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11801  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 08, 2020, 10:50:36 AM
A bunch of blabbing media with a few lying, duplicitous doctors don't amount to proof.

says the only guy that has been linking such dubious material

your chiropractor doctor who talked on a freeman cult website is not proof. so why did you link it??

real ICU doctors, hospital websites,explain how they work and handling things.

the public waiting rooms of hospitals are empty for a reasl. its called self isolation and social distancing.
only those with severe/critical symptoms are being admitted, and if their symptoms are of a gun shot they go to one ward. if the symtooms are of the known corona symptoms they go to another ward.

doctors do actually run multiple tests and form a diagnoses. they dont just put a random piece of paper out of a hat

also doctors know that many maedications and treatments come with side effects.
antivirals might kill that virus OVER TIME (if the patient can breath long enough for the meds to kick in. but some antivirals kill it and not let the bodies own antibodies deal with it.
this is why most hospitals are trying a 'just keep them breathing/oxygenated' and then let the body fight the virus off itself

antivirals may not offer lasting immunity, antivirals can damage other organs
megadosing them can cause more issues
same with megadosing vitamin C ..enjoy them kidney stones
even intubating a patient and using meds to sedate them can come with long term issues..

so these things are not just handed out as easily as a supplement but used only when rtruly needed and when the benefits outweigh the risks,,

need you forget the guy that lives in your very own state that died from megadosing on the very chemicals you advertise on here.

has it hit close to home yet.

the best thing to do is self isolate. delay getting it until the hospitals can prepare, train, find better effective treatment, and stock up on staff, beds and supplies to handle it when the masses start getting it.

its like computers and any software.. avoid downloading a new operating system or patch until you have learned what it can do and what problems might come up.. then when you think your can risk it. then risk it after a few patches have been released

i fond it foolish how you pretend to be anti-big-pharma, but you are trying to push chemicals you dont understand in dosages you dont understand for things you dont understand promising things you dont understand..

i know you dont care about how many people can be harmed directly or indirectly by following your stupid stuff..
i know you will just finger point blame somewhere else
but this just shows you lack morals, lack responsibility and intelligence

but can you atleast just research and learn a little bit about how life works
11802  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 5G Has Dual Use As A Weapons System on: April 08, 2020, 10:22:36 AM
i write like this to dumb it down TO YOUR LEVEL

its obvious you do not spend time learning how things really work. so i guess that you must have some learning difficulty.
if you cannot even comprehend a dumbed down version. then it explains alot

to reply to below
i use techshares stupidity against him.. he calls me out.. doesnt realise that was the point of my reverse psychology
your comparing the same wavelength of radio. to that of say a microwave oven.
then trying to infer that the 5g is as bad as say gamma radiation.. all becuase you think its all the same 'waves'

thats like trying to compare hearing someone someone slapping you vs seeing someone slapping there own face to facepalm you

they are not in the same field/range

im explaining they are not the same.. where as he thinks they are. thus he is the idiot
11803  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 08, 2020, 09:11:31 AM
governments didnt want totalitarian.. it was them that kept it voluntary

but stupid people who even more stupidly wanted to promote that there is no virus. are the stupid ones that try 'social dissodence' and actualy do stupid things like poke at the limit, cross the line and just provoke things.

if people actually just went out and done their shopping and actually had some casual exercise.. basic freedoms of life.. instead of walking up to a police officer spitting in their face and shouting i hope i gave you corona.. then thengs would not need to be stepped up

its like gun control. if people just buy a sensible gun that can actually defend them in a situation like a burglary. and not buy an ASSAULT riffle that can rip through walls and hit neighbours in a random spray..
if these nutters didnt walk around the street handling their gun for no reason but to cause panic while recording it on youtube and shouting 'its my right'

if they actually acted sensible with a gun and responsible .. then gun controls wont be needed

stupidity and ignorance and trying to provoke trouble is what causes peoples freedoms to come with more and more restrictive responsibilities and limitations

so before trying to declare civil war on gvernment for asking you to not go to a bar right now.. realise its the provokation your are pushing for that will cause more restrictions.

so if you dont want more restrictions.. stick to doing just the basics and stop acting like an entitled idiot.

because allthough you may not care about your life or other peoples life.. your actions can affect others.
11804  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 5G Has Dual Use As A Weapons System on: April 08, 2020, 08:57:04 AM
your comparing the same wavelength of radio. to that of say a microwave oven.
then trying to infer that the 5g is as bad as say gamma radiation.. all becuase you think its all the same 'waves'

thats like trying to compare hearing someone someone slapping you vs seeing someone slapping there own face to facepalm you

they are not in the same field/range
the part that gives you a suntan is not the same as the part that lets you hear birds chirping

you seem to be trying to mix things up by thinking and making it seem like all waves can kill
sorry but they dont

different waves have different features and usage and limitations and different effects on objects, sensors and the human body
whats next. tell us to be afraid of hearing a women orgasm near your ear and to distance from any sexual contact??

dont go down that crazy talk road, it wont play out in your favour

and dont get me started on the whole wattage and distance and reflective nature of a kitchen microwave vs that used in 5g.. you will lose again.

screw it ill save the long drawn out comedy
kitchen microwave is 700w+ for a distance of 6inch effective(centre of 12" area) which is in a sealed unit to reflect the waves
if you ever tried to heat something at 100w.. is the same as you putting your hand on it and using your body heat.. yep human body emits 100w and you can only really feel it if you are touching it.

5g uses .. guess.. 100w
so putting phone to face is the same risk as putting your face against a womans chest

have fun. but if your really worried.. just dont hug a cellular tower poll.. instead find a lady and hug her.. for many many reasons it will be better for you.. but none of the reasons are about 'cooking you' via data transmissions
11805  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 08, 2020, 07:55:52 AM
from what i have gathered by actually doing research of UK handling of corona
each other country may differ, but generally hospital visits are not advised unless your breathing is laboured/strained enough to cause issues doing things like sleep, walk around house

when you have a mild symptom of cough/fever, your told to self isolate under what is known as 'shielding' category
this is to not even go out for exercise or food, and get support from friends/relatives or local council support for your needs in your home

if you get breathing difficulty its advised to go to hospital for any extra oxygen support.
on admission your symptoms are assessed, and you are given an xray and other scans as standard protocol. samples are taken and sent to a lab that will confirm its covid19 and not any of the other strains/flus.
this is again standard protocol now. they especially do this to make sure its not a further new mutation that might pop up in the future so they wnt to catch it early. and also rule out if its the older seasonal flu..
once they know its covid19 specifically. they then have a protocol specific to that

in short. categories are
no symptoms: self isolate - socially distance: allowed to go out for essentials/exercise but dont abuse the freedom stay safe stay at distance

mild symptom: self isolating - shielding: stay home, no shopping, no exercise. stay home and rest

no symptom living with someone mild symptomed: personally do 'no symptom' but also socially distance from person within the house who has it as much as possible. stay in different rooms. leave food at the door and keep distance. clean house methodically

severe symptoms: breathing issue call NHS to ask for advice, expect hospital visit for oxygen support and full tests/diagnoses

critical symptoms: prepare to be sedated and intubated

the UK only had 8000 beds that can support the critical category. which in this situation would not be enough if everyone got it in one go/over a couple months. self isolation/social distancing/shielding is not to cure it or make people immune. its to stop the spread to slow down how many people could need the hospital in one go.
allowing time for the NHS to stock up, train up, prepare.

self isolation is not the end of this.
less than 10% of people mingled and flouted the guidelines. .. imagine if there was no self isolation/guidelines where everyone got it.

stats are showing that if you get to the critical stage of needing to be intubated the risk/recovery rate is far worse with covid than other reasons to be intubated.
11806  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 08, 2020, 07:27:08 AM
5G is not heating the air in peoples lungs
ACTUAL DOCTORS doing MANY scans, tests, observations know its not the oxygen. its the lack of oxygen due to lungs filling with fluid, due to the immuno response to a foreign invader, which they test and find out it is a virus

a few silly people think that the tests that hospitals are using is a sort of pregnancy test strip .. sorry its not
its actually a lab test using specifically modified settings and specially formulated chemicals to test it.
along with CT scans and other tests and symptom observations.. all come to the conclusion of a diagnoses

5G is not wide spread international. yet there are people widespread contracting corona virus and having their body negatively respond to the virus.

as for the concerns of 2.4ghz radiowaves. they are not the same kind of waves as a kitchen microwave. if you did not know this. you should research its the infrared part of a kitchen microwave that does the cooking

but as always certain conspiracy trolls wont actually do the research

.. any lets reign this meander back to the topic of corona. not other unrelated nonsense like 5G that has no correlation to corona
11807  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 08, 2020, 07:17:37 AM
I love your long posts. As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 6:11, "The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?"
the bible is longer than my posts
The Bible makes sense when you read the various parts in context. Your posts don't make sense any which way.
your post is longer than mine
11808  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UK prime minister Boris has been hospitalised! on: April 08, 2020, 07:09:37 AM
well in ACTUAL news

the first night(sundaynight-mon morn) in hospital boris had slight breathing issues but was breathing on his own, and just being monitored.
on second night(mondaynight-tue morn), he was moved to the ICU and given face mask oxygen.. not a ventilator. just oxygen mask.
on third night(tues night-wed morn) he is stable at the same level.

they are saying he is in same condition as tuesday, needing the extra oxygen but its not ventilated

just to clarify
there are 4 stages o oxygen support
1. nasel oxygen canula - mild air inhaled naturally through the nose
2. face mask oxygen - allowing more air and more control of flow of air. this is not pressurised
3. cpap oxygen - this is positive pressure air to mildly aid/ease lung support and get better airflow
4. intubateed oxygen - this requires sedation and tube down throat and the machine controls the breathing

boris is at 2 and has been stable at 2 since monday night
11809  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 07, 2020, 10:08:37 PM
denies the video that shows the debris

thinks the only opinion is debris falling within a few feet from tall height.. or blown hundreds of feet from low down
he cannot see or accept even when there is video evidence the curve (diagonal)

idiot... definitely moving on because this guy will never learn to actually look at the video of the actual event.. and instead just continue circling his fantasy made up in his head
11810  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 07, 2020, 09:42:52 PM
You have a point there. Whether it's megadose of C, colloidal silver, MMS2, H2O2, each and every thing he promotes has a commercial vendor behind it who makes big profits with false claims.

i know he lives in arizona..
maybe just maybe.. something hitting him closer to home might actually make him think twice
11811  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 07, 2020, 08:30:17 PM
says the guy that has not personally researched anything and has instead just believed what is told on the internet

if you were born 30 years later. you wouldnt survive... there was no internet back then
11812  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The best Coronavirus cure of all. on: April 07, 2020, 06:27:16 PM
do research
the picture of the guy on your FREEMAN phoenix site.. is of a chiropractor..
a guy that makes peoples back bones click back into place
he has no experience of treating corona patients

it took me 1minute :20 seconds to figure that out... why didnt you figure it out

and tonic water.. seriously (facepalm)
11813  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 07, 2020, 05:23:26 PM
vitamin C is not guaranteed

grow up already. people will still need hospitals and hospitals just aint ready to cope with it if everyone got it..
do you get it yet

how are nurses suppose to give any meds to a patient if there are not enough beds, needles, meds, nurses,

i have told you this all along.. i know your forgetful. but its been the same thing every time
hospital bed numbers and supplies and staff are not sufficient. so the self isolation is to DELAY the mass spread. just to give time for healthcare systems to increase capacity and stock up. and also learn the new treatment plan for this new vvirus symptomology that has only been seen since december in china and february in most other countries

11814  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 07, 2020, 05:12:42 PM

intubating a patient is and has always been the last resort
there have been standard protocols for people with ards

doctors dont want to intubate people for no reason.
doctors wont intubate someone for no reason

there IS a reason for it. because the patient has not got better via time/other treatment first

i do laugh at how you fools and your blog influencers who are not doctors them selves. take things backward to try creating a false narrative

yes intubating a patient can have sideffects. hense its not done straight off and only done when needed
but here is the thing..
hydrochloroquin also has side effects
so guess what
you fools thinking that you can advertise it as some daily supplement are fools that can harm more than help

immuno surpressing medication should not be used as a suplement before someone gets sick.

instead of just following these crappy websites just trying to sell supplements.. actually do the research behind the blog/youtube video..

one last thing though
if there is no sickness and no one needs a hospital bed..(the first conspiracy) then no one needs to be buying supplements for something that they wont get right?
so why advertise something if you think people dont need it?
why be trying to get people to megadose it even when they not sick?

you fools nee to grow a conscience

there is no cure riht now only treatment
if you dont want the treatment currently available or not available in most cases.. the best action is

1. wash your hands
2.socially distance
3 dont touch random things others touch
4.dont touch your face or suck your thumb
5. self isolate

in short. dont get it yet until there is better treatment, enough beds to cope to treat those that need treating,
11815  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 07, 2020, 04:46:24 PM
^ running out of arguments to debate
meanwhile doctors having to treat patients know more than badeckers favourite conspiracy group

Not running out of arguments. Rather, solidifying points.

ok even your latest youtube guru proves you wrong
remember that vid where he shows an example ICD-10 form
it goes
You keep on forgetting that standard CV tests show results that could be any one of possibly hundreds of diseases. And the few detailed tests that actually DO show CV, are being focused on to cover up the multitudes that don't.

and you keep on forgetting ... well everything. no matter what topic it is. you forget even talking about things a couple posts after making them.

as for CV tests and what goes on in the ICU and what reporting happens.. you dont even know in the first place to even have a chance to forget.
meanwhile ACTUALY DOCTORS on ACTUAL ICU wards know better
but we all know that you will deny anything they say
instead you prefer to believe youtube influencers that make a faux news studio look. to pretend they are official

ill stick to research and learning from those that actually know. actually trained, actually experienced.
maybe you should try that oneday
11816  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 07, 2020, 04:06:48 PM
For those who love the WHO banner which Jewtube spams every coronavirus video with, remember who leads the organization:

Long live Tedros Adhanom.  Willy Gates sure knows how to pick a winner.  Remember that when you roll up your sleeve for his vaccine+ID-tag.

tvbcof.. angry at a guy that was in a group that wanted to overthrow a government..
 tvbcof moves to another topic and tries to subtle tell others to rebel against government

im starting to think maybe its jealousy not anger
after al one guy gets a top job.. tvbcof stays in his basement
i havnt researched tedros much so far.. but tvbcof flip floppy narrative seems more weird so far

so tvbcof. do you want to be a government respectful and responsible human being. or do you want to rebel against government even at harm of others.

come back when you can make up your mind which side you sit
11817  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 07, 2020, 03:23:27 PM
In case someone has not seen David Icke coronavirus video here is bitchute version.
Already got deleted on youtube and vimeo, mirror, download, share.

youtube-dl <link>    can be used on Linux to download (very slow)

so much fail in the first 10 minutes
1. people are getting sick where there are no 5g masts..
2. december 10th patient zero diagnosed by symptom spotting. flu like. given normal meds went back to work
3. december 11, 12,13,14,15,16,17th didnt get better the meds didnt work. obviously wasnt normal cold/flu
4. december 18th got so bad he was hospitalised. this is what they call a 'zebra' where certain symptoms dont fit normal diagnoses
5. they noted thee newer symptoms..
6. over 3 weeks other patients were coming in with these same pattern of symptoms..
7. sent blood specimens to a lab and tested using both microscope and chemical testing
januarty 2nd results came back that its some NEW virus.
8. patients from not the same origin(weetmarket) started turning up.... alarm was raised

Icke.. wants to make people think that there is no actual lab test or no microscope to actually analyse the virus to tell if its any different.
and that fatal flaw of his understanding is where he primes his BS. by thinking anything could be causing the symptoms so points it in the direction of his latest pet hate. which appears to be 5G

but.. as i said already in very first point.
people are getting sick in places that dont have 5G masts
and i will also add.. many people that do live near 5G are not getting sick.. so there is no correlation

and that ends the debate

as for why youtube is taking it down..
because its nonsense videos causing stupid rumours and causing more people to become stupider by believing the video.. so for the sake of sanity. its easier to just get rid of the nonsense.

people have the right to speak. but not the right to force people to listen. not the right to speak on someone elses property without their consent.

if people want to get angry about something.. and want to show their anti-gov stance.. point it at the lack of funding for healthcare which is causing people to need to isolate to delay the spread just so hospitals have time to prepare for the upcoming storm of patient numbers YET to come.
yep thats right numbers so far are not of 99% getting it and only 0.1% death
they are of 5% getting it and much higher death rate in comparison.. meaning when the other 95% do get it after isolation.. numbers will be bigger.

so aim your anger at governments not funding the healthcare for decades to make the healthcare unprepared
11818  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is breaking the law and will be sued by Craig Wright on: April 07, 2020, 11:32:46 AM
The crypto community will soon be suing Craig because he is only hindering the development of the crypto industry.
He is crazy and out of His mind that's why he Keep on talking sh-ts in towards Bitcoin and this community.

a short sharp method isnt to sue CSW. as that is just more drama and more lengthy court cases keeping things relevant
CSW game is lengthy court cases.. he wants to string things along.

patent troll tactics is all about stringing things along with meaningless data requests to keep people running in circles until they decide its cheaper to settle.
thats the point.

even if you sue you. he will keep it active for so long you drop it. not due to you not having a case. but by him stalling and wasting time that it costs you money and you havnt even been able to get your point across yet.

the actual short sharp method is. if people like calvin ayres just cut his losses and gave up hope of returns on the investments CSW scammed from him. stopped backing him/funding him and actually just cut his losses.. basically switch sides and use any data gathered against CSW
11819  Other / Off-topic / Re: White House COVID-19 Mortality Estimates Fall By 90% on: April 07, 2020, 11:07:20 AM
the first number of over a million was a model showing expectation WITHOUT isolation

the point of isolation is not to cure/immunise people.. its to delay people getting it al in one go
the next model of 90% less is of the situation DUE TO ISOLATION

in short. isolation has been helping and made an impact to the possible numbers
11820  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Analyzing current COVID-19 strategies and trying to find a better solution on: April 07, 2020, 11:03:36 AM
excuse my bias here, im british

though i dont like how the UK took nearly 2 months from first warning to actually implement lockdown.
though i dont like how it is still showing the UK is still trying to 'repatriate' people from abroad.

one thing has been very very clear.
the isolation is not to cure/immunise people in their homes.
its to DELAY the spread. because hospitals wont cope.

its been made clear delay. delay delay.
they made it clear that the whole event can last in some form for upto 18 months.

again its been made clear, this isolation is the calm before the storm. this is not the storm yet, this is the light breeze

yes from medical side its the calm before the storm.
and yes economic/business side it feels like the storm.
but this is still the beginning not the end

its why businesses are being prepped to receive 12 months of financial support and why those on social security will be boosted a little each month for 12 months.

the impact has not even actually started yet. this is the tide receeding before the tsunami
people on social security and businesses are not even getting the first payments until may/june
if government thought it was just funding needed for just march/april. they would have just thrown money at it now, and sort out the paperwork later.
however this is not even the tsunami hitting yet. this is the baten down the hatches board up the windows prep time
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