Dear bounty Hunter. You must comply with the rules we have made. please report your job before passing the specified time.YOU MUST POST YOUR REPORTS ON THURSDAY BEFORE 23.59 GMT FOR THE RELEVANT BOUNTY SECTIONS
benar sekali, proyek ini sangat keren sekali cara promosinya. peserta tiga teratas dengan jumlah stake terbanyak akan mendapatkan wallet nanoledger. pasti ramai sekali proyek ini nantinya dan target softcap 400eth saya rasa bisa dengan mudah tercapai.
mudah mudahan ya gan bisa tercapai softcapnya, ayo gan di support proyeknya biar bisa sukses dan ramaikan bountynya siapatau rejekinya disini. sudah banyak proyek dengan tema marketplace gan, dan disetiap muncul yang baru selalu dengan ide yang segar dan inovasi nyata. semoga LibertyLance dalam iconya dapat berjalan lancar sehingga tercapai targetnya.
itu yang bikin menarik tentang marketplace banyak yang mulai mengembangkan semoga sukses ini iconya ya gan. Tentunya gan alhasil setiap ico yang mengusung tentang marcetplace tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi akan menarik peminatnya semoga liberylance akan mendapatkan ruang yang begitu besar di dunia crypto saya juga mendukung semua itu gan semoga kedepan proyeknya semakin diminati banyak orang dan bisa berjalan sesuai rencana. Dukungan dari berbagai pihak akan memberikan hasil yang baik begitu pula kinerja baik dari team akan membuahkan hasil yang sesuai target, promosikan terus LibertyLance karena memang layak untuk dipertahankan dan akan menjadi sebuah platform yang akan banyak diminati investor. ya betul tuh gan, mari kita sama-sama mendukung proyek ini agar bisa sukses nantinya. jangan lupa juga untuk bergabung dengan bounty airdropnya, lumayan alokasi hadianya.
Dear bounty hunter. Tomorrow is the last day for you to check the wallet. After spreadsheet is sent to the paypro team, you can not change your wallet.
HATI HATI ya kalian saudara sekalian , saya sudah terjebak withdrawl ucash di yobit sudah 3 hari tidak masuk2 ke wallet saya di btc-alpha . sudah banyak tragedi seperti ini . Sudah ngirim berkali kali support ticket tetapi tidak ada jawaban , mesanger facebook pun begitu , twitter pun juga tidak ada balasan , dana gantung di website yobit tidak bisa di trading atau di tarik . ini sudah skema nya mereka , apakah ada yg mengalami seperti saya ? berapa lama ya ini ? apakah benar2 scam atau memang ada kendala teknis ? tolong pencerahan nya bagi kalian yang mengalami seperti saya
jangan mengirim token langsung dari youbit ke exchanger. Sebaiknya kirim terlebih dahulu ke Myetherwallet kalau itu Token berbasis ethereum. pengelaman kemarin, banyak orang bule yang mengirim token HACKEN dari yobit ke kucoin tapi sampai sekarang ngak masuk-masuk. Tapi kalau withdrawl ETH dan BTC masih aman-aman.
sorry, sir .. has this started the distribution of prizes?
Since there is still time to check your wallet and balance until the 10th of april, I guess the distribution will start after that date. Seems like we have to wait a little bit okay, i will be patient , but , is there a certain process to get the prize? Distribution will be done by paypro team. I will write here, if there is a recent update from the paypro team.
I personally I'm very impressed by this platform for the following reasons:
1. Payment will not take long (no delays). In some platforms it takes up to a month
2. Extremely low prices per gig
3.Funds are secure- I can see that freelancers have control over their funds These are very very good news..
thank you, we have a great project concept! on 20 March 2018, we will conduct a Private Sale. hope you can be there to participate.
Dear bounty hunter, Thank you for your patience. We have released the final spreadsheet, you can see in every section bounty. And I will send the spreadsheet to the paypro team. The token distribution waits schedule from the paypro team. Distribution will be do by paypro team, NOT MANAGER CAMPAIGN
Please note: You have the opportunity to check your wallet until the 10th of April 2018. After passing that date you can not change the wallet. If you want to change the wallet, please send me a message in this forum. with a reasonable format and reason.
For signature campaign participants, please remove your signature.
Before joining you must read the rules well! you are required to report by THURSDAY before 23.59 GMT on weekly basis. !!!
Dear bounty hunter. Now you can join bounty ENLTE without using wallet. please input "optional" in the wallet column on the registration form. On April 1st we will release a PC wallet, then we will ask for your wallet.
dear bounty hunter, which process bounty airdrop is a paypro team. thank you for your patience. I will publish the final spreadsheet on Sunday.
hay is there any more info about the end of the project and when of course the rewards will be distributed.?
calculation of stakes will be done for 1 week. for distribution waiting schedules from developers.
thank you, very good job. I have added this to the spreadsheet
Thank you, its verry well. A decentralized blockchain based system to solve any kind of issues and problems without going through a centralised government or an organisation by rewarding users to spread awareness and help each other.
yes, that's our goal. hopefully you are also interested in joining our bounty program
thank you for reaching out, this is a great design. I will give 100 stakes signature for your design. thanks for supporting Enlte. regards
Please Bounty Manager Help me cancel my first entry, I used a wrong wallet address
Please register again Tahank you dirgayeah, its gread job!! im upload this to spread sheet
this bounty still running? when is bounty over? does newbie eligible for bounty facebook and twitter ?
There is still one week left until February 26th. You missed a few weeks of the campaign, but if interested please just join. yes, i will, but form registration has been close thank you for your interest, but bounty social media has been closed.
Hi, i want reserve Italian translation, can you confirm (check first my portfolio for better understanding of my skills and projects i have worked for 😉)...? My portofolio : My last translations Bitcointalk account URL: mammuth28 Bitcointalk name: mammuth28 Rank: Full Member Language: Italian Eth. 0x79595106b05169f35c767FE312d5D5a7EEC27E81 can you show your previous work? and BDW is not a token ethereum based project, so we do not use wallet ethereum or other ERC20 wallet
Hi. You have in a registration form a mistake. In the column readers, aren't present a line Between 5000 - 10000. Correct please. I haven't found information on terms of carrying out a baunty of the company yet. thank you, it's been fixed
WARNING!!!! ENLTE, NOT ETHEREUM OR ERC20 TOKEN PROJECTS !! USE WALLET ENLTE TO JOIN IN CAMPAIGN Before joining Campaign, you must create an Enlte wallet. Download the Enlte app in google play. Click Here to download
Hi. You have in a registration form a mistake. In the column readers, aren't present a line Between 5000 - 10000. Correct please.
for facebook only up to 5000. more than 5000 entrance at 20 stakes