Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: agent725 on October 18, 2014, 11:13:22 PM

Title: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 18, 2014, 11:13:22 PM (

We're aiming to make the cryptosphere a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing intersystemic connectivity. (


WHAT The Internet of Coins aims to create a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing intersystemic connectivity. Not through centralized exchanges, nor federated partnerships, or multigateways, but sustained by a hybrid P2P meta-network to leverage each of its participant's strength in numbers. Our dream is to integrate all coins into an interconnected and financially liquid nervous system.

WHY Our goal is to make every cryptocurrency autonomously part of a large swarm of decentralized economic activity. We want to do this by enabling every cryptocurrency user to create hybrid assets that interconnect value systems and blockchains. We believe there are also some useless cloned coins and assets out there, however, we see a numerous amount of innovations with valuable technology worth saving from abandonment. This provides users with an easy to use way of transferring value, while  providing businesses with a backend solution for accepting multiple  currencies.

HOW The parallel network will be run by anyone that uses the hybridd daemon. Being an allocator and part of the network is rewarded through network fees. Existing wallets and technologies need no changes or adaptations at all to have their blockchains and value systems hooked into this decentralized network. The current developments in cryptocurrencies are brimming with creativity, and we would like to see this continue in parallel, without imposing any limits. Please read our whitepaper ( for more details.

Public appearances:

- Bitcoinference Amsterdam Summer 2014 (, the Netherlands
- Ethereum & Bitcoin meetups Amsterdam (, the Netherlands
- Bitcoin Wednesday meetups Amsterdam (, the Netherlands
- 'Biljetten en bitcoins' (, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Bitcoin 2 Business (, Brussels, Belgium
- Bitcoin meetup Gent (, Belgium
- Arnhem Bitcoin City (, the Netherlands
- Crypto Money Expo (, international
- Bitcoinference Amsterdam 2015 (, The Netherlands
- Virtual Bitcoin Expo (, international
- Bitcoin, Blockchain, Beer 2016 (, The Netherlands

The team:

We are Joachim de Koning (, Robert de Groot (, Jelle Herold (, Amadeus de Koning ( and Sergey Kazenyuk. You can read more about us on the Team page (

Current developments:

We started in the beginning of the summer of 2014. A working prototype, Hybrid Assets ( has been online with a prototype asset 'Stormwind' since June 2014.
Our website came online at the end of August 2014. It is our main communication channel where we talk about the project in our blogs. You can also converse with us via Twitter (

From August onwards, we started spreading news about the project at conferences and began talks with initial investors. November 1st 2014, we released a press release ( announcing an investment and development partnership from Bitalo ( On the 6th birthday of the blockchain, January 3rd 2015, we released our whitepaper and became the first officially supported project of the Dutch Bitcoin Embassy (

Do you have a whitepaper?

Yes. You can download it ( from our website.

Can I personally invest?

Not as of now. We are currently in the pre-launch phase, where we prefer to work with entrepreneurs and companies that are willing to pioneer with us and can bear risk. If you are an entrepreneur or investor, feel free to contact us. We do not want any user to bet his wage on the financial risks of a newly established project, but aim for an evolutionary growth. When we have secured enough pre-launch capital to ensure continuous development, it will be possible to buy into the hybrid assets used to bootstrap the system.

What sets you apart from other projects?

By being a distributed autonomous organisation, instead of a foundation or corporation, we want to ensure the impartial evolution of this project. In our project there is no discrimination. Any cryptocurrency, or even  ledgerless technology, can be hooked into the Internet of Coins in order for an open market to develop. We avoid blockchain bloat by utilizing a parallel P2P communications network.

The system does not require the existing technology behind a blockchain to be adapted or updated. Our approach is modular and aims at setting solid standards in the cryptosphere on which next generation financial solutions can be built. We are building a technology for participants in the cryptosphere to use on their own. This is a system which is open source and can be used as a transaction tool by any company or person, either directly or as a backend solution.

A while back we shared our vision in an article ( on Cointelegraph.

Feel free to ask questions!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on October 19, 2014, 06:43:29 AM
let me know if your want some free publicity for your project

btw, always do videos of your presentations then post them to youtube

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on October 19, 2014, 06:52:37 AM
Hi guys! Sorry for my spamming of the cryptocoinsnews. I just got mad because I like hybrid assets and what you're doing and thought XC is doing a ripoff. They make all kinds of promises for new technologies and then people believe it and throw the money at them. I was scammed on Bittrex before and it felt like an abuse of trust. That made me avoid all  crypto for a long time..

Anyway, a few hours ago I registered, and got nice directions from someone to find your thread. So there's nice people on here too.

Already I have a queston. Will the daemon of your system run on both TOR and I2P at the same time? Because I thought they were very different.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 19, 2014, 01:20:57 PM
Hi Armis, thanks! Sending you a PM.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 20, 2014, 10:01:31 AM
Hi guys! Sorry for my spamming of the cryptocoinsnews. I just got mad because I like hybrid assets and what you're doing and thought XC is doing a ripoff. They make all kinds of promises for new technologies and then people believe it and throw the money at them. I was scammed on Bittrex before and it felt like an abuse of trust. That made me avoid all  crypto for a long time..

Anyway, a few hours ago I registered, and got nice directions from someone to find your thread. So there's nice people on here too.

Already I have a queston. Will the daemon of your system run on both TOR and I2P at the same time? Because I thought they were very different.

Hi George, welcome to the forum. Yes, the client will be hooked up to both. We will initially focus on the use of TOR, however we aim to support both (and perhaps more if time permits us). Which is why we are going with a modular approach, so we can continue to support the client with new updates and plugins one at a time. A TOR binary is included, in case the user does not have an existing connection.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 20, 2014, 06:24:23 PM

Couldn't resist doing some touching up of this picture in the GIMP.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Lethn on October 20, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
Is this an actual WIP then of a decentralised exchange that a lot of people have been wanting to work on for years now? Do you have any screenshots or whitepaper to look at?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 20, 2014, 11:41:56 PM
Yes. We are currently finalizing our whitepaper, which will be published soon here and on the website. The first hybrid asset has been running since June as a testcase. We will take the code of the project to Github once it hits beta.

By the way: if you notice any assets on exchanges currently claiming to be ours, don't invest. We are in talks with a few institutional investors for now.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: visual111 on October 21, 2014, 01:17:46 AM
do you know what platform the asset IPO will be listed on?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on October 21, 2014, 09:24:51 AM
You are my favorite project  ;D and I added u to the list of favorite projects on the ( board!

Yes, I also want to know if where you are doing IPO, or only investors you pick 'n choose?!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 21, 2014, 11:21:57 AM
Thanks George, very kind of you. Looks like a nice list.

An IPO will not be done until the project has some investment as a basis to ensure continuity. The reason we are currently aiming for institutional investors (entrepreneurs & companies) is that we would prefer to limit exposing individual users to the initial risk of a new venture.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 21, 2014, 09:02:37 PM
Updated our initial post with some more information.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on October 21, 2014, 10:13:26 PM
agent725, I'm surprised I haven't heard from you.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 22, 2014, 09:34:17 AM
Sent you a PM.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: CIYAM on October 22, 2014, 09:38:07 AM
You would be most welcome to use this:

(a bounty to get an atomic cross-chain transfer between Qora and a Bitcoin/Litecoin clone has been created and it is hoped this will be achieved before the end of 2014)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: hill on October 22, 2014, 05:22:02 PM
interesting, keeping watch.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on October 22, 2014, 09:24:38 PM
Hey devs!! Shall I make some nice pictures for the project? Working with photoshop is fun! ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 22, 2014, 11:50:42 PM
As long as they're not hurtful to others... :)

For anyone looking for more information, I posted a video of a presentation at the beginning of September where Joachim explains the concept in more detail. We like to use tangible examples:

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 23, 2014, 08:24:48 AM
CIYAM, I took a look at your link. Good stuff there! We'll study your method and share it with a developer who may be helping us out on this. We also are looking at high-level approaches, and I think we should combine both. I.e., first try to transact atomically, and where that cannot be done, fallback to multisig., RPC controlled hacks. At the BTC2B in Brussels Vitalik Buterin told me to look into threshold cryptography, which I am doing, and looking to see what the pro's and con's are of utilizing it.

Yesterday I wrote this article, which Armis also published. If you have technical knowledge, please don't hesitate to correct me where I'm wrong. Also, if you are not technical, any other feedback is also much appreciated. :)

/// TITLE: Building Interconnection, We Need Eclectic Methodology

There are mainly two contrasting approaches when it comes to inter-blockchain connectivity; high-level and low-level. Both are equally important, but approach either the fundamentals or numerics of blockchain conglomeration. To create something like an Internet of Coins, we need to use both approaches concurrently and eclectically.

It could be compared to the way Michaelangelo worked to create one of his artful statues. Some of the chipping of the stone had to be done with large chisels and firm blows of the hammer. A high level approach to result in the basic and recognizable shapes of the rock being hewn. Yet simultaneously, he had to work with the utmost caution, scraping out the tiniest details to accentuate the shape of muscles and hair. The results of this combination are an artwork.

High-level connectivity focuses mainly on the controlling aspect of value trading. To make sure that one transaction finishes before sharing the access keys to another initiation for transaction can essentially be done from a high-level protocol. For example, it could be an RPC calling script that controls two daemons for different cryptocurrencies to make an allocated trade between them possible.

Low-level connectivity delves down to byte-level transactions to make atomic cross-chain trades possible. In this case two transactions are meticulously crafted using advanced cryptographic programming, by which an atomic script ensures instantaneous escrow between blockchain constructs. Assembly-like language is used to describe this process.

Both approaches contain very useful and some deterring aspects, and thus must both be held up to scrutiny. Combining them in tandem is even more of a challenge, as it requires an eclectic overview and understanding of different technologies, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they may by combined most securely and efficiently.

In another comparison it is creating a thing of architectural beauty, like for example the Obuda Synagogue, St. Nicholas Cathedral Kronstadt, or the Taj Mahal. Any one of these three architectural beauties has taken great skill in prestigious, high-level architecture as well as patiently crafted, low-level ornamental detail.

Many high-level solutions are potentially compatible even towards systems that very much differ in their underlying implementation. However, the high-level approach is difficult to properly secure, and needs a parallel cryptographic network to function safely. It also leaves open security holes in every gap between the high-level construct itself and its controlled daemon subject. Perhaps it is also easier to infuse with malware, as high-level programming is often more easily understood, and agile to work with.

The low-level approach is most robust when applied properly, besides being light weight, and can outlast high-level systemic changes. Even so, it requires very skilled programmers and presents tough cryptographic puzzles to solve. In some cases it can lead to a quest for a holy grail that is most difficult, if not near-impossible to reach in a timely manner. And if a vulnerability is ever found at a later stage, it may be very difficult to find those qualified to repair such a weakness.

To make an internet of coins possible, we need both approaches, and we must patiently find the way for us as craftsmen to all build it together.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: CIYAM on October 23, 2014, 08:45:12 AM
I think that your article reads reasonably well - also note that I will be publishing the AT *API* specification tomorrow (and raising the bounty - if you guys are able to add to that bounty or - better still - try and collect it then that would be great).

The AT API spec combined with this should make the job of integrating AT with a Bitcoin clone fairly straight forward (if I wasn't so busy working on other things I'd give it a go myself).

The actual atomic cross-chain transfer AT will be provided by CIYAM either later this month or early next month but in short it will work in the same manner as the published nLockTime approach for Bitcoin (but rather than needing nLockTime to be implemented in both "mainnets" you will just need AT to be supported in both).

The new AT will be somewhat like the Dormant Funds Transfer (this is the refund part) but each AT will also contain a SHA256 hash value (whoever publishes their AT first is the one who knows the "secret"). Provided a message "that is the secret" is received by the AT (checked by hashing and comparing to the hard-coded expected hash) and that this occurs before the refund has happened then the AT will store the secret (making it now publicly visible in the ATs state) and of course transfer the funds.

The other AT on the other block chain then just needs to be sent the same secret in order for it to do the other part (again before it refunds). The AT will most likely be designed for re-use as well (so each trader would have their own).

As in the nLockTime approach the refund times need to have a reasonably large difference (say 1 hour for person going 1st and 3 hours for person going second).

Note that to send "messages" for Bitcoin clones OP_RETURN would be used.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 23, 2014, 03:21:32 PM
CIYAM, Will go through this to see if we dare to take a shot at it.

George, Have you also tried using the GIMP for pictures or Inkscape for vectors/logo's?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ammo on October 23, 2014, 04:03:18 PM
 8) Way to go Agent 725! Your reputation and experience in the world of coin and crypto is hard to match.

Kudo's for your pioneering work. Seems to be attracting followers like IoB?!? ;)

But it is the way to go and the future of the cryptosphere. I fully support you in your endeavour.

 ;D This internet of coins thing is going to make crypto happening! Can't wait to get on the bandwagon and get cracking!

Awesome stuff there, we are kinda hoping on the release of a whitepaper preview. Would you care to work together with us on that? If so, contact me via the usual channels.


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on October 24, 2014, 07:30:06 PM

 ;D inkscape works a bit weird, but good!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 25, 2014, 08:32:35 AM
You got more of those gramen?  ;D

Yesterday I've been working on the mathematics of our whitepaper with wires. He pointed out we need some more time to work out the notation and we'll probably be doing this in LateX. (Right now the document is a simple .odt, but that doesn't really suffice.)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on October 25, 2014, 06:47:19 PM
Agent 725

One of my fellow board members at EMC2 told me about, after a cursory view of the material it reminded me of your project, perhaps it might be of interest to you.  

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on October 25, 2014, 10:41:04 PM
I think the XC currency Blocknet just try to monetize on the trends.
Domain was registered: 2014-10-15 15:42:33 (WHOIS)  and they throw already an ITO end of this month?! Bigtime scam alerts to me!  >:(

Do you also think so, Agent?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on October 26, 2014, 09:03:24 AM
Some interesting developments indeed.

Next to our project there is the SuperNET (James Lee) and the BlockNET (Dan Metcalf). I certainly hope both of them are legit. They are big IPO/ITO runners, and I don't want to see people scammed like what is happening with many alt-coins.

In any case, we are focusing on making integration happen. Where possible, we want to collaborate with these other projects. Working open source means that the code we will commit to Github is free to use for others.

We hope this will help all serious contenders to develop solutions that will work for everyone. I think, instead of competition, collaboration is what we should be aiming for.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 26, 2014, 11:25:25 PM
Like I stated at another website; each of the current integrating projects has their own advantages (and as it seems, their own enthusiastic following) which is fine. Previous examples of inventions in crypto have shown that it is not uncommon for multiple initiatives to coexist. It is after all possible to be part of multiple networks -increasing liquidity even further.

We'll just be continuing our work at our own pace :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on October 27, 2014, 03:14:26 AM
thanks for the comments I will forward a summary of responses

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 28, 2014, 12:43:59 AM
Yeah or invite them here, we will try to answer any question.

Minor update: website traffic has been off the charts this month :D
Also meeting up with a new developer this weekend... will keep everyone posted.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on November 01, 2014, 12:23:05 AM
We're happy to announce Bitalo is supporting us with initial funding.
On our website we added a countdown clock for our public launch.

  Look at the time! So much to do, and less time to do it in. (  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on November 01, 2014, 02:15:13 PM
Liking your clock guys!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on November 02, 2014, 10:01:15 PM
Thanks George!

Looks like we're getting noticed. Crypto Biz Mag ( was one of the first and also Dutch website CoinCourant ( wrote an article about us. We've got some more presentations and interviews this week, and in the meantime... whitepaper whitepaper whitepaper ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Watsky on November 02, 2014, 10:07:48 PM
Looks like a exciting project looking forward to it!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ammo on November 07, 2014, 08:52:33 AM
Hi agent and dotrego,

First of all, thanks for taking me on as a project dev. I promise to deliver the best possible codez to this amazing project!

BTW, sure happy wires is here to help with the higher mathematics. Though I know many languages, algebra remains mystifying to me. Apparently my arabic is limited to the numerals.  ;)

It's great that Bitalo is supporting early development. No doubt they're a company with vision.  8) [shameless plug]

Nice to see gramen here too! Long time no see. Great meme, inspires me to make some of my own... memes rock.

Oh yes, to introduce myself, I wrote an article for the website, that explains my view on the financial world and the reason for me to get into crypto.

It's about the rise of the 'mammals of crypto'.  :P

So what do furry little animals have to do with cryptocurrency? Read the article to find out! (



Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on November 07, 2014, 02:51:38 PM
Hi guys! I came down with some flu, but now I see the latest article and it soothes my crypto-itches! Will make some crypto-mammals meme-forms for sure..  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ammo on November 07, 2014, 06:25:10 PM

Beat you to it!  :D

If our code is as good as our memes, we're sure to make a ruckus.


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on November 12, 2014, 07:56:29 PM
We were interviewed yesterday by dutch trends and tech website Draadbreuk. -- (

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on November 17, 2014, 01:28:59 AM
Touring update: we will be presenting at the Dutch Bitcoin event Arnhem Bitcoin City ( (November 28th) and at the Belgian Bitcoin Gent meetup ( (December 6th). Whitepaper is coming along and we have a German visit planned as well :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on November 26, 2014, 10:02:10 AM
After reading all the flacknfodder between Counterparty and Ethereum, in came the Bitcoin thumpz.
Bitcoin only!! Bitcoin as dictaturr fer life! Bla, bla, so then suddenly I had meme..

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on November 27, 2014, 12:04:30 AM
Good to see you are still following us George :D

We are planning on shooting some vids soon for the website. The site itself has been updated with our media mentions (notice the changes on the frontpage). Will keep you posted!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: crypto4jan on November 29, 2014, 09:05:28 AM
Hi I was yesterday in Arnhem and there was a awesome presentation of Internet of Coins.
I go follow this topic.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on December 05, 2014, 07:02:33 PM
Good to see you Jan :)

Update: currently in talks with an external security guy for additional review. Tomorrow we will be at the Bitcoin Meetup Gent in Belgium!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on December 05, 2014, 07:39:58 PM
And we're presenting at the Crypto Money Expo today at 18:20 EST.

Everyone welcome: (

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on December 16, 2014, 08:55:09 PM
...And that's enough gatherings for a while :) I blogged about our latest activities;

We were interviewed by BitPost ( as well. For now, expect the next update to be focused on the whitepaper :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Alex_crypto on December 19, 2014, 02:41:45 AM
is there any videos explaining the project?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on December 23, 2014, 02:31:06 AM
is there any videos explaining the project?
Hi! Welcome to the topic, and thank you for your interest.

You can view a video of our explanation here at the post of the Bitcoinference ( this summer in Amsterdam. After the release of the whitepaper at our blockchain birthdayparty January 3rd, we will be shooting some extra videomaterial for the website.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on January 01, 2015, 01:10:42 PM
What happens when the website counter reaches zero?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Bit_Happy on January 01, 2015, 10:44:44 PM
If the system is user-friendly, then I'm very interested in your project.
Watching for more updates...

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Crypty3 on January 01, 2015, 10:50:46 PM
Nice to see what genuinely appears to be actual enthusiasm for this project.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: cbeast on January 01, 2015, 11:14:52 PM
After reading all the flacknfodder between Counterparty and Ethereum, in came the Bitcoin thumpz.
Bitcoin only!! Bitcoin as dictaturr fer life! Bla, bla, so then suddenly I had a meme..

I hope the whitepaper will be more than memes and bring something new to the table.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 03, 2015, 08:51:57 AM
What happens when the website counter reaches zero?

We will release the whitepaper when the clock stops. :) The download button will be on the front page. Definitely let us know if you like it, but also feel free to tell us if you dislike it.

Also, if you're in Amsterdam today, we are having a whitepaper-release party on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the Bitcoin blockchain.

The party will be held at 13:00 (CET/local time) in the Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam. You're welcome to attend! ->

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 04, 2015, 06:21:46 PM
We updated the opening post, and the whitepaper is now available on the website. If you have any comments, please let us know.
As also announced on Reddit ( :)

Edit: whitepaper thread added in the Altcoin section here (

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Laume on January 05, 2015, 10:53:50 AM
I think this project sounds very interesting. If I understand correctly, anyone could pay me in any cryptocurrency, and I would not have to rely on the services of a third party to exchange anything? And this would in turn increase the security? How, exactly?

And doesn't this promote centralisation, if everyone uses this asset for their transactions?

I'm sorry if these questions are ignorant...I'm still new to the realm of cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: 0x01 on January 05, 2015, 12:38:42 PM
Hi, Jelle here. I'm currently helping the IoC organisation with the more mathematical parts and technical bits.

I think this project sounds very interesting. If I understand correctly, anyone could pay me in any cryptocurrency,

Yes, this is true. The system will try to automatically find a way to convert from cryptocurrency X to cryptocurrency Y, using hybrid assets.
But this should be (mostly) hidden for the user. You just see: convert Doge to Flappy.

and I would not have to rely on the services of a third party to exchange anything?

You don't have to rely on the services of a trusted third party. However, the exchange is going to be governed by a decentralised service consisting of many nodes. So this is similar in spirit to how Ethereum works.

And this would in turn increase the security? How, exactly?

I think the bit of the white paper you are referring to here, tries to say that decentralized services are better than centralized.

And doesn't this promote centralisation, if everyone uses this asset for their transactions?

I'm sorry if these questions are ignorant...I'm still new to the realm of cryptocurrencies.

I'll leave this one to the others to answer :-)

Don't worry about asking "ignorant" questions, it's up to us to make the story as clear as possible. Every question is welcome, this way we can learn what need to be explained better. So keep asking :-)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Laume on January 05, 2015, 12:49:06 PM
Does 'a decentralized system of many nodes' also mean that the risks of the system failing or somehow losing money because of a lengthy transfer time are minimized?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: cbeast on January 05, 2015, 12:55:25 PM
OK, I'm reading the white paper. I am intrigued by this project. I envisioned a multicoin system in 2012 that arose out of the PoW vs PoS controversy.

Proof of Allocation seems to compete with Blockstream's Side Chains in resolving multichain synchronization. I do have a fundamental human rights issue with PoS and was wondering if an implementation of IoC can be structured to work purely with PoW coins?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 05, 2015, 01:21:47 PM
Quote from: Laume
And doesn't this promote centralisation, if everyone uses this asset for their transactions?
The way we are designing this, anyone should be able to issue a hybrid asset on the network. This means users can practically create gateways between currencies, while transactions on those gateways are governed by node-swarms on the network.

Does 'a decentralized system of many nodes' also mean that the risks of the system failing or somehow losing money because of a lengthy transfer time are minimized?
Yes. Like with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies, the network has a failover mechanism. This means a transaction can be picked up by other members of a swarm in case of node failure, and incomplete transactions can be canceled (for negligible network fees).

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Laume on January 05, 2015, 01:23:56 PM
I wonder how much time and money the development of such a project would require. It looks like there's been quite a bit of time and effort invested in this already.

I hope you'll succeed in developing this, it could be a very good thing for people like me who accidentally got into cryptocurrencies through questions from customers but have been hesitant to take many risks - the economy is not such that small businesses can afford to take many risks. I'm glad practical solutions to many of our concerns are under way. I find the idea of cryptocurrencies fascinating and certainly worth looking into. Projects like these could help convince other small, hesitant business owners to be more open to the idea. To be honest, I put off looking into it for quite a while because I didn't know what it was and found it all a little daunting (and making enough money to get by is tricky enough and taking up a lot of time as it is for most of us).  

I think what would greatly help many of us (speaking as a rather ignorant business owner) is user-friendly projects that minimize potential risks and this one looks promising.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 05, 2015, 01:30:28 PM
OK, I'm reading the white paper. I am intrigued by this project. I envisioned a multicoin system in 2012 that arose out of the PoW vs PoS controversy.

Proof of Allocation seems to compete with Blockstream's Side Chains in resolving multichain synchronization. I do have a fundamental human rights issue with PoS and was wondering if an implementation of IoC can be structured to work purely with PoW coins?

The IoC hybridd should be structurally compatible with a wide variety of value systems. Even non-blockchain ones. However, which coins are 'grouped' will be up to the users in the future. This means you could create a hybrid asset that links only to PoW coins if you want to. You cannot stop others from mixing PoS and PoW on their issued assets. Just like the Internet contains many different kinds of webpages, we want to see the Internet of Coins host many different kinds of asset combinations.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Laume on January 05, 2015, 01:49:56 PM
So, basically, everyone can use this to do what best suits their needs? No dependance on what the other users are doing, and not limited by what the developers' preferences are?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: neoranga on January 05, 2015, 09:43:08 PM
Very interesting project, well done for the whitepaper :)

I've read the whitepaper and I have a few questions:

In page 3 I was very puzzled about how the multisig configuration would work and I imagined something similar to what I found later in section 10. Maybe it's a good suggestion to add a reference to section 10 for the explanation

In the combination of multisig, how many keys are required to unlock the value sent? All the keys of the swarm plus Alice or Bob? Or is this an M-of-N configuration to prevent missing nodes?
Are all the required keys in one swarm/group sent to another swarm/group as backup before being sent to the users?

I understand one user creates an address to send and the other user constructs the private key to access the funds on that address
Which keys (public/private from who Alice/Bob) are signing on each part of the transaction? The steps in the graph confused me a little bit although I like the actual graph, kudos for it.

In page 5:
There is a mention to an image that is missing in that page. I imagine this refers to the image that appears at the top of page 4, is this correct?

Who creates the hybrid asset and why should I care about a specific asset or trust the issuer compared to another one? Is there any reputation system?
Who and how we set the exchange price of the hybrid asset among chains?
This is the part that I can't completely click in my head: if, for example, I create asset X in Counterparty for the value of 1 BTC and the same asset in NXT for the value of 1 BTC and tomorrow the price of NXT duplicates, then the value of my hybrid asset X in NXT is twice more valuable than my asset X in Counterparty. How do I sell/buy these assets to other people interested in buying the appreciated NXT?

Legal disclosure
I'm not responsible for any mental harm caused to any human or animal produced while reading any of my possibly stupid questions.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: 0x01 on January 05, 2015, 11:47:36 PM
Very interesting project, well done for the whitepaper :)

I've read the whitepaper and I have a few questions:

In page 3 I was very puzzled about how the multisig configuration would work and I imagined something similar to what I found later in section 10. Maybe it's a good suggestion to add a reference to section 10 for the explanation

In the combination of multisig, how many keys are required to unlock the value sent? All the keys of the swarm plus Alice or Bob? Or is this an M-of-N configuration to prevent missing nodes?
Are all the required keys in one swarm/group sent to another swarm/group as backup before being sent to the users?

I understand one user creates an address to send and the other user constructs the private key to access the funds on that address
Which keys (public/private from who Alice/Bob) are signing on each part of the transaction? The steps in the graph confused me a little bit although I like the actual graph, kudos for it.

In page 5:
There is a mention to an image that is missing in that page. I imagine this refers to the image that appears at the top of page 4, is this correct?

Who creates the hybrid asset and why should I care about a specific asset or trust the issuer compared to another one? Is there any reputation system?
Who and how we set the exchange price of the hybrid asset among chains?
This is the part that I can't completely click in my head: if, for example, I create asset X in Counterparty for the value of 1 BTC and the same asset in NXT for the value of 1 BTC and tomorrow the price of NXT duplicates, then the value of my hybrid asset X in NXT is twice more valuable than my asset X in Counterparty. How do I sell/buy these assets to other people interested in buying the appreciated NXT?

Legal disclosure
I'm not responsible for any mental harm caused to any human or animal produced while reading any of my possibly stupid questions.

Thanks! Mental harm? Au contraire, thank you for this useful input. The multisig protocol is worked out pretty well in an appendix/protocol paper that we are planning to publish somewhere the coming days.

I need to sleep now :) but we will try to answers your other questions tomorrow!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 06, 2015, 01:28:12 AM
To answer this in the meantime:

So, basically, everyone can use this to do what best suits their needs? No dependance on what the other users are doing, and not limited by what the developers' preferences are?
Yes. The only dependency is: there need to be other users available, otherwise no trades can be made of course.

We do not have any preferences and try to remain agnostic when it comes to valuesystems. Some offer innovation, some don't. Who are we to decide which ones you can use or not? We want to build tools for people to exchange value. By providing the system open source and expandable via modules, devs can hook up any exchange or coin they like.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 06, 2015, 11:20:25 AM
In page 3 I was very puzzled about how the multisig configuration would work and I imagined something similar to what I found later in section 10. Maybe it's a good suggestion to add a reference to section 10 for the explanation
Good idea. We'll put it on our whitepaper todo.

In the combination of multisig, how many keys are required to unlock the value sent? All the keys of the swarm plus Alice or Bob? Or is this an M-of-N configuration to prevent missing nodes?
In principle all keys are required. We are still looking into the possibility of using threshold encryption methods, like M-of-N, but it may be possible to do without.

Are all the required keys in one swarm/group sent to another swarm/group as backup before being sent to the users?
Either swarms will need to be duplicated to make sure there is fail-over for nodes that drop out, or we must recreate keys from the data that a certain amount of nodes of the swarm holds.

I understand one user creates an address to send and the other user constructs the private key to access the funds on that address
Which keys (public/private from who Alice/Bob) are signing on each part of the transaction? The steps in the graph confused me a little bit although I like the actual graph, kudos for it.
The current graphic for a transaction only shows the process in one direction. In reality both Alice and Bob are sending value to two wallets that are controlled by the swarm. These are swapped out, and handed to the opposite user as soon as the swarm has verified both their transactions.

In page 5:
There is a mention to an image that is missing in that page. I imagine this refers to the image that appears at the top of page 4, is this correct?
You are right. :) Something to be corrected.

Who creates the hybrid asset and why should I care about a specific asset or trust the issuer compared to another one?
In the end, we want any user to be able to issue a hybrid asset. This creates diversity and many options for groups and users. For example, someone may create a hybrid asset comprised of all the alt-coins with animal names, and call it 'Animal Farm'. ;) This user may employ bots to increase the liquidity of that hybrid asset, draw in market participants, and make it a very attractive hybrid to use when one wants to quickly convert value between Dogecoin, Piggycoin, Kittycoin and Flappycoin (R.I.P.?).

Is there any reputation system?
We are still deciding on whether or how to build a reputation system. The problem with reputation systems is that a Sybil attack can quickly render them useless. Perusing block-chain track records to build a kind of reputation representation may also work, but we have not decided on this.

Who and how we set the exchange price of the hybrid asset among chains?
This is the part that I can't completely click in my head: if, for example, I create asset X in Counterparty for the value of 1 BTC and the same asset in NXT for the value of 1 BTC and tomorrow the price of NXT duplicates, then the value of my hybrid asset X in NXT is twice more valuable than my asset X in Counterparty. How do I sell/buy these assets to other people interested in buying the appreciated NXT?
Hybrid assets have a one-on-one relationship between value systems. When value in a hybrid asset is not synchronized it makes for an arbitrage opportunity. Multiple hybrid assets may have similar relationships between currencies, and thus other hybrids will be used to gain value from their arbitrage, pulling the value of the hybrid asset back into sync. (If a hybrid is a unique asset combination or has very little liquidity, the imbalance could remain. In that case, traders may choose to monetize on it using arbitrage via a federated gateway, or even centralized exchanges. In this case, however, traders are taking a risk, hoping to gain reward from their arbitrage.)

Legal disclosure
I'm not responsible for any mental harm caused to any human or animal produced while reading any of my possibly stupid questions.
That's a fine lot of good questions, if you ask me. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 06, 2015, 04:06:34 PM
Ha! Found this:

From the bitcoin embassy... with love...  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on January 07, 2015, 05:57:17 AM
Ha! Found this:

From the bitcoin embassy... with love...  ;D

thanks for that

it had a circa 1990s look, when he said 6th birthday I said: "what? is this a recent vid, or is he just wrong?"  then I saw the date of upload ... oh

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 07, 2015, 11:01:31 AM
It was recorded with low lighting conditions, and indeed looks like the 90's, heh. :) The party was a lot of fun, and a lot of dutch cryptocurrency enthusiasts were there. If you are in Amsterdam, you should visit the place (Hofje van Wijs), it is a great place to have a drink and eat good food.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: gramen on January 08, 2015, 08:24:31 PM
read the whole friggin paper. this is majorly cool shit  8) and I want to see it happen!!

how is development going at the moment?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on January 12, 2015, 08:18:18 PM
Cointelegraph published news about the release: (

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Ralphs on January 12, 2015, 08:28:15 PM
Cool project, looking forward to reading how it develops

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 12, 2015, 08:30:42 PM
Thanks George! Yahoo ( apparently also picked up on the release :)

I don't have any pics here, but a tiny bird whispered in my ear that Amm0 is shaping what appears to be a front-end and Agent725 has been crunching Node.js the past few days. We'll post here when there is more to show!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on January 13, 2015, 01:21:41 AM
Thanks George! Yahoo ( apparently also picked up on the release :)

I don't have any pics here, but a tiny bird whispered in my ear that Amm0 is shaping what appears to be a front-end and Agent725 has been crunching Node.js the past few days. We'll post here when there is more to show!

yep, good work

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: UberNifty on January 14, 2015, 07:13:07 AM
Brilliant premise, added to watchlist

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 18, 2015, 04:37:50 PM
Thanks Nifty :)

In the upcoming week we'll be visiting the Amsterdam Bitcoinference ( to explain & illustrate the whitepaper and talk to other devs.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: UberNifty on January 18, 2015, 08:34:59 PM
That'd be awesome if you could upload your conference presentation to YouTube.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on January 24, 2015, 09:50:05 AM
agent725, I'm working vigorously on PICISI, a crowdfunding site that accepts fiat and crypto, it will launch in under a month, there will be many paid sponsorship opportunities when the site launches however prior to launch I have created 20 free sponsorship opportunities.  If you are interested in one of the remaining 12 11 spaces contact me before they are all gone.

At PICISI here are our primary sponsorship opportunities:

1)  Host CC Sponsor -  One of the best ways to get your coin into the hands of someone is to simply give it to them, however the best way to get your coin used by the general public is to get your coin into their hands and have them use it in a real life application.  When an organizer starts a campaign at PICISI s/he has a choice of what CC currency type to select, the first choice is “sponsor currency” this is the organizer indicating a willingness to have his campaign sponsored at the host CC level.  Once the sponsor is finally selected that currency will be the currency that all other CCs donated to that campaign will be converted to for the duration of that particular campaign.  

This is major because everyone that visits that campaign will see your currency, but the will not only see but will likely use the funds to do business with one of the contractors at the site during the campaign.   If they don't use it during the campaign, over that month of close interaction with your currency they are very likely to want to learn more about your coin so that by the end of the campaign they will make the deliberate decision to download a wallet, open an exchange account, or simply convert out of the currency.   Regardless of what they actually choose to do your CC has certainly been branded into their mind in a very positive way.

2)  Campaign Sponsor - this is the most common type of sponsorship outside of PICISI;  the sponsor’s logo is affixed to the body of campaign text in an area set aside for campaign sponsors.  The higher your donation the higher your logo is located in the sponsorship logo area.

3)  Donor Perk Sponsor -  a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign where it will be used.   If the perk is not requested by any qualified donor it will be converted to host CC and donated to the campaign

4)  Advertising Perk Sponsor -  a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign to be used as a perk or returned to the sponsor.  If the perk is not requested by any qualified campaign donor the perk is sent back to the sponsor -- the perk is NOT donated to the campaign.


5)  Campaign Video Sponsor -  the first 5 second of the campaign organizer's video is allocated for the Campaign Video Sponsor, this is where the sponsor will indicate: “This video is brought to you by … [say sponsor's name, show sponsor's logo, and say sponsor's catchphrase]”

Things get more interesting for 'purpose coins'.  A purpose coin is a CC created for a specific purpose or niche, eg: EMC2, Metal, HYPER, GMC,  RPC, Gridcoin, EDU, FLDC,  etc ...  for these coins they may want to direct their sponsorship more broadly to whole categories as well as specific campaigns.  EMC2, Gridcoin, and FLDC will likely want affiliation with science research category; HYPER and GMC will want affiliation with gaming and game development categories, Metal will want affiliation with music category, EDU will want affiliation with Education category; SLR will want affiliation with the Renewable Energy category.   So that when someone is searching via the categories specific sponsorship logos will be part of the picture.

PICISI is currently sponsored by:

There are 12 11 free CC sponsorship positions remaining.  Let me know as soon as possible if you want inclusion.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on March 23, 2015, 01:50:59 AM
Thought it was time for a little update ( Pitching the project at a startup competition next week :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: jcrubino on March 24, 2015, 04:19:24 PM
Thought it was time for a little update ( Pitching the project at a startup competition next week :)

Great Project

I recently posted ( in regards to something like this.  Much better fitting word abstractions for how a project like this exists in the blockchain ecosystem.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ddepker on May 01, 2015, 04:20:17 AM
Any update?
What is the latest on this project?  When will we see a software/web client?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: BitcoinINV on May 01, 2015, 10:15:02 AM
what is it , just another exchnage/ trading platform, or something better????? just curious to know

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on May 02, 2015, 01:59:51 PM
Dear The Internet Of Coins ...

You are cordially invited to be a PICISI sponsor, here is some pre-launch info about PICISI:

1)  What is PICISI -
2)  PICISI Administration -
3)  PICISI Sponsors -
4)  PICISI Assignments  -
5)  PICISI Currency -
6)  Great Expectations For Pi -
7)  Pi Is A Currency, A Commodity, And A Means Of Communicating A Sharp Message -


Update of our pre-launch goals:  

1) recruit a min. of 6 admins, we now have 2;  
2) secure a min of 20 sponsors, we now have 20: (, The Einsteinium News, Crypto Cloud Hosting, Bitcoin PR Buzz, Crypto Database, Einsteinium, Metal Coin, HYPER, Hobonickels, Energy Coin, World Aid Coin, Artsry Coin, GSM, Sativacoin, Magi coin, HTML5, Coin2, Aricoin, NXT, and Gridcoin); [goal achieved]
3) secure a min of 8 campaigns to crowd fund, we now have 6;
4) recruit a min of 1 referral agent, we now have 1; [goal achieved]:
5) associate with a min of 2 promotion contractors, we now have 12: [goal achieved & surpassed]
6) associate with a min of 1 campaign contractor, we now have 12; [goal achieved & surpassed]
7) publish a min of 5 ‘about PICISI’ articles, we now have 7, [goal achieved & surpassed] .

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on May 13, 2015, 09:29:43 AM
Nice project Armis. I've sent you a PM.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Armis on August 21, 2015, 03:45:01 PM
Invitation To Agent725

The admins of are seeking to develop our crowdfunding site. 

We are assembling a tech team, and inviting specific individuals to the team -- agent725 is invited to be part of our tech development team.

If interested please let us know.  The project is expected to last about 15 calendar days, and the work will be distributed between at least 3 experienced developers.

We see you as a crypto expert, we also have a crowdfunding expert, and a social media expert everyone has extensive programming experience.
Currently we have 2 programmers, once we get 3 we will have a meeting to introduce everyone, to select a team leader, and to assign responsibilities.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Scamalert on August 21, 2015, 05:08:19 PM
Feel free to ask questions!

I dont get it. What are you trying to do here?
Any great idea should be able to be described in a few lines.

(I hope it is not another shitcoin...)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on August 26, 2015, 12:01:14 AM
what is it , just another exchnage/ trading platform, or something better????? just curious to know

I dont get it. What are you trying to do here?
Any great idea should be able to be described in a few lines.
Hi there!

In a few lines:
We are developing an ecosystem which allows for easy exchange of value without having to rely on centralized services.
Think of the functionality of Shapeshift, but then decentralized (fully, not federated), anonymous, with userset fees, including both coin- and assetsupport. You can literally download the coins & assets you need from one another. Users can compete each other for having the lowest exchange fee on the network, offering an advantage for a user seeking to trade. New forms of value can be added in modules, by devs or us.

We do not ask of coindevs to invest, nor do we want to do any form of public crowdfunding before you can try out our client. Source will be open so anyone can check. Take a look at the whitepaper if you are looking for more detail :)

In other news: today we got funded by the Dutch Foundation for Internet Domain Registration!
Read about it in our blog update ( We are registering Internet of Coins as a non-profit foundation, apart from our commercial agency.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 20, 2016, 10:41:47 AM
Update :)

Thanks to the SIDN funding, we have expanded the team with two additional coders. Ammo has added a frontend, so we're out of the CLI phase. As an open source project, we have gained support from the NLnet Foundation.

Michiel Leenaars, Director of Strategy at NLnet:
“Digital payment systems and the internet are a great match, but we are at an early stage. There is a lot of experimenting that needs to be done before we can ultimately converge and find the solutions that will scale to the whole Internet. The Internet of Coins is an ambitious open source project, and full of promising ideas. We are looking forward to working with the team to mature their techology.”

Read more about it at (

And of course; the Cryptsy heist is just another reason to switch to a decentralized exchange system ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: cryptonit on November 24, 2016, 12:34:06 PM
DMD Diamond be part of the party! Side by side with ERC Europecoin and BSD Bitsend
Great news from and

You can take me literally, its 70% feature complete (plus things i wasn't even imagining myself),
You will see a revolution. I wouldn't be that bold, if the credit was belonging  to me.
The team is currently working in full time and we are heading towards the promised closed alpha testnet.

Active coin maintainers may join on our Federated Blockchains ( server.
Together, with Europecoin, Bitsend, DIAMOND Foundation and others, we will test the first existing
blockchain agnostic federation protocol for apps and services, that will give more than ethereum like features to any connected altcoin.
Credit goes to the fabulous "Internet of Coins" team, that has worked on this innovation since two years.

have fun
Matthias  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: szenekonzept on November 26, 2016, 07:25:32 AM

I think its a good Idea to leave some informations here

The Internet of Coins Project is alive and well.
The team has done exceptional work under the radar and they haven't been communicating vetry much about their progress.
About 8 month ago, i released a draft about a decentralized, permissionless, crosschain federated servicebus for apps, coins and services.
Having my roots in Internet and Twittermarketing, i created a network of developers and news outlets, to get the ball rolling.
This is how I got to know about the "Internet-of-Coins" project.
During a face to face meeting at the Europecoin Office, we realized, how similar our concept was and how much we had the same ideas about how
ethics and ideologie had to impact the shape of such a network.
The "Internet of Coins" Team has done an stellar job and was two years ahead, with the implementation.
At the same time publicity has not been generated and in fact they are prefering to be able to stay in the background for now.
So we decided to join our effort.

Said that, let me invite everybody to head over to the current announcement:

and vistit our website, to check out, whats new

feel frew to contact me, if you are having questions per PM
user szenekonzept
my name is Matthias Klees
i am since about 18 month maintaining the Europecoin project

my real-life business is
marketing company
and blockchain, point-of-sales

have fun
Matthias :)


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: kawa900jc on November 26, 2016, 09:40:52 AM

I think its a good Idea to leave some informations here

The Internet of Coins Project is alive and well.
The team has done exceptional work under the radar and they haven't been communicating vetry much about their progress.
About 8 month ago, i released a draft about a decentralized, permissionless, crosschain federated servicebus for apps, coins and services.
Having my roots in Internet and Twittermarketing, i created a network of developers and news outlets, to get the ball rolling.
This is how I got to know about the "Internet-of-Coins" project.
During a face to face meeting at the Europecoin Office, we realized, how similar our concept was and how much we had the same ideas about how
ethics and ideologie had to impact the shape of such a network.
The "Internet of Coins" Team has done an stellar job and was two years ahead, with the implementation.
At the same time publicity has not been generated and in fact they are prefering to be able to stay in the background for now.
So we decided to join our effort.

Said that, let me invite everybody to head over to the current announcement:

and vistit our website, to check out, whats new

feel frew to contact me, if you are having questions per PM
user szenekonzept
my name is Matthias Klees
i am since about 18 month maintaining the Europecoin project

my real-life business is
marketing company
and blockchain, point-of-sales

have fun
Matthias :)


This is fantastic and I shall post this in the topics of my favorite coins!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: szenekonzept on November 26, 2016, 09:46:51 AM

good idea, they are welcome,
Matthias  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Limx Dev on November 28, 2016, 08:59:37 PM

good idea, they are welcome,
Matthias  :)

Nice info, thank you. Best Regards Christian

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: andyblocks on November 28, 2016, 09:14:00 PM
The idea of intersystemic connectivity reminds me of smirtbridge technology, from the Ark project. Is this related in any way to smartbridges?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: szenekonzept on November 28, 2016, 11:40:40 PM
The idea of intersystemic connectivity reminds me of smirtbridge technology, from the Ark project. Is this related in any way to smartbridges?

Hm for now i can't tell you, because i don't know about "smartbridges" but i know
our project here has been developed, by three developers, who spent 2 years to build it.

The name smartbridge would fit to our concept, so you could possibly have understood our concept
correctly. But given the scale in which we will bridge features, i would be surprised, to see it somerwhere else,
to happen in a shorter time frame.

HINT: I am talking from bridging coins, that have never been seen by our system,  being able to bridge,
into cross payment, app sharing and into an ethereum alike network in realtime, without having to change any code,
because of an API that can rewrite its self by scanning their blockchain.

i will have a look at ARKs technology tomorrow
If he is an active developer and would even have been slightly, be thinking into similar direction,
it may be good to know, that we are currently collecting coin developers, to join our alpha testnet team,
for our first closed testnet run in the next few month. So in case i am assuming right, he may like to apply here:

by pressing the "ADD YOUR TEAM HERE" Button
The more competent our test team will be, the better for everybody.

have fun

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on December 06, 2016, 04:01:11 PM
What the Ark project calls 'SmartBridges', we call modules in the IoC project. Our design is different from the Ark project. There are many cryptocurrencies using different technologies to implement their blockchain and communications. Our modules are designed in such a manner that they are compatible with certain 'groups' of blockchain implementations. So for example our module 'altcoin' supports Bitcoin and all alts derived directly from Bitcoin that have only slight changes in their blockchain implementation. This covers as many coins per module as possible, and takes less development effort to keep up-to-date.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: kawa900jc on December 07, 2016, 06:22:12 AM
I like this project very much.
Maybe becouse it is going slow just as all my investments see my signature.
Can SOIL  (;topicseen)also be part of this project?
I own 8% of all available.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: szenekonzept on December 07, 2016, 12:59:58 PM
I like this project very much.
Maybe becouse it is going slow just as all my investments see my signature.
Can SOIL  (;topicseen)also be part of this project?
I own 8% of all available.

EVERY COIN will be part of the project,
however at the moment we are searching coin teams with OWN and ACTIVE developers, to take part in our first closed alpha test-net.
We need to have these requirements in the beginning, to have partners, that are able to work and test with us together and actively contribute to possible bug and problem solving.
After this has happened, the project will be able to integrate ANY existing coin and will be open to the public.
If your coin does meet our initial requirements and the developer is willing to actively contribute to our testing process,
please head over to our new thread, read the announcement and apply for the test team:

(this is an invitation to ANY team, that meets these requirements)

have fun


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 05, 2017, 04:09:56 PM
So, first of all happy 2017 from everyone at Internet of Coins!

I received some questions about the project. To explain;

The Internet of Coins team is developing the network that can link blockchains together. We invited Matthias to team up as he is a far better marketeer than we are, so we can reach other communities and developers from other projects to try it out.

Some status updates:

- The processing engine is polished and rock solid :)
- We are currently working with a group of enthusiasts from the Netherlands to have the alpha of the wallet part tested internally. Once we are satisfied with the security, functionality, and usability we´ll make it available for public testing and developers. At the current rate, probably around the end of March.  
- We´re adding a PR/marketeer to make sure updates are published more often. Usually everybody is either devving for the project or devving for a client :P
- As of January 1st, we´ve increased time spent on the project to make sure the progression remains on track. As a non-profit institution, we have some legal matters to attend to as well for the research grants we have applied to. Nobody likes paperwork, but we need it to provide accountability.

Regarding the closed beta in Matthias´ thread; of course the software will eventually be open and available to any developer, we release under GPLv3.
Currently, it will remain closed while we´re running the alpha tests.


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: szenekonzept on January 05, 2017, 06:11:10 PM
So, first of all happy 2017 from everyone at Internet of Coins!

I received some questions about the project. To explain;

The Internet of Coins team is developing the network that can link blockchains together. We invited Matthias to team up as he is a far better marketeer than we are, so we can reach other communities and developers from other projects to try it out.

Some status updates:

- The processing engine is polished and rock solid :)
- We are currently working with a group of enthusiasts from the Netherlands to have the alpha of the wallet part tested internally. Once we are satisfied with the security, functionality, and usability we´ll make it available for public testing and developers. At the current rate, probably around the end of March. 
- We´re adding a PR/marketeer to make sure updates are published more often. Usually everybody is either devving for the project or devving for a client :P
- As of January 1st, we´ve increased time spent on the project to make sure the progression remains on track. As a non-profit institution, we have some legal matters to attend to as well for the research grants we have applied to. Nobody likes paperwork, but we need it to provide accountability.

Regarding the closed beta in Matthias´ thread; of course the software will eventually be open and available to any developer, we release under GPLv3.
Currently, it will remain closed while we´re running the alpha tests.


Thank you for the update, its a pleasure to work with a professional team.



Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: metamorphin on January 06, 2017, 01:26:17 PM
I like this project very much.
Maybe becouse it is going slow just as all my investments see my signature.
Can SOIL  (;topicseen)also be part of this project?
I own 8% of all available.

You added your team on fedchain, kawa?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: TomcioxPL on January 09, 2017, 08:33:57 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: suphakrit2012 on January 10, 2017, 10:04:47 AM
It is a good idea too. I encourage you to do it quickly. It will benefit for other people. Fighting!!!  :) :) :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on January 21, 2017, 10:33:14 PM
Hi everyone :)

Now that the crowdfunding website is live at ([/url), we´ve started a new thread to keep everyone updated on the campaign.
Will post dev blogs and updates here:

To stay informed about the crowdfund, you can check out as well and leave an e-mail address. We´ll be sending updates about the campaign, dev blogs and tech updates.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: internetofcoin on March 12, 2017, 06:55:23 AM
Lets rock the launch on 21st March 2017. I am Eagerly waiting for its launch

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: topesis on March 12, 2017, 11:26:23 AM
What I don't get about this project is that it seems to me as a discentralised exchange, also why do I need Internet of coins tokens.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: tyz on March 12, 2017, 12:34:13 PM
Interesting concept. On the first reading, the whole principle reminded me on SuperNet which also claims to be a kind of internet of coins. How is the approach fundamentally different?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on March 18, 2017, 02:19:59 PM
What I don't get about this project is that it seems to me as a discentralised exchange, also why do I need Internet of coins tokens.
We start with the multiwallet, release end of this summer. Then we add Shapeshift functionality, then the option to run your own DEX. (See the roadmap (

The tokens form the bridge between blockchains; not all chains support multisignature for atomic transactions. It is an approach we chose because it works on all types of chains. The client can choose from multiple ways to transfer value, atomic being the mode of preference.

Plus, the crowdfund gives us the opportunity to scale up development. We have funded the development with a small team and research grants first. Now that we have a working prototype (see GitHub) we chose to crowdfund. Because crowdfunds based on nothing but promises only suck.

@tyz; Agent725 will respond to you. James (Jl777) had a similar idea when we started in 2014, the approach turned out to be different in our projects.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: memequiserle on March 18, 2017, 09:02:33 PM
internet of coins is very long time project
the first idea in 2014 , and now project is run and open ico selling
i hope ico selling succes so project can run, because good idea and good project

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on March 18, 2017, 09:33:12 PM
@tyz: We published our whitepaper just before SuperNET was announced. Indeed the projects look similar, but there are some notable differences.

First of all, back at the time, coins that are to be part of SuperNET had to alter their code to be able to participate in it. We differ from that in that we have created a modular approach in which coins need to make no changes to their codebase.

These days SuperNET it looks like parts of it have been rebranded to Komodo and Iguana. The code of SuperNET is written in low-level C. We have designed our system in NodeJS, and continuously approach other systems from a meta-perspective.

The "Shapeshift" functionality @Dotrego mentions is the ability to swap coins in an easy way, without having to be a trader or know how to use an orderbook. Instead liquidity is provided by allocators on the network that create

We have a unique take on inter-blockchain connectivity which is hybrid assets. This type of asset can exist on multiple blockchains simultaneously, spreading the technical risk, and making for an automated, diversified portfolio. Hybrid assets can also be used to transfer value between the blockchains they operate on.

For the rest, our approach is not-for-profit, which is different than the approach many other cryptocurrency projects have. We want to ensure our platform stays objective and independent of profit-oriented objectives. This way we can ensure to be inclusive to the entire cryptocurrency market, and not only the financially more powerful parts of it.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: agent725 on March 21, 2017, 12:46:38 PM (

 ;D Woot woot!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: laugh2btc on March 22, 2017, 03:13:47 PM
How many coins are needed to become an allocator?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on March 23, 2017, 01:47:44 PM
How many coins are needed to become an allocator?
You need to be hosting at least 2 types. (One for incoming value, one for the outgoing value). The client can take care of this for you under the hood.
As for reserves, in theory anything from 1 satoshi and up can be used to swap. For the incoming currency, in theory you wouldn't need any reserves as long as you can perform the payout of the outgoing value on the other chain.

Of course, a higher contribution in reserves opens you up for bigger transactions as an allocator, or more simultaneous transactions. Successful transactions add up to a good reputation on the network,  giving preference over others and earning you more.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: redhero on April 20, 2017, 03:21:17 PM
find the original post

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on May 16, 2017, 02:11:56 PM
Update: most of the project news is of course currently happening in the thread ( for our crowdfunding campaign.

We have recently surpassed $300,000.- in funding for development and have now launched both a Twitter ( and signature ( campaign.

Albeit the distraction of the campaign, development has continued. You can find a presentation about the current status here (

We thank everyone for their interest in the project :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: P E K K A on May 30, 2017, 04:41:36 PM
why you dont update thread?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on June 06, 2017, 02:39:46 PM
why you dont update thread?

Due to the current fundraiser ( we have organized, most of our efforts are made towards the campaign which we are updating everyone on here ( and in our newsletters (for which you can sign up here ( Last update: recently the ERC20 token for the Ethereum chain was released.

We have several bounty ( campaigns as well, if anyone is interested. After the HYBRID distribution in July, we will focus more on posting about our tech updates again.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: DWW on June 17, 2017, 10:59:13 PM

I was searching for a decentralized exchange and came upon this project. All with all, I find it very impressive what you're trying to establish and therefore would love to fund you guys. However, one thing I do not completely understand: What is the added value of Hybrid? If I rephrase you correctly you state that: "Hybrid can be used as an intermediar when a blockchain does not support multie signature for atomic transactions".  Can you list examples of blockchains which do not support multi signature?

Also I cannot find anything about the total supply of Hybrid. Did you ignore this on purpose? If not, can you state the number in your answer?


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on June 17, 2017, 11:49:07 PM
Hi Daan, thank you for your interest :)

However, one thing I do not completely understand: What is the added value of Hybrid? If I rephrase you correctly you state that: "Hybrid can be used as an intermediar when a blockchain does not support multie signature for atomic transactions". Can you list examples of blockchains which do not support multi signature?
I'll ask Agent725 to post some example situations. In general, I was referring to the incompatibility of writing a transaction (value) from one blockchain to another. (Since the start of the project, the support of multisignature has become more common.)

Because the HYBRIDs we created are indexed on their own metalayer (the 'weavechain (' we published a bit about) they can actually be matched by an escrow in the network. The resulting transactions are written to the blockchains themselves, so the match for the transactions in the weavechain can afterwards be discarded. Atomic transactions are an alternative, just like the protocol Interledger is creating... there are multiple approaches. We try to incorporate our solution as well, to make sure there is maximum inclusiveness. Most new initiatives only support trading on a specific chain, or favor the top list at Coinmarketcap. We want to make sure this becomes a decentralized exchange where anyone can implement support for an asset or currency, including the ones which are just used locally. (Like with our test group)

Also I cannot find anything about the total supply of Hybrid.
There is a maximum of 7,000,000 (1,000,000 per asset system). They will be released to participants in July, after the crowdfund period has ended June 21st. The unissued ones will be burned, similar to what Counterparty did (

And... if you want to test the first public version of the system, you can do so here via TOR. We now support Bitcoin and Lisk:

Alpha Wallet v0.2
"just a wallet" (http://kth3qittpclsdrk6.onion/)

Live now for testing on TOR!

http://kth3qittpclsdrk6.onion/ (http://kth3qittpclsdrk6.onion/)

This alpha release contains recipe's for Bitcoin and Lisk, and
makes it possible to send and receive these cryptocurrencies.
We want to test the use and security of deterministic transactions
and the code infrastructure thoroughly before building towards
more advanced functionality.

Have fun, and please give us your feedback! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: notindexed on June 19, 2017, 07:50:05 AM
I just started an unofficial IOC community Telegram channel since there's none yet.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: llildur on July 08, 2017, 02:47:21 AM
I didn't receive my HYBRID AFAIK only the NXT chain is pending in the distribution, i participated in the crowdfund with BTS any help?  ??? ???

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on July 11, 2017, 03:54:35 AM
Please ask questions about distribution in the main thread ( so we can assist you asap :)

The HYBRIDs will be delivered with the wallet release in 2018. If you want to have an early distribution before the wallet release, you'll need to manually set up and send us 7 valid addresses (one for each active chain at the moment). Read about it here:

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on September 20, 2017, 04:12:56 PM
Update: want to test our new alpha release? Take a look at :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: dave773 on September 23, 2017, 07:57:02 AM
i missed the crowdfunding, how can i purchase this?  Someone said it was on ED but there is no contract address for IOC on etherscan

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on September 23, 2017, 04:19:30 PM
Hi Dave,
The hybrids to use in the network are being tested on Etherdelta (I posted they are on ED) but there is no listed alias yet. We'll update everyone in the main thread ( and newsletter about availability. Currently there is no availability created yet, as mass distribution of the tokens to all donators will not commence until in Q1 2018 when the beta wallet is released. Then people can then do with the hybrids as they please.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: AltCreators on September 24, 2017, 12:07:31 AM (

We're aiming to make the cryptosphere a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing intersystemic connectivity. (


WHAT The Internet of Coins aims to create a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing intersystemic connectivity. Not through centralized exchanges, nor federated partnerships, or multigateways, but sustained by a hybrid P2P meta-network to leverage each of its participant's strength in numbers. Our dream is to integrate all coins into an interconnected and financially liquid nervous system.

WHY Our goal is to make every cryptocurrency autonomously part of a large swarm of decentralized economic activity. We want to do this by enabling every cryptocurrency user to create hybrid assets that interconnect value systems and blockchains. We believe there are also some useless cloned coins and assets out there, however, we see a numerous amount of innovations with valuable technology worth saving from abandonment. This provides users with an easy to use way of transferring value, while  providing businesses with a backend solution for accepting multiple  currencies.

HOW The parallel network will be run by anyone that uses the hybridd daemon. Being an allocator and part of the network is rewarded through network fees. Existing wallets and technologies need no changes or adaptations at all to have their blockchains and value systems hooked into this decentralized network. The current developments in cryptocurrencies are brimming with creativity, and we would like to see this continue in parallel, without imposing any limits. Please read our whitepaper ( for more details.

Public appearances:

- Bitcoinference Amsterdam Summer 2014 (, the Netherlands
- Ethereum & Bitcoin meetups Amsterdam (, the Netherlands
- Bitcoin Wednesday meetups Amsterdam (, the Netherlands
- 'Biljetten en bitcoins' (, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Bitcoin 2 Business (, Brussels, Belgium
- Bitcoin meetup Gent (, Belgium
- Arnhem Bitcoin City (, the Netherlands
- Crypto Money Expo (, international
- Bitcoinference Amsterdam 2015 (, The Netherlands
- Virtual Bitcoin Expo (, international
- Bitcoin, Blockchain, Beer 2016 (, The Netherlands

The team:

We are Joachim de Koning (, Robert de Groot (, Jelle Herold (, Amadeus de Koning ( and Sergey Kazenyuk. You can read more about us on the Team page (

Current developments:

We started in the beginning of the summer of 2014. A working prototype, Hybrid Assets ( has been online with a prototype asset 'Stormwind' since June 2014.
Our website came online at the end of August 2014. It is our main communication channel where we talk about the project in our blogs. You can also converse with us via Twitter (

From August onwards, we started spreading news about the project at conferences and began talks with initial investors. November 1st 2014, we released a press release ( announcing an investment and development partnership from Bitalo ( On the 6th birthday of the blockchain, January 3rd 2015, we released our whitepaper and became the first officially supported project of the Dutch Bitcoin Embassy (

Do you have a whitepaper?

Yes. You can download it ( from our website.

Can I personally invest?

Not as of now. We are currently in the pre-launch phase, where we prefer to work with entrepreneurs and companies that are willing to pioneer with us and can bear risk. If you are an entrepreneur or investor, feel free to contact us. We do not want any user to bet his wage on the financial risks of a newly established project, but aim for an evolutionary growth. When we have secured enough pre-launch capital to ensure continuous development, it will be possible to buy into the hybrid assets used to bootstrap the system.

What sets you apart from other projects?

By being a distributed autonomous organisation, instead of a foundation or corporation, we want to ensure the impartial evolution of this project. In our project there is no discrimination. Any cryptocurrency, or even  ledgerless technology, can be hooked into the Internet of Coins in order for an open market to develop. We avoid blockchain bloat by utilizing a parallel P2P communications network.

The system does not require the existing technology behind a blockchain to be adapted or updated. Our approach is modular and aims at setting solid standards in the cryptosphere on which next generation financial solutions can be built. We are building a technology for participants in the cryptosphere to use on their own. This is a system which is open source and can be used as a transaction tool by any company or person, either directly or as a backend solution.

A while back we shared our vision in an article ( on Cointelegraph.

Feel free to ask questions!

NXT and BURST are garbage for transactions. It takes too long to receive on exchanges

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on September 24, 2017, 01:15:47 AM
Good thing we aim to support all then :)

As a lot of projects are being open sourced, we aim to give the user freedom of choice in the methods they prefer to transfer or swap currencies. Be it via our hybrid system, atomic transactions, the Interledger protocol, or other publicly available potential standards.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Geronemo on October 07, 2017, 04:32:47 PM

I've rcvd email with text

Hybrid listed on EtherDelta

Together with the early holders we did a token upgrade over the past two weeks. To adhere to the latest ERC20 standards set out by the Ethereum foundation, we upgraded the token and arranged for it to be listed on EtherDelta. You can now find the token on the decentralized exchange there under the symbol name XHY in the dropdown list. Currently the volume is still low, and we expect this will remain for a while, until we reach the point where we can create a unified market between the hybrid chains.

How can I get XHY to me Ethereum account ? Or EtherDelta account

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on November 07, 2017, 08:02:14 PM
Hi Geronemo, you should check the instructions of EtherDelta ( on how to buy tokens. If you donated during the crowdfund (March-June 2017), you will be contacted by us before April 2018 on how to receive your crowdfund rewards.

PS: please visit our main thread (, there are more members there who can help as well :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: DAVETUN on November 07, 2017, 09:15:15 PM
quite interesting,This is a nice concept that is worth following, lots of project coming up daily,innovation, unusual concept, and strategic problem solving is the key to be set apart in the world of  cryptocurrency.
How do you intend to exeptional in your approach to this project?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ichtyar on November 07, 2017, 10:09:01 PM
This way of earning income is used by more and more beginner Internet traders. Independently trading in a currency

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on November 14, 2017, 11:51:05 AM
quite interesting,This is a nice concept that is worth following, lots of project coming up daily,innovation, unusual concept, and strategic problem solving is the key to be set apart in the world of  cryptocurrency.
How do you intend to exeptional in your approach to this project?
We do not claim to be exceptional :)
We do intend to remain agnostic and not-for-profit.

Please check our campaign thread ( more info. We now mainly post the actual releases here, to give an update on the project development. After the alphas, the first beta will be available in Q1 2018.

You can always sign up for our newsletter ( to remain informed of course :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: enendad on November 14, 2017, 03:41:41 PM
Hello, very touched your team's perseverance, to defend it from the bud! I am willing to follow, but I can not find the main thread, I hope to get help, thank you!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: noemmekoen on November 14, 2017, 10:57:18 PM

If you need to market your ico, be sure to contact us!
Read this post:

Have a great day!

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: DWW on February 14, 2018, 08:58:27 PM
Why is the HYBRID token removed from the Waves blockchain?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: ModGrip on February 16, 2018, 12:38:50 AM
How'd this work out?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Worldtokenindex on February 16, 2018, 04:35:31 AM
Great technology hope will get to ICO soon, will look for future updates.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on February 18, 2018, 05:57:51 PM
Hello, very touched your team's perseverance, to defend it from the bud! I am willing to follow, but I can not find the main thread, I hope to get help, thank you!
Thank you! Main thread can be found here ( :)

yes. we are presently finalizing our whitepaper, for you to be published soon here and at the website. the primary hybrid asset has been strolling since June as a take a look at case. we will take the code of the venture to github as soon as it hits beta.
By LenaPetrova. Be aware, this is not an Internet of Coins team member.

Why is the HYBRID token removed from the Waves blockchain?
Not that I know of. Will check it out. Please ask your questions in the main thread ( :)

How'd this work out?
Good for now. Development team has expanded and we're releasing the beta of the wallet this quarter ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Gudhal Untu on May 30, 2018, 01:39:12 PM
Why in my assets : only bitcoin and ethereum? when we can see HYBRID?
And when can we get HYBRID available in exchanges?

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: pepside on June 02, 2018, 02:43:54 PM
it found it is not allowed for

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on July 17, 2018, 02:41:50 PM
Why in my assets : only bitcoin and ethereum? when we can see HYBRID?
And when can we get HYBRID available in exchanges?
Hi Gudhal, please check out our FAQ (
On the opening page, Bitcoin and Ethereum are the only favorites automatically added in the preview, because they are often used. We are going to clarify that further, maybe change that in a future release :)

For more information, see our main thread:

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on September 11, 2018, 03:12:05 PM

We are running a bounty of $500 for the development of a Faucet for generating BitShares addresses. Apply now!

Currently, we are working on the Internet of Coins wallet v1. The faucet will enable us to finish the token distribution to our crowdfunders, as well as support the BitShares system fully on our platform.


The current bottleneck with supporting BitShares lies in how their BitShares addresses are created. We already wrote about this earlier ( The current available faucets are simply not sufficient to provide our wallet users a reliable service.
As we want to support all blockchains, we have decided to set up an additional, decentralized faucet to create addresses. This, to help both our and the BitShares community. We are running a bounty of $500 in BTC.
Any developer with an understanding of the BitShares ecosystem is welcome to join.


- Open


- $500


- Faucet can be set up from existing parts or coded from scratch.
- Node.js ( is preferred, but all languages are accepted
- A VPS will be provided as development environment
- Best practices in development are expected; e.g. comments
- Two applicants will be chosen to build the solution individually
- Bounty will be paid in BTC, after quality check
- Further details can be provided after selection


Application deadline: September 21st, 2018
Delivery deadline: October 8th, 2018

Apply now! :)

Apply directly via, or contact us for more information via Telegram ( or Twitter (

Please, send us:

- A link to (one of your) repositories with some of your existing code
- Your experience with BitShares
- Your preferred programming languages

For additional technical information, contact our developers via our Riot channel ( or check out our main Bitcointalk thread (

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Jenni5 on September 18, 2018, 09:00:28 AM
Quite an interesting project. Check out Alluma as well -

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: royalfestus on September 22, 2018, 11:45:47 AM
I like to ask if any bounty participants had been paid for last year twitter campaign. I sent a PM to goinmerry as being refereed to from the telegram group. I noticed he barely comes online and the few times he showed up he didn't reply my message. I want believe is being busy but I just thought I need some explanations for clarification.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on October 21, 2018, 01:23:56 PM
As far as I can tell, all have been rewarded. Will go and check this, we should keep our promises.
PS: response took a while because we primarily update the main thread ( :)

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: SkelpyCoin on October 22, 2018, 01:18:21 PM
why do these opportunities always go wrong? ???

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: Dotrego on December 13, 2018, 08:06:47 PM
Hi Skelpy! No worries, we've just released a new version of the wallet at

Also: in the first half of 2019 we will release the platform client with documentation, so you can hook up Skelpycoin as well :)

@RoyalFestus; apparently Goinmerry offered several opportunities back during the campaign to send in an address. Please PM me with your wallet addresses for the current 6 HYBRID types, I'll check what has been transferred.

Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: crypto4jan on December 18, 2018, 04:22:48 PM
Hi Skelpy! No worries, we've just released a new version of the wallet at

Also: in the first half of 2019 we will release the platform client with documentation, so you can hook up Skelpycoin as well :)

@RoyalFestus; apparently Goinmerry offered several opportunities back during the campaign to send in an address. Please PM me with your wallet addresses for the current 6 HYBRID types, I'll check what has been transferred.

Great project!

Like also to see an integration of EnergyCoin with (CounterParty clone on PoS EnergyCoin).
Soon we have all documentation on Github and an extra server @
The other project I like to integrate: Stakecoin (

Have a nice day,


Title: Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins
Post by: royalfestus on April 22, 2019, 10:31:48 AM
I hope people got some mails recently and got access to their dashboard and their reward or purchase. This place looks quite quiet for a while and no one made a post not even the admin in this forum. We already believed the project is dead, how can u wake it up?