Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: donny on May 18, 2011, 12:37:02 PM

Title: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 12:37:02 PM
Browser Bitcoin Miner

I've made a fully browser-based bitcoin miner. You can start mining in your browser ( right now.

Update: I'm planning on making an embeddable version of this so that can add it to a website and your visitors will mine bitcoin on your behalf. If you're interested in this, send me an email at (and if you're interested in beta testing it, mention that because I'm looking for a few people to beta test)

  • No download - Generate bitcoin in your browser
  • No configuration - Just make an account and click "Start Generating"
  • Instant payout with a minimum transfer of 0.01 BTC (to avoid fees)
  • Works in nearly any browser

Compatible Browsers
I've tested it and it should work on all of the following browsers:
  • Firefox 3, 3.5, 3.6
  • Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Chrome
  • Safari 3, 4, 5
  • Opera 9, 10, 11

If you don't see your browser listed here, please try it anyway and leave a comment if it works.

Getting Started
1. Go to the bitcoin generation page ( and click "Start Generating". You should see the speed and the estimated time changing as in the screenshot below.
2. You can register an account ( while it's generating (if you've generated any so far, it'll be transfered to your new account)

That's all it takes.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when it's working:

The current payout is shown on the generation page. It's a simple pay-per-share with a fee of 3%.
The miner requires Java version 1.5 or higher.

Spread the word
I've tried to make it really easy for non-technical people to start bitcoin mining. If you have any non-technical friends, you can send them this link and maybe pique their interest in bitcoin. Once they've generated 0.01 BTC they'll have to download the standard bitcoin client so they can send it to themselves - hopefully this will increase the popularity of bitcoin.

If you have any questions or problems with this miner, please leave a comment here (or email It would help if you include your browser version and a screenshot. If you know how to, grab your Java version and (console/javascript errors) too.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: SomeoneWeird on May 18, 2011, 12:41:43 PM
Started mining for about 10 seconds, then just stopped and dropped down to 0.



Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: maxcorrads on May 18, 2011, 12:44:39 PM
I'll Try!

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: grndzero on May 18, 2011, 12:51:47 PM
Does this try to use the opencl interface in Firefox 4, Chrome, and IE9 or is it strictly CPU?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: metonymous on May 18, 2011, 12:52:20 PM
Was thinking of setting up something like this, congrats on pulling it of.

Can Java access Cuda/OpenCL?

Oh, and from a HCI perspective, it'd be nicer if the start button became a stop button after being clicked; or that they were next to each other; or that it was more obvious that the start button had been pressed (I'm colourblind, I had to watch the numbers to see if I'd actually pushed it).

Also, it sux that leaving the page to register stops the miner, dunno waht u can do about that, maybe make the signup link on the front page ajax with login pop-over?

Good work anyway.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 12:53:23 PM
Started mining for about 10 seconds, then just stopped and dropped down to 0.

I'll give you what is probably the most common reply a developer gives: It works for me. I've run it on a few computers and it seems to be working.
What browser are you using? If you reload the page and click start again does it work?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 12:55:01 PM
Does this try to use the opencl interface in Firefox 4, Chrome, and IE9 or is it strictly CPU?

Right now it's strictly CPU. I'll probably try to add opencl some time. To be honest I didn't realize it had that much support. I thought Chrome was the only browser that had it.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: sniper_sniperson on May 18, 2011, 12:57:05 PM
It's based on Java, can you show us the code?
Is this:

function createMiner(l,m,n){var h;$j(function(){deployJava.getJREs().length==0?$j("#no_java_warning").show():h=setTimeout(o,8E3)});var o=function(){i||$j("#waiting_for_java").show()},i=!1,c=[],j=0,e=0,f=0,k=function(){setTimeout(k,1E3);var b=g.getKHashesPerSec();$j("#mining_khashes_per_second").html(b);c.push(b);c.length>60&&c.shift();for(var a=0,d=0;d<c.length;d++)a+=c[d],d<30&&c[d]<b*0.75&&(a+=b-c[d]);a/=c.length;b==0&&(a=0);b=1193/a;a<1&&(b=0);$j("#avg_hours").html(b.toFixed(2));a=Math.round(a);
$j("#avg_speed").html(a);a=g.getPayouts();$j("#mining_success").html(a);j!=a&&(j=a,e=(new Date).getTime());f===0&&(e===0?a=0:(a=(new Date).getTime()-e,a<7E3?a=0:(a=a/36E5*100/b,a>300&&(a=0),a>100&&(a=99))),$j("#mining_progressbar").progressbar("value",a))};$j(function(){$j("#mining_progressbar").progressbar({value:0})});var g=BitcoinPlusMiner({userMiningToken:l,autostart:!1,initialized:function(){i=!0;clearTimeout(h);$j("#no_java_warning").hide();$j("#waiting_for_java").hide();$j("#start_mining_btn").removeAttr("disabled");
setTimeout(k,1E3);$j("#mining_status").html("Ready")},serverURL:m,appletJarURL:n});return{mining_start:function(){g.start();$j("#start_mining_btn").attr("disabled","disabled");f==0?e=(new Date).getTime():(e+=(new Date).getTime()-f,f=0);$j("#mining_status").html("Generating")},mining_stop:function(){g.stop();$j("#start_mining_btn").removeAttr("disabled");f=(new Date).getTime();$j("#mining_status").html("Stopped")}}};

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3E3);location.href=a.EarlyAccessURL}else if(b=="MSIE")return a.IEInstall();else if(b=="Netscape Family"&&c.indexOf("win32")!=-1)return a.FFInstall();else location.href=a.getJavaURL+(a.returnPage!=null?"&returnPage="+a.returnPage:"")+(a.locale!=null?"&locale="+a.locale:"")+(a.brand!=null?"&brand="+a.brand:"");return!1}},runApplet:function(b,c,d){if(d=="undefined"||d==null)d="1.1";var e=d.match("^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$");if(a.returnPage==null)a.returnPage=document.location;
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""),q=0,l=function(){return"z"+p+"_"+(new Date).getTime()+"_"+q++},j=[6E4,12E4,3E5],m=!1,k=0,o=function(a){jQuery.ajax({url:a+"&callback=?",dataType:"jsonp",timeout:5E3,success:function(a){m=!1;i.g(""+JSON.stringify(a));k=0},error:function(){setTimeout(function(){o(a)},k>=j.length?j[j.length-1]:j[k]);k++}})};(function(){for(var b in n)h[b]=n[b];b={id:"btcminer",mayscript:!0,code:"com.bitcoinplus.applet.MiningApplet",archive:h.appletJarURL,width:2,height:2};var c={};c.b=h.userMiningToken;c.a=h.autostart;
c.c=h.serverURL;c.d=h.difficulty;c.e=l();c.f=l();c.g=l();window[c.e]=function(){h.initialized()};window[c.f]=function(a){m||(m=!0,o(a))};window[c.g]=function(a){jQuery.ajax({url:a+"&callback=?",dataType:"jsonp",timeout:5E3})};a.runApplet(b,c,"1.5");i=document.getElementById("btcminer")})();return{start:function(){i.a()},stop:function(){i.b()},getKHashesPerSec:function(){return i.c()},getPayouts:function(){return i.d()}}};

Can you show us which pool we are helping with our rigs?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 12:58:46 PM
Was thinking of setting up something like this, congrats on pulling it of.

Can Java access Cuda/OpenCL?

Oh, and from a HCI perspective, it'd be nicer if the start button became a stop button after being clicked; or that they were next to each other; or that it was more obvious that the start button had been pressed (I'm colourblind, I had to watch the numbers to see if I'd actually pushed it).

Also, it sux that leaving the page to register stops the miner, dunno waht u can do about that, maybe make the signup link on the front page ajax with login pop-over?

Good work anyway.

I'm sure Java can do Cuda/OpenCL, I'm not sure if it can be done in an applet (at least an unsigned one).

You're right about the button, I should probably change that. I'm colourblind too - on FF though it does look fairly distinct, I think on IE it's not that obvious though.

I made a few of the links open in a new tab to prevent page navigation from stopping the miner. The ones at the top open in the same window though.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: khal on May 18, 2011, 12:59:08 PM
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else, even change the password) ?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:02:10 PM
It's based on Java, can you show us the code?
Is this:

--SNIP block of JS--

Can you show us which pool we are helping with our rigs?

It is based on java. Right now I'm keeping it closed, although I may open source it in the future.

The back-end stuff actually connects to a pool of pools. Right now the split is: 62.5% to slush's pool, 18.75% to deepbit, 18.75% to my own bitcoind. I've weighted slush's pool higher right now because deepbit has too much computing power right now, we need to even it up a bit.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:05:53 PM
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?

Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer.

Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time:
  • log in
  • start generating
  • open up the "my account" page in a new window
  • click "logout"

The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Viro on May 18, 2011, 01:07:21 PM
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?

Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer.

Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time:
  • log in
  • start generating
  • open up the "my account" page in a new window
  • click "logout"

The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out.

Awesome, will use this, thanks.

Can I have multiple PCs mining for the same account with this?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:11:13 PM
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?

Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer.

Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time:
  • log in
  • start generating
  • open up the "my account" page in a new window
  • click "logout"

The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out.

Awesome, will use this, thanks.

Can I have multiple PCs mining for the same account with this?

Absolutely. You can run it on as many computers as you like, all under the same account. You could even run it in multiple browser windows/tabs - it wouldn't go any faster, but it would work.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Viro on May 18, 2011, 01:15:59 PM
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.

+1, this would be quite a nice feature, specially with the url function.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: khal on May 18, 2011, 01:18:49 PM
Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer.
Good, i wait for that :)

Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time:
  • log in
  • start generating
  • open up the "my account" page in a new window
  • click "logout"

The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out.
Not sufficient for my case, but maybe for some others :p

Quote from: ribuck
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.
It could not be more simple :p. A good solution too.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:22:31 PM
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.

I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it.

One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: luffy on May 18, 2011, 01:23:59 PM
very very useful! well done!

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Viro on May 18, 2011, 01:33:08 PM
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.

I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it.

One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system.

Wouldn't it essentially be storing it in the same way when a bit coin address = an account? Instead of the e-mail, you'd have the address, and there would be no need for a password.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:39:38 PM
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.

I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it.

One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system.

Wouldn't it essentially be storing it in the same way when a bit coin address = an account? Instead of the e-mail, you'd have the address, and there would be no need for a password.

Yup. In my code though I made assumptions about the username always being an email address. I should be able to work something out for this though.

I'm curious why you guys would like that feature - is it just to make it easy to stay anonymous? If you're worried about that then until I have this feature you can give a fake/temporary email - I don't validate it, it's only used to email a link to reset your password in case you forget.

Are there other reasons? It's helpful as a developer to know why users want a certain feature, to make sure I give you what you want.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Viro on May 18, 2011, 01:44:07 PM
For me it would be the anonymity and the simplicity. Much easier to simply go to a url which already includes my address and start mining right away, without the need to manage an account.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: casascius on May 18, 2011, 01:50:48 PM
While novel, there is no way this could be profitable for anybody.

1000 hashes per second?  This is 600,000 times slower than an ATI Radeon 5970.  The power consumed would vastly exceed anything this could produce.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 01:55:21 PM
While novel, there is no way this could be profitable for anybody.

1000 hashes per second?  This is 600,000 times slower than an ATI Radeon 5970.  The power consumed would vastly exceed anything this could produce.

Sorry, I didn't make it clear - if it says 1000, you're getting 1000 kilo hashes per second, so 1 Mhash/sec. As CPU miners go, it is slower than one of the C miners, but that's the tradeoff of having it work from the browser.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: khal on May 18, 2011, 02:03:41 PM
I'm curious why you guys would like that feature - is it just to make it easy to stay anonymous? If you're worried about that then until I have this feature you can give a fake/temporary email - I don't validate it, it's only used to email a link to reset your password in case you forget.

Are there other reasons? It's helpful as a developer to know why users want a certain feature, to make sure I give you what you want.
I own several websites where people can donate (no BTC for now). It would be a simple way for them to donate this way and add BTC donation at the same time.
More simple => more users.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 02:15:19 PM
I'm curious why you guys would like that feature - is it just to make it easy to stay anonymous? If you're worried about that then until I have this feature you can give a fake/temporary email - I don't validate it, it's only used to email a link to reset your password in case you forget.

Are there other reasons? It's helpful as a developer to know why users want a certain feature, to make sure I give you what you want.
I own several websites where people can donate (no BTC for now). It would be a simple way for them to donate this way and add BTC donation at the same time.
More simple => more users.

You're right, that would be an extremely simple way to let your visitors donate BTC. It wouldn't really cost them anything, just a bit of CPU time.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Nesetalis on May 18, 2011, 02:28:31 PM
i would totally embed this in my websites... :P

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Cdecker on May 18, 2011, 02:29:56 PM
i would totally embed this in my websites... :P
A new way to fund popular sites? Think Digg and every user contributes as long as he's on the page :D

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 02:34:29 PM
i would totally embed this in my websites... :P
A new way to fund popular sites? Think Digg and every user contributes as long as he's on the page :D

That would be awesome. I'm going to have to work on that tonight...

It would be like ads, except the website owner gets paid for having a website that people want to stay on, rather than for simple number of pageviews / click throughs.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: khal on May 18, 2011, 02:37:34 PM
i would totally embed this in my websites... :P
A new way to fund popular sites? Think Digg and every user contributes as long as he's on the page :D

That would be awesome. I'm going to have to work on that tonight...

It would be like ads, except the website owner gets paid for having a website that people want to stay on, rather than for simple number of pageviews / click throughs.
If you want to use my idea, you will need to pay a license :p

Edit : mail sent

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 02:39:51 PM
i would totally embed this in my websites... :P
A new way to fund popular sites? Think Digg and every user contributes as long as he's on the page :D

That would be awesome. I'm going to have to work on that tonight...

It would be like ads, except the website owner gets paid for having a website that people want to stay on, rather than for simple number of pageviews / click throughs.
If you want to use my idea, you will need to pay a license :p

How about I let you be one of the first to use it (do you have a website?).

For people who are interested in this, being able to embed a miner in your website so that your visitors generate BTC for you, either reply here, PM me, or send me an email at and I'll let you know when it's ready.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Cdecker on May 18, 2011, 02:43:24 PM
Uh I'd love that, please let me know if you need beta-testers :D

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Convery on May 18, 2011, 02:44:14 PM
I don't know about yous but this seems wrong for a single 5850..

But I have to ask, you say it's PPS and while the page only takes 330Mhash to prevent lag the payout amount should go up after 5 min.. Or maybe I've mistaken it for a profit counter in which case you should add one..

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: xenon481 on May 18, 2011, 02:51:20 PM
I don't know about yous but this seems wrong for a single 5850..

This site is strictly a CPU miner at this time and doesn't support GPUs.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: casascius on May 18, 2011, 02:52:48 PM
If it takes 5 hours to produce 0.0003 BTC

Then 33 x 5 or 165 hours to produce 1 bitcent

Which is worth less than a dime

Average computer uses 200 watts

That's 1 kWh every 5 hours (200W = 0.2kW; 0.2kW * 5h = 1kWh)

Or 33 kWh to produce a dime

Most people pay more than a dime per kWh

So this is a way to make someone else pay $3+ to earn you a dime

Why not just have them mail you their empty soda cans ... They will pay $3 in postage and then you can go recycle them for a dime

The economics are the same

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: TiagoTiago on May 18, 2011, 02:57:56 PM
A thing that pays webmasters for the amount of time people spend on their pages without depending on the user clicking on advertisements, nor polluting the contents of the page and not even depending on a central provider? Dude, that's fucking awesome!!! :D

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 02:58:31 PM
But I have to ask, you say it's PPS and while the page only takes 330Mhash to prevent lag the payout amount should go up after 5 min.. Or maybe I've mistaken it for a profit counter in which case you should add one..

The payout amount is the current payout, not total. If you want your total, register an account and go to the "my account" section.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 03:00:58 PM
If it takes 5 hours to produce 0.0003 BTC

Then 33 x 5 or 165 hours to produce 1 bitcent

Which is worth less than a dime

Average computer uses 200 watts

That's 1 kWh every 5 hours (200W = 0.2kW; 0.2kW * 5h = 1kWh)

Or 33 kWh to produce a dime

Most people pay more than a dime per kWh

So this is a way to make someone else pay $3+ to earn you a dime

Why not just have them mail you their empty soda cans ... They will pay $3 in postage and then you can go recycle them for a dime

The economics are the same

That's based on the assumption that people are running this on a computer that would otherwise be off. It's pretty good about CPU priority, my computer is perfectly usable while this is generating.

What's the math behind an idle computer and a CPU maxed computer?

And yes, compared to GPU mining CPU mining is inefficient - but this is something that could get people interested in bitcoin who otherwise wouldn't take the time to set up a miner. I'm thinking of this as a kind of entry-level miner (at least until there are ways of doing GPU mining from the browser).

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: elcasey on May 18, 2011, 03:04:14 PM
This isn't useful for me as I'm doing all GPU mining, but well done on a great idea and good implementation! Good luck with this project!

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 03:29:27 PM
This isn't useful for me as I'm doing all GPU mining, but well done on a great idea and good implementation! Good luck with this project!

Thanks :)

You've got your bitcointoss website, would you be interested in putting an embeddable miner on there?

Edit: Just realized it's not yours, you've just got an affiliate link. Nevermind.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: xenon481 on May 18, 2011, 03:48:01 PM
I really like the idea and overall a pretty good implementation for a first go around. GPU Mining support would be a huge plus, but improving the performance of the current CPU mining implementation really needs to be done.

Using your site, my Core2Duo 2.2ghz gets about 660KHash/sec. Using Ufasoft's SSE2 miner, it gets ~5,500KHash/sec. I know that you are using Java and so can't exactly write to the instruction level of the hardware, but there should be some sort of optimizations that can help out at least a little bit.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 03:55:32 PM
I really like the idea and overall a pretty good implementation for a first go around. GPU Mining support would be a huge plus, but improving the performance of the current CPU mining implementation really needs to be done.

Using your site, my Core2Duo 2.2ghz gets about 660KHash/sec. Using Ufasoft's SSE2 miner, it gets ~5,500KHash/sec. I know that you are using Java and so can't exactly write to the instruction level of the hardware, but there should be some sort of optimizations that can help out at least a little bit.

I'm surprised the difference is that great. On my laptop, dual core 2.2 ghz I get 1700khash/sec using jgarzik's CPU miner, compared to 800-900khash/sec with my miner. Which is a lot less, but not as bad as you have it. There's a similar performance penalty on my desktop, a quad core - the applet is about 40% slower than a C miner.

Unfortunately raw math is one of Java's few weak spots in terms of speed. I'm not sure how much faster I can make it. I'm just happy of the performance compared to a JS miner (I wrote a demo one and was getting more like 5khash/sec vs 850khash/sec with my applet)

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Nesetalis on May 18, 2011, 04:11:19 PM
ulfasoft i get 4mhash/s per core.. through this im getting 800khash-1600khash

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 04:22:50 PM
ulfasoft i get 4mhash/s per core.. through this im getting 800khash-1600khash

One thing which could contribute a bit to the slower speeds: I deliberately set the thread priority to be the minimum. I wanted to make this so that you could run it all day, while you were actually using your computer (even gaming) and not notice that it was running.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: xenon481 on May 18, 2011, 05:12:28 PM
ulfasoft i get 4mhash/s per core.. through this im getting 800khash-1600khash

One thing which could contribute a bit to the slower speeds: I deliberately set the thread priority to be the minimum. I wanted to make this so that you could run it all day, while you were actually using your computer (even gaming) and not notice that it was running.

The numbers I'm quoting from Ufasoft's miner are with the process priority set to "Below Normal".

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: casascius on May 18, 2011, 05:16:09 PM
What's the math behind an idle computer and a CPU maxed computer?

I have a Kill-A-Watt meter... my iMac takes on another 35 watts as soon as I click "start generating" on the website.

In Safari it says it gets about 2500 khash, a share every 0.48 hours, which is impressive on its own for something running in a browser.

So a share measuring the CPU uptick only, is 0.035 kW * 0.48h = 0.017 kWh

If a share is worth 0.0024 cents and the 2500 khash is sustainable, its payout is similar to the power cost, so it is "profitable" to the user only if they are managing to stick somebody else with the costs.  (Something it shares in common with common crime)

Notably, this rate is higher than what others are reporting, it could be that Java for the Mac runs better (it's an i5 3.1GHz quad core processor).  Running this in IE / Safari for PC (in a virtual machine on the same Mac) consumes the same power but yields far less output.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 05:49:36 PM
What's the math behind an idle computer and a CPU maxed computer?

I have a Kill-A-Watt meter... my iMac takes on another 35 watts as soon as I click "start generating" on the website.

In Safari it says it gets about 2500 khash, a share every 0.48 hours, which is impressive on its own for something running in a browser.

So a share measuring the CPU uptick only, is 0.035 kW * 0.48h = 0.017 kWh

If a share is worth 0.0024 cents and the 2500 khash is sustainable, its payout is similar to the power cost, so it is "profitable" to the user only if they are managing to stick somebody else with the costs.  (Something it shares in common with common crime)

Notably, this rate is higher than what others are reporting, it could be that Java for the Mac runs better (it's an i5 3.1GHz quad core processor).  Running this in IE / Safari for PC (in a virtual machine on the same Mac) consumes the same power but yields far less output.

I'd guess your hash rate is higher because you've got a fairly good processor - quad core 3.1 GHz is quite nice. You're getting about the same hash per total clock speed as I am (my 850/(2.2ghz * 2 cores) = 193khash, your 2500/(3.1*4) = 201)

Using your math for 0.017 kWh per share, I get the break-even price to be 14.1 cents per kWh. Where I am (Ontario) the off-peak cost is 6 cents, the peak-hour cost was recently increased to 10 cents - either way it's profitable.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: gigitrix on May 18, 2011, 08:38:11 PM
One word:


It's the logical next step, and might provide some browser based GPU Mining for the masses.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 09:20:04 PM
One word:


It's the logical next step, and might provide some browser based GPU Mining for the masses.

Absolutely. I'd love to get that working, I'll try and spend some time on it. It might be tough to have it be unobtrusive like the miner is right now, but I'll try.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: casascius on May 18, 2011, 10:25:04 PM
This Browser based miner would be a great thing to introduce people to Bitcoin mining.

I suppose it would have to say, "OK, you're mining now, although you aren't really earning anything significant", and the person might earn a share or two after they leave it on for a while.  Just having crossed the mental hurdle of being successful in mining (even if negligibly) helps promote BTC.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: fpgaminer on May 18, 2011, 10:43:49 PM
Very nice!  ;D

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 18, 2011, 11:08:52 PM
This Browser based miner would be a great thing to introduce people to Bitcoin mining.

I suppose it would have to say, "OK, you're mining now, although you aren't really earning anything significant", and the person might earn a share or two after they leave it on for a while.  Just having crossed the mental hurdle of being successful in mining (even if negligibly) helps promote BTC.

Yup, that's precisely what I'm going for, introducing people to bitcoin and increasing the popularity. Later on hopefully I can add a way for them to earn more significant amounts.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: casascius on May 19, 2011, 01:10:54 AM
Yup, that's precisely what I'm going for, introducing people to bitcoin and increasing the popularity. Later on hopefully I can add a way for them to earn more significant amounts.

While someone is mining, perhaps there can be a "now that you're mining" FAQ... e.g.

Q. Now how exactly am I helping the network? Why would someone want to pay me to do this?

A. By running this program, you are helping to provide part of the decentralized database that allows Bitcoin to operate and track all the transactions without needing a bank.  The database, which is an electronic journal of all Bitcoin transactions ever made, is spread across the computers, or "nodes", of the network.  Nodes can join and leave the network any time without any harm to the network.  You get paid because you collect part of the fees people pay to use Bitcoin, and while the currency is still new and in its distribution phase, you get to receive a small portion of the new currency as it is automatically distributed.  The pay from web browser mining isn't very significant (Bitcoin's fees are very low after all), but some people earn significant income from mining by investing in specialized equipment, using software that can earn shares very quickly.

Q. Why is this increasing my CPU usage to 100%?

A. One of the most important aspects of a trustworthy Bitcoin network is having a single reliable accurate transaction record.  The way the Bitcoin network protects itself from fraudulent transactions, and from network node operators wanting to cheat, is with a sort of voting mechanism, where the CPU time is spent creating "votes" for the correct transaction records.  Your CPU time is being spent creating records that vote for the transaction history as seen by this website's operator, who is running an honest network node that votes only for valid transactions.  Quite simply, everyone like you who donates CPU time to the network helps to make it difficult for someone to create fraudulent Bitcoin transactions, and benefits the integrity of Bitcoin and everyone who uses it.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: lacedwithkerosene on May 19, 2011, 02:26:42 AM
The only problem with the advent of browser miners is that if they become really widespread, no one will be able to break even with electricity, pending a large increase in btc price.

Awesome awesome idea though. Do you have any experience with web design, OP? I am wanting someone to code modules for my sites that aggregate data and spit it out in feeds similar to twitter, and I want them to look real attractive.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: aahzmundus on May 19, 2011, 02:28:00 AM
This is simply amazing, I would love a secure url feature to pass out to friends.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Anonymous on May 19, 2011, 05:56:36 AM
Id love to have an embeddable miner at with any proceeds deposited to peoples accounts there.


Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Alex Beckenham on May 19, 2011, 06:52:39 AM
Holy crap this is now on Slashdot:

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: lacedwithkerosene on May 19, 2011, 07:17:32 AM
Holy crap this is now on Slashdot:

lol did you post that yourself ?     jk i wouldn't care if you did.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Alex Beckenham on May 19, 2011, 07:38:56 AM
Holy crap this is now on Slashdot:

lol did you post that yourself ?     jk i wouldn't care if you did.

No actually, a friend IRL actually told me about it, and he's not even on this forum yet as far as I know.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: BitcoinsWallet on May 19, 2011, 11:23:03 AM
Great proyect!

I'm testing too...  ;D

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: xenon481 on May 19, 2011, 02:41:04 PM
According to the Generate Bitcoin page,

Payouts this session = 11

But, when I go to My Account and look at the transaction list, I only see 10 transactions which include 4 payouts (shares) that I generated in a previous session. So, it is only display 6 of the 11 payouts reported for this session.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: xormonk on May 19, 2011, 03:32:16 PM
I am seeing some weird anomalys with this applet

1) The applet seems to stop generating at times, not sure why, it goes down to zero speed with the following results

 a) sometimes happens with no cpu usage present

 b) sometimes happens with cpu usage present for a few seconds

Its not my cpu monitor, i am using a very well known system monitor (think Linux here) and i am running my setup on a diskless laptop (no hard drive, just a livedvd running (thats also very popular btw) so its VERY unlikely there's a malware problem (Linux and livedvd) or some sort of compromised system issue going on here.

2) sometimes the amount of payouts reported dosent match the report on the status page, i've lost one pay out so far, is there some sort of huge delay here, if so how long???? Most users are going to think its a scam if the output of the applet in regards to payouts dosent match the output of the status screen (my account).

I wish to note that I have no tabs running on my web browser that are engaged with flash scripts or java scripts from adversting etc so thats not the issue either. 

If you can get the kinks ironed out, this is a great idea to promote bitcoin, but to the very technical user it could appear to be a scam as a result of those kinks.


Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 19, 2011, 03:50:22 PM
Sorry guys, my server is under really heavy load right now from being slashdotted and the popularity here, so there are some connection timeouts going on.

I'm trying my best to get it worked out, it should be better soon.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: carbonpenguin on May 19, 2011, 09:27:24 PM
The perfect thing to fire up in a coffee shop with a free plug-in/if you split utilities with roommates }:)

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Sryn on May 20, 2011, 05:59:33 AM
@donny  :-* Love this work of yours.  I'm also interested in having this run on a website.  Sign me up if you're looking for beta testers.


Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: donny on May 20, 2011, 11:02:25 AM
Hi guys,

I had some server troubles yesterday (it was under fairly heavy load) so there were some problems: sometimes when the miner would try to get work, it couldn't - that's why the speed would drop to zero, it was waiting to get work. Even worse, sometimes when it tried to submit work, it couldn't - however the client side was still thinking that it did, so it increased the number of payouts. This is why for several of you, there may be a discrepancy between the number of payouts shown in the coin generation page vs your account page.

Thankfully this was fixed yesterday evening, so it should all be fine now.

I'm sorry about that.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Gareth Nelson on May 20, 2011, 12:21:17 PM
Diablo Miner works just fine in an applet with a few simple mods: < applet itself is running here, but in a setup to replace paypal donations, so payouts not implemented yet

Oh, and hi - this is my first post

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Gareth Nelson on May 20, 2011, 12:22:56 PM
Another thing to investigate (i'm not sure if anyone has yet):
Adobe Flash shaders with hardware acceleration - is this something anyone's investigated?

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: BitcoinsWallet on May 20, 2011, 03:13:16 PM
Thank you, donny, good work...

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: teamdren on May 21, 2011, 12:20:06 AM
Is the payout on this really 0.00019867 BTC?  I did the math and, based on those figures, I did the following calculation:

(Sorry of these calcuations are wrong, I based it on 0.00019867 BTC per payout and .76 hours per payout (which is what my browser is generating now))

0.00019867 BTC per payout
0.76 hours to earn a payout
1.315789474 Payouts per hour
0.000150989 BTC per hour
3825.43917 Hours to earn 1 BTC
159.3932988 Days to earn 1 BTC
5.313109959 Months to earn 1 BTC

And as long as I'm at it I might as well add

0.006273789 BTC per 24 Hours
956.3597926 People needed on your site 24 hours straight to earn you 6 BTC/Day
8.7136E-05 BTC per 20 mins
68857.90507 People needed on your site for 20mins each, to earn you 6 BTC/Day

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: alan2here on July 24, 2011, 01:07:38 AM
edit: Sorry. My questions were answered already on the site :¬P

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: K1773R on October 18, 2012, 06:12:00 AM
wait, this still isnt flagged as scam? wtf...

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: jjiimm_64 on October 18, 2012, 05:14:36 PM
Is the payout on this really 0.00019867 BTC?  I did the math and, based on those figures, I did the following calculation:

(Sorry of these calcuations are wrong, I based it on 0.00019867 BTC per payout and .76 hours per payout (which is what my browser is generating now))

0.00019867 BTC per payout
0.76 hours to earn a payout
1.315789474 Payouts per hour
0.000150989 BTC per hour
3825.43917 Hours to earn 1 BTC
159.3932988 Days to earn 1 BTC
5.313109959 Months to earn 1 BTC

And as long as I'm at it I might as well add

0.006273789 BTC per 24 Hours
956.3597926 People needed on your site 24 hours straight to earn you 6 BTC/Day
8.7136E-05 BTC per 20 mins
68857.90507 People needed on your site for 20mins each, to earn you 6 BTC/Day

if this project is still going then maybe use VMware nd make lots of virtual configs up and boost earnings but need a good system to do it

PLEASE stop doing archeological digs on the forum....  may of 2011 is ancient history

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: K1773R on October 18, 2012, 06:15:41 PM
and please mods, flag him as scammer (there is enough proof around) and close this thread forever since it missleads new users and they get screwd.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: tomeuncle12 on August 29, 2013, 06:05:46 AM
I will have a try! Thank you.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: Beastlymac on August 29, 2013, 08:50:53 AM
I will have a try! Thank you.
Please look at the thread date before posting.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: pazsion on December 04, 2013, 03:06:55 AM
thread dates don't help much if there is no updates from the author.  As far as we can tell it's not a scam , but it only takes one person to get paid for there to be hope. did anyone get paid? or did nobody get paid?

In myresearch all i saw was a buncha stupidity causeing money to be lost. nothing intentional on the author's part.

Title: Re: Browser Bitcoin Miner (No setup, no download, no configuration)
Post by: n2004al on March 07, 2014, 03:50:37 PM