I want to tell you to watch out for bitdice sports.
If you win too much they will cancel your winning bets .
They canceled a bet with no problems other then they wanted to cancel it.
I tried to talk to them but just made a excuse that there provider cancelled a legit line.
https://www.google.com/search?q=colorado+rockies&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US771&oq=colorado+rockies&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3264j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sie=m;/g/11fj000tb4;4;/m/09p14;dt;fp;1;;https://imgur.com/QolF407I am one of the biggest sports bettors on the site . I have played over 1200 ltc and 45btc in less then 60 days.
And they wont payout because i am up that mostly it.
They have no reason at all. They tried to offer me .015 but they stole over .065 and when i demaneded the rest they tried to say i am blackmailing them by asking for what i am owed.
Pretty scammy theres nothing to say.
you can see when bet was placed to and see the line was 100% legit and no events happend to change it.
They just dont want to pay me