Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: chryspano on January 07, 2015, 09:22:39 PM

Title: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: chryspano on January 07, 2015, 09:22:39 PM
Nxt is currently  at 8th position in coinmarketcap and its a matter of time for counterparty and dogecoin to move it further down the list.  24 trading volume is almost non existent and you can probably move the market with 100$
Nxt was initially distributed to no more than 70 people and that's a reason almost no one is touching it!
Add to that the fact that there have been some very serious scam accusations ( and you can see the whole picture!

These are some of the issues...
   * It is marketed like a scammy penny stock.
   * Anon early super large stakeholders + Proof-Of-Stake == the big guys run the table, if they choose.  The central bankers are in place from Day One unless they are super-virtuous and give tons away “fairly.”
   * Anonymous developers
   * Closed developing process.  Source is periodically handed down from the ivory tower to the masses.
   * Certain notable personages (& key stakeholders) that dodge, dodge, dodge, when an obvious attack vector — mitigated in other crypto-finance projects by known techniques — is highlighted.
   * Active resistance to making it easier to independently reproduce the software
   * Technical criticism is routinely met with bizarre behavior (notably from come-from-beyond)
   * Attacking critics, rather than responding to criticism.
   * Several security incidents that smell like inside jobs.

What needs to be done for the comeback of nxt?
Can ntx recover or the game is over like so many other scamcoins out there?
I know nxt has some great fuders and trolls out there but is this helping or harming nxt?

Title: Re:
Post by: Daedelus on January 07, 2015, 10:03:29 PM
From Geoff's famous

Is it possible to obtain a distributed consensus without provably consuming some resource
outside of the system?
Intuitively, the answer is no, but there is no rigorous argument for this claim.

An opinion piece masquerading as a whitepaper, designed for mass consumption for those who don't think for themselves.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Hollowman338 on January 07, 2015, 10:55:45 PM
This is a joke, right?  :D

NXT's asset exchange is hosting remarkable innovation and the SuperNET is about to take the world by storm.

OP is a moron.  :D

ETA: and a bitshares shill (post history)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: n3lz0n on January 07, 2015, 11:13:05 PM
this is untrue

DYOR and see why Bitcoin and NXT is my top 2 !!!!

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: EvilDave on January 07, 2015, 11:27:06 PM
Yawn....nice try, mate, but all of your points have been rebutted as FUD a long, long time ago.

And here's CoinMarket Cap from a few seconds ago, just for the lulz:

Who has the only green numbers over the last seven days ?

(And if anyone was wondering....SuperNET is a NXT-based project)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: HCLivess on January 07, 2015, 11:30:29 PM
NXT is vibrant and beautiful.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Kimowa on January 07, 2015, 11:42:41 PM
NXT is definately not dieing and I doubt it ever will.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Nxtblg on January 08, 2015, 12:34:35 AM
Nxt is currently  at 8th position in coinmarketcap and its a matter of time for counterparty and dogecoin to move it further down the list. 

Nxt has been in the top ten of Coinmarketcap continuously for a year. How many other cryptos can boat of that? Not many.

What's interesting about Nxt is that - of all the cryptos on the top ten for that year - it's the most innovative. Yes: I mean it's the most innovative of all of them.

What's really holding Nxt back is an emphasis on technology and ecosystem rather than marketing. It isn't marketed like a penny stock at all. How do I know this? Because I spent several years in the penny-stock arena. I've seen what real penny stock marketing is really like, and yes I can dig up real examples for a real compare-and-contrast session.

Fact is, Nxt is marketed by people who are techies at heart but not marketers - and it shows. Myself, I have absolutely no problem with this approach. It makes Nxt a "sleeper" that's going to come bursting out of the gate once professional marketers take it under their wing. That gives people like me, who missed the initial boat, a fair bit of time to get some while its price is more-or-less stable.

I don't see why so many people make so much noise about the "initial distribution." It's water long under the bridge: what matters is where it's going to go in 2015 and forward. There's a point when the noisemakers come across as mere grudge-holders, like a nonexistent stock-market punter who badmouths Facebook because its IPO was botched 'way back when.

Nxt is a coin that needs patience. You can't claim at all they're not delivering the goods: they provably are, at a surprisingly fast rate.

Do you know what gold penny stock I made the biggest dollar profit in? It's one I first bought in March 2009, and it went nowhere for more than a year. I could have bought more in the spring of 2010 at the exact same price I bought at in March 2009. The company itself was reviving an abandoned mine, and I made my big score when the market finally seen that the mine was going to be a producer. That experience taught me a big lesson: a big score requires patience, a lesson I have to admit I learned the hard way. And I admit further that I had to re-learn the same lesson the hard way here, too. But that's the way it is: as the old saying goes, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. To get big lasting gains, you have to be the patient person in the midst of faddists.

And it's hard - I know it is! As I indicated, I've had to take more than my share of lumps around here before this lesson sunk in for me.

Here's the best way to look at it, I believe: Nxt's long-term trading range gives you a good opportunity to buy in monthly - in a classic dollar-averaging way - until the core Nxters decide that it's time to ease up on the innovation sprint-race and finally put marketing to the general public on the front burner. Once they shift priorities in this way, then sit on what you got - and beam about being an early adopter. :) Because - by that time - you will be an early adopeter, comparatively.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 08, 2015, 12:43:55 AM
NXT is dying :-(

edit:  NXT is starting to breakout btw...  needs more volume tho.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Nxtblg on January 08, 2015, 01:51:28 AM
edit:  NXT is starting to breakout btw...  needs more volume tho.

Yeah, and at the lower part of its long-term trading range too. To an ex stock market hound like me, that really says something.

Old Wall Street saying: "Markets climb a wall of worry and slide down a river of hope."

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: FandangledGizmo on January 08, 2015, 02:24:39 AM
I don't own NXT, have in the past  but I don't see them being out of the top 10.


1. NXT has no inflation

If you look at last year, Bitcoin with it's 10% inflation struggled to sustain itself in a bear market, beyond the volatility there's a clear general downtrend. LiteCoin which has 30% inflation exhibited the same general trend except it fell 3X faster...

NXT has rises and falls but after a fall can maintain it's BTC price. (Where as LTC needs $2 million a month in new demand to offset new coins mined, NXT needs none.)

2. NXT has a strong stable of User Issues Assets

Few other coins allow User Issued Asssets and of those that do, NXT has probably the best all round selection.


Most POW centralises way more and is more expensive.

4. They have a reasonable pace of development

Some other top 10 coins get very limited development, beyond the advantages with which they were originally created.

I personally expect POW to continue to struggle this year. NXT with it's comparative advantages and no inflation should hold up well & potentially make progress.

The real Achilles heel for all alt-coins though is volatility. When you hear that a big new retailer accepts Bitcoin, you should cry yourself to sleep that night. Most retailers can't hold BTC because of volatility so they sell it. So a sale in a crypto becomes a sale of crypto. Imagine if everytime we went to a store the shop had to sell our dollars for Yen on the open market. Making online purchases with BTC becomes throwing BTC off a cliff. The places that were no.1 & 2 for likely adoption, Argentina & Venezuala are a result not of volatile crypto being good but because it's better than their constantly inflationary currency.

I'm happy to debate why but only Market Pegged BitAssets by BitShares like BitUSD solve this problem and they're backed by an average of 300% transparent collateral. This means retailers are more likely to hold them as they gain adoption and it creates a lot of demand for BitShares because of the collateral system.

Another big advantage is that the BitShares blockchain can hire talent. Most coins end up centralising around two developers. The BitShares blockchain can hire developers. (In fact BitShares currently has circa 8 developers putting a lot of time into it.) If you want a real shot at challenging Bitcoin you need serious marketing, serious development & infrastructure. That's all happening at a pace right now

I think only BitShares will challenge Bitcoin in the next 12-24 months but I think NXT will be do fine and improve as POW options continue to struggle. (Notice how many of the top 500 alt-coins are POW but how few of them are in the top 10... Expect that trend to continue. Progress is a bitch.)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Agestorzrxx on January 08, 2015, 02:25:33 AM
Nxt is currently  at 8th position in coinmarketcap and its a matter of time for counterparty and dogecoin to move it further down the list.  24 trading volume is almost non existent and you can probably move the market with 100$
Nxt was initially distributed to no more than 70 people and that's a reason almost no one is touching it!
Add to that the fact that there have been some very serious scam accusations ( and you can see the whole picture!

These are some of the issues...
   * It is marketed like a scammy penny stock.
   * Anon early super large stakeholders + Proof-Of-Stake == the big guys run the table, if they choose.  The central bankers are in place from Day One unless they are super-virtuous and give tons away “fairly.”
   * Anonymous developers
   * Closed developing process.  Source is periodically handed down from the ivory tower to the masses.
   * Certain notable personages (& key stakeholders) that dodge, dodge, dodge, when an obvious attack vector — mitigated in other crypto-finance projects by known techniques — is highlighted.
   * Active resistance to making it easier to independently reproduce the software
   * Technical criticism is routinely met with bizarre behavior (notably from come-from-beyond)
   * Attacking critics, rather than responding to criticism.
   * Several security incidents that smell like inside jobs.

What needs to be done for the comeback of nxt?
Can ntx recover or the game is over like so many other scamcoins out there?
I know nxt has some great fuders and trolls out there but is this helping or harming nxt?

If this is you call die, then other coins have dead one years ago.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Cryptonitex on January 08, 2015, 05:57:29 AM
I'm new to Crypto but I believe this OP to be a load of Bull.

Nxt is now part of the SuperNET, something big in crypto now, and their now launching the MS (Monetary System) which is big news to gain attraction to the coin.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: fat buddah on January 08, 2015, 06:08:14 AM
I'm new to Crypto but I believe this OP to be a load of Bull.

Nxt is now part of the SuperNET, something big in crypto now, and their now launching the MS (Monetary System) which is big news to gain attraction to the coin.

yes you're new to crypto obviously because you're totally over-hyped.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Cryptonitex on January 08, 2015, 06:30:41 AM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: arbitrage001 on January 08, 2015, 06:35:08 AM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

All crypto coins seem to be going down the sink. Not just one or two coins.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Yurizhai on January 08, 2015, 07:00:38 AM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

All crypto coins seem to be going down the sink. Not just one or two coins.

Not all, but a lot.

I don't think NXT is dying. I also don't think it will see the level of success a lot of people in this thread are saying it will.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Cryptonitex on January 08, 2015, 07:07:21 AM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

All crypto coins seem to be going down the sink. Not just one or two coins.

That's true. Look at the price of BitCoin. It's sure not what it used to be. I think once the price of bitcoin rises really high, so will many of the other alt coins.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: The Chainmaker on January 08, 2015, 07:23:06 AM

1 year ago today, verses today.  

5 of the top 10 are still alive.

I didn't see a single example of a single coin that is better today than a year ago, including Bitcoin.  And some like Litecoin have even lost like 90%, and some like Mastercoin even much more than that.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: misterycoins on January 08, 2015, 08:02:52 AM
NXT It's a fun economic experiment that I'm glad I'll be able to say I was a part of.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: The Chainmaker on January 08, 2015, 10:02:09 AM
NXT It's a fun economic experiment that I'm glad I'll be able to say I was a part of.

NXT has been the most interesting experiment of all the cryptos, and arguably has the best tech too of all the cryptos.  That said, it has some problems and just like the rest of the coins on the chart is going down and very likely will just continue to go down unless a radical shift in how its core community goes about doing business and I think that is unlikely.  

I say that because what I think it would take is for the core community members to not act in their own interest, but instead act in the interest of NXT.  On an individual level what each would need to do would be to sacrifice and I just doubt that will happen. 

What kind of sacrifices?  Giving up their anonymity.  Giving up their hoards of NXT. 

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 08, 2015, 10:46:33 AM
only a falling price will make them let go of their NXT. 

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Daedelus on January 08, 2015, 10:57:23 AM
Have you guys read this thread?


I think the use of the past tense is premature, a triumph of hope over reality perhaps ;D

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: okbit on January 08, 2015, 02:08:37 PM
NXT It's a fun economic experiment that I'm glad I'll be able to say I was a part of.

I agree, it was a fun experiment, I participated in the beginning. But with the general public still not even understanding bitcoin yet, all these "asset" type coins are just too early for the market.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: toknormal on January 08, 2015, 07:34:40 PM

Wow, if the OP's idea was to expose the massive level of support that NXT has then they certainly succeeded.

NXT is going nowhere but up.

Of all the crypto's out there it actually stands out as being in use for something (and only growing in use).

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: cassius69 on January 08, 2015, 07:52:15 PM

Wow, if the OP's idea was to expose the massive level of support that NXT has then they certainly succeeded.

NXT is going nowhere but up.

Of all the crypto's out there it actually stands out as being in use for something (and only growing in use).

nah....the unfair distribution means concentration of wealth in the hands of the few....

what a shitty crypto

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: nextgencoin on January 08, 2015, 07:57:29 PM
NXT was never alive. Who actually used it for anything ever?

It's was a science experiment that only nerds thought was cool, that's it.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Denker on January 08, 2015, 09:05:33 PM
Nxt=Bad weeds grow tall!
Try whatever you want. It will survive! 8)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Zer0Sum on January 08, 2015, 09:22:33 PM
Let's see...
Since Dec 1st we got NXT up about 20% on good volume ave 100-200 BTC/day on BTER and Polo...
And poor, creaky Bitcoin down 29% after a dead cat bounce.

Market says OP has zero credibility...
Market also says that dramatic NXT rollouts like the Monetary System and SuperNET are game changers.

But mostly the NXT Monetary System...
Anyone can now issue an full, sophisticated Alt on the NXT Blockchain...
And focus on building the business and revenue on top... as opposed to wrestling with C code from 2009.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: virtfund on January 08, 2015, 09:28:47 PM
If you ask me NXT won't die for a while, but also won't ultimately survive. it was just too early for the market and better things are coming in its place.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: cassius69 on January 08, 2015, 09:31:36 PM
Anyone can now issue an full, sophisticated Alt on the NXT Blockchain..

just what we need...more fucking idiots and scammers making new coins... ;D

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: chryspano on January 08, 2015, 09:35:21 PM
In the meantime.....

dogecoin is waiting in the corner.....

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: sofu on January 08, 2015, 09:37:32 PM
lol @OP. Much luck trying to move NXT with $100  :D

Everybody had the chance to buy in the NXT ICO. There was a lack of interest because BTC was mooning and LTC and Doge got hyped. I unfortunately also missed buying NXT at the beginning but thats no reason FUDing the coin.

Yes price could go down but that doesnt mean that the coin is dying  8)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: POM on January 08, 2015, 09:38:30 PM
I dumped NXT and stocked up on some doge

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 08, 2015, 09:41:17 PM
Nxt is currently  at 8th position in coinmarketcap and its a matter of time for counterparty and dogecoin to move it further down the list.  24 trading volume is almost non existent and you can probably move the market with 100$
Nxt was initially distributed to no more than 70 people and that's a reason almost no one is touching it!
Add to that the fact that there have been some very serious scam accusations ( and you can see the whole picture!..

Your voice sounds so familiar to me, do you want me to do speech analysis again?  ;)

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 08, 2015, 09:48:23 PM
Nxt is currently  at 8th position in coinmarketcap and its a matter of time for counterparty and dogecoin to move it further down the list.  24 trading volume is almost non existent and you can probably move the market with 100$
Nxt was initially distributed to no more than 70 people and that's a reason almost no one is touching it!
Add to that the fact that there have been some very serious scam accusations ( and you can see the whole picture!

These are some of the issues...
   * It is marketed like a scammy penny stock.
   * Anon early super large stakeholders + Proof-Of-Stake == the big guys run the table, if they choose.  The central bankers are in place from Day One unless they are super-virtuous and give tons away “fairly.”
   * Anonymous developers
   * Closed developing process.  Source is periodically handed down from the ivory tower to the masses.
   * Certain notable personages (& key stakeholders) that dodge, dodge, dodge, when an obvious attack vector — mitigated in other crypto-finance projects by known techniques — is highlighted.
   * Active resistance to making it easier to independently reproduce the software
   * Technical criticism is routinely met with bizarre behavior (notably from come-from-beyond)
   * Attacking critics, rather than responding to criticism.
   * Several security incidents that smell like inside jobs.

What needs to be done for the comeback of nxt?
Can ntx recover or the game is over like so many other scamcoins out there?
I know nxt has some great fuders and trolls out there but is this helping or harming nxt?

Oh my, someone has found a very old Garzick tweet series.

I highlighted some of your points.
Have a look here:

It's an open Q&A with one of our core devs. Anonymous?

You may also like to know that this same person hás done some real work on your so called attack vector
a) to actually define it, because somehow that was never formally done. Rather important, that and,
b) to investigate if this vector was actually possible by running numerous simulations (which you can also run and check yourself)

Find the papers here, if you please:

Open source code repository to be found here:

Attacking critics? Nope. Take a look at the vid again: we're having fún when people ask questions, because that's part of being challenged and when finding solutions.
Attacking people mouthpiecing things they have no clue about and not the wits to hide the fact? Sure, why not?

Good luck at FUD school. You will not graduate this year!

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: cassius69 on January 08, 2015, 09:55:18 PM
nxt's idea of marketing - spam bitcointalk with useless threads  ;D

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 08, 2015, 09:56:23 PM
You just defined almost all of the altcoin section in general.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: celebreze32 on January 08, 2015, 10:24:08 PM
nxt's idea of marketing - spam bitcointalk with useless threads  ;D

It's not an uncommon event here.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: chryspano on January 08, 2015, 10:29:54 PM
In the meantime.....

dogecoin is waiting in the corner.....

Dogecoin just left nxt behind !!!
Lets see if it will last....

That ambush actually worked!!!

Counterparty is next I think....


Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 08, 2015, 10:33:34 PM
lol CMC

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: celebreze32 on January 08, 2015, 10:35:59 PM

Dogecoin just left nxt behind !!!
Lets see if it will last....


They will probably be leapfrogging over each other for weeks.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 08, 2015, 10:43:11 PM
We've been doing that from the start :)

I think this one is a year old

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Bit_Happy on January 08, 2015, 10:50:00 PM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

All crypto coins seem to be going down the sink. Not just one or two coins.

Historically, the "endless" crypto bear markets can/will turn back up.
The NXT up move will be amazing.    ;D   

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Hollowman338 on January 08, 2015, 11:26:14 PM
rofl, doge bagholders who post spam threads and stupid child-like memes and pictures to attempt to spur the market.

NXT holds start-up businesses that pay dividends on the asset exchange, and new ground-breaking tech I won't go into because you're too much of a dumbass to know what I'm talking about (I'd rather see you not profit either, so I won't help you understand).

Keep posting your cute little memes kid.  :D

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 08, 2015, 11:49:04 PM
what i think that could help NXT get the edge is faster confirmation time.  and i hope we see it this year.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 08, 2015, 11:54:06 PM
It's just like with Christmas.

If you close your eyes, confirmations go faster.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: celebreze32 on January 08, 2015, 11:59:46 PM
what i think that could help NXT get the edge is faster confirmation time.  and i hope we see it this year.

Sometimes big gaps between confirmations can ruin the experience of using the asset exchange. Faster confirmation times could make all the difference.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 12:21:24 AM
It's just like with Christmas.

If you close your eyes, confirmations go faster.

lol.  but there was mention of making NXT's confirmation time to a few seconds right?  if i'm not mistaken, i think it's called transparent forging?  are the devs still working on it?

anyway i think NXT would be way better if it was faster than the rest.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: celebreze32 on January 09, 2015, 12:36:03 AM
It's just like with Christmas.

If you close your eyes, confirmations go faster.

lol.  but there was mention of making NXT's confirmation time to a few seconds right?  if i'm not mistaken, i think it's called transparent forging?  are the devs still working on it?

anyway i think NXT would be way better if it was faster than the rest.

The last I heard the devs were still working on it, but there's only a few who understand it and it's going to take a while to develop. Maybe things have changed since I looked into it.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 12:43:33 AM
It's just like with Christmas.

If you close your eyes, confirmations go faster.

lol.  but there was mention of making NXT's confirmation time to a few seconds right?  if i'm not mistaken, i think it's called transparent forging?  are the devs still working on it?

anyway i think NXT would be way better if it was faster than the rest.

The last I heard the devs were still working on it, but there's only a few who understand it and it's going to take a while to develop. Maybe things have changed since I looked into it.

i think getting faster confirmation times is the way to go.  then add more features later.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 01:43:18 AM
went to the nxt tech tree website.  i think the nxt devs should focus on instant transactions and give the platform asset to asset trade capability.  it's called instantDEX, is it?  

... OR does monetary system allow currency to currency trading? if so, no need for instantDEX.  but can currencies in monetary system be used to buy assets in the nxt asset exchange?  if so, then nxt will be brilliant!  just work on instant transactions and you are a perfect (almost) platform.  there will be naysayers, but you will be better than the rest for sure.  GL

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: spirit of btc on January 09, 2015, 04:30:17 AM
people are using only for a short term investment rather than knowing it's future applications and revolutionary potential.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: sidhujag on January 09, 2015, 04:34:07 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 04:34:30 AM
people are using only for a short term investment rather than knowing it's future applications and revolutionary potential.

let them.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 04:35:26 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

not a good analogy.  but ok.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: sidhujag on January 09, 2015, 04:36:37 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

not a good analogy.  but ok.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 04:50:26 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

not a good analogy.  but ok.

cos the truth is, it's far from dead. why can't people stop fudding here and just tell the truth?  jesus...

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Hollowman338 on January 09, 2015, 05:27:39 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

not a good analogy.  but ok.

cos the truth is, it's far from dead. why can't people stop fudding here and just tell the truth?  jesus...

 :'( :'( :'( :'(

STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!!!!  >:( >:( >:( :'(

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 06:57:24 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

not a good analogy.  but ok.

cos the truth is, it's far from dead. why can't people stop fudding here and just tell the truth?  jesus...

 :'( :'( :'( :'(

STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!!!!  >:( >:( >:( :'(


edit: back to my questions...

went to the nxt tech tree website.  i think the nxt devs should focus on instant transactions and give the platform asset to asset trade capability.  it's called instantDEX, is it? 

... OR does monetary system allow currency to currency trading? if so, no need for instantDEX.  but can currencies in monetary system be used to buy assets in the nxt asset exchange?

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Daedelus on January 09, 2015, 09:02:17 AM
Sorry, didn't realise this thread had some serious questions in it :D

Nxt has been open source since the day it was released, it was a single unobfuscated java class file. You just decompiled it.

Official open source was in March 2014, almost a year. Every version of the software released has come with the source code bundled with it so you can compile it yourself, if required. Development branches are private to stop clones releasing untested software that has been released on Nxt's testnet.

Technically, NXT has never been closed source

Damelon has already posted about our "anonymous dev" Kushti here:

Have a look here:

It's an open Q&A with one of our core devs. Anonymous?

Here is his blog > Alexander Chepurnoy

Monetary System will allow MScoin to MScoin trading. InstantDEX is third party by JL777 (i.e. not a core feature). That is the buety of Nxt, anyone can build on top of it. It will give 2-5 sec transactions when it is released, coupled with Multigateway you will be able to trade crypto to crypto. Think of Monetary System for MSCoin to MSCoin trading 'inside' Nxt, and InstantDEX for cryptos 'outside' of Nxt ecosystem (but still through the Nxt platform)

can currencies in monetary system be used to buy assets in the nxt asset exchange?
Good question, I don't know the answer. My inclination would be yes but not right away.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: EvilDave on January 09, 2015, 09:10:10 AM
Is dev still closed and annonymous? Then yes its dead id rather buy ripple if i want closed source crypto currency. Bitshares is good though

We do have some very closed devs.....I'm gonna assume you mean the source code, that's been open source since March of last year:
Umm....well, there it is.

On the anonymity: assuming you do mean devs.....NXT has a dev team (not just one guy for the masses to worship) of around 5-6 core guys, another 5-6 on non-core stuff, plus an utterly unknown number working on 3rd party projects. Some of this team are still anonymous, but many aren't.
Got to :
and have a look around.

BTW: Ripple isn't a crypto-currency. It never has been, never claimed to be. Don't forget that Ripple dates from a time BEFORE Bitcoin and crypto:

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: CryptKeeper on January 09, 2015, 09:50:08 AM
Glad to see this thread!  ;D

Nobody would care about a dying altcoin, so Nxt seem to be a bigger threat to "them" as I thought.  8)

No wonder, because the Nxt devs constantly deliver new functions since one year. I must admit that some maybe are too challenging for crypto newbies... But nonetheless I see a great future for Nxt!

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Daedelus on January 09, 2015, 10:30:31 AM
Updated my post >

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Nectar-AT on January 09, 2015, 10:44:06 AM
Who says I'm over - Hyped? I still see a strong coin right now. Their still in the top 10, and it seems that other people don't seem to think it's dying.

All crypto coins seem to be going down the sink. Not just one or two coins.

We hope to help change that. For one thing, by making it easier for people to find promising alts and other "diamonds in the rough".
Check out our demo altcoin alert system:

Click here to try out the Altcoin Market Alert System: track big moves in prices, volume, buy/sell orders and dev updates from one dashboard

For More Information about Nectar: N=Altcoin Monitor/Alerts + Skype + Slack+ Event-Prediction Markets

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: tokeweed on January 09, 2015, 10:52:52 AM
Sorry, didn't realise this thread had some serious questions in it :D

Nxt has been open source since the day it was released, it was a single unobfuscated java class file. You just decompiled it.

Official open source was in March 2014, almost a year. Every version of the software released has come with the source code bundled with it so you can compile it yourself, if required. Development branches are private to stop clones releasing untested software that has been released on Nxt's testnet.

Technically, NXT has never been closed source

Damelon has already posted about our "anonymous dev" Kushti here:

Have a look here:

It's an open Q&A with one of our core devs. Anonymous?

Here is his blog > Alexander Chepurnoy

Monetary System will allow MScoin to MScoin trading. InstantDEX is third party by JL777 (i.e. not a core feature). That is the buety of Nxt, anyone can build on top of it. It will give 2-5 sec transactions when it is released, coupled with Multigateway you will be able to trade crypto to crypto. Think of Monetary System for MSCoin to MSCoin trading 'inside' Nxt, and InstantDEX for cryptos 'outside' of Nxt ecosystem (but still through the Nxt platform)

can currencies in monetary system be used to buy assets in the nxt asset exchange?
Good question, I don't know the answer. My inclination would be yes but not right away.

they should.  thanks for the reply.

Title: Re: NXT is dying :-(
Post by: Damelon on January 09, 2015, 06:47:51 PM
Yes, currencies will eventually be able to be used to trade assets, but not at the launch of Monetary System.