Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: CoinOn on August 12, 2021, 01:00:04 AM

Title: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: CoinOn on August 12, 2021, 01:00:04 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: suchmoon on August 12, 2021, 01:20:52 AM
I guess it's a good thing that the hell is not real, sounds like they dodged a bullet here.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: OgNasty on August 12, 2021, 01:40:10 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I have not struck such a bargain and don’t like being lumped into such nonsense. Every time Satan has tried to lure me into bargains I have always refrained to avoid the fiery demise you describe. Many Americans have committed no evil at all and are just regular people trying to enjoy their lives the best they can with their given circumstances.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Porfirii on August 12, 2021, 05:23:19 AM
Many Americans have committed no evil at all and are just regular people trying to enjoy their lives the best they can with their given circumstances.

That's the reason why we should never generalise: we tend to use labels in order to make easier our reasonings, but it leads to our fall into fallacies and other biases. Nothing is black or white, and not all Americans (or Europeans, Africans...) are the same.

You only have to take off the bandage of hate and open your eyes. Why so many people still fall into this trap?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Poker Player on August 12, 2021, 05:43:54 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I have bad news for you. That thing you call hell does not exist. Just as witches and ghosts do not exist.

Fortunately, the ideology that speaks of hell is less and less influential in advanced societies, because for more than 1000 years it was a simple instrument of subjugation of the population. It repeated the message that in this life we must suffer, because we would be rewarded in the next if we behaved well. For those who did not behave well, the so-called hell.

It was an arm of a system of oppression and exploitation of the population.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Tessnik on August 12, 2021, 08:40:52 AM
this is a joke ;D ;D I don’t believe in that thing called hell it does not exist, hell was portrayed as a bad and horror-able place, and saying Americans have reserved their place in hell due to the role their play in society. hell is a religious scam and I don’t believe in it.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: cmg777 on August 12, 2021, 10:52:54 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Dude, where are you from the Middle East or Russia? Not all peoples are bad in the whole country. Its like if I were to say all Chinese people were for the authoritarianism thrust upon them and therefore should be judged as one whole collective unit. Its their government which makes them so authoritarianist and dictates they become collective in nature (seems to be coming here with all the sheeple in the states submitting to it but that is a different story). So should I cast judgement against your whole country when not everyone believes the same thing you do?

Matthew 7 Verse 1

"Judge not, that ye be not judged".,be%20measured%20to%20you%20again.

Or are you Islamic and believe you are superior to everyone kind of like Hitler?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on August 12, 2021, 03:43:39 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

All people have struck a bargain with Satan by following his ways rather than the ways of God.

Before people or the universe existed, God invented the idea, and decided to make everything. Satan used his free will that God had given him to turn against God, and attempt to destroy everything, especially people.

God wasn't going to allow His plans to be thwarted like that. So, He made a way out for people by sending His Son, Jesus, as a man to take the Hell punishment meant for man... when He died on the cross.

Then Jesus arose from death, and offers every person who believes in Him, the same everlasting life that He has... for free, if they believe in Him.

There are people who believe in Jesus all over the world, including the US. Their bargain with Satan has been nullified, and they are forgiven, and will not be condemned, if they trust in Jesus salvation.

God is stronger than Satan. This is the way He is proving His strength.

Read the Bible with the idea that you won't understand it all, but with the idea that everything written there is truth. God will open your mind to salvation through His Son, Jesus.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Cnut237 on August 12, 2021, 04:11:37 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.
Yeah, but that was 2016. Things have moved on a bit since then.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Cnut237 on August 13, 2021, 07:25:29 PM
There are people who believe in Jesus all over the world, including the US. Their bargain with Satan has been nullified, and they are forgiven, and will not be condemned, if they trust in Jesus salvation.
The problem with this* is what happens to the people who haven't heard of Jesus, and are damned for eternity through no fault of their own? Seems quite harsh. I thought God had ditched the Old Testament psychopath thing when he pivoted to Jesus.

free will
I don't think you can use the phrase 'free will' when discussing religion. One of religion's principle features is an utter abdication of personal responsibility.

*Well, one of the problems. There are loads of them...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: suchmoon on August 13, 2021, 07:37:33 PM
Keep telling yourself that hell does not exist.

Why? There's like gazillions of things that don't exist, it's stupid to waste time even thinking about it, unless it's a really good Sci-Fi movie or something... and hell isn't even that.

Maybe that will help you cope with the pain when you are down there burning.

There is a bit of a flaw in your argument. I can't be someplace that doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on August 13, 2021, 09:27:39 PM
Keep telling yourself that hell does not exist.

Why? There's like gazillions of things that don't exist, it's stupid to waste time even thinking about it, unless it's a really good Sci-Fi movie or something... and hell isn't even that.

Maybe that will help you cope with the pain when you are down there burning.

There is a bit of a flaw in your argument. I can't be someplace that doesn't exist.

But you don't know that dead people don't exist spiritually. And the reason is, that it's so much fun blabbing on Bitcointalk, that you never take time to work it out that you really have a spirit.

God Who united your spirit with your body the first time, will easily be able to do it again... with a different body.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on August 13, 2021, 11:08:53 PM
I don't live in the USA. I have never stepped the USA, but I have a few friends there.

Perhaps, you could provide some context of this anti-Americanism of yours?

I am aware that USA as a country has made mistakes in the pass and will likely continue making some mistakes in the future, but I personally believe it is wrong to tag a whole population, only because their nationality.

Is this about Capitalism or do you actually believe every single person from US is deserved to suffer forever in a lake of melt sulfur?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: usernameyaya on August 14, 2021, 02:17:25 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
Let me tell you what Americans do.
The sinister slave trade has reduced the population of Africa by about 100 million。
Genocide against the Indians.
Nowdays there are endless shootings, rapes, and police manslaughters in the United States.
The ozone hole in Antarctica was originally caused by Freon emitted by the United States.
Financing terrorist activities.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: suchmoon on August 14, 2021, 02:27:43 AM
But you don't know that dead people don't exist spiritually. And the reason is, that it's so much fun blabbing on Bitcointalk, that you never take time to work it out that you really have a spirit.

I have lots of grape-based spirits in my cellar. That's not proof that hell exists, try harder.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: StanleyBoyle on August 14, 2021, 03:03:59 AM
I used to be an atheist, but now I am slowly accepting that some very strange things happen for a reason, such as the Mandela effect that once appeared. For example, I recently discovered that the location of the island of Japan has changed a lot. The area is really very different from the geographical location I learned when I was studying, and I was surprised to see the current map.
And I asked the people around me they are all the same as my memory.

I don't know whether hell exists or not, but I think that people who suffer in the world are in hell.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: suchmoon on August 19, 2021, 01:23:13 PM
I think I struck a nerve with some of those replying.
Yes I believe the vast majority of Americans will burn in hell, save for a few exceptions.
They are trying to drag the rest of us down there with them.

Down where? Australia? I mean it's a bit harsh to call it hell.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: bitcub on August 19, 2021, 02:21:56 PM
Whats wrong with you dude? Did your positions liquidate?  Dont talk like that with other races, dont be a racist. No one is superior to others we are created equally and if you believe in "Satan" you should also believe in God who judge men according to their works.

The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: otrkid1970 on August 20, 2021, 02:49:09 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

If the cowards of the Afghan army didn't drop their guns and run like a bunch of sissies this wouldn't be happening. They are more concerned with what color dress to wear tomorrow than protecting their country.

ALL COWARDS. Now they have to deal with the Taliban lol Fucking spineless losers.

A tip to secure a safe evacuation is to get a truckload of MALE goats and lure the Taliban away from the city. But this will draw ALL the male Afghans too. You would then safely be able to evacuate women and children. The only thing that would work better than a truckload of MALE goats is a truckload of little boys. We know these pigs love raping little boys.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: realcrypto on August 20, 2021, 04:30:57 PM
This is too harsh, there is no way everyone in America can go to hell, even in the city of Sodom and gomorrah God still finds  righteous people which was Lots and His family.  I don't really know why you have this conclusion but fine somewhere in your heart to forgive what so ever individual or Government of America have done to you.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on August 20, 2021, 05:30:40 PM
those who betrayed the republic will die, and those who flee, will be hunted down, and those who help them will be killed...

that's the way it is, was and will ever be...

are you sure you wanna fight?

have you seen Bagram, AFG? look it up... you will see what Military Industrial Complex means...

Hell, always, for our enemies...


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: inoes on August 20, 2021, 10:54:36 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
Satanists have been born at every stage of history and in every civilization, from ancient Egypt to ancient Greece, and from the Middle Ages to the present day.  So don't equate Americans with satanists.  Do you hate America?  Many of them are religious and well-behaved and philanthropists such as Michael Jordan, Mackenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos and many more .  Satanist to me is wrong and that is enough to make us realize that there is wrong and there is right.  Let us not blaspheme but let us guide the victims of Satanism.  They are just lost and need a way home

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Natsuu on August 21, 2021, 03:58:53 PM
But you don't know that dead people don't exist spiritually. And the reason is, that it's so much fun blabbing on Bitcointalk, that you never take time to work it out that you really have a spirit.

I have lots of grape-based spirits in my cellar. That's not proof that hell exists, try harder.

Why is that after I read your reply to his religious messages, I envisioned some pictures of a fanatic who suddenly prays for the betterment of the other's soul as the other "doesn't know what he's saying". LMAO

This is too harsh, there is no way everyone in America can go to hell, even in the city of Sodom and gomorrah God still finds  righteous people which was Lots and His family.  I don't really know why you have this conclusion but fine somewhere in your heart to forgive what so ever individual or Government of America have done to you.

Take it easy, as pretty much his message is flawed in the first place so there's no need to be emotional regarding this thread tbh.

OP can be somehow fine if he mention something specific that points his anger, but generalizing is not a good way to do that. Plus there is no context behind, which is frustrating.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on August 21, 2021, 04:00:34 PM
God will decides, and none in this world or the others, will be able to change a thing about it. let's not be dragged with them...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Bushdark on August 23, 2021, 05:22:37 PM
This is unfair trying to categorize all Americans as evil. There are Evil and good people everywhere, you can't assume particular people in a place all the same

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: 5thFear on August 23, 2021, 06:09:05 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
Would love to know more about this deal. As far as committing evil is concerned, yep, they are in the list along with a lot of other communities,..

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on August 24, 2021, 12:38:34 AM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

But by the time they get to Hell, they will have long lost their Americanism.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: 5thFear on August 24, 2021, 02:40:49 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

But by the time they get to Hell, they will have long lost their Americanism.

Yep. That is a good point. Is there any citizenship in hell ??? like Burning square of USA or Death pool of China or Russin torture center.. Thats means that there would be colonies in Hell.. I wonder where most girls would be and of what use they could be to the people of Hell..

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Cnut237 on August 24, 2021, 03:51:59 PM
Is there any citizenship in hell ???

I don't think so. AFAIK you can only gain citizenship in places that actually exist. Besides which, doesn't citizenship normally confer some sort of rights? I can't imagine that Hell's pitchfork-wielding overlord is much of a fan of, for example, participatory democracy... he seems (at least from his public image) to be much more of an autocrat. Although if this ( is anything like a realistic depiction, he also likes a good tune, so it's not all bad.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BATHES on September 16, 2021, 03:02:31 AM
I do not hate the United States, but it is a crime to harm the peace and happiness of the people of the world.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Davidvictorson on September 16, 2021, 03:35:12 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Easy mate. The fallacy of hasty generalization equals faulty reasoning. I don't know why you made this post, it seems to me that you are pained or may have been hurt by America or an American(s) but remember that there are good folks in America. And some of them are everyday praying for the world to be a better place  and they are also praying for you even though they have met you. It's gonna be alright.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on September 16, 2021, 05:19:35 PM
Sorry to have to contradict the OP with the truth, but, there won't be any Americans in Hell. Nor will there be any people of any other nation in Heaven or Hell.

People in Heaven will be people who trusted in the salvation provided by Jesus-God... even though their works were not always righteous on earth.

People in Hell will be people who didn't trust in the salvation provided by Jesus-God... even though their works were not always unrighteous on earth.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: _Miracle on September 17, 2021, 11:01:43 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I don't know, Satan's Google and Yelp reviews have been slipping lately, and when we requested balcony seating so that we could feast on everyone else's suffering and despair  with dinner, he only gave us a window seat, everyone else was getting excellent service: I had to call his manger, she was nice enough but all she gave us was free desert.
This is 1 star. Don't worry I've already requested to speak with the CEO.
Hope you fair better in purgatory, service takes for-e-ver and there's no dessert.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: sou-kou on September 18, 2021, 04:02:52 AM
I don’t think there is any need to argue about whether there is atheism or atheism. If you believe it, you will have it. If you don’t believe it, there will be no. But my personal belief is that the body is only a temporary place for the soul. I believe that the soul is immortal. It is like the game field created by high-dimensional creatures. Only when your character ends in this game can you know the ultimate secret.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on September 18, 2021, 04:52:53 PM
I don’t think there is any need to argue about whether there is atheism or atheism. If you believe it, you will have it. If you don’t believe it, there will be no. But my personal belief is that the body is only a temporary place for the soul. I believe that the soul is immortal. It is like the game field created by high-dimensional creatures. Only when your character ends in this game can you know the ultimate secret.

If you believe in atheism you will have it,
which will make you a god to be able to believe like that,
which will destroy your atheism by you being a god.

If you believe in theism you will have it,
since you are the god that made it happen by believing it.

The only reason why the universe existed for you when you were conceived and born into it is, there is a God that made you, and the universe for you.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Slow death on September 18, 2021, 10:03:00 PM
it should not be generalized, a small group of american politicians has evil ideas of killing and controlling every country in the world, but this is not just this small group of american politicians who think that way, in every country in the world there is some small group of politicians with thought to deceive and rob the people and control other countries or even their population. if you pay close attention to your own country, I don't know which country you are from, you will see that there is a small group of people who are or want to control the people of your country and the world or when the country is small or poor make agreements with rich countries for the benefit of themselves and not the people. so don't blame all americans because there are good people who are americans

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: tabas on September 18, 2021, 10:27:01 PM
Don't wish others bad luck or it will happen and come back to you.
Only when your character ends in this game can you know the ultimate secret.
And when that happens, there's no way to exit and it's just all about regret.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Xinarae* on September 30, 2021, 05:47:11 AM
America is currently one of the focal points of global political activity it is almost certain that the events of the world revolve around america and a new political history is created. The people of the country are watching it they are helpless politicians are swinging sticks at people of all professions some people from other professions are also supporting the bad deeds of these politicians. I hope there is a solution to the current crisis in the country the americans support their group.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on October 02, 2021, 07:31:43 PM
Don't blame the country. Blame the prevalence of ABSOLUTE ATHEISM and wicked men. Wickedness has no border 8)

What about the Japs?  ....and don't get me started on ze Germans 8)

Toshimi Mishubishi; a member of Unit 731, used to carry out autopsies on living humans. Unlike other unit members he declares openly that he takes pride in having taken part in this unit as he considered it to be the world's first unit to use biology in combat.

The key figures in Unit 731 became rather successful after the war. A number held senior university posts in the field of medicine. One headed up a leading Japanese pharmaceutical company while others gained positions such as President of the Japan Medical Association or Vice President if the Green Cross Corporation.

Nakagawa Yonezo, professor emeritus at Osaka University, studied at Kyoto University during the war, and, while he was there, watched footage of human experiments and executions from Unit 731. He testified about the playfulness of the experimenters.

    "Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: ‘What would happen if we did such and such?’ What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? None at all. That was just playing around. Professional people, too, like to play."

Prisoners were injected with diseases, disguised as vaccinations,to study their effects. To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea, then studied. Prisoners were also repeatedly subject to rape by guards.


Thousands of men, women, children and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often without anesthesia and usually ending with the death of the victim. Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body.

Human Dissection Experiment Room

Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Those limbs that were removed were sometimes re-attached to the opposite sides of the body. Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the esophagus reattached to the intestines. Parts of organs, such as the brain, lungs, and liver, were removed from some prisoners.[25] Imperial Japanese Army surgeon Ken Yuasa suggests that the practice of vivisection on human subjects was widespread even outside Unit 731,[27] estimating that at least 1,000 Japanese personnel were involved in the practice in mainland China.[28]

Shiro Ishii, the mastermind of Unit 731 died unrepentant in 1959.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Ebede on October 02, 2021, 10:43:29 PM
Funny just to see how folk's talk without, damnit.
C'mon man heaven is Real likewise your eyes to to see this.Never take all of this for a joke affair.
Yeah not all whites are the Same, but shit be going down.
I wonder why humans fear death more than God.....or less concerned of life after death.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on October 02, 2021, 11:13:13 PM
Funny just to see how folk's talk without, damnit.
C'mon man heaven is Real likewise your eyes to to see this.Never take all of this for a joke affair.
Yeah not all whites are the Same, but shit be going down.
I wonder why humans fear death more than God.....or less concerned of life after death.

Interesting response. Can you elaborate? Even the demons know there is a God and they tremble ;)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2021, 12:16:56 AM
There won't be any Americans... or those of any other nation. There will only be the sheep and the goats, the believers and the unbelievers (in Jesus salvation).

The believers will be recognized for their faith. They will have done at least a few good works. Their bad works will have been forgiven.

The unbelievers won't be recognized for even their works that appear to be good. Why not? Because as Paul says, "everything that is done without faith is sin." No believer, no good works. Only sin.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Similificator on October 21, 2021, 05:25:23 PM
Op must have had a very bad experience with an American for him to be able to say such horrendous things. If not, then the op's problem in the head is on a different and a way way higher level. But whatever it is that he has experienced(if he really did have some), it doesn't give him the right to generalize all Americans as such. This is basically the same as saying all women are whores just because some evil bitch cheated on you. I suggest op to have a little time off from everything and meditate. Trust me it helps. Hope you feel better and get over whatever it is or whatever things are bothering your mind.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: vianor on October 21, 2021, 06:10:44 PM
And for some reason it seems to me that such a negative attitude towards America can only come from Russia, the Russian government every day throws tons of misinformation into the network and television, forcing the inhabitants of Russia to hate the West and Europe. Russia does not touch only the Chinese, I think there are reasons for everything.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Smartvirus on October 21, 2021, 08:05:58 PM
I feel this post shouldn't be, seriously! How can someone make such a generalisation of the Republic people of America. Its just wrong and awkward. I'm sure, should OP's nationality be known, there would be some evil that could be traced to his or her nation and should someone generalise on it with regards to OP's person, it's most likely to be wrong and won't be acceptable on that ground by OP .

Besides, there is a pseudo idea to this heaven and hell thing and no one can really know for sure. We just happen to base our believes on records past down from time but no one can really ascertain in actual of its existence and where. So, let's be easy on it.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: af_newbie on October 21, 2021, 08:31:47 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Who is this Satan guy?

Is he on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Desmong on October 22, 2021, 08:58:33 PM
There won't be any Americans... or those of any other nation. There will only be the sheep and the goats, the believers and the unbelievers (in Jesus salvation).

The believers will be recognized for their faith. They will have done at least a few good works. Their bad works will have been forgiven.

The unbelievers won't be recognized for even their works that appear to be good. Why not? Because as Paul says, "everything that is done without faith is sin." No believer, no good works. Only sin.

I don't know how I am going to express my satisfaction with your writeup cause it the fact about humans existence. When you do bad and never ask for forgiveness, you'll go to hell to suffering will be eternity. The good fellows of our Lord savior will end up in heaven giving thanks to the Lord for their salvations. I know the atheist will never agree with you.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: adamantasaurus on October 23, 2021, 02:51:40 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I think you should visit america and meet the PEOPLE that live in the country MOST are actually good people, just because our government commits atrocity's does not mean the people are bad people and/or agree at all with what the government does. You need to get out of your bubble and see the world bud.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: vianor on October 28, 2021, 09:55:24 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I think you should visit america and meet the PEOPLE that live in the country MOST are actually good people, just because our government commits atrocity's does not mean the people are bad people and/or agree at all with what the government does. You need to get out of your bubble and see the world bud.

Why is the Russian government better? Russia attacks a smaller state and each time unceremoniously kills thousands of innocent citizens or turns them into slaves. China is constantly putting pressure on Russia and they turn a blind eye to this, giving them Transbaikalia and many of their regions. There are atrocities in every government of every country. There are always more atrocities in the big superpowers.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on October 28, 2021, 03:46:42 PM
The OP is talking through his left nostril. It's American faith in Jesus that is whipping the old Satan demon into Hell where he belongs. They do it in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BernyJB on October 28, 2021, 03:55:46 PM
Well, I did live in Miami, and am now living in Argentina, so hell doesn't scare me. ;D

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2021, 11:43:53 PM
The final burning Hell will include the destruction of this universe.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on November 03, 2021, 02:11:29 PM
They who accept the "mark of the beast" will burn for eternity ...but what is the mark and who is the man whose name is the number of said mark? 8)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Dripstoil on November 05, 2021, 04:54:05 AM
Not sure why you created this thread, probably you just feel the need and desire to bash America. But what I know is that America has been the pillar of this world, at least since 200 years ago. Before you embark on the project of building the hell fire, just remember that over half of the world's technological inventions comes from America, including the improved fire extinguisher.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on November 05, 2021, 12:44:04 PM
But what I know is that America has been the pillar of this world

Ya it used to be "both" pillars Boaz & Jachin and now it is one

True story

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BernyJB on November 05, 2021, 08:12:20 PM
But what I know is that America has been the pillar of this world, at least since 200 years ago.

Far from it.
America (meaning the "United States of America", because for "this world", "America" is the whole continent, not  just your country) has NEVER been any pillar, nor has it been "hell". It's just a country, among almost 200, nothing more.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: worldofcoins on November 05, 2021, 09:14:00 PM
Totally disagree with your thought. We can't judge someone on the native grounds.
There might (and surely be) many people of good eternity and thought who don't want violence.
Also, no religion asks its followers to be violent. I don't live in the USA and had never been to the USA but this anti-Americanism cannot be justified. Please do be racist or judgemental on the grounds of your negative thoughts towards the Americans.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: KingScorpio on November 06, 2021, 10:05:08 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

judging in good and evil is actually what makes you burn in hell

thats written right at the beginning of the old testament

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Ebede on November 06, 2021, 11:11:40 PM
this is a joke ;D ;D I don’t believe in that thing called hell it does not exist, hell was portrayed as a bad and horror-able place, and saying Americans have reserved their place in hell due to the role their play in society. hell is a religious scam and I don’t believe in it.
I think that we are using wrong words to address issues which is wrong, their is no evidence to prove, let assume op is from America it can't come to public to announce to us that America is hell, don't like to condemn a Nation, America is a country and some things we discussed here can be call hate speech through country.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Silentsweeper on November 11, 2021, 09:29:16 AM
Who does not have sinned. We are human beings and we are not all perfect. But you will stand before the almighty  GOD one day to answer for all your wrong doings. Theres to many people who are corrupt. We always wait till the end until its too late.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: worldofcoins on November 13, 2021, 05:08:16 PM
I was going to post some proofs that we're definitely being controlled by ETs but I'm too lazy to even care anymore to explain to people.

In short, this whole reality is Vibrations... Your Body is material that is made of Atoms but your SOUL isn't

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Easteregg69 on November 13, 2021, 05:14:05 PM
I was thinking about a place where the sun always shine.

Anyways I struck a peace deal with the old man. You can have it for free. The peace.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: worldofcoins on November 13, 2021, 05:37:52 PM
I was going to post some proofs that we're definitely being controlled by ETs but I'm too lazy to even care anymore to explain to people.

In short, this whole reality is Vibrations... Your Body is material that is made of Atoms but your SOUL isn't

You gotta think of it as an ocean where one drop would like to be different.

ET's is for when it becomes self evident.

Did you know Americans tried to Bomb the MOON but it the missile didn't reach moon and was deactivated by some unknown entity.

If you want to know the secrets of the universe then go inside and free your soul. Move inside your body before you can in the universe.
Also, the speed of light isn't the fastest speed.
If UFOs are real then they travel faster than the speed of light to warp into different galaxies in a moment..
The USA tried and tries the hide the existence of UFOs because there are different types of aliens.
Don't you think Aliens also like to play games out of boredom, what's better than toying with humans?

Also, search for "1$ Note with alien" you'll see what picture i'm painting.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Cnut237 on December 04, 2021, 03:24:43 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity
the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit

I'd assumed for a long time that this thread was an oblique reference to climate change, but I've only just noticed the second quote above. Are you suggesting that most Americans will move to Alaska? I think Minnesota might be a better option... don't want to get too close to Sarah Palin, and awaken the slumbering beast.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: im posible on December 05, 2021, 11:08:11 PM

I have bad news for you. That thing you call hell does not exist.
How about reversed? The bad news is that hell and heaven do exist.

We who believe in heaven-hell have nothing to lose if heaven-hell really doesn't exist, because at least during our lives we do the best we can do, do good, avoid evil and sin, help others. Even if in the end heaven and hell do not exist, we do not lose anything, instead we contribute to creating a peaceful world.
On the other hand, if heaven and hell exist, what about those who live without rules and act only for their own interests without caring about the effects on others? do you think you will regret it if you go to hell? Forever is a long time much longer than our lives which are only tens of years.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: thetruthisheresnowflake on December 05, 2021, 11:24:02 PM
You know what they say.
Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company.
No matter what if you have an IQ above room temperature you know that heaven & hell & religion were all created to keep the stupid weak minded people in line.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on December 05, 2021, 11:25:54 PM
Americans have good fire departments. They will put Hell out first.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: philipma1957 on December 05, 2021, 11:38:07 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Sad so sad you think that.

You do realize that broadly judging 330 million different people of all races creeds and beliefs is pretty much certain to have you placed in hell. If there is a hell.

I will pray for you that you come to believe that damning 330 million people is not for your pay scale.

Or mine.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: WalrusTusk on December 06, 2021, 12:09:40 PM
Why do you hate Americans so much? Just wondering…. ???

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: JollyGood on December 08, 2021, 07:47:09 PM
I just found this thread while browsing, I was surprised by the title so decided to take a look.

What you wrote is a sad indictment of where humanity stands right now. I sincerely hope with time you manage to reflect on the comments you made and realise the mistakes you made by the post.

The fact your last login and last post was almost 4 months ago might be a good thing as it might give you time away from the forum to reflect on your statements.

The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on December 09, 2021, 12:27:03 AM
Exodus 32:33-35:
31So Moses went back to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made themselves gods of gold. 32But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.”

33The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book. 34Now go, lead the people to the place I spoke of, and my angel will go before you. However, when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin.”

35And the Lord struck the people with a plague because of what they did with the calf Aaron had made.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: KrispyKrypto on December 09, 2021, 02:45:27 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

All people have struck a bargain with Satan by following his ways rather than the ways of God.

Before people or the universe existed, God invented the idea, and decided to make everything. Satan used his free will that God had given him to turn against God, and attempt to destroy everything, especially people.

God wasn't going to allow His plans to be thwarted like that. So, He made a way out for people by sending His Son, Jesus, as a man to take the Hell punishment meant for man... when He died on the cross.

Then Jesus arose from death, and offers every person who believes in Him, the same everlasting life that He has... for free, if they believe in Him.

There are people who believe in Jesus all over the world, including the US. Their bargain with Satan has been nullified, and they are forgiven, and will not be condemned, if they trust in Jesus salvation.

God is stronger than Satan. This is the way He is proving His strength.

Read the Bible with the idea that you won't understand it all, but with the idea that everything written there is truth. God will open your mind to salvation through His Son, Jesus.


Well said sir .

You know what they say.
Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company.
No matter what if you have an IQ above room temperature you know that heaven & hell & religion were all created to keep the stupid weak minded people in line.

I sense a lot of ego/ arrogance coming from that comment . I think you should keep an open mind to everything. Take everything with a grain of salt and try to better yourself and educate yourself through a lense of open-mindedness. Stop looking for all of the reasons to disprove Christianity and start looking at all of the evidence for it. It is right in front of your face. Your ego...  your "superior IQ" is keeping you from feelings Gods presence .

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: OgNasty on January 11, 2022, 07:55:01 AM
No problem.  I know what to do...  I've seen this sort of thing before...  All I need is a fiddle and I'll take care of it for us....  When it comes to making a deal with the devil, I'll walk away with his golden fiddle and free us from this burden.  Then I'll invite him to come back if he ever wants to try again.  I done told him once that son of a bitch, I'm the best there's ever been!

Now dance you fools!

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on January 28, 2022, 05:04:55 PM
.......they will if they attack Russia  8)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: ibminer on January 28, 2022, 06:19:00 PM
I'll just leave this here.

America (  ;)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: FIOS on January 30, 2022, 05:14:09 AM
I can't help myself but to laugh at this.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: belRiose on January 31, 2022, 01:28:06 PM
We in the U.S.A. designed and constructed Hell.
We operate it as a business, at a nice profit.

We are beginning an expansion project this year, which will create a new, improved Hell, 5x larger, with more heat.

We are considering a 2nd Hell, much larger still, when funding has been secured. This will be called Hell South.

Something for everyone...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Zlantann on February 19, 2022, 08:48:14 AM
I don't think Americans are the worst set of people in the world. Although you didn't state specifically their offence. But the truth is evil is all over. The world is dying. The ecosystem is loosing life because of industrial activities. Man is loosing love and compassion because of materialism.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: TheNineClub on February 19, 2022, 10:29:43 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

So is there any evidence we could look at to corroborate your claim? I would like to know what Satan get's in return, I don't really want him to get screwed over by the American lawyers and want to see his rites exercised. And about that special area of hell, how big is it? Do they plan any construction or development there? I mean the real estate in the US is completely out of hand, so maybe they just wanted some extra land to build, maybe some affordable homes for the middle class. I mean, if we look at hell from Dante Alighieri's perspective, the sixth layer of hell looks like a good option if one is buying property. And I am not sure eternity is something that makes sense legally, so expect some court cases and lawsuits on both sides.

Wait? Are you playing 4D chess with us? Is META hell and everyone is buying property there? Dude, that's like soo deep. So deep it went through all 9 layers of hell and ended up on the other side, somewhere in the Pacific ocean.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: merchantofzeny on February 19, 2022, 01:23:07 PM
I was about to complain that this thread is outright racist then saw the date and wondered why this is in the top thread. Thank you Subark for single-handedly keeping this thread alive since September 2021, by posting random links weekly.  I guess one more thread for us to shitpost in. ;D

And no, the only going to Hell is you OP, for wishing it on other people, many you don't even know. If Hell is real, you are the one who will burn there for eternity.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: cmg777 on February 19, 2022, 03:51:18 PM
I was about to complain that this thread is outright racist then saw the date and wondered why this is in the top thread. Thank you Subark for single-handedly keeping this thread alive since September 2021, by posting random links weekly.  I guess one more thread for us to shitpost in. ;D

And no, the only going to Hell is you OP, for wishing it on other people, many you don't even know. If Hell is real, you are the one who will burn there for eternity.

Technically, he should be reported for double posting many of these links because he has a chain of Subark posts of the links but I guess the Mods or libs must like him or something. If it was me they'd send me a message me and consolidate my posts to the oldest date. If they did this to Subark then his streak would come to end. Funny how its some rule for thee not for me... I'm not reporting him but I'm just pointing this out. I'm all for liberty which is what BTC and crypto are.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Agbe on February 20, 2022, 12:36:36 AM
But not all the people in America will go to hell. Because most of them are Christians and believe in the name of Jesus Christ. So you saying Americans will go to hell is a wrong prediction from the Holy Bible.

Most people in America are not a worshipers of Satan but Christ Jesus. Those who believe Jesus Christ will go to eternal Kingdom with Jesus.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: laredo7mm on February 20, 2022, 04:50:25 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Power is a very nasty thing if you can not do justice. All the concepts of hell and heavens are almost the same in every religion where evil is being put into hell. The problem with believers is they care so much about others than themselves. If all the Americans go to hell is that in any way benefiting you? If you are a true believer then try to work for yourself so that you do not need to go to hell. Stop thinking about others first.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Edith1994 on February 21, 2022, 05:34:10 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

I have not struck such a bargain and don’t like being lumped into such nonsense. Every time Satan has tried to lure me into bargains I have always refrained to avoid the fiery demise you describe. Many Americans have committed no evil at all and are just regular people trying to enjoy their lives the best they can with their given circumstances.
I agree with you on this

Americans are free living people who have nothing in there mind other than making their life's meaningful and memorable to them. Every activity of their everyday life matters alot to them.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: merchantofzeny on February 22, 2022, 06:56:51 PM
I was about to complain that this thread is outright racist then saw the date and wondered why this is in the top thread. Thank you Subark for single-handedly keeping this thread alive since September 2021, by posting random links weekly.  I guess one more thread for us to shitpost in. ;D

And no, the only going to Hell is you OP, for wishing it on other people, many you don't even know. If Hell is real, you are the one who will burn there for eternity.

Technically, he should be reported for double posting many of these links because he has a chain of Subark posts of the links but I guess the Mods or libs must like him or something. If it was me they'd send me a message me and consolidate my posts to the oldest date. If they did this to Subark then his streak would come to end. Funny how its some rule for thee not for me... I'm not reporting him but I'm just pointing this out. I'm all for liberty which is what BTC and crypto are.

He's a copper member so basically a paying member.  ;D

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Gosgosking on February 28, 2022, 10:35:17 PM
No matter what America has done as a nation it doesn't warrant the America people to suffer for it, no one body is perfect and America can't be perfect in everything they do because America is made up of people who are controlling the country which are humans that can make mistakes.  Everyone in America can't go to hell

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: KingScorpio on March 06, 2022, 03:00:25 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

the smartest jews and worldwide politicians know its banned to judge in good and evil,

in fact god banned adam and eve from the paradase as soon as they ate from the tree of good and evil instead of the tree of life.

people in the west forget this and morilise pointlessly around

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: im posible on March 08, 2022, 02:08:00 AM
Everyone has their own life choice and religion or not is your choice. For religious people to believe in hell is obligatory. A place where it is made to punish humans and jinn who do not obey religious rules. For those who are not religious and do not believe in hell then enjoy your life before your time runs out. Because all living things will die.
After death you will know what religion is and what religion is for.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on March 10, 2022, 08:12:58 PM
For religious people to believe in hell is obligatory.

There are religions which do not believe in Hell, for example, Jehova Witnesses.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on March 20, 2022, 04:42:42 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

Since Jesus starts the fire, people of 'non-Jesus is God religions' will burn first.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on March 27, 2022, 06:51:57 PM
Sometimes, I feel we are over reacting over certain things and we take religion to the edge. Some individuals even outcast, look-down-on or even do away with others.

Bad people would always exists in this world, its inevitable so long as suffering and social stratification does exist of which it would. So, in that competition and struggle for survival, people will always come up to perpetuate certain acts that are inhuman and not acceptable.

America accommodates citizens of more nations than any other  action and somehow, most of these citizens has refused to go home. They live in this forsaken and hell wished pithole never to return home. Why, they like it there and are able to earn a living there. America and Americans are bad but good for some too. There isn't no going to he'll about that.

The shootings are regrettable but, such is life. When the society has become a situation where people go about with hand guns, threats to life is bound to exist but thank God, non of the people shot had a life threatening injury as said in the news.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: TribalBob on March 28, 2022, 02:55:13 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

you are so funny, how do you know they are bargaining with the devil?
Not all Americans are bad because I believe 75% of Americans are religious and miss the most beautiful place in the end

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: GiftedMAN on March 28, 2022, 10:34:52 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

you are so funny, how do you know they are bargaining with the devil?
Not all Americans are bad because I believe 75% of Americans are religious and miss the most beautiful place in the end
We know that by their way of life. They live as if there is no tomorrow, they have done more evil than good, 95% of them are into spiritism, they practice some abominable acts that is against God and humanity and they are full of racists. The devil awaits to welcome them in hell.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Proro on April 11, 2022, 12:10:29 PM
Hell is real I can say, but condemning people to hell just because they live in a certain country is not ideal.

Ours is to serve God faithfully, judgement should be God's prerogative not ours.

Judge not that ye may not be judged.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Sayeds56 on April 11, 2022, 12:45:24 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

you are so funny, how do you know they are bargaining with the devil?
Not all Americans are bad because I believe 75% of Americans are religious and miss the most beautiful place in the end

It is true that all Americans are not bad ,they are very religious and respect for human rights. I worked in an American company during my employment in Middle east and i also found them very cooperative and willing to help other nations to learn new technologies but when I look at foreign Policy of US, it is simply based on protecting their interest at the cost of other nations, they don't mind killing hundred of thousand people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan  for their colonial agenda. That's is reason Americans are not liked in Middle east, Asia and in many European countries.  

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Desmong on April 11, 2022, 10:23:03 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
You sounds like someone that is angry. Could you please take some ice cream and Pizza? Maybe that will help to reduce the hotness in you. You don't expect the entire world country to go to hell just like that when we have great christians from there with good faith and love for the kingdom. Moreover no one is going to hell until they are there. You can't just assume everyone is going to hell when you are not yet dead to confirm the numbers of people going there. Take some time and tell us why you think in such a manner.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on April 19, 2022, 09:40:52 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

Only people who don't accept Jesus salvation will burn in Hell for eternity. But once they are dead, they are no longer members of any earthly nation. They are only members of Heaven or Hell.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Desmong on May 01, 2022, 10:50:31 PM
I don't think Americans are the worst set of people in the world. Although you didn't state specifically their offence. But the truth is evil is all over. The world is dying. The ecosystem is loosing life because of industrial activities. Man is loosing love and compassion because of materialism.
Try and read what you have written and tell me if you have made a common sense. How come the world is dying and you are not dead by now. No one is dying and we have many years to leave on this planet before we shall come back again to continue our enjoyment. Enjoy your life now that you are alive cause you don't know where you will be tomorrow. Life may looks short but it's long enough to be enjoyed.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Israelgogo on May 18, 2022, 07:24:23 AM
Little how Americans are losing their world powers to other
Competing countries ,countries like china ,russia ,great Britain and co are competing this positions with the Almighty America ,if care is not taking Americans might lose this positions,as  the dollar is losing it value and many nations are diverting to china for business deals and the chinese currency is appreciating in value.many of this oil producing nations are sceptical in selling their oil to Americans.
A great attention is needed to retain it world power.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Masplanc on May 30, 2022, 05:23:37 PM
I don't think all Americans will go to hell, if at all America as a nation has committed anything bad. If their is any consequences it will only reach the people that are in powers. Their are innocent Americans who know nothing concerning anything that has be going on. The hell is for few Americans and not all.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on July 18, 2022, 11:57:30 PM
We all need to strap on guns, just to protect our own lives and those of our families.

Mass Shooter At Indiana Mall Killed By Armed "Good Samaritan" Civilian (

A man with a rifle walked into an Indiana mall and opened fire in a food court Sunday evening. A law-abiding citizen with a permit to carry a handgun responded in seconds and was able to shoot and kill the suspect, ending the rampage.

The Greenwood Police Department said a lone suspect entered the food court area of the Greenwood Park Mall, located on Highway 31 on the south side of Indianapolis, around 1800 local time. The suspect was armed with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and immediately began firing. He was identified as an adult male, and police have yet to release a motive.

The suspect killed three people and injured two during the rampage but was stopped short by a 22-year-old man carrying a gun lawfully. Police have not shared the man's name, but local authorities are already calling the citizen who stopped the shooter a "real hero."



Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Frankolala on July 23, 2022, 10:01:28 PM
God bless America. We are not to  judge, sometimes people that judges others are even worst than the people they are judging because if they are privilege to be in position they can do more worst actions. Instead of judging let's pray to God for a change of heart for Americans to do things with the fear of God. We are all one no matter our color and our countries differ.In every countries there are always the good,the bad and the ugly everybody is not the same

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: ms-bit on July 24, 2022, 07:14:52 PM
So much hate and anger nowadays... this way we all will burn in hell

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Fraxipa on July 25, 2022, 12:11:52 AM
This thread definitely gives us something to think about. 
Now here is a question, is the world becoming an even more evil place as it becomes older?
If you ask a random sample of people you would get many yes and many no responses, which is always rather useless, since the answer is certainly one or the other.  I believe the correct answer is the affirmative.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: 81coin on August 01, 2022, 06:59:54 PM
It should not be put like this. Indeed, the American government has done a lot of terrible things, but people everywhere are just people, they are being brainwashed, they believe in TV, and they even may totally disagree with the politics of their country. So it's better not to generalize all Americans, it's really rude, guys

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on August 01, 2022, 11:23:49 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

... for not doing a better job of keeping the rest of you out of Hell.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: morggin on August 02, 2022, 12:00:35 AM
From the Loose Cannon 1st Edition

The Book of Midgets/Midgits (a history)

Chapter 1 verses 4-8, 31-35

"Send forth my beloved subjects! Be they small and capable of head butting tall people in the
groin. Let them be capable of acting as mobile beer holders. Let them be cute and cuddly,
and let them be capable of riding many a good winner at the races. "

"Leestee here-a Meedgits ve-a vere-a here-a furst und qooeete-a frunkly ve-a ere-a pretty
demned fed up veet yuoo beeeng here-a. Yuoo ere-a nut trooe-a representeshuns ooff zee Greet
Nuudly Oone-a. Yuoo ere-a boot un upgrede-a veet mure-a heur und inhunced cooltoorel
felooes. Gu feend yuoor oovn lunds. "

Which roughly translates 'Love your hair and cooking skills, but clear off we were here first.'

And in reply the Great Midgit wrestler and leader of his people Caxton did thus reply in a well
rounded Midgit banter:

"Thunkyuoo su mooch fur zee cuukeeng ingredeeents, lufely yuoong ledeees und cuukeeng
ingredeeents. Boot ve-a ere-a ooffff tu feend oooorslfes a noo ebude-a."

Which roughly translates to 'See ya round baldies!'

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on August 07, 2022, 11:47:56 PM
It should not be put like this. Indeed, the American government has done a lot of terrible things, but people everywhere are just people, they are being brainwashed, they believe in TV, and they even may totally disagree with the politics of their country. So it's better not to generalize all Americans, it's really rude, guys
People are terrible generally. People are what makes up the government. These guys are capable of making decisions that could either change the life of the world around them for better or worst. The worst part is, you could only join in.

Saying that Ameriacns would burn in hell, that's way much and out of some self righteous users thoughts. I guess its not easy being world power, you have a lot to do to keep it so and a lot of responsibilities to subordinates to keep them in line as well. Conspiracies and hidden motives. You can't really blame them!

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: OgNasty on August 08, 2022, 03:50:38 AM
Arizona man drowns in lake as officers watch: ‘I’m not jumping in after you’

I just happened to see this post and this event occurred near me.  The police officers were even told they did the right thing by not saving the man.  The water there is fairly calm and there are things like paddleboats around, so it's hard to imagine that this could happen.  It shows you just how quickly someone can drown, even in calm waters.  I feel like the police officers definitely could have saved him, but they would have been risking their lives and I'm not sure if they believed the man was actually drowning.  A shame...  I think they could have done more...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: edgycorner on August 08, 2022, 05:03:50 AM
I feel like the police officers definitely could have saved him, but they would have been risking their lives and I'm not sure if they believed the man was actually drowning.  A shame...  I think they could have done more...
if it was a white man, then they would have called a cavalry of lifeguards

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: newnft on September 04, 2022, 08:37:08 PM
My name is Satan... i work in hell... as manager... currently all our places are occupied(no places for Americans).. but we have only 1 reservation for mr.CoinOn

Mr.CoinOn... we will put you next to hitler dont worry...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: mm2543363580 on September 26, 2022, 12:02:40 AM
12-year-old Texas girl allegedly shoots self, father in alleged murder pact
Why are you counting people like crazy
this is so strange someone has time to do this. COme on
get upi and show up

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on October 02, 2022, 11:13:19 PM
2 dead, 17 injured after bus overturns on NJ Turnpike
In all these, there are still those that wishes to be in America. In fact, Trump had to build his walls to keep people out and you wonder why. Surely not only because of drugs and cartels but, the immigrants too.
Then you wonder if these guys aren't seeing these killings, shootings and unprecedented accidents.

America remains one of the most populated with diverse culture in the world and that's why it's so prosperous. They've got there dark side but have brought some good to the world too.
Crisis would always remain a part of our world, it ain't just America!

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Mate2237 on October 08, 2022, 10:53:10 PM
2 dead, 17 injured after bus overturns on NJ Turnpike
In all these, there are still those that wishes to be in America. In fact, Trump had to build his walls to keep people out and you wonder why. Surely not only because of drugs and cartels but, the immigrants too.
Then you wonder if these guys aren't seeing these killings, shootings and unprecedented accidents.

America remains one of the most populated with diverse culture in the world and that's why it's so prosperous. They've got there dark side but have brought some good to the world too.
Crisis would always remain a part of our world, it ain't just America!

people think America is a land of HONEY AND MILK specifically, Africans. But they have forgotten that America was a once like them. In fact Africa is more peaceful than America. Americans voted Trump because he was a man of integrity and he was. Even though they see these things over there, they prefer going there than staying in their country to die in hunger. Because America there are different king of jobs one can do to survive.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: digaran on December 06, 2022, 07:53:12 AM
I guess it's a good thing that the hell is not real, sounds like they dodged a bullet here.
Why am i not surprised🤣

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Alisha-k on December 19, 2022, 07:57:24 AM
I am trying hard to find out why the generalisation of Americans bargaining with Satan. At least Op should have stated where the offence is boiling from and who is doing the cooking. Every nation has their own evil practices yet it cannot be generalised because in the midst of evil people good ones still exist.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Sakanwa on December 27, 2022, 06:16:30 AM
We can't just sit down and judge the americas if they are going to hell or not, but we have to allow God to judge, I understand that some of the americas are into one evil I the other, but what God cannot do doesn't exist, because we can solve things and fight things through prayers too, I remembered when I was still in michigan for my programs, they are a lot of robots that I came across killing innocent souls, and all this robots are man made that can't be controlled by man anymore,  I if possibly anyone has a chance to stay in america and seek for a advice from me, I will simply say to you that you should choose praying over everything.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on December 27, 2022, 09:25:20 PM
If Americans are going to burn in Hell for eternity, think of how terrible it will be for bad people.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: macson on January 07, 2023, 04:39:21 AM
6-year-old boy shoots the teacher :o

A teacher at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News has “life-threatening injuries” after being shot by one of her students, the authorities said.


this is why allowing citizens to hold guns is madness.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: macson on January 10, 2023, 12:15:33 PM
He died at NYC Health & Hospitals/Elmhurst three days later, cops said. Sources say Ryan was arguing with his attacker over $10 when he was stabbed. No arrests had been made as of Monday morning.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: macson on January 15, 2023, 04:13:26 PM
damn, i can't stop thinking about what happened.  the debate of heaven and hell leads to death in Florida.

– A man was arrested and is facing charges after police determined he shot his cousin during an argument regarding Heaven and Hell, which followed a funeral for a family member


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on January 15, 2023, 05:07:50 PM
^^^ While Florida, like Arizona, is becoming 'free as a breeze, and always at ease' regarding gun control, the punishments for improper use of guns might even be stronger in Florida than Arizona.

As some parts of America come back into 2nd Amendment freedom, people there better make sure that they don't use their guns to endanger other people, except when necessary to protect their families and others.

Cop charged with murder. (


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: macson on January 19, 2023, 04:10:54 AM
when many children want to serve their parents, this woman instead kills her parents.

A Pennsylvania woman allegedly shot both of her elderly parents in the head before mutilating their bodies with a chainsaw over the course of nine days, officials said. Verity Beck, 49, was charged with double homicide after police found her parents, Reid and Miriam Beck, in “different stages of dismemberment,” Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele said Wednesday.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Silentsweeper on February 23, 2023, 06:40:11 AM
Interesting topic!!!!! But HELL is designated for many people. It's your own belief where you are going when you die. Heaven or Hell.  You choose.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 23, 2023, 10:48:14 AM
If I may get you clearly, is there anything they have done wrongly for you to attack them this way or is there anything special of what said of drawing a deal with satan.
Well to clear your doubt, not only American every country has their own bad sides and effects towards the world concerning their sinful act globally.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Belarge on February 24, 2023, 04:00:15 PM
I don't know what they believe, but any one that has experience how hot a normal fire set by a man could be would never want to route in hell for enternity, that's all I have to say

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on March 26, 2023, 10:19:26 PM
Two cyclists dead, 11 injured after truck crash in Arizona

Those silly American cyclists. They think they own the road. They are oblivious to the fact that most other vehicles are much bigger than they are.

They used to drive down State Highway 87, from who-knows-where to Phoenix. Back in the late 1980s (was it '88 or '89?) the big rear wheels of a logging semi took out two of them. Scattered them all over the hills next to the highway. Took the highway patrol a month to pick up all the pieces.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on March 27, 2023, 12:52:58 AM
Two cyclists dead, 11 injured after truck crash in Arizona

Those silly American cyclists. They think they own the road. They are oblivious to the fact that most other vehicles are much bigger than they are.

They used to drive down State Highway 87, from who-knows-where to Phoenix. Back in the late 1980s (was it '88 or '89?) the big rear wheels of a logging semi took out two of them. Scattered them all over the hills next to the highway. Took the highway patrol a month to pick up all the pieces.


I have also seen incidents like those here in my country, as far as I know those were caused because drivers intoxicated and because the cyclists did not travel a long the edge of the road to avoid bothering car drivers...

Honestly, I thought that those things were fairly uncommon in USA and Europe, specially in urban areas, there is always the option to have a special way for those who would prefer to ride a bicycle to reach their workplaces.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on March 27, 2023, 11:45:36 AM
American universities promote violence. Most American go to these cesspools because they hate education and love violence. This means that most Americans are going to go to HELL for all eternity because they are bloodthirsty.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on March 27, 2023, 05:21:33 PM
Americans will burn in hell for eternity

Why else do you see so many Americans fighting global warming? ;D


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: yeosaga on March 28, 2023, 12:19:56 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Just the ones that participated, right?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: dollarday on April 11, 2023, 02:54:23 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

How do Black Americans fit into this equation then? It seems like they've been getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this deal for the past 400 years. At times their experience in the USA has been hellish, and I have seen them receive non of the benefits of this bargain with Satan.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on April 11, 2023, 04:45:48 PM
American universities promote violence. Most American go to these cesspools because they hate education and love violence. This means that most Americans are going to go to HELL for all eternity because they are bloodthirsty.

I thought we have already talked about this topic on universities before?
Also, what alternative would you offer to solve the problem of violence in the United States? In my opinion, there are other more important sources of violence than universities, for example, the gang culture, the abuse of substances, the love for military-graded weapons and even the glorification of bad people on internet.

Do you think universities have anything to do with those things in American society?

Americans will burn in hell for eternity

Why else do you see so many Americans fighting global warming? ;D


Don't you think global warming is real?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on April 11, 2023, 06:05:38 PM
Hispo. When you have to compare American universities to gangs and the very worst of society in order to make American universities look favorable, then you know that American universities have a deep problem. American universities are incredibly unprofessional. And I am going to keep on bringing this up over and over again because American universities refuse to apologize, and people still think that degrees from American universities are worth anything at all. They are not. And as long as American universities refuse to apologize for being so deplorable, and as long as these universities refuse to take any steps to change or make peace, I will shame most people who go through the system relentlessly because they are evil.

"Also, what alternative would you offer to solve the problem of violence in the United States?"-Well, we can start by demanding universities to apologize. And if they don't, then university graduates will continue to be shamed relentlessly. I will insult the intelligence of university graduates as long as universities refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing. I personally cannot solve the entire problem of violence myself, but I can call out institutions when they are evil.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on April 11, 2023, 09:08:28 PM
Hispo. When you have to compare American universities to gangs and the very worst of society in order to make American universities look favorable, then you know that American universities have a deep problem. American universities are incredibly unprofessional. And I am going to keep on bringing this up over and over again because American universities refuse to apologize, and people still think that degrees from American universities are worth anything at all. They are not. And as long as American universities refuse to apologize for being so deplorable, and as long as these universities refuse to take any steps to change or make peace, I will shame most people who go through the system relentlessly because they are evil.

"Also, what alternative would you offer to solve the problem of violence in the United States?"-Well, we can start by demanding universities to apologize. And if they don't, then university graduates will continue to be shamed relentlessly. I will insult the intelligence of university graduates as long as universities refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing. I personally cannot solve the entire problem of violence myself, but I can call out institutions when they are evil.

Okey, let us assume that the bulk of American universities make a self-study and realize they are wrong on whatever you think they are.
What kind of apology you mean they need to issue?

Are they supposed to send letters massively to all of their students and former students formally apologizing for any wrongdoing?
Are they supposed to also summon a press conference to publicly apologize and announce the authorities may step down from their positions?

What happens next?
Because it is a little bit confusing to me what you would like society to accomplish after an apology from both private and public institutions of education. It kinda sounds like you are implying all universities in your country are coordinated in their actions and the violence you say they promote.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on April 11, 2023, 09:36:44 PM
"Are they supposed to send letters massively to all of their students and former students formally apologizing for any wrongdoing?"-That would be great. But an open public apology would work too even if it was not advertised to everyone. If the universities do not admit to wrongdoing, it is my responsibility to bring up these situations.

"Are they supposed to also summon a press conference to publicly apologize and announce the authorities may step down from their positions?"-That would be great. But if they do not do this, then I will make sure that people know that universities are garbage.

"What happens next?"-Well, after universities apologize, they can make efforts to stand against violence. But this is probably not going to happen since universities do promote violence.

"It kinda sounds like you are implying all universities in your country are coordinated in their actions and the violence you say they promote."-Yeah. It does not take any coordination for universities to be f***ed up since they are perfectly good at all being f***ed up individually.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: paxmao on April 18, 2023, 11:22:36 PM
Keep telling yourself that hell does not exist.

Why? There's like gazillions of things that don't exist, it's stupid to waste time even thinking about it, unless it's a really good Sci-Fi movie or something... and hell isn't even that.

Maybe that will help you cope with the pain when you are down there burning.

There is a bit of a flaw in your argument. I can't be someplace that doesn't exist.

Hell does exist is a very real place. Burning is combined with cold in the most painful way. Horrid creatures make all short of noises that dumb your judgement and will make you wish that you could reset your brain and un-hear  the screaming and agonising. In this place, you are kept alive on either burnt or uncooked food and all hope is lost under a thousand back-bending psychological tortures.

Yes, it exists, it is my in-laws house.

Train carrying corn syrup derails in Arizona

What a sweet death.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: brother brother on April 24, 2023, 11:07:07 AM
Is not good to generalized the whole people in such, because some are still good and innocent among them, we should all remember we have different view, perspective, believes about the world entirely, but we should rather make a useful and important view to add to various idea and knowledge.

We should advice, and say our point of view to a situation or condition instead of using hard words and argument. Someone should correct me if am wrong and I should be able to correct someone too. This is how we can help and improve or hemake the world a better place. Let build ourselves to a greater height as we continue to learn from each other.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: swogerino on May 08, 2023, 11:07:00 AM
Maybe the title of this thread should have been for American people,presidents who have started worthless wars like that of Iraq as I don't know any other wrong war from US,all others are correct and justified and they have done the best thing for small minorities who were being massacred by their so called big brother like Russia is doing in Ukraine now.

We should not generalize all the American people as most of them are good people but all these hate towards Americans I cannot understand,toward normal Americans,they are just like the rest of the world,they want more money to have more fun in life,won't we all want just that?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: RustledJimmy on May 15, 2023, 06:23:42 PM
That's kind of harsh.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Desmong on May 15, 2023, 10:38:08 PM
Americans cannot burn in hell because not all American are as bad as op may think. I am thinking maybe someone had offend op that is why he is not happy to see Americans not yet burning in hell. We need to understand what that means if op will be ready to tell us why he thinks the Americans would burning in hell.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Newlifebtc on May 15, 2023, 11:05:42 PM
Americans cannot burn in hell because not all American are as bad as op may think. I am thinking maybe someone had offend op that is why he is not happy to see Americans not yet burning in hell. We need to understand what that means if op will be ready to tell us why he thinks the Americans would burning in hell.
the author of the trend I may say that it have issues with American people, which I believe that is the reason why they put the things in writing with anger I believe that is very angry sister American citizens that is why he's trying to make hate speech to them

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: SolomonF5 on May 26, 2023, 11:27:20 PM
So if all americans need to burn in hell for what "they" have done, then we germans too, and the asians, and the russians if you watch the human history, we have done at least a lot of ultra bad things to get doomed 4 ever...all of us...exept for me i didnt do anything :D

But if you ever asked yourself why things seems to get any worse day by day then maybe, just maybe this is because most of us only pray to higher forces, if we need a favor. So maybe, if we would not be so selfish this could turn the tables for us, but staying doomed 4 ever sounds somewhat like the easyer way, so...apokalypseparty or what?  ::)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on June 04, 2023, 10:39:04 PM
So if all americans need to burn in hell for what "they" have done, then we germans too, and the asians, and the russians if you watch the human history, we have done at least a lot of ultra bad things to get doomed 4 ever...all of us...exept for me i didnt do anything :D

But if you ever asked yourself why things seems to get any worse day by day then maybe, just maybe this is because most of us only pray to higher forces, if we need a favor. So maybe, if we would not be so selfish this could turn the tables for us, but staying doomed 4 ever sounds somewhat like the easyer way, so...apokalypseparty or what?  ::)

I have personally reach to the conclusion that God would not allow people to suffer forever for sins which have been forgiven by the sacrifice of his son, in the case of Christianity. In that sense, I do not think there is much sense in trying to demonize an entire nation or collection of nations, just the because the actions of a few of them.

There are bad people in all nations and countries of the world, it just takes a look at history.

Also, it seems that this thread has turned into a place to collect information and articles about unfortunate events around the world...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: inthelongrun on June 25, 2023, 09:42:24 PM
Hell? But dinosaurs are already proven to have existed millions of years ago right?  :D

I wonder who butchered more in terms of population percentage. Maybe the Mongols? But of course, it's nothing compared to the casualties and victims of the plethora of religious wars throughout history.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on June 25, 2023, 10:17:37 PM
Hell? But dinosaurs are already proven to have existed millions of years ago right?  :D

I wonder who butchered more in terms of population percentage. Maybe the Mongols? But of course, it's nothing compared to the casualties and victims of the plethora of religious wars throughout history.

There really are only two religions in the world:
1. Jesus-salvation believing Christians;
2. Everybody else... the religion of Satan.

Dinosaurs are not known to have existed more than about 7,500 years ago. I wonder who butchered more dinosaurs. The Sumerians? Or some other group of people who lived before they did?

The whole evolution story - that tries to extend the age of the universe billions of years - is based on one fundamental flaw that destroys the whole thing. The flaw is "random mutations." Since nobody can tell which mutations caused something like evolution to have happened - random - and since nobody has cause real evolution to happen in the lab, there is no way they can determine that it was mutations at all... thereby nullifying the whole evolution idea.

The legal records of the nation of Israel - the Bible - explain that the creation happened about 7,500 years ago. The oldest Bible, the Septuagint, and Josephus (37AD to 100AD), both back this up. And Moses showed the power of God that made the Bible last until Jesus Christ... Jesus Who caused the Bible to be extended another 2,000 years. This is miraculous. It couldn't have happened if God wasn't guiding it.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on July 02, 2023, 06:52:37 PM
Manhattan parking garage that collapsed, killing 1, had open property violations, records show

Instead of simply talking about the sins of a few people, why don't we talk about America's greatest sin. No. I am not talking about lust because Americans are too f@#$ing fat to lust after. I am not talking about greed, envy, incest (incest is a good way of getting natural selection to get rid of deleterious recessive genes), or even sloth. I am talking about GLUTTONY. Americans are FAT and DISGUSTING. They don't exercise. They eat garbage. Even the rabid raccoons who eat out of dumpsters have healthier lifestyles than the average American (well, except for the rabies). Obese people need to repent of their gluttony and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on July 12, 2023, 09:39:41 AM
I am still the only person advocating for all bio-safety level 4 labs to publicly post cryptographic timestamps (which are cryptographic hashes or Merkle roots) of all of their records. After the BSL-4 labs do this, it is very easy to make sure that those cryptographic timestamps are posted on public blockchains like the Bitcoin blockchain. People are so disinterested in taking the required safety precautions because the media did not tell them those precautions and because we know how everyone worships the media (you are mentally ill and you are suffering from it; and no a therapist won't help you; the therapists have the same delusions that you do; you are f@#$ed.).

This means that we will have another lab generated pandemic. The next pandemic will f@#$ you up very badly. And the next vaccine will not be in the arm. It will be in the @$$. And when people f@#$ing die from the next pandemic, they will f@#$ing deserve it. They will all go to HELL when they die. And they will f@#$ing deserve that too.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on July 13, 2023, 11:35:02 PM
Well looking at the world today I really don’t think we’re in position to judge any one/community at large for there wrong doings, leave vengeance for God cause him alone can judge everyone according to there works here on earth… just live and let’s live … Thank you

I personally believe God is merciful and loving rather than cruel and eager to further punish the humanity. I have read some of the teachings of Jehova Witnesses and their view of God who already punished us for our sins by making us mortal beings.

The punishment for the original sin is to become dust, and death is like sleeping, as Jesus Christ himself said while he was about to bring his friend back to life. Of course, we all have our own personal believes, to each their own.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: montaga on August 26, 2023, 07:45:12 AM

No they wont burn, they just need to turn Blue.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: RioBlemz on August 29, 2023, 12:00:48 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Satan is the father of lies and cannot keep any bargain.

There is repentance for those who are still alive and they can turn a new live.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on August 29, 2023, 04:35:16 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Satan is the father of lies and cannot keep any bargain.

There is repentance for those who are still alive and they can turn a new live.

Satan only lives because God has given him the power to live.
Because Satan is a liar in everything, he must not even think that he is alive.
It would be a lie, and he would destroy himself with that lie.

Actually, Satan is called Abaddon and Apollyon in the Revelation. They both mean 'Destroyer'. Having nothing else to create because God created it all, Satan created destruction. But God through Jesus manipulated Satan's own creation to destroy both Satan and even destruction, itself. We won't see this completely accomplished until after the Resurrection.

They won't be Americans any longer, after they are in Hell.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hewlet on September 30, 2023, 04:38:18 PM
"The people of the US"? That statement alone condemns any other point you failed to make, as unreasonable.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on October 12, 2023, 01:37:19 AM
"The people of the US"? That statement alone condemns any other point you failed to make, as unreasonable.

Don't mind him. This thread has already become just a regular place where some news from.the United States are supposed to be shared for anyone to see, clearly those news are mostly negative and it seems to try to focus on that country as a very dangerous place where tragedy is around the next corner.

Also, Anti-USA sentiment is nothing new neither here, nor on the internet nor other countries. One is supposed to get used to all kind of extreme opinions for any kind of person one can encounter on the web, specially during this challenging times, when hatred and violence is easier to spread rather than comprehension and love for each other.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: chmod755 on November 03, 2023, 06:54:57 PM
Americans will burn in hell

Why not include Chinese people, Russians, Indians, Australians, and others...?  ::)

for eternity

That is impossible!

If having true immortality was an option and feeling pain was possible at the same time and if fire could burn forever - then that would be possible.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Justbillywitt on November 07, 2023, 10:52:33 AM
What has the people of the U.S don to you to deserve such an attack from you? Mind you there is never a time anyone will burn in a place call hell because it doesn’t exist. No nation on earth is without atrocities but calling out the people of U.S for whatever reason you think is justifiable is not ideal. Allow God to decide the fate of people or are you deputizing the creator of mankind?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on November 07, 2023, 04:28:24 PM
What has the people of the U.S don to you to deserve such an attack from you? Mind you there is never a time anyone will burn in a place call hell because it doesn’t exist. No nation on earth is without atrocities but calling out the people of U.S for whatever reason you think is justifiable is not ideal. Allow God to decide the fate of people or are you deputizing the creator of mankind?

No need to argue with OP, he has become an inactive member of this forum, so it is very unlikely he will even read your message in a while.
I agree with you though, obviously he has some bias against the people from the United States. It is nothing new to see ant¿ti/Americanism on the internet and in countries which alleged adversaries of the USA.
In the end, we need to learn how to differentiate from the government which people is living under from the people themselves, there will always be good and bad people in any country, does not matter whether we talk about the USA, the Vatican City, Malasia, etc.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Jamestown70 on November 09, 2023, 01:18:29 AM
Wow i am just surprised by the level of some dudes thinking how can you come up with such words generalizing it to the whole people of the country, this looks childish and I feel it's is a hate speech against Americans.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: btc78 on November 09, 2023, 01:20:42 PM
What has the people of the U.S don to you to deserve such an attack from you? Mind you there is never a time anyone will burn in a place call hell because it doesn’t exist. No nation on earth is without atrocities but calling out the people of U.S for whatever reason you think is justifiable is not ideal. Allow God to decide the fate of people or are you deputizing the creator of mankind?
In the end, we need to learn how to differentiate from the government which people is living under from the people themselves, there will always be good and bad people in any country, does not matter whether we talk about the USA, the Vatican City, Malasia, etc.

agreed most citizens are aware of what’s wrong with their country but since the ones in position have done nothing but make the system worse, the entire country is now perceived as evil or some sort

maybe this ideology is coming from americans’ very strong patriotism and sense of superiority that a lot (not everyone) has

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: larry_vw_1955 on November 18, 2023, 05:02:01 AM
I have bad news for you. That thing you call hell does not exist.
that would be GOOD news. would it not? very good news.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Bytecoiner419 on December 09, 2023, 02:43:19 PM
all this coming from someone that listens and prays to a pedophile.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: montaga on December 13, 2023, 07:02:47 AM
Seems like been burning for a eternity (

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on January 18, 2024, 04:52:57 PM
Seems like been burning for a eternity (

There even more uncanny coincidences in other old media. It is very weird, to be honest. It would seem that reality imitates art and is not the art which imitates life.
What do you personally think of those media which seemed to predict such a big tragedy to the American people? Do you believe is there a logical explanation to it or it was just part of the popular culture back then to comically destroy those towers in works of fiction?
That could be a logical and credible explanation, like something like a running gag or joke going through several generations of comic artists and witters.

I would need to ask someone from the United States about it and has some knowledge about comics. The other explanation obviously enters the realm of conspiracies, which we all know about, though, the point of a conspiracy is to remain secret, what would anyone involved get from secretly advertise their plans like this?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Victorik on January 20, 2024, 05:41:32 PM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Bushdark on January 20, 2024, 06:45:03 PM
I have bad news for you. That thing you call hell does not exist.
that would be GOOD news. would it not? very good news.

You don't need to be too happy about that because hell exist and if you think it doesn't then that's not a problem.
America as a country had committed the same sin other countries are commiting so that does not make any difference because everybody that sins would surely go to hell but there are people that believe that he'll does not exist. Everyone has there own believe and until we are dead before we know the actual truth.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on January 21, 2024, 04:34:23 PM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Victorik on January 22, 2024, 05:58:18 AM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

I understand your point. Well, I don't know how true statistically that America have a thing or two to do with many of the world conflict. Even though this is true, it is still wrong for any one to now generalize that Americans are bad people.
I am not an American and I do not hold brief for them, but I still believe that despite what is happening, not all Americans are in support of the actions and inactions of their government.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on January 22, 2024, 10:07:57 AM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

I understand your point. Well, I don't know how true statistically that America have a thing or two to do with many of the world conflict. Even though this is true, it is still wrong for any one to now generalize that Americans are bad people.
I am not an American and I do not hold brief for them, but I still believe that despite what is happening, not all Americans are in support of the actions and inactions of their government.

Both of the major happenings now are the conflict in Ukraine and the conflict on the middle east. In both of them the United States of America has direct intervention in funding and logistical support to Ukraine and Israel. That is something which cannot be denied, obviously. The support given to them is public.
On the other hand, many foreigners have noticed or are aware much of the funding to those conflicts come directly from the taxpayers of the United States, which are all citizens.
The logic behind all of it by people who is against the USA is that anyone who pays taxes is indirectly responsible for the destruction and chaos going on in both eastern Europe and the middle east.
It may be unreasonable, but that is what they think.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Victorik on January 22, 2024, 07:20:05 PM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

I understand your point. Well, I don't know how true statistically that America have a thing or two to do with many of the world conflict. Even though this is true, it is still wrong for any one to now generalize that Americans are bad people.
I am not an American and I do not hold brief for them, but I still believe that despite what is happening, not all Americans are in support of the actions and inactions of their government.

Both of the major happenings now are the conflict in Ukraine and the conflict on the middle east. In both of them the United States of America has direct intervention in funding and logistical support to Ukraine and Israel. That is something which cannot be denied, obviously. The support given to them is public.
On the other hand, many foreigners have noticed or are aware much of the funding to those conflicts come directly from the taxpayers of the United States, which are all citizens.
The logic behind all of it by people who is against the USA is that anyone who pays taxes is indirectly responsible for the destruction and chaos going on in both eastern Europe and the middle east.
It may be unreasonable, but that is what they think.

Oh, I get it.
Yeah it is true and also public knowledge that America Government has been send ammunitions to Ukraine, I am also ure there are other countries doing same.

And it is also true that the government uses tax payers money to acquire these ammunitions. And like you said, it will be unreasonable to blame tax payers for paying taxes uses to support their ally in conflicts.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on January 23, 2024, 12:21:15 AM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

I understand your point. Well, I don't know how true statistically that America have a thing or two to do with many of the world conflict. Even though this is true, it is still wrong for any one to now generalize that Americans are bad people.
I am not an American and I do not hold brief for them, but I still believe that despite what is happening, not all Americans are in support of the actions and inactions of their government.

Both of the major happenings now are the conflict in Ukraine and the conflict on the middle east. In both of them the United States of America has direct intervention in funding and logistical support to Ukraine and Israel. That is something which cannot be denied, obviously. The support given to them is public.
On the other hand, many foreigners have noticed or are aware much of the funding to those conflicts come directly from the taxpayers of the United States, which are all citizens.
The logic behind all of it by people who is against the USA is that anyone who pays taxes is indirectly responsible for the destruction and chaos going on in both eastern Europe and the middle east.
It may be unreasonable, but that is what they think.

Oh, I get it.
Yeah it is true and also public knowledge that America Government has been send ammunitions to Ukraine, I am also ure there are other countries doing same.

And it is also true that the government uses tax payers money to acquire these ammunitions. And like you said, it will be unreasonable to blame tax payers for paying taxes uses to support their ally in conflicts.

It would be ideal if there was some system put in place for taxpayers in the United States or in any other country where taxes are an important part of the states revenue, so each person who pays taxes can decide what the government is allowed to do with their contribution. It would be a simple enough system. Each time each person fill their tax papers they would be require to also fill an additional documents where they would express which their personal priorities are for the government to spend their money on.
It would allow people not to directly fund the purchase and manufacturing of bombs, ammunition and tanks to be used in a war they do not agree with. Though, it is quite obvious a powerful government like that one in the United States would never give that power back directly to their citizens, the representatives are for now the holders of that power, not the power who chose them or the people who actually out the money in the table.

It is quite curious how lawmakers in Washington are so eager to approve finds to continue wars away from their country, but do not seem to be that eager when comes to preventing school massacres and providing healthcare to their population.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Victorik on January 23, 2024, 09:59:52 AM
It is very wrong to generalize issues. There are terrible and wicked people everywhere in the world, it is not just peculiar to Americans.
I don't the rationale behind such generalization, and I strongly condemn it in all its entirety.

That is obvious, there is bad people and evil in all countries around the planet, regardless of the culture and society. Some countries have more problems than others, but all of them have them.
Though, even though you have a fair point and I also agree with your point of view, you need to realize we are living through very scary times and times where many people are paying attention to geopolitics and inner politics within the United States.
Most of the conflicts around the planet which are going on right now as we speak have something to do with a single country in common, that being the United States of America, statistically there will be many on the internet who disagree with the position of USA in those conflicts and also they will criticize the American citizens (all of them) because of the way they have reacted to those conflicts or not reacted.

In the eyes of many pro-Palistine people in the world, the USA is supposed to be flooded with massive civilian protests.

I understand your point. Well, I don't know how true statistically that America have a thing or two to do with many of the world conflict. Even though this is true, it is still wrong for any one to now generalize that Americans are bad people.
I am not an American and I do not hold brief for them, but I still believe that despite what is happening, not all Americans are in support of the actions and inactions of their government.

Both of the major happenings now are the conflict in Ukraine and the conflict on the middle east. In both of them the United States of America has direct intervention in funding and logistical support to Ukraine and Israel. That is something which cannot be denied, obviously. The support given to them is public.
On the other hand, many foreigners have noticed or are aware much of the funding to those conflicts come directly from the taxpayers of the United States, which are all citizens.
The logic behind all of it by people who is against the USA is that anyone who pays taxes is indirectly responsible for the destruction and chaos going on in both eastern Europe and the middle east.
It may be unreasonable, but that is what they think.

Oh, I get it.
Yeah it is true and also public knowledge that America Government has been send ammunitions to Ukraine, I am also ure there are other countries doing same.

And it is also true that the government uses tax payers money to acquire these ammunitions. And like you said, it will be unreasonable to blame tax payers for paying taxes uses to support their ally in conflicts.

It would be ideal if there was some system put in place for taxpayers in the United States or in any other country where taxes are an important part of the states revenue, so each person who pays taxes can decide what the government is allowed to do with their contribution. It would be a simple enough system. Each time each person fill their tax papers they would be require to also fill an additional documents where they would express which their personal priorities are for the government to spend their money on.
It would allow people not to directly fund the purchase and manufacturing of bombs, ammunition and tanks to be used in a war they do not agree with. Though, it is quite obvious a powerful government like that one in the United States would never give that power back directly to their citizens, the representatives are for now the holders of that power, not the power who chose them or the people who actually out the money in the table.

It is quite curious how lawmakers in Washington are so eager to approve finds to continue wars away from their country, but do not seem to be that eager when comes to preventing school massacres and providing healthcare to their population.

Yeah. That would have been a wonderful idea. Bit I doubt if that would be possible. It is mind bugling to even imagine the enormous sum of money being budgeted for wars outside your shores. I really wish tax payers can dictate where their monies go into, maybe these wastes would have been minimised.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 23, 2024, 07:58:06 PM
Many Americans have committed no evil at all and are just regular people trying to enjoy their lives the best they can with their given circumstances.
This is the case with most of the societies. But the societies are not ruled by these people. People who make the decisions are the one ruling the society and they are the one responsible for all the actions, but the regular poeple who just want to enjoy their lives also share some responsibility for not stopping those who are incharge. Afterall the ones who rule are elected by these regular people.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on January 24, 2024, 01:22:19 AM
Many Americans have committed no evil at all and are just regular people trying to enjoy their lives the best they can with their given circumstances.
This is the case with most of the societies. But the societies are not ruled by these people. People who make the decisions are the one ruling the society and they are the one responsible for all the actions, but the regular poeple who just want to enjoy their lives also share some responsibility for not stopping those who are incharge. Afterall the ones who rule are elected by these regular people.

Well, in the case of the United States and also other western democracies, you must realize that those people who are mostly innocent of the policies of those countries are trapped in some kind of political/power monopoly which do not allow them to get better leaders who would not commit evil and attack other countries for the sake of the pursue of power or territory. The case of the United States is the most obvious and the easier to understand. The people from the USA are trapped between the Democrat and Republican party, those who are disappointed with the Democrats go and vote for Republicans, those who are disappointed with the Republican go and vote for Democrats. If there is a group of people who is considering not to vote or do it for an independent they are called out to vote for one of the two hegemonic parties.
The media is controled by people with strong ties to both Democrats and Republicans, they ignore other parties in purpose so they won't catch voters and make them weaker against their long-standing political rivals.
In that system like that, there is not much the average people can do in order to change the quality of the president, the representatives or the members of the Senate. Any alternative beyond voting would be considered to be an act of rebelition or against the State.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Obulis on January 25, 2024, 09:43:14 AM
I believe there is need for hell reorientation, that is proper understanding of the word hell fire... How beit, human history has it in all cultures and civilization a name for certain level of inhuman operations, evil and devilish to what can also be call a anihuman acts. This being true, then the belief of eternity cannot be far from truth and cannot be underemphasized... Just as there's devil incarnate in Asia, so it is in America, Africa, Europe etc and there are also angles

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Bushdark on February 04, 2024, 09:10:08 AM
I believe there is need for hell reorientation, that is proper understanding of the word hell fire... How beit, human history has it in all cultures and civilization a name for certain level of inhuman operations, evil and devilish to what can also be call a anihuman acts. This being true, then the belief of eternity cannot be far from truth and cannot be underemphasized... Just as there's devil incarnate in Asia, so it is in America, Africa, Europe etc and there are also angles
These is no need for this and saying Americans would burn in hell need a little comprehensive explanation and how we intend that to happen. Things do not always fall to our own side that is why we need to be proactive and take life the way it is. Op has reason why I think the Americans would burn in hell but I am still surprised how that would happen. Not all Americans would burn in hell, those that had done wrong would be the ones burning not everyone actually.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: oktana on February 04, 2024, 11:10:22 AM
I believe there is need for hell reorientation, that is proper understanding of the word hell fire... How beit, human history has it in all cultures and civilization a name for certain level of inhuman operations, evil and devilish to what can also be call a anihuman acts. This being true, then the belief of eternity cannot be far from truth and cannot be underemphasized... Just as there's devil incarnate in Asia, so it is in America, Africa, Europe etc and there are also angles
These is no need for this and saying Americans would burn in hell need a little comprehensive explanation and how we intend that to happen. Things do not always fall to our own side that is why we need to be proactive and take life the way it is. Op has reason why I think the Americans would burn in hell but I am still surprised how that would happen. Not all Americans would burn in hell, those that had done wrong would be the ones burning not everyone actually.

The OP later specified that the “vast majority” will suffer, he didn’t say all of them. If I’d be honest, this isn’t the first time that I have heard such statements. I’m not sure what OP saw this time that triggered him this much but people talk about how they condone terrible acts and Satan-like behaviors. I wouldn’t really involve myself because we all have different views and even in religion, people still think differently. And the American people may come for me. :)

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Funke on February 09, 2024, 10:55:24 PM
It sounds sarcastic

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 12, 2024, 10:53:25 AM
Well I think many have there believe though there are some things which human has put in place to guide existence of others to avoid jungle but what you called hell may be see another perspective but stating some of the American has reserve bell is not to clear to me you would have state if it's through illegal act against human existence or which angle the hell is coming into play.

Keep telling yourself that hell does not exist.  Maybe that will help you cope with the pain when you are down there burning.

Good luck with that.
Eternity is a long time.

Laughable but truthfully your correct, many don't believe until they see with their eye, I never pray for any to be found their but who ever chooses  it, is well .

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: kasablings on February 22, 2024, 09:14:58 AM
Are you God to judge people,what make you think you are not the won to face the hell.americans are what,are they not humans like you,are human perfect americans have tried there best over the years to develop there country in there own way and knowledge.they don't come looking for you if you don't come with trouble.the country am from if I want to judge my leaders are devil themselves.a country that try has much as possible to develop themselves in all part of life to make life easier for there citizens you call them devil's.please if you are looking for devil's come to Nigeria you will see them flying in day time.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: larry_vw_1955 on February 26, 2024, 03:19:09 AM
6 now dead after train crashes into family's SUV in Plant City

what's the purpose of this thread and for posting these type of stories, kind of confused. ???

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Zanab247 on February 26, 2024, 06:37:30 PM
There are evil people all over the world which Satan is using to fight good people that is doing the right thing to ensure the generation of that country remain truthful in all they are doing, which are some of the things some bad people in the American are allowing the Satan to use them to destroy what their grandparents has established in the land.

 If you look at the bad side of the country, is good for you to look at the good side of the country too because, there are many people in America who are busy doing the right thing to ensure the good thing that they are doing for the betterment of the people living in all over the country feel the positive aspect of their calling.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Kingperry22 on March 07, 2024, 10:19:41 AM
America land of freedom and a global superpower. America's influence in various aspects of international relations, economics, culture, and military strength. like many other nation the country has a diverse political issues, including policies from different points of the spectrum lile that of the far leftist, it's the robust democratic process that allows for a balance of ideas. Good governance and sound policies have a significant impact, not just within the nation but also in setting precedents for the world at large. The ability to adapt, change, and progress is what keeps any nation moving forward, and America has demonstrated this throughout times therefore its just like any other nation but a unified one

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on March 08, 2024, 11:45:14 PM
6 now dead after train crashes into family's SUV in Plant City

what's the purpose of this thread and for posting these type of stories, kind of confused. ???

I am not sure, but if I had to guess, I would say it is kind of a collection of news (mostly negative ones) which take place in the United States. I am not sure why or what the motivations are, but keeping in mind the title of this thread is about how the United States is doomed to suffer the eternal godly punished as a result of the alledged evil, then he is doing all this gathering of information for the sake of having evidence, domming evidence against the American People.
To me does not make much sense, though, since all this tragedies could happen in any country, with the exception of the gun Violence related news, which are sadly part of the American culture by now.

In short, it is an ideological/theological thing, or at least, that is my theory.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Claudeake on March 09, 2024, 04:00:34 AM
I hope there are only two categories of people in the world; those who would not go to hell, and those who would definitely get there. So, it is not the Americans who would get there or not alone from the rest of the world people.
Again, no singular individual or a group of individuals has the prerogative to negotiate with the devil to reserve a preferred section of hell to Lodge in eternity. Neither does Satan nor his angelic likes  has such power.
Nevertheless, at eternity, it is only the Almighty God who has the sole jurisdiction to dictate the Dynamics of events.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: larry_vw_1955 on March 13, 2024, 04:19:25 AM

I am not sure, but if I had to guess, I would say it is kind of a collection of news (mostly negative ones) which take place in the United States. I am not sure why or what the motivations are, but keeping in mind the title of this thread is about how the United States is doomed to suffer the eternal godly punished as a result of the alledged evil, then he is doing all this gathering of information for the sake of having evidence, domming evidence against the American People.
To me does not make much sense, though, since all this tragedies could happen in any country, with the exception of the gun Violence related news, which are sadly part of the American culture by now.

In short, it is an ideological/theological thing, or at least, that is my theory.

If the OP thinks the USA is evil then he should add this item to his list.

On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. The bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict.

If he doesn't think that is evil then maybe he needs to get his head examined.  :o

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on March 13, 2024, 10:10:31 AM

I am not sure, but if I had to guess, I would say it is kind of a collection of news (mostly negative ones) which take place in the United States. I am not sure why or what the motivations are, but keeping in mind the title of this thread is about how the United States is doomed to suffer the eternal godly punished as a result of the alledged evil, then he is doing all this gathering of information for the sake of having evidence, domming evidence against the American People.
To me does not make much sense, though, since all this tragedies could happen in any country, with the exception of the gun Violence related news, which are sadly part of the American culture by now.

In short, it is an ideological/theological thing, or at least, that is my theory.

If the OP thinks the USA is evil then he should add this item to his list.

On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. The bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict.

If he doesn't think that is evil then maybe he needs to get his head examined.  :o

It is not about whether he personally believes that crime to be evil or not, though. This thread seems just to have become a place for him to share news and happenings going on today, rather than being an historical analysis on the things the United States has done in the past and during times of conflict, like the World War II.
Though, I indeed believe that killing of civilians was not justified and probably the government of the USA felt they had spent too much money in the development of those weapons of mass destruction, for them not to give them any use or actual trial whatsoever.

The scary thing about all it is to keep in mind those bombs were prototypes and first versions of the weapons currently available in the arsenal of many countries today, which are more powerful and deadly.  :(

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Troytech on March 17, 2024, 06:00:57 AM
Where is all this coming  from OP, I was expecting some kind of news or reason for them to burn in he'll, you know not everyone is from USA so I guess we deserve to know why there are burning or would burn so we Don't follow in their footsteps, but since you don't I'll assume you've gotten to attached to soem YouTube video or Tokyo guy that is talking about Satan all the time.

Bro noone would go to he'll which in the context the Bible uses it is an eternity without GOD where your sprit would suffer hunger, drought, homelessness and all the pitifully thigns ever, now second death Lake of fire is a time where history woudl be rest and possibly every evil thign in creation or that ended up that way would be utterly erased from existence.

If you accept Jesus into your heart and believe he dies for your sins, no matter what you've done you are saved, and that is the truth, no one needs to atone for his sins, JESUS has already done it for us and his price is and was a perfect price every acceptable in the eyes of GOD.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: montaga on March 24, 2024, 05:57:14 PM

What  does he say?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Deborah DB on March 28, 2024, 06:15:44 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
America is the greatest country in the world Acknowledged by God..American will be great again.

I stand with Ukraine

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on April 22, 2024, 12:09:51 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.
America is the greatest country in the world Acknowledged by God..American will be great again.

I stand with Ukraine

Your post confuse me a bit. I could have assumed you are supported of Trump because of the fact you mention the United States will be great again (It is something which is repeated very often by Trump himself and his supporters). On the other hand, you claim to stand with Ukraine, while most of the Trump base does not and actually see the aid for Ukraine as a east of taxpayer money, funds which are supposed to be used to secure the border between Mexico and the United States.
So am I supposed to assume you are a Republican which does not Trump or who believes Trump does not support Russia?

Regardless of those possibilities about your ideology, it is quite a coincidence today the government of the USA managed to pass more aid for both Ukraine and Israel. It had been a while since it happened, let us see whether Ukraine will be continue to defense itself with that aid or it will be fruitless in the short term...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 06, 2024, 09:16:41 PM
This is too harsh, there is no way everyone in America can go to hell, even in the city of Sodom and gomorrah God still finds  righteous people which was Lots and His family.  I don't really know why you have this conclusion but fine somewhere in your heart to forgive what so ever individual or Government of America have done to you.

The op is really having some deep pain over something but would have look at some angle of others who is not in support of any wrong either by government or individual against others. But one thing I Amy say is the statting who will be in hell most time can't be correct base on most of the believe system we have God the supreme said he will show mercy who ever he desire to show Mercy, how do you justify who who dwell in hell with this kind of believe beside there is another saying that  who is the man that is speaking or concluding when God have not said it will be in that manner , that it will not stand neither will it come to passed. Because of this believe system one can only be entitled to it's opinion.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Wakate on May 12, 2024, 10:42:08 PM
This is too harsh, there is no way everyone in America can go to hell, even in the city of Sodom and gomorrah God still finds  righteous people which was Lots and His family.  I don't really know why you have this conclusion but fine somewhere in your heart to forgive what so ever individual or Government of America have done to you.

The op is really having some deep pain over something but would have look at some angle of others who is not in support of any wrong either by government or individual against others. But one thing I Amy say is the statting who will be in hell most time can't be correct base on most of the believe system we have God the supreme said he will show mercy who ever he desire to show Mercy, how do you justify who who dwell in hell with this kind of believe beside there is another saying that  who is the man that is speaking or concluding when God have not said it will be in that manner , that it will not stand neither will it come to passed. Because of this believe system one can only be entitled to it's opinion.
Op must have been hurt by a US citizen or the government and that could be the reason why he felt this way. I don't have anything against his comment but I think we all have to be careful how we use anyhow world to interpret our inner expression. I know the government can be very deceitful but that does not mean that everyone is bad. Trying to be a sadist is never a good idea for me especially coming publicly to affirm something that is very wrong due to anger or emotional disappointment. The American are humans like us and no human in Earth can be called good. We all have our own bad characters or area we are never good at all.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: FinePoine0 on May 13, 2024, 11:57:27 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

In all countries such dirty people live, because they are most willing to act when they are shadowed by politics. Not only do they not hesitate to kill anyone for the sake of power and money, the country I live in also has an area of hell where outsiders cannot enter. And anyone who gets in the way of politics is negotiated to be killed by the scumbag. Even in such circumstances we live as victims of circumstances.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on May 26, 2024, 04:01:02 AM
Think about this. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it for everybody... the good people and the bad. Since Jesus took the punishment for it all, EVERYBODY gets eternal life. The eternal life is in a new body that Jesus won for each an every person. This new body can't die, just like Jesus's new body arfter the resurrection can't die.

The question is, where will we live in our new bodies after our resurrections? It all depends on a person's faith that he had in Jesus before that person died. Some people will live in joy with God forever. Others will live in continual destruction forever... because their bodies can no longer die.


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Freeesta on May 26, 2024, 06:31:34 PM
I would not speak for the entire nation. I would limit myself to the US government. It is not the people’s fault that the government has chosen such a course. As long as people are satisfied with their lives, as long as they have the opportunity to work and earn money for themselves and their families, there will be no change of power, even if a dried-up mummy sits in the president’s place. Of course, something unexpected may happen and people will be surprised that they did not see what was happening around them before. But that's a completely different story

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on May 28, 2024, 11:17:50 PM
Think about this. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it for everybody... the good people and the bad. Since Jesus took the punishment for it all, EVERYBODY gets eternal life. The eternal life is in a new body that Jesus won for each an every person. This new body can't die, just like Jesus's new body arfter the resurrection can't die.

The question is, where will we live in our new bodies after our resurrections? It all depends on a person's faith that he had in Jesus before that person died. Some people will live in joy with God forever. Others will live in continual destruction forever... because their bodies can no longer die.


Interesting view you have there on the resurrection and the sacrifice Jesus made for us all. Actually, it depends much on the church and the nomination... In the case of the catholic Church, it is quite polar: heaven or hell. Though, there is something I have learnt from Jehova Witnesses: they do not believe there is a punishment in the afterlife or an eternal place for sinners to suffer. To them, it is clear the punishment for the sin has been already established: death.
and Jesus himself compared death with sleeping, moments before bringing back his friend from death.

Don't you think the view of the church of the Jehova witnesses make sense or not? To me it kind of does. why would the son of God sacrifice himself to wash out sins away if he still intended to inflict suffering on us?

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on May 28, 2024, 11:35:17 PM
Think about this. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it for everybody... the good people and the bad. Since Jesus took the punishment for it all, EVERYBODY gets eternal life. The eternal life is in a new body that Jesus won for each an every person. This new body can't die, just like Jesus's new body arfter the resurrection can't die.

The question is, where will we live in our new bodies after our resurrections? It all depends on a person's faith that he had in Jesus before that person died. Some people will live in joy with God forever. Others will live in continual destruction forever... because their bodies can no longer die.


Interesting view you have there on the resurrection and the sacrifice Jesus made for us all. Actually, it depends much on the church and the nomination... In the case of the catholic Church, it is quite polar: heaven or hell. Though, there is something I have learnt from Jehova Witnesses: they do not believe there is a punishment in the afterlife or an eternal place for sinners to suffer. To them, it is clear the punishment for the sin has been already established: death.
and Jesus himself compared death with sleeping, moments before bringing back his friend from death.

Don't you think the view of the church of the Jehova witnesses make sense or not? To me it kind of does. why would the son of God sacrifice himself to wash out sins away if he still intended to inflict suffering on us?

Jesus answers your question in His temptation by Satan in the wilderness after He (Jesus) fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. You can read it in Matthew chapter 4 - In one of His answers to Satan, Jesus says, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

So, what is "... every word that comes from the mouth of God?" If you go to Genesis chapter 1, you can see that everything in creation is "... every word that comes from the mouth of God." In other words, the whole universe is "... every word that comes from the mouth of God."

It isn't God or His Son Who are inflicting suffering on us. It is we ourselves who are using the universe improperly, and getting the results from our improper usage. If you look throughout the New Testament, you see Jesus and His major people (Apostles) taking away much of the suffering.

When Jesus returns, He will fix it all, directly.

Consider the power of God. Who else makes such a big universe? And in Genesis 1, God said it was all good. The point is, believe in Jesus for final salvation. It's the only way. And that is good, isn't it?


Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on May 29, 2024, 12:33:35 AM

When Jesus returns, He will fix it all, directly.

Consider the power of God. Who else makes such a big universe? And in Genesis 1, God said it was all good. The point is, believe in Jesus for final salvation. It's the only way. And that is good, isn't it?


That is also something I don't fully understood during my religious classes when I was in highschool. In the beginning there was nothing but darkness and God started to create the heavens and the earth, the oceans, the animals and all with inhabits this planet, he say all of it as good. Though, I don't remember exactly he he also mentioned the first human being created has "good" or not.

Changing the topic, in Cathokic tradition is said the serpent which tempted Eva to eat from the forbidden tree (the tree of knowledge) was Satan himself, who is a fallen angel. However, I don't recall the Bible mentioning the creation of angels.
I have also read one third of the angels created by God himself had become fallen one and under the command of the First fallen one, though I am not even there is some biblic reference to that number and also the fall of Luficer before the creation of the Eden garden.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: C10H15N on June 09, 2024, 12:08:01 AM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

My attorney has advised me not to sign that agreement.  :D

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: teamsherry on June 10, 2024, 11:03:09 PM
The people of the U.S. have struck a bargain with Satan where a special area in hell has been reserved just for them.

As they have achieved their end of the deal by committing more evil than any other peoples throughout history, the vast majority of Americans will enjoy a slightly cooler area in the fire-pit where they will burn eternally.

Don't you think you should at least tell us what exactly they did more than others to deserve a worse place at the hotter side of hell, last I checked all sins arrle equal and qoudl be judged with death, I not a citizen of the United state but I'm sure they are not all guilty of the crimes you said, maybe a great few but Im sure they are still Godly citizens there .

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on June 11, 2024, 12:21:03 AM

That is something which as been already discussed in this thread, actually. How nationality or the origin of a person does not have much to do with their final destination and what happens to them in the afterlife.
On the other hand, did not you notice you were responding to a post which is three years old when you quoted it?
If you are seeking to get a reply to your questions from the Original poster, then I believe you are ewwstinf your time.

You do not need to aueste for let people.know what you think and share your opinion on generalizing a whole nation and call them helpless sinners in their way to hell.  :P

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Hispo on June 17, 2024, 12:44:55 AM
Wrong-way teen driver kills 6, including 2 children, in Texas

Well, that is very unfortunate... It has been a while since I had seen news of people getting killed by someone driving the worng way. Usually, it happens when someone from the United Kingdom or countries which are part of the former colonies move to the United States or the American continent and commit the mistake of still driving as if they were in the motherland.
Anyways, unfortunate news like these ones usually are used for people who believe in the USA the legal age for people to get a drivers license should be increased from sixteen years old up to twenty one years old.
In my eyes, someone in their sixteens is still are almost children and are not supposed to be allowed to drive machines as big as pickups.
Whatever, it is not like the people from that country are going to get some conscience about the problem and take action upon it, it has already been proven they rather to live with problems than trying to solve them definitely...

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on June 17, 2024, 12:47:05 AM
Wrong-way teen driver kills 6, including 2 children, in Texas

Well, that is very unfortunate... It has been a while since I had seen news of people getting killed by someone driving the worng way. Usually, it happens when someone from the United Kingdom or countries which are part of the former colonies move to the United States or the American continent and commit the mistake of still driving as if they were in the motherland.
Anyways, unfortunate news like these ones usually are used for people who believe in the USA the legal age for people to get a drivers license should be increased from sixteen years old up to twenty one years old.
In my eyes, someone in their sixteens is still are almost children and are not supposed to be allowed to drive machines as big as pickups.
Whatever, it is not like the people from that country are going to get some conscience about the problem and take action upon it, it has already been proven they rather to live with problems than trying to solve them definitely...
ok boomer


-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: mabelezov on June 17, 2024, 09:17:34 AM
I would like to ask the author, what is your nationality and where are you from? I am from Russia and my country is ruled by Satan, who is dragging us to hell. And you are completely wrong!

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: jvanname on June 17, 2024, 04:32:38 PM
I would like to ask the author, what is your nationality and where are you from? I am from Russia and my country is ruled by Satan, who is dragging us to hell. And you are completely wrong!
A person who believes that Americans will go to Hell is probably an American. I am an American, and I do not like Americans at all. These people are mentally ill, absolutely insufferable chlurmcklets.


-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: C10H15N on June 19, 2024, 08:13:51 PM
A person who believes that Americans will go to Hell is probably an American. I am an American, and I do not like Americans at all. These people are mentally ill, absolutely insufferable chlurmcklets.


-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.

Have you considered emigrating to a country you do like?  It's not easy, but it is possible. 

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: Jiovanni on June 21, 2024, 01:06:12 PM
I understand you're hurt and trying to communicate your grievances, but you're doing that in the most unacceptable way. If you know what's hell, you'll never wish it on anyone, not even your enemy.

Meanwhile, a vast majority of the Americans you refer to are as innocent as a newborn baby. So, generalising their punishment is another level of wickedness coming from you.

Nonetheless, let's have a critical look at the role of the Americans, you'll agree with me that every nation in this world if given an opportunity would want to dominate the rest, it's in the nature of humans, the spirit of competition, even animals exhibit such traits. That's why you'll see wealthy men still piling up many cash, it's for their bragging rights, you won't blame them, else, go get yours.

Yes, Americans may have defiled some nations and so have many other nations too. I suggest, your nation should find a way to develop itself and coexist.

Live and let's live is the key to a better earth.

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: hornetsnest on July 02, 2024, 06:12:53 PM
I would like to ask the author, what is your nationality and where are you from? I am from Russia and my country is ruled by Satan, who is dragging us to hell. And you are completely wrong!

I knew there were good Russian people out there. 

Title: Re: Americans will burn in hell for eternity
Post by: BADecker on July 02, 2024, 08:32:01 PM
Haven't you noticed that most Americans have A/C?     8)