Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 04:10:04 AM

Title: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 04:10:04 AM
When I first started using litecoin (had known about it for some months before but never had much of an interest in it due to my absorption with bitcoin), I ran into a couple of issues that I'd like to, now that I know a bit more what I'm doing, help those who are where I was at a few weeks ago in some of these issues. This forum thread is dedicated to a tutorial on how to setup Solo Mining.

What is mining? Simply explained, your hash rate is like how many lottery tickets you get per second. If you get 500kh/s, you are getting 500,000 hashes or lottery tickets per second. Imagine that the central lottery central adjusts the chance of each lottery ticket of being the winning one based on how many are purchased, so that every 2.5 minutes approximately someone gets a winning ticket. These tickets are free in actual currency, but require your computer to compute mathematical algorithms in order to get these "tickets". This is the idea of mining. If you get the winning ticket, you "win" the block, or get the generation payout (currently 50 Litecoins) for it. As of writing, the network is averaging around 30,000kh/s, or 30,000,000 of these tickets a second. This network rate changes based on how many other people are mining. Solo mining is when you do this mining process or lottery ticket generation yourself, and keep all of the reward. For those with high hash rates, this may be ideal. For those with lower hashrates or those who like completely guaranteed payouts, pool mining is available, where people pool their mining resources, and when a block is found, it is paid out to everyone proportional to how much of the total pool speed %(percentage) that individual contributed. Since more people find more blocks more often, this allows you to get steadier payout. The point of this thread, though, is not pool mining, so we'll move on now before I go off on a tangent on the different payment schemes :)

Solo mining, while a bit hard at first to figure out (finally got it working after adapting old instructions for solo BTC mining...) I was able to get litecoin-qt.exe to run in server mode, allowing connections from miner software. Here's how:

Step 1.) Download necessary programs and put them all in the same folder that you can easily access (like a "Mining" folder on a Desktop or a Documents folder). Unzip these.
Here is the first program you need: Now for mining, the software required depends on what you intend to mine on--CPU, GPU, or both. If you have a dedicated GPU, especially an ATI one, you will get more hashes with the GPU, but that doesn't mean you can't run a CPU one as well. If you want a CPU miner, download this: If you want a GPU miner, download this: Unzip these all in the same folder area, it should look something like this:

Step 2.) Open up the folder litecoin-windows-client- (or whatever folder has your windows client .exe file called litecoin-qt.exe). Double click on this, and wait for the blockchain to download (you should see a progress bar at the bottom of the window with a percentile reading).

Step 3.) Once the blockchain has finished downloading (or even while it is downloading), click "start" or the "start button". Type in "%appdata%" to get to your Application Data Roaming directory. Open the folder called "Litecoin". You shouldn't see any file called litecoin or litecoin.conf. You will need to make this and set it up properly to allow external miners to connect. You can either use this download of litecoin.conf which is properly formatted: and edit the username/password/allowIP fields as you wish. If you want to create the file yourself or don't trust my download for whatever reason, put this into a file in notepad:



Notepad should look like this:

Make sure you save as "litecoin.conf" with the type "all file types." litecoin.conf.txt won't work!

Step 4.) Now that you have made litecoin.conf, you are going to need to close litecoin-qt and relaunch in a different way using the Command Prompt. Closing litecoin-qt's window isn't enough, you will need to go into task manager and kill the task/end the task "litecoin-qt.exe" or "litecoin-qt". Then, open up a command prompt by clicking on the start button and typing in "cmd" and clicking on the thing that looks like a black box with white text on it for an icon. Something will pop up that should look like white text on a black background with a blinking cursor with some file path, assuming you haven't made any modifications to it. You will want to tab over to your open Roaming window (or get back... remember "%appdata%"). In your command prompt, type "cd " (yes, with the space). Don't press enter yet.

Step 5.) Now, you will go into your Roaming folder and drag all the contents of the litecoin client folder (the one with litecoin-qt in it) over to your Litecoin folder in Roaming. Alternately, if you want to leave it somewhere else, you can cd to there from the command prompt instead, as litecoin-qt doesn't look in it's own folder for litecoin.conf, but instead looks at the AppData>Roaming>Litecoin folder for all of that. If you drag the litecoin-qt client somewhere else, make sure to bring all of litecoin-qt's other files that accompany it. Now drag the Litecoin folder onto the Command Prompt, so it should look something like "C:\Users\Vorksholk> cd C:\Users\Vorksholk\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin" (or some other folder location if that's where you left litecoin-qt and that's where you are trying to cd to). If it looks similar to this, press enter. If it doesn't throw you any errors, you are doing great :). CD is change directory, in case you were curious. Now, you will want to type in "litecoin-qt.exe -server" which passes litecoin-qt.exe the -server flag when executing. If you get an error about not finding some file litecoin.conf, then just download my example and put that into your litecoin folder, you may have not saved your version right...

Step 6.) Wait a minute or so for the litecoin-qt window to come up. If it gives you an error, leave a post here detailing the error and I'll try to help you. Now go over to your Mining folder, and open either scryptminer-gui folder of the reaper folder. Assuming you are mining on the same computer as where you just did the previous steps, you will want to configure your miner using the following settings:
hostname: localhost or
username: (whatever you set your username to in litecoin.conf) If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "username".
password:(whatever you set your password to in litecoin.conf). If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "password".
Port:(whatever you set your port to in litecoin.conf). If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "9332". If you are using reaper, you will want to open reaper.conf and delete the lines that say "mine solidcoin" and "mine bitcoin" from the file, then save. Then you will want to open up the litecoin.conf file in the reaper folder and set the given fields to what's offered right above.

Step 7.) Double click reaper.exe or start scryptminer-gui, and watch the kh's go up. If it says error connecting, double check your config and whatnot, then post the error and your config files and I'll try to help :). You will not get shares in solo mining, really. Shares are to be expected when poolmining and are sometimes an indication of whether your mining is working or not, but in this case your miner will only show a share when it finds a block, so don't expect any shares to be accepted by the miner.

Let is run and see if you get lucky and get a block! Let me know if you have any problems or questions, if you want I can update this guide once finals are over with some detailed images of some of the reaper config, the command prompt business, or even the scrypt-miner gui if anyone wants.

Good luck hashing! (If there are grammar mistakes, sorry, it's late...)

Edit: Updated to include latest release of Litecoin. As well, many more advanced miners may want to look into cgminer for Scrypt. :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 24, 2012, 10:00:41 AM
Firstly thanks for the guide.


Step 5- presumably you made a mistake with the folder to copy the new litecoin.conf into as the roaming folder does not have litecoin-qt.exe in it. I put your litecoin.conf into my litecoin-windows-client- folder with the .exe in it and run it as a server from there.

EDIT: ok it seems after downloading the whole blockchain reaper is doing work. Although everything in reaper looks ok, I see no evidence in the litecoin client that any of the hashes are going towards real ltc blocks. is there any way to see this, or do I just have to wait a few hours and see if it solves any blocks?

EDIT 2: also there is very little bandwidth activity going though litecoin-qt or reaper. pretty much zero dl and ul, with a few bytes going in and out every 30s+. this leads me to believe that none of reapers hashes are going out to the ltc network. I could be wrong though i have never solo mined anything and perhaps this is normal to have super low bandwidth usage compared to using a pool..

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 12:06:17 PM
Ahh yes, thank you for the correction on Step 5 :).

Uhmm, you won't see any shares, and you will see very little bandwidth as basically the only time the litecoin-qt client process will send any info to reaper is when it is telling reaper about a new block (essentially a longpoll...) and the only time reaper will really send data to litecoin-qt is when it finds a block. There may be exceptions, but generally this is the only data that is going to be being transferred, as it doesn't have to transfer shares at all.

The hashes don't really go out to the network so to speak, and there is honestly no "progress". Now, to know if the hashes are working, simply let it run for however long it should take to mine a block * 2 (for good measure, after all this is based on random cryptography). What is your hashing speed in kh/s? You can enter that speed at to determine how long it will take for you to find a block.

Happy mining!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 12:15:12 PM
Actually, BlackBison, wherever you run litecoin-qt from is not necessarily where you want your litecoin.conf. litecoin-qt will, by default, look in that Litecoin folder in Roaming for it's config, no matter where it's run from. The problem in my step 5 was that I had forgot to put that you need to drag litecoin-qt to your Litecoin folder in Roaming along with the other files in that litecoin client folder. You can also just cd to the directory where you have litecoin-qt if it isn't in that same folder, any normal litecoin-qt.exe instance will look for that Litecoin folder in Roaming in AppData. Fixed step 5, thanks!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 24, 2012, 12:40:37 PM
Ok thanks for the fast response. I will run one card for a few hours to check its working.

Also i tried to connect another system on the same wireless network to this litecoin-qt. I put in the local IP 192.168.1.xx into reapers conf file.

This is the correct IP as I had to give firewall permission on the the server computer for the connection. So it seems to receive a connection but reaper will not connect.

Do you have any ideas as it would be more convenient for me to have all rigs mining to one address instead of 4 different ones.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 12:43:55 PM
Yes, totally more efficient to mine to one wallet :). Uhmm, in litecoin.conf in your AppData>Roaming>Litecoin folder, did you leave the rpcallowip= alone? If so, you might want to change it to 192.168.0.x or if some machines have other addresses 192.168.x.x. In addition, you could just put a * there instead to allow everything, but that's a bit dangerous.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 24, 2012, 12:48:07 PM
how do i put in both and 192.168.0.xx into that same line? Can you please write the exact letters as im a bit of a noob :)

EDIT: Can you please clarify how many 'stales' litecoin-qt server gives for reaper? How does it give out work and identify when a new block has been found? It seemed to me that my reaper was mining mostly stale work, but I can't be sure..

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 24, 2012, 09:01:20 PM
To put both and another address into that same configuration file, I think your best bet would be to use multiple lines, like so:



Let me know if that works :)

How many stales reaper gets? Where are you seeing the stales, with the 0:x where x is the number of stales? When I mine, I get zero, it looks something like:
GPU 84.48kH/s, shares: 0:0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~84.92kH/s, 37s

I have never seen a stale percentage while solo mining, but I haven't been soloing for long I suppose :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 25, 2012, 10:08:42 AM
Ok blocks are being found, but here is one of my reaper screens:

Getwork took 19.35 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~705.929 kH/s, 578s
Getwork took 14.65 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~695.656 kH/s, 1184s
Getwork took 19.97 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~698.719 kH/s, 1779s
Getwork took 15.92 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~697.402 kH/s, 2385s
Getwork took 15.48 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~700.528 kH/s, 2986s
Getwork took 19.48 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~701.508 kH/s, 3583s
Getwork took 19.88 s!  0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~700.439 kH/s, 4184s
GPU 710.4kH/s, shares: 0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~700.084 kH/s, 4651s

Any ideas what these getwork messages mean? Presumably that first line means 19.35s of stale work, is that correct? If I get about 3 of those messages per hour does that mean ~1min of stales (ie. 1.7% stales)?

Do you get similar messages with your reaper and are you mining results running in-line with your expectancy? Obviously with a high hashrate and low difficulty I dont want my mining time to be wasted!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 25, 2012, 12:09:12 PM
Mine did the same thing, although it seemed to get average if not a bit-above-average luck when finding blocks. I think that network took <large # of seconds> may be the result of something like long polling, essentially when the client tells reaper of a new block and that messages doesn't get there too fast? I can't start up reaper right now an test (I got my 5970 in the mail yesterday, plopped it into my computer, and my PSU (presumably) decided to die... thought 850W was enough?) but that is what my miner looks like.

BTW, what card are you mining with that you get 700KH/s? 6990?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 25, 2012, 12:50:04 PM
I'm using 2x 5850s in that system. The other two systems are 5850s also. I run these two at low aggression during office hours, and at 375kh after hours. I have been running these 3 rigs for nearly 4 hours now:

GPU 312.2kH/s, shares: 3|8, stale 72.73%, GPU errors: 0.01311%, ~314.272 kH/s, 1
GPU 326.5kH/s, shares: 0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~325.621 kH/s, 14130s
GPU 711.6kH/s, shares: 3|1, stale 25%, GPU errors: 0.0006521%, ~704.514 kH/s, 14

Notice the apparent high stale rate on the first miner- I am not sure if this is accurate. Nevertheless this is running above EV for the moment so I am not worried yet. I will keep running it and report results after 12hrs total mining and then 24hrs total mining.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: pooler on May 25, 2012, 01:24:42 PM
I haven't had a serious look at the source code of Reaper yet, but how a getwork request can take 15-20 seconds over a local connection is a bit of a mystery to me...

Anyway, a couple notes about solo mining as opposed to pool mining:

  • The concept of share is directly replaced by that of block. Stale shares are replaced by orphan blocks, which should be even rarer than stale shares.
  • The long polling extension is not supported by the client, but that shouldn't be much of a problem as long as work is refreshed frequently enough.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 25, 2012, 03:59:35 PM
7 hours continuous mining:

GPU 312.8kH/s, shares: 4|19, stale 82.61%, GPU errors: 0.01641%, ~315.38 kH/s,
GPU 324.2kH/s, shares: 2|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~324.421 kH/s, 25498s
GPU 711.6kH/s, shares: 5|3, stale 37.5%, GPU errors: 0.001088%, ~704.132 kH/s, 25673s

550ltc mined in 7 hours, expected earnings on 1350kh approx 372ltc. Obviously this is running very lucky, but at least Vorksholks setups seems to be working.

Again note this huge stale rate in the first miner.. i think this must be a reporting error in reaper or something. Even the third miner has had 3 bad blocks, which again must surely be an error.

More updates to follow.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 25, 2012, 08:57:08 PM
Certainly looks like some error in Reaper :/

Awesome luck! :D

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 26, 2012, 11:15:35 AM
Ok I found out the cause of the reaper 'high stale' bug issue. I dropped the overclock speeds down slightly on my miners and now with zero GPU errors there are no stales:

GPU 712.3kH/s, shares: 2|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~709.781 kH/s, 8255s
GPU 375.5kH/s, shares: 0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~372.078 kH/s, 8430s
GPU 365.8kH/s, shares: 0|0, stale 0%, GPU errors: 0%, ~360.646 kH/s, 8781s

Also I can't give a good update on mining as my litecoin-qt server miner crashed overnight and restarted mining btc on boot, so the above numbers are re-started as of about 10:00am this morning. Will update at 10pm this evening and 10am tomorrow.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 27, 2012, 09:02:39 AM
Ok 24hrs continuous mining at approx 1450kh = 20 blocks found. This is below expectancy due to luck, but otherwise everything seems fine.

Provided the getwork times listed in reaper are equal to stale work, then I would estimate the 3 miners are running at somewhere around 98% efficiency.

So the question is should you mine like this instead of at a pool?

1. Pool is much easier to use and monitor.

2. Pool is slightly more expensive to use resulting in 1-2% lower efficiency.

3. Solo has almost zero bandwidth requirements.

4. Solo adds to decentralisation of the network, which is always a good thing.

5. Solo will have less downtime as you are only dependent on your own connection.

I would just use pools as it just so much easier but I cannot mine with all 1450kh at most pools due a bad upload line at my office for some reason. So solo seems to be the best option for me right now.

And a big thanks again to Vorksholk for posting this guide!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 27, 2012, 12:48:22 PM
Glad everything's working for you :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 28, 2012, 05:41:25 PM
Another update if anyone is interested in this: my mining running exactly on expectancy after another 56 hours continuous.

Also- the getwork problem seems to only happen when you first start mining on litecoin-qt. After a few hours with litecoin-qt running it seems to disappear completely from reaper.. must be some sort of lag issue with litecoin-qt. In any case I am now hopefully running at 100% efficiency! (minus orphans of course).

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 29, 2012, 12:16:18 AM
Awesome, glad everything is working for you :)

How's your luck doing?

And what card are you using for 700kH/s? :) 7970?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on May 29, 2012, 10:28:42 PM
82 blocks in 84hrs, pretty close to expectancy.

700mh is 2x 5850s

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: disclaimer201 on July 05, 2012, 11:49:31 PM
I don't seem to get more than 260 for a 5870. Any idea on perfect settings for reaper?

Edit: Fixed everything and am now at 800kh/s for 2 5870.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: layyen on July 22, 2012, 09:17:35 PM
one easy question :) when i found a block, then the reward will go automaticaly to my main wallet address on litecoin - qt - server running ? :)

and second - how much dedicated rigs i have connected to qt-server, that many standalone solomining units i will have ? or are they mining together ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 22, 2012, 10:37:28 PM
one easy question :) when i found a block, then the reward will go automaticaly to my main wallet address on litecoin - qt - server running ? :)

and second - how much dedicated rigs i have connected to qt-server, that many standalone solomining units i will have ? or are they mining together ?

Yes, the block reward will, after 120 confirms (120 blocks later, essentially) credit into your the main wallet address that your litecoind or litecoinqt server is running on.

Secondly, if you say have 5 computers on your network all mining to litecoin-qt on a 6th, then they are all mining together, however they are each doing a separate set of hashes, if that makes sense. There will be no redundancy in the hashes hashed, however if any of those computers finds a block, then the resulting reward will go to the 6th computer (as it is the one running the litecoin client). They are mining together in the same way a pool does.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PinkBatman on July 25, 2012, 04:47:13 AM
Welp. I'm stumped. So far on my rig I've only gotten 5/5 stales with the same clocks I have been using to mine on the pools. What could possibly be wrong?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 25, 2012, 05:13:22 AM
Welp. I'm stumped. So far on my rig I've only gotten 5/5 stales with the same clocks I have been using to mine on the pools. What could possibly be wrong?

Are they likely blocks? (I mean does your hash rate make sense to have gotten 4-6 blocks in that time span?) If yes, then you may need o reduce aggression or over clock, if no then they are likely meaningless...

When I had the same issue with 27 stales I realized there was no way my (at that time) 80kH/s (even at a difficulty around 1) could have gotten 27 blocks overnight (and I was able to reproduce) however I did find true blocks at a good rate.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ThiagoCMC on July 25, 2012, 06:04:46 AM
I don't seem to get more than 260 for a 5870. Any idea on perfect settings for reaper?

Edit: Fixed everything and am now at 800kh/s for 2 5870.

How do you do that?!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PinkBatman on July 25, 2012, 09:07:02 AM
Are they likely blocks? (I mean does your hash rate make sense to have gotten 4-6 blocks in that time span?) If yes, then you may need o reduce aggression or over clock, if no then they are likely meaningless...

Not quite I have 1500khs and those stales came in about an hour. I do believe that I have solved a block since then so I'm going to let it run over night.

What does the shares column represent anyway? Because it seems like pool vs solo the numbers are much different.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BlackBison on July 25, 2012, 09:14:17 AM
Welp. I'm stumped. So far on my rig I've only gotten 5/5 stales with the same clocks I have been using to mine on the pools. What could possibly be wrong?

check my comments earlier in this thread. reaper mis-reports stales when solo mining for some reason. you have to run it for a few days and compared your earnings to the calc to see if it running ok.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PinkBatman on July 25, 2012, 09:25:16 AM
check my comments earlier in this thread. reaper mis-reports stales when solo mining for some reason.

Oh that's what you meant. I had trouble comprehending it at first. Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 25, 2012, 01:08:59 PM
Are they likely blocks? (I mean does your hash rate make sense to have gotten 4-6 blocks in that time span?) If yes, then you may need o reduce aggression or over clock, if no then they are likely meaningless...

Not quite I have 1500khs and those stales came in about an hour. I do believe that I have solved a block since then so I'm going to let it run over night.

What does the shares column represent anyway? Because it seems like pool vs solo the numbers are much different.

Generally when you get a share while solo-mining, that means you solved a block. :)

How did you overnight go?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PinkBatman on July 25, 2012, 06:41:29 PM
How did you overnight go?

Very well. After about 12 hours I have 4 blocks solved which is CRAZY good luck as far as I can calculate. I have 200LTC in the wallet all confirmed so it does work. Shares are 3/118, might mean 3 blocks solved since I restarted reaper after the first block came in, not really sure.

Thanks for the guide. I will be throwing some coin your way, what is your address? You might want to add it to the OP as well.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 25, 2012, 07:35:48 PM
How did you overnight go?

Very well. After about 12 hours I have 4 blocks solved which is CRAZY good luck as far as I can calculate. I have 200LTC in the wallet all confirmed so it does work. Shares are 3/118, might mean 3 blocks solved since I restarted reaper after the first block came in, not really sure.

Thanks for the guide. I will be throwing some coin your way, what is your address? You might want to add it to the OP as well.

Glad you got it all working :). So it appears in your case those stales were erroneous :).

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: pekv2 on July 25, 2012, 08:35:21 PM
CGminer for gpu's.

Latest Litecoin client.

I've done everything correctly that is in the how to.

E:\>cd E:\Litecoin

E:\Litecoin>litecoin-qt.exe -server -datadir=E:\Litecoin

And everything works fantastic.

Note to OP. If you like to input this info in the OP, I have my litecoin directory "wallet directory" in a different location rather than in roaming. The switch cmd for the directory to be used can be inserted after -server.

  cgminer version 2.5.0 - Started: [2012-07-25 15:32:03]
 (5s):918.3 (avg):801.8 Kh/s | Q:14  A:0  R:0  HW:0  E:0%  U:0.0/m
 TQ: 1  ST: 1  SS: 0  DW: 2  NB: 2  LW: 0  GF: 0  RF: 0
 Connected to without LP as user removed
 Block: 5abcbe6fd5d4de8807b757236839b5bd...  Started: [15:33:02]
 [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
 GPU 0:  77.0C 3556RPM | 422.1/414.4Kh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 U:0.00/m I:19
 GPU 1:  71.0C 3436RPM | 387.6/387.4Kh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 U:0.00/m I:19

 [2012-07-25 15:32:02] Started cgminer 2.5.0
 [2012-07-25 15:32:03] Probing for an alive pool
 [2012-07-25 15:32:03] No suitable long-poll found for pool
 [2012-07-25 15:32:03] Pool 0 alive
 [2012-07-25 15:33:02] New block detected on network

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: sauc1er on July 25, 2012, 08:49:50 PM
I am solo mining with your setup, but when I enter gethashespersec in the debug console it outputs "0"
is this normal? Because reaper is mining happily

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: SebastianJu on July 28, 2012, 07:51:28 PM
Thanks for the tutorial. I was able to setup scryptminer but reaper doesnt work. I tried to run cpu-only mining litecoins only and it told me that a config was missing about threads per cpu. I added the config and then it told me that litecoins cant be mined with reaper. oO Then i used the normal exe and it had the error that it cant connect to OpenCL. I have a NVidia GeForce 9600M GT and i can mine bitcoins with it by using guiminer. So i think everything needed is installed.

By the way... are these 2 miners the fastest to mine litecoins with cpu and/or gpu?


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: SebastianJu on July 28, 2012, 10:19:11 PM
You write the setting gen should be set to 0 but here: they claim it should be set to 1. And in their posted code this settings is marked as a comment. So whats the correct setting?

Edit: It looks to me now that gen=0 is the correct setting. Setting it to 1 will start the mining automatically. Strangely the mining tab in the wallet isnt showing that the mining runs.


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 28, 2012, 10:57:48 PM
I am solo mining with your setup, but when I enter gethashespersec in the debug console it outputs "0"
is this normal? Because reaper is mining happily

Have you gotten a block in a reasonable amount of time mining considering your hash rate?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 28, 2012, 10:59:29 PM
Thanks for the tutorial. I was able to setup scryptminer but reaper doesnt work. I tried to run cpu-only mining litecoins only and it told me that a config was missing about threads per cpu. I added the config and then it told me that litecoins cant be mined with reaper. oO Then i used the normal exe and it had the error that it cant connect to OpenCL. I have a NVidia GeForce 9600M GT and i can mine bitcoins with it by using guiminer. So i think everything needed is installed.

By the way... are these 2 miners the fastest to mine litecoins with cpu and/or gpu?


Hey, try cgminer for Scrypt :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: VelvetLeaf on July 29, 2012, 03:46:50 AM
I got 100% stale on some of my GPU, others don't. Is this normal ?

GPU 1.295MH/s, shares: 0|16, stale 100%, GPU errors: 0.01716%, ~1293.17 kH/s, 4745s

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 29, 2012, 12:39:42 PM
I got 100% stale on some of my GPU, others don't. Is this normal ?

GPU 1.295MH/s, shares: 0|16, stale 100%, GPU errors: 0.01716%, ~1293.17 kH/s, 4745s

A lot of people seem to be having the same problem, let that run for about 8 hours and see if you solve a block :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: SebastianJu on August 02, 2012, 02:13:40 PM
Yes, cgminer looks nice. But unfortunately the hashing rate is very low. Its the same with reaper. Its only 0.6KH/s and its using more than 50% of my cpu too. While when i mine litecoins with my cpu i get 7kh/s. So its a bit disappointing. Its 9600M GT and i thought it will be faster than a cpu at least. But this way gpu wouldnt be a danger to cpu-mining litecoins.

Maybe i should mine bitcoins with the gpu. Starting cgminer without --scrypt shows hashrates of 7MH/s, which is 1000 times more than for litecoins. Or should i mine namecoins, solidcoins or similar?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on August 02, 2012, 02:21:21 PM
Yes, cgminer looks nice. But unfortunately the hashing rate is very low. Its the same with reaper. Its only 0.6KH/s and its using more than 50% of my cpu too. While when i mine litecoins with my cpu i get 7kh/s. So its a bit disappointing. Its 9600M GT and i thought it will be faster than a cpu at least. But this way gpu wouldnt be a danger to cpu-mining litecoins.

Maybe i should mine bitcoins with the gpu. Starting cgminer without --scrypt shows hashrates of 7MH/s, which is 1000 times more than for litecoins. Or should i mine namecoins, solidcoins or similar?

I would not recommend mining litecoins with that GPU at all. Mining bit coins wold probably be preferable, but it's still really slow. The thing about kH in Scrypt vs MH in SHA256(x2) is that scrypt is about 1000x harder, so if you get 7MH Bitcoin mining, you should be expecting around 7kH/s Litecoin mining. However, this doesn't seem to be the case with you. Have you tried playing around with the aggression and putting "device 0" (without the quotes) in your reaper.conf file if you are using reaper?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: SebastianJu on August 02, 2012, 03:54:10 PM
Ok, than its the hashtype. Didnt know that till now. But i still think its strange that the gpu is slower than the cpu. Maybe only real fast gpus are a threat to litecoin cpu-mining like stated in other threads.

I played with aggression. Aggression 18 leaded to crash of reaper. With 8 it runs but it creates dots on the screen. I think somethings crashed then because it remains even after reaper is off.

The speed is the same when using reaper and cgminer for litecoinmining. So i think its probably normal for this gpu.

So bitcoinmining will be the best in this case? I mean cgminer eats 50% of the cpu now, when mining bitcoins while having a speed at 6.9MH/s. So mining litecoins would be slower when i would mine them with cpu at the same time.

So now i have the choice to mine litecoins alone at 7kh/s with cpu. Or mine bitcoins (or other) at 6.9MH/s or mining litecoins at 6.4kh/s and bitcoins at 2.4MH/s. Whats best?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on August 02, 2012, 04:10:43 PM
Ok, than its the hashtype. Didnt know that till now. But i still think its strange that the gpu is slower than the cpu. Maybe only real fast gpus are a threat to litecoin cpu-mining like stated in other threads.

I played with aggression. Aggression 18 leaded to crash of reaper. With 8 it runs but it creates dots on the screen. I think somethings crashed then because it remains even after reaper is off.

The speed is the same when using reaper and cgminer for litecoinmining. So i think its probably normal for this gpu.

So bitcoinmining will be the best in this case? I mean cgminer eats 50% of the cpu now, when mining bitcoins while having a speed at 6.9MH/s. So mining litecoins would be slower when i would mine them with cpu at the same time.

So now i have the choice to mine litecoins alone at 7kh/s with cpu. Or mine bitcoins (or other) at 6.9MH/s or mining litecoins at 6.4kh/s and bitcoins at 2.4MH/s. Whats best?

I personally would focus just on cpu-mining Litecoins, primarily because laptop GPUs, while they are quite slow especially for number crunching, are also very limited in heat dissipation. Long-term, such high temps in your GPU will probably do more damage than is worth it from the small amount of BTC you would make.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: SebastianJu on August 02, 2012, 04:16:22 PM
Thats probably a good point. I downvolted my gpu some time ago to lower the heat but its a point to look at. At the moment im testing mining lite & bitcoins at the same time and now have cpu-temperatures at 89°C and the gpu is at 77°C. The notebook is placed on a desk only. So i think its not getting too hot at the moment. But i have to check first what temperature is dangerous then. And warm weather should be taken in account too.

Edit: Maybe i should mine for pools and check out what combination brings the most at the end.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: odolvlobo on September 02, 2012, 06:12:51 AM
I get a crash when I run reaper. The output looks like this in the console:
I'm now mining litecoin!
Share thread started
Share thread started
List of platforms:
        0       AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Using platform number 0

Using all devices
        0       Barts
Compiling kernel... this could take up to 2 minutes.
followed by a crash with this information:
Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:   BEX64
  Application Name:   reaper.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4f87955a
  Fault Module Name:   amdocl64.dll
  Fault Module Version:   2.4.595.9
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4d87e58d
  Exception Offset:   00000000003619d8
  Exception Code:   c0000417
  Exception Data:   0000000000000000
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   ed04
  Additional Information 2:   ed049ec23cd2b5380948a3592c532572
  Additional Information 3:   1a64
  Additional Information 4:   1a64f327df574b156e42b9e7d3fd17f4

My graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series. Any ideas?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 02, 2012, 01:22:48 PM
I get a crash when I run reaper. The output looks like this in the console:
I'm now mining litecoin!
Share thread started
Share thread started
List of platforms:
        0       AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Using platform number 0

Using all devices
        0       Barts
Compiling kernel... this could take up to 2 minutes.
followed by a crash with this information:
Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:   BEX64
  Application Name:   reaper.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4f87955a
  Fault Module Name:   amdocl64.dll
  Fault Module Version:   2.4.595.9
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4d87e58d
  Exception Offset:   00000000003619d8
  Exception Code:   c0000417
  Exception Data:   0000000000000000
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   ed04
  Additional Information 2:   ed049ec23cd2b5380948a3592c532572
  Additional Information 3:   1a64
  Additional Information 4:   1a64f327df574b156e42b9e7d3fd17f4

My graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series. Any ideas?

What drivers are you using? Did you over(volt/clock)? Does cgminer work? Have you mined Bitcoins before? Is the card stable at other times? Can your PSU support full load?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: odolvlobo on September 02, 2012, 06:04:37 PM
I get a crash when I run reaper. The output looks like this in the console:

What drivers are you using? Did you over(volt/clock)? Does cgminer work? Have you mined Bitcoins before? Is the card stable at other times? Can your PSU support full load?

Thanks for the clue. My problem was old video drivers.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 17, 2012, 12:24:14 PM
Hi. I am trying to mine litecoin with your setup to no avail. 

I have been mining bitcoin for over a year on this 6870 with no problems.
I have a 4 core AMD processor.

With ScryptMiner, I can get 10kh/s with 6 threads, less at higher threads. (is that good?)
Reaper doesn't even work.

I am trying it out on my personal desktop, which I use the 6870 as well as a smaller 4000 series, to run 3 monitors.  I want it to use the main GPU, which is device zero. So in the config file I put "device 0" w/o quotes. I have lowered my aggression to 9, and still, it hangs at:

Compiling kernel... this could take up to 2 minutes

Any suggestions? 

cgminer sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I am very confused. Please help anyone.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 17, 2012, 10:59:43 PM
Hi. I am trying to mine litecoin with your setup to no avail. 

I have been mining bitcoin for over a year on this 6870 with no problems.
I have a 4 core AMD processor.

With ScryptMiner, I can get 10kh/s with 6 threads, less at higher threads. (is that good?)
Reaper doesn't even work.

I am trying it out on my personal desktop, which I use the 6870 as well as a smaller 4000 series, to run 3 monitors.  I want it to use the main GPU, which is device zero. So in the config file I put "device 0" w/o quotes. I have lowered my aggression to 9, and still, it hangs at:

Compiling kernel... this could take up to 2 minutes

Any suggestions? 

cgminer sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I am very confused. Please help anyone.

Very weird... what slot is the 4000 series in on?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 18, 2012, 01:35:35 PM
Things are a different now.

(i made a post on but the DNS isn't resolving right now)

It turns out I got your tutorial and someone else's confused.

I can solo mine with on my 2nd computer with your setup.  So I want to mine to my other computer, from my personal one, but it's not working.

I set up my router's port forwarding of 9332 to point to my 2nd computer, at
I set up litecoin.conf (on that pc) to accept two ip's:, 192.168.1.*.
I start cgminer with -o localhost:9332 and works beautifully. In fact, I've already found a block.

On my PC, I run cgminer with -o but it doesn't do anything.  It stalls after it finds that the pool is alive.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Greedi on September 18, 2012, 01:53:35 PM
(i made a post on but the DNS isn't resolving right now)

I'm Sorry, but the server is under DDoS :/

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: CoinDiver on September 18, 2012, 09:52:52 PM
I go to run reaper.exe the first time, and I get:

calclCompile failedError: Creating kernel search failed!
(dateTime stamp) Error: Error building OpenCL program

Anyone got any advice?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 18, 2012, 10:49:22 PM
I go to run reaper.exe the first time, and I get:

calclCompile failedError: Creating kernel search failed!
(dateTime stamp) Error: Error building OpenCL program

Anyone got any advice?

What driver version are you using?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 19, 2012, 01:02:30 AM
Vork, did you miss my post?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 19, 2012, 12:04:10 PM
Things are a different now.

(i made a post on but the DNS isn't resolving right now)

It turns out I got your tutorial and someone else's confused.

I can solo mine with on my 2nd computer with your setup.  So I want to mine to my other computer, from my personal one, but it's not working.

I set up my router's port forwarding of 9332 to point to my 2nd computer, at
I set up litecoin.conf (on that pc) to accept two ip's:, 192.168.1.*.
I start cgminer with -o localhost:9332 and works beautifully. In fact, I've already found a block.

On my PC, I run cgminer with -o but it doesn't do anything.  It stalls after it finds that the pool is alive.

Hmm... both these computers are on your internal network, correct?

If this is the case, then I don't think you need to do any port forwarding. Have you tried scanning that computer from your other computer (that computer being the one that is for port 9332 being open?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: CoinDiver on September 19, 2012, 02:28:20 PM
I go to run reaper.exe the first time, and I get:

calclCompile failedError: Creating kernel search failed!
(dateTime stamp) Error: Error building OpenCL program

Anyone got any advice?

What driver version are you using?

I assume you are asking about my GPU driver... It's a 5770 running the 8.850.0.0 from 4/19/2011... the automatic windows driver search says it's up to date.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 19, 2012, 08:59:22 PM
I go to run reaper.exe the first time, and I get:

calclCompile failedError: Creating kernel search failed!
(dateTime stamp) Error: Error building OpenCL program

Anyone got any advice?

What driver version are you using?

I assume you are asking about my GPU driver... It's a 5770 running the 8.850.0.0 from 4/19/2011... the automatic windows driver search says it's up to date.

Hmm... try downloading the latest ATI driver (12.8), and let me know if that works. :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 19, 2012, 10:10:53 PM
Yes, computers are on the same internal network.

Have you tried scanning that computer from your other computer (that computer being the one that is for port 9332 being open?

I don't know how to do that. I just googled it, and downloaded 1 utility, but it doesn't seem to let me scan ports that I wanna scan (9332). I will continue to try other utilities, and update this post.  

But before then, how do YOU scan for open ports on an internal network?

EDIT: I found PortQry from Microsoft.  I was able to determine than TCP port 9332 on is LISTENING.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 19, 2012, 11:31:42 PM
Yes, computers are on the same internal network.

Have you tried scanning that computer from your other computer (that computer being the one that is for port 9332 being open?

I don't know how to do that. I just googled it, and downloaded 1 utility, but it doesn't seem to let me scan ports that I wanna scan (9332). I will continue to try other utilities, and update this post.  

But before then, how do YOU scan for open ports on an internal network?

EDIT: I found PortQry from Microsoft.  I was able to determine than TCP port 9332 on is LISTENING.

I wrote my own port-scanning application.

Anywho, if it is listening, have you tried connecting another 3rd computer up? Does that run fine?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 21, 2012, 04:45:35 AM
I wrote my own port-scanning application.

Anywho, if it is listening, have you tried connecting another 3rd computer up? Does that run fine?

You wrote one? cool.  I found a suitable one, but I'd love to try yours out.

Anyhoo, I have solved the "missing" header problem.  I upgraded Catalyst 12.6 (from 11.12).

Now the hashes seem low, but I've heard that I need to give it time to show true kH rates.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on September 21, 2012, 11:51:56 AM
I wrote my own port-scanning application.

Anywho, if it is listening, have you tried connecting another 3rd computer up? Does that run fine?

You wrote one? cool.  I found a suitable one, but I'd love to try yours out.

Anyhoo, I have solved the "missing" header problem.  I upgraded Catalyst 12.6 (from 11.12).

Now the hashes seem low, but I've heard that I need to give it time to show true kH rates.

Perhaps I'll post mine soon, working on cutting it down to just a port-scanner for a competition :) (Not anything special, just checks what ports are open, but is customized for ease-of-use on my end)

Yeah, upgrading drivers helps solve a lot of problems, but also seems to decrease hash rate a few percent.

Did it ever go up to what you expected after an hour or so?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 21, 2012, 02:17:20 PM
Did it ever go up to what you expected after an hour or so?

Yes, my 6790 on intensity 12 is 137kH on average.  On I 16 it only adds 12kH. (my card has 800 shaders)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ditchmagnet on September 21, 2012, 03:04:24 PM
So is 12.6 supposed to be the best for litecoin?  I am on 12.8 right now and it is working well, but looking for a way to add a few hashes.

I don't know how this guy is getting 522 kh/s out of his 6950 at those clocks.  I have the same settings, and unlocked shaders as well, but I have to run at 990 core at 1375 mem to get that speed.


Seems like 12.6 did boost my khash/s a little.  I was around 522 at the above clocks after 10 minutes, and it has been 15 minutes on 12.6 with the above clocks and I am around 530 khash/s  ;D

I solved 2 blocks in the first 12 hours of solomining LTC a couple days ago, but haven't got any thing else yet   :( , though yesterday I was out of town and I set I=20 before I left, so it crashed and didn't mine all day, but still!

And sometimes I see it says "Rejected  ............."  What does that mean?  Does it mean it solved a block, but someone else already submitted it or what?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ditchmagnet on September 23, 2012, 12:18:24 AM
Still getting several "Rejected....." and still no accepted.  Can someone suggest what I can do to fix it?  Is there a way to reset something?  I don't know why it has stopped working.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 23, 2012, 10:10:09 AM
ditch, are you solo mining? You should see "New block detected..." every 2 minutes or so, as well as any rejects.

Every now and then I get a reject.  I don't know exactly what that means, but it keeps going tho.  At my speed of 400kh/s, I am solving a block every 27 hours.  The highest intensity I put when computers are idle is 16. This makes the mouse dramatically slow, and I can't watch any videos. (I can on i12)

One thing that is helping me out is setting up a --failover-only with a second pool, a real pool that has long polling. That way cgminer gets the LP notification, and your litecoin daemon will benefit and switch to the new block faster than if you didn't have a second pool.

Can you post a screenshot of your cgminer?  Here's mine:

as you can see, i am "connected to" which is my other computer that is running the daemon.  If i were mining solo, I wouldn't have LP, but it's taking the LP data from my secondary pool ( and using that. Notice I also have a rejected "share" there. That is NOT from the pool, as you can see it's "pool 0" which is Solo.

My batch file:
color 0C
cgminer --scrypt --device 0 -I 12,1 -g 1 --shaders 800 -o -u panda -p miner --failover-only -o -u Panda47.failover1 -p 12345

If you have a second pool with LP, instead of seeing "New Block Detected..." you see "LONGPOLL from pool 1 detected a new block" like you see in my screenshot.

BTW, those "accepted" shares you see there are because my solo computer rebooted automatically for windows updates. Luckily I am awake at 3 in the morning.  Strangely, I didn't get any rejects when it was mining for the pool, those 5 have been in the past 24 hours.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ditchmagnet on September 23, 2012, 02:11:27 PM
Ya, mine looks mostly like yours.  It mostly says New block detected on network, but the occasional Rejected block.  I guess that is normal.  I didn't know about using a second pool for LP, so I will set that up and hopefully that will help.  Guess I am just having bad luck, guess that's what I get for solving 2 in the first 12 hours - made me think I should be seeing more.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 23, 2012, 08:22:23 PM
Guess I am just having bad luck, guess that's what I get for solving 2 in the first 12 hours - made me think I should be seeing more.

Yeah, you were super duper lucky on that one.  What's your speed (again)?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ditchmagnet on September 24, 2012, 03:12:01 AM
Finally found another one a little bit ago.  My speed currently is 480 khash/s on this 6950, but at night when it is cooler I can push it to 530 khash/s.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on September 24, 2012, 05:40:54 AM
just started soloing with 1650kh/s (3x 7950s), hopefully i'll get some blocks soon. thanks for the guide!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 24, 2012, 08:27:36 AM
Finally found another one a little bit ago.  My speed currently is 480 khash/s on this 6950, but at night when it is cooler I can push it to 530 khash/s.
Awesome.  My latest block was at 23 hours from previous block. I was pushing them pretty hard at 420kh/s earlier as we hardly use the computers on Sundays.  Yet about half an hour ago, one of my miners failed-over to pool 1 for about 20 minutes, yet my other miner was fine, and the daemon was fine.  I had to [q]uit cgminer and restart to get it to go back to solo. Weird.  But thank God I had a failer over, otherwise it would have been mining for nothing.

just started soloing with 1650kh/s (3x 7950s), hopefully i'll get some blocks soon. thanks for the guide!

Cool. You should get one every 6 to 7 hours based on litecoinpool's calculator (

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on September 24, 2012, 04:35:26 PM
Cool. You should get one every 6 to 7 hours based on litecoinpool's calculator (

Hopefully, I left it mining overnight and I didn't find one yet, but I'm hopeful today I'll find one.  I remember soloing before with my CPU that sometimes you'd wait 24 hours for a block and then you'd find a streak of them in a few hour span.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 24, 2012, 04:40:03 PM
Ok, GL2U!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ditchmagnet on September 25, 2012, 02:01:41 AM
Ya, I had found one this morning, but nothing all day.  Not bad though, another 2 blocks in 12 hours.  Just got to wait it out...probably back to my back luck phase, but who knows!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on September 25, 2012, 04:07:37 AM
24 hours and no blocks. :{  Is there any way to check if this is working okay?  I'm pulling 750w/hr at the wall so I don't want to waste power

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on September 25, 2012, 05:20:14 AM
24 hours and no blocks. :{  Is there any way to check if this is working okay?  I'm pulling 750w/hr at the wall so I don't want to waste power

Use a real pool on failover-only, then quit your daemon (litecoin-qt.exe -server) and let your miner switch to the pool. Then let it grab a few shares, and verify that your pool is counting your shares, and that after 15 minutes, that your hashes match (or are close to matching).

Then you will know that your miner is running fine at least.  Then start your daemon, and see if your miner automatically switches to solo.

Also, I am either having a bit of bad luck, or the difficulty went up today.  Good luck.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on September 25, 2012, 04:27:31 PM
Just found two blocks in the span of an hour, right on C:

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: LiteBit on September 25, 2012, 05:56:29 PM
When solo mining:
Can I check in on my local wallets with block explorer?

I'd like to know when new blocks are found on each rig's local wallet.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on October 09, 2012, 01:53:46 AM
I wrote my own port-scanning application.

Anywho, if it is listening, have you tried connecting another 3rd computer up? Does that run fine?

You wrote one? cool.  I found a suitable one, but I'd love to try yours out.

Anyhoo, I have solved the "missing" header problem.  I upgraded Catalyst 12.6 (from 11.12).

Now the hashes seem low, but I've heard that I need to give it time to show true kH rates.

Open-sourced that port scanner I was talking about. Nothing special at all--but simple and easy to use.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on October 09, 2012, 08:34:44 AM

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: LiteBit on October 17, 2012, 03:38:16 AM
One thing that is helping me out is setting up a --failover-only with a second pool, a real pool that has long polling. That way cgminer gets the LP notification, and your litecoin daemon will benefit and switch to the new block faster than if you didn't have a second pool.

Thanks for the heads up on the --failover-only !

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: PandaMiner on October 18, 2012, 12:25:33 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the --failover-only !

You're Welcome!  *cough*Lf9WKM61AhmXchG2Ph2cftHKSQhxHutcdk*cough*

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: powersync on November 03, 2012, 07:18:22 AM
Should I solo-mine with 2 m/h or is that no enough for a variance?.  First day I got 5 blocks...that was 3 days ago.  I havent found a thing since.  I tested the miners by letting them fail-over to a pool and all seems well.  What is the percentage of finding a block after 3 day?  Has to be in the high 90s.


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on November 03, 2012, 06:36:46 PM
Should I solo-mine with 2 m/h or is that no enough for a variance?.  First day I got 5 blocks...that was 3 days ago.  I havent found a thing since.  I tested the miners by letting them fail-over to a pool and all seems well.  What is the percentage of finding a block after 3 day?  Has to be in the high 90s.


It's totally random, I've mined with 2mh/s at the lower difficulties (~10) and sometimes I wouldn't see blocks for three days, and then suddenly i'd get 3, etc.  Just let it keep running and don't check it for a while, when you come back in a week or so you'll have lots of blocks.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: thirdchance57 on November 29, 2012, 09:32:27 PM
reaper stops working a split sec after it says "you are mining litecoins"

cgminer also stops working when i try to mine bitcoin... had to switch to bfgminer just to mine bitcoin. ? strange win7 64 happens with antivirus disabled also.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on November 30, 2012, 12:47:07 AM
reaper stops working a split sec after it says "you are mining litecoins"

cgminer also stops working when i try to mine bitcoin... had to switch to bfgminer just to mine bitcoin. ? strange win7 64 happens with antivirus disabled also.
What card are you using?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: meebs on November 30, 2012, 01:58:26 AM
Should I solo-mine with 2 m/h or is that no enough for a variance?.  First day I got 5 blocks...that was 3 days ago.  I havent found a thing since.  I tested the miners by letting them fail-over to a pool and all seems well.  What is the percentage of finding a block after 3 day?  Has to be in the high 90s.


It's totally random, I've mined with 2mh/s at the lower difficulties (~10) and sometimes I wouldn't see blocks for three days, and then suddenly i'd get 3, etc.  Just let it keep running and don't check it for a while, when you come back in a week or so you'll have lots of blocks.

the guaranteed payment of a PPS pool is nice.. but when I was on I found 2900 ltc worth of blocks for 2580 of pps payments, which is kind of a bummer.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 420 on November 30, 2012, 07:39:09 PM
reaper with aggression 12 slows down my computer at 84khash

aggression 11.5 only gets 42khash

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: DobZombie on December 01, 2012, 12:02:55 PM
 cgminer version 2.9.5 - Started: [2012-12-01 21:15:30]
 (5s):24.00M (avg):452.8Mh/s | Q:2096  A:0  R:12  HW:0  E:0%  U:0.0/m
 TQ: 0  ST: 3  SS: 0  DW: 73  NB: 41  LW: 0  GF: 5  RF: 0  WU: 6.5
 Connected to without LP as user username
 Block: 61ff8945e2b363c7607cc7fa...  Started: [22:07:31]  Best share: 2.03K
 [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
 GPU 0:  62.0C 1569RPM | 36.89M/452.9Mh/s | A:0 R:12 HW:0 U:0.00/m I: 1

 [2012-12-01 21:59:06] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 21:59:22] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:00:26] Pool 0 not providing work fast enough
 [2012-12-01 22:00:26] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:01:32] Found block for pool 0!
 [2012-12-01 22:01:32] Rejected 06af923b Diff 38/24 BLOCK! GPU 0
 [2012-12-01 22:01:37] Found block for pool 0!
 [2012-12-01 22:01:37] Rejected 058131a1 Diff 46/24 BLOCK! GPU 0
 [2012-12-01 22:03:06] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:03:46] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:05:35] Pool 0 not providing work fast enough
 [2012-12-01 22:07:25] New block detected on network

Does this mean I'm not solving any blocks?  Does this mean I'll never solve blocks?

I'm solo-mining BTW

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Balthazar on December 01, 2012, 12:41:50 PM
It seems that you started cgminer with wrong settings.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: CrownCloud on December 01, 2012, 01:16:55 PM
 cgminer version 2.9.5 - Started: [2012-12-01 21:15:30]
 (5s):24.00M (avg):452.8Mh/s | Q:2096  A:0  R:12  HW:0  E:0%  U:0.0/m
 TQ: 0  ST: 3  SS: 0  DW: 73  NB: 41  LW: 0  GF: 5  RF: 0  WU: 6.5
 Connected to without LP as user username
 Block: 61ff8945e2b363c7607cc7fa...  Started: [22:07:31]  Best share: 2.03K
 [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
 GPU 0:  62.0C 1569RPM | 36.89M/452.9Mh/s | A:0 R:12 HW:0 U:0.00/m I: 1

 [2012-12-01 21:59:06] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 21:59:22] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:00:26] Pool 0 not providing work fast enough
 [2012-12-01 22:00:26] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:01:32] Found block for pool 0!
 [2012-12-01 22:01:32] Rejected 06af923b Diff 38/24 BLOCK! GPU 0
 [2012-12-01 22:01:37] Found block for pool 0!
 [2012-12-01 22:01:37] Rejected 058131a1 Diff 46/24 BLOCK! GPU 0
 [2012-12-01 22:03:06] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:03:46] New block detected on network
 [2012-12-01 22:05:35] Pool 0 not providing work fast enough
 [2012-12-01 22:07:25] New block detected on network

Does this mean I'm not solving any blocks?  Does this mean I'll never solve blocks?

I'm solo-mining BTW

It says "452.8Mh/s" should be Kh/s or a few Mh/s I feel did you apply --scrypt to cgminer.exe before starting it ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: DobZombie on December 01, 2012, 10:16:05 PM
Ah yep, forgot --scrypt

Amateur hour here!  :P

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: LiteBit on December 02, 2012, 03:44:21 AM
Ah Daniel San... So important.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: DobZombie on December 02, 2012, 04:15:57 PM
Ah Daniel San... So important.

Wax On?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: crazyearner on December 13, 2012, 03:47:45 AM
So i am mining for ltc solo and i found some blocks but am not seeing any payments

Why am i not been paid into my ltc wallet??? any ideas

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 420 on December 13, 2012, 04:18:01 AM
So i am mining for ltc solo and i found some blocks but am not seeing any payments

Why am i not been paid into my ltc wallet??? any ideas

I think those are just blocks found in the system about every 2.5 minutes

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tacotime on December 13, 2012, 04:25:08 AM
Yup. When you find one it will say accepted and A will be greater than 0

With 300khs it'll probably take a week or two to mine a block

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: crazyearner on December 13, 2012, 11:19:05 AM
Yup. When you find one it will say accepted and A will be greater than 0

With 300khs it'll probably take a week or two to mine a block

well am a happy person woke up this morning

Status: 32 confirmations
Date: 13/12/2012 08:47
Source: Generated
Credit: (50.30 LTC matures in 88 more blocks)
Net amount: 0.00 LTC
Transaction ID: 892034c2142c9f7257187c69641d4563080f8213bd0963e69ccf2b7d37c8c45b

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BitCoiner2012 on December 27, 2012, 12:59:10 PM
Having problem:

LTC or BTC QT won't load, says it prog requires runtime to close in an odd way and won't open. Tried uninstalling, but the installer goes straight to that. Thoughts?

Are there any other clients I can try and mine with?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on December 27, 2012, 03:55:04 PM
Having problem:

LTC or BTC QT won't load, says it prog requires runtime to close in an odd way and won't open. Tried uninstalling, but the installer goes straight to that. Thoughts?

Are there any other clients I can try and mine with?

You could try mining with the daemon. :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: crazyearner on January 13, 2013, 04:45:42 AM
Using reper to solo will i get a kh/s improvement ? saying that only one way to find out lol. How do you configure this is it the same as cgminer?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 420 on January 14, 2013, 03:20:05 AM
What happened to the mining hardware comparison list? it was removed

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Rawted on February 07, 2013, 03:17:20 AM
Using reper to solo will i get a kh/s improvement ? saying that only one way to find out lol. How do you configure this is it the same as cgminer?
I've noticed no change going from cgminer to reaper, except for the fact that reaper crashes every few hours. stick with cgminer, IMO.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: on February 11, 2013, 06:04:02 PM

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: sorped on February 13, 2013, 02:39:58 PM

Just trying to get my head around all this mining stuff, hence playing around with things...

nVidia GTX 550 Ti (I know, not exactly the best kit, but will do messing about! :) )

Using reaper to solo-mine, is it normal there are no work-in or submits going on? I just get the bottom line with hash rate, share/stale, GPU errors etc.

When trying to use cgminer, something appears to be worng as it chugs away at 45 Mhs/s, so not much happening?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BitSteam on March 25, 2013, 12:56:50 AM
is it worth it to do this with a 4850?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: RobbieMor on March 28, 2013, 07:35:26 PM
Step 3.) Once the blockchain has finished downloading (or even while it is downloading), click "start" or the "start button". Type in "%appdata%" to get to your Application Data Roaming directory. Open the folder called "Litecoin". You shouldn't see any file called litecoin or litecoin.conf. You will need to make this and set it up properly to allow external miners to connect. You can either use this download of litecoin.conf which is properly formatted: and edit the username/password/allowIP fields as you wish. If you want to create the file yourself or don't trust my download for whatever reason, put this into a file in notepad:

Step 4.) Now that you have made litecoin.conf, you are going to need to close litecoin-qt and relaunch in a different way using the Command Prompt. Closing litecoin-qt's window isn't enough, you will need to go into task manager and kill the task/end the task "litecoin-qt.exe" or "litecoin-qt". Then, open up a command prompt by clicking on the start button and typing in "cmd" and clicking on the thing that looks like a black box with white text on it for an icon. Something will pop up that should look like white text on a black background with a blinking cursor with some file path, assuming you haven't made any modifications to it. You will want to tab over to your open Roaming window (or get back... remember "%appdata%"). In your command prompt, type "cd " (yes, with the space). Don't press enter yet.

I can't save the litecoin.conf to the AppData\Roaming\Litecoin folder nor can I access that folder from Windows 7.
I can get to the folder with the CMD prompt box however so I do have one.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: akipfer on April 02, 2013, 09:14:38 PM
82 blocks in 84hrs, pretty close to expectancy.

700mh is 2x 5850s

hey, i'm new in ltc, iw as mining with btc, but my poor HD6850 with 215 mh/s only made $1.70 dolar/day
that sucks....
so as i can tell, ltc can make about .45 - .50c/hour with my gpu, is that true? if is, WOW im crazy to start mining/selling that :D

how is the demand of ltc? cause btc is sell, it kinda difficult now, no one wan't sell us u know :S

so is true, i can earn half dollar/hour with my gpu? based on

this (for kh/s comparision, i get the lowest kh/s from there, maybe my  card can do more that the lowest, the lowest is 216kh/s so with that and this

is this true?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: akipfer on April 03, 2013, 01:36:55 AM
When I first started using litecoin (had known about it for some months before but never had much of an interest in it due to my absorption with bitcoin), I ran into a couple of issues that I'd like to, now that I know a bit more what I'm doing, help those who are where I was at a few weeks ago in some of these issues. This forum thread is dedicated to a tutorial on how to setup Solo Mining.

What is mining? Simply explained, your hash rate is like how many lottery tickets you get per second. If you get 500kh/s, you are getting 500,000 hashes or lottery tickets per second. Imagine that the central lottery central adjusts the chance of each lottery ticket of being the winning one based on how many are purchased, so that every 2.5 minutes approximately someone gets a winning ticket. These tickets are free in actual currency, but require your computer to compute mathematical algorithms in order to get these "tickets". This is the idea of mining. If you get the winning ticket, you "win" the block, or get the generation payout (currently 50 Litecoins) for it. As of writing, the network is averaging around 30,000kh/s, or 30,000,000 of these tickets a second. This network rate changes based on how many other people are mining. Solo mining is when you do this mining process or lottery ticket generation yourself, and keep all of the reward. For those with high hash rates, this may be ideal. For those with lower hashrates or those who like completely guaranteed payouts, pool mining is available, where people pool their mining resources, and when a block is found, it is paid out to everyone proportional to how much of the total pool speed %(percentage) that individual contributed. Since more people find more blocks more often, this allows you to get steadier payout. The point of this thread, though, is not pool mining, so we'll move on now before I go off on a tangent on the different payment schemes :)

Solo mining, while a bit hard at first to figure out (finally got it working after adapting old instructions for solo BTC mining...) I was able to get litecoin-qt.exe to run in server mode, allowing connections from miner software. Here's how:

Step 1.) Download necessary programs and put them all in the same folder that you can easily access (like a "Mining" folder on a Desktop or a Documents folder). Unzip these.
Here is the first program you need: Now for mining, the software required depends on what you intend to mine on--CPU, GPU, or both. If you have a dedicated GPU, especially an ATI one, you will get more hashes with the GPU, but that doesn't mean you can't run a CPU one as well. If you want a CPU miner, download this: If you want a GPU miner, download this: Unzip these all in the same folder area, it should look something like this:

Step 2.) Open up the folder litecoin-windows-client- (or whatever folder has your windows client .exe file called litecoin-qt.exe). Double click on this, and wait for the blockchain to download (you should see a progress bar at the bottom of the window with a percentile reading).

Step 3.) Once the blockchain has finished downloading (or even while it is downloading), click "start" or the "start button". Type in "%appdata%" to get to your Application Data Roaming directory. Open the folder called "Litecoin". You shouldn't see any file called litecoin or litecoin.conf. You will need to make this and set it up properly to allow external miners to connect. You can either use this download of litecoin.conf which is properly formatted: and edit the username/password/allowIP fields as you wish. If you want to create the file yourself or don't trust my download for whatever reason, put this into a file in notepad:



Notepad should look like this:

Make sure you save as "litecoin.conf" with the type "all file types." litecoin.conf.txt won't work!

Step 4.) Now that you have made litecoin.conf, you are going to need to close litecoin-qt and relaunch in a different way using the Command Prompt. Closing litecoin-qt's window isn't enough, you will need to go into task manager and kill the task/end the task "litecoin-qt.exe" or "litecoin-qt". Then, open up a command prompt by clicking on the start button and typing in "cmd" and clicking on the thing that looks like a black box with white text on it for an icon. Something will pop up that should look like white text on a black background with a blinking cursor with some file path, assuming you haven't made any modifications to it. You will want to tab over to your open Roaming window (or get back... remember "%appdata%"). In your command prompt, type "cd " (yes, with the space). Don't press enter yet.

Step 5.) Now, you will go into your Roaming folder and drag all the contents of the litecoin client folder (the one with litecoin-qt in it) over to your Litecoin folder in Roaming. Alternately, if you want to leave it somewhere else, you can cd to there from the command prompt instead, as litecoin-qt doesn't look in it's own folder for litecoin.conf, but instead looks at the AppData>Roaming>Litecoin folder for all of that. If you drag the litecoin-qt client somewhere else, make sure to bring all of litecoin-qt's other files that accompany it. Now drag the Litecoin folder onto the Command Prompt, so it should look something like "C:\Users\Vorksholk> cd C:\Users\Vorksholk\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin" (or some other folder location if that's where you left litecoin-qt and that's where you are trying to cd to). If it looks similar to this, press enter. If it doesn't throw you any errors, you are doing great :). CD is change directory, in case you were curious. Now, you will want to type in "litecoin-qt.exe -server" which passes litecoin-qt.exe the -server flag when executing. If you get an error about not finding some file litecoin.conf, then just download my example and put that into your litecoin folder, you may have not saved your version right...

Step 6.) Wait a minute or so for the litecoin-qt window to come up. If it gives you an error, leave a post here detailing the error and I'll try to help you. Now go over to your Mining folder, and open either scryptminer-gui folder of the reaper folder. Assuming you are mining on the same computer as where you just did the previous steps, you will want to configure your miner using the following settings:
hostname: localhost or
username: (whatever you set your username to in litecoin.conf) If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "username".
password:(whatever you set your password to in litecoin.conf). If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "password".
Port:(whatever you set your port to in litecoin.conf). If you downloaded my example and didn't edit it, this field's value is simply "9332". If you are using reaper, you will want to open reaper.conf and delete the lines that say "mine solidcoin" and "mine bitcoin" from the file, then save. Then you will want to open up the litecoin.conf file in the reaper folder and set the given fields to what's offered right above.

Step 7.) Double click reaper.exe or start scryptminer-gui, and watch the kh's go up. If it says error connecting, double check your config and whatnot, then post the error and your config files and I'll try to help :). You will not get shares in solo mining, really. Shares are to be expected when poolmining and are sometimes an indication of whether your mining is working or not, but in this case your miner will only show a share when it finds a block, so don't expect any shares to be accepted by the miner.

Let is run and see if you get lucky and get a block! Let me know if you have any problems or questions, if you want I can update this guide once finals are over with some detailed images of some of the reaper config, the command prompt business, or even the scrypt-miner gui if anyone wants.

Good luck hashing! (If there are grammar mistakes, sorry, it's late...)

Edit: Updated to include latest release of Litecoin. As well, many more advanced miners may want to look into cgminer for Scrypt. :)
HI, so i just setup here, but...
it says I'm mining bitcoins!
WTF, is suposed to be litecoins right?

also, i don't wanny use CPU for ltc mining, how do i stop it? when i run reaper.exe
he compiles for GPU and CPU, i already tried to delete the .bin of the cpu, but he makes another one :D

also, only getting 35-36MH/s TOPS
is that right?

here is the lite q config




and here is my solidcoin.cfg(i think i shoul change this right?

line 1
host localhost
port 12300
user hd6850
pass 256423

protocol solidcoin

worksize 128
aggression 14
threads_per_gpu 1
cpu_mining_threads 1
platform 0
cpu_algorithm vector3
gpu_sharemask 0x80FFFF
long_polling yes
sharethreads 1
line 17

i just post the line so is easyer to big deal :D

something wrong?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 03, 2013, 07:19:56 AM
Hmm, ur trying to mine litecoin using solidcoin protocol?

Anyone have an idea as to where the cutoff is wether to solomine or pool mine?

My rig is pushing around 3500Khash/s, at the start i got a block (difficulty 94) and i was exstatic.
Now ive been mining for another 3 days and havent found anything!

Also used the failover to see that i get accepted and (0,5% rejected) and no hw errors...

Does it seem that anything is wrong (btw it says new block detected because litecoinpool is down. when its up again i get LP)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: akipfer on April 03, 2013, 03:31:13 PM
Hmm, ur trying to mine litecoin using solidcoin protocol?

Anyone have an idea as to where the cutoff is wether to solomine or pool mine?

My rig is pushing around 3500Khash/s, at the start i got a block (difficulty 94) and i was exstatic.
Now ive been mining for another 3 days and havent found anything!

Also used the failover to see that i get accepted and (0,5% rejected) and no hw errors...

Does it seem that anything is wrong (btw it says new block detected because litecoinpool is down. when its up again i get LP)

by lp u mean, long pool?
if so, is lp better then others? why?
also how to setup lp on cgminer?

my hd6850 make about 180-220 kh/s
is that profitable?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: john blaze on April 03, 2013, 05:50:23 PM
   Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to mine bitcoin. But after some reaserch I decided that I would try to mine lite instead. I was wondering can I use my bitcoin wallet to store litecoins. Also I have been spending to better part of the last 2 weeks trying to figure out the system and all the software nessessary, but still haven't figured it out. Here is a list of all of the apps that I've downloaded.
 1. Bitcoin-wallet
 2. Bitstamp
 3. Bitinstant
 4. Mt.Gox
 5. Ozcoin mining
 6. 7-Zip
 7. minerGui
  As well as a couple other apps that I wasn't able to get to open up.  Could you please give me some insight on what I'm doing wrong. I'm getting so frustraighted, please help  :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 03, 2013, 06:43:52 PM
Hmm, ur trying to mine litecoin using solidcoin protocol?

Anyone have an idea as to where the cutoff is wether to solomine or pool mine?

My rig is pushing around 3500Khash/s, at the start i got a block (difficulty 94) and i was exstatic.
Now ive been mining for another 3 days and havent found anything!

Also used the failover to see that i get accepted and (0,5% rejected) and no hw errors...

Does it seem that anything is wrong (btw it says new block detected because litecoinpool is down. when its up again i get LP)

by lp u mean, long pool?
if so, is lp better then others? why?
also how to setup lp on cgminer?

my hd6850 make about 180-220 kh/s
is that profitable?

You'll get around 6,5dollars pr day given todays value/difficulty.
Then you have to figure out how much power it uses, wear/tear on card.

If the numbers seems good then yes, its profitable.

As to lp(long pool) it is to my understanding that your updating cgminer with current blocknumber, this is done faster with getting them from an pool than your local client. so yes its better.
Please correct me somebody if im completely wrong about my understanding of LP=P

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 03, 2013, 07:33:02 PM
   Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to mine bitcoin. But after some reaserch I decided that I would try to mine lite instead. I was wondering can I use my bitcoin wallet to store litecoins. Also I have been spending to better part of the last 2 weeks trying to figure out the system and all the software nessessary, but still haven't figured it out. Here is a list of all of the apps that I've downloaded.
 1. Bitcoin-wallet
 2. Bitstamp
 3. Bitinstant
 4. Mt.Gox
 5. Ozcoin mining
 6. 7-Zip
 7. minerGui
  As well as a couple other apps that I wasn't able to get to open up.  Could you please give me some insight on what I'm doing wrong. I'm getting so frustraighted, please help  :)

Hmm that was a long list.

When i bitcoin mined i used bitstamp as wallet (they usually have high trade value and easy to use), and bitminter for the mining (EASY! java app click and play allmost).
However i switched over to litecoin now since it seems to be a currency on the rise=)

short litecoin mining tutorial that i use in windows:

1. Download/install AMD catalyst drivers (i use 13.3 or 13.1, depending on what rig i look at).
2. Download/install AMD APP Development drivers (2.8 version is latest and the one i use)
3. Download Cgminer (easy very stable miner client, havent tried Reaper but many are experiencing unstability with it). Just put the program folder where ever you like (i have it in my documents folder).
4. The choice should i solo mine or pool mine???? if you pool mine skip to step: 10
5. go to and download the client. let the client run until it is completely synced with the network (this can take some time!)
6. You now have an litecoin "wallet", if you look inside program files 86\Litecoin\ there will be an file called wallet.dat (this is YOUR wallet) if you lose this file you lose all the money=)
7. i recommend encrypting the wallet with a password that you will remember and that is not easy to crack. example 23fSEFSE is a much worse password than: look at my little pony! since the last one has more digits and requires more computation to crack...2^xx
8. now you have to configure the the litecoin qt app to understand that you want to use local servers for computation (reference thread post 1.) just put those values in a file called litecoin.conf in the c:\user\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin (i also put my litecoin qt app in there at this point.). When you want to start the litecoin qt app. go to start menu/command and write cmd and enter. browse to your litecoin app folder and type: litecoin-qt.exe - server (tip. i just created a shortcut for the app and went into option and added the -server there) then put the shortcut on the desktop.
9. Running cgminer with solo mining=)

easiest way. create a text file (example.bat) in the cgminer folder (ps. remember to name it bat, and also check to show file extensions so you dont get example.bat.txt!)
in this file you write (dissregard () ):

setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 (this allocates all the memory from the gpu to the program, fixed some problems with those that try to high memory size settings)
cgminer --scrypt --shaders 2048 --intensity 13 --auto-gpu --auto-fan -o -u xxx  --failover-only -o -u svennand.fuzzypc -p xxx (ps these needs to be changed! since this is my config on one of my rigs)

little explanation:
--scrypt (tells the cgminer that it is litecoin your going to mine, 100% nececery!)
--shaders (tells how many shaders the gpu has, if you have different graphicscard, u can put for example --shaders 1600,2048,1120 (which is the right config for: 5870,7970,5830)) look here for values
--intensity (tells how aggressive cgminer should use the card, i found that anything over 13 will just create way to much hash errors/hw errors, on all my rigs, on 7850 cards im not able to go over 12 before hitting high failed prosentage)
--auto-gpu (i use this since i just want the cgminer to set the engine/memory clock to the default card values, in my experience u get higher hash rate with overclocking the cards, BUT you get alot more heat/hash failed and so on, so in the end i desided that i didnt gain anything).
--auto-fan (jess it controlls the fan speed, i use this)
-o (this contains the adress to the computer that has the litecoin-qt app running!, when your in cgminer hit P to check that it is connecting allright to your other computer, you should also get new block on network message!)
-u and -p is the password that i have in my litecoin.conf file. remember to add each of the external computers ip to the allowed ip range in this config file!
--failover-only (this sets the remote pool that i want to connect for block updates from. in my example i use how effective this is i do not know...). The positive thing about having a failover-only is that if your computer hosting the litecoin-qt app crashes or something all the computers will automaticly change network to the failover one! that way you will still earn litecoins! only by pool mining instead=)

additional command:
--gpu-engine xxx (sets the core speed)
--gpu-memclock xxx (sets the speed of memory)
--worksize xxx (64,128,256 changing this might add some more hashrate, but not much, i left it out)
--thread-concurrency 8196 (7970, this is not necessery if you have specified shaders, also if you leave it blank cgminer will automaticly set this, check cgminer folder and look for .bin file to see the size of tc)

if you have done the extra tweaks in the additional commands i suggest you quit the litecoin qt app so that the cgminer clients reconnects to the pool instead, that way you will very soon figure out if setting those values wrong will not gain you anything.
even if the hashrate is high you¨ll just and up with hw error/stale shares and so on... when i tweaked my setting i got about 50-100 extra hash/s pr cards but a quick look in showed errors allmost up to 30-50% so i actually lost on tweaking things.

create either a wallet in bitcoin-qt or have a tradingaccount at for example
Check above for explanation...
cgminer --scrypt --shaders 2048 --intensity 13 --auto-gpu --auto-fan -o -u xxx -p xxx (this example is with litecoinpool which is pps, alternative sites is and so on)

PPS: pay pr share, you get paid disreggarding if the pool finds a block or not (this is risky for the pool, ergo the percentage they take is higher, litecoinpool takes 4% of each block found)
PPLNS: pay pr share when block is found (no percentage goes to the pool, BUT you will not earn unless there is blocks found...)

To sum things up the only thing you need:
catalyst driver
amd app dev driver
cgminer app
litecoin app (if you want an own wallet/do solo mining)

I for one has real problem desiding if im gonna solo mine or not, i got so tired of not hitting anything. went back to and two hours later i hit a block.... damnit! now im solomining again and havent hit shit=P

If you find this "short tutorial" helpfull please feel free to donate some ltc to: LdvKFFDj2WzuJcVMrMmojB1hmFKp4xSiyv, or btc to: 1CuuVGoqGQ4hTu6tkR8FQpHPepnNcFPUn2

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: zxyzxy on April 03, 2013, 07:41:36 PM

sorry for being so derpy, but what should i put here, what username and pw? ip, my home address?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 03, 2013, 07:51:40 PM

sorry for being so derpy, but what should i put here, what username and pw? ip, my home address?

rpcuser and rpcpassword is just the usernam/password you have to put into cgminer to be able to connect to the litecoin qt app. just make something up=)
rpcallowip here you can put either or localhost (both points back to the computer your running litecoin qt app/config file from)

if you have several computers you need to add an extra rpcallowip for each of them containing their ip adress.

For example my config looks like this:
dissregards the () content

rpcallowip= (same as since its the ip of my main computer)
rpcallowip= (computer2)
rpcallowip= (computer3)
rpcallowip= (computer 4)
rpcport=9332 (which port to connect to, be sure that this port is open for the computers to connect to the main computer)


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: zxyzxy on April 03, 2013, 10:39:25 PM
Step 6.)  Wait a minute or so for the litecoin-qt window to come up. If it gives you an error, leave a post here detailing the error and I'll try to help you.
after i start up bitcoin-qt (using cmd and -server), it loads to my "wallet screen" and a small error window pops up saying "an error occurred setting up RPC port 9332 for listening: open: : An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used" and my only option is to hit ok, after that the client closes, i dont know what to do, i have managed to do all the steps as were written, no error until this point. i created roaming dir in appdata and put the litecoin folder there, i have created the config file properly, also i am using win xp on the machine where i am doing this.

how can i be sure that the port 9332 is open? could this be the issue? i am configuring just one computer, the same i want to mine on, i will not connect other computers/rigs to it

and svennand, thank you for your quick reply!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 04, 2013, 07:17:34 AM
Step 6.)  Wait a minute or so for the litecoin-qt window to come up. If it gives you an error, leave a post here detailing the error and I'll try to help you.
after i start up bitcoin-qt (using cmd and -server), it loads to my "wallet screen" and a small error window pops up saying "an error occurred setting up RPC port 9332 for listening: open: : An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used" and my only option is to hit ok, after that the client closes, i dont know what to do, i have managed to do all the steps as were written, no error until this point. i created roaming dir in appdata and put the litecoin folder there, i have created the config file properly, also i am using win xp on the machine where i am doing this.

how can i be sure that the port 9332 is open? could this be the issue? i am configuring just one computer, the same i want to mine on, i will not connect other computers/rigs to it

and svennand, thank you for your quick reply!

Try disabling windows firewall and se if that helps.
Alternative u can use the web port (port 80). but this port is slow=)
However there shouldnt be a port problem since youre inside the computer, and 9332 is such a high number so its not "reserved" for anything.

There are different apps for checking ports.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: gILisH on April 04, 2013, 08:26:53 AM
In the past two days I am unable to download
is there another link to it ? or can someone send it to me ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 04, 2013, 08:55:04 AM
In the past two days I am unable to download
is there another link to it ? or can someone send it to me ?

just downloaded it now without any problems...

reuploaded it:

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: gILisH on April 04, 2013, 10:08:49 AM
In the past two days I am unable to download
is there another link to it ? or can someone send it to me ?

just downloaded it now without any problems...

reuploaded it:

Thanks man . the new link is working for me !!! awesomeness

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 04, 2013, 08:36:49 PM
Soo glad im solo mining right now...
Seems like every pool is under Ddos attack at some time or the other. litecoinpool has been down all day.

Anyone having any luck with mining? just ordered 2x6970 and 2x7970 for an aditional rig=)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: FreshJR on April 04, 2013, 11:35:22 PM
Is there a litecoin testnet network with a lot less hashing power so I can see if my setup is working?

I got this today.

So while I found a winning share  ;D, it got rejected  >:(

This is my setup



Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 07:00:50 AM
Is there a litecoin testnet network with a lot less hashing power so I can see if my setup is working?

I got this today.

So while I found a winning share  ;D, it got rejected  >:(

This is my setup



It seems fine, getting rejected is quite common=)
Ive been running 3000Khash now for two days, havent found a single block but ive gotten a lot of rejected (around 5-6 on each card).
Are you using a radeon 7970? my two gets 470Mhash each. 570 it looks like u have been aggressive on the settings. in that case i would connect my client to a pool to check stale shares,rejected shares and so on. you should keep theese feedbacks under 1% if your using, you will quickly know if the aggressive settings do not work properly since you will se double numbers of errors=)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 09:28:33 AM
Not the best time for "beginners" to set up litecoin mining, at least with longpoll options and such.
Seems that most of the pool sites are under massive Ddos attacks. Litecoinpool are completly down, suffers from breakage and share lost (got 1/3 of shares completed...), been testing which seems fine at the moment.
But i guess its just a matter of time. However kattara doesnt support stratum and stale shares count are higher.

Maybe someone are trying to get the difficulty down? (22hours to next change).
Recommend everyone to have a failover-only in theire cgminer setup... either to another pool or to solo cgmining=)

EDIT: is also down.

Anyone have an idea if Long Polling is a bad idea to use when the site longpolling from is going down all the time?
Will this damage the rates? should i just get new block from local bitcoin client?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 03:03:54 PM
Phu finally found a block. about freaking time! 3,5 days dry with 3500khash constant load.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Tw1ser on April 05, 2013, 07:17:26 PM
This is how it goes for me for 12 hours run...

Could someone verify that I'm actually solo mining ?

my litecoin.conf in blabla/bla/AppData/Roaming/Litecoin is this:



my cgminer .bat file has this:

color 06
cgminer --scrypt --intensity 20 -o localhost:9332 -u Tw1ser -p 2222 --worksize 256

I tried having failover as well but if I ran bat with it would always only say that stratum found a block or A new block found on network and no rejects at all which seemed wierd.

Also if I stop and then run solo miner again in like 5 mintures does it reduce my chance of finding a block ? Or in other words the longer I run it non stopm, the more Ques [the Q:value] I have have, the higher chance of solving a block I have, correct thinking ?

P.S. still viable to solo mine with 650kh/s ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 07:29:53 PM
small tips for backing up wallet

open notepad and input this

@echo off

set DD=%DATE:~0,2%
set MM=%DATE:~3,2%
set YY=%DATE:~8,2%
set YYYY=%DATE:~6,4%
set HH=%TIME:~0,2%
set MN=%TIME:~3,2%

set filename=wallet_date_%DD%_%MM%_%YY%_time_%HH%-%MN%
echo %filename%
copy C:\Directory you have your bitcoin app\wallet.dat c:\where you want the backup to go\%filename%.dat

Now save this file as something.bat

When you run this file it will backup the wallet.dat (where all money is) to a second location, also to avoid having overwrite the original (history backup) the file will be named wallet_date_time created.dat
Put this file in windows scheduler and let it run a couple of times a day, voila you have a backup of the wallet.
If you want to backup to several location just duplicate the bottom line and change destination.
set "pause" at end if you want to have the console open so you can check that it copied correctly.

I for example have two lines, one that backups to an usb dongle, and one that backups to my dropbox.
Also be sure to encrypt wallet when you are spreading it around like this=)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 07:44:50 PM
This is how it goes for me for 12 hours run...

Could someone verify that I'm actually solo mining ?

my litecoin.conf in blabla/bla/AppData/Roaming/Litecoin is this:



my cgminer .bat file has this:

color 06
cgminer --scrypt --intensity 20 -o localhost:9332 -u Tw1ser -p 2222 --worksize 256

I tried having failover as well but if I ran bat with it would always only say that stratum found a block or A new block found on network and no rejects at all which seemed wierd.

Also if I stop and then run solo miner again in like 5 mintures does it reduce my chance of finding a block ? Or in other words the longer I run it non stopm, the more Ques [the Q:value] I have have, the higher chance of solving a block I have, correct thinking ?

P.S. still viable to solo mine with 650kh/s ?

What graphics card are you running? 7970? intensity 20??? that seems high.
Would connect to pool to check if you have large share fail rate.

Everything else seems fine, would however use --auto-gpu and --auto-fan if you are running graphic card stock setting.

As to you not getting so many rejects when using failover, that might be because cgminer is more updated and the graphics card do not work on block that no longer are "valid"

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Tw1ser on April 05, 2013, 08:14:30 PM
What graphics card are you running? 7970? intensity 20??? that seems high.
Would connect to pool to check if you have large share fail rate.

Everything else seems fine, would however use --auto-gpu and --auto-fan if you are running graphic card stock setting.

As to you not getting so many rejects when using failover, that might be because cgminer is more updated and the graphics card do not work on block that no longer are "valid"

Thanks for response, I'm using 7950 overclocked to 1100 core and 1600 memory which is perfect and doesn't crash. Intensity I use is 20 when I dont use computer at all, I checked on pool works fine, intensity 18 drops my kh/s to 610 and intensity 13 gives 300kh/s. On pool I dont get any HW, some stales tho (~2%) but I blame it on recent lags from pools.

So what you say is that when I have failover it's actually better because cg miner gets updates from pool instead of litecoin qt server ? (ill post a screenshot soon)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 08:19:19 PM
What graphics card are you running? 7970? intensity 20??? that seems high.
Would connect to pool to check if you have large share fail rate.

Everything else seems fine, would however use --auto-gpu and --auto-fan if you are running graphic card stock setting.

As to you not getting so many rejects when using failover, that might be because cgminer is more updated and the graphics card do not work on block that no longer are "valid"

Thanks for response, I'm using 7950 overclocked to 1100 core and 1600 memory which is perfect and doesn't crash. Intensity I use is 20 when I dont use computer at all, I checked on pool works fine, intensity 18 drops my kh/s to 610 and intensity 13 gives 300kh/s. On pool I dont get any HW, some stales tho (~2%) but I blame it on recent lags from pools.

So what you say is that when I have failover it's actually better because cg miner gets updates from pool instead of litecoin qt server ? (ill post a screenshot soon)

okay then theres no problem regarding speed.

And yes, thats what im saying, if you have failover it will get info from the pool which is faster than your local application.
Also its okay that if your local maschine crashes all the eventual other maschins in your solo mining cluster will default over to the failover pool

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Tw1ser on April 05, 2013, 08:30:06 PM
Here is a screenshot with coinotron as a failover

Which pool would be better to use for failover as an updater for solo mining ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 08:36:54 PM
Here is a screenshot with coinotron as a failover

Which pool would be better to use for failover as an updater for solo mining ?

ive used / and ltc.kattare all of them work excellent when they work.
HOWEVER it seems that all of those pools get DDos attacked frequently... is my personal favorit, however that is also the one with most downtime (popular Ddos victim?)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Tw1ser on April 05, 2013, 08:41:09 PM

ive used / and ltc.kattare all of them work excellent when they work.
HOWEVER it seems that all of those pools get DDos attacked frequently... is my personal favorit, however that is also the one with most downtime (popular Ddos victim?)

I have no chance of trying, it says that the registration for them is closed... I have used both and kattare, I wanna test out now. Thanks!

EDIT: Is it fine that it says "No suitable long-pool found ..." ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: svennand on April 05, 2013, 09:35:30 PM
Yes its fine.
Cgminer found that your local client didnt support long polling.
So it switched the long polling bit to you pool server. You still mine solo. But get block update from pool.
If a pool gets ddos attacket it will say: could not blabla and then switch to: new block found blabla
That means cgminer is not able to get from pool and gets from local client instead:)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: god_43 on April 09, 2013, 05:33:58 AM
why not just create a shortcut and put -server at the end? or will that not work?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: thisway on April 09, 2013, 12:21:20 PM
@god_43 It will work.

I have another question.

When I start cgminer I see the following messages:

What do "ADL found less devices than opencl!" and the other messages mean?

Then it says "No suitable long-poll found for ..." What does that mean and how can I change this?

Is there a way how I can enable stratum for solo mining?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: god_43 on April 09, 2013, 01:04:00 PM
@god_43 It will work.


edit: i am getting alot of stales, is that normal? also i am using should work just the same right?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: god_43 on April 09, 2013, 04:43:19 PM

ive used / and ltc.kattare all of them work excellent when they work.
HOWEVER it seems that all of those pools get DDos attacked frequently... is my personal favorit, however that is also the one with most downtime (popular Ddos victim?)

I have no chance of trying, it says that the registration for them is closed... I have used both and kattare, I wanna test out now. Thanks!

EDIT: Is it fine that it says "No suitable long-pool found ..." ?

how are you getting cgminer to output formatted text? it does not do that for me.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: thisway on April 09, 2013, 04:47:45 PM
Make a .bat file and add "color 06" without " on the beginning.


color 06
C:\cgminer\cgminer.exe --scrypt ...

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: god_43 on April 09, 2013, 05:14:01 PM
Make a .bat file and add "color 06" without " on the beginning.


color 06
C:\cgminer\cgminer.exe --scrypt ...

o thanks.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: god_43 on April 10, 2013, 12:59:18 AM
ok so i have another question. i am using the cgminer console now, and i have setup long polling with failover...but i am not even getting rejected shares now, it just keeps moving to a new block every 3-5 mins?

is this normal, or should i remove the failover?


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iruleeveryone28 on April 10, 2013, 11:44:40 AM
hi guys, really desperate here :(

had windows 7 installed earlier today but wanted a completely clean install so i could move back to the 12.4 drivers.  i assume they run app sdk 2.6 right?

im on a 7970 w/ cgminer, it was working decently until i installed windows again.

could it be the driver? or is it by any chance something to do with windows not having updated yet as its an old version of 7?

thanks for any help, this is driving me round the bend

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Wompaone on April 10, 2013, 01:03:57 PM
I'm getting the message below when I try to begin mining in ScryptMiner:

[2013-04-10 14:03:55] HTTP request failed: Recv failure: Connection was aborted

[2013-04-10 14:03:55] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

Any ideas?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iruleeveryone28 on April 10, 2013, 01:14:14 PM
I'm getting the message below when I try to begin mining in ScryptMiner:

[2013-04-10 14:03:55] HTTP request failed: Recv failure: Connection was aborted

[2013-04-10 14:03:55] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

Any ideas?

try a different pool?

i used pool-x with scryptminer, it threw the same message. it was because of the "/" and the end of

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Wompaone on April 10, 2013, 03:17:46 PM
I thought this was for solo mining. Any way I joined ozcoin which seems to be working ok for now.

But could somebody please answer me this as it's been pickling my brain all day. If I enter the information below into my litecoin.conf file and run the same details in the Litecoin client and Reaper. What will happen? I can see them both hashing away like a goodun but am I then mining solo as I don't appear to be connected to any pool servers? If so how do the LTC get credited to my wallet?


Many thanks.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: bitcon on April 11, 2013, 12:11:22 AM
how long will it take me to find a block soloing @ 164kH/s?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: pekv2 on April 11, 2013, 12:12:11 AM
how long will it take me to find a block soloing @ 164kH/s?

Very long time.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: DigitalDoom on April 11, 2013, 02:12:37 AM
OK, Vorsholk...I've been following your instruction around for days now trying to get a solo miner up and running. This was actually the first thread I looked at but it just confused me more than anything.

Now, several days later, I've come back to it and it all made much more sense. Not sure why it seemed so confusing before...perhaps because it was 3 or 4 in the morning. This was actually a simple, step-by-step that anyone could follow. Of course, I haven't tried it out yet, so I may be back soon to complain some.  ;)

Thank you for all you have done to try and help make Litecoin more accessible to the people! These currencies need more people like you if they are to make it over the long haul. The curiosity and fascination will quickly fade and the idea will die, if people can't figure out how any of this works.

Now to give this thing a try.....

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: bigbija on April 16, 2013, 03:29:42 AM
This was pretty easy to setup when other guides have been very confusing. Thank you so much. Now, I have a hardware question. Do you think I could upgrade my graphics cards from my sony Vaio laptop? Is it possible and even worth it? Just wondering because I want to get more serious.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ljackstar on April 16, 2013, 03:35:40 AM
Now, I know that for solo mining bitcoins it basically isn't worth it without ASIC, but what about with litecoins? How many KHash/s should I have to effectively solo mine?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on April 16, 2013, 03:47:32 AM
This was pretty easy to setup when other guides have been very confusing. Thank you so much. Now, I have a hardware question. Do you think I could upgrade my graphics cards from my sony Vaio laptop? Is it possible and even worth it? Just wondering because I want to get more serious.

Most laptops (I can't think of a single one that doesn't) don't have upgrade able GPUs, and if they did, it would not be worth it as it would be integrated. :(

Now, I know that for solo mining bitcoins it basically isn't worth it without ASIC, but what about with litecoins? How many KHash/s should I have to effectively solo mine?

I would suggest around 10,000 kH/s to solomine effectively, although many people with 30+ mH/s still pool mine. :\

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: odolvlobo on April 16, 2013, 04:05:55 AM
Now, I know that for solo mining bitcoins it basically isn't worth it without ASIC, but what about with litecoins? How many KHash/s should I have to effectively solo mine?

A simple calculation should give you your answer.

Current total hash rate: 11,000,000 kH/s
Your hash rate: 500 kH/s (maybe more, probably less)

Ratio of blocks found by you: 500/11,000,000 = 1/22,000. You will find 1 out of every 22,000 blocks.

A block is found every 2.5 minutes. 22,000 blocks are found in 55,000 minutes, or 38.2 days.

You will find a block and receive 50 LTC every 38.2 days on average.

It is hard to judge what is considered effective, and it is difficult to determine mathematically. With solo mining there is no pool fee; however, if you assume exponentially increasing difficulty, then constant small payments will be more than infrequent large payments.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ibrennan on April 16, 2013, 04:27:34 AM
Thank you for this guide, I have recently been looking into litecoins and was trying to find a decent tutorial!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: kirukisu on April 16, 2013, 08:46:37 PM
Can anyone tell me what does this messege means?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: headygains on April 17, 2013, 08:00:41 AM
I'm just now setting all this up I hope it still works ok, and or I hope I have enough gpu power for this to be effective but probably not.
I'm running an Nvidia quadro 600, that has so far failed to work with cgminer (drivers crash).
will let you know how it goes!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: headygains on April 17, 2013, 04:44:06 PM

Can't seem to connect to server (localhost?) I'm not really sure why this is,
save_binaries yes
enable_graceful_shutdown no
long_polling yes

mine litecoin

litecoin.conf (reaper)

host localhost
port 9332
user heady
pass trip

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 18
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 18
lookup_gap 2
gpu_thread_concurrency 6144
litecoin.conf (appdata\roaming)


I added the 2nd rpcallowip, in hopes that it would connect through my network subnet ip. no dice any ideas?
got lib_curl error code 6


Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on April 19, 2013, 03:25:05 AM
try :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: paperkat on April 19, 2013, 03:10:06 PM
Cant get solo mining to work:(

have tried to change things around about 100 times in the config file..

Litecoin.conf in the roaming/litecoin folder:


Reaper folder:
save_binaries yes
enable_graceful_shutdown no
long_polling yes

mine litecoin


port 9332
user xxx
pass xxx

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 13
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 18
lookup_gap 2
gpu_thread_concurrency 20992

Any ideas?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: paperkat on April 19, 2013, 05:30:34 PM
Fixed my problem. Downloaded another version of the reaper+added "device 0" just before "mine litecoin" otherwise it seems to be using the CPU insted of GPU.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: JohnsonX on April 24, 2013, 08:07:34 AM
Thanks a lot Vorksholk for this guide.
I'm desperately trying to solve this issues, could someone help me?

1. I followed all instructions carefully and all seems to work well using reaper.
But I get very big hash rate on a low-end card. I have a Radeon 4650, and i get at least 3 mH/s, sometimes up to 14 mH/s. That seems suspicious, seeing that I haven't found any block yet after running it for like 24 hours.

2. I get too many of those 'Getwork took # seconds' messages! It's like every 10 seconds I get one of them, and the hashrate freezes just before one of them get outputted.

3. To set this up for Feathercoin, is it the same steps? Do I leave the 'protocol litecoin' in the conf file unchanged?

Anyway, thanks again for the guide  :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: thisway on April 24, 2013, 08:43:09 AM
Looks like reaper is using sha256 instead of scrypt. I'm not quite sure how to set it in reaper, but with CGminer you would append the --scrypt parameter.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 18RATTT on April 27, 2013, 02:57:39 AM
thanks for the tutorial, Vorksholk.

i have a question. im planning to try dedicate 3 rigs to Solo mining (1 rig = 3x7950)
Can they be combine to and working together as One solo mining? All of them are working together to solve 1 block? So all the 9x7939 (3rigs of 3x7950) that are doing 4500 Kh/s are working together, is this possible?

how to merge them together to work simultaneously for solo mining?


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on April 27, 2013, 03:48:52 AM
Certainly, just point them to the same wallet computer :)

thanks for the tutorial, Vorksholk.

i have a question. im planning to try dedicate 3 rigs to Solo mining (1 rig = 3x7950)
Can they be combine to and working together as One solo mining? All of them are working together to solve 1 block? So all the 9x7939 (3rigs of 3x7950) that are doing 4500 Kh/s are working together, is this possible?

how to merge them together to work simultaneously for solo mining?


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 18RATTT on April 28, 2013, 04:59:16 PM
Certainly, just point them to the same wallet computer :)
and are they automatically working together efficiently? what i mean by efficient is that they arent going to solve the crypto that the other machines already inputted?
say i have 4 machines (1 machine have 3x7950?), and all of them know each other crypto that they tried?? #1 tried aaa, and #2 bbb , and #3 is ccc, therefore #4 wont solve aaa/bbb/ccc rite? it will solve abc or ddd or cba ???

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on April 28, 2013, 05:02:20 PM
Certainly, just point them to the same wallet computer :)
and are they automatically working together efficiently? what i mean by efficient is that they arent going to solve the crypto that the other machines already inputted?
say i have 4 machines (1 machine have 3x7950?), and all of them know each other crypto that they tried?? #1 tried aaa, and #2 bbb , and #3 is ccc, therefore #4 wont solve aaa/bbb/ccc rite? it will solve abc or ddd or cba ???

Basically, the wallet will send different work to each miner.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: 18RATTT on April 29, 2013, 04:08:46 AM
hi Vorksholk, thanks for your answers. i have another question if you dont mind.

i need cgminer automatically send me a logfile or output in .txt that state the current:
1. average Mh/s
2. need the current Mh/s for each GPU
3. Accepted, Rejected share

i was hoping to create this output every 3hrs or 6hrs.

is this possible? if so, can u pls help me how to do it? im not a coder, but so far i can use .bat to run the scrypted cgminer.

thank you.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Mashrock on May 02, 2013, 07:54:39 AM
Hello, I used this to Get success on one of my rigs.

now i want my other rig to use the wallet on the first rig, i cant however get it to connect at all.

Using windows 7.

i have allowed the ip of the second rig in the litecoin config file. /users/7970/app./roaming/litecoin ........ but i cant seem to get it to work.

any ideas at all?

or will it make no difference and i could just point the new rig towards itself like the first one is doing so far and just solo mine with two separate wallets???




cgminer is set up like

-o -u xxx -p xxx

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Amph on May 04, 2013, 03:50:09 PM
my port is 9327, if i address the standard port, the thing does not work, because it show mining bitcoin

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 04, 2013, 03:55:19 PM
my port is 9327, if i address the standard port, the thing does not work, because it show mining bitcoin
remove "mine bitcoin" from reaper.conf :)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Amph on May 04, 2013, 03:56:54 PM
is this guide only for reaper? i'm usig cgminer right now

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on May 04, 2013, 07:41:58 PM
is this guide only for reaper? i'm usig cgminer right now

If you are using cgminer, try doing the --scrypt option.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: coveredbeetle11772 on May 04, 2013, 07:50:01 PM
 Thanks for making this tutorial it really helped me, now I got my rig up and mining.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: thisway on May 06, 2013, 05:42:26 PM
Indeed this is a nice guide!

@coveredbeetle11772 If you don't mind my asking what is the hashing power of your rig?

The difficulty rose quite heavy. I'm just wondering if it's worth it to go for solo mining.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: androz on May 11, 2013, 09:36:00 PM
i have problems at step 6

everything worked fine except when i tried to open scryptminergui.

it apper a black window for half second and suddendly disappear
where is the prob?
(sorry i'm noob)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: daserpent1 on May 17, 2013, 06:51:19 PM
How much are you making mining solo? Anyone? Screenshot ?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iamalitecoin on May 17, 2013, 07:11:32 PM
So what are the odds of actually finding a block with ~2MH/s hashrate? :D

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ThemCoins on May 17, 2013, 07:18:52 PM
About 15 Days with lots of luck  ;)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Amph on May 22, 2013, 10:49:24 AM
anyway i setup a solo with cgminer in a much easy way

write this in the litecoin config


start litecoin client with -server in the shortcut
start now cgminer with a bat file with "cgminer.exe -o -u yourusername -p yourpass --scrypt --intensity 13 --gpu-threads 2 --worksize 256 --thread-concurrency 8192"

your done

the "No suitable long-pool found" , i read that this mean, some work on block can be re-done, or something like that, it is a thing to worry about?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: kingramo on May 29, 2013, 12:16:29 PM
I think my set up is having some problems, I got 800kHash/s and just started solo mining, its been like 6 hours and says 2accepted/3stale on one card and 0 accepted/5 stales on the other. My wallet hasn't received anything so I'm assuming this is an error. I'm using GUIMiner-scrypt of CGMiner so don't have much information to go on. But do you know what I could be doing wrong?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: niteryder on May 29, 2013, 12:29:37 PM
I think my set up is having some problems, I got 800kHash/s and just started solo mining, its been like 6 hours and says 2accepted/3stale on one card and 0 accepted/5 stales on the other. My wallet hasn't received anything so I'm assuming this is an error. I'm using GUIMiner-scrypt of CGMiner so don't have much information to go on. But do you know what I could be doing wrong?

Are you on the most current wallet?
It should take you a month to find a block.  Try my pool, we have found a block in only a few hrs of mining with only 3Mhash.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: kingramo on May 29, 2013, 12:34:51 PM
Yes, I installed the wallet last week.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: stex2009 on June 21, 2013, 08:17:32 PM
So what does it show if you found a block solo? How will you know and how will it be deposited into your wallet?
Curious to know that!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Smerks on June 25, 2013, 07:31:06 PM
Great guide especially for someone new to this, Im set up but getting more stales than I should while solo mining (5 or so since last night) with my hash rate just under 600khash/s. I read that it had something to do with long polling since I was seeing this "No suitable long-poll found for", so I set up a backup to my coinotron acct which I read somewhere else should solve this.

Im seeing the following and was wondering is all well with my setup?

2013-06-25 15:25:29: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:25:29] Stratum from pool 1 detected new block
2013-06-25 15:26:28: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:26:28] New block: c7abb08ed3e1fdf3... diff 50.4M
2013-06-25 15:26:28: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:26:28] Stratum from pool 1 detected new block
2013-06-25 15:28:01: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:28:00] Stratum connection to pool 1 interrupted
2013-06-25 15:28:01: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:28:00] Closing socket for stratum pool 1
2013-06-25 15:28:01: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:28:01] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1
2013-06-25 15:29:17: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:29:15] New block: 14aea8e625d44248... diff 50.4M
2013-06-25 15:29:17: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:29:15] Stratum from pool 1 detected new block
2013-06-25 15:30:48: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:30:47] Stratum connection to pool 1 interrupted
2013-06-25 15:30:48: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:30:47] Closing socket for stratum pool 1
2013-06-25 15:30:49: Listener for "SOLO": [2013-06-25 15:30:48] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1

EDIT: I have a verbose flag set to see all messages for now.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Smerks on June 25, 2013, 07:44:44 PM
I guess I shouldve been more specific as well Im using GUIMiner scrypt

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Italo Hanzer on July 05, 2013, 11:32:47 PM
First, sorry about my english....

I did config my Litecoin-Qt v0.6.9.2 BETA to miner solo with this config like first page:




It's running since yesterday.

Just, I doubt if is really minning or just running the software (cgminer and litecoin-qt), the only thing witch let me think is minning is the graphic cards are really working (7950 - 490kh/s and 7850 - 316kh/s), but searching in google I have seen pictures about earlier versions of Litecoi-Qt with a icon like tools to minner meaning software is REALLY mining solo, icon placed right down side, next to icon Active Connection (my connections is Always high, 50+, since yesterday) but in my Liteconi-Qt don't have this icon or even MINING tab, I don't know if is because my software is Beta( and so... I'm is in doubt about is really minning.

I remember also that someones says who your softwares show the message: "Solo mining started" in console screen or miner software (my is cgminer).

I also noticed that tutorial command is used GEN=0, in my console come Always saying who SET and GET commands related to coin generation are disabled. and This one -gen (gen=0 used in conf file) say is to generate coins, so that must be GEN=1, or not?!

Messages in help contexto by console:
The getgenerate command has been disabled.
The setgenerate command has been disabled.

While still graphics card running the only thing showing is message about Current Diff and about new blocks founds, just to information, I put 3 desktops in other place minning with CPU just testing, they is connecteds through internet out my lan network, and its say that same message, new block found and Current Diff.

Am I really mining?
I'm really mining for? (just testing my english, sorry :) )

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: bkc888 on July 11, 2013, 12:42:43 PM
I got a few successful shares but I also had one invalid share did i get an invalid share?!

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Aurum on August 04, 2013, 07:17:14 PM
I want to solo mine with 10 miners on a home network. Do I need to leach a longpoll from someone's pool on each miner, or just the miner hosting my coin wallet  ???

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on August 05, 2013, 12:09:12 AM
I want to solo mine with 10 miners on a home network. Do I need to leach a longpoll from someone's pool on each miner, or just the miner hosting my coin wallet  ???

You can do either.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: BountyCoin on August 05, 2013, 01:44:52 AM
Does solo mining still profitable at the current difficulty and network hashrate?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: yosaji on September 09, 2013, 01:52:58 PM
Hi all,

I have been reading this thread and I have the same (newbie?) question as Italo Hanzer: my Litecoin-Qt ( does not have a "MINING" tab. I read that this was removed by the developers due to solo/cpu mining becoming harder but does it mean that the procedure described in the first post by Vorksholk does not work any more, or only not on that version, or something else? Further complication, the mandatory upgrade to 0.8.x
I ask because I left my rig "solo mining" for the weekend and on monday morning cgminer had A:1 but the coins were never added to my wallet... ???

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: crazyearner on December 19, 2013, 12:14:23 AM
Need some help here. I am getting rejected shares way above the currently diff on litecoin and been hitting 2k 3k 4k 6k and even some 8k shares. all going to rejected. I followed your guide to the Ts an Is lol

Is theri anything that could be stopping me from getting Accepted ie locked Wallet or shouldent make any difference?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on December 22, 2013, 10:21:00 PM
First, sorry about my english....

I did config my Litecoin-Qt v0.6.9.2 BETA to miner solo with this config like first page:




It's running since yesterday.

Just, I doubt if is really minning or just running the software (cgminer and litecoin-qt), the only thing witch let me think is minning is the graphic cards are really working (7950 - 490kh/s and 7850 - 316kh/s), but searching in google I have seen pictures about earlier versions of Litecoi-Qt with a icon like tools to minner meaning software is REALLY mining solo, icon placed right down side, next to icon Active Connection (my connections is Always high, 50+, since yesterday) but in my Liteconi-Qt don't have this icon or even MINING tab, I don't know if is because my software is Beta( and so... I'm is in doubt about is really minning.

I remember also that someones says who your softwares show the message: "Solo mining started" in console screen or miner software (my is cgminer).

I also noticed that tutorial command is used GEN=0, in my console come Always saying who SET and GET commands related to coin generation are disabled. and This one -gen (gen=0 used in conf file) say is to generate coins, so that must be GEN=1, or not?!

Messages in help contexto by console:
The getgenerate command has been disabled.
The setgenerate command has been disabled.

While still graphics card running the only thing showing is message about Current Diff and about new blocks founds, just to information, I put 3 desktops in other place minning with CPU just testing, they is connecteds through internet out my lan network, and its say that same message, new block found and Current Diff.

Am I really mining?
I'm really mining for? (just testing my english, sorry :) )

setgenerate true is to have the client mine using your CPU, which you don't want :)

Need some help here. I am getting rejected shares way above the currently diff on litecoin and been hitting 2k 3k 4k 6k and even some 8k shares. all going to rejected. I followed your guide to the Ts an Is lol

Is theri anything that could be stopping me from getting Accepted ie locked Wallet or shouldent make any difference?

Those share difficulties are different than the network difficulty. :)

Hi all,

I have been reading this thread and I have the same (newbie?) question as Italo Hanzer: my Litecoin-Qt ( does not have a "MINING" tab. I read that this was removed by the developers due to solo/cpu mining becoming harder but does it mean that the procedure described in the first post by Vorksholk does not work any more, or only not on that version, or something else? Further complication, the mandatory upgrade to 0.8.x
I ask because I left my rig "solo mining" for the weekend and on monday morning cgminer had A:1 but the coins were never added to my wallet... ???

Don't need a mining tab, you are only looking for opening up RPC for mining.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: TBCM on December 22, 2013, 10:40:12 PM
I also have a tutorial for mining Litecoins in any way possible - (

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: johnnyblack80 on January 05, 2014, 01:50:13 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie and I need help with Solo mining
 (having a hash rate of 1.3-1.5 mHashes/s , I know its not much but at this point just trying to establish proof of concept for Solo mining before investing in more serious hardware)

I followed all the steps in this guide but when I run CGMiner this is the error :

"Started cgminer 3.7.2"
"Probing for an alive pool"
"Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid"



My user/pass in both Conf and miner are the same, I'm just not quietly sure if I'm using right IP number

I also tried earlier versions of CGMiner still to no avail

Your help is greatly appreciated

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: cointradero on January 05, 2014, 04:43:06 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie and I need help with Solo mining
 (having a hash rate of 1.3-1.5 mHashes/s , I know its not much but at this point just trying to establish proof of concept for Solo mining before investing in more serious hardware)

I followed all the steps in this guide but when I run CGMiner this is the error :

"Started cgminer 3.7.2"
"Probing for an alive pool"
"Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid"



My user/pass in both Conf and miner are the same, I'm just not quietly sure if I'm using right IP number

I also tried earlier versions of CGMiner still to no avail

Your help is greatly appreciated

Is your litecoin-qt client up to date?  It won't work if it isn't fully synced with the network.  Did you leave the client running?  Are you connecting to localhost:9332 on your main system? 

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: raveldoni on January 05, 2014, 04:54:07 AM
Is there a way/tutorial for pool mining litecoin on linux server using Digitalocean?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: johnnyblack80 on January 05, 2014, 05:02:16 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie and I need help with Solo mining
 (having a hash rate of 1.3-1.5 mHashes/s , I know its not much but at this point just trying to establish proof of concept for Solo mining before investing in more serious hardware)

I followed all the steps in this guide but when I run CGMiner this is the error :

"Started cgminer 3.7.2"
"Probing for an alive pool"
"Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid"



My user/pass in both Conf and miner are the same, I'm just not quietly sure if I'm using right IP number

I also tried earlier versions of CGMiner still to no avail

Your help is greatly appreciated

Is your litecoin-qt client up to date?  It won't work if it isn't fully synced with the network.  Did you leave the client running?  Are you connecting to localhost:9332 on your main system? 

Hi Mate,

Thanks for your reply,

client is fully synced, and I'm connecting to,

Cant really figure out what could be the issue,

Not quite sure though if Im using the right localhost (I'm using, do I need to use my I Pv4 address i.e. 192.168....  )

Thanks for your help mate


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iwantcoins on January 07, 2014, 05:00:53 PM
After trying this guide and getting confused i found this guide below seem to work better for me. :o

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: baltimoreppc on January 20, 2014, 07:01:53 PM
I just turn one of my litecoin miner into solo miner.  How long does it take to see some litecoin in my wallet? My rig is running around 1.9mgh/s

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Dabs on January 21, 2014, 08:57:04 AM
100 days to get a block. If you have 1.9 MH/s.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Nelberg on February 18, 2014, 12:54:40 PM

Looking for a more in depth explanation of what these do exactly and if I need them for solo-mining:

rpcallowip= #Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address, By default, only RPC connections from localhost are allowed.
               (if default allows localhost and is localhost why is this entry needed?
listen=1  #Accept connections from outside (needed to solo? I wouldn't think so based on that definition)
daemon=1 #nothing on the wiki
server=1 #Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands (wut?)

Also, do you really need the -server on the .exe it seems to work fine without it (using cudaminer)

Thank you

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: bitchallenged on March 04, 2014, 06:00:01 PM

sorry for being so derpy, but what should i put here, what username and pw? ip, my home address?

rpcuser and rpcpassword is just the usernam/password you have to put into cgminer to be able to connect to the litecoin qt app. just make something up=)
rpcallowip here you can put either or localhost (both points back to the computer your running litecoin qt app/config file from)

if you have several computers you need to add an extra rpcallowip for each of them containing their ip adress.

For example my config looks like this:
dissregards the () content

rpcallowip= (same as since its the ip of my main computer)
rpcallowip= (computer2)
rpcallowip= (computer3)
rpcallowip= (computer 4)
rpcport=9332 (which port to connect to, be sure that this port is open for the computers to connect to the main computer)


What would the .conf file look like on 'computer 2'?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Fior Sirtheoir on March 04, 2014, 08:15:27 PM
Getting an error 500, what needs to be changed in my modem?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: dmc82 on March 24, 2014, 11:02:58 AM
I started solo mining today with 6.3MHZ. I use 4 computers.
Started this morning on 10.00AM. Now it's 12.00PM and the last update is still: " No suitable long-poll found". So i have not any updates with "block detected" or something. Is this normal?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: brioche on March 30, 2014, 08:56:38 PM
I'm trying to solo mine a new scrypt coin but GUIminer keeps saying it can't find the server and CGminer crashes right away. I'm just using 1 computer to mine with my GPU. maybe someone can point out what i'm doing wrong.

Here's my .conf


and my cgminer settings

cgminer.exe --scrpyt --device 0 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 5600 -o -u glm -p kun1

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iamreddy44 on March 30, 2014, 11:01:53 PM
I'm trying to solo mine a new scrypt coin but GUIminer keeps saying it can't find the server and CGminer crashes right away. I'm just using 1 computer to mine with my GPU. maybe someone can point out what i'm doing wrong.

Here's my .conf


and my cgminer settings

cgminer.exe --scrpyt --device 0 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 5600 -o -u glm -p kun1

I think it should be like this:

cgminer.exe --scrpyt --device 0 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 5600 -o http://localhost:20889 -u glm -p kun1

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: brioche on March 31, 2014, 01:47:45 AM
I'm trying to solo mine a new scrypt coin but GUIminer keeps saying it can't find the server and CGminer crashes right away. I'm just using 1 computer to mine with my GPU. maybe someone can point out what i'm doing wrong.

Here's my .conf


and my cgminer settings

cgminer.exe --scrpyt --device 0 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 5600 -o -u glm -p kun1

I think it should be like this:

cgminer.exe --scrpyt --device 0 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 5600 -o http://localhost:20889 -u glm -p kun1

well now its saying credentials invalid so i'm still stuck

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Eastwind on April 03, 2014, 06:24:27 PM
Certainly, just point them to the same wallet computer :)
and are they automatically working together efficiently? what i mean by efficient is that they arent going to solve the crypto that the other machines already inputted?
say i have 4 machines (1 machine have 3x7950?), and all of them know each other crypto that they tried?? #1 tried aaa, and #2 bbb , and #3 is ccc, therefore #4 wont solve aaa/bbb/ccc rite? it will solve abc or ddd or cba ???

Basically, the wallet will send different work to each miner.

If the wallet sends out different work to each miner, then the pool with more miners will be better than smaller pools? For solo mining with 4 wallets/miners, it is worse than solo mining with just one wallet but 4 miners? As the later does not do the same work on each miner.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: cudaminee on July 23, 2014, 08:58:35 PM
cant solo, what error is this?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: amidaemon on July 23, 2014, 09:02:33 PM
you need to enter a correct length user/password

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: vanagandre on October 03, 2014, 12:04:05 AM
I've used a combination of this article and this forum thread to try and set up a solo litecoin mining rig on a raspberry pi using minepeon.

I can't manage to get it to work!

I've got this litecoin.config file in AppData/Roaming


But when I try to test the connection in PuTTy using 'telnet 8332' I get 'telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused'

Anyone have any insight on a solution?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: openssh on March 24, 2015, 10:39:06 AM
100 days to get a block. If you have 1.9 MH/s.

Hello! Could you please provide info how to calculate that? I mean how much hash rate I need to catch a blockchain.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tittiecoiner on March 24, 2015, 11:33:40 AM
100 days to get a block. If you have 1.9 MH/s.

Hello! Could you please provide info how to calculate that? I mean how much hash rate I need to catch a blockchain.

Enter your details into the corresponding fields. It shows the profit/loss as well as the expected time to find a block with your hashrate.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: openssh on March 25, 2015, 05:26:19 PM
Thanks, its useful.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: tittiecoiner on April 03, 2015, 12:16:11 PM
Hi guys, I have a problem: when the guide says to start "litecoin-qt.exe - server". There is an error that says... (If there are any problems with the image, you can see it HERE (

What can I do to resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance!

Try this solution

Good luck

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: madmartyk on April 09, 2015, 11:11:19 AM
With the current DIFF, has anyone here found a Litecoin block mining solo?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Beave162 on July 01, 2015, 06:15:35 AM
I'm mining YACoin solo. How do I see hashes per second through the qt? gethashespersec command is giving me 0... :(

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Vorksholk on July 01, 2015, 07:46:11 PM
I'm mining YACoin solo. How do I see hashes per second through the qt? gethashespersec command is giving me 0... :(

You'll have to look at the application you are mining from to see the hash rate, unless you are trying to mine with the wallet, in which case try typing "setgenerate true 4" in your debug console (change 4 to the number of cores you want to mine on).

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: nicehash on July 01, 2015, 09:18:15 PM
Why bother with complicated setups if you can simply use where you have solo mining out-of-the-box?

Kind regards,

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Beave162 on July 01, 2015, 10:20:51 PM
Why bother with complicated setups if you can simply use where you have solo mining out-of-the-box?

Kind regards,

Will it support scrypt-chacha algorithm? (YACoin)

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: Beave162 on July 01, 2015, 10:22:49 PM
I'm mining YACoin solo. How do I see hashes per second through the qt? gethashespersec command is giving me 0... :(

You'll have to look at the application you are mining from to see the hash rate, unless you are trying to mine with the wallet, in which case try typing "setgenerate true 4" in your debug console (change 4 to the number of cores you want to mine on).

Thank you very much, Vorksholk. Perhaps in the future, wallets of certain coins will have a feature to monitor hashrate of solo-mining setups.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: nicehash on July 01, 2015, 10:44:30 PM
Why bother with complicated setups if you can simply use where you have solo mining out-of-the-box?

Kind regards,

Will it support scrypt-chacha algorithm? (YACoin)

Currently not, but we might add new coins in the future.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: mickel52 on July 22, 2015, 12:26:31 PM
excuse me, here I am a newbie. Where to enter found in block mode SOLO? will the coins  be credited automatically?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: odolvlobo on July 22, 2015, 04:10:46 PM
excuse me, here I am a newbie. Where to enter found in block mode SOLO? will the coins  be credited automatically?

A found block is transmitted to peers on the network.
The miner includes a special transaction in the block that sends the reward to him.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: DarkIlluminatus on March 31, 2016, 04:12:14 AM


That's my conf, but I get a JSON error. 

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: mmfiore on June 10, 2016, 02:38:12 PM
 I am trying to mine solo and can not get my miner to send proper command. It connects to the litecoin wallet server. I am using cgminer and minerd. Minerd says http request failed. The requested url returned error: 403 forbidden. json_rpc_call failed.
cgminer says: Pool 0 slow/down or URL invalid.

What is the exact command that I should give to connect to litecoin wallet
stratum+tcp://  and  http://  for URL do not seem to work.

thanks for the help

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: JasonXG on August 19, 2016, 02:22:41 AM


That's my conf, but I get a JSON error. 

Why is ot that I need to enter this into my wallet as well ? I though I only needed to enter this in the config file of the miner I was using. What in the wallet as well ? Its the only thing I'm struggling to understand.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: kayson2 on October 26, 2017, 04:25:49 PM
May i solo mining with wallet installed and my ASIC?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: pitox on November 09, 2017, 12:50:30 PM
Hey guys,

I have a dillema.

Which one is more efficient for solo mining:

1 worker running at 10GH/s or
10 workers running at 1GH/s each?

I want to try solo mining with a few L3+ and i don't know what the best setup will be.


Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: jekecoin on November 09, 2017, 01:30:34 PM
Hey guys,

I have a dillema.

Which one is more efficient for solo mining:

1 worker running at 10GH/s or
10 workers running at 1GH/s each?

I want to try solo mining with a few L3+ and i don't know what the best setup will be.


I think you need to do some considerations: power usage, stability of the workers and so on..

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: pitox on November 09, 2017, 01:37:43 PM
Power is not a problem.
I've tweaked the miners in order to have them stable, and if one of them freezes, it gets autorebooted. So the hashrate can be considered stable.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: br1mcoin on November 09, 2017, 03:17:31 PM
May i solo mining with wallet installed and my ASIC?


did u managed to get it working?

ASIC like in Antminer L3+ and mode Solo

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: ChadSong on December 07, 2017, 10:29:56 AM
I setup a mining pool use uNOMP follow this guild.

I launch the pool successful and I have 80 L3+ miner connect to the pool, it has 42.94 GH hashrate, and i have mined for two days, I have not find any single block.

anyone know is there anything wrong with a pool ? or how can i solo mining with these miner all connect to one?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: TurnTable904 on December 08, 2017, 11:08:51 PM
By chance, could you share your settings? I've been digging at this for the past 2 days with no luck..

I setup a mining pool use uNOMP follow this guild.

I launch the pool successful and I have 80 L3+ miner connect to the pool, it has 42.94 GH hashrate, and i have mined for two days, I have not find any single block.

anyone know is there anything wrong with a pool ? or how can i solo mining with these miner all connect to one?

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: iglasses on December 09, 2017, 01:09:15 AM
Why bother with complicated setups if you can simply use where you have solo mining out-of-the-box?

Kind regards,

Because you never know when someone will fuck up and lose $60 million dollars that's why.

Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] Solo Mining Litecoins Guide--Windows!
Post by: manishvill on December 19, 2017, 08:13:45 PM
Unable to download from anywhere.. can anybody please provide me with google drive link of the