Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: JLelas on November 02, 2014, 09:35:21 PM

Title: My story
Post by: JLelas on November 02, 2014, 09:35:21 PM
I'm 30 years old and I live in a small town in coastal Croatia. Through entire life I've been a loser, I was doing bad in school, teachers said I was just slow, others called me stupid.
I was horrible in sports, most boys around here played basketball, but I am very short (166cm) and have bad motor skills.
I never had success with women, girls were avoiding me like a plague, others that didn't were laughing at me and bullying me.
At age 21 I realized I'm too much of a loser to ever get laid so i decided to lose virginity with a local hooker who was 50 years old at the time. Also it felt a bit weird because I knew she had the same surname as me, but that's not uncommon in small towns. I think we're not related, at least not closely.
Never went to college, unemployed, living with my parents. I spent most of my time drinking and playing video games.
When I walk down the street I feel like entire town is laughing at me. Other people of my age already made their careers live in bigger cities, travel the world, have a lot of friends, family and I'm a laughing stock.

But one evening in November 2013 when I was surfing the internet and first heard about bitcoin I had a revelation. I thought this is it. My time has finally come. The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
I invested all my savings from pocket money my mom was giving me over the years. I was so happy and proud of myself for being a part of making history. I bought most of my bitcoins on average of $950. At first as corrections happened I thought it is normal part of developing, but now as almost a year has passed and bitcoin is in a continual downtrend i started to realize I was conned by guys like Max Keiser and early adopters  who were promising bitcoin will go up, but actually they were just pumping the price so they can cash out at higher price.
Now I'm very sad and desperate, and don't know what to do. I still hope it will magically go up but honestly don't believe it is possible. Bitcoin has already gone mainstream, everyone has heard of it, yet price is not recovering.
I think it's time give up and try to preserve what is left of my savings. I'm giving up on bitcoin and dreams of being rich. Once a loser, always a loser.


Title: Re: My story
Post by: TaunSew on November 02, 2014, 09:51:57 PM
Assuming this isn't some fiction - what took you almost a year to sign up on the forum?  As well you live in Croatia so I wouldn't sweat it, I've been to Croatia and I was of the opinion that practically everybody there was poor.

It isn't a loss until it is a realized loss (as in sold for $Fiat).  It could be the case that Bitcoin in the future could have 100 million users and be worth $Trillions (because this is asset capitalization) but that could be 10-20 years away.  Of course that could just happen to another alternate currency and Bitcoin is left behind as a small footnote in the history pages.

 While you were bagholding that Bitcoin, many people after November bought alternates like NXT, Doge, BitsharesX and made some amount of money off it (depending on how early they had gone into these alternates).

 While people holding Bitcoin are losing everything there were individual success stories among the alternates.   There were people who spent $150 and made $3-$4 million within months from the NXT IPO (this has yet to be repeated but it is an example).

Title: Re: My story
Post by: b!z on November 02, 2014, 09:53:55 PM
I'm really sorry for your loss.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: gentlemand on November 02, 2014, 09:56:06 PM
It's a very well worn mantra, but putting in more than you can afford to lose, or care about losing, is going to evoke some very strong feelings. I put in a chunk but expected it to take a long time to pay off, if it does at all.

To get to where some folks are predicting will take serious money en masse and that means convincing many, many more people. That could take a decade or more.

Sure, millions have heard the word 'bitcoin' but very few will have taken the time to understand it, let alone use it. That's going to take much more work and awareness.

If you can afford to keep an amount in BTC that wouldn't sting if it went to nothing then it's still a worthwhile bet. If you can't then I'm sorry that you're hurting at the moment.

Have a read of this - - the OP probably sold all after the never ending rise she expected didn't materialise. A few weeks later she could've salvaged 30-40% gains on those sold coins had she held on. That may not happen again but it just goes to show.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: okthen on November 02, 2014, 10:05:33 PM
Oh my... That was a sad read.
First things first: stop calling yourself a loser. You will never get your life to change if keep being your worst enemy.
Secondly: even if bitcoin ever makes you rich, that won't make you happy unsless you get yourself together first.
Third: now this is me thinking aloud; I wouldn't sell unless you absolutely need the money. It's a bad bad time, you would be buying high and selling low. I really believe another bubble will come! This is very far from being mainstream, I can count with my hands the people I know who have any idea what bitcoin is.

So, cheer up, do something with your life and hodl, but while making your own fortune, not waiting around doing nothing!

Title: Re: My story
Post by: erre on November 02, 2014, 10:16:59 PM
Just hodl.

I buyed at roughly the same price. Now we have to suffer, but we will be the new wealthy elite bro

Title: Re: My story
Post by: bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc on November 02, 2014, 10:24:41 PM
Just hodl.

I buyed at roughly the same price. Now we have to suffer, but we will be the new wealthy elite bro


Title: Re: My story
Post by: balu2 on November 02, 2014, 11:03:58 PM
you're not such a looser because at least you were able to see the brainwash around here.

It'll go up later maybe. If you haven't sold till now i would hold. It can go down to 100$-range. Buy more there. GL

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Newbie1022 on November 02, 2014, 11:11:39 PM
Did you do it on debt and/or do you have any debt. If you have no debt and you bought even a few BTCs then you are ahead of the game. If you have debt, pay it off. I am not sure I'd tell you to exit today, but look for an exit point. This thing is going more down than up although I think we are in a particularly shallow part of this wave. Don't hold it over yourself. Others lost even more. It happens. You win some you lose some. Scammers scam. You can choose to let it ruin your life or just leave it behind you and look forward with a new perspective. Good luck. I'm sorry that happened to you.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Ektra on November 02, 2014, 11:36:15 PM
Could be worse, you could have been Goxxed...

Title: Re: My story
Post by: liexel on November 02, 2014, 11:37:29 PM


Title: Re: My story
Post by: Wandererfromthenorth on November 03, 2014, 12:16:16 AM
Forget about bitcoin for a moment, the real problem is at the source, your negative mindset and personal values is what's screwed up man.

The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
That's the part that's problematic.

It doesn't sound like you are in financial ruin, so bitcoin or other investments are the last thing you gotta think about right now.
Think about fixing your life and values first (is becoming "filthy rich" your greatest inspiration? Is it what is really going to fully give you satisfaction and fulfillment long term?), get professional help maybe if you have such a low self esteem. Try to get a job.

If we are not talking about a big amount of money, just either sell all or keep it there but simply forget about it for the moment, and return when your life will be more stable and complete and when you won't rely on a single superficial goal to give you what you are truly looking for.

Right now this thing is just toxic for you IMHO.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Xiaoxiao on November 03, 2014, 12:18:51 AM
Just hodl.

I buyed at roughly the same price. Now we have to suffer, but we will be the new wealthy elite bro

are you kidding me?  do you know that bitcoin is pretty widespread now?

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Wattda on November 03, 2014, 12:30:33 AM
Like My Daddy always said.. Son you are like a  f^#%#&in gofer..., wanting to start at the top and work your way down. I too thought of myself as a loser and came to realize I was just a lazy drug addict. So I stopped drugging got off my ass and made a life for myself, and I did it the only way... THROUGH HARD WORK!!!! Get off the pitty pot.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TaunSew on November 03, 2014, 12:31:58 AM
Just hodl.

I buyed at roughly the same price. Now we have to suffer, but we will be the new wealthy elite bro

are you kidding me?  do you know that bitcoin is pretty widespread now?

No it is not.  It is only 500K-2M users, some academics who are experts on this  subject push the number lower than 500K.  This is less users than the internet had in the late 1980s.

Bitcoin hasn't really seen any surge in userbase expansion in over a year now.  Too many people think MtGox, security vulnerabilities, exchange hacking, et al.  Then there are the clowns with criminal records who draw in too much bad PR.  Won't name names but there's that one guy who was mailing bombs in the mail, another who is an alleged pedophile (well not a criminal but i wouldn't want to associate myself with someone who was alleged of fiddling a minor), et  cetera.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TeeBone on November 03, 2014, 01:09:44 AM
Take it as an important economic life lesson, everyone gets burnt at some point. My lesson was the dotcom bubble, i got spanked pretty hard.

Next time you hear lies and BS propaganda from another product promising you a lotto ticket to heaven, remember the btc pyramid scam. You certainly will be more cautious in the future.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: SkyValeey on November 03, 2014, 01:32:29 AM
I was in Croatia. Really beautiful place....   :D

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Jamacn on November 03, 2014, 01:57:48 AM
" Hold your bitcoins " is a wrong idea, currency needs to circulate, we all know

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Ibian on November 03, 2014, 02:01:04 AM
Buy more. It is mathematically impossible for the price to stay this low in the long run. And the long run in this case isn't even that long.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: erre on November 03, 2014, 06:29:23 AM
First off, stop comparing yourself to other people.  You don't know whether they are truly happy or if they are actually miserable in the lives they appear to have.  You would be surprised how unhappy other people are, even though they appear successful on the outside.  Living with your parents is not bad.  I'm sure they appreciate the sacrifices you've made for them.  Don't place your self worth on whether you get laid, or what others think of you.  You only have one life, stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Life is not just about money.  If you lose money, you can make it back, but if you lose your time you can never make that back.  At least you can look back and say you didn't live with regrets.  You took a risk on bitcoin, now stick with it. 

Listen to this guy, he may help with motivation:

Secondly, you don't lose until you sell.  If I were you, I would have sold earlier to cut losses, but if you're in this long, then average down by purchasing more.  Having been almost 100% right on my price predictions over the past year of swings and flipping bitcoins for profit, I would recommend you sell either right now or at about $335-$340.  Last week I predicted that we would hit $320 and then move back up, which is happening as we speak.  After that we may go a bit higher but we won't go any higher than $355, and even that may be a stretch.  I guarantee there is another drop coming, and we will test $300.  As far as predictions go, simply look for bid volume levels on exchange order books, and compare that with MACD/RSI levels, and that will show you the exact future prices, every single week.

Third, as far as making a fortune on anything, don't listen to people with an agenda.  It's true, there are many people pumping bitcoin, however, only people with a very large audience can create buy/sell sentiment to drive price movements.  Read between the lines.  Trust your gut.  Listen to people with a track record, and even then take things with a grain of salt.

Imho, suggesting him to day -trade is the worst suggestion ever

Title: Re: My story
Post by: 600watt on November 03, 2014, 07:51:47 AM
you are not a loser, your timing was just terrible. the punishment for bad timing is you have to sit it out. i bought my first coins on top of the 2011 bubble. now, 40 months later, even those coins bought at $ 30,- look cheap.

don't start to daytrade! wait until 2017.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Houseman on November 03, 2014, 08:29:49 AM
Hodl, buy more, you haven't lost until you sell, it is the bottom, mathematically impossible to stay this low, start day trading.

Lots of great advice here........................cough....cough........

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Zolly on November 03, 2014, 09:06:13 AM
Are you for real? Well, at least your english writing is pretty good so you could not have been a total failure at school..

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Hunyadi on November 03, 2014, 09:11:30 AM
Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology. If you read this sub all the time, you will be blinded by the noise of butthurt noobs, who are telling you to sell. That same herd told you to buy when the price was high.

Hrvatska is a beautiful place. Enjoy your life and don't care what people think about you!

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TookDk on November 03, 2014, 09:11:52 AM
Buy more. It is mathematically impossible for the price to stay this low in the long run. And the long run in this case isn't even that long.


Title: Re: My story
Post by: adaseb on November 03, 2014, 09:34:08 AM
Sorry for your loss. But honestly pretty much everyone that bought BTC in 2014 is sitting at a loss.

I got tons of GPUs and got nothing to do with them. Waiting until Christmas to sell them along with the PSU.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: sbrzol on November 03, 2014, 11:25:29 AM
This is a sarcastic post and you all answer normally ?  lol
The poster is only want you to recognize that many of you are in the same situation(of course he is not) that you buy at near the ATH and fucked up.

Yeah a loser from a small town in Croatia, who can lose max. 1000-5000 EUR and whining here , but the loser is very good at English and registered to this forum last day.
1 year left and there was no questions in their head to ask here what to do. But yesterday was the day ...

Are you kidding me to believe in such stories with such sarcasm?

...should i sell everything now or wait for another dead cat bounce?
Will there be another fake recovery or 350s are thing of the past?

falling are you back again?       I think who use the "dead cat bounce", "fake recovery"  terms is not a newbie on this forum .

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Wandererfromthenorth on November 03, 2014, 11:55:07 AM
First off, stop comparing yourself to other people.  You don't know whether they are truly happy or if they are actually miserable in the lives they appear to have.  You would be surprised how unhappy other people are, even though they appear successful on the outside.  Living with your parents is not bad.  I'm sure they appreciate the sacrifices you've made for them.  Don't place your self worth on whether you get laid, or what others think of you.  You only have one life, stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Life is not just about money.  If you lose money, you can make it back, but if you lose your time you can never make that back.  At least you can look back and say you didn't live with regrets.  You took a risk on bitcoin, now stick with it.  

Listen to this guy, he may help with motivation:

Secondly, you don't lose until you sell.  If I were you, I would have sold earlier to cut losses, but if you're in this long, then average down by purchasing more.  Having been almost 100% right on my price predictions over the past year of swings and flipping bitcoins for profit, I would recommend you sell either right now or at about $335-$340.  Last week I predicted that we would hit $320 and then move back up, which is happening as we speak.  After that we may go a bit higher but we won't go any higher than $355, and even that may be a stretch.  I guarantee there is another drop coming, and we will test $300.  As far as predictions go, simply look for bid volume levels on exchange order books, and compare that with MACD/RSI levels, and that will show you the exact future prices, every single week.

Third, as far as making a fortune on anything, don't listen to people with an agenda.  It's true, there are many people pumping bitcoin, however, only people with a very large audience can create buy/sell sentiment to drive price movements.  Read between the lines.  Trust your gut.  Listen to people with a track record, and even then take things with a grain of salt.

Imho, suggesting him to day -trade is the worst suggestion ever
Suggesting him to learn how to trade (and short) would be the best course of action regarding bitcoin.
The problem right now is that the lad needs to stop focusing on this toxic thing that is not helping him to get a better life right now.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: podyx on November 03, 2014, 12:15:06 PM
The bottom is close boys!

You should keep holding but also mentally prepare yourself to lose all that money (it's a small chance imo)

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Tzupy on November 03, 2014, 01:12:56 PM
The bottom is close boys!

While THE bottom may be close, compared with the many months of bear market Since December 2013, a mass panic selling can still occur. ;)

Title: Re: My story
Post by: inca on November 03, 2014, 01:16:50 PM
First off, stop comparing yourself to other people.  You don't know whether they are truly happy or if they are actually miserable in the lives they appear to have.  You would be surprised how unhappy other people are, even though they appear successful on the outside.  Living with your parents is not bad.  I'm sure they appreciate the sacrifices you've made for them.  Don't place your self worth on whether you get laid, or what others think of you.  You only have one life, stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Life is not just about money.  If you lose money, you can make it back, but if you lose your time you can never make that back.  At least you can look back and say you didn't live with regrets.  You took a risk on bitcoin, now stick with it.  

Listen to this guy, he may help with motivation:

Secondly, you don't lose until you sell.  If I were you, I would have sold earlier to cut losses, but if you're in this long, then average down by purchasing more.  Having been almost 100% right on my price predictions over the past year of swings and flipping bitcoins for profit, I would recommend you sell either right now or at about $335-$340.  Last week I predicted that we would hit $320 and then move back up, which is happening as we speak.  After that we may go a bit higher but we won't go any higher than $355, and even that may be a stretch.  I guarantee there is another drop coming, and we will test $300.  As far as predictions go, simply look for bid volume levels on exchange order books, and compare that with MACD/RSI levels, and that will show you the exact future prices, every single week.

Third, as far as making a fortune on anything, don't listen to people with an agenda.  It's true, there are many people pumping bitcoin, however, only people with a very large audience can create buy/sell sentiment to drive price movements.  Read between the lines.  Trust your gut.  Listen to people with a track record, and even then take things with a grain of salt.

Imho, suggesting him to day -trade is the worst suggestion ever
Suggesting him to learn how to trade (and short) would be the best course of action regarding bitcoin.
The problem right now is that the lad needs to stop focusing on this toxic thing that is not helping him to get a better life right now.

99% of traders on this forum lose money - not that you would know it listening them talk.

Encouraging someone who has taken a significant capital loss already to try to trade his way back is extremely poor advice. He may want to crystallise some loss through selling just in case the price falls further, but that is a personal choice and could go either way.

In any event this is likely a sock puppet troll post trying to get underwater bulls to sell. Pathetic how low some people will go really.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: superresistant on November 03, 2014, 03:47:26 PM
Bitcoin never been so successful but this success does not depend on the USD/BTC price.
You've got to remove the shit in your eyes.
Bitcoin is not about pump&dump between rich people.
It is about providing an alternative to the banking system and more.
It is about transfer of wealth and free exchange between people.

Stop being a bad trader, you're definitely shit at it.
Stop being a lazy ass waiting for money to magically grow on trees.
Use Bitcoin, talk about it, discuss ideas, go out, create your damn business now !

Title: Re: My story
Post by: NotLambchop on November 03, 2014, 03:50:42 PM
Bitcoin is not about pump&dump between rich people.

Wasn't always, but that's exactly what Bitcoin has turned into.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: swansong on November 03, 2014, 03:56:05 PM
holding is the key.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: hector3115 on November 03, 2014, 04:02:09 PM
A true loser move would be to sell at the bottom.  Then watch your former investment take off because you didnt have the stones to persevere.  Let us know when you finally cash out,  that will most likely be the bottom and I'll start ramping up.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: erre on November 03, 2014, 04:10:24 PM
A true loser move would be to sell at the bottom.  Then watch your former investment take off because you didnt have the stones to persevere.  Let us know when you finally cash out,  that will most likely be the bottom and I'll start ramping up.

Lol. Definitely that.

I will never sell before 1000 also because I already buyed near ATH, sell at the bottom would be too much.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on November 03, 2014, 04:31:39 PM
Most of the people who go after easy riches, end up wasting a lot more energy, then they would have wasted with plans that included doing some hard work.

People do win lotteries, but the odds of that happening to you isn't very high. You should work hard to earn your wealth, and play the lottery only as a form of entertainment.
Be very skeptical of opportunities that are advertised to you as easy ways to become rich. The outcome of this will mostly be that you will become poorer, and whoever created the colorful attraction of easy riches, will become richer at your expense.

If you don't want to be a loser any longer, then just quit finding shortcuts in becoming rich. Bitcoin or motivational classes on how to become rich, are created to make you poorer, not richer. Learning an valued skill however, will certainly make you richer, but this also means that you have to give more effort, then to just buy coin and sit on your ass.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: piramida on November 03, 2014, 04:43:19 PM
Learning an valued skill however, will certainly make you richer, but this also means that you have to give more effort, then to just buy coin and sit on your ass.

The old advice of work harder to get richer! So full of bullshit it is :) It is needed to keep slaves in shape, though. But unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Yeah, some of the richest people may have worked hard, but the reverse assumption is absolutely false - go to central africa to witness millions of people working extremely hard for cents per day; their prospects of becoming "rich" in western understanding of the term? zero. their only hope is to work extra hard to die from fatigue rather than hunger, that's the choice most (90+%) of the people on this planet have to make.

So back to sitting on ass all day getting rich - definitely, not the shortest route to success, but it works at least as often as hardworking. The only downside is, if it does not work out, you are very fucked; while with work, you can continue surviving on your minimal wage...

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Capt Drake on November 03, 2014, 04:56:13 PM
This is a sarcastic post and you all answer normally ?  lol
The poster is only want you to recognize that many of you are in the same situation(of course he is not) that you buy at near the ATH and fucked up.

Yeah a loser from a small town in Croatia, who can lose max. 1000-5000 EUR and whining here , but the loser is very good at English and registered to this forum last day.
1 year left and there was no questions in their head to ask here what to do. But yesterday was the day ...

Are you kidding me to believe in such stories with such sarcasm?

...should i sell everything now or wait for another dead cat bounce?
Will there be another fake recovery or 350s are thing of the past?

falling are you back again?       I think who use the "dead cat bounce", "fake recovery"  terms is not a newbie on this forum .


Title: Re: My story
Post by: BldSwtTrs on November 03, 2014, 05:04:42 PM
I'm 30 years old and I live in a small town in coastal Croatia. Through entire life I've been a loser, I was doing bad in school, teachers said I was just slow, others called me stupid.
I was horrible in sports, most boys around here played basketball, but I am very short (166cm) and have bad motor skills.
I never had success with women, girls were avoiding me like a plague, others that didn't were laughing at me and bullying me.
At age 21 I realized I'm too much of a loser to ever get laid so i decided to lose virginity with a local hooker who was 50 years old at the time. Also it felt a bit weird because I knew she had the same surname as me, but that's not uncommon in small towns. I think we're not related, at least not closely.
Never went to college, unemployed, living with my parents. I spent most of my time drinking and playing video games.
When I walk down the street I feel like entire town is laughing at me. Other people of my age already made their careers live in bigger cities, travel the world, have a lot of friends, family and I'm a laughing stock.

But one evening in November 2013 when I was surfing the internet and first heard about bitcoin I had a revelation. I thought this is it. My time has finally come. The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
I invested all my savings from pocket money my mom was giving me over the years. I was so happy and proud of myself for being a part of making history. I bought most of my bitcoins on average of $950. At first as corrections happened I thought it is normal part of developing, but now as almost a year has passed and bitcoin is in a continual downtrend i started to realize I was conned by guys like Max Keiser and early adopters  who were promising bitcoin will go up, but actually they were just pumping the price so they can cash out at higher price.
Now I'm very sad and desperate, and don't know what to do. I still hope it will magically go up but honestly don't believe it is possible. Bitcoin has already gone mainstream, everyone has heard of it, yet price is not recovering.
I think it's time give up and try to preserve what is left of my savings. I'm giving up on bitcoin and dreams of being rich. Once a loser, always a loser.


I am deeply sorry to hear that JLelas.

First I think you should forget about your past, eveyone's past is dead. It's only exist in the imperfect memories of people who decays days after days, it's only exist in your head.
Be grateful to your loving mom, a lot of people didn't have the chance to have one.

Then I don't think you should sell now. Your dreams of success will still be alive if you don't sell, don't burry your dreams, you have the right to hope and to dream like everybody else and no one can blame you to do so and to have try to better your condition.

Don't sell but forget about Bitcoin, OK you were wrong but maybe in three years you will be vindicated. In the meantime work on your life, work to regain some self-esteem, steps by steps, try to find a job, even a shitty one, and stop alcohol and the videos games (a good point is that you have already identified your problems).

Good luck, you have a lot of years to change your life trajetory and finally enjoy life even if Bitcoin doesn't make you rich (and maybe it will, but forget that possibiity for now). It's going to be tough but deep inside yourself you know the endeavor worth it.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TaunSew on November 03, 2014, 06:29:35 PM
Learning an valued skill however, will certainly make you richer, but this also means that you have to give more effort, then to just buy coin and sit on your ass.

The old advice of work harder to get richer! So full of bullshit it is :) It is needed to keep slaves in shape, though. But unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Yeah, some of the richest people may have worked hard, but the reverse assumption is absolutely false - go to central africa to witness millions of people working extremely hard for cents per day; their prospects of becoming "rich" in western understanding of the term? zero. their only hope is to work extra hard to die from fatigue rather than hunger, that's the choice most (90+%) of the people on this planet have to make.

So back to sitting on ass all day getting rich - definitely, not the shortest route to success, but it works at least as often as hardworking. The only downside is, if it does not work out, you are very fucked; while with work, you can continue surviving on your minimal wage...

Starter homes in my area start at $1 million

"Son go to law school and this crack shack will be yours after 30 years"   ;D

It's not a question about being rich but not being some indentured slave who is constantly living on the edge and yet that describes most people in our society (even in prosperous countries).

Title: Re: My story
Post by: NotLambchop on November 03, 2014, 06:40:06 PM
Starter homes in my area start at $1 million

First-world problems :D

Title: Re: My story
Post by: sbrzol on November 03, 2014, 07:10:28 PM
This is a sarcastic post and you all answer normally ?  lol
The poster is only want you to recognize that many of you are in the same situation(of course he is not) that you buy at near the ATH and fucked up.

Yeah a loser from a small town in Croatia, who can lose max. 1000-5000 EUR and whining here , but the loser is very good at English and registered to this forum last day.
1 year left and there was no questions in their head to ask here what to do. But yesterday was the day ...

Are you kidding me to believe in such stories with such sarcasm?

...should i sell everything now or wait for another dead cat bounce?
Will there be another fake recovery or 350s are thing of the past?

falling are you back again?       I think who use the "dead cat bounce", "fake recovery"  terms is not a newbie on this forum .


and keep answering (sorry for your loss, sorry to hear that),   now i can understand why bitcoin is in this state ,  this forum (and so many bitcoiners) is full of complete idiots ;)  can't see the forest for the trees

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TaunSew on November 03, 2014, 07:40:01 PM
Starter homes in my area start at $1 million

First-world problems :D

Indeed.  Before the civil war, 2/3rd of the homes in Syria were illegally constructed and a lot of these homes were very sturdy and beautiful.

Homeless in the sense of people living on a cold paved sidewalk is something that only exists in the first world.  Homeless people everywhere just build their own homes. 

Title: Re: My story
Post by: NotLambchop on November 03, 2014, 08:04:00 PM
Starter homes in my area start at $1 million

First-world problems :D

Indeed.  Before the civil war, 2/3rd of the homes in Syria were illegally constructed and a lot of these homes were very sturdy and beautiful.

Homeless in the sense of people living on a cold paved sidewalk is something that only exists in the first world.  Homeless people everywhere just build their own homes. 

Yeah, we can all learn how to live and prosper from the third world.
I'd say fuck your over-regulated, 1-mil-minimum hoity toity hood.
Move to beautiful Syria, bro!

Title: Re: My story
Post by: TaunSew on November 03, 2014, 08:08:08 PM
Starter homes in my area start at $1 million

First-world problems :D

Indeed.  Before the civil war, 2/3rd of the homes in Syria were illegally constructed and a lot of these homes were very sturdy and beautiful.

Homeless in the sense of people living on a cold paved sidewalk is something that only exists in the first world.  Homeless people everywhere just build their own homes. 

Yeah, we can all learn how to live and prosper from the third world.
I'd say fuck your over-regulated, 1-mil-minimum hoity toity hood.
Move to beautiful Syria, bro!

Syria isn't third world dumb nuts.  Syria before the civil war had a higher income per capita than a second world country like Ukraine.

Really you are a moron.  There's nothing right about the artificially inflated real estate in the first world -especially when those properties only decades ago were bought with the equivalent of a few years' salary

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on November 03, 2014, 08:16:40 PM
The old advice of work harder to get richer! So full of bullshit it is :) It is needed to keep slaves in shape, though. But unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Yeah, some of the richest people may have worked hard, but the reverse assumption is absolutely false - go to central africa to witness millions of people working extremely hard for cents per day; their prospects of becoming "rich" in western understanding of the term? zero. their only hope is to work extra hard to die from fatigue rather than hunger, that's the choice most (90+%) of the people on this planet have to make.

So back to sitting on ass all day getting rich - definitely, not the shortest route to success, but it works at least as often as hardworking. The only downside is, if it does not work out, you are very fucked; while with work, you can continue surviving on your minimal wage...

Spoken like a true bitcoiner - impractical and naive.

Most of the people get rich with hard work, only leaving out heirs and lottery winners. Even criminals work hard, although their hard work mostly involves facing the mirror.

In central Africa, skilled specialists are highly valued. The lack of properly educated workforce among the local population, is the thing that creates even higher demand for specialists. The problem with central Africa is the lack of educational opportunities. Even if people have the will for success, then rarely they will have the means for success. This isn't a problem in western countries, where education is valued higher and there are more opportunities to apply oneself, even if you come from a poor background.
Educational choices are often the first choices that a person makes, that will turn him into a loser. Already in youth, some people value obtaining knowledge and some people like to play video games, hang out at the mall, drink beer etc. Some people will choose the road of higher education, where they can build a foundation in obtaining a valued skill, but others see it as too hard work them, and they choose a job that doesn't need any special skills. And yes, there also are people who are talented enough to obtain a valued skill without the need of education, but in my experience, the amount of those is similar in becoming a lottery winner.

You need to be needed to become rich, and you aren't needed, if you can't offer anything. You can offer security, and become a thug or a military officer. You can offer illusions, and become a bitcoin salesman or a politician. Or you can offer your knowledge and experience, and become an entrepreneur in it's proper form.
Or.. you can also be the one, who needs others more, then others need him. Because that's exactly what you are, if you aren't professionally skilled in the modern world. Then you are like a grown up baby, who has to be nurtured by the society, that has been built by people who build things.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: tvbcof on November 03, 2014, 10:33:56 PM

The cool thing about year long price decline in BTC is that it seems to have brought the somethingawful goons back.  I've not seen them since 100x my profits ago (late 2011-ish) and I miss the bastards.

My advice:  Sell while you can still afford a vasectomy.  I mean, it's not impossible that you could get lucky one day.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: practicaldreamer on November 03, 2014, 10:43:09 PM

 Sell while you can still afford a vasectomy.  I mean, it's not impossible that you could get lucky one day.

Come on man - this has to be a spoof - who the fuck would pay for a 50 year old prostitute ?

If he is legit I reckon he could be in for a refund under the 1979 Sale of Goods Act - "goods must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose" - put the Croation refund fiat back into btc - cost average down etc - this could all work out for the best in the long run IMHO.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: NotLambchop on November 03, 2014, 10:45:59 PM
Syria isn't third world dumb nuts.  Syria before the civil war had a higher income per capita than a second world country like Ukraine.

Lol @"before the civil war."  Ukraine wasn't even a country before 1990.

Really you are a moron...

Mind your manners.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: tvbcof on November 03, 2014, 10:48:27 PM

 Sell while you can still afford a vasectomy.  I mean, it's not impossible that you could get lucky one day.

Come on man - this has to be a spoof - who the fuck would pay for a 50 year old prostitute ?

Somebody living in coastal Croatia?

If he is legit I reckon he could be in for a refund under the 1979 Sales of Goods Act - "goods must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose" - put the Croation fiat into btc - cost average down etc - this could all work out for the best in the long run IMHO.

Good point.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: biggus dickus on November 03, 2014, 11:03:28 PM

Come on man - this has to be a spoof - who the fuck would pay for a 50 year old prostitute ?

Someone who could not afford a young one. I expect the old ones have to charge less than the young ones. I think it's a spoof too though.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: DieJohnny on November 03, 2014, 11:51:10 PM
I'm 30 years old and I live in a small town in coastal Croatia. Through entire life I've been a loser, I was doing bad in school, teachers said I was just slow, others called me stupid.
I was horrible in sports, most boys around here played basketball, but I am very short (166cm) and have bad motor skills.
I never had success with women, girls were avoiding me like a plague, others that didn't were laughing at me and bullying me.
At age 21 I realized I'm too much of a loser to ever get laid so i decided to lose virginity with a local hooker who was 50 years old at the time. Also it felt a bit weird because I knew she had the same surname as me, but that's not uncommon in small towns. I think we're not related, at least not closely.
Never went to college, unemployed, living with my parents. I spent most of my time drinking and playing video games.
When I walk down the street I feel like entire town is laughing at me. Other people of my age already made their careers live in bigger cities, travel the world, have a lot of friends, family and I'm a laughing stock.

But one evening in November 2013 when I was surfing the internet and first heard about bitcoin I had a revelation. I thought this is it. My time has finally come. The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
I invested all my savings from pocket money my mom was giving me over the years. I was so happy and proud of myself for being a part of making history. I bought most of my bitcoins on average of $950. At first as corrections happened I thought it is normal part of developing, but now as almost a year has passed and bitcoin is in a continual downtrend i started to realize I was conned by guys like Max Keiser and early adopters  who were promising bitcoin will go up, but actually they were just pumping the price so they can cash out at higher price.
Now I'm very sad and desperate, and don't know what to do. I still hope it will magically go up but honestly don't believe it is possible. Bitcoin has already gone mainstream, everyone has heard of it, yet price is not recovering.
I think it's time give up and try to preserve what is left of my savings. I'm giving up on bitcoin and dreams of being rich. Once a loser, always a loser.


was the hooker your mom?

Title: Re: My story
Post by: NotLambchop on November 04, 2014, 12:10:40 AM
was the hooker your mom?

This is exactly the sort of disruptive, outside-the-box thinking we need here!  A winner is you.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: KJO on November 04, 2014, 12:12:45 AM
Forget about bitcoin for a moment, the real problem is at the source, your negative mindset and personal values is what's screwed up man.

The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
That's the part that's problematic.

It doesn't sound like you are in financial ruin, so bitcoin or other investments are the last thing you gotta think about right now.
Think about fixing your life and values first (is becoming "filthy rich" your greatest inspiration? Is it what is really going to fully give you satisfaction and fulfillment long term?), get professional help maybe if you have such a low self esteem. Try to get a job.

If we are not talking about a big amount of money, just either sell all or keep it there but simply forget about it for the moment, and return when your life will be more stable and complete and when you won't rely on a single superficial goal to give you what you are truly looking for.

Right now this thing is just toxic for you IMHO.

Couldn't agree more. Well said. Hit the source, not the symptoms.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: DeadCoin on November 04, 2014, 10:45:44 PM

 Sell while you can still afford a vasectomy.  I mean, it's not impossible that you could get lucky one day.

Come on man - this has to be a spoof - who the fuck would pay for a 50 year old prostitute ?

Somebody living in coastal Croatia?

If he is legit I reckon he could be in for a refund under the 1979 Sales of Goods Act - "goods must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose" - put the Croation fiat into btc - cost average down etc - this could all work out for the best in the long run IMHO.

Good point.

That's not a some shithole. Actually there are millions of tourists every year.

This is almost certainly a sarcastic post. He's telling bag holders right in their face they're losers and they don't even see it.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Wary on November 05, 2014, 03:59:39 AM
was the hooker your mom?
What is an innocent leg-pulling in USA could be a deadly insult in some other places. I suspect you can get killed in Croatia for a "your momma" joke. Of course, I don't think you are in any danger, but I do think you are, ahem, mentally challenged.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: devphp on November 05, 2014, 10:24:19 AM
Can you even lose virginity with a 50-year old hooker?

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Denker on November 05, 2014, 11:33:11 AM
I'm 30 years old and I live in a small town in coastal Croatia. Through entire life I've been a loser, I was doing bad in school, teachers said I was just slow, others called me stupid.
I was horrible in sports, most boys around here played basketball, but I am very short (166cm) and have bad motor skills.
I never had success with women, girls were avoiding me like a plague, others that didn't were laughing at me and bullying me.
At age 21 I realized I'm too much of a loser to ever get laid so i decided to lose virginity with a local hooker who was 50 years old at the time. Also it felt a bit weird because I knew she had the same surname as me, but that's not uncommon in small towns. I think we're not related, at least not closely.
Never went to college, unemployed, living with my parents. I spent most of my time drinking and playing video games.
When I walk down the street I feel like entire town is laughing at me. Other people of my age already made their careers live in bigger cities, travel the world, have a lot of friends, family and I'm a laughing stock.

But one evening in November 2013 when I was surfing the internet and first heard about bitcoin I had a revelation. I thought this is it. My time has finally come. The more I was reading about it, the more i was certain this is a next big thing and that I, as someone who has found so early about it, become filthy rich. That I was finally become somebody.
I invested all my savings from pocket money my mom was giving me over the years. I was so happy and proud of myself for being a part of making history. I bought most of my bitcoins on average of $950. At first as corrections happened I thought it is normal part of developing, but now as almost a year has passed and bitcoin is in a continual downtrend i started to realize I was conned by guys like Max Keiser and early adopters  who were promising bitcoin will go up, but actually they were just pumping the price so they can cash out at higher price.
Now I'm very sad and desperate, and don't know what to do. I still hope it will magically go up but honestly don't believe it is possible. Bitcoin has already gone mainstream, everyone has heard of it, yet price is not recovering.
I think it's time give up and try to preserve what is left of my savings. I'm giving up on bitcoin and dreams of being rich. Once a loser, always a loser.


Your story is pretty sad to read my friend.But let me tell a few things...
1. You should give a f*** what others think about you.
2. HOLD your coins! No one knows what will be in next months or years.HOLD! To sell right now is stupid is my guess
3. A nice quote which I always say to myself everyday is "no matter how bad it is, no matter how bad it gets.I'm going to make it!!!"

Believe in yourself mate.Sure life is tough.But when you tumble, always try to get up!

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Febo on November 05, 2014, 01:44:11 PM
Lol not sure this is for a speculations part of forum, but you at least live by coast you can swim half year and other half there is not so much cold. And there are mountains of tourists there. start robbing them their money. Everyone want to be king on their vacations and dont look for their money so you have so much opportunities 90% of words population can only dream off.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Capt Drake on November 05, 2014, 03:51:37 PM
Lol not sure this is for a speculations part of forum, but you at least live by coast you can swim half year and other half there is not so much cold. And there are mountains of tourists there. start robbing them their money. Everyone want to be king on their vacations and dont look for their money so you have so much opportunities 90% of words population can only dream off.

hahahahahhaha  ;D

Title: Re: My story
Post by: pereira4 on November 05, 2014, 04:06:47 PM
" Hold your bitcoins " is a wrong idea, currency needs to circulate, we all know
Yeah, im sure the guys that got rich because they hold for 2 years agree with you...
OP, I feel for you, we share a similar life story. Life is unfair, you are born and you are born short as fuck. In my case im 175cm and still feel short. Anyway fuck it, it's so unfair, things happen and it's a joke how some get so much luck. All early Bitcoin adopters that got rich got lucky, no exception. It's extra unfortunate that you bought right at 950 tho. I bought at 750, and I dont even own a whole BTC yet.
Not being rich sucks. Bitcoin sucks if you aren't an early adopter. And since no one can be an early adopter anymore and get rich, thats why it's crashing. They might as well continue being poor in fiat, being poor in BTC is as shitty.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: devphp on November 05, 2014, 04:16:31 PM
Once I was sleeping and had this dream where all poor Bitcoin wannabes purchased Dogecoin, shitloads of Dogecoin and felt so much better, because now they had many coins, everyone could afford a few thousand. And they left Bitcoin early adopters to hold that depreciating bag of Bitcoins, while the price of Dogecoin went to $0.01, then to $0.1, and to $1, and then I had to go wake up. Follow the white rabbit.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: biggus dickus on November 05, 2014, 04:16:51 PM
" Hold your bitcoins " is a wrong idea, currency needs to circulate, we all know
Yeah, im sure the guys that got rich because they hold for 2 years agree with you...
OP, I feel for you, we share a similar life story. Life is unfair, you are born and you are born short as fuck. In my case im 175cm and still feel short. Anyway fuck it, it's so unfair, things happen and it's a joke how some get so much luck. All early Bitcoin adopters that got rich got lucky, no exception. It's extra unfortunate that you bought right at 950 tho. I bought at 750, and I dont even own a whole BTC yet.
Not being rich sucks. Bitcoin sucks if you aren't an early adopter. And since no one can be an early adopter anymore and get rich, thats why it's crashing. They might as well continue being poor in fiat, being poor in BTC is as shitty.

Some "early-ish adopters" bought in at $32 and had to watch the price plummet to $2. Some sold at a big loss and some held. It took about one and a half years before the next bubble, during which the holders must have felt like shit.

People who bought in at $1000 this year are in a similar position. Maybe next year the price might be far over $1000, which should make them feel a lot better.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: ChuckBuck on November 05, 2014, 04:18:31 PM
OP sure does write fairly well in "English", his second language, for an illiterate Croatian loser dropout that never went to college and loses his virginity to 50 year old hookers with the same name, while still living at home with mama.

Just sayin'   8)

Title: Re: My story
Post by: biggus dickus on November 05, 2014, 04:43:56 PM
OP sure does write fairly well in "English", his second language, for an illiterate Croatian loser dropout that never went to college and loses his virginity to 50 year old hookers with the same name, while still living at home with mama.

Just sayin'   8)

........... I think it's a spoof too ........

Title: Re: My story
Post by: thms on November 05, 2014, 10:00:45 PM
... And since no one can be an early adopter anymore and get rich, thats why it's crashing...

Of course it's possible. Consider this, if Bitcoin crashes to below < $50, then everybody can be an "early adopter 2.0" again.

1) bitcoin crashes to, let's say, $35

2) you buy a bunch at $35

3) bitcoin rebounds to $2,000

4) yuo == early adopter 2.0

Title: Re: My story
Post by: inca on November 05, 2014, 10:04:58 PM
... And since no one can be an early adopter anymore and get rich, thats why it's crashing...

Of course it's possible. Consider this, if Bitcoin crashes to below < $50, then everybody can be an "early adopter 2.0" again.

1) bitcoin crashes to, let's say, $35

2) you buy a bunch at $35

3) bitcoin rebounds to $2,000

4) yuo == early adopter 2.0

I think if you are expecting bitcoin to crash to $35 dollars, conveniently allowing you to buy in, then hold while it rallies up into the multi thousand dollars you are very likely to be disappointed.

It is far more likely you end up buying in a panic as it retakes $700 and heads up to the previous ATH.

It happened in 2011 so maybe you will get lucky :)

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Coinshot on November 05, 2014, 10:13:27 PM
Once a loser, always a loser.

It will remain so as long as you waste your time playing video games and try to get rich without doing honest hard work.

Stop mooching off your parents, go out and earn your own living.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: joehal on November 05, 2014, 10:46:49 PM
wtf haha/ Crazy story

Title: Re: My story
Post by: thms on November 05, 2014, 11:02:04 PM
... And since no one can be an early adopter anymore and get rich, thats why it's crashing...

Of course it's possible. Consider this, if Bitcoin crashes to below < $50, then everybody can be an "early adopter 2.0" again.

1) bitcoin crashes to, let's say, $35

2) you buy a bunch at $35

3) bitcoin rebounds to $2,000

4) yuo == early adopter 2.0

I think if you are expecting bitcoin to crash to $35 dollars, conveniently allowing you to buy in, then hold while it rallies up into the multi thousand dollars you are very likely to be disappointed.

It is far more likely you end up buying in a panic as it retakes $700 and heads up to the previous ATH.

It happened in 2011 so maybe you will get lucky :)

Well it's not impossible, is it? And nothing is going to stop the price to fall even further. Now, the funny thing is that this price decline is what will make the bitcoin price to skyrocket again to multi thousand dollar values. Bitcoin crashes to < $50 and that's what will atract even more new bitcoin users.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: biggus dickus on November 05, 2014, 11:05:37 PM
The price falling even further could be stopped when the price of mining a bitcoin falls below what you can sell a bitcoin for. Some miners are saying it's already unprofitable for them, and others are saying it's becoming close to unprofitable.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: thms on November 05, 2014, 11:33:13 PM
The price falling even further could be stopped when the price of mining a bitcoin falls below what you can sell a bitcoin for. Some miners are saying it's already unprofitable for them, and others are saying it's becoming close to unprofitable.

Miners were mining when price was below $50, so eventually it will become profitable again.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: o0o0 on November 06, 2014, 09:05:29 AM
everyone seems to think in the now. If its an investment surely its upfront money you can afford to lose right? So technically the unfeasible mining is only unfeasible now. if you run your cost return on a future perceived value investment wise then its not really at a loss is it? personally if i had the miners i would run them under current loss conditions if i perceive the final btc value at date x to be y$$$ value.

people should compare their costs to what they believe the value of bitcoin to be at date x. its money you can afford to lose so makes better sense calculation wise to me. if not 2009 cheap prices were likely a loss electricity wise right?

Title: Re: My story
Post by: fran2k on November 06, 2014, 03:30:53 PM
Dude, please do some psychoanalysis, or kind of stuff like that.

You have not big problems, just common stuff.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Coinshot on November 06, 2014, 07:51:11 PM
Once a loser, always a loser.

It will remain so as long as you waste your time playing video games and try to get rich without doing honest hard work.

Stop mooching off your parents, go out and earn your own living.

I agree, although I wholeheartedly disagree with your assumption that getting rich is easily possible by doing honest hard work. Sadly, that is not how society works as of 2014.

Its not a guarantee, but you can put yourself in a good position. Take the case of this guy. He should have done a rudimentary study of TA, and also looked around and see if there were other projects with good returns.

Even now if he keeps a calm head and do an analysis he would realise that there are profits to be made in the swings.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: riiiiising on November 06, 2014, 09:25:28 PM
There were plenty of people on this forum over the past several months who warned about the effects of an echo chamber, and the brainwashing among the most frequent posters. I remember their warnings clearly, back when we were still well over $600. Where are those people now? Oh right, they were all banned for "spreading FUD".  :-X

Title: Re: My story
Post by: applelover on November 06, 2014, 11:58:59 PM
i'd say its pretty clear you are a loser.  bitcoin is a good idea, but you dont know why, and hit it for a get rich scheme. 

if you want to turn things around it will be through hard work.  like try ten hours a day of working on some goal six days a week for years.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: applelover on November 07, 2014, 12:25:48 AM
even if you luck out and bitcoin goes up a lot, you will just blow it.  your dad would want you to work hard and pursue a goal you care about, not throw around pocket change on lottery tickets.

Title: Re: My story
Post by: Wattda on November 16, 2014, 02:44:40 PM
Believe in yourself mate.Sure life is tough. But compared to what?