Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Investor-based games => Topic started by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 10:00:01 AM

Title: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 10:00:01 AM
Payment has been cleared and now the pool is active again, and this time there will be a limit of 5 spots. I charge 10% on return for doing the hardwork :D. The minimum investment is 5$ and maximum is 20$ for now.

what is paidverts? read below and see what the pool does.
Paidverts is a Ptc site and a revenue sharing program with a casino. first thing on people mind is how they make money? For starters, They own 2 lotteries, 2 casinos and are crowd funded too. Then comes the advertising sections. And the last 155% return. Now this 155% return is not a easy task! You have to spend atleast 1-2 hours watching ads! to get your return. If you cant spend time watching ads forget about your return! But i am here to do that part I will explain in detail in examples below.

Suppose you invest 10$(buy ads) You get 31000 points in return. 1 point is worth 0.0005$. So first question how to convert those 31000 points in to ($$)dollars? Well its simple, There system automatically converts a small percentage of your points into $ ads. In simple words it consumes your points and gives you ads in $ in return. You get around 80-110+ ads daily. Each ad is for 30 second long and you need to solve captcha and copy paste 3 text lines. This process most of the time breaks users and they don't continue further. You dont want to spend 1-2 hours daily for return and many advertisers don't want their returns back so paidverts gain from there too.

Another problem here is that it takes around 1+ month to get your return. The pool also speeds up the process see the example below.
First of all there are 14 groups in the system. And the points decide in which group you are. Suppose you invest 10$(buy ads). You will get 31000 Points in return and you will be in group 3(24K to 48K points) which means 2.5% of your points will daily be converted in $ ads now divide that with 80-100 ads :D You get the picture :D.
Now the pool will speed this up because i have 80K+ points. And I get around 1$-2$ worth of ads daily. So if you invested with pool you would get your return much quicker in like 10-14 days instead of 1+ month :D. So combine both if invested in the pool and you will get your return in 10-12 days time.

The Summary in short for what pool does is, It watches the ads on your behalf and speeds up the process of return. In return i charge 10% of total return.

Active Investments:
Username       amount     Return      TimeFrame                            
kirdney             20$        27.9$       Completed  

investment id:
Return id:

Previous pool payout:

Note: 1 person can pick upto 2 spots at max!
Note: if you want to stay anonymous you can contact me in pm.

Note: There is always a risk!, Even if you invest on the website without the pool Don't invest what you can't afford to lose!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: wayshegoes on November 03, 2014, 04:12:39 PM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: IamNotSure on November 03, 2014, 04:46:06 PM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

155% + is it a ponzi? = run like hell !!!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 05:01:25 PM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

155% + is it a ponzi? = run like hell !!!

You clearly don't understand how the paidverts and mytrafficvalue work. They are casino's and casino's never loses. You can read how paidverts work and my traffic value the links i gave.

They crowd fund different casino games and other projects and give the profits to users who helped them in making it. Many user gamble and lose money all becomes very possible if you do the math. The site is 2+ Year old. I don't think ponzi's last that long.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 05:04:53 PM
And you get 155% in weeks and larger the investment the larger the period. You guys are getting this wrong. You can read how paidverts works and mytrafficvalue by visiting each site.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: IamNotSure on November 03, 2014, 05:20:50 PM
And you get 155% in weeks and larger the investment the larger the period. You guys are getting this wrong. You can read how paidverts works and mytrafficvalue by visiting each site.

Why do yo post in gambling section then ?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 05:24:30 PM
Its a pool so where i should i post? Gambling is the best section as the sites are related to gambling too. I have put the maximum investment of 20$ so that the risk is not big. Dont mind this but I think you did not read the whole post. You just saw the title and posted.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: HWoodrow on November 03, 2014, 07:11:01 PM
When you're open a post and write on Subject "155% return on investment" you must be sure that me and the other people will tell you that your project is a scam or ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: tmfp on November 03, 2014, 07:33:45 PM
When you're open a post and write on Subject "155% return on investment" you must be sure that me and the other people will tell you that your project is a scam or ponzi scheme.

Sure, I thought the exactly the same, but at least the guy is telling us how the 'scheme' is supposed to work, it's not just "gimme your money and I will forex/arbitrage/masterfully day trade your money double in a month". "Crowd funding casinos"?
Fucked if I know, but at least it's different!
I don't know if his numbers add up and it sounds like really boring shit to do for a couple of dollars, but at least read what he writes and if you know he's talking bollocks, please tell us how.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 03, 2014, 08:37:48 PM
Too clear things up guys. You should visit mytrafficvalue and register there and see for yourself what the site does. Investors invest money in mytrafficvalue, which in return hires devs etc and make casino games. They are a casino too so they run games in their site and when those games make profit the investors make profit.

Paidverts is a project too, But its different it is also a casino but with twist for advertisers. The advertisers can advertise their site and get back 155% back but in points. These points are then daily converted to Dollar ads which the advertiser needs to watch if he wants to earn his 155% back, again it takes many weeks to deplete his points or he can let them expire and they are sent to other users. As i said it is time consuming so many people don't do the shit which lets the site going. The main thing is you can gamble away your points and there is where paidverts makes it profits. It has other advertising options too which donot give back 155% return. I hope this cleared few things up.

What this pool do's is just allow those users who want to get 155% return and who can't spend like 1-2 hours watching ads. I make 2$ daily by watching ads which takes like 40 mins to watch like 60-70 ads. I made this pool so that those people who don't want to spend that much time watching ads can invest with me and get there returns even earlier. refer this to the example i gave in the main thread.

I am going to bed its past midnight here will answer more questions tomorrow :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: nutildah on November 03, 2014, 11:24:05 PM
This is definitely a Ponzi.

Do not invest.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 04, 2014, 12:10:09 AM
Cash out takes 2 days to be processed just WTF. mine is 24+hrs pending.... just a measly $5 it takes so long to be processed...

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: King Agamemnon on November 04, 2014, 12:17:59 AM
How big is the minimum invest?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: nutildah on November 04, 2014, 12:30:54 AM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

Yes it is. And that's just the way she goes sometimes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. This time, she didn't go.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 04, 2014, 12:51:44 AM
How big is the minimum invest?

$1 is the minimum and trust me its not worth it, it takes around 6mos. to get ROI and you'll never know what happens in that time frame.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 05:40:36 AM
How big is the minimum invest?

$1 is the minimum and trust me its not worth it, it takes around 6mos. to get ROI and you'll never know what happens in that time frame.

That is why i made the poo guys! See for 1$ investment you would get 1.55$ return but about in 1 months time. My account generates 2$ daily. So if you invest 1$ with me you could get your return in 3 days time. 2 days for cashout and 1 day to generate the amount in the account. Thats why i placed the maximum pool investment of 20$ to try if this could speed up the process.

This is definitely a Ponzi.

Do not invest.

Please prove that this is a ponzi. Casino's are not ponzies! I doubt people invest in these type of ponzies as everyone knows the ponzies offer unbelievable returns in like few days time. But on paidverts it will take you months. Thats why i created the pool.

Why don't somebody tries the pool? The minimum is 1$ you can send 1$ to me and can get 155%-10%(mine) in 3 days as cashout takes about 2 days from the site.  If you do this without pool it will take you like 1 month to get that return.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: IamNotSure on November 04, 2014, 10:05:24 AM
How big is the minimum invest?

$1 is the minimum and trust me its not worth it, it takes around 6mos. to get ROI and you'll never know what happens in that time frame.

That is why i made the poo guys! See for 1$ investment you would get 1.55$ return but about in 1 months time. My account generates 2$ daily. So if you invest 1$ with me you could get your return in 3 days time. 2 days for cashout and 1 day to generate the amount in the account. Thats why i placed the maximum pool investment of 20$ to try if this could speed up the process.

This is definitely a Ponzi.

Do not invest.

Please prove that this is a ponzi. Casino's are not ponzies! I doubt people invest in these type of ponzies as everyone knows the ponzies offer unbelievable returns in like few days time. But on paidverts it will take you months. Thats why i created the pool.

Why don't somebody tries the pool? The minimum is 1$ you can send 1$ to me and can get 155%-10%(mine) in 3 days as cashout takes about 2 days from the site.  If you do this without pool it will take you like 1 month to get that return.

HYIP are ponzis by default until proved otherwise

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 10:24:14 AM
LOL, You can't even visit the website and see for yourself. This is not a hyip or ponzi. Visit the site please!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 04, 2014, 10:26:12 AM
IMO processing payments for 2 days is a red flag for me. pending withdrawal is $5, just for $5 its taking them too long to be processed

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 10:29:38 AM
IMO processing payments for 2 days is a red flag for me. pending withdrawal is $5, just for $5 its taking them too long to be processed

My friend got payed in 4 days. They say the payment can take upto 7 days. You should read the terms. It is because paypal takes time to clear their funds. You can see the news, the admin usually post the account pics.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: sickhouse on November 04, 2014, 12:04:51 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't go for this unless my life depended on it... Pyramide scheme if not scam, the BS of internet.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 12:21:55 PM
What i have seen so far is no one understands the sites and start shouting scam!, ponzies, Hyips! Pyramid schemes! When they have not even visited the site.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: cubanos on November 04, 2014, 02:58:40 PM
I think this one is a scam.. I read something about PONZI SCHEME. Whats the word?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 04:09:56 PM
I think this one is a scam.. I read something about PONZI SCHEME. Whats the word?

Another one! People now aday can't even do a research! What has this world come to.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 04, 2014, 05:37:01 PM
check the some ads i posted.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Snail2 on November 04, 2014, 09:41:58 PM
This is definitely a Ponzi.

Do not invest.

Tried it and it's a pretty crappy business, but doesn't seems to be a classical ponzi. Basically they "encourage" users to buy some sort of advertisement points what they can use for "buying" more valuable ads. You can get some ad points by clicking some special ads but that's not enough for anything else than the least profitable stuff. So I guess most ppl who don't want to invest will keep viewing ads for a few days but will leave before reaching the payout limit. Pretty effective way to get free views :).

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 05, 2014, 07:29:00 AM
This is definitely a Ponzi.

Do not invest.

Tried it and it's a pretty crappy business, but doesn't seems to be a classical ponzi. Basically they "encourage" users to buy some sort of advertisement points what they can use for "buying" more valuable ads. You can get some ad points by clicking some special ads but that's not enough for anything else than the least profitable stuff. So I guess most ppl who don't want to invest will keep viewing ads for a few days but will leave before reaching the payout limit. Pretty effective way to get free views :).

Exactly, And those points can be gambled away in the games, And many people dont spend 1-2 hours watching ads, So they lose the points after 18 hours and the site wins! Few users watch the ads and they make the profit. But as i said the conversion of points to dollar is a tough job and it takes like 1 month and few days just to make the Break even point. Thats why i made the pool so that people could invest small amounts with me and get return in 1-2 weeks time.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: adaseb on November 05, 2014, 07:32:17 AM
I don't think its a ponzi but the 155% return seems far fetched. Especially in this market.

Doesn't look very profitable. But good attempt none the less.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 05, 2014, 08:19:27 AM
I don't think its a ponzi but the 155% return seems far fetched. Especially in this market.

Doesn't look very profitable. But good attempt none the less.

31$ return on 20$ investment within 1 week sounds good to me. What are you expecting for a real site to work on? The real stuff doesn't offers high returns and requires alot of effort.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: allcoinminer on November 05, 2014, 03:01:32 PM
The returns sounds good but that need to be realised to say anything now.
Do you have any escrow or some arrangements if the plan fails?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 05, 2014, 04:01:22 PM
why will the site fail! People are not getting this correctly. They own 2 casinos They make tons of profit and 155% over 1+ months timeframe is possible.

As for escrow, What should i escrow. Its always a gamble any thing you do. but you can calculate your chances :).  As i mentioned earlier they have other advertising options too, and ads are pain in the ass to watch, Many people dont watch ads and they lose money that way too. The plan becomes very possible if you do the math.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 05, 2014, 04:28:20 PM

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 06, 2014, 05:59:55 AM

That is a PROMISE.

I will wait like 50 years for that, Better not die in that time :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 06, 2014, 01:58:08 PM
update got 1st investor :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: kirdney on November 06, 2014, 01:58:48 PM
I will try it. Invested 20$ today, OP said 155% ROI - 10% in 14-16 days... looking forward! :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 07, 2014, 05:29:42 AM
bump!+ update.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 07, 2014, 06:21:38 AM
The minimum amount you can invest is 1$ and maximum of 20$ for now. You will get your return in few days time.

I can't tell whether you're running a scam here or not. Would you mind answering some questions?

Is there a limit on how many people you will let in?

Why do you need pool members? What do you do with all the $20's you are sent? Do they somehow let you watch more ads and make money faster?

Are you willing to have some coins held in escrow so that if this turns out to be a scam your pool members don't end up out of pocket?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 07, 2014, 07:28:04 AM
The minimum amount you can invest is 1$ and maximum of 20$ for now. You will get your return in few days time.

I can't tell whether you're running a scam here or not. Would you mind answering some questions?

Is there a limit on how many people you will let in?

Why do you need pool members? What do you do with all the $20's you are sent? Do they somehow let you watch more ads and make money faster?

Are you willing to have some coins held in escrow so that if this turns out to be a scam your pool members don't end up out of pocket?

Currently most people are not understanding how paidverts work, So i have got only 1 investor so far. yes there will be a limit for now i am not accepting more i will put them on waiting list as i am testing the pool if its profitable or not.

(2nd Question) Why do i need pool members?
I don't need pool members, People can join the site for thereself and invest alone, But the problem here is that when a member invests some dollars, example 1$ he gets 3100 points+ 50 views to there website. Now 1 point equals 0.0005$. Now you can't withdraw points, What there system do's is daily convert some % of those points to dollar ads which users need to watch. Each ad is 30 sec long and users get like 50-60 ads which can become a pain to watch. So it takes like 1+ month to get back the return. Thats why i made the pool i make 2$+ currently from paidverts so if someone invests 1$ alone it will take him like 1+ month to get back his 1.55$ return but if he invests through me he will get it back within 1 day. But i charge 10% for watching the ads. That is the job of the pool.

3rd Question) What  do i do with 20$ they send me? or whatever amount they send.
I purchase ads as i explained the system. Now yesterday 1 investor sent 20$ and I bought the ads from it. In return i received 62000 points. Now the advantage again here is, If he invested alone it would have taken him like 1+ month to get back his return, But as said my account makes 2$+ per day, This increases my accounts earning, So my daily earnings will become around 4-5$ per day it will take then like 8-10 days to get back his return instead of 1+month and watching the ads for himself which requires alot of hard work :D. As i said i charge 10% for this.

4th Question)Do they somehow let you watch more ads and make money faster?
For this to understand properly, Open this picture,
This is also available here:

Open the link or the pic and see where it says "BAP Group". You can see next to it the "Percent" This percent means how much of total points are daily converted to dollar ads. The Higher the group the higher the earnings But to deplete full points it still requires 1+ month. As points are consumed the group degrades.

Now I had 72K Points(BAP) before the investor made a 20$ investment i was in group 4 and was making 2$-3$ per day, Now i am in group 5, My earnings will increase to 4$-5$ per day. Which means in simple words. If the investor made his own account it would have taken his 62K points to deplete in 1+ months time but investing in the pool he will get back his return alot faster but on 10% charge of the pool.

For the last question.
There is always a risk, I have put my money on the risk too, But the risk involved is very low, why? They own 2 casinos! They are online for 2+ years, Many people don't have time to watch the ads and get back return, They have other advertising options too, So the return becomes very possible if you do the math.
As i said this is also a testing phase i will see whether i shall continue or not. They can calculate the risk factor and invest no one is forcing them to invest.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 07, 2014, 07:34:43 AM
made few edits to explain more.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 07, 2014, 06:13:24 PM
made few edits to explain more.

I don't really understand it. It seems dodgy that you have to pay to watch ads, and I'd be careful if I was you.

I expect you'll end up getting scammed and not being able to pay your investors back but maybe not.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 07, 2014, 06:44:34 PM
made few edits to explain more.

I don't really understand it. It seems dodgy that you have to pay to watch ads, and I'd be careful if I was you.

I expect you'll end up getting scammed and not being able to pay your investors back but maybe not.

No you can start from zero :), Just watch daily bonus ads daily and you will still get the points then those will be converted to dollar ads. The process requires alot of time if you start from zero it took me like 3+ months to get to my current stats, and many people don't do as i said and many advertisers don't have time to watch all those ads to get there money back, but they can gamble there points. So the return becomes very possible. You won't like to spend(as advertiser) like 1 hr- 1.30 mins Daily, just watching other people site so that you can earn back the money. As I said earlier there is always a risk but if you will ask any ptc investor he will always tell you it will last for a long time until something really bad happens like(hacking). As i said i will make it clear for the investors that if the company will stop paying they will lose the money, as will i.

There are some other things too, If they don't get sales the users will also not get ads to watch thus points will not be converted, They also depend on sales too. You can check there facebook owner ID he posts daily the paypal balance etc and other details.

New balance after watching ads:

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 08, 2014, 04:33:06 AM
I make 2$ daily by watching ads which takes like 40 mins

You realise that's $3 per hour, right?

The Fair Labor Standards Act requires a minimum wage of $2.13 for tipped workers with the expectation that wages plus tips total no less than $7.25 per hour. The employer must pay the difference if total income does not add up to $7.25 per hour.

So you're working for less than half the US minimum wage, and asking people to help you work longer hours.

If you spent a little time learning a marketable skill you would be able to earn many times that amount, and do something that interested you.

Just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you lowlife scamming fuck.

Either get a real job, of if you can't just do us all a favor and kill youself.

I suppose that's another way of getting the same message across. :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 08, 2014, 05:23:36 AM
I understand but i am just a student right now. As far 3$ per hour is concerned it will go up, As i said the more points a person has the higher he gets paid( or higher the conversion ratio), As far as other things are concerned, I make around 6$ approx from other ptc sites too and not to mention I also do fiverr too as i have alot of free time. And 1 more thing, In my country Pakistan 20$ per day is also good enough

I made this because people invest in scams which they know will last for few days. They don't know anything about the owner of the site where the money is further invested etc. At least in this case admin or the owner of the sites is well known person in ptc industry. I doubt any of person who ran a hyip or ponzi was this popular or transparent.

Just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you lowlife scamming fuck.

Either get a real job, of if you can't just do us all a favor and kill youself.

Forum is for everyone, I don't know why are you so angry, If you understood how any of this worked you would have not been shouting, I don't know why people always apply guilty until proven innocent.

New balance after watching 8 more ads.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 08, 2014, 06:45:52 AM
I understand but i am just a student right now. As far 3$ per hour is concerned it will go up

I would advise studying rather than watching ads for hours every day. Learn something useful instead of wasting your time like this.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 08, 2014, 06:57:08 AM
I understand but i am just a student right now. As far 3$ per hour is concerned it will go up, As i said the more points a person has the higher he gets paid( or higher the conversion ratio), As far as other things are concerned, I make around 6$ approx from other ptc sites too and not to mention I also do fiverr too as i have alot of free time. And 1 more thing, In my country Pakistan 20$ per day is also good enough

I made this because people invest in scams which they know will last for few days. They don't know anything about the owner of the site where the money is further invested etc. At least in this case admin or the owner of the sites is well known person in ptc industry. I doubt any of person who ran a hyip or ponzi was this popular or transparent.

Just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you lowlife scamming fuck.

Either get a real job, of if you can't just do us all a favor and kill youself.

Forum is for everyone, I don't know why are you so angry, If you understood how any of this worked you would have not been shouting, I don't know why people always apply guilty until proven innocent.

New balance after watching 8 more ads.

news flash: my $5 is still pending its already past 5days. LOL $5 great company there....... STINKS LIKE SCAM TO ME

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 08, 2014, 07:13:57 AM
You are a member there and yet you don't know what terms you have agreed on. It can take upto 7 days for withdrawal on bitcoin, To speed up you can contact the support on mytrafficvalue they will solve it. And if you have used bots to view ads better forget the payment. Because my friends are receiving payments on average of 4 days.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 08, 2014, 07:20:08 AM
You are a member there and yet you don't know what terms you have agreed on. It can take upto 7 days for withdrawal on bitcoin, To speed up you can contact the support on mytrafficvalue they will solve it. And if you have used bots to view ads better forget the payment. Because my friends are receiving payments on average of 4 days.

I dont do that BS, i tried the gambling part and won, now they dont pay up. SCAM

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 08, 2014, 07:38:49 AM
You won what? Points or money? You cant gamble money in paidverts  but only points. This makes me think you are lying!

Edit: See this before calling a scam!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: tmfp on November 08, 2014, 12:26:53 PM
I make 2$ daily by watching ads which takes like 40 mins

You realise that's $3 per hour, right?

The Fair Labor Standards Act requires a minimum wage of $2.13 for tipped workers with the expectation that wages plus tips total no less than $7.25 per hour. The employer must pay the difference if total income does not add up to $7.25 per hour.

So you're working for less than half the US minimum wage, and asking people to help you work longer hours.

If you spent a little time learning a marketable skill you would be able to earn many times that amount, and do something that interested you.

Spoken like a true Canadian millionaire  ;)

OP is in GMT+4 time zone, not exactly a band of wealth, e.g. the average wage in Armenia is $2 per hour. According to him, he's a student trying to earn a bit in his downtime, we've all been there.
From little acorns, mighty oak trees grow? Who knows, but you can't blame him for trying.

Just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you lowlife scamming fuck.

Either get a real job, of if you can't just do us all a favor and kill youself.

I've been trying to find something vaguely plausible to invest in in Bitcoinland for a while now and, like nutildah, have come to know and hate the scammers and ponzi operators that seem to be everywhere, but streams of abuse aren't that helpful really.

*Edited format*

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Victoo on November 08, 2014, 12:27:34 PM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

155% + is it a ponzi? = run like hell !!!

I second that. Too good to be true !

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 08, 2014, 01:16:06 PM
Is this a ponzi scheme?

155% + is it a ponzi? = run like hell !!!

I second that. Too good to be true !

Another one! :) Why people are so lazy these days! "Too good to be true?" They are paying from last 2 years! Just read the whole 3 pages on this thread you will see many answers! I have uploaded a video too i tried to explain everything in it.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: cheekychap on November 08, 2014, 02:34:14 PM
You should definitely focus more time on studies, than wasting time like this.  This is short term, but the real world income, lasts longer.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 08, 2014, 02:43:33 PM
You should definitely focus more time on studies, than wasting time like this.  This is short term, but the real world income, lasts longer.

Short term ::) Ahmm , 2+ years of online history! Did you miss that part? I have almost finished my studies, And Matter of fact is I don't like to work under some one else, I have my own ideas which are working just fine, Don't comment people if you are not interested! Giving lessons wont change anything. I am getting tired to reply to every single person!

first learn how the system works then comment if its scam or not and how have they managed to live for 2+ years? and yet there paypal balance keeps rising daily? Because they are not scams!

1 more thing, People don't invest 1 million dollar in scams! which are 2+year online and are so much transparent!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 08, 2014, 06:55:56 PM
Spoken like a true Canadian millionaire  ;)

OP is in GMT+4 time zone, not exactly a band of wealth, e.g. the average wage in Armenia is $2 per hour. According to him, he's a student trying to earn a bit in his downtime, we've all been there.
From little acorns, mighty oak trees grow? Who knows, but you can't blame him for trying.

You're misquoting me. I didn't write any of that stuff.

As for OP's timezone, it doesn't matter although if you had read the thread he already told us he's in Pakistan.

He's on the Internet and can speak English. He can surely do something better with his time than watching ads for $3 per hour.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 08, 2014, 10:43:51 PM
You should definitely focus more time on studies, than wasting time like this.  This is short term, but the real world income, lasts longer.

Short term ::) Ahmm , 2+ years of online history! Did you miss that part? I have almost finished my studies, And Matter of fact is I don't like to work under some one else, I have my own ideas which are working just fine, Don't comment people if you are not interested! Giving lessons wont change anything. I am getting tired to reply to every single person!

first learn how the system works then comment if its scam or not and how have they managed to live for 2+ years? and yet there paypal balance keeps rising daily? Because they are not scams!

1 more thing, People don't invest 1 million dollar in scams! which are 2+year online and are so much transparent!

After waiting for 6 days it was processed but my didn't receive my cash out. oh well they can have my $5 and shove it in their ass. PV, MTV, and those linked sites are scam

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 08, 2014, 11:39:36 PM
first learn how the system works then comment if its scam or not and how have they managed to live for 2+ years? and yet there paypal balance keeps rising daily? Because they are not scams!

1 more thing, People don't invest 1 million dollar in scams! which are 2+year online and are so much transparent!

You're telling me that scams can't last for over 2 years or attract more than a million dollars?

Did you never hear about Bernie Madoff (

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 05:46:24 AM
I have been a ptc user since last 2-3 years, As i said no admin or owner i saw was this transparent!,I have placed a warning note too, And i think 20$ won't hurt if they ran away. It is also safer in the pool as it speeds up the process and max limit is small. But if you do alone you can invest alot and can lose a lot too.

For the other guy who is complaining about not getting his payment, I don't know what his problem is, I will ask my friend to give me his latest payment proof as soon as possible. They have given out thousands of dollars they don't want your 5$s. I will try to get you a latest payment proof from today.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Seketsuna on November 09, 2014, 05:56:43 AM
I have been a ptc user since last 2-3 years, As i said no admin or owner i saw was this transparent!,I have placed a warning note too, And i think 20$ won't hurt if they ran away. It is also safer in the pool as it speeds up the process and max limit is small. But if you do alone you can invest alot and can lose a lot too.

For the other guy who is complaining about not getting his payment, I don't know what his problem is, I will ask my friend to give me his latest payment proof as soon as possible. They have given out thousands of dollars they don't want your 5$s. I will try to get you a latest payment proof from today.

If you keep on promoting a scam site, you might get a neg reputation. I'm here to warn people and share my experience about your great site. Which cant pay up a measly $5.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 07:37:54 AM
Show me your proof,  lets see how honest you are. Should i post my friends proof? He recieved 5 days ago.

Edit: They are not scams, I am thinking you are! There are tons of ptc forum visit one and see latest proofs! Way more than your 5$s

Edit 2: Prove yourself, Post the bitcoin address you requested your 5$ on and the cashout page screenshot. It should be enough :)

like this :

and this :),

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Snail2 on November 09, 2014, 10:02:55 AM
Just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you lowlife scamming fuck.

Either get a real job, of if you can't just do us all a favor and kill youself.

I'm really appreciate your efforts to keep scammers away, but maybe doing so in a civilized manner would be more productive :).

(Lot's of facts and very few emotions used to do the trick.)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: LOBSTER on November 09, 2014, 10:07:44 AM
Show me your proof,  lets see how honest you are. Should i post my friends proof? He recieved 5 days ago.

Edit: They are not scams, I am thinking you are! There are tons of ptc forum visit one and see latest proofs! Way more than your 5$s

Edit 2: Prove yourself, Post the bitcoin address you requested your 5$ on and the cashout page screenshot. It should be enough :)

like this :

and this :),

WOW, the screenshots don't as much.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Snail2 on November 09, 2014, 10:22:30 AM
Show me your proof,  lets see how honest you are. Should i post my friends proof? He recieved 5 days ago.

Edit: They are not scams, I am thinking you are! There are tons of ptc forum visit one and see latest proofs! Way more than your 5$s

Edit 2: Prove yourself, Post the bitcoin address you requested your 5$ on and the cashout page screenshot. It should be enough :)

like this :

and this :),

OK we see you deposited $20 but what about the withdraw? I think most ppl here are more interested in that part :).
Your friend's "proofs" are worth nothing. I can find plenty of such proofs of payment by googling "paidverts proof of payment", so it's too easy to show some fake "proofs".

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: tmfp on November 09, 2014, 11:36:26 AM

You're misquoting me. I didn't write any of that stuff.

Yeah, sorry, edited.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 12:08:20 PM
OK we see you deposited $20 but what about the withdraw? I think most ppl here are more interested in that part Smiley.
Your friend's "proofs" are worth nothing. I can find plenty of such proofs of payment by googling "paidverts proof of payment", so it's too easy to show some fake "proofs".

That is what the first investor sent! As i said earlier i have not withdrawn any amount in the last 3 months i kept reinvesting, Currently no more spots are open, I will post a proof of my investor return as soon as i hit 27$, Thats why i am saying just wait!, This is a test too, I might not continue if its not profitable. Today i got like 300 ads which are getting a pain. You can do the math how much time was required to watch them. Just keep an eye on the post i will post the payment proof as soon as possible.

Edit: I posted those pics for the user who is saying he didnot receive the payment. It would have showed if he was lying or not.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 12:38:08 PM
Show me your proof,  lets see how honest you are. Should i post my friends proof? He recieved 5 days ago.

Edit: They are not scams, I am thinking you are! There are tons of ptc forum visit one and see latest proofs! Way more than your 5$s

Edit 2: Prove yourself, Post the bitcoin address you requested your 5$ on and the cashout page screenshot. It should be enough :)

like this :

and this :),

WOW, the screenshots don't as much.

See this full pic :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: dooglus on November 09, 2014, 03:42:09 PM
I have been a ptc user since last 2-3 years, As i said no admin or owner i saw was this transparent!

I will try to get you a latest payment proof from today.

I assume you mean BTC, right?

In what way is this paid ads scheme "transparent"? Because he publishes screenshots of his PayPal balance? That doesn't prove how much he has, or how much he should have, and so fails on both counts to prove solvency. I find it unlikely that this advertising business is more transparent in its operation that something like Satoshidice, which until recently did everything out in the open on the blockchain.

If you've been around Bitcoin a while, you'll know that screenshots are not proof of anything. They are easily fixed. Around here we can do real proof of solvency using cryptographic message signing and Merkle trees of user balances.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 04:05:57 PM
Yes yes, Payment will be in btc. :)

See the 155% is just 1 part, Not everyone do's that, They have other options like advertising which don't offers returns, Casino, lottery it covers the costs, Upgrade costs etc fill the 155% thing.
They make money from other advertisings too. And the daily amount of ads you get also depends upon their sales.


See the main page it explains few things. See tge help finance thing.

Edit: Yeh i know pics can be faked easily but it has engaged users thats for sure, I will try to ask him in the forum to sign his bitcoin address. I will tell him to sign it with companies name.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: LOBSTER on November 09, 2014, 04:48:40 PM
Yes yes, Payment will be in btc. :)

See the 155% is just 1 part, Not everyone do's that, They have other options like advertising which don't offers returns, Casino, lottery it covers the costs, Upgrade costs etc fill the 155% thing.
They make money from other advertisings too. And the daily amount of ads you get also depends upon their sales.


See the main page it explains few things. See tge help finance thing.

Edit: Yeh i know pics can be faked easily but it has engaged users thats for sure, I will try to ask him in the forum to sign his bitcoin address. I will tell him to sign it with companies name.

It's a risky way to earn money. The chance is too high to loose.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 05:11:52 PM
Yes yes, Payment will be in btc. :)

See the 155% is just 1 part, Not everyone do's that, They have other options like advertising which don't offers returns, Casino, lottery it covers the costs, Upgrade costs etc fill the 155% thing.
They make money from other advertisings too. And the daily amount of ads you get also depends upon their sales.


See the main page it explains few things. See tge help finance thing.

Edit: Yeh i know pics can be faked easily but it has engaged users thats for sure, I will try to ask him in the forum to sign his bitcoin address. I will tell him to sign it with companies name.

It's a risky way to earn money. The chance is too high to loose.

ah!, I can't explain more i am tired!

I will try to explain this last time. See today i got like 300+ ads. now lets do some math here.
300*30(sec)=almost 3 hours sitting and watching ads! + captcha+ copypasting their text. Make it like 5-6 hour. Now tell me will do this??? The answer is no one and many advertisers don't watch ads which means they lose points!(In other words paidverts gains) and They have other options like gambling and other advertising options(banner etc)

Now one more thing, They have like 400K users from only which 3000 approx are upgraded or you can say is they are crazy clickers like me!

Now on withdrawal they charge like 5% there goes 5% make it now 150% return. 100% comes from your investment and you are saying to me that the other 50% can't come from 400K+ users which grow daily? Not taking into account the gambling section of the site and upgrade costs. Then another factor he owns another casino (mytrafficvalue). If you do the math it becomes very possible to get returns as not everyone has 3-4 hours just to watch ads!

I kept it as simple as possible i don't know what i will need to do to explain it to all of you guys :D

just an example:
I invested the 20$ i got from the investor. Paidverts has the 20$ now it needs only 11$ more to fill my return. Another advertiser comes he is not a crazy clicker and doesn't wants his return back, He will buy advertisements 50 views for every 1$. Lets say he buys 1000 views which means 20$. See the picture now? 9$ will go into pockets of paidverts, As i said earlier (thousand times) watching ads is a tough job!

Edit: the ads need to watched in 18 hours or they expire!

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (TEST)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 09, 2014, 07:31:08 PM

I have asked him to sign his bitcoin address where he claims to have 122 BTC.

Link to the post where i have asked him to sign the address and make it public:

If you can vote please vote it up it will come in notice much quicker.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (TEST)
Post by: dooglus on November 09, 2014, 08:24:24 PM

I have asked him to sign his bitcoin address where he claims to have 122 BTC.

Link to the post where i have asked him to sign the address and make it public:

If you can vote please vote it up it will come in notice much quicker.

My point is that you claimed he was running a more transparent operation than anything you ever saw in Bitcoin-land, yet he hasn't even signed his cold wallet address?

I wonder why you are promoting paidverts so hard, even going so far as to exaggerate the truth like that.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (TEST)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 10, 2014, 05:31:41 AM
Transparent i meant he is public. You can find him if he run away. They will soon have credit card support, He atleast also posts a daily pic of paypal balance. None of ptc sites do that. If you compare any ptc with paidverts you will see paidverts comes out on top in transparency. And you can view how the money is being spent in result section of mytrafficvalue.

I am promoting them to make some money for my self too. Referrals etc. I am sharing with people a legit way, Better than hyips or ponizies. In this program your return is guaranteed but your days are not specific which makes it better than hyips and ponzies. If the sales are high the more the ads you get and earlier the return less sales mean higher the no. of days for return.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (TEST)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 15, 2014, 08:24:17 AM
update! I have requested the payout lets see what happens :) Hopefully the investor will get his return :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Splatters on November 15, 2014, 04:32:56 PM
155% are you sure? It's damn high! I'll try some

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 15, 2014, 07:04:27 PM
Its more like 14x% because they charge 5%+0.25$ on withdrawal. See there is not a fix number of days for your return. You could get your return from the site within 15 days or 45+ days. It depends upon how much sale they get. I can explain more in pm if you want :). I am going to bed right now as its midnight you can shoot me a pm if you want to secure a spot(no payment needed for now to secure the spot) or have any question.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Bitsky on November 16, 2014, 08:54:15 AM
Hm, seems I missed this thread when I looked into it:

My opinion...

First, you need to collect so called "BAP" by viewing ads. The points are converted to ads you can view, used as some sort of tax and you need collecting them to keep getting ads.
So, you need to view ads for points to view ads for money.
You make only tiny amounts with the ads. I've seen $0.0005-$0.001 for viewing a 30 second ad. Ad that includes 3x copy+paste and solving a captcha every time.
Also, it looks like you cannot sign up without a referer (defaults to some admin it seems). That means 5% of your earnings get lost to that person.

Different boards suggest that you buy an ad yourself to get more points. The more BAP you have, the higher paying ads you are supposed to see.
However, you can make only a few hundred BAP per day, which are used for tax and showing more ads. So you cannot really collect them easily and it seems like you need 10,000 BAP and more to get decent paying ads.

But "luckily" you can buy BAP for $, as well as other things like ad filters and vacation time (because BAP get lost if you don't view the ads).

So, the "revolution" seems like like: "give us money so you can view ads".
You cannot really make much without putting money into it first.

Here are some of my stats for today:

400 points made with 16 ads
70 points lost because I didn't click two ads ($0.035 total) and they timed out. Apparently you're not supposed to have a daytime job. Or sleep.
100 points get lost each day for their "daily tax"
~100 points lost in total for receiving ads (not included the 70 points from above)
50 points lost for buying extra ads

So right now I piled up approx 500 points over several days
During my test I opened ~400 ads
I made the amazing amount of $0.45
If you assume 1 minute per ad (30 seconds waiting, captcha, copy&paste, page loads), I invested ~6.5 hours

That's an hourly income of $0.069

You cannot cash out less than $5; and when you have more than that, they demand a 5% fee plus another $0.25. For a transaction which is essentially free of charge.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 16, 2014, 09:49:27 AM
Yes but that is why the pool is here. if you invest 5$ with pool you would not need to worry about watching ads and you would get your return much earlier. as i make 2$ approx per day. So its better to invest small amount with pool instead of doing it alone.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: waterpile on November 16, 2014, 12:14:00 PM
Hm, seems I missed this thread when I looked into it:

My opinion...

First, you need to collect so called "BAP" by viewing ads. The points are converted to ads you can view, used as some sort of tax and you need collecting them to keep getting ads.
So, you need to view ads for points to view ads for money.
You make only tiny amounts with the ads. I've seen $0.0005-$0.001 for viewing a 30 second ad. Ad that includes 3x copy+paste and solving a captcha every time.
Also, it looks like you cannot sign up without a referer (defaults to some admin it seems). That means 5% of your earnings get lost to that person.

Different boards suggest that you buy an ad yourself to get more points. The more BAP you have, the higher paying ads you are supposed to see.
However, you can make only a few hundred BAP per day, which are used for tax and showing more ads. So you cannot really collect them easily and it seems like you need 10,000 BAP and more to get decent paying ads.

But "luckily" you can buy BAP for $, as well as other things like ad filters and vacation time (because BAP get lost if you don't view the ads).

So, the "revolution" seems like like: "give us money so you can view ads".
You cannot really make much without putting money into it first.

Here are some of my stats for today:

400 points made with 16 ads
70 points lost because I didn't click two ads ($0.035 total) and they timed out. Apparently you're not supposed to have a daytime job. Or sleep.
100 points get lost each day for their "daily tax"
~100 points lost in total for receiving ads (not included the 70 points from above)
50 points lost for buying extra ads

So right now I piled up approx 500 points over several days
During my test I opened ~400 ads
I made the amazing amount of $0.45
If you assume 1 minute per ad (30 seconds waiting, captcha, copy&paste, page loads), I invested ~6.5 hours

That's an hourly income of $0.069

You cannot cash out less than $5; and when you have more than that, they demand a 5% fee plus another $0.25. For a transaction which is essentially free of charge.

its only a win situation for the referrers coz clicking those ads is time consuming, its like better concentrate on your job rather than click click click ads that pays dust.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 16, 2014, 12:35:57 PM
its only a win situation for the referrers coz clicking those ads is time consuming, its like better concentrate on your job rather than click click click ads that pays dust.

if you dont invest then you get dust ads. But if you invest the case is different :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: waterpile on November 16, 2014, 12:41:32 PM
its only a win situation for the referrers coz clicking those ads is time consuming, its like better concentrate on your job rather than click click click ads that pays dust.

if you dont invest then you get dust ads. But if you invest the case is different :)

neh, I dont invest in ponzi schemes.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 16, 2014, 01:07:51 PM
neh, I dont invest in ponzi schemes.

Please prove its a ponzi :), I am tired of explaining now lets see the other part of proving it ponzi :)
Ponzi don't last for 2 plus years!. Ponzi admins or owners are not public. They don't communicate in forums themself. The list will go on and on. Please prove to me its a ponzi my maths says its pretty much possible. Now i would like to see other math which proves me wrong :)

Edit: Read the 4 pages i have given information how they earn.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Bitsky on November 16, 2014, 01:27:48 PM
Ponzi don't last for 2 plus years! creation date: 2013-05-30T17:17:12Z (I know I'm splitting hairs here)

Ponzi admins or owners are not public. They don't communicate in forums themself.
Trendon sure was and sure did.

if you dont invest then you get dust ads. But if you invest the case is different :)
That's my point. Their FAQ says "No deposit is required to earn money with PaidVerts", but we're talking about fractions of cents there. But if you give them money, you suddenly get better paying ads. Advertisers won't pay enough to cover those 55% extra return so the money has to come from somewhere else; and unless they have money to burn the source is pretty obvious.

I mean, with ads paying this much I might as well quit my job and only do 10 clicks a day:

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 16, 2014, 01:32:52 PM
Well that requires hardwork. I am earning 2$ daily because i did hardwork. No one gives away easy money. Paidverts is owned by mytrafficvalue that is 2 years old. They develop products and give returns. The Advertiser dont pay you got to be kidding me! Why will advertisers not pay? World population is above 7 Billion.

I invest 20$ and i want my return back while another person invest and doesnt wants his return back. Or Gambles at there casinos. The extra 55% comes very possible. See there system you will see they have many ways to earn.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Bitsky on November 16, 2014, 03:38:45 PM
The Advertiser dont pay you got to be kidding me! Why will advertisers not pay?
From their site: Bulk Ads for $1.00: 50 user visits for 30 seconds each. Plus 125 banner.
Leaving out the banners, that means they get paid $0.02 per impression delivered. Users even get the same page several times in a row, nothing a professinal advertiser would accept.
You invest $20. At 155% you expect $31 back. Your screenshot shows that ads pay up to $4 for you. I see a little difference between that and the $0.02

I invest 20$ and i want my return back while another person invest and doesnt wants his return back.
Why would another person invest without wanting money back?
Why don't you invest 1BTC in my sig address without wanting it back?

Or Gambles at there casinos.
If your business strategy is based on gambling, you are doing it very, very wrong.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (Paused)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 16, 2014, 04:24:52 PM
First of all i dont gamble at all with funds thats where i gain! LOL you actually think many advertising companies want there money back ? You invest 1 BTC but it takes you unknown number of days to get your return back plus you don't have to miss the ads. Thats where they gain. When users lose there ads. No one has the time to watch 200-300 ads. There system works differently, low budget ads go to people who have low BAP and High budget ad goto people who have high BAP,

+ they gets fund from mytrafficvalue too. So there is always a stream of income Gambling, advertising , Shares, New investments for new products, betting on polls etc. If you view the whole system which is mytrafficvalue and paidverts together you will see how they work.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 22, 2014, 06:51:43 AM
The payment has been cleared :) as expected, The pool will continue. there are only 4 more spots if you want you can jump in. Min investment is 5$ and max is 20$

payment sent:

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: kirdney on November 22, 2014, 03:24:25 PM
I invested 20$ on 7th Nov, yesterday (14 days later) i received 27$ back :)

So i can say OP is trustworthy + he is a very nice and friendly fella, always responding quite fast via skype if i had any questions. He also send me screenshots with the current process of his paidverts account every 3-4 days.

I think he is also doing a great job explaining how the system works in this thread. If you ask me he deserves to put an affiliate link on first page, otherwise when you register an account you will be automatically assigned to webmaster of paidverts (Jo).

So far my personal experiences with paidverts:
- they definitely pay out (even though bitcoin cashout might take up to 8 days atm + you have to pay 5 % fee)
- based on last weeks ad payouts i calculated that you will reach ROI with an investment of about 15 $ in around 5 weeks, after that you will make 3 $ profit a week or you keep on reinvesting to reach higher payout structure (by the way you will ROI more slowly with higher initial investment)
- its necessary that you visit the page once or twice daily to click all the ads otherwise ROI will be delayed

So at the end everyone has to decide for himself if his time is worth it to be part of this game or not. You won´t get rich, but you can surely make some pocket money if you have spare time left and no problems with watching advertisement-websites every day.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: crazy-pilot on November 22, 2014, 04:44:05 PM
I invested 20$ on 7th Nov, yesterday (14 days later) i received 27$ back :)

So i can say OP is trustworthy + he is a very nice and friendly fella, always responding quite fast via skype if i had any questions. He also send me screenshots with the current process of his paidverts account every 3-4 days.
Many bitcon ponzi schemes will payout at first in order to build confidence of investors. They will generally use funds from later investors to pay earlier investors and are not paying out any actual earnings.   
So far my personal experiences with paidverts:
- they definitely pay out (even though bitcoin cashout might take up to 8 days atm + you have to pay 5 % fee)
It taking 8 days to receive a payout then there is another indicator that it is a ponzi as he is likely waiting for more "investors" to put money in his ponzi so he can payout

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 22, 2014, 05:05:58 PM
You call it a ponzi what ever but it is not a ponzi. I would suggest you to visit the both sites yourself and read on forums how exactly they work. They share the advertising revenues you can call them whatever but the model is sustainable and works if you do the math right ;) In ponzi there is a timeframe limit but here there is no timeframe it can take you years to get your return or few days.

And btw i don't own much btc you can see from where the btc came from. The funds goto paidverts as soon as they hit my address.

Edit: If i was running this ponzi first of all i would never have placed the 20$ maximum limit, 2nd There would have been unlimited spots you clearly dont understand what paidverts is or how it works. I guess you have never seen a ptc site do some research and then call out for scam :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 23, 2014, 05:25:56 AM
OK we see you deposited $20 but what about the withdraw? I think most ppl here are more interested in that part Smiley.

my btc address:

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Bitsky on November 23, 2014, 09:23:38 AM
You call it a ponzi what ever but it is not a ponzi. I would suggest you to visit the both sites yourself and read on forums how exactly they work. They share the advertising revenues you can call them whatever but the model is sustainable and works if you do the math right ;) In ponzi there is a timeframe limit but here there is no timeframe it can take you years to get your return or few days.
My point is that they are only interested in investors and make it exceptionally hard for "freebie" users to earn anything at all. They could let you build up your earnings from zero, but instead they do everything to add roadblocks and make you invest money. Why? Because they need those investments.

Edit: If i was running this ponzi first of all i would never have placed the 20$ maximum limit, 2nd There would have been unlimited spots you clearly dont understand what paidverts is or how it works. I guess you have never seen a ptc site do some research and then call out for scam :)
It actually makes sense to have limits. If an investor would suddenly put 1000BTC into the system, the operator would have to return 1550BTC within a month. If there aren't enough "low" investments, paying 550BTC in a month would be impossible and the ponzi would collapse.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 23, 2014, 10:23:57 AM
See if the investor did put 1000 BTC he would probably get his return back in 1+Year because the ads issued by the system depends on their sale and usually its around 20K$ mark every day. What makes this model successful is that there is no time limit it can take you years to get your return or few days. It all depends upon there sales. and you got it wrong again, The system doesn't guarantees a time frame!

Well the money doesn't grows on tree so they can't also give away free money too :). I started from zero now i am making 3$-4$ per day. And it is increasing day by day more faster. Its upto me now how i want to continue as a free user. You need to do hardwork to get money.

Edit: And on investment limit here is an answer to your 1000 BTC thing. 1000 BTC would mean 360,200$ for every 1$ you get 50 views to your website. 50*360,200=18010000 views. The ads i bought for my 1st investor for 20$ which was 1000 views only are still in progress and are not half way there yet. 15+ Days and still 458 views. Now 18010000 views would take like 2 years :D just to deliver which is not good because you may want to advertise another site in the mean time. So the limit on investment thing also explains why there is a limit because the system can't deliver above a certain rate.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: elephantas1 on November 23, 2014, 02:48:27 PM
Wait is this ponzi scheme still works?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 23, 2014, 03:51:22 PM
This is not a ponzi please! i have explained it thousand times already!

Update: Kirdney invested 20$ again.

Return expected in 10-12 days.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Bitsky on November 23, 2014, 04:13:58 PM
It won't work out in the long run. You invest and get advertising, plus a 155% return. Those 55% come from the next investors, who get their 55% from the next. That's a ponzi bubble.
If they were serious they wouldn't roadblock freebie users; but they want them to invest to keep it going.
Anyway, whatever.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 23, 2014, 04:19:42 PM
You can say that, But not every one has time to watch all the ads and get that 155% back and many people just come to advertise . And paidverts gain 100% from there and not taking in the account the casino's and lotteries. The Extra 55% in 1 months+ timeframe is pretty possible.

And you are forgetting 1 thing Hardwork is key to success, No one gives free money. I started from zero but my experience so far is good :) Received payment and i have alot more trust in the system.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Bitsky on November 23, 2014, 11:20:10 PM
not taking in the account the casino's and lotteries.
Using gambling as a part of your business strategy is.... risky to put it mildly.

And you are forgetting 1 thing Hardwork is key to success, No one gives free money.
There is hardwork, which I am fine with. Then there is roadblocking.
If all you can earn per hour (without putting money in) are around $0.05, then hardwork will get you nowhere.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: leen93 on November 24, 2014, 12:12:38 AM
I invested more than 20.000 $ in a similar ponzi like this.
Don't invest in this!!
It's an incredibly big scam!!! (sorry I love pink  :-* )
I think mods should ban this user and close this topic...

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: ShetKid on November 24, 2014, 12:55:03 AM
If this is legit and op isn't crapping us, I just might try it :D

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 05:10:44 AM
If this is legit and op isn't crapping us, I just might try it :D

I am not crapping anything you can try from 5$ minimum. if you like :)

I invested more than 20.000 $ in a similar ponzi like this.
Don't invest in this!!
It's an incredibly big scam!!! (sorry I love pink  :-* )
I think mods should ban this user and close this topic...

You would have invested in ad revenue sharing program I think, which didn't require you to view ads+ they can only kick start from investment. While you can join paidverts and start from zero. And Sorry for your loss :). Dont you think your last part is too harsh because many people lose money in hyips like cryptominer etc but this is far better from that stuff. Because there is no return date. It can be in 1 month or few days.

Edit: The part where other become ponzi is that they dont require you to watch ads. Which in turn just becomes simple ponzi, Here the case is different you will need to watch ads. Which require hardwork and time.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 05:57:56 AM
not taking in the account the casino's and lotteries.
Using gambling as a part of your business strategy is.... risky to put it mildly.

And you are forgetting 1 thing Hardwork is key to success, No one gives free money.
There is hardwork, which I am fine with. Then there is roadblocking.
If all you can earn per hour (without putting money in) are around $0.05, then hardwork will get you nowhere.

ok what are you expecting to earn for just viewing a website? couple of dollars? That is not realistic, See neobux they pay like 0.001$ and you can hardly make 0.05$ per day. I agree with you too in start there was alot of BAP like 800 Daily and no tax but now the rules are strict. The idea of ptc is about slow and steady. Nothing rushes there. To make a program work and legit you need to have some strict rules.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Get.BTC.Now on November 24, 2014, 06:21:56 AM
If something is too good to be true, then its not true.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 06:34:08 AM
If something is too good to be true, then its not true.

ok next person please :D I cant explain more :D

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: leen93 on November 24, 2014, 08:50:12 AM
If this is legit and op isn't crapping us, I just might try it :D

I am not crapping anything you can try from 5$ minimum. if you like :)

I invested more than 20.000 $ in a similar ponzi like this.
Don't invest in this!!
It's an incredibly big scam!!! (sorry I love pink  :-* )
I think mods should ban this user and close this topic...

You would have invested in ad revenue sharing program I think, which didn't require you to view ads+ they can only kick start from investment. While you can join paidverts and start from zero. And Sorry for your loss :). Dont you think your last part is too harsh because many people lose money in hyips like cryptominer etc but this is far better from that stuff. Because there is no return date. It can be in 1 month or few days.

Edit: The part where other become ponzi is that they dont require you to watch ads. Which in turn just becomes simple ponzi, Here the case is different you will need to watch ads. Which require hardwork and time.
if its 100% sure it will work, why u dont prove it, go to your bank and take a loan? why don't you prove us your identity. I'm 100% sure, you're a scammer, I'm sorry for telling the truth but there's no way of earning that much without risk.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Bitsky on November 24, 2014, 09:15:45 AM
ok what are you expecting to earn for just viewing a website? couple of dollars? That is not realistic, See neobux they pay like 0.001$ and you can hardly make 0.05$ per day. I agree with you too in start there was alot of BAP like 800 Daily and no tax but now the rules are strict. The idea of ptc is about slow and steady. Nothing rushes there. To make a program work and legit you need to have some strict rules.
Well you get ads worth a couple of dollars, no? There's a screenshot showing ads earning $200 even. But $0.0005 per ad is kinda... offensive. You can earn more with a single click on google ads on your own website.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 09:32:11 AM
ok what are you expecting to earn for just viewing a website? couple of dollars? That is not realistic, See neobux they pay like 0.001$ and you can hardly make 0.05$ per day. I agree with you too in start there was alot of BAP like 800 Daily and no tax but now the rules are strict. The idea of ptc is about slow and steady. Nothing rushes there. To make a program work and legit you need to have some strict rules.
Well you get ads worth a couple of dollars, no? There's a screenshot showing ads earning $200 even. But $0.0005 per ad is kinda... offensive. You can earn more with a single click on google ads on your own website.

You would violate there policy by clicking on your google ads and they will ban you :). I am with you there should have been a equal chance for all as on earlier stages they gave alot of bap.

if its 100% sure it will work, why u dont prove it, go to your bank and take a loan? why don't you prove us your identity. I'm 100% sure, you're a scammer, I'm sorry for telling the truth but there's no way of earning that much without risk.

"Marcotheminer"(you can find him in lending section ;) )knows my ID you can ask him :), And I have proved it already see the payment proof. And see the first page again i have said there is always a risk.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: mllenios on November 24, 2014, 10:33:51 AM
Be careful with investment.

Just saying.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: leen93 on November 24, 2014, 10:35:55 AM
i want to invest + 10000$ (wire transfer), if you can prove your identity  :D what do you think?
can't wait to file a complaint against you after you don't pay me back

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 10:49:52 AM
Sorry the pool limit is 20$ :) You can invest on your own if you want But becareful as there is always risk :)

if u want my id here is my fb id: muhammadmustafa92, you can ask "marcotheminer" to confirm He has also seen my passport Id to :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: leen93 on November 24, 2014, 10:52:56 AM
Sorry the pool limit is 20$ :) You can invest on your own if you want But becareful as there is always risk :)

if u want my id here is my fb id: muhammadmustafa92, you can ask "marcotheminer" to confirm He has also seen my passport Id to :)
yes, i didnt ask for your fb, i can make a fb in 2 minutes :s
yes, but we dont know his id too so that doesnt matter, u could show us your id, that would help us (together with a pic of urself and holding a paper with : Thekool58699  :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on November 24, 2014, 11:04:48 AM
I think for 20$ thats unfair ;) If you dont want to invest just leave than for 20$ thats too much sorry :) You could use it for illegal purposes.

Please make an id in 2 minutes which is 2+ year old ;) on facebook :)

Edit: I think you didnot get the point i am just watching the ads on people behalf nothing more. This is not my program all the money is invested in paidverts.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Nerazzura on November 26, 2014, 02:28:27 PM
less like an investment, there is never a long-lived. moreover, if it gives a very large profit. it will be short-lived and very likely to scam, if you also want to use bitcoin for investmen, I can suggest btcjam

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on December 19, 2014, 09:41:15 AM
Another payout, This was a slow one. It took long because there was some problem(lag, 2 days maintenance etc) with there system. Now back to normal(lol there is some more upgrading now, again on maintenance) :)

Transaction id:

The pool has sent 2 payouts so far. Ready for next round :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (1/5)
Post by: syahrere on December 19, 2014, 02:11:21 PM
Another payout, This was a slow one. It took long because there was some problem(lag, 2 days maintenance etc) with there system. Now back to normal(lol there is some more upgrading now, again on maintenance) :)

Transaction id:

The pool has sent 2 payouts so far. Ready for next round :)
seems legit ;)
good luck and enjoy :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: El Emperador on December 19, 2014, 02:33:45 PM
Can you tell us which is the casino you are talking about?

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on December 19, 2014, 02:42:48 PM
Can you tell us which is the casino you are talking about?

Its not only a casino but they also own advertising business, You can check by registering at and visiting the games section in there. Currently the site is in maintenance. I will recommend visit the site when its live back and read FAQ how they work you will get to know automatically what this pool do's :)

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: dr1980m on December 19, 2014, 03:06:01 PM
'If something is too good to be true, then its not true.'

What a beatifull motto :)
İt s a classic ponzi
maybe first invested will be earn..

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: Thekool1s on December 19, 2014, 03:19:04 PM
'If something is too good to be true, then its not true.'

What a beatifull motto :)
İt s a classic ponzi
maybe first invested will be earn..

I dont know why this company becomes a ponzi? Its uses the funds to make casino games different online products and then give customers the return i dont see the ponzi stuff in this system. Please don't Comment if you don't even understand how the system or the site works.

Title: Re: 155% return on investment, Pool (0/5)
Post by: kirdney on December 20, 2014, 03:43:26 PM
Invested 20$ in the pool again and got my 2nd payout of 32$ today  :)

So for me it proves that OP + Paidverts are legit!