Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Shenshen23 on April 11, 2018, 02:10:05 AM

Title: Factor to Consider
Post by: Shenshen23 on April 11, 2018, 02:10:05 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: really01 on April 11, 2018, 03:41:00 AM
The price of Bitcoin depends on many factors. But the core is still in the supply and demand of the market. All the rest are aimed at changing the supply and demand rules in order to change the value of bitcoin and altcoin. So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and value that it can bring. For example, apart from investment, which entity would like to accept it?

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: taiwww on April 11, 2018, 03:54:55 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

I think what you have listed up there is pretty enough and is the main reason why bitcoin keeps fluctuating all the time. Demand and supply has to be there and is something that applies to all kinds of assets in the world whether it is oil or bitcoin. Your second point about the news is one which covers every dam thing that is FUD's, news about specific country accepting and ignoring the crypto and much more and all these come to one point and that's moving the bitcoin prices up and down.
I don't believe there is average effect of how much volume is getting driven inward and outward the bitcoin market. The prices will change proportionally for it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: jemarleon on April 11, 2018, 06:32:04 AM
I just want to add those whales because they can also affect the price of the market whenever they are selling and buying. Everytime they sell or buy or even trading it affects the price of coins they are holding.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: magneto on April 11, 2018, 06:44:52 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

You have missed out a huge one. Government regulations is currently one of the factors that is affecting the price of bitcoin the most. Even though I don't think it's entirely rational, it's happening. When new regulations and bans come out, the price of BTC usually jumps to a lower point.

Also, just the natural cycles of boom/bust in bitcoin price is going to affect bitcoin prices greatly.

For example, from historic values, BTC usually performs the best in the year following halvings, like 2013 and 2017. After those years, there will be huge corrections just like 2014 or this year.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BennyK on April 11, 2018, 06:49:05 AM
Bitcoin was made to be used by people so obviously human factors such as buying and selling on exchanges affects greatly the price of Bitcoin and most especially with the buying factor - the willingness of a person to buy Bitcoin at a certain high or low price determines the price of Bitcoin at that moment.
Also, government regulations play a factor. Once a government announces Bitcoin is legal or illegal influences the influx and efflux in the Bitcoin market demand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mimienamphine on April 11, 2018, 06:52:51 AM
Demand and supply are twin factors in economics that often determine the price of goods and services in the market.The target market also has a lot of influence and the market environment.So with the fluctuating price of bitcoin has some of these factors working oddly against it and the activities of some governments also do not support the bitcoin market.Trust me these are just temporal because it is normal with society to behave like this towards change but finally they will fully embrace it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: kuckong on April 11, 2018, 07:06:20 AM
yes I agree it is the main factor affecting the fluctuation of bitcoin. I will add it I think the amount of bitcoin volume in circulation today is very small when compared with the amount of circulation of gold and USD. and if anyone buys bitcoin in large quantities it can certainly affect bitcoin. And speculation of bitcoin traders can also affect bitcoin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: breathlessz on April 11, 2018, 08:03:19 AM
Bitcoin was made to be used by people so obviously human factors such as buying and selling on exchanges affects greatly the price of Bitcoin and most especially with the buying factor - the willingness of a person to buy Bitcoin at a certain high or low price determines the price of Bitcoin at that moment.
Also, government regulations play a factor. Once a government announces Bitcoin is legal or illegal influences the influx and efflux in the Bitcoin market demand.
i think most influencing government regulation, as good as any bitcoin if there is no legalization from government then its development is also not good. so government leading main role of a development

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Paul23 on April 11, 2018, 08:26:47 AM
the some major factor affect in bitcoin price has determine by supply in demand, the controlled of supply well defined through new coins well enter the system of mining,and mining has generates new coins as an incentive at proof of work,,so that this process mining has generates new coins at fixed rate,therefore the no, of bitcoin circulation is considered from anytime calculable,

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Reid on April 11, 2018, 08:30:30 AM
Day traders and also small investor. When this group of bitcoin users suddenly change their mind, selling or buying it can affect a lot when done in an instant.

Whales might have the upper hand but they could also lose at that point where they didnt even forecast that someone could really shake the bitcoin price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: chris200x9 on April 11, 2018, 09:24:10 AM
Day traders and also small investor. When this group of bitcoin users suddenly change their mind, selling or buying it can affect a lot when done in an instant.

Whales might have the upper hand but they could also lose at that point where they didnt even forecast that someone could really shake the bitcoin price.

These small investors trading will increase or decrease only based on the market news otherwise these segment people will not be active all together at a time. But when there is some good news about the cryptos then this segment of people can influence bitcoin prices temporarily.

Currently, government regulations news is playing a bigger role in controlling prices than all other reasons. So I would like to see some government should come up with some guidelines for exchanges so that trading activity can increase slowly and later other governments also may follow.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: jhongzjhong on April 11, 2018, 09:24:52 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
These factors may cause and considered as bitcoin effect price but if you analyzed well bitcoin is decentralized so, therefore, bitcoin has the main factor that increases itself. The demand and supply is the core of effectiveness in bitcoin price movement and followed those social media bloggers and broadcasters spreading a FUD news and I think there's someone behind on that scene. Some government feeds those social media and writers to destroy the image of bitcoin and they tried to manipulate it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: hao2067755834 on April 11, 2018, 09:25:34 AM
I think BTC is the biggest influence on supply and demand.

The government's policy and media influence will cause people to buy and sell BTC!

Thus the price fluctuation!

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: IndzheborgC on April 11, 2018, 10:03:13 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Tynovten_ on April 11, 2018, 12:50:03 PM
From all the factor that you said all of them fully true, but don't you realised price sometimes can be manipulated. There are so much people behind bitcoin that want more profit. And of course to get that sometimes they playing the price.

We all must be careful to see this situation.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: hugeblack on April 11, 2018, 04:26:12 PM
Since those who invest are ordinary people"sometimes they do not have knowledge of the economy and investment laws" and decentralized market, emotions control plays a big role in influencing supply and demand. These feelings are often dominated by news and analysis.
1. the news(Negative or positive) is the biggest impact on the price of Bitcoin.
2. technological variables: Low fees and fast transaction confirmed are what users are looking for.
I do not think the other Factors can play a leading role.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: AbyssLagiaz on April 11, 2018, 04:48:01 PM
1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
Basic law. Like every markets have this application. Price increase in high demand. It has all been part of the basics in the Economics.

2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
These are still relevant to the demand. Where did the new investments come from? Why do these new investors decided to invest in? Where did they hear the news of Bitcoin rising in price and all kinds of stuffs. A product wouldn't be so demanding if it doesn't get a proper marketing strategy. It will stay there if no one has seen or have been aware of it. No one would know that it existed if no one has stated that it exists. The media rang the bell for us to invest in here.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Loveboard on April 11, 2018, 04:52:35 PM
I really don't agree with your assessment. Bitcoin's supply and demand are not increasing in tandem. In fact, recently, bitcoin's demand has decreased due to the increasing FUD of ICO bans from adsense, twitter, facebook, MailChimp, and etc.

Investors that are new to investing are scared to invest in bitcoin after having gotten burned in December. Many of them have sold and left sour. Then they spread the word about crypto being a scam.

So now the demand is pretty much declining instead of rising.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Nahl on April 11, 2018, 05:31:25 PM
one more factor also could be the important role to maintain bitcoin price that's the government decission that if there is the particular countries which is a lot of bitcoin traders at that countries such as China decide to banned or accept bitcoin then automatically it will makes the price suddently change

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Canis Majoris on April 11, 2018, 07:37:42 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

It always comes down to the balance of supply and demand in the end. So your, or rather their, first point is kinda inconsequential because it is universal for any price of any publicly traded asset. It is more interesting to see what the driving forces are behind supply and demand, what moves them either up or down. Regarding other factors, I would add adoption and real life use before anything else as it is what gives life and vibrancy to the technology. Without real use, any technology will be of interest only to speculators (and likely scientists).

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Slow death on April 11, 2018, 07:51:59 PM
This topic is going to be very interesting.

2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity

we all agree that there are many factors influencing the price of bitcoin, but I believe that most have already realized that the main factor affecting prices are good and bad news, a negative news is enough to make the price fall much and every market is in the red and good news is enough to make the price go up a lot and the whole market is in the green... social networks and news channels play an important role in the dissemination of news.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Ailmand on April 11, 2018, 08:00:21 PM
The price of Bitcoin depends on many factors. But the core is still in the supply and demand of the market. All the rest are aimed at changing the supply and demand rules in order to change the value of bitcoin and altcoin. So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and value that it can bring. For example, apart from investment, which entity would like to accept it?

That's right. But, I think that the information provided in the original post are helpful for a person to consider when deciding on how to invest in this market. However, like the above stated reply said, it's just so hard to actually predict how the market will unfold because of the many factors affecting it. So, the best way to avoid losses or bad business is to really be closely updated with what's happening in the market. The more knowledge and the better updated you are with what's happening to the market and to the assets you are holding, then the better you can deduce what ventures you should pursue.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: castiloros on April 12, 2018, 03:42:42 AM
my view to say that the market demand that greatly affects the price of the bitcoin, even all the coins. currently, only the price down and many are selling coins their citing fear of loss. This then will aggravate the State of the coin so that it becomes increasingly fell in value.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: boboking on April 12, 2018, 03:50:00 AM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: awik p on April 12, 2018, 04:19:09 AM
my view to say that the market demand that greatly affects the price of the bitcoin, even all the coins. currently, only the price down and many are selling coins their citing fear of loss. This then will aggravate the State of the coin so that it becomes increasingly fell in value.
indeed with market demand that many will raise price, but market demand that, i think starts from good news about bitcoin, so that investors are interested to buy it. and i think holding btc will only make market circulation smaller

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Siren on April 12, 2018, 04:45:25 AM
Well you have mentioned all of those factors for me because thats the main reason for this issues,but i guess upon what you have mentioned its the News whos gives big effect to the whole cryptocurrency..because Fuds,fake news and trolling is the outcome of those news..

Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Oh i forgot about that but its indeed,maybe its harder to provide some proofs about this ,but it wasnt an accusation because its happening everytime the price moves either going up,or falling down,whales are the only investors that can generate a price movement of the market

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: glowing10 on April 12, 2018, 05:03:40 AM
my view to say that the market demand that greatly affects the price of the bitcoin, even all the coins. currently, only the price down and many are selling coins their citing fear of loss. This then will aggravate the State of the coin so that it becomes increasingly fell in value.
indeed with market demand that many will raise price, but market demand that, i think starts from good news about bitcoin, so that investors are interested to buy it. and i think holding btc will only make market circulation smaller

Higher the buyers , price will rise high as it is demand and supply thing. So we require many more people to come together and participate in buying the btc which will help to push up the demand and also the movement in the market will change due to this.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Falmera on April 12, 2018, 05:21:10 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
The factors mentioned above could affect the price of bitcoin. But if you are to monitor each of them in order for you to predict bitcoin's value, it sometimes may not be possible. Because sometimes the negativity of media will not affect the demand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: xuan87 on April 12, 2018, 05:34:20 AM
The main point of the price changing is the market demand and supply, all of the other factors like the developing technology is only the support factors, the most determining supporting factor is the news, the updated news could be the one that directly affected the market supply and demand

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Markyway88 on April 12, 2018, 05:59:36 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
I think you said already what will I suggest aside from one. That is the market manipulation, I think it also contributes why the market is so volatile. There is so called, cartel in cryptocurrency wherein the whales are having a conspiracy in order to control the market price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: tuikindu on April 12, 2018, 05:59:48 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Bitcoin's attention: the more people who know about bitcoin, the more attention it has, the more likely it is that bitcoin will rise.

The use of bitcoins: the wider the use of bitcoin, the more likely it is to rise.

Bitcoin mining costs: the lower the cost of bitcoin mining, the less likely the transaction price will be to rise, and vice versa.

The attitude of governments towards bitcoin: this is a plus or minus, and the more countries admit it, the better, and the more countries block it, the better.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: lamadu3 on April 12, 2018, 06:13:03 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

At last period of time the news factor was the defining. Criticizing of cryptocurrency and ICO by Google, Twitters implicates in prices going down. The situation is becoming better but the market wouldn’t be recovered soon.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Rajamuda on April 12, 2018, 06:34:08 AM
Looks social medias can now affect it, many people who are can share the various things in some social media, whether it's debilitating or pushing, the core is not a particular companies only.. some people write, make video, or share many things related to crypto in social media to influence the reader, the viewer, and certain people.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Lyne01 on April 12, 2018, 06:55:15 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Let me add one more: 5. Bitcoin price is also affected by those panic sellers who add up to the dumping of bitcoiin price. These factors are really proven that make bitcoin price low. The first one you mentioned has the greater effect on bitcoin price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: audaciousbeing on April 12, 2018, 07:35:27 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of the factors enumerated above are very much valid but another much more valid factor is the invisible forces which I would hold are the most important because all of those things you listed there are the consequences of some powers behind the scene scheming for or against bitcoin and because of the amount of funds they have access to and resources they have as tools, they can make anything possible.
For new technological changes, which could prove so important in the push is also at the mercy of people who want it to succeed. SegWit has been purportedly said would increase price during the days of high transaction fees but with its use now, transaction fees has reduced but price has been on the low trend.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: syaripudin on April 12, 2018, 07:48:46 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
the thing that most affect the bitcoin elasticity. because I think the decrease or the opposite of the increase of bitcoin will depend on the existence made by the bitcoin users themselves. so I mean bitcoin prices will continue to increase if there is a pump from bitcoin users who continue to make purchases and storage in the long term.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: setialovers on April 12, 2018, 07:49:05 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

From my opinion, the most dominant factor that affecting bitcoin price is negative news. In few month ago, bitcoin price drop drastically and its happen because many false news that bitcoin ban in many country.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: redcucumber on April 12, 2018, 08:04:26 AM
There's so many factors to consider in the market of bitcoin which can affect its price like the regulation of a large body like government, why? because if the said form of payment, investment is approve into the eyes of the government its a go signal for the people that their hard earned money is secured and what ever happens their is a security that they can catch up and recover something in return if the investment deems to be a fraud or the like, second is the market it affects all the change of price of commodities the decisions of producers distributors and some that will cause an effect to the price to change its really complicated and the there will be always a chain of effect in what ever is happening in the market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: palle11 on April 12, 2018, 08:07:27 AM
Scalability and new technology are very strong factor for me after the influence of the bitcoin whales. The more the bitcoin technology is improved, the better the service and the high the demand and price will automatically rise. Also, the maximum supply is always a factor.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: timerland on April 12, 2018, 08:43:16 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Most short term price changes come where there is either really positive news or negative news.

For example, you could have at one time a government saying that it will ban bitcoin exchanges, which would cause traders to panic sell. On the other hand, if there is some kind of cut in crypto taxes or legalization of crypto payments, price will be positive affected as well. One thing to note is that crypto related news is almost always overreacted to by traders, a lot of people take news at face value without considering if it actually matters.

But long term price change is based more on level of adoption, inflation of fiat currency, and the cyclic nature of bitcoin's bull and bear markets. Adoption means more demand, and supply is almost at a constant. And if fiat inflates a lot, it would mean more people buy into BTC as a hedge.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Canis Majoris on April 12, 2018, 08:39:16 PM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

It is not a conspiracy theory, it is a reality, well, sort of, though I agree that the whales are not likely to be manipulating the price in the way most people think. They are just selling huge amounts of bitcoins - like it happened with the Mt. Gox coins, or buying likely as many coins occasionally. Obviously, such deals would lead to severe price swings which could be construed as price manipulation but I don't think it is. They are just doing what we all do, though the impact of their actions is felt by everyone in the market of course.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: livingfree on April 12, 2018, 08:59:20 PM
Looks social medias can now affect it, many people who are can share the various things in some social media, whether it's debilitating or pushing, the core is not a particular companies only.. some people write, make video, or share many things related to crypto in social media to influence the reader, the viewer, and certain people.
It goes for the #2 and they are really being used by people who wants to push something. If they want to see a massive dump, they'll publish something which will lead people to panic sell and if they want to see a massive pump, they'll publish a lot of good news about adoption and other positive news that will bring others to invest more money to bitcoin.

Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.
This factor should be under #2.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: tannerchum on April 12, 2018, 09:00:23 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Their are many factors that we may consider the demands of bitcoin in everywhere. Those factor may lead into discussiom and can creat a topic which others jump into conclusion about bitcoin supply. Aside from that the usage of bitcoin how it easily circulates and it can use as way of paying in any transactiom will do.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: destroyer01 on April 12, 2018, 10:08:13 PM
The current position of bitcoin on the world market carries much more weight than before.More and more countries are now looking forward to regulating bitcoin.For this matter,its price will definitely set new and incredible records this 2018.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Apex Investments on April 12, 2018, 10:29:22 PM
Crypto currency in general is highly impacted by adverse news as well as government regulations.  Since the market is immature with many smaller investors this tendency is especially pronounced. 

One benefit of increased regulation is the arrival of larger investors into the space (Soros, Rockefeller to name a couple). 

This should stabilize the market and ultimately lead it higher. 

Investors that continue to hold and invest in promising projects should see large returns in this space.  There will still be volatility but will likely not be as pronounced as it has been the past month or so. 

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: TheClownSong on April 12, 2018, 11:39:45 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Negative or positive news right now is more affecting on bitcoin price. As we know, bitcoin price recently is because false news. Negative and false news make people start to panic and selling their bitcoin and its more affecting on bitcoin price

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: hualangktsld841 on April 12, 2018, 11:44:57 PM
In addition to the above points, I think there is another important factor affecting the price of bitcoin, that is, the development of the whole encryption community. We all know that last year's bull market had a lot to do with the crazy ICO. It's because ICO has caused a large number of new users to enter the encryption. So I think the increasing number of new users is the key factor to decide bitcoin price. Only new investors can push the community forward.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mostcrack on April 13, 2018, 12:47:12 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
What you make is representative of the whole, I see very well and what I feel today are two of the four Bitcoin Supply and increase / decrease in demand and The influence of the media in collecting this negative and positive publicity (News) is actually the most influential for me, a lot of negative news that attacked bitcoin from various countries, on the issue of legality and sustained ban, blocking crypto ads and lots of news that should not happen, and the impact of people's panic / community because of the ban in a country or the fear of losing money, in large-scale sales make more bitcoin supply and demand rarely, and booms come down, news affects a person psychologically in response to news and causes panic.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: KrishaBitcoin on April 13, 2018, 01:02:41 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

In addition, the factor of big whales to join the investment to manipulate the Bitcoin price will surely make the price to move. We should accept the fact that the presence of big whales is much needed in order to the Bitcoin price will move thru attracking more investors to invest and making the price to become bigger and strong.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: yugyug on April 13, 2018, 01:05:17 AM
The main factor to consider of the bitcoin price is the supply and the demand. We know that the supply is limited and fix but the demand is variable. So this is how the demand plays a big role of bicoin's price but what are the factors to consider to increase the demand and make it more atrractive. These are the things to consider :

1. Resolving Scalability Issue
2. Social, Financial and Politcal Awareness
3. Consumer Friendly Transactions
4. Community Support

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: pinoypersian on April 13, 2018, 01:36:16 AM
I just want to add those whales because they can also affect the price of the market whenever they are selling and buying. Everytime they sell or buy or even trading it affects the price of coins they are holding.

Big check. I think whales is a also factor through this cryptocurrency cause. Whales can control the prices of bitcoin whether it will be. When they sell their crypto especially bitcoin. The bitcoin price will be dump. Right? And when they buy it again it started to pump again. Great strategy but we dont have a lot to do about it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: slyfox on April 13, 2018, 03:35:12 AM
The price of Bitcoin depends on many factors. But the core is still in the supply and demand of the market. All the rest are aimed at changing the supply and demand rules in order to change the value of bitcoin and altcoin. So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and value that it can bring. For example, apart from investment, which entity would like to accept it?
When you are making any kind of investment you need to take into consideration not only the current situation of the asset in which you want to invest, you need to take into consideration the future as well, that is why bitcoin has such high value, bitcoin is not accepted in many places yet but there is the potential that it will and it will have a high value as a result.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: samputin on April 13, 2018, 05:27:25 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Furthermore, government regulations may also affect the price of bitcoin because when there are restrictions in using such cryptocurrency, it leads to the drastic change in its value. Then, there also comes the large businesses dumping to fiat currency. There are still people and institutions that do not widely accept bitcoin as a means of transactions or payment. And based on the  amount of bitcoins and number of companies selling them, this may cause the so called panic sell, thus resulting to the crash of bitcoin price.

With different factors arising that affects bitcoin price, we must understand them well so we wouldn't be that bothered  with the fluctuations, which will help us make the right decision at the right time.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: miltonpogi on April 13, 2018, 01:06:26 PM
Well, based on what I've noticed and seen in many cryptonews the bitcoin price is depends on its limited supply, if the demand of bitcoin has increase its expected that even its price will increase too, due to inverse relation of demand and supply.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: on April 13, 2018, 01:15:28 PM
Interest of mass to it can significantly influence, the only way to stop bitcoin is not be interested in it, so not creating a demand of cryptocurrencies is killing them.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: keycellko on April 13, 2018, 01:39:54 PM
For the rise and fall of bitcoin, the factors are
1. Yeah, law of supply and demand. Price up if demand is high and supply is low. Or price down if demand is low and supply is high.
2. Whales. We all know these people control mostly the price of bitcoin. They sell their coins, price goes down. They buy huge amounts, the price goes up.
3. News? Yes. But mostly good news are manipulated by the whales. And bad news are made for by the government and the banks that are against bitcoin.
4. Forks. Yes. The forks are basically updates made by programmers to enhance bitcoin technology. Along with these forks are free coins of the same amount of bitcoins in your wallet (but usually of different value to bitcoin). So people tend to buy more bitcoins so they will have a larger amount of the forked coin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: TTITA on April 13, 2018, 06:22:57 PM
Legal. Government legal action has a big influence on this. Several countries that have declared support for Bitcoin have made the market rise positively while some countries within the banned area of ​​Bitcoin make trading market and miner business in the country hampered. This is crucial to the stability of Bitcoin's demand-supply condition.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: jonatuzc on April 15, 2018, 10:20:46 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
The factors mentioned above could affect the price of bitcoin. But if you are to monitor each of them in order for you to predict bitcoin's value, it sometimes may not be possible. Because sometimes the negativity of media will not affect the demand.
One of the most important factors is missing from the list. Why there is no mentioning of big whales. They can’t be avoided. In my opinion, these people are they real game changer. The whole digital market depends upon their moves. Whenever, they sell out digital coins, the whole market goes red and this happened recently when bitcoin touched 20k dollars. Lovers love bitcoin regardless of rumors.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: 19spawnfeed on April 15, 2018, 02:13:25 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Being high volatile of the price in bitcoin is the characteristic itself and all of your listed above are absolutely right. The supply and demand on the market, the negative issues coming from the social media, the Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price, and the new technological changes to bitcoin. The government wants to manipulate the bitcoin are also considered as a factor of the price of bitcoin being highly volatile.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Btcwashu on April 15, 2018, 02:22:26 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Wow it's a nice topic mate, all the factors you stated above are to be considered why the price of the bitcoin are highly volatile. This topic can helps to our newbie to know the factors that can affect to the bitcoin price. And for me it's a big contributor the supply and demand of the market because if there is a changes of the supply and demand of the market the price of the bitcoin will change too.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Harlot on April 15, 2018, 02:30:38 PM
Glad to see that a lot of people have mentioned whales as price movers. But I think they should be the number one or main reason why Bitcoin is moving fast. With the capital they have their buying and selling power could literally influence the market on what direction it will go. Their buying and selling action is so powerful that it can start a panic selling and also a panic buying when they are also buying in huge quantities. It overshadows news, supply and demand as nothing influence it more as what the actions of whales are doing.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Bagaji on April 15, 2018, 02:33:33 PM
You have mentioned valid factors that affects Bitcoin both positively and negatively and in addition i add that all the mentioned boil down to the fources of demand and supply  of Bitcoin in the circulation.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Shenshen23 on April 18, 2018, 10:12:48 AM
yes I agree it is the main factor affecting the fluctuation of bitcoin. I will add it I think the amount of bitcoin volume in circulation today is very small when compared with the amount of circulation of gold and USD. and if anyone buys bitcoin in large quantities it can certainly affect bitcoin. And speculation of bitcoin traders can also affect bitcoin.

Hi, I think if the amount of bitcoin that is in circulation today is very small the price should be raising. Compared to USD and GOLD, Bitcoin can be easily the mine using your computer and some other tools and it just takes time to have more from it. Gold is widely considered to be an effective hedge against inflation, which means that when the dollar depreciates, demand for gold increases. Unlike the bitcoin, Gold and Dollars has limits in volume and Bitcoin is limitless unless computation per data will stop or the bitcoin mining will stop. All of this that I am talking is related to supply and demand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: rushel22 on April 18, 2018, 10:18:10 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Honestly In short for this that we should not be panic if ever the value of bitcoin will goes down.And we should consider the best factor that in crylto world normal for bitcoin that the price will be down and then goes up.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: denny27 on April 18, 2018, 10:24:59 AM
The acceptance rate of bitcoin in certain countries, support of certain parties or specific projects. If more and more countries can be deepening all the characteristics and learn many things related to crypto, of course bitcoin acceptance in various countries will be increased and more people are closer to bitcoin till many companies that use bitcoin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Coffee135 on April 18, 2018, 10:29:44 AM
Developers cannot influence the price of bitcoin. But I am sure that if they return to the realization of the idea of switching to segwit2x it will have a positive impact on the price of bitcoin. To do this, we need to reach an agreement in principle with the miners. It's complicated.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Shenshen23 on April 18, 2018, 11:30:41 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Wow it's a nice topic mate, all the factors you stated above are to be considered why the price of the bitcoin are highly volatile. This topic can helps to our newbie to know the factors that can affect to the bitcoin price. And for me it's a big contributor the supply and demand of the market because if there is a changes of the supply and demand of the market the price of the bitcoin will change too.

Thanks for considering. I always saw in Bitcoin discussion about bitcoin might die or bitcoin price is down and so on... but I think the best way to understand the price movement and to understand what risk we are in. Is to understand the basic concept of economics. Since, economics really affect bitcoin prices and its stability.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Jeepney_koh on April 18, 2018, 11:39:10 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

I agree that these are the factors that really affect the price of Bitcoin. Any major issues also about cryptocurrency affect the price. Let me add one factor: ICOs and other projects in which have an impact to bitcoin price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: freakcoins on April 18, 2018, 11:46:45 AM
for me all the factors must be considered whether the markets price is high and low, it will be all accepted in good reason no doubts because it will happen in time whatever we may like or not  this is all gonna happen suddenly,so we must control ourselves on how we gonna handle this.,bitcoin volatility is unpredictable and he control is in within on how we manage this.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: rainezerr on April 18, 2018, 11:50:25 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of the market has the same concept of supply and demand even in the stock market's of different countries and because of that, selling and investing on the right time will really give you a huge amount of profit.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: t2yax on April 18, 2018, 12:15:42 PM
There are more possible way why there is an elasticity between the bitcoin price value. We cannot see or predict why this is happening. We see a lot of differences between forex investors and bitcoin investors. We know how much bitcoin value goes on its highest value peak, but we cannot also consider that bitcoin value grows, instead, we must know why bitcoin value goes down.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: carlisle1 on April 18, 2018, 12:18:58 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
another site advetisement,this days advertisers have good sights on how to popularize theyre site..but since this gives help to some newbie here..lets give them chance

In regards to the views you have mentioned,how is it the bitcoin users and developers influences the rise and falls?while we all know that Whales are theone who's responsible about this price movements

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Procopiogamscrypto on April 18, 2018, 12:49:46 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
  All listed above are the common factors that affect unstable bitcoin price but the greatest factor of all is the government when different countries imposed the restriction and regulation in cryptocurrency, it just like a big bomb exploded in different areas where cyrpto had been circulated, even Japan considered a crypto country had their own restriction that causes some prominent exchanges sought other geographical areas to sustain their existence.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: TheClownSong on April 18, 2018, 01:02:10 PM
In addition to the above points, I think there is another important factor affecting the price of bitcoin, that is, the development of the whole encryption community. We all know that last year's bull market had a lot to do with the crazy ICO. It's because ICO has caused a large number of new users to enter the encryption. So I think the increasing number of new users is the key factor to decide bitcoin price. Only new investors can push the community forward.

Indeed, new user can push cryptomarket. But if investment firm start to investing their funds on cryptomarket, that will push market more higher because investment firm will bring billions dollars on cryptomarket

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Jorosss on April 18, 2018, 01:15:12 PM
You have mentioned valid factors that affects Bitcoin both positively and negatively and in addition i add that all the mentioned boil down to the fources of demand and supply  of Bitcoin in the circulation.
A lot of factors to consider indeed so above those in the lists has a good points. Usually demands and supply, and bitcoin news has the huge effects to the prices changes. Also the important is on how we treated the changes in bitcoin ups and down value.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Tapyaks72 on April 18, 2018, 01:19:08 PM
In addition to the above points, I think there is another important factor affecting the price of bitcoin, that is, the development of the whole encryption community. We all know that last year's bull market had a lot to do with the crazy ICO. It's because ICO has caused a large number of new users to enter the encryption. So I think the increasing number of new users is the key factor to decide bitcoin price. Only new investors can push the community forward.

Indeed, new user can push cryptomarket. But if investment firm start to investing their funds on cryptomarket, that will push market more higher because investment firm will bring billions dollars on cryptomarket
There are lots of factors to consider but as of now I haven't found any innovative design of technology like crypto currency that back up with  a unique technology that makes investors into craze that is why I would say this is  the future of money.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: imstillthebest on April 18, 2018, 01:26:09 PM
You have mentioned valid factors that affects Bitcoin both positively and negatively and in addition i add that all the mentioned boil down to the fources of demand and supply  of Bitcoin in the circulation.
A lot of factors to consider indeed so above those in the lists has a good points. Usually demands and supply, and bitcoin news has the huge effects to the prices changes. Also the important is on how we treated the changes in bitcoin ups and down value.

demand and supply is indeed the most main factor or reason on why bitcoins value is suddenly changing but demand and supply wont be possible or wont possibly occur without the other factors such as peoples decision . I think that peoples decsion is the root cause of the price fluctuations because this is where it all starts. people will buy or sell depending on his descion and the flow of his mind.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Bitcoinjheta on April 18, 2018, 01:53:25 PM
You have mentioned valid factors that affects Bitcoin both positively and negatively and in addition i add that all the mentioned boil down to the fources of demand and supply  of Bitcoin in the circulation.
A lot of factors to consider indeed so above those in the lists has a good points. Usually demands and supply, and bitcoin news has the huge effects to the prices changes. Also the important is on how we treated the changes in bitcoin ups and down value.

demand and supply is indeed the most main factor or reason on why bitcoins value is suddenly changing but demand and supply wont be possible or wont possibly occur without the other factors such as peoples decision . I think that peoples decsion is the root cause of the price fluctuations because this is where it all starts. people will buy or sell depending on his descion and the flow of his mind.

It is a common factor that supply and demand really affects the price value of any goods or any related businesses and that includes cryptocurrency specifically bitcoin. All the above mentioned factors are true for me since this is what happening right now in the cryto world. What is better here is that because if its volatility its price can go so much higher than any centralized businesses.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: cryptotenoy on April 18, 2018, 02:26:09 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
You are right in your opinion,telling opposite side of bitcoins existence but i guess the  weakness of it is being neglected by its users and people would stop in investing in bitcoin and if this would happen thats the time that bitcoiners would be left empty handed.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Relildar on April 18, 2018, 02:35:19 PM
It should take into account the factor that someone can raise the price of a few thousand when he wants, and then drop when he wants.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: julius caesar on April 18, 2018, 02:36:33 PM
I just want to add those whales because they can also affect the price of the market whenever they are selling and buying. Everytime they sell or buy or even trading it affects the price of coins they are holding.

I am not familiar with whales that you are talking about. There was a lot of reason or should we say factor that affects the Bitcoin price , and I think very known for that was the demand and supply of the Bitcoin. Mid year is coming people here were expecting for having a better amount of holdings since last year this is also the same time of thw year when Bitcoin pumped,and we sgiuld be all working for that.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Kiweikoo on April 19, 2018, 07:06:19 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of the market has the same concept of supply and demand even in the stock market's of different countries and because of that, selling and investing on the right time will really give you a huge amount of profit.
Before investing in almost anything, one should keep the factors in mind that determine the growth of their investment. This might be liquidity that is the readiness of an asset to be converted into money. There is risk factor which should be the minimum possible.

Return is what we quest for. The more the return, the more is the investment. Besides, the market role is crucial in any investment. Keeping these factors in mind, Investment in Bitcoin is worth it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: stellgod on April 19, 2018, 07:09:57 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
  All listed above are the common factors that affect unstable bitcoin price but the greatest factor of all is the government when different countries imposed the restriction and regulation in cryptocurrency, it just like a big bomb exploded in different areas where cyrpto had been circulated, even Japan considered a crypto country had their own restriction that causes some prominent exchanges sought other geographical areas to sustain their existence.
If it was really in the hands of government to decide the future of bitcoin, believe me this coin would have gone for long now. Bitcoin is decentralized and therefore no one can hurt it regardless of his hatred for this currency. Moreover, governments just pretend to hate bitcoin, it is not possible that there won’t be any black sheep in authorities. It is impossible to resist bitcoin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Pamahaw on April 19, 2018, 07:22:44 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Yes it's true that the factors affecting the price of bitcoin are those you mention above specially the negatives news brought about by the media.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Urtaev on April 19, 2018, 07:32:36 AM
Undoubtedly these factors influence the price of bitcoin, but we should not forget about manipulation by holders of large volumes of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: kidoseagle0312 on April 19, 2018, 08:17:04 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of your statement was true and correct actually, And it is a new technology in terms of digital payment aspects. Where it can be the world currency in the near future.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: tommy088 on April 19, 2018, 09:00:13 AM
So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and the value that it can bring.“Only invest or trade with whatever you can afford to lose!” and the second rule.Everytime they sell or buy or even trading it affects the price of coins they are holding and illegal influencies the influx and efflux in the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Ilegendph on April 19, 2018, 09:19:40 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of the market has the same concept of supply and demand even in the stock market's of different countries and because of that, selling and investing on the right time will really give you a huge amount of profit.
Before investing in almost anything, one should keep the factors in mind that determine the growth of their investment. This might be liquidity that is the readiness of an asset to be converted into money. There is risk factor which should be the minimum possible.

Return is what we quest for. The more the return, the more is the investment. Besides, the market role is crucial in any investment. Keeping these factors in mind, Investment in Bitcoin is worth it.

Actually income in acquiring bitcoin happens only in the form of trading unlike any other kinds of investment. Therefore it is solely depends on the current price of bitcoin vs. the price when you buy your bitcoin dictates if you have this what you call "return".

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Ctn on April 19, 2018, 09:24:30 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Off course, you have to take the follow up of what governments are doing really. I mean thats the best and could be worst influencer of the bitcoin really. I mean it really depends whether they are going to ban it, accept it, if gonna accept it then whether they are going to invest on the bitcoin infrastructure itself etc. These are really influencing factors which can affect the bitcoin existence or its advances. Surely the point you have mentioned up there are the one which one cant ignore at all. Those are the ones who drives the prices for the bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: xhoondilan on April 19, 2018, 11:57:48 AM
I think this will also your basis when to buy and sell your bitcoin. If you have news regarding the factor that affects the price of bitcoin. You should take and consider it if this will help the price to increase or this could decrease it. In this way you may predict and loss a little and you could earn more.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: H0USE on April 19, 2018, 12:20:04 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
The basic reasons which you have mentioned are enough to affect the price of bitcoin as demand and supply are essential factors which determine the prices. The FUD's created have a impact on prices but one more thing that i want to add beside these factors is 'whales" manipulating the prices in order to gain profits in short run.So this is sum up of all the factors for price of any currency.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: wireless1889 on April 19, 2018, 12:29:38 PM
Well all you've said there is all correct from bitcoin's demand, the influence of media to the public down to new technological changes to bitcoin. I'll just add up the bonds that is made by bitcoin and separating this will affect the bitcoin's price for sure because the partnership just got broken. Also the news about banning it in some other countries making its reach limited and just to certain countries, this makes the price lower by some of it. Also the panic sellers who sold their bitcoins out of doubts that bitcoin will never go up after a price drop.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: ogini on April 19, 2018, 01:11:04 PM
The FUD factor is what is another which also bring down the market coupled with the fight from the government and banks ,these are all facts needed to be consider.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Whosdaddy on April 20, 2018, 02:04:17 PM
It should take into account the factor that someone can raise the price of a few thousand when he wants, and then drop when he wants.
And that is usually the crazy strategies the whales always play and make a lot of people to get into FOMO and then all of a sudden dump on them.

It is very important not to ever enter a market that is already going extremely up as that is going to end up more like a gamble most of the time. In such cases, it is necessary to always buy during accumulation and traders always see those moments and take their time to accumulate as well. Then, when you start seeing the FOMO into play, you can then sell.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: AIRDROPSQUAD on April 20, 2018, 02:37:57 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

I think these lists is enough. But I can say, these days the news and FUD are two things that become the main problems for the price fluctuation. We can see a few months ago many big media make a negative news and publicity about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The media also make it every people including G20 event talk about Cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: rainezerr401 on April 20, 2018, 03:00:32 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Your mentions are true but the reason why people are attracted to cryptocurrency is because of the social media's today who are advertising different ico's on their sites that are attracting investors.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: 300pips on April 20, 2018, 03:14:16 PM
Another big thing that influence the Bitcoin price are the endless number of created altcoins. Instead of keeping BTC. People are buying alts using BTC. As the result BTC was dumped. I wish all exchange sites would create USD pair for each new altcoins. 

What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BlueStackz on April 21, 2018, 08:08:45 AM
Undoubtedly these factors influence the price of bitcoin, but we should not forget about manipulation by holders of large volumes of bitcoin.
When we talk about the market value of any of the crypto coin, then there are number of factors which play an important role in deciding the market value of that crypto coin. Some of the factors which are very important includes the demand of that coin in the international market, the number of investors investing in that coin and above all the number of people knowing about that coin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BillCoin on April 21, 2018, 08:43:42 AM
Also the biggest negative factor wasn't mentioned here.
Regulators that are now entering the market and will probably do some sanctions in order to prevent bitcoin trading in their country.

Countries realize that bitcoin aims to destroy the traditional currencies and it may cause a big chaos, so they are now trying to do steps while it's still small, so if a country now blocks bitcoin trading and closes all the exchanges within the country then it's country residents may sell their bitcoins and it may cause to a price drop.
It's something that should be considered.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Yamifoud on April 21, 2018, 08:54:38 AM
Market today are really vulnerable for changes and a lot of factors to consider. FUDs, regulations of exchanger and somewhat to say market manipulation made by big whales/investors are the common things that could create such changes.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: cmacwiz on April 21, 2018, 06:25:42 PM
There are various factor which influence the market share of Bitcoin. The negative news about Bitcoin like Bitcoin relating criminal activities,Bitcoin related scams and malware attacks,government ban are the main reason behind its falling price. These put negative impact in its investors too. There are some good news too about Bitcoin which boost up its market share. Many international companies like Microsoft, green man games, Amazon etc start using  Bitcoin. And day to day its user number also increase these things help in bitcoin growth.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: darewaller on April 23, 2018, 03:16:23 PM
If it was really in the hands of government to decide the future of bitcoin, believe me this coin would have gone for long now. Bitcoin is decentralized and therefore no one can hurt it regardless of his hatred for this currency. Moreover, governments just pretend to hate bitcoin, it is not possible that there won’t be any black sheep in authorities. It is impossible to resist bitcoin.
Right. Taking a look at how the government have since been trying to get the whole idea crumbled and then frustrating it, the market just keeps coming back better and stronger.

The fact that we have a decentralized currency to make use of without having to go through the governments bullshit policies with fiat is what has been keeping this community alive right from the onset till now and for that, it is obvious we really do have a very awesome level to go with growth.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: JaxxBoll on April 23, 2018, 03:24:52 PM
I think this will also your basis when to buy and sell your bitcoin. If you have news regarding the factor that affects the price of bitcoin. You should take and consider it if this will help the price to increase or this could decrease it. In this way you may predict and loss a little and you could earn more.
What you say can help you, but sometimes it's not entirely good. If the big investors intentionally created the news to control the market in their direction, then you think? This will make you lose confidence when you believe such information.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Cacingkemi on April 23, 2018, 03:34:34 PM
If it was really in the hands of government to decide the future of bitcoin, believe me this coin would have gone for long now. Bitcoin is decentralized and therefore no one can hurt it regardless of his hatred for this currency. Moreover, governments just pretend to hate bitcoin, it is not possible that there won’t be any black sheep in authorities. It is impossible to resist bitcoin.
Right. Taking a look at how the government have since been trying to get the whole idea crumbled and then frustrating it, the market just keeps coming back better and stronger.

The fact that we have a decentralized currency to make use of without having to go through the governments bullshit policies with fiat is what has been keeping this community alive right from the onset till now and for that, it is obvious we really do have a very awesome level to go with growth.
Agree yes that the government have a strategy and only to destroy our money or the government does't want us to be happy with the finances we have achieved so far from BTC. BTW In addition the factor that should be considered is the news that likes to drop the value of the panicked investors but we will see in the future the governments of all countries will recognize BTC and us or say otherwise.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: webdevmastery on April 23, 2018, 03:40:28 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Supply and demand is always the biggest factor in the market because most of the people are being affected due to the drastic increase or decrease of the prices and from there, people will decide to sell or hold their coins.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: kodtycoon on April 23, 2018, 03:41:56 PM
The factor that affects the bitcoin price is trust. If a bitcoin user can be easily instigated by a nonsense out there that says bitcoin will die or whatever causes the bitcoin price to fall. So high trust by bitcoin users is necessary, if you trust these things, I'm sure you'll be panic selling if you see the market falling. But if you have full trust in bitcoin, then you will still hold the bitcoin. Because after all, the bitcoin price moves depending on the user's demand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: makolz26 on April 23, 2018, 04:17:57 PM
The factor that affects the bitcoin price is trust. If a bitcoin user can be easily instigated by a nonsense out there that says bitcoin will die or whatever causes the bitcoin price to fall. So high trust by bitcoin users is necessary, if you trust these things, I'm sure you'll be panic selling if you see the market falling. But if you have full trust in bitcoin, then you will still hold the bitcoin. Because after all, the bitcoin price moves depending on the user's demand.
Price really depends entirely in us, if we are going to trust bitcoin and each other just like what you are saying, I agree with you that without those people who believes in bitcoin, I don't think that bitcoin will still exist until now, but since we are already millions in number then we are actually uniting for it to have a great value.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: on April 23, 2018, 04:43:02 PM
I think the first and second points provide enough great influence as some time ago lots of rejection news. This is exacerbated by many who sold their coins by reason of fear of loss and fear of death. This certainly makes the disaster twice.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: krishnaverma on April 23, 2018, 06:31:51 PM
There are various factor which influence the market share of Bitcoin. The negative news about Bitcoin like Bitcoin relating criminal activities,Bitcoin related scams and malware attacks,government ban are the main reason behind its falling price. These put negative impact in its investors too. There are some good news too about Bitcoin which boost up its market share. Many international companies like Microsoft, green man games, Amazon etc start using  Bitcoin. And day to day its user number also increase these things help in bitcoin growth.

Those negative news related to bitcoins now appear to me as funny. Earlier bitcoins were blamed for illegal activities and it was given as reason why it it will be discouraged and not become popular. Then we saw news like how monero is more anonymous than bitcoins and thus bitcoin is loosing popularity. What do they want if they have problem in both scenarios ?

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: cryptokia on April 23, 2018, 06:48:51 PM
Thanks for sharring. Bitcoin is a new age comming up employment, so I can work here instead of coming full time job in my area, which is hard.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: sheenshane on April 23, 2018, 07:06:24 PM
Thanks for sharring. Bitcoin is a new age comming up employment, so I can work here instead of coming full time job in my area, which is hard.
Lol, having a decent job is good to have permanent income not like crypto highly volatile at the same time your income also with a volatile.

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin
Well, as OP's mention I agreed on that number 1 and 2, as a circulating demand for bitcoin it is may affect on price movement.
And second is those making FUD news will be also affected by bitcoins price in the market, but even how dip bitcoin will be decreased I will still believe on bitcoin. I heard those continued making FUD news in many articles or those social media broadcasters they have, big politicians just feed them for bitcoin damage.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BUK2016 on April 23, 2018, 07:22:43 PM
You have mentioned a very good factors that really affect the market value of bitcoin and crypto currency in general. But thing I will like add to your point is the government policy usually affect bitcoin value both positively and negatively.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Tang lancip on April 23, 2018, 07:49:36 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
some of the factors you say are very good. but I think the factors that most influence bitcoin prices depend on government demand and policy.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: valentine401 on April 23, 2018, 07:53:45 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

There will be always different between those market's but what they have in common is the concept of supply and demand, always try to look on a market that has more volume of the current coin you are interested because in this way you can expect that the price will be higher or cheaper depending on the season.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mrcash02 on April 23, 2018, 08:00:57 PM
1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand

This is the consequence. Many different factors influence this "increasing/decreasing demand", like you said: news, technological development, projects development... I would add instability in countries economies as well, it's a good factor that affect Bitcoin's demand and price.

When people have a weak local currency and a weak economy they will look for new ways to earn money and if possible, new currencies to keep their money.
You can see Venezuela as an example, Crypto-Currency is becoming very popular there, especially because their local currency is very devalued.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: richardsNY on April 23, 2018, 08:02:14 PM
Then we saw news like how monero is more anonymous than bitcoins and thus bitcoin is loosing popularity. What do they want if they have problem in both scenarios ?

Not sure where you heard that (I haven't seen that 'news' circulate anywhere, mind sharing a link? It's too pathetic and funny), but that's actually the worst ever fud attempt if it was intended to be that, especially so because Bitcoin has never clamed to be anonymous. People said it was, but it isn't and never has been. Even till this day people think they enjoy an actual form of anonymity with Bitcoin when they spend or transfer their coins. They completely discard the fact that the exchange they very likely are verified at, can follow all their steps closely, and eventually the authorities can do so too if they force the exchange to share user information. Bitcoin's blockchain is too transparent for that -- anonymity doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: shield132 on April 23, 2018, 08:16:37 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
There are a lot of things that can affect it's price, it's not something where we can write some specific factors.
For example imagine any exchanger stopped withdraws, it will affect price. Or BitFury/Bitmain closed, created new and more powerful antminer...
Also halving, it playes the most important role too, we got this rising after some months from halving.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mersal on April 23, 2018, 08:26:27 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
There are a lot of things that can affect it's price, it's not something where we can write some specific factors.
For example imagine any exchanger stopped withdraws, it will affect price. Or BitFury/Bitmain closed, created new and more powerful antminer...
Also halving, it playes the most important role too, we got this rising after some months from halving.

The value is considered as a huge development of bitcoin so definitely Will be the best thing at all in my opinion too.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Slark on April 23, 2018, 09:01:42 PM
What is the point of knowing what factors could potentially affect bitcoin when you have absolutely no way to predict any of them?
We cannot foresee future government regulations, possible exchange hack or security breach of major bitcoin satellite service etc. etc.
The only 2 things that are constant is the fact that supply of bitcoin is limited, and people will continue to lose their coins (hardware failure, human error).
and planned events, upgrades, changes - like halving 2020 - which will most likely affect price positively.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Lagrood on April 23, 2018, 09:45:08 PM
Mass media and hype are the btc drivers they make positive demand. Who works in advertising that knows it. Any other factors are second but also important.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Nissan-GTR on April 23, 2018, 09:56:37 PM
the some major factor affect in bitcoin price has determine by supply in demand, the controlled of supply well defined through new coins well enter the system of mining,and mining has generates new coins as an incentive at proof of work,,so that this process mining has generates new coins at fixed rate,therefore the no, of bitcoin circulation is considered from anytime calculable,

I agree with that, cause these two will evaluate how expensive does each Bitcoin will be, and these two also will be depends upon what or how workers or miners here will performed, of course if the people were productive the price will fluctuate , and we must also consider the fact that season affects this so much, just like a fruit we shouldn't harvest it at the wrong time for it to be sold in the market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: naidray on April 24, 2018, 10:45:37 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

All of the market has the same concept of supply and demand even in the stock market's of different countries and because of that, selling and investing on the right time will really give you a huge amount of profit.
Before investing in almost anything, one should keep the factors in mind that determine the growth of their investment. This might be liquidity that is the readiness of an asset to be converted into money. There is risk factor which should be the minimum possible.

Return is what we quest for. The more the return, the more is the investment. Besides, the market role is crucial in any investment. Keeping these factors in mind, Investment in Bitcoin is worth it.
You are right, we are all after return and one thing we should always keep in mind is the fact that no matter what, the market will always have its huge fluctuations, so it is always better that when you have some sweet returns to at least, use those moments to sweep those profits and look forward to buying back at dips.

Moreover this is for the traders anyway and for long term investors, the long term benefit is always superb anyways. Due to watch lots of factors I do usually hate to engage myself with trading. Trading is good only for the people are having some excess money to risk and for all other, simply holding will be the only available and viable method.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: noah tall on April 26, 2018, 02:54:49 PM
I just want to add those whales because they can also affect the price of the market whenever they are selling and buying. Everytime they sell or buy or even trading it affects the price of coins they are holding.

I am not familiar with whales that you are talking about. There was a lot of reason or should we say factor that affects the Bitcoin price , and I think very known for that was the demand and supply of the Bitcoin. Mid year is coming people here were expecting for having a better amount of holdings since last year this is also the same time of thw year when Bitcoin pumped,and we sgiuld be all working for that.
Sure, mid-year is always that time of the year when things always get extremely better and then we get to see the market doing a huge one. Looking at the alts, we can see that some pump attempts are already going on gradually and I believe once we start seeing this sort of things, we would always get to see the market with huge greens and percentage increase. Time to always wait for in the market after buying the dips.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: avdeeva on April 26, 2018, 03:53:00 PM
Among the reason you mentioned, I think the bitcoin news has the highest impact on prices. Just when Soros announced his entry in bitcoins, prices jumped by a big margin.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Epimetheus on April 26, 2018, 07:34:05 PM
The price of Bitcoin depends on many factors. But the core is still in the supply and demand of the market. All the rest are aimed at changing the supply and demand rules in order to change the value of bitcoin and altcoin. So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and value that it can bring. For example, apart from investment, which entity would like to accept it?
Out of many factors supply and demand is the main factor Which mainly affect its price. There is no regulations in the production and distribution of Bitcoin because of the bitcoin miners. And this is due to the its decentralised nature in which their is no central authority present to control it :-\. Another factor is its price stability. Which is mainly influence negative news showing by media and different negative statement given by many economist. Another thing is bitcoin is ban in many country due to various economy and financial issues which also putting negative affect on Bitcoin progress.  :-X

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: unknown-user on April 26, 2018, 08:27:22 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

I do agree with the things that are mentioned by OP. These might be the things which are contributing with the sudden changes on the market value of Bitcoin. Genereally,the biggest thing that causes this to happen has something to do with the market demand in many ways. Still,we can't control Bitcoin users and Bitcoin itself in order to avoid uncertainties due to the market volatility. So let's just continue supporting cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: megamanexe002 on April 26, 2018, 08:52:36 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

The baddest thing to happen that are affecting the market is fake news and different black propaganda that are being made by those people who hate cryptocurrency and most of them are just the banks who are losing people to place their money on them.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: shaadsufi on April 26, 2018, 08:57:20 PM
I think most of the times news effects the price of bitcoin and it moves according to the news as sometime before google, facebook and twitter announces to ban ICO and Crypto related ads and the price of bitcoin seen a very low of 6000$ and after that some good news start to come and now bitcoin is recovering good so for me news is the most important factors which affect the price of bitcoin and other coins also.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: ahmad21 on April 29, 2018, 05:41:13 PM
The price of Bitcoin is affected by many factors. The most important and common factor that affects the price of all the things is its demand and supply. The increase in demand will increase the price of Bitcoin and the limits supply also increases the price of Bitcoin. The second factor is the type of news about Bitcoin. The negative news about it will decrease its price as many investors will start selling it and vice-versa. But what I have seen is bitcoin is most influenced by the whale play which is the reason why bitcoin's price goes up and down.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: tailwate07 on April 30, 2018, 08:00:34 AM
the some major factor affect in bitcoin price has determine by supply in demand, the controlled of supply well defined through new coins well enter the system of mining,and mining has generates new coins as an incentive at proof of work,,so that this process mining has generates new coins at fixed rate,therefore the no, of bitcoin circulation is considered from anytime calculable,

I agree with that, cause these two will evaluate how expensive does each Bitcoin will be, and these two also will be depends upon what or how workers or miners here will performed, of course if the people were productive the price will fluctuate , and we must also consider the fact that season affects this so much, just like a fruit we shouldn't harvest it at the wrong time for it to be sold in the market.
The most wanted system is to generate the mining process through which new coins can be prepared but the whole depend on Bitcoin is the demand and supply of people. The more the demand is increasing the price demand graph goes straight ad some times linear but very rarely. Bitcoin will be popular and more popular if the factors affecting it treat on a good hand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: gambitcoin53 on April 30, 2018, 08:28:37 AM
you can also add the popularity of bitcoin gained thru medias and mainstream media outfit, that play a big part why bitcoin is rapidly growing across the globe, and also the competition of ICO and alt coins that are swarming the total market share of cryptocurrencies. it all affects the price may it be high or low, it also dictates the present price of bitcoin, and lastly, the growing number of countries that are open to bitcoin legalization.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Betwrong on April 30, 2018, 09:05:23 AM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Actually the whales were mentioned by someone above :) , but I agree with you that those conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality. It surprises me how people can believe in such things. Can't they estimate what would it take to perform such manipulations, taking into account that today's trading volume for BTC is $8.5 billion? While trying to manipulate the price with such a big daily trading volume it is possible to lose $100-$200 million in one day if something goes not as planned. No one would risk such an amount, nor Bitcoin whales, nor fiat billionaires, no one.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: adolf512 on April 30, 2018, 09:21:03 AM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Actually the whales were mentioned by someone above :) , but I agree with you that those conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality. It surprises me how people can believe in such things. Can't they estimate what would it take to perform such manipulations, taking into account that today's trading volume for BTC is $8.5 billion? While trying to manipulate the price with such a big daily trading volume it is possible to lose $100-$200 million in one day if something goes not as planned. No one would risk such an amount, nor Bitcoin whales, nor fiat billionaires, no one.
Maybe you are right, and it's impossible to influence the price of bitcoin even to a group of people with huge capital, but how to understand the situation that was in December when the cost of bitcoin reached 20,000 dollars in such a short time, and that after a new year such a long decrease, or is it all an Asian new year?))

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: ChConcept on April 30, 2018, 02:28:52 PM
All of those enumerated factors all boils down to one, the law of supply and demand. People will be reacting based on the current events, based on the hype or speculations whatever actions they may take will directly impact the law of supply and demand. Every market not just in cryptos has this major principle, everything in economics simply goes around that principle, so what ever reason you can think of that will have an effect on supply and demand, would be a factor to consider in the prices of everything around you including Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Betwrong on May 01, 2018, 09:06:28 AM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Actually the whales were mentioned by someone above :) , but I agree with you that those conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality. It surprises me how people can believe in such things. Can't they estimate what would it take to perform such manipulations, taking into account that today's trading volume for BTC is $8.5 billion? While trying to manipulate the price with such a big daily trading volume it is possible to lose $100-$200 million in one day if something goes not as planned. No one would risk such an amount, nor Bitcoin whales, nor fiat billionaires, no one.
Maybe you are right, and it's impossible to influence the price of bitcoin even to a group of people with huge capital, but how to understand the situation that was in December when the cost of bitcoin reached 20,000 dollars in such a short time, and that after a new year such a long decrease, or is it all an Asian new year?))

I think I can explain that. Bitcoin didn't just rise from nothing to $20k in December. It had been rising gradually during the whole year from $900 in January 2017 to $9,000 in November. Around September, when Bitcoin was $3,600 (4 times rise from January) many people realized that Bitcoin is a good investment and started investing in it and thus the price started to rise at a fast pace. But since most of the new investors weren't experts in the field they believed the FUD and started selling their coins fearing that they may end up with nothing. It was a typical panic selling performed by regular people, not by whales.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Sled on May 01, 2018, 01:14:55 PM
I think the main reason why the price changes are the news that we are seeing about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because this type of market are more vulnerable to the fundamental rather than technical so we should focus on the news more often compared to technical because with the fundamental then we can easily play with the market along the way.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Ranly123 on May 01, 2018, 01:40:58 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

There is one thing I know that affect the price of Bitcoin and even altcoins. That is the supply and demand factor. The more the supply there is the lower the price it can be and vice versa. So for investors who think for a long term investment, holding your coins is a good idea because it can help lessen the supply of cryptocurrency which can affect the price hike of it.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: squog on May 03, 2018, 01:44:02 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

Actually, points 1-3 are heavily demand and supply related. If a buyer is willing to pay for a coin then that will be it's price. Media concerns (ie banning of bitcoin in a country) then the people living in that country will sell their coin, increasing the supply therefore plummeting prices. Lastly is tthe 4th one. New technological changes are done at the beginning of a fiscal year hence the price drop every new year.  What's the lesson here? Hold on to your coins

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BagzMM on May 03, 2018, 01:57:04 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Above are all true and we need to add those whales that has been manipulating the price once a bad news hits the cryptocurrency that might be the triggering point to create panic on those quick hands.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Golftech on May 03, 2018, 02:09:01 PM
we all agree that there are many factors influencing the price of bitcoin, but I believe that most have already realized that the main factor affecting prices are good and bad news, a negative news is enough to make the price fall much and every market is in the red.
Because of never ending failure of those people who invested with this asset without knowing the risk, yes there's a big factors about the news and its really moving the price to go up or down, as people always getting panic in each time that there's news that will bring impact to the value of certain project, better to deal with this and always be ready and wise to gain even in the red days inside the exchange.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: wozzek23 on May 04, 2018, 05:32:39 AM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Actually the whales were mentioned by someone above :) , but I agree with you that those conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality. It surprises me how people can believe in such things. Can't they estimate what would it take to perform such manipulations, taking into account that today's trading volume for BTC is $8.5 billion? While trying to manipulate the price with such a big daily trading volume it is possible to lose $100-$200 million in one day if something goes not as planned. No one would risk such an amount, nor Bitcoin whales, nor fiat billionaires, no one.
Maybe you are right, and it's impossible to influence the price of bitcoin even to a group of people with huge capital, but how to understand the situation that was in December when the cost of bitcoin reached 20,000 dollars in such a short time, and that after a new year such a long decrease, or is it all an Asian new year?))
This is all about the game of whales. These are group of persons with heavy investment in the market. They can be grouped together and have such big potential to up and down the market. These whales have been deciding since the December of last year not to increase the price and hence see the market that is just revolving around a specific amount. They can use their power to do anything.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: koleskok on May 06, 2018, 08:55:22 AM
Long term price change is based more on level of adoption, inflation of fiat currency, and the cyclic nature of bitcoin's bull and bear markets. Adoption means more demand, and supply is almost at a constant.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BitHodler on May 06, 2018, 09:18:14 AM
These whales have been deciding since the December of last year not to increase the price and hence see the market that is just revolving around a specific amount. They can use their power to do anything.
Whales are good at what they do, but they don't completely rule the market as you think they do. They'll only start dumping when they think the time has come and there is no more room for further increases.

In case of last year it was pretty obvious that the market wouldn't make it past the $20,000 mark, which they used as an opportunity to liquidate their holdings. After that people went nuts and kept selling the market down.

Only in the last weeks before the push back to the $10,000 mark it was pretty obvious that whales were accumulating and artificially kept the price below a certain range, and when they were done, current levels are the result.

That obvious manipulation should have been used as an opportunity by non whales to do the exact same thing.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: sharnel18 on May 06, 2018, 01:40:14 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Well,some factors may caused the bitcoin price either going down or getting higher,and the regulatory from the government also has a big influence of their supply and demands that may control to its value,then more users could lose their profit.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Tigorss on May 06, 2018, 03:04:44 PM
it is advisable to consider the stock exchange's liquidity. The term liquidity refers to the ability to sell assets without significantly influenced prices, which in turn causes the price to fall.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: gandhe83 on July 21, 2018, 12:53:00 PM
I think the main reason why the price changes are the news that we are seeing about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because this type of market are more vulnerable to the fundamental rather than technical so we should focus on the news more often compared to technical because with the fundamental then we can easily play with the market along the way.
I think so. Price change is due to news to the community is unclear and not yet professional. As most markets do, advertising and information transfer to the community is very important. However, when joined then of course there must be skills and knowledge. To achieve this goal in the market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Sir Cross on July 21, 2018, 12:57:09 PM
Thank god no one mentioned the manipulation of the whales.

This conspiracy theory is in the forum for quite some time now but no one can provide a single evidence that they are really manipulating the market price.

I also saw one topic about the cartel in futures which seems they just want to spread FUD.

The list you provided is actually great, yes Government decision should also be included because as we saw recently, their decisions really affect the price of the Crypto market.

Actually the whales were mentioned by someone above :) , but I agree with you that those conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality. It surprises me how people can believe in such things. Can't they estimate what would it take to perform such manipulations, taking into account that today's trading volume for BTC is $8.5 billion? While trying to manipulate the price with such a big daily trading volume it is possible to lose $100-$200 million in one day if something goes not as planned. No one would risk such an amount, nor Bitcoin whales, nor fiat billionaires, no one.
Maybe you are right, and it's impossible to influence the price of bitcoin even to a group of people with huge capital, but how to understand the situation that was in December when the cost of bitcoin reached 20,000 dollars in such a short time, and that after a new year such a long decrease, or is it all an Asian new year?))

This is all about the game of whales. These are group of persons with heavy investment in the market. They can be grouped together and have such big potential to up and down the market. These whales have been deciding since the December of last year not to increase the price and hence see the market that is just revolving around a specific amount. They can use their power to do anything.

I agree that whales have great power and influence over the market and prices, but these whales don't have unlimited power. It's even possible where a dump won't have any effect to the market. It's not every time when whales make a dump that the market follows. The market is sometimes stubborn and hard to influence even if whales do have huge amounts of coin within their disposal.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: SearchingforS on July 21, 2018, 01:53:58 PM
I feel like I can't agree more. Those factors are pretty simple, but they contain other ones, like the influence of whales etc. I think that the main factor is the community and its influence on crypto because it's very powerful.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: jeronimosuykens on July 27, 2018, 09:17:34 AM
I think the main reason why the price changes are the news that we are seeing about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because this type of market are more vulnerable to the fundamental rather than technical so we should focus on the news more often compared to technical because with the fundamental then we can easily play with the market along the way.
I think these conspiracy theories have nothing to do with reality.
It amazes me how people can believe in such things.
People are always frightened when news comes in that will affect the value of some projects,
Better to deal with this and always ready and wise to reach even in the red days inside the exchange.
Only then can we achieve our goal and gain market share.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Koenraad Lange on October 06, 2018, 12:56:52 PM
Long term price change is based more on level of adoption, inflation of fiat currency, and the cyclic nature of bitcoin's bull and bear markets. Adoption means more demand, and supply is almost at a constant.
Bitcoin prices are easy to change due to several factors, including:
1. Volume is still small    2. Supply and demand     3. Good and Bad News   4. Fraud and crime

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: binhvo1505 on October 06, 2018, 01:02:44 PM
We dont need to learn too much about bitcoin technology. We just need to understand the psychology of the market. Bitcoin prices seem to be regulated by whales and that is happening every day. If we have a good hunch, we will easily make money in this market. No need to have too much knowledge, just understanding. ;D

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: joebrook on October 06, 2018, 01:42:00 PM
I feel like I can't agree more. Those factors are pretty simple, but they contain other ones, like the influence of whales etc. I think that the main factor is the community and its influence on crypto because it's very powerful.
The big whales have a huge influence on what happens to the price of Bitcoins as well, they can dump their coins which leads to value going way too down.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: South Park on October 06, 2018, 06:57:21 PM
The price of Bitcoin depends on many factors. But the core is still in the supply and demand of the market. All the rest are aimed at changing the supply and demand rules in order to change the value of bitcoin and altcoin. So when investing in btc or any other coin consider the real need and value that it can bring. For example, apart from investment, which entity would like to accept it?
I agree with this, it took a lot of time for people to understand the mechanics of the supply and demand but we have finally understood it, and all the factors that affect the price fall in one or in both of those categories, right now the price of bitcoin is down because the demand is nowhere close as it was at the end of December 2017 and until the demand grows to that level again bitcoin is going to remain at the current price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: sunsilk on October 06, 2018, 07:12:08 PM
We dont need to learn too much about bitcoin technology. We just need to understand the psychology of the market. Bitcoin prices seem to be regulated by whales and that is happening every day. If we have a good hunch, we will easily make money in this market. No need to have too much knowledge, just understanding. ;D
Having understanding is perfect on what the market goes through but learning about blockchain technology is also helpful for individuals to understand on what technology bitcoin is working one.

Most of the recent investors have this mindset and I'm not against with it but its a plus if you have the basics of the tech itself. This is why bitcoin would remain the strongest and this caught the attention of many corporations. There's no bitcoin if there's no blockchain and adoption of the tech is also a factor that can be considered which is increasing.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mostkey on October 06, 2018, 07:20:10 PM
responding to factor number 4. I think this is the most influencing price of bitcoin, because with the increasing number of technologies being adopted in the bitcoin payment or calling system, this will definitely increase the number of interested bitcoin, which will be followed by the number of requests and it is confirmed will have a huge influence on the market

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: realcrypto on October 06, 2018, 07:35:17 PM
Another thing that can be added to your list of factors that can influence growth of bitcoin price is good, innovative blockchain connected project that will use bitcoin as the cryptocurrency for purchasing the token that will use in the platform. When there is good project it will attract investors to buy bitcoin in order to use it and participate in the ICO and it will directly take the price of bitcoin higher.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: feehannah on October 06, 2018, 08:45:33 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

You are right ,a lot of factors to consider that can affect the value of bitcoin but in all of that factors it always ends on demand and supply in the market. Always the flow of demand and supply affect the changes of value not only in bitcoin but also to all that has a value in the market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: boled on October 06, 2018, 09:01:27 PM
I think that's enough. but to be honest I often feel played by the market. More precisely by users who have a lot of capital. News doesn't always go hand in hand with prices.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: spongegar on October 09, 2018, 05:15:14 AM
Actually it is heavily on supply and demand of bitcoin or any crypto currency when it comes to the question of price and volatility. But there are alot of factors that could affect supply and demand. Advertising, disasters and wars are some of the few but the fact still remains, there is only one reason for the price and that's supply and demand.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: LieTOme on October 09, 2018, 06:08:20 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: nur rochid on October 09, 2018, 07:49:31 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
of course trust in the most important personal analysis. with us being self-disciplined, it will make us a better person in the future. and by learning mistakes, it will lead us to perfection in trading

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: South Park on October 10, 2018, 09:48:56 PM
I think that's enough. but to be honest I often feel played by the market. More precisely by users who have a lot of capital. News doesn't always go hand in hand with prices.
If the price is not moving after a news related to cryptocurrencies then that is not the fault of the whales, it is the fault of the media to make it seem as if a particular news is very important when it's not and it's also your fault for believing that every single news is going to have a considerable effect on the price, which is the main reason why when I trade I only look at the price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: sana54210 on October 11, 2018, 11:43:15 AM
Actually it is heavily on supply and demand of bitcoin or any crypto currency when it comes to the question of price and volatility. But there are alot of factors that could affect supply and demand. Advertising, disasters and wars are some of the few but the fact still remains, there is only one reason for the price and that's supply and demand.
Well, in every economical or financial asset, the supply and demand will always have a huge effect to play and that even becomes a whole lot easier for a market that is a lot speculative and nothing drives it more than greed.

In that case, supply and demand can easily be manipulated so that you as a person will always want to participate whichever way either you are selling at loss, or you are jumping in front of a moving train or whichever way. Whales are a very big factor to consider, as well as real life usage. Real life usage and adoption is the only thing that can easily curb any form of manipulation in a market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: perfect999 on October 13, 2018, 10:55:57 AM
I think that's enough. but to be honest I often feel played by the market. More precisely by users who have a lot of capital. News doesn't always go hand in hand with prices.
You do not have to feel played, unless you want to actually make yourself played anyway. Everyone is entitled to how they want to feel in a market and there is nothing you can do about it because the bigger players will always be there, but as the market keeps entering the mainstream level, the more matured it gets and the less we are going to be seeing manipulations easily.

This is still a very young market and it is always very easy for those who are into the idea of making the market move in their favor to always do their thing. So, in that case, it is either you know how to monitor and play a smart one, or you simply know how to hold irrespective.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Osarman on October 15, 2018, 09:43:10 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Demand and supply is what causes the price to either rise or fall. Other things you have mentioned on your list are the factors that can either trigger a decrease or increase in the rate of demand and supply. Take for example – bad news. When people hear or read bad news they are forced to withdraw and that leads to a decrease in the rate of demand while supply increases, when it’s a good news, then imagine it the other way round.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: coinfinger on October 19, 2018, 11:12:35 AM
Actually it is heavily on supply and demand of bitcoin or any crypto currency when it comes to the question of price and volatility. But there are alot of factors that could affect supply and demand. Advertising, disasters and wars are some of the few but the fact still remains, there is only one reason for the price and that's supply and demand.
Well, in every economical or financial asset, the supply and demand will always have a huge effect to play and that even becomes a whole lot easier for a market that is a lot speculative and nothing drives it more than greed.

In that case, supply and demand can easily be manipulated so that you as a person will always want to participate whichever way either you are selling at loss, or you are jumping in front of a moving train or whichever way. Whales are a very big factor to consider, as well as real life usage. Real life usage and adoption is the only thing that can easily curb any form of manipulation in a market.
In order to decide you are investing in Bitcoin you will have to make sure you gain the knowledge of overall procedure and the sources that will help you out in it. Low market when appears you should make your mind for investment because here you will find Bitcoins on low price so this low price availability will not charge you more and this results in saving as well which is a benefit in low market but people with little knowledge think that low market is death which is irrelevant to say like this.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: tailwate07 on October 26, 2018, 05:26:44 AM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.
Demand and supply is what causes the price to either rise or fall. Other things you have mentioned on your list are the factors that can either trigger a decrease or increase in the rate of demand and supply. Take for example – bad news. When people hear or read bad news they are forced to withdraw and that leads to a decrease in the rate of demand while supply increases, when it’s a good news, then imagine it the other way round.
Factors control the value of Bitcoin directly but here the major impact on value is the demand rate that is the number of investors who invest in Bitcoin. Increase in value indicates increase in demand rate and vice versa. However, if you are looking to invest in Bitcoin and have difficulties in investing here then you have to take a little more time in order to understand the rules and the difficulties you feel somewhere should bring in light after that investment is safe here.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: kingboo on October 29, 2018, 06:52:52 PM
Increasing in the adoption of Bitcoin, the demand for bitcoins is always increasing. With a limited supply and increasing demand, the only factor in the equation that can judge the price of bitcoin  by going up. Hence, assuming increased demand, the Bitcoin price gradually increases over the long-term.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Dwey on October 29, 2018, 06:55:00 PM
It is mostly affected by demand. There are lot of ways demand is created…like asking someone who has good position in banking industry or holding some powerful position.

So if they say in favour of that it jumps as people will buy it more. Other is creating demand, everyone knows now a days it is favorite of hacker and terrorist activities. You can send money without identity.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: jonaire99 on October 31, 2018, 09:23:34 AM
The adoption of bitcoin by many businesses are also one of the factors to consider because it will push up the demand of bitcoin in the market. Another factors is the forking and halving of bitcoin because it can also make the price surges to another level. Any good news that are related to bitcoin can help boost its price.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Valer4ik on October 31, 2018, 09:57:01 AM
My opinion is that all these "institutional investors" are not needed. Who is it at all? Vaughn, futures have already entered, now any idiot with a hundred pieces of bucks can short the cue ball. The cue-ball is not needed for this.

What is really needed is the possibility of direct exchange of BTS for goods (material values), bypassing Fiat. Now, if a large retailer, ideally of the Amazon type, began to take the cue ball - this would be a breakthrough.

In the meantime, everything looks like an attempt to make the next financial derivative of fat sums out of the cue ball.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: charlotte04 on November 03, 2018, 01:53:59 PM
What are the factor to consider that would affect the price changes or price elasticity of the Bitcoin? This is what I have read:

1. Bitcoin supply and increasing/decreasing demand
2. Bitcoin in news: Influence of media on garnering negative and positive publicity
3.Bitcoin users and developers influence the rise and fall of price.
4.New technological changes to Bitcoin

For discussion for the above mentioned. You can check this link:

How about you? can you add more factor that can affect the price of the bitcoin? Comment below.

As long as Bitcoin will be heading back up again I don't have any problems of waiting for a bear market. I know that I will go up again and everybody can still be FOMO back to the market.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: mariah.sadio on November 03, 2018, 02:30:23 PM
I agree with the factors you provided below. It really change the value of bitcoin and many ethereum based tokens now released and listed to diffrrent exchanges that is why bitcoin gains low number of users.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Marcsymon on November 08, 2018, 03:05:36 AM
I believed that there are many factors affecting bitcoin value everyday that might contributed with the long moment of market bearish trend. Like fake news scattered in other countries that some of it banned bitcoin or put in in illegal situation. But besides of this negative situation there are still believer's of bitcoin that hope for the good market recovery.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Pattart on November 08, 2018, 05:49:17 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
Thats right, there are many factors and many aspects that affect bitcoin and crypto markets, so the analysis sometimes does not fit your expectations because you only do research just on a few of aspects, while there are many things that you must analyze in the bitcoin market..

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on November 08, 2018, 06:00:15 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
Thats right, there are many factors and many aspects that affect bitcoin and crypto markets, so the analysis sometimes does not fit your expectations because you only do research just on a few of aspects, while there are many things that you must analyze in the bitcoin market..
of course to take steps, we must have several strategies, if the analysis we have made is not in accordance with reality. so that preventive measures have been prepared before entering the market

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: Eggzootechkoyn on November 16, 2018, 11:59:24 PM
Both factors listed is true and i know right about all of these before i invest in crypto. Knowing about these factors before investing will make your investment worthwhile because those who doesn't know about these factors will always keep on whining.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: BennyK on November 17, 2018, 12:18:07 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
Thats right, there are many factors and many aspects that affect bitcoin and crypto markets, so the analysis sometimes does not fit your expectations because you only do research just on a few of aspects, while there are many things that you must analyze in the bitcoin market..
Of course, we can only analyze a percentage of the crypto market and its trend while the other part of the percentage goes unaware because the market is unpredictable irrespective of the knowledge about the factors that can trigger a bear or bull market. However, one accurate prediction about the market is that Bitcoin always recover.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: zhelis74 on November 17, 2018, 02:53:21 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
Thats right, there are many factors and many aspects that affect bitcoin and crypto markets, so the analysis sometimes does not fit your expectations because you only do research just on a few of aspects, while there are many things that you must analyze in the bitcoin market..
Of course, we can only analyze a percentage of the crypto market and its trend while the other part of the percentage goes unaware because the market is unpredictable irrespective of the knowledge about the factors that can trigger a bear or bull market. However, one accurate prediction about the market is that Bitcoin always recover.
Yes, its true that there are many factors to consider in order to gain good profit in crypto market amd I believe that strategy and technique alone is not enough because as the matter of fact that it is decentralized and even the most prediction cannot guarantee for decentralized system is dependent for the movement of market affected by all people in crypto world.

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: andriarto on November 17, 2018, 03:10:25 AM
The general situation in the world economy. Falling stock indices on the largest exchanges leads to a decrease in the price of bitcoin.
The aggravation of international politics also negatively affects the price of bitcoin.
The sale and withdrawal of a significant number of bitcoins in fiat leads to a decrease in its rate.
what you are saying is very true that many factors can change anything therefore until now no one can predict with certainty the price and development of cryptocurrencies may be factors and risks can be related to investment in cryptocurrencies
Thats right, there are many factors and many aspects that affect bitcoin and crypto markets, so the analysis sometimes does not fit your expectations because you only do research just on a few of aspects, while there are many things that you must analyze in the bitcoin market..
Of course, we can only analyze a percentage of the crypto market and its trend while the other part of the percentage goes unaware because the market is unpredictable irrespective of the knowledge about the factors that can trigger a bear or bull market. However, one accurate prediction about the market is that Bitcoin always recover.
Yes, its true that there are many factors to consider in order to gain good profit in crypto market amd I believe that strategy and technique alone is not enough because as the matter of fact that it is decentralized and even the most prediction cannot guarantee for decentralized system is dependent for the movement of market affected by all people in crypto world.
in addition to techniques and analysis, we must consider the news that occurs or will occur, so that it can support the technical analysis that has been made. news often influences one's thinking to take massive action

Title: Re: Factor to Consider
Post by: patarfweefwee on December 03, 2018, 11:29:57 AM
Actually you hit it right in the head. But the first factor is the main factor for the movement of bitcoin price in general and that is supply and demand. Everything else would just affect the supply and demand and essentially the price of Bitcoin itself. Media plays another role and the rest is human nature.