Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Games and rounds => Topic started by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 01:57:47 AM

Title: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 01:57:47 AM
Lots of people on this forum are very untrusting, and this will in no way prove that everyone should trust each other or anything like that, because that would just be rediculous.

This is merely an experiment that I want to test out. I will send 1btc to the first person to post their address below. Then they will edit their post and mark it as received then send the coin to the next address on the list. Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin(as pitiful as that would be). If you run away with the coin, I will consider it a scam, and will request that you are labeled appropriately. Because of this, this is in no way meant to be a way for people to earn "rep" or credibility.

After the 100th post, whoever has the coin will send it here: 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm or 1Garr2555P4oiAaLQqXkcdAKGg4SMt3RZS Surprise me :P

Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Does not apply to Garr255 verified Alpacas.

I'll toss an updated transaction list here whenever someone gets around to it:

So out of the 76 participients, only one (surprise) stole the money (ok, we gave them the chance to steal "the coin" twice but turned rather paranoid after jakers).
4 of the actual players got marked as SCAMMERs until now.
Many noobs tried to enter the game with yet unknown intentions. Did anybody count them?
76 because Garr255 and sethsethseth had the coin twice.

And here is the updated list:

 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 <- SCAMMER
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 <- SCAMMER
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117 +0.00188185   
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257 <- SCAMMER
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304 +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391
 68 novusordo          1novusxwhCh11QyXp1Jj3e6hdhk6qZZ3E  #406
 69 BTCGOLD            18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC #409
 71 CurbsideProphet    1GKv7EnAABx9wk1CnE6Xqa2rATm17JHtQS #411 "Received 3.67BTC"
 72 nethead            1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2 #414 "3.6695 recieved"
 73 DobZombie          1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce  #418 "Geez I'm dense"
 74 Jakers             14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2 #401 <- SCAMMER, actually stole the coin
 75 Rassah             1FFSMPY152qmwHGV4LvwwQzqbspUxFSVBn #443
 76 Hippie Tech        19s2pbG1SQ4xAJXWRKzZuaRrKJjf7W6sJZ #451
 77 Akka               1FQTpFGqyTufTGih7ZpTT6kR1DKtdFyACV #465
 78 Garr255            1Garr2555P4oiAaLQqXkcdAKGg4SMt3RZS #485 <- OP (game over)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 01:58:20 AM
I'll go first.



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: the joint on July 11, 2012, 02:03:47 AM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 11, 2012, 02:04:15 AM


edit; will be curious to see how many times we can get the same coin transacted into one block. ;p 0 confirms still when I sent.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 02:15:03 AM
This will be interesting :D


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 02:16:28 AM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 02:18:04 AM
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Uncurlhalo on July 11, 2012, 02:18:51 AM
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members. Like me.  :(

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 02:20:12 AM
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members.

You can't make an exception even once? I swear I'm trustworthy.

~Al the Alpaca~

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 11, 2012, 02:20:45 AM
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members.

Well, Al's address points to a well known member here - so it would be safe to state that it's him.  ;)

On topic, I would like to play too but I'm too far away from my wallet now.  :-\
(I remember one snowball game in the gambling subsection that functioned like this, but it ended pretty fast  ;))

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 02:24:46 AM
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members.

You can't make an exception even once? I swear I'm trustworthy.

~Al the Alpaca~

Adjusted OP accordingly ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 02:26:28 AM
lol, verified alpacas. Just waiting on the TX fee which is coming from a faucet.
Also waiting on more confs

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 02:27:13 AM
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members.

Well, Al's address points to a well known member here - so it would be safe to state that it's him.  ;)

On topic, I would like to play too but I'm too far away from my wallet now.  :-\
(I remember one snowball game in the gambling subsection that functioned like this, but it ended pretty fast  ;))

I was confused for a second until I realized you were probably speaking about the IP address and not the Bitcoin address, albeit that's the only one I've ever used for all my purchases that required Bitcoin.

~Al the Alpaca~ (almost got four hours in on this forum--does that count?)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 11, 2012, 02:32:07 AM
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Hey Al. He said you had to be a full member in the original post so no newbies or junior members.

Well, Al's address points to a well known member here - so it would be safe to state that it's him.  ;)

On topic, I would like to play too but I'm too far away from my wallet now.  :-\
(I remember one snowball game in the gambling subsection that functioned like this, but it ended pretty fast  ;))

I was confused for a second until I realized you were probably speaking about the IP address and not the Bitcoin address, albeit that's the only one I've ever used for all my purchases that required Bitcoin.

~Al the Alpaca~ (almost got four hours in on this forum--does that count?)
I meant the Bitcoin address.  ;)
Verified via Google search.TM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 02:35:42 AM
I sent it, but you might want to post your address and "received" again to keep things simple

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 02:38:04 AM
I got! See ya!

Seriously, who do I send it to next?

~Al--The most trusted alpaca in the world!~


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 11, 2012, 02:39:01 AM
I got! See ya!

Seriously, who do I send it to next?

~Al--The most trusted alpaca in the world!~
To all of your sockpuppets of course, to fake-bump the thread for all the noobs to salivate over.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 02:40:58 AM
I got! See ya!

Seriously, who do I send it to next?

~Al--The most trusted alpaca in the world!~
To all of your sockpuppets of course, to fake-bump the thread for all the noobs to salivate over.

I'm the worse sockpuppet in the world, for I truly only have one Bitcoin address. So that won't work.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pirateat40 on July 11, 2012, 02:44:53 AM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 11, 2012, 02:45:26 AM
Use my one-time-use addy: 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ

EDIT: Received.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: NothinG on July 11, 2012, 02:54:16 AM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 03:01:33 AM
I hope I sent it to the right person. I even added to it hoping that it gains another 7% interest from the person I sent it to.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 11, 2012, 03:05:28 AM
I hope I sent it to the right person. I even added to it hoping that it gains another 7% interest from the person I sent it to.
It's going to need the 7%, because my empty wallet doesn't have enough for the transaction fee. :-\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pirateat40 on July 11, 2012, 03:06:06 AM
I hope I sent it to the right person. I even added to it hoping that it gains another 7% interest from the person I sent it to.

Sorry, I'm a strict pass-through. :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pirateat40 on July 11, 2012, 03:07:10 AM
I hope I sent it to the right person. I even added to it hoping that it gains another 7% interest from the person I sent it to.
It's going to need the 7%, because my empty wallet doesn't have enough for the transaction fee. :-\

Lies, there was plenty to process it.

EDIT: Scratch that, you said you used

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 11, 2012, 03:11:04 AM
I hope I sent it to the right person. I even added to it hoping that it gains another 7% interest from the person I sent it to.
It's going to need the 7%, because my empty wallet doesn't have enough for the transaction fee. :-\

Lies, there was plenty to process it.

EDIT: Scratch that, you said you used
Yeah, I just saw you included enough for me to send, and for the next person as well. Thanks!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: PatrickHarnett on July 11, 2012, 03:12:25 AM

Sorry, I'm a strict pass-through. :P

Have to quote this for ever - the ultimate PPT.

If it gets sent to 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ  I'll add an extra coin.  It's labelled silly game in my wallet, because I don't think I'm much of a risk.

Edit: received/sent

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 03:21:34 AM
But wait... it's going back to Garr in the end.
Now I see the light! It was all a scam in the hopes that people would add to it! :o


Seriously though, if you're going to add to it, calculate the number of transactions left on it and multiply that by 0.00051, so you can cover people's tx fees

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 03:35:23 AM
But wait... it's going back to Garr in the end.
Now I see the light! It was all a scam in the hopes that people would add to it! :o


Seriously though, if you're going to add to it, calculate the number of transactions left on it and multiply that by 0.00051, so you can cover people's tx fees

You got me! I'm doing this in case I'm not able to work out something here:


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 03:47:45 AM
*can't tell if you could tell if I was joking*

also we need someone else to post an address

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 03:49:22 AM
*can't tell if you could tell if I was joking*

also we need someone else to post an address

*Lolz at your inability to tell whether I can tell you were joking*

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 03:53:17 AM

Something to do, like hot potato.

Received someones, ionno if I am gonna receive two now.

Sent to unclemantis. 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 11, 2012, 04:00:40 AM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 04:06:27 AM

Fix your address please? Unless that is true.


No response, I am sending to unclemantis.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 04:14:35 AM

Fix your address please? Unless that is true.


No response, I am sending to unclemantis.

It is, and so is 1Garr2555P4oiAaLQqXkcdAKGg4SMt3RZS

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 11, 2012, 04:24:39 AM

Who is next?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 04:26:33 AM

Who is next?

I am guessing Garr as he posted his addy.

And what is odd, on my client there is still a ? on the transaction. There it flows.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mb300sd on July 11, 2012, 04:45:43 AM
Ok, I'll go.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on July 11, 2012, 04:52:52 AM
What are the requirements for full member?  I want to play!!!    8)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 04:54:06 AM
What are the requirements for full member?  I want to play!!!    8)

Full member has so many posts.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 05:03:50 AM
What are the requirements for full member?  I want to play!!!    8)

Full member has so many posts.

I think your 18 posts shy of having the ability to rip off ~$7 USD.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 05:07:01 AM
What are the requirements for full member?  I want to play!!!    8)

Full member has so many posts.

I think your 18 posts shy of having the ability to rip off ~$7 USD.

Well there is the other way to be accepted into the game, you know...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rudrigorc2 on July 11, 2012, 05:11:17 AM
nice one.

I want to be next.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 11, 2012, 05:16:00 AM
What are the requirements for full member?  I want to play!!!    8)

Full member has so many posts.

I think your 18 posts shy of having the ability to rip off ~$7 USD.

Well there is the other way to be accepted into the game, you know...
Just post your BTC addy, URSAY   That way?  :-*

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 05:18:16 AM
Acutally that was a referral to
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Does not apply to Garr255 verified Alpacas.

But meh. ::)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 11, 2012, 05:22:04 AM
Acutally that was a referral to
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Does not apply to Garr255 verified Alpacas.

But meh. ::)
hehe, sorry. Not trying to break the experiment but can we modify it to say, "Full members and/or those who have been around since 2011"? ;p

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 05:29:40 AM
Keep an eye on this.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Brunic on July 11, 2012, 05:52:49 AM
Nice, I want to play too!  ;D


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 11, 2012, 06:01:12 AM
I'm confused. I sent 1.011 BTC to be passed forward, but now the sum is at 1 BTC. I wasn't born in a barn!

~Al the Alpaca~

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 06:15:25 AM

unclemantis is the holder atm.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 11, 2012, 06:38:19 AM

Interesting concept. i like it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: becoin on July 11, 2012, 06:38:59 AM
Lots of people on this forum are very untrusting
What is 'trust'? How do you define it? The definition is important in light of how do you want to interpret the result from your experiment.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 11, 2012, 06:48:27 AM
Lots of people on this forum are very untrusting
What is 'trust'? How do you define it? The definition is important in light of how do you want to interpret the result from your experiment.

Trust, in this case, is the ability of two entities to believe that each other will be honest and genuine.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Realpra on July 11, 2012, 06:49:21 AM

Haha imagine if pirate stole the coin, but his maybe-ponzi turned out to be legit :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: phantitox on July 11, 2012, 06:53:54 AM
this is nice, is like a therapy exercise  :D

can i play?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: becoin on July 11, 2012, 06:59:23 AM
Trust, in this case, is the ability of two entities to believe that each other will be honest and genuine.
And how would you define an 'honest' person? May be someone you can trust!?  :)

Every definition should include more basic terms than those it is trying to define. IMHO, 'honesty' is a more complex term than 'trust'! Almost every thief I've met with thinks they steal from their victims in an honest fashion.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 07:06:51 AM

unclemantis is the holder atm.

Just keeping record.

Still holding.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 11, 2012, 02:30:44 PM

unclemantis is the holder atm.

Just keeping record.

Still holding.

Sorry guys! Lost power last night! Huge thunderstorms in my area so I went to bed :(

Can I get some moderation to TELL me who is next?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: BadBear on July 11, 2012, 02:37:21 PM

Sorry guys! Lost power last night! Huge thunderstorms in my area so I went to bed :(

Can I get some moderation to TELL me who is next?


This guy, Garr's post wasn't an entry, and he's the OP.
Ok, I'll go.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 11, 2012, 02:39:27 PM

Sorry guys! Lost power last night! Huge thunderstorms in my area so I went to bed :(

Can I get some moderation to TELL me who is next?


This guy, Garr's post wasn't an entry, and he's the OP.
Ok, I'll go.


Sent! f7856c238549dfd0a88ad27d5281e9b389a905677d8ccee438cf7869f9576743

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mb300sd on July 11, 2012, 04:33:59 PM
nice one.

I want to be next.



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: niko on July 11, 2012, 05:03:46 PM
This thread might be an interesting source for data mining experiments - those who used their local wallets have just publicly linked their forum identities to their addresses.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mb300sd on July 11, 2012, 05:05:53 PM
This thread might be an interesting source for data mining experiments - those who used their local wallets have just publicly linked their forum identities to their addresses.


I used an instawallet.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 05:29:15 PM
and I used a new wallet, so that I could combine it with one other address I own (which only got one input) to pay the transaction fee. Also please don't send to either of the two addresses I used (the one it received on and the one which contributed 0.001 BTC) because I have deleted them.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 11, 2012, 06:14:27 PM
This thread might be an interesting source for data mining experiments - those who used their local wallets have just publicly linked their forum identities to their addresses.


If you create a new address just for this "game," send the coin on with the 1.0xx BTC from the previous person as the only input, and never re-use that address, then your other addresses would remain hidden.


EDIT: Still in rudrigorc2's 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

EDIT2: Looks like he's a scammer, he deleted his post. D:

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Dalkore on July 11, 2012, 06:29:44 PM
12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ - Not Sent (07/11/2012)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: niko on July 11, 2012, 07:04:30 PM
This thread might be an interesting source for data mining experiments - those who used their local wallets have just publicly linked their forum identities to their addresses.


If you create a new address just for this "game," send the coin on with the 1.0xx BTC from the previous person as the only input, and never re-use that address, then your other addresses would remain hidden.

True, but an average user might not have control over their coins at that level. I wasn't complaining - just pointing out it would be a good exercise to try and extract some info when this game is done. What percent of partcipants bothered to keep this game insulated from their other activities, and how successful they were? What can we learn about those who didn't bother (that we don't already know)?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 11, 2012, 07:07:42 PM
I want to know who has Al the Alpaca's .011BTC. That was his facet money. Don't get the Alpaca upset, for I see he's starting to leave droppings on threads he dislikes.  :o


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: BTC-engineer on July 11, 2012, 07:25:25 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 07:39:41 PM
Glad to hear your back, what a coincidence, I bet that sucked, that you're thinking that we're thinking you took off, that's is what I would have thought if my power went off. "oh god, they're gonna think I took off, damn this storm" :p

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 11, 2012, 07:40:30 PM
For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 11, 2012, 07:44:18 PM
This thread might be an interesting source for data mining experiments - those who used their local wallets have just publicly linked their forum identities to their addresses.


If you create a new address just for this "game," send the coin on with the 1.0xx BTC from the previous person as the only input, and never re-use that address, then your other addresses would remain hidden.


EDIT: Still in rudrigorc2's 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

EDIT2: Looks like he's a scammer, he deleted his post. D:

Had anyone Pm'd him yet, to let him know it was sent to him? If not, I'll toss him a pm right quick.

I sent him a pm.;u=47667
/end of edit:

For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: [Tycho] on July 11, 2012, 08:14:51 PM
Nice idea.

(please provide TX hash when sending)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 11, 2012, 08:18:00 PM
I want to know who has Al the Alpaca's .011BTC. That was his facet money. Don't get the Alpaca upset, for I see he's starting to leave droppings on threads he dislikes.  :o


The network has it, in fees. :(

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 11, 2012, 08:23:55 PM
Nice idea.

(please provide TX hash when sending)

Lucky, you don't have to pay a fee either.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 09:51:48 PM
I want to know who has Al the Alpaca's .011BTC. That was his facet money. Don't get the Alpaca upset, for I see he's starting to leave droppings on threads he dislikes.  :o


I believe it was used to cover fees.

And did you actually send to 1VayNert? That's DeepBit's address...
Edit: nope you didn't.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mb300sd on July 11, 2012, 09:53:15 PM
I want to know who has Al the Alpaca's .011BTC. That was his facet money. Don't get the Alpaca upset, for I see he's starting to leave droppings on threads he dislikes.  :o


I believe it was used to cover fees.

And did you actually send to 1VayNert? That's DeepBit's address...
Edit: nope you didn't.

Tycho owns deepbit ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 11, 2012, 10:05:17 PM
Oh lol, I'm just always used to seeing the Deepbit account.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rudrigorc2 on July 12, 2012, 02:38:47 AM
For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

my post still there too :)

Hello operator , this thread is turning itself into a mess!

coin sent to Brunic  - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 12, 2012, 03:05:58 AM
For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

my post still there too :)

Hello operator , this thread is turning itself into a mess!

coin sent to Brunic  - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG


I guess it's ok but mb300sd was suppose to be next.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mb300sd on July 12, 2012, 03:07:27 AM
For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

my post still there too :)

Hello operator , this thread is turning itself into a mess!

coin sent to Brunic  - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG


I guess it's ok but mb300sd was suppose to be next.


nice one.

I want to be next.



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rudrigorc2 on July 12, 2012, 03:09:18 AM
For the record, it's still in 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX (

my post still there too :)

Hello operator , this thread is turning itself into a mess!

coin sent to Brunic  - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG


I guess it's ok but mb300sd was suppose to be next.

are you sure? I guess mb300sd sent me than I looked for someone below my post which is brunic

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: pekv2 on July 12, 2012, 03:21:18 AM
Oh I don't know now. I'll stop posting here.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Brunic on July 12, 2012, 03:56:06 AM
I got it, but I'm a little lost to who I need to send it next. The next wallet following mine is fatigue, so I'll send it to him.

I propose something, here's the list, copy it and add your name:
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 12, 2012, 04:11:06 AM
Thanks for organizing that Brunic, I think it was much needed by this time.

EDIT: recieved. sent.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Phraust on July 12, 2012, 04:16:47 AM
I'd like to participate. :D


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: adamstgBit on July 12, 2012, 04:35:32 AM
what a cool idea!

Once you get it Phraust

Send it here: 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: drakahn on July 12, 2012, 04:42:01 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
15)fatigue - has the coin
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
and then
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
and me
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 05:05:11 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
15)fatigue - has the coin
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
and then
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
and me
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: phantitox on July 12, 2012, 05:13:24 AM
im in :)


Edit: Got it

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 12, 2012, 05:45:23 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww - has the coin
and then
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
and me
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: drakahn on July 12, 2012, 05:51:06 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww - has the coin
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Phraust on July 12, 2012, 06:19:00 AM
Sorry for the wait, bitcoin sent!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 06:22:12 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT - COIN here
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 12, 2012, 06:23:46 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww - has the coin
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: adamstgBit on July 12, 2012, 07:30:33 AM
Coin sent!

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc - has the coin
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: adamstgBit on July 12, 2012, 07:34:08 AM
Just received the coins, just sent them out.

Is there any reason it was 1.008?
I just got another transaction for .004 as well.

i miss calculated the fee i thought it was 0.005 not 0.0005

so i sent the rest after ( paid the fee twice  :-\  lol)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: bluefirecorp on July 12, 2012, 07:36:10 AM
Just received the coins, just sent them out.

Is there any reason it was 1.008?
I just got another transaction for .004 as well.

i miss calculated the fee i thought it was 0.005 not 0.0005

so i sent the rest after ( paid the fee twice  :-\  lol)

Ah, I happened to have 55 bitcoins sitting around in my wallet for a while, so I didn't have a fee, yay! :P

I'll send you back the .004 after I no longer have a fee on it [so, what? 2-3 hours I think?].

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 12, 2012, 07:36:19 AM
Just received the coins, just sent them out.

Is there any reason it was 1.008?
I just got another transaction for .004 as well.

i miss calculated the fee i thought it was 0.005 not 0.0005

so i sent the rest after ( paid the fee twice  :-\  lol)

its ok, i replaced a little to account for fees for a few people :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: adamstgBit on July 12, 2012, 07:39:12 AM
Just received the coins, just sent them out.

Is there any reason it was 1.008?
I just got another transaction for .004 as well.

i miss calculated the fee i thought it was 0.005 not 0.0005

so i sent the rest after ( paid the fee twice  :-\  lol)

its ok, i replaced a little to account for fees for a few people :)

i would of added a few bits myself
but my wallet is at 0.00000 ATM...

This is fun  :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: drakahn on July 12, 2012, 07:46:47 AM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh  - has the coin
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: cuz0882 on July 12, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
I guess bulanula has not seen this thread yet..

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Keefe on July 12, 2012, 10:41:14 AM

EDIT: Received, and sent to Otoh (1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: [Tycho] on July 12, 2012, 01:42:24 PM
Hey, you skipped me :(

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 12, 2012, 01:55:47 PM
Hey, you skipped me :(
I saw that.

You other guys are full of derp. Of course 1VayNert was supposed to get a coin, because [Tycho] == Deepbit. It wasn't a mistake.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 12, 2012, 02:33:52 PM
Cool, let play pass the coin ~ 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 ~

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh  - has the coin :)
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

edit: yep sry I didn't know if [Tycho] should have been added or not, thanks

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 12, 2012, 03:25:25 PM
Added Tycho to the waiting list.  :)

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh  - has the coin :)
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 04:05:17 PM

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Spekulatius on July 12, 2012, 04:17:47 PM
is that coin tainted?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 04:19:02 PM
is that coin tainted?

Tainted in what way? SR? GPUMax?

I bought those coins from, that's where the input of the input is from.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: damnek on July 12, 2012, 04:19:50 PM
Please add me to the list: 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 04:20:48 PM
Please add me to the list: 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Tril on July 12, 2012, 04:45:35 PM
Ok I am using my droid for this

1)Garr255 2)the joint 3)sadpandatech 4)nimda 5)Al the Alpaca 6)pirateat40 7)rjk 8)NothinG 9)PatrickHarnett 10)pekv2 11)unclemantis 12)mb300sd 13)rudrigorc2 14)Brunic 15)fatigue 16)Phraust 17)adamstgBit 18)bluefirecorp 19)Drakahn 20)Gladamas 21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin 22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE) 23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf 24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) 26)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
27)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
??) 101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

EDIT: sent to scottj below.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 12, 2012, 04:49:21 PM
I would like to play please  :)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 12, 2012, 04:50:46 PM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
27)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
28) Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4
29) ???
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on July 12, 2012, 04:56:25 PM
2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
27)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
28) Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4
29) ???
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Hihi :) This thread will be a precious one for those curious network analysis guys. 28 wallet clusters labeled … and counting :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 12, 2012, 05:21:37 PM
I have an interesting idea. Once this coin reaches its goal of 100 transactions, send it back down the chain the exact same way. Now that would be something impressive to show future Bitcoiners, media, etc.

I remembered when I first climbed Mt. Everest. I had to climb back down.

~Bruno/Al/Cackling Bear~

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Elwar on July 12, 2012, 05:39:48 PM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Brunic on July 12, 2012, 05:44:45 PM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

Yeah, I bet Garr will get back a Solidcoin at the end ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Dalkore on July 12, 2012, 06:26:50 PM
I have not gotten it.  My wallet address is on page 4.   

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Keefe on July 12, 2012, 08:28:13 PM
Gladamas was supposed to send it to Dalkore, not phantitox.


2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab - Has the coin
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: phantitox on July 12, 2012, 09:09:05 PM
there you go

sent to 22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza  :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 12, 2012, 09:11:33 PM
I have not gotten it.  My wallet address is on page 4.   

pop your name in again, m8
12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ - Not Sent (07/11/2012)
the 'not sent' part threw me off, as I took it to mean you had it but not sent it yet. ;p I'm easily confused though, it may be possible others are also.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 12, 2012, 09:57:13 PM
 ??? I'm really confused right now, do I need to send someone else another coin?

I apologize for messing everyone up.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 12, 2012, 10:19:52 PM
??? I'm really confused right now, do I need to send someone else another coin?

I apologize for messing everyone up.

Not sure who is next but if you send me one I will cure your guilt! 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ

This is really a cool experiment :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Keefe on July 12, 2012, 11:03:24 PM
??? I'm really confused right now, do I need to send someone else another coin?

I apologize for messing everyone up.

Let's just go with sadpandatech's suggestion and put Dalkore at the end of the list as of now. You don't need to do anything Gladamas.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 12, 2012, 11:26:17 PM
??? I'm really confused right now, do I need to send someone else another coin?

I apologize for messing everyone up.

Let's just go with sadpandatech's suggestion and put Dalkore at the end of the list as of now. You don't need to do anything Gladamas.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin :)
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28) ?

101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 12, 2012, 11:29:27 PM
Sent!  :D

2)the joint
5)Al the Alpaca
22)John (johnthedong)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin :)
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) ???
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: on July 12, 2012, 11:33:45 PM
22)John (johnthedong)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28) ?
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 12:00:28 AM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin :)
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28) ?

101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

I like how pirate's is BadHQ - the head quarters of pirate-age

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Tril on July 13, 2012, 01:25:25 AM
Adding back in 3 that got deleted.  I think the longest chain is below. If I get a coin I'm sending it to Scott J. 

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin Smiley
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4


101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: SamHa1n on July 13, 2012, 02:04:50 AM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: rjk on July 13, 2012, 02:05:28 AM
Read the OP, only full members allowed.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: SamHa1n on July 13, 2012, 02:18:43 AM
I didn't like that part, so I ignored it. The rest, yeah, kinda cool.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 13, 2012, 02:27:50 AM
I didn't like that part, so I ignored it. The rest, yeah, kinda cool.

I like this guy :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: finkleshnorts on July 13, 2012, 02:31:00 AM
I'm impressed that this is still going.

What the heck...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 13, 2012, 02:48:55 AM
I think the longest chain is below.
Oh I see, so now we're competing for the longest chains. Did you orphan any blocks?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 13, 2012, 02:58:21 AM
I think the longest chain is below.
Oh I see, so now we're competing for the longest chains. Did you orphan any blocks?
I think Tycho got orphaned some blocks ago. But he's back on the chain now.  ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on July 13, 2012, 02:59:10 AM
My addy for this circle is 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on July 13, 2012, 03:06:56 AM
I've updated it to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf - Has the coin Smiley
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o

101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on July 13, 2012, 03:27:10 AM
excellent idea. merely posting in support since i'm not full member. :D

edit: or am i!?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 13, 2012, 03:45:20 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on July 13, 2012, 03:48:21 AM
heh. th alpaca is puny.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 13, 2012, 03:53:32 AM
heh. th alpaca is puny.

Read my edit, then take back what you said about my mother.

~Al the Alpaca~

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on July 13, 2012, 04:00:05 AM
i stand by my comment! 3.14159265... pi, full circle. pun. puny. moving on.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: PatrickHarnett on July 13, 2012, 04:29:36 AM
Is it still at 1.0BTC?  I sent BurtW 2.0, but not sure where it's up to.  Curious.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: on July 13, 2012, 04:33:08 AM
BurtW 2.0

the new, improved version.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 13, 2012, 05:24:21 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


Who wants to be on The Winning Team?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 13, 2012, 05:39:23 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


Who wants to be on The Winning Team?

Now you see the light! Finish this bitch up, then start another thread (maybe a tad earlier to get ducks in row).

I cant wait to see your "The Great Bitcoin Race": Two teams of 100 members, competing live on a forum to see which team will transact 1 (or X) BTC up, then back down the chain first.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 13, 2012, 05:41:35 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


But.... You're Al...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Al the Alpaca on July 13, 2012, 06:40:14 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


But.... You're Al...

Are you trying to confuse me in my tired state of mind.

Nite, all. From Al.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 13, 2012, 07:07:29 AM
This is like the telephone game.

Once you get that Bitcoin back it will be nothing like the one you sent out.

The hot potato game also comes to mind. For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.

I do understand that if you think that it's too late in the game in making sure the other parties involve to date will be available for the return trip, at the end of this endeavor, start it once again, but adding my suggestion at the onset, where everybody knows in advance so that they would make themselves readily available for the return trip of the coin. Might as well make it 3.14159265 BTC instead of only 1 BTC in the spirit of seeing it make it full-circle.


EDIT: What the fuck am I thinking? Hell, next time have all 100 people ready at the same time, then start the transaction. The first attempt will be the time to beat. Turn the bitch into a contest, with the prize being the bragging rights. Team Meze Grill vs Team Bitcoin Magazine, or Team Bit-Pay vs Team Memory Dealers. Players could be a part of any team, but can't compete against a team of which they are a team member, thus having to forfeit their team membership on one side. The sponsors of the teams give their team members a special discount for playing.

Just an alpaca brainfart. Don't worry! They don't stink. ;D


But.... You're Al...

Are you trying to confuse me in my tired state of mind.

Nite, all. From Al.

If i were trying to confuse you i would do this...

Decrypted Hidden Message: An alpaca ate bitcoin wallets for the fun of it...

We few who know your malicious plans are watching you. very closely.

To all the naysayers, the blockchain is next... just you wait and see.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 08:05:35 AM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) - Has the coin  :)
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb

101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 13, 2012, 08:11:26 AM
I've updated it to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 ( - Has the coin? :)
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: riX on July 13, 2012, 08:23:00 AM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 ( :)
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) - Has the coin (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 08:36:52 AM
I've updated it to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (  - Has the coin
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Note, it's better to quote this list/post & add yourself rather than C&P as that loses the posts # links

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: [Tycho] on July 13, 2012, 09:03:08 AM

Free coin laundry provided as a bonus :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 09:18:18 AM
For prosperity purposes, if would be nice to view the animation of the entire ordeal, showing times and places on a globe.

Along with showing the whole process reversed, but not played backwards, as I mentioned earlier. Send the coin back down the line in the exact opposite order.


Step 1: add yourselves to this map ( for locations if you like, or make a new one that's just dedicated to this game/experiment perhaps?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Dalkore on July 13, 2012, 02:57:26 PM
I've updated it to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 ( - sent
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 ( - has the coin
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Note, it's better to quote this list/post & add yourself rather than C&P as that loses the posts # links

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: on July 13, 2012, 03:06:20 PM
I've updated it to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 ( - sent
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 ( - sent
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 ( - has the coin(s)
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Note, it's better to quote this list/post & add yourself rather than C&P as that loses the posts # links

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 13, 2012, 03:11:11 PM
You sent me 2.0 BTC and I sent it on and I am not even in the master list!
That is called block-chain pruning; I'm surprised we got to it before Gavin did  :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: damnek on July 13, 2012, 04:34:30 PM
Guys, I'm terribly sorry but I got hacked after I received the coins..

Just kidding! Coins have been sent.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 13, 2012, 04:57:07 PM
Guys, I'm terribly sorry but I got hacked after I received the coins..

Just kidding! Coins have been sent.

Wait, you're Bitcoinica?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 13, 2012, 07:48:18 PM
Guys, I'm terribly sorry but I got hacked after I received the coins..

you forgot to add that they only stole 50% of the coins and that after some investigation you will replace your password with your forum name+1 and try and return the money. ;p

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 13, 2012, 08:40:09 PM
Looks to me like the coins have got as far as honest bob now.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 13, 2012, 08:41:10 PM
Recieved 2.07811815 from Tril
Sent 2.080 to honest bob

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: finkleshnorts on July 13, 2012, 08:46:34 PM
 sent 2.0801337 to giszmo.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 08:49:17 PM
Updated to the newest version, but guys please add yourself to the list in future.
Anyone below a full member please refrain from doing so.
Note, it's better to quote this list/post & add yourself rather than C&P as that loses the posts # links

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 ( has the coin(s)
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on July 13, 2012, 09:02:46 PM
Guys, I'm terribly sorry but I got hacked after I received the coins..

Oh, finally a troll. I've been waiting for that :)

Sorry I can't send the coins as instawallet doesn't allow unconfirmed inputs to be sent. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 13, 2012, 09:27:08 PM
I would like to participate in this too!  :)

Edit: Recieved! Will send/update as soon as the next person signs up

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on July 13, 2012, 09:54:08 PM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 ( has the coin(s)
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

… and yes, maybe I sneaked in a wrong bitcoin address somewhere, so maybe better trust the OP ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: riX on July 13, 2012, 09:57:25 PM
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

… and yes, maybe I sneaked in a wrong bitcoin address somewhere, so maybe better trust the OP ;)

Just make sure not to get your own address wrong, or face being labeled scammer..

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on July 13, 2012, 10:31:52 PM
I still don't have enough posts to play even though I probably signed up earlier then some of you.  Oh well.  I guess I am still a scammer.   ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 13, 2012, 10:39:28 PM
I still don't have enough posts to play even though I probably signed up earlier then some of you.  Oh well.  I guess I am still a scammer.   ;D

haha, scammer!!  ;D  hey, is your profile pic from Monty Python's "History of The World"?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 10:50:24 PM

I generated a disposable private key address and funded it with a random amount of BTC

I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.


Once someone figures out the pass phrase and imports the resulting private key, please post the value along with the public key to this forum.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on July 13, 2012, 10:57:21 PM
got it and sending on to dooglus. sorry it took so long, was sleepin.

transaction id: ddab1ce5f10c7019062c83fc73edb7e2fecf78658531c5945348097d7aa55231

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 11:01:17 PM
Hey URSAY you call THAT jizz face? THIS is a JIZZ FACE!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 13, 2012, 11:02:03 PM

I generated a disposable private key address and funded it with a random amount of BTC

I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.


Once someone figures out the pass phrase and imports the resulting private key, please post the value along with the public key to this forum.


I mighta screwed something up. But I got ;172o99PvSUdQrBktwEwmXFAwL8XYnPq8PV
for the public addy. 0 BTC on it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 11:06:36 PM

I generated a disposable private key address and funded it with a random amount of BTC

I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.


Once someone figures out the pass phrase and imports the resulting private key, please post the value along with the public key to this forum.


I mighta screwed something up. But I got ;172o99PvSUdQrBktwEwmXFAwL8XYnPq8PV
for the public addy. 0 BTC on it.

Wrong. You got the 1 right :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 11:07:47 PM

The first 3 characters of the public address are the numbers 169

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 11:11:45 PM

The MD5 hash of the private key is


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 13, 2012, 11:15:59 PM
That's not going to help  ::) AES is a pretty good encryption mechanism, and bruteforcing 32 bits is hard even with MD5.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: riX on July 13, 2012, 11:16:44 PM

found it before the clues..

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 13, 2012, 11:17:30 PM
169N4izDwoUb73Abwv8Qc1hSUTwpXanSwK is the public key.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 13, 2012, 11:18:14 PM

found it before the clues..

aye, but you forgot the rules. ;p



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2012, 11:18:32 PM
Hey URSAY you call THAT jizz face? THIS is a JIZZ FACE! NSFW (


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 13, 2012, 11:20:52 PM

So who ended up with the reward?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 13, 2012, 11:21:59 PM

So who ended up with the reward?

no one yet, since you did not say to take it. ;p

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 13, 2012, 11:27:35 PM
I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.
I call BS. There's no way anybody could decrypt something like that without the pass phrase (unless it was very weak, in which case it was not 128 bit)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 13, 2012, 11:30:39 PM
I got the coins and bet them on the pretty safe "under 48000" at satoshidice.

I lost.  Oops (

Sent a different 2.0801337 BTC ( on to riX.  Hopefully he won't notice it's not the original bitcoin...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: riX on July 13, 2012, 11:33:47 PM
I got the coins and bet them on the pretty safe "under 48000" at satoshidice.

I lost.  Oops (

Sent a different 2.0801337 BTC ( on to riX.  Hopefully he won't notice it's not the original bitcoin...

It's not the original anyway..

Also, I'm going to bed now, so unless someone signs up within minutes, this will have to wait until at least tomorrow..

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 13, 2012, 11:37:11 PM
I got the coins and bet them on the pretty safe "under 48000" at satoshidice.

I lost.  Oops (

Sent a different 2.0801337 BTC ( on to riX.  Hopefully he won't notice it's not the original bitcoin...

It's not the original anyway..

Also, I'm going to bed now, so unless someone signs up within minutes, this will have to wait until at least tomorrow..

I was hoping to use SD to increase the value of the coin a little and pass on the winnings.  Didn't quite work out.   ::)

Someone else did sign up:

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 ( - has the coin(s)
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175 (
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: riX on July 13, 2012, 11:48:05 PM
Someone else did sign up:


1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2 (
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3 (
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4 (
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5 (
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6 (
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 (
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20 (
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21 (
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 (
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32 (
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34 (
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39 (
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44 (
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49 (
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52 (
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88 (
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89 (
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90 (
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91 (
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92 (
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93 (
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98 (
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107 (
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110 (
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx ( #75 (
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67 (
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133 (
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115 (
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117 (
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118 (
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140 (
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143 (
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145 (
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159 (
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 (
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175 ( - has the coin(s)
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1 (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 13, 2012, 11:49:52 PM
I was hoping to use SD to increase the value of the coin a little and pass on the winnings.  Didn't quite work out.   ::)
Unlucky, it was a nice thought!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 14, 2012, 12:00:02 AM
I was hoping to use SD to increase the value of the coin a little and pass on the winnings.  Didn't quite work out.   ::)
Unlucky, it was a nice thought!

Yes, but I couldn't lose twice in a row, right?  So no harm in attempting to win my losses back (


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 14, 2012, 12:00:58 AM
I was hoping to use SD to increase the value of the coin a little and pass on the winnings.  Didn't quite work out.   ::)
Unlucky, it was a nice thought!

Yes, but I couldn't lose twice in a row, right?  So no harm in attempting to win my losses back (

One more time might do it?  ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 14, 2012, 12:05:25 AM
One more time might do it?  ;D

It did (, but I forgot that I needed to win both the losses back, and only bet enough to win the 6 BTC back, not the original 2 BTC as well.

Actually, to win back both losses I would had to bet more than the 25 BTC maximum:

>>> (6.4400424 + 2.0801337) / 0.323

I think I'll quit while I'm ahead only slightly behind.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: on July 14, 2012, 12:10:35 AM
I got the coins and bet them on the pretty safe "under 48000" at satoshidice.

I lost.  Oops (

Sent a different 2.0801337 BTC ( on to riX.  Hopefully he won't notice it's not the original bitcoin...

It's not the original anyway..

Also, I'm going to bed now, so unless someone signs up within minutes, this will have to wait until at least tomorrow..

i also sent different coins, because i sent out from some confirmed coins while the incoming game coins were still unconfirmed.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 14, 2012, 12:22:13 AM
I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.
I call BS. There's no way anybody could decrypt something like that without the pass phrase (unless it was very weak, in which case it was not 128 bit)

Bitcoin Address:
Private Key (Wallet Import Format):

Passphrase was ""

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 14, 2012, 12:23:03 AM

Do you wish to put up a larger bounty with a much stronger pass phrase?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 14, 2012, 01:45:01 AM
I have encrypted the private key using AES 128bit pass phrase.
I call BS. There's no way anybody could decrypt something like that without the pass phrase (unless it was very weak, in which case it was not 128 bit)

Bitcoin Address:
Private Key (Wallet Import Format):

Passphrase was ""
There you go. "" is not 128 bits. it was not a "AES 128bit pass phrase." In fact, given where we are right now, I'd say the entropy is close to 0 bits  ::)

Do you wish to put up a larger bounty with a much stronger pass phrase?
If I put up a bounty with a pass phrase which was actually "AES 128bit," you would never crack it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: luv2drnkbr on July 14, 2012, 02:11:59 AM
This thread is a giant circle jerk.  Try the experiment with 5 figures worth of BTC and see how long it lasts.

Edit:  To clarify, people like feeling good about themselves, and they'll pay one bitcoint o both feel good and not ruin their reputation.  But if your experiment is about complete trustworthiness, then you need to make the bounty something worth stealing, like 10K+ btc.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 14, 2012, 02:12:50 AM
This thread is a giant circle jerk.  Try the experiment with 5 figures worth of BTC and see how long it lasts.

BTC20 says < 10 transactions, with the same requirements as this thread.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 14, 2012, 02:17:49 AM
This thread is a giant circle jerk.  Try the experiment with 5 figures worth of BTC and see how long it lasts.

BTC20 says < 10 transactions, with the same requirements as this thread.

I don't understand what "BTC20 says < 10 transactions" means.

But nobody has to trust anyone here except for the first guy.  He needs to trust us all.  The rest of us never risk anything.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on July 14, 2012, 02:23:10 AM
garr is saying that a five figure sum of bitcoins passed in the same manner as this thread wouldn't make it past ten transactions before being stolen, and he's betting 20 btc on it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 14, 2012, 02:38:49 AM
garr is saying that a five figure sum of bitcoins passed in the same manner as this thread wouldn't make it past ten transactions before being stolen, and he's betting 20 btc on it.

Yup. Apologies for the American slang :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 14, 2012, 02:53:28 AM
I think we could make this a bit more interesting with a larger sum.  For the sake of the example let's use 1000 BTC.

Well that's pretty much, you know, ALL my money. The style points:risk ratio is too high for me :P

Same thing with 100 coins. Although it would be a fun game to watch once you're out of it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fatigue on July 14, 2012, 03:00:17 AM
I think we could make this a bit more interesting with a larger sum.  For the sake of the example let's use 1000 BTC.  Now the agreement is this:  If the person you pass it to takes it and runs you owe the BTC to the owner.  That way there is risk at every hand off.  Now I know a handfull of people I would easily trust with 1000 BTC.  So I would pass it to them.  If they run I owe the 1000 to the owner, but as soon as they pass it on to someone else, hopefully someone they trust with that much - then I am off the hook (and they are on it).

If we do this we should start a new thread and whoever gets the BTC should select who they send it to and just notify us.  Something like:

I got the 1000 (or 100, or whatever) BTC from Patrick and passed it on to Kluge.  Transaction detail...

Then Kluge would state in the thread:  I got the BTC from BurtW and passed it on to PirateAt40.  Transaction detail...

Etc.  Each post would be exactly one transfer, easy to track.

I love this idea, the only issue is getting someone to put up 1k btc to be distributed as the rest of the line sees fit.

For example, in this current experiment, let's say some known scammer lists his address. The likely thing to happen is that the people involved already dismiss his entry by consensus(this would be more prevalent if it were a larger sum)

Now in your proposed experiment this couldn't happen, though I suspect the recievers would be more carefully chosen.

Just some thoughts.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on July 14, 2012, 03:37:08 AM
See the new 100 BTC "trust roulette"
Hey, wait! You didn't give me time to feed my sockpuppets so I can give them the 100BTC from one to the other so nobody is pointing at me in the end :(

If you are so desperate to loose your money, why not spend it on a good cause? What will this proof? Many here in the forum hold much bigger assets of many of us (aka we trust them already with 100s of our BTC). The OTC rating and many other webs of trust are in place.

With 1BTC play money this is somehow a fun game and I would love to use it as an example later on. Imagine this with bank transfers: "Please post your bank details and I will send you 8$ and after #100 I get my 8$ back." How ridiculous sounds that? Identity theft? Privacy concerns? Fees anybody? This context is why I participated.

Who calculated the total fees paid so far?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 14, 2012, 03:42:07 AM
Who calculated the total fees paid so far?

Lol, this is just an elaborate distraction to increase Cognitive's revenue ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 14, 2012, 05:40:07 AM
Garr, since there is the new thread, do you just want your coins back or should I just wait for the next address post?
I'm off to bed, but I will check in periodically tomorrow to see who's next.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on July 14, 2012, 05:45:31 AM
If you have the coins and there's nobody else on the list, you can hang on to them until someone else posts, unless you only check the forums once a month :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 14, 2012, 06:30:31 AM
If you have the coins and there's nobody else on the list, you can hang on to them until someone else posts, unless you only check the forums once a month :P

Nope! I'm here every day. I have no life... :-\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 14, 2012, 06:45:54 AM
Who calculated the total fees paid so far?

I did.  It's 0.0435 BTC:

        2012-07-11 01:58:39     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
1 #2 (               Garr255                 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h
        2012-07-11 02:07:23     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
2 #3 (               the joint               17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs
        2012-07-11 02:08:41     1 BTC (            (fee = 0 BTC)
3 #4 (               sadpandatech            13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF
        2012-07-11 02:17:00     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
4 #5 (               nimda                   1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7
        2012-07-11 02:34:16     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.001 BTC)
5 #6 (               Al the Alpaca           1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx
        2012-07-11 02:55:11     1.0011 BTC (       (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
6 #19 (              pirateat40              1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg
        2012-07-11 02:58:12     1.0011 BTC (       (fee = 0 BTC)
7 #20 (              rjk                     17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ
        2012-07-11 03:09:42     1.0006 BTC (       (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
8 #21 (              NothinG                 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY
        2012-07-11 03:47:36     1.0101 BTC (       (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
9 #27 (              PatrickHarnett          1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ
        2012-07-11 04:01:49     1 BTC (            (fee = 0 BTC)
10 #32 (             pekv2                   12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9
        2012-07-11 04:14:25     1 BTC (            (fee = 0 BTC)
11 #34 (             unclemantis             12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ
        2012-07-11 14:39:05     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.002 BTC)
12 #39 (             mb300sd                 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM
        2012-07-11 16:33:35     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
13 #44 (             rudrigorc2              1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX
        2012-07-12 02:58:38     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
14 #49 (             Brunic                  16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG
        2012-07-12 03:54:41     1 BTC (            (fee = 0 BTC)
15 #52 (             fatigue                 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG
        2012-07-12 05:15:43     1.013 BTC (        (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
16 #88 (             Phraust                 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww
        2012-07-12 06:18:20     1.013 BTC (        (fee = 0.01 BTC)
17 #89 (             adamstgBit              15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT
        2012-07-12 07:29:35     1.008 BTC (        (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
18 #90 (             bluefirecorp            1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc
        2012-07-12 07:30:56     1.008 BTC (        (fee = 0 BTC)
19 #91 (             Drakahn                 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb
        2012-07-12 07:46:43     1.008 BTC (        (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
20 #92 (             Gladamas                1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh
        2012-07-12 16:03:50     1.0395 BTC (       (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
21 #93 (             phantitox               1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab
        2012-07-12 21:06:54     1 BTC (            (fee = 0 BTC)
22 #98 (             John (johnthedong)      1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza
        2012-07-12 23:29:08     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
23 #107 (            Keefe                   1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf
        2012-07-13 02:38:11     1 BTC (            (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
24 #110 (            Otoh                    1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8
        2012-07-13 08:00:11     1.01010101 BTC (   (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
25 #75 (             [Tycho]                 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8
        2012-07-13 09:02:36     2.08811815 BTC (   (fee = 0 BTC)
26 #67 (             Dalkore                 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ
        2012-07-13 14:56:41     2.08811815 BTC (   (fee = 0.01 BTC)
27 #133 (                   14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH
        2012-07-13 15:05:57     2.08811815 BTC (   (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
28 #115 (            damnek                  17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n
        2012-07-13 16:32:44     2.08811815 BTC (   (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
29 #117 (            Tril                    1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE
        2012-07-13 19:43:35     2.07811815 BTC (   (fee = 0.01 BTC)
30 #118 (            Scott J                 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4
        2012-07-13 20:36:33     2.08 BTC (         (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
31 #140 (            honest bob              14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL
        2012-07-13 20:44:19     2.0801337 BTC (    (fee = 0 BTC)
32 #143 (            giszmo                  1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o
        2012-07-13 21:50:37     2.0801337 BTC (    (fee = 0.0005 BTC)
33 #145 (            arklan                  1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb
        2012-07-13 22:56:41     2.0801337 BTC (    (fee = 0.001 BTC)
34 #159 (            dooglus                 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu
        2012-07-13 23:23:42     2.0801337 BTC (    (fee = 0 BTC)
35 #160 (            riX                     155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK
        2012-07-13 23:41:53     2.0801337 BTC (    (fee = 0 BTC)
36 #175 (            RyNinDaCleM             1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU
101 #1 (             Return to Sender        18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 14, 2012, 09:02:18 AM

Al the Alpaca added 0.0011 BTC
rkj added 0.0005 BTC
NothinG added 0.0095
PatrickHarnett taxed 0.0101
fatigue added 0.013 BTC
adamstgBit taxed 0.005
Gladamas added 0.0315
phantitox taxed 0.0395
Otoh added 0.01010101
[Tycho] added 1.07801714
Scott J added 0.0188185
honest bob added 0.0001337

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 14, 2012, 09:05:40 AM

Al the Alpaca added 0.0011 BTC
rkj added 0.0005 BTC
NothinG added 0.0095
PatrickHarnett taxed 0.0101
fatigue added 0.013 BTC
adamstgBit taxed 0.005
Gladamas added 0.0315
phantitox taxed 0.0395
Otoh added 0.01010101
[Tycho] added 1.07801714
Scott J added 0.0188185
honest bob added 0.0001337

... assuming I picked out the correct transactions.  I may have made mistakes.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on July 14, 2012, 01:12:00 PM

Al the Alpaca added 0.0011 BTC
rkj added 0.0005 BTC
NothinG added 0.0095
PatrickHarnett taxed 0.0101
fatigue added 0.013 BTC
adamstgBit taxed 0.005
Gladamas added 0.0315
phantitox taxed 0.0395
Otoh added 0.01010101
[Tycho] added 1.07801714
Scott J added 0.0188185
honest bob added 0.0001337

... assuming I picked out the correct transactions.  I may have made mistakes.
That appears to be correct.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on July 14, 2012, 03:32:11 PM

Al the Alpaca added 0.0011 BTC
rkj added 0.0005 BTC
NothinG added 0.0095
PatrickHarnett taxed 0.0101
fatigue added 0.013 BTC
adamstgBit taxed 0.005
Gladamas added 0.0315
phantitox taxed 0.0395
Otoh added 0.01010101
[Tycho] added 1.07801714
Scott J added 0.0188185
honest bob added 0.0001337

Ya, I wish the coins I added were passed on for transaction fees. Oh well... ::)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: unclemantis on July 14, 2012, 05:06:12 PM
This game is making the miners richer! This game needs to stop! LOL

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 14, 2012, 06:15:39 PM
I feel something good will stem from this experiment.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 15, 2012, 03:53:59 PM
I feel something good will stem from this experiment.


What makes you say that Bruno? A good way to garner trust and the wait for time to strike would be to participate in a few small trades and games like this before pouncing on an unsuspecting victim. This is meaningless because the stake is too low. I give more away than this to panhandlers just taking a walk downtown.

The game rules pretty much rule out anyone that hasn't already acquired some lvl of trust anyhows..

some good things that could come from this experiment;

We can show how much easier and cheaper it is to send money through so many hands compared to banks. (could you imagine wiring money from bank to bank through 100 accounts?)

and across boarders no less.

I'm sure there are more things to be gleaned from such an excercise but my simple mind can't think of them atm. ;p

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 15, 2012, 05:38:48 PM
I feel something good will stem from this experiment.


What makes you say that Bruno? A good way to garner trust and the wait for time to strike would be to participate in a few small trades and games like this before pouncing on an unsuspecting victim. This is meaningless because the stake is too low. I give more away than this to panhandlers just taking a walk downtown.

The game rules pretty much rule out anyone that hasn't already acquired some lvl of trust anyhows..

I trusted the Bitconica guys, Mark Karpeles, Peter Lambert, Intersango guys, MyBitcoin and on and on and on and on....

some good things that could come from this experiment;

We can show how much easier and cheaper it is to send money through so many hands compared to banks. (could you imagine wiring money from bank to bank through 100 accounts?)

Oh, please. It doesn’t matter how many people you send it to if you can’t trade it without getting ripped off or having to wait weeks or months to get your spendable currency out of the system. I can send an email telling someone I’m mailing them a check in seconds and it doesn’t need to wait for confirmations before it can be read. Neither the email or the btc will be immediately transferrable to fiat.

and across boarders no less.

 I can mail a check across international boundries and I just bought something at Newegg with PayPal and had it delivered to my doorstep the next day with no fee other than shipping cost.

I'm sure there are more things to be gleaned from such an excercise but my simple mind can't think of them atm. ;p

I can't think of them either but if you come across any let me know. I could use something to reestablish my faith.

if it seems so negative to you, Bitcoins that is. Then why the fuck are you here?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sadpandatech on July 15, 2012, 06:05:58 PM

I've been here for a long time. We have talked before and even worked on Bitcoin100 together (although you probably don’t remember – the last time we spoke your father just passed away – I’m sorry). I know you’re a good guy and want to see the best in this system. I think I’ve been ripped off one too many times. I’ve become incredibly tainted and I suppose I just want someone to give me a good argument for continuing on. Other than the same rhetoric that I myself have preached for a year and a half I can’t seem to find one. Maybe I just don’t want to think I’ve been doing nothing but working for the electric company (mining).

Yea, we have and I always took you to be a good guy with a lvl head as well. Yea, his passing has kept me from wanting to deal with anything having to do with charity or sick people in general.. :/

I did not realise you had such bad experiences lately. I'm sorry to hear that. I can see where that is especially frustrating when you put in a lot of your own time and energy to help promote something we see as good and beneficial to society.

I had intended to actually draw up a civilied response and have no real excuse for not having done so, I apologize for that. Keep your head up, m8. We all know that Bitcoin can and will change the way people think of 'money' but it unfortunatly is not capable of changing the people. Both good and bad.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Otoh on July 15, 2012, 06:06:18 PM
The fact that it is a small sum, under $10 makes it all the more interesting, if ppl also posted how they would convert it to their local fiat & how long this would take & at what cost then that too would be of interest I think.

For me I would either sell it on Intersango & withdraw to my UK bank account, this normally takes a day & hopefully in the future would be much faster (under 2 hours & free) if they can automate it with their bank, as it would be a small withdrawal - under GBP 100 then there's a GBP 0.20 fee which isn't excessive.

Alternatively if I wish to send it in dollars to my US bank account then I would sell it on Mt. Gox & withdraw to my Dwolla account then from there send to my US bank account, I can't remember if there's a fee for this but if so it's probably like $0.25 or something & as I've only used Dwolla for deposits I'm not sure of the time that takes but obviously there are other faster ways to get $ cash at a higher fee/commission rate so it would be interesting to hear ppls alternatives, like P2P exchange etc.

I actually live in mainland Europe & could sell on Intersango or some other Euro-centric exchange then withdraw in Euros via SEPA, which is meant to be fast & either free or cheap though I haven't tried this as yet & haven't looked up the details.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 15, 2012, 06:45:23 PM
It is just as easy to get scammed with PayPal as it is with Bitcoin. The only difference is that with PayPal, the merchant takes the risk. I know this from firsthand experience.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 15, 2012, 07:06:19 PM
No, the merchant should not take the risk. The reason for that being that the merchant is generally more trusted. Here's my logic:

Imagine that you are in #bitcoin-otc selling ice cream coupons. You've been doing this for years.
Some new person joins the channel and asks you to send first. Do you? Of course not.
A helpful channel resident explains to the new person that you have a flawless rating, and thus the new person sends first.
(This actually happens very frequently, minus the "ice cream" part)

In this perfectly reasonable, oft-occuring example, the merchant did not take the risk; the buyer did. Had the merchant taken the risk, the new person would, with a high probability, have run off with the ice cream without paying. Given that this is the internet, "drive-offs" (pumping gas then driving off without paying) are hard to pursue / prosecute.

The problem seems to arise when the "poor broke bastard" leaves his money with the merchant. The merchant provides no evidence of collateral or any real reason for the poor bastard to leave the money with him. Keep your coins in your own (brain/paper/offline/etc)wallet, where they are actually safe. Take them out for transactions, and don't lend/deposit them with merchants without good reason. The merchants/deposit-takers are not FDIC-insured ::) If people didn't use MtGox/etc as an e-wallet, then MtGox wouldn't be able to run off with nearly as much money.

If a Bitcoin user does decide to "deposit" his/her coins with any third party, for any reason (e-wallet, exchange, good interest rates) then he/she must consider it a "loan," not a "deposit." The user is loaning his/her bitcoins out, and must make sure that he/she can get them back later. Just because transactions are pseudonymous does not mean that the whole business needs to be; just because the gov't doesn't force KYC on every Bitcoin business doesn't mean that due diligence is prohibited.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 15, 2012, 08:52:21 PM
Yes, but the merchant should take the risk. They are there to make the money. It's backwards here. In Bitcoin it seems like the little poor broke bastard has to pay the price while the Goxes get richer.

The problem is that the merchant doesn't end up paying the cost of chargebacks, his honest customers do.  The merchant calculates the cost of chargebacks and increases his prices to cover that cost.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 15, 2012, 08:56:26 PM
While I have sold things for PayPal and gotten burned (one guy/gal claimed it was broken on arrival -- yeah, it and the bubble-wrap packaging ::)) I have yet to be burned while taking the risk as a buyer. I mailed cash out the other day (in exchange for BTC) and it just wouldn't make sense (for the merchant) to trash the merchant's perfect ratings by scamming me.
You listed examples like MyBitcoin/Bitcoinica etc, but those all fall under my previous statement that you let them hold your money. Don't do that. Have you ever been scammed as a buyer in a transaction when dealing with someone reputed?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on July 15, 2012, 10:54:48 PM
Again, just because Bitcoin isn't gov't backed doesn't mean that crimes are can't be prosecuted. Just because there are no KYC laws for it doesn't mean that it has to be perfectly anonymous. Just because there is no recourse requirement doesn't mean that the customer can't demand collateral.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 23, 2012, 03:48:38 AM
Did this not reach 100 transactions yet?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on July 23, 2012, 05:11:59 AM
Last I heard it was with RyNinDaCleM, step 36.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 23, 2012, 06:43:08 AM
Last I heard it was with RyNinDaCleM, step 36.

Yep, I still have it! I've been checking for days to hand it off, but no one wants it apparently. If there isn't anyone by say, Friday 27th of July, I'm sending it back to Garr. I will have had it for two weeks at that point, and see no reason to keep it any longer than that.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: hongus on July 27, 2012, 05:42:41 PM
I would take it but I don't meet the reqs :\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 27, 2012, 06:19:14 PM
I would take it but I don't meet the reqs :\

Why not? You're a full member! The only thing you're missing is an address.
You have 5 hrs and 41 mins to respond or it gets sent to Garr at the addy in the OP.
What are you still reading for? GO!  :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: hongus on July 27, 2012, 07:07:34 PM
Okay. Here's the address 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on July 27, 2012, 07:32:02 PM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 - has the coin(s)
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
37)hongus - 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Sent 2.0801337BTC to hongus!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: hongus on July 27, 2012, 07:58:31 PM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160 - has the coin(s)
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
37)hongus - 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Sent 2.0801337BTC to hongus!

Got it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: hongus on July 30, 2012, 07:46:35 AM
So whos taking it next? I dont want to hold this. Too tempting to spend :\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on July 30, 2012, 07:49:17 AM
So whos taking it next? I dont want to hold this. Too tempting to spend :\

Too bad I'm not a full member yet, I would have participated.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: flatfly on July 30, 2012, 02:12:11 PM
Joining... Address in my sig :)

EDIT: Received.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: hongus on July 30, 2012, 06:24:57 PM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
37)hongus - 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
38)flatfly - 1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256 has the coin
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 01, 2012, 05:10:40 PM
Do I have 100 posts yet???   ???  ::)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: flatfly on August 01, 2012, 05:21:54 PM
Do I have 100 posts yet???   ???  ::)

Hmm you need way more than 100 posts to be a full member...

EDIT: Sorry, was wrong on that one, my mistake.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on August 01, 2012, 06:14:16 PM
Do I have 100 posts yet???   ???  ::)

you are, in point of fact, a full member. thus, eligible to play.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 01, 2012, 06:43:17 PM
Sendy sendy...


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: flatfly on August 01, 2012, 11:07:33 PM
Sendy sendy...



Tx: 72001f3ae6a34c911639e742d21c9546869b6e306b28b836d872f7572f5b64bc

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 02, 2012, 03:12:15 AM
How much did you send?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: flatfly on August 02, 2012, 08:13:30 AM
How much did you send?

Hi, I sent you 2.0801337 BTC, which is what I got from hongus and what you need to forward
when somebody else shows up on this thread.  

Isn't that what you received?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 02, 2012, 02:23:35 PM
I thought this was gonna be 1 BTC...just surprised me a bit.

2.0801337 BTC received and ready to send...

...this game is borrrrrrriiiinnnnngggg...LOL.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Tril on August 02, 2012, 04:20:43 PM
...this game is borrrrrrriiiinnnnngggg...LOL.

Blame the mods who moved it from Bitcoin Discussion into "Games and Rounds" where no one new will find it.

EDIT: I linked this thread in my sig. Hopefully that will get some more players

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on August 02, 2012, 04:55:33 PM
Grr... it's not a gambling game, it's an experiment.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 02, 2012, 05:40:26 PM
Grr... it's not a gambling game, it's an experiment.

An experiment that suggests levels of trust may be directly linked to post count?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on August 02, 2012, 05:46:55 PM
Grr... it's not a gambling game, it's an experiment.

Therefore it should be moved to a new "experiments" section, or back where it came from :P

An experiment that suggests levels of trust may be directly linked to post count?

No, but it deters people from making a new account to steal the coins.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 02, 2012, 05:58:18 PM
I'll give this a shot.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 02, 2012, 06:18:01 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 03, 2012, 05:05:16 PM
I just added a bit more BTC to the experiment.

I sent 0.1010777 BTC from 1BurtWEejbnKeBRsvcydJvsNztB1bXV5iQ to 111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL

See transaction (

Received, waiting for someone to ask for the coins now.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 03, 2012, 06:37:24 PM
According to the rules, I cannot participate because I haven't spammed the forum enough to gain full membership yet. If however you accept the risk of me having created my account a few days before this experiment so that I can steal those 2-3 BTC, you can send the token to 1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on August 03, 2012, 06:47:21 PM
According to the rules, I cannot participate because I haven't spammed the forum enough to gain full membership yet. If however you accept the risk of me having created my account a few days before this experiment so that I can steal those 2-3 BTC, you can send the token to 1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 :)
Huh. This guy registered before the thread, 1 month ago. He has a bitcoin-otc and (had/has) some BTC with vescudero. However, his otc ratings are a confusing mixture of phony stuff used by sockpuppets and scammers (borrowing 0.3 BTC) and legitimate stuff (SEPA transfers, rating by DeaDTerra, etc)

I'd trust him. At least if he steals it we have a #bitcoin-otc to rate negatively

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 03, 2012, 06:55:44 PM
According to the rules, I cannot participate because I haven't spammed the forum enough to gain full membership yet. If however you accept the risk of me having created my account a few days before this experiment so that I can steal those 2-3 BTC, you can send the token to 1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 :)
Huh. This guy registered before the thread, 1 month ago. He has a bitcoin-otc and (had/has) some BTC with vescudero. However, his otc ratings are a confusing mixture of phony stuff used by sockpuppets and scammers (borrowing 0.3 BTC) and legitimate stuff (SEPA transfers, rating by DeaDTerra, etc)

I'd trust him. At least if he steals it we have a #bitcoin-otc to rate negatively

So is that a go?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 03, 2012, 07:15:26 PM
However, his otc ratings are a confusing mixture of phony stuff used by sockpuppets and scammers (borrowing 0.3 BTC) and legitimate stuff (SEPA transfers, rating by DeaDTerra, etc)

When you have only a few occasions to use #bitcoin-otc (for €, usually has better offers), any rating is good to take :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 03, 2012, 07:22:21 PM
However, his otc ratings are a confusing mixture of phony stuff used by sockpuppets and scammers (borrowing 0.3 BTC) and legitimate stuff (SEPA transfers, rating by DeaDTerra, etc)

When you have only a few occasions to use #bitcoin-otc (for €, usually has better offers), any rating is good to take :)

May I ask, what country do you reside in?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 03, 2012, 07:27:17 PM
May I ask, what country do you reside in?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: URSAY on August 04, 2012, 12:57:45 AM
Don't change the rules just because his avatar is an adorable child.   :-\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on August 04, 2012, 02:11:23 AM
What I want to know is how he got a tagline

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 04, 2012, 03:24:06 AM
Don't change the rules just because his avatar is an adorable child.   :-\

Very tempting :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gladamas on August 04, 2012, 07:43:26 AM
What I want to know is how he got a tagline


OneEyed, how did you get that custom title below your username if you're not a VIP donator?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 04, 2012, 09:07:24 AM
What I want to know is how he got a tagline

Simple: I registered on this forum using the name in my tagline. However, when I started to use #bitcoin-otc a few days later, I did it under OneEyed as it has been my registered nick on freenode for more than 8 years. I also wander on other IRC channels at the same time, so I didn't want to switch nicks or to use multiple clients or connexions.

In order to unify my forum and IRC names, I explained the situation to theymos and he kindly accepted to perform a name change. But to make sure I wasn't trying to deceive people I previously interacted with, he told me I had to wear this tagline for at least 2 weeks, which I find kinda cool anyway :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on August 12, 2012, 03:48:02 AM
Updated!  :)
Total current amount in circulation = BTC2.1812114
Please update this list when you receive the coins!

1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
37)hongus - 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
38)flatfly - 1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
39)URSAY - 1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
40)nckrazze - 111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL #270 in possesion
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: TYDIRocks on August 13, 2012, 03:42:43 AM
Is this still going on? if so: 1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm

Great idea you had here btw!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nckrazze on August 13, 2012, 06:32:57 AM
Is this still going on? if so: 1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm

Great idea you had here btw!


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gyrsur on August 13, 2012, 02:34:33 PM

Tx d9c3abddf024e518f4115d357c41bd1ab9672d6fc402c5fc594f22aa80b2b5bb ( received.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: TYDIRocks on August 13, 2012, 03:44:22 PM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gyrsur on August 13, 2012, 06:11:26 PM


Who will be the next? Trustable or Scammer?  :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 13, 2012, 11:23:59 PM
Who will be the next? Trustable or Scammer?  :)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: malevolent on August 13, 2012, 11:34:17 PM
I propose we start a new thread but with at least 50 BTC.

Launder your money for close to nothing. :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gyrsur on August 14, 2012, 03:56:41 AM
Who will be the next? Trustable or Scammer?  :)


Here we go! Sent.

Tx 50318c9abad8256990eb848ce70d24d01002d9248202069fc0c5cb87b0100e4e (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 14, 2012, 08:07:56 AM
1)Garr255 - 189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
2)the joint - 17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
3)sadpandatech - 13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
4)nimda - 1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
5)Al the Alpaca - 1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
6)pirateat40 - 1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
7)rjk - 17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
8)NothinG - 1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
9)PatrickHarnett - 1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
10)pekv2 - 12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
11)unclemantis - 12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
12)mb300sd - 1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
13)rudrigorc2 - 1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
14)Brunic - 16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
15)fatigue - 1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
16)Phraust - 15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
17)adamstgBit - 15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
18)bluefirecorp - 1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
19)Drakahn - 1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
20)Gladamas - 1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
21)phantitox - 1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
22)John (johnthedong) - 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
23)Keefe - 1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
24)Otoh - 1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
25)[Tycho] - 1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
26)Dalkore - 12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
27) - 14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
28)damnek - 17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
29)Tril - 1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE #117
30)Scott J - 18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
31)honest bob - 14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
32)giszmo - 1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
33)arklan - 1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
34)dooglus - 1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
35)riX - 155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
36)RyNinDaCleM - 1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
37)hongus - 1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
38)flatfly - 1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
39)URSAY - 1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
40)nckrazze - 111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL #270
41)TYDIRocks - 1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #280
42)Gyrsur - 1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #281
43)OneEyed - 1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #286 in possesion
101) Return to Sender - 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Received from Gyrsur.

Any taker?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Namworld on August 14, 2012, 08:46:13 AM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: OneEyed on August 14, 2012, 08:48:59 AM

Sent (TX e200758c47d2e05a7816d9c027182399637b529ae95d71a41752f026602fb3ec).

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Namworld on August 22, 2012, 09:46:58 PM
Anyone would mind making this keep running?  :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: augustocroppo on August 28, 2012, 05:05:13 PM
Anyone would mind making this keep running?  :P



Edit: Received.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Namworld on August 28, 2012, 08:56:40 PM
Anyone would mind making this keep running?  :P



Tx ID: 00bb19afd7386d8bca78c17c226283531a190a50c1b800e70c16b10e6785a15e

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: augustocroppo on August 28, 2012, 09:12:36 PM
Anyone would mind making this keep running?  :P



Tx ID: 00bb19afd7386d8bca78c17c226283531a190a50c1b800e70c16b10e6785a15e

Received and awaiting the next participant.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ErnestoJuarell on August 31, 2012, 12:59:35 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gyrsur on August 31, 2012, 02:06:32 PM

must be a full member and above. see OP rules.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ErnestoJuarell on August 31, 2012, 02:37:42 PM

must be a full member and above. see OP rules.
oops. Sorry. For some reason I thought that meant non-Newbie accounts.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: squid on September 01, 2012, 09:26:09 AM
saving this post so I can participate once I am a full member. Seems fun!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: augustocroppo on September 02, 2012, 03:29:55 PM

Sent BTC 2.22222222.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on September 02, 2012, 05:03:49 PM
how many are we up to?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on September 05, 2012, 02:04:10 AM
At this rate I won't see the coin until it's worth $100 ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Maidak on September 09, 2012, 01:32:00 AM

I'll take a go

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 11, 2012, 12:59:52 AM
added n° 44 and following.

ID  NICK            RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255         189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint       17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech    13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda           1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca   1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40      1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk             17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG         1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett  1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2           12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis     12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
 12 mb300sd         1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
 13 rudrigorc2      1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
 14 Brunic          16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
 15 fatigue         1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
 16 Phraust         15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
 17 adamstgBit      15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
 18 bluefirecorp    1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
 19 Drakahn         1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
 20 Gladamas        1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
 21 phantitox       1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
 23 Keefe           1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
 24 Otoh            1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
 25 [Tycho]         1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
 26 Dalkore         12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
 27         14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
 28 damnek          17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
 29 Tril            1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #117
 30 Scott J         18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
 31 honest bob      14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
 32 giszmo          1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
 33 arklan          1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
 34 dooglus         1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
 35 riX             155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
 36 RyNinDaCleM     1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
 37 hongus          1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
 38 flatfly         1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
 39 URSAY           1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
 40 nckrazze        111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #270
 41 TYDIRocks       1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #280
 42 Gyrsur          1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #281
 43 OneEyed         1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #286
 44 Namworld        14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #288
 45 augustocroppo   161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #291
 46 CornedBeefHash  1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #298
 47 theboss         1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #302
 48 Maidak          14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #306 <- in possession
101  Return to Sender 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: scintill on September 11, 2012, 05:08:58 AM
I'll go: 1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Maidak on September 15, 2012, 11:45:50 PM
Sent: (txid) 7af80edf2f6aebf76f282d4e9fca6f01f3b5c26cb9b7174963b0fd0221666c4f

Confirmed forgot to subscribe to thread >,>

I'll go: 1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh

To: 1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh
Debit: -2.25 BTC
Net amount: -2.25 BTC
Transaction ID: 97c6cd0e7354a53fe3627b0c761046647aeb7fed7ac3d7ec0f6b9ec13b29e539

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on September 15, 2012, 11:54:17 PM
Am I a full member yet?

I am! I'll participate!


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: scintill on September 16, 2012, 12:07:57 AM
Am I a full member yet?

I am! I'll participate!


Sent! txid 972d745ea3197acb5e2eadc221a511b1ad5df3844dbb5ce33d409d40c375a490

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: AForceNinja on September 17, 2012, 02:50:41 AM
hit me up


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 17, 2012, 02:58:35 AM

Hit me up whenever you get around to me.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on September 17, 2012, 03:23:13 AM
hit me up


I think you need at least 100 posts to play this thing.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 17, 2012, 03:24:26 AM
Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin(as pitiful as that would be). If you run away with the coin, I will consider it a scam, and will request that you are labeled appropriately. Because of this, this is in no way meant to be a way for people to earn "rep" or credibility.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: AForceNinja on September 17, 2012, 04:20:25 AM
ahh gotcha...

I shall return haha

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on September 17, 2012, 02:59:48 PM

Hit me up whenever you get around to me.

Sent! txid: 9e04ed9c6d278a143a41794d8536e9441c9cebe493b79d478042b2dfc31fe268

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 17, 2012, 03:20:38 PM

Hit me up whenever you get around to me.

Sent! txid: 9e04ed9c6d278a143a41794d8536e9441c9cebe493b79d478042b2dfc31fe268

Received, whos next!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 17, 2012, 04:52:13 PM
added n° 44 and following.

ID  NICK            RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255         189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint       17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech    13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda           1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca   1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40      1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk             17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG         1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett  1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2           12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis     12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
 12 mb300sd         1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
 13 rudrigorc2      1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
 14 Brunic          16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
 15 fatigue         1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
 16 Phraust         15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
 17 adamstgBit      15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
 18 bluefirecorp    1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
 19 Drakahn         1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
 20 Gladamas        1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
 21 phantitox       1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza (instawallet addy, DON't REUSE)  #98
 23 Keefe           1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
 24 Otoh            1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
 25 [Tycho]         1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8 (please provide TX hash when sending) (tx) #75
 26 Dalkore         12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
 27         14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
 28 damnek          17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
 29 Tril            1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #117
 30 Scott J         18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
 31 honest bob      14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
 32 giszmo          1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
 33 arklan          1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
 34 dooglus         1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
 35 riX             155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
 36 RyNinDaCleM     1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
 37 hongus          1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
 38 flatfly         1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
 39 URSAY           1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
 40 nckrazze        111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #270
 41 TYDIRocks       1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #280
 42 Gyrsur          1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #281
 43 OneEyed         1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #286
 44 Namworld        14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #288
 45 augustocroppo   161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #291
 46 CornedBeefHash  1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #298
 47 theboss         1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #302
 48 Maidak          14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #306
 49 scintill        1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #309
 50 chrisrico       1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #311
 51 jasinlee        1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #314 <- in possession

101  Return to Sender 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fabrizziop on September 18, 2012, 12:32:21 PM
Please send!. 1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 18, 2012, 01:02:04 PM
Please send!. 1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fabrizziop on September 18, 2012, 01:26:59 PM
Please send!. 1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71



Received 2.26 BTC. Waiting for someone to request the coins here.

(please pm me when you post)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on September 20, 2012, 03:02:28 AM

What a fun game!  Saw this in Tril's signature.  I need more people to put it in their signature now, because I just bet my anti-bitcoin friend $100 that the coins won't make it to #100 back to the OP:)

EDIT:  Received 2.26 btc.  Curious how it got up to 2.26btc as I haven't read the whole thread

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fabrizziop on September 20, 2012, 11:29:35 AM

What a fun game!  Saw this in Tril's signature.  I need more people to put it in their signature now, because I just bet my anti-bitcoin friend $100 that the coins won't make it to #100 back to the OP:)


TXID: 36d6e7d609437c02181c14df8dcc609c148f405cd374e2e01f1d7fc9a06cffd8

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on September 20, 2012, 10:19:39 PM
EDIT:  Received 2.26 btc.  Curious how it got up to 2.26btc as I haven't read the whole thread

A few people have added it along the way. Feel free to contribute to the pot (increasing the likelihood of theft :P)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 20, 2012, 10:37:40 PM
I added to it along the way. I am sure others have.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: fabrizziop on September 20, 2012, 10:43:17 PM
I added to it along the way. I am sure others have.

I added .0001 BTC  ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Spenzert on September 22, 2012, 12:46:52 AM
Hash: SHA1

How is this going? Whoever has the coins:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)


Current Status: Received :)

P.S: I wanted to post my first public PGP Signed Message ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on September 22, 2012, 05:34:26 PM
Sent 2.2601

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Spenzert on September 22, 2012, 05:37:22 PM
Sent 2.2601
Next user please, I don´t want that coins in my wallet ;)

Edit: I will lose internet access soon, can someone mind keep this running? :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on September 26, 2012, 06:55:23 AM
you can just send them back to me and I can send them to the next guy for you

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Spenzert on September 26, 2012, 12:01:48 PM
you can just send them back to me and I can send them to the next guy for you
Sent 2.2602
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on September 26, 2012, 12:08:55 PM
Can I get added to the cycle?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 26, 2012, 03:39:43 PM
Can I get added to the cycle?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on September 26, 2012, 04:46:39 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 26, 2012, 06:04:15 PM

Uhm … just add your receiving address and don't start a discussion about whether or not you may play with us. In the end, the guy with the coin(s) has to decide if your account looks like automated 100 posts to scam us out of $25 or like a trustworthy forum member.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on September 26, 2012, 06:18:51 PM

Uhm … just add your receiving address and don't start a discussion about whether or not you may play with us. In the end, the guy with the coin(s) has to decide if your account looks like automated 100 posts to scam us out of $25 or like a trustworthy forum member.

Yeah, I figured out it was because I didn't have my address, but I thought the okay face was funnier because it was just too perfectly set up :)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 26, 2012, 06:27:34 PM
(wanted to add respective changes in BTC forwarded but the thread is hard to read for that)

ID  NICK            RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255         189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint       17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech    13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda           1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca   1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40      1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk             17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG         1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett  1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2           12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis     12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
 12 mb300sd         1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
 13 rudrigorc2      1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
 14 Brunic          16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
 15 fatigue         1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
 16 Phraust         15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
 17 adamstgBit      15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
 18 bluefirecorp    1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
 19 Drakahn         1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
 20 Gladamas        1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
 21 phantitox       1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #98 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe           1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
 24 Otoh            1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
 25 [Tycho]         1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #75
 26 Dalkore         12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
 27         14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
 28 damnek          17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
 29 Tril            1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #117
 30 Scott J         18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
 31 honest bob      14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
 32 giszmo          1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
 33 arklan          1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
 34 dooglus         1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
 35 riX             155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
 36 RyNinDaCleM     1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
 37 hongus          1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
 38 flatfly         1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
 39 URSAY           1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
 40 nckrazze        111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #270
 41 TYDIRocks       1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #280
 42 Gyrsur          1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #281
 43 OneEyed         1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #286
 44 Namworld        14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #288
 45 augustocroppo   161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #291
 46 CornedBeefHash  1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #298
 47 theboss         1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #302
 48 Maidak          14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #306
 49 scintill        1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #309
 50 chrisrico       1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #311
 51 jasinlee        1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #314
 52 fabrizziop      1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #321 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth    1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #324
 54 Spenzert        19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #329 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth    1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #332 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit        1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #338

101  Return to Sender 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on September 26, 2012, 08:58:52 PM
I added .01 I think also.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on September 26, 2012, 11:57:37 PM
Reading giszmo's accounting of coin holders I noticed pirateat40 is one of the first players. So, what does that say about the "Circle of Trust?"

lol :)
damn. lets cancel this.

Seriously, this experiment is very bad for finding the good guys by looking at who played nice. It's no surprise pirate played nice. Far more interesting is to see how much fees were payed to send the coin through 100 hands and to see how many countries were involved (if we ever get some idea of that) etc.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on September 27, 2012, 09:52:58 PM
sent 2.2602

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on September 27, 2012, 10:59:15 PM
sent 2.2602


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Brunic on September 27, 2012, 11:27:55 PM
It's fun to see that the game is still running 2 months later. Keep it going guys!  ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on October 06, 2012, 02:38:41 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on October 19, 2012, 07:03:46 PM
Put this text in your signature to make the game go faster!

If you have >100 posts play the [URL=]Circle of Trust[/URL] Game

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on October 20, 2012, 09:36:46 PM
Put this text in your signature to make the game go faster!

If you have >100 posts play the [URL=]Circle of Trust[/URL] Game

I can't at the moment because I'm doing the BFL contest.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on October 22, 2012, 10:01:52 PM
Put this text in your signature to make the game go faster!

If you have >100 posts play the [URL=]Circle of Trust[/URL] Game

I can't at the moment because I'm doing the BFL contest.

The signature rules have been recently revised.  You can put a huge amount of text in it as long as it isn't taller than 42px (3 lines) or it gets cut off.  So worst case scenario, paste it at the end of your signature, and then only people with very wide browser windows will be able to see it.  Your sig looks like its only two lines though....

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on October 23, 2012, 12:23:07 AM
Rule 5 for the contest ( is

"Your signature can not contain any other text."

I can't be in the contest and have additional text in my sig.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 11, 2012, 01:03:03 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on November 12, 2012, 03:40:59 AM

Date: 11/11/2012 22:40
To: 17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv
Debit: -2.2603 BTC
Net amount: -2.2603 BTC
Transaction ID: eec0becb3f1764fffdc7196632d06c1395dd91b55275cfa8a4ea8b45a3811b0e

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on November 16, 2012, 04:29:23 PM
I'm surprised that I haven't seen this before now. Though I don't typically visit these here gambling/games and rounds forums. Anyways


if it's still going


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 20, 2012, 10:25:48 PM

Date: 11/11/2012 22:40
To: 17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv
Debit: -2.2603 BTC
Net amount: -2.2603 BTC
Transaction ID: eec0becb3f1764fffdc7196632d06c1395dd91b55275cfa8a4ea8b45a3811b0e

I spent those already... :(.  Sending now :(.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Liquid on November 22, 2012, 09:18:42 AM
Send them here  ;)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on November 23, 2012, 02:42:10 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 23, 2012, 05:27:08 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.
I sent them from coin base and it looks like they didn't do the transaction.  Some kind of balance error... I'm emailing them now.

Thanks for PMing me.
Edit: Just emailed them.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on November 23, 2012, 07:33:39 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.

Thanks for being on top of this -- I just sent you a tip ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on November 23, 2012, 07:38:40 PM
yeah I saw it come in ans was wondering who it was. Then I looked in and saw your vanity address :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 23, 2012, 09:53:25 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.

Thanks for being on top of this -- I just sent you a tip ;)
Don't mark me as a scammer btw, XD.  I sent an email to coin base about this.  There was a balance problem on my account before and they ended up messing up my transactions for, like, 2 days.  They'll probably fix it soon.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on November 23, 2012, 10:35:21 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.

Thanks for being on top of this -- I just sent you a tip ;)
Don't mark me as a scammer btw, XD.  I sent an email to coin base about this.  There was a balance problem on my account before and they ended up messing up my transactions for, like, 2 days.  They'll probably fix it soon.
Running into Coinbase's Fractional-Reserve-Didn't-Work-Default is no excuse for not sending on the coin in a timely manner.</trolling>

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 24, 2012, 07:38:23 PM
I don"t see a transaction from danieldaniel to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D for the appropriate amount on the 20th. danieldaniel, please post your tx details.

Thanks for being on top of this -- I just sent you a tip ;)
Don't mark me as a scammer btw, XD.  I sent an email to coin base about this.  There was a balance problem on my account before and they ended up messing up my transactions for, like, 2 days.  They'll probably fix it soon.
Running into Coinbase's Fractional-Reserve-Didn't-Work-Default is no excuse for not sending on the coin in a timely manner.</trolling>
I was about to make a rage comment, but then I saw the trolling tag.  Might want to nest that properly.

"<trolling> Running into Coinbase's Fractional-Reserve-Didn't-Work-Default is no excuse for not sending on the coin in a timely manner.</trolling>"

In all seriousness though, I'm really sorry about not sending this yet.  :(

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 26, 2012, 07:39:40 PM
Instead of sending btc to you and selling the rest, coin base sold all of it.  I have to buy it back and will then send it.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on November 27, 2012, 11:18:59 PM
Instead of sending btc to you and selling the rest, coin base sold all of it.  I have to buy it back and will then send it.

Get ye to a localbitcoiner.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on November 29, 2012, 06:01:01 PM
Instead of sending btc to you and selling the rest, coin base sold all of it.  I have to buy it back and will then send it.

Get ye to a localbitcoiner.

Hope to see this get fixed :P This was quite interesting.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on November 29, 2012, 08:43:43 PM
Instead of sending btc to you and selling the rest, coin base sold all of it.  I have to buy it back and will then send it.

I will offer you an interest free loan, paid directly to the next recipient in the game, provided you agree to pay me back within two weeks to the following address, and accept a scammer tag if you do not meet this deadline.

Repayment address: 1By9RTi5guPKtV11mrTh1nkGGwvqPEKwCn

Do you accept?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: stan.distortion on November 29, 2012, 08:54:35 PM

Just in case you do

EDIT re post below Oops, my bad.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on November 29, 2012, 09:09:22 PM
Or back to the original next recipient :P



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 29, 2012, 10:35:49 PM
I'd love to join in to reference this as a reliability/trustworthness credit it in the future.

I''m almost always logged into the mIRC chat if anyone feels goofy about this jr Member! :)


PS - if I receive the coin and someone posts under me and doesnt receive it within the hour please PM me! :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: jasinlee on November 29, 2012, 10:54:17 PM
Read the OP bud.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on November 30, 2012, 12:01:28 AM
Instead of sending btc to you and selling the rest, coin base sold all of it.  I have to buy it back and will then send it.

I will offer you an interest free loan, paid directly to the next recipient in the game, provided you agree to pay me back within two weeks to the following address, and accept a scammer tag if you do not meet this deadline.

Repayment address: 1By9RTi5guPKtV11mrTh1nkGGwvqPEKwCn

Do you accept?

I think this goes against the spirit of the game. If he defaults on you, the circle isn't broken, but the purpose was to run the circle until it gets broken, or hits 100.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on November 30, 2012, 12:04:26 AM
Sent 2.26 btc to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D


I'm really sorry about this guys.  Really.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on November 30, 2012, 12:40:54 AM
I think this goes against the spirit of the game. If he defaults on you, the circle isn't broken, but the purpose was to run the circle until it gets broken, or hits 100.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

Sent 2.26 btc to 13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D


I'm really sorry about this guys.  Really.

Also a moot point. The circle continues!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 30, 2012, 05:18:16 AM
Read the OP bud.

MIssed the full word.  Oops!

Oh well, next time.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on November 30, 2012, 05:26:02 AM

Just in case you do

EDIT re post below Oops, my bad.

Sent to stan.distortion

Total Input    2.26247 BTC
Total Output    2.26147 BTC
Fees    0.001 BTC
Estimated BTC Transacted    2.26147 BTC

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: stan.distortion on November 30, 2012, 11:13:28 AM
Sent to 14kPkfzYdAX3VdL2Uj5KEzqzJTHmY8QroQ

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 30, 2012, 06:45:01 PM
lol so I look at my wallet this morning and can't figure out where the hell two and some change BTC come from.  I didn't even think of this because someone said the full member thing disqualified me.  Guess I get to prove my trustworthiness!  Where am I sending this 2 + btc on to? :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on November 30, 2012, 06:55:15 PM
lol so I look at my wallet this morning and can't figure out where the hell two and some change BTC come from.  I didn't even think of this because someone said the full member thing disqualified me.  Guess I get to prove my trustworthiness!  Where am I sending this 2 + btc on to? :)

If you run away with the coin, I will consider it a scam, and will request that you are labeled appropriately. Because of this, this is in no way meant to be a way for people to earn "rep" or credibility.

And not to me o.o I almost sent the coins into oblivion by accident >.< Thankfully I caught the mistake before I sent, but there's no way I could afford to rebuy the coins o.o

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: sethsethseth on November 30, 2012, 06:57:33 PM

Put this text in your signature to make the game go faster!

If you have >100 posts play the [URL=]Circle of Trust[/URL] Game

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 30, 2012, 06:58:58 PM
Will do.... wonder how many people willl be like WTF when they realize I dont have 100! :P lol

Oh well.  I'm happy to be part of it!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 30, 2012, 07:00:02 PM
Sig updated!

EDIT - How many times has this transaction been passed on now?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: MKEGuy on November 30, 2012, 07:34:48 PM
Bitcoins sent to 1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa

Will update with Tx data in a bit.  Edit - Confirmed Transaction!


PS - Thanks for trusting me even though I didn't have the requirements :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: squall1066 on December 01, 2012, 03:27:01 PM

- Recieved

Sent to 12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C  Rounded up to 2.27BTC
Transaction ID: ba05ac5579db922a949b673e36f1e2d5af84d606233260d3ded3cc8b335c9ef4

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Ploo on December 05, 2012, 09:59:17 PM
Are you guys still playing with the original bitcoin? Have people donated extra funds for it to become over 2 BTC?

That's pretty impressive the way this is still going.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Fjordbit on December 06, 2012, 03:52:09 PM
This is building on Gizmo's last update ( One thing is that the post numbers from there seem to be off. I don't know if posts were deleted and this changes the numbers, but everything up to me is a little off and should just be used as an approximation.

ID  NICK            RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255         189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint       17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech    13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda           1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca   1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40      1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk             17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG         1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett  1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2           12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis     12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #34
 12 mb300sd         1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #39
 13 rudrigorc2      1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #44
 14 Brunic          16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #49
 15 fatigue         1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #52
 16 Phraust         15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #88
 17 adamstgBit      15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #89
 18 bluefirecorp    1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #90
 19 Drakahn         1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #91
 20 Gladamas        1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #92
 21 phantitox       1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #93
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #98 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe           1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #107
 24 Otoh            1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #110
 25 [Tycho]         1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #75
 26 Dalkore         12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #67
 27         14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #133
 28 damnek          17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #115
 29 Tril            1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #117
 30 Scott J         18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #118
 31 honest bob      14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #140
 32 giszmo          1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #143
 33 arklan          1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #145
 34 dooglus         1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #159
 35 riX             155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #160
 36 RyNinDaCleM     1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #175
 37 hongus          1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #251
 38 flatfly         1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #256
 39 URSAY           1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #261
 40 nckrazze        111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #270
 41 TYDIRocks       1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #280
 42 Gyrsur          1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #281
 43 OneEyed         1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #286
 44 Namworld        14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #288
 45 augustocroppo   161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #291
 46 CornedBeefHash  1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #298
 47 theboss         1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #302
 48 Maidak          14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #306
 49 scintill        1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #309
 50 chrisrico       1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #311
 51 jasinlee        1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #314  +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop      1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #321 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth    1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #324
 54 Spenzert        19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #329 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth    1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #332 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit        1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel    17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter  13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion 13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy          12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell     1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066      1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373

101  Return to Sender 18dktRf1EYbyaYTkSSZJiacBmCemxwWdqm #1

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gavin Andresen on December 09, 2012, 04:53:02 PM

Received, rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number) and sent:

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on December 09, 2012, 05:25:30 PM

I don't know, this guy doesn't seem very trustworthy...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on December 09, 2012, 11:18:56 PM


Just for historical reference, pirate and Gavin, among other cool people, will have participated in this. Quite opposites if you ask me... :P

This transaction chain is famous!

"But it's not the same coin!" shhhhh

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dreamwatcher on December 09, 2012, 11:54:34 PM

Received (From Gavin Andersen.... ;D)

Sent to lightlord: (Upped it to 3.5 BTC) @ 13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: lightlord on December 10, 2012, 12:58:13 PM
Include me in  :)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: kwoody on December 12, 2012, 12:48:04 PM
Elephants. Gray. Psychotropic. Triangles. Glowing.
The kidnapper is peanut butter. The location of his whereabouts is still a mystery.
Give me more of that purple drank, Starbucks coffee wench.
Colonel Mustard gave it to the lead pipe in the butler's courtyard.
I will give you my special key if it is Less Than 48000.
Only blue Yoshi can fly. He eats the proper turtles.
Larger squeezable plastic bear full of tasty and yellow.
You never know until you stick your cock in the mashed potatoes. Warm.
You look like shit. Is your girlfriend a decepticon who's actually a toilet?
You there, who are you? Where am I? Why do I smell sex? Does this condom make me look fat?
I thought I wanted a laser printer, but it turns out to be a felony to print your own paychecks.
You're not my type. You're not inflatable.
My shrink says I need to work on personal growth. I then smacked her in the face with my boner.
Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.
Coming down sucks. I like to play games.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on December 12, 2012, 02:11:02 PM
Elephants. Gray. Psychotropic. Triangles. Glowing.
The kidnapper is peanut butter. The location of his whereabouts is still a mystery.
Give me more of that purple drank, Starbucks coffee wench.
Colonel Mustard gave it to the lead pipe in the butler's courtyard.
I will give you my special key if it is Less Than 48000.
Only blue Yoshi can fly. He eats the proper turtles.
Larger squeezable plastic bear full of tasty and yellow.
You never know until you stick your cock in the mashed potatoes. Warm.
You look like shit. Is your girlfriend a decepticon who's actually a toilet?
You there, who are you? Where am I? Why do I smell sex? Does this condom make me look fat?
I thought I wanted a laser printer, but it turns out to be a felony to print your own paychecks.
You're not my type. You're not inflatable.
My shrink says I need to work on personal growth. I then smacked her in the face with my boner.
Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.
Coming down sucks. I like to play games.


… is this some sort of SEO?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: lightlord on December 12, 2012, 04:53:08 PM

3.66661337 BTC Sent.

To Kwoody

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: kwoody on December 12, 2012, 10:07:21 PM
... took me a few hours to figure out why I'd received ~3.666BTC ... wonder what else I did last night..

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: caffeinewriter on December 13, 2012, 06:41:21 AM
... took me a few hours to figure out why I'd received ~3.666BTC ... wonder what else I did last night..

It seems to be a terrifying side effect of playing this game. Please enjoy your pet monkey and face tattoo.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: kwoody on December 13, 2012, 04:10:20 PM
Somebody else better post here before I eat more druhgs and gamble the coins away.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ingrownpocket on December 13, 2012, 04:14:01 PM
Somebody else better post here before I eat more druhgs and gamble the coins away.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: kwoody on December 13, 2012, 04:54:09 PM
Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ingrownpocket on December 20, 2012, 09:29:55 AM
Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L.


Someone post here an address before I forget I have them and spend it somewhere.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 03, 2013, 07:37:55 PM
Let's hope you haven't forgotten yet. How many transactions are we up to by the way?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ingrownpocket on January 03, 2013, 07:40:56 PM
Let's hope you haven't forgotten yet. How many transactions are we up to by the way?


Hmm... You only have 151 posts.  :-\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 03, 2013, 07:48:30 PM
Let's hope you haven't forgotten yet. How many transactions are we up to by the way?


Hmm... You only have 151 posts.  :-\

I believe the requirement is over 100 posts. There's been a few people passed on to with much less. Am i sub-par Full member?  ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on January 03, 2013, 09:38:04 PM
Yeah if someone could update the transaction list that'd be cool.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on January 03, 2013, 10:06:36 PM
I fixed the post numbers and added the new players:


 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304  +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388 <-- currently has coins
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 04, 2013, 12:29:20 AM
Let's hope you haven't forgotten yet. How many transactions are we up to by the way?


Hmm... You only have 151 posts.  :-\

Please be suspicious and paranoid if people with 101 posts that registered yesterday show up here. He registered June 2011.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 04, 2013, 02:48:53 AM
Thank you giszmo. And I must say, very well put together dooglus.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: mrvision on January 04, 2013, 03:24:04 AM
pirateat40        LOL!!! xDDD yeah you can trust that guy XD

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: ingrownpocket on January 04, 2013, 08:33:54 AM
Let's hope you haven't forgotten yet. How many transactions are we up to by the way?

1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 04, 2013, 03:37:46 PM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Jakers on January 05, 2013, 10:14:05 AM
This is getting a bit dangerous tbh. Awesome nonetheless, but dangerous.

If I can play I'll tag-team with someone - 14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2

If not ignore this :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 05, 2013, 02:11:53 PM
This is getting a bit dangerous tbh. Awesome nonetheless, but dangerous.

If I can play I'll tag-team with someone - 14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2

If not ignore this :P

Too young, sorry.

I don't like that some people increase the amount. I hope the OP gets a reward for starting this and I hope that somebody does a sweet analysis of how much fees were paid on average, median, max and how fast the fastest 2-hops or 3-hops were etc. If we finally hit a scammer, it would take weeks until we finally decide the coins are lost and the focus would be on that one black sheep. This "circle" is not a group of trustworthy people as our dear pirate proofed so lets focus on what else this experiment can proof.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 05, 2013, 04:00:38 PM
Jakers, as much as I like the name, I do agree you're a bit of a risk at the moment. Thanks for checking things out though, man.

giszmo, interesting thought. You know, I think the reason this experiment has survived through any scammers is because of the simple ratio of risk to reward. Any ill intentioned person who has taken the time to get up to "Full Member" or above simply just doesn't believe 1-4BTC is enough to lose their reputation for. In a way, even if you have plans of stealing, being apart of this game and playing legitimately may be seen as the investment in a greater opportunity. Really I think the only way we could "prove" things is if we upped the amount, or did an amount like 1 BTC for younger users like Jakers. Think we might get scammed out more often but also learn more from the experiment. Would be especially interesting to analyze the situations where scams do occur and try to learn what signs are there are to spot would be swindlers.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 05, 2013, 04:10:34 PM
Maybe some of the followers of this thread already feed some scammer account to jump in when it's worth doing so. We are now 2/3rd through the game and it's likely the reward for scamming will be 10Ƀ later on. Maybe I'm one of them trying to save my stash from cheaper scammers ;)

Most likely it's 5h of work to feed an account to 100 posts and some users already have their sock puppet troll accounts that they can just as well make famous and start over.

My conclusion is more that 99% of all humans are trustworthy but 1% are capable of making huge damage. These 1% might not really care about 4Ƀ. These 1% are the reason we need rules and all kind of regulation – a society basically.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on January 06, 2013, 06:48:35 AM
How about if it gets up to BTC5 we require Sr. Member, and BTC10 we require Hero Member, just to further deter scammers?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: novusordo on January 07, 2013, 01:54:50 AM
Count me in!



Received. Who's next?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: x0Jakeyboy0x on January 07, 2013, 02:00:51 AM
Count me in!


Sounds good to me. Full member, good OTC ratings, sent.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Jakers on January 07, 2013, 05:28:51 PM
Maybe some of the followers of this thread already feed some scammer account to jump in when it's worth doing so. We are now 2/3rd through the game and it's likely the reward for scamming will be 10Ƀ later on. Maybe I'm one of them trying to save my stash from cheaper scammers ;)

Most likely it's 5h of work to feed an account to 100 posts and some users already have their sock puppet troll accounts that they can just as well make famous and start over.

My conclusion is more that 99% of all humans are trustworthy but 1% are capable of making huge damage. These 1% might not really care about 4Ƀ. These 1% are the reason we need rules and all kind of regulation – a society basically.

Some of the forums I've been on have over 1000 pages of scammer reports. It's actually quite sad, like wth you wouldn't do that in real life would you? I guess people think it's different when it's over a computer screen  :'(

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: BTCGOLD on January 09, 2013, 12:50:03 AM
c'mon 18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: novusordo on January 09, 2013, 02:24:24 AM
c'mon 18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC

TX: 93efabff6a536b45948bd7d2d6bab96901c42c3dacf2612dd6c6e7d9b19cc8d4 (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: CurbsideProphet on January 09, 2013, 02:58:41 AM
Yeah why not.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: BTCGOLD on January 09, 2013, 04:56:08 PM
Yeah why not.


Sent!: TX

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: CurbsideProphet on January 09, 2013, 06:03:36 PM
Received 3.67BTC from BTCGOLD.  Who's next?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nethead on January 09, 2013, 06:09:14 PM
I like the feel to be trusted so im in :)
Address only for here 1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2

EDIT: 3.6695 recieved, whos next??

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: CurbsideProphet on January 09, 2013, 06:38:22 PM
I like the feel to be trusted so im in :)
Address only for here 1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2


TX: (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on January 10, 2013, 12:35:14 AM
Speaking of high stakes, remember 100 BTC Trust Roulette? Once you received the coin, you were responsible, so if the person you passed it on to stole it, YOU would have to pay back or be labeled a scammer.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nethead on January 10, 2013, 09:29:26 AM

Whos next to get the potato???
(im not monitoring this thread anymore, if you reply and im taking to long to send them please pm me to see thread, im most of the time online here)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on January 12, 2013, 12:52:33 PM


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 12, 2013, 01:59:53 PM

 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304  +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391
 68 novusordo          1novusxwhCh11QyXp1Jj3e6hdhk6qZZ3E  #406
 69 BTCGOLD            18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC #409
 71 CurbsideProphet    1GKv7EnAABx9wk1CnE6Xqa2rATm17JHtQS #411 "Received 3.67BTC"
 72 nethead            1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2 #414 "3.6695 recieved"
 73 DobZombie          1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce  #418 <-- currently has coins
########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ###------- ---------- ----------

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nethead on January 13, 2013, 05:03:01 PM



Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Jakers on January 13, 2013, 06:20:00 PM

BTC Address - 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G

Vouches -

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on January 13, 2013, 11:11:22 PM
Status: 35 confirmations
Date: 14/01/2013 03:02
From: unknown
To: 1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce (own address, label: ! Vanity address #1)
Credit: 3.6695 BTC
Net amount: +3.6695 BTC
Transaction ID: a33d0be4ad0da3a79a294b5c39e4f0cdcf08ea557481b87d2a8f0d6803b1faef

Okay, who's next? :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Jakers on January 15, 2013, 02:33:22 AM

BTC Address - 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G

Vouches -

^^^  :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on January 15, 2013, 11:06:21 AM
Geez I'm DENSE

Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 7 nodes
Date: 15/01/2013 21:05
To: 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G
Debit: -3.6695 BTC
Net amount: -3.6695 BTC
Transaction ID: 585e232888d9ea5f31460ce2bdbeba5458365ed6d9ef4c9b86171706f890b33a

Done :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Jakers on January 15, 2013, 04:55:26 PM
Haha, that's funny  :D

Received from you, thanks! Who's next?

Pot's at 3.95000554 BTC, who's up for having a raffle or a contest at the end of this to see who gets the added BTC?


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: SgtSpike on January 15, 2013, 05:16:50 PM
This is an excellent way to further associate usernames with addresses (and subsequently groups of addresses unless one is careful to purposefully make themselves anonymous).

Interesting..!  Not something I would care about, but I suppose some people would.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 15, 2013, 05:22:32 PM
Hahahhaha  :D

Received! Who's next?

Pot's at 3.95000554 BTC, we should have a contest at the end for all the extra BTC or a raffle  ;D

well, I think Garr255 deserves the extra Ƀs.

I'm against increasing the amount and I fee like if you make it a raffle, people get more motivated to chip in more coins. If Garr255 gets them, people might be less eager to pile up a fortune as it now looks very likely that this experiment succeeds (unless some scammers already line up to offer their kind help once we pass the #90, but these should be aware of not being alone so hopefully this dilemma of not knowing when to strike would have made all the scammers show up before their respective competition which in turn would mean, there were no scammers lined up so far :) ).

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Third Way on January 29, 2013, 01:32:04 AM
I'll play.


I forward the coin to the next person?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on January 29, 2013, 03:43:31 PM
That coin is probably the most jaundiced, scummy coin on all the internets by now. Ewwwww  :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: John (John K.) on January 30, 2013, 06:29:23 PM
Uh oh.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on January 30, 2013, 08:07:47 PM

that is, i think, the first time in my internet life (which goes back to the late 80's, mind you) i've posted a meme picture in a forum...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on January 31, 2013, 07:04:20 AM
Haha, that's funny  :D

Received from you, thanks! Who's next?

Pot's at 3.95000554 BTC, who's up for having a raffle or a contest at the end of this to see who gets the added BTC?

Well, looks like the scammer ran with it. We can still move on if someone sends some coins to this guy...

I'll play.


I forward the coin to the next person?

If not, I'm out 1btc, but it was a fun experiment. Thanks to everyone who participated :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Seth Otterstad on January 31, 2013, 11:29:34 AM
We shouldn't have been sending $80 to people with accounts less than one month old

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 31, 2013, 12:13:40 PM
We shouldn't have been sending $80 to people with accounts less than one month old

You could argue that sending is in the responsibility of the person sending as else I could always send to my sock puppet even if the others doubt this to be a good idea. I'm pretty sure I brought up this scenario in this thread. Also we had discussed accounts younger than that game.

Geez I'm DENSE

Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 7 nodes
Date: 15/01/2013 21:05
To: 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G
Debit: -3.6695 BTC
Net amount: -3.6695 BTC
Transaction ID: 585e232888d9ea5f31460ce2bdbeba5458365ed6d9ef4c9b86171706f890b33a

Done :)
"Geez I'm dense"? DobZombie denying responsibility a-priory? Witch hunt anybody? DobZombie for SCAMMER-tag?

To be honest I expected the experiment to "fail" and just wondered how long the scammers would wait. I would suggest to keep the witch hunt out of this thread and draw our conclusions. For me the experiment was a success and would be interested in:
How long did it take (min/max/avg/median/sum) from player joining to him getting the coin.
How much did we pay in fees (min/max/avg/median/sum).
How many people actually were labeled scammers later (currently at least 4! unfortunately scammers also delete their posts so I can't check on all of the list)

And here is the updated list:

 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 <- SCAMMER
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 <- SCAMMER
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257 <- SCAMMER
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304  +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391
 68 novusordo          1novusxwhCh11QyXp1Jj3e6hdhk6qZZ3E  #406
 69 BTCGOLD            18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC #409
 71 CurbsideProphet    1GKv7EnAABx9wk1CnE6Xqa2rATm17JHtQS #411 "Received 3.67BTC"
 72 nethead            1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2 #414 "3.6695 recieved"
 73 DobZombie          1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce  #418 "Geez I'm dense"
 74 Jakers             14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2 #401 <-- currently has coins <- SCAMMER
########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ####------ ---------- ----------

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on January 31, 2013, 12:47:23 PM
Witch hunting is too tempting, sorry.

How likely is it that DobZombie meets Jakers in several totally unrelated threads within Jakers first 100 posts?
[2,968,775]Difficulty Discussion Thread [TRENDING ↑] (;all) by DobZombie
Re: If you're thinking buying mining hardware, read this first (;all)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Scott J on January 31, 2013, 11:26:14 PM
And here is the updated list:

 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 <- SCAMMER
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 <- SCAMMER
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257 <- SCAMMER
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304  +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391
 68 novusordo          1novusxwhCh11QyXp1Jj3e6hdhk6qZZ3E  #406
 69 BTCGOLD            18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC #409
 71 CurbsideProphet    1GKv7EnAABx9wk1CnE6Xqa2rATm17JHtQS #411 "Received 3.67BTC"
 72 nethead            1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2 #414 "3.6695 recieved"
 73 DobZombie          1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce  #418 "Geez I'm dense"
 74 Jakers             14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2 #401 <-- currently has coins <- SCAMMER
########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ####------ ---------- ----------
For the record, I recived 2.07811815 and passed on 2.08  ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: chrisrico on February 01, 2013, 12:01:55 AM
Well, looks like the scammer ran with it. We can still move on if someone sends some coins to this guy...


If not, I'm out 1btc, but it was a fun experiment. Thanks to everyone who participated :)

Huh? A while ago I offered to give someone a loan while they repurchased the coins and you said that it went against the spirit of the experiment. Did that change?

edit... Oh, it wasn't you, it was Fjordbit (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on February 01, 2013, 02:31:10 PM

"Geez I'm dense"? DobZombie denying responsibility a-priory? Witch hunt anybody? DobZombie for SCAMMER-tag?

Are you serious.  God damn it! I thought something like this would happen to me.  I'll run you through what happened...

I noticed this thread and thought it would be fun...







After waiting for an address to send to I've posted...

Status: 35 confirmations
Date: 14/01/2013 03:02
From: unknown
To: 1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce (own address, label: ! Vanity address #1)
Credit: 3.6695 BTC
Net amount: +3.6695 BTC
Transaction ID: a33d0be4ad0da3a79a294b5c39e4f0cdcf08ea557481b87d2a8f0d6803b1faef

Okay, who's next? :D

Jakers then said...


BTC Address - 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G

Vouches -

^^^  :P

He had pointed to a post from several hours earlier.

It was then 36 Hours after the original
Okay, who's next? :D
that I've realised that the address was there AGES ago.

I've then said...

Geez I'm DENSE

As a reference to the fact I was a bit slow in noticing that. Then posted...

Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 7 nodes
Date: 15/01/2013 21:05
To: 1K4pjMGTntWFvsaTbMhq5BJ7DVSbrpm86G
Debit: -3.6695 BTC
Net amount: -3.6695 BTC
Transaction ID: 585e232888d9ea5f31460ce2bdbeba5458365ed6d9ef4c9b86171706f890b33a

Done :)

My bit was done... OR SO I THOUGHT  :-\

I came back to check on the thread about a week ago to see what was happening.  Whilst scrolling down I noticed...

This is getting a bit dangerous tbh. Awesome nonetheless, but dangerous.

If I can play I'll tag-team with someone - 14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2

If not ignore this :P

Too young, sorry.

I don't like that some people increase the amount. I hope the OP gets a reward for starting this and I hope that somebody does a sweet analysis of how much fees were paid on average, median, max and how fast the fastest 2-hops or 3-hops were etc. If we finally hit a scammer, it would take weeks until we finally decide the coins are lost and the focus would be on that one black sheep. This "circle" is not a group of trustworthy people as our dear pirate proofed so lets focus on what else this experiment can proof.

Jakers, as much as I like the name, I do agree you're a bit of a risk at the moment. Thanks for checking things out though, man.

giszmo, interesting thought. You know, I think the reason this experiment has survived through any scammers is because of the simple ratio of risk to reward. Any ill intentioned person who has taken the time to get up to "Full Member" or above simply just doesn't believe 1-4BTC is enough to lose their reputation for. In a way, even if you have plans of stealing, being apart of this game and playing legitimately may be seen as the investment in a greater opportunity. Really I think the only way we could "prove" things is if we upped the amount, or did an amount like 1 BTC for younger users like Jakers. Think we might get scammed out more often but also learn more from the experiment. Would be especially interesting to analyze the situations where scams do occur and try to learn what signs are there are to spot would be swindlers.

Maybe some of the followers of this thread already feed some scammer account to jump in when it's worth doing so. We are now 2/3rd through the game and it's likely the reward for scamming will be 10Ƀ later on. Maybe I'm one of them trying to save my stash from cheaper scammers ;)

Most likely it's 5h of work to feed an account to 100 posts and some users already have their sock puppet troll accounts that they can just as well make famous and start over.

My conclusion is more that 99% of all humans are trustworthy but 1% are capable of making huge damage. These 1% might not really care about 4Ƀ. These 1% are the reason we need rules and all kind of regulation – a society basically.

Some of the forums I've been on have over 1000 pages of scammer reports. It's actually quite sad, like wth you wouldn't do that in real life would you? I guess people think it's different when it's over a computer screen  :'(

I was like hmmmm.

I added this thread to my watchlist and then saw this tonight...

that is, i think, the first time in my internet life (which goes back to the late 80's, mind you) i've posted a meme picture in a forum...

And was then like FARRRK.

So my solution will be... (READ NEXT POST)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on February 01, 2013, 02:35:40 PM
So I'm going to send on the original BTC1 to keep this thing going!

I want a new address to send these off to!

Otherwise I can send it back to Garr255 and this will all be over.  I would rather we see this thing to the end and Garr255 gets his BTCBTCBTC from the long way round :D

so I'm going to post this as a reminder so people like me don't include people like Jakers (Fkn what a crusty vag hole that guy is  >:()

Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin
Does not apply to Garr255 verified Alpacas.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on February 01, 2013, 03:12:50 PM
For the record, I recived 2.07811815 and passed on 2.08  ;D

Feel free to add such information for each transaction or just for yours.

For the record: The list of transactions is by no means consistent or complete. It was just all the stuff me and others felt worthy to be mentioned.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on February 01, 2013, 03:24:13 PM

"Geez I'm dense"? DobZombie denying responsibility a-priory? Witch hunt anybody? DobZombie for SCAMMER-tag?

Are you serious.

A little bit, yes :)

Hey, DobZombie, if I had the feeling you would suicide in shame now, I would apologize but I don't, so yes, I really do consider it possible that you are in some connection to Jakers. I would have to check if we had some penalty for the last one to hold the coin but I'm writing this more in a popcorn mood than in anger over some scammers.

Marking all as scammers that don't repair the damage would be a tougher rule that we did not decide on. At least not in the OP and that's what counts.

Maybe we should start over with 10Ƀ, with the above rule that all get marked scammers that don't repair the damage done by subsequent scammers. This might get escrows into play.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on February 01, 2013, 09:13:09 PM
I'd be the worst scammer in history :P 

I've used my Net Nick that could EASILY identify me, because I joined to be part of this community. There is only 1 DobZombie on the internet (seriously, check it out! :D)  I wanted to be easily found so people will trust me, especially if I decide to start some kind of bitcoin business in the future.

Also, the "ARE YOU SERIOUS" quote wasn't aimed at you, it was just a general statement to communicate "OH MAN WHATAFUKINKNOB HE SCAMMED US DAMMIT!"


So...who's next in this game?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on February 01, 2013, 09:21:58 PM
Sure, I'll get my grubby hands all over it


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: DobZombie on February 02, 2013, 08:52:06 AM
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 41 nodes
Date: 2/02/2013 18:43
To: 1FFSMPY152qmwHGV4LvwwQzqbspUxFSVBn
Debit: -1.00 BTC
Net amount: -1.00 BTC
Transaction ID: ffe5ecebf5fb96e9cbecbbe61dc8c1d0d95c138d1fcf41892dbe74365f75a987


(Please don't run away with this one :P)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on February 02, 2013, 11:55:12 AM
(Please don't run away with this one :P)

Rassah will not run with it. He's more famous for giving it to charitable organizations ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Gyrsur on February 02, 2013, 12:04:59 PM
let us switch to multi-signature transactions to avoid such drama in the future...

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on February 02, 2013, 08:54:29 PM
Received. I'll try not to run and ruin my rep for a whole $20, but it's hard  :-\

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on February 03, 2013, 08:02:16 PM
Received. I'll try not to run and ruin my rep for a whole $20, but it's hard  :-\


Well thanks for starting this back up guys!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: cardinalG on February 10, 2013, 02:12:04 AM
Interesting game!  ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: dooglus on February 10, 2013, 05:59:33 AM
let us switch to multi-signature transactions to avoid such drama in the future...

Yes, and let's rename it to "circle of mathematically guaranteed contractual obligation" too.  :)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 25, 2013, 10:11:18 PM
BTC me plzz. ;D


If LaughingBear gets in on it.. don't be surprised if you only get half of it back. LMAO


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on February 26, 2013, 03:40:27 PM
BTC me plzz. ;D


If LaughingBear gets in on it.. don't be surprised if you only get half of it back. LMAO


Hmmm... Not many posts, but a very old registration date. Guess you just lurk here mostly?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Benja on February 26, 2013, 10:33:49 PM
Sure, I'd like to show I'm trustworthy!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on February 26, 2013, 10:56:32 PM
Sure, I'd like to show I'm trustworthy!

Well in posting that you've already shown that you're negligent and unobservant. Lol.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Yurkov on February 26, 2013, 11:22:42 PM
I'd lol if the amount got stolen here :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on February 27, 2013, 12:57:26 AM
I would only maybe might trust Hippie Tech, and only because his account is 1.5 years old. Maybe... Post count seems low, but he's apparently a miner.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 27, 2013, 02:12:42 AM
BTC me plzz. ;D


If LaughingBear gets in on it.. don't be surprised if you only get half of it back. LMAO


Hmmm... Not many posts, but a very old registration date. Guess you just lurk here mostly?

I first became interested in BTC 2 years ago and quickly lost interest after the 2nd BSOD. lol And YES I'm still kicking myself for not giving it a better go.

I've been a regular here since October when I began to mine with my newly aquired 7870. :)


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Rassah on February 28, 2013, 08:38:14 PM
BTC me plzz. ;D


If LaughingBear gets in on it.. don't be surprised if you only get half of it back. LMAO


Coin sent, tx:

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 28, 2013, 10:09:31 PM
BTC me plzz. ;D


If LaughingBear gets in on it.. don't be surprised if you only get half of it back. LMAO


Coin sent, tx:

Sweet ! And thanks !

Okie who is next ? lmao

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: giszmo on March 01, 2013, 12:27:09 AM
Have there been forum accounts older than a year traded in the market section lately?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on March 01, 2013, 01:29:45 AM
Have there been forum accounts older than a year traded in the market section lately?

People are trading forum accounts !? lol

Maaan this coin is freakin heavy... its rippin a hole in my pocket.  :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on March 03, 2013, 01:43:44 AM
Am I the only one left playing !?

CMON.. step up and prove that we can TRUST U !! heh..


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: D35TR0Y3R on March 04, 2013, 08:37:51 PM
Im not a full member, but I've been a long time lurker of this forum. 1D2UMziqTk2MEkWVgh8tSmTG4knYjXnyCM

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on March 04, 2013, 08:55:23 PM
Im not a full member, but I've been a long time lurker of this forum. 1D2UMziqTk2MEkWVgh8tSmTG4knYjXnyCM

And I am Satoshi, but we are similar in that we have no way to prove our (likely false) statements ;)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 04, 2013, 09:12:46 PM
I want next.


Come on!

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on March 05, 2013, 02:42:06 AM
I want next.


Come on!

Hio Akka ! :)

1 Satoshi sent.


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 05, 2013, 06:31:59 AM
Hio Akka ! :)

1 Satoshi sent.


Woah! I received 100000000 Satoshis!  :D

So who wants next?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 06, 2013, 03:09:30 PM
Bump.  :D

Seem there are not many left that haven't played yet.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: D35TR0Y3R on March 06, 2013, 09:24:10 PM
Bump.  :D

Seem there are not many left that haven't played yet.

Again, Im right here... It is a trust experiment, why not stretch the boundaries?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 06, 2013, 09:28:31 PM
Again, Im right here... It is a trust experiment, why not stretch the boundaries?

Sorry, sending it to you would be against the rules of the game.  :(

Only "Full members" and above can participate, just to avoid someone creating an account to steal the coin

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: danieldaniel on March 07, 2013, 12:12:52 AM
Can I play more than once?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: nimda on March 07, 2013, 12:38:10 AM
Can I play more than once, naked short the coin for a week, and have the next guy pay for my losses? :P

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 07, 2013, 09:05:45 PM

They weight of this coin is pressing heavy on me.

Is there nobody left to carry it?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Sothh on March 08, 2013, 02:51:47 AM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 08, 2013, 07:32:49 PM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

What would be the point of this? I could send it directly to said member.

But if you find a Member who has already participated to do this and if Garr255 agrees, than OK.

Other than that, if there isn't someone to take that coin soon, maybe it's time to send it back to Garr255?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Sothh on March 08, 2013, 07:48:56 PM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

What would be the point of this? I could send it directly to said member.

But if you find a Member who has already participated to do this and if Garr255 agrees, than OK.

Other than that, if there isn't someone to take that coin soon, maybe it's time to send it back to Garr255?

Already spent the coin I was going to use.  So yeah, I say send it back to Garr if no one else is playing.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: D35TR0Y3R on March 08, 2013, 08:00:04 PM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

What would be the point of this? I could send it directly to said member.

But if you find a Member who has already participated to do this and if Garr255 agrees, than OK.

Other than that, if there isn't someone to take that coin soon, maybe it's time to send it back to Garr255?

Already spent the coin I was going to use.  So yeah, I say send it back to Garr if no one else is playing.

Or you could make it more interesting and allow Jr. Members to play. I'd say contact Garr to figure out what should happen.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Hippie Tech on March 09, 2013, 02:01:10 AM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

What would be the point of this? I could send it directly to said member.

But if you find a Member who has already participated to do this and if Garr255 agrees, than OK.

Other than that, if there isn't someone to take that coin soon, maybe it's time to send it back to Garr255?

Patience .. heh.. I'm sure a trustable noob will stumble across this thread, any day now. ;D

I'll be happy to take it back if you don't want to wait for another player and/or Garr's input.

@D3stroy3r Give it up.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: D35TR0Y3R on March 11, 2013, 04:12:34 AM
Can I take it?  I am willing to let a trusted member hold the amount from my own wallet before receiving it.  (IE there is no way I can scam you, as I have passed on the coin before I even got it.)

What would be the point of this? I could send it directly to said member.

But if you find a Member who has already participated to do this and if Garr255 agrees, than OK.

Other than that, if there isn't someone to take that coin soon, maybe it's time to send it back to Garr255?

Patience .. heh.. I'm sure a trustable noob will stumble across this thread, any day now. ;D

I'll be happy to take it back if you don't want to wait for another player and/or Garr's input.

@D3stroy3r Give it up.

Rawr. Alright, whatever. Also, make note that there's a noob version of this game.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Garr255 on March 11, 2013, 04:55:13 PM
If you all would refer to the OP, you'll see that the only exemption is if you are a "Garr255 verified Alpaca".

Seeing as you are not Garr255 verified OR and alpaca, it looks like you can't play :(

Lol okay send me back the coin if you don't want to hold on to it. This game has shown what it will show, and it was a pretty good experiment until things got nasty :)

Does anyone want to do the 100btc game again? haha

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on March 11, 2013, 05:10:14 PM
If you all would refer to the OP, you'll see that the only exemption is if you are a "Garr255 verified Alpaca".

Seeing as you are not Garr255 verified OR and alpaca, it looks like you can't play :(

Lol okay send me back the coin if you don't want to hold on to it. This game has shown what it will show, and it was a pretty good experiment until things got nasty :)

Does anyone want to do the 100btc game again? haha

i'd be happy to participate, but i cannot imagine it being long before someone took it and ran. i mean... that's a big chunk of money these days.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 11, 2013, 06:10:26 PM
If you all would refer to the OP, you'll see that the only exemption is if you are a "Garr255 verified Alpaca".

Seeing as you are not Garr255 verified OR and alpaca, it looks like you can't play :(

Lol okay send me back the coin if you don't want to hold on to it. This game has shown what it will show, and it was a pretty good experiment until things got nasty :)

Does anyone want to do the 100btc game again? haha

i'd be happy to participate, but i cannot imagine it being long before someone took it and ran. i mean... that's a big chunk of money these days.

Do you want to participate? Then post a address.
Otherwise, I will wait until end of the week if there is still someone lese and then send it back.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: arklan on March 11, 2013, 06:35:05 PM
If you all would refer to the OP, you'll see that the only exemption is if you are a "Garr255 verified Alpaca".

Seeing as you are not Garr255 verified OR and alpaca, it looks like you can't play :(

Lol okay send me back the coin if you don't want to hold on to it. This game has shown what it will show, and it was a pretty good experiment until things got nasty :)

Does anyone want to do the 100btc game again? haha

i'd be happy to participate, but i cannot imagine it being long before someone took it and ran. i mean... that's a big chunk of money these days.

Do you want to participate? Then post a address.
Otherwise, I will wait until end of the week if there is still someone lese and then send it back.

nah, i already did the current game. i was referring to the "100 btc" version.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment]
Post by: Akka on March 15, 2013, 06:38:32 PM
1 BTC send back to Garr255

Seems like this Game is ended now.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Garr255 on March 16, 2013, 12:34:09 AM
Coin received. Thanks to all who played (except for Jakers (, you, sir, are a dick)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: giszmo on March 17, 2013, 04:53:40 PM
So out of the 76 participients, only one (surprise) stole the money (ok, we gave them the chance to steal "the coin" twice but turned rather paranoid after jakers).
4 of the actual players got marked as SCAMMERs until now.
Many noobs tried to enter the game with yet unknown intentions. Did anybody count them?
76 because Garr255 and sethsethseth had the coin twice.

And here is the updated list:

 ID NICK               RECEIVED BY                        POST_ID_AND_COMMENTS
  1 Garr255            189JHV6KPzvnPmjYCGPbvMMmZUWppere7h #2
  2 the joint          17EVRSvdPJGhk7uKHCpY9ghnWnx7j3pPAs #3
  3 sadpandatech       13YmfB6TeLzyCdnwsVZ5MdYVCLnfm5eNGF #4
  4 nimda              1KiZGitw2zEr4uPzZsT7dh7F6e5yoKGvE7 #5
  5 Al the Alpaca      1EWRJ5BeibZxMguujPLzqM8WWiHpFJtLLx #6
  6 pirateat40         1CR5BadHQt8wd4t98mE4rw9hUfSGQ4ZGDg #19 <- SCAMMER
  7 rjk                17qypELtTKqr716m937wLWbapnFG6i4fyZ #20
  8 NothinG            1BjMLLGrwYk3hrcnSqEUEeGchkx9tiykfY #21
  9 PatrickHarnett     1KwECAhJGr8BPGgn6mezf5Z3jT7vG1HaAZ #27 <- SCAMMER
 10 pekv2              12NcNYb2oEh6ANo95AakEjPqQdgbcxh4m9 #32
 11 unclemantis        12kM9BocNb5zSG7RMKp9wPxopK5NpayrMZ #33
 12 mb300sd            1HVmv5EtQZtcsFfXe6Crz972BrB1MwsNCM #38
 13 rudrigorc2         1MSPwixhqiwMLXxw3WXtNjg2nst6qVWhCX #43
 14 Brunic             16Hz2xA4NmAp4CU3Mr9aJy8H9D5XqXupHG #48
 15 fatigue            1Fj4QZbavJeKfagjDqUPFqQ4iJ4bHqFAMG #51
 16 Phraust            15UJrPbxd6ULPJaxASUoWUp6xc473T7mww #87
 17 adamstgBit         15nutdfqcS38hXdZoL7LNz5wBt8Aq4wCUT #88
 18 bluefirecorp       1PsQ8qFp6ZY94gXvFLP4cqcmoLQSDCqLJc #89
 19 Drakahn            1C1UMHsdPxgsWGWBhdaTC47kibJjFgWnhb #90
 20 Gladamas           1FVySmZNZ6LUvz1mKkt9zgRWjBzvkM4Roh #91
 21 phantitox          1GtGFJskG47Q6Q1NFsfMLWfNV9ivabbyab #92
 22 John (johnthedong) 1Cm2ymVqiHA42jv31rtyze684oWTDkreza #97 instawallet addy, DON't REUSE
 23 Keefe              1BZy1xxwcxQyRZErcYUFke72TSU7cV5Ptf #106
 24 Otoh               1G5apmPvo2iTtmkNWAHTCET7Y842Ufijs8 #109
 25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
 26 Dalkore            12SSYCcvaHadm8Myxb3mUTzyv96VNhyzeZ #66
 27            14no5MUE4ur2gyyEE3BHpHhV82gKm8NLbH #132
 28 damnek             17xbiU6EWdaf74rmwxPv9AQZc1MeKMWh5n #114
 29 Tril               1Xgeo7EQgrk22paxmKVrhNVSmauczL6EE  #116
 30 Scott J            18UVSvCAb6QGjPSdiXxveeu56ujmu3kTt4 #117 +0.00188185   
 31 honest bob         14x3n2ntSAGN4gGvGoLhi6NbUuuoWwvfdL #139
 32 giszmo             1KLYFWyv5aeci2PwJQs9aTRN1JRzDDL96o #142
 33 arklan             1F4j4Lha8BjL4wxwFVbGaQwMJ4Kd1brfXb #144
 34 dooglus            1BooBz2AEwUd6JepB7NhNsnAe58Q6obpcu #157
 35 riX                155gBnpiBQcpnP6coTX6V7znSK3G73uNjK #158
 36 RyNinDaCleM        1Bgi9fX1TD9cnuzBvWGLfm7D7sNVEq96UU #173
 37 hongus             1APyqdvGMvjfEMPKCo3oHSJ4CkJuXhTCy1 #238
 38 flatfly            1337sfeChyyzZLzdHLewXzcaAaJSNTM893 #243
 39 URSAY              1MzjNVW8z5SuMsGPgQfWZoyKaxsc1VkLXh #248
 40 nckrazze           111mamKazi1ofZ854rKTcAxhTVuGDPhhL  #257 <- SCAMMER
 41 TYDIRocks          1PowhrA8kxnn9UBj2ESg7GQzkwTpcg44zm #272
 42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274
 43 OneEyed            1MJS3FuUrWmyfvvRnm5gUYvpuFkYDzxCP4 #277
 44 Namworld           14x36ktcNuf3CNrkVH1XY7vXwGHb9mCZwF #281
 45 augustocroppo      161gEQewAVp6CFnoY5198vHchrbWLQytG7 #284
 46 CornedBeefHash     1FvXoLCFmmRTAHJv5xMZLoMoeKBJHMCLnY #291
 47 theboss            1EQfkKVZndiesJcwThRe5AAq15dZ56mZku #293
 48 Maidak             14bsB5cugXFYaVZWsuoEYABd9gvkowv42a #296
 49 scintill           1jCU7tevhLNaY3nDL4tinNu8NuSzDtwKh  #299
 50 chrisrico          1Mn7mjk69WJY85Ukwd4sFSRMALokoni13L #301
 51 jasinlee           1AvxDf5WPWvrUgLsPLpb6a8mYsPXNYxNMr #304 +.01BTC
 52 fabrizziop         1MFfixQTJJ4v2PUKrz5kotQq1dPSJFUA71 #311 +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #314
 54 Spenzert           19nPdToTaAh2jVUuotaiDhPBxcPLuLEuXD #319 signed his message, +.0001BTC
 53 sethsethseth       1K42vUtvmg8hW6M6UjubCFhmJLv4jLby4C #322 <- keeping it in place of #54
 55 Fjordbit           1KZnfWkXXLdEjvQKYALbEsjbeWpvSG9NWB #328 +.0001BTC
 56 danieldaniel       17QAPwXnqXX771j2CB7y2ahuoX76X4aipv #340
 57 caffeinewriter     13373CuvtwQGgDWYv28pm3mTxy2bGS5U4D #342
 58 stan.distortion    13TasmL5GRp27JfbuTpGBAx1iDYyygb4gP #356
 59 MKEGuy             12Zu56v2CENZREzQnaEia37CeBEEDG96fK #358
 60 ianbakewell        1Q1k2uTUZ1ZSSufH2w9xnCnPPzC1QmreEa #371
 61 squall1066         1ES9YKx3RHSsFLsGAKJva4cG8W7xG4kHok #373 "Rounded up to 2.27BTC"
 62 Gavin Andresen     12r6DPnX5TNK4PhnTiShmuK6o4jE8Yh28C #377 "rounded up to 3.11 BTC (because eleven is my favorite number)"
 63 dreamwatcher       1JYMASNzjSPhQZi6zjpb2duBLo3wXPSWLj #380 "Upped it to 3.5 BTC"
 64 lightlord          13cjE1VDsiF5SjFEt5kg2izYmcvUmpwTi5 #381
 65 kwoody             1CvU9yqNQHKLHVrJnwgVQcoUJ9GfUzS8Ad #382 "Sent 3.66666420 to Carlos L."
 66 Carlos L.          18zSd8Ra4bioqQAfSVMqr8J6MtaY58xA31 #388
 67 x0Jakeyboy0x       1JvRuTLAo3hMbEqEDZ5V6V9YbvhjbfhkuX #391
 68 novusordo          1novusxwhCh11QyXp1Jj3e6hdhk6qZZ3E  #406
 69 BTCGOLD            18VumBd2W89yYGXMQCF9z8SZj7bG93EGqC #409
 71 CurbsideProphet    1GKv7EnAABx9wk1CnE6Xqa2rATm17JHtQS #411 "Received 3.67BTC"
 72 nethead            1NqcmfCCz1bsFjJaYxhnkbcfaZS7C9a5z2 #414 "3.6695 recieved"
 73 DobZombie          1Zombi5KpntBBFfm9FngsYhsiR4QAmfce  #418 "Geez I'm dense"
 74 Jakers             14vCb4rr1SdWFLDFgW4NMUbodPYqcCoRm2 #401 <- SCAMMER, actually stole the coin
 75 Rassah             1FFSMPY152qmwHGV4LvwwQzqbspUxFSVBn #443
 76 Hippie Tech        19s2pbG1SQ4xAJXWRKzZuaRrKJjf7W6sJZ #451
 77 Akka               1FQTpFGqyTufTGih7ZpTT6kR1DKtdFyACV #465
 78 Garr255            1Garr2555P4oiAaLQqXkcdAKGg4SMt3RZS #485 <- OP (game over)

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Hippie Tech on March 17, 2013, 06:15:05 PM
Sooner or later, the scammers will get the Karma they deserve.

mooohahahaooohahhahhaaaaaaaaa :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: DobZombie on April 04, 2013, 02:42:46 PM
I restarted the game and then it died?  thats shit!

You could at least change the description beside my name!  ::)

This was fun :D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Rassah on April 04, 2013, 02:46:38 PM
I just recently came into posession of 750BTC. Anyone want to try it with that?  ;D

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: giszmo on April 04, 2013, 03:04:22 PM
I just recently came into posession of 750BTC. Anyone want to try it with that?  ;D

Grrrr. You better do your job and get some A class charities on board before b100 outlived its purpose.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Rassah on April 04, 2013, 04:16:55 PM
I just recently came into posession of 750BTC. Anyone want to try it with that?  ;D

Grrrr. You better do your job and get some A class charities on board before b100 outlived its purpose.

Oh no, this isn't B100's money, it's this

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Akka on April 04, 2013, 04:29:47 PM
I just recently came into posession of 750BTC. Anyone want to try it with that?  ;D

Grrrr. You better do your job and get some A class charities on board before b100 outlived its purpose.

Oh no, this isn't B100's money, it's this

It's ridiculous how rich this forum currently is.

Yey theymos, thought about hosing the forum on a Solid-Gold Harddrive yet?

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: [Tycho] on April 20, 2013, 11:08:32 PM
25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
received 1.01010101, sent 2.08811815

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Hippie Tech on April 21, 2013, 04:44:05 AM
I just recently came into posession of 750BTC. Anyone want to try it with that?  ;D

Grrrr. You better do your job and get some A class charities on board before b100 outlived its purpose.

Oh no, this isn't B100's money, it's this

It's ridiculous how rich this forum currently is.

Yey theymos, thought about hosing the forum on a Solid-Gold Harddrive yet?

Or.. they could buy us each an MSI R7870/oc TFIII, and still have plenty of BTC for the HDD.   ::)

I could really use a third. Fourth, if you count my Tahiti'd Sapphire 7870xt. haha


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Gyrsur on April 21, 2013, 08:25:37 AM
25 [Tycho]            1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8  #74
received 1.01010101, sent 2.08811815

come on you're a pennypincher!!  ;D

that below is me!

42 Gyrsur             1FSfmWAMUsuBzUTrXgKaTE9TsSjJw1knvw #274

received 2.1812114 BTC, send 2.22222222 BTC


Tx d9c3abddf024e518f4115d357c41bd1ab9672d6fc402c5fc594f22aa80b2b5bb ( received.

Who will be the next? Trustable or Scammer?  :)


Here we go! Sent.

Tx 50318c9abad8256990eb848ce70d24d01002d9248202069fc0c5cb87b0100e4e (

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Jakers on February 01, 2014, 08:38:54 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: arklan on February 01, 2014, 08:43:16 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

And the other few thousand from the real value of the bitcoins at today's price? You did a runner with over 2 BTC.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Jakers on February 01, 2014, 09:00:24 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

And the other few thousand from the real value of the bitcoins at today's price? You did a runner with over 2 BTC.

Garr and I agreed on $90, because it was orignally only $30-$40. I'm repaying what I owe at the time I scammed people. If I scammed somebody 2 BTC today then I'd have to pay $1600 back, even if BTC dropped down to $100 each.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: arklan on February 01, 2014, 09:02:00 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

And the other few thousand from the real value of the bitcoins at today's price? You did a runner with over 2 BTC.

Garr and I agreed on $90, because it was orignally only $30-$40. I'm repaying what I owe at the time I scammed people. If I scammed somebody 2 BTC today then I'd have to pay $1600 back, even if BTC dropped down to $100 each.

Ah. Well ok then.

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 01, 2014, 09:14:10 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

You owe Garr 1 BTC.

$90... GTFO !

Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: Garr255 on February 05, 2014, 06:07:14 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

You owe Garr 1 BTC.

$90... GTFO !


Title: Re: Circle of Trust [Game/experiment] -- GAME OVER
Post by: arklan on February 05, 2014, 06:47:16 PM
Refunded the $90 I owed from the circle of trust.

You owe Garr 1 BTC.

$90... GTFO !


Lol, he made it sound like he had talked to you already garr. What a Jack ass.