Any thoughts?
bring it back to 1$, bitches, or better ten cents.
Metals are only derivatives of money (which is debt, from the very beginning). Without debt, there is no economy, but self-sufficiency (anarchy).
I and J.P. Morgan disrespectfully disagree: "Gold Is Money, Everything Else Is Credit"
yeah, because no one ever used gold and silver as money, or any other commodity-money. Or if they did, they were paleolithic, like USA 1-2 centuries ago. [/leftist drivel]
I call it the blah-land.
where price stays within a meh-band.
Debt can be money until it's not (default / no CONfidence). Serious/sound money is only commodity-money. And then there is pure fiat which is another big "irredeemable" con, but not debt. No man's credit is as good as his money.
and gold will be at $400
maybe paper gold. You'll never get any gold that you can hold nowhere near that price. In fact if BTC goes todamoon again and PM stay depressed I will stack some more phyzz. still a gold bug? since when can you get a better price at your local bullion dealer than what's priced on comex? more than a gold bug, a paper bear :-D. An interesting thing is that premiums on physical are increasing the more they push comex price down. At this rate soon they will break their toy and they will decouple, possibly (hopefully) forever. And it's interesting especially because they could play the same crooked game with bitcoins.
and gold will be at $400
maybe paper gold. You'll never get any gold that you can hold nowhere near that price. In fact if BTC goes todamoon again and PM stay depressed I will stack some more phyzz.
(driven by greed).
and backed by fear (of gov'ts hunt for cash + fiat fail)
Let's assume that the banksters want to officially hint that BTC will be made an international settlement currency (perhaps for real, perhaps as a trap). This will raise the price to $1 million per BTC (it's still smaller than USD). There are 100-500k people who hold BTC1 or more, and are made millionaires by this decree. If history is any guide, the banksters want to steal 100% of the gains that are supposedly created by the decree, leaving nothing for the risk carried by the speculator. Then you would be required to sell your BTC to the banksters for $1k or so, or they would be made illegal. (Yes, I know there is no point whatsoever from the user's perspective in such a monetary system, but then again that applies to the current one as well, and does not stop them from forcing it on us.)
In that case I would use some coins to buy real stuff in some safe place (i.e. not bankrupt/failed state), and/or convert some coins in wheelbarrows of fiat directly there, and buy some phyzz for btc to be on the safe side. Problem solved. The world is still much differentiated, luckily.
what u expect on the forex market ?
EUR UP because greece will exit euro and so euro will get stronger ?
If the Grexit really is the final decision we will see Euro/Usd at a free-fall for sure. Going to look for a short 100x leverage if I can get a decent position tonight. Grexit would result into crushing any trust left in the Euro as an investment as well as a safe place for the big Bank money. A default also means writing-off a lot of money from the books. If this happens once it's going to take a lot to rebuild the trust. This is just the beginning. Soon it's the turn of the other PIGS, starting with Italy, not to mention Frexit. Euro is a dead fiatcoin walking, unless it's confined to Germany +satellites. But about Forex, much depends on uncle Sam: he seems to have an interest to keep it on a suspended animation state as long as possible, mostly for geopolitical considerations.
i think the block chain technology is a very bad idea. it will result in a cashless society where all transactions are recorded. sounds more like another 'gather all your records' scheme.. yes, everyone should diversificate into gold and silver too. But to be mobile crypto is infinitely better. And there is Darkwallet and a couple of other projects which can help with privacy.
I've seen stolfi battling for blocksize increases on Reddit.
and that's another proof that blocksize increase is a bad idea. I like LTC mostly for its fix against spam.
| ma tu intendi in "remoto" presso società che tecnicamente conservano l'oro per te (ne avevo viste diverse online), ma a livello di sicurezza (non tanto per i furti perchè saranno superassicurati) che garanzie ci sono che non scappino con il malloppo ?
Si. Ognuna ha un profilo di rischio diverso: devi fare la due diligence e studiarti chi sono, il contratto, le leggi di dove operano. Magari vedere anche che si dice su di loro.
Silver at 9$? Party time at 9$ there will be queues to buy monster boxes -with me in.
The real question here is "will they let us use it?"
if you think you have to ask permission you are enslaved beyond belief. either you fuck the power or it will fuck you. True story. I too believe (and expressed my opinion publicly here) that BTC would've been the perfect solution for Greece's problem. If you incorporate a non-inflationary currency as a "second" together with the inflationary one, its destiny will be to gain ascendancy through superiority over the "first" one (Gresham's law). The thing is, you simply can't "decide" for yourself if you're part of the EU prison. We know that, they know that; and everybody keep silence before the people know too. Bitcoin is the ultimate "game over" for ANY other currency if a country decides to incorporate it. I don't expect that "little Greece" will have the strength for such a decision. Let 'greece' sort out its problems by itself. Crypto is about personal freedom, private property and free trade, not centralized fictions/schemes/scams.
The real question here is "will they let us use it?"
if you think you have to ask permission you are enslaved beyond belief. either you fuck the power or it will fuck you.
Just remember that even if you are right about the market in the long run, if you choose your entry too early, you can get REKT.
"First they sink to the bottom. Then they come up; but not right away. They've got to be good and dead a couple of days. It isn't time for these corpses to rise to the surface. They are not quite dead yet."
and then? Do they resuscitate and go straight todamoon?
if you're lucky the chain will be so weak that poeple won't see it as a threat and won't bother attacking it.
Gavincoins are a PITA for miners too, so I don't think so.