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11061  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meat Shortages Leave Wendy's Diners Asking, "Where's the Beef?" on: May 07, 2020, 07:35:06 AM
Health officials are playing politics and are directing meat processing plants to close when they have an outbreak.

thats because slaughter houses did not adapt and put in perspex screens and give staff regular PPE
heck there are other cases like a meatworker in dalas that died because his boss forced him to continue working while having covid.

its situations like this when idiots think its ok to pretend there is no virus and everyone should work purely for the benefitof money/economics. at the risk of health. are going to cause many issues. including getting sued for negligence

its lessons like this that show that relaxing the lockdown should not mean relaxing the social distancing element. nor pretending the virus is gone. because it will just start another wave.. or as trump fans call it 'spark embers and flames'

idiots think its economic politics of lockdown thats causing the issues. but its the fact that america is unprepared with doing safety precautions that later cause issues

if america carries on being ignorant. expect more waves/embers and many industries having to temporary close while they sort out the issues.

meanwhile badecker can still find beef at his local wendys because these issues are isolated to only slaughterhouses that did not prepare/think they needed to.
ignorance is very rampant in america. finger pointing in any direction but where the issue is, is very rampant in america
11062  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Could cruise ships become safe havens? on: May 07, 2020, 07:07:49 AM
But nobody knows if the so-called hotzone was Covid or something else. It was probably lies, but at least deception.
Or do you have proof.
Note that, if you don't have proof, stop calling it factual. Why? You are becoming a habitual liar this way... or were you all along, and we just didn't realize it until now?

ok to debunk you about this for the more then dozenth time
you are stuck in januarys myth

firstly back then their process was very hit and miss because they didnt have the tools.
it was so new that america didnt even have a understanding of how to test for covid on say january 1st. because it was new..

but mid january/february/march april they did know about it and what makes it unique and what unique part to test for to know first that its a corona virus and secondly that its covid19 specific strain.
(this also debunks china being secretive. they were transparant as they told the world the rna sequence and the studies of the chemical makeup(proteins/enzymes) which then allowed countries to design tests for it)

countries than also done independant test(away from china) and compared results and also looked at their own 'genbank' list of previous viruses to see what compares and what differs
(much like analogy of how bitcoin verifies blockdata to confirm good data and weed out bad data or data that doesnt link to previous block in a decentralised manner)

they ramped up production of the testing tools that looked specifically for covid and found unique features that only relate to covid19
yes some labs stupidly didnt use disposable pipettes and they had to destroy a few batches of chemicals. but this was sorted in days and were isolated cases.
(much like some bitcoin wallets get bugs and have updates inhours/days)
 they even made processes to make sure that doesnt happen again.

there are REAL tests that can find REAL results to a REAL new strain of corona virus designated covid19

so if today(May) you still think its all fake crap and doesnt exist. then your just a fool who is stuck reading scripts from january

so get off your 5 bookmarked conspiracy loving websites and actually research the internet. self isolation does not mean your internet use is limited
11063  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why isn't anybody talking about hantavirus? on: May 06, 2020, 09:24:23 PM
if you have seen rats near your home. maybe you need to clean your garden/home more often.

if rats are already in a supermarket then the supermarket has been too relaxed with health and safely precautions for a long time.. hanta should not be the only concern
11064  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why isn't anybody talking about hantavirus? on: May 06, 2020, 05:37:17 PM
there are many viruses around and yes the hanta virus is more deadly. but it doesnt pass person to person.
people need to touch rats or their fecal matter or urine. so a 'spread' is unlikely

in short if you get it its harmful. but the chances of getting about the chance of seeing a rat shit on you

where as covid spreads at r0 of ~2.6. hanta spreads at r0 of 0.000001
self isolating at home or staying 2 metres away from people wont affect hanta infections. just not touching rat droppings would solve it.. which is common sense thing anyway

covid can pass person to person. meaning its an invisible threat that can infect people without them realising it, just by being near someone
11065  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meat Shortages Leave Wendy's Diners Asking, "Where's the Beef?" on: May 06, 2020, 12:57:05 PM
we have british beef which is way better than your beef..

but the point is you cry that wendys has no beef. yet wendys in your area DOES HAVE BEEF
your just too dumb to have actually checked

if you want to remain upset. how about get out your basement and fill the void inside you by ordering a wendys beef burger. come to the realisation your crying for no reason

to answer the idiot below.
i didnt order AZ beef to be delivered to the UK.
the idiot who cried about wendys being out of beef, does not even know how wendys ordering system works. plus no experience of going to to wendys near him to find out if they had beef

its idiots like this that cry over nothing.
oh and yes badecker would cry over spilt milk even if he was lactose intolerant

but will refuse to just go to wendys and buy a burger. so i dont understand why he is crying about it if he wont even get one anyway.

much like crying about not being able to play golf like sweden allows. without realising arizona allows golf. yet he then refuses to play.
11066  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 06, 2020, 12:53:17 PM
You are so silly. Deaths from Covid and deaths from other things don't just happen that way because they are suddenly diagnosed. If that were the case, you could say that people around the world barely die, because doctors don't diagnose the cause of death of millions of people. Those people aren't really dead. No doctor said they were. They only act like they are dead, right?

Covid in January = 0
Covid in April = 8,219

Nobody know that for sure. Doctors could easily have been misdiagnosing or misreporting the numbers for either month. Get some proof already.
the idot again thinks its the 1800's where doctors diagnose by sight alone
there is proof. theres tests, scans, blood tests. lots of diagnostic tools
you have been told this a dozen times

but old badecker will always be out of date with his thoughts
catch up to reality of May 2020.. stop being stuck in the past
11067  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Could cruise ships become safe havens? on: May 06, 2020, 12:49:46 PM
meanwhile in january. cruisehips like the diamond princess became a hotzone and it spread faster than the r0 of 2.6. because of how confined the cruise ship is.
you cant escape it if your stuck onboard.
same as elderly care homes. once its in it spreads like wildfire

a virus is not like wet paint. you cant see the handprints of virus on things people touch
11068  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Anyone else feels that US didn't take COVID-19 serious enough? on: May 06, 2020, 12:09:29 PM
in january/february there were two hotzones.. california and new york

these occured not from wind blowing the virus. not due to china demanding that americans should go home.. but instead that trump/america organised repatriation flights to grab americans and take them out of china and bring them home.

it was US flights. not chinese flights.
infact the new york hotzone originated from repatriation flights.. FROM EUROPE
yep those early lot of people who got in in newyork were contact traced and it was found they came from europe
heck more studies show that france had it as early as december 27th and yet didnt realise it. and so it wasnt until mid january/february did france start to react.

chinas timeline of events from december 18th to january 7th (first case to world announcement) shows rational process. and does not show any hiding of events.
its clearly shows that using common sense and science. there is no proof/no way to declare a pandemic on december 18th when there is only one case.
there is no proof/no way to declare it a pandemic on say december 25th when other patients came into hospital. because at that point they were only finding it as a local case which could be foodpoisoning/sabotage/terrorist isolated cases.
they sent samples to china CDC and gave those results to WHO and other chinese hospitals by december 30th and WHO made an announcement on december 31st.
all while the cases in hospitals were all linked to the wetmarket. so still a local isolated event
it wasnt until secondary infectee's they didnt go to the wetmarket, did they realise its not isolated but a epidemic

any action after january 7th where by america then ignored/ dismissed. is all on america

the cause of an epidemic turning into a pandemic. is REPATRIATION FLIGHTS and lack of testing and quarantining those people once they arrived.
yep its said 50k 'repatriation flights' passengers got into america but 50k were not locked in a hotel. they were sent to their own home with only an advisory to to mingle with others.
yet china was isolating its own population.
america didnt follow the same plan as china.

next time a epidemic happens. governments should just pay the 'ex-patriots' to stay in that country and prolong their vacation for months. all fully inclusive.
much cheaper and safer for everyone
11069  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Prolonged border closure on: May 06, 2020, 09:24:23 AM
Guys, there's one thing I don't understand. If almost all borders are closed, who are all these flights carrying It's not like they're gonna fly empty and burn fuel for nothing.

Pretty sure a good amount of federal money (In the US) being given to the airline industry is contingent on them not cancelling mass amounts of flights. That's not to say they're not allowed to cancel flights at all, because they are allowed to do so, but they can't cancel flights without following the guidelines that they've accepted when they're taking large amounts of payroll grants from the treasury.
Here ya go -
Take a read.

the ghost flights is not about the bailout. but about keeping their 'slots' reserved. as they cost millions if lost.
they WERE told that unless they fly X% of flights they will lose the slots
but then the WHO declared pandemic and the aviation authority relaxed the ghost flight requirement.

separately although flightcrew are paid 'payroll grants' the airline still has to pay terminal fee's and plane parking charges. which are not covered be any government grants.
meaning airlines are stil losing money just for having planes parked up

in the UK both BA and Virgin flights want to stop using gatwick airport because gatwick are excessively charging them fee's just to park up the planes and have a ticketbooth at the terminal

but because many of the flight captains and cabin crew have homes in the gatwick area, its easier to sack the gatwick crews and instead employ more crew at other airports that are not over charging.
most of the job losses is baggage handlers, ticket staff, and those who are based in the terminal.
only a few in comparison are actual flight crew(only ones that live in that area)
11070  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meat Shortages Leave Wendy's Diners Asking, "Where's the Beef?" on: May 06, 2020, 08:41:19 AM
Simply Google, "Arizona beef ranchers," and be happy with your direct orders of grass-fed beef.

simply drive to a wendy's and make an order at the drive-thru and realise you can have beef.
by not ordering a burger. shows you would rather believe propaganda and refuse to actually put effort in and research by checking the source.
i said source not sauce(before you troll that)

you want to push the empty thought that arizona is out of beef to force people back to work unprepared. you have no idea why the isolation is in place in the first place. nor do you care about peoples health. you only care about protecting fiat.

wake up and realise fiat is debt money and has lost its value for decades. its not worth losing lives over
11071  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 06, 2020, 08:20:25 AM
With the newly revised CDC death rates, the percentages are even lower than that in the US.

So less people die than the last years (95%)
39910 Covid-19 deaths and less than 6000 from flu. Good to know a cure for the flu is found.

Data as of May 5, 2020
-COVID-19 DeathsAll Deaths% of last yearsPneumonia DeathsDeaths with Pneumonia and COVID-19Influenza DeathsDeaths with Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19
Total Deaths39,910751,9539567,37217,6835,91094,681

the last 2-3 weeks have not yet added complete data as it takes time for the CDC to collate data
what you do need to realise is that the weekly average of flu and pneumonia(other causes) did not go down. meaning that those with other flus are not pushed into the covid numbers.

take the week of the 4/4/2020. and compare it to a week in january before this whole thing started in america

-COVID-19 DeathsAll Deaths% of last yearsPneumonia DeathsDeaths with Pneumonia and COVID-19Influenza DeathsDeaths with Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19

 it shows 8k covid(lab confirmed). then lots of other amounts for other stuff which then total 13k
yet public stats like worldometer are not showing as that week having 13k deaths as covid they are showing just ~8k.. heck they are not even showing 65k (all deaths) so that disproves the whole classing all deaths as covid.
heck they are not showing 79k meaning worldometer and public stats are not just throwing random deaths as being covid.
the numbers for the week ending 4-4-2020 tally. and the number of deaths from other flu/pneumonia have not decreased from their average. so that suggests doctors are not mis-classing death causes as covid.
infact some of the just pneumonia cases have increased meaning some may have had covid, and just not tested.
again revealing doctors only class as covid if it tests positive

doctors actually run tests and do scans and diagnose. they dont just play ailment lotto and pick a random cause.

anyway numbers for 4/18/2020, 4/25/2020, 5/2/2020 are not manipulated or revised down. they are just not yet included because data is still coming into the CDC where they double check things. thats why its called provisional
11072  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meat Shortages Leave Wendy's Diners Asking, "Where's the Beef?" on: May 06, 2020, 01:15:14 AM
meanwhile wendys in arizona are not affected.

so badecker. wendys in your state has beef.
so the beef is in your nearest wendy's

you could have easily found this out if you got out your basement and ordered some
yep arizona has beef
11073  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 06, 2020, 01:04:42 AM
my town has under 100 cases and 0 deaths but schools are closed and my wife isnt allowed to run her business and she got shut out from the $10,000 loan even though she was one of the first to apply.  we have to decide by june 1 if we want to renew lease for 24 months. if things dont change will probably just shut it down.

i think the way forward is to try more local/regional/'hotzone' monitoring. try to control the flow of communtuing log distances to stop other towns bringing it into your town for instance. and only lockdown towns/regions if case numbers rise up quickly

this is not the fault of the virus. but of political actions to not act for weeks/months. and then move to fast too generally even for area's without large cases.

however as seen in sweden by them having a relaxed approach. it actually became an advertisment to bring people from norway an denmark into sweden . so if countries are to do more regional monitoring and react regionally they will definetly have to control the borders

as for your wifes business. what type of business is it. is there a way she can pivot the business to operate slightly differently but still function
11074  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Prolonged border closure on: May 05, 2020, 11:22:19 PM
The Global economy relies a lot at exports.
And the tourism industry is one of those that are going to suffer the most if the borders are going to close. 1-2 years are already too much. There are so many countries that have a huge portion of their GDP based on the tourism sector.

the reason for reliance on imports and not making their own is political
governments charging licences/tarrifs/taxes for making locally. but awarding credits for not producing

take UK. when in the EU the UK was forced to limit its farming/fishing production because of EU quotas. where it would punish people for making more. but award farmers for not farming and instead doing other stuff.
if you owned farmland. that had a quota of 200 cattle. and you only had 10. you would get rewarded with 190 so that another farm can have more then their quota by paying the cost for the extra

these quota's are a currency in of itself. people buy(fined) or sell(rewarded) their quotas

this is all about not having abundant supply so that they can have an increased demand and cause commodities prices to rise.
its all about limiting production so that wall street can make profits.
its not about not having the physical lack of capability. there is enough land. there are enough unemployed people looking for a job. its just when a farmer earns less than the cost of rearing cows. and gets fined for raising more cows than allowed. but gets compensated if he has less cows than allowed. meaning he earns more for having less produce..
which is the cause of less local produce

the EU buys quotas so that the EU can produce more while the UK produces less

if farmers are allowed to just farm and produce as much meat as they like and sell it at the value of its cost. then farmers would not need to convert to 'airbnb' hospitality to survive. and grocery stores would not have to rely on imported meats
11075  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 05, 2020, 09:10:51 PM
also. an irish flght company is using the excuse that thir planes air filtration system is not adequate to remove the small viral sized pathogens from the air.. so instead of actually changing the filtration system. they stupidly said there was no point in socially distancing passengers as they will all be breathing everyones air anyway. and started to do flights at full capacity. yep people shoulder to shoulder all because they didnt want to upgrade the filters and didnt want to fly at 30% capacity (1 person per 3 seats)

expect airports/planes to be the next hotzones

edit to reply to below
badecker thinks i give a crap about merit. i give away 50 merit to people i dislike. i dont need or want it.
im not looking to earn merit.
ive been a merit source so get merit even without trying. thats how little i care about it
badecker just angry and does not realise he is not even worthy of any

edit to reply to below without bumping
the idiot below thinks the lockdown IS the pandemic.
he thinks relaxing the lockdown is relaxing the pandemic. he does not realise the lockdown relaxed the pandemic and relaxing the lockdown strengthens the pandemic.
he has no clue and just angry that he doesnt earn merit for posting scripts
11076  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 05, 2020, 09:06:27 PM
"Food Rationing Has Begun As Supply Chain BREAKS, Burgers Dropped From Menu, Stores RESTRICT Meats"
Hey Salty, come back and tell me more about how this has all been accounted for.

yep its a problem. but you have to look at the cause

wendy's didnt prepare its supplychain in january/february/march. it did not give extra budget to allow slaughterhouses to section off area's to allow social distancing.
so of course butchers in the slaughter house started getting sicker with slaughterhouses becoming a hotzone of viral spread.
less staff to cut and mince the meat=less minced meat to send to stores

good old america. yea there was a virus. but if you dont act and do something to prevent it spreading. you cant then blame the virus for the spread

those people will be out of action for a couple months.
lets hope america wise up and actually put some money in to retrofit factories to actually allow social distancing and fit employee's that cant socially distance with proper PPE (not just a cloth mask and gloves) so that they can avoid it rrepeating in waves
but knowing america. they wont
expect many waves of this happening
11077  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground. on: May 05, 2020, 08:53:33 PM
meanwhile. badecker should be very happy

in badeckers homestate of arizona. it did not have many cases when the nation went into lockdown thus become one of the states that was not impacted much by it. and is going to be the first states to relax its lockdown.
trump got advised that arizona's lockdown relaxation is impending and so is travelling to arizona to pretend his presence will declare the states relaxation official.

so badecker gets to see his idol who he tries to emulate. yep trumps going to arizona.
now badecker finally has an excuse to get out of his basement for an oppertunity to meet his idol
11078  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground. on: May 05, 2020, 08:27:25 PM
Good thing that hydroxychloroquine studies are coming out successful against Covid, when hydroxychloroquine is combined with zinc.

what badecker does not realise is the antiviral element of HCQ does not work. what does happen is it adjusts the bodies acidity.
what he does not realise is that by relaxing the acidity your body takes longer to realise its being invaded by a virus. meaning your immune system doesnt get a fever or cough due to a immuno response imflamation.

it does not kill the just stops/delays the immuno response
 so while having no immuno response symptoms(fever) the virus is still doing damage.

lowering your acidity via HCQ or even vit C which makes your body reduce its acidity to counter the new acidity added to your body by the treatment. means the virus can do more damage before the virus re-raises the acidity back above a level where your body realises something is wrong

in short the patient skips having a fever(natural good response) and goes straight to pneumonia/Hemoptysis(coughing up blood)(the viral damage)
and being breathless and needing Cpap/ventilator treatment. along with the virus getting into the blood and then affecting other organs with ace2 receptors like the kidneys

this is why when people that have taken it SEEM WELL. then suddenly get worse

its the same as the vitamin treatment. where badecker himself linked a video of a australian guy that took it. but when not taking it he got worse.
not because he got reinfected. not because the virus reactivated. but because the treatment was just hiding the symptoms but still active, doing damage

the guy was in hospital for many weeks.. not released in days.
the doctors had to stop the vitamin treatment to allow the immune response to realise it was being attacked to activate the immune response to fight it.

which proves it didnt work to destroy the virus.

having a fever is a GOOD thing. it shows your body recognises something is wrong
11079  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 05, 2020, 03:01:55 PM
small correction for lucija .. its more like a quarter of a mill so far
but places like america are at over 60k excess deaths above normal
its not 60k deaths shifted from one category to another. its 60k EXCESS above the norm
USA usually has flu/pneumona deaths of 4k a week. but take the week of 4th april has 13k. because it still lists ~4k of normal flu/pneumonia. but also ~8k excess deaths of just covid(COVID TESTED)
the very fact that numbers from all causes/other causes still calulate the same. means its not a shift of death. and the new deaths ontop being covid confirmed

(u07.1 CDC confirmed=CDC main lab double checked (u0001))
(u07.1 CDC presumed=local/regional lab tested. cdc trust quality of these labs (u0002))
11080  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 05, 2020, 02:25:42 PM
things like guidelines for swabs. even videos of doctors doing it. heck the process of the testing is all available ..
but an ignorant idiot has no clue how to research away from his 5 chosen links he prefers to frequent.
the process is public info
the fact that many hospitals around the world come to the same results show that its not just some single doctor doing something wrong.

but an idiot cant grasp that

anyway going back to the topic
i just done a graph of UK 'new daily cases' since they had their first couple cases
the purple -*- at the start is pre-lockdown.
the orange -*-is the numbers during lockdown
the orange * is after May. and is just a prediction of a R0 of 0.8 continuing on as if lockdown stayed in place
then the grey is an example of the exponential growth of just an r0 of 1.1 yep only 1.1 if lockdown relaxed this week
then yellow * is if lockdown relaxed a month later (r0 of 1.1)
dark blue * is if lockdown relaxed the following month (r0 of 1.1)
then light blue * is if lockdown relaxed on the first week of septembers new acedemic year (r0 of 1.1)

as you can see relaxing now even with a low growth of 1.1 = just ~6 weeks until it hits 'the peak'
waiting a further month then relaxing allows for over 3 months before it hits 'the peak'
waiting until july then relaxing allows for ~ 5 months before hitting 'the peak'

which shows with no social distancing an r0 is 2.6+. (pre lockdown+ first two weeks of lockdown while its takes action)
but if you have some form of social distancing/tracing but without full isolation and manage to get only a growth of 1.1, its still too early to just relax things too much without it hitting a second wave peak quickly
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