Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: commandrix on December 18, 2014, 01:01:00 AM

Title: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 18, 2014, 01:01:00 AM
Just a random thought, guys, but I may get serious about this. Actually, I'm looking at ways I could pull this off using Wordpress plugins right now. I've been tempted to create a jobs board that's sort of like Freelancer for Bitcoin because, quite frankly, about half of what I've seen is like looking at a train wreck full of scams and places that redirect you to other sites that make you jump through hoops to apply.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: hexafraction on December 18, 2014, 01:04:51 AM
My biggest annoyance was links to Elance. A self-contained job board would be great.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: TheBeardedOne on December 18, 2014, 01:25:47 AM
I have been interested in doing something similar actually but always had escrow in mind which never got anywhere because the maintenance would be a little pain.

Why wordpress may i ask?

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: digicoinuser on December 18, 2014, 01:41:03 AM
One would use wordpress plugins that cannot write/develop their own system.  Not truly looked down upon if implemented properly, but the underlying tone is relying on wordpress.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: allthingsluxury on December 18, 2014, 01:56:57 AM
Give it a shot, it is worth a try.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 18, 2014, 02:58:43 AM
I have been interested in doing something similar actually but always had escrow in mind which never got anywhere because the maintenance would be a little pain.

Why wordpress may i ask?

I think it's mostly that Wordpress is what I know best. Right now I'm talking to somebody who's done development work on a couple of cryptocurrency-related projects and might be able to help me with the payment side of things.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: twister on December 18, 2014, 05:06:59 AM
Just a random thought, guys, but I may get serious about this. Actually, I'm looking at ways I could pull this off using Wordpress plugins right now. I've been tempted to create a jobs board that's sort of like Freelancer for Bitcoin because, quite frankly, about half of what I've seen is like looking at a train wreck full of scams and places that redirect you to other sites that make you jump through hoops to apply.

A board like that is really needed, where freelancer can work without any troubles and get paid instantly. Go for it.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: countryfree on December 18, 2014, 11:44:05 AM
I've thought about it already, and I'm not the only one. The hard part is the marketing to get many job offers. How do you plan to do that?

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: Ektra on December 18, 2014, 12:30:40 PM
Instant transmission of pay to freelancers all over the world is a very good use of bitcoin. I freelance, and I've often been frustrated by the impossibility of working across borders and getting paid the full amount.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: Q7 on December 18, 2014, 01:53:51 PM
Just have a look at this.

It's the same like what you mentioned here. There is actually a job creation section for employers to use bitcoin as payment currency but unfortunately there is none available. Dogecoin is more popular

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: evok3d on December 18, 2014, 03:02:15 PM
It would be nice to have a bootstrap website with its own custom backend and capabilities.

I had a quick look at the work4crypto and it seems alright though not very professional - probably best for smaller jobs/non main stream.

I would be happy to help you out as i have done a few job posting - classified websites for clients. The most important aspect i would want to implement is making the entire thing decentralized. You could use the power of - - and put something really nice together.

Cheers :)

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: Giggs on December 18, 2014, 03:06:49 PM
If you think you can do better go for it. I don't think there's that much demand for jobs right now but that will keep growing over time and it'll be good to get your foot in the door now.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 18, 2014, 03:42:16 PM
I've thought about it already, and I'm not the only one. The hard part is the marketing to get many job offers. How do you plan to do that?

I haven't quite gotten that far yet though my first instinct is to promote it on forums like this one (without spamming, of course. See my sig? :P ). I think mostly I was seeing if there might be interest in a Freelancer-like jobs board.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: princesocapuyo on December 18, 2014, 06:51:49 PM
Interesting idea, I like it!
It's gonna be hard when starting though, it will take time to grow but definitely give it a shot.
If you decide to get serious post your page and I may be able to give you a tip or two.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: Lethn on December 18, 2014, 06:56:47 PM
It would be a good idea, there have been one or two already created but the long term problem you'll have is people making shit posts and just spamming, it's something that even plagues your regular job search sites because most job sites I've looked at are filled with marketing scams.

I personally wish we could have some kind of combined effort on the internet to get rid of these blatant spammers actually but it's something that's clearly going to be with us for a long while.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 18, 2014, 07:18:16 PM
It would be a good idea, there have been one or two already created but the long term problem you'll have is people making shit posts and just spamming, it's something that even plagues your regular job search sites because most job sites I've looked at are filled with marketing scams.

I personally wish we could have some kind of combined effort on the internet to get rid of these blatant spammers actually but it's something that's clearly going to be with us for a long while.

You're right; one problem I have with other Bitcoin jobs sites is that they don't seem to do a very good job of policing their own sites to get rid of the scams and Spam. I want to create a legit jobs board, though, so I'll probably spend part of my time policing it for anything that looks "off".

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: biodieselchris on December 18, 2014, 07:25:21 PM
It would be a good idea, there have been one or two already created but the long term problem you'll have is people making shit posts and just spamming, it's something that even plagues your regular job search sites because most job sites I've looked at are filled with marketing scams.

I personally wish we could have some kind of combined effort on the internet to get rid of these blatant spammers actually but it's something that's clearly going to be with us for a long while.

You're right; one problem I have with other Bitcoin jobs sites is that they don't seem to do a very good job of policing their own sites to get rid of the scams and Spam. I want to create a legit jobs board, though, so I'll probably spend part of my time policing it for anything that looks "off".

You could have their be a charge, even if small, for both posting work solicitations and jobs. It's like the idea of charging $0.01 for email senders. Any legitimate person would pay this amount (and gladly so, as to no longer receive spam). I've been thinking about a doing up a good job board as well, though bootstrapped in Rails, not wordpress.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: OnkelPaul on December 18, 2014, 07:33:20 PM
You're right; one problem I have with other Bitcoin jobs sites is that they don't seem to do a very good job of policing their own sites to get rid of the scams and Spam. I want to create a legit jobs board, though, so I'll probably spend part of my time policing it for anything that looks "off".

That's a great approach but prepare yourself for lots of work and possibly fruitless discussion and negative feedback when you delete/disable spammy or scammy entries. You need a thick skin to do this well, and it takes quite a while until people trust your judgement.

I only took a cursory look at, and it seems that it's really geared towards unskilled micro "jobs" such as signing up or giving feedback somewhere. If you want your job board to be different, you might set its scope to actual skilled work such as programming, web or graphics design, video production, article writing, etc. It might lead to fewer but higher-quality job postings.
In addition, a clear structure is pretty important! Let job seekers select which kinds of jobs they want to see, for example as a programmer I would not want to skip over lots of graphics design job offers just to find something that fits my skill set.

Onkel Paul

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 19, 2014, 03:55:50 AM
It would be a good idea, there have been one or two already created but the long term problem you'll have is people making shit posts and just spamming, it's something that even plagues your regular job search sites because most job sites I've looked at are filled with marketing scams.

I personally wish we could have some kind of combined effort on the internet to get rid of these blatant spammers actually but it's something that's clearly going to be with us for a long while.

You're right; one problem I have with other Bitcoin jobs sites is that they don't seem to do a very good job of policing their own sites to get rid of the scams and Spam. I want to create a legit jobs board, though, so I'll probably spend part of my time policing it for anything that looks "off".

You could have their be a charge, even if small, for both posting work solicitations and jobs. It's like the idea of charging $0.01 for email senders. Any legitimate person would pay this amount (and gladly so, as to no longer receive spam). I've been thinking about a doing up a good job board as well, though bootstrapped in Rails, not wordpress.

That's a good idea. I make some cash flow from the site and the spammers would probably look elsewhere for the free options. I probably won't charge a ton because I don't want to leave legit buyers and sellers of services out in the cold because they can't afford to pay a lot up front. What do you think of having some kind of monthly subscription plan where employers can sign up and then post a certain amount of jobs a month?

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: ulatec on December 19, 2014, 04:52:44 AM
Somewhat like Coinality?

It aggregates both freelance and non freelance positions.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: ikydesu on December 19, 2014, 07:32:39 AM
Freelance now accept bitcoin right? ???

so, OP you want to make similar like freelance? if you can make it better, then do it.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 19, 2014, 03:33:57 PM
Somewhat like Coinality?

It aggregates both freelance and non freelance positions.

Probably not. That's the lazy man's way to do a jobs board. I want one where, if employers need to hire a freelancer and are willing to pay in Bitcoin, they can post a job on my board. I was thinking maybe something like Freelancer, or maybe Regional Help Wanted (

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: biodieselchris on December 19, 2014, 07:05:52 PM
It would be a good idea, there have been one or two already created but the long term problem you'll have is people making shit posts and just spamming, it's something that even plagues your regular job search sites because most job sites I've looked at are filled with marketing scams.

I personally wish we could have some kind of combined effort on the internet to get rid of these blatant spammers actually but it's something that's clearly going to be with us for a long while.

You're right; one problem I have with other Bitcoin jobs sites is that they don't seem to do a very good job of policing their own sites to get rid of the scams and Spam. I want to create a legit jobs board, though, so I'll probably spend part of my time policing it for anything that looks "off".

You could have their be a charge, even if small, for both posting work solicitations and jobs. It's like the idea of charging $0.01 for email senders. Any legitimate person would pay this amount (and gladly so, as to no longer receive spam). I've been thinking about a doing up a good job board as well, though bootstrapped in Rails, not wordpress.

That's a good idea. I make some cash flow from the site and the spammers would probably look elsewhere for the free options. I probably won't charge a ton because I don't want to leave legit buyers and sellers of services out in the cold because they can't afford to pay a lot up front. What do you think of having some kind of monthly subscription plan where employers can sign up and then post a certain amount of jobs a month?

My thought would be a business model where you charge the employer something like $10 for a post. People looking for legitimate jobs will easily pay that much, and maybe $0.10 for a job seeker. The idea here is with the $10, you stop spam in it's tracks because that's a real cost, and someone that needs a job filled this is not a hefty expenditure. Craiglslist started charging $25 a long time ago, and it's still the only thing they charge for, and it works great. I've hired a bunch of people off of CL and it's still the first place I go to. The $0.10 for job seekers is enough they don't spam resumes back to everyone indiscriminately but is not a big enough of a hit to keep them from applying.

There's nothing better than the subscription charge model (i.e., "gym memberships") but it's harder with BTC than with credit cards because you need the sender to physically make the transaction each time you request funds unless you escrowed up front or something. I'd say stick with the model of listing at time of payment and having an expiration period, 30 days or the like.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: dimsky on December 19, 2014, 09:17:49 PM
Somewhat like Coinality?

It aggregates both freelance and non freelance positions.

Probably not. That's the lazy man's way to do a jobs board. I want one where, if employers need to hire a freelancer and are willing to pay in Bitcoin, they can post a job on my board. I was thinking maybe something like Freelancer, or maybe Regional Help Wanted (

Are you gonna provide escrow too or just allow postings?

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on December 19, 2014, 10:20:03 PM
Give it a shot, it is worth a try.
Definitely seems like its worth a try the board more or less does not allow for new areas to be created
No testing mechanisms etc.
So you are better off making your own

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: commandrix on December 19, 2014, 10:37:06 PM
Somewhat like Coinality?

It aggregates both freelance and non freelance positions.

Probably not. That's the lazy man's way to do a jobs board. I want one where, if employers need to hire a freelancer and are willing to pay in Bitcoin, they can post a job on my board. I was thinking maybe something like Freelancer, or maybe Regional Help Wanted (

Are you gonna provide escrow too or just allow postings?

I haven't decided...I think I might provide escrow if I can find a way to do it that's A) Automated and B) Reliable enough that I won't get my head bitten off for screwups involving escrow.

Title: Re: What would people think if I created a Bitcoin jobs board of my own?
Post by: coinerblow on December 19, 2014, 10:45:32 PM
something like for bitcoins would help!