Dacă tine o săptămână, atunci este una dintre cele mai scurte signature campaign. Asta in asa caz, dacă nu sunt incluse și campaniile precedente din ico 1.
I missed this one not wisely. I remember they said a new ico would start, didn't know would start this soon. I assumed 2017 somewhere. Good luck. Directly on the exchange and all. Good start.
What caused the price surge? From 27000. Now 40000...
People sell at 15k from 10k. Isn't that 50% profit? Unbelievable if you ask me.
Sadly might look unfavorable but until 22 December at least they got to get the escrow to deposit and then might have to pay to be listed on exchange. Seems it will be late a bit. I am invested but will stick for as long as is wise to.
Very cool and confident compliment. Keep it up! Keep going! We have 1000 ICO participants!
My Mom always said I was 1 in a million. Now I am 1 in 1000. Very glad to be counted as such.
I did a similar thing. Now I am twice on the spreadsheet. First I opted for avatar, then I found out I need upgrade of rank. So I added again my name on the sheet without avatar this time. Thanks, that was quick! @Chronobank_Community I made a mistake and did a double entry for the signature campaign. The first time I clicked the wrong status. I see that they are both listed on the spreadsheet where you can check your approval process so please remove my wrong entry (where it says Legendary status). Thanks!
Got it. Thank you.
I applied for signature campaign, is it correct layout? Also I don't see where I can change the avatar. Any suggestions?
What was the ico price though as the ethereum price is 8 usd now? I mean how much percent profit is expected
Deposited 1.5 BTC. Hope it will be great project Good job. That is 1185.63 US Dollar. Not much if you think it's small startup and bright future, as now everything you are doing over the bits, could be payed in Lh. Striking that I might have the same sum few months from now. Looking forward!
Bounty hunters are those who translated, with sigs, with avatars? How would such a small folk would even affect the entire population of 2 million. Please, when is the platform going to be launched, or is there a way to see the roadmap. The tokens is dumping significantly 5000sat on Liqui
Let all bounty hunters dump and go. This will be an opportunity for true supporters to add more vslice at cheaper rates to their portfolio and make huge returns in future when the platform rolls out new products.
Yes but the sad part was that I had locked btc in some loan on the Internet. Even 100k btc would have been crazy. I was there when the price was at 15 and one day later, was 70 then 150.
Insane gain, but some said only 9 invested, what is wrong, and volume was huge on liqui?
Pana pe 25 sper sa îmi recapăt o parte din btc sa ajung la timp pt. bonusul de 20%, sau măcar 10%
Din păcate campania a strâns 500+ btc, însă escrow prin aplicație și adresa ta manuala, a mers foarte smooth, fără bătăi de cap ci doar o interfață web.
știe careva când reîncepe? asa cum au anunțat.
Am schimbat Icn de câteva ori pe Kraken și liqui.io, este moneda preferata pana la wings, Egs și Time. Prețul a avut maxim 0.00032000 BTC, bănuiesc datorita unor mișcări în orarul lor. Parca pe 28 dec?
Într-adevăr, au mai mult decât wings.ai strâns, iar asta doar în 2 zile. Ai cumva idee dacă e posibil sa își atingă scopul, și sa înceapă campania marcat cu jumătate din suma? am înțeles ca este 20.000 BTC.
Aștept sa aplic ca member pentru campania sig.
Chiar ar fi fain ca in viitor sa iasa bitcoin sub forma de monede adevarate cu care se vor putea plati pentru produse la magazine.
Ar fi greu de imaginat sa trăiești în România și sa nu ai lei în buzunar, ci bitcoin. Ar însemna bitcoin ul sa valoreze trilioane de dolari, adică o cantitate enorma de informații. Chiar. Știe cineva cât de greu și pana când o sa fie safe Btcoinul fata de hăcuit?
I'll be continuing to watch this one too, perhaps not a gamechanger, but some interesting pieces here for sure
Not a game changer, but interesting enough because, let's say for example you are a mod on forum or you are wearing the sig campaign. Lh are very few, but necessarily. I would be paid anytime in bitcoin, as is supposed to reach great value in time
Trying to access egaas.org but I get an error about privacy with a red line on https. Is this gone scam or what? How do we login in the main site? to check our addresses?
Better way is download wallet to your computer or mobile because it's more safe than on web , just a suggestion I'd prefer using App than web. The mobile wallet seems to be the same as the web one, connecting to the Internet. I don't see it downloading anything on the storage that could make it anything different.
How many coins did they sell? Part of the initial plan. When will the next (2nd) round start?
March 2017 and in the 2nd ICO there will be bounty campaign too I wish. how many ico rounds there will be ?
6 ICO based in the first page of thread.