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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: KonstantinosM on February 05, 2015, 04:53:11 AM

Title: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: KonstantinosM on February 05, 2015, 04:53:11 AM

The world is a fucked up place.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: johnsnow on February 05, 2015, 05:00:44 AM

The world is a fucked up place.

Yeah, that was really bad. Following this their 2 militants were killed too .

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: kenbytes on February 05, 2015, 05:01:24 AM
It looks like some kind of reality show. I wonder why the victims are so passive before it happens and why they are ready to talk in front if the camera to help the terrorists to build their shit. Anyway, at the end you are supposed to die in a horrific way, so fuck them

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: KonstantinosM on February 05, 2015, 05:12:01 AM
The US really seems to have fixed everything. Total democracy in all middle-eastern countries. The actions taken in the recent past by the US were totally not about appeasing allies and enriching the pockets of corporations, this can be seen by the leaps and bounds by which the middle east has progressed. It could be compared to japan post WW2.

Edit: Capitalization.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: justinetime on February 05, 2015, 05:12:43 AM
Again ? ISIS must be stopped. They must be destroyed. 
I hate to see they're keep releasing horror movie.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 05, 2015, 05:33:27 AM
ISIS is just a symptom. Treat the real disease rather than going after the symptom. Take on the Wahabbist - Salafist establishment of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which is funding terror all over the world. 

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: koshgel on February 05, 2015, 05:40:54 AM
It looks like some kind of reality show. I wonder why the victims are so passive before it happens and why they are ready to talk in front if the camera to help the terrorists to build their shit. Anyway, at the end you are supposed to die in a horrific way, so fuck them

Maybe they threaten the prisoners with even worse type of death. Who knows. Hard to make judgments from the comforts of a computer chair.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: grendel25 on February 05, 2015, 06:46:49 AM
I would not comply and I would fight with every last ounce of me if I know my demise is at hand.  There are plenty of other videos out there where people actually fight back too.  These people wouldn't intentionally release a video that didn't meet their propaganda goals.  I would do my best to rip as many arteries as I could and I know I could.  I wouldn't wait until I'm in the back of a truck or tied up.  That's the world we live in.  Do or die but do so on your terms.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bitcats on February 05, 2015, 08:27:30 AM
God must love stupid people. He made so many  ::)

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lethn on February 05, 2015, 09:03:08 AM
It looks like some kind of reality show. I wonder why the victims are so passive before it happens and why they are ready to talk in front if the camera to help the terrorists to build their shit. Anyway, at the end you are supposed to die in a horrific way, so fuck them

I hear they use drugs or something, that will likely be why they're too passive to fight back properly, they do live in an area where it's okay to grow opium and such.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: orryde on February 05, 2015, 09:34:51 AM
I've watched this in my tv last night, i see he make this video like a film documentary
I'm as a good man condemns over this incident >:(

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bitwarrior on February 05, 2015, 09:40:06 AM
First they are beheading hostages and now burning them alive, this is sickening and becoming a horror show.
What will they think of next on their horrific video documentaries that were made to produce terror.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Agestorzrxx on February 05, 2015, 10:24:59 AM
I simply cannot understand how these people think that what they are doing is what their God tells them to do. A homosexual middle aged man thrown off a building and then stoned alive, then this - why do they (Isis brutes) think that what they are doing is acceptable??? Pure and utter torture and amnesty international and or governments need to do something to stop it.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Manic Street Preacher on February 05, 2015, 12:35:36 PM
It looks like some kind of reality show. I wonder why the victims are so passive before it happens and why they are ready to talk in front if the camera to help the terrorists to build their shit. Anyway, at the end you are supposed to die in a horrific way, so fuck them

I hear they use drugs or something, that will likely be why they're too passive to fight back properly, they do live in an area where it's okay to grow opium and such.

Where have you heard that? First I've heard of it, though there were reports they hadn't fed this guy for days. Most captives are probably just exhausted and have accepted their fate.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lethn on February 05, 2015, 01:12:39 PM
Even captives that exhausted would be afraid in that situation, lets be honest, also.

"They gave us drugs," Kareem says. "Hallucinogenic pills that would make you go to battle not caring if you live or die."

Or worse

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wekkel on February 05, 2015, 01:25:31 PM
How horrible is it to be shed into pieces by an F16 bomb (or a drone)? The negatives of war arise on both sides.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Malin Keshar on February 05, 2015, 01:47:57 PM
some countries like emirates ceased the missions against them.

We can't say it is not efficient

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 02:41:25 PM

Jordan’s King Abdullah is a former general and special forces commander who experts say has the resolve to follow through on his vow to crush ISIS.

Following the release of a ghastly video showing a captured Jordanian air force pilot being burned to death, the 53-year-old monarch warned that retribution will be swift. And with an army of more than 100,000 well-trained soldiers, tens of thousands more in reserves and a capable air force, Abdullah’s kingdom is more than up to the task, Middle East experts told

“Their ability to do difficult things with small numbers of highly trained people is up there with some of the best militaries in the world,” Jon Alterman, director of the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ Middle East Program, said of Jordan’s military.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 04:54:17 PM
america has killed more people than ISIS ever will.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: redsn0w on February 05, 2015, 04:57:11 PM
america has killed more people than ISIS ever will.

I don't know if this is true , but maybe you have right. Can you tell us a ~number?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 05:03:40 PM
you know there are no numbers. here is a list of wars the united states has been involved in since 1775. ISIS has only been around for a few years. you don't have to be genius to figure out who has killed more people.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 05:10:27 PM
and lets not forget about the native americans we killed. the death count is in the millions. they were given blankets infected with smallpox. those that survived with gunned down with machine guns. men women and children. bows and arrows vs heavy artillery.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: redsn0w on February 05, 2015, 05:11:15 PM
you know there are no numbers. here is a list of wars the united states has been involved in since 1775. ISIS has only been around for a few years. you don't have to be genius to figure out who has killed more people.

and lets not forget about the native americans we killed. the death count is in the millions. they were given blankets infected with smallpox. those that survived with gunned down with machine guns. men women and children. bows and arrows vs heavy artillery.

Interesting, so in this case who is the terrorist ?  USA or ISIS ?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 05:15:48 PM
both US and ISIS are terrorists. but the US is the original terrorist. we go in to other nations and take over land and resources just like the romans and nazis did. the people in the middle east would be content to stay in their own land without interference from the west. we have been invading the east for generations and it's only recently they have started coming to us. the US is the action ISIS is the reaction. and you can't blame them either. if your country was invaded would you bend over and allow it to happen or would you come together and fight to the death?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: manselr on February 05, 2015, 07:20:03 PM
both US and ISIS are terrorists. but the US is the original terrorist. we go in to other nations and take over land and resources just like the romans and nazis did. the people in the middle east would be content to stay in their own land without interference from the west. we have been invading the east for generations and it's only recently they have started coming to us. the US is the action ISIS is the reaction. and you can't blame them either. if your country was invaded would you bend over and allow it to happen or would you come together and fight to the death?
You are fucking delusional. These insane ISIS idiots always wanted to go back the middle agest. They want alandalus back. They are lunatics. Stop the US hate shit. Someone has to keep them constricted.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 07:20:56 PM
both US and ISIS are terrorists. but the US is the original terrorist. we go in to other nations and take over land and resources just like the romans and nazis did. the people in the middle east would be content to stay in their own land without interference from the west. we have been invading the east for generations and it's only recently they have started coming to us. the US is the action ISIS is the reaction. and you can't blame them either. if your country was invaded would you bend over and allow it to happen or would you come together and fight to the death?

So islam NEVER invaded anyone since its birth? No tribes or cultures were decimated, raped, or turned into slaves? Ever? That is your position?

Let's see what basic 6th grade level history tells us...

Arab slave trade
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, Southeast Africa, the Horn of Africa and certain parts of Europe (such as Iberia and Sicily) beginning during the era of the Arab conquests and continuing through the 19th century.[1] The trade was conducted through slave markets in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, with the slaves captured from Africa's interior.

During the 8th and 9th centuries of the Fatimid Caliphate, most of those enslaved were Saqaliba Europeans captured during wars and along European coastlines.[2] Historians estimate that between 650 and 1900, 10 to 18 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders and taken from Europe, Asia and Africa across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert.[citation needed]

Toward the 18th and 19th centuries, the flow of Zanj (Bantu) slaves from Southeast Africa increased with the rise of the Oman sultanate, which was based in Zanzibar in Tanzania. They came into direct trade conflict and competition with Portuguese and other Europeans along the Swahili Coast.[3] The North African Barbary states carried on piracy against European shipping and enslaved thousands of European Christians for ransom.

19th-century European engraving of Arab slave-trading caravan transporting African slaves across the Sahara

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 07:31:38 PM
did i say they were angels? no. they are not good people. but the US has been invading and killing alot longer than ISIS has and that's a fact you can not dispute. and lets not forget US has enslaved people too. the same people the arabs did. both sides are terrorists. the only difference is the US is a bigger and more successful terrorist.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 07:53:44 PM
did i say they were angels? no. they are not good people. but the US has been invading and killing alot longer than ISIS has and that's a fact you can not dispute. and lets not forget US has enslaved people too. they are both terrorists. the only difference is the US is a bigger and more successful terrorist.

Historians estimate that between 650 and 1900, 10 to 18 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders and taken from Europe, Asia and Africa across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert

If you have a problem with facts it will be with History and a very basic knowledge of it. To dislike the USA is one thing. To say the USA is responsible for the misery of north to 20 millions human beings is not reality. Never has been.

I found those facts pretty quickly, and my keyboard does not even glow in the dark...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 07:56:23 PM
look at the link i provided about the native americans. we killed millions of peaceful people for this land. what's your response to that? how is that not terrorism?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: koshgel on February 05, 2015, 07:56:29 PM
How horrible is it to be shed into pieces by an F16 bomb (or a drone)? The negatives of war arise on both sides.

Seems like it would be over pretty quickly.

There was no long video/confession for the other captured Jordanian. There is rumor that he would not say what ISIS wanted him to confess to on camera.  All that was shown was his severed head next to his body.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 05, 2015, 07:57:20 PM
Funded by USA and UN nations don't forget!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 08:07:04 PM
look at the link i provided about the native americans. we have killed just as many if not more. and that's just one war we have been involved in. what's your response to that?

The USA has killed more than 20 millions of native americans? My answer would be for wikipedia to update their pages on your secret facts only. The natives would be surprised to know they had such expansive family.

United States military casualties of war

So far USA Vs islam: islam wins in casualties...

Sorry boys...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 08:13:01 PM
i find it amusing you discredit the information i provided from wiki but yet you turn around and provide information from the same source.

you are a fool.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: biscotaste on February 05, 2015, 08:19:26 PM
This is terrible of course. Did anyone here about the 100 + people who were burnt alive in Odessa Ukraine?

Pregnant woman raped and then burnt alive!  This is the US backed Ukraine President's handy work.

There still has been no investigation and no one brought to justice.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 08:24:13 PM
also, i like how you failed to explain how invading north america and killing native americans is not terrorism. got no smart ass response for that one huh?

ohh and one more thing. you try to defend the US by saying the arabs killed and enslaved more. that's your argument right?

well, does it really matter who killed and enslaved more? we are both guilty of the same crimes. so explain to me how they are any worse than we are.

go on smart guy, tell me.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 08:34:55 PM
i find it amusing you discredit the information i provided from wiki but yet you turn around and provide information from the same source.

you are a fool.

I know I am. But you are not... Anyone can see this fact


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: ajareselde on February 05, 2015, 08:35:06 PM
This is terrible of course. Did anyone here about the 100 + people who were burnt alive in Odessa Ukraine?

Pregnant woman raped and then burnt alive!  This is the US backed Ukraine President's handy work.

There still has been no investigation and no one brought to justice.

It's obvious media propaganda, and please note that i am in no way defending what ISIS is doing, but it really is an interesting fact that only selected
news make it to mainstream tv, and it's always USA-s number 1 enemy.

ISIS is made of low number of fanatics who misinterpret Quran, don't see why USA is trying to fight globally against them, its over expensive unless there are,
once again, some hidden agendas, like there were with war in Iraq.

Sad to see that man die in such a horrible way, altho it seams that he died standing tall and proud from what i could tell from video.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 08:37:09 PM
I know I am. But you are not... Anyone can see this fact

dodging hard questions with humor and picking and choosing your battles huh? smells like fail to me.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 05, 2015, 08:58:41 PM
also, i like how you failed to explain how invading north america and killing native americans is not terrorism. got no smart ass response for that one huh?

ohh and one more thing. you try to defend the US by saying the arabs killed and enslaved more. that's your argument right?

well, does it really matter who killed and enslaved more? we are both guilty of the same crimes. so explain to me how they are any worse than we are.

go on smart guy, tell me.

Man! Now I know why your keyboard is glowing blue... Must be red right now...  :D ;D :D

Anyway, I do not understand why you need to take anything I tell you so personally. Health first! You can simply dismiss anything I say and keep believing anything you say. Life is that simple. This is the internet.

You were obviously totally, amazingly, abysmally wrong about stating islam brought misery to way, way, way less people than the USA. Do I defend the USA? No. No more than a useless fight for the right of 2+2 to be 5. Facts are facts.

Now you can come back and tell me death is death and no one cares who was a slave and by whom. If that is the case why would you care how many native indians the USA have killed then, if it is all the same to you? You may feel guilty of crimes through what your ancestors did to native americans, but not me. I have ZERO feeling of guilt whatsoever.

Relax. Have a glass of water. You can call me a fool all day long if that will make you feel better. I'll be watching a new episode of lilyhammer on Netflix while you try to reply back to me. Pretty cool show to watch, with a glass of hot chocolate in your hands.

Do you have Netflix?
It's a USA based company...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 05, 2015, 11:37:39 PM
dude said i was delusional. then you started debating me. challenge accepted.

quote me where i said islam brought less misery to people than the US. go on, quote me. ohh wait, you can't. cause i never said that. i never mentioned religion. nor did i mention who has caused more misery. i said we have taken more lives than ISIS and we are also terrorists. if you want to debate me fine but don't twist my words.

i don't feel any guilt for the crimes of my ancestors. but you can't be ignorant of what we did in the past. your average american is not very smart. they believe what the TV tells them and their average response is drop bombs on all of them. i find that ignorant. i also think it's incredibly hypocritical to judge others for the very same crimes we have committed. as far as i see it we are all the same.

i don't do netflix. i prefer torrents. why pay for something that is available for free?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on February 05, 2015, 11:55:23 PM

The world is a fucked up place.

ISIS has a strong media arm they certainly know how to attract attention
Jordan is getting sick of their shit I can see why they went with retaliatory measures
It really is like COD

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on February 05, 2015, 11:56:39 PM
USA and Europe created civilization and progress, islam created shit thats why they are stuck in the middle ages with their shitty primitive practices.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 12:06:55 AM
the US and europe did not create civilization. there were many advanced societies before us. it was rome who laid the foundation of modern society.

the middle east isn't as advanced because they don't have the same access to trade as the rest of the world.

they also don't have the same values. the west does what they do for the love of money. the middle east does what they do for the love of god.

they are two entirely different views on life. only spoiled brats with inflated egos look down on others just because they don't have the same values you do.

personally, i find a culture that revolves around the love of money to be more disgusting.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on February 06, 2015, 12:10:24 AM
USA and Europe created civilization and progress, islam created shit thats why they are stuck in the middle ages with their shitty primitive practices.
the US and europe did not create civilization. their were many advanced societies before us.

Both correct
If I recall correctly Islam saved shit and was the most cultured while Europe was having the fun time with the Crusades and destroying the crud out of each other then somewhere along the line the positions reversed again.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 12:11:54 AM
you mentioned the crusades. i'm impressed. that's another historical event people are quick to forget.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 12:41:17 AM
you mentioned the crusades. i'm impressed. that's another historical event people are quick to forget.

Seems your fighting g the same fight as me, good luck with it because while the zombie nation is watching fictional zombies they don't realise they are the zombies (Netflix! Lol) ;-)

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 12:47:23 AM
LOL - well said about the zombies. so true. i try not to take sides. taking sides is what divides us. i like to remain neutral. but i guess you could label my position as independent.

How horrible is it to be shed into pieces by an F16 bomb (or a drone)? The negatives of war arise on both sides.
i think this guy gets it too. most people don't have the mental capacity to try and look at things from both perspectives. too many people are self centered and only think about themselves.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 01:05:58 AM
LOL - well said about the zombies. so true. i try not to take sides. taking sides is what divides us. i like to remain neutral. but i guess you could label my position as independent.

How horrible is it to be shed into pieces by an F16 bomb (or a drone)? The negatives of war arise on both sides.
i think this guy gets it too. most people don't have the mental capacity to try and look at things from both perspectives. too many people are self centered and only think about themselves.

+1, too many people are here for greed instead of the invention of the block chain, not realising that currency is just the first thing its began to modanise (and decentralise). The only thing that as value in life is peoples labour too. Everything else is just a tool and intrincet value is maluable. Which is also something that the block chain is good at.

I try to stay neutral but sometimes..... People just need a wet kipper slapping across their faces :-) until people realise the extent of social engineering going on they will continue to be asleep to the truth when the truth truly sets you free. I want a level playing field for the 8 billion people on this planet that isn't controlled through centralised systems. Life isn't fair and never will be but everyone should have the same opertunities in life and the best will succeed. As it is now at least 6.5 billion don't even stand a chance! The irony is they know what the meaning of life is while most of the other 1.5 billion live in a bubble of false security and value possessions over the love of others and live there lives by fear (fictional events actually realised). But that's what the social engineering is. Creating people from fear instead of love. The 2 can't co-exist. There was a saying by mark twain (amoung many) that goes along the lines of debating with an retard will only lower you to their level. I have to keep reminding myself of that one :-)

Also, I never let schooling get in the way of my education ;-)

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 01:09:34 AM
I want a level playing field for the 8 billion people on this planet that isn't controlled through centralised systems. Life isn't fair and never will be but everyone should have the same opertunities in life. As it is now at least 6.5 billion don't even stand a chance! The irony is they know what the meaning of life is while most of the other 1.5 billion live in a bubble of false security and value possessions over the love of others.
i agree with you 100%

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 01:28:13 AM
dude said i was delusional. then you started debating me. challenge accepted.

quote me where i said islam brought less misery to people than the US. go on, quote me. ohh wait, you can't. cause i never said that. i never mentioned religion. nor did i mention who has caused more misery. i said we have taken more lives than ISIS and we are also terrorists. if you want to debate me fine but don't twist my words.

i don't feel any guilt for the crimes of my ancestors. but you can't be ignorant of what we did in the past. your average american is not very smart. they believe what the TV tells them and their average response is drop bombs on all of them. i find that ignorant. i also think it's incredibly hypocritical to judge others for the very same crimes we have committed. as far as i see it we are all the same.

i don't do netflix. i prefer torrents. why pay for something that is available for free?

both US and ISIS are terrorists. but the US is the original terrorist. we go in to other nations and take over land and resources just like the romans and nazis did. the people in the middle east would be content to stay in their own land without interference from the west. we have been invading the east for generations and it's only recently they have started coming to us. the US is the action ISIS is the reaction. and you can't blame them either. if your country was invaded would you bend over and allow it to happen or would you come together and fight to the death?

Yeah. This is not going to fly. The USA did not exist when the people of that region were already doing exactly the same exact barbaric things as isis does today. Gitmo did not exist. Was Cuba even a colony full of slaves back then?

What country is isis protecting anyway? I thought they had a blast beheading people watching porn from bit torrent and what not?

That "we" again, as if we had the same mother... "My" average american? What?

Again, I have zero guilt because none of my ancestors killed any native indians. I am 1000% positive about that fact. The people who have commited these crimes in the past are all yours...

I can't say none of my ancestors killed any of yours though...

If isis is stopped NOW and transformed into a bright parking lot made of radioactive glass for 10000 years, then sure the USA would have killed more people than isis as of 2015, including the ones the USA killed during WWI and WWII, and your cherished native americans, and including vietnam (although the Khmer Rouge did the massive two million kills as you probably know)

That is why we should agree to make sure they glow in the dark pretty soon, to avoid them to kill all those native tribes they are destroying right now. How pointing the finger at the USA makes it OK for isis to still exist? Does the wrongs of the USA excuse the existence now of isis? I do not believe so.

Yeah.. I don't have cable TV. I do not watch TV. I have bitcointalk as entertainment, plenty of it for free too, as you can tell. But at least I will not use an american invention (bit torrent) to download Hollywood movies while typing on my LED-backlit keyboard on how 'we are all criminals because my ancestors, no difference', munching on a big double cheese with bacon, with extra bacon, and extra bacon, sipping on a large diet coke.

I was describing myself, of course.

Check out lilyhammer on bit torrent. It is pretty funny, if you can't afford to pay for netflix...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 01:35:07 AM

Jordan’s King Abdullah is a former general and special forces commander who experts say has the resolve to follow through on his vow to crush ISIS.

Following the release of a ghastly video showing a captured Jordanian air force pilot being burned to death, the 53-year-old monarch warned that retribution will be swift. And with an army of more than 100,000 well-trained soldiers, tens of thousands more in reserves and a capable air force, Abdullah’s kingdom is more than up to the task, Middle East experts told

“Their ability to do difficult things with small numbers of highly trained people is up there with some of the best militaries in the world,” Jon Alterman, director of the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ Middle East Program, said of Jordan’s military.

Jordanian F-16s Painted With Arabic Hashtag “Stepping On ISIS”…

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 01:40:33 AM
ISIS did not exist back in those times either. ISIS is a modern day response to US occupation in the middle east. the US has been invading and killing long before ISIS was born.

ISIS represents a small extremist group from iraq and seria. they do not represent everybody in the middle east or everybody who has faith in islam. you are providing historical facts that have nothing to do with ISIS.

did i say what the US did makes it OK for what ISIS does now? no. you are still putting words in my mouth and making assumptions beyond what i am saying.

i can afford to pay for netflix. i choose not to throw my money away cause i get the same content for free. have you heard the saying about a fool and his money? that's you.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 01:51:56 AM
still waiting for you to tell me how this is not terrorism.....

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 01:55:44 AM
ISIS did not exist back in those times either. ISIS is a modern day response to US occupation in the middle east.

ISIS only represents iraq and seria. they do not represent any other nation. and you are providing historical facts that have nothing to do with ISIS.

did i say what the US did makes it OK for what ISIS does now? no. you are still putting words in my mouth and making assumptions beyond what i am saying.

i can afford to pay for netflix. (making assumptions again) i choose not to throw my money away. have you heard the saying about a fool and his money? that's you.

The USA did not exist when the people of that region were already doing exactly the same exact barbaric things as isis does today.

Who is twisting who's words now?

"Isis is a cancer and needs to be destroyed": those words have yet to be written by you. Not twisting your words. I simply know who I am not supporting, that's all...

The freedom to do whatever with the money you own is freedom, not foolishness, as you believe, the independent thinker that you are. If you believe it is a smart move to look for a replacement for the demise of TPB, being replaced by that FBI-run trap all day long, then good for you, and for your VPN...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Sarthak on February 06, 2015, 01:59:04 AM
I don't understand what they get from killing innocents! They Lack Humanity  >:(

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 01:59:35 AM
still waiting for you to tell me how this is not terrorism.....

Can you describe the picture so we all, not just me, understand the context? Who are the victims, who are the killers, etc. Thank you.


 ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 02:06:00 AM
excuse me for reading too fast. you have been talking alot about ISIS and i thought you were still talking about them in that first sentence. there is a difference between misunderstanding and putting words in another's mouth. you are far more guilty of this than i am.

i do not support ISIS. they are terrible people and the world would be a better place without them. but i do not support the US either. i am only commenting how the US is just as guilty of barbaric behavior and they have been at it long before ISIS.

i agree you can do what you want with your money. but i can have an opinion about it. i don't use piratebay either. would be a bad idea after the servers were raided.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 02:06:48 AM
that picture is of US soldiers and dead native americans. you know, the ones you have no sympathy for.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 02:10:00 AM
I don't understand what they get from killing innocents! They Lack Humanity  >:(

So far 90% of people killed by isis are muslims. Only a true large scale muslim response will end that nightmare for good.

Although I have a back and forth with the dude with the glowing keyboard avatar who loves american TV on bit torrent for free, he/she/it/they may not be totally wrong about the situation: the USA should support the people in place, like the kurds, to take care of that tumor, indirectly at least, first.

If that does not work, then M.O.A.B...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 02:21:37 AM
i just checked out the imgur link in your profile. the blindfold suits you. i think it's very appropriate for you.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 02:23:32 AM
excuse me for reading too fast. you have been talking alot about ISIS and i thought you were only talking about them. there is a difference between misunderstanding and putting words in another's mouth. you are far more guilty of this than i am.

i do not support ISIS. they are terrible people and the world would be a better place without them. but i do not support the US either. i am only commenting how the US is just as guilty of barbaric behavior.

i agree you can do what you want with your money. but i can have an opinion about it. i don't use piratebay either. would be a bad idea after the servers were raided.

I am never guilty. Ever.  :)

If you believe isis should be reduced into a radioactive pile of ash, then good for you. You've made a lot of assumptions about me too. I find this entertaining and great for the profile of Wilikon, as I really do not mind.

Yes this thread is about isis and what they did to that jordanian pilot. It is normal I am writing a lot about isis, as "isis" is part of the name of that thread, not "USA killing indians! Look Photo proof!" I don't much care for my threads to be derailed from time to time, but I feel I should not have entertained myself with you that long on a thread I did not start. It was ill-mannered.

I would like to apologize to the OP...

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 02:30:22 AM
i just checked out the imgur link in your profile. the blindfold suits you. i think it's very appropriate for you.

Check me all you want. And thank you for clicking on that link. I almost forgot about it. Justice is blind. Indeed.

We can move our personal discussion about how a random image suits me well on one of my threads if you want. No private messages though. I do not care for them.

This thread is really about how evil isis is, and what the jordanians are going to do next.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 02:35:08 AM
debating with an retard will only lower you to their level.
this is how i am feeling right now.

my whole point was the US has killed millions and is also guilty of terrorism. since you can't dispute that i will consider this conversation over.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bill gator on February 06, 2015, 02:41:43 AM
I watched the video itself. It's incredibly theatrical and well-produced. It's like something in a horrible Hollywood film, made more horrible with the death of a real person.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 03:04:33 AM
debating with an retard will only lower you to their level.
this is how i am feeling right now.

my whole point was the US has killed millions and is also guilty of terrorism. since you can't dispute that i will consider this conversation over.

My door is always open for independent minded people. You'll always be welcome.


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 03:05:24 AM
i appreciate that sir. it was fun. i may be brash but i do wish you the best.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 03:09:16 AM
I watched the video itself. It's incredibly theatrical and well-produced. It's like something in a horrible Hollywood film, made more horrible with the death of a real person.

Yes. The jordanians cannot let this pass. The sad part is they may end up alone as neither 0bama nor the other 'allies' are willing for a full front attack, the shadow of the iraq war still too fresh in people's memory. Zero political will. Syria was supposed to be the target, but ended up being a recruitment medium for isis..

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 03:14:46 AM
i appreciate that sir. it was fun. i may be brash but i do wish you the best.

Playing mind games while we are both comfortable behind our keyboard wherever we are is a privilege, especially on a bitcoin forum. I will never wish any ill to anyone here, unless you deserve it, and even that would be between you and your creator (or whoever is monitoring this forum)


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 03:23:48 AM
i don't wish any ill will for anybody, even if you deserve it. i had 3 big guys come to my home with a gun to rob me. i have no hatred in my heart for them. we all do fucked up things. some things are more fucked up than others. but i still think we are all the same. a wise man said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. it's too bad the world can't sit down and have a passionate discussion instead of blowing people up.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 06, 2015, 03:27:27 AM
i don't wish any ill will for anybody, even if you deserve it. i had 3 big guys come to my home with a gun to rob me. i have no hatred in my heart for them. we all do fucked up things. some things are more fucked up than others. but i still think we are all the same. a wise man said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. it's too bad the world can't sit down and have a passionate discussion instead of blowing people up.

... That, could be why I am blindfolded? Hum...


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 06, 2015, 03:56:19 AM
If the Jordanians are serious, then they should ask the Americans to make sure that no funding reaches to the ISIS from Qatar or Saudi. ISIS is still not the main target of Obama. His real target is Assad.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: grendel25 on February 06, 2015, 04:14:27 AM
i don't wish any ill will for anybody, even if you deserve it. i had 3 big guys come to my home with a gun to rob me. i have no hatred in my heart for them. we all do fucked up things. some things are more fucked up than others. but i still think we are all the same. a wise man said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. it's too bad the world can't sit down and have a passionate discussion instead of blowing people up.

I don't think "rational discussion" is in the vocabularies of this type of evil.  

I just don't get how any group of people thinks that this is the way to support whatever cause it is that they have.  If anything, it detracts from their cause.  Who would support such evil?

It's pretty basic math and they don't have the numbers

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 04:15:21 AM
i think the jordanians are serious. listen to the way he speaks. he sounds confident.

has anybody heard what the japanese have to say about their people being beheaded? i only hear we condemn this and we will support our allies in the fight against terrorism. that's not quite the same response we got from the jordanians. the jordanians sound like they are ready to fuck shit up.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: grendel25 on February 06, 2015, 04:22:14 AM
i think the jordanians are serious. listen to the way he speaks. he sounds confident and ready to fight.

Well put by the Jordanian Foreign Minister.  He sounds very aware of the realities of this issue.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Troonetpt on February 06, 2015, 05:01:09 AM
The time has come for the world to unite as one as human beings and put an end to this inhumanity. An end to governments controlling the people and supporting these terrorist groups to suit their agenda. The time has come for the people of the world to be the change. To make the change. We shall not fear our governments. Our governments should fear us.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: redsn0w on February 06, 2015, 08:29:00 AM
still waiting for you to tell me how this is not terrorism.....

I think all of them are terrorists, I don't think someone can say the contrary or am I wrong ?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 09:40:25 AM
I watched the video itself. It's incredibly theatrical and well-produced. It's like something in a horrible Hollywood film, made more horrible with the death of a real person.

Glad someone's awake. Go and watch a real beheading while your at it and see how all the videos are fake! Check out the woolwhich killing in the UK while your at it and see how fake that one is as well!

From the Taliban to Al-cia-da to Isis and whatever they want to call it (note the actually group hate these names) they are all USA/UN funded operatives and have been for decades since the 50's. But most people don't question anything and take everything at face value! They don't have the ability to critically think and just see and hear what comes out of the mockingbird msm (that was all brought up by governments/mafia after ww2). A total take over was done by the time they murdered JFK and since then they've been on a total rampage and anyone questioning it is slandered by the zombie sheep because they can't be bothered with truth because its too hard for there continually manipulated brains to take on. Again, its called social engineering!

Tbh, calling people sheeple is offensive to sheep! At least they need a sheep dog to keep them in line, we humans do it all to ourselves! Lol

Its truely heartbreaking to see how programmed western society is and how easily manipulated they all are. Exceptional! Haha, exceptionally stupid!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bitcointrader85 on February 06, 2015, 10:18:37 AM
kill ISIS

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: ajareselde on February 06, 2015, 10:27:02 AM
i think the jordanians are serious. listen to the way he speaks. he sounds confident and ready to fight.

Well put by the Jordanian Foreign Minister.  He sounds very aware of the realities of this issue.

Yes, that is because he actually cares about his people, and will defend them and their interests not only by words and judgement, but with actual moves.
Sadly, Wolf is right when he says that you can't actually eliminate all of them, they will retreat and hide, but the most important thing is to fight them,
and show the people of those country's that they don't need to fear them, and join their causes out of fear for themselves or their families.

3rd world war has started long time ago, and will be fought across the planet, all because individuals misinterpret their religions...

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: innocent93 on February 06, 2015, 10:52:13 AM
watch that video here :

This is the worst video I have ever seen.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 11:00:38 AM
watch that video here :

This is the worst video I have ever seen.

Video doesn't work

EDIT: hahaha what a pile of shit once more! Separate your emotions from what you view and listen too please. Humans have this inherante ability but don't use it. Then you might see how fucking staged it all is. You been watching too many movies and TV shows. Yet another fake from the so called 'ISIS/ISIL' or whatever you want to call them these days. I call them CIA, FBI, gchq,NSA, etc etc tbh because they fund it all!

Come to think of it, not one of these videos have been real! Yet they make world wide headlines! Wonder why that is! Oh yes, the same mafia owns the msm around the world! Who'd have guessed it!

If you want see horror, just look up the CIA torture program that's actually real!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: umairsaleem on February 06, 2015, 12:42:54 PM
The whole history of human being is a history of human who are killing each other.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 12:46:30 PM
The whole history of human being is a history of human who are killing each other.

That's what were told. I don't believe it to be true one bit! Our history is at least 50,000 years (absolute minimum) but we know what? A couple of thousand! Hell, it could be 500,000/1million years old as well dependant on different theories! You think we'd be around be at constant war all that time lol.

Nothing is true what's been told to people, that's for sure!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Spendulus on February 06, 2015, 01:39:27 PM
look at the link i provided about the native americans. we killed millions of peaceful people for this land. what's your response to that? how is that not terrorism?
My response to that is (A) you don't know what you are talking about, the story of blankets infected with smallpox has been historically debunked (B) killing people is not terrorism.

Not saying killing is nice, but it is not terrorism per se.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: umairsaleem on February 06, 2015, 01:50:22 PM
The whole history of human being is a history of human who are killing each other.

That's what were told. I don't believe it to be true one bit! Our history is at least 50,000 years (absolute minimum) but we know what? A couple of thousand! Hell, it could be 500,000/1million years old as well dependant on different theories! You think we'd be around be at constant war all that time lol.

Nothing is true what's been told to people, that's for sure!

Hell, Dude, Please, don't be serious. This is an analogy about the non-stop wars in the world, We are not talking on a historical topic. Just stop finding fault with every single words people said.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Bralex on February 06, 2015, 01:56:24 PM
Unfortunately this is just showing everyone how far we have come.... Which is to say not very far.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 06, 2015, 02:28:38 PM
The whole history of human being is a history of human who are killing each other.

That's what were told. I don't believe it to be true one bit! Our history is at least 50,000 years (absolute minimum) but we know what? A couple of thousand! Hell, it could be 500,000/1million years old as well dependant on different theories! You think we'd be around be at constant war all that time lol.

Nothing is true what's been told to people, that's for sure!

Hell, Dude, Please, don't be serious. This is an analogy about the non-stop wars in the world, We are not talking on a historical topic. Just stop finding fault with every single words people said.

I know it was, no need get high rate when truth and facts come Into the picture ;-)

Just that war is good for bankers and the richest people. not anyone else. This is my issue with it all! I actually give a shit about 8 billion people, not just the 1.5 billion brainwashed zombies! An even playing field and all. Life isn't fair but it could at least be an even playing field for everyone instead of a few (50,000 people) manipulating it all. The 0.000001%! They are the ones that don't want to lose what their ancestors stole. But wouldn't I or you be the same brought up in that environment? With so much to lose? Its hard to say you wouldn't and is very thought provoking

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: neurotypical on February 06, 2015, 04:07:32 PM
The whole history of human being is a history of human who are killing each other.

The only people killing are degenerates, not everyone is a degenerate.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 06, 2015, 05:21:28 PM
(A) the story of blankets infected with smallpox has been historically debunked.

(B) killing people is not terrorism.

i think you're the one who doesn't know what he is talking about.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: bitcointrader85 on February 06, 2015, 05:52:01 PM
how can u say dat ? web slicer ?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: manis on February 07, 2015, 08:50:21 AM
Unfortunately this is just showing everyone how far we have come.... Which is to say not very far.

The Middle East I always feel is different, stuck in some time warp.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: noddy2000 on February 07, 2015, 10:03:52 AM
Unfortunately this is just showing everyone how far we have come.... Which is to say not very far.

The Middle East I always feel is different, stuck in some time warp.

Yo obviously never been there and believe everything you hear and read. Middle east is about unity, family and love. West is about possessions, greed and fucking one another over for a monetary gain! These boards alone so how greedy western societies are. Of cause, all apart of the programming at school and social engineering, people never stand a chance in the westerns fucked up mkultra crazyness. Thats just 1 program of 1000's that are going on. So sad!

I think you mean to say the west is bombing and terrorising the middle east back to the stone age! Allowing genocide in Libiya, Iraq, Syria, palistein (not even counting the stolen land called Israel (Rothschild's land given them for getting america into ww2 with pearl harbour (note Nazi party HQ was in america))), Saudi Arabia, yeman, Qatar, do you need me to go on? OK, bahreign, Thailand, all of Africa! Why bother. Bet you never heard of these places, nevermind go there!

Yes, western societies are so loving and caring for their fellow man ain't they! 8 million homosapians fucking killing each other and promoting it. Constant war is good for bankers and the already rich that ancestors stole off us! But you keep thinking your awesome!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: redsn0w on February 07, 2015, 10:12:58 AM
look at the link i provided about the native americans. we killed millions of peaceful people for this land. what's your response to that? how is that not terrorism?
My response to that is (A) you don't know what you are talking about, the story of blankets infected with smallpox has been historically debunked (B) killing people is not terrorism.

Not saying killing is nice, but it is not terrorism per se.

As WEB slicer said:

So also killing people is terrorism , because you "bring" terror.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Streetview on February 07, 2015, 11:58:30 AM
Just saw the video...terrible :scratchhead:

Posted From Android App

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Nikolai the Barber on February 07, 2015, 12:03:23 PM
Unfortunately this is just showing everyone how far we have come.... Which is to say not very far.

The Middle East I always feel is different, stuck in some time warp.

Yo obviously never been there and believe everything you hear and read. Middle east is about unity, family and love. West is about possessions, greed and fucking one another over for a monetary gain! These boards alone so how greedy western societies are. Of cause, all apart of the programming at school and social engineering, people never stand a chance in the westerns fucked up mkultra crazyness.

Neither the East or West are perfect and both places can have backwards ideals but you yourself are generalizing. Greed is a part of humanity and family values are not exclusive to the middle east.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 07, 2015, 04:03:08 PM
Unfortunately this is just showing everyone how far we have come.... Which is to say not very far.

The Middle East I always feel is different, stuck in some time warp.

Yo obviously never been there and believe everything you hear and read. Middle east is about unity, family and love. West is about possessions, greed and fucking one another over for a monetary gain! These boards alone so how greedy western societies are. Of cause, all apart of the programming at school and social engineering, people never stand a chance in the westerns fucked up mkultra crazyness.

Neither the East or West are perfect and both places can have backwards ideals but you yourself are generalizing. Greed is a part of humanity and family values are not exclusive to the middle east.

Have A Nice Day! :) (

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 07, 2015, 07:31:27 PM
honor killings is so fucked up. but so is stabbing people in the parking lot of bestbuy for a playstation. all cultures have an ugly side. this is why i keep saying we are all the same.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 07, 2015, 08:35:44 PM
honor killings is so fucked up. but so is stabbing people in the parking lot of bestbuy for a playstation. all cultures have an ugly side. this is why i keep saying we are all the same.

In the case of honor killings the little girl's crime is to have a playstation... The little boy is fine. Not a random act like in a bestbuy parking lot.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 07, 2015, 08:37:38 PM
the point is both sides are fucked up. it's just a different kind of fucked up. we have no shortage of murderers in the US.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 07, 2015, 08:39:39 PM
the point is both sides are fucked up. it's just a different kind of fucked up. we have no shortage of murderers in the US.

We have no shortage of honor killings in the US, on top of murderers too...

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 07, 2015, 08:46:39 PM
i would consider killing your spouse for cheating an honor killing. we have plenty of that in the US.

stop trying to act like our murder is any less wicked or prevalent. it's all the same kind of fucked up regardless of the reason.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 07, 2015, 08:58:31 PM
i would consider killing your spouse for cheating an honor killing. we have plenty of that in the US.

stop trying to act like our murder is any less wicked or prevalent. it's all the same kind of fucked up regardless of the reason.

If murder is the same, "regardless of the reason", we should not worry too much about people getting killed by US drones either...

Also, I've found out trying to make people obey my orders (Stop trying! Do this!), on a forum, did not make much sense.


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: WEB slicer on February 07, 2015, 09:01:16 PM
i don't worry about the US killing people with drones any more than i worry about americans killing amercians. people are gonna do what they do regardless what i think or how much i worry.

it's not an order. consider it friendly advice.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Wilikon on February 07, 2015, 09:09:04 PM
i don't worry about the US killing people with drones any more than i worry about americans killing amercians. people are gonna do what they do regardless what i think or how much i worry.

it's not an order. consider it friendly advice.

That is true. That is why we have a Second Amendment

I don't worry about friendly advice.


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: AiloveYouks21 on May 08, 2017, 05:57:49 AM
USA and Europe created civilization and progress, islam created shit thats why they are stuck in the middle ages with their shitty primitive practices.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: JGoRed on May 09, 2017, 02:23:46 PM
america has killed more people than ISIS ever will.
The difference is that America is fighting wars (and usually on the "good" side too), while ISIS is a small group of insane Islamics killing random people.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: kimtaekayo on May 09, 2017, 02:27:35 PM
These extremist should face China, N. Korea and Russia, I guess they are match.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Tradesinc on May 09, 2017, 03:10:34 PM
I find it absolutely insane what  humans will do to other humans in the name of religion, any religion.
We are truly the worst species of life this planet will ever see.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: cazza on May 09, 2017, 06:23:53 PM
I find it absolutely insane what  humans will do to other humans in the name of religion, any religion.
We are truly the worst species of life this planet will ever see.


Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: anasis on May 09, 2017, 06:27:14 PM
I find it absolutely insane what  humans will do to other humans in the name of religion, any religion.
We are truly the worst species of life this planet will ever see.

If you look at it How do people deal with other people? People have died out. And then it is possible to single out Muslims who are almost the only ones claiming cruelty towards others. I think that they themselves are to blame for the fact that in the world there could have arisen opposition to Muslims

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lieldoryn on May 09, 2017, 06:33:59 PM
I hate Muslims for their atrocities, but in fairness, I want to say that those prisoners which they have executed, too, came to the territory of their country with arms and killed their people. How would you react in their place to the Russian pilots who bombed Aleppo? Though of course excessive cruelty can not be justified.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: squatz1 on May 09, 2017, 10:27:53 PM
america has killed more people than ISIS ever will.

The fuck does this even mean dude, just cause the US has been around through countless wars and even a civil war within their own country means that  you can even attempt to compare this, with an Islamic Terrorist organization which had committed atrocities in the name of scaring people and a use of propaganda to get people to join their cause. Don't even try to compare these two thingsa in the least, like for fucks sake dude are you an ISIS / ISIL member?

Though moving back on the point, the world is rather horrid at this point and it's tough to see such horrible things happening. Hopefully, this horrible organization will be taken down at some point through force.

Hope they all rot in hell.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lancusters on May 09, 2017, 10:39:00 PM
america has killed more people than ISIS ever will.

The fuck does this even mean dude, just cause the US has been around through countless wars and even a civil war within their own country means that  you can even attempt to compare this, with an Islamic Terrorist organization which had committed atrocities in the name of scaring people and a use of propaganda to get people to join their cause. Don't even try to compare these two thingsa in the least, like for fucks sake dude are you an ISIS / ISIL member?

Though moving back on the point, the world is rather horrid at this point and it's tough to see such horrible things happening. Hopefully, this horrible organization will be taken down at some point through force.

Hope they all rot in hell.
The worst thing that destroying ISIS will do nothing. In their place will constantly be other extremist and terrorist groups. Muslims are cruel and inhuman. Now comes war of the worlds and the Western world with their liberal laws is in a losing position.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: leademepls on May 09, 2017, 11:06:16 PM
I'm sorry, I can see that the thread has went in a bit different direction, but I only now saw it(probably cause someone necrobumped it) and wanted to say how shocked I was by the burning of the pilot. Now I've seen plenty of gore, and burning people, but the very idea that this man, a man of higher education, who flies a supersonic jet, can be caged like an animal and burned alive by a bunch of donkeys is sickening to me. He had all these years of training invested in him, his family was probably very proud of what he was doing and then one day he sat in the cockpit of his F-16 just to end in the hands of the trash of the world a few hours later. It's just unfair.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lancusters on May 09, 2017, 11:27:31 PM
I'm sorry, I can see that the thread has went in a bit different direction, but I only now saw it(probably cause someone necrobumped it) and wanted to say how shocked I was by the burning of the pilot. Now I've seen plenty of gore, and burning people, but the very idea that this man, a man of higher education, who flies a supersonic jet, can be caged like an animal and burned alive by a bunch of donkeys is sickening to me. He had all these years of training invested in him, his family was probably very proud of what he was doing and then one day he sat in the cockpit of his F-16 just to end in the hands of the trash of the world a few hours later. It's just unfair.
Not to mention that he was flying on a passenger Boeing, and the F-16. And the plane was thrown off candy and bombs. In war as in war. What this war when you are not at risk. Then this shooting gallery. Any warrior may die, but such harsh punishment be satisfied with the Muslims. For me they are not people.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Sithara007 on May 10, 2017, 01:35:49 AM
The worst thing that destroying ISIS will do nothing. In their place will constantly be other extremist and terrorist groups. Muslims are cruel and inhuman. Now comes war of the worlds and the Western world with their liberal laws is in a losing position.

You are spot on. ISIS is just a symptom. Radical Islam is the real disease. Unless Islam is reformed, organizations such as the ISIS will continue to spring up. Muslims must seriously think about making Islam compatible with the modern lifestyle.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: solitare on May 10, 2017, 07:59:08 AM
Normal behavior for Muslims.
Anyone that defends Islam deserves their eventual fate at the hands of this barbaric group of scum.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Magpieguy on May 10, 2017, 08:55:49 AM
Sick despicable people.
Get rid of ISIS, which of course has to be done. Then what happens? The next group pops up.
Previously backed by the west of course.
Same old story, history repeating itself.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: rajasumi3 on May 10, 2017, 01:16:23 PM
They should be totally stopped.Well according to me their website should be taken down and why the hell the people are not bombing the whole place down,well there may be consequences after,but  i would not say public should watch these videos,these are totally inhuman.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Sithara007 on May 10, 2017, 01:55:09 PM
Normal behavior for Muslims.
Anyone that defends Islam deserves their eventual fate at the hands of this barbaric group of scum.

All the pro-Muslim liberals in England and the other Western nations must be shipped to Syria, and in exchange Yazidis and Christians from that country must be admitted to the United Kingdom.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: rizkyrz on May 12, 2017, 11:57:20 AM

Everything ISIS does is unforgivable, because it hurt so many people!

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Palmerson on May 12, 2017, 12:15:59 PM
Normal behavior for Muslims.
Anyone that defends Islam deserves their eventual fate at the hands of this barbaric group of scum.

All the pro-Muslim liberals in England and the other Western nations must be shipped to Syria, and in exchange Yazidis and Christians from that country must be admitted to the United Kingdom.
I am sure that they do not want this. It's so good to talk about good Muslims in Europe. When they cut or burn people's attitudes are changing. After McCain has been in captivity all his life he hates Koreans and Russians. Maybe the most zealous liberals should be sent to Islamic countries?

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: pipoinzaghi on May 12, 2017, 12:48:01 PM
Some people here do forget the fact that the most people who are harmed and killed by ISIS are also muslims

Stop putting all muslims under the same umbrella with ISIS

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: gabmen on May 12, 2017, 01:16:58 PM
Some people here do forget the fact that the most people who are harmed and killed by ISIS are also muslims

Stop putting all muslims under the same umbrella with ISIS

I agree. These isis people are twisted way beyond any normal religion. It's wrong to judge all muslims based on what these people do because majority of muslims also detest these people's actions. I mean this people are consistently committing crimes against humanity in a very cruel way and they need to be stopped soon.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Sithara007 on May 12, 2017, 05:00:40 PM
Some people here do forget the fact that the most people who are harmed and killed by ISIS are also muslims

Stop putting all muslims under the same umbrella with ISIS

No. That hides some important facts. ISIS is active in areas where the Muslims compose an overwhelming majority. So obviously, a majority of the victims will be Muslims. But the proportion of the non-Muslim victims will always be higher than their proportion in the population.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Lancusters on May 12, 2017, 10:04:51 PM
Some people here do forget the fact that the most people who are harmed and killed by ISIS are also muslims

Stop putting all muslims under the same umbrella with ISIS

I agree. These isis people are twisted way beyond any normal religion. It's wrong to judge all muslims based on what these people do because majority of muslims also detest these people's actions. I mean this people are consistently committing crimes against humanity in a very cruel way and they need to be stopped soon.
If it is as you say, why ISIS arose somewhere in Europe? If you put seeds on the rocks they will dry in the sun and all, but if you put them in the ground they will sprout. I mean, what if there was no support among the local population something ISIL did not exist and could not regularly replenish its ranks.

Title: Re: Isis burns Jordanian Pilot alive
Post by: Sithara007 on May 13, 2017, 03:31:49 AM
Some people here do forget the fact that the most people who are harmed and killed by ISIS are also muslims

Stop putting all muslims under the same umbrella with ISIS

I agree. These isis people are twisted way beyond any normal religion. It's wrong to judge all muslims based on what these people do because majority of muslims also detest these people's actions. I mean this people are consistently committing crimes against humanity in a very cruel way and they need to be stopped soon.
If it is as you say, why ISIS arose somewhere in Europe? If you put seeds on the rocks they will dry in the sun and all, but if you put them in the ground they will sprout. I mean, what if there was no support among the local population something ISIL did not exist and could not regularly replenish its ranks.

There is a lot of support for the ISIS among the Sunni Muslims of Syria and Iraq. After Saddam Hussein was overthrown, the Sunnis of Iraq started supporting the Islamists. In Syria, the section of the Sunnis who remain opposed to Assad have shifted their loyalty to the ISIS.