Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:16:21 PM

Title: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:16:21 PM
This d00d here after an involantary committment to a mental hospital, keeps a self-moderated thread where he doles out financial advice grooms and exploits vulnerable, economically naive victims1 and convinces them to hold the BTC which he himself accnowledges cashing out from.
Since the thread is self-moderated and I was asked not to post in it, I'm starting this one--without self-moderation, where I might reply.

1. An evangelising Christian woman currently experiencing family tensions due to re-buying BTC that her husband has sold.
BitChick now:

Bitcoiners want to get billionaires quick with their little scheme, call noobs that are trying to get out of the mess late "greedy".

It is no secret that I sold some at $675 in 2013. The next exit zone starts earliest at $3,000, probably higher.

It is no greed to sell at a bottom, it is just stupid. Stuff is as valuable as a year ago (or more, due to more adoption, etc.), yet 75% cheaper. This is a game and you are offered 4 times better odds than last time when you took them. Instead of taking them now, or holding, you decide to fold.

If anyone becomes a billionaire with bitcoin, he deserves it. So many chances of folding were offered but he held on.

There is voice of reason in the midst of so much babbling nonsense.  Thanks Risto.  :)  

I am having to argue a bit with BitchicksHusband a little about not folding right now though.   I guess it is hard not to get emotional.  We did have to sell some of our holdings in December but bought back a little last week.  I think the hardest thing to wrap my brain around is the fact that BTC should be so much more valuable with all of the infrastructure that has been put into place during 2014.  Why hasn't some of the money used to build this infrastructure been used to boost the price up a bit?  Aren't these companies at all concerned about BTC users getting disillusioned and leaving BTC completely?  

The extent of batshit craziness:

Simply pointing out that you are taking financial advice from a man recently released from a mental institution :)

Yes, and guess what? There is no law that compels me to mention it. I do it voluntarily, for my reasons. After going through this, and many other experiences, I know some things about how the world operates. People are able to learn it from my writings, but you can never learn very much if it is not verified by experience.

My dealings with the government started in 2005, by my reading of some conspiracist literature, which seemed to be alarmingly truthful when I compared it to the things I saw happening in the world. Already in 2008 I was so dangerous that an armed team of 8 guys was sent to my home at daybreak. Then came seizures and many court cases. Many perceive that Finland is a lawful country, with lawbreakers punished and law also granting rights to people. Well, miles of laws we have here, but if they are not expedient for the situation at hand, they can be broken by judges. I lost the recognition towards the judicial system after they too many times mistreated me, even against their own laws.

If I believed in my rights, I could have the hospitalization order re-examined, since the law requires me to be "dangerous to myself or others" for such procedure to take effect. Everyone knows that I have never hit another person, nor had a thought or word of hurting myself for over a decade. The only thing I am dangerous against, is the banking cartel. But I already know from experience that the judicial system is capable of straight-faced delivery of any verdict. So raising these matters in court does not help. Raising them here makes fools cry out: "look the guy's just come out from a nuthouse", but it's not the fools for whom I write, it is the wise - the people who understand things, and are here for learning, and contributing themselves.

If something in the above disqualifies me from being read, there's the "Ignore" button for that. Thank you.

In turn, I feel it a chore that your messages need to be "open"ed first before deletion, so please don't post. Thank you.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: twiifm on January 14, 2015, 09:21:17 PM

Every day, there is more freedom from oppressive governments because of Bitcoin. You don't see it because your government is your all-inclusive udder. But look at the people from whom the money to feed you is coming. They need it.

All this libertarian claptrap is a red herring used to pump the price.  Early adopters have major baggage that need greater fools to dump on.

The only thing anyone should look at when investing REAL money is the price action.  Bitcoin is a bubble that is deflating.  Anyone taking your advice would have been losing money.  

He thread banned me cause I called him out on being wrong about the price action and trying to divert the topic to "freedoms".  Yet people here still following this nut case because he got lucky ONCE

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Warren Buffert on January 14, 2015, 09:23:46 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 troother. There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: derpinheimer on January 14, 2015, 09:26:30 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 "troother". There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

Wow, those things are so related! Pro ad hominem!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:26:44 PM
What's funny is I can't make up a story any more ludicrous than his reality.
Imagine getting dragged off to a mental hospital after belligerently accusing the owners and staff of a luxury hotel of theft?  You know what the theft was?  An unsecured MacBook left by him in a sauna where he was entertaining his friends, the other "Supernodes."  Batshit crazy.  Paranoia, delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, full-blown mania--it's in there.
And people LISTEN TO HIM.

That poor BitChick woman is probably going to get divorced from [or worse, beaten by] her husband if she doesn't stop.  Crazyness.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:30:06 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 "troother". There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

Wow, those things are so related! Pro ad hominem!

This guy is a textbook paranoiac, that's why it's related.  He thinks the world is conspiring to block his shine, claiming that "Already in 2008 I was so dangerous that an armed team of 8 guys was sent to my home at daybreak."

 It's not his character but the sorry state of what once was his mind that's being discussed.  And why people like him *are* a danger to others.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Warren Buffert on January 14, 2015, 09:31:42 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 "troother". There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

Wow, those things are so related! Pro ad hominem!

You can call it ad hom if you want, but personally I avoid taking financial advice from guys who have been committed against their will and believe in deranged theories about 9/11. And you know...? So far it has served me quite well!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Its About Sharing on January 14, 2015, 09:38:08 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 "troother". There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

You trying to see how many logical Fallacies you can put into a few sentences?  :D

Guilt by Association & Red Herring--Introducing a topic not related to the subject at hand.
911 Truther? You mean questioning the government makes one a Truther? LOL. Heck, all of us should be so. Come to think of it, there are hundreds of architects and engineers questioning the government as well. (  If you even vaguely investigate what the government said happened that day AND you believe it, I've got a bridge to sell ya.

Poisoning the Well (--Presenting negative information about a person before he/she speaks so as to discredit the person's argument.)
Risto having been in a mental institution, when you look at the number (or should I say large %) of Americans on anti depressants, is not exactly a "case closed" argument regarding your opinion of him.

Regarding worrying what your spouse of friends think.
Appeal to the Popular--Urging the hearer to accept a position because a majority of people hold to it.
Lets just look at his research, much of which is quite interesting (and some true), instead of Ad Hominem'ing Risto.

Its about sharing, not attacking  ::)

p.s. - learn (

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: btcbeliever on January 14, 2015, 09:39:35 PM
Don't forget he's also a September 11 troother. There was another thread a few months ago where he shared some of his batshit crazy theories.

So to anyone who follows risto.. ask yourselves... "Should I be taking financial advise from a 9/11 troother was was admitted to a mental institution against his own will? If I told my spouse or friends about this, would they approve?" I'm guessing the answer is... NO.

If rpietila IS a Septemter 11 troother than he (and I) are in alot of good company!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: riiiiising on January 14, 2015, 09:42:14 PM
He made one good call in 2012 when he first invested, and since then, he's basically always wrong.

Calling the bottom at $500:

And the monthly trend line that he no longer updates. Hmm, wonder why...?

He now operates as a confidence man, and suckers in the economically illiterates into believing they're making a wise decisions to buy his bitcoin bags from him. Right down to the way that he uses a picture of himself as his avatar, in a suit and tie. And of course, like all con men, he can't respond to any criticism because he knows he's wrong, so instead he bans people from this threads and deletes any posts which don't look favorable to him. Unfortunately for him, some of us have a memory of more than +/- two days and can call him out on his bullshit.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Warren Buffert on January 14, 2015, 09:44:26 PM
Why am I not surprised that most bitcoin bulltards are also 9/11 troothers? It's apparent that an aversion to reality is required to be a believer in bitcoin at this point.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: twiifm on January 14, 2015, 09:48:07 PM
Why am I not surprised that most bitcoin bulltards are also 9/11 troothers? It's apparent that an aversion to reality is required to be a believer in bitcoin at this point.

That's how they pull in the greater fools.  Create paranoia about how banksters and .gov is out to get them and presenting bitcoin as a safe haven

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:51:22 PM

Can we stick to the topic instead of going off on irrelevant tangents?  Suffice it to say that your Pied Piper was institutionalized for stark raving lunacy.
I don't want to start a 9/11 discussion here, those are over a decade old.  There are other places on the web to chat about that.
This thread is about a dangerous lunatic pretending to be a financial advisor & getting rubes to buy the coins he himself sells.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 09:52:54 PM
He now operates as a confidence man, and suckers in the economically illiterates into believing they're making a wise decisions to buy his bitcoin bags from him. Right down to the way that he uses a picture of himself as his avatar, in a suit and tie. And of course, like all con men, he can't respond to any criticism because he knows he's wrong, so instead he bans people from this threads and deletes any posts which don't look favorable to him. Unfortunately for him, some of us have a memory of more than +/- two days and can call him out on his bullshit.


Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Torque on January 14, 2015, 09:53:58 PM
Mods, please ban NotLambchop.  He has taken to deeply personal and uncalled for attacks now, and on this board it should not be tolerated.

I would also advise updating the sub forum rules about this.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Newbie1022 on January 14, 2015, 09:57:28 PM
Mods, please ban NotLambchop.  He has taken to deeply personal attacks now, and on this board it should not be tolerated.

I would also advise updating the sub forum rules about this.

Oh blow me. Risto has been running a scam on this page for years now with not only BTC, but several alts (particularly Ripple). Lamby points this out and warns people to be careful who they are taking advice from and you want to pull this personal attack nonsense. Seriously. F--- off.

Lamby is being rude, but this guy has ruined people's lives. So, I don't see the big deal in him knocking on Risto a bit.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 10:00:26 PM
Mods, please ban NotLambchop.  He has taken to deeply personal and uncalled for attacks now, and on this board it should not be tolerated.

I would also advise updating the sub forum rules about this.

Be kind enough to GTFO of my thread if you have nothing topical to contribute.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Torque on January 14, 2015, 10:08:24 PM
So, I don't see the big deal in him knocking on Risto a bit.

But yet apparently no one can knock on NotFuckchop, who merely comes in here daily posting stupid memes and My Little Pony crap, and constantly just constantly bashing bitcoin INTO THE GROUND ad nauseam, sometimes posting on 5-6 threads at a time with literally like 30 secs to a min between each post.  Actually I get is see him (Ignored of course) on every fucking thread in this sub about 10-20 times a day, with absolutely NOTHING FUCKING POSITIVE TO ADD AT ALL PERIOD.

But yeah, let's defend NotFuckchop.  Sure.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Warren Buffert on January 14, 2015, 10:12:18 PM
So, I don't see the big deal in him knocking on Risto a bit.

But yet apparently no one can knock on NotFuckchop, who merely comes in here daily posting stupid memes and My Little Pony crap, and constantly just constantly bashing bitcoin INTO THE GROUND ad nauseam, sometimes posting on 5-6 threads at a time with literally like 30 secs to a min between each post.  Actually I get is see him (Ignored of course) on every fucking thread in this sub about 10-20 times a day, with absolutely NOTHING FUCKING POSITIVE TO ADD AT ALL PERIOD.

But yeah, let's defend NotFuckchop.  Sure.

Why so angry? Did you invest more than you can afford to loose..?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 10:18:02 PM
NotLambchop doesn't ask that those who disagree with him are banned, so there's that.
Now plz stay on topic or simply stop posting if you have nothing relevant to contribute.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: frienemy on January 14, 2015, 10:22:34 PM
NotLambchop doesn't ask that those who disagree with him are banned, so there's that.
Now plz stay on topic or simply stop posting if you have nothing relevant to contribute.

BTW Speaking of yourself in 3rd person is a sign of mental illness. Now STFU and stop being an asshole. Try being human instead. Better for esthetic reasons and karma.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Newbie1022 on January 14, 2015, 10:23:53 PM
So, I don't see the big deal in him knocking on Risto a bit.

But yet apparently no one can knock on NotFuckchop, who merely comes in here daily posting stupid memes and My Little Pony crap, and constantly just constantly bashing bitcoin INTO THE GROUND ad nauseam, sometimes posting on 5-6 threads at a time with literally like 30 secs to a min between each post.  Actually I get is see him (Ignored of course) on every fucking thread in this sub about 10-20 times a day, with absolutely NOTHING FUCKING POSITIVE TO ADD AT ALL PERIOD.

But yeah, let's defend NotFuckchop.  Sure.

Knocking and banning are two separate things. If you don't like what he is saying then counter. He is pretty open about the fact that he is a troll -- which, in some ways, makes him one of the only honest posters.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Miz4r on January 14, 2015, 10:24:47 PM
I don't think personal attacks on anyone here should be respected or allowed. Rpietila has done nothing wrong except being a bit extravagant sometimes and being a megabull on Bitcoin for the long term. This is who he is, and I think he is often hilarious and funny. Whether someone chooses to listen or believe him is up to them. I like to believe we are all adults who can form our own opinion about matters and we certainly don't need someone like Lambchop watching out for us and warn us. Also why are you meddling in the affairs of Bitchick and her husband? I'm sure they are very much capable of handling their financial matters and their relationship themselves. In any case it's none of your business and talking about it the way you do just shows how low of a man you really are. Disgusting. That's all I have to say about this.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Dragonkiller on January 14, 2015, 10:25:04 PM
paid. troll.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotHatinJustTrollin on January 14, 2015, 10:33:59 PM
Famous bitcoin holders that bitcoiners glorify are either pumpers getting people screwed, lunatics, schizo clowns, megalomaniac sociopaths, straight out scammers or criminals.

Business as usual.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Torque on January 14, 2015, 10:34:48 PM
So, I don't see the big deal in him knocking on Risto a bit.

But yet apparently no one can knock on NotFuckchop, who merely comes in here daily posting stupid memes and My Little Pony crap, and constantly just constantly bashing bitcoin INTO THE GROUND ad nauseam, sometimes posting on 5-6 threads at a time with literally like 30 secs to a min between each post.  Actually I get is see him (Ignored of course) on every fucking thread in this sub about 10-20 times a day, with absolutely NOTHING FUCKING POSITIVE TO ADD AT ALL PERIOD.

But yeah, let's defend NotFuckchop.  Sure.

Knocking and banning are two separate things. If you don't like what he is saying then counter. He is pretty open about the fact that he is a troll -- which, in some ways, makes him one of the only honest posters.

I just did.  He's a fucking negative troll.  Maybe even a paid troll.  And NotFuckchop doesn't even have the balls to give anything up about himself, his position, what he thinks of bitcoin's future (other than "It's going to zero, you idiots! Cut yer looooose!"), absolutely nothing that I can even critique or counter.  

He'll probably stop posting with this account when bitcoin starts rising again, but then return after the next bubble pops to tell everyone how much bitcoin sucks.  And I've seen him using multiple sock puppet accounts (probably NotHatinJustTrollin,Warren Buffert, few_coins, riiiising, fallllling, you fucking name it, etc.) so he's probably just another butthurt troll or subforum lurker here.  

Not even worth my time.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 10:38:23 PM
I don't think personal attacks on anyone here should be respected or allowed. Rpietila has done nothing wrong except being a bit extravagant sometimes and being a megabull on Bitcoin for the long term. This is who he is, and I think he is often hilarious and funny. Whether someone chooses to listen or believe him is up to them. I like to believe we are all adults who can form our own opinion about matters and we certainly don't need someone like Lambchop watching out for us and warn us. Also why are you meddling in the affairs of Bitchick and her husband? I'm sure they are very much capable of handling their financial matters and their relationship themselves. In any case it's none of your business and talking about it the way you do just shows how low of a man you really are. Disgusting. That's all I have to say about this.

If I was incorrect in my assertions of rpietila, please point out where & how.  There are no personal attacks in this thread, other than the one just typed up by you.
I'm free to state opinions, especially when those opinions are largely backed by facts.

If you are good with an institutionalizable lunatic predicting that BTC will be worth $300,000 by last Christmas (no, not a typo) and taking his financial advice, I'm not stopping you--go nuts.
I, on the other hand, feel that details like his mental condition & idiotic past behavior & grotesque prognostications are all relevant to evaluating his financial advice.  His motives [the fact that he sells BTC while telling others to hold] are also relevant.
Hence this post in the Speculation section.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 14, 2015, 10:43:52 PM
Not even worth my time.

There's a begging solution:  Step away from the keyboard, friend :)

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotHatinJustTrollin on January 14, 2015, 10:47:50 PM
Calling out bitcoiners at this point is like shooting at bambi

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: mmitech on January 14, 2015, 10:50:00 PM
These people ( Risto is just a member of the cult, the crazy one) who talk about how governments are oppressive, injustice and a group of thugs, are using their right of freedom of expression, at the same time they delete, censorship and ban everything that contradict or don't serve their argument, talk about double standards.

imagine having these people in power....we will be just fucked up

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: AmunRa on January 14, 2015, 11:07:25 PM
I don't think personal attacks on anyone here should be respected or allowed. Rpietila has done nothing wrong except being a bit extravagant sometimes and being a megabull on Bitcoin for the long term. This is who he is, and I think he is often hilarious and funny. Whether someone chooses to listen or believe him is up to them. I like to believe we are all adults who can form our own opinion about matters and we certainly don't need someone like Lambchop watching out for us and warn us. Also why are you meddling in the affairs of Bitchick and her husband? I'm sure they are very much capable of handling their financial matters and their relationship themselves. In any case it's none of your business and talking about it the way you do just shows how low of a man you really are. Disgusting. That's all I have to say about this.
Well said...this is a forum about bitcoin after all...let's not lose the focus...and this thread does not belong in this section...I don't even know if it belong on this forum...Mods..please stop these sick thread..we need some decency

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: smoothie on January 14, 2015, 11:07:33 PM
These people ( Risto is just a member of the cult, the crazy one) who talk about how governments are oppressive, injustice and a group of thugs are using their right of freedom of expression, at the same time they delete, censorship and ban everything that contradict or don't serve their argument, talk about double standards.

imagine having these people in power....we will be just fucked up

The only time he has ever deleted my comments were when I was trolling him.

If you dont like his thread moderation skills, make your own and stop crying about how he decides to operate his threads.

Thanks  ;D

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: mmitech on January 14, 2015, 11:26:19 PM
These people ( Risto is just a member of the cult, the crazy one) who talk about how governments are oppressive, injustice and a group of thugs are using their right of freedom of expression, at the same time they delete, censorship and ban everything that contradict or don't serve their argument, talk about double standards.

imagine having these people in power....we will be just fucked up

The only time he has ever deleted my comments were when I was trolling him.

If you dont like his thread moderation skills, make your own and stop crying about how he decides to operate his threads.

Thanks  ;D

you know, like the one we made now ?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotHatinJustTrollin on January 14, 2015, 11:27:28 PM
bitcoin: is this even real life?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: bitcoin_bagholder on January 15, 2015, 04:08:29 AM
"I was so dangerous that an armed team of 8 guys was sent to my home at daybreak."

What is this supposed to mean? A SWAT team?

Not trollin', just genuinely curious about how situations are handled in Finland.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on January 15, 2015, 12:54:55 PM
"I was so dangerous that an armed team of 8 guys was sent to my home at daybreak."

What is this supposed to mean? A SWAT team?

Not trollin', just genuinely curious about how situations are handled in Finland.

Reuters photo:

Fight the powah!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Warren Buffert on January 19, 2015, 10:45:22 PM
"I was so dangerous that an armed team of 8 guys was sent to my home at daybreak."

What is this supposed to mean? A SWAT team?

Not trollin', just genuinely curious about how situations are handled in Finland.

He was about to crack the case on the 9/11 conspiracy after a particularly vigorous session on YouTube, so George Bush and Dick Cheney called in the SWAT team to silence him.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: RoadStress on January 20, 2015, 01:01:01 AM
He made one good call in 2012 when he first invested, and since then, he's basically always wrong.

Calling the bottom at $500:

I still think that his bottom was ~$340.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: twiifm on January 20, 2015, 03:15:16 AM
He made one good call in 2012 when he first invested, and since then, he's basically always wrong.

Calling the bottom at $500:

I still think that his bottom was ~$340.

His bottom waS $340, but his ass is gassed

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: homo homini lupus on January 20, 2015, 04:01:25 AM
Buy Monero!!!!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sporket on February 02, 2015, 01:39:28 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic...
Confirming that I'll be attending the Satoshi Roundtable. It is a private (and originally rather secretive) event ...

Avoid saunas at all costs!
Breeding ground of thieves, spies and communist saboteurs...
O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that.
At a sausage fest? That's the least worries.

Rpietila's (unencripted, with wallets on it) laptop allegedly got stolen from a sauna, where he was presiding over just such a sausagefest.
That's what set off his descent into totally-not-insanity & consequent institutionalization. 
He's, of course, totally all better ... now that the antipsychotics have worn off.

Have you forgotten your ban from the thread?

Yes, if I actually was mad, I would probably be hesitant to tell about it in the public forum. But if the police intercepts me on my way to the San Jose bitcoin conference and instead of jail (which is a pretty easy place in Finland) throws me into a mental facility with forced medication and refuses access to lawyer (or anyone else for that matter), I am truly pissed off....

No.  Narcissism is almost intrinsic to paranoiacs.  As are delusions of grandeur.  After all, the Lizard People powers-that-be don't set out to destroy just anyone, amirite?

Not spreading stories or trying to out anyone.  Simply restating the information OP felt appropriate to post on the internet.
OP was crucified by them for "speaking the truth [stet italics]."
Like OP Himself, I too speak His truth, at great peril to myself [he promised to have me banned from this forum].  I'm unafraid!

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.


Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sporket on February 02, 2015, 01:46:18 PM
Lol, quoted for posterity :D

Putting a diagnostic on mental illnesses is the most difficult act in medicine, because it can be very subjective. At no time any inexperienced person should make a statement like that, be it just a harassing technique. We all have specific personality traits more or less prominent. For example, people in here might me more paranoid than the rest but that doesn't mean they're pathological.

Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.[1] Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me"). [Wikipedia]

It is paranoid to think that "someone is after you" if there is no evidence whatsoever that it is indeed the case.

But hey, just a small list what the different government institutions have done to me:

- 2008 Armed raid by Customs to my home and office at dawn, seizure of all my&company valuable assets, copying all my data from my computer, illegally censoring the investigation report, illegally prolonging the seizure, no charges, no apology.

- 2011-12 The Financial Supervisory Authority has learned about a stock offering from one of my companies. Illegally deciding that secondary market is subject to initial emission rules, illegally deciding that multiple sellers count as one, after those twists deciding that the company (sic) has broken their law because the multiple-page prospectus was not certified by the authorities. The company was no part in any of the transactions,  did not receive any of the proceeds, it was a private deal. The company was ordered to redeem all the shares that the buyers want to sell, at the original price of the deal, which many did, since 12 months had passed from the deal and the share price was down in the meantime. (It's a bit technical to explain but this alone was such Kafkan 1984esque fuckery that it really gave me the feeling that is described as paranoia when it is not accompanied with actual deeds by the government institutions)

- 2011-12 Finland decides it's time to apply Finnish law to my Estonian company, Silverbank. Due to the Finnish law that forbids the word "pankki" (meaning: "bank") to be used in a context that could mislead the clients to believe that an uncertified financial institution is a regulated bank, I get sued to the court and fined for the crime of "calling Silverbank a bank even though it is not".
Problems with the procedure:
- not guilty (instead of calling Silverbank a bank, during the entire time of the court procedure as well as before, the first sentence in our landing page was "Silverbank is not a bank. ...") The technique of turning the truth diametrically upside down, accusing you of doing exactly what you are trying to avoid to do, claiming that you are calling it a bank when the website says exactly the opposite, was previously known to me only from books as a method of driving you crazy in brainwash camps.
- no jurisdiction (company is Estonian)
- only misleading use is forbidden - Silverbank did not accept deposits, grant loans or do anything that the regulated banks do, no overlap in any of the services; claiming that someone could in these conditions be unintentionally mislead to believe it is a regulated "pankki" is hogwash.
- law says only Finnish word "pankki" is subject to restriction, extension to foreign languages in foreign companies as part of their trademark, is complete perversion of justice.

- 2013 Denied access to bitcoin conference, thrown to mental facility instead, for the reason that my stories about bitcoin and recent happenings sounded unbelievable (nevertheless true, but that does not seem to count), there a member of staff came to my room without knocking about an hour after the silence, got enraged for seeing me awake, drugged me, and later that night proceeded to steal money from my locked closet with his reserve keys, even later bragged that he has done it constantly over 30 years and never has the client been believed. When I reported, they let me understand that the only one suffering from such a report is me, because it is a further proof that I am deluded. My position, without access to phone, computer, Internet, lawyer, visitors, regular diet, on forced medication, was such weak that I decided to skip it and then later on tell about it to a bigger audience. Revenge belongs to God, but it would be cool to have this guy locked in for his crimes against the weakest and most vulnerable.

(All cases where the perpetrator organization is not exactly known, and are therefore subject to interpretations, are left out. Neither are any civil cases counted. The above is in no way all the strange things that have happened to me. Attorney-at-law Matti Valtonen ( has served me for over 10 years and can testify to that :D

Could they just possibly leave me alone? It is not about money, I am not that rich, and pay my taxes. It is about freedom. Thinking is outlawed. Writing to public fora is dangerous. It was my following and reporting the 2008 "bank crisis" (self-inflicted liquidity issue used as a pretense for more bankster power grab) too closely that got me into trouble in the first place. Still, I never had any proprietary information, no inside sources, nothing. Just public stuff from the 'net! Clearly the government has grown too big if they have time to harass people who recompile public information. Clearly the bankster influence in the government has grown too big if they can make it break its own laws, multiple times, to be able to conduct the harassment efficiently.

The same thing has never happened twice. So don't be too surprised if you hear something strange in connection with me. Compare the sources though. Even I may not always be the most reliable source because if under duress or drugged, it's hard to think clearly.

If there's something strange going on, I will try to have plausible deniability as follows:



- -


John 6:68 is speaking the truth. My speaking from now on, until I return, is akin to John 4:68.

The code 357 is(was) a special code that strengthens the importance of the message. (I was given one post only, and one hour only to compose it, not knowing what and how long will happen next - turned out to be 5 weeks of seclusion, and several months of total inability to work or even live normally.)

The code 468 is(was) a special code telling that whatever instructions I seem to be giving, I am under drugs/duress, and the instructions are null and void. Further, there is no such verse in the Bible, giving an additional hint to outsiders that don't know the codes, that something is going on.

* * *

When the evil deeds of the satanic organizations of this world come to light, they are exposed, and they must fight, or retreat. If they fight, they are more exposed, though, and as a result more people believe that what I say is the truth.

As a Christian, I don't have a choice. My conscience does not allow me to take part in the evil schemes of this world. So harassing me does not have the effect of making me turn to the world, for God protects me that I won't. It only gives me more, more or less unbelievable experiences to be shared, and more motivation to share them since I get to realize myself, more of the all-pervasiveness of the satanic world system (Bible: "kosmos"(gk),"world"(engl)).

I empathize with Count Helmuth von Moltke ( This guy, committed pacifist, was sentenced to death and executed for dreaming of a better world, 4 months before the war ended. It'll be great to meet him :)

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on February 02, 2015, 01:56:47 PM
Lol, quoted for posterity :D

I meant to reply to rpietilia's rant, but he deleted it. So, maybe I'll just leave it here.

I have heard similar cries countless times by people who are always surprisingly similar.
"My business is honest, but some mysterious forces are after me, trying to make me look like a stereotypical con-artist who is as vain as a 10 year old girl!".
There is always a conspiracy and someone else to blame. There will never be any analytical criticism towards own actions.
Histrionic personality disorder can also be the cause

Btw, I'm quite confident that a big part of him actually enjoys this attention that is given to him. It doesn't matter that this attention is negative. Negative attention fuels the narrative that there are mysterious forces after him. But I must confess, that it's quite fun to poke antipathetic people like that.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Ultros on February 02, 2015, 01:58:04 PM
One thread to make fun of one guy. No matter if he's really mentally ill or not, this is one of the most disgusting thing I've seen lately. This forum became a shithole for sadistic adolescents. Why don't you kids go out and beat up some hobo or torture animals for a change?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: gentlemand on February 02, 2015, 01:59:56 PM
One thread to make fun of one guy. No matter if he's really mentally ill or not, this is one of the most disgusting thing I've seen lately. This forum became a shithole for sadistic adolescents. Why don't you kids go out and beat up some hobo or torture animals for a change?

Because they'd have to get up, get dressed and scrape the encrusted sperm and faeces off themselves.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: yeponlyone on February 02, 2015, 02:00:07 PM
One thread to make fun of one guy. No matter if he's really mentally ill or not, this is one of the most disgusting thing I've seen lately. This forum became a shithole for sadistic adolescents. Why don't you kids go out and beat up some hobo or torture animals for a change?

Yh why are we all so nasty to each other here?!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sporket on February 02, 2015, 02:01:19 PM
One thread to make fun of one guy. No matter if he's really mentally ill or not, this is one of the most disgusting thing I've seen lately. This forum became a shithole for sadistic adolescents. Why don't you kids go out and beat up some hobo or torture animals for a change?

The difference between a hobo & this sleazy fuck is the hobo doesn't con people out of shitloads of money while creating a batshit-insane persona to fall back on when it all goes to shit.

Also this:

If there's something strange going on, I will try to have plausible deniability as follows:



- -


John 6:68 is speaking the truth. My speaking from now on, until I return, is akin to John 4:68.

The code 357 is(was) a special code that strengthens the importance of the message. (I was given one post only, and one hour only to compose it, not knowing what and how long will happen next - turned out to be 5 weeks of seclusion, and several months of total inability to work or even live normally.)

 *Checks edit date.* ...

You're not a crazy, just a second-rate scammer who don't even know how to do it right :D

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on February 02, 2015, 02:06:27 PM
One thread to make fun of one guy. No matter if he's really mentally ill or not, this is one of the most disgusting thing I've seen lately. This forum became a shithole for sadistic adolescents. Why don't you kids go out and beat up some hobo or torture animals for a change?

Yh why are we all so nasty to each other here?!

This place is basically fueled by the seven deadly sins, with greed being dominant. So, I'm not surprised that people here aren't exactly virtuous.
If you want a community with better moral fiber, then I recommend you to stay away from places that in large part promise people easy riches without doing any work.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: thelibertycap on February 02, 2015, 02:15:46 PM
He was hospitalized, so what? He is not trying to hide it or something.
Tons of people give financial advice here. what is important are facts and logical reasoning and Rpietila's posts are usually quality posts - if dumb people blindly follow and accept a speculation as a certain prediction... that is only natural.

This personal attack and trolling is lame.

Rpietila admitted he is religious. I think there are many delusional Christians and nobody is making a thread about such delusional people giving financial advice.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: yeponlyone on February 02, 2015, 02:17:55 PM
Can we just stop posting here and bumping this stupid thread?

Lambchop just lock it and ignore him if you want.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Ultros on February 02, 2015, 02:24:54 PM
This place is basically fueled by the seven deadly sins, with greed being dominant. So, I'm not surprised that people here aren't exactly virtuous.
If you want a community with higher moral fiber, then I recommend you to stay away from places that in large part promise people easy riches without doing any work.

With your behavior you have no authority to talk about morality and virtue.

If you think rpietila is crasy, lying, or just plain wrong, you can:
-stop reading
-use ignore button
-prove why he's wrong with proper arguments and proofs (not just "LOL HE'S WEIRDO AND LIVE IN A CASTLE, COME ON GRAB A TORCH) and move on with your life if it doesn't work, as a adult. If people listen to his financial advice based on his posts on a forum without doing due diligence, it's their responsibility.

Using real events of his life, pictures of him, any personal information available to ridicule him in this fucking circus of circle-jerking lapidation is a FUCKING DISGRACE and you should all hide deep into a cave for the rest of your life for using such tactics.

You perfectly know where to put your recommendations.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Paashaas on February 02, 2015, 02:27:27 PM
Notlambchop got a IQ of a empty nutshell.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sporket on February 02, 2015, 02:32:01 PM
This place is basically fueled by the seven deadly sins, with greed being dominant. So, I'm not surprised that people here aren't exactly virtuous.
If you want a community with higher moral fiber, then I recommend you to stay away from places that in large part promise people easy riches without doing any work.

With your behavior you have no authority to talk about morality and virtue.

If you think rpietila is crasy, lying, or just plain wrong, you can:
-stop reading
-use ignore button
-prove why he's wrong with proper arguments and proofs...

You forgot option #4

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one.

Everything posted here was originally shared by OP himself, in his self-moderated threads.  

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on February 02, 2015, 02:32:17 PM
With your behavior you have no authority to talk about morality and virtue.

If you think rpietila is crasy, lying, or just plain wrong, you can:
-stop reading
-use ignore button
-prove why he's wrong with proper arguments and proofs (not just "LOL HE'S WEIRDO AND LIVE IN A CASTLE, COME ON GRAB A TORCH) and move on with your life if it doesn't work, as a adult. If people listen to his financial advice based on his posts on a forum without doing due diligence, it's their responsibility.

Using real events of his life, pictures of him, any personal information available to ridicule him in this fucking circus of circle-jerking lapidation is a FUCKING DISGRACE and you should all hide deep into a cave for the rest of your life for using such tactics.

You perfectly know where to put your recommendations.

Let me remind you, that you can also:
-stop reading
-use ignore button
.. when reading my post.

I have also given more in depth description on why he is a slithering little con-artist like he is. Sadly those posts also got deleted by him. Now, I think that there is no point in trying to take him seriously in any way. You should take jokes as entertainment, there is no harm in laughing at jokes. And after all, he is a living, breathing, walking joke.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: YourMother on February 02, 2015, 02:40:47 PM
It reminds me so much about this fucking guy...

Acting like an astute investor and trying to win credibility with that goofy suit on him. He was talking about Vericoin going for a 50 billion marketcap haha. The crypto world is full of these monstrosities.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: riiiiising on February 24, 2015, 05:39:31 PM
Needless to say, there is no impartial, scientific study ever (150 years) conducted that has pronounced vaccines safe.

As if his history of mental illness and his bizarre 9/11 conspiracies weren't enough, his "quality TA" thread has now become a gathering place for anti-vaxxer loons. And they wonder why people in real life don't take their digital tokens seriously?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: ElectricMucus on February 24, 2015, 05:50:26 PM
Riesto is funny, he may be insane but considering what other people post here it's begin.
They're on the level he was before he got medication....

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: DieJohnny on February 24, 2015, 06:02:47 PM
Needless to say, there is no impartial, scientific study ever (150 years) conducted that has pronounced vaccines safe.

As if his history of mental illness and his bizarre 9/11 conspiracies weren't enough, his "quality TA" thread has now become a gathering place for anti-vaxxer loons. And they wonder why people in real life don't take their digital tokens seriously?

will be checking it out, thanks!

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: HarmonLi on February 24, 2015, 07:10:51 PM
Well, Risto was released from the hospital and successfully opened up his castle. This kind of stuff may happen to everyone of us! Is it such a bad thing to have suffered from a mental illness at some point???

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on February 24, 2015, 07:22:12 PM
^Patients are released from insane asylums when they no longer represent a physical threat to themselves or to others.  Not because they're all better.
This goes double if the patient in question stops taking his meds, because he thinks that modern medicine is a plot to destroy humanity.

That said, there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill.  It's taking financial advice from the mentally ill that I have issues with, hence thread topic.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: FUR11 on February 24, 2015, 07:54:49 PM
i have to agree, that sounds a bit like discrediting him just because he spent time in a mental institution. i think he made it clear he understands the people who put him there now. if i earned that kind of wealth with bitcoin i may become crazy, as well :D

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sgbett on February 25, 2015, 12:24:31 PM
^Patients are released from insane asylums when they no longer represent a physical threat to themselves or to others.  Not because they're all better.
This goes double if the patient in question stops taking his meds, because he thinks that modern medicine is a plot to destroy humanity.

That said, there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill.  It's taking financial advice from the mentally ill that I have issues with, hence thread topic.

The insanity of someone who is convinced there is a 'sane' and that they are it, is far more dangerous. Physician, heal thyself.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on February 25, 2015, 12:33:33 PM
^Patients are released from insane asylums when they no longer represent a physical threat to themselves or to others.  Not because they're all better.
This goes double if the patient in question stops taking his meds, because he thinks that modern medicine is a plot to destroy humanity.

That said, there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill.  It's taking financial advice from the mentally ill that I have issues with, hence thread topic.

The insanity of someone who is convinced there is a 'sane' and that they are it, is far more dangerous. Physician, heal thyself.

Much deep
Such profound

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sgbett on February 25, 2015, 12:54:43 PM
An image macro *and* a doge meme! It's almost independent thought.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on February 25, 2015, 01:00:03 PM
How about u stop bein an fagit?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sgbett on February 25, 2015, 02:53:28 PM
How about u stop bein an fagit?

More and more I'm thinking you are just a bot that screen scrapes KYM, Urban Dictionary and other high brown internet publications. The evidence continues to mount.

Is there an endgame you have planned other than the inevitable (

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Shari Lewis on February 25, 2015, 03:04:49 PM
How about u stop bein an fagit?

It's very nearly bedtime, Lamby.

Start putting your memes away, they're all tired as well.

Yes, you can start a new alt in the morning.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: NotLambchop on February 25, 2015, 03:11:06 PM
How about u stop bein an fagit?

More and more I'm thinking...

Not your strong suit, look at where it got you :(
Why not try your hand at something more your speed?  Ditch digging, Perhaps?

@Shari Lewis:  How about you get your fist out of my butthole, you sadistic bitch?

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: Shari Lewis on February 25, 2015, 03:22:16 PM
Oh dear. Always tears or tantrums when you're this pooped.

Now come on in or it'll be a double Oedipal hour before bed.

Say goodbye to your friends and let's look through sewing box for a new costume.

Mummy knows best.

Title: Re: rpietila Wall Observer--Financial Advice From The Mentally Ill
Post by: sgbett on February 25, 2015, 03:44:13 PM
How about u stop bein an fagit?
More and more I'm thinking...
... fist ... my butthole ....

ellipses, lol