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11401  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ammon Bundy vows to defy stay-at-home orders for Easter gathering on: April 12, 2020, 11:44:16 PM
here is the stupid thing that these cultists love to do but without getting in trouble themselves

they prime their flock to act out and get angry and all meet up some place.. but the organiser doesnt turn up.
he then lets the whole cop vs protestor thing happen with people getting locked up. while he starts writing stories about breach of civil rights and how he has been forced into this situation

these cultist types are too afraid to actually just go out themselves. they prefer to get other people to do it
just like badecker want everyone else to take his chemicals. and believe his crap. so he can just say it was their own fault if things dont work out and not take the blame. or try taking the glory if  a protest does go smooth

inshort, idiot, coward. nutjob.
if you had any compassion for other people you would actually think about peoples health and not your own greed.

by promoting a mass gathering is not going to get rights restored.
your free to go out your house. but just dont force/make people come near you.

its the forcing/making people come near you that will be YOU causing your local area upping the local restrictions, fining you and maybe locking you up

YOUR action would be to blame.
11402  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 12, 2020, 11:36:42 PM

the actual document was highlighted in the interview and it said about list actual cause of death ...
what your not realising is that its not the doctors that put covid at the top of the list. its usually oxygen deprived/pneumonia caused by covid

EG someone shot and dies of bloodloss but happened to be a assymptomaic Covid positive person.. would not be claimed as died due to covid

but there is a separate government department that uses these stats for other reasons

i already explained this to you before using the UK departments as an example. but the us follow the same policy
are you really suffering from amnesia... or are you just an idiot with no braincells to learn or remember things. just to troll your cultish beliefs without remembering your getting debunked every time
11403  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is the sense in forcing planes to fly without passengers on: April 12, 2020, 11:16:15 PM
a 747 uses 36,000 gallons on a 10 hour flight. =~$62k fuel

a first class seat for a 10hour flight is ~$4k
they only need 12 first class passengers to cover the fuel.

put this into prospective
The Transportation Department imposes a fine of up to $27,500 per passenger for planes left on the tarmac for more than three hours without taking off (four hours for international flights).

11404  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 12, 2020, 10:39:23 PM
even better idea
badecker. take yourself to court and ask for psychological evaluation of your competence to be even able to stand in court..
i can guess the results already, so i know there is no point you even going to court because they wont let you stand

meanwhile you have said 'history, thousands of years, ancestors' .. yet life expectancy was 35yo..

so how could you, using your own chart you linked. show that people lived longer and healthier before the 1930's
11405  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 12, 2020, 09:55:01 PM
so if i slapped u with a baseball bad. .. and hours later due to concussion u fell..
you would not link the cause to the baseball bat hit you took earlier?
instead you would say someone must have burned you?

well you would. thats your illogical theory

the fire seen on the east side of wtc7 was not the damaging factor. that was just fire
the debris hit on the south side was the damaging factor

when u see the video footage. you see the south side fall first and then the rest goes down in response

note the black gap down the middle where the debris hit the building and went down through many floors

11406  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 12, 2020, 09:35:38 PM
You are forgetting that the model showed that it wasn't fire that brought the building down. This means that we have fire out of the way as a cause.

So, what's left. Wind, bulldozers, and explosives. Oh yeah! Explosives.


the models dont show anything. because the models did not even come close to what happened in reality

plus it was not fire.
it was physical debris hitting the building from the twin towers

if you think it was just fire.. then you have just made an error for yourself

thats like me slapping you in the head with a basball bat. u falling to the ground. i then say it must have been fire or a granade that caused you to collapse
now heres a video of your head tilting first due to delayed concussion.. and then you falling on ur ass.. but ignore that

instead heres is two computer models. one not showing the head not tilting first. and other u just falling sideways on your face

neither models suggest reality neither suggest truth. but are just meaningless distractions to keep a troll entertained
11407  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 12, 2020, 09:25:17 PM
the problem with conspiracy sheep is that they dont understand grey areas. they only see black and white

take a scale
god                                                             government                  
natural      1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8  9   10     orchestrated

9-11 was it earthquake or tsunami(1)-no it was plane flown by nutters angry at gov then leap to 10 blame gov
pandemic did people walk on water(1)-no gov allowed planes to fly even after lockdown. leap to 10 blame gov

no matter what it is if they can find something to not class it as 1 they want to leap it to 10
thenwhen they have gov to blame they meander it next into how gov planned it, designed it, executed it

they dont think that there is a grey area in between. where gov is not planning/controlling. but instead goc just cant react fast enough, doesnt plan ahead they are just rich guys just tying to hold a job for 4 years

they dont think that people make mistakes and that al human decision can be independant.
take 9-1 them nutters flying the plane. yea they hated US gov.. but they were also a little insane to want to kill themselves and others for the cause of their hate. they did not have the smarts to thin of other ways to get attention
take corona yea repatriating people to the us brought the virus over the ocean. a mistake. but doesnt mean it was a eugenics plan or a hidden plot.

if only people stopped leaping to 10 about everything. and atleast research the details and figure out somethings can be a 3-6 which are just mistakes that cause big problems later
then they can actually start making rational decisions and actually start making a point.
but leaping to 10 skipping all the reasons for deserving a 10 makes their conspiracy theories void of substance

if they instead stuck with thinking something was a 3-6 and specified why its not a 2 and not a 7 they could actually have something productive to say

The problem with people who make appeals to authority is that they don't understand the concept of dual use. A hammer can build a house. A hammer can also collapse some one's skull. Funny, you talk about grey areas when you are literally making the argument that it has to be one or the other when it can clearly be both. It sounds to me like you are the one with the problem conceptualizing "grey areas." Cognitive dissonance at work ladies and gentlemen, with a side of projection.

did you even read.
i was saying conspiracy freaks think 1 or 10
i was saying that i prefer to look at the scale and weigh things up.
im not the one that jumps from 1 to 10
im more of a 3-6 kind of guy swaying judgement by whichever side is making mistakes, incompentant, dumb or have a independant hidden agenda

i dont beleive its a whole government club for the simple reason that the people involved change every few years so it would be impossible to hold such a secret with so many coming in and out of government

when it comes to government involvement in a issue, event, mistake, overreach i feel it is more like personal greed/stupidity of humans of someone with a name badge and title(6).. not some weird lizard race hiding under silicon printed skin to hide  global alien invasion..(10)
11408  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 12, 2020, 07:10:05 PM

At least sheep need a sheep dog......

the problem with conspiracy sheep is that they dont understand grey areas. they only see black and white

take a scale
god                                                             government                  
natural      1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8  9   10     orchestrated

9-11 was it earthquake or tsunami(1)-no it was plane flown by nutters angry at gov then leap to 10 blame gov
pandemic did people walk on water(1)-no gov allowed planes to fly even after lockdown. leap to 10 blame gov

no matter what it is if they can find something to not class it as 1 they want to leap it to 10
thenwhen they have gov to blame they meander it next into how gov planned it, designed it, executed it

they dont think that there is a grey area in between. where gov is not planning/controlling. but instead goc just cant react fast enough, doesnt plan ahead they are just rich guys just tying to hold a job for 4 years

they dont think that people make mistakes and that al human decision can be independant.
take 9-1 them nutters flying the plane. yea they hated US gov.. but they were also a little insane to want to kill themselves and others for the cause of their hate. they did not have the smarts to thin of other ways to get attention
take corona yea repatriating people to the us brought the virus over the ocean. a mistake. but doesnt mean it was a eugenics plan or a hidden plot.

if only people stopped leaping to 10 about everything. and atleast research the details and figure out somethings can be a 3-6 which are just mistakes that cause big problems later
then they can actually start making rational decisions and actually start making a point.
but leaping to 10 skipping all the reasons for deserving a 10 makes their conspiracy theories void of substance

if they instead stuck with thinking something was a 3-6 and specified why its not a 2 and not a 7 they could actually have something productive to say
11409  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 12, 2020, 04:00:34 PM
ok badecker..
you. just you go out. and start 'resisting'

go lick publicly touched door handles and stair hand rails. find anyone coughing and makeout with them
go into a hospital and hug every sick patient.

go actually act on your theory.
i dare you

meanwhile us smarter people that can see the signs that this is more dangerous risk than flu. us smarter people that can see more deeths than average, more hospital staff getting affected by it, more families suffering more losses. us smarter people will follow the actual science... but you badecker you go follow your fantasy.
but make sure you actually do it before telling others to do it
11410  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 12, 2020, 03:52:33 PM
badecker showed a chart of less deaths occuring when more healthcare improved and more vaccines given
if vaccines were the cause the graph would look like
                            _       _
                       __/           \  /|
_                    /                 \||
  \  /|           _/         not        \_
   \||______/                            \_
11411  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 12, 2020, 03:09:47 PM
The university model talked about in the OP, is a peer reviewed study that shows that fire didn't bring Building 7 down.


the university done 2 models
one where the whole building tumbled over like a tree.. (never gonna happen even in natural disaster) and THEY said thats what happened in non explosive situation... but that has been disproven by science and architects.. and even by badecker himself by saying building suppose to be built to withstand certain things.

the other model was just a fall flat model. but it was not a model that resembled the actual fall of the building seven..
and THEY said this model was(facepalm) and then said it can only happen in a explosive used scenario.. again wrong

the models didnt accurately show actual events. and the summary of how the results of the models occured were not realistic either

.. sorry badecker. but try to actually do some research and compare info you find to actual events and other info available
11412  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 5G Has Dual Use As A Weapons System on: April 12, 2020, 02:52:20 PM
i think techshare wants to start a rumour that some chinese firm can ramp up the wattage and wavelength to dangerous levels at the flick of a switch.

but in all of this topic all i have been reading is lame excuses to shout racial rhetoric towards china.

to me its just easily led people who hear someone like dumb trump make some stereotype/insult towards a country and al the fans then decide they think its ok to be racist and find any lame excuse to treat that country as a large threat to a country.

if trump/government didnt secretly like china.. (like they love russia by letting russia take NASA rolls) then US manufacturing would make things.

the real silly things is trump says one thing but does the opposite. so instead of just following the lead of what he says actually research what is going on. the real actions. and actually research the real stuff. like the real wattage and wavelengths involved
11413  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid 19 prevention and cure on: April 12, 2020, 02:32:50 PM
i explained my language on this forum years ago.

i am not in the industry you pretend. but i actually do bother to learn things and check things out.
years ago i learned that some people loved throwing around buzzwords to show off their ego, but then they lost the context and it just turned into who can throw as many buzzwords onto a page as possible.
so i prefer to research and learn what these buzzwords actually mean and then put things down into simple plainspeak

its not a disguise at all i was clear and have been clear many times that i dislike buzzwords and egotists who dont want to get the details right but just want to throw out clickbait and ego stroking buzzwords.

i am not the type of person that likes info being spoonfed to me. im the person that takes some info. and then actually seeks out and validates/debunks it by actually researching other sources and scrutinising things.

your 'sources' are not sources at all but faux news platforms
yes mainstream media doesnt always get it right. but that reason alone isnt enough of an excuse to just blindly believe faux news must be true if it shows a different narrative than mainstream media.
instead the best thing to do is scrutinise everything and search the truth from actual sources and fact checking from multiple places. scrutinising who said it too.

take your idiotic stance that you think scientists cant identify corona..

they actually know that a virus like ebola looks like a string in a knot shape
&--  (simplified ascii, not exact)
they actually know that a virus like corona looks like a ball with little spikes coming out
✺ (simplified ascii, not exact)

they were then able to break it down into its enzyme, genome and then chemical makeup and find the different chemical elements that make it and compare it to that of other viruses in the corona family to realise its not the same thing

then they started making tests that react to that specific strain(react to the parts that other viruses or normal cells dont have).

all this stuff can actually be found should you dare look for it
11414  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid 19 prevention and cure on: April 12, 2020, 10:39:32 AM
But the dozens of hundreds of studies at are often peer review studies, including the testimonials, that MMS works safely. Many of the Youtube videos are peer reviewed studies that show many things.

the hotwire stuff is not peer reviewed.. or if it is, its not done by acedemic/experts. but by conspiracy nutjobs

yes peer does not mean expert. it means people at the same level/background.
so a scientist being reviewed by his peers would have scientific peers (same level as him)
a elitist would want his peers to be elitist
a nutjob conspirator would want other nutjob conspirators as his peers

infact i already debunked it.
but here is the key point
instead of just being spoonfed info from the places you find. thinking you dont have to do any research to verify if true or not and just blindly believe its true. actually research the source material. then research the source of the source

and then. and only then form an opinion.

your too fast at grabbing something you read on you cultist/conspiracy site and instantly thinking its true because they published it

try to do some research, or you will keep on looking like a fool just spamming links of things that dont hold up to any scrutiny
11415  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you mean by China is in lock down? on: April 12, 2020, 09:53:15 AM
china did not do a marshal law everyone must stay home or be shot if spotted on the streets.
people could still do daily exercise and get food from grocery stores. and for essential workers like the food manufacturing/supplying/selling/distributing and healthcare. still occurred

but what china did do that other countries failed. is that china when they found someone testing positive. they contact traced people who can near that infected person within the last week or 2. and isolated them fully with a 'dont go out, well bring food and meds to you policy'

which ensured the virus did not broadly multiply by 2.6 people multiple every week.
that how china go it under control.

other countries should learn from that.
i have seen other countries that repatriate people home. and then just let those people go about their life unmonitored unrestricted free to spread it to the broad populous of the area

11416  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 5G Towers are not spreading corona, but conspiracy theorists believe otherwise!! on: April 12, 2020, 09:45:24 AM
the truth is 5G is safe frequency and safe wattage output range.. but here is the real psy-ops

america dont want china in control of american infrastructure. they fear a deadman switch not in the form of causing death/health issues. but simply a back door to just turn off the towers and destroy all tele-communications capability.

america dont want to have to pay out management/maintenance and licences to china..

so while most trolls and conspiracy guys live on the internet for their lifestyle/entertainment. if they can get crowds of people who love having fast internet. to suddenly think its bad to have it. they can sway the government not to source it from china.

so they have to push a narrative that having fast internet is a health risk.

after al if the health MYTH didnt exist. the conspiracy trolls would be instead petitioning to get more towers installed so that they can troll faster while netflixing anywhere around town instead of locked in their basement.

i can see it already. the conspiracy group would instead be demanding faster implementation of towers and saying how the government is surpressing freedom of speach and implementing internet censorship by limiting data usage
11417  Other / Politics & Society / Re: COVID-19 reaches indigenous Yanomami people in Amazon??? on: April 12, 2020, 08:58:08 AM
not all indigenous people are the stereotype pushed by media
It is the fact, i am hearing about these group for the first time but the issue is that if they lack the knowledge about how to safe guard them.

you would be surprised.
they know not to touch random things due to natural learning of not touching poison bushes eating poison food and animals. they know when someone is sick to separate them from the rest of the tribe.

its actually modern medicine here that makes people in developed countries have the false sense of immortality where they think if they get sick there will always be a hospital, a bed and all the meds they can ever ask for. thus they take risks/not care as much.

if you want to know which brazilian community are most at risk. its not the indigenous people. but instead the poor that live in the slum towns/shanty downs/favela's
11418  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The best Coronavirus cure of all. on: April 12, 2020, 08:46:32 AM
For hundreds to thousands of years China has been developing natural medical cures. These were probably based in their ancestor-worship mindset.

life expectancy before modern medicine in china was 35..
..oops did you not realise that.. well research would have helped you

as for population numbers
china had many births and no large adversary. china was a massive empires they populated fast even if they didnt live long

yes then one child policy hindered population growth. but the modern medicine got better to make people live longer, thus needing to slow down population growth

but it seems you lack the knowledge so your making things up about pre-modern era
thus your rebuttal becomes empty of detail

if you want to make a case for natural therapies.. try using an example of a area that doesnt have a 35yo average life expectancy
11419  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid 19 prevention and cure on: April 12, 2020, 07:55:22 AM
Youtube search on "MMS malaria Africa." There are tons of video clips ...
Youtube proofs!
No need for the scientific method WE GOT YOUTUBE!!!
Come on, Spendy! You still want to believe in Youtube as proof. Wake up! Youtube is just like the media... a bunch of hype and hearsay.
here badecker mentions going to youtube.. then someone replies to badecker saying youtube is not proof. and then in sarcasm says about proof is not needed when youtube exists.. (basically speaking as if he was badecker)
then badecker fights back to say the opposite about how youtube is not proof..

basically a reverse psychology to use badeckers mindset against him..

badecker now that you have argued about how your own mindset is flawed and full of hearsay.. can you finally admit your error.
after all you have just debunked your own sources of your info
11420  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fatal coronavirus return threatens on: April 12, 2020, 07:33:21 AM
5 best case way to relax the restrictions

1. bring the curve of people getting it. down to manageable numbers
     - with a 2.6 spread rate. if the infected number at isolation relaxation was 1000. it would be 2600 in a week 6700 in fortnight
     - with a 2.6 spread rate. if the infected number at isolation relaxation was 50. it would be 130 in a week. 338 in fortnight
                                       - 878 week 3, 2284 at a month 5940 at week 6.. thus giving more time to prep for next wave

2. those who are unfit and wont fair well if they got it, should remain isolated

3. contact monitoring those who came near those infected. and isolating them quickly.
     - this can bring the infection rate down to 1.3 or even below 1 compared to 2.6 without any tracing/isolation..
     - depending how fast they can trace and isolate people before they themselves pass it on
     - if they can get 50 initial infected contact traced. where only pass it to say 1.3. it wil be 20 weeks before 6k cases
     - faster they can isolate to bring it below 1. the better.

4. dont allow regular flights/border crossing with countries which still have many cases spreading in the wild

5. ramp up ICU be resources and capacity.

these things can be combined to get to hopefully a point of not needing to jump into another lockdown for 6 months+. or without doing it, lockdown again within just weeks
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