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1  Economy / Collectibles / Re: Bitcoin digital art prints - Decorate your home in Bitcoin on: April 03, 2015, 06:49:29 PM
Late to the party i guess. LOL. Just ordered a small print of #3 to use as an accent piece in the kitchen. I love the network design.

Just got my first two today. Absolutly gorgeous buddy. Well done.
2  Economy / Collectibles / Re: Bitcoin digital art prints - Decorate your home in Bitcoin on: March 31, 2015, 04:44:27 PM
Yep it went through. Artpal handles all the printing and shipping for me, i dont do it myself.

Thanks for the order !


My vote goes for Seans Outpost for the donation at the end of the month. Also let me know when you relese the other 3 prints.
3  Economy / Collectibles / Re: Bitcoin digital art prints - Decorate your home in Bitcoin on: March 30, 2015, 05:48:56 PM
Ordered one of each 36 x 24. Let me know if you got my order.
4  Other / Meta / Re: [ANN] The gmaxwell should not be a moderator project. on: August 15, 2014, 01:11:12 AM
Yeah... you were kinda being a giant dick to someone respected inside and outside this community. He asked a simple and legitimate (though kind of OT and perhaps with an agenda) question, you reply with a whole lotta vitriol.

Yeah, um.... no. he kind of replied implying that i was trying to steal something, then further decided to support his off base conclusion with trust rating comments.

Anyways, this isnt just about me, this is a place for everyone to voice their thoughts and soon sign the petition. i cant speak for everyone, but i know there are more out there like me just by looking at his recent posts and sent / received trust ratings. 
5  Other / Meta / [ANN] The gmaxwell should not be a moderator project. on: August 15, 2014, 12:58:48 AM
I am sure, actually i am positive i am not the only one who has fallen victim to a moderator of this forum (gmaxwell) throwing his weight around with out regard or common sense to the function of a forum community. As a matter of fact after looking through his post history i see it happens quite often. So I myself, yes out of rage for such behavior ( i will not argue that i am pissed off about this being allowed to happen on a community website) am starting a campaign to have him removed as a moderator on this form.

If you yourself have been harassed by gmaxwell this is your place to post about it.

Let me start by sharing the following statement from him after jumping in on a thread in which he knew nothing about but wanted to jump to wild conclusions with then further wanted to leave notes on my trust rating calling me a thief when clearly after reading the post you will see was not the case (unless he deletes it with his "all mighty power")

[Edit: Incidentally, there is no point in crapping up the thread with "quoted for reference" posts, I can delete or edit every post here.]
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 15, 2014, 12:43:15 AM
How the #$*@ did you end up a moderator?

1: having a list of addresses and being able to check them all at once has absolutely NOTHING to do with brain wallets Without the priv key you can do nothing with an address.

2: having the ability to monitor a ton of addresses without having to have any keys neither public or private has many uses, if i had more patience with people who are quick to make statements or accusations without first pulling their head out of their @$$ and reading the full OP i might even list them for you.

3: i dont know how in your twisted little head you came to the conclusion that checking balances without keys is for brainwallet cracking. If that were the case, and any other similar service are out to destroy BTC because they all allow it one address at a time, worse they let us explore the blockchain. If there were any logic behind your statement we all better sell all of our BTC as fast as we can as anyone can generate an address in 2 seconds and want to check the balance of it or even a million of them.

Thats an awful lot of very defensive text without any explanation at all. I've encountered inept brainwallet crackers multiple times who had the laughable strategy of attempting a key and querying bc.i for its balance, until they rapidly find themselves banned, then they show up on the forum or chat asking a question a lot like yours— a way to query a lot of addresses.  Especially when they're asking about querying at a scale compariable to or larger than the number of addresses with spendable coins in existence in total.

In any case— I didn't say _you_ were attempting to do this,  I asked what you were doing and pointed out what my past experience is with the question (so that you might be aware of the kind of speculation your question might inspire).

Generally if you're seeking help it's advisable to describe what you're actually trying to accomplish so that people with experience can point you to the best solution— often when you've found yourself in an unsolvable rut it's because you took a wrong turn a few steps back, and are now headed down a blind ally—  and only asking complete questions can save you.

quoted for reference, by the way thanks for the trust rating about something you know jack shit about based on your wild assumptions. what a troll. 
7  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 15, 2014, 12:41:18 AM
Oh yes, that must be it, i must be lacking in 5th grade math enough to not understand that the probability of finding 1 in 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 is astronomically impossible.


i must have missed the trillion threads that point out the obvious that generating 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 64 charecter hex strings one at a time even with the most powerful computer on the planet would take about 5 million lifetimes


i missed the million threads that again state the obvious that even if i could generate 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 private keys, there are not enough Hard Drives on the planet to store the 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 X 32 bites of data.


Maybe i missed that someone published a few hundred trillion private keys on a website ( and that of ALL of them it did not amount to 1% of all possible keys, and not a single key he published contained a balance or for that matter, will ever in our lifetimes. But myself, with my little 4.2g 8 core processor on a 6 month old desktop thought i could do better. HuhHuhHuh?


Now your all $@#ing idiots and cannot wrap your heads around maybe someone has a few million addresses they want to monitor for a pet project. and coincidentally they are smart enough to know that "cracking bitcoin" is IMPOSSIBLE as stated about a billion times since October of 2013.

Me, i'm in for the last one, your all idiots who read waaaaaaaay to much into crap as you are part of a community which was founded on and surrounded by thief's, scam artists, conn's and other nefarious types and it has since become your single train of thought in life that everyone who wants anything to do with bitcoin is up to something bad (except yourselves of course, your the only one who has good intentions ). You should do yourself a favor and sell all your bitcoin and run away as fast as you can before it melts what little bit of a brain you have left. 

Summary, your effin insane and bitcoin has melted your mind, and furthermore, someone with your mentality, the mentality of not being able to ask "hey, what do you need to check the balances of a few million addresses for?" before you automatically not only assume, but accuse a person of being a wanna be theif, is the perfect display of why there is no way in hell you should be a moderator.
8  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 14, 2014, 10:43:23 PM
to make such a software for the community to use.
What community is this useful for? Other people I've seen asking for this are trying to crack brainwallets (ineptly).

How the #$*@ did you end up a moderator?

1: having a list of addresses and being able to check them all at once has absolutely NOTHING to do with brain wallets Without the priv key you can do nothing with an address.

2: having the ability to monitor a ton of addresses without having to have any keys neither public or private has many uses, if i had more patience with people who are quick to make statements or accusations without first pulling their head out of their @$$ and reading the full OP i might even list them for you.

3: i dont know how in your twisted little head you came to the conclusion that checking balances without keys is for brainwallet cracking. If that were the case, and any other similar service are out to destroy BTC because they all allow it one address at a time, worse they let us explore the blockchain. If there were any logic behind your statement we all better sell all of our BTC as fast as we can as anyone can generate an address in 2 seconds and want to check the balance of it or even a million of them.

I read this thread a day or two ago and though, well this should be easily done in ruby... and then I read it completly.

I spend a few hours and made a tiny java programm [1] that does what I think you want.

You simple have to paste all the addresses in a file named in.txt (seperated by line breaks, see the in.txt that I put there for testing), run it with
java -jar chkblnc.jar

and watch it work. When done it will make you a file named out.txt (be carefull any existing file in the same directory with that name will be overwritten).

Which looks like this:

---------- BTC address ----------| : Balance in BTC (Satoshi)
186Aow5EgRz6WNroi2Eky8c94eZvxpWAEd : 0.22698467 (22698467)
19QkbYPu81MHkSdBxKXUm39nyH14z27gf6 : 0.181 (18100000)
19wLQ9PbptbrhXywyJ1FmmwckmH8x367Ez : 9.00230376 (900230376)
1MF48CPkGmnCXp54ztp9gTRCscpHzGvEC4 : 0.0 (0)
1Q147jbV8RFrBiW9JfNgZGNUtGoYnxsGED : 0.0 (0)
1LD6GEDrStmKYUjVnDwqySDqU6BUCo7Boc : 0.0 (0)
1FFvzKr4tHBb5tm7uLKwfUdRpQt4SiyCip : 0.0 (0)
1B4WYJA97wEZcC1faQaoE8zefyDwNmYdR3 : 0.0 (0)

I used the API [2] to get the balance, so it will need internet access. The connection will not be encrypted.
It is quick and dirty and will not catch any exceptions, if anything goes wrong (e.g. no internet, file not found) it will just terminate.
Please do not blindly trust me and read the code! Even with limited copy pasta knowledge of java you should be able to understand what it does.

I know these are a lot but, but [3] I hope it will help you.

[1] includes source, readme and example files!ckQ1gSSY!gsqAlZojlt-ACxZB7179g95zgWrhKAxwMMalPG_7Jlo
[3] aaand another one Wink

As for you...

I friggen love you man. ( in a non-homo kind of way)
9  Bitcoin / Wallet software / [Tutorial] Installing Insight bitcoin blockchain API on windows on: August 13, 2014, 08:52:59 PM
This tutorial is a step by step guide on how to install the insight bitcoin blockchain api on your local windows machine.

The purpose behind this is a preventative measure for the future as i have begun work on several local browser based PHP applications and clients in which you will be able to run on a windows server machine and these applications are dependent on Insight. Follow up threads will be started for each new application and client. If you have reached this thread from one of my other threads for an application or client, please post application specific questions in their respective threads.

Disclaimer: I am neither the creator or a developer of Insight API, this thread is for install instructions or questions on windows machines only. For problems with Insight API itself please contact the development team themselves through github

For now, the tutorial.....

How to install Insight Bitcoin Blockchain API on your local machine


You will need a machine running Windows Server, Windows 7, or Windows 8. For future application and client purposes i recommend Windows Server 2012R2. Yes this is a $10k-$60k piece of software, but i trust that those of you who want it know how to get it for free.

You will also need to downlaod and install

Python 2.7.x or newer
Git for windows Use the default installer options except, select “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt” when prompted
If you are running a 64bit windows 7 system you will need the 64-bit SDK
I also recommend Visual Studio 2012, But you can skip it if you are comfortable with windows CMD.


Step 1:

Once everything from above is installed either;

Open a Windows Visual Studio development command prompt (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat)


Open a windows CMD window run as administrator.

Next in either window (VS or CMD) Type the following;

cd C:\

then press enter

Then copy and paste the below and press enter

git clone

then type the following

cd C:\insight-api (hit enter)
npm install (hit enter)

Step 2:

Locate your current bitcoind data directory, which is normally located at %APPDATA%\Bitcoin. Copy and paste this filepath to a notepad for later.

Step 3:

Type Windows Key-R and enter "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,3" , then press OK. This will launch the System Properties panel. ( if this does not work enter it into CMD and hit enter) Here, click on Environment Variables, and under User Variables, add the following:

    INSIGHT_NETWORK: Set this to livenet if your bitcoind is running on mainnet. If on testnet, set this to testnet
    BITCOIND_DATADIR: Set this to your bitcoind data dir you found in the step above
    BITCOIND_USER: Whatever your bitcoind RPC user is set to (rpcuser= in the bitcoin.conf in your bitcoind data dir)
    BITCOIND_PASS: Whatever your bitcoind RPC password is set to (rpcpassword= in the bitcoin.conf in your bitcoind data dir)

If you are running on a different host, or set of ports, you will also need to set BITCOIND_HOST, BITCOIND_PORT, and BITCOIND_P2P_PORT as appropriate.

Once done, click OK on both the Environment Variables and System Properties windows to save your changes and close them out.

Step 4:

Open up a command window and run......

"node C:\insight-api\insight.js"

You can run it on start up by adding to your Start up program group in Windows.


After running insight, it should start parsing the blockchain data from the bitcoind data directory you specified (at BITCOIND_DATADIR).

You can do other things during this time, although i would not recommend shutting down the computer without first terminating the parsing function.

Thats it, your machine is now running an instance of Insight !!!!! Good job on following directions Smiley
10  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 13, 2014, 03:44:04 AM
I'm not aware of any service or easily installed and used software that will accomplish what you want.

I suspect you will get a lot of advice that you have already said you don't want from a lot of people who won't bother reading your entire post.  In the future, if you try asking the question again, I suggest you start a "self-moderated" thread.  That way you can delete all the undesired advice.

Thanks danny, i appreciate your feedback (no easily installed and used software ), as for the self moderated thread, the whole point of defining non-viable solutions or un-needed advice is to avoid having to moderate a thread.

Anyways, i guess there is always, i have managed to get a ton of development done through them for next to nothing with BitcoinJ so if over the next day or two nobody else has a viable solution, i will hire some guy from India or Pakistan for $5 to copy/paste a few lines from BitcoinJ to make what i need since i have no clue what any of the stuff in the BitcoinJ zip file is and they seem to read it like a kid reads cat in the hat.

Unfortunately, part of the problem is that at the protocol level, there is no such thing as an "address" or a "balance".  There are only "outputs" and scripts that set up requirements that must be met in order to reassign the value from those outputs.  The concept of a "balance" or even a "bitcoin" for that matter are just abstractions that we humans use to make it easier to talk about transferring control of value.

Therefore, the only way to find the "balance" of a very long list of "addresses" is to have a database of all currently unspent outputs, and then check every address against the scriptPubKey of each unspent output. Any software to do this would need to stay synchronized with the blockchain, and therefore would need to be kept running or the user would have to wait for synchronization every time they start it up.  Any service to do this would need to be able to handle the HUGE number of requests to search the entire database for every address for every potential user of the service.

I fully agree with everything you said, although my coding abilities stop at basic PHP and MySql, my hardware abilities and budget have landed me with a BackBlaze 4.0 storage pod which after a few days worth of cussing and swearing i got assembled and on my network, as well as a home brew semi-supercomputer with 128 gig ECC ram and 10 quad core intel processors with haswell architecture.

I have tried my hand at resolving this myself using the Insight software and API, and tried my hand at chopping (cutting and pasting) java code to work my own solution. but was left with "i should just stick to making websites" as i know jack squat about java, C, or for that matter anything not HTML or PHP related.

I am really beginning to think i am going to have to take advantage of some poor developer from some far off country through fiverr to do the coding for pennies of what it is worth. In the end it will be a solution though which is better than whats out there now.
11  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 13, 2014, 03:04:29 AM
I'm not aware of any service or easily installed and used software that will accomplish what you want.

I suspect you will get a lot of advice that you have already said you don't want from a lot of people who won't bother reading your entire post.  In the future, if you try asking the question again, I suggest you start a "self-moderated" thread.  That way you can delete all the undesired advice.

Thanks danny, i appreciate your feedback (no easily installed and used software ), as for the self moderated thread, the whole point of defining non-viable solutions or un-needed advice is to avoid having to moderate a thread.

Anyways, i guess there is always, i have managed to get a ton of development done through them for next to nothing with BitcoinJ so if over the next day or two nobody else has a viable solution, i will hire some guy from India or Pakistan for $5 to copy/paste a few lines from BitcoinJ to make what i need since i have no clue what any of the stuff in the BitcoinJ zip file is and they seem to read it like a kid reads cat in the hat.
12  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Check Balance of Multiple Bitcoin Addresses ( Non py, Non Linux ) on: August 13, 2014, 02:27:05 AM
Ok, after a week and a half of searching it is CLEAR that there is no easy solution to this problem.

The goal or problem is checking the balance of a ton of addresses without having to import them with keys without having to run a linux machine, without having to run anything in python, just plain and simple copy a list of addresses......


Then paste them into an input window, click submit or what have you, and have their balances checked say a 100,000 addresses at a time, or a million at a time, or whatever large number.

I have seen this question asked over a few hundred times in my week and a half search and have found 0 answers to it. 0 real answers that a non software developer, non linux running, non python familiar person can take advantage of.

So i ask again, on behalf of myself and the hundreds of other people out there that have been asking the same thing and all ended up with over technical non useful results.

Is there any way to check the balance of a ton of addresses by simply copying and pasting them into an input field.

Things we dont need:

Links to your software that will not run easily on widows or mac without having to install a ton of other stuff
Your explanation on how someone could code this software, Myself, and the others who have asked are obviously not developers
simple one line replies referencing someone else's block parser or other non windows/mac programs with no "how to use this for dummies" help.

you get the point, do a quick google search and you can see for yourself how this has been a discussion hundreds of times with no resolution.

Side note: if you are a able bodied developer, and the solution is as easy as (this) as has been answered many times before, maybe you can spend the few hours people say it would take to make such a software for the community to use.
13  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: How do they manage so many addresses? on: August 11, 2014, 12:32:23 AM
I could write up a Java-based program that does what you need. PM me if interested, with more specific details.

What kind of price are you talking?
14  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Number of non-zero addresses on: August 07, 2014, 11:37:19 PM
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you so far, as info keeps piling in i keep on the hunt and it seems no source has even remotely the same answer in the same time frame. i would expect variation as bitcoins are always moving from address to address, but differences of over a few million within a few days just does not seem to add up.

I know bitcoind uses the rpc, is there any way to query the bitcoind client to spit out a current number of addresses in use without using linux? Any cool blockchain querying windows applications?
15  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Number of non-zero addresses on: August 07, 2014, 02:19:23 AM

There's a more updated thread on bct but I can't find it right now.  According to this article from March, around 25 million addresses have been used and 2.5 million have a balance in them.

CP1, Thank you very much, that is exactly what i was searching for all day. You have been a great help !!!!!
16  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Number of non-zero addresses on: August 06, 2014, 10:54:10 PM

Hey thanks, but i dont have a single Ubuntu machine in the house. Looks like it would have been a great solution if it were not Linux dependent. I appreciate the effort none the less.
17  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Number of non-zero addresses on: August 06, 2014, 09:13:58 PM
My kid decided she was going to do a paper for school on bitcoin since i talk about it so much, then tonight over dinner she asks me a question i had no definitive answer to.

How many bitcoin addresses currently hold bitcoin in them? more than a 0 balance.

After a few hours searching the WWW i have found nothing more than a few charts that show "addresses used by day"  and 10,000 pages telling me how many bitcoins have already been mined which i already know.

Is there any way to retrieve that data from the bitcoin client, or any website that accurately has that data? i need to find something that she can use to cite her source with. 

Any help would be appreciated.
18  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: How do they manage so many addresses? on: August 05, 2014, 11:21:15 PM
Never worked with hashmaps before, does anyone have any good resources. i  cannot seem to find a platform to manipulate to make something similar so it appears i am going to have to go at it alone and from the ground up.
19  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: How do they manage so many addresses? on: July 31, 2014, 07:56:04 PM
I can't speak for other sites, but for example is currently monitoring a few million addresses. The approach is rather simple. In my case, I pre-generated all the addresses (using bip32, but it's irrelevant). Next, I store all those addresses in a hashmap,  which effectively allow constant time lookup by address.

Next, I listen on the bitcoin network and the blockchain -- when ever I see a new transaction -- I look at all the outputs and see if it corresponds to one of the them in the hashmap to see if it's in there. If it is, it records the details in a database that has an index on the address column. Actually, using an approach like this would easily allow me to monitor *every* address in the blockchain. Really, the only slow part of my scheme was just generating the initial address set

Hey, thanks for that info, how would someone come across something similar without having to spend an crap ton of time coding something like that. You solution seems logical and practical. But time for software development is not something i really have, nor funds to do something of that nature as i am sure to have someone code something like that would be a few hundred dollars a minimum.

Really, the way you do it would be perfect in my case as i do not need to sign or send transactions or anything really other than be able to pull the balance on a bunch of addresses. I have a master list in .txt of the addresses by themselves that i need to monitor. Any ideas on quick solutions or short cuts?
20  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / How do they manage so many addresses? on: July 31, 2014, 07:31:19 PM
I have a quick question that i am sure someone has an answer to that will make it all make sense for me.

I recently was able to get re-imported a bunch of old addresses that are still receiving payments from faucets and old affiliate programs, but since the import my client is running at the speed of molasses in January. I know this is not a computer hardware problem because my server is only 2 months old and has 6 top of the line intel CPU's with haswell cores and 128 gig of ECC ram. Way more raw computing power than a person should ever need for pretty much anything.

I have tried, erasing the client and re-installing it, i have the bitcoin client set to the highest priority on 12 cores, i have had a data center engineer friend of my check everything on the hardware config. i have ran through everything on the software side of things, and the speed issue does not make sense. Almost an hour to load the client and half a day to scan the blockchain when i import a new address.

What i would like to know is how businesses like, satoshidice and others can manage tens of millions of addresses before they start having "bloated" wallet issues?

Is there a better client for this than using bitcoin QT and bitcoind directly?
Is there some sort of setting i am overlooking?
What am i missing?

if (BTC questions > dumb stuff a noob should know)
  echo "Yeah i know, i'm new to this stuff";

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