Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: BitcoinEXpress on November 09, 2011, 07:26:58 PM

Title: delete
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on November 09, 2011, 07:26:58 PM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: HolodeckJizzmopper on November 09, 2011, 10:16:09 PM
This post boiled down the problems with Solidcoin so well, it deserved its own post, this is Loup Garoux responding to Viperjbm

Dude, do we REALLY need YET ANOTHER SC thread ?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 03:30:43 AM
All the Litecoin fanboys are furious at the latest pump and dump. I wonder how many of them bought in at 0.01BTC :p.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 05:39:35 AM
It is your imagination ...
We've always been at war with Eastasia

Title: Re: delete
Post by: luffy on November 10, 2011, 05:57:02 AM
as much as you fight SC so popular it will be!
the markets are in control of all currencies, just look what is happenning with Euro :D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ThiagoCMC on November 10, 2011, 07:38:49 AM
This post boiled down the problems with Solidcoin so well, it deserved its own post, this is Loup Garoux responding to Viperjbm

Quote Loup Garoux
original message;attach=5004;type=avatar

"Gravely mistaken" ??? Huh Do you really think that altcoins of any flavor are important enough to label them "grave"? They are an alternate that is in its infancy. Unluckily for this particular baby, it was born into a village that likes to fuck around with it, with each other, with the rules, with the code, and with the ways to twist a profit out of anything we touch. Your guy created an alt that he, or his vainglorious non-profit Rangeroos can control utterly and completely. I will give credit that his marketing stays on topic- his is maniacal in staying on-message. Unfortunately that message is that his sliced bread is somehow magically better in every conceivable way, and in fact represents a complete re-invention of the concept of bread, and anyone who enjoys bread should immediately flock to his, because it will destroy all other slices in the universe by the very fact of its existence.

It is exactly the message and the delivery of that message that turns people off. Some find the misrepresentations about releasing the code to be the issue that drives their criticism, others look to the gross mis-statements about non-centralized control nodes which are in fact exactly the opposite, to be a turn-off. SC has a horrible poster child, and he scares anybody legitimate off. SC will never enjoy any significant market adoption because the self proclaimed messianic goofball who runs it is such a complete and utter failure at interpersonal communication. He is a liar, me is an arrogant braggart, and he is an unrepentant simpleton who thinks that screaming at the world will convince the world that he is right, either in person or through proxies.

You choose to be one such proxy- Yay, you! You are a savvy investor who watches and plays the markets closely. Yay, you! You want to preach the gospel of how wrong the rest of the world is because we don't fall into lockstep with you on following the screaming fuck-wit rowing the wrong way on your slave galley of fools. Yay, you, you have found purpose in the world! Dial back the vitriol, muzzle your mouthy little bitch-in-charge and the world might be able to consider SC on it's own merits without a headache from the incessant noise. Many who have taken a look at it have determined that it doesn't fit their needs, and many of those have decided to share their reasoned criticism with the world. Your shilling and pimping is not going to change facts, regardless of how many times you scream "troll" Chicken Lemon. The only sky that is falling is your own credibility for representing a really crappy batch of snake oil.

I'm tired of SC threads.

Let SC die in peace!  lol

Forger about CH, BCX!!

Use your energy improving Bitcoin!

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on November 10, 2011, 07:52:05 AM
I'm tired of SC threads.

It was very quiet in the alt-chain-board for some days now, until BCX did came back. Now he is pushing again the SC propaganda machine  ;D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 10, 2011, 07:58:23 AM
I'm tired of SC threads.

It was very quiet in the alt-chain-board for some days now, until BCX did came back. No he is pushing again the SC propaganda machine  ;D

Imagine in the end we do find out that BCX = RS ;D

There is no such thing as bad publicity in the cryptocurrency world.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: PatrickHarnett on November 10, 2011, 08:29:03 AM
It is your imagination ...
We've always been at war with Eastasia

I was in the process of replying to Psy, one of RealSolid's prime proxies when I came back and both of his post were gone.

A new name to this entertaining microcosm, although not to the boards.  Welcome.

As an aside, if you look at Psy's posts, they are anti Bitcoinexpress rather than pro-solidcoin.  They (Psy) made that point a week or so ago, thought I would add it back.

Working out the change from Bulanula is harder (there was a shift, but I never worked out quite what happened), but Spacy is a die-hard.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 10, 2011, 05:43:25 PM
It is your imagination ...
We've always been at war with Eastasia

I was in the process of replying to Psy, one of RealSolid's prime proxies when I came back and both of his post were gone.

A new name to this entertaining microcosm, although not to the boards.  Welcome.

As an aside, if you look at Psy's posts, they are anti Bitcoinexpress rather than pro-solidcoin.  They (Psy) made that point a week or so ago, thought I would add it back.

Working out the change from Bulanula is harder (there was a shift, but I never worked out quite what happened), but Spacy is a die-hard.

Simples. I sold all my SC at 0.0126 peak ! No more SC trolling now. I am LTC supporter now ;)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 06:01:11 PM
It is your imagination ...
We've always been at war with Eastasia

I was in the process of replying to Psy, one of RealSolid's prime proxies when I came back and both of his post were gone.

A new name to this entertaining microcosm, although not to the boards.  Welcome.

As an aside, if you look at Psy's posts, they are anti Bitcoinexpress rather than pro-solidcoin.  They (Psy) made that point a week or so ago, thought I would add it back.

Working out the change from Bulanula is harder (there was a shift, but I never worked out quite what happened), but Spacy is a die-hard.

Simples. I sold all my SC at 0.0126 peak ! No more SC trolling now. I am LTC supporter now ;)
Why people support a chain that can be taken down at any second by anyone with minuscule hashing power is beyond me. In your case why not just support BTC 100%?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on November 10, 2011, 06:06:00 PM
Simples. I sold all my SC at 0.0126 peak ! No more SC trolling now. I am LTC supporter now ;)
Why people support a chain that can be taken down at any second by anyone with minuscule hashing power is beyond me. In your case why not just support BTC 100%?

Because he has lot of LTC now, and missed to sell at peak :)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: HolodeckJizzmopper on November 10, 2011, 06:18:01 PM
Because he has lot of LTC now, and missed to sell at peak :)

Spacy, please just kill yourself, or just stop posting here entirely and return to solidcointalk where you belong.

You don't add anything to these forums, and every time you post, you make yourself, and SolidCoin, look worse and worse.

Please just fuck off already. I'm begging you. Just... die... and spare us all your mind-numbing stupidity.

Mods, please, just out-right ban all these SC zealots.

I'll PAY YOU IN BTC to ban these people if that's what it takes to start reducing the shit that's clogging this place.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 06:23:56 PM
Because he has lot of LTC now, and missed to sell at peak :)

Spacy, please just kill yourself, or just stop posting here entirely and return to solidcointalk where you belong.

You don't add anything to these forums, and every time you post, you make yourself, and SolidCoin, look worse and worse.

Please just fuck off already. I'm begging you. Just... die... and spare us all your mind-numbing stupidity.

Mods, please, just out-right ban all these SC zealots.

I'll PAY YOU IN BTC to ban these people if that's what it takes to start reducing the shit that's clogging this place.
You sound angry as hell dude. You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so? "SC Zealots" are part of this community just as much as all the other alternative currency supporters.

P.S. You shouldn't be wishing death upon anyone.. Especially other forum members. Wtf is wrong with you?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 06:27:01 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes. 

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 06:32:28 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes. 

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.
Funny those are all the same exact traits I see in you sir. All you do is spew FUD and lies about SC on a daily basis and never own up to any of them.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on November 10, 2011, 06:33:10 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes.  

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.

What is more damaging to the crypto-currency community? Trying out new chain concepts or just FUDing against it?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 06:35:58 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes. 

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.
Funny those are all the same exact traits I see in you sir. All you do is spew FUD and lies about SC on a daily basis and never own up to any of them.

Name one.

The 12M can be transfered to King RealScam wallet?  Which you said was impossible and code proves is possible.
That the person who has control of 51% of control money controls the network?  Which you said was false and not only does code say otherwise you King has said otherwise.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 10, 2011, 07:03:35 PM
Why people support a chain that can be taken down at any second by anyone with minuscule hashing power is beyond me.

The 12M can be transfered to King RealScam wallet?  Which you said was impossible and code proves is possible.
That the person who has control of 51% of control money controls the network?  Which you said was false and not only does code say otherwise you King has said otherwise.

Well I am not turing back but IMHO this is quite a valid point. I would rather have RS control my CPU coin rather than some random botnet owner :)

Disclaimer : This sudden change may or may not have something to do with the recent price movements of LTC / SLC. It is all business brother.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: PatrickHarnett on November 10, 2011, 07:06:31 PM
lol - without these threads, my morning coffee would require me to read something much more dull, like Italian bond yields or Greek politics (or worse, domestic politics).  Perhaps Sarah Palin could be encouraged to run for pres is she had SC backing (that would provide entertainment for the whole world).

On that basis, banning the knights of SC would be bad.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: HolodeckJizzmopper on November 10, 2011, 07:07:06 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so? "SC Zealots"

 Yes. And the irony of someone with a borderline-obscene forum name of "HolodeckJizzmopper" calling for a cleanup is not lost on me.

P.S. You shouldn't be wishing death upon anyone.. Especially other forum members. Wtf is wrong with you?

 When you're as misanthropic as I am, especially towards trolls, you'll find wishing someone offing themselves to spare us any further stupidity, after all reason and logic has completely failed, as the only recourse left.

 Kinda hard to show much more contempt towards a person than that.
 SolidCoin kool-aid drinkers such as Spacey are undeserving of anything other than outright malice for how they conduct themselves on here.

 We have tried and tried and tried to reason with SC supporters and their mannerisms approach the zeal of the Westboro Baptist Church members.

 Don't have patience for it.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 07:09:30 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes.  

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.
Funny those are all the same exact traits I see in you sir. All you do is spew FUD and lies about SC on a daily basis and never own up to any of them.

Name one.

The 12M can be transfered to King RealScam wallet?  Which you said was impossible and code proves is possible.
That the person who has control of 51% of control money controls the network?  Which you said was false and not only does code say otherwise you King has said otherwise.
From what I hear there was a line in question in the last version which allowed trusted nodes to send sc to the CPF (PUBLIC WALLET FUND FOR SC) ("if( x < y)" where it should have been a "if(x != y)").  This only allowed trusted nodes to send money to the CPF, but the CPF account is public and if any foul play was detected everyone would know instantly. Since then the trusted nodes have been patched with the latest version, and they are preparing it for public release soon. That is one of the advantages of having everything open source (which I always advocated for), problems like this become detected and get solved.

To "take over the network" you need both a trusted node with more money than any of the other trusted nodes on the network and 51% of the network hash power. I don't know where you are getting at with 51% of control money gets you the network? You need money + hashpower to even think of a successful attack on SC. The devs have told me that in the future they are planning to change that so that it would effectively need two trusted nodes, eventually leading to a system where  you need a majority of trusted nodes (voting system). Just so we are clear, in the "Every other" scheme, a trusted node cannot sign two trust blocks in a row. This would require an attacker to have two trusted nodes whose total balance between the two was higher than the good trusted nodes who signed the blocks.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on November 10, 2011, 07:14:21 PM
When you're as misanthropic as I am, especially towards trolls, you'll find wishing someone offing themselves to spare us any further stupidity, after all reason and logic has completely failed, as the only recourse left.

Kinda hard to show much more contempt towards a person than that.
SolidCoin kool-aid drinkers such as Spacey are undeserving of anything other than outright malice for how they conduct themselves on here.

We have tried and tried and tried to reason with SC supporters and their mannerisms approach the zeal of the Westboro Baptist Church members.

Don't have patience for it.

Then maybe a forum is not the right place for you :)

But thx for trying to save the money of the SC supporters, still after all that repetition of the points against SC2 by the haters, they still don't get it   ???

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 07:18:19 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes. 

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.
Funny those are all the same exact traits I see in you sir. All you do is spew FUD and lies about SC on a daily basis and never own up to any of them.

Name one.

The 12M can be transfered to King RealScam wallet?  Which you said was impossible and code proves is possible.
That the person who has control of 51% of control money controls the network?  Which you said was false and not only does code say otherwise you King has said otherwise.
From what I hear there was a line in question in the last version which allowed trusted nodes to send sc to the CPF (PUBLIC WALLET FUND FOR SC) ("if( x < y)" where it should have been a "if(x != y)").  This only allowed trusted nodes to send money to the CPF, but the CPF account is public and if any foul play was detected everyone would know instantly. Since then the trusted nodes have been patched with the latest version, and they are preparing it for public release soon. That is one of the advantages of having everything open source (which I always advocated for), problems like this become detected and get solved.

To "take over the network" you need both a trusted node with more money than any of the other trusted nodes on the network and 51% of the network hash power. I don't know where you are getting at with 51% of control money gets you the network? You need money + hashpower to even think of a successful attack on SC. The devs have told me that in the future they are planning to change that so that so that it would effectively need two trusted nodes, eventually leading to a system where  you need a majority of trusted nodes (voting system). Just so we are clear, in the "Every other" scheme, a trusted node cannot sign two trust blocks in a row. This would require an attacker to have two trusted nodes whose total balance between the two was higher than the good trusted nodes who signed the blocks.

Except in the past you called me a liar, and spreading FUD, and full of shit for stating what you now admit is true.  You have no way to verify what the control nodes are running.   BTW ScamCoin isn't OpenSource.  You might want to read up on the definition of OpenSource.

You don't need 51% hashing power to control the network.  Did King RealScam had 51% hashing power when he "forked" the blockchain and changed rewards from 32 SC to 5 SC? No. The control nodes enforce control of the network.  If someone didn't upgrade then their blocks were rejected by the control nodes.  51% control of control money = 100% control over the network.

Just so we are clear, in the "Every other" scheme, a trusted node cannot sign two trust blocks in a row
Who cares.  If I had 51% of the control node money and single miner.  Eventually that single miner will sign an even block and then my control nodes can sign the odd block.  I can also veto any attempt for the 49% of control nodes (by balance) to sign any other block.  Thus you either  need to upgrade to my changes OR your blocks never become part of the block chain.

Someday that will happen ... ER WAIT ... IT ALREADY HAPPENED.  King RealScam issued a royal edict that block reward was cut to 5 SC and you either were blocked out of the network or you upgraded.  Miner's had no power at all.  No way to block that change, no way to enforce their collective will.  The network wasn't designed to let them.  51% of control money  = 100% control over the network.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 07:45:48 PM
You think they should ban senior members like me, because some stupid clown like you comes along and says so?

In a word ... yes. 

You do nothing but lie, obfuscate, and damage the reputation of crypto-currency community.
Funny those are all the same exact traits I see in you sir. All you do is spew FUD and lies about SC on a daily basis and never own up to any of them.

Name one.

The 12M can be transfered to King RealScam wallet?  Which you said was impossible and code proves is possible.
That the person who has control of 51% of control money controls the network?  Which you said was false and not only does code say otherwise you King has said otherwise.
From what I hear there was a line in question in the last version which allowed trusted nodes to send sc to the CPF (PUBLIC WALLET FUND FOR SC) ("if( x < y)" where it should have been a "if(x != y)").  This only allowed trusted nodes to send money to the CPF, but the CPF account is public and if any foul play was detected everyone would know instantly. Since then the trusted nodes have been patched with the latest version, and they are preparing it for public release soon. That is one of the advantages of having everything open source (which I always advocated for), problems like this become detected and get solved.

To "take over the network" you need both a trusted node with more money than any of the other trusted nodes on the network and 51% of the network hash power. I don't know where you are getting at with 51% of control money gets you the network? You need money + hashpower to even think of a successful attack on SC. The devs have told me that in the future they are planning to change that so that so that it would effectively need two trusted nodes, eventually leading to a system where  you need a majority of trusted nodes (voting system). Just so we are clear, in the "Every other" scheme, a trusted node cannot sign two trust blocks in a row. This would require an attacker to have two trusted nodes whose total balance between the two was higher than the good trusted nodes who signed the blocks.

Except in the past you called me a liar, and spreading FUD, and full of shit for stating what you now admit is true.  You have no way to verify what the control nodes are running.   BTW ScamCoin isn't OpenSource.  You might want to read up on the definition of OpenSource.

You don't need 51% hashing power to control the network.  Did King RealScam had 51% hashing power when he "forked" the blockchain and changed rewards from 32 SC to 5 SC? No. The control nodes enforce control of the network.  If someone didn't upgrade then their blocks were rejected by the control nodes.  51% control of control money = 100% control over the network.

Just so we are clear, in the "Every other" scheme, a trusted node cannot sign two trust blocks in a row
Who cares.  If I had 51% of the control node money and single miner.  Eventually that single miner will sign an even block and then my control nodes can sign the odd block.  I can also veto any attempt for the 49% of control nodes (by balance) to sign any other block.  Thus you either  need to upgrade to my changes OR your blocks never become part of the block chain.

Someday that will happen ... ER WAIT ... IT ALREADY HAPPENED.  King RealScam issued a royal edict that block reward was cut to 5 SC and you either were blocked out of the network or you upgraded.  Miner's had no power at all.  No way to block that change, no way to enforce their collective will.  The network wasn't designed to let them.  51% of control money  = 100% control over the network.
SC is pretty centralized right now, and I don't think anyone is denying that. What we are arguing is that this centralization of the trust wallets will disappear later on and be replaced by real trusted nodes (SC millionaires). You are inaccurate when you say that there was a 12 Million coin pre-mine and that these coins are spendable throughout the network. These wallets are temporary/unspendable, and most importantly PUBLIC, so if there ever is foul play everyone will know.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 07:54:42 PM
SC is pretty centralized right now, and I don't think anyone is denying that. What we are arguing is that this centralization of the trust wallets will disappear later on and be replaced by real trusted nodes (SC millionaires).

You haven't been arguing that in the past.  I guess you just got tired of trying to lie when source code is available.  I am glad you admit that ScamCoin is centralized however even here you aren't being honest (you know the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth).

1)  It isn't "pretty centralized".  It is absolutely centralized.  It is a crypto-currency monarchy.  Now you may argue the "King is good" but that doesn't change the fact that ScamCoin exist under complete and absolute control.

2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.

3) Since 51% control of the control money = 100% ability to enforce changes on the network the first millionaire is meaningless as they still won't have any real control. 

With 51%+ of control money King RealScam could:
a) prevent any other node from EVER becoming a control node
b) end block rewards (hell he already cut them 87%)
c) increase Kings tax from 10% to 30% or more.
d) block transactions & blocks he deems unfit.
e) halt block block chain, fork it, and reboot it

You are inaccurate when you say that there was a 12 Million coin pre-mine and that these coins are spendable throughout the network. These wallets are temporary/unspendable, and most importantly PUBLIC, so if there ever is foul play everyone will know.
No it is accurate.  While the control wallets are unspendable they can be transfered to very spendable wallet owned by King RealScam.  All block chains are public.  Knowledge is somewhat useless in a pseudo-anonymous irrevocable environment.  You have no proof that the 12M coins can't be spent right now.  Just more fallible trust in a King with complete control of the network.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 08:11:17 PM
SC is pretty centralized right now, and I don't think anyone is denying that. What we are arguing is that this centralization of the trust wallets will disappear later on and be replaced by real trusted nodes (SC millionaires).

You haven't been arguing that in the past.  I guess you just got tired of trying to lie when source code is available.  I am glad you admit that ScamCoin is centralized however even here you aren't being honest (you know the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth).

1)  It isn't "pretty centralized".  It is absolutely centralized.  It is a crypto-currency monarchy.  Now you may argue the "King is good" but that doesn't change the fact that ScamCoin exist under complete and absolute control.

2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.

3) Since 51% control of the control money = 100% ability to enforce changes on the network the first millionaire is meaningless as they still won't have any real control.  

With 51%+ of control money King RealScam could:
a) prevent any other node from EVER becoming a control node
b) end block rewards (hell he already cut them 87%)
c) increase Kings tax from 10% to 30% or more.
d) block transactions & blocks he deems unfit.
e) halt block block chain, fork it, and reboot it

You are inaccurate when you say that there was a 12 Million coin pre-mine and that these coins are spendable throughout the network. These wallets are temporary/unspendable, and most importantly PUBLIC, so if there ever is foul play everyone will know.
No it is accurate.  While the control wallets are unspendable they can be transfered to very spendable wallet owned by King RealScam.  All block chains are public.  Knowledge is somewhat useless in a pseudo-anonymous irrevocable environment.  You have no proof that the 12M coins can't be spent right now.  Just more fallible trust in a King with complete control of the network.
"You haven't been arguing that in the past"

You obviously don't follow me then. I have said in the past that right now the control nodes are centralized to the solidcoin developers. I have repeatedly said thats a problem, and that they need to figure out more ways to decentralize the network as much as possible, without putting cross hairs on those who hold the "trusted nodes".

2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.
This is very simple. The more people sign on to the SolidCoin network, the faster the coins will inflate, and the faster we will have our first millionare.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 08:18:01 PM
This is very simple. The more people sign on to the SolidCoin network, the faster the coins will inflate, and the faster we will have our first millionare.

1) Faster is all relative.  It might be 8 years instead of 14 but that is hardly a reason to go for it.
2) 1M SC is worthless. 51% control of the control money is 100% control over the network.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on November 10, 2011, 08:22:15 PM
2) 1M SC is worthless. 51% control of the control money is 100% control over the network.

Something similar applies also to the other chains: 51% hashpower means 100% control over the network.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Etlase2 on November 10, 2011, 08:23:11 PM
You obviously don't follow me then. I have said in the past that right now the control nodes are centralized to the solidcoin developers. I have repeatedly said thats a problem, and that they need to figure out more ways to decentralize the network as much as possible, without putting cross hairs on those who hold the "trusted nodes".

Perhaps by allowing anyone who wants to secure the network to do so, but only give them power based on proven economic activity, like Encoin. :P

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 08:25:16 PM
2) 1M SC is worthless. 51% control of the control money is 100% control over the network.

Something similar applies also to the other chains: 51% hashpower means 100% control over the network.

Yeah except most networks don't start out by handing 100% control to a single person and then have zealots running around calling it a feature.

Look there is no 51% attack (because it is already 100% vulnerable).  LOLZ.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 08:36:03 PM
You obviously don't follow me then. I have said in the past that right now the control nodes are centralized to the solidcoin developers. I have repeatedly said thats a problem, and that they need to figure out more ways to decentralize the network as much as possible, without putting cross hairs on those who hold the "trusted nodes".

Perhaps by allowing anyone who wants to secure the network to do so, but only give them power based on proven economic activity, like Encoin. :P
I like Encoin :).

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 10, 2011, 09:26:54 PM
Actually I think it is too high.

Isn't block target time 2 minutes?  That would be 720 blocks per day, @ $0.12 per block that is only $86.40 daily.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 10, 2011, 09:32:34 PM
SC is pretty centralized right now, and I don't think anyone is denying that. What we are arguing is that this centralization of the trust wallets will disappear later on and be replaced by real trusted nodes (SC millionaires).

FlipPro, a perfect name for changing your stance.

Viper Lemon Bitch is still railing against this admission claiming it is only 5% centrally controlled. It really doesn't matter if the block chain is controlled by RealSoild (since he has all Control Nodes) or the theoretical true SC millionaires, it's still central control.

You guys fought the central control claim tooth and nail, attacked, created many threads against it and now, once the partial source code is released, you are basically saying "Oh well, you got us"

Now let's move on the issue of intercepting and invalidating any transaction at will.

Your just an idiot BTCEX.

The Solidcoin community isn't denying that Solidcoin *in it's infancy* is run and developed by just a few individuals (causing centralization). Same with Bitcoin when it was first started, it was pretty damn centralized to just a few individuals as well. The idea is that as the network grows, decentralization will naturally occur (same as with Bitcoin). We have a pretty good base built, and I think with time improvements and active development will make this stuff even better.

EDIT: And btw we can always fork the latest version if any "Reckless Decision Making" is exhibited from the "trusted individuals". That's why I am not worried,and why my number one priority was to get the source out.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Etlase2 on November 10, 2011, 09:43:23 PM
Same with Bitcoin when it was first started, it was pretty damn centralized to just a few individuals as well. The idea is that as the network grows, decentralization will naturally occur (same as with Bitcoin).

Bitcoin users have trouble believing that anything other than hashing power could be used to secure the network (and BEX is probably especially pissed because his attack didn't work...). Solidcoin, however, has an extremely high barrier to entry to become part of the control group. It doesn't really foster a decentralized mindset, especially when they were given 1 million coins to be bestowed with that power. But 51% of the hashing power is just another control group, it is just a lot easier to become a part of that control group. Problem with being easier to be part of that control group is that it is easier for malicious people to join, too.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: TheHarbinger on November 10, 2011, 10:21:36 PM
Just to recap the previous 3 pages...

Quote from: One Side
SolidCoin sucks!
Quote from: Other Side
No it doesn't!

End of topic.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Syke on November 11, 2011, 12:21:01 AM
2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.
This is very simple. The more people sign on to the SolidCoin network, the faster the coins will inflate, and the faster we will have our first millionare.
Wrong. It doesn't matter how many people sign on to the network. There will be 5 coins generated every 2 minutes no matter how many people start using SolidCoin. A miner that maintains a massive 10% of the entire network hashpower will take 8 years to become a control node. It's highly unlikely that anyone will ever become a control node.

The Solidcoin community isn't denying that Solidcoin *in it's infancy* is run and developed by just a few individuals (causing centralization). Same with Bitcoin when it was first started, it was pretty damn centralized to just a few individuals as well. The idea is that as the network grows, decentralization will naturally occur (same as with Bitcoin). We have a pretty good base built, and I think with time improvements and active development will make this stuff even better.
Wrong. Bitcoin was never centralized. It was true peer-to-peer from day one. Anyone could fire up the client and start mining and be a true equal peer to every single other peer. That is not centralized.

EDIT: And btw we can always fork the latest version if any "Reckless Decision Making" is exhibited from the "trusted individuals". That's why I am not worried,and why my number one priority was to get the source out.
And RealSolid can revoke your license to use the source at any time. You would then be running illegal code. Good luck making that work.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: coblee on November 11, 2011, 12:36:45 AM
The Solidcoin community isn't denying that Solidcoin *in it's infancy* is run and developed by just a few individuals (causing centralization). Same with Bitcoin when it was first started, it was pretty damn centralized to just a few individuals as well. The idea is that as the network grows, decentralization will naturally occur (same as with Bitcoin). We have a pretty good base built, and I think with time improvements and active development will make this stuff even better.
Wrong. Bitcoin was never centralized. It was true peer-to-peer from day one. Anyone could fire up the client and start mining and be a true equal peer to every single other peer. That is not centralized.

I was on IRC talking to RealSolid about centralization versus decentralization a week ago. And it seems to me that he (and likely FlipPro here) has a very different take on what it means to be decentralized. RealSolid believes that the trusted nodes are decentralized because there are 10 of them. Because it's not just 1 trusted node, it means that it's decentralized. I tried to argue that 10 trusted nodes versus 1000 miners means it's centralized. He then said something similar to what FlipPro said here. Basically that when Bitcoin started, there were only 10 miners so that was centralized also. I tried to argue that 10 of 10 means decentralized and 10 or 1000 means centralized. He just laughed me and proclaimed that I know shit about what decentralized means in his arrogant tone that we all know very well. It was a waste of my time. If you alter the definition of "decentralized", then you can basically claim whatever you want.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 11, 2011, 01:15:51 AM
2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.
This is very simple. The more people sign on to the SolidCoin network, the faster the coins will inflate, and the faster we will have our first millionare.
Wrong. It doesn't matter how many people sign on to the network. There will be 5 coins generated every 2 minutes no matter how many people start using SolidCoin. A miner that maintains a massive 10% of the entire network hashpower will take 8 years to become a control node. It's highly unlikely that anyone will ever become a control node.
No you're WRONG, like the many hundreds of mis-informed FUD postings in this stupid forum.

"Another thing to remember is that with the difficulty modifier in place, it's not just "each block is worth 5SC" now. For each 100K of difficulty another 5SC is added. So at our current difficulty of 40000 an extra 40% of 5SC would be added, a block would be worth 7SC. With 5 blocks every 10 minutes, that means a total of 35SC would be generated in 10 minutes vs Bitcoins ideal of 50BTC. This is at current difficulty. As difficulty grows and we get more miners the amount of SolidCoins generated per hour will match that growth, whilst still maintaining a base cost of 10-30c of electricity to generate it."

Title: Re: delete
Post by: makomk on November 11, 2011, 01:36:11 AM
From what I hear there was a line in question in the last version which allowed trusted nodes to send sc to the CPF (PUBLIC WALLET FUND FOR SC) ("if( x < y)" where it should have been a "if(x != y)").  This only allowed trusted nodes to send money to the CPF, but the CPF account is public and if any foul play was detected everyone would know instantly.
Actually, I think the code that's meant to restrict them to only send to the CPF has a security hole the size of a barn door too. Also part of the problem is that even if everyone did find out promptly it'd be damn difficult to actually do anything about it aside from writing it off as a fait accompli. It's not like we can run SolidCoin without RealSolid and his trusted friends (if they even exist).

Since then the trusted nodes have been patched with the latest version, and they are preparing it for public release soon. That is one of the advantages of having everything open source (which I always advocated for), problems like this become detected and get solved.
Which of course is why RealSolid is so opposed to it. This code was included intentionally, he just thought he'd fixed it before the open source release.

To "take over the network" you need both a trusted node with more money than any of the other trusted nodes on the network and 51% of the network hash power.
I don't think it's possible for that to be true because of symmetry. In order for it to be impossible for someone to take over the network unless they have a trusted node with more money and 51% of the network hash power, it'd have to be possible for another trusted node with more money but less than 51% of hash power or less money but more than 50% of hash power to override it. But that contradicts your original statement that you can't take over the network without both!

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 11, 2011, 01:45:49 AM
2) Your king has made sure there will be no "real millionaire" for years if not decades.  So the idea that it will suddenly be decentralized in near future is false.
This is very simple. The more people sign on to the SolidCoin network, the faster the coins will inflate, and the faster we will have our first millionare.
Wrong. It doesn't matter how many people sign on to the network. There will be 5 coins generated every 2 minutes no matter how many people start using SolidCoin. A miner that maintains a massive 10% of the entire network hashpower will take 8 years to become a control node. It's highly unlikely that anyone will ever become a control node.
No you're WRONG, like the many hundreds of mis-informed FUD postings in this stupid forum.

"Another thing to remember is that with the difficulty modifier in place, it's not just "each block is worth 5SC" now. For each 100K of difficulty another 5SC is added. So at our current difficulty of 40000 an extra 40% of 5SC would be added, a block would be worth 7SC. With 5 blocks every 10 minutes, that means a total of 35SC would be generated in 10 minutes vs Bitcoins ideal of 50BTC. This is at current difficulty. As difficulty grows and we get more miners the amount of SolidCoins generated per hour will match that growth, whilst still maintaining a base cost of 10-30c of electricity to generate it."

While your are correct it is immaterial.  Bitcoin doesn't have a 12M "control premine".  Even if the generation rate increased by 300% to ~20SC there are only 262,800 blocks per year so that ~5M per year.  To overcome the "King's blockade" would require over 2 years and this is if a single person owned every single coin.  If say the richest person (er 2nd richest person behind King RealScam) had 10% of coins in circulation that would require ~120M coins.  At 5M per years that is more than 2 DECADES.  Also at any point in the future King RealScam could simply prohibit any new control nodes keeping absolute control into perpetuity.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 11, 2011, 02:10:54 AM
EDIT: And btw we can always fork the latest version if any "Reckless Decision Making" is exhibited from the "trusted individuals". That's why I am not worried,and why my number one priority was to get the source out.

No you can't fork it.  You can use the code only at the express and limited permission of King RealScam.  Source code is not Open Source.  I (through my employer) have access to the source code for many components of the Windows Operating System.  It isn't open source.  The code exists only to further windows and the goals of Microsoft.

You have no legal right to fork the project.  Your access to use, modify, and redistribute the source is limited to the SolidCoin project.  You have no technical means to prevent theft, fraud, or ill-intent by those who have complete control of the network.  You have no means to reject changes forced by the control nodes.

You simply have blind and implicit faith that King RealScam won't do anything wrong.  You know what .... maybe he won't.  However the very fact that you MUST trust him is a fatal flaw even if that trust isn't misplaced. 

ScamCoin isn't decentralized.
ScamCoin isn't OpenSource.
ScamCoin isn't peer to peer.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: elggawf on November 11, 2011, 03:41:58 AM
As I said in another thread on the subject, SolidCoin is good for Bitcoin, because it's a lightning rod for complete morons. It brings Bitcoin's "idiot factor" down a notch or 6, and that's great for Bitcoin.

I for one eagerly await SolidCoin 6.0, where every legitimate transaction must be double-signed with RealSolid's private key and you have to sign an NDA to mine.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 11, 2011, 03:49:28 PM
As I said in another thread on the subject, SolidCoin is good for Bitcoin, because it's a lightning rod for complete morons. It brings Bitcoin's "idiot factor" down a notch or 6, and that's great for Bitcoin.


At this point, arguing the merits of what Solidcoin is and is not is pointless. Solidcoin can be morphed into whatever RealSolid wants it to be. He has utter control over every aspect of the client and block-chain. Any time anyone complains about any feature, one can "promise" that feature will be moderated or mitigated by RealSolid.

Why would anyone bother trying to hack the Solidcoin client, just break into RealSolid's development box and take the private keys that control the blockchain. If someone hasn't already.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Syke on November 11, 2011, 07:34:44 PM
Also at any point in the future King RealScam could simply prohibit any new control nodes keeping absolute control into perpetuity.
Or he can just cut the block reward back down again, like he already did once before. There will never be any natural millionaires.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Kolbas on November 12, 2011, 05:49:33 AM
I did not took part in all these conversations, but now I want to ask.
Where's the scam?
I bought some solidcoins long ago when Solidcoin just started. I still have my solidcoins, they are even a little higher in price, the project is going forward.
I understand that something is centralized. I understand that some people hate Solidcoin for IDEOLOGICAL reasons. But they use the word "scam" all the time. Isn't it dishonest?
I want to know:
Or if you are the member of some cryptodecentralisation sect, you may say what you want and use any words? Why not call Coinhunter a murderer?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 12, 2011, 05:52:41 AM
I did not took part in all these conversations, but now I want to ask.
Where's the scam?
I bought some solidcoins long ago when Solidcoin just started. I still have my solidcoins, they are even a little higher in price, the project is going forward.
I understand that something is centralized. I understand that some people hate Solidcoin for IDEOLOGICAL reasons. But they use the word "scam" all the time. Isn't it dishonest?
I want to know:
Or if you are the member of some cryptodecentralisation sect, you may say what you want and use any words? Why not call Coinhunter a murderer?

A little light reading for you:

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Kolbas on November 12, 2011, 06:23:07 AM
I did not took part in all these conversations, but now I want to ask.
Where's the scam?
I bought some solidcoins long ago when Solidcoin just started. I still have my solidcoins, they are even a little higher in price, the project is going forward.
I understand that something is centralized. I understand that some people hate Solidcoin for IDEOLOGICAL reasons. But they use the word "scam" all the time. Isn't it dishonest?
I want to know:
Or if you are the member of some cryptodecentralization sect, you may say what you want and use any words? Why not call Coinhunter a murderer?

A little light reading for you:
Well, not exactly the same situation. Coinhunter managed to defend my coins while I slept. If I had lost them, I would be more upset no matter what rules had changed. And I even don't understand exactly what's the difference. All these talks about trusted nodes are for geeks, and I'm grandma. I have my coins, I didn't bought the idea of decentralization.
Who bought some ideas? Who paid for decentralization?
When common people see the word Scam they understand that somebody stole money.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 12, 2011, 06:27:03 AM
Well, not exactly the same situation. Coinhunter managed to defend my coins while I slept. If I had lost them, I would be more upset no matter what rules had changed. And I even don't understand exactly what's the difference. All these talks about trusted nodes are for geeks, and I'm grandma. When common people see the word Scam they understand that somebody stole money.

Well generally a scam artist requires the victim to be ignorant so looks like he is doing something right.  I don't know how you consider someone minting 12M coins out of thin air, giving himself a 10% tax, implementing 100% control into the network, making changes to payouts to ensure only he will ever be in control, stealing source code from Bitcoin, changing the license of SolidCoin from OpenSource to proprietary closed source license which gives him complete ownership, ripping off the Intellectual property of Oracle and then continually using decit, misdirection, and obfuscation to hide all of these events so they have only been found little by little over the course of a month .... anything but a scam.

Then again if you think it isn't a scam keep on using it.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Kolbas on November 12, 2011, 06:36:08 AM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: johnj on November 12, 2011, 07:40:34 AM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

My description:


Sue goes to the Marketplace forums, and says 'I have a 5850 for sale. It's brand new with an aftermarket heat-sink included.  Send me 150 BTC and it's yours.'

People then weigh take variables into account before they invest.  They weigh their long-term electric cost, initial cost, they are able to weigh how much a 5850 and an aftermarket heatsink are worth to them, before they spend their money.

Now Sue sends instead a 5770 with no heat-sink at all. Though a 5770 is still technically a graphics card, what was received is not what was advertised.   Or what if the card was broken?  Or what if Sue left out the heatsink?  Further, what if any of those things happened and it was proven that Sue had prior knowledge? Or what if Sue used the defense she made a 'decision' she thought was best for you, without your input?  Sue would be labeled a scammer for accepting peoples investment and changing the terms of the sale after the fact.

CoinHunter goes to the Cryptocurrency forums, and says 'I have an investment opportunity.  If you invest X money (based on your electricity and hardware cost), you'll receive Y (coin reward) over Z period (time it takes to find a block), according to N parameters (design of SC). People then weigh all those variables into account before they invest.

Coinhunter has adjusted and concealed many variables people must weigh in order to make a proper investment. Further, CoinHunter has lied about his own 'earnings', to a tune of holding a whopping ~85% of the current coin supply. Coinhunter has changed the Y reward and N parameters directly, after initial investment was made. The investment made by those people, whether it be through buying on an exchange or contributing hashes to the blockchain, were done under the guise of A terms, but coinhunter executed the investment under B terms, of which B terms are directly beneficial to Coinhunter and directly detrimental to the investor.

Whether it be 1.0 -> 2.0, or 2.0 w/12m 'unspendable -> 2.0 w/12m VERY spendable, or 2.0 32sc/blk -> 2.0 5sc/blk. I'm sure there are other ways to break it down, but at this point if you can't see that SC is a scam... then you're exactly the kind of investor Coinhunter is looking for: gullible.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 12, 2011, 04:30:49 PM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

My description:


Sue goes to the Marketplace forums, and says 'I have a 5850 for sale. It's brand new with an aftermarket heat-sink included.  Send me 150 BTC and it's yours.'

People then weigh take variables into account before they invest.  They weigh their long-term electric cost, initial cost, they are able to weigh how much a 5850 and an aftermarket heatsink are worth to them, before they spend their money.

Now Sue sends instead a 5770 with no heat-sink at all. Though a 5770 is still technically a graphics card, what was received is not what was advertised.   Or what if the card was broken?  Or what if Sue left out the heatsink?  Further, what if any of those things happened and it was proven that Sue had prior knowledge? Or what if Sue used the defense she made a 'decision' she thought was best for you, without your input?  Sue would be labeled a scammer for accepting peoples investment and changing the terms of the sale after the fact.

CoinHunter goes to the Cryptocurrency forums, and says 'I have an investment opportunity.  If you invest X money (based on your electricity and hardware cost), you'll receive Y (coin reward) over Z period (time it takes to find a block), according to N parameters (design of SC). People then weigh all those variables into account before they invest.

Coinhunter has adjusted and concealed many variables people must weigh in order to make a proper investment. Further, CoinHunter has lied about his own 'earnings', to a tune of holding a whopping ~85% of the current coin supply. Coinhunter has changed the Y reward and N parameters directly, after initial investment was made. The investment made by those people, whether it be through buying on an exchange or contributing hashes to the blockchain, were done under the guise of A terms, but coinhunter executed the investment under B terms, of which B terms are directly beneficial to Coinhunter and directly detrimental to the investor.

Whether it be 1.0 -> 2.0, or 2.0 w/12m 'unspendable -> 2.0 w/12m VERY spendable, or 2.0 32sc/blk -> 2.0 5sc/blk. I'm sure there are other ways to break it down, but at this point if you can't see that SC is a scam... then you're exactly the kind of investor Coinhunter is looking for: gullible.

Sue didn't send a 5770, she sent this:

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 12, 2011, 05:33:18 PM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 12, 2011, 05:34:56 PM
A "Scam" does not necessarily need an actual theft to occur for it to be a fraud. If I create a mechanism; be it an investment instrument, a computer program, a descriptive brochure, or a physical item, of gaining your wealth with deceptive means, I have become a scammer and am committing a fraud whether you buy it or not. The investment might be in a worthless stock, the computer program might not do what I advertise it as doing, the brochure could be intentionally misleading and the item might be worthless swampland described as prime Florida real estate, or a lovely bridge that I do not own the rights to that I am offering for sale. By presenting this item for sale or transfer, the scam is committed. It does not require a victim to be defined, it only needs victims to succeed. The fact of the fraud remains.

If SolidCoin had been developed as an alternate cryptocurrency, released and allowed to develop its place in the world of alt-currencies without intent to deceive or mislead, then it would stand on the merits of its programming and function. It would be adopted and find utility in the markets based on how well it meets the needs of the users. Instead, SolidCoin was developed under a massive shroud of secrecy and false promises. Each new comment was directed at a feature that would hasten the demise of all other currencies because SolidCoin had features that were absolutely perfect in every way, and addressed every perceived flaw in any other currency, including fiat, and apparently the currency of trust between the governed and the government.

The original release was abruptly pulled from free and open trade under threat of attack in a very short time frame. Those investors who held version 1 SolidCoins at that time lost the entire value of their investment held when the currency ended production. There were representations made that they would somehow be made whole when a new and improved SolidCoin was released in the future. Eventually version 2 SolidCoin was released, under a radically different production scheme. Taking a stance of being gpu hostile and cpu friendly, the manner in which the new SolidCoins are produced was a complete departure from the trust that the original investors had, and relegated any hardware investment they might have made to accomplish the production of version 1 SolidCoins to waste. The new SolidCoin was misrepresented in a number of crucial ways, these have been documented ad nauseum on this board, and elsewhere, suffice to say, the potential users of SolidCoin found a number of very compelling reasons to confront the claims made by the developer of SolidCoin. The response from that developer, and his supporters was vociferous in the extreme, shouting defense of their system. One of the hallmarks of a fraud is the volume with which the scammers promote their fraud. Drowning out the opposition is a time-testing technique to gain traction with your scams. There have been significant untruths presented from the developer and the supporters of SolidCoin, and the program when first released was badly flawed, reporting false production rates, blocking certain transactions, and affecting systems in a negative way. Close observation of the program, and later examination, of the source released as SolidCoin 2.01 showed that there were a host of features that worked in exactly opposite the way the product was described.

Without semantic arguments about the definition of "centralized" or not, the code clearly and irrefutably gives absolute control over the production and distribution of SolidCoin 2.0 to someone other than the person responsible for mining it. The product of their mining work has been drastically reduced as a method of improving the value of the coins, solely at the whim of the same person who controls the distribution and production of those coins. This same entity owns a overpowering majority of these coins in a format that was claimed to be "un-spendable" but has been now proven, by the code itself, to be open to transfer. Again- if I tell you one thing, and sell you something completely different, then I have at best lied to you and taken advantage of you, but the world has a stronger definition of that- it is a scam and I would be committing fraud.

So- to directly answer your question- who is the victim? The entire crypto-currency community is the victim. We have all been lied to and sold a constantly shifting, never-quite-what-it-is-represented-as product. We are told that repairs can be made, problems fixed, or that we fail to understand the genius behind a system that can be controlled by a single person. We have been promised Open Source, and we find pirated code, that is Opened only after significant resources have been dumped into the morass of mining for SolidCoin. We were told that it was proof against all enemies, domestic and foreign; instead we find that it creates secret millionaires, offers parallel mining capabilities, and has a flexible payout scheme that is controlled by one person, who did not reduce his personal stash of wealth by 80% when he limited the world's ability to produce his coins by 80%.

Having this badly flawed product out there vociferously protesting that it is perfect, and attacking all other crypto-currencies with paid shills and hawkers is the fraud. We are the victims.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: PatrickHarnett on November 12, 2011, 06:43:45 PM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Psy - nice reference, but the "windmills" is only a page and a half in Don Quixote.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: PatrickHarnett on November 12, 2011, 06:52:12 PM
You do not need to lose money for it to be a scam.  One part of the illegality is actually on the front page of the solidcoin page "earn money . . . no startup investment".

There are other aspects of SC that breach the laws in the host jurisdiction, including the similarities to a pyramid scheme (that lovely "tax" function) in the way it's being done, but that's just part of the overall picture.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 12, 2011, 06:58:19 PM
OK, that are different approaches.
Still the last, main question:
Who's the victim?
Please name yourself and tell how did you suffer?

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Psy - nice reference, but the "windmills" is only a page and a half in Don Quixote.

Too bad it's only a page and a half there and not here  ::)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: The LT on November 12, 2011, 07:41:31 PM

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Oh they are far from being foolish... On the other hand, calling someone a fool doesn't exactly make you or your "righetous cause" shine...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 12, 2011, 07:43:54 PM

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Oh they are far from being foolish... On the other hand, calling someone a fool doesn't exactly make you or your "righetous cause" shine...

What would that "righteous cause" of mine be, care to enlighten us?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: johnj on November 12, 2011, 08:04:28 PM

Don't bother arguing with this fools, they are too focused on the windmills to see anything else.
They wear donkey goggles...

Oh they are far from being foolish... On the other hand, calling someone a fool doesn't exactly make you or your "righetous cause" shine...

What would that "righteous cause" of mine be, care to enlighten us?

Psy, we both know you got some kind of passive-aggressive crush on BCX, and have some weird fetish for defending SC.

You're not as subtle as you think you are.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 12, 2011, 09:20:55 PM
johnj, BCX, D&T & Co., we all know you got some kind of passive-agressive crush on Coinhunter, and have some weird fetish for attacking Solidcoin...

You're not as subtle as you think you are.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: HolodeckJizzmopper on November 12, 2011, 09:37:29 PM
johnj, BCX, D&T & Co., we all know you got some kind of passive-agressive crush on Coinhunter, and have some weird fetish for attacking Solidcoin...

You're not as subtle as you think you are.

Dude, are you in grade four ? Seriously trying to win arguments and influence with "I know you are, but what am I ?"

Fuck off and take your kool-aid with you.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 12, 2011, 10:04:05 PM
johnj, BCX, D&T & Co., we all know you got some kind of passive-agressive crush on Coinhunter, and have some weird fetish for attacking Solidcoin...

You're not as subtle as you think you are.

They are attacking Solidcoin and it's supporters.
You attack those who attack Solidcoin.

They offer new insights into the "operation" of Solidcoin.
You throw the same tired insult over and over.

You would have to become more interesting to be a Coinhunter sockpuppet.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: HolodeckJizzmopper on November 12, 2011, 10:12:08 PM
Tell that to johnj...
Now, go mop that jizz on the deck.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Etlase2 on November 13, 2011, 02:48:40 AM
grow the fuck up, all of you

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 13, 2011, 03:03:07 AM
That guy you think it's me... It's not. You are a complete clown. And stop hiding behind Tor, or are you afraid that your family, co-workers and friends find out the piece of shit you are? OH, that's right, you don't have a family, co-workers or friends because you're nothing more than a loser and probably not even your family wants to deal with you, much less friends or even having a job.

Nice try Coinhumper but you should leave Doxxing to the pro's LOL, you almost had it right.

Let me try, Psy

1) in your profile
2) Leads to
3) Whois info in EU coughs up
4) uncovers A LOT.
5) Email leads to Myspace profile and photo album with 100's of pics

Your name is Rui Santos and this is you.
I suggest you whimper back to RealSolid and suggest trying a different approach to disruption LOL...

Even though I am not a SC supporter any more, when will you dox me ? Been waiting for quite some time :)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 03:03:41 AM
That was PRO?? STFU n00b!

That is not me, but I'll contact him now and show him this thread, i suppose he won't be happy... Thanks for posting the link to his myspace profile. I bet he'll be glad to file a complaint against this forum, because if you don't pay for your criminal acts, someone will...
The page is saved already in case you decide to delete the stuff

And you have my email? WOW, it's only you and thousands of other sites and services.

Try harder, you trully suck.

BTW, Rui Santos is a very common name here, good luck hunting, you moron.

I'll help you:"rui+santos" ("rui+santos") 2.000.000 results, and that's exact search, so, DOX at will... CLOWN!

Oh, BCX... IP: ( | Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0  <-- Is that you? LOL sucker! Be careful... That IP is recorded with the exact time you used it, so you better lay low if you don't want the feds' knocking on your door.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 03:22:39 AM
q="rui+santos"]"rui+santos"[/url] 2.000.000 results, and that's exact search, so, DOX at will... CLOWN!

Oh, BCX... IP: | Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0  <-- Is that you? LOL sucker!

Yep, still sitting here at Starbucks in Santa Clara just down the street from Cupertino.

I have zero doubt that's you and your reaction shows it. File all the complaints you want. You started it and just don't the results.

Bulanula, you're CH, LOL.......... ;D ;D ;D

Results? you posted a public email you moron, nothing more, that guy is not me, but I'll warn him that some internet stalkers posted his pictures and his baby pictures in some forum, so he better not be surprised if you also start bothering him.

Ask Coinhumper for the address of my legal representative, he already has it. lol

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 13, 2011, 03:29:35 AM
q="rui+santos"]"rui+santos"[/url] 2.000.000 results, and that's exact search, so, DOX at will... CLOWN!

Oh, BCX... IP: | Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0  <-- Is that you? LOL sucker!

Yep, still sitting here at Starbucks in Santa Clara just down the street from Cupertino.

I have zero doubt that's you and your reaction shows it. File all the complaints you want. You started it and just don't the results.

Bulanula, you're CH, LOL.......... ;D ;D ;D

BTCX why are you "outing" people like they did something wrong by supporting Solidcoin? I dont get it...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 03:42:20 AM
Post all you have you moron, stop preading FUD like you do with Solidcoin.

I never even pretended to be anonymous, but seeing that the only thing you have is my email, even after I posted at this very forum where I work and everything, I'd say I'm doing a great job on remaining anonymous, at least from you.

In fact, the one who wishes to remain anonymous is you, and you fail at it, apple employee that uses windows to surf the net and pretends to be a girl.

BTW, that was the IP you used yesterday, not today, sucker...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 03:57:41 AM
Umm, psy, old sport? That IP resolves to AT&T in Greenfield, Texas. It is the same resolution that somebody tried to link Atlas and Goebbels with, or something. It is a massive account that serves all the wifi needs of Starbucks around the world. That's about as clever as saying that he used a keyboard to type his message on.

Of course, it might also be as rare as Rui Santos' (is the plural for 2 million Santos', Santoses of Santi?) who are huge Blasted Mechanics groupies to the point where they traveled to the Azores to mosh live with them... but what would I know about such things?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 03:59:10 AM
LOL you're cracking and it shows. You're panties have accumulated a serious amount of sand  ;D ;D ;D

^^ The exact same thing can be said about you...

LoupFucker, I never went to azores in my whole life and blasted mechanism sucks, I would kill myself before going to a fuckin island to see them, but whatever...
But now I'm wondering? How do you know that other guy went to azores and is a blasted mechanism groupie? You stalkin' him? hahahahaha this really cracks me up, this forum is full of scammers and stalkers.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 04:16:25 AM
LOL you're cracking and it shows. You're panties have accumulated a serious amount of sand  ;D ;D ;D

^^ The exact same thing can be said about you...

LoupFucker, I never went to azores in my whole life and blasted mechanism sucks, I would kill myself before going to a fuckin island to see them, but whatever...
But now I'm wondering? How do you know that other guy went to azores and is a blasted mechanism groupie? You stalkin' him? hahahahaha this really cracks me up, this forum is full of scammers and stalkers.

The thing is I am not hiding from anyone either. I have been to two SF Bay area Bitcoin Meetups, I am a member of the Sunnyvale group, met several people and Coblee 100% knows who I am. People are stone cold shocked when they meet me, I always get the same're not what I was expecting. Here's a hint, I'm not a he LOL. ;D ;D ;D

Yes you are a he, and a ugly one.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 13, 2011, 05:01:07 AM
LOL you're cracking and it shows. You're panties have accumulated a serious amount of sand  ;D ;D ;D

^^ The exact same thing can be said about you...

LoupFucker, I never went to azores in my whole life and blasted mechanism sucks, I would kill myself before going to a fuckin island to see them, but whatever...
But now I'm wondering? How do you know that other guy went to azores and is a blasted mechanism groupie? You stalkin' him? hahahahaha this really cracks me up, this forum is full of scammers and stalkers.

The thing is I am not hiding from anyone either. I have been to two SF Bay area Bitcoin Meetups, I am a member of the Sunnyvale group, met several people and Coblee 100% knows who I am. People are stone cold shocked when they meet me, I always get the same're not what I was expecting. Here's a hint, I'm not a he LOL. ;D ;D ;D

Yes you are a he, and a ugly one.

Judging by the feverish tone of Psy's recent posts, I think the doxing was spot on. If that is the case, I think some
might be in order.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 05:05:33 AM
psy, now you have gone and gotten personal. Changing my nickname to "LoupFucker"? Have I ever come at you like that? Have I taken the obvious shots about "psy-chotic", "psy-co-bitch" or pUSsy? No I haven't, because I think a reasonable debate between grown ups is best conducted with mutual respect and grace. I have not even opened up the fala Portuges can of badly google translated whup ass that you have been so obviously crying out for. And yet here you go and do me a serious disrespect, and twist two languages to make something obscene out of my moniker.

Shame on you.

And double shame on you for your clear gender confusion regarding BCX. Do you seriously think a man could keep up that level of intense scrutiny and vehemence for as long as BCX has been calling your ignorance out? Oh, hell no. Any male would have been distracted long ago by some shiny thing and gone on to the next issue. It's how we are wired biologically. Plus, if you check the logs that you claim to keep carefully, BCX posts during football games, even Monday Night Football. No way, is that a male trait. Not even somebody stuck in the Bay Area with the Raiders and the 49er's would spend time posting during football time! Of course being Portuguese, your national 15 minutes in the spotlight expired around the time of Vasco de Gama was bringing syphilis to the New World, and bringing back an education about things like sailors locked on-board a ship together for 6 months and no women, how to get your ass beaten by indigenous tribes with wooden spears, and how to trade all your decent national sports heroes to other countries, so you probably don't get the whole national pastime thing. What is the national pastime of Portugal anyway? Serving visiting Spaniards bad wine in truck stops? Waiting on English retirees in resorts? Or is it the legal 10 day supply of any hard narcotic that you are permitted to have and use?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 13, 2011, 05:14:57 AM
Not even somebody stuck in the Bay Area with the Raiders and the 49er's would spend time posting during football time! Of course being Portuguese, your national 15 minutes in the spotlight expired around the time of Vasco de Gama was bringing syphilis to the New World, and bringing back an education about things like sailors locked on-board a ship together for 6 months and no women, how to get your ass beaten by indigenous tribes with wooden spears, and how to trade all your decent national sports heroes to other countries, so you probably don't get the whole national pastime thing. What is the national pastime of Portugal anyway? Serving visiting Spaniards bad wine in truck stops? Waiting on English retirees in resorts? Or is it the legal 10 day supply of any hard narcotic that you are permitted to have and use?

You forgot to mention that Portugal is the 'P' in the PIIGS.

and the 49ers are 7-1!

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 05:16:51 AM
psy, now you have gone and gotten personal. Changing my nickname to "LoupFucker"? Have I ever come at you like that? Have I taken the obvious shots about "psy-chotic", "psy-co-bitch" or pUSsy? No I haven't, because I think a reasonable debate between grown ups is best conducted with mutual respect and grace. I have not even opened up the fala Portuges can of badly google translated whup ass that you have been so obviously crying out for. And yet here you go and do me a serious disrespect, and twist two languages to make something obscene out of my moniker.

Shame on you.

And double shame on you for your clear gender confusion regarding BCX. Do you seriously think a man could keep up that level of intense scrutiny and vehemence for as long as BCX has been calling your ignorance out? Oh, hell no. Any male would have been distracted long ago by some shiny thing and gone on to the next issue. It's how we are wired biologically. Plus, if you check the logs that you claim to keep carefully, BCX posts during football games, even Monday Night Football. No way, is that a male trait. Not even somebody stuck in the Bay Area with the Raiders and the 49er's would spend time posting during football time! Of course being Portuguese, your national 15 minutes in the spotlight expired around the time of Vasco de Gama was bringing syphilis to the New World, and bringing back an education about things like sailors locked on-board a ship together for 6 months and no women, how to get your ass beaten by indigenous tribes with wooden spears, and how to trade all your decent national sports heroes to other countries, so you probably don't get the whole national pastime thing. What is the national pastime of Portugal anyway? Serving visiting Spaniards bad wine in truck stops? Waiting on English retirees in resorts? Or is it the legal 10 day supply of any hard narcotic that you are permitted to have and use?
oh shit, burrrrnnnnnnn. Kinda figured though that BEX doxxed the right person, since psy's getting super defensive all of a sudden.

here's the thing.
women, once they fixated on something they seek to destroy, there's no way of stopping until the target is gone, and gonna fck shit up real bad.
when solidcoin is still around, she's not gonna stop.

that being said, popcorn anyone?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 05:21:02 AM
Nope, he doxxed the wrong person, myspace was notified, they can do whatever they wish with the info.

I don't post pics on the internet you fools.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 05:24:50 AM

You forgot to mention that Portugal is the 'P' in the PIIGS.

and the 49ers are 7-1!
Only because they have a former Bear as their Head Coach. Well, maybe because they have a decent coaching former Bear as their Head Coach, unlike the last whack-job former Bear Head Coach they had.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 05:27:36 AM
oh shit, burrrrnnnnnnn. Kinda figured though that BEX doxxed the right person, since psy's getting super defensive all of a sudden.

Ye he has the panties in a bunch over something been bitching about how it is not him on the btc-e chat for half an hour now...

No, this is me <<--- Ask me for friendship on facebook and I'll accept you

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 13, 2011, 05:29:29 AM
Nope, he doxxed the wrong person, myspace was notified, they can do whatever they wish with the info.

I don't post pics on the internet you fools.

You seem pretty furious about some random guy who posted pictures on the internet having those pictures reposted here. How on earth could that possibly bother you?

P.S. Please tell your dead-beat countrymen that you need pay back all the money you borrowed.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 05:32:35 AM
Nope, he doxxed the wrong person, myspace was notified, they can do whatever they wish with the info.

I don't post pics on the internet you fools.

You seem pretty furious about some random guy who posted pictures on the internet having those pictures reposted here. How on earth could that possibly bother you?

P.S. Please tell your dead-beat countrymen that you need pay back all the money you borrowed.

Well, I don't like that some random dude is being stalked by this lunatics, and if that doesn't bother you maybe it's because you are not any better.

PS: I didn't borrow any money, faggot. I earn enough to pay my bills, thank you.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 05:37:22 AM
Nope, he doxxed the wrong person, myspace was notified, they can do whatever they wish with the info.

I don't post pics on the internet you fools.

Is there an office for the Internet myspace Police in Portugal? You notified them what exactly? That you were in a hissy bitch fight and somebody outed your publicly posted images? Or that you were really embarrassed that your wife looked so much better than you after delivering a child- shit dude, you need to go eat a bowl of spaghetti or something, you look like a fucking Somali drought poster child. And what is with the open sores in a hospital room? That's just gross.

And to save on quoting... if you are not actually in fact Rui, but are Leandra as you claim? Then you have just outed yourself as a liar, because Leandra does post pictures on the internet. Probably on a lot of pr0n sites too looking at her... But I strongly suspect that you are not Leandra- there isn't that much make-up in the entire country of Portugal, let alone the silicone she is hiding in that shirt. Which is too tight by the way.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 13, 2011, 05:39:04 AM
I'm Leandra, yes, if it works for BCX it can work for me...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Etlase2 on November 13, 2011, 05:47:40 AM
pics of tits or gtfo

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 05:47:58 AM
I'm Leandra, yes, if it works for BCX it can work for me...
awww, how cute.

someone's getting his ass served.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 05:49:54 AM
And I'm sure we could meet Leandra in person too.

Standing under a streetlight chewing gum wearing that same slutty little outfit and offering sailors a good time for a couple of Euros. We wouldn't be meeting psy, but we could get DNA samples from half the male population of Portugal, 27 visiting Spaniards, 2 English retirees, a Belgian lacrosse team and Leandra's landlord as the rent was due yesterday!

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 06:37:52 AM
looks legit.
consistent writing style on several places.

but still suspicious.
change your profile photo, hold an apple on your left hand, shoe on head and a brick on right hand.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 07:11:46 AM
fine, i'll take the bait.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 07:20:18 AM
change your profile photo, hold an apple on your left hand, shoe on head and a brick on right hand.
for shit & giggles. ;D

but yeah, legit enough.

now psy, put up or shut up.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 13, 2011, 07:26:11 AM
'think you logged in with the wrong account.

just sayin.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 13, 2011, 07:28:54 AM
looks legit.
consistent writing style on several places.

but still suspicious.
change your profile photo, hold an apple on your left hand, shoe on head and a brick on right hand.

Send me a FB request if your man enough, but I will put BitcoinEXpress in the contact info LOL  ;D ;D ;D
Sent you a request :D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: FlipPro on November 13, 2011, 08:00:28 AM
looks legit.
consistent writing style on several places.

but still suspicious.
change your profile photo, hold an apple on your left hand, shoe on head and a brick on right hand.

Send me a FB request if your man enough, but I will put BitcoinEXpress in the contact info LOL  ;D ;D ;D
Sent you a request :D

Are you Brian?

Starlight are you Arias?
You know who I am :).
Writing patterns are identical to BTCEX on FB.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 13, 2011, 09:30:29 AM
Come on BCX. I wanna be next on the DOXXIN line please. I am not King RealScam by any means !

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 13, 2011, 10:13:51 AM
Come on BCX. I wanna be next on the DOXXIN line please. I am not King RealScam by any means !

I don't care who you are LOL  ;D ;D ;D

Well just do it and find out for me please. Thank you !

Title: Re: delete
Post by: k9quaint on November 13, 2011, 06:01:00 PM
oh shit, burrrrnnnnnnn. Kinda figured though that BEX doxxed the right person, since psy's getting super defensive all of a sudden.

Ye he has the panties in a bunch over something been bitching about how it is not him on the btc-e chat for half an hour now...

No, this is me <<--- Ask me for friendship on facebook and I'll accept you


That's so obvious a spam bot auto accept profile. No interactions with friends, no original post on friends walls or hers, no family listed....nothing but the same posting over and over. It's an auto accept bot, of course it will accept the friend request.

It seems that Leandra spams the hell out of which is registered to you in addition to which I am sure you are an affiliate. A letter to Viacom affiliate compliance showing the direct tie to you should suffice a canned affiliate account. Spam is not cool with most affiliate marketing programs. LOL  ;D ;D ;D

On the other hand,

Anyone who looks at my wall can see I have real person to person two way interaction with people in the SF area, some I went to school with, some are co-workers, my mother, my sister..... and I chatted for an hour with FlipPro. Never mind that Coblee, CryptoXchange and few others from the board are there and have been for a very long time. I also appear in some of my friends photo albums. Like it or not, I'm real.

When you come unraveled you go all the way. That thirty minute tirade you threw on BTC-E was funny. No one can figure out why you have totally flipped out, the way you have over the public Myspace pics that was posted, if they are the wrong guy.

It's 100% clear to me, everyone here and on BTC-E it WASN'T the wrong guy.

Also what was up with you posting as the wrong sock puppet and then deleting it LOL. Starlightbreaker nailed you.

Have a nice day loser.


When one team is up by more than 10 runs, the game is called. Winner BCX.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: sd on November 13, 2011, 06:14:27 PM

All this Doxing is pointless. You lot should be concerned with more elevated thought and less concerned with hunting down each other.

It's really obvious that SolidCoin is a scam at this point. If you want a CPU chain use LiteCoin. If you want to be scammed just reply to the next Nigerian email you get. You don't need SolidCoin either way.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: LoupGaroux on November 13, 2011, 06:40:45 PM
Wrong- I just heard from the nephew of the Imperial Emperor of Nigeria, who is their Minister of Telecommunications and Soup Cans with Strings, and he is going to send me $14 bazillion dollars if I just send him a small legal fee in SolidCoins.

Seemed like a pretty good use for SolidCoins. His office is right next door to the Head Shop that accepts SolidCoins too, so he can do business with the other half of the adopted by community!

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 15, 2011, 07:36:36 PM
Still waiting to be DOXXED. BCX, are you going to deliver ::). Thanks !

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on November 15, 2011, 09:40:07 PM
she's not gonna go for lower valued targets..

...i think.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Bobnova on November 15, 2011, 10:01:27 PM
The female bit makes sense to me, it explains quite nicely why BEX expects other people to do all the work.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: bulanula on November 16, 2011, 10:53:42 AM
Still waiting to be DOXXED. BCX, are you going to deliver ::). Thanks !

Let me take a guess, you live in London and will turn 22 in February...

Actually I don't care who you are  ;D ;D ;D

Why not ? Maybe because I am not on RS's payroll anymore ;D or why ?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: elggawf on November 16, 2011, 02:11:20 PM
Why not ? Maybe because I am not on RS's payroll anymore ;D or why ?

"Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"