Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptoNick on October 14, 2014, 03:38:30 AM

Title: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 14, 2014, 03:38:30 AM
Just curious about the legalities of this coin. My hesitations to invest are based on the fact that it was completely mined in less than a week, 3 days I think was the total. 500 and 1000 block values. The coin may very well be hoarded by Dev members and people lucky enough to hear about it at the launch. Also, people on the Kore main thread are saying the Rich list is not working. I was told by a Dev I do not know what I am talking about here but it states it in their Coin Structure. 60 Second blocks multiplied by the amount of blocks. I could be off by a day for diff adjustment but it was still a very short Proof of Work with Large Block payouts.

The launch happened before functionality was released too. Shouldn't this be a kind of Red Flag? Why do all the Alt coins do this? They must need to pay for Development but there should be an IPO or something more fair to start with.

The other fact I see about the coin is that anyone can download the Wallet and make Free Anon Wallet to Wallet calls. This means there is no need for people to buy the coins and make the price go up creating demand for the coins.

Kore has features of Proof of Burn that they are implementing to create a sort of Anon Wallet Total. I don't really understand how this makes the money anonymous since it will have to be mined later by the wallet in order to use the coins. I don't fully comprehend it since it is not a working feature yet.

Kore also states that they will have Anonymous Calling to Standard Telephone lines from your Kore wallet for a small fee, cheaper than Skype. I don't think this can be done legally. And if Kore pegs its price on this fee the coins will only be worth the translation of less than the cost of Skype vs the dollar amount. If they can make the fee randomly change with the price fluctuation of bitcoin vs the dollar vs kore value then this may not be an issue. But it seems pretty obvious to me, where some of the Devs tell me I don't know what I am talking about in their thread. But they don't answer me that they will take care of this disparity, or tell me how I am wrong. Wouldn't this limit their Market Cap if they charge a flat rate of Kore per call? This rate would have to peg Kore at less than the cost of Skype as suggested by them.

The Devs also give away coins to promote the coin, the Devs must have so many coins that it won't affect them since they are probably staking more than 50 percent of the network anyways. They are currently giving away coins for tweets and retweets. Well if everyone just gets free coins by retweeting and no one buys the coins since you don't need the coins to call anyone Wallet to Wallet, how will value be added to their coin? People buying on speculation will make it rise but only to the extent the holders of the coin allow, back to the initial concern.

Well I have an idea for their Marketing... Once the Calls to Standard Telephone Lines are implemented everyone who makes Telemarketing calls gets free Kore to pay for the Telemarketing, or Kold Kalling. And since Kore can't be mined anymore, we can call the payment Kore Sampling, as a way of payment for the cost of the call on the Kore Standard Telephone Line Network.

Make a script and replay it for each call and tell people about the Anon calling and that they don't even need to buy anything to make it work. Just download the wallet without buying Kore and use the service for free. And after they join in to the TeleMarketing Campaign for Free Kore, they can participate in the giveaway, everyone just gets Free Kore and Free Wallet to Wallet calls. Kore is basically free coins! Everyone will sign up for something Free! If you call people multiple times they may get so pissed off, they investigate and find out that the FCC can't do anything since Kore is Anonymous.

But that is a good question, can the FCC shut down Kore Wallet addresses of, Crank Yankers, abusive users, terrorist threats, or obscene phone calls? The PoP in question for collection of FCC taxes for access to the LEC's will have to be controlled by the FCC. Kore will have to somehow be able to Block a Wallet but the perpetrators could just create another wallet and it is on the Tor Network. This may be a stumbling block.

Kore could even Telemarket to Telemarketers and they will love the Anon features since they could break all the rules and harass people on Cell Phones day and night with shopping offers and vacation giveaways.

I made a little fun at their expense to prove a point. I think it is a legitimate question for all those people seeking to invest in Kore since it can not be mined anymore and has issues that I am not fully clear about.

If someone knows the legalities, let us in on the facts here.

Since Surly,
Crypto Nick

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MisO69 on October 15, 2014, 01:54:09 PM
I finally went over to the Kore thread and did some reading. From what I gather the VoIP feature has not been released yet, is that correct? It looks like we'll have an alpha in a few days. That will give us VoIP that is anonymous through Tor. So you need to run your wallet in the Tor network in order to make anonymous calls is what it looks like. Right?

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 16, 2014, 01:05:10 AM
MikeMike deleted his comment... I responded with this...

Anon Wallet to Wallet and Standard Telco will not be Anon? So it is merely another SKYPE? The Anon Wallet to Wallet is Free so why would anyone use Kore to SKYPE to a telco line anyways? Will this feature be called SKORPE and then de-anonymize your calls? How does that work if you want Anon but also want to SKORPE? As soon as you dial your home number from your Kore Wallet you are giving away your Anon.

I think it is funny you think I am of the Estabilshment. I asked in your thread nicely for info about the Launch and PoW being 3 days for 400-1000 coin block payouts and you still haven't answered that question. What is the big deal if people can read that it was Insta-Mined by the initial developer? They can make up their mind if they think there is a group holding the coin. If that group wants to sell their coin for cheap then great everyone get in on Kore at the cheap prices. But if it is going to be manipulated then watch out right. Not to say that it is but that it could be. Correct?

This isn't FUD. I just want the truth about the coin and you won't provide it so I am stuck with my initial gut reaction to the PoW stage.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 16, 2014, 01:11:01 AM
Mike,Mike... I also PM'd  you with a solution to the Anon Telco calls. The Kore network should give the ability to have the Called Party press #0 and the number will be perma blocked from being able to dial in from the Kore Network. I gave this solution Freely and it would allow Anon since the FCC would have no recourse since a Telco Line could be opted out. This would mean you have to implement it though. Then you would have something here right? A call placed from Kore PoP from Anon Wallet leading back to the main Kore LEC for Tolls and no one would know who made the call.

You should be thanking me for bringing these issues to your attention.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 17, 2014, 02:18:17 AM
Anon Wallet to Wallet and Standard Telco will not be Anon? So it is merely another SKYPE? The Anon Wallet to Wallet is Free so why would anyone use Kore to SKYPE to a telco line anyways? Will this feature be called SKORPE and then de-anonymize your calls? How does that work if you want Anon but also want to SKORPE? As soon as you dial your home number from your Kore Wallet you are giving away your Anon.

I think it is funny you think I am of the Estabilshment. I asked in your thread nicely for info about the Launch and PoW being 3 days for 400-1000 coin block payouts and you still haven't answered that question. What is the big deal if people can read that it was Insta-Mined by the initial developer? They can make up their mind if they think there is a group holding the coin. If that group wants to sell their coin for cheap then great everyone get in on Kore at the cheap prices. But if it is going to be manipulated then watch out right. Not to say that it is but that it could be. Correct?

This isn't FUD. I just want the truth about the coin and you won't provide it so I am stuck with my initial gut reaction to the PoW stage.

You give yourself away by your duplicitous concern/fud no wait fud/concern with your signature verifying it with:
"Since Surly,"

Whenever you can come clean which judged by your MO/past dealings with you I highly doubt that's possible.

WE, The entire KORE Team and DEV are not associated with the first release of the coin.
Many people mined it soon as it was released and taking into account the DEV left it
makes sense they sold most or all their coins they did mine and to continually
calling it "Pre-Mined" when it clearly was not is a lie.

Do you actually think I will/can believe anything you say?
Once you destroy that reasonable amount of trust it's over.

You can pepper your fud with supposed valid questions and opinions and solutions all you want
but you've nothing left to stand on in my book.

Take care ~

I called it Insta-Mined not Pre-Mined get your facts straight. Since that is what Kore Launch for PoW was, 3 Days of mining unless you will refute that which you won't since you can't. The block structure is there for all to see. You cause the FUD not me, since I asked for this info with no response, and why you would allow this structure in your coin, even though I come to find out it is not the current devs coin now.

No big deal then restructure the coin and relaunch instead of obscuring the facts, or telling me I FUD when it is a FACT about Kore and not FUD. The only Fear or Uncertainty would be that people may find out. Oh No! So change it or talk to the community and see if they think more people would be interested if there were a longer PoW and new Launch.

Why is it whenever someone asks a question of a coin it is FUD? I like Kore, I don't want to FUD Kore if that is what you are insinuating.

I give constructive criticism and bring issues to the forefront. Address these issues and make Kore a stronger coin. I think you will have a surprising loyalty from me and all others concerned.

Since Early,
Crypto Nick

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 17, 2014, 02:15:42 PM
Anon Wallet to Wallet and Standard Telco will not be Anon? So it is merely another SKYPE? The Anon Wallet to Wallet is Free so why would anyone use Kore to SKYPE to a telco line anyways? Will this feature be called SKORPE and then de-anonymize your calls? How does that work if you want Anon but also want to SKORPE? As soon as you dial your home number from your Kore Wallet you are giving away your Anon.

I think it is funny you think I am of the Estabilshment. I asked in your thread nicely for info about the Launch and PoW being 3 days for 400-1000 coin block payouts and you still haven't answered that question. What is the big deal if people can read that it was Insta-Mined by the initial developer? They can make up their mind if they think there is a group holding the coin. If that group wants to sell their coin for cheap then great everyone get in on Kore at the cheap prices. But if it is going to be manipulated then watch out right. Not to say that it is but that it could be. Correct?
 MikeMike Reply: ALL Coins are manipulated. You can either get over it and move on or not. Again the old dev left the coin. Does he or they still hold coins? I do not know and you can harp on that continually to no end like only a FUDSTER WILL DO.

This isn't FUD. I just want the truth about the coin and you won't provide it so I am stuck with my initial gut reaction to the PoW stage.

MikeMike REPLY: To Accuse me IS FUD and you know it. The blockchain is there for all to see. Do the research. I have no information other than what is there on the blockchain. THIS IS WHY I DO NOT TRUST YOU. YOU KNOW BETTER than to accuse me of withholding information. This is what exposes you. Nothing wrong with wanting to know. You are well aware I hold no information.

You give yourself away by your duplicitous concern/fud no wait fud/concern with your signature verifying it with:
"Since Surly,"

Whenever you can come clean which judged by your MO/past dealings with you I highly doubt that's possible.

WE, The entire KORE Team and DEV are not associated with the first release of the coin.
Many people mined it soon as it was released and taking into account the DEV left it
makes sense they sold most or all their coins they did mine and to continually
calling it "Pre-Mined" when it clearly was not is a lie.

Do you actually think I will/can believe anything you say?
Once you destroy that reasonable amount of trust it's over.

You can pepper your fud with supposed valid questions and opinions and solutions all you want
but you've nothing left to stand on in my book.

Take care ~

I called it Insta-Mined not Pre-Mined get your facts straight. Since that is what Kore Launch for PoW was, 3 Days of mining unless you will refute that which you won't since you can't. The block structure is there for all to see. You cause the FUD not me, since I asked for this info with no response, and why you would allow this structure in your coin, even though I come to find out it is not the current devs coin now.

No big deal then restructure the coin and relaunch instead of obscuring the facts, or telling me I FUD when it is a FACT about Kore and not FUD. The only Fear or Uncertainty would be that people may find out. Oh No! So change it or talk to the community and see if they think more people would be interested if there were a longer PoW and new Launch.

Why is it whenever someone asks a question of a coin it is FUD? I like Kore, I don't want to FUD Kore if that is what you are insinuating.

I give constructive criticism and bring issues to the forefront. Address these issues and make Kore a stronger coin. I think you will have a surprising loyalty from me and all others concerned.

Since Early,
Crypto Nick

My comment is removed.

You are missing the point.
The old dev left the coin and it was taken over.
You can fud all you want about how many blocks were mined by how many people.
IF you are so concerned research how many coins were mined to what address giving
yourself a clear picture and you might be able to see if they were sold as well.
It's not a concern of mine as the potential outweighs the old dev's issues he caused.

IF it's a concern of yours do the DD and post it.

IF you can't move on then don't be involved in KORE Coin.
I don't blame you.
Many left once that old Dev screwed them.

This new DEV has a track record of coming through.

The block structure is not FUD, it is a FACT, you don't seem to understand this. I can't FUD Kore by stating a fact. If you don't like how it makes Kore look, then you are admitting you should change it. By saying that I FUD you are admitting the structure is bogus and blame me for making it seem that way.

That is exactly my point the old Dev left the coin and screwed people, so why keep the coins? You are paying off the Dev that screwed people and the Dev Inst-Mined and may still hold a majority of the coin. You can't look at an address and tell me who owns what. So restructuring would have been smart.

If I am so concerned I should research? Yet you don't care? You know it was Insta-Mined and you know the Dev was shady yet the new Kore Devs must say they really like the 3 Day PoW and don't own any coin but hey lets develop on it. Makes no sense. Did the new Devs like working for free and for a Dev that left? Were the new Devs huge bagholders? This would be the only reason I can think of.

The restructure of the coin would also allow one crucial element to grow exponentially. A small Fee for Wallet to Wallet Anon and/or require Staking Coin to make Wallet to Wallet calls. I don't see why this would be a deal breaker for anyone since it only creates demand for the coin.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 17, 2014, 02:28:50 PM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin.

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.

Good luck with your coin...

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 17, 2014, 02:46:51 PM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin.

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.

My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.

LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CyberSuzy on October 17, 2014, 09:38:02 PM
My hesitations to invest are based on the fact that it was completely mined in less than a week, 3 days I think was the total. 500 and 1000 block values.

Are you serious even of making thread of such coin?  why they did not just roll dices and divide coins? waste of spending electricity for 3 weeks.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: deephouse on October 17, 2014, 09:55:55 PM
I have been following this coin for a while on Twitter and they have been coming out with all the promised developments. You should not have any issues making anon calls.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 12:11:39 AM
I have been following this coin for a while on Twitter and they have been coming out with all the promised developments. You should not have any issues making anon calls.

Yes the issues are not with the Wallet to Wallet Calling Features. Just the structure of the coin PoW and previous Dev. And to how the New Devs came into enough Coin to make their Development worth while.

The Anon Call to Standard Telco Lines was the discussion, not the Anon Wallet to Wallet.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 12:38:17 AM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.LIE #2

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.
Your Original Statement:
 So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined (in the past) then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.
The past is the past. You cannot change that. If you don't like it or view it as an oversight than move on.
My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.
LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

I know isn't that an awesome feature!...for now till it gets wider adoption.
Maybe it will ALWAYS BE FREE...I'm sure the telecom companies would be upset about.

Maybe there's more than just the calling that brings even more added value.
Maybe it's a few things being considered yet...

KOREPhone smart phone
KORE____ _______ _______
KORE_____ _______

That is my perception not a lie. Because I don't trust an Insta-Mined coin I am a liar?

How can I lie about the 3 day PoW it takes no time to mine. Hence they did not do much work to get the coin. 400-1000 Coin 60Sec Block Payout=Largely Insta-Mine.

I don't know if the Devs are Wolves in Sheep's clothing it is my perception not a lie. You are perpetuating my perception too.

Again you lack comprehension of what I am saying.

When you take a Vote and the people holding the coin are the majority of those Voting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous. So how is this a lie? Lets say hypothetically 1000 people held the coin. 100 People held most of it. If there was no functionality to the coin when the New Devs started why would outsiders be interested in even voting? They wouldn't even care.

So 1000 Votes would most likely be Yes to Keep the coin they already mined during the 3 Day PoW. Why would anyone vote No, and that may go to show there were less holders of coin with larger amounts. Again, this is hypothetical. The numbers could vary and still get the same results.

If everyone knew about Kore back then, why are you giving coin away for Twitter Posts? This proves that many people don't know about Kore yet and I would venture to say many more never knew or cared since it had no functionality initially (or did it? just not working?). And even more these people may not understand the Block payouts and PoW. The ones that do may have the same concerns as I do. The others would be the holders of all the coin, they would talk like you do.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 01:24:32 AM
KOREBay Anon Marketplace? Guess this is the only way to get people to buy Kore...
Will the only holders of private parties info be Kore?
Will the items ship to Kore and then Ship to the customer?
Kore would know both parties and would have to return items for people and charge back the funds of misrepresented goods? If so, they would also be party to illegal transactions. KOREBay... More like KOREPelicanBay.

So it must be User to User then, since there is no logistical way to do this on a large scale? If it is User to User the other party would know your physical address and you would not be able to get your money back once sent. If the item is not as described there would be no recourse. Or is there some special function that allows to parties that disagree to come to terms with an escrow?

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on October 18, 2014, 05:37:45 AM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.LIE #2

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.
Your Original Statement:
 So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined (in the past) then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.
The past is the past. You cannot change that. If you don't like it or view it as an oversight than move on.
My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.
LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

I know isn't that an awesome feature!...for now till it gets wider adoption.
Maybe it will ALWAYS BE FREE...I'm sure the telecom companies would be upset about.

Maybe there's more than just the calling that brings even more added value.
Maybe it's a few things being considered yet...

KOREPhone smart phone
KORE____ _______ _______
KORE_____ _______

That is my perception not a lie. Because I don't trust an Insta-Mined coin I am a liar?

How can I lie about the 3 day PoW it takes no time to mine. Hence they did not do much work to get the coin. 400-1000 Coin 60Sec Block Payout=Largely Insta-Mine.

I don't know if the Devs are Wolves in Sheep's clothing it is my perception not a lie. You are perpetuating my perception too.

Again you lack comprehension of what I am saying.

When you take a Vote and the people holding the coin are the majority of those Voting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous. So how is this a lie? Lets say hypothetically 1000 people held the coin. 100 People held most of it. If there was no functionality to the coin when the New Devs started why would outsiders be interested in even voting? They wouldn't even care.

So 1000 Votes would most likely be Yes to Keep the coin they already mined during the 3 Day PoW. Why would anyone vote No, and that may go to show there were less holders of coin with larger amounts. Again, this is hypothetical. The numbers could vary and still get the same results.

If everyone knew about Kore back then, why are you giving coin away for Twitter Posts? This proves that many people don't know about Kore yet and I would venture to say many more never knew or cared since it had no functionality initially (or did it? just not working?). And even more these people may not understand the Block payouts and PoW. The ones that do may have the same concerns as I do. The others would be the holders of all the coin, they would talk like you do.

Your duplicitous statements you choose to ignore are lies.

I can only tell you my story.
I did not mine KORE I bought some and then the old DEV left.
There was a vote and you can go through all the posts
showing the reasons why ones voted the way they did.
KORE is the first v2 coin to actually deliver.
It was not much however I bought more as I saw
this new DEV come through on his promises and release a functional TOR PoSA wallet.
Then come through releasing a working ALPHA VoIPA calling feature.

I can pull the same BS you are...

It makes sense TO ME that YOU ARE ONE of the Original KORE Insta-miners
that sold out when the original DEV left OR you may actually be one of the Original DEVs
and now see the high value in all the KORE platforms
and wants to get in a new release of the KORE Coin cheap or by another PoW mining phase.
IMO- You probably have massive mining capabilities.
It all makes sense now ad I will twist every reply you make to these statements and concerns
I See now must be the case.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on October 18, 2014, 05:39:56 AM
KOREBay Anon Marketplace? Guess this is the only way to get people to buy Kore...
Will the only holders of private parties info be Kore?
Will the items ship to Kore and then Ship to the customer?
Kore would know both parties and would have to return items for people and charge back the funds of misrepresented goods? If so, they would also be party to illegal transactions. KOREBay... More like KOREPelicanBay.

So it must be User to User then, since there is no logistical way to do this on a large scale? If it is User to User the other party would know your physical address and you would not be able to get your money back once sent. If the item is not as described there would be no recourse. Or is there some special function that allows to parties that disagree to come to terms with an escrow?

Ever hear of Escrow?
I guess you can wait and see and try it yourself.
The level of manipulative BS from you in this instance is clear as day and will remain in this post for all to read.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 02:43:33 PM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.LIE #2

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.
Your Original Statement:
 So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined (in the past) then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.
The past is the past. You cannot change that. If you don't like it or view it as an oversight than move on.
My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.
LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

I know isn't that an awesome feature!...for now till it gets wider adoption.
Maybe it will ALWAYS BE FREE...I'm sure the telecom companies would be upset about.

Maybe there's more than just the calling that brings even more added value.
Maybe it's a few things being considered yet...

KOREPhone smart phone
KORE____ _______ _______
KORE_____ _______

That is my perception not a lie. Because I don't trust an Insta-Mined coin I am a liar?

How can I lie about the 3 day PoW it takes no time to mine. Hence they did not do much work to get the coin. 400-1000 Coin 60Sec Block Payout=Largely Insta-Mine.

I don't know if the Devs are Wolves in Sheep's clothing it is my perception not a lie. You are perpetuating my perception too.

Again you lack comprehension of what I am saying.

When you take a Vote and the people holding the coin are the majority of those Voting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous. So how is this a lie? Lets say hypothetically 1000 people held the coin. 100 People held most of it. If there was no functionality to the coin when the New Devs started why would outsiders be interested in even voting? They wouldn't even care.

So 1000 Votes would most likely be Yes to Keep the coin they already mined during the 3 Day PoW. Why would anyone vote No, and that may go to show there were less holders of coin with larger amounts. Again, this is hypothetical. The numbers could vary and still get the same results.

If everyone knew about Kore back then, why are you giving coin away for Twitter Posts? This proves that many people don't know about Kore yet and I would venture to say many more never knew or cared since it had no functionality initially (or did it? just not working?). And even more these people may not understand the Block payouts and PoW. The ones that do may have the same concerns as I do. The others would be the holders of all the coin, they would talk like you do.

Your duplicitous statements you choose to ignore are lies.

I can only tell you my story.
I did not mine KORE I bought some and then the old DEV left.
There was a vote and you can go through all the posts
showing the reasons why ones voted the way they did.
KORE is the first v2 coin to actually deliver.
It was not much however I bought more as I saw
this new DEV come through on his promises and release a functional TOR PoSA wallet.
Then come through releasing a working ALPHA VoIPA calling feature.

I can pull the same BS you are...

It makes sense TO ME that YOU ARE ONE of the Original KORE Insta-miners
that sold out when the original DEV left OR you may actually be one of the Original DEVs
and now see the high value in all the KORE platforms
and wants to get in a new release of the KORE Coin cheap or by another PoW mining phase.
IMO- You probably have massive mining capabilities.
It all makes sense now ad I will twist every reply you make to these statements and concerns
I See now must be the case.


Escrow will still need recourse. But you have a product that is shipped and someone defrauds the shipper then sends back a bogus item and says that was how it was when he got it after it was switched with a knock off. Now give them their money back. You can't prove who is right here you just hold the money to send back or send to the seller. In this case you would have had to validate the item first and post the auction as Kore. I can't believe you haven't thought of this yet.

Sounds so Flim Flam to get people to buy Kore. Any coin can do this type of Anon Market through escrow, did you realized that? You send your final payment to the escrow company, they know your wallet address and the item you bought, and they also know the other selling party. But both parties don't know each other. Pretty amazing Anon Marketplace!

I didn't intend to start questioning your market place until you posted all that on the thread and then deleted it. LoL You make it look worse and worse with every advertisement.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on October 18, 2014, 03:00:21 PM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.LIE #2

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.
Your Original Statement:
 So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined (in the past) then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.
The past is the past. You cannot change that. If you don't like it or view it as an oversight than move on.
My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.
LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

I know isn't that an awesome feature!...for now till it gets wider adoption.
Maybe it will ALWAYS BE FREE...I'm sure the telecom companies would be upset about.

Maybe there's more than just the calling that brings even more added value.
Maybe it's a few things being considered yet...

KOREPhone smart phone
KORE____ _______ _______
KORE_____ _______

That is my perception not a lie. Because I don't trust an Insta-Mined coin I am a liar?

How can I lie about the 3 day PoW it takes no time to mine. Hence they did not do much work to get the coin. 400-1000 Coin 60Sec Block Payout=Largely Insta-Mine.

I don't know if the Devs are Wolves in Sheep's clothing it is my perception not a lie. You are perpetuating my perception too.

Again you lack comprehension of what I am saying.

When you take a Vote and the people holding the coin are the majority of those Voting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous. So how is this a lie? Lets say hypothetically 1000 people held the coin. 100 People held most of it. If there was no functionality to the coin when the New Devs started why would outsiders be interested in even voting? They wouldn't even care.

So 1000 Votes would most likely be Yes to Keep the coin they already mined during the 3 Day PoW. Why would anyone vote No, and that may go to show there were less holders of coin with larger amounts. Again, this is hypothetical. The numbers could vary and still get the same results.

If everyone knew about Kore back then, why are you giving coin away for Twitter Posts? This proves that many people don't know about Kore yet and I would venture to say many more never knew or cared since it had no functionality initially (or did it? just not working?). And even more these people may not understand the Block payouts and PoW. The ones that do may have the same concerns as I do. The others would be the holders of all the coin, they would talk like you do.

Your duplicitous statements you choose to ignore are lies.

I can only tell you my story.
I did not mine KORE I bought some and then the old DEV left.
There was a vote and you can go through all the posts
showing the reasons why ones voted the way they did.
KORE is the first v2 coin to actually deliver.
It was not much however I bought more as I saw
this new DEV come through on his promises and release a functional TOR PoSA wallet.
Then come through releasing a working ALPHA VoIPA calling feature.

I can pull the same BS you are...

It makes sense TO ME that YOU ARE ONE of the Original KORE Insta-miners
that sold out when the original DEV left OR you may actually be one of the Original DEVs
and now see the high value in all the KORE platforms
and wants to get in a new release of the KORE Coin cheap or by another PoW mining phase.
IMO- You probably have massive mining capabilities.
It all makes sense now ad I will twist every reply you make to these statements and concerns
I See now must be the case.


Escrow will still need recourse. But you have a product that is shipped and someone defrauds the shipper then sends back a bogus item and says that was how it was when he got it after it was switched with a knock off. Now give them their money back. You can't prove who is right here you just hold the money to send back or send to the seller. In this case you would have had to validate the item first and post the auction as Kore. I can't believe you haven't thought of this yet.

Sounds so Flim Flam to get people to buy Kore. Any coin can do this type of Anon Market through escrow, did you realized that? You send your final payment to the escrow company, they know your wallet address and the item you bought, and they also know the other selling party. But both parties don't know each other. Pretty amazing Anon Marketplace!

I didn't intend to start questioning your market place until you posted all that on the thread and then deleted it. LoL You make it look worse and worse with every advertisement.

Check my posts on the KORE thread.
Once people post a copy there's no need for me to keep a ton of posts up.
I do this everywhere.

WHY do I delete recurring posts or long posts as these?
So people can follow the topic being discussed and not have to scroll through
many pages to find the info they are looking for.

Though nice try.
You will notice a complete record is in your copied posts.
I made sure not to delete anything that was not copied in your quoted post.

Though I understand how you manipulate everything for your own negative purposes and lies.

Regarding the marketplace.
try thinking out of the box.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 03:11:13 PM
Stop my Lies? Wow I don't get it.

So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

Voted on a 3 Day PoW what a joke. I see the total scam now. You must still be the old devs in sheeps clothing.LIE #2

Good luck with your coin...

LIE #1
The vote was taken after the DEV left to either keep the coin or make a new one.
It was not a vote on an insta-mine of the old coin.

LIE #2
I am not a DEV nor did I do any mining.
I can't speak for anyone else that voted if they did any mining.

Those are not lies. You are lacking comprehension and just call me a liar.
Your Original Statement:
 So there was a Vote by people who held the coin, and they did so much mining to own that coin. LIE #1

When you vote on a Coin that was insta-mined (in the past) then it is a huge oversight. Period. No lie at all there.
The past is the past. You cannot change that. If you don't like it or view it as an oversight than move on.
My Suggestion.
DO NOT Buy any KORE.
LMAO! I don't have to BUY KORE to USE IT!!! That was part of my POINT!

I know isn't that an awesome feature!...for now till it gets wider adoption.
Maybe it will ALWAYS BE FREE...I'm sure the telecom companies would be upset about.

Maybe there's more than just the calling that brings even more added value.
Maybe it's a few things being considered yet...

KOREPhone smart phone
KORE____ _______ _______
KORE_____ _______

That is my perception not a lie. Because I don't trust an Insta-Mined coin I am a liar?

How can I lie about the 3 day PoW it takes no time to mine. Hence they did not do much work to get the coin. 400-1000 Coin 60Sec Block Payout=Largely Insta-Mine.

I don't know if the Devs are Wolves in Sheep's clothing it is my perception not a lie. You are perpetuating my perception too.

Again you lack comprehension of what I am saying.

When you take a Vote and the people holding the coin are the majority of those Voting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous. So how is this a lie? Lets say hypothetically 1000 people held the coin. 100 People held most of it. If there was no functionality to the coin when the New Devs started why would outsiders be interested in even voting? They wouldn't even care.

So 1000 Votes would most likely be Yes to Keep the coin they already mined during the 3 Day PoW. Why would anyone vote No, and that may go to show there were less holders of coin with larger amounts. Again, this is hypothetical. The numbers could vary and still get the same results.

If everyone knew about Kore back then, why are you giving coin away for Twitter Posts? This proves that many people don't know about Kore yet and I would venture to say many more never knew or cared since it had no functionality initially (or did it? just not working?). And even more these people may not understand the Block payouts and PoW. The ones that do may have the same concerns as I do. The others would be the holders of all the coin, they would talk like you do.

Your duplicitous statements you choose to ignore are lies.

I can only tell you my story.
I did not mine KORE I bought some and then the old DEV left.
There was a vote and you can go through all the posts
showing the reasons why ones voted the way they did.
KORE is the first v2 coin to actually deliver.
It was not much however I bought more as I saw
this new DEV come through on his promises and release a functional TOR PoSA wallet.
Then come through releasing a working ALPHA VoIPA calling feature.

I can pull the same BS you are...

It makes sense TO ME that YOU ARE ONE of the Original KORE Insta-miners
that sold out when the original DEV left OR you may actually be one of the Original DEVs
and now see the high value in all the KORE platforms
and wants to get in a new release of the KORE Coin cheap or by another PoW mining phase.
IMO- You probably have massive mining capabilities.
It all makes sense now ad I will twist every reply you make to these statements and concerns
I See now must be the case.


Escrow will still need recourse. But you have a product that is shipped and someone defrauds the shipper then sends back a bogus item and says that was how it was when he got it after it was switched with a knock off. Now give them their money back. You can't prove who is right here you just hold the money to send back or send to the seller. In this case you would have had to validate the item first and post the auction as Kore. I can't believe you haven't thought of this yet.

Sounds so Flim Flam to get people to buy Kore. Any coin can do this type of Anon Market through escrow, did you realized that? You send your final payment to the escrow company, they know your wallet address and the item you bought, and they also know the other selling party. But both parties don't know each other. Pretty amazing Anon Marketplace!

I didn't intend to start questioning your market place until you posted all that on the thread and then deleted it. LoL You make it look worse and worse with every advertisement.

Check my posts on the KORE thread.
Once people post a copy there's no need for me to keep a ton of posts up.
I do this everywhere.

Though nice try.
You will notice a complete record is in your copied posts.
I made sure not to delete anything that was not copied in your quoted post.

Though I understand how you manipulate everything for your own negative purposes and lies.

Regarding the marketplace.
try thinking out of the box.

You may be right I think now I saw the Market Place when I verified items on your thread. You posted so many Ads it was confusing. You changed a couple posts but I don't think it helped you any.

So if I put something in a Box and put it on the Kore Marketplace all I have to do is think outside the box and my order will not be defrauded. Sounds like a perfect solution! I am amazed!

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 18, 2014, 11:41:56 PM
Just what I thought, at least it looks like the New Dev was honestly trying to implement a new PoW. I am sure the Dev understands the problem here.

You based your decision on 17 Votes, 28 total? Wow! You put a stupid "I don't know" as a poll result for 3 votes! This just proves my theory now. And looks like MikeMike says No new PoW Forever on the thread. Got some cheap coins... good for you MikeMike. You also stated you were appointed by the previous Dev in a post. I don't see the original thread or many of the old posts were deleted. I have no way to verify what transpired.

Kore had the opportunity to rework the coin properly and they listened to 17 (MikeMike being one of them) people who could have held the majority of coin. Too bad I wasn't around to dissuade you from the path you took. Can't believe you tried to make it seem like this majority vote had integrity to it. Polling within your own interest group will give a skew to your results. But it will allow you to say hey we took a vote among ourselves. (

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on October 19, 2014, 01:26:10 AM
Just what I thought, at least it looks like the New Dev was honestly trying to implement a new PoW. I am sure the Dev understands the problem here.

You based your decision on 17 Votes, 28 total? Wow! You put a stupid "I don't know" as a poll result for 3 votes! This just proves my theory now. And looks like MikeMike says No new PoW Forever on the thread. Got some cheap coins... good for you MikeMike. You also stated you were appointed by the previous Dev in a post. I don't see the original thread or many of the old posts were deleted. I have no way to verify what transpired.

Kore had the opportunity to rework the coin properly and they listened to 17 (MikeMike being one of them) people who could have held the majority of coin. Too bad I wasn't around to dissuade you from the path you took. Can't believe you tried to make it seem like this majority vote had integrity to it. Polling within your own interest group will give a skew to your results. But it will allow you to say hey we took a vote among ourselves. (

I have never mined any X11 or X13 coin as I only have some miners I only mine BTC with.
I bought every coin I own on the open market and some above 30k.

Think what you like but your level of deliberate effort to find anything you can to discredit KORECoin is well noted.
Those who know me know I don't BS.

Most Sincerely,

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 19, 2014, 02:54:12 PM
Just what I thought, at least it looks like the New Dev was honestly trying to implement a new PoW. I am sure the Dev understands the problem here.

You based your decision on 17 Votes, 28 total? Wow! You put a stupid "I don't know" as a poll result for 3 votes! This just proves my theory now. And looks like MikeMike says No new PoW Forever on the thread. Got some cheap coins... good for you MikeMike. You also stated you were appointed by the previous Dev in a post. I don't see the original thread or many of the old posts were deleted. I have no way to verify what transpired.

Kore had the opportunity to rework the coin properly and they listened to 17 (MikeMike being one of them) people who could have held the majority of coin. Too bad I wasn't around to dissuade you from the path you took. Can't believe you tried to make it seem like this majority vote had integrity to it. Polling within your own interest group will give a skew to your results. But it will allow you to say hey we took a vote among ourselves. (

I have never mined any X11 or X13 coin as I only have some miners I only mine BTC with.
I bought every coin I own on the open market and some above 30k.

Think what you like but your level of deliberate effort to find anything you can to discredit KORECoin is well noted.
Those who know me know I don't BS.

Most Sincerely,

I said you bought your coin, never said you mined them. Most of the coin must have been bought at 5K though right, but SOME at 30K. lol

You think I discredit your coin? If you don't like the way it sounds, that is to Kore's discredit. I only pointed out the facts. To do something about it would mean you take your coin serious enough to address the things you feel are a discredit. You are validating the fact that these issues discredit Kore. I would rather you take a step back from being so defensive and realize there are better solutions that would involve a better strategy for Kore.

IPO the current shares at above the market rate then roll them into a new PoW that would be conducive of masses of people getting involved. Have it announced even to start months from now so everyone could get in on it. If people use Kore and generate fees IPO shareholders will make very good dividends. Then your IPO holders will be rewarded with a new PoW and more interest ground swell and competition for mining. Implement the Cost of Anon Wallet to Wallet and require staking to call. IPO holders will share the Wallet to Wallet transaction fees. You think this would be fair enough? You may even have an upswell of buys on the news and profit before going into new PoW.

There are many creative and lucrative ways to rework this that all of the 27 No votes would immediately say Yes to. Wallets staking to make calls will also reduce the fee since the staked coin could pay for the fees if people buy the coin (creating demand) or mine it but with much competition and many miners it should be fair enough. Then it is like the calls are still free since people can mine it until PoW is done (Smaller payout per block and 6 Month, 1 Year PoW?) and feel like they had an opportunity to mine the first coin to ever start PoW with proven Functionality behind it. I don't know of any other coin out there that has had working function to their coin during launch.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 28, 2014, 10:33:06 PM
I really think the Kore Concept and development is Great! I just wish the Devs would address the issues better.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: Eurbids on October 28, 2014, 11:43:30 PM
I'm very happy to see this thread. Because now I understand that some people don't have understand well about Kore.

At first I want to tell that this coming, maybe, because of me. I don't like very much to speak in the deep tech, because I know that many people come to be boring to read something that they don't understand well.

At second, I think you need to read more better my posts, because your doubts don't coming from a missunderstand, but by the fact that you have not documented properly.

I try to answer you point to point.

1. Kore 1.0 - Old Dev, PreMine
one of first thing that I've tried to do when I started in Kore was to find and ban the orginal Dev addresses. Without success, the coins was moved and mixed many times, and was impossibile to ban it. And I cannot risk to ban an exchange address or a big bagholder user. During this I've find this article : I was not in Kore when this happened, and I've think that maybe the premine was really used for a good thing.

Besides I've open another little PoW period in Kore 2.0 for 100k coins in total. This was not a present to people, but was a good thing for take back attention to the coin and shape a new community.

2. KoreVoip
I think that VoiP into a wallet it's the must feature that we have see in the last months. Because give to the users to interact, with voice for now and with a video soon. This open a new hundreds of new opportunity.

If you going to read my old posts, you will see that I've never told that Voip2Telco will be Anon. This cannot happen because we have a severe laws. The only Anon calls are address2address. How VoiP2Telco will work it's simple, you will must to make a registration on the Kore website and pay a monthly subscription. This is the onlyone way and your Kore-address will be always reserved and never associate.

Ok why use Kore instead Skype ? Because Skype monitoring all calls, skype2skype too. Kore don't do it and don't logging your IP or your actions. Besides Kore will be more cheap.

About PoBA and all another new features in timeline, you have to wait the official release and official brief.

if you have other questions, will be happy to enlighten you further

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: child_harold on October 28, 2014, 11:57:47 PM

Thanks Eurbids for the enlightenment!
Did not see that coming :)

Thanks to all participants in this thread.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on October 29, 2014, 12:18:34 AM
I'm very happy to see this thread. Because now I understand that some people don't have understand well about Kore.

At first I want to tell that this coming, maybe, because of me. I don't like very much to speak in the deep tech, because I know that many people come to be boring to read something that they don't understand well.

At second, I think you need to read more better my posts, because your doubts don't coming from a missunderstand, but by the fact that you have not documented properly.

I try to answer you point to point.

1. Kore 1.0 - Old Dev, PreMine
one of first thing that I've tried to do when I started in Kore was to find and ban the orginal Dev addresses. Without success, the coins was moved and mixed many times, and was impossibile to ban it. And I cannot risk to ban an exchange address or a big bagholder user. During this I've find this article : I was not in Kore when this happened, and I've think that maybe the premine was really used for a good thing.

Besides I've open another little PoW period in Kore 2.0 for 100k coins in total. This was not a present to people, but was a good thing for take back attention to the coin and shape a new community.

2. KoreVoip
I think that VoiP into a wallet it's the must feature that we have see in the last months. Because give to the users to interact, with voice for now and with a video soon. This open a new hundreds of new opportunity.

If you going to read my old posts, you will see that I've never told that Voip2Telco will be Anon. This cannot happen because we have a severe laws. The only Anon calls are address2address. How VoiP2Telco will work it's simple, you will must to make a registration on the Kore website and pay a monthly subscription. This is the onlyone way and your Kore-address will be always reserved and never associate.

Ok why use Kore instead Skype ? Because Skype monitoring all calls, skype2skype too. Kore don't do it and don't logging your IP or your actions. Besides Kore will be more cheap.

About PoBA and all another new features in timeline, you have to wait the official release and official brief.

if you have other questions, will be happy to enlighten you further

Thanks for the info eurbids

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: mymoneyman on October 29, 2014, 12:25:30 AM
I'm very happy to see this thread. Because now I understand that some people don't have understand well about Kore.

At first I want to tell that this coming, maybe, because of me. I don't like very much to speak in the deep tech, because I know that many people come to be boring to read something that they don't understand well.

At second, I think you need to read more better my posts, because your doubts don't coming from a missunderstand, but by the fact that you have not documented properly.

I try to answer you point to point.

1. Kore 1.0 - Old Dev, PreMine
one of first thing that I've tried to do when I started in Kore was to find and ban the orginal Dev addresses. Without success, the coins was moved and mixed many times, and was impossibile to ban it. And I cannot risk to ban an exchange address or a big bagholder user. During this I've find this article : I was not in Kore when this happened, and I've think that maybe the premine was really used for a good thing.

Besides I've open another little PoW period in Kore 2.0 for 100k coins in total. This was not a present to people, but was a good thing for take back attention to the coin and shape a new community.

2. KoreVoip
I think that VoiP into a wallet it's the must feature that we have see in the last months. Because give to the users to interact, with voice for now and with a video soon. This open a new hundreds of new opportunity.

If you going to read my old posts, you will see that I've never told that Voip2Telco will be Anon. This cannot happen because we have a severe laws. The only Anon calls are address2address. How VoiP2Telco will work it's simple, you will must to make a registration on the Kore website and pay a monthly subscription. This is the onlyone way and your Kore-address will be always reserved and never associate.

Ok why use Kore instead Skype ? Because Skype monitoring all calls, skype2skype too. Kore don't do it and don't logging your IP or your actions. Besides Kore will be more cheap.

About PoBA and all another new features in timeline, you have to wait the official release and official brief.

if you have other questions, will be happy to enlighten you further

Dev is always here quietly working. I am here because in 2.5 years I have not seen a dev on the same level as Eurbids. I Never expect him to comment but he always comes out in a professional and informative manner.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 29, 2014, 06:16:15 AM
I'm very happy to see this thread. Because now I understand that some people don't have understand well about Kore.

At first I want to tell that this coming, maybe, because of me. I don't like very much to speak in the deep tech, because I know that many people come to be boring to read something that they don't understand well.

At second, I think you need to read more better my posts, because your doubts don't coming from a missunderstand, but by the fact that you have not documented properly.

I try to answer you point to point.

1. Kore 1.0 - Old Dev, PreMine
one of first thing that I've tried to do when I started in Kore was to find and ban the orginal Dev addresses. Without success, the coins was moved and mixed many times, and was impossibile to ban it. And I cannot risk to ban an exchange address or a big bagholder user. During this I've find this article : I was not in Kore when this happened, and I've think that maybe the premine was really used for a good thing.

Besides I've open another little PoW period in Kore 2.0 for 100k coins in total. This was not a present to people, but was a good thing for take back attention to the coin and shape a new community.

2. KoreVoip
I think that VoiP into a wallet it's the must feature that we have see in the last months. Because give to the users to interact, with voice for now and with a video soon. This open a new hundreds of new opportunity.

If you going to read my old posts, you will see that I've never told that Voip2Telco will be Anon. This cannot happen because we have a severe laws. The only Anon calls are address2address. How VoiP2Telco will work it's simple, you will must to make a registration on the Kore website and pay a monthly subscription. This is the onlyone way and your Kore-address will be always reserved and never associate.

Ok why use Kore instead Skype ? Because Skype monitoring all calls, skype2skype too. Kore don't do it and don't logging your IP or your actions. Besides Kore will be more cheap.

About PoBA and all another new features in timeline, you have to wait the official release and official brief.

if you have other questions, will be happy to enlighten you further

Excellent explanations, thank you for taking the time Eurbids. Yes, my initial question was to ask about Telco not Wallet to Wallet. Thanks for clearing that up.

So, I came up with a work around that could allow Anon Wallet Kore addresses to place Telco calls. When a call is placed to a Telco line there could be an Opt out for the Number of the Telco line to press #0 or something to that effect, announced at the start of the call with a short statement that the call is free if picked up. So it should be possible to Anon to Telco if Kore has a way to opt out a number. Then there is no tracing needed since Kore could physically not be able to dial to the LEC for that specific number ever, and protect the holder of the private number. This number would reset upon change of service or opt back in by dialing a specific number. This would be controlled by Kore and implemented as a protection causing the FCC to have no recourse for blocking the service.

This would be a huge win for Kore if it could be implemented like this, since there would be no need to translate the fees from someone buying a monthly subscription and Kore could collect fees from the wallets placing the calls and exchange into fiat to pay the access charges and FCC taxes on top of Kore fees. Then you have a substantiated service that causes demand in a market that creates value to the Coin not just Kore Functions in general.

So people will buy a Calling Card to use from Kore wallet to Telco? If this is the case, Kore coin value won't go up based on this feature. Download the wallet for free and pay a monthly fee to Kore and no one else will profit from it other than those accepting the payment in USD etc. for the monthly fee.

To my point about investing in Kore. There is no demand for Kore to raise the cost of the coin. Wallet to Wallet calls are free. Telco Calls like Skype are External Monitary transactions benefiting Kore as a Merchant not the holders of the coin.

I see the Marketplace as a possibility for Fraud to occur. The Proof of Burn may be the only demand for Anon transactions, but if I ship something to my house, there is no need for Anon since it ties back to a transaction and ultimately not Anon. Again this would be the case unless there is something I am missing.

I am glad you see the value of new PoW and the fact that you couldn't control the addresses since you didn't want to burn real bagholders, which makes the issue of starting a new PoW on a fully developed coin a viable solution. There could be creative ways to do this, and it would make the playing field even, since the old Dev could not hold so many coins. I think this is the biggest reason why the price won't go up since we all know the old Dev is holding coin, and is probably the only one selling into the buys or manipulating the price.

There were only 27 Votes placed and 17 No votes caused you to believe you should keep the Coin from the Insta-Mine and Old Dev. This doesn't make sense in all fairness to the coin. You created so many Features that you need to find a way to cash out the previous bagholders without hurting the coin. It is a fine line. But could be addressed, and also as the first coin to re-launch with full functionality. Treated as if all holders got their money back or were square someway. I think that if you addressed the issues in the open and gave your cause for reasoning along with why these reasons would make the new coin worth so much more, all of the No Votes would most likely turn to Yes.

I am just trying to strengthen the coin, so please take this with all due respect.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on October 29, 2014, 02:59:17 PM
I can think of many ways to increase the value of kore if the tech becomes fully developed.

As an investor don't buy coins in alpha unless you love gambling.
But if you are an innovator and have a plan for after beta alpha is a great time to invest.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 29, 2014, 10:56:15 PM
I can think of many ways to increase the value of kore if the tech becomes fully developed.

As an investor don't buy coins in alpha unless you love gambling.
But if you are an innovator and have a plan for after beta alpha is a great time to invest.

Yes good point, my reasoning is based on the 3 Day PoW leaving large amounts of coin in the Original Devs control. Along side this would be that there was no functionality to Kore when launched. Why not state that the coin will roll in percentages of the old coin into IPO and pay dividends to these holders. The Dev may earn a percentage at this point but the new coin will be distributed properly if it is advertized for a long time before it is launched. This way many other people could actually buy up the old coin in the interim and also at a discount to cash the old Dev out too. This would be before the astronomical rise of the Kore value as the first to ever launch fully functional. The reasons would be obvious and for fairness. You can make the Block Structure fair and as intricate as you want to share the coin.


Work out the best scenarios to make these items leverage Kore to the hilt. Take your time doing so, don't rush, and work out every detail going forward. Make sure each aspect of an IPO would make sense even with small percentages of dividends since the new Launch may make the coin worth 10's to 100's times more valuable.

This way you also have a bigger economy instead of multiple angles. People may mine and dump for profit but the market will right itself since the coin will be around for quite some time. With an Anon Telco function it would be the Holy Grail of Tor functionality, Legitimized.

And at that point Kore would have a PoP to access the LEC legitimately so why not create a Private Kore VPN to keep the traffic on UDP ports with higher availability and faster speeds since Tor is not Commercially viable. Instead of using IP addresses internally, you could use Kore addresses as traffic. The Kore Address could be the TunnelKey to communicate securely with your wallet. Even if you create a new Address you just talk (send data) with that new address. No IP for anyone to discover later just a layer of data traversing the VPN securely since you would be required to have a Kore wallet to get on. All transactions would be secure since no DDoS could ever block the Data using the right firewalls of course. Multi Layered VPN even.

So an IP address would be used to connect to the VPN externally but communication is encrypted and the IP would only be logged at the Kore VPN but the data sent is wallet to wallet or out to the LEC internally. It would be like encryption within encryption since a Kore wallet would just communicate freely in this VPN environment.

I think most people would like this Kore VPN idea better than Tor since it is Commercially acceptable and more reliable. This is what people pay for, properly managed networks for services rendered.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on October 30, 2014, 02:59:11 AM
He is making some good points.

I'll leave it all to the kore team but nick shouldn't be dismissed as a fudster
Most of us have been burned in the past, and open discussion by a community about the direction a coin should take helps to assure us that there is a path forward.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 30, 2014, 04:27:07 AM
Are you affiliated with viorcoin?

No way, not involved with any coin right now. Trying to decide if Uro is bogus also and mining as I go with 30MHash. I would love to be involved with Kore, I just can't get past the original PoW and block payouts. And the other issues that go along with it.

You didn't like my ideas? You must know that Tor is not the best solution which is possibly why the Wallet to Wallet is free. I only did a little research to find quite a bit of latency issues. But it is Anon so trade offs are in place. This does nothing to bolster the value of Kore. I hope you see and understand this is a statement of fact.

If I give you something for free what incentive do you have to buy the coin? Speculation?

Please stop spam. When all the features will be released, this coin will reach the moon.

This is my thread btw.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 30, 2014, 04:38:41 AM
He is making some good points.

I'll leave it all to the kore team but nick shouldn't be dismissed as a fudster
Most of us have been burned in the past, and open discussion by a community about the direction a coin should take helps to assure us that there is a path forward.

Yes, I got burned by Crypt. Not comparing either.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, as I never intended to seem like FUD I just got called a Fudder by MikeMike and I started off this thread in a conflicting way.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on October 30, 2014, 04:48:46 AM
The direction of Kore should be set to benefit the coin and holders of the coin not as a Merchant selling Kore Calling cards on the side, with no linking to a usage of coin creating a demand for the coin to be bought.

It may be a good thing Kore didn't implement the calling card yet since the Fair thing to do is roll out Kore as the first Functioning Coin Launch in the history of Alt Coins.

Then see how much a new structure will pay off for the Dividends of an IPO. In any scenario the Devs make out fine, it is just the bagholders that need to be addressed which is why you IPO futures to them. Bagholders also get to get in on the new launch at the ground floor of a Fully Functional coin. It may be possible that much of the bagholders have made gains too I am not sure how bad the dump was and how many were affected since only 27 votes were total on the vote page. Goes to the point that either people left and did not care and took their losses dumped low and walked away.

If Kore Devs like the idea of a Kore VPN with Anon Telco they could also use the IPO to raise money for the hardware to build the network. See how it goes now? I am only attempting to make a stronger coin. There are weaknesses currently. These weaknesses could also be addressed without an IPO but ideally you would see more support "I think" from a new launch that could even be a year out. It is like the entire coin could be chalked up to a test run and any flaws, including ideals, were addressed to make the final version the best possible version.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on October 30, 2014, 03:14:17 PM
After looking through the block chain I think there is no need for an ipo.
Distribution looks healthy.
Well healthy as far as altcoins go.

Everything looks good as far as I can see, we just need progress towards beta.

My advice...  trickle buy in, I don't see this going back to a pow or an ipo.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on October 31, 2014, 05:34:21 PM
I finally went over to the Kore thread and did some reading. From what I gather the VoIP feature has not been released yet, is that correct? It looks like we'll have an alpha in a few days. That will give us VoIP that is anonymous through Tor. So you need to run your wallet in the Tor network in order to make anonymous calls is what it looks like. Right?

Anon VoIP has been working for weeks on windows wallet version.
TOR is built in...No need to setup and run TOR...

As for the haters...
Well, as proven here... they are gonna hate.

I've seen some very intelligent manipulative fudsters
weave in legitimate questions but this cnick surpasses them all...


KoreCoin Windows - v2.2.9.1:VOIP-ALPHA!AcNXnSQD!4JGdFySEFyh8RMWPjMsoaYfCbpCTG4wilBU_afKsSNU (!AcNXnSQD!4JGdFySEFyh8RMWPjMsoaYfCbpCTG4wilBU_afKsSNU)

NEW: When you click the "CONNECT" tab it automatically registers you.
Other than that continue using the same setup process in the video etc. found below.

Video Tutorial for Direct Calling Only, Not using Buddy List:

OR, You can Follow the Listed Directions Below.

ALPHA is Testing Mode so Report all "NEW"  Bugs to Eurbids.

FYI:  If your Router supports UPNP you don't need to forward
the SIP Port 5060 manually, UPNP does the work for you.
If your Router doesn't support UPNP Then Voice will only work in one direction.
This means you have to forward the port 5060. ;)

STEPS: #1-3 for Direct and Buddy List Calling Setup - Use Direct Calling
1-Go to the "Receive Address Tab" and create a new address.
Label it however you like. Might makes sense to designate it your VoIP Address.

2-Right Click the Address and choose the bottom option "Set VoIP Account".

3-Go to "VoIP Calls" tab and click on the "CONNECT" tab to REGISTER.

STEPS: #4 and #5 for Direct Calling Only at this time:
4-Enter the Address you'd like to call in the "Direct Calling/IM" box near the bottom.
You will see two tiny boxes on the right. Click on the "Left Tiny Box w-Speaker Icon" to dial.

5-Watch the "Call Status" box, You will see it say "Calling".
Whoever is Receiving the call has to accept the call by clicking "Answer Call"
that will show in the box above the "Call Status" box.

To hang up simply click "Hang Up".

★ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS for those in "Restricted Internet Use Areas":
If you are in a region where internet is monitored by government and your ISP uses
a transparent proxy for content filtering, your wallet might not "connect"
In order to make the wallet working, download "Pd Proxy"

What is transparent proxy :
What is "Pd proxy" :

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 01, 2014, 09:42:48 PM

As for the haters...
Well, as proven here... they are gonna hate.

I've seen some very intelligent manipulative fudsters
weave in legitimate questions but this cnick surpasses them all...

As proven where? I am not a Hater. I have stated many times I like Kore and respect Kore. Kore just needs a few issues addressed to make it stronger.

I won't be buying Kore since I don't need to buy any to make it work, no one needs to buy any. You stated this yourself and said isn't it great that you don't have to buy any and it works, MikeMike just became a Fudster! If no one needs to buy Kore to make the functionality work, the price will stagnate. The only thing Kore can do is Hype itself on speculation.

By ignoring these issues or calling them FUD you reinforce the weaknesses I pointed out. Mainly since this thread was only started to see if Anon Telco was possible. Which I misunderstood this, and Kore will not be doing Anon Telco anyways. But the other points became glaring issues now only to be called FUD and dismissed. This shows a bit of ignorance on your part.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: Eurbids on November 03, 2014, 05:24:38 PM
The direction of Kore should be set to benefit the coin and holders of the coin not as a Merchant selling Kore Calling cards on the side, with no linking to a usage of coin creating a demand for the coin to be bought.

It may be a good thing Kore didn't implement the calling card yet since the Fair thing to do is roll out Kore as the first Functioning Coin Launch in the history of Alt Coins.

Then see how much a new structure will pay off for the Dividends of an IPO. In any scenario the Devs make out fine, it is just the bagholders that need to be addressed which is why you IPO futures to them. Bagholders also get to get in on the new launch at the ground floor of a Fully Functional coin. It may be possible that much of the bagholders have made gains too I am not sure how bad the dump was and how many were affected since only 27 votes were total on the vote page. Goes to the point that either people left and did not care and took their losses dumped low and walked away.

If Kore Devs like the idea of a Kore VPN with Anon Telco they could also use the IPO to raise money for the hardware to build the network. See how it goes now? I am only attempting to make a stronger coin. There are weaknesses currently. These weaknesses could also be addressed without an IPO but ideally you would see more support "I think" from a new launch that could even be a year out. It is like the entire coin could be chalked up to a test run and any flaws, including ideals, were addressed to make the final version the best possible version.

VPN is already done in Beta. Working with a embedded Zebedee ( vpn software.

I've not interesting about Calling Cards, and here no way for Anon Telco. No interesting for IPO. The montly subscription will the same of skype or mobile phones, you will have an amount of minutes to use for a specific country. Also users will be able to rent an incoming geo-number.

The Telco Gateway will be in EU and will respect the EU laws.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 04, 2014, 09:41:23 AM
Very smart then, Zebedee allows UDP ports. Looks like there are attempts to DDoS proof the product also.

Payment for Monthly Subscriptions will be made with Kore?

If there are not enough monthly subscriptions, you will also need to sell off shares of Kore to support the operating costs, how will this be possible if you don't own a large portion of the coin to stake?

Will these costs be reasonable, and will you make this information on accounting public?

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 06, 2014, 05:30:50 AM
This just in... "Yahoo Writes Article about Kore"!!! (

Oh wait MikeMike just paid to list that Ad on AccessWire... Good Hype though! Very Smart!

Maybe this is why Kore had a sell off, to pay for the Ad. (

Keep staking those cheap coins you picked up MikeMike!

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: Eurbids on November 06, 2014, 01:28:35 PM
Very smart then, Zebedee allows UDP ports. Looks like there are attempts to DDoS proof the product also.

I'm not here to bake cookies :D

Payment for Monthly Subscriptions will be made with Kore?

Of course, and only with KORE.

If there are not enough monthly subscriptions, you will also need to sell off shares of Kore to support the operating costs, how will this be possible if you don't own a large portion of the coin to stake?

Will these costs be reasonable, and will you make this information on accounting public?

I've already buyed all that we need, no more costs for this service.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 06, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
This just in... "Yahoo Writes Article about Kore"!!! (

Oh wait MikeMike just paid to list that Ad on AccessWire... Good Hype though! Very Smart!

Maybe this is why Kore had a sell off, to pay for the Ad. (

Keep staking those cheap coins you picked up MikeMike!

My first inclination is to tell you "You have no idea" what Kore is about and where it's going.
Then I remember who you are and that you DO Have a "Little bit of an idea".

Not one Kore was sold.

Keep watching for "The Power of Satoshi"...

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 06, 2014, 02:18:19 PM
This just in... "Yahoo Writes Article about Kore"!!! (

Oh wait MikeMike just paid to list that Ad on AccessWire... Good Hype though! Very Smart!

Maybe this is why Kore had a sell off, to pay for the Ad. (

Keep staking those cheap coins you picked up MikeMike!

My first inclination is to tell you "You have no idea" what Kore is about and where it's going.
Then I remember who you are and that you DO Have a "Little bit of an idea".

Not one Kore was sold.

Keep watching for "The Power of Satoshi"...

So the AD came out of your Pocket, Nice gesture to hype and boost the market and then sell. Good thinking...

Awww shoot I was hoping you had sold some Kore and cause people on your thread to worry about volume:


The Korecoin volume is going lower and lower everyday. We need to change that. Let's make our market look more liquid and professional.

How it works?
Let's trade KORE and get some money   


Buy order at 16586 (bigger than the biggest bid) and sell order at 17978 (lower than the lowest ask).
Repeat process.
Repeat process.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 06, 2014, 03:11:08 PM
Very smart then, Zebedee allows UDP ports. Looks like there are attempts to DDoS proof the product also.

I'm not here to bake cookies :D

Payment for Monthly Subscriptions will be made with Kore?

Of course, and only with KORE.

If there are not enough monthly subscriptions, you will also need to sell off shares of Kore to support the operating costs, how will this be possible if you don't own a large portion of the coin to stake?

Will these costs be reasonable, and will you make this information on accounting public?

I've already buyed all that we need, no more costs for this service.

No more costs? No Access fees to dial into Telco? How does the US collect Kore fees for Taxes to pay the FCC for dialing into a US Telco line? Is that not applicable?

So the Monthly Subscription is paid with Kore and those Kore are sold on the Open Market at current prices to pay for the access fees accrued by the users? Flat Fee of Kore so no way to bolster against lower prices in the market to pay for services rendered. No Taxes in the EU for LEC or CLEC access to land lines in the US?

Since Kore was Mined for very cheap in 3 days PoW, then dumped down, the only way to get money out and pay for these services will be people buying in. Since all the buyers will want to make money on their investment or stake their coin to pay for services, they won't want to lose and sell to lower priced orders. Many people won't relate to BitCoin and think that the price fluctuations are moving but they may only be PEGGING to BitCoin. These will be the buyers of the coin the devs will dump on which will always be low orders to fill stagnating the price. If the Devs are Selling to pay for services this will only be supported by the market and may act like a Vacuum. I think you are seeing it right now, the stagnation that can occur.

Will the Kore economy operate properly if Kore sells its coin that has been paid for services? Combined with an Unknown amount of coin Kore has staking/leveraging that would be a Public record if an IPO were in place.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 06, 2014, 03:38:43 PM
This just in... "Yahoo Writes Article about Kore"!!! (

Oh wait MikeMike just paid to list that Ad on AccessWire... Good Hype though! Very Smart!

Maybe this is why Kore had a sell off, to pay for the Ad. (

Keep staking those cheap coins you picked up MikeMike!

My first inclination is to tell you "You have no idea" what Kore is about and where it's going.
Then I remember who you are and that you DO Have a "Little bit of an idea".

Not one Kore was sold.

Keep watching for "The Power of Satoshi"...

So the AD came out of your Pocket, Nice gesture to hype and boost the market and then sell. Good thinking...

Awww shoot I was hoping you had sold some Kore and cause people on your thread to worry about volume:


The Korecoin volume is going lower and lower everyday. We need to change that. Let's make our market look more liquid and professional.

How it works?
Let's trade KORE and get some money  


Buy order at 16586 (bigger than the biggest bid) and sell order at 17978 (lower than the lowest ask).
Repeat process.
Repeat process.

For the Record...again.
Myself and the Kore Team made a promise to not manipulate
the price
nor take advantage of the information we know.
Does not mean we can't sell, trade or buy
and the fact the Team is living up to this promise is reflected in the price.
It's the "Non-Manipulation" factor we hold to.

Sure maybe the Volume is less because we do not manipulate/Play the price etc.
but it's what's best for Kore and the Kore Community in the long run.
Personally I'm not trading Kore at all and I know many on the Team are not either.

You truly have no idea what we are capable of doing.
Nor do you hold to any integrity as you are always accusing and we all know
how many Fingers are pointing back at us when we do that.
It's shown in all your posts for all to see.

The only Sell I made in October was under 20 KoreCoin.
You will not know the exact amount other than it was under 20 Coins.
I have however bought a few thousand coins in the month of October.


The word P#*%k comes to mind...

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 06, 2014, 11:41:17 PM
This just in... "Yahoo Writes Article about Kore"!!! (

Oh wait MikeMike just paid to list that Ad on AccessWire... Good Hype though! Very Smart!

Maybe this is why Kore had a sell off, to pay for the Ad. (

Keep staking those cheap coins you picked up MikeMike!

My first inclination is to tell you "You have no idea" what Kore is about and where it's going.
Then I remember who you are and that you DO Have a "Little bit of an idea".

Not one Kore was sold.

Keep watching for "The Power of Satoshi"...

So the AD came out of your Pocket, Nice gesture to hype and boost the market and then sell. Good thinking...

Awww shoot I was hoping you had sold some Kore and cause people on your thread to worry about volume:


The Korecoin volume is going lower and lower everyday. We need to change that. Let's make our market look more liquid and professional.

How it works?
Let's trade KORE and get some money  


Buy order at 16586 (bigger than the biggest bid) and sell order at 17978 (lower than the lowest ask).
Repeat process.
Repeat process.

For the Record...again.
Myself and the Kore Team made a promise to not manipulate
the price nor take advantage of the information we know.
Does not mean we can't sell, trade or buy
and the fact the Team is living up to this promise is reflected in the price.
It's the "Non-Manipulation" factor we hold to.

Sure maybe the Volume is less because we do not manipulate/Play the price etc.
but it's what's best for Kore and the Kore Community in the long run.
Personally I'm not trading Kore at all and I know many on the Team are not either.

You truly have no idea what we are capable of doing.
Nor do you hold to any integrity as you are always accusing and we all know
how many Fingers are pointing back at us when we do that.
It's shown in all your posts for all to see.

The only Sell I made in October was under 20 KoreCoin.
You will not know the exact amount other than it was under 20 Coins.
I have however bought a few thousand coins in the month of October.


The word P#*%k comes to mind...

Oh ok so now you will never sell or trade your coins. The First truly Collectable coin. Very good ideals though since I am sure you are telling the truth, and that is to be commended since it is very rare. But even if you don't sell or trade, it is what others are doing. You know the ones who bought all the coin on the way down, they have every right to sell off.

Hypothetically lets say that it costs 20 Kore for the Monthly subscription. If the price goes up for Kore to 100x to the Moon landing party, then your monthly subscription costs way too much to be a marketable charge. The only way it sustains is if the price goes down since people will be buying Kore to pay this subscription.

So is there a way to charge an arbitrary amount of Kore to pay for the monthly subscription? Do you see how this is a real concern? Better you learn from what you perceive as FUD than learn it later when the market stagnates for some reason you can't figure out.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 06, 2014, 11:49:22 PM
Cryptonick your FUD is ridiculous...

Wait and see. It's easy.

I told you all Kore can hope to do is Hype now, and you think that it is FUD when I point out the Hype? Gotta love it!

Did you think that Yahoo Finance wrote that Article?

Address the issues and make the coin stronger.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 07, 2014, 12:48:31 AM
Cryptonick your FUD is ridiculous...

Wait and see. It's easy.

I told you all Kore can hope to do is Hype now, and you think that it is FUD when I point out the Hype? Gotta love it!

Did you think that Yahoo Finance wrote that Article?

Address the issues and make the coin stronger.

The Article was a press release.
It's a normal thing to do to educate the masses
about new technologies and competitors.
Why Kore would ever need to defend itself for a
normal press release is something you conjured up.

I never said I paid for it.
Just that not one Korecoin was sold to pay for it.

Just more of the same from you...

This is what's prevalent including who I'm responding to and just the tip of the Iceberg:

The reason why you do not get answers from me on certain topics is your
insidiousness attempts to "Pigeon Hole" Kore into your contrived business plans etc.
I see this clear as day.
Most probably do not see it.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 07, 2014, 05:08:13 AM
Yep still more of the same from you also MikeMike, not really serious about dealing with problems before they become apparent to affect Kore.

You made it seem like some spectacular thing when it was just the same announcements you post on my thread and yours.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 09, 2014, 02:17:22 AM
The main point of why you don't want to use Kore for your monthly subscription would be that it PEG's your coin to that fee. Unless you are going to extrapolate the costs once per month to send a variable charge for service, not sure if you can advertise this or the way it seems you planned.

Lets say 100 Million people want to use Kore since it is cheaper than Skype. This means you have to relate the price to Skype costs. It also means your demand just went through the roof and the coin will be in high demand so the price of Kore will skyrocket. So if Kore charges 3 dollars a month to compete with Skype (cheaper than Skype as Kore stated on their page), at the current price of around .000165 BTC that equals .05 cents per Kore coin at around 50 Kore per month for $3. As soon as the BTC price moves up, Kore can not state that their price per month is 50 Kore. Since that would cost more than 3 dollars compared to Skype. So whatever the cost of Skype is, that Kore Competes with, will have to be changed each month or a Variable amount of Kore. This means the price can not be stated in Kore and why Eurbids stating the cost is in Kore was a bad thing for Kore.

If Eurbids has a way to translate the costs then this has already been addressed. But the problem may not be that simple since when someone signs up they pay at a spot price and Kore can not advertise the cost in Kore which 5 minutes later could dramatically drop and cause the people paying to feel like they just paid more for their Monthly Subscription. Which is why I stated not to use Kore as the value denominator.

If Eurbids was just going to state an amount of Kore per month as the Flat Fee then what happens is the price of Kore will always stay at the current price or goes below it as the market will not pay more for the service just to make more off the coin if they sold it, which they would be using the coin and Kore would be taking it and selling it. This may be how to deflate the market is to sell off these Kore collected for the service, but that goes into Kore's pocket not the investors buying in, but that also just proves the coin will stay at the same price and not go up. Since this is the Diminishing Margin of Utility to translate demand vs costs vs profitability of the actual coin since there are only so many coins in circulation and a set PoS to control future circulation.

So take this seriously and stop calling me a Fudder, I also got the Wallet to finally work and sold some Crypt baggage and bought some Kore. So I am staking now.

Just a heads up too when I downloaded the wallet last night from Mega I was immediately hit with a Port Scan and DDoS. Then Netbios packets on port 137 until they gave up and went away. This shows someone is attempting to gain access to computers to either break their wallets or whatever malicious activity. Which is most likely just Mega, but somehow they are monitoring the download link. There was no activity while I watched my Firewall for an hour before I downloaded, since I wanted to be positive if there was activity when I downloaded. I have the IP address from somewhere in Montana, followed by Ohio. I will test this again later too.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 09, 2014, 03:20:30 AM
The main point of why you don't want to use Kore for your monthly subscription would be that it PEG's your coin to that fee. Unless you are going to extrapolate the costs once per month to send a variable charge for service, not sure if you can advertise this or the way it seems you planned.

Lets say 100 Million people want to use Kore since it is cheaper than Skype. This means you have to relate the price to Skype costs. It also means your demand just went through the roof and the coin will be in high demand so the price of Kore will skyrocket. So if Kore charges 3 dollars a month to compete with Skype (cheaper than Skype as Kore stated on their page), at the current price of around .000165 BTC that equals .05 cents per Kore coin at around 50 Kore per month for $3. As soon as the BTC price moves up, Kore can not state that their price per month is 50 Kore. Since that would cost more than 3 dollars compared to Skype. So whatever the cost of Skype is, that Kore Competes with, will have to be changed each month or a Variable amount of Kore. This means the price can not be stated in Kore and why Eurbids stating the cost is in Kore was a bad thing for Kore.

If Eurbids has a way to translate the costs then this has already been addressed. But the problem may not be that simple since when someone signs up they pay at a spot price and Kore can not advertise the cost in Kore which 5 minutes later could dramatically drop and cause the people paying to feel like they just paid more for their Monthly Subscription. Which is why I stated not to use Kore as the value denominator.

If Eurbids was just going to state an amount of Kore per month as the Flat Fee then what happens is the price of Kore will always stay at the current price or goes below it as the market will not pay more for the service just to make more off the coin if they sold it, which they would be using the coin and Kore would be taking it and selling it. This may be how to deflate the market is to sell off these Kore collected for the service, but that goes into Kore's pocket not the investors buying in, but that also just proves the coin will stay at the same price and not go up. Since this is the Diminishing Margin of Utility to translate demand vs costs vs profitability of the actual coin since there are only so many coins in circulation and a set PoS to control future circulation.

So take this seriously and stop calling me a Fudder, I also got the Wallet to finally work and sold some Crypt baggage and bought some Kore. So I am staking now.

Just a heads up too when I downloaded the wallet last night from Mega I was immediately hit with a Port Scan and DDoS. Then Netbios packets on port 137 until they gave up and went away. This shows someone is attempting to gain access to computers to either break their wallets or whatever malicious activity. Which is most likely just Mega, but somehow they are monitoring the download link. There was no activity while I watched my Firewall for an hour before I downloaded, since I wanted to be positive if there was activity when I downloaded. I have the IP address from somewhere in Montana, followed by Ohio. I will test this again later too.


It can be pegged to a dollar amount
and that dollar amount paid by Kore.
Not a coin amount.
Sad...So sad...
I replied out of pity.
Of Course that's IF EVER there will be a charge...

Download from the website if your computer is infected.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on November 09, 2014, 03:42:13 AM
Glad to see you jump in nick.
Hopefully we can now work together to bring forward good ideas for the Kore team to work with.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 09, 2014, 03:49:56 AM
Well that is what I asked and Eurbids responded PEGGED to Kore per month.

So the collected Kore payments goes directly to who? What are the public costs and procedures. You state you are a publicly traded company in your article. Where is the public info PnL statements?

How is this FUD you have a working solution and no other info? Let us know some of the expected info, or are you waiting to release this info? That simple!

Collecting the Kore fees to be sold on the open market can also control the price and also allows a group that holds this coin to move the market at their will. Since no more coin is in circulation the fees charged create an upper hand for whoever gets these coins.

Who gets the coins collected for the service fee? Is this FUD? lol This is why you use an IPO and pay dividends. That is how a truly public company does business, Kore has a Public Logo that is about it though, this is just what I feel and my own personal perception. Why would stock companies be forced to file a Profit and Loss statement?

No infection on my computer and I just realized I opened my hostwatch after the port scan was blocked and caused the Netbios issue to track while blocking the unassociated packets. But I never said it was conducted by Kore, just that you may want to look into it.

Instead of answering me properly about my concern you misunderstand me and now call me a Fudder. What a joke, if it was that simple why not answer it properly when I stated Pegging Kore would cause the price to stagnate. If there is a realtime translation of Kore to US dollar then the problem is taken care of, how hard was that? Instead you prolong the issue.

You admit that what I said before is a problem now, and that only now you state it is taken care of and that I am stupid for asking. lol and I fud to top it off. Great just answer the question properly next time so you don't fud your own coin!

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 09, 2014, 03:53:08 AM
Glad to see you jump in nick.
Hopefully we can now work together to bring forward good ideas for the Kore team to work with.

Thanks! I hope that this only strengthens the coin and if some items can not be answered they may be answered in time or addressed. So it is not necessary to answer these issues right away just so that they are eventually and/or made to work for the benefit of the community.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 09, 2014, 04:06:57 AM
Glad to see you jump in nick.
Hopefully we can now work together to bring forward good ideas for the Kore team to work with.

Thanks! I hope that this only strengthens the coin and if some items can not be answered they may be answered in time or addressed. So it is not necessary to answer these issues right away just so that they are eventually and/or made to work for the benefit of the community.


Going out on a limb here...

IF there is silence there are reasons
and some very good reasons at that.

Many who are "damaged" from prior coins
have a tough time accepting this and
it "triggers" defensive actions and accusations.

Those who are well educated and done their
Due Diligence and contemplate as to
the reasons why besides their possible immediate
defensive distrusting conclusions allows ones
to consider the DEV and Kore Team are
trying to do what's best for the long haul.

Not that we get it right all the time and we do
not need to make adjustments and changes.
We do try however flawed it may be at times.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on November 09, 2014, 04:15:43 AM
Way to go guys.
Love to see rival opinions come together and start working towards what is best for everyone.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 09, 2014, 04:17:15 AM
Well that is what I asked and Eurbids responded PEGGED to Kore per month.

So the collected Kore payments goes directly to who? What are the public costs and procedures. You state you are a publicly traded company in your article. Where is the public info PnL statements?

How is this FUD you have a working solution and no other info? Let us know some of the expected info, or are you waiting to release this info? That simple!

Collecting the Kore fees to be sold on the open market can also control the price and also allows a group that holds this coin to move the market at their will. Since no more coin is in circulation the fees charged create an upper hand for whoever gets these coins.

Who gets the coins collected for the service fee? Is this FUD? lol This is why you use an IPO and pay dividends. That is how a truly public company does business, Kore has a Public Logo that is about it though, this is just what I feel and my own personal perception. Why would stock companies be forced to file a Profit and Loss statement?

No infection on my computer and I just realized I opened my hostwatch after the port scan was blocked and caused the Netbios issue to track while blocking the unassociated packets. But I never said it was conducted by Kore, just that you may want to look into it.

Instead of answering me properly about my concern you misunderstand me and now call me a Fudder. What a joke, if it was that simple why not answer it properly when I stated Pegging Kore would cause the price to stagnate. If there is a realtime translation of Kore to US dollar then the problem is taken care of, how hard was that? Instead you prolong the issue.

You admit that what I said before is a problem now, and that only now you state it is taken care of and that I am stupid for asking. lol and I fud to top it off. Great just answer the question properly next time so you don't fud your own coin!

Regarding the articles...
They have been re-written by their staff and anything else
besides what's in the original  Press Release, Kore is not to be held responsible for.
The Website says "Kore Revolution".
Contemplate what Kore is up against and try to "figure it out".
BUT that may be what you have been trying to do all along.
SEE how difficult it gets...

I never agreed that it's a "problem" as nothing is written in stone
It's a good place to be at the this moment in Kore's development.
Eurbids and the Kore Team will be having meetings after the releases
and we will be discussing many topics which may include Lawyers.

You might want to stop the BS!
ALL your FUD/Accusations are a deterrence to have anyone
take their valuable time to respond to this crap.

Hypothetically Lets Suppose Kore is a traded company
like Google for instance...OR Maybe not a traded company.
Either way...
Ever hear of reinvestment into future technologies and
products and some of which will blow your mind.
You don't go heaping accusations on Google on these points as you do Kore.

Here is the Original.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 09, 2014, 02:40:45 PM
Sorry to waste your time. Take any ideas that may help and throw the rest out. I will just watch from the sidelines now. I was called a Fudder with Crypt and my theories and perceptions about MindFox were correct but yet considered FUD. I felt like I had a chance with Kore to make it a better coin so I attempted to, and that was really only because at least Kore listened so I can't really be upset in the end.

Since Early,

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: Eurbids on November 09, 2014, 03:45:23 PM
The main point of why you don't want to use Kore for your monthly subscription would be that it PEG's your coin to that fee. Unless you are going to extrapolate the costs once per month to send a variable charge for service, not sure if you can advertise this or the way it seems you planned.

Lets say 100 Million people want to use Kore since it is cheaper than Skype. This means you have to relate the price to Skype costs. It also means your demand just went through the roof and the coin will be in high demand so the price of Kore will skyrocket. So if Kore charges 3 dollars a month to compete with Skype (cheaper than Skype as Kore stated on their page), at the current price of around .000165 BTC that equals .05 cents per Kore coin at around 50 Kore per month for $3. As soon as the BTC price moves up, Kore can not state that their price per month is 50 Kore. Since that would cost more than 3 dollars compared to Skype. So whatever the cost of Skype is, that Kore Competes with, will have to be changed each month or a Variable amount of Kore. This means the price can not be stated in Kore and why Eurbids stating the cost is in Kore was a bad thing for Kore.

If Eurbids has a way to translate the costs then this has already been addressed. But the problem may not be that simple since when someone signs up they pay at a spot price and Kore can not advertise the cost in Kore which 5 minutes later could dramatically drop and cause the people paying to feel like they just paid more for their Monthly Subscription. Which is why I stated not to use Kore as the value denominator.

If Eurbids was just going to state an amount of Kore per month as the Flat Fee then what happens is the price of Kore will always stay at the current price or goes below it as the market will not pay more for the service just to make more off the coin if they sold it, which they would be using the coin and Kore would be taking it and selling it. This may be how to deflate the market is to sell off these Kore collected for the service, but that goes into Kore's pocket not the investors buying in, but that also just proves the coin will stay at the same price and not go up. Since this is the Diminishing Margin of Utility to translate demand vs costs vs profitability of the actual coin since there are only so many coins in circulation and a set PoS to control future circulation.

Interesting. But where this people take 100milions of Kore ? Maybe they will buy it and value raise. And we must to push back coins in the market, for give the opportunity to people that want to buy coins and pay the subscription next month.

We have only 1.7milions on the net now ;)

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: bitcoin carpenter on November 09, 2014, 04:56:05 PM
I think a few things are getting lost in translation.

Here is what I think the team is going to set up.

Kore voip address to address will be free, value added will only be from exposure
Kore subscription will be pegged to the dollar and bought using kore, this again will have no immediate value added due to them needing to transfer kore back to dollars in order to pay for service.
Value will be added through this by increase in liquidity similar to all markets. Meaning that as use increases so does the value due to the lack of immediate supply compared to the increasing number of kore users and will be expediated by the use of Kore surf.
The kore markets will be the final building block once the community is large enough to sustain it's own economy

I may be wrong, there are faster ways to promote kore price, but this would seem the most balanced approach.

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 09, 2014, 06:18:58 PM
Sorry to waste your time. Take any ideas that may help and throw the rest out. I will just watch from the sidelines now. I was called a Fudder with Crypt and my theories and perceptions about MindFox were correct but yet considered FUD. I felt like I had a chance with Kore to make it a better coin so I attempted to, and that was really only because at least Kore listened so I can't really be upset in the end.

Since Early,

Thanks for the apology.
OF course we take and consider any ideas people have.
Whether their approach is respectable, reasonable and mature or not.
Obviously it's a pleasure dealing with the former.

I was in CRYPT too and I told one of their biggest supporters
who were dealing with the "Team" which were a P&D crowd basically.
I let him know he hurt his reputation so I understand where you are coming from.
Glad I kept selling on the way down as it became evident ALL of them
including MinfFox were not honest with the thread.

Just because some of your ideas are not reasonable or may not be considered
due to legal ramifications or simply the way forward is not certain yet
to make a clear distinction at this time is entirely different from
the situation you describe with CRYPT or your Interpretation
of what's going on here in our conversations.

You are given clear concise information.
It's up to you to accept it and wait patiently
or take it personal or be demanding in your views AND FUD
which is exactly what you are doing for CRYPT
and KORE are two entirely different situations.

There are many things we can't tell you and you know that.
Things that will need to be taken into consideration
and deliberated at a future time and just because a
decision is made does not mean it can't be changed.

You can "man up" and realize you are incorrect in some of your approach
and handling of these facts and the open ended approach
Kore is taking at the moment "remaining fluid" or take it personal
and remain stuck.

Have a great week!

Regarding "Price".
Maybe they will buy because there is an option to increase their value
because others will do the same since it will be one heck of a Coin
and doing some incredible things so they want to support it...
Investors...All kinds with ALL motivations...

Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: CryptoNick on November 10, 2014, 03:06:48 AM
Thanks for your understanding, and I really was a hot head coming from Crypt and very disappointed with Alt's in general.

So to see a working Coin that I believe will be a great coin, makes me really want to interject and make it better in my opinion. Again my opinion and I only hold 900 Kore so low man on the totem pole here. (was shooting for 1000 but the bots were pissing me off, I got them to chase my orders though and got tired of fighting/waiting on them and just bought from the sell sheet)

Interesting. But where this people take 100milions of Kore ? Maybe they will buy it and value raise. And we must to push back coins in the market, for give the opportunity to people that want to buy coins and pay the subscription next month.

We have only 1.7milions on the net now

Yes it would push the price up. They would only be able to buy if people sold though and raising the price would make the distribution happen. So I can't really argue with that, I can only buy more Kore.

Eurbids, I hope you liked my Opt out idea for true Anon to Telco, I think it would be a great work around to the legalities issue. No response is necessary since this would be proprietary anyways. And if you want me to delete it from my posts I will.


Title: Re: Will Kore Coin be able to Anon Call Standard Lines?
Post by: MikeMike on November 10, 2014, 05:14:56 AM
Thanks for your understanding, and I really was a hot head coming from Crypt and very disappointed with Alt's in general.

So to see a working Coin that I believe will be a great coin, makes me really want to interject and make it better in my opinion. Again my opinion and I only hold 900 Kore so low man on the totem pole here. (was shooting for 1000 but the bots were pissing me off, I got them to chase my orders though and got tired of fighting/waiting on them and just bought from the sell sheet)

Interesting. But where this people take 100milions of Kore ? Maybe they will buy it and value raise. And we must to push back coins in the market, for give the opportunity to people that want to buy coins and pay the subscription next month.

We have only 1.7milions on the net now

Yes it would push the price up. They would only be able to buy if people sold though and raising the price would make the distribution happen. So I can't really argue with that, I can only buy more Kore.

Eurbids, I hope you liked my Opt out idea for true Anon to Telco, I think it would be a great work around to the legalities issue. No response is necessary since this would be proprietary anyways. And if you want me to delete it from my posts I will.



My Apologies as well and for similar reasons...

I've put my good reputation on the line and done everything in my power
to help Eurbids make Kore Different for those very reasons following his lead.
We have a Moderated thread provided by the Dev.
We've made it a requirement the Kore Team not Manipulate/Play the Price
nor through their postings on the thread nor BS the Kore Community etc.
A very rare situation indeed but does not mean there aren't problems.

It's going to be an interesting week.
We are going to have to follow Eurbids lead.
He's really trying to put together a first class coin
with 100% Real ANON Tech. however it's going to be a lot of work.

I'm hoping after the few days he's taking to do some evaluations
he will be able to put an ALPHA v3 release out somewhat soon
and then the BETA as promised.


So there's something decent for the Community to use till
Kore 3.0 is finished AND the fact the KORPhone
will be completed and be able to be integrated
into the Kore Wallet making for a decent set of
services and innovations package for the interim.

Though I could see him changing a few things around
to make his coding for KORE 3.0 The EVOLUTION easier.

I did ask Him IF he could include KORESurf also but not
sure how much time that will require as I hear it's
a difficult thing to do.

It would be awesome though as I know I would be using
the Kore Features daily including having our
Kore Team Meetings through the Wallet's VoIPA.

I think it would be an effective strategy whereby
the Kore Community/Team would feel confident and comfortably
happy using the Kore ALPHA/BETA/KOREPhone features
until  KORE 3.0 gets released.
