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11861  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 03, 2020, 08:55:16 AM
I've never said a thing about Vitamin C for the simple reason that I've not studied it and thus know nothing about it.

you and badecker both seem to be biting from the same conspiracy blog pages.
maybe i did accidently think you were badecker under a different username by your own foolish antics of conspiracies and stuff.

you (under the name tvbcof) have been going down the path that its all a hoax and no one is sick in hospital. which is just as stupid. so yea i tarnished you both with the same stupid brush.

maybe lay off the conspiracies a bit and actually try researching and people wont confuse you with badecker
11862  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 03, 2020, 08:32:02 AM
hydrocloroquin for instance does not destroy the virus. neither does Vit C
in previous topcs of badecker and tvbcoc's advertising of vit C for instance there was a video of a australian guy who claimed vit C cured him due to his family demanding doctors give him megadose vit c

what badecker does not let absorb into his brain. is that the megadose vit C didnt remove the virus over night. all it done was help relax the bodies immuno response. (patient breathed better). the patient was taken off vit C. and because the virus was still there(again vit C didnt remove it) the patient got worse again with his breathing.
so was put back on it to surpress the immuno response

its like someone dying of agony of a gun shot.. painkillers take the pain away but the gun shot is still doing damage.. just the patient cant feel it. by just giving painkiller wont cure the gunshot. but will relax the patient enough to give the patient more time for other medical interventions to be administered

vit C and hydrochloroquin help keep the patient breathing more stable, long enough for the body itself to fight the infection via other biological functions.and other antivirals the doctors give.

badecker and tvbcof both stupidly think either Vit-c or hydrochloroquin are the only medical treatments needed. much like they are trying to say only paracetemol is needed for a gunshot.

they really have no clue about this stuff
many have reported after leaving hospital feeling better. they stop the meds and they get sick again.
this is not because the body is actually recovered and they got re-infected. but its because the meds were just hiding the illness symptoms. and the illness was still in their system waiting to show itself again

the australian guy in the video with the vitC admitted that he was given other meds, on ventilators and had to stay on the meds even for weeks after discharge.

but silly old badecker and tvbcof both want people to megadose on chemicals before even getting sick thinking they will never get sick.
not realising it will just hide symptoms but can still do harm

heres an analogy
a cocaine user may not feel it when getting shot. and may walk around with a wound.. happy as can be.. until he is dead from blood loss

do you get it yet you fools
11863  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 03, 2020, 08:10:16 AM
OMG.. tvbcof and badecker still sound like they think this 'lockdown' period is the curing stage..
where its all over in a couple weeks
such fools they are

seriously will these fools wise up. isolation is the delay before the storm
at the end of lockdown the UK wont be saying 'ok we had 10k deaths compared to 500k' its all over

does tvcbof actually think the UK has 500k ICU beeds and ventilators right now...
(double facepalm)

the UK will be saying we delayed 650k(1%) needing ventilators and beds all in one go, in which 500k ended up suffercating as we couldnt give them air because we dont have 650k beds
because we have 4000 beds right now we want to try limiting exposure by getting people to isolate.
so we only receive ~4000 severely sick at a time..
we were close but most people got all the help that was needed and each week only a few hundred died so it was 10k during isolation couple months..
AFTER the prep work, capacity can be 12k+ which means more help to give more people. so relax the isolation a little. but if we approach 12k needing beds at sametime lock it down again.. and we hope to stick to only getting a few hundred deaths a weeks or less, we aim to hope to only get 20k deaths if we can oxygenate everyone and keep their heart beating long enough for them to fight off the infection
but no medication can have time to work if they are not diagnosed properly, given meds promptly and ventilated long enough for the meds to actually do their job, which means we need to have available ventilators, beds and staff to cover it

i truly think that tvbof has lost the plot more than badecker at this point by suggesting someone that bleeds out due to a car accident or gunshot wound would be classed as a non covid symptomatic death.. but still reported as a covid death purely because of being tested for covid

did you know people get tested for many things. have many ailments. however the cause of death is actually going to be the thing that actualy kills them
so a gunshot would have blood loss/heart failure.

i know tvbcof doesnt are about reality. and in 12 months time when proven wrong he wll shrug it off like an ass, as if he just said it as a random idea with no conviction in the first place.
but its guys like him that try to spread lies, hoping the lie becomes fashionable/trendy so that he can get some internet fame for starting it. no matter the consequences.. idiot
11864  Other / Politics & Society / Re: WHO declared corona outbreak as Pandemic! on: April 02, 2020, 11:58:29 PM
germany is on lockdown/self isolation

just like i told you about america hospitals. germany is cancelling elective surgeries and cancelling routine treatments/consultations.

so you will not see queues of people just waiting around in the waiting room
they are in sealed off ICU wards.

use commons sense
11865  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 02, 2020, 11:27:43 PM
so trying to reign the thread back to its topic

china just announced it is seeing signs of its second wave.
so it appears to be a 2.5month wave, then another wave.

UK/US was a month or two behind so UK/US is stil trying to curb the first wave. and will probably start their second wave mid/end of may
11866  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 02, 2020, 11:23:23 PM
Approximately 100% of the so-called CV deaths in Italy have not been certified that it was CV that did it.
approximately 100% of your posts were wrote without any actual thought, understanding or research
My IQ is so high that I don't have to think about stuff like this to know and write the truth.

high. . as in bleach induced mind altering experience
11867  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 02, 2020, 11:18:06 PM
oh badecker.

it must really hurt when someone calls you out on your lack of common sense.
i do like how you flip flop to try hiding that you ever were as dumb on the flop as you pretend not to be on the flip. but a couple days later you return back to the flop again. and it just makes your whole comedy routing stale.

try some new material. its become obvious you dont know 99.9% of the stuff you talk about
atleast spend a couple days trying to learn something. and just make a little effort in actually trying to provide something useful and factual
11868  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 02, 2020, 10:54:24 PM
Approximately 100% of the so-called CV deaths in Italy have not been certified that it was CV that did it.

approximately 100% of your posts were wrote without any actual thought, understanding or research
11869  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Bottled water claims. on: April 02, 2020, 09:45:23 PM
if you want to know how bottled water companies think of their customers.. read evian backwards
11870  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Analyzing current COVID-19 strategies and trying to find a better solution on: April 02, 2020, 09:41:20 PM
most countries policy is
self isolate (not get it yet)
prep the hospitals, train the staff. get the equipment. then relax the isolation. and have ability to enforce it again if it goes like wild fire too fast. basically waves of 'catch and release'

here is the stupid future plan for stage 3.
some countries want to give people a coloured wristband/certificate to say they have passed a test that they have antibodies..
however anyone with photoshop and a printer. will stupidly print out a copy and pretend they are fine and catch it and pass it. because all they care about is not being in isolation any more even if they have not been tested

im still waiting to see if china has a massive second wave.
news just today(as predicted in my earlier posts in other topics last month) a second wave is starting in china.. but how massive this next wave will be is yet to be seen
11871  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Three Ways the Coronavirus Market Correction Could Play Out on: April 02, 2020, 09:27:07 PM
this 'isolation' period. is not a period where people are becoming immune at home.. they are just delaying getting it later

i done some math base on the r0 infectious numbers of corona.
if there were no isolation no shutting down airports. it would have got around by first week of june for al 7bill
with 80% no-symptom, 14% mild symptomatic, and 6% severe (of which 2% critical/death risk)
has it that at start of may. 200m infected. 27m. mild 12m severe

however with isolation. starting in march for most countries. then this a 1-2month lag. expect it to go all the way through summer
we are not going to see business as usual in spring time nor most of summer

as for which industries will be impacted more or less
travel industry,, less profit at year end. expect lows
real estate/property industry. less profit. expect lows

insurance industry. well paid by government. more profit. expect highs
web service/home delivery industry.. more profit. expect highs
retail fashion/electrons. less profit. expect lows. expect a few companies closing for good
food commodities. can become an over production(too much supply by the time its harvested) thus sold cheap. expect lows
retail grocery. more profit. expect stable/higher

11872  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 02, 2020, 07:34:42 PM
is badecker still being ignorant

ok one more time..
the computer generated model was not a model of exact representation of exact events.
instead it was a model of a building falling equally
which is the case for all sky scrapers for all main reasons of structure defect or demolition (both)

the other computer mode was a random model of a leaning building which is not even typical expectants to occur in most real life situations

the leaning building model was then told to be 'what should happen'
and the fall model was told as 'only should happen under demolition'

both statements are false
watching the actual video. it shows the building got damaged. and the side nearest the towers(south) took the brunt of it. and the east side just had a couple floors of fire billowing out

9-11 consiracists think the east side showing a bit of fire was the side that the towers were on.. it was not
most of the damage was on the south side.

the south side fell first. which then weakened the rest of the building. and then it a came down. as designed it should do
11873  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is the sense in forcing planes to fly without passengers on: April 02, 2020, 07:09:19 PM
During the emergency that stupid rule about the slots should be suspended.

Did any airline lose their slots in American airports during the 9-11 no flight period?

This should be no different. It is incredibly stupid to keep running empty or nearly empty planes in fear of losing their slots.

9-11 only affects most domestic flights in area's of new york. thus it was a local manageable problem.

but the auctioning/legal contract process for international flights is a whole different system
11874  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus tests include the common cold. Typically 20% positive. on: April 02, 2020, 07:00:16 PM
2 people above dont have to worry.
basement dwellers dont social and touch people to get it.

their way prevent getting it is to stay stay away people

they pretend to hate chemical companies. but then megadose themselves with chemicals
very strange way to live
11875  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 02, 2020, 06:58:32 PM
I do talk to some women, and some women do talk to me.

'go away and leave me alone' doesnt count
'your breath smells like a swimming pool' doesnt count
'your so pale, you dont get out often do you'... might count
'thatl be $20 for an hour' .. doesnt count
11876  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 02, 2020, 06:51:33 PM
topic creator mindset
'each year 365 stupid people of 365 stupid people die due to being stupid'
'i didnt die today so i can be stupid all year round and never die

reality.. results show maybe not today.. but one day this year you will

what im trying to say is a scope of 12 months of no isolation flu =~25k/year =~2k/month lets call it 3k for month and a half

well even with isolation.. corona this year.. with only a month and a half of stats.. again even with social isolation =14k
over 4x more.. deadly than the flu..
and it would be even worse without the isolation

so put them numbers into context
3k flu vs 14k corona same average time period

have a nice day
11877  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is the sense in forcing planes to fly without passengers on: April 02, 2020, 05:49:19 PM
old news
month ago it was declared a pandemic. so airlines could legally shutdown flights without losing their slots/being fined.

maybe manufacturers can use this time to repair/upgrade the plane fleet to be more efficient and better in the future (last sentance was satire, coz i bet they wont)
11878  Other / Politics & Society / Re: WHO declared corona outbreak as Pandemic! on: April 02, 2020, 05:18:16 PM

99% have not even got it to even become a statistic

your taking things out of context..
just like. if you went to a town. where everyone was banned from driving for a month.. you would say that there will never be any more car accidents.
not realising that when people get back into their vehicles.. accidents will occur.

put it into some prospective.
based on limited numbers so far due to self isolation
7billion people.. 1% symptomatic = 70million.. death rate =~4m world wide ONCE IT HAS MASS SPREAD

the problem is not that its a 50% chance of death from just licking a door knob
its that hospitals cannot cope with 70mill people with symptoms trying to get better all at same time
and those more critical wont even get air so the death numbers would be higher than 4m deaths

thats why they want to delay the spread now. and then increase hospital ability to cope. so that they can try keeping it around the 4m count. and hope to get less deaths.

you foolishly think that march 25th is the end of the whole pandemic just shows how little you know.
seems you want to remain ignorant
11879  Other / Politics & Society / Re: I woke up to see a very disturbing twitter trend from the Asian country India. on: April 02, 2020, 04:52:29 PM
it was reported a couple months back that all non citizens gets a chance of citizenship. as long as they are not muslim,_2019
"The Bill amends the Citizenship Act of 1955 to give eligibility for Indian citizenship to illegal migrants who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and who entered India on or before 31 December 2014. The bill does not mention Muslims.
Signed by: Ram Nath Kovind, President of India
Second reading: 10 December 2019"
11880  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: April 02, 2020, 04:45:37 PM
'Infected' is completely mysterious because nobody will burn a few test kits and will only test the sickest of the sick (and celebrities)?!?  That doesn't pass the smell test.  I'm hardly the only person who is pointing this out.  Many of the highly esteemed doctors and scientists who are increasingly vocally calling bull on this plandemic are as well.

99% of people are self isolating
you can stick a swab up every orifice every hour for as long as they self isolate.. and they will show they wont have it.
so wasting swabs in this delay stage is stupid.

what is most likely to happen is continue to test those that are symptomatic. to make sure they are showing cough/fever symptoms due to corona and not something else..(asthma/panic attack.heart issues/other infections)

.. emphasis. people sick due to a car accident are not getting swabbed for corona. as you say they are not showing flu symptoms

later when self isolation relaxes and a few months have passed. then they can expand it to general public because the data/possible data will be relevant.
doing it now is like asking a 5yo to take a alcohol breathaliser test to see if they are a drunk driver (way before they had a chance to touch a drink/car steering wheel)

but right now hospitals are training up, and stocking up and expanding.. .. not to cure corona now. but to actually be able to cope with corona in future months.

using your own exaggerated methods..
you seem to be wanting to ask all girls under 10yo to take a pregnancy test, knowing they have not even had a chance to have sex yet. but just so you can prove some theory you have that pregnancy is a scam and doesnt happen
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