Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Mariela on August 31, 2018, 12:11:41 PM

Title: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Mariela on August 31, 2018, 12:11:41 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Jingjess on August 31, 2018, 12:22:53 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I always tell bitcoin to my relatives and friends but the problem is they don't know anything about crypto currency,so i usually spend some time in explaining how bitcoin works and how to get benefits from bitcoin because I also want them to improve their living.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: adzino on August 31, 2018, 12:28:43 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Lol. What is there to hide about?  :D :D. I don't see how they will gain something by not letting people know about blockchain. Isn't it actually the opposite? They should be teaching and enlightening people about blockchain so that they can gain something. The more the people know about this technology, the more they will be interested and start investing on it. More people adopting means higher value of the coins and better chance of the government accepting it as a legal tender.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lucius on August 31, 2018, 01:09:19 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

It is not just only about selfishness as you say, it is not easy to explain someone what is BTC or blockchain and why they should invest money in something like that. There are also certain risks which may be included in trying to inform someone about cryptocurrency, for example :

- It is security risk for person who talks about crypto - which probably implies that the person possesses it.
- It is risk for people you advice to invest in BTC, financial and security.
- In some countries you can get marked as criminal if you talk about it publicly.

So it's not so easy to spread knowledge without thinking about the consequences, they may be very good - but also very negative. BTC and blockchain are very popular in media, people have the opportunity to be informed every day.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: BitBustah on August 31, 2018, 01:12:01 PM
I've been trying to get all of my friends and relatives involved in cryptocurrency.  Most of them are receptive of the technology but the older ones are hesitant to use it.  I think crypto is a generational thing.  Adoption rates will rise with the younger crowd and it will eventually become the dominant currency in the world.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: adpinbr on August 31, 2018, 01:32:49 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
It will be hard to teach crypto especially to people who have no proper knowledge of technology. but if you are determimed to help other people then go and teach them everything. It is not about being selfish but you should rather think that people have different perspective.They might have their own reasons but I do agree to your point that increasing the users might help in increasing the value of crypto but if you look at the present situation of bitcoin merits are added to rank up. it would be hard for them to start. especially if users are not that known to giving out merits.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Xenophoto on August 31, 2018, 01:37:57 PM
The question here is "Why?"

Why do you have to 'recruit' other person to join? Why would you waste your time on educating your neighbors who may not even be interested in blockchain at all? And even if they are, then they can do their own research. The information is out there. There's nothing to hide. I know that you think that making people know about blockchain technology will be beneficial to the community. On the other hand, doing so will just make people think that you're trying to recruit them into investing in a pyramiding scam.

I consider people 'ready' to understand blockchain technology when they do their own research. There's really no point of pushing the information into them when they aren't ready.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: chris200x9 on August 31, 2018, 01:38:10 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.

Why do you think people are selfish? Is it your personal experience?

You can't expect someone to spoon feed you all the details but you should show some interest to find information and if your not clear something then you can ask people over here for help.

We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.

You can just tell people about cryptos but can't force them to use it. Last year there was a lot of news about bitcoins in most of the news channels so if one is interested they would surely try to find out more about crypto.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: aliraza6663 on August 31, 2018, 01:46:17 PM
to spread this platform , we can educate ppl about basics of crypto but can't force to use it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: NavI_027 on August 31, 2018, 02:08:51 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not.
If that's what you believed in then I'm proud to say to you that I belong on the minority :).
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
If the only reason why they refuse to promote blockchain techmology was only because of selfishness then that's very wrong. No doubt about it. But keep in mind that is not the single reason existing, you should also consider other possible reasons. Like in my case, I once become active in educating and encouraging my classmates about cryptocurrency (btc to be specific) but since they do not show any interest at all (they only want a not risky and fast money) and I got rejected always, I stopped. Well, you can't blame me because it's like that I only wasted my time foe nothing.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bitmover on August 31, 2018, 02:10:48 PM
The question here is "Why?"

Why do you have to 'recruit' other person to join? Why would you waste your time on educating your neighbors who may not even be interested in blockchain at all? And even if they are, then they can do their own research. The information is out there. There's nothing to hide. I know that you think that making people know about blockchain technology will be beneficial to the community. On the other hand, doing so will just make people think that you're trying to recruit them into investing in a pyramiding scam.

I consider people 'ready' to understand blockchain technology when they do their own research. There's really no point of pushing the information into them when they aren't ready.

I agree, let people alone.

We are not like vegans/vegetarians evangelists
I hate this kind of people

If they don't want to use bitcoin, and they want to use visa, that's their decision.
Also, if you start saying that they will make money, they will blame you if you lose.

I don't tell my friends about cryptocurrencies, only if they ask me.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: the13thsymphony on August 31, 2018, 09:14:20 PM
I am advocating cryptocurrency to my friends and encouraging then to invest into the market but first they would need to learn how the market works and how volatile it is so that I would not be blamed if they have occurred any  loses in their investment. Also I do believe that  not telling certain information's is beneficial for as as it will not be used against you.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: harizen on August 31, 2018, 10:16:33 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Even how well you spread the idea of using cryptos, if your listeners is not interested they will not welcomed it.

Lots of people who knows me in person knows that Im involved in crypto. They saw how I take advantage of it. They saw how I earned decently on it for years. They saw how much I enjoyed cryptos. They saw everything positive about cryptos. But only few of them even asked for the basics. And only few continue in cryptos after asking the basics.

We don't need to push people to be involved in cryptos. Giving them basic idea is enough. If they are really interested they will be eager seek information for themselves. It's hard to explain all aspects about crypto if they are not interested.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: arrmia11 on August 31, 2018, 10:41:59 PM
There is nothing bad on encouraging other person to join blockchain technology because it will somehow help them to grow in terms of financial and other things. For as long as you didn't force them to join or make money out of them, then I see nothing bad on it. Just help them understand what knowledge and benefits we have got out of it

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: stellaekun on August 31, 2018, 10:45:15 PM
There are no guarantees that anyone who invests in cryptocurrencies is going to make profits, you can actually come here to lose money, so individual interests, risk tolerance and habits vary widely.It is not really a 'duty' to introduce anyone to it or you are selfish if you do not

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Ailmand on August 31, 2018, 10:58:00 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Recruiting, or say, convincing someone to try their luck in the cryptocurrency market is one thing; however, making them stay in the long run is a different animal on its own. I say that because there are so many things to consider before one can keep his faith and hope up, especially when talking about the cryptocurrency market. As you know, the market is not doing good, many coins are already dying out, and sometimes, it's just very hard to find the reason to stay. Therefore, if you would just superficially convince someone to be in it without actually having a real purpose or goal, then that would be very difficult, if you ask me.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: lephuqui on August 31, 2018, 11:18:48 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Not everyone is as good at cryptocurrency as you are. They only think of cryptocurrency as a bubble. And look it is not sympathetic. I think it takes time for them to think about it. The world is changing most in terms of money.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Vaculin on August 31, 2018, 11:32:11 PM
There are no guarantees that anyone who invests in cryptocurrencies is going to make profits, you can actually come here to lose money, so individual interests, risk tolerance and habits vary widely.It is not really a 'duty' to introduce anyone to it or you are selfish if you do not
I believe cryptocurrency is not for everyone especially for those who are afraid to lose their money and are afraid of taking risks.But i still want to share this to other people particularly to the millenials because i know they have high potentials that can easily get along with cryptocurrencies do's and dont's.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Gabali126 on August 31, 2018, 11:57:35 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
This is a very honest advice from you. The more we get more people to join cryptocurrency, the better it will be for its acceptability and stability. Let's not be selfish about this. Tell others.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Zooplus on September 01, 2018, 01:19:50 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
This is a very honest advice from you. The more we get more people to join cryptocurrency, the better it will be for its acceptability and stability. Let's not be selfish about this. Tell others.
I myself is already telling to all my close friends about my personal experience on cryptocurrency.Some have ignored it,while others seem to be interested.Since i strongly believe about the blockchain potentials knowing i have enjoyed it already,i also want others to experience what i have right now.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: maculeth on September 01, 2018, 02:12:32 AM
that's how it is, I too am silent. but lately I started telling people closest to me. who believe in me, then I will teach you to be able to and know about this crypto world. who don't believe, just go ahead. I do not force.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: hachiman13 on September 01, 2018, 03:31:45 AM
I don't think that 'recruit' might be the word you are looking for. Better yet, just educate your friends about how good of a technology bitcoin is and then what benefits it may bring as a currency. Lack of strong fundamental knowledge will affect adoption in the long run because this will be the people that will sell at a FUD.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on September 01, 2018, 04:21:41 AM
People don't talk about cryptocurrency because they are afraid to get robbed and rightfully so. Crypto is a hard money, which makes it a very good target for criminals, just like cash or gold, and with increased media attention during the bull runs, people often view crypto users as rich. So, even if you trust your friends, you can't trust their friends, or friends of their friends, and that's how criminals get information about potential targets.

The other problem is that someone might listen to your stories, jump into crypto and lose their money due to hacks, scams or bad timing, and then they will blame you.

And lastly, blockchain technology is extremely experimental, it's unwise to recommend it to anyone without making this clear first.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Naughty Princess on September 01, 2018, 04:50:08 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I always tell bitcoin to my relatives and friends but the problem is they don't know anything about crypto currency,so i usually spend some time in explaining how bitcoin works and how to get benefits from bitcoin because I also want them to improve their living.

It is good to let them know about crypto and have knowledge about it. Not believing to about it is changing life is there choice. There is no person who wants to put knowledge on the grave with them, we all want yo share it and help everybody. It is not for our own good but also for good progress of the currency to be acceptable everywhere.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: glowing10 on September 01, 2018, 05:34:46 AM
There are no guarantees that anyone who invests in cryptocurrencies is going to make profits, you can actually come here to lose money, so individual interests, risk tolerance and habits vary widely.It is not really a 'duty' to introduce anyone to it or you are selfish if you do not
I believe cryptocurrency is not for everyone especially for those who are afraid to lose their money and are afraid of taking risks.But i still want to share this to other people particularly to the millenials because i know they have high potentials that can easily get along with cryptocurrencies do's and dont's.

Those who are afraid should stay away as this can cause lot of problem in the market because when market slightly falls they get panic easily and as a result start doing panic selling and thus market falls more badly creating a havoc in the market.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Kusnechik on September 01, 2018, 05:38:43 AM
We, as part of the advanced community, should inform the surrounding community about the value of Blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: kokobaba880 on September 01, 2018, 06:04:24 AM
It is good to keep a person to work in block chain technology as we know that for aged people and for old businessman  people they don't know how to get maximum benefit from crypto and it is required that hire a person for doing work in crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: tintinbongs on September 01, 2018, 06:12:41 AM
Yes it is because you are also helping them in one way or another because we will be lookng forward for cashless society, they will thank you when that time comes.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: BTC_BTC on September 01, 2018, 06:24:03 AM
people are too stingy to share, that is human nature.
yes I agree with you, teaching friends, relatives or neighbors, who have financial financial problems to join the cryptocurrency, but before doing that we have to further introduce what is cryptocurrency, how it works and what benefits will be faced later.
the wise say: give that person fish then you will feed him for one day, but teach the person to fish then you will feed him forever.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: kaya11 on September 01, 2018, 08:28:49 AM
What you want to say must be sharing the idea and knowledge about Blockchain, we are not at war to be recruiting somebody. Well in my idea ,most old folks are scared to new techs and choose to remain traditional at all. It will benefit the society I guess if the population of crypto-community grows. Awareness will trigger another hype, its like a virus spreading and in no time another bull run might be going.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Janation on September 01, 2018, 08:35:02 AM
Those who are afraid should stay away as this can cause lot of problem in the market because when market slightly falls they get panic easily and as a result start doing panic selling and thus market falls more badly creating a havoc in the market.

I think this is also an advantage to investors especially to the investors that are really investing on Bitcoin, also it is the same to other crypto currencies since they will be able to invest again since the price fell making another movement to the price of Bitcoin or other crypto currency.

Selling their crypto currency is always bad, there are still a lot of it's sides that is good especially for it's users. As an investor, we should take advantage of this movements since the price of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are so volatile.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: lendahawkins on September 01, 2018, 08:49:52 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I do trying to tell every one that i know about cryptocurrency and what technology behind it but they just laughing at me and say its impossible and silly. So i think i do grow tired to convince them about this, even my family think its silly to invest in cryptocurrency. So i guess i got a reasons to remain silent.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: meritbygrace on September 01, 2018, 09:03:19 AM
As to me..I can't for now..They may come in and get discouraged. My cousin I thought blockchain keep asking when it would hit exchange and all that...I told her the mind she came in is not so at all..just work hard and get ready for your money.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: sempak bulong on September 01, 2018, 09:23:33 AM
Yes, at first I was silent, but now I am open and tell my friends. They respond well and they are interested. I hope this technology can spread.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: rosemary4u on December 13, 2018, 12:11:48 PM
It is human nature, most people are just selfish and don't want to see people prospering ahead of them. Life should be about love and helping each other to succeed in the best possible way that we can so we can succeed. We should try as much as possible to spread the good news of blockchain technology to people in our daily conversation with them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: SvonioneFromMangoCoinz on December 13, 2018, 12:14:53 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Then you need to come up with the first ideas to fix our market. Our market is having a big flaw that is the amount that the whale pours in a lot. So it can control the market and we are not. If you can solve that problem, you will change the market.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ATMD on December 13, 2018, 12:25:29 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I agree, education is needed to spread the economics of bitcoin and cryptocurrency to other people. Many people are fairly educated about bitcoin, but they don't believe in the value of bitcoin, the situation is even worse for non-familiar/non-Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Education is required in schools and colleges to get young people aware of the vast potential and strengths of decentralized currency. Mass adoption is needed to stabilize crypto prices and bring faith in the system

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ophyrim on December 13, 2018, 12:45:22 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

This is not about selfishness. You are going to see that after a while you are going to be tired talk about cryptocurrencies and blockchain because of people's reaction against them. It is not so easy to convince people to the new technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: CoinEraser on December 13, 2018, 01:23:07 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Since I have been working with crypto currencys, I tried to win new people for it. I didn't make a secret of it and tell anyone who wanted to know about it. In recent years i have brought many people into the crypto world and so far everyone has been grateful for it. I think only so crypto can become mainstream when many people join in. So the best thing is to tell many people about it and show them how crypto works.  ;)

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ice18 on December 13, 2018, 01:34:41 PM
This technology is totally new to most people whos working in an environment which is not much related into digital devices like on fields like construction jobs etc and must be educate them how to use it, and what we need is the future generation to educate them about the blockhain thats why it must be better that blockchain will be listed into curriculum in every school.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: manfredmann on December 13, 2018, 03:03:38 PM
Why would one recruit any guys to join block chain technology? Maybe you are referring to an ICO project recruiting more members to join. In every ico project team always recruit more investors to.join in their project. So if you wish to recruit then join a project and help the team to gather more members in their social media, Bct posts and etc.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Helpme_please on December 14, 2018, 06:09:00 AM
Why would one recruit any guys to join block chain technology? Maybe you are referring to an ICO project recruiting more members to join. In every ico project team always recruit more investors to.join in their project. So if you wish to recruit then join a project and help the team to gather more members in their social media, Bct posts and etc.
recruit people and make recomendation about ico projects very disturb our reputation if someday that ico failed and could not give us profit.our relation with that people could be broken.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Baby Dragon on December 14, 2018, 07:09:26 AM
I've been trying to get all of my friends and relatives involved in cryptocurrency.  Most of them are receptive of the technology but the older ones are hesitant to use it.  I think crypto is a generational thing.  Adoption rates will rise with the younger crowd and it will eventually become the dominant currency in the world.
All of my friend and even my families already involve in cryptocurrencies and because of me. I started to use bitcoin way back 2016 which my friend introduced it to me and afterwards I introduce it into my relative so that they can do their own investment. Aside from adoption rates will increase the demand may increase too.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: rosepetals on December 14, 2018, 07:24:53 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Some people doesn't bother to tell their colleagues,friends or neighbors or even relatives because it really wasn't that easy to guide them all the way.Blockchain technology was certainly hard to understand and pretty sure it really takes time to deal with it most especially to those older ones.Bitcoin needs adoption,though this needs to be promoted,this just truly depends on the person who is willing to do research to earn more knowledge from it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: pedangrusak on December 14, 2018, 07:32:35 AM
I often do crypto learning and blockchain for many people because I think more and more new users are joining crypto with a good level of understanding they will try to improve crypto in the future and certainly will increase crypto value in the future.
hiding crypto for ourselves is detrimental because the fewer you know about crypto, the trade will be smaller because the sales volume is also small which is because crypto users are still limited

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on December 14, 2018, 07:51:59 AM
I've already introduced bitcoin or blockchain several times to people who are close to me, including friends. However, the answer they gave was not to invest or anything else in question, they did not believe in the least about bitcoin, altcoin and blockchain.

The problem is, the method of delivery that I say is not as detailed as they expect, on average every person who suggests investing in other people then they only explain investment or payment instruments, they do not explain more about the broad blockchain function not only functions as a ledger or more than that the blockchain can be used as a secure data storage.

Likewise cryptocurrency does not only have a function as a place of investment or a payment system more than that one can use cryptocurrency as a tool for gambling, sending money and others. I'm sure, if they offer and provide education about blockchain and cryptocurrency, they will be interested sooner or later.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Greed Dev on December 14, 2018, 08:50:36 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I think not because they are selfish. They recognize the risk of the crypto market is very high and if they introduce to their neighbors, they know that they will encounter a big trouble. Investing in the crypto market is not easy, a bit of misleading can make us lose everything.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Indrawan77 on December 14, 2018, 10:18:46 AM
There are differences between blockchain technology and crypto currencies, the crypto currencies depend on the people's support so it need a huge support and introduction from a lot of people, so its encourage to spread information and news about bitcoin, but blockchain technology doesn't really need people's support and it is already being adopted by several institutions, but if any of those things got more adoption then they will makes our lives better

And I always introduce bitcoin to all of my friends but the reputation of the bitcoin is a bit tainted by the media, and because its a risky investment, I always explain the risk before they join, its certainly not easy to introduce bitcoin because most of them already got a negative thought about bitcoin

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ShadowBits on December 14, 2018, 11:16:14 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I think that is not necessary. They would know Blockchain technology in time and many people will likely to adapt and use it once everything is smooth to use.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: rickadone on December 15, 2018, 11:45:42 AM
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I still think blockchain has a lot of road to cover, I mean it is a great technology and definitely worths the attention it is getting but think about it even in 2018 we have seen so many improvements on blockchain technology which means there are still a lot of things blockchain could be improved upon and the world is not even remotely catching up with it. There are some places that started to use blockchain technology but they are not really a lot in number so the world need to start using blockchain technology while it is still improving as well which means it will be a painful process for many places that uses the current technology and may end up wanting the improved version later on as well. It is marvelous that we are living in a world where it is harder to catch up with the technology that is improving all the time around us.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: creeps on December 15, 2018, 12:47:31 PM
Why would one recruit any guys to join block chain technology? Maybe you are referring to an ICO project recruiting more members to join. In every ico project team always recruit more investors to.join in their project. So if you wish to recruit then join a project and help the team to gather more members in their social media, Bct posts and etc.
recruit people and make recomendation about ico projects very disturb our reputation if someday that ico failed and could not give us profit.our relation with that people could be broken.
Its too risky to encourage people to invest on any ICO because we cannot be sure if they will earn profit or not. Its better to educate them about cryptocurrency, and not just about making money. Let people understand first before they invest in cryptomarket. Its good if we continue to market cryptocurrency around the world and that moves can help this market to recover and enter in a bull run again.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Yusuf77 on December 15, 2018, 06:19:27 PM
Why would one recruit any guys to join block chain technology? Maybe you are referring to an ICO project recruiting more members to join. In every ico project team always recruit more investors to.join in their project. So if you wish to recruit then join a project and help the team to gather more members in their social media, Bct posts and etc.
recruit people and make recomendation about ico projects very disturb our reputation if someday that ico failed and could not give us profit.our relation with that people could be broken.
Its too risky to encourage people to invest on any ICO because we cannot be sure if they will earn profit or not. Its better to educate them about cryptocurrency, and not just about making money. Let people understand first before they invest in cryptomarket. Its good if we continue to market cryptocurrency around the world and that moves can help this market to recover and enter in a bull run again.
of course everything we will do will certainly have risks and there is no such thing as a risk. if we recruit or invite someone to join ico I think it will be profitable and not depends on their luck. surely we who recruit already know that what we recruit is someone who can and is knowledgeable about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: hicaribou on December 16, 2018, 12:48:08 PM
of course everything we will do will certainly have risks and there is no such thing as a risk. if we recruit or invite someone to join ico I think it will be profitable and not depends on their luck. surely we who recruit already know that what we recruit is someone who can and is knowledgeable about cryptocurrency.
This is more about inviting people to know about blockchain technology and maybe on the adoption side, not on the investment side. Investment isnt suitable for everyone but if its about the adoption then it will be suitable for everyone.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: avarnet on December 16, 2018, 12:58:17 PM
oh of course that is because the more we recruit new members, the more people will become familiar with the blockchain system, so now it's a way to get blockchain and crypto known to everyone in the world by recruiting new members

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: MULTIK888 on December 16, 2018, 05:30:07 PM
I will not tell my friends and neighbors about cryptocurrency just because its rate has been declining for almost a year. How do you think what an idiot I will look in their eyes saying that now is the time to buy cryptocurrency on such a falling chart...
I imagine the situation that my neighbor will buy bitcoin at the price of $ 3000, see the graph of the last 12 months and curse me for life, and even worse if he then loses everything..
No thanks, but everyone is free to decide whether to study blockchain technology or not.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Pab on December 16, 2018, 05:45:17 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

You are real newbie
What is that join blockchain technology
Do you know what is blockchain
Same you can say people join internet technology
People are using internet they even don't know what internet is
Same will be with blockchain people will use blockchain without knowing what blockchain is
But if you want to convince people to invest in crypto than you can have a lot of problems

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Commitments on December 16, 2018, 06:11:39 PM
Based on how people faced when bitcoin at lower and bad moment, not all people is ready when bitcoin at lower price.  Many people will fault you because ask him for investing their money at bitcoin with higher price, but when bitcoin they will be disappointed.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lorin on December 16, 2018, 06:19:23 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Joining on blockchain technology needs a lot of learning , it not just that you want it. That was about you understand it.
Joining crypto is a big opportunity but some cannot understand it easily while others talk about it was a scam. You dont need to convince them just prove to them how crypto can help them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Xising on December 16, 2018, 07:45:03 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

When I was starting in the market, say when I was about two or three months in, I have thought of doing that since I want to share the things that I am getting from this market. However, I have come to realize how it is not a good thing to do since it's so hard to convince someone to actually be in something that is, in reality, so unreliable and can really endanger one's funds and investments. I mean, as much as I would want them to earn, I don't want to put them in such a position where they would blame no one but me for their losses, and also, I don't want them to think that I invited them to try the market only to lose.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Osayo on December 16, 2018, 11:35:57 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.

I think you are just speaking according to your own thoughts. Nobody is actually selfish when it comes to cryptocurrency. Almost everyone already doing cryptocurrency will always want to see more people join it. The more people, of course the more the demand, and profit.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Naughty Princess on December 16, 2018, 11:48:39 PM
Why would one recruit any guys to join block chain technology? Maybe you are referring to an ICO project recruiting more members to join. In every ico project team always recruit more investors to.join in their project. So if you wish to recruit then join a project and help the team to gather more members in their social media, Bct posts and etc.
recruit people and make recomendation about ico projects very disturb our reputation if someday that ico failed and could not give us profit.our relation with that people could be broken.
Do not push them but share them your knowledge and make them decide for themselves to get involve on crypto. Make them understand that it is not always profitable because there is down on crypto. You can recommend them to join which crypto but still they have to take the risks on everything for you not to blame later that they dont get success.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bayu7adi on December 17, 2018, 01:49:11 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

You don't need to do a promotion on blockchain, you don't get paid for the things you do, kid, after all no one told you to do that, all you have to do is, experiment with the existence of this blockchain,
if your product is good, then many people will consider the existence of the blockchain and also cryptocurrency

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: BEXAM_Romit on December 17, 2018, 02:35:54 AM
I believe that there is too much hype and speculation in crypto currently. On top of this, the market is too young to make any sort of good speculation as it is so volatile which is not a good environment for someone who is new to crypto to invest. However, I wholeheartedly agree that the mechanism behind crypto, in other words blockchain technology, should be told to everyone as it has the power to change the way we trade altogether. This technology brings a fresh new perspective on trade as it fundamentally changes the authority source that currently overseas trade. And this in my opinion, is very refreshing.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: wongdeso on December 17, 2018, 07:57:49 AM
We don't need to recruit our people or relatives, but we prove our results first, then explain about crypto so that they believe. If they explain and have no evidence they will not believe. With strong evidence, there is no need to recruit them and they will come alone.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: nur rochid on December 17, 2018, 12:22:21 PM
We don't need to recruit our people or relatives, but we prove our results first, then explain about crypto so that they believe. If they explain and have no evidence they will not believe. With strong evidence, there is no need to recruit them and they will come alone.
right, someone will be interested if there is real evidence. but unfortunately sometimes someone just pursues what we have received, without maintaining the process to achieve results

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jjjfff on December 17, 2018, 12:32:05 PM
I got a friend to invest during december of 2017.

We're still friends. But I apologize every time we meet.

This friend always says "it'll bounce back, don't worry, I wanted to get in already".

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: cc80aa on December 17, 2018, 03:29:48 PM
  I think we can share it about but not all people are fit this business this is very high risk business.Some people easily reacted if even one failure is present, if you really commit in bitcoin added more patient and every failure you have, take as challeges to accomplish your success.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: yrrehc16 on December 17, 2018, 03:44:29 PM
2018 in the U.S.A records 33X more hired and job created on blockchain related.
December a new appoint secretary by President Trump is a BITCOIN advocacy.
Will this be a good thing to have from USA? a great adoption from the country?

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jpoker272727 on December 17, 2018, 05:05:20 PM
Never recruit anyone in this community.
All you need is to teach them and let them understand what is blockchain and cryptocurrency! and once they understand and can stand alone to know more.
They are the one to enter the community and invest on anything they want, we dont need to let them join at our will, all we need is to spread the knowledge.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: gabmen on December 17, 2018, 06:31:05 PM
We don't need to recruit our people or relatives, but we prove our results first, then explain about crypto so that they believe. If they explain and have no evidence they will not believe. With strong evidence, there is no need to recruit them and they will come alone.
right, someone will be interested if there is real evidence. but unfortunately sometimes someone just pursues what we have received, without maintaining the process to achieve results

You'll be putting a lot on the line if you try to recruit others to board ship. People are aware of crypto though understanding may be a little off because of all the negative news we're getting. Mass adotion will eventually come in time.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: pharaon on December 17, 2018, 08:19:20 PM
Personally, I do not think that crypto-currencies are under any threat, even despite an unfavorable market situation. The blockchain technology is also gaining more and more popularity and recognition, so everything goes on as usual, and when the market fully recovers, there will again be demand for crypto-currencies.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: alex_gr_cc on December 17, 2018, 08:45:23 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrencies are a very risky investment tool. Therefore, many people do not want to involve in this their friends and acquaintances. In addition, now the market is not in the best condition. A lot of negative news.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Kimi80 on December 17, 2018, 09:50:11 PM
Based on my experience, people that are open-minded for new stuff will gain knowledge, get familiar with new technology. Also based on my experience from my environment, there are no great number of people that are interested for such a knowledge so my conclusion is that selfishness has almost nothing to do with it. Off course I don't know if and how selfish people can be about spreading knowledge about blockchain technology, I just assume that there is no good reason for that, but okay, who knows. Maybe there are that kind of persons.
Personally, I am always informing people that I am in contact with about bitcoin and blockchain technology. I don't care to much if it is for the better good of community. As a potential revolutionary thing, sooner or later everybody are going to be part of crypto community and blockchain technology and if that's so it's better to be there sooner than later.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Botnake on December 17, 2018, 11:33:00 PM
Personally, I do not think that crypto-currencies are under any threat, even despite an unfavorable market situation. The blockchain technology is also gaining more and more popularity and recognition, so everything goes on as usual, and when the market fully recovers, there will again be demand for crypto-currencies.
I agree.What happens today is just a normal condition for such a volatile market.Of course we cannot expect for the market to be always at its highs,lows are also part of it.I think inviting others to join in blockchain technology is a good one but it should be their own decision,not mine.I just want to spread awareness about blockchain technology and if people will be really interested,then they can join blockchain technology as much as they want.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Finestream on December 17, 2018, 11:55:13 PM
Never recruit anyone in this community.
All you need is to teach them and let them understand what is blockchain and cryptocurrency! and once they understand and can stand alone to know more.
They are the one to enter the community and invest on anything they want, we dont need to let them join at our will, all we need is to spread the knowledge.
Exactly.It's their own decision that will still prevail in the end.All we need to do is just guide them and make them understand more the blockchain technology.But recruiting them to invest is a big no.Once money is already involved,i think we should set our limits too.But if they really want to join blockchain technology without any hesistations,then it would be much better.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: resty on December 18, 2018, 03:43:27 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

That's a good Idea mam, sharing to others about blockchain technology is a good way to become still remain  popular specially to bitcoin. Supporters is important to generate a higher value of price. we are not being selfish at this time because the condition of bitcoin almost is clampsy and we will be the one who help it to remain being popular.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: timotron on December 18, 2018, 03:49:41 AM
I don't think SELFISH is an attribute many cryptonomians have.

I think most of them want to share, I would rather ask the question:

How is the best way to recruit new people into blockchain technology?

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: btcmegastar on December 18, 2018, 07:34:27 AM
It is very good to introduce them to the technology but doesn't rush them for investment because after they lose money means definitely they will start blaming you. Share your knowledge with them until they understand the technology behind the Bitcoin and once they are comfortable they will start investing in the cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ausbit on December 18, 2018, 10:58:11 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
We are not being selfish, but sometimes when you talk about Bitcoin or anything cryptocurrency to people they will start thinking that you’re some kind of stupid dude. They will claim they are wiser than you and start calling you a fool for investing in what they believe is a ‘ponzi’ that will soon end.

I no longer stress myself in telling people about Cryptocurrency, it’s already there on the web and is everywhere and I discovered Bitcoin by myself, no one introduced it to me, they should also do the same.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: shield132 on December 18, 2018, 11:59:08 AM
Blockchain technologies isn't something where you have to recruit someone because it's very complex, this technology offers some pros and maybe cons which I can't find much. If they can't decide what's good and what's better, then it's not your problem. Also blockchain technologies are integrated in some services where every user simple have to accept this fact, e.g. land title registry and etc.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jbarcenas18 on December 18, 2018, 02:19:21 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

It is not easy when you talk about blockchain technology if a person does not listen because they are not interested. People wants an evidence or proof that you are earning because the scammers are spreading anywhere.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: realcrypto on December 18, 2018, 07:03:05 PM
I personally tell my Neighbours and my family members about blockchain technology, since blockchain technology is a new concept it is not easy to convince people around us. The best thing is for all of us to get ourselves acquainted with details on how blockchain works so that we can give concrete explanation about blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Roukawa on December 18, 2018, 10:59:46 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Being a selfish does not mean a bad personality. Sometimes, we need to be selfish for the sake of relationship and self. It destroy the relationship of both parties once there is a negligence to each other. We need to spread out the blockchain and cryptocurrency but not at all times. We need also to select people whom will give our news importance.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Pumapipa on December 19, 2018, 09:00:00 AM
It will be good to recruit people into using blockchain because this really is the future of finances. But the thing is, there are still more people who are not that open into receiving and being taught about cryptocurrency because they are more comfortable with using fiat being one that is can be manipulated physically. Little did they know that blockchain is a good help for the ease of transactions in their everyday life.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: GunsLair on December 19, 2018, 09:37:30 AM
I don't consider myself an egoist, although some time ago, I didn't tell anyone that I was engaged in cryptocurrency. Just my friends were far from this and considered that crypto is a bubble. But when they found out what I do and that it brings me money, they came to me to learn more about crypto. I, of course, tell but I don't force to invest.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: cizatext on December 19, 2018, 11:53:43 AM
Those that are close to me such as my family and friends are all aware and use cryptocurrency for they personal financial transactions and are already benefiting from the advantages that comes with this great technology, but since cryptocurrency is highly volatile many people may misinterprete is workings and at the end tend to blame you for letting them buy and own cryptocurrency most especially when the price crash.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: acheampong64 on December 19, 2018, 01:30:54 PM
Well, i think it's not that people are selfish but it's because humans are sometimes stubborn to listen (which is sometimes very good and sometimes very bad). I have tried explaining to many people but only a few listened. Anyways some of them I introduced have lost money and are also angry at me. :)

Also many people don't want to join something their friends have already benefited from and hence no matter how hard you try convincing them it doesn't work.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: East2011 on December 19, 2018, 02:59:51 PM
Yes its good to recruit other person to join blockchain technology. But the problem is, its hard to convince other people to join. Because of those negative news that are coming out against blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Santoshi_my_God_ on December 20, 2018, 09:42:57 AM
I don't consider myself an egoist, although some time ago, I didn't tell anyone that I was engaged in cryptocurrency. Just my friends were far from this and considered that crypto is a bubble. But when they found out what I do and that it brings me money, they came to me to learn more about crypto. I, of course, tell but I don't force to invest.
I know people who entered into crypto due to FOMO and they lost in the start and later on made millions and I am happy for them because they have multiple purposes and do charity works with the money earned as well as diversified now.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: katerinaliisa on December 20, 2018, 10:20:45 AM
You can tell them what you are doing, but you should not persuade anyone. This is a thankless job and nothing good will come of it. you can interest a person by showing him your success and improvement in your life. And if he is really interested, then you can explain to him in all colors how to work with the cryptocurrency market.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Janation on December 20, 2018, 10:30:54 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

It is not easy when you talk about blockchain technology if a person does not listen because they are not interested. People wants an evidence or proof that you are earning because the scammers are spreading anywhere.

Who will be interested in that if no one will care to explain? That is just common sense.

Blockchain technology is the reason why Bitcoin is now circulated in the internet. Without it, there will be no Bitcoin available. There are a lot of people studying and improving this technology and it is not that easy. It is a closed door leading to new things, if a person will be interested in this technology and wants to develop it, they are more welcome to do so.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Shiversnow on December 20, 2018, 11:21:18 AM
I've been trying to get all of my friends and relatives involved in cryptocurrency.  Most of them are receptive of the technology but the older ones are hesitant to use it.  I think crypto is a generational thing.  Adoption rates will rise with the younger crowd and it will eventually become the dominant currency in the world.
All of my friend and even my families already use cryptocurrencies and its because of me. After I discover this thing to my friend I explore until I gain profit from cryptocurrencies. Recruiting new member in this field will really have a positive effect in cryptocurrency and blockchain community

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Escf4 on December 20, 2018, 01:29:27 PM
There is really nothing wrong ro recruit other persons to join the blockchain technology ,it is a very good kind of technology that are already used and soon to be used by other companies and establishments that are to use the blockchain in their system.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: anjho.ace on December 20, 2018, 01:37:30 PM
It is better to explain the blockchain and cryptocurrency to other people and once they know the better of this.
People are the one to get into the community to participate and start earning here.
Knowledge is the best thing we can give to others.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: mariah.sadio on December 20, 2018, 02:05:18 PM
Yes, indeed. It is good to recruit others to join blockchain technology if you have a high assurance that you already know a lot of things involving blockchain technology and different types of digital currencies. I also agree that some are selfish as they do not share their ways of earnings to others and I can also say that some are just afraid to share it to others because they do not want to be blamed if everything happens to the money of the person they recruited.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: pinkpanther03 on December 20, 2018, 02:23:26 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I think you are wrong about thinking the thought of others in terms of being selfish, because they might have a reason why they're not telling it. They might did it before then in the end they've stopped. Just like me, I already did it but not all or majority of them are not totally serious like us to focus in crypto currency. Because it is actually, not easy to understand what it is really all about. In short, many are called but few are chosen.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: conected on December 20, 2018, 02:34:04 PM
Yes, indeed. It is good to recruit others to join blockchain technology if you have a high assurance that you already know a lot of things involving blockchain technology and different types of digital currencies. I also agree that some are selfish as they do not share their ways of earnings to others and I can also say that some are just afraid to share it to others because they do not want to be blamed if everything happens to the money of the person they recruited.
- I can not deny that so many people are selfish when they do not share and explain crypto or blockchain technology to others, this gold mine contains too many people, they do not want more people, that will reduce their profits, I'm also very sympathetic and understanding for them, we can not blame them, this is life and people always want them to be the most beneficial. And I feel this selfishness also has good points because the blockchain technology is still too vague and ambiguous, its applications have not been widely applied in practice, recruiting participants into just makes their future unstable and too dependent on this technology

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: btcjocan on December 20, 2018, 05:18:33 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Spreading awareness of the latest trend which is bitcoin,a product came from the blockchain technology is a must.For me its always been a good idea sharing to other people the existence of bitcoin and explain it to them the usage,advantages and disadvantages of having bitcoin in our life inorder that they will not be left behind because there are lots of people nowadays who doesn't have enough knowledge unto it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lady Coquet on December 20, 2018, 06:14:23 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I think there is nothing wrong in recruiting other person to join blockchain and to invest their money in cryptocryptocurrency if they will benefit from it, as long they are ready to take a lot of risk especially when the price of most of coins today is really low. I had already recruited and convinced a lot of people and there are having fun doing it, they also experienced a lot of bad lucks with crypto but they still enjoying it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Willitivity on December 20, 2018, 09:14:58 PM
Blockchain technology is a very legitimate way of earning or having another means of income so I don't see any reason why I shouldn't introduce other people into it. As a Matter of fact, in one way or the other somebody made uus aware of it. But the most important thing is telling the new people what they are up for, it's not all rosey all the time.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: andika2018 on December 21, 2018, 09:08:30 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I dont think they are selfish. Many people still have negative thinking about blockchain or cryptocurrency. Sometimes when we tell them about opportunity in cryptocurrency market, they always told us its a scam or a buble. I am believe people who already join in market tell about crypto to others but the respond sometimes not good to hear.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: efxtrader on December 21, 2018, 01:07:02 PM
I think in internet era like what happen right now, many people knowing about bitcoin. But many of them having a bad perspective about bitcoin. But its true that we should give them right information about bitcoin or cryptocurrency because if people know about the truth about cryptocurrency, i am believe they will investing their money in cryptomarket

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: rafi035 on December 21, 2018, 02:38:22 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
in my opinion your opinion is a little wrong in my country the crypto currency has not been ratified and legalized as a currency that applies even as a means of direct transactions with crypto currencies that are prohibited

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: axecommunity on December 22, 2018, 07:35:19 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

It is not easy when you talk about blockchain technology if a person does not listen because they are not interested. People wants an evidence or proof that you are earning because the scammers are spreading anywhere.
If we will show them the proof and will tell them that how they have to escape away from the scammers then they may believe. We all have to invite others to this field and have to promote this technology so that the community is increased and Bitcoin becomes the main currency of the world.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: basyang on December 22, 2018, 08:52:03 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Based on my experience, Its good to proved other people that you can really earn in cryptocurrency. Admit it, lots of people has doubting the capabilities of Crypto because of its Negative effect. Its easy to teach someone who has interested already in cryptocurrency rather than recruiting someone who did not know about it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: wahyu wida on December 23, 2018, 05:27:41 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Based on my experience, Its good to proved other people that you can really earn in cryptocurrency. Admit it, lots of people has doubting the capabilities of Crypto because of its Negative effect. Its easy to teach someone who has interested already in cryptocurrency rather than recruiting someone who did not know about it.
those who already know bitcoin, of course, know the risks and their needs, so we are not blamed if the worst event occurs. because not a few who just imagine profit without taking into account the risk

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jeremyscott on December 23, 2018, 05:50:41 AM
personally, you can only share your experiences but never invite.  some lack the maturity to grasp the mechanics of cryptocurrency.. you might end up being blamed for their losses.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: andrerusso on December 23, 2018, 06:55:17 AM
oh no! my cousins almost ended up attacking each because one just jumped it into crypto coz he saw how much my other cousin earned.  too bad, he was not so lucky and poured out his frustration towards him.  :-[ :(

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Douglasyukanov on December 23, 2018, 04:01:18 PM
it takes time to make others believe in crypto,
with the digital era now there is no need to provide crypto knowledge they can read and explore through their smartphones

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: TitanGEL on December 23, 2018, 05:01:14 PM
The reason why it is good because the awareness is continuing to increase because we keep inviting people to enter the cryptocurrency market. The demand is now increasing because of the continuing increase of the popularity of the market.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Kahoy01 on December 23, 2018, 05:18:48 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I keep promoting the blockchain technology to my friends and classmates because for them to earn opportunities and benefits through using it. The blockchain technology is now currently helping our economy to become better.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: umbara ardian on December 23, 2018, 05:38:41 PM
if your company wants to develop its development by utilizing cryptocurrency technology, then maybe you can recruit people with blockchain experts or who have worked on the blockchain to help your company.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: GrayFullbuster on December 23, 2018, 05:56:07 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I keep introducing the blockchain technology to the people surrounds me. They should be aware to what it is for them to adopt it and use it in their daily lives. Actually, most of the people that listen to me are now interested to use blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Siti Nurbaya on December 24, 2018, 06:44:24 AM
Notifying and promoting blockchain technology is good and can help the blockchain grow but cannot guarantee its benefits. In crypto there are many risks and this must be emphasized to be ready to face all risks.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Wong Kalong on December 24, 2018, 08:33:46 AM
Actually not selfish too, because their interests are different. I have tried to give direction but if they are not interested, we cannot sue it. Everyone has opinions that they want to listen to, so if you are recruiting people on the blockchain you can't force them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: krishnaverma on December 24, 2018, 01:34:54 PM
I do not agree to this. There is no benefit of being selfish here and hiding the benefits of crypto from friends or family. In fact, if more people become aware and start investing in crypto, it will boost the growth of crypto and result in increase in prices.
As an existing investor, you can make good profits in such a scenario.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jcpone on December 24, 2018, 11:43:58 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

How could you recruit people to be involve in any way in blockchain technology if I myself haven't been so successful in this field. I'll might bring him to bankruptcy. We all know a lot of new investors have loss a lot this 2018. Considering this, not advisable to encourage them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: iMark on December 25, 2018, 01:30:39 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I dont think they are selfish. Many people still have negative thinking about blockchain or cryptocurrency. Sometimes when we tell them about opportunity in cryptocurrency market, they always told us its a scam or a buble. I am believe people who already join in market tell about crypto to others but the respond sometimes not good to hear.
because it's foreign to them, it's natural that they protect themselves from something foreign, but if you explain in detail to them,
of course accompanied by some evidence, they might be interested in this innovation

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: carodupuis on December 25, 2018, 07:17:21 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
If you’re going to introduce anyone to cryptocurrency, please you better let them know that it is not a place where you get free or quick money. Nothing is free here and nothing is quick, it takes time and you will need to have patience. That’s why you see a lot of newbies here talking about bull run when they haven’t stayed up to a year. Just make them understand that it takes patience, and it’s also risk, you can lose or win.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: el kaka22 on December 25, 2018, 08:03:17 AM
If you’re going to introduce anyone to cryptocurrency, please you better let them know that it is not a place where you get free or quick money. Nothing is free here and nothing is quick, it takes time and you will need to have patience. That’s why you see a lot of newbies here talking about bull run when they haven’t stayed up to a year. Just make them understand that it takes patience, and it’s also risk, you can lose or win.
But the cryptocurrencies are known for heaven-like for making easy money. This is the core reason why many people has started adopting cryptos. I agree there will not be any possibility of making quick money like anywhere else but we can make easy money if we are able to hold cryptos. It has proven many times in the past. People are getting attracted when they are seeing ATH of of a coin, and usually all the coins are giving them an opportunity to enter to that coin for lesser than ATH. It may happen even after they will be adopting it, but most people are not ready to accept this bitter fact.

I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
I am well aware of this. I have spend lots of hours with my friends on convincing them to adopt cryptos by explaining them the benefits of having blockchain technology and a decentralized financial system. I believe I have made more than 10 people to adopt cryptos especially bitcoins but not sure they all keep investing with it like I have emphasized them to do so to ensure a big wealth for their future.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lumi3004 on December 25, 2018, 08:54:20 AM
To give a positive idea to Blockchain, cryptocurrency, I think it's hard and boring, not everyone accepts happily, what we do must be proof in this case so that people are more easily accepting this Blockchain which is a heavy welcomefor those who developed this technology, but I'm sure by itself the blockchain can be accepted by ordinary people.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: BITDV on December 26, 2018, 03:05:54 PM
Depending on how they react and how you present about bitcoin. This applies also to everyone except to people who think that bitcoin is an investment for future and interested in it but don't know where to start. This is a good step. The more people know bitcoin, the higher the price. If many countries use cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, this will make us ea ( as bitcoin users.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bintangkejoraku on December 26, 2018, 04:05:08 PM
it depends on the personality of each person, from my own experience there are people who like to invite other people to join. those who don't want others to join because they are arrogant and afraid to be rivaled.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: KnightElite on December 26, 2018, 05:16:30 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
It is good to invite people to enter the cryptocurrency market because we the users who will be benefited. The cryptocurrency market will become more powerful if many people will enter to it, so we need to promote it for the market to become more popular and also for its capitalization to increase more. 

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: cahbagus555 on December 27, 2018, 12:28:49 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I dont think we are selfish. Many people think cryptocurrency is a buble and when we introduce them about cryptocurrency, they dont believe us and think we going to scam them. Some people have a knowledge about crypto and some dont.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: gudfavourBTC on December 27, 2018, 05:57:17 AM
Yes its good to recruit other person to join blockchain technology. But the problem is, its hard to convince other people to join. Because of those negative news that are coming out against blockchain technology.
Yes it is not easy to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because it looks risky business and I think that risk is something that creates ambiguity in the output of the investment and this is the reason why it is not easy to convince.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Barbut on December 27, 2018, 06:39:29 AM
Yes its good to recruit other person to join blockchain technology. But the problem is, its hard to convince other people to join. Because of those negative news that are coming out against blockchain technology.
Yes it is not easy to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because it looks risky business and I think that risk is something that creates ambiguity in the output of the investment and this is the reason why it is not easy to convince.
I`m against convincing others to join blockchain, nobody had to convince me into that, I found out what it is by myself and I stayed. When you convincing other into something, when they lose money they blame you for that, when they make money they will forget that you push them to join, they will say how they knew that. Either way you are losing time and energy but big question is what you get.
People needs to figure it out alone, to know what is economy in the first place and how our lives depends from economy. When they figure that out, they will get why and how blockchain can help people on this world. Speak to them what you are doing here, your experience, but dont force anyone, let them to make the decision about joining alone.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: ufaiz50 on December 27, 2018, 07:37:30 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Actually to spread cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is good, but I'm sure there are some things that might have a bad impact on us, for example, some people you recruit suffer losses and blame you or people you recruit make noise by spreading FUD or things that have a bad impact , I myself am better to silence and if there is according to someone who deserves to know cryptocurrency and blockchain then I will recruit, as experts say that "blockchain and bitcoin technology is only for the right/smart person".

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jeremyscott on December 27, 2018, 07:56:47 AM
educate them but not force them to join. let them understand it thoroughly and make them really accept that you don't get rich overnight.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jhongzjhong on December 27, 2018, 07:58:50 AM
I don't recruiting people just to adopt blockchain technology or investing some cryptocurrencies as well. You know why? because if they get failed from their investment just like what happens now in the market, it's too low the price of all crypto's coins. So, the possible happen there is blaming people against you, they don't understand what is blockchain technology and what is the pros and cons that might they encounter in the future. Let them discover themselves and if necessary you are the mirror of them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: carodupuis on December 27, 2018, 12:29:50 PM
educate them but not force them to join. let them understand it thoroughly and make them really accept that you don't get rich overnight.
It doesn’t work for everyone, so you shouldn’t tell everyone you see. My family knows that I’m into cryptocurrency, and a few of my friends, especially those I trust very much knows about it too and some of them are interested. But it never worked for any of them. I did tell them to invest and have patience cause if next year there might be a Bull run, although I’m not even sure of that.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: darewaller on December 27, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Nobody is being selfish here, if they don’t want to tell anybody, then its none of you business. And for your information you shouldn’t go around telling people about your source of income, cause if you do that, one day you might likely get yourself in trouble.

If you find out about something, stay low-key and enjoy it while it works for you. Another thing you got to know is that if cryptocurrency works for you, it might not work for another person. You might have found out about it when things were good and during a Bull run and you invest and make profit. If you decide to introduce to another person, they might invest and lose and then start to blame you for misleading them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: anjho.ace on December 27, 2018, 02:45:25 PM
Yes it is good to recruit more to come in this community of cryptocurrency and blockchain.
The more people we get to be member and use crypto will be good to add for more faster adoption of the world.
Number of users is a big factor in this currency.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: fudster on December 27, 2018, 03:00:56 PM

There are millions of youtube videos already explaining what crypto or bitcoin is. Believe it or not, I have tried explaining to someone how blockchain and bitcoin works and all he just said was that, I'm amazed how you trust such digital currency without central authority lol.  You see centralization is what we eliminate here but its what they want/.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Crafts12 on December 27, 2018, 03:29:27 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

In my opinion, it is good to spread the blockchain technology to others in order for it to grow and encourage the people to try it out and be part of it in that way blockchain technology will develop more and be at its best. There is no need to hide it to others particularly to those who are interested in learning it. Spreading it will gain new prospect in investing and trading.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Finestream on December 27, 2018, 03:54:51 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

In my opinion, it is good to spread the blockchain technology to others in order for it to grow and encourage the people to try it out and be part of it in that way blockchain technology will develop more and be at its best. There is no need to hide it to others particularly to those who are interested in learning it. Spreading it will gain new prospect in investing and trading.
For me,spreading the good news about blockchain technology is really a good idea but having them to recruit to invest in crypto is one thing i never do.I used to tell to others how cryptocurrency changes my life but i also made them aware how risky it is.If they are willing to invest in crypto,it should be from their own decision and not because i am recruiting them.Because honestly i don't want to be blame when crypto suddenly loses its value in times where people don't trust it anymore.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Silberman on December 27, 2018, 09:05:24 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Things are never that simple, I will love to spread the knowledge about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but in my experience people are very irresponsible when it comes to their money if they invest in a coin that turns out to be a scam they are not going to blame themselves for their mistakes, they are going to blame you that convinced them to invest in that market and if there is something that I do not want are problems like that.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Bonsaiav on December 27, 2018, 09:56:17 PM
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I think cryptocurrency will not be extinct anytime soon, maybe 2 3 5 or 10 years.  I don't think we need to spread about blockchain technology operations, but what we have to do's to disseminate how to use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies including its performance and risk so that people's views on cryptocurrency, become more positive.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: kateycoin on December 27, 2018, 10:20:43 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
You have a point but sometimes we need to consider somethings because not all people are have ability to know about the cryptocurrency even we explain it over and over again. Because if the person I willing they will succeed in crypto  even its risky.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Altf4 on December 27, 2018, 10:53:07 PM
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I think cryptocurrency will not be extinct anytime soon, maybe 2 3 5 or 10 years.  I don't think we need to spread about blockchain technology operations, but what we have to do's to disseminate how to use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies including its performance and risk so that people's views on cryptocurrency, become more positive.
Because blockchain is also a good and useful technology , yes its good if you can introduce it to others and recruit to join this technology, together with bitcoin , I think it is more productive if the bitcoin and blockchain will go together and produces positive output in the cryptocurrency world.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: creeps on December 27, 2018, 11:15:51 PM

There are millions of youtube videos already explaining what crypto or bitcoin is. Believe it or not, I have tried explaining to someone how blockchain and bitcoin works and all he just said was that, I'm amazed how you trust such digital currency without central authority lol.  You see centralization is what we eliminate here but its what they want/.
Maybe they just don’t understand the advantage of a decentralized market. Its hard to explain cryptocurrency to someone because they resist to take the risk and they are not interested at all. Spreading the news about cryptocurrency is great, but we must spread only the real one so we can provide the right information to our friends or to anyone.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Incodium Coin on December 28, 2018, 12:50:47 AM
Decentralization as a concept, not only in blockchain and cryptocurrency has so many advantages. Allowing more people/stakeholders to be involved in decision making, allowing people with close knowledge to make decisions affecting them, avoiding top-down or one-size-fits-all decisions that often have catastrophic consequences. Now, don't get me wrong, l am not saying there's nothing wrong with decentralization, but compared to centralization, it carries more advantages and fewer disadvantages.
As for blockchain technology, the applications go far beyond cryptocurrency. So getting someone involved can only be an advantage.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bayu7adi on December 28, 2018, 01:45:04 AM
spreading news about the blockchain, I agree. but I do not agree to spread the knowledge of cryptocurrency
You must understand, why until now the existence of cryptocurrency is still gray in some countries, yes because cryptocurrency must be adopted but cannot be adopted as a means of payment
volatility and unclear ownership status, making cryptocurrency more convincing for all people in the world

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Olalomi on December 28, 2018, 06:22:02 AM
Honestly I had put in more efforts in encouraging more people into blockchain technology although how to use it is somehow cumbersome and not straight forward however this does not deters me from teaching and encouraging them to invest in it while letting them to know the future benefits of this technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: maligu on December 30, 2018, 10:03:29 AM
If someone consults me, I will only recommend it to buy Bitcoin. I won't recommend it because I think the current bitcoin price is suitable for investment. But there are too many altcoins and many will disappear in the future, so I won't recommend them to buy them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bajingluncat on December 30, 2018, 01:33:18 PM
I actually only explained if someone asked, but I no longer want to invite people to join here intentionally, not me being selfish, it's just that there is an experience I made, yes, that was about half a year ago, at that time I still didn't know much about blockchain and bitcoin (even though I still feel stupid in this crypto world), I at that time confidently invited my closest friends to join in crypto, but what annoyed me at the time, I just spoke a few words but I I was questioned with a thousand questions from them, which at the time made me confused because I could not answer most of their questions, it was an experience that made me embarrassed and lost self-confidence, so for now I will keep quiet until I have mastered everything about bitcoin and blockchain

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: yvesp110 on December 30, 2018, 06:54:13 PM
If someone consults me, I will only recommend it to buy Bitcoin. I won't recommend it because I think the current bitcoin price is suitable for investment. But there are too many altcoins and many will disappear in the future, so I won't recommend them to buy them.
This is so nice for you mate I am sure this will help alot of people to take good investments decision. With time people are being so aware of technologies and they knows how it can be profitable. I think you should hold them to use blockchain as wallet too so they will not be worry about loss in case of scamming.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lorin on January 06, 2019, 08:06:11 PM
We dont need to invite them just let them know the  benefits and he opportumity imside crypto. Let them decide if they accept it or not. As a believer of bitcoin if they really understand it they  are willing to take a risk. Dont push them to join instead just give them knowledge that can help them.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Initscri on January 06, 2019, 08:14:41 PM
TBH, I don't agree with recruiting, it adds a "cult" like feeling to blockchain and Bitcoin specifically. I prefer to allow friends/family to gather their own interest in the blockchain/bitcoin, and to ask me knowing that I have interest in it as well. From their, I'll explain it. I don't usually go out of my way to "recruit" per-say.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Finestream on January 06, 2019, 10:50:51 PM
We dont need to invite them just let them know the  benefits and he opportumity imside crypto. Let them decide if they accept it or not. As a believer of bitcoin if they really understand it they  are willing to take a risk. Dont push them to join instead just give them knowledge that can help them.
Right.Convincing them to join blockchain technology is not really a good thing to do.I can share them some of my stocked knowledge in crypto but let them research more if they want to join blockchain technology.Learning will be more profitable if they do it on their own.And i think once it involves capital already,the decision should be from their ownselves already.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Johnyz on January 06, 2019, 11:35:02 PM
Honestly I had put in more efforts in encouraging more people into blockchain technology although how to use it is somehow cumbersome and not straight forward however this does not deters me from teaching and encouraging them to invest in it while letting them to know the future benefits of this technology.
Yes, its not easy to encourage people to invest on cryptocurrency because of their own belief but its good if you do effort to help people know more about cryptocurrency. Because of this simple move we can now have a great future since more investors will come and the price will be high again.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Nnedaddy1 on January 07, 2019, 06:47:13 AM
I believe people are propagating the gospel of Cryptocurrency,the only thing us that not many believe that Cryptocurrency is the future.
Some many feel that it's scam, Ponzi scheme and other things they ascribe Cryptocurrency to .
I heard someone said that Cryptocurrency is an anti-Christ. You can imagine the gullibility.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: nur rochid on January 07, 2019, 02:50:03 PM
Honestly I had put in more efforts in encouraging more people into blockchain technology although how to use it is somehow cumbersome and not straight forward however this does not deters me from teaching and encouraging them to invest in it while letting them to know the future benefits of this technology.
Yes, its not easy to encourage people to invest on cryptocurrency because of their own belief but its good if you do effort to help people know more about cryptocurrency. Because of this simple move we can now have a great future since more investors will come and the price will be high again.
I don't think it can be forced to invest in crypto, because if they lose, it will blame us and call us fraudsters. but I think there must be a small number of our friends who are interested in learning it self-consciously

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: spongegar on January 07, 2019, 04:13:22 PM
I'd always "recruit" people into crypto currency if and only if they ask me about it first and never a hard sell in it. I mean I'd teach the bare minimum of how things works and they'll have to fill up on the rest. Sharing about this experience is always awesome for me.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: playboy654 on January 07, 2019, 06:05:17 PM
I'd always "recruit" people into crypto currency if and only if they ask me about it first and never a hard sell in it. I mean I'd teach the bare minimum of how things works and they'll have to fill up on the rest. Sharing about this experience is always awesome for me.

Teaching and advising some people to make some investment is very good but forcing some people to make investment are not good for him and us so anything will be forcing not happen at any time it will take time to read and understand.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on January 07, 2019, 09:26:45 PM
Yeah? And why is that a good idea to share the word about cryptocurrencies if you don't even know how they work? I've seen so many people encouraging other persons to join blockchain technology and invest in cryptocurrencies because they are going to make a nice profit if they keep those coin until next year. Guess what happened, bitcoin price crashed, people lost their money and hope, they sold their crypto to get back some of those money invested and now they hate cryptocurrencies and don't want to hear about it anymore.

If you want to help blockchain technology you better know what the risks are when you are buying cryptocurrencies and explain that to them. Because right now who do you think cares only about joining blockchain technology to make it better and promote it in order for businesses to start using it? That's right, almost no one, because they are here for profit. Everybody wants more money and easy profit, that's why they come and join the crypto world without knowing what to expect. At the end they found out its not how they originally thought it was and make it even worse than before by selling at a low price and ruining the market even more. So if you don't know what you are getting into better stay away

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: maydna on January 08, 2019, 12:38:25 AM
I don't mind to tells other people about blockchain technology because so far, I still trying to introduce bitcoin to my friends and my family. Some of them still trying to learn about blockchain, how the blockchain or bitcoin can give something benefits to them. I think in the social media, many of us still trying to spread out about blockchain technology especially about bitcoin to other people and they are trying to explain how to use blockchain and bitcoin and make it as the investment. I believe that in out there, many people are curious about blockchain technology and they want to know more by learning, reading, watching the news from many sources.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: sclmte on January 08, 2019, 08:18:52 AM
Of course, most of my relatives and friends, I talked about a bitcoin. sometimes I try to recruit but one does not believe it. I said, believe it or not. everything I say is true i will prove my self. even though they believe in a blockchain will eventually know everything about a blockchain and can also prove to them through my good living.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Gheka on January 08, 2019, 11:18:52 AM
I don't mind to tells other people about blockchain technology because so far, I still trying to introduce bitcoin to my friends and my family. Some of them still trying to learn about blockchain, how the blockchain or bitcoin can give something benefits to them. I think in the social media, many of us still trying to spread out about blockchain technology especially about bitcoin to other people and they are trying to explain how to use blockchain and bitcoin and make it as the investment. I believe that in out there, many people are curious about blockchain technology and they want to know more by learning, reading, watching the news from many sources.
Agree that around us, many people are curious about blockchain and bitcoin, they want to know and understand these technologies but they do not have reliable sources of information, lack of guidance from people who have the knowledge and experience in this field. If we really share and try to help these people, they can contribute a lot to the future of blockchain and bitcoin but I never supported people do it because I can not guarantee for them when they engage in blockchain and Bitcoin, the trouble and problems in this blockchain technology are too many, I don't expect my close people to stick to it

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: mcTether on January 08, 2019, 11:37:58 AM
Every cryptocurrency participants is no doubt making frantic effort to see that the message of cryptocurrency is preached to everyone including their neighbours and close associates. This is a very good thing.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: MidKnight on January 08, 2019, 11:57:14 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

That is a good initiative but I think you don't want them just to be informed and you want them to invest in it also. An individual like us won't convince them on risky investments like this and we need a good branding and marketing because if we have that, people will surely get interested in it without us telling them to do it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: horrifiedx1 on January 08, 2019, 02:54:10 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

That is a good initiative but I think you don't want them just to be informed and you want them to invest in it also. An individual like us won't convince them on risky investments like this and we need a good branding and marketing because if we have that, people will surely get interested in it without us telling them to do it.
bitcoin is not a ponzi system, although we need a lot of investors to increase the price. the effect can not be quickly felt, because it needs to need large funds to move the market. but at least we can participate in crypto development, by marketing and giving knowledge to others, if this is done simultaneously then the results will be real

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: South Park on January 08, 2019, 07:43:42 PM
Every cryptocurrency participants is no doubt making frantic effort to see that the message of cryptocurrency is preached to everyone including their neighbours and close associates. This is a very good thing.
Not everyone is doing that since I am one of those that is no longer preaching the benefits of cryptocurrencies to strangers, at first I did that but they were convinced that I was trying to sell them something or that I will benefit if they invested in cryptocurrencies so as time passed I decided against that because if they lost their money because they took my advice they will blame me for their mistakes and I did not wanted to be the reason why people lost their money.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: bananaunana on January 08, 2019, 10:43:02 PM
It's always good to talk about it and bring people to do some research about Blockchain technology and Bitcoin. If they like cryptocurrency they will maybe buy some when they see a potential in it for the next years as a future payment system and for doing business on Blockchain (like ETH).

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: boyptc on January 08, 2019, 10:49:44 PM
I have done that before and the result didn't go according to what I'm expecting and its a failure. Title is misleading and it should be "crypto's" instead of blockchain technology.

But crypto's aren't like that which we need a network just to refer, let them volunteer to ask if they really are interested with it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Botnake on January 08, 2019, 11:12:52 PM
I have done that before and the result didn't go according to what I'm expecting and its a failure. Title is misleading and it should be "crypto's" instead of blockchain technology.

But crypto's aren't like that which we need a network just to refer, let them volunteer to ask if they really are interested with it.
Yes.For me,it's not advisable to invite people to join blockchain technology since a bigger amount of money is at stake.Let people choose what they want.Because if they are really interested in blockchain,surely they will make find ways to let it happen.I'm just here to guide them and teach them about the basic things to learn in crypto.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: setialovers on January 09, 2019, 07:08:57 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Sometimes the respond we get when we tell them about cryptocurrency is not too good. Many people dont believe about cryptocurrency because many case about hacking on exchanger and mostly they are thinking cryptocurrency is a buble investment

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Sengoko on January 09, 2019, 07:19:57 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
I don’t really tell people about Bitcoin, unless I hear them talk about it, then I might try to explain some things to them to help them understand better how the system works. A lot of them I see believes that Blockchain is a way for them to escape poverty, forgetting that investments just don’t work like that, there are risks too.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lexurdania on January 09, 2019, 07:55:32 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I think its good to recruit or telling our friends about cryptocurrency. If they interesting to invest, i am believe more people knowing about cryptomarket and its good for market. I am believe cryptocurrency and blockchain is the future and its good to invest now

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Google+ on January 09, 2019, 09:51:26 AM
people who have blockchain expertise are likely to have more value for companies that might be used to develop their data and implement blockchain technology in their companies so that it would make the company better than before.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Kakawate on January 09, 2019, 10:04:00 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

In my opinion, there is no reason to hide whatever there is to bitcoin, and I dont see why people are gonna try to hide any information about bitcoin, I think this blockchain technology is already known in most countries. But, I agree in what you are saying that we need to continue spreading the word about this new technology, so that the whole world would know what it is about.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: congresowoman on January 09, 2019, 12:07:25 PM
I wouldn't say recruit but the better term is to educate. Recruitting can be associated with a pyramiding scheme while educating that person can be beneficial to him/her. In my experience, as much as possible, I educate poeple that I know about cryptocurrency, how it works, how it is helpful and how you can earn from it being an investor or being a bounty hunter.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lpim01 on January 09, 2019, 12:22:34 PM
I wouldn't say recruit but the better term is to educate. Recruitting can be associated with a pyramiding scheme while educating that person can be beneficial to him/her. In my experience, as much as possible, I educate poeple that I know about cryptocurrency, how it works, how it is helpful and how you can earn from it being an investor or being a bounty hunter.
It gonna be right that education will be important now since crypto really needs understanding. Many people will just lost their emotions and even moaning for their loss cause they don't have "understanding". For the current situation, we certainly be needing people who give their trust and its personal adoption not just by force to anyone cause.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Rhosadah on January 09, 2019, 01:42:40 PM
some people look very bad about blockchain because a lot of fraud and scam cases involve blockchain !!
even though the blockchain is actually created a centralized digital data revolution and has reliable accuracy in its field but many are misusing the sophistication of blockchain technology, so most active cryptocurrency communities are reluctant to notify and market blockchain or crypto dibecause they will be charged by a new user if something happens that is not desired.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: hulla on January 09, 2019, 07:49:46 PM
Firstly, we all want bitcoin to be mainstream of payment and we can achieve that if we keep all the require information others need to understand how the blockchain network works. Mind you,if Erik Finman (the youngest crypto millionaire) brother dont tell him about crypto and blockchain he wont have be millionaire.
Lets make the world a better place for us all.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: boyptc on January 10, 2019, 03:04:14 AM
I have done that before and the result didn't go according to what I'm expecting and its a failure. Title is misleading and it should be "crypto's" instead of blockchain technology.

But crypto's aren't like that which we need a network just to refer, let them volunteer to ask if they really are interested with it.
Yes.For me,it's not advisable to invite people to join blockchain technology since a bigger amount of money is at stake.Let people choose what they want.Because if they are really interested in blockchain,surely they will make find ways to let it happen.I'm just here to guide them and teach them about the basic things to learn in crypto.
It's not about joining blockchain technology, everyone doesn't have a company to adopt the tech so its not really sound good.

I'm really done if someone tells me to invite people to join crypto (right word). Most investors are into the profit from crypto and not with the tech itself and that's the reason why many became broke because they don't understand the whole thing.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Naida_BR on January 10, 2019, 10:34:17 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I am of the same opinion that we need to get more people involved in the crypto space. I always tell the people around me what this is about and how the can be involved, but listen to what is the best way to make them be part of us.

When I want to buy a gift for someone I buy some crypto and store them in a paper wallet. Then I give it like a gift card into an envelope and it is up to them to "discover" their gift. In the end, it is a value that can be used for some reason and believe me... it has a great success rate!

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Sarastiche on January 10, 2019, 01:10:26 PM
They technology is unstoppable, introducing the blockchaim tech to individual require a lot of work and caution, I introduce ICOs to some of my friend, they invested in 2018 and most of them lost there investment because of the bearish market, thou they are confident as they are well equipped with adequate crypto knowledge.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: vixcious on January 10, 2019, 01:18:26 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
This is a great activity and it really helps the future of many people. Currently work related to blockchain technology programming is very high wages because demand is very high. If we are fluent in this job, we will easily have a great job with a high salary.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Halmater on January 10, 2019, 02:40:23 PM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: South Park on January 10, 2019, 05:25:50 PM
They technology is unstoppable, introducing the blockchaim tech to individual require a lot of work and caution, I introduce ICOs to some of my friend, they invested in 2018 and most of them lost there investment because of the bearish market, thou they are confident as they are well equipped with adequate crypto knowledge.
And that is why it is difficult to keep telling people about the benefits of cryptocurrencies, while I have gotten good benefits out of it I know the majority of the people are not like me, they are going to invest in whatever coin they come across and when they lose money, as most of those which invest in icos do, then they will blame me, in my opinion it is better to let those close to us to discover cryptocurrencies on their own and once they do we can guide them and warn them about the dangers and pitfalls to avoid.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Thanasis on January 10, 2019, 09:12:02 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Bitcoin and Blockchain both were different so make sure what you want to spread about to your neighbors.
As my knowledge you are talking about bitcoin,there is no deep knowledge about Blockchain is needed for people who want to use bitcoin,they just need to know what is decentralization and how the prices works.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Lubang Bawah on January 10, 2019, 11:40:58 PM
Make sure we have a clear goal about the blockchain, as we know that the benefits of blockchain in transactions are very large because it proves to be more effective and inexpensive, if we have a good big project of course recruiting people is very important, because we cannot work alone in blockchain industry.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Savemore on January 11, 2019, 01:49:00 AM
It is really good to teach other people about blockchain technology if they are interested to learn. You will just waste your time if you will teach other people who doesn't interested to learn about blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: andika2018 on January 11, 2019, 06:22:12 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

I dont think they are selfish. Many people still have negative thinking about blockchain or cryptocurrency. Sometimes when we tell them about opportunity in cryptocurrency market, they always told us its a scam or a buble. I am believe people who already join in market tell about crypto to others but the respond sometimes not good to hear.
because it's foreign to them, it's natural that they protect themselves from something foreign, but if you explain in detail to them,
of course accompanied by some evidence, they might be interested in this innovation

I am agree, if we give them a proof about our profits in cryptocurrency market, i think they can be interesting to invest in cryptomarket. But many of them already skeptic when we introduce about cryptocurrency and bitcoin. They are already have negative thinking about crypto and bitcoin because they reading many negative and fake news in online media

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Ezenwanyi1 on January 11, 2019, 09:40:27 AM
I did that last year and I must say that the experience is not a palatable one.
I introduced blockchain to some of my friends and siblings.
They invested heavily based on my call.
But the market condition has made a mess of my good intentions.
They do not even want to speak with me again because of the money they lost.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Naida_BR on January 11, 2019, 09:53:43 AM
I did that last year and I must say that the experience is not a palatable one.
I introduced blockchain to some of my friends and siblings.
They invested heavily based on my call.
But the market condition has made a mess of my good intentions.
They do not even want to speak with me again because of the money they lost.

You were a victim of the hype. Still, you have maybe introduced them blockchain and make them believe that they can make huge profits from it which is partially wrong. Your intention should be to let them know about the innovative technology that blockchain embraces. Given that, they should invest when they truly believe about it and buy a coin that they have read about its features. This would be their call and not yours after all.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: FlightyPouch on January 11, 2019, 10:34:44 AM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.

It is really complicated to them the reason why they should not be wanting this job unless they want to include themselves in the development and the upgrade of Bitcoin and crypto currencies. Instead of recruiting them to join the Blockchain technology, why don't you just ask them about investing and using cryptos? It is much more easier and profitable in time.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: SnapDown22 on January 11, 2019, 06:41:55 PM
the desire to recruit people to find out about blockchain technology is very large but the conditions in my country are very unlikely because the government still bans crypto currency transactions directly

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Burogh on January 12, 2019, 12:53:36 AM
Recruiting a new people to join in cryptocurrency market is good because we give alternative investment. But not many people believe on cryptocurrency because they think its not secure and vulnerable to hack. Beside that, many people think cryptocurrency is a buble. I think thats why the reason people wont tell anyone about cryptocurrency and let others doing their own research

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Phantomberry on January 12, 2019, 04:59:52 AM
I think it is good idea to recruit person who willing to learn the power of blockchain technology especially those people that are positive mindset and hardworking.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jcarlo on January 12, 2019, 08:25:57 AM
I think telling people about cryptocurrency is good and we introducing them about cryptomarket. If more people interesting to join in cryptomarket, i am believe more transaction volume happen. Cryptocurrency is future investment and i think if we right pick a coin or token, we will gain big profits in the future

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: kiwoh123 on January 12, 2019, 02:00:34 PM
I think there is a reason why they don't want to spread cryptocurrency to friends or neighbors, I have invited my friends to learn about blockchain and cryptocurrency, but I was laughed at because they saw that crypto was a tool to scam money, and that made me tired of teaching others.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: rhomzkie26 on January 12, 2019, 02:50:28 PM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.

Sharing blockchain technology to others is depend on your discretion or decision. No one is forcing to do it, just all I know is that this technology is open to anyone who will be open into this form of Blockchain or Bitcoin. Maybe some community here didn't share this because they know this things is not that easy to understand and majority are impatience to spend time to learn about this blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 12, 2019, 04:06:46 PM
Teaching about the blockchain technology is very good for the people and it may help them if they are having some kind of business related to it,but crypto is totally different concept since it is a currency so we need to teach about cryptos and definitely not as a money making platform,it is a currency used by the people wothout any third party just keep it as it is.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: poldanmig on January 12, 2019, 05:39:06 PM
in my opinion, whether it is good or not depends on the intention and purpose of each investor if in my opinion the blockchain is technology in the economic field, maybe in the future it will be very useful and needed to invest in crypto currencies

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Tukang Becak on January 13, 2019, 01:24:16 PM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.

Yeah right, a lot of things are complicated in blockchain and bitcoin technology and this is what makes us unable to work alone on the blockchain industry, recruiting people will certainly make our work better and focus on goals.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: nebiki on January 13, 2019, 01:45:57 PM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.
therefore while they don't know it's our chance to teach them to understand so they want to invest in crypto which can certainly enliven crypto again as it used to. and this is great for recruiting new people to join

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: gabmen on January 13, 2019, 03:05:05 PM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.
therefore while they don't know it's our chance to teach them to understand so they want to invest in crypto which can certainly enliven crypto again as it used to. and this is great for recruiting new people to join

Nah. New investors will join bitcoin not because of the technology, but because of it's profiting potential. And that potential is not very attractive right now because of the 2018 bear market. We can try and get people to hop in but i doubt there'll be much interest for now.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Isiaka208 on January 13, 2019, 03:20:14 PM
For the tech it's a yes, but for the risk,  it's a No for me. Let's say in the wake of 2017 bullrun you recruited your neighbor and he consented in the last lap of the bullrun, invested and things started to go all the way down like we saw in 2018. What impression do you think your neighbor would have LG you?

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Unblock_news on January 14, 2019, 02:51:04 AM
I think majority of people here are very selfish ,. Believe it or not. They are hiding and choose not to tell to the other person especially to their neighbors what is cryptocurrency all about.
They don't want to spread the mechanism of it. And that is very wrong for me.
We must encourage people who have no idea to the cryptos. Teach them how to use and explain what is the benefits of it.
This is also for the good of our industry .
Remember the status of cryptocurrencies as of now is endangered and the value of bitcoins is gradually dropping .
So, the good thing to do is to spread out the operation of Blockchain technology.
Not all people. Me, I always tell to my neighbours and to other people what is cryptocurrency. I tell them the basics of crypto. Also, here in the Philippines. Many people think that crypto is a scam because of the scammer who use the name of bitcoin to get money from people. Whenever they say that crypto is scam, I patiently explain it to them how crypto and blockchain technology works and why people get scammed.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: tuliobrothers on January 14, 2019, 03:21:06 AM
I think it is not a good idea.  For me,  it is much better to introduce them more about the latest technology and let them understand and see the benefits then let them decide.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: efxtrader on January 14, 2019, 10:12:57 AM
The reason why it is good because the awareness is continuing to increase because we keep inviting people to enter the cryptocurrency market. The demand is now increasing because of the continuing increase of the popularity of the market.

Its true that cryptomarket getting more popular. In this bear market, inviting people to join in cryptomarket is hard because they think crypto is a buble and they think crypto start burst. I am prefer choosing sharing my experience and explain them about cryptomarket volatile

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: biskitop on January 14, 2019, 10:49:38 AM
for now, don't do it first because when the market situation is falling, surely they assume that crypto is a scam. because blockchain technology is always related to crypto, so for now delay first to recruit people.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: wahyu wida on January 14, 2019, 02:01:54 PM
for now, don't do it first because when the market situation is falling, surely they assume that crypto is a scam. because blockchain technology is always related to crypto, so for now delay first to recruit people.
but if we provide an explanation, and they understand, to think that now is a good opportunity to invest, I think there is no harm in recruiting people, of course we give an honest and open explanation

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Harley29 on January 14, 2019, 06:38:10 PM
The reason why it is good because the awareness is continuing to increase because we keep inviting people to enter the cryptocurrency market. The demand is now increasing because of the continuing increase of the popularity of the market.

Its true that cryptomarket getting more popular. In this bear market, inviting people to join in cryptomarket is hard because they think crypto is a buble and they think crypto start burst. I am prefer choosing sharing my experience and explain them about cryptomarket volatile
People are not interested into it because it is making our life good. Those who are not investing are going to be sad because it’s good for our life and more opportunities we can enjoy in this market.  People who are lack of knowledge needs our guidance so tell them the benefits  and reliable use of bitcoin and blockchain.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: alrose on January 14, 2019, 07:11:25 PM
By and large, I also did not tell at first about the fact that I know what cryptocurrency is.the whole thing is not that I am greedy but the fact is that at first I didn’t understand anything myself.Now, on the contrary, I'm trying to attract more and more of my friends to acquaintance with cryptocurrency.But honestly, very few people are interested in this topic.I notice that the more iq a person is, the greater the likelihood that he will be interested in the blockchain technology and all that is connected with it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Silberman on January 16, 2019, 05:44:24 PM
Blockchain technology or bitcoin seems so complicated to ordinary people and they don't want to invest something that they don't understand. Also, they only focus on how much cryptocurrencies are volatile and figures make them afraid of investing.
That is not true, when the dot com bubble appeared people did not understood anything about the market, but when they heard huge words and terminology they did not understood they invested blindly thinking they were investing in something so advanced that no one could get, and cryptocurrencies are the same people invested in them even if they did not knew what was a blockchain.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: @prashant on January 16, 2019, 07:31:22 PM
It's not selfish in my scenario ,it's anger towards them,when I tell my friend about it they don't care about technology they only want to own crypto but free of cost.thats what its frustrating they want to know everything how i earn crypto even if I tell them the way they still are not ready to start.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: maxreish on April 06, 2019, 12:56:43 AM
Not all bitcoiners are selfish in sharing blockchain technology. I only opened up cryptocurrency to my immediate relatives whom I knew would understand the flow of this technology. There is nothing wrong if we share what we have and who knows it will benefits the both parties by sharing ideas and strategies in trading or in other fields related to blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: andriarto on April 06, 2019, 02:31:32 AM
It's not selfish in my scenario ,it's anger towards them,when I tell my friend about it they don't care about technology they only want to own crypto but free of cost.thats what its frustrating they want to know everything how i earn crypto even if I tell them the way they still are not ready to start.
it would be better if they didn't care about the total, instead of just following and wanting to get rich quick without enough understanding. it's good to introduce crypto to others, but it must be clear, understand risk and rewards, so as not to regret the end

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: idham29 on April 06, 2019, 03:14:50 AM
It's not selfish in my scenario ,it's anger towards them,when I tell my friend about it they don't care about technology they only want to own crypto but free of cost.thats what its frustrating they want to know everything how i earn crypto even if I tell them the way they still are not ready to start.
Blockchain technology is a very systematic system so that in its application it can increase efficiency, so the final product is very competitive. This system was found in conjunction with bitcoin technology.
Now almost all big companies adopt the blockchain for efficiency, through the recruitment of workers who can run this system because in the future the competition will be even tighter.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: BeGoods on April 06, 2019, 05:07:48 AM
for now, don't do it first because when the market situation is falling, surely they assume that crypto is a scam. because blockchain technology is always related to crypto, so for now delay first to recruit people.
There is no relationship between price falls with a scam, bitcoin still has a high value and price. what do you doubt? in fact they have to set a bad condition about the crypto market, that whenever prices can fall, so they are not easy to panic. and actually blockchain innovation is not only about the price of crypto, but on the technology that they brings..

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: sirminesalot on April 06, 2019, 05:10:49 AM
I've been trying to get all of my friends and relatives involved in cryptocurrency.  Most of them are receptive of the technology but the older ones are hesitant to use it.  I think crypto is a generational thing.  Adoption rates will rise with the younger crowd and it will eventually become the dominant currency in the world.
recruiting people to know and get to know the blockchain technology is very good but the government in my country has not formalized the crypto currency as a valid currency and even crypto currencies are still prohibited by the government from being used for direct transactions

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: conected on April 06, 2019, 10:34:06 AM
I've been trying to get all of my friends and relatives involved in cryptocurrency.  Most of them are receptive of the technology but the older ones are hesitant to use it.  I think crypto is a generational thing.  Adoption rates will rise with the younger crowd and it will eventually become the dominant currency in the world.
recruiting people to know and get to know the blockchain technology is very good but the government in my country has not formalized the crypto currency as a valid currency and even crypto currencies are still prohibited by the government from being used for direct transactions
- I don't think this recruitment is as good as you say because the rate for applying this blockchain technology to real life is not so common, it means that the work of participants may be unstable, although income can be very high but the unemployment rate is not low, therefore encouraging people to participate is not recommended. Many people can say and think that we are selfish, do not want to help them know and earn extra income but it is still better than leading them into a path that the future is uncertain

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: fianaindriati on April 06, 2019, 04:24:00 PM
I think it is good idea to recruit person who willing to learn the power of blockchain technology especially those people that are positive mindset and hardworking.

recruiting people to join Crypto is a good choice. because crypto can grow and many people can get knowledge from other friends. because developments always develop, we don't miss it.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Adriano2010 on April 06, 2019, 04:44:23 PM
I already tell to most of my neighbors about bitcoin and blockchain technology, but not to the old people who not use pc or smartphone and internet, but some people just don't have money to invest and some of them enough time to trade.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: akram143 on April 06, 2019, 06:20:33 PM
Definitely you can do it but it can be like advisable not to be force someone to do some jobs are sum investment right now because each and everyone had different point of view about their future so if it what's not suitable for them they will be struggling again in their life to get their investment back.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: richminded on April 06, 2019, 10:24:40 PM
I think it is good idea to recruit person who willing to learn the power of blockchain technology especially those people that are positive mindset and hardworking.

recruiting people to join Crypto is a good choice. because crypto can grow and many people can get knowledge from other friends. because developments always develop, we don't miss it.
Change that word recruit to encourage because usually people mislead that word and they thought cryprocurrency is just an investment scheme. We need more new investors and if we continue to educate people we have the chance for a huge demand that can help the market price up. Its all about having the right intention to do this so you will have more people behind you that someday you will be proud of.

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: shesheboy on April 06, 2019, 10:37:18 PM
I think it is good idea to recruit person who willing to learn the power of blockchain technology especially those people that are positive mindset and hardworking.

recruiting people to join Crypto is a good choice. because crypto can grow and many people can get knowledge from other friends. because developments always develop, we don't miss it.
Change that word recruit to encourage because usually people mislead that word and they thought cryprocurrency is just an investment scheme.

I agree .  the word recruit seem to be shady and oftently being used on shady activities . while the word encourage is a positive word  . anyway ,  its hard to encourage someone to join blockchain technology because blockchain is a complex process while if its more easier if you encourage someone to join cryptocurrency  because crypto is the finish product of the blokchain  . all they gotta do is to plug and play  , no technical knowledge needed  .

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on April 06, 2019, 10:56:23 PM
I have told everything about bitcoin esspecially my neighbors, I often came to my neighbors house or they came to my house for at least drinked coffe and we talk everything.

But, you have to know I don't have work in my real life and also I'm graduated person so as they will wierd when they see my life. I meant, my diploma status has shown up I have many possibilites to work for instace in a company or being government worker but I can't taken it.

They got wierd about my life so as they always ask about what I do doing in daily life? I only answer I have work and I pay with bitcoin and then I also tell about blockchain to them. But do you know what they think after I try to explains everything about bitcoin or blockchain? They just said I have abnormality and have the expression and exalt something that aren't real.  

Title: Re: Is it good to recruit other person to join Blockchain technology?
Post by: Ucy on April 07, 2019, 02:44:42 PM
It is a great thing to do. It's recommended that you first bring in alot of talented people who will appreciate the technology and find it useful for their talents.
This people could be empowered  as influencers to help further promote the technology  on social media and within their physical communities.