Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: RocketSingh on September 22, 2014, 08:59:54 PM

Title: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 22, 2014, 08:59:54 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RoooooR on September 22, 2014, 09:02:28 PM
0. - I don't know,

1. - EmberJS

2. - Angular, probably with Mean

4. - I don't want to know

3. - Python

5. - I don't know

6. - Php, it's copy from, as all-dice

PD and JD must be using hadoop too, I'd like to know what SQL they are using.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 22, 2014, 09:12:16 PM
0. - I don't know,

1. - EmberJS

2. - Angular, probably with Mean

4. - I don't want to know

3. - Python

5. - I don't know

6. - Php, it's copy from, as all-dice

PD and JD must be using hadoop too, I'd like to know what SQL they are using.

If your info is correct, then the high volume sites are avoiding PHP-MySQL. Why so ? I have seen PHP-MySQL to efficiently handle big traffic. What may be the average concurrent connection of the top 3 ? Is there any security problem with PHP-MySQL coded gambling sites ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RoooooR on September 22, 2014, 09:18:26 PM
0. - I don't know,

1. - EmberJS

2. - Angular, probably with Mean

4. - I don't want to know

3. - Python

5. - I don't know

6. - Php, it's copy from, as all-dice

PD and JD must be using hadoop too, I'd like to know what SQL they are using.

If your info is correct, then the high volume sites are avoiding PHP-MySQL. Why so ? I have seen PHP-MySQL to efficiently handle big traffic. What may be the average concurrent connection of the top 3 ? Is there any security problem with PHP-MySQL coded gambling sites ?
I don't have deep knowledge in security and SQL stuff, as I said, I'd like to know it too :)
Also that list is based on my prediction.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: jspielberg on September 23, 2014, 01:15:41 AM
I am under the impression that PrimeDice backend is written in php with a socket server in nodejs

I guess we gotta wait for stunna for comment on this

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: DaveSaldana123 on September 23, 2014, 03:26:11 AM
I am under the impression that PrimeDice backend is written in php with a socket server in nodejs

I guess we gotta wait for stunna for comment on this

Hey stunna, did you wrote this code in php?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Stunna on September 23, 2014, 04:06:32 AM
I am under the impression that PrimeDice backend is written in php with a socket server in nodejs

I guess we gotta wait for stunna for comment on this

Primedice uses Node.js alongside PostgreSQL. Ember.js (front end) 100% PHP free. We are able to handle a significant amount of load with clustered servers and heavy DB optimization. We completely threw away all the problematic PHP code that was used for PD2.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 23, 2014, 09:19:55 AM
I am under the impression that PrimeDice backend is written in php with a socket server in nodejs

I guess we gotta wait for stunna for comment on this

Primedice uses Node.js alongside PostgreSQL. Ember.js (front end) 100% PHP free. We are able to handle a significant amount of load with clustered servers and heavy DB optimization. We completely threw away all the problematic PHP code that was used for PD2.

Thank U Stunna for dropping by. So, does it mean that till PD2 a few months ago PHP-PostgreSQL was doing fine in handling traffic ? I'm asking this because elsewhere another Dice site owner is moving from PHP to Java for better performance. Is PHP less efficient in handling concurrency just because it does not support threading like Java ? Then, how come FaceBook is running primarily on PHP ?

Since you bought the site in June it seems like there was less than 20 BTC wagered total. How much revenue did that generate?

We don't release the numbers, but it was a decent amount for a smaller site.

Why r u doing the next version with investment feature in Java instead of PHP ?

Java is better language and gives us the same performance as an exchange.

I'm sorry to contradict U in this regard. Why r u saying that Java is better than PHP ? Does not it depend on the coder ? Otherwise, how Facebook is primarily running on PHP ? AFAIK tomcat is not good to support big traffic, U need to go for JBOSS.

Moreover, if someone buys your PHP script, it would be difficult for him/her to upgrade to the next version, if that's written in Java. Not only the Xamp settings need to be exported to Tomcat, but also DB connection etc. need to be changed.

No we used mysql and tomcat proxy thru nginx is great for high concurrency. But this isn't the place to debate that.

Ok... one last question. What is the highest no. of concurrent connections u have experienced on as per Google Analytics or whatever u have used ?

We were getting a good amount of people a day using the site (Not really going to release that since this is such a low starting bid, to be honest this deal is a steal, if that doesn't show that we don't care about the profit on the sale of site, I don't know what would. We want the site to have a good home and help some budding person get a good start if dice sites are something they want to do). The concurrency was more of a database issue, when we would be going to investments and rolls. We were getting a lot of rolls at once, that were taking down the site, so the php code actually has a limiter on it. With the java code we would be able remove that limiter, as well as we would be able to do investments better and faster.

I am not going to use this form to debate why I choose to move on from the php code to java, it was a decision that was made, when we were 100% sure we wanted to pursuit that, and just as music comes to musicians heads, we found other interest that made us want to build and do those.

The amount of things you are getting for 1 BTC is ridiculous you are getting 2 complete sites, 3 domain names.

We are a private company and start opening the books look like that, isn't something we choose to do now.

Also if my answers before where confusing, it was because I was on a phone now I am at a computer and can write out long descriptions to answer questions.

I'd also like to hear from site owners that allows investment whether PHP has any constraint about doing instant profit sharing ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: grux on September 23, 2014, 03:25:58 PM

Thank U Stunna for dropping by. So, does it mean that till PD2 a few months ago PHP-PostgreSQL was doing fine in handling traffic ? I'm asking this because elsewhere another Dice site owner is moving from PHP to Java for better performance. Is PHP less efficient in handling concurrency just because it does not support threading like Java ? Then, how come FaceBook is running primarily on PHP ?

It's not that PHP or mySQL is necessarily bad, it can handle traffic just fine under the right conditions.Facebook and PHP can kinda be seen as a mistake from their end, they've put crazy amounts of money of compiling it to C++ to avoid the pitfalls of PHP. Node.js offers interesting and easy handling of async. PHP should have no effect on profit...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: addi on September 23, 2014, 03:35:32 PM is coded in node.js

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on September 23, 2014, 04:38:31 PM
Most sites use Node.js for the backend. Mainly because it's the easiest (not always the best though) way to built a real time site handling a nice amount of users.

But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

Just Dice was also built in Node.js + MySQL by the way.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: dooglus on September 23, 2014, 05:11:22 PM
Most sites use Node.js for the backend. Mainly because it's the easiest (not always the best though) way to built a real time site handling a nice amount of users.

But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

Just Dice was also built in Node.js + MySQL by the way.

Just-Dice uses redis as well as MySQL.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: grux on September 23, 2014, 05:28:57 PM
Most sites use Node.js for the backend. Mainly because it's the easiest (not always the best though) way to built a real time site handling a nice amount of users.

But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

Just Dice was also built in Node.js + MySQL by the way.

Just-Dice uses redis as well as MySQL.

Did you store all the J-D bets on the MySQL DB, I've been trying to figure out a cool way to store crazy amounts of bets (think tens of terrabytes) without having the weirdest SQL database on earth.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dobry Den on September 23, 2014, 05:33:19 PM
The main point of focus for building a gambling site is ensuring data/domain integrity at the database level.

You need to be able to answer questions like:

- What happens to in-flight DB transactions when they fail or the app crashes?
- Are all of your domain-atomic data updates wrapped in transactions? For example, if the server crashes right after you increment my account balance but before you decrement your house bankroll, is my balance rolled back or did you just persist a bad ledger?
- If your provably-fair mechanism depends on sequential, gapless nonces (like Just-Dice's "bet number"), can you actually guarantee a gapless sequence? For example, AUTOINCREMENT in MySQL and SERIAL In Postgres do not produce gapless sequences.
- What do you do when the values change out from under your DB transactions? If some button should only increment a value in the DB once per hour and someone double-clicks it (launches two queries in flight at once), is the value incremented twice (bad)? Is it incremented once only because the queries both incremented the initial value (bad)? Or is it only incremented once because the second query fails because of your one-increment-per-hour domain constraint (good)?

The stack you use for your application layer matters very little because what matters is your ability to sufficiently answer these types of questions.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on September 23, 2014, 05:46:55 PM
The main point of focus for building a gambling site is ensuring data/domain integrity at the database level.

You need to be able to answer questions like:

- What happens to in-flight DB transactions when they fail or the app crashes?
- Are all of your domain-atomic data updates wrapped in transactions? For example, if the server crashes right after you increment my account balance but before you decrement your house bankroll, is my balance rolled back or did you just persist a bad ledger?
- If your provably-fair mechanism depends on sequential, gapless nonces (like Just-Dice's "bet number"), can you actually guarantee a gapless sequence? For example, AUTOINCREMENT in MySQL and SERIAL In Postgres do not produce gapless sequences.
- What do you do when the values change out from under your DB transactions? If some button should only increment a value in the DB once per hour and someone double-clicks it (launches two queries in flight at once), is the value incremented twice (bad)? Is it incremented once only because the queries both incremented the initial value (bad)? Or is it only incremented once because the second query fails because of your one-increment-per-hour domain constraint (good)?

The stack you use for your application layer matters very little because what matters is your ability to sufficiently answer these types of questions.

You shouldn't use the ID for nonces in my opinion. Just add an extra DB field for the nonce. Only way to really prove it.

I like your thoughts on transactions. This should be used more often I think. Using transactions they will only be committed when all are successful. Nothing will (should) happen if one query fails / the app crashes.

How would you deal with your last point? This is always interesting and I haven't found a very good way to deal with it.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RoooooR on September 23, 2014, 06:28:47 PM
But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

10K bets in 500ms?.. incredible. I really wonder how did you achieve that? I mean, there are stuffs like calculating lucky number, inserting to DB, broadcasting to user again etc..

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on September 23, 2014, 07:19:40 PM
But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

10K bets in 500ms?.. incredible. I really wonder how did you achieve that? I mean, there are stuffs like calculating lucky number, inserting to DB, broadcasting to user again etc..

Hehe, I should have mentioned it only returned the profit/loss of those rolls combined to the user. It did simulate (so calculate the lucky number etc) and insert 10.000 rolls in the DB at once though, so with a single query, not repeating an insert query 10.000 times. It also updated the user balance at once too after all the rolls were done.

I bet this will be fast in other languages too.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 24, 2014, 10:16:04 AM
But my guess is we'll be seeing a lot more Go ( in the coming years. Built a small dice project in that handling 10.000 rolls in about 500ms.

10K bets in 500ms?.. incredible. I really wonder how did you achieve that? I mean, there are stuffs like calculating lucky number, inserting to DB, broadcasting to user again etc..

Hehe, I should have mentioned it only returned the profit/loss of those rolls combined to the user. It did simulate (so calculate the lucky number etc) and insert 10.000 rolls in the DB at once though, so with a single query, not repeating an insert query 10.000 times. It also updated the user balance at once too after all the rolls were done.

I bet this will be fast in other languages too.

Committing 10k rolls at a time may go against the atomic consistency of the DB resulting in unexpected effect to the bankroll (+ve/-ve).

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: on September 24, 2014, 12:55:27 PM and family use RoR with Redis & RabbitMQ as backend, MySQL as main database.

Most sites choose node.js because of websockets.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dobry Den on September 24, 2014, 03:12:12 PM
Committing 10k rolls at a time may go against the atomic consistency of the DB resulting in unexpected effect to the bankroll (+ve/-ve).

The bulk insert is applied atomically, but each inserted row still has to respect its constraints.

One big reason you'd want to accumulate rolls in-memory and then commit them to the DB in bulk is if each roll needs to be applied sequentially to the DB and you don't want sequential roll insertion to be the bottleneck.

For example, imagine if each roll needs to calculate the total house bankroll to adjust the edge ( of the roll. The bankroll changes each roll. If each roll has to hit the DB server, then you're going to be dealing with a lot of insert contention.

Instead, let's say you only make one DB insertion at the turn of each second. As rolls come in, you buffer the results in memory (assured that the DB cannot change during this time) and then commit all the rolls at once.

Here's an idea: imagine if you write a function `roll(prevDB, params)` that returns `newDB` where prevDB and newDB are just associative datastructures that represent the state of the DB in memory.

That means you can `reduce(roll, prevDB, [params, ...])` where `[params, ...]` is a sequence of user roll parameters coming down, say, a websocket.

At the turn of each second, you stop the reduction, take the latest newDB value (the result of all the buffered rolls), and commit it to the DB. The post-commit value of the DB is now your `prevDB` that you feed back into the reduction and resume processing rolls.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on September 25, 2014, 03:24:29 PM
Committing 10k rolls at a time may go against the atomic consistency of the DB resulting in unexpected effect to the bankroll (+ve/-ve).

The bulk insert is applied atomically, but each inserted row still has to respect its constraints.

One big reason you'd want to accumulate rolls in-memory and then commit them to the DB in bulk is if each roll needs to be applied sequentially to the DB and you don't want sequential roll insertion to be the bottleneck.

For example, imagine if each roll needs to calculate the total house bankroll to adjust the edge ( of the roll. The bankroll changes each roll. If each roll has to hit the DB server, then you're going to be dealing with a lot of insert contention.

Instead, let's say you only make one DB insertion at the turn of each second. As rolls come in, you buffer the results in memory (assured that the DB cannot change during this time) and then commit all the rolls at once.

Here's an idea: imagine if you write a function `roll(prevDB, params)` that returns `newDB` where prevDB and newDB are just associative datastructures that represent the state of the DB in memory.

That means you can `reduce(roll, prevDB, [params, ...])` where `[params, ...]` is a sequence of user roll parameters coming down, say, a websocket.

At the turn of each second, you stop the reduction, take the latest newDB value (the result of all the buffered rolls), and commit it to the DB. The post-commit value of the DB is now your `prevDB` that you feed back into the reduction and resume processing rolls.

I was thinking about what u said. Instead of storing in the memory pool, how about storing it in a text file and insert the data of that text file after a certain time interval, say one minute and remove the old data from there. Real time display can be done from the text file itself.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 26, 2014, 03:42:44 AM
I like the idea of knowing this, so let's make an overview (grouped by backend language, not really sorted)

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

More / corrections? Let us know :)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: a1choi on September 26, 2014, 07:51:16 AM
thanks for sorting this out to a table format!  way easier on the eyes

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on September 26, 2014, 01:42:39 PM
I like the idea of knowing this, so let's make an overview (grouped by backend language, not really sorted)

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

More / corrections? Let us know :)

That's a wonderful job done. Does anyone know what is using ? Its also interesting to see that almost none of the players are using PHP.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 26, 2014, 02:34:47 PM = nginx, PHP,, AngularJS

About that lack of PHP sites:

IMO every developer has to look per project what language and frameworks to use.

Node.js is single threaded by design and is perfect for realtime communication between the browser and server. It just makes sense to use it for chatrooms, games, etc. aka dice/gambling sites :)

It doesn't mean that PHP is necessarily bad, it's just bad for this type of website. Better yet: the 2 websites with PHP still use (node.js) for the socket. On the other hand, suggesting a MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js) stack for a normal informative company CMS wouldn't make much sense either (IMO.) I would prefer PHP and/or an open-source CMS for that specific goal.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on September 26, 2014, 03:09:05 PM = nginx, PHP,, AngularJS

About that lack of PHP sites:

IMO every developer has to look per project what language and frameworks to use.

Node.js is single threaded by design and is perfect for realtime communication between the browser and server. It just makes sense to use it for chatrooms, games, etc. aka dice/gambling sites :)

It doesn't mean that PHP is necessarily bad, it's just bad for this type of website. Better yet: the 2 websites with PHP still use (node.js) for the socket. On the other hand, suggesting a MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js) stack for a normal informative company CMS wouldn't make much sense either (IMO.) I would prefer PHP and/or an open-source CMS for that specific goal.

How do u get to know what is being used in the backend ? Moreover, as I understand, the use of is to auto-update the latest data in the front end. So, what would be the drawback if we store the data temporarily in a flat file and auto-refresh the flat file using JS ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 26, 2014, 03:44:05 PM
Well, for example sends a PHPSESSID cookie, so it's safe to say they use PHP ( works too ;)). Besides that, you can easily see the socket.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: addi on September 26, 2014, 07:05:33 PM
We use mySQL & mongo for db (satoshibet)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on September 26, 2014, 08:51:14 PM
Well, for example sends a PHPSESSID cookie, so it's safe to say they use PHP ( works too ;)). Besides that, you can easily see the socket.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

Is there any special server setup required to run Node.js & ? Can I try it on a PHP-MySQL shared hosting ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 26, 2014, 11:39:59 PM
Yes, you need to run Node.js so you will need an own server (perhaps there are very few shared hosting packages that do support it.)

However you can always try it locally :) (and/or in a VM)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: grux on September 27, 2014, 02:37:56 AM
We use mySQL & mongo for db (satoshibet)

That's an odd combo, are you using mongo to cache numbers? (if you don't mind me asking)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on September 27, 2014, 09:47:05 AM
We use mySQL & mongo for db (satoshibet)

Is not MongoDB a NoSQL database ? Can it go hand in hand with a RDBMS like MySQL ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on September 27, 2014, 11:25:17 AM
We use mySQL & mongo for db (satoshibet)

Is not MongoDB a NoSQL database ? Can it go hand in hand with a RDBMS like MySQL ?

It could be they use MongoDB for session storage. Although I personally prefer Redis for that.

Using a good ORM you can query both MySQL and MongoDB with the same syntax. For example Waterline ORM ( can do this.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on September 28, 2014, 11:09:03 AM
Yes, you need to run Node.js so you will need an own server (perhaps there are very few shared hosting packages that do support it.)

However you can always try it locally :) (and/or in a VM)

Thank U for the clarification...

Does anyone know how many concurrent connection a gambling site experience at most ? Here I'm talking about the Web Server connection... NOT DB connection.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on September 28, 2014, 02:56:03 PM
Hmmm..... you know, I recently heard about this guy in my country (Philippines) that runs an online casino. I don't know which one, but he has an office somewhere in Makati and he's got a staff of 100 people (probably customer support.)

I'm pretty sure it's not a bitcoin casino.

I'll try to get in touch, but it would seem I would have a difficult time getting an appointment; unless I point out to him that "Hey, if you accept bitcoin deposits, you save 3% from all those real-bank transaction fees."

Do you guys have a suggestion what I should use if I wanted to run my own dice site? Are all these sites using VPS or Amazon or something? Seems like Node.js is a good start.

I'd almost have to be some Massively Multiplayer Dice Playing Game, ... World of Dicecraft or something - I wouldn't use that particular name... (there's Dragon's Tale, too.)

And I'm left wondering if I just use IRC for the chat part, but then I'd have to worry about ops and channel maintenance.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on September 28, 2014, 07:00:37 PM
Hmmm..... you know, I recently heard about this guy in my country (Philippines) that runs an online casino. I don't know which one, but he has an office somewhere in Makati and he's got a staff of 100 people (probably customer support.)

I'm pretty sure it's not a bitcoin casino.

I'll try to get in touch, but it would seem I would have a difficult time getting an appointment; unless I point out to him that "Hey, if you accept bitcoin deposits, you save 3% from all those real-bank transaction fees."

Do you guys have a suggestion what I should use if I wanted to run my own dice site? Are all these sites using VPS or Amazon or something? Seems like Node.js is a good start.

I'd almost have to be some Massively Multiplayer Dice Playing Game, ... World of Dicecraft or something - I wouldn't use that particular name... (there's Dragon's Tale, too.)

And I'm left wondering if I just use IRC for the chat part, but then I'd have to worry about ops and channel maintenance.

Please ask him how is he currently accepting payment from customers ? AFAIK PayPal does not allow to do gambling payment. Moreover, does he have a license ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on September 29, 2014, 12:52:26 AM
Please ask him how is he currently accepting payment from customers ? AFAIK PayPal does not allow to do gambling payment. Moreover, does he have a license ?

I'll ask. I don't know anything yet and can't make any assumptions, I was just guessing based on the story. (Also, supposedly a friend of a friend, so that's going to be a bit more difficult to track down.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on September 29, 2014, 01:21:38 AM
Speaking of which, almost everyone is using HMAC-SHA-512.

Since HMAC is not broken, why not use HMAC-SHA-1 (which is what Google Authenticator 2FA uses) for the dice rolls? Or if that's questionable, why not HMAC-SHA-256?

In fact, HMAC-MD5 would probably work fine. (MD5 is broken, but not HMAC.)

You'll have a few gamblers trying to figure out the secrets.

Also, I thought I might ask here since all these sites are here, how do you get an unbiased roll of a 6 sided dice based on binary input (such as the hash result). The only thing I can think of is using the discard method. If I don't discard, there is a bias. On one hex digit, that's .25, on two, that's 0.015625.

Some sites use 5 digits, then discard if too high, for their million sided dice. I could use, maybe 12 hex digits for a trillion sided dice without discarding, while the bias may exist, it's too small at the point. (Who the hell is going to do a trillion rolls on one set of seeds to find out ... well, there's me ...)

So, as an alternative, I thought of inventing a new game using 8 sided dice instead. Much easier to map out to a hex digit, no bias. (Oh, I know I could just use a thousand sided dice, or a million sided dice like any of the top 5 dice sites, but I'm trying to do something different.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 29, 2014, 01:49:02 AM
What is the problem with HMAC-SHA512? If there is no problem with it, why use a weaker alternative?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on September 29, 2014, 02:24:54 AM
What is the problem with HMAC-SHA512? If there is no problem with it, why use a weaker alternative?

Speed? (No seriously.) You know what, maybe it was just a dumb question, who is going to notice the speed difference even when you have a few thousand players online at the same time on one server. But I had to ask it anyway. I did some quick research, and I think I won't go with MD5 or SHA1 at least.

Someone else made this speed test on the hash functions:

MD5     10.275190830230713, 10.155328989028931, 10.250311136245728
SHA1    11.985718965530396, 11.976419925689697, 11.86873197555542
SHA256  16.662450075149536, 21.551337003707886, 17.016510963439941
SHA512  18.339390993118286, 18.11187481880188,  18.085782051086426

And there's an older one here:

The HMAC, if I understand it correctly, does two hashing calculations. So if MD5 = 20, and SHA512 = 36 ... (Okay okay, maybe it's a really dumb question.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 29, 2014, 02:55:17 AM
What is the problem with HMAC-SHA512? If there is no problem with it, why use a weaker alternative?

Speed? (No seriously.) You know what, maybe it was just a dumb question, who is going to notice the speed difference even when you have a few thousand players online at the same time on one server. But I had to ask it anyway. I did some quick research, and I think I won't go with MD5 or SHA1 at least.

Someone else made this speed test on the hash functions:

MD5     10.275190830230713, 10.155328989028931, 10.250311136245728
SHA1    11.985718965530396, 11.976419925689697, 11.86873197555542
SHA256  16.662450075149536, 21.551337003707886, 17.016510963439941
SHA512  18.339390993118286, 18.11187481880188,  18.085782051086426

And there's an older one here:

The HMAC, if I understand it correctly, does two hashing calculations. So if MD5 = 20, and SHA512 = 36 ... (Okay okay, maybe it's a really dumb question.)

The main statement hashes all 10000 entries one by one. This statement is executed 1000 times in a loop, which is repeated 3 times.

So if I understand it correct it takes 18 seconds to make 30,000,000 SHA512 hashes according to that test? That's like 0.000006 second/hash? Sure MD5/SHA1 is 2x faster, but still it's basically nothing.

Better make sure your server, database, code (including client-side), etc. are all good than fixing non-issues :p

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: a1choi on September 29, 2014, 06:00:45 AM its not safe after the issues. I would rather stay away from it

I dont think this thread was saying anything about the safety of the site, just what it's coded in..

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on September 29, 2014, 02:02:36 PM
What is the problem with HMAC-SHA512? If there is no problem with it, why use a weaker alternative?

Speed? (No seriously.) You know what, maybe it was just a dumb question, who is going to notice the speed difference even when you have a few thousand players online at the same time on one server. But I had to ask it anyway. I did some quick research, and I think I won't go with MD5 or SHA1 at least.

Someone else made this speed test on the hash functions:

MD5     10.275190830230713, 10.155328989028931, 10.250311136245728
SHA1    11.985718965530396, 11.976419925689697, 11.86873197555542
SHA256  16.662450075149536, 21.551337003707886, 17.016510963439941
SHA512  18.339390993118286, 18.11187481880188,  18.085782051086426

And there's an older one here:

The HMAC, if I understand it correctly, does two hashing calculations. So if MD5 = 20, and SHA512 = 36 ... (Okay okay, maybe it's a really dumb question.)

The main statement hashes all 10000 entries one by one. This statement is executed 1000 times in a loop, which is repeated 3 times.

So if I understand it correct it takes 18 seconds to make 30,000,000 SHA512 hashes according to that test? That's like 0.000006 second/hash? Sure MD5/SHA1 is 2x faster, but still it's basically nothing.

Better make sure your server, database, code (including client-side), etc. are all good than fixing non-issues :p

I think a simple PHP-MySQL dice site may run fine on amazon cloud with real time update achieved by Ajax. All those node.js, seems redundant !!!

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on September 29, 2014, 02:30:19 PM
No, AJAX would be terrible, you would have A LOT of requests, basically every second. You really should use a socket for that.

However, you can definitely make a socket server in PHP. There are some libraries for it too: Ratchet (, React (, Wrench (, PHudBase (, PHPws (, etc.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on October 05, 2014, 10:18:02 PM
No, AJAX would be terrible, you would have A LOT of requests, basically every second. You really should use a socket for that.

However, you can definitely make a socket server in PHP. There are some libraries for it too: Ratchet (, React (, Wrench (, PHudBase (, PHPws (, etc.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

I was checking the All Bets section of not this data refreshing is done through Ajax ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: MaryKris on October 06, 2014, 01:01:47 AM
What about Primedice? Love to make one soon.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on October 06, 2014, 06:12:32 PM
What about Primedice? Love to make one soon.

Here u get the details of PrimeDice and a few others...

I like the idea of knowing this, so let's make an overview (grouped by backend language, not really sorted)

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

More / corrections? Let us know :)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on October 07, 2014, 01:34:36 PM
Any ideas on where the most gambling sites are hosted? Most of them use CloudFlare so you can't easily find the actual hosting provider.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 07, 2014, 01:37:21 PM
The other question is, what servers are these sites using? Where are those located? How much? What's a good domain name? (I mean, maybe, the extension.)

Obviously, some of them are on a dot com, but is that really a good idea or would something else be better. (This is to avoid certain governments from seizing the domain names.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 08, 2014, 10:32:06 PM
OP updated as per latest data found in the thread...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on October 09, 2014, 09:33:31 AM
Well, for example sends a PHPSESSID cookie, so it's safe to say they use PHP ( works too ;)). Besides that, you can easily see the socket.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

If the site is coded in Java, can the use of Java threading solve the problem of real time update ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: on October 09, 2014, 11:08:22 AM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Skoupi on October 09, 2014, 02:50:00 PM
Interesting post. I didn't know node.js is so popular already for web apps  ;)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 09, 2014, 05:44:37 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Oops... that was my editing mistake. I forgot to change the first column while editing the table for It is nice to see U here. Care to tell us the column values for ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: on October 09, 2014, 08:45:58 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Oops... that was my editing mistake. I forgot to change the first column while editing the table for It is nice to see U here. Care to tell us the column values for ?
Thanks :)

I use tubesock to hijack rack and implement WebSockets in RoR, client code is my own with re-connection and error handling.

I do not have any front-end as it's single page app, JavaScript is written with CoffeScript and its pure jQuery with Bootstrap.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 09, 2014, 09:02:11 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Oops... that was my editing mistake. I forgot to change the first column while editing the table for It is nice to see U here. Care to tell us the column values for ?
Thanks :)

I use tubesock to hijack rack and implement WebSockets in RoR, client code is my own with re-connection and error handling.

I do not have any front-end as it's single page app, JavaScript is written with CoffeScript and its pure jQuery with Bootstrap.

I'm not very familiar with some of the technologies U r talking about. I have updated your row with what I understood. Please let me know if those are fine...

It'd be great to know which DB U r using here...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: on October 09, 2014, 09:47:34 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Oops... that was my editing mistake. I forgot to change the first column while editing the table for It is nice to see U here. Care to tell us the column values for ?
Thanks :)

I use tubesock to hijack rack and implement WebSockets in RoR, client code is my own with re-connection and error handling.

I do not have any front-end as it's single page app, JavaScript is written with CoffeScript and its pure jQuery with Bootstrap.

I'm not very familiar with some of the technologies U r talking about. I have updated your row with what I understood. Please let me know if those are fine...

It'd be great to know which DB U r using here... & are the same :)

As main storage I use MySQL, Redis is being used to all realtime data & caching.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 10, 2014, 11:39:42 AM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

Hey, why there's second with PHP settings? That's ain't true :)

Oops... that was my editing mistake. I forgot to change the first column while editing the table for It is nice to see U here. Care to tell us the column values for ?
Thanks :)

I use tubesock to hijack rack and implement WebSockets in RoR, client code is my own with re-connection and error handling.

I do not have any front-end as it's single page app, JavaScript is written with CoffeScript and its pure jQuery with Bootstrap.

I'm not very familiar with some of the technologies U r talking about. I have updated your row with what I understood. Please let me know if those are fine...

It'd be great to know which DB U r using here... & are the same :)

As main storage I use MySQL, Redis is being used to all realtime data & caching.

Oops... U r already listed there. I dint notice. I'm Sorry...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: 247casino on October 10, 2014, 01:32:36 PM
a lot of high end scripts are compiled to protect the companies IP work

so they say what they use, but inside can have a hybrid of languages and often due if you actually get to the source

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 10, 2014, 03:46:04 PM
a lot of high end scripts are compiled to protect the companies IP work

so they say what they use, but inside can have a hybrid of languages and often due if you actually get to the source

Do u hav experience in running a real gambling site ? If yes, can u plz tell us the concurrent connections it experiences on an average ? By concurrent connections here I mean the real time visitors shown by Google analytics.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: 247casino on October 10, 2014, 08:25:30 PM
My experience is

Almost 20 years commercial net and 1M+ visitors a day to sites I've done over the years

Last couple of months I've been involved in a few different poker room projects

One is live and it caters to very high stakes games, usually you have a table of big money at a set time so they hardly need anything major, but they got a dedicated server and run a major poker room script.

A table with 9 players doesn't even move the load

Right now SWC is probably the major house, they have 300 to 500 players online all day

They use use cloud flare

We use the same script on one of the poker projects, a differnt one on another

3 More rooms are set to launch soon but they will cater to the low end of poker

Just look at the rooms on SWC you will see 98% of the action is micro bit tables, something the first two projects wanted nothing to do with

Now the othe projects wants the type of action SWC has

All the projects use dedicated high memory servers, a couple are win based the other are linux

Linux rooms cost a ton

Win rooms are cheap

Right now it seems most btc related gaming is dice related, not sure about that, haven't done dice, my projects involve poker rooms and sports betting and some nice canned video sucker games

video gaming the house has rigged just like slots in a casino, you set the script to peel off the juice you want 2% to 5% usually

poker is all about a rake

sports betting is the hardest thing to do right IMO

so no high volume connections to speak of with these rooms and I don't consider the action at SWC being 300-500 a lot of action

Now the dice games have huge load, lots of people and that is where you need to worry about connections

Poker rooms are memory intensive scripts and there's cheapies as well as expensive scripts

All are memory hogs

sports books, well there's a ton of ways to do them, it's more on the way you want to handle it, and how you feed live lines into it

the few major OLSB's seem to have their own custom lines and not just major vegas dumps

dice is where you have load issues

right now I have no real interest in doing any dice stuff, the reason is it is done

high stakes poker and high stakes books that's wide open for btc development IMO

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 11, 2014, 12:17:17 AM
And don't forget, you can make poker provably fair. Or almost.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: b!z on October 11, 2014, 04:10:25 AM
And don't forget, you can make poker provably fair. Or almost.

Hmm? I remember reading a thread where a few members were trying to accomplish it. I don't think it's been implemented ever?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 11, 2014, 05:27:14 AM
And don't forget, you can make poker provably fair. Or almost.

Hmm? I remember reading a thread where a few members were trying to accomplish it. I don't think it's been implemented ever?

Would that be my thread?;all

I believe, it's been accomplished, I just never got players. If you want to try, get a buddy to play heads up against you, I'll deal. Basically, I wanted people to try it out for real, instead of all being theory. I've tested it (by myself) but you never know until you actually do it.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: m19 on October 11, 2014, 01:51:42 PM
A server seed + combined client seed of all players currently participating in a round could make Poker provably fair?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 11, 2014, 02:23:37 PM
A server seed + combined client seed of all players currently participating in a round could make Poker provably fair?

It depends on what you consider provably fair, since poker has other factors involved; but yes, in my version that makes the shuffle and deal fair since all players have input on how the deck is randomized. The dealer or site knows it ,all, the players could collude, and someone can DDoS you, but that's true for most poker sites.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: espringe on October 11, 2014, 02:54:24 PM
It depends on what you consider provably fair, since poker has other factors involved; but yes, in my version that makes the shuffle and deal fair since all players have input on how the deck is randomized. The dealer or site knows it ,all, the players could collude, and someone can DDoS you, but that's true for most poker sites.

I read your scheme, but I honestly don't understand the utility it provides? It only works if all N players trust all other players. If one of the players works for the house not only can they see all cards, he can dictate the outcome of the shuffle. If you already trust all the players in the game, it's probably extremely unlikely that you are worried about the house playing favorites..

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 11, 2014, 03:14:51 PM
It depends on what you consider provably fair, since poker has other factors involved; but yes, in my version that makes the shuffle and deal fair since all players have input on how the deck is randomized. The dealer or site knows it ,all, the players could collude, and someone can DDoS you, but that's true for most poker sites.

I read your scheme, but I honestly don't understand the utility it provides? It only works if all N players trust all other players. If one of the players works for the house not only can they see all cards, he can dictate the outcome of the shuffle. If you already trust all the players in the game, it's probably extremely unlikely that you are worried about the house playing favorites..

You're talking about super-users or "God mode" players. That's a problem with all poker sites. My scheme does not address that specifically. The shuffle is still going to be very difficult to dictate as it would require several "tries" to get the preferred cards in the least amount of time, by the time the players send their committed client seeds. This can be minimized or negated by the dealer first accepting only the hash of the client seed, until all players have committed, then accepting all the client seeds, then shuffling quickly, then dealing.

Although, in practice, this can all be done in under a second.

The scheme is not about trusting the other players, it's about knowing for sure that the deal or shuffle, with a certain level of confidence, is fair or provably fair, and not just because the site said so. The usual problems that plague poker sites will be dealt with differently.

I mean, where would you rather play? In a provably fair game? Or in a probably fair game? (investors and house not included.)

If the house cheats, they will be discovered eventually (Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, for example.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: espringe on October 11, 2014, 04:17:12 PM
I mean, where would you rather play? In a provably fair game? Or in a probably fair game? (investors and house not included.)

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I'd rather use the status-quo. If you're going to add so much complexity, you're going to need to add some advantages, which I can't see what they are?

The shuffle is still going to be very difficult to dictate as it would require several "tries" to get the preferred cards

Who cares? Computers are fast. A million shuffles in a second doesn't seem impossible to me. But anyway, if you can have many tries, even picking the best of 2 or 3 gives you a mind-boggling advantage.

This can be minimized or negated by the dealer first accepting only the hash of the client seed, until all players have committed, then accepting all the client seeds, then shuffling quickly, then dealing.

This just gets worse. What happens if the player disconnects between sending the hash of the seed, and the seed to the server?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 11, 2014, 04:36:49 PM
I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I'd rather use the status-quo. If you're going to add so much complexity, you're going to need to add some advantages, which I can't see what they are?

You, as the player, can see the deck (face down), you can see the cards (face down) being dealt to other players, you can see your own cards, and you can see what's on the table, and verify that all the cards (that you can see face up) are what they are supposed to be. That's the advantage. All other poker schemes I've seen, in current implementation, do not offer that at all.

For the player that does not bother to check, it doesn't matter. For those that do, or if their client is set up that way (maybe it's open source) then verification is quick.

This just gets worse. What happens if the player disconnects between sending the hash of the seed, and the seed to the server?

Most poker sites auto-fold that particular player.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: espringe on October 11, 2014, 04:45:36 PM
For the player that does not bother to check, it doesn't matter. For those that do, or if their client is set up that way (maybe it's open source) then verification is quick.

Put it this way, what type of cheating does your scheme make impossible that was previously possible? By my reasoning it is: "When all N players trust each other -- the house can no longer pick favorites"

Maybe that is something some people some people worry about, but I think most of the time you are playing with people you don't fully trust or know. And when you do play amongst trusted friends, I don't think many people worry the house unfairly advantageous one of them...

Most poker sites auto-fold that particular player.

Sure, but in your scheme -- how do you even shuffle the deck?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on October 12, 2014, 03:14:39 PM
Most poker sites auto-fold that particular player.

Sure, but in your scheme -- how do you even shuffle the deck?

Shuffle it without the player who folded? The other players have already contributed their client seeds. The one who disconnected isn't going to play anymore, so the game can continue without him. But to prevent intentional disconnects and to encourage people to invest in a stable internet connection, there must be a rule like this in place. Perhaps if the hand has not yet started, then the player who disconnected does not suffer a loss (like he never bet at all.) like he sat out that round.

As for your first question, uh, I'm not sure. I thought it was a good idea. I mean, it's certainly better than existing sites. The house shouldn't care what the players do, since the house takes a rake almost all the time. (except on no flop no drop)

*edit* Eric, we're getting off-topic. Sorry. Post in my poker thread (so it gets it's annual bump too.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on October 18, 2014, 11:00:47 PM
Well, for example sends a PHPSESSID cookie, so it's safe to say they use PHP ( works too ;)). Besides that, you can easily see the socket.

A socket is an open connection between the client (browser) and server with bidirectional communication. If you make a bet, you send the info through the socket (and you get the result) and if others bet you get the bets from there. So it's all real-time, you only connect once. There are different libraries/servers for this, is a popular one made in node.js. Perfect for a dice site.

An alternative is indeed getting new data with AJAX requests. With that, the browser would make a connection/request every x seconds to see if there are new bets. Obviously for a dice site this would be pretty terrible and give big lag and other problems. However AJAX is useful for other purposes.

Do you think Server-Sent Events of HTML5 can also be used as an alternative of websocket ? In this case, the server notifies the client for a new update. Reference:

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: FastSlots on October 20, 2014, 10:52:34 PM
FastSlots (not a top site yet, but gaining traction) is build on mysql, node.js,, and backbone. We chose mysql because it supports transactions and node.js because it's low latency and it makes it easy to use websockets. Backbone mostly because it's more lightweight than angular, but I'm starting to think that might have been a mistake...

I'm wondering why so many sites are using an nginx server instead of vanilla node. Is that just for load balancing or are there other advantages of nginx?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 21, 2014, 01:08:52 PM
FastSlots (not a top site yet, but gaining traction) is build on mysql, node.js,, and backbone. We chose mysql because it supports transactions and node.js because it's low latency and it makes it easy to use websockets. Backbone mostly because it's more lightweight than angular, but I'm starting to think that might have been a mistake...

I'm wondering why so many sites are using an nginx server instead of vanilla node. Is that just for load balancing or are there other advantages of nginx?

Thanks for the info. OP updated with your data. Please check at your end if they are correct.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: FastSlots on October 21, 2014, 01:16:41 PM
Thanks for adding us RocketSingh, great to be on that list.

Maybe it would be best to change our server to simply 'node.js', to not get people into thinking we're using vanilla.js as a server (which would not make sense, but still..)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on November 13, 2014, 08:47:25 PM
Thanks for adding us RocketSingh, great to be on that list.

Maybe it would be best to change our server to simply 'node.js', to not get people into thinking we're using vanilla.js as a server (which would not make sense, but still..)

I'm confused !!! Then what is the purpose of vanilla ? Sorry, I'm not aware of these technologies.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on November 16, 2014, 03:18:39 PM
And don't forget, you can make poker provably fair. Or almost.

Hmm? I remember reading a thread where a few members were trying to accomplish it. I don't think it's been implemented ever?

What is the specialty of Poker for which achieving provable fairness is difficult ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on November 17, 2014, 01:55:55 AM
And don't forget, you can make poker provably fair. Or almost.

Hmm? I remember reading a thread where a few members were trying to accomplish it. I don't think it's been implemented ever?

What is the specialty of Poker for which achieving provable fairness is difficult ?

You have to shuffle the cards, deal them, and the players can't tell what the other cards are even after the game. The part where discarded cards and mucked and folded hands ... thats the difficult part.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on December 26, 2014, 06:53:28 PM
There multiple new gambling sites in the market now. Would like to know if they are interested to share their technology behind...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on December 29, 2014, 11:25:03 PM
The server 'cowboy' you list for and PrimeDoes doesn't exist, that's just a header that heroku's reverse proxy adds. The actual webserver MoneyPot uses is raw node.js (for better or worse). The front-end framework we use is react (from facebook) and works quite well. BTW the entire stack is open source:

Frontend updated as React for MoneyPot. As I can see, the backend is already node.js for both PD & MP. If it is not CowBoy, then what are the servers for them ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on December 31, 2014, 10:38:58 AM
I can see FortuneJack is advertising a LOT. Would like to know the technology behind their website.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: baumi on December 31, 2014, 11:39:48 AM
Hi guys,

technologies behind CoinXerox ( are:

  • nginx as reverse proxy
  • backend is coded in Python
  • PostgreSQL for data storage
  • sockjs for handling WebSocket connections
  • frontend is coded in plain JavaScript (no framework)

nginx has ultimate performance and it's as simple to use as possible.

Python is used because we love Python. Some people may argue that Python is slow but they are not right until Python is used for matrix calculations or something similar. Bottleneck of today's typical transaction based applications are databases, not programming languages.

PostgreSQL is mature full featured database. Its features list is infinity.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Zawamiya on December 31, 2014, 08:04:38 PM
i think they are coded in php,asp and flash using solid frameworks
IMO asp C# is a good choice to create such site with higher security

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on January 02, 2015, 06:09:49 PM
i think they are coded in php,asp and flash using solid frameworks
IMO asp C# is a good choice to create such site with higher security

IMO ASP is not good at all for gambling sites...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on January 20, 2015, 04:40:44 PM
Just wondering... in which language recent Ponzi Games are coded ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: newIndia on January 21, 2015, 08:55:35 AM
Just wondering... in which language recent Ponzi Games are coded ?

I think simple PHP-MySQL is enough.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: myohmy81 on January 21, 2015, 08:58:48 AM
i think they are coded in php,asp and flash using solid frameworks
IMO asp C# is a good choice to create such site with higher security

IMO ASP is not good at all for gambling sites...

ASP is terrible

recommend PHP,JSP

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: fox19891989 on January 21, 2015, 09:11:28 AM
Just wondering... in which language recent Ponzi Games are coded ?

I think simple PHP-MySQL is enough.

Yes, and most of them are developed by one boss, the biggest scammer.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Targetbit on January 21, 2015, 10:09:33 AM
I see script on many sites. Is that a free script? where to download?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Mitchell on January 21, 2015, 10:35:32 AM
No sir. Those sites are trying to scam you. No one has the script apart from myself, the owner.
Shut up, you are using a free script and you know it. You might have changed it a bit, but it's still a free and publicly available script that anyone with some form of intelligence could deploy.

I see script on many sites. Is that a free script? where to download?
Yes, it is a free script that was released in March 2014: Thread ( and Github (

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: on January 21, 2015, 12:23:46 PM
Our system is a combination of java, delphi, and php.  8)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on January 26, 2015, 10:21:18 AM
Our system is a combination of java, delphi, and php.  8)

Both Java & PHP in a single APP !!! Moreover, what is Delphi ? I mean where is it used ? Can you please fill up the following for ?

Site =
Socket lib   

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: baristor on January 26, 2015, 10:25:39 AM
interesting article. To know the language code of the gambler sites :D are u planning to start one yourself?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: adaseb on January 26, 2015, 10:39:41 AM
Most websites that are interactived these days are written in js. Long time ago it was probably php but much has changed in the language.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on January 26, 2015, 03:18:00 PM
Most websites that are interactived these days are written in js. Long time ago it was probably php but much has changed in the language.

PHP is a server side language, whereas JS is a client side one. One has nothing to do with the other.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: sethminer14 on January 26, 2015, 03:35:42 PM
I always enjoy seeing which languages things are coded with. It lets me see which language I may want to learn next.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on January 28, 2015, 01:51:10 PM
interesting article. To know the language code of the gambler sites :D are u planning to start one yourself?

Helping out people to start more ;)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on March 02, 2015, 12:16:51 AM
Does anyone know in which language former Seals with Club or current SWC Poker are coded ? Which DB they are using ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitCoinDream on February 16, 2016, 12:23:44 PM
I'd like to know, in which language, is coded in?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on February 16, 2016, 12:45:45 PM

Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14

(@fastdice: can't hurt to hide those headers btw, easy apache+php setting.)

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on February 16, 2016, 06:55:08 PM

Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14

(@fastdice: can't hurt to hide those headers btw, easy apache+php setting.)
So, can we assume, they are using MySQL at the backend?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Mitchell on February 16, 2016, 07:12:52 PM
So, can we assume, they are using MySQL at the backend?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: CrazyJoker on April 07, 2016, 10:34:01 AM
In which language & are coded?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: NLNico on April 07, 2016, 10:39:55 AM
Both set a PHPSESSID cookie, so both in PHP.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: JasonXG on April 08, 2016, 11:35:30 PM
Busy gambling sites need to provide high security as well as serve high traffic. In which language today's top sites are coded ? Which DB are they using ?

I'm listing a few sites below. Please post if u know about their configuration. If u know about a site which is not in the list, please post that too...

Following table is updated as per latest data found in this thread...

SiteServerBackendSocket libDB/StorageFrontend                    Node.js                  redis+MySQL      

I'm so glad you made this thread and kept it updated i have wanted to know this for a really long time. There is one more thing i wonder about and that is how powerful their servers are.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: adaseb on April 09, 2016, 12:07:43 AM
I am pretty sure most are coded in PHP these days and every gambling site has more or less the same code.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on April 09, 2016, 03:19:31 AM
Servers for the big sites are usually on dedicated machines either rented or co-located at a datacenter.

Servers for really big gambling sites (the ones that don't accept bitcoin; the ones that have government licenses to operate) could be clustered or replicated or has some form of failover / high-availability / redundancy / whatever.

Small gambling sites can be run from a small VPS.

Small (or big) gambling sites using bitcoind with pruning also require less disk space than before. 70 GB for old versions versus 2 GB for the latest.

The codes differ in exactly how the games are determined, like what hash they use or what provably fair method they use, and if they are running dice games or lotto games or card games.

Dice games need a "real" server. Lotto games or any game that is "slow" could theoretically run on a home laptop (only the front facing website is on a server) or a really cheap VPS.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: CrazyJoker on May 26, 2016, 11:03:12 AM
Servers for the big sites are usually on dedicated machines either rented or co-located at a datacenter.

Servers for really big gambling sites (the ones that don't accept bitcoin; the ones that have government licenses to operate) could be clustered or replicated or has some form of failover / high-availability / redundancy / whatever.

Small gambling sites can be run from a small VPS.

Small (or big) gambling sites using bitcoind with pruning also require less disk space than before. 70 GB for old versions versus 2 GB for the latest.

The codes differ in exactly how the games are determined, like what hash they use or what provably fair method they use, and if they are running dice games or lotto games or card games.

Dice games need a "real" server. Lotto games or any game that is "slow" could theoretically run on a home laptop (only the front facing website is on a server) or a really cheap VPS.
I think big sites operate on clouds like AWS or Heroku. Small ones are on Digital Ocean or Shared Hosting.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on May 31, 2016, 02:47:36 PM

Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14

(@fastdice: can't hurt to hide those headers btw, easy apache+php setting.)

Both set a PHPSESSID cookie, so both in PHP.
OP updated with these data. If you know the blanks fields, please let me know. I'll update accordingly. I'd also request site owners to participate in this thread for data accuracy.

I'm so glad you made this thread and kept it updated i have wanted to know this for a really long time. There is one more thing i wonder about and that is how powerful their servers are.
Nice to know that it helped. I guess, server specs will highly vary depending on site load.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: DutchDemon on July 20, 2016, 04:58:48 PM
Is not now known as

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Ryan Dugan on July 20, 2016, 09:05:01 PM
I only know of some of what's going on bit this is a very informative list .
How do you know all this ?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: freedomcoinz on September 28, 2016, 05:04:18 AM ( uses nginx in front of Java/JSP.

Ironically, the primary developer makes extensive use of Node.js at his or her "day job", but falls back to more traditional technologies when the stakes are higher.

Agree with the sentiment that GO will become more popular for the back end.

Wish someone would start a thread about the best places to host...

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: BitsandBites on September 28, 2016, 07:31:17 AM
I dont think there are so many websites where you can have lots of language becuase most of the time it is only in english because everyone can speak english unless the france people off course.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: bitcoin-hunter on September 28, 2016, 08:13:36 AM
Most of the commend language is english off course i dont think you should listn to this but if you are trying to make a gamble site dont do it because there are to many of them you wont get hits.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: hughsjack on September 28, 2016, 08:34:11 AM
I dont think there are so many websites where you can have lots of language becuase most of the time it is only in english because everyone can speak english unless the france people off course.

you misunderstood, the thread is about code language

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: PrediMarket on September 28, 2016, 11:48:21 AM
Just out of curiosity, why would you want to know what languages/technologies are used for gambling sites?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Dabs on September 28, 2016, 01:48:41 PM
How about what languages are used for large bitcoin exchanges? bitcoin to altcoin exchanges? bitcoin shopping carts?

For server size and capacity, just think about ... microsoft exchange email hosting. App hosting. Dedicated hosts can usually handle 300 transactions (games, bets, etc) per second. Then even bigger sites have redundancy so there are two or three or more of every server. Database availability groups. Backup servers. "Replica" ... RAID, for when hard drives or SSDs fail.

All usually taken care of by the hosting provider. For a price.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Daffadile on September 28, 2016, 02:59:11 PM
Ok we speaking about what languages they use and the data bases but what about the security they using ?
Also what exactly is a backend and how does it work and what is it's function. I see there a few people that seem to know what is going on and what they are talking about so perhaps someone could answer me.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 30, 2016, 07:37:46 PM ( uses nginx in front of Java/JSP.

Ironically, the primary developer makes extensive use of Node.js at his or her "day job", but falls back to more traditional technologies when the stakes are higher.

Agree with the sentiment that GO will become more popular for the back end.

Wish someone would start a thread about the best places to host...
Never heard of this game. Could u please point to the official thread of wajur?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: AOL on July 23, 2017, 09:20:41 PM
Is the table in OP updated?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on July 25, 2017, 10:53:19 PM
Is the table in OP updated?
Lately I have not received info about new sites. Hence OP has not been updated for a while.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: Angelina Jolie on March 07, 2018, 03:23:27 PM
Needs info about What they are coded at?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 29, 2018, 10:31:18 PM
Needs info about What they are coded at?

Also would like to know about .

See How fast results are updated ?
Also if you are a developer.. kindly pm me.. for a similar work.

Anyone has any info regarding these two?

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: rata_for on May 02, 2019, 02:00:04 PM
SEE here!! pays
Date : 05/01/2019 20:38
From/To Account : U18493892
Amount : 1.60
Currency : USD
Batch : 258686377
Memo : API Payment.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: wuvdoll on May 03, 2019, 06:13:29 PM
From what we can gather by common sense I can assume that both stake and bitkong has javascript on their front end, this is not a guarantee but it does seem like the regular old html/css/javascript combo should be enough for the front end, I have messaged to their support to ask what language they were coded but unfortunately I was not capable of getting any answers.

Stake customer support thought I was asking the "language" of the casino as in English and all that, bitkong didn't replied yet at all. I think the safest option to assume could be c# for now, at least for the gaming parts of course because that would be the easiest option yet again to build these games on C# but I am not entirely sure how the payment part of it is coded since it could be anything.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: RocketSingh on October 12, 2019, 06:48:40 PM
From what we can gather by common sense I can assume that both stake and bitkong has javascript on their front end, this is not a guarantee but it does seem like the regular old html/css/javascript combo should be enough for the front end, I have messaged to their support to ask what language they were coded but unfortunately I was not capable of getting any answers.

Stake customer support thought I was asking the "language" of the casino as in English and all that, bitkong didn't replied yet at all. I think the safest option to assume could be c# for now, at least for the gaming parts of course because that would be the easiest option yet again to build these games on C# but I am not entirely sure how the payment part of it is coded since it could be anything.

Rather than asking customer support, it is probably better to ask directly in their BitcoinTalk thread and mention about this thread over there.

I want everyone's participation to make this thread a hub of technical know-how for gambling portals.

Title: Re: In which language top gambling sites are coded ?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on November 10, 2022, 01:52:07 AM
From what we can gather by common sense I can assume that both stake and bitkong has javascript on their front end, this is not a guarantee but it does seem like the regular old html/css/javascript combo should be enough for the front end, I have messaged to their support to ask what language they were coded but unfortunately I was not capable of getting any answers.

Stake customer support thought I was asking the "language" of the casino as in English and all that, bitkong didn't replied yet at all. I think the safest option to assume could be c# for now, at least for the gaming parts of course because that would be the easiest option yet again to build these games on C# but I am not entirely sure how the payment part of it is coded since it could be anything.

The thing is that C# is very versatile, and it's incredible, but the programming part is very extensive, and judging by the number of jobs that there are for programming casinos and that I've seen on the web many programmers ask for C# and Java, and that's not just because they are the most common languages, but partly because they are easier for a programmer, there is much more that can be programmed, but I think that C# and Java are the most standard, and I agree To this, any programmer will be able to quickly understand what another did in case he no longer works with the company in question, and since Java also has so many scripts, it is also adaptable. In fact, I have looked for some jobs as a programmer engineer and what they ask for the most, at least in Spain, is that they can do it in C or Java.