Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Ume on February 24, 2015, 05:53:28 PM

Title: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Ume on February 24, 2015, 05:53:28 PM
As we see in horror/thriller/Sci-fi movies about zombies the zombies never dies unless there head is gone lol there are many terminologies about zombies different terminology in different movie! But can this happen in real world if so i m ready to fight with them its just like playing video game for me . :P

Usually this is something that people only have to worry about in horror movies, but could a zombie apocalypse physically happen in the real world? Admittedly it is not something that should keep you awake at night, but we wondered whether it is scientifically possible for our world to become infected with a zombie virus.

With this in mind set about asking some of the world’s leading zombie experts their opinion on how likely it is to expect a zombie invasion to reach our shores.


Mad Cow Disease

Evolution of toxoplasmosa
There’s a bug called toxoplasma gondii that infects rats and can only breed inside the intestines of a cat. The parasites take over the rat’s brain, intentionally making it sit as prey to cats to get itself eaten and spread the virus. Half the human population have a strain of toxoplasma in their body, and all it would take is a mild evolution of the virus for it to do to us what it does to rats!

Meet Haitian man Clairvius Narcisse; a prime example of what a dangerous combination of drugs can do to the body and mind. According to reports, Mr Narcisse was poisoned by a mixture of natural poisons with a view to simulating death.

Following his ‘death’ and burial, his body was recovered by a priest of the vodun religion and given doses of ‘Datura stramonium,’ transforming Narcisse into a zombie-like state. The priest had sent him to work on a sugar plantation for two years alongside a number of other zombie slaves. However, following the master’s death, Narcisse walked to freedom and when his regular doses of hallucinogen ceased, he eventually regained sanity. These kinds of mind-controlling drugs in the wrong hands can have devastating effects!

So how many guys are ready ?

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Wilikon on February 24, 2015, 06:17:58 PM

Sounds like isis maniacs are good candidates for being the zombies right now.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on February 24, 2015, 08:49:49 PM
I think the fact that zombies don't die is a good clue that self-replicating medical nano-bots are the cause.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: CoolRunnings21 on February 25, 2015, 07:29:23 AM
Zombies? Whats next Vampires and werewolves? How about  a guy that turns green and grows in size when he is angry or a witch that feeds kids to trolls that have a gene mutation.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on February 25, 2015, 09:44:57 AM
Zombies are not possible for humans . Its just a concept from ants, and there is  no way we turn into flesh eating zombies.

You're right it wont be with the fungus genome however, the oomycota genome (responsible for such wonderful life forms as potato blight and pond scum) has been engineered with synthetic nucleic acids to produce the symmetrical structures required for nano-mechanical and nano-electronic devices. These devices sustain the zombie host and maintain their spread-spectrum encrypted ipv6 networks.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: twister on February 25, 2015, 09:51:50 AM
Don't believe everything you see in movies lol. It's just make believe.
But if for some reason it happens (I hope it does), I can't wait to kill a few people and claim they were infected.   :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Searing on February 25, 2015, 10:00:48 AM

 What i find that a lot of folk don't know what to do if the boat sinks? or tornado? or lost in a blizzard or fire..etc

But everyone knows what to do in the Zombie Apocolypse!

1) don't get bit

2) see (1) its important!

3) kill them by stabbing or shooting to the brain

4) they rarely travel alone (like large groups)

stuff like that lol :)

just in case you don't know how to survive here is the gov't docs on such

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Lethn on February 25, 2015, 10:04:05 AM
Gravity takes care of zombies, which is why we'd only have to worry about them if we went into space.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on February 25, 2015, 10:11:08 AM
Zombies are the only reasonable outcome when you consider the fact that the "aliens" are actually demons and studies of extracted implants have shown they are engineered bio-tech devices.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Snail2 on February 25, 2015, 10:46:41 AM
Zombies are already here. They used to shamble to the ballot boxes in every few years and vote for the party promising the bigger giveaways or more free stuff.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Nik1ab on February 25, 2015, 11:13:50 AM
Zombies are already here. They used to shamble to the ballot boxes in every few years and vote for the party promising the bigger giveaways or more free stuff.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Hamuki on February 25, 2015, 11:21:58 AM
Nope.. Wont ever happen..


Only ants have zombies and thats it. :P

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: noma on February 25, 2015, 11:35:00 AM
Don't believe everything you see in movies lol. It's just make believe.
But if for some reason it happens (I hope it does), I can't wait to kill a few people and claim they were infected.   :D

There won't actually be any law then , so you won't have to worry about anything.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on February 26, 2015, 04:56:11 PM
Star Trek was way ahead of this ideas-wise. In Star Trek, the Borg controlled their zombies. First they absorbed different species into the collective - "Resistance is futile." Then they turned them into drones (all drones are essentially zombies), and harnessed their abilities for the benefit of the hive.


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: carlosiness on February 26, 2015, 06:22:50 PM
I am ready, I am playing Dying Light at the moment :)

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Maximum_Overderp! on February 26, 2015, 06:24:30 PM
It's already here. Jesus! have you looked outside lately?  BRRAAIIINZZZZ!!!!

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Lethn on February 26, 2015, 07:05:10 PM
Speaking of those zombie voters, we have an election here in the UK coming :( If only I could hang out an Anarchy flag outside my door to scare them off but I don't own this house lol :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Maximum_Overderp! on February 26, 2015, 07:08:13 PM
Speaking of those zombie voters, we have an election here in the UK coming :( If only I could hang out an Anarchy flag outside my door to scare them off but I don't own this house lol :D

Just get one of those "vote for nobody" lawn signs. Less scary message for the sheep yet gets the job done.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Lethn on February 26, 2015, 07:09:32 PM
Speaking of those zombie voters, we have an election here in the UK coming :( If only I could hang out an Anarchy flag outside my door to scare them off but I don't own this house lol :D

Just get one of those "vote for nobody" lawn signs. Less scary message for the sheep yet gets the job done.

But I AM an Anarchist! They won't fuck off! >_< :P

.... Maybe I should hurry up and save up for some rocket artillery or a BMP.....

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Gronthaing on February 27, 2015, 05:40:13 AM

Sounds like isis maniacs are good candidates for being the zombies right now.

That's how religion works.

Gravity takes care of zombies, which is why we'd only have to worry about them if we went into space.

Unless it's the borg zombies, don't think zombies know how to drive. Or fly in this case.

@Ume all those are too unlikely. They wouldn't spread well. Or would need a lot of effort to keep people under control. And for the undead types, they would quickly die by themselves.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Ume on February 27, 2015, 06:25:03 AM

Sounds like isis maniacs are good candidates for being the zombies right now.

That's how religion works.

Gravity takes care of zombies, which is why we'd only have to worry about them if we went into space.

Unless it's the borg zombies, don't think zombies know how to drive. Or fly in this case.

@Ume all those are too unlikely. They wouldn't spread well. Or would need a lot of effort to keep people under control. And for the undead types, they would quickly die by themselves.

You right that they will die themselves but i like to kill my self :)

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: DLCseller on February 28, 2015, 05:14:30 AM
If the zombie apocalypse really happens, im half-ready

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: mprep on February 28, 2015, 01:12:19 PM
Interesting speculation. However, wouldn't all the military power various countries accumulated be enough to stifle the spreading of the epidemic? Because in most, if every movie, game or book the government just goes into panic mode, the military gets caught with their pants down and the public loses all brain cells except for the ones responsible for screaming and running around in circles.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on February 28, 2015, 02:55:08 PM

Evolution of toxoplasmosa
There’s a bug called toxoplasma gondii that infects rats and can only breed inside the intestines of a cat. The parasites take over the rat’s brain, intentionally making it sit as prey to cats to get itself eaten and spread the virus. Half the human population have a strain of toxoplasma in their body, and all it would take is a mild evolution of the virus for it to do to us what it does to rats!

Meet Haitian man Clairvius Narcisse; a prime example of what a dangerous combination of drugs can do to the body and mind. According to reports, Mr Narcisse was poisoned by a mixture of natural poisons with a view to simulating death.

Following his ‘death’ and burial, his body was recovered by a priest of the vodun religion and given doses of ‘Datura stramonium,’ transforming Narcisse into a zombie-like state. The priest had sent him to work on a sugar plantation for two years alongside a number of other zombie slaves. However, following the master’s death, Narcisse walked to freedom and when his regular doses of hallucinogen ceased, he eventually regained sanity. These kinds of mind-controlling drugs in the wrong hands can have devastating effects!

So how many guys are ready ?

maybe they were...
I am sure the enemies of mankind do a lot of toxoplasmosis studies to infect young girls nowadays (not to eat them)... next step of their deviant evolution. They corrupted the food, the money, the water, the air, how could you trust them not to. It's a sure bet they will. The only question will the good guys stop them... if infiltrators like h.c. are on the free... it's a lost battle.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on February 28, 2015, 03:51:46 PM

Evolution of toxoplasmosa
There’s a bug called toxoplasma gondii that infects rats and can only breed inside the intestines of a cat. The parasites take over the rat’s brain, intentionally making it sit as prey to cats to get itself eaten and spread the virus. Half the human population have a strain of toxoplasma in their body, and all it would take is a mild evolution of the virus for it to do to us what it does to rats!

Meet Haitian man Clairvius Narcisse; a prime example of what a dangerous combination of drugs can do to the body and mind. According to reports, Mr Narcisse was poisoned by a mixture of natural poisons with a view to simulating death.

Following his ‘death’ and burial, his body was recovered by a priest of the vodun religion and given doses of ‘Datura stramonium,’ transforming Narcisse into a zombie-like state. The priest had sent him to work on a sugar plantation for two years alongside a number of other zombie slaves. However, following the master’s death, Narcisse walked to freedom and when his regular doses of hallucinogen ceased, he eventually regained sanity. These kinds of mind-controlling drugs in the wrong hands can have devastating effects!

So how many guys are ready ?

maybe they were...
I am sure the enemies of mankind do a lot of toxoplasmosis studies to infect young girls nowadays (not to eat them)... next step of their deviant evolution. They corrupted the food, the money, the water, the air, how could you trust them not to. It's a sure bet they will. The only question will the good guys stop them... if infiltrators like h.c. are on the free... it's a lost battle.

This is where things start getting mixed up. Everyone knows that the head on the Sphinx doesn't fit there. The head is not the original head. The original head was that of the dog, the protector of the pyramids, facing away from the pyramids, to protect them from anyone coming to attack them.

The rock that the sphinx was carved out of originally was this one-piece rock. Over the millennia, the dog head that was the original, lost parts due to weather and erosion. The ears went. The long dog-snout broke off. The later Pharaohs couldn't take it. They needed some of the glory to be brought back to the Sphinx, to keep their control firm, and the nation strong. They couldn't simply glue the ears and snout back on, so they carved a head from what remained. That's why the head is so much smaller that it should be for the size of the rest of the body. They made it from what was left of the broken dog-head.

Using the Sphinx as a representation to suggest zombies in one way or another, is completely idiotic unless one knows that the Sphinx, itself, has gone through these transformations.

Lion? When ever in Egypt's history did they EVER revere a lion? They always revered the dog.


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on February 28, 2015, 08:10:37 PM
and there were no camels in Egypt... ofc.  ::).

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on February 28, 2015, 10:44:28 PM
Sphinx dog theory:




This is where things start getting mixed up. Everyone knows that the head on the Sphinx doesn't fit there. The head is not the original head. The original head was that of the dog, the protector of the pyramids, facing away from the pyramids, to protect them from anyone coming to attack them.

The rock that the sphinx was carved out of originally was this one-piece rock. Over the millennia, the dog head that was the original, lost parts due to weather and erosion. The ears went. The long dog-snout broke off. The later Pharaohs couldn't take it. They needed some of the glory to be brought back to the Sphinx, to keep their control firm, and the nation strong. They couldn't simply glue the ears and snout back on, so they carved a head from what remained. That's why the head is so much smaller that it should be for the size of the rest of the body. They made it from what was left of the broken dog-head.

Using the Sphinx as a representation to suggest zombies in one way or another, is completely idiotic unless one knows that the Sphinx, itself, has gone through these transformations.

Lion? When ever in Egypt's history did they EVER revere a lion? They always revered the dog.


We're drifting a bit off-topic but I should say that I thought the Sphinx was actually a re-carved dog for some time as well. However, recently I've found some info that indicates it may in-fact originally have been a cat.

The sphinx is 11,500 years old and was originally carved by the same post apocalyptic ice-age culture that cropped up at Gobekli Tepe, Easter Island, South America and elsewhere. The sphinx points at the constellation Leo and the the cat figure is carved into stone at many other ancient sites. The culture that carved the ancient stones seems to have had a religion based on astronomical constellations symbolized as animals.

Gobekli Tepe, Tukey:

Aztec Deity Xolotl, Mexico:

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 01, 2015, 02:32:39 AM
Sphinx dog theory:

We're drifting a bit off-topic but I should say that I thought the Sphinx was actually a re-carved dog for some time as well. However, recently I've found some info that indicates it may in-fact originally have been a cat.

The sphinx is 11,500 years old and was originally carved by the same post apocalyptic ice-age culture that cropped up at Gobekli Tepe, Easter Island, South America and elsewhere. The sphinx points at the constellation Leo and the the cat figure is carved into stone at many other ancient sites. The culture that carved the ancient stones seems to have had a religion based on astronomical constellations symbolized as animals.

Gobekli Tepe, Tukey:

Aztec Deity Xolotl, Mexico:

Off topic, yes. And I would agree with you. It seems that what the Sphinx really was is not clearly known, or is at least not publicly known.

Back to zombies.


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: prodigy8 on March 01, 2015, 05:41:27 AM
look around and realize things are not right. much of the Population today is basically Brainwashed Zombies

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: havecoch on March 01, 2015, 12:20:34 PM
look around and realize things are not right. much of the Population today is basically Brainwashed Zombies

But thats not what the op really means by the zombies.
And not everyone is brainwashed zombie.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on March 01, 2015, 06:07:01 PM
it's a cat.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: grendel25 on March 01, 2015, 08:31:22 PM
It's already here.  It's called lower and lower wages for longer and longer work hours.  Sleepy drivers killing more than ever.  We see and interact with zombies every day.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on March 01, 2015, 08:36:25 PM
It's already here.  It's called lower and lower wages for longer and longer work hours.  Sleepy drivers killing more than ever.  We see and interact with zombies every day.

it's worst, they sold their souls, for fame, profits, sex, leisure... what ever you want. No One forced them, the so called "evil" didn't trick them. They have themselves sold themselves to nothing. there are 2 slaves, one is the superviser of the others, the first one call himself ceo the second employee... remember you don't ctrl+p, ie your purchasing power can be crushed at will... and so make you poor (and if your daughter is of interest for one of the master of ctrl+p), cry. or serve the country like the idiots of the usmiic do.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Gyfts on March 01, 2015, 09:14:04 PM
I see this as very unlikely. Yes, pathogens can evolve into things that can infect humans, but to turn them into "zombies" is ridiculous. However, if a meltdown would go down, I can imagine Bitcoin would be up.  ;)

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on March 01, 2015, 09:17:22 PM
I see this as very unlikely. Yes, pathogens can evolve into things that can infect humans, but to turn them into "zombies" is ridiculous. However, if a meltdown would go down, I can imagine Bitcoin would be up.  ;)

the EARTH IS FLAT. meltdown? you mean rupture of the food matrix? forget btc (otherwise they would have banned it), long ammos, rifles, armor wests, and of course tools to open the doors of the "bunkers" of the biggest profiteers of the ctrl+p. The game played Hardcore...

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Yakamoto on March 01, 2015, 09:19:35 PM
Alrighty then.

It does depend on your definition of zombies. Some people would say that we are already zombies with all our focus on technology in our lives, or thanks to the economy, etc.

However I'm going to take the educated guess that you're talking about Hollywood/The Walking Dead zombies, based on the information of your post.

If such an event does happen, what are your recommendations to survive it? Apparently a lot of thought was put into this, so I'm curious as to how you would survive the various diseases/biological weapons that you're making reference to.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on March 01, 2015, 09:22:15 PM
Alrighty then.

It does depend on your definition of zombies. Some people would say that we are already zombies with all our focus on technology in our lives, or thanks to the economy, etc.

However I'm going to take the educated guess that you're talking about Hollywood/The Walking Dead zombies, based on the information of your post.

If such an event does happen, what are your recommendations to survive it? Apparently a lot of thought was put into this, so I'm curious as to how you would survive the various diseases/biological weapons that you're making reference to.

nope go to a metro in Tokyo, watch everyone on their screens... do you believe they do finance? trade? LooooL. furthermore most of us have to work all the time, the rest time, is made to rest, when to think? when to breath? when to love? none, by design... but fuck fuck fuck... west 101.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Yakamoto on March 01, 2015, 09:27:07 PM
Alrighty then.

It does depend on your definition of zombies. Some people would say that we are already zombies with all our focus on technology in our lives, or thanks to the economy, etc.

However I'm going to take the educated guess that you're talking about Hollywood/The Walking Dead zombies, based on the information of your post.

If such an event does happen, what are your recommendations to survive it? Apparently a lot of thought was put into this, so I'm curious as to how you would survive the various diseases/biological weapons that you're making reference to.

nope go to a metro in Tokyo, watch everyone on their screens... do you believe they do finance? trade? LooooL. furthermore most of us have to work all the time, the rest time, is made to rest, when to think? when to breath? when to love? none, by design... but fuck fuck fuck... west 101.
I think I need a translator for this forum now.

"Ok, I see your point. That was very insightful, but not quite what I was looking for."

On the plus side maybe you should consider amateur poetry.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BitMos on March 01, 2015, 09:36:43 PM
Alrighty then.

It does depend on your definition of zombies. Some people would say that we are already zombies with all our focus on technology in our lives, or thanks to the economy, etc.

However I'm going to take the educated guess that you're talking about Hollywood/The Walking Dead zombies, based on the information of your post.

If such an event does happen, what are your recommendations to survive it? Apparently a lot of thought was put into this, so I'm curious as to how you would survive the various diseases/biological weapons that you're making reference to.

nope go to a metro in Tokyo, watch everyone on their screens... do you believe they do finance? trade? LooooL. furthermore most of us have to work all the time, the rest time, is made to rest, when to think? when to breath? when to love? none, by design... but fuck fuck fuck... west 101.
I think I need a translator for this forum now.

"Ok, I see your point. That was very insightful, but not quite what I was looking for."

On the plus side maybe you should consider amateur poetry.

do get paid by the ctrl+p? are fucking you nuts. death is better, sweeter and last forever. Many American, Chinese and Russian Patriots said it like that... most people are stupid, but don't want to admit it, because most of their inner values come from their perceived smartness... you don't need to be smart to love right.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 01, 2015, 10:07:30 PM
Alrighty then.

It does depend on your definition of zombies. Some people would say that we are already zombies with all our focus on technology in our lives, or thanks to the economy, etc.

However I'm going to take the educated guess that you're talking about Hollywood/The Walking Dead zombies, based on the information of your post.

If such an event does happen, what are your recommendations to survive it? Apparently a lot of thought was put into this, so I'm curious as to how you would survive the various diseases/biological weapons that you're making reference to.

nope go to a metro in Tokyo, watch everyone on their screens... do you believe they do finance? trade? LooooL. furthermore most of us have to work all the time, the rest time, is made to rest, when to think? when to breath? when to love? none, by design... but fuck fuck fuck... west 101.
I think I need a translator for this forum now.

"Ok, I see your point. That was very insightful, but not quite what I was looking for."

On the plus side maybe you should consider amateur poetry.

do get paid by the ctrl+p? are fucking you nuts. death is better, sweeter and last forever. Many American, Chinese and Russian Patriots said it like that... most people are stupid, but don't want to admit it, because most of their inner values come from their perceived smartness... you don't need to be smart to love right.

Death only lasts forever temporarily.    :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: grendel25 on March 02, 2015, 06:38:55 AM
It's already here.  It's called lower and lower wages for longer and longer work hours.  Sleepy drivers killing more than ever.  We see and interact with zombies every day.

it's worst, they sold their souls, for fame, profits, sex, leisure... what ever you want. No One forced them, the so called "evil" didn't trick them. They have themselves sold themselves to nothing. there are 2 slaves, one is the superviser of the others, the first one call himself ceo the second employee... remember you don't ctrl+p, ie your purchasing power can be crushed at will... and so make you poor (and if your daughter is of interest for one of the master of ctrl+p), cry. or serve the country like the idiots of the usmiic do.

Once again, a very good elaboration and I wholeheartedly agree.  Money like sleep is a scarce resource wish I could ctrl+p some ZZZZzzZZZZzZzzzzzzZZZZzzzz's whenever I wanted... it would be almost as good as ctrl+P the treasury!

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BillyBobZorton on March 02, 2015, 03:50:27 PM

Sounds like isis maniacs are good candidates for being the zombies right now.

Zombies are more well mannered and reasonable than these barbaric nutjobs.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BRE on March 02, 2015, 05:13:44 PM
Funny, after watch last episode The Walking Dead i read this thread and feel Zombie is not a myth anymore.
hahahaha but no, it will never happen.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Yakamoto on March 02, 2015, 05:21:45 PM
I need an explanation, what is this "Ctrl-p" making reference to?

Cause without context, it looks like a moronic phrase that people fall back on when they can't think of something, or if they think they're insulting someone.

And please, serious explanations only.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: thejaytiesto on March 02, 2015, 06:47:08 PM
The closes i've seen to real life zombies is when that black guy went nuts after consuming bath salt and attacked some guy bitting his throat or some shit. I forgot the name of the guy.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: patt0 on March 02, 2015, 08:00:45 PM
I need an explanation, what is this "Ctrl-p" making reference to?

Cause without context, it looks like a moronic phrase that people fall back on when they can't think of something, or if they think they're insulting someone.

And please, serious explanations only.

You use Ctrl-p when you want to print things lol. And some here say that because of central banks printing money with QE and the effects they think that has.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 02, 2015, 10:11:05 PM
I need an explanation, what is this "Ctrl-p" making reference to?

Cause without context, it looks like a moronic phrase that people fall back on when they can't think of something, or if they think they're insulting someone.

And please, serious explanations only.

You use Ctrl-p when you want to print things lol. And some here say that because of central banks printing money with QE and the effects they think that has.

They don't print money with QE. They only print enough to keep the people and economy going. They simply make ledger entries for QE.


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on March 03, 2015, 11:34:28 AM
Can zombies compete with the apocalypse that never ends?

I keep hearing the same apocalyptic flood story again and again...

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: notbatman on March 03, 2015, 09:56:08 PM
I've been doing some research and I may have found the root cause of the zombie apocalypse and it's sugar. Not only is sugar bad, it's worse than you can imagine.

"As of 2011, at least six types of synthetic sugars have been shown to form nucleic acid backbones that can store and retrieve genetic information" --

"These systems [XNA] can be used to create novel peptides and proteins [including symmetrical structures] that offer enhanced activities or even completely new properties over their natural protein counterparts. Furthermore, many artificially engineered nucleic acids and proteins have found useful applications as biosensors, diagnostic agents, and therapeutic drugs." --

It's a good thing we live in a world where the folks who can afford to develop this technology are all honest folks.

Can anybody explain this dog?

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 04, 2015, 02:08:40 AM

Can anybody explain this dog?

Either Halloween or Photoshop.    :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 04, 2015, 02:10:20 AM

It's a good thing we live in a world where the folks who can afford to develop this technology are all honest folks.

Building a cocoon, and then crawling into it to hibernate for the winter.    :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BADecker on March 04, 2015, 02:12:18 AM
I've been doing some research and I may have found the root cause of the zombie apocalypse and it's sugar. Not only is sugar bad, it's worse than you can imagine.

"As of 2011, at least six types of synthetic sugars have been shown to form nucleic acid backbones that can store and retrieve genetic information" --

"These systems [XNA] can be used to create novel peptides and proteins [including symmetrical structures] that offer enhanced activities or even completely new properties over their natural protein counterparts. Furthermore, many artificially engineered nucleic acids and proteins have found useful applications as biosensors, diagnostic agents, and therapeutic drugs." --

Biggest threat to Transformers: They are becoming human zombies.    :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Bralex on March 04, 2015, 02:15:33 AM

Sounds like isis maniacs are good candidates for being the zombies right now.

Zombies are more well mannered and reasonable than these barbaric nutjobs.

They just stroll along minding their own unless you cross them, them isis though chop you up and feed it to you for just believing in a fairy tale that they do not  ???

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: worhiper_-_ on March 27, 2015, 08:48:22 PM
that would have been a good reason for all the countries to unite :P

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: BootstrapCoinDev on March 28, 2015, 06:17:27 PM
Zombies will block off all access points into the country and have failsafes for apocalypse situations. Sure they do.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: sickhouse on March 28, 2015, 06:41:19 PM
Yeah I'd say the chances for this happening is around 0.0001% - more likely they spray some agent orange similar on us.

But a funny side note is that terminator kinda was right, the technology is enslaving us and AI is getting stronger I would find a research on that more interesting :)

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Beliathon on March 28, 2015, 06:45:22 PM
So how many guys are ready ?
Do you even cracked, bro?

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: sickhouse on March 28, 2015, 08:05:03 PM
So how many guys are ready ?
Do you even cracked, bro?
Haha way to ruin his dreams of a zombie apocalypse :D
The dead meat point is important, they would eat eachother after all they are made of meat so after the first day there would be like 1% of the zombies left able to move and they would be taken out quickly.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Tusk on March 28, 2015, 08:18:15 PM
It's already here.  It's called lower and lower wages for longer and longer work hours.  Sleepy drivers killing more than ever.  We see and interact with zombies every day.

it's worst, they sold their souls, for fame, profits, sex, leisure... what ever you want. No One forced them, the so called "evil" didn't trick them. They have themselves sold themselves to nothing. there are 2 slaves, one is the superviser of the others, the first one call himself ceo the second employee... remember you don't ctrl+p, ie your purchasing power can be crushed at will... and so make you poor (and if your daughter is of interest for one of the master of ctrl+p), cry. or serve the country like the idiots of the usmiic do.

Once again, a very good elaboration and I wholeheartedly agree.  Money like sleep is a scarce resource wish I could ctrl+p some ZZZZzzZZZZzZzzzzzzZZZZzzzz's whenever I wanted... it would be almost as good as ctrl+P the treasury!

Its psychopathic swindle, while governments claim to be protecting workers from exploitation they are in fact embracing them only to bury a knife of dependency into their backs, thus crippling them to being their slaves.

Instead of a free market deterring our value of contribution to society it is aggregated and imposed on us.

Claiming to have society’s best interests by implementing and raising min wages, while printing money; is giving with one hand while taking away with the other.

Furthermore because it done by imposing the allocation of resources due to political forces rather then a free market, it is doomed to fail.

So they limit the min wage, they impose the hours and wages YAY! then they destroy the currency and you have to take on another job (if you can find one) and you work longer and harder to try maintain your standard of living. So what did we gain? Nothing they just get to pretend they saving us, those that get squeezed out become their cripples.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: PayingCharon on April 01, 2015, 07:27:39 PM
We have all seen the walking dead. The zombie apocalypse will be exciting at first when the zombies are the problem, but then it gets boring when the only big problems are people screwing each other over a hundred times.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: DLCseller on April 03, 2015, 12:09:43 AM
When it comes to Zombie apocalyspe, you need to make sacrifices.  :D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: galdur on April 03, 2015, 03:36:43 AM
Zombies Can't File Tax Court Petitions

Even people who believe that some people have risen from the dead (We are having a holiday about that this week), tend not to believe that it happens all that often.  This probably accounts for Professor Adam Chodrow’s alarm that our legal and tax systems are ill-prepared for the coming Zombie Apocalypse.  Somebody dies, rises as a zombie and does stuff and then there is a cure found.  Is the stuff they did as a zombie, you know, stuff they did?... et cetera

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Shrikez on April 03, 2015, 08:11:13 AM
So how many guys are ready ?
Do you even cracked, bro?
Haha way to ruin his dreams of a zombie apocalypse :D
The dead meat point is important, they would eat eachother after all they are made of meat so after the first day there would be like 1% of the zombies left able to move and they would be taken out quickly.

I think you need to brush up on your zombie knowledge. Zombies only eat non-infected/alive meat and thus don't eat each other. They are dead, remember?

Be informed, be prepared, be a survivor:

(Hilarious book I highly suggest it!)


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: samaricanin on April 03, 2015, 09:25:19 AM
I am ready ;D

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Coming-from-Behind on April 05, 2015, 12:56:45 AM
Zombies Can't File Tax Court Petitions

Even people who believe that some people have risen from the dead (We are having a holiday about that this week), tend not to believe that it happens all that often.  This probably accounts for Professor Adam Chodrow’s alarm that our legal and tax systems are ill-prepared for the coming Zombie Apocalypse.  Somebody dies, rises as a zombie and does stuff and then there is a cure found.  Is the stuff they did as a zombie, you know, stuff they did?... et cetera

Is a zombie's death certificate still valid if they have risen from the dead?

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: waterpile on April 05, 2015, 03:13:47 AM
People should start enrolling to zombie training course :)
Build your own bunker and buy lots of food.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: WhatTheGox on April 06, 2015, 07:39:09 AM

So how many guys are ready ?

That depends if zombies take bitcoin? perhaps they eat brain wallets?.... im here all week.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: planetroving on April 06, 2015, 11:18:12 AM
Well, if the zombies are coming, then they'll need to grab supplies. Where? From the monstore! If you think there's no such thing, then you've lost your brains! :P

Edit: Well we also need to grab supplies too. It's a no brainer!

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Cryddit on April 07, 2015, 04:48:06 AM
Eh.  Doesn't happen all that often, and reasonably easily contained at least the last couple of times. Nothing you all need to worry about.

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: Shrikez on April 24, 2015, 07:06:34 AM
I think this topic doesn't receive the attention it should.

The danger is real, the danger is here! Don't get caught with your pants down!

Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: galdur on April 24, 2015, 06:45:19 PM
Somehow, Arnold Schwarzenegger Fighting Zombies In Maggie Is Underwhelming

Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Wade, a father on the hunt for his missing daughter who went missing during the zombie apocalypse. He finds Maggie (Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin) amidst the declining civilization, only to learn that she’s been bitten.


Title: Re: Zombies apocalypse is coming .
Post by: freemind1 on April 26, 2015, 01:03:34 PM
I'll get close an M60 and some grenades if i see any zombie, will be like those of the decade of the 80th as the World War Z? ;D.