Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: rpietila on October 06, 2014, 11:34:57 AM

Title: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 06, 2014, 11:34:57 AM
Welcome to the first MEW economic* discussion and voting round.

Dear sirs,

The thing to discuss and vote upon is the midterm strategic direction on where to take our communication, both internal and external. Midterm is 3-6 months. The result of the D&V round is a "Resolution". The following excerpts from our Articles of Association govern/relate to this round:

To become a member, one has to buy votes, which carry a fixed price 1 XMR per 1 vote. One Identity is allowed to buy maximum 1000 votes. Minimum is defined by MEW according to what is practical [currently: 10 votes /RP].
- - -
MEW is a direct democracy based on economic majority. The highest governing body is community vote (CV), which has the jurisdiction on all matters, unless otherwise specified, with a simple majority of votes cast ("majority"), unless otherwise specified.
- - -
MEW disregards non-member attempts to influence its action, welcoming the interested parties to become members instead.
- - -
Voting may be regarding:
- General Fund spending initiative
- Appointment or dismissal of an Executive
- Making a Resolution
- Making a Public Declaration
- Change of the Articles of Association

Voting procedure is as follows:
- voting is triggered
- matter to be voted upon is published
- 168 hours of discussion time
- final proposal to be voted upon is fixed
- 168 hours of voting time
- publishing of the result

All resolutions except spending may be passed in express order as follows: if a required majority of all outstanding votes is affirmative, the result is immediately obtained.

To give weight to the vote, it is possible to attach a conditional resignation to the vote. If the result comes against such voter, he is automatically resigned from MEW as a result and refunded. If the vote was concerning spending and the voter was against it, his refund is calculated prior to the spending takes place. It is not possible to revert such resignation except by applying for membership anew.

Members may proxy all or part of their vote-power to another member. No member may have more than 10,000 total vote-power, if this happens the excess will not be counted.

As Operational Executive, tasked to organize the voting in practice, I have made the following decision concerning how it shall be carried out:

- Discussion time is the stated 168 hours following the timestamp of this post. During this time we should optimally find a consensus on the result so that the actual voting will quickly reach the supermajority (not defined strictly, but indicates an economic near-consensus). If not, two proposals will be drafted and put to vote against each other.

- The official discussion will be made in this thread under strict supervision. No outsiders may take part of the discussion, only MEW members appearing in the official vote list ( may do. Members Executive David Latapie updates the list and it will be updated before the voting commences.

- It is encouraged to use any and all other communication channels for discussion as well, proprietary and public. Using them, it is possible to hear also the non-member feedback, which may be useful (remember, non-members account for 60%+ of the moneros, and 100% of the newcomers! :) )

- The Resolution will be in a (Whereas, Whereas, Whereas, ..., Now, therefore) format. This means that there are several items of background information for the resolution, including why it is important to make it, and why the result reached is better than the proposed alternatives. It shall be less than 1 page long in total, about half a page is good.

- Posting to this thread shall be made according to the rules. First the poster states his number of votes, and may post any additional introduction if he so wishes. Then he posts the reason of posting, which may be supporting some proposal (or part thereof), adding a new proposal (or part thereof), or "discussion" (including debunking existing proposals). If the post is about the practicalities of voting, instead of the content being discussed, use "interrupt", but sparingly. I will delete interrupts when they are addressed.

- If everyone understands that we are talking about issues instead of people, and in the end only the number of votes count, hopefully it is not needed to go any more to the depths of moderation. :)

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 06, 2014, 11:45:07 AM
1,000 votes

To set up a new whole proposal.

Proposal text (#1 ver 1)

Whereas, BCT has been proven to be an energetic platform for discussion;

Whereas, almost all the members of the MEW are active in BCT already, making its use very convenient;

Whereas, the recent fall in BTC price and the decimation of altcoins has lead to our userbase and fiat resources shrinking considerably and they must be put to more important uses than setting up proprietary forums and communication tools;

Whereas, the current altcoinworld holds a great deal of people that over time could be persuaded of Monero's speciality (especially MEW, which they don't have);

Now, therefore, we decide that the MEW will base both its internal and external communication as much as is practical in BCT (not stopping the use of existing proprietary channels, however, but also not pushing the new members to use them).

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 06, 2014, 11:53:21 AM
1,000 votes

To set up a new whole proposal.

Proposal text (#2 ver 1)

Whereas, BCT has been proven to be a great drain of time and energy for Monero users;

Whereas, directing new people to BCT is a shame due to high FUD content and low S/N ratio almost throughout;

Whereas, the possible surge of XMR, related or not related to the turnaround in BTC requires a fresh new start, free of the baggage of the past and attempts of outsiders to influence it (which is also forbidden by our rules);

Whereas, the situation at hand allows us to concentrate on there organizational activities better, due to the lack of financial resources to do something that actually costs money;

Now, therefore, we decide that the MEW will as soon as is practical, move its internal communication to dedicated forums, which also allow encryption, ease of moderated discussions and small workgroups. This move should be made in connection to the larger migration of Monero community to its dedicated forums.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 06, 2014, 01:42:24 PM
1,000 votes

Support for proposal #1.

Decision-making would be easy if the proposals had only pros and no cons. Here I am concerned about the correct balance between robustness and getting-things-happen. Some may hold the view that Monero is a hobby project and it's nice to see what happens. I do not have such a view - I am a person wanting to be an instrument of change in the world to the better, and also investor. My sense of urgency is therefore greater than that of someone with less stake in the project. When I played Civilization series, it took me long to think about the moves. I never thought that now is the time to take it easy. But the result was that I usually won.

So now the background is that Monero has been very active in the forum, currently holding 5/35 places in the Altcoin subforum main page. It has been also contested - 2/5 of the entries are ridicule threads and only 3/5 are supporter threads (currently: this voting, Monero Speculation, and Jojatekok's GUI wallet). With great visibility comes great responsibility. Monero's enemies have found it very lucrative to set up accounts posing as Monero supporters, to make Monero look silly, and even to accuse it of spamming the whole section.

A knee-jerk reaction by some supporters was to actually start preparations for doing it. I believe this is a worthy long-term goal. Currently, due to my failed attempts of trying to move out of BCT myself (to smaller, "quality" forums), I cannot yet support it. With the recent price action, it is likely that the number of users has shrank with the marketcap, possibly numbering only 5,000. Of this target group alone, I don't think I will find enough audience for my posting and cannot personally think of moving. I can only post the cream of the crop to one place, and if it is here, what is the reason for the other?

This thread is trying to serve as an example where quality much outweighs quantity. I hope that at present, all the advantages of a separate forum, save privacy, can be instated here as well, with much greater audience. The separate MEW website project with blogs and links should be done if a dedicated administrator can be found. Finding the right way to do these things takes time, but time for turning the tide of XMR is now. Therefore I am in favor of fully taking into advantage of BCT until we have the critical mass of users for the dedicated forum.

It also cannot be underestimated that while there is vocal ridicule concerning the way the MEW is "institutionalizing" Monero (with the hope of its quick demise as a result), it may also be that some of the $1,000,000,000s worth of people who actually read BCT, may find the governance model something they have vainly sought after until now, and decide to give it a go. Even if our primary audience is in the people that do not own any cryptocurrencies, it would be sad to forsake the opportunity of showing BCT that things can be made differently, and to make it shown brightly, we must practice it consistently for at least 3-6 months, the duration of this decision.

The IRC channel that we have, is private, but is not suitable for structured conversation, nor for presenting issues in a coherent way. I will certainly continue to use it, and encourage others to do so, as a complement.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: McHaggis on October 06, 2014, 02:16:27 PM
300 votes

Support for proposal #1.

I believe that the MEW should provide the community with a good example of what should form one of the tenants of  Crypto Currency Best Practice, that is to say that all coins should be backed by a visible community that supports the developers and helps build technical and non technical improvements whilst voting on important issues in a fair way. The MEW should have a presence here so that all users can be reminded of the work it does and the amount of money that it has so far passed directly onto the developers.

Remember that it is not just the people who are in the workgroup who should be reading these threads. Anyone who sees issues being voted on and actions being taken should be able to take something from the process and press their own community to build a similar group.

If we were to remove quality discussion from this forum it would not only make it hard for new users to find the MEW in order for it to grow but also would let the weeds and discontent thrive on Bitcointalk poisoning the well for everyone.

Generally the community is getting better, remember back to when a outright ponzi scheme launched by Pirateat40 (sp) was responsible for moving the BTC price 20% over a couple of months. FUD and trolls will continue to be a problem, however the fix isn't to ignore the problem, its to change the culture surrounding crypto currency.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: NewLiberty on October 06, 2014, 03:08:28 PM
110 Votes supporting proposal #1

Why change to something else unless the something else is better?
Proposal #2 is that we make something new. 
If proposal #2 were changed to move to something else that is better, I'd support #2.
Some examples of forums I would think of as better include and

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: dEBRUYNE on October 06, 2014, 03:17:53 PM
100 Votes supporting proposal #1

Agreeing mainly with the arguments of the people above here.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: myagui on October 06, 2014, 06:53:26 PM
10 votes supporting proposal #2.

For the reasons stated above, and adding that the Monero community will better engage a wider audience, by stepping outside of this (sometimes stinky) bubble that is bitcointalk. It is extremely difficult to organize subgroups for specialized discussion with the current communication format.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: lordfoo on October 06, 2014, 07:24:05 PM
10 votes for Proposal #1.

If it had not been for the altcurrencies subforum I would not have known about xmr.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: whoknowsthisnose on October 06, 2014, 08:33:21 PM
10 votes for Proposal #1

It is the "quick 'n dirty" solution, but we need:

1. a place for structured discussions, irc does not fit this purpose (or just for ppl staying all day in) and we need it now
2. a public place for the discussions, to newbies not be excluded and to deprive steam pressure from boiling rumors and we need it now
3. the public feedback even of non-monerians (we want to catch them  ;) ) and we need it now

In mid-term there might be better solutions, but the development requires time and engagment, actually other issues have priority.

(my prophetic tomcat claims that the day will come, when BCT will be renamed in MonT, but he will not reveal to me when  ;D )

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: ArticMine on October 06, 2014, 08:54:52 PM
1000 Votes.

Support for proposal #2

The crucial point to understand here is that while proposal #1 is a valid option in the short term it must be seen as an interim solution, with proposal #2 as the valid long term option. Proposal #2 calls for the MEW to move to dedicated forums when practical. "When practical" will be determined among other things by the creation a successful XMR forum. Given the choice between voting for the best short term option or the best long term solution I will always choose the best long term option. This follows the principle that when one takes care of the long term the short term will take care of itself, while the reverse is not the case.

The proposal I feel will have the best chance of consensus is to treat proposal #1 as an interim choice until it is practical to implement proposal #2 as the valid long term option.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Ultros on October 06, 2014, 10:11:02 PM
40 votes.

Support for proposal #2

For the reasons stated above by ArticMine.

A simple forum doesn't cost much. In-fact, many CPU-miners must have enough server-capacity to host a dozen of forums.
We need to spread before suffocating under the crumbling of trolls, or before another BCX uses XMR as an excuse to increase his renown.
I also support #2 because it's more inclusive. Having a proper forum doesn't prevent us to post on BTC while deciding to stay exclusively on BTC prevent us to flee on a safe place whenever we feel the need.

EDIT: Oh well...:

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Johnny Mnemonic on October 06, 2014, 10:16:23 PM
100 votes for proposal #2

I agree with ArticMine's reasoning above. Proposal #2 is the long term solution and the move will happen when the time is right.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: David Latapie on October 07, 2014, 12:44:45 AM
200 votes for proposal #2 now that the official Monero forum is out ( (even though there is not yet any MEW section).

I believe it is an important enough even to allow people to change their vote if they so desire.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: farfiman on October 07, 2014, 06:43:11 AM
10 votes for proposal #2

No need to repeat reasons- plenty above by others.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 07, 2014, 07:53:05 AM
1,000 votes

Interrupt (moderator action), to explain the voting process

I believe it is an important enough even to allow people to change their vote if they so desire.

Sure. This is not even voting, yet. This is just structural discussion that precedes voting and lasts for 7 days precisely for the reason that any good points would receive all the backing there is available, and any bad points would be exposed as bad. When this is over, then the voting may start, and even though there is 7 more days reserved, it is likely that in most cases the 51% required will be reached in express time.

The reason why I asked to introduce yourself with the number of votes is just the convenience to all readers.

Any support to any proposal in this stage is not binding.

The proposal texts are likely not the final ones. Existing proposals may be amended by their "owners". Anyone can propose a new text and can use an existing one as a basis (open source).

New points to "discussion" without connection to existing proposal texts are also much appreciated. Without this, the vote organizer (me) would have too much power in staging the scene as well as directing the discussion.

For practical reasons (and those alone), at present I don't support for changing the vote after the voting commences. When we get a state-of-the-art voting system that automatically calculates the votes, then I'll support it.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: dnaleor on October 07, 2014, 09:59:36 AM
50 votes for proposal 2

with this addition: I think a few topics on BTCT are neccesary for exposure.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: lordfoo on October 07, 2014, 01:28:18 PM
I did not realize that we were not yet at the vote stage.  Since this thread is titled "Discussion & Vote", I'm assuming that once the 168 hours are up, there will be some obvious "request for vote" post in this thread.

In any case, since the new forum is out, and also because of ArcticMine's excellent point, I'm leaning the other way (towards proposal 2).

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Shrikez on October 07, 2014, 01:57:35 PM
50 votes for proposal #2.

most reasons have been mentioned already.

The sooner the official XMR forum will offer interesting, competent and helpful content the better. We should work on having search engines point to XMR forums rather sooner than later as I reckon interested "fresh" people would be rather intimidated by coming from Google to the equivalent of a medieval bazaar that is BCT, especially the altcoin section.

That does of course not exclude the necessary exposure on Bitcontalk as the historical hub of all things crypto.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: David Latapie on October 07, 2014, 03:36:31 PM
The sooner the official XMR forum will offer interesting, competent and helpful content the better. We should work on having search engines point to XMR forums rather sooner than later as I reckon interested "fresh" people would be rather intimidated by coming from Google to the equivalent of a medieval bazaar that is BCT, especially the altcoin section.

That does of course not exclude the necessary exposure on Bitcontalk as the historical hub of all things crypto.
I could start creating a thread now, but since we decided for 168 hours then voting, we'd better wait the end of the vote to make any kind of official move.

Of couse, as individual, you can post whatever you want :)

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Shrikez on October 07, 2014, 03:43:47 PM
The sooner the official XMR forum will offer interesting, competent and helpful content the better. We should work on having search engines point to XMR forums rather sooner than later as I reckon interested "fresh" people would be rather intimidated by coming from Google to the equivalent of a medieval bazaar that is BCT, especially the altcoin section.

That does of course not exclude the necessary exposure on Bitcontalk as the historical hub of all things crypto.
I could start creating a thread now, but since we decided for 168 hours then voting, we'd better wait the end of the vote to make any kind of official move.

Of couse, as individual, you can post whatever you want :)
You're the boss, I just went with the flow :)

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 07, 2014, 05:09:03 PM
1,000 votes


Please before commenting at all to this thread, read the OP in its entirety. Otherwise your "contribution" is only detrimental to the way this important issue is being discussed and later, voted, and will be removed. This thread exists only for a specific purpose.

- Every comment must be preceded with the number of votes
- Every comment must be a new proposal, support of an existing proposal, discussion, or an interrupt
- Quoting previous person does not absolve you of the rules

/Risto, your new and eager Voting Coordinator. :)

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: statdude on October 07, 2014, 07:25:46 PM
50 votes for proposal #2.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: nioc on October 07, 2014, 08:56:03 PM
10 votes for proposal #2.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 07, 2014, 11:43:10 PM
100 votes for proposal #2

I agree with ArticMine's reasoning above. Proposal #2 is the long term solution and the move will happen when the time is right.

I think the proposals need to be made more specific.

We have two people here voting for #2 yet at the same time saying we should stay with #1 for now.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: papa_lazzarou on October 08, 2014, 09:41:02 AM
20 votes


The fact that The Super Teamtm launched a cool dedicated forum changes this discussion.

I'd like to suggest a proposal where we should move our internal communication to the new forum while maintaining the monero announcement thread and a MEW thread for public communications/announcements.

This would have a number if benefits, namely:
 - keep troll fodder to a minimum, as a simple discussion, or even a proposal for a discussion, may be hijacked to spread FUD. (aka The Emission Wars)
 - prevent panic as simple statements are misconstrued to insurmountable obstacles that result in the eminent RIP of Monero. (aka The Great Funding Shortage)
 - make troll control much more manageable because we would have less terrain to defend.
 - maintain a good exposure to Monero and to MEW in their respective oficial threads.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Quicken on October 08, 2014, 12:48:38 PM
210 Votes (100 existing, plus 110 pending) for Proposal #2

We should move to the new forum at if possible. Perhaps MEW could be given a subforum area? We could certainly inject some energy into the new forum.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: xulescu on October 08, 2014, 06:43:28 PM
100 votes for #2.

I propose we keep 2, maximum 3 threads open here and otherwise move to the Monero forum. Doing all interaction here is clearly past the point of diminishing returns. That being said, the exposure to The Hub Of Crypto is a tremendous value and also a way to accommodate those who are not mainly interested in Monero and do not wish to follow or sign up for another forum.

That being said, while I suggest starting moving now, I think it's a mistake to rush it. Once the decision to move is reached, either the move happens organically or there was a problem with the decision making and consensus was not actually achieved. Plus, given the Monero forum is proprietary code, there are surely rough edges, security weak points or scaling issues with the new software. Let's give it a few weeks to mature.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 08, 2014, 09:11:31 PM
The Hub Of Crypto is a tremendous value and also a way to accommodate those who are not mainly interested in Monero

This is the crux of the issue. There are really two mostly distinct groups: People who are mainly interested in Monero and people who are interested in Monero but only as part of also being interested in other coins (especially Bitcoin, but not exclusively). A separate forum is obviously great for the first group, but much worse for the second group.

Do we have any market research as to the relative sizes of these groups, or projections how that might develop in the future?

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: nagrom1981 on October 09, 2014, 12:36:53 AM
20 votes for proposal #1.

The Hub Of Crypto is a tremendous value and also a way to accommodate those who are not mainly interested in Monero

This is the crux of the issue. There are really two mostly distinct groups: People who are mainly interested in Monero and people who are interested in Monero but only as part of also being interested in other coins (especially Bitcoin, but not exclusively). A separate forum is obviously great for the first group, but much worse for the second group.

Do we have any market research as to the relative sizes of these groups, or projections how that might develop in the future?

I like papa_lazzarou and xulescu's proposals. While proposal #2 is IMO in the long-term interest, I think Monero currently still needs the exposure that it receives here, and I'm unsure what the implications are of moving away from BTCTalk completely at this stage.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: infofront on October 09, 2014, 04:06:15 PM
10 votes for #2.
I believe we should maintain a MEW thread on BTCT that's open to the public. This will allow for some outside opinions on current proposals and MEW in general,  and maybe prevent some of the echo chamber effect. It would also operate as the public face of MEW, and advertise the strong community behind Monero.

A private forum should exist where we can have discussions free of trolls, get down to serious business, more easily form subgroups, committees, and task forces, organize projects and campaigns, etc.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: xulescu on October 09, 2014, 05:51:16 PM
20 votes for proposal #1.

I like papa_lazzarou and xulescu's proposals. While proposal #2 is IMO in the long-term interest, I think Monero currently still needs the exposure that it receives here, and I'm unsure what the implications are of moving away from BTCTalk completely at this stage.

I think it's clear at this point we need to rephrase the vote options. If you agree with what I say and vote the other way than I do, it means we read different things in the same options. Maybe have more options to support, like:

1. Stay here completely, for the medium term. Do not use the Monero forum or only use it sparingly.
2. Keep public facing stuff here, private stuff on the Monero forum.
3. Let the market decide - in the meanwhile, there is going to be duplication and overhead to maintain two centres.
4. Start moving to the Monero forum now or immediately after a successful vote, close most threads here, keep the remaining ones as mostly-announcements, finish transition in ~1 month or so.
5. Move to the Monero forum immediately after a successful vote and keep a minimal presence here, or none at all.

My 100 votes would go with (4).

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 09, 2014, 07:20:06 PM
1,000 votes


I have suddenly found me with an interesting project related to Monero. I also support a complete rewrite of the communications strategy, but do not have time to do it myself now. What this means (luckily!) is that it's time for anyone to write a communications strategy proposal that takes into account the emergence of a new forum. Just read the OP and all the thread and make use of the old ones as much as is good, and post it here as "New Proposal". That's the way it goes! :)

More than half of the Discussion period (of 168 hours) is still in front of us, the system is designed to handle quick turns... ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: NewLiberty on October 09, 2014, 08:29:12 PM
1000 Votes.

Support for proposal #2

The crucial point to understand here is that while proposal #1 is a valid option in the short term it must be seen as an interim solution, with proposal #2 as the valid long term option. Proposal #2 calls for the MEW to move to dedicated forums when practical. "When practical" will be determined among other things by the creation a successful XMR forum. Given the choice between voting for the best short term option or the best long term solution I will always choose the best long term option. This follows the principle that when one takes care of the long term the short term will take care of itself, while the reverse is not the case.

The proposal I feel will have the best chance of consensus is to treat proposal #1 as an interim choice until it is practical to implement proposal #2 as the valid long term option.

110 Votes

Discussion and Support for proposal #1 with suggestions to make #2 acceptable.

ArticMine's position on this and mine are almost identical.  The interesting difference being that we are supporting different proposals.  I would be likely to shift to proposal #2 if a particular forum were designated, as well as a time period for matriculation of MEW business to the new forum. ( would be an obvious choice.  Though it puts some burdens on the dev team who manage the site, maybe they can carve our a section for us?
Those are the sort of things I'd want to see determined ahead of voting to change. 
#2 would also be supportable the vote is for a non-binding "statement of intent to change forums" or similar.

Monero, and it's community are developing rapidly.  There will likely always be threads here, so long as there is a here, but having a place of our own would be a very good thing.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: vuduchyld on October 10, 2014, 06:04:37 PM
12 votes


Lots of thoughtful replies in this thread.  I'm not sure we will be able to iron out an all-encompassing strategy, though, even with votes.  I'd suspect that some things would happen organically over the next few months.  It might make more sense, with the new forum open, for all of us to make some time to be active in both forums and see what shakes out.

This thread was started before the new forum, so there was no choice at the time.  But I'd think that the new forum might actually be an excellent place for this discussion, as opposed to BCT.

Much of the other discussion in which I've engaged over the last few days, though, seem better fit for BCT.

Any chance of migrating this discussion?

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: David Latapie on October 10, 2014, 11:30:18 PM
200 votes.
Any chance of migrating this discussion?
I prefer it to stay here. Next discussion could be elsewhere (:cough:Monero forum:cough:).

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: iourzzz on October 12, 2014, 01:06:55 PM
100 votes for #2.

The features of the new look very useful for keeping internal discussions well organized and more relevant without additional efforts for eliminating interventions of trolls.

The new forum are in deep need of organic ignition as well.

So moving will serve both goals while keeping the ability to broadcast important announcements and results on BCT.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 12, 2014, 01:45:53 PM
1,000 votes

To update an existing proposal.

The launch of the Monero forum ( has made it necessary to rewrite the proposal to take into account that there IS a dedicated forum already, and it does not need to be coded from scratch anymore. I decided to change the proposal #2 to reflect the current reality.

Proposal text (#2 ver 2)

Whereas, the Monero core team has just launched a new forum tailored for Monero users;

Whereas, the MEW can start using the new forum without further implementation;

Whereas, directing new people to BCT is a shame due to high FUD content and low S/N ratio almost throughout;

Whereas, BCT remains an important place to have discussion and information faucet among Cryptoworld;

Whereas, an online virtual world "Crypto Kingdom" with XMR as the ingame currency has been announced to be developed by MEW activists;

Now, therefore, we decide that:

1) the MEW will, as soon as is practical, move its internal official communication including votes and such, to dedicated forum;

2) the MEW will encourage Monero users to migrate to the new forum by adding content there;

3) the MEW will encourage its members to not post on stupid threads in BCT but continue to nurture the discussion on the moderated threads;

4) the MEW will encourage the developers of Crypto Kingdom to hasten their efforts in making this world launch to the players as soon as possible.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 12, 2014, 05:57:52 PM
510 votes

I would support #2 as revised above, with the condition that the discouragement of posting on "stupid threads" be removed or revised. That is too subjective, and I don't feel that participation in "unmoderated threads" should unconditionally be discouraged. For example, the XMR ANN thread has been of very high quality lately, and some users definitely prefer unmoderated threads.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: nioc on October 12, 2014, 06:14:59 PM
10 votes


I agree with smooth

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 12, 2014, 06:34:31 PM
1,000 votes

To update an existing proposal.

Proposal text (#2 ver 3)

Whereas, the Monero core team has just launched a new forum tailored for Monero users;

Whereas, the MEW can start using the new forum without further implementation;

Whereas, directing new people to BCT is a shame due to high FUD content and low S/N ratio almost throughout;

Whereas, BCT remains an important place to have discussion and information faucet among Cryptoworld;

Whereas, an online virtual world "Crypto Kingdom" with XMR as the ingame currency has been announced to be developed by MEW activists;

Now, therefore, we decide that:

1) the MEW will, as soon as is practical, move its internal official communication including votes and such, to dedicated forum;

2) the MEW will encourage Monero users to migrate to the new forum by adding content there;

3) the MEW will encourage its members to continue posting also in the quality threads in BCT;

4) the MEW will encourage the developers of Crypto Kingdom to hasten their efforts in making this world launch to the players as soon as possible.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 12, 2014, 06:48:26 PM
510 votes

Support #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: myagui on October 12, 2014, 10:04:12 PM
10 votes supporting revised proposal #2

My vote is unchanged from earlier statement, but I was just unclear if I should reaffirm my vote following the proposal revision.
Feel free to delete if this post is redundant. Cheers!

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 12, 2014, 10:05:01 PM
10 votes supporting revised proposal #2

My vote is unchanged from earlier statement, but I was just unclear if I should reaffirm my vote following the proposal revision.
Feel free to delete if this post is redundant. Cheers!

I don't entirely understand the rules, but my perception is that this is the "discussion" phase, with a voting phase to occur following?

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 12, 2014, 10:15:50 PM
Start of voting.

The discussion phase lasted for the 7 days. Now it is time to start the voting. It is possible to continue discussion also but the proposals are locked in (proposal texts in the end of the message).

Voting happens as follows:
- Write a post
- State your number of votes in the first line
- State which proposal you vote for in the second line ("1" and "2" identify proposals adequately).
- When either of the proposals reaches 50%+1 of all votes, it passes immediately. Otherwise the proposal with more votes passes after 168 hours from the timestamp of this post.

Proposal #1 ver 1

Whereas, BCT has been proven to be an energetic platform for discussion;

Whereas, almost all the members of the MEW are active in BCT already, making its use very convenient;

Whereas, the recent fall in BTC price and the decimation of altcoins has lead to our userbase and fiat resources shrinking considerably and they must be put to more important uses than setting up proprietary forums and communication tools;

Whereas, the current altcoinworld holds a great deal of people that over time could be persuaded of Monero's speciality (especially MEW, which they don't have);

Now, therefore, we decide that the MEW will base both its internal and external communication as much as is practical in BCT (not stopping the use of existing proprietary channels, however, but also not pushing the new members to use them).

Proposal #2 ver 3

Whereas, the Monero core team has just launched a new forum tailored for Monero users;

Whereas, the MEW can start using the new forum without further implementation;

Whereas, directing new people to BCT is a shame due to high FUD content and low S/N ratio almost throughout;

Whereas, BCT remains an important place to have discussion and information faucet among Cryptoworld;

Whereas, an online virtual world "Crypto Kingdom" with XMR as the ingame currency has been announced to be developed by MEW activists;

Now, therefore, we decide that:

1) the MEW will, as soon as is practical, move its internal official communication including votes and such, to dedicated forum;

2) the MEW will encourage Monero users to migrate to the new forum by adding content there;

3) the MEW will encourage its members to continue posting also in the quality threads in BCT;

4) the MEW will encourage the developers of Crypto Kingdom to hasten their efforts in making this world launch to the players as soon as possible.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 12, 2014, 10:17:03 PM
1,000 votes

Vote proposal #2.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: ArticMine on October 12, 2014, 10:18:11 PM
1000 votes

In favour of Proposal #2 version #3.

Edit: For clarity this is casting a formal vote in favour of Proposal #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: nioc on October 12, 2014, 10:21:25 PM
10 votes

Vote proposal #2.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: myagui on October 12, 2014, 10:22:49 PM
10 votes
Proposal #2
(third time is a charm, as they say)

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: dEBRUYNE on October 12, 2014, 10:23:10 PM
100 votes

Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: dnaleor on October 12, 2014, 10:25:23 PM
50 votes

proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: smooth on October 12, 2014, 10:30:53 PM
510 votes for #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: David Latapie on October 12, 2014, 10:36:12 PM
200 votes

Vote proposal #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rfcdejong on October 12, 2014, 10:41:55 PM
11 votes
Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: bobabouey2 on October 12, 2014, 10:51:07 PM
100 votes

Vote proposal #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: lordfoo on October 13, 2014, 01:13:30 AM
10 votes

Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: vuduchyld on October 13, 2014, 01:34:21 AM
12 votes

proposal #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: xulescu on October 13, 2014, 02:51:22 AM
100 votes
Proposal 2 v3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: pa on October 13, 2014, 03:43:54 AM
250 votes

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: McHaggis on October 13, 2014, 06:33:52 AM
300 votes

Proposal 2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: saddambitcoin on October 13, 2014, 03:00:38 PM
100 votes

proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: luigi1111 on October 13, 2014, 03:35:10 PM
100 votes

Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: statdude on October 13, 2014, 04:57:14 PM
Still in favor of #2 - 50 votes.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: papa_lazzarou on October 13, 2014, 05:05:22 PM
20 votes.

Vote proposal #2 ver 3

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: farfiman on October 13, 2014, 05:54:52 PM
10 votes

Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: Ultros on October 13, 2014, 06:45:49 PM
40 votes, proposal #2 ver 3.

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: wedgy2k on October 13, 2014, 06:54:05 PM
10 votes

Proposal #2

Title: Re: [ANN][MEW]Discussion&Vote #1 - Communication Strategy - Members only
Post by: rpietila on October 13, 2014, 09:50:18 PM
The voting has ended in absolute majority of all votepower for Proposal #2.