by burning oil, or making the wheel. to then say that without the "combustion" element or the wheel, a car would notexist, thus the inventor of the car was assumed by these conspiracy theorists to be a caveman.

now that you have understood that although combustion and wheel technology has been around for thousands of years. it wasnt until the 19th century that someone invented the car by utilizing other peoples experiments, inventions and skills, without even having to know or speak to the inventors of the original elements that built up a car.

all we can be certain with is that 'satoshi' did collaborate with a few people like hal finney. and also grab other existent theories and code from other sources. but it was as i already said, only the entity known as satoshi that put it all together beautifully

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: notthematrix on September 11, 2014, 01:58:08 PM

almost exactly except for the  decentral part.................
and that is the genius about the bitcoin protocol and makes it so mutch diffrent!
Bitcoins acts as a life form ,,,, and thats how it is created , we are still debating were live comes from.
and so we will be debating were bitcoin comes form ;)

Its not impotant who created it , now it is here it can never be undone , so who ever created it will live for ever ;)

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: franky1 on September 11, 2014, 02:12:11 PM
round for thousands of years. it wasnt until
Maybe Hal Finney Hired his neighbor, Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto to help him create bitcoin,
because Hal was getting crippled, and needed some help?
Highly suspect that Hal Finney and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto both lived in Temple City California, only 30,000 population, out of all the whole world, those two lived that close to each other.

Someone should look at past editions of the Temple City newspaper and see if Hal Finney advertised locally for someone to help him with his project? Never know, might be something there.
Maybe Satoshi replied to the ad and got hired?
I don't know, maybe Satoshi and Hal Finney knew each other for years, which is highly possible,
considering they lived in the same small town, and with similar type occupations and perhaps similar type interests.
Maybe they met years ago at a Chapters book store, and were looking in the same section, and they gave each other advice which books were good or not, and became friends long ago

now you are just showing that you have not done any research.. dorian is not the bitcoin creator. the bitcoin creator has a british based education, dorian does not. so stop trying to attach dorian to your imagination.

as for how hal finney got involved, he was highly involved in the other forum before 2010 and came across 'satoshis' whitepaper and then they started passing idea's between each other.

please atleast read the white paper and the conversations from late 2008 on the other forums until 2011.. then and only then come back with a more plausible theory

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: LetsMakeItBTC on September 11, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
Dorian looks exactly as I expected Satoshi to look.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: dankkk on September 13, 2014, 07:26:34 PM
bill bags,

many hundreds of people were and are trying to create money every day. and the entity known of satoshi DID gather idea's, concepts and theories from many sources. such as hal finney and nick szabo. but it was only satoshi that put all of these idea's together into its unique and beautiful functional form that we know today.

this does not mean that satoshi was these people, nor does it mean that he knew these other people personally, nor does it prove that these people used his username.

imagine the conspiracy theorists trying to assume identification of satoshi, like trying to identify the creator of a car. by knowing the cave man invented fire by burning oil, or making the wheel. to then say that without the "combustion" element or the wheel, a car would notexist, thus the inventor of the car was assumed by these conspiracy theorists to be a caveman.

now that you have understood that although combustion and wheel technology has been around for thousands of years. it wasnt until the 19th century that someone invented the car by utilizing other peoples experiments, inventions and skills, without even having to know or speak to the inventors of the original elements that built up a car.

all we can be certain with is that 'satoshi' did collaborate with a few people like hal finney. and also grab other existent theories and code from other sources. but it was as i already said, only the entity known as satoshi that put it all together beautifully

Maybe Hal Finney Hired his neighbor, Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto to help him create bitcoin,
because Hal was getting crippled, and needed some help?
Highly suspect that Hal Finney and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto both lived in Temple City California, only 30,000 population, out of all the whole world, those two lived that close to each other.

Someone should look at past editions of the Temple City newspaper and see if Hal Finney advertised locally for someone to help him with his project? Never know, might be something there.
Maybe Satoshi replied to the ad and got hired?
I don't know, maybe Satoshi and Hal Finney knew each other for years, which is highly possible,
considering they lived in the same small town, and with similar type occupations and perhaps similar type interests.
Maybe they met years ago at a Chapters book store, and were looking in the same section, and they gave each other advice which books were good or not, and became friends long ago
I don't think Finney's ALS was an issue until several years after bitcoin was created (he may have not have even been diagnosed, but I am not sure about this).

I believe it was late 2012 or early 2013 that Finney had sold some of his bitcoin to pay for medical expenses and it appeared that satoshi's bitcoin was linked to silk road because they both were sent to an address at gox.

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on June 07, 2015, 04:43:44 PM
Quoted from

Newsweek released a bombshell cover story on the man who it claimed had invented Bitcoin:
Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, a 64-year old ex-engineer and programmer living in the small exurb of Los Angeles known as Temple City. Nakamoto had even seemed to give Newsweek a tacit confirmation of its theory when he told the magazine’s reporter that he was “no longer involved in that,” a quote confirmed in essence by local police who witnessed the interaction.

What are the odds in a country as large as ours, or as large as California is, or even as large as the general LA area is, that [Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto] and Hal Finney both live(d) in Temple City at the same time, about 1.6 miles from each other?” my contact wrote. “Did they know each other socially, through some club? Did one help the other?

Hal Finney and Satoshi Nakamoto lived in the same small town of Temple City, with a population of only about 30,000 people.

Seems fairly convincing to me, that Hal Finney and Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: unamis76 on June 07, 2015, 08:24:01 PM
Both indeed created Bitcoin... Satoshi gave the idea and Hal was interested in it, so they developed it, thus creating the Bitcoin we know today ;D

What's new here? :)

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: bitbets on June 07, 2015, 08:48:14 PM
Both indeed created Bitcoin... Satoshi gave the idea and Hal was interested in it, so they developed it, thus creating the Bitcoin we know today ;D

What's new here? :)

My theory about Hal Finney was new at the time I wrote it,

but I tend to think it was Hal Finney who was the main creator of bitcoin,

and he asked his neighbor Satoshi Nakamoto to help him do it,

because the afflictions were making it hard for Hal to get the work done by himself.

In this way of looking at it, Satoshi Nakamoto actually has compassion/mercy for Hal and helps him out to create bitcoin.

But in order for this to be true, then Hal's afflictions had to start before the launch of bitcoin and was bad enough to slow or prevent him from doing it himself, so that he needed his neighbor and friend Satoshi to do it for him.

The man struggling with crippling affliction, and faced with death, who then creates bitcoin, but needs the help of his old friend to do it.

It would make a good book or movie, I think. :)

Title: Re: [Theory] Hal Finney & Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin
Post by: drfugazi on February 06, 2018, 11:58:01 PM
Who worked with who is obviously hard to prove.
Anyone expects or forecasts properly what happens with their innovation/idea/development.
Everyone just rides the ride.