Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 17, 2014, 09:58:29 PM

Title: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 17, 2014, 09:58:29 PM
I was reading Gav's ethereum update and I noticed an interesting paragraph;

   In addition to his impressive public speaking schedule, Vitalik has been putting in considerable efforts into research on potential consensus algorithms. Together with Vlad Zamfir, a number of potential approaches have been mooted over the past few weeks. Ultimately, we decided to follow the advice of some in our community, like Nick Szabo, who have urged us to focus on getting a working product off the ground and not try to make every last detail perfect before launching. In that regard, we’ve decided to move many of our more ambitious changes, including native extensions, auto-triggering events and proof of stake, into a planned future upgrade to happen around mid-to-late 2015.

I thought no one really knows who Nick Szabo is!?

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: cryptopaths on October 17, 2014, 10:21:44 PM
INB4 Nick Szabo is Satoshi theories.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Skoupi on October 17, 2014, 11:13:33 PM
Obviously ethereum developers/marketers want to capitalize on the szabo/satoshi conspiracy theory...
i wonder why... aren't they super rich already?  ::)

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: BitCoinDream on October 17, 2014, 11:36:12 PM
I was reading Gav's ethereum update and I noticed an interesting paragraph;

   In addition to his impressive public speaking schedule, Vitalik has been putting in considerable efforts into research on potential consensus algorithms. Together with Vlad Zamfir, a number of potential approaches have been mooted over the past few weeks. Ultimately, we decided to follow the advice of some in our community, like Nick Szabo, who have urged us to focus on getting a working product off the ground and not try to make every last detail perfect before launching. In that regard, we’ve decided to move many of our more ambitious changes, including native extensions, auto-triggering events and proof of stake, into a planned future upgrade to happen around mid-to-late 2015.

I thought no one really knows who Nick Szabo is!?

As long as it is not confirmed by or, there is no reason to believe this. Vitalik and his army will now do a lot of things to artificially inflate price of the failed product.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: tilray on October 17, 2014, 11:40:31 PM
interesting find but I am sure this is all to add hype to a failed project

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 18, 2014, 12:37:45 AM
Obviously ethereum developers/marketers want to capitalize on the szabo/satoshi conspiracy theory...
i wonder why... aren't they super rich already?  ::)

WTF are you talking about? Capitalize on what exactly? Ethersale is over! Why would they lie now? Nick is active and just made a post last night. Did you read it?

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 18, 2014, 01:25:36 AM
I was reading Gav's ethereum update and I noticed an interesting paragraph;

   In addition to his impressive public speaking schedule, Vitalik has been putting in considerable efforts into research on potential consensus algorithms. Together with Vlad Zamfir, a number of potential approaches have been mooted over the past few weeks. Ultimately, we decided to follow the advice of some in our community, like Nick Szabo, who have urged us to focus on getting a working product off the ground and not try to make every last detail perfect before launching. In that regard, we’ve decided to move many of our more ambitious changes, including native extensions, auto-triggering events and proof of stake, into a planned future upgrade to happen around mid-to-late 2015.

I thought no one really knows who Nick Szabo is!?

As long as it is not confirmed by or, there is no reason to believe this. Vitalik and his army will now do a lot of things to artificially inflate price of the failed product.

WTF are you talking about! Did you even read his tweets guy?

I don't fucking understand!? Why does everyone call Ethereum a failed project when it's not even winter yet! Sorry if this is now becoming a Ethereum rant, but that's it, I need to get this off of my chest.

The only reason I found out about Ethereum is because of Nick Szabo! Yes, Nick Szabo! The guy who half the community think is actually Satoshi and the other half think that Satoshi is not him, but he must have studied Szabo's work in great detail and basically added a proof-of-work mechanism to BitGold! So, I think we can all agree that the guy is a genius! A Nikola Tesla. An Isaac Newton. An Avicenna! These are the people who come around once in a while, and push science and technology and philosophy one step forward. Whats my point? Nick has tweeted about Ethereum 3 times. Go see if he has done the same with any other so called Alts!

I was having a smoke going through my phone one night  when i saw a tweet from Nick!

I remember going and checking it out. Then a month later he re-tweeted "an introduction to smart contract by ethereum"

A month after that it was:
and i quote

Ethereum has the best ideas in block chain tech. Execution, not so much.

If you were the Ethereum team, and you see that Tweet, Would you tweet back? I would! You think Szabo would Tweet back? I don't know but it looks like he may have! It actually sounds like they talked about the "best idea in block chain tech" and took a few pointers. Which is why this statement is very plausible.

"Nick Szabo, who have urged us to focus on getting a working product off the ground and not try to make every last detail perfect before launching"

Which brings me to my question! How involved is Mr. Nick Szabo with Ethereum? I would like to know that! So, please stop talking out of your ASS about how they are just trying to what did you say ? I have to scroll up...... oh, " artificially inflate price of the failed product"   HAHAHA! That is such an absurd statement.

Just like Andreas always says...

You people sometimes.... I don't even....

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Platonicgap on October 18, 2014, 02:12:28 AM
Ya'll will love this:

"Ethereum has vast potential, whereas Bitcoin won't ever do anything well beyond implementing a currency," programmer Nick Szabo, another early Bitcoin proponent who's recently begun tweeting after an extended absence from the internet, told us in an email several weeks ago. (

"early Bitcoin proponent"

I'd say. ;) Thrown off yet?

He does speak the truth in the context of his essays on smart contracts. He is all about that. A well implemented Ethereum would be closer to his final vision than Bitcoin. Even if Bitcoin/gold was his initial vision. There is nothing controversial about this, it's just a matter of reading the essays.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Billbags on October 18, 2014, 02:32:56 AM

Great write up and definitely the right attitude. Bitcoin was always meant to be the launching platform for smart contracts. It was designed that way. Launch quickly, make adjustments once you get under way. That sounds familiar?...Just like 2009.

This link below was Nicks first mention of implementing his smart contracts into anonymous decentralized currency::

This second link below was who's email he was answering(you mentioned a smoking gun):

 Szabo “came up” with the technology that will become ethereum including smart contracts which was solely contingent on Satoshi’s work that Szabo never knew would be produced?

Smart contracts come about because Bitcoin is the beginning of the completion of a “Kula Ring”, a unifying solution that bridges among other things, game theory, encryption, economics, finance, programming, and law… there are not multiple random people capable of this…

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: UnicornFarts on October 18, 2014, 02:54:49 AM

I agree 1000%.  It's absolutely hilarious that most of the people in altcoins accuse ethereum of being a scam.

If you read their blog posts you can see how much work and excitement is going into the project.  Regardless of if you agree \ disagree with their funding method it HAS put turbo boosters on their vision and they are moving at a rapid rate.  They already have MUCH more technology available in their downloadable programmable client \ blockchain than any other "web 3.0 alts" and they haven't released the genesis block yet.

I can't believe you heard about it thru Nick Szabo - that is pretty hilarious though.  - I think the question will eventually be answered here.  Many of the people excited about Ethereum think bitcoin is a bit stupid.  It was before things really got rolling - but you can find one of their core C+ devs saying as much if you look back far enough.  What they are trying to accomplish is impressive.

Looking forward to what happens with it in spring of 2015.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 18, 2014, 03:05:03 AM

I agree 1000%.  It's absolutely hilarious that most of the people in altcoins accuse ethereum of being a scam.

If you read their blog posts you can see how much work and excitement is going into the project.  Regardless of if you agree \ disagree with their funding method it HAS put turbo boosters on their vision and they are moving at a rapid rate.  They already have MUCH more technology available in their downloadable programmable client \ blockchain than any other "web 3.0 alts" and they haven't released the genesis block yet.

I can't believe you heard about it thru Nick Szabo - that is pretty hilarious though.  - I think the question will eventually be answered here.  Many of the people excited about Ethereum think bitcoin is a bit stupid.  It was before things really got rolling - but you can find one of their core C+ devs saying as much if you look back far enough.  What they are trying to accomplish is impressive.

Looking forward to what happens with it in spring of 2015.

I'm a network guy, routing , switch and such. I don't do a lot of programing but Ethereum and SDN are making me start learning python.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: UnicornFarts on October 18, 2014, 03:09:49 AM
I'm a network guy, routing , switch and such. I don't do a lot of programing but Ethereum and SDN are making me start learning python.

I might if a project calls for it.  I know they  are already (some guy in the forums) working on a webthin client that will work with a rasberri pi.  Rasberri Pi + Ethereum + Doorlock + Reputation System + DAPP = AirBNB.  The applications are much MUCH greater for this project than most people just wanting to talk some noobs into giving up their BTC

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 18, 2014, 03:15:33 AM
I'm a network guy, routing , switch and such. I don't do a lot of programing but Ethereum and SDN are making me start learning python.

I might if a project calls for it.  I know they  are already (some guy in the forums) working on a webthin client that will work with a rasberri pi.  Rasberri Pi + Ethereum + Doorlock + Reputation System + DAPP = AirBNB.  The applications are much MUCH greater for this project than most people just wanting to talk some noobs into giving up their BTC

Its funny to watch actually

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Platonicgap on October 18, 2014, 03:16:19 AM

I've noticed the same phenomenon with my brother who is an embedded systems developer. Not very eager to learn about the internal plumbing and coding for Bitcoin, never could get him to attend a Bitcoin meetup, but he gets excited about Ethereum because it potentially gives him more power to build (decentralized apps).  Makes me wonder how universal of a phenomenon this is, with the developer excitement.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is broke and needs money..
Post by: Spoetnik on October 18, 2014, 04:30:35 AM
INB4 Nick Szabo is Satoshi theories.

in before your endless whacked out lunatic theories you spammed about in the other forum sections then you got banned over LOL

i should go collect them up and post them so everyone can see your uhhhhhhhh "theories"

so why did you hide for so long anyway ?

research teams at universities posted Nick Szabo is Satoshi theories with tangible facts and points that can be verified..
ref =
YOU posted crazy NSA made Bitcoin type of theories LOL

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is broke and needs money..
Post by: UnicornFarts on October 18, 2014, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: vbuterin founder

I spoke with him a couple of times, including in person. He was looking into our software and liked its smart contracting potential, but we had a few conversations where he direly warned us not to go down the path if Xanadu and try to make absolutely everything right and get sidelined by a worse-but-good-enough competitor like the World Wide Web in the process.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slapper on October 18, 2014, 05:04:42 PM
Nick is Satoshi is a conspiracy fact. I also have little doubt he was bored and created the whole gmx email hack drama last month. Incredible discipline to not cash out any part of the early mined BTCs. When Charles H was part of the Ethereum team you would have heard a lot of times how he referenced the missing TC language and smart contracts speak in Bitcoin whitepaper.

It is incredible that Nick is a proponent of Ethereum and even more amazing that Vitalik made an effort to meet him in person. This is serious.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 19, 2014, 05:12:14 AM
Nick is Satoshi is a conspiracy fact. I also have little doubt he was bored and created the whole gmx email hack drama last month. Incredible discipline to not cash out any part of the early mined BTCs. When Charles H was part of the Ethereum team you would have heard a lot of times how he referenced the missing TC language and smart contracts speak in Bitcoin whitepaper.

It is incredible that Nick is a proponent of Ethereum and even more amazing that Vitalik made an effort to meet him in person. This is serious.

Serious is correct! I for one can NOT wait for 1.0

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: abs350 on October 19, 2014, 07:10:45 AM
Ethereum has all the hallmarks of vaporware.

Whilst I won't go so far as to predict the outcome of the project - especially since their funding has been phenomenal - I recommend you to read this lengthy account of a similar well-known vaporware project.

My judgement - given the team working on ethereum - is that it's similar to Xanadu. It seems like they are trying to reinvent crypto-currency and the bitcoin blockchain, except they don't really know what they are inventing.

I can't see any practical use for Ethereum except for creating another currency.

I'd steer clear of getting involved with this project in any of its forms. It looks like it's very cleverly marketed - the "yellowpaper" certainly reads impressively - however, until they actually have a product that appeals to anyone other than speculators, I'd stay well clear.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is broke and needs money..
Post by: jabo38 on October 19, 2014, 07:57:17 AM
Quote from: vbuterin founder

I spoke with him a couple of times, including in person. He was looking into our software and liked its smart contracting potential, but we had a few conversations where he direly warned us not to go down the path if Xanadu and try to make absolutely everything right and get sidelined by a worse-but-good-enough competitor like the World Wide Web in the process.

I was pretty shocked by this statement so I tracked it back to here.

My thoughts.  Vitalik is a true believer and in it for the love of the tech and possibilities.  He may or may not deliver, but he is definitely not a crypto pumper just out to get rich.  Those that have set themselves up around him definitely are sly, manipulative and playing a game, but that isn't Vitalik. 

I thought Nick was just another pseudonym (and I still do believe it is as he admits to having others) and that he wouldn't ever surface.  This is the first credible sighting I have ever heard of Nick actually being put in a room talking with somebody else. 

But since Vitalik said it himself, I believe it.  I long ago read Nick's blog and saw his Ethereum tweet.  Sounded like he was trying to prod Ethereum into action and I can definitely believe he stepped it up a level in intensity and even paid Vitalik a surprise visit. 

We all know that Vitalik is a wild card.  Ethereum very well might turn into vaporware or it is very possible Vitalik might have a eureka moment.  I am sure Nick knows this and that is why he is supporting him and pushing him in the direction Vitalik mentioned.  There is hardly a truer believer than Nick.  His work predates "Satoshi".  I think he would take a liking to a 2nd generation faithful like Vitalik.  There aren't many people like him around that are actually capable of building on what Nick did in a unique and interesting way. 

For both Nick and Vitalik, it is not about the money, it is about changing the future.  To that extent I believe this report.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 19, 2014, 08:14:36 AM
Ya'll will love this:

"Ethereum has vast potential, whereas Bitcoin won't ever do anything well beyond implementing a currency," programmer Nick Szabo, another early Bitcoin proponent who's recently begun tweeting after an extended absence from the internet, told us in an email several weeks ago. (

"early Bitcoin proponent"

I'd say. ;) Thrown off yet?

He does speak the truth in the context of his essays on smart contracts. He is all about that. A well implemented Ethereum would be closer to his final vision than Bitcoin. Even if Bitcoin/gold was his initial vision. There is nothing controversial about this, it's just a matter of reading the essays.

good point !
if it was him and he made Bitcoin i bet he had more ideas after the fact..
and as we can see here in the Alt scene what ideas get ya lol
a big ole fat pile of bullshit !

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 19, 2014, 08:18:38 AM
Ethereum has all the hallmarks of vaporware.

Whilst I won't go so far as to predict the outcome of the project - especially since their funding has been phenomenal - I recommend you to read this lengthy account of a similar well-known vaporware project.

My judgement - given the team working on ethereum - is that it's similar to Xanadu. It seems like they are trying to reinvent crypto-currency and the bitcoin blockchain, except they don't really know what they are inventing.

I can't see any practical use for Ethereum except for creating another currency.

I'd steer clear of getting involved with this project in any of its forms. It looks like it's very cleverly marketed - the "yellowpaper" certainly reads impressively - however, until they actually have a product that appeals to anyone other than speculators, I'd stay well clear.

good point and that is not factoring in other digging guys have already done if you snoop around looking up the name.
i can just imagine the grand altcoin plans the bitcoin devs have.. they are bored of Bitcoin and want a slice of the Flash mine pie i think.. simple.
the temptation to get in on the ground floor again must claw at them non stop.. all these stories of i had a 1,000 Bitcoin but didn't keep them etc stories way back LOL
the altcoin allure and siren call... $$$$ dreams of lambo's and Moon's  :D

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 19, 2014, 04:23:53 PM
Ethereum has all the hallmarks of vaporware.

Whilst I won't go so far as to predict the outcome of the project - especially since their funding has been phenomenal - I recommend you to read this lengthy account of a similar well-known vaporware project.

My judgement - given the team working on ethereum - is that it's similar to Xanadu. It seems like they are trying to reinvent crypto-currency and the bitcoin blockchain, except they don't really know what they are inventing.

I can't see any practical use for Ethereum except for creating another currency.

I'd steer clear of getting involved with this project in any of its forms. It looks like it's very cleverly marketed - the "yellowpaper" certainly reads impressively - however, until they actually have a product that appeals to anyone other than speculators, I'd stay well clear.

good point and that is not factoring in other digging guys have already done if you snoop around looking up the name.
i can just imagine the grand altcoin plans the bitcoin devs have.. they are bored of Bitcoin and want a slice of the Flash mine pie i think.. simple.
the temptation to get in on the ground floor again must claw at them non stop.. all these stories of i had a 1,000 Bitcoin but didn't keep them etc stories way back LOL
the altcoin allure and siren call... $$$$ dreams of lambo's and Moon's 

I really don't think you fully understand what is going on.

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: Momimaus on October 19, 2014, 05:31:54 PM

Oh nice Satoshi is joining Ethereum. If BCNXT joins also then you can buy Google and Facebook for 1 Ether in 2015.  ;D

Title: chances are i have a better grasp than you do honey ;)
Post by: Spoetnik on October 19, 2014, 10:15:46 PM
I really don't think you fully understand what is going on.

Name: 	slaveforanunnak1
Posts: 310
Activity: 154
Position: Full Member
Date Registered: March 06, 2014

Name: 	Spoetnik
Posts: 4057
Activity: 448
Position: Sr. Member
Date Registered: July 17, 2013

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 20, 2014, 12:54:11 AM
And your point is?? So what? You've yapped more on this forum than I have,  instead of reading and learning new things.

You wanna show stats eh?

WTF is up with this mate?

Trust: -2: -1 / +1(1)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

who did you fuck over?

Title: Your going to get butt-fucked in Jail LOL
Post by: Spoetnik on October 20, 2014, 02:56:01 AM
And your point is?? So what? You've yapped more on this forum than I have,  instead of reading and learning new things.

You wanna show stats eh?

WTF is up with this mate?

Trust: -2: -1 / +1(1)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

who did you fuck over?

click on the profile and read my trust rating i am not stopping you.

i will say the trust rating is for trades.
i have done one trade with 1 guy and he left me good feedback.
so what do think all the rest is ?
i'll give you a little hint ;)

i hope your not in the UK sweety or i will see your cocky ass in jail :-*

zip up.. your Fail is hanging out honey.
we all know the trust rating here means nothing because it's abused rampantly..
i've made topics before asking the staff to do something about it and they don't care.

have a look at your feedback son lol

I already put you in your place before so you want some more keep talking..
in the mean time everyone got my opinion (the correct one) so......
move along nothing else to see here.. Spoetnik's got this covered  8)

Title: get your stomache pumped sweety you consumed a dangerous amount of semen
Post by: Spoetnik on October 20, 2014, 02:59:35 AM
Full Member

Activity: 154

View Profile Personal Message (Offline)
Trust: -6: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

LOL who did you fuck over ? aha ah ha hahhahahhahahhahahahhaha

Title: Re: Nick Szabo is helping on the Ethereum project?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on October 20, 2014, 05:19:23 AM
You are a complete fucking psycho. I have nothing else to tell you. Ignore!