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101  Local / Разное / Re: Хакеры on: November 24, 2016, 05:36:27 PM
Что то в последнее время очень часто в средствах массовой информации много крутят тем о хакерах , а я ещё начал смотреть сериал об этих людях, так уже параноя началась. Хоть бери й удаляйся с интернета полностью.
102  Local / Бayнти и aиpдpoпы / Re: Нас стало меньше? on: November 24, 2016, 05:33:32 PM
А просто зайти хотя бы раз почитать что интересует и написать ответ уже впадло что ли. Ребята не ленитесь, а то остаются только посты человека который агитирует отказаться от всего и даже от нормальной пищи. Блин уже выводит из себя.
103  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What about the idea of a bitcoin shop in big cities? on: November 24, 2016, 05:27:21 PM
its a good idea to make a bitcoin shop in big cities as many people can see and ask about bitcoin and i think its could help bitcoin to be adopt by more people. but the question is when this could be happen? who will want to build this? i think its need big cost to build this because its related with licensing to build business in local cities and if its succeeded, there is more chance to build another bitcoin shop in every cities.

I love the idea of bitcoins shop in big cities. Aside from safe due to cashless payment and tax free, this idea will make bitcoins more popular and more indemand, this idea could also help the bitcoins value increase. And once  that they adopt bitcoins for payment, i am pretty sure that not only in store bitcoins will be accepted. Who knows that we can use it too on other aspects.
If we take the current state of things, it turns out that lack even the small number of stores to buy what you need for bitcoin. It is not massive, but it is still there.
104  Other / Off-topic / Re: What do you do when you are happy? on: November 24, 2016, 05:22:16 PM
I'm quite a happy person, but only if the mood is quite good. I am happy when my friends with me.
105  Economy / Economics / Re: USD vs BTC on: November 24, 2016, 05:16:33 PM
Bitcoin is increasing smoothly right now and the price is expected to rise even more soon. USD still essential currency nowadays, but i see really promising future for Bitcoin

I also think that Bitcoin will get more traction in the future, but it would still mainly remain an alternative means of payment, primarily as a global reserve currency. It picks up where gold basically leaves. Gold is a perfect store of value but it is pretty much a hell in itself when it comes down to using it as means of exchange. Bitcoin is good in both of these functions.
When viewed from the perspective of the dollar is an international currency for almost all countries of the world, it is the currency bitcoin users with disabilities. Here on this basis we can make some conclusions already.
106  Other / Off-topic / Re: I'm a Rocket Scientist on: November 20, 2016, 09:09:38 AM
OK not really but I've read the "rocket scientists" have been lying about how rockets work; I've learned that rocket engines don't actually work in a vacuum.

Of course you ask "but why would they lie, I don't understand". They lie because they're hiding the fact the Earth is flat and there is no space to travel to or in. We're inside a giant underwater terrarium and atmospheric life is an artificially created novelty.

Need proof? Differently shaped rocket nozzles produce varying degrees of thrust depending on atmospheric pressure.
After such a declaration has already missiles do not want to be interested. Tell us if someone is artificially created? We like rabbits? Flat land and everything like that to prove, instead of writing all sorts of nonsense.
Some say the infinity of the world, and others on limited amounts of land. Maybe it's due to the fact that in everyday life we ​​always have to deal with finite quantities only, with a finite number of certain objects and human infinity beckons its unusual and even mysterious.
107  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to explain bitcoin to teenagers or children on: November 20, 2016, 08:56:33 AM
Children are our wealth and flowers of our lives, and if we blow up their brains, using bitcoin, even before they are ready to perceive all this, then future development will be put to an end. No need to alienate the child from the knowledge. It can be bad too early.
108  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: ARK Signature Bounty Thread on: November 19, 2016, 10:11:50 PM
Check in 4 weeks here
109  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Drug free in the Philippines on: November 18, 2016, 08:59:15 PM
Can the president of the Philippines can do it. Well I like what his doing in his campaign. It is very amazing program and very work program in the country. Many were discipline now because of him.
Nope. He can't absolutely makes Philippines drug free. Like in Colombia, their advocacy since then is same as Phillipines' president right now. Now, they altered that way because it doesn't work according to the latter

of course he can't be able to make the Philippines absolutely drug free , there are lots of corrupt government officials that surely protecting those drug lords and syndicate which president Duterte doesn't even know until now . i think the president should also focus well to the corruption as well as the poverty and the unemployment rate because illegal drugs is not the main problem of the country .
As always, the president impose a lot of hope, but the bad thing is that many of the coming to power of porn disappoint people. Poverty, corruption and crime are the main concerns of all countries. But few people struggling with these issues.
110  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: FUCK! The Bitcoin is dead again. This time for sure. on: November 18, 2016, 08:54:33 PM
Very often what is buried bitcoin. Not to understand who benefits and why it is done. In general, more than once could be heard as the bitcoin called great pyramid which still fall sooner or later.

Agree with you, It’s really painful part to hear bad things about bitcoin from the community members. It creates panic situation when someone having good rank makes some statement against the growth of bitcoin. I can completely understand we must figure out and discuss about flaws of bitcoin and find solution for it but sadly I have seen more people come with problem rather than a solution.

its been growing for years already its not going to be dead anytime soon. But its normal to see users FUD about bitcoin, everyone of them has the motive of doing things. If they say something bad about the coin, then expect them to be someone wants to accumulate for cheaper price or a supporter of a competitor.
Perhaps the problem could be that competition. Maybe even create a panic situation, especially in the forums in the hope that there will be an opportunity to buy bitcoin but low price to subsequently make a good profit in the future.
111  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Getting porn sites to accept bitcoin on: November 18, 2016, 08:50:02 PM
Can you imagine someone spending 10.000 bitcoins in 2011 for a month in a porn site? That's funny like the pizza history lol

Aren't there quite a lot porn sites that accept Bitcoin? I think some of them were also promoted here on forum.
Many people who visit porn sites like to stay anonimous as much as possible so it's in their best interest to accept Bitcoins, that will attract even more clients.
And some sex workers also started to accept Bitcoins.

I see Naughty America accepting bitcoin and we can see a lot of smallers services that accept too, probably fresh ones.
It's still going pretty slow IMO, with the adoption of Bitcoin.

Not that I really follow that kinda market anyway Wink Just by seeing what gets posted on the forum
Who and what is not spoken, as if not outraged, still bitcoin will be linked to the porn industry. Since porn has always been the main resource of the Internet, the digital currency will still serve the interests of all networks.
112  Local / Политика / Re: Канада on: November 16, 2016, 09:44:12 PM
В Канаде могут разрешить анальный секс

Вот вы не поверите, но это действительно так. И на фото министр юстиции Канады мадам Джоди Уилсон-Рейбулд, которая планирует отменить закон, запрещающий канадцам заниматься анальным сексом. Откроем канадский Уголовный кодекс и найдем там статью 159:

Every person who engages in an act of anal intercourse is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. Каждый человек, который участвует в акте анального секса является виновным в совершении уголовного преступления и подлежит тюремному заключению на срок не более 10 лет, либо признается виновным в совершении преступления, преследуемом в порядке сложения сроков.
Вообще этот закон придумывали для того, чтобы был повод сажать геев. Однако формально он касается и гетеросексуальных пар, даже семейных пар. И недавно активисты ЛГБТ сообщества подали запрос в правительство о том, что подобные ограничения мешают им жить полноценной жизнью.
Интересно, что не смотря на некоторую абсурдность закона, принятого еще в 1960-ые, только в период с 2008 по 2014 год в Онтарио по этому закону было осуждено 22 человека за занятие анальным сексом.
И еще один факт: в провинциях Новая Шотландия, Альберта и Британская Колумбия несколько лет назад эта статья уголовного кодекса была признана неконституционной и за анальный секс наказывать перестали.

как могут это дело запретить, если они уже планируют в паспортах делать пометки о в графе "пол человека" где будет указываться уже третий вид. Думаю понятно какой.
113  Local / Политика / Re: План "ШАТУН". on: November 16, 2016, 09:40:54 PM
А почему именно шатун? Кто это придумал и почему эту фигню так уже раскрутили. Может шалун лучше подойдет. Кстати акция прошла и закон приняли депутаты для вкладчиков банка Михаиловский. И чего дальше. А шалуны никак не успокоятся.
114  Local / Политика / Re: Сажать или не сажать за криптовалюты? on: November 16, 2016, 09:34:45 PM
Посадить не посадили, а сайт уже не один блокировали и бизнес людям прикрывали даже за намёки на крипту.
И валюты эти ещё нас переживут, так что вброс не очень получился.

да из проекта первоначального закона о запрете крипты уже убрали санкции в виде лишения свободы. Но ведь осталось много других неприятных моментов. Будем надеяться, что государство рассмотрит в крипие позитив

Государство это я - так должны понимать государство все нормальные люди в нормальной стране.
Если под государством подразумевается двуногое прямо ходячее существо в виде Людовика XIV которое диктует всем остальным что и как они должны делать и даже думать, это уже будет концлагерь, тюрьма, свиноферма, курятник или т.п.

да мы все мечтаем жить в правовом государстве. И все хотят чтобы Конституция отвечала действительности. И более того, просто таки мечтают чтобы на выборах побеждали те, кого поддерживает народ, а не те, кого покупает элита. Но извините, бывают моменты, когда к власти приходит непонятная быдлота непонятными методами. И тогда я как гражданин сознательный почему то не могу сделать  ни фи га 
это когда государство коснулось крипты то некоторые заметили что что то не так и что могут быть проблемы, а то вообще никто не о чем не думал раньше вообще. Кстати раньше не видел, а сегодня сделал регистрацию в "приват 24", а там оказалось даже биткойн кошелек есть. Вот это я понимаю хорошее дело.
115  Local / Политика / Re: Клинтон против Трампа on: November 16, 2016, 09:29:46 PM
Интересно Клинтон теперь будет подавать на Трампа в суды о признании голосования недействительным, или эта традиция только у наших кандидатов
Нет это исключительно наша практика. Smiley Трамп пятый президент за всю историю  США за которого проголосовало меньше избирателей, но он выиграл Smiley Буш тоже так выиграл.
наши даже считают около месяца, а там за ночь уже окончательные результаты выдали.
Америкосы в этом плане молодцы. Еще даже не объявили результаты, а Хиллари уже поздравила Трампа. А у нас после закрытия участков голосование только начинается.

ой видел я с каким лицом она его поздравила, готова была в глотку вгрызться вставной челюстью.
А что ей ещё оставалось делать,после проигрыша. Она участвовала в 2 президентских кампаниях и  два раза сливалась, а ей уже 69 лет и это был последний шанс стать президентом.
блин, 69... я не понимаю зачем... зачем ей это вообше нужно.
Я не верю в нее как в политика, она бы просто продолжала политику Обамы, и все это ей диктовало бы окружение. Трамп может что-то новое внесет
пришла пора не политиков, а финансовых интересов. Уже будут диктовать условия корпорации и они же будут править миром. Как раз новый президент америки и есть первый представитель новой поры.
116  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin is Freedom on: November 16, 2016, 09:02:39 PM
I can really say that bitcoin is freedom we can earn bitcoin for free from mining and from this forum anyway and just doing so services and other things that involved with bitcoin i can earn bitcoin weekly from trading and from gambling and in signature campaign and it's really free from our country.
you can even grow your money if you invest your money in bitcoin and then simply hot it for some time. you do not need to invest your money any where if you are not interested to take risk.
What it seems to me that investing in bitcoin to increase your money, this is a temporary phenomenon. If the time comes and bitcoin will peak, then it will lose all meaning. Bitcoin is translated into real money and all. That's just not clear what the value of bitcoin.
117  Other / Off-topic / Re: Bitcoin and Porn on: November 16, 2016, 08:57:17 PM
Why will Bitcoin be used in Porn Industries when there are so many alt-coins related to porn stuffs like Sexcoin, Titcoin etc?

Porn industries should encourage those coins rather than impose Bitcoin. In that way, the market price of those coins will also rise.
But these coins must either buy or change. They do not dobudesh like bitcoin. Why the development of such a project if they really earn at porn than coins. This is not the tokens in the subway.
118  Other / Off-topic / Re: Bank or Bitcoin Wallet? on: November 16, 2016, 08:50:59 PM
If there is a bitcoin, it can not escape without bitcoin wallet. But all the money I still keep in the bank. Yet while banks quieter and do without any problems.

this true bitcoin is must need bitcoin wallet
and bitcoin can exchange to fiat money, and can use real life need in bank service
bitcoin without bank is very dificult to excanger real money, bank without bitcoin still run
In fact, nothing will change. If bitcoin bank will draw the same functions and will have the same capabilities as a simple bank, the difference I do not see it. The exchange of money and currencies can be performed on any payment system on the Internet, without the involvement of any bank.
119  Other / Off-topic / Re: Any safe way to grow my bitcoins ? on: November 16, 2016, 08:39:00 PM
The best way is trade. If the difference to make money, be sure to buy at the price of bitcoin, and bitcoin only safety for several years to bring huge profits, as all are aware of how the exchange rate is expected in the future.
There is not any safe way to grow bitcoin right now. Each investment involve risk which may cause to you many disadvantages. I think the least bad method is to mine Bit[Suspicious link removed]ut and buy some hardware or antminer and start working with number and statements.
Probably the best way to get a decent profit from their bitcoin, it's an investment. And here I fully agree that the risk can be anywhere in other ways, but the danger is less investment. You can stay at their coins or get more. But do not get lost.
too, it is not so and just cope with investments. A lot of companies on the Internet offering which attracted funds including bitcoin, but this is not always a good solution. There are also a scam.

I see you do not know my U2 system.
It's paying now for over 1 year and all is now absolutly for free.
You get free shares and you can sell them for real satoshi.
You can show yourself you trade skills...
And the specificity of this programme is that you can not lose.

I think no one has come up with nothing better for investments. The fact that it is less that has to offer without risk to distinguish their income. Of course who loves or wants to disturb their nerves, probably, and gambling may be amiss, but I would not recommend them to anyone. Because it's not a hobby, but a real disease.
120  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: ARK Signature Bounty Thread on: November 08, 2016, 09:00:42 PM
3 week in signature campaign. check in
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