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Belum tau juga sih gan akan lebih mudah atau gimana. Mudah mudahan aja bisa jadi lebih baik dengan di pegang owner baru, Karena sekarang ni saya belum mngalami hal ini
my bitcoin is a currency that can be a future for everyone, especially those who play it. because degan so expensive bitcoin prices and so are many mafaatnya especially for me personally, and also can change the life of one's economy. and also bitcoin is a coin search investment to convert into rupiah.
Teaching children about bitcoin is a wise idea in itself. because the child let me also experience in bitcoin as well, and also so ank become independent to change its future. so by giving experience to children we can also teach a little about the media technology, especially nowadays all the kids - mostly smart and smart kids - smart.
because I want to experience and knowledge in bitcoin and also is the only thing you need to plan is when to sell or when to buy. I invest in bitcoin in the future by combining various gifts that can help me a lot in making money. and also can be said by many people that bitcoin can turn one's economy into success.
Yes, bitcoin is the biggest bubble of all time, when getting bigger and bigger,You would say that bitcoin is a bubble, because You will be trusting personality that is trusted by the bank, to promote their company, they will speculate and compare that bitcoin is a bubble, and because of that can be said of bitcoin now ,is a bubble of all time, because the price is not everyone knows that the rise or fall it's when.
indeed educated it is required for every person, so that we know the rules that must be done properly and thoroughly, Education is the backbone of a nation. if someone wants to do business better that he had had an education or not, it's a private matter of each and every person, but it would be nice if business must be accompanied with education that we have, and how we can be successful in business ,although we are not a educated high, it is one of the private way we are , how we are or what we do so that we can be successful, then, depends on the willingness and diligence in business.
I think right now bitcoin is very much changing the economy of a person, but we all know that the cycle of bitcoin will rise or fall in the price of bitcoin, it is true now that bitcoin soar in price, so we who participate in this forum must be grateful and don't be arrogant, be afraid later the price of bitcoin down, so the panicles now I hope bitcoin is help or change the economy of a person, and I'm sure if lately if the government approves the existence of this forum is surely all who come to this forum will be very happy.
Iya menurut saya Strategi trading ya paling cocok day trading karena perolehannya sebisa mungkin 1 hari dapat profit dengan teknik scalping . Dan juga akan memilih trading yang cukup rumit juga ,karena nanti akan perolehannya lebih banyak yang rumit.
ea pasti akan banyak coint2 yang hilang gan, jika exchange qita djebol oleh hacker gan, ea kita harus waspada lah, hrus memang benar2 menjga keamanan akun qita, mungkin kita bisa menyimpannya di vipbitcoin gan, ea saya harap semua ini tidak terjadi gan, biar kita bisa dapet apa yang kita inginkan gan,.
ea gan bisa juga bitcoin ini merubah gaya hidup seseorang dari segi finansialnya, degan orang itu bersungguh2 ikut dan tekun nteratur dalam forumnya, ea meskipun saya masih baru terjun di btc ini, tpi saya akan selalu tekun dan berusaha sekuat mungkin, biar bisa kayak temen2 yang sudah sukses di btc ini
Creo que Brasil y Argentina son los que adoptan la moneda más rápida. Especialmente en Argentina debido a los controles fiscales y las regulaciones sobre la moneda nacional, así como en latín, el problema de los bitcoins es muy conocido y su desarrollo es muy rápido.
Saya kira mata uang it tidak bisa dgantikan gan, karena setiap negara sudah punya ketetapan sendri mata uangnya gan, apalgi bitcoin ini cm investasi dgital gan, jadi kalu masalah bitcoin ini cuma bisa mnghasilkan coint2 yg bisa dtukar degan rupian gan
Saya kira vip bitcoin akan selalu bertahan dan berjalan semestinya, ea meskipun BI sekarang masih melarang adanya bitcoin, nantik pelan2 pasti akan dsetujui juga kok, jika nantik meskipun ada gantinya ea tidak mngkin kayak bitcoin ini gan
ea pertama memang kalu newbie ea harus banyak membaca peraturan dan memahaminya, trus kalu sudah paham dan mngerti ea qta hrus ngepost dengan topik yang di tentukan gan, biar post qita disetujui, biar tidak di delet gan,
this is a very good project, of course Zipper Signature Campaign project is very promising, and also can mebuat I have a new experience in this gruop.