Bitcoin Forum

Local => Romānă (Romanian) => Topic started by: ciprian220 on September 09, 2014, 09:48:37 PM

Title: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 09, 2014, 09:48:37 PM
Cum este cu rank-urile pe acest forum? eu acum sunt Jr Member ..cand voi ajunge Sr member sau Full member? unde gasesc aceste informatii ? ca am tot cautat...  :)

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 09, 2014, 10:31:44 PM
Aici gasesti toate informatiile necesare. In sectiunea Meta[/ulr] de pe bitcointalk gasesti discutii legate de forum.


All the main ranks that can be handed out to normal users are: Brand New, Newbie, Jr. Member, Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, and Hero Member.
In addition to the main rankings, there are also sub-rankings that can be applied, and those are: Donator, and VIP.
Finally, staff sub-rankings are as follows: Staff, Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator, and Founder.

Brand New:0 posts, gets 1 gold coin under his name.
Newbie:(none), gets 1 gold coin under his name.
Jr. Member:Activity: 30, gets 1 gold coin under his name.
Member:Activity: 60, gets 2 gold coins under his name.
Full Member:Activity: 120, gets 3 gold coins under his name.
Sr. Member:Activity: 240, gets 4 gold coins under his name.
Hero Member:Activity: 480, gets 5 gold coins under his name.
Legendary:Activity: the Legendary membergroup has no universal activity requirement.
You are guaranteed to become Legendary somewhere between 775 and 1030 activity,
but the exact point in this range at which you become Legendary is random per user.
Gets 5 gold coins under his name of which the last is half dark blue.
Donator:Manually applied by administration after 10 BTC donation, and gets 5 gold coins under his name
of which the last is half green. 5 coins are shown regardless of post count when user is a Donator.
VIP:Manually applied by administration after 50 BTC donation, and gets 5 gold coins under his name
of which the last is half purple. 5 coins are shown regardless of post count when user is a VIP.
Staff Rank
Staff:Shown when moderators (see next point) post outside of the sections that they moderate.
The tags under their usernames are dependent on their post group.
Moderator:Shown when moderators of specific sections post within those sections.
Gets 5 gold coins, of which the last is shown as half faded-out green.
Global Moderator:Applied to Staff that have moderation privileges in all boards.
Gets 5 gold coins, of which the last is half teal colored.
Administrator:Has all available permissions and can appoint moderators and perform other administrative tasks.
Gets 5 gold coins, of which the last is shown half red regardless of post count.
Founder:Reserved for Satoshi, gets 5 platinum coins under his name.

The way activity is calculated:
The activity number is determined in this way:
time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration
activity = min(time * 14, posts)

Activity is updated every hour.

To become a Donator or a VIP, send a PM to [url=;u=35]theymos[/url] to get a unique donation address.

Took the liberty to update it according to the new Activity & new member limits/groups.
Edited with proper number of coins.
malevolent - update: added info about the new rank, changes to the Staff rank tag, removed the deprecated "SCAMMER" sub-rank. Also included info about the posting limits.

Signature restrictions

There are restrictions on signatures, based on your activity/rank.

- Newbie: No styling (including links) allowed. Max 50 characters.
- Jr. Member: Links allowed. Max 150 characters.
- Member: Unlimited length.
- Full: Color allowed.
- Sr. Member: Size allowed
- Hero: Background color allowed


I added a system of badges to SMF a while ago, though only two are defined now. Here are the current badges: Bitcoin expertDev&Tech only. People with this badge know enough about the Bitcoin network to reimplement something very like it from scratch. They are capable of intelligently discussing the Bitcoin network: current protocol, possible attacks, proposed changes, etc. Criteria: Recommendation by an existing Bitcoin expert or core dev and approval by a forum administrator. Bitcoin-Qt core developer Dev&Tech only. These are the core developers of Satoshi's Bitcoin client. They are listed [url=]here[/url]. Core developers are among the top contributors to Bitcoin-Qt, and they are all bitcoin experts, though they don't also get that badge.

A core dev does not "outrank" a bitcoin expert (or vice-versa), and it's possible for someone without a badge to contribute meaningfully to a discussion with experts and core devs.

Limits on posting

waittime = 360;
if(activity >= 15)
        waittime = (int)(90 - activity);
if(activity >= 60)
        waittime=(int)(34.7586 - (0.0793103 * activity));
if(activity >= 100)
        waittime = max((int)(14-(activity/50)), 4);

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 09, 2014, 11:18:49 PM
Multumesc! dar nu pricep asta:
The activity number is determined in this way:
time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration
activity = min(time * 14, posts)

Activity is updated every hour.

Cum mai exact se calculeaza?

Eu am 56 activitate acum cand o sa ajung la 60?

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 09, 2014, 11:35:02 PM
Am sa incerc sa fac o traducere mai detaliata:

Activitate = minim dintre(timp*14 sau nr. postari);

timp = perioada de doua saptamani de la inregistrare in care ai si postat.

Daca te-ai inregstrat acum 8 saptamani si ai postat macar o data la interval de doua saptamani, activitatea ta va fi egala cu 14x4 = 56(asta daca nu cumva ai mai putin postari, atunci numarul postarilor va fi activitatea ta).
Poate parea un pic diferit la prima vedere, dar este un sistem gandit sa arate cat mai bine nivelul activitatii unui membru in timp. Luand in calcul si numarul de postari si data inscrierii, dar cel mai important, cat de activ a fost el de-a lungul timpului.

De regula, activitatea se updateaza o data la doua saptamani(daca nu ma insel, lunea sau martea viitoare).

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 09, 2014, 11:45:41 PM
Am sa incerc sa fac o traducere mai detaliata:

Activitate = minim dintre(timp*14 sau nr. postari);

timp = perioada de doua saptamani de la inregistrare in care ai si postat.

Daca te-ai inregstrat acum 4 saptamani si ai postat macar o data la interval de doua saptamani, activitatea ta va fi egala cu 14x4 = 56(asta daca nu cumva ai mai putin postari, atunci numarul postarilor va fi activitatea ta).
Poate parea un pic diferit la prima vedere, dar este un sistem gandit sa arate cat mai bine nivelul activitatii unui membru in timp. Luand in calcul si numarul de postari si data inscrierii, dar cel mai important, cat de activ a fost el de-a lungul timpului.

De regula, activitatea se updateaza o data la doua saptamani(daca nu ma insel, lunea sau martea viitoare).

Pe 25 ianuarie m-am ceva  ;D mersi acum am inteles cum sta treaba.... :)

De asemenea mai am o postat ieri in topicul cu "cea mai ieftina banca" da nu mi sa rapuns....Ce banci accepta SEFA transfer la noi si ce comisione au? Am inteles ca este una Intesa San Paulo Bank...dar nu creca este si in cautat-o da n-am gasit-o :) alta banca care ar mai fi? am deja un cont la ING dar nu prea l-am folosit.... Mersi

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 09, 2014, 11:57:43 PM
Ma bucur ca te-am putut ajuta :).
Desi te-ai inregistrat in Ianuarie, se vede ca ai avut doar 2 luni in total in care ai postat macar o data in doua saptamani.

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 10, 2014, 12:03:13 AM
Ma bucur ca te-am putut ajuta :).
Desi te-ai inregistrat in Ianuarie, se vede ca ai avut doar 2 luni in total in care ai postat macar o data in doua saptamani.

Inseamna ca mai am de asteptat pana sa mai avansez si eu e stres dar vroaim sa primesc mai mult de la hyip-u din semnatura mea...probabil ai auzit de el ...acum primesc 0.03BTC/luna pentru statutul de JR membru 0.06BTC si tot o plati nu stiu am primit a 3-a plata  :)

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 10, 2014, 12:04:24 AM
Totusi, ai mare grija cu site-urile gen HYIP! S-ar putea sa fuga peste noapte cu banii tai.

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 10, 2014, 12:30:09 AM
Totusi, ai mare grija cu site-urile gen HYIP! S-ar putea sa fuga peste noapte cu banii tai.

N-am investit nimic primesc bani pentru o campie ca tin linku lor in semnatura primesc 0.51$ in BTC timp de 98 zile mie mi se pare risc sa investesc in asa ceva ca nu stiu daca tine o luna!

Astai topicu: sper ca nu e considerat reclama ...uite tu esti Hero primesti 0.16BTC pe luna daca esti interesat.. e simplu doar pui semantura lor si iti faci cont pe site dupaia i trimiti un mail scrie acolo....

Apropo referitor la intrebarea de mai sus cu citit-o?  :)

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 10, 2014, 07:15:45 AM
Ca sa fie on-topic, am sa-ti raspund in threadul Cea mai ieftina banca (

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: ciprian220 on September 10, 2014, 10:54:55 AM
Ca sa fie on-topic, am sa-ti raspund in threadul Cea mai ieftina banca (

Ms acum poti inchide thread-ul asta ca am facut un pic de off-topic....

Title: Re: Cum e cu rank-urile?
Post by: Cyrus on September 10, 2014, 11:09:48 AM
[thread closed]