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121  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: April 07, 2018, 06:56:44 PM
Tim projekta Nauticus želi zahvaliti svima na nevjerojatnoj podršci koju dobiva! Već je prikupljeno više od 10,8 milijuna dolara, a projekt i nova burza već imaju 228.518 registriranih korisnika!

Registrirajte se sada kako biste dobili 100 besplatnih NTS tokena:
Požurite i priključite se što prije - još samo nekoliko sati do kraja prvog tjedna ICO prodaje!

122  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][AIRDROP][REFERRAL!] - - 1% kamate dnevno! on: April 06, 2018, 01:36:37 PM
Bijela knjiga na hrvatskom:
123  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][AIRDROP][REFERRAL!] - - 1% kamate dnevno! on: April 06, 2018, 01:35:12 PM
Bas nista nigdje ne mogu naci o timu projekta. Huh

Ne znam ni ja ništa o njima, ali možeš im pisati na pa ih sam pitati. U WP stoji da ih ima četvorica. U pitanju je strogo spekulativni instrument, dakle hype ludilo u najavi :-)
124  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: April 06, 2018, 12:05:05 PM
Nauticus i dalje treba vašu pomoć! Ako još niste, molimo vas da sudjelujte u našem istraživanju. Nagradit ćemo vas s 200 NTS!

Anketu možete popuniti ovdje: ...

Jeste li kupili Nauticus tokene? Ostalo je još samo 2 dana možete ostvariti bonus od 25% na kupnju tokena! Požurite i odmah nabavite NTS tokene!

Prihvaćamo: PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash

125  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system= Rubbish posts on: April 05, 2018, 11:31:08 PM
What if Konami hires 10 of these little and unimportant fellas to clean their toilets but only one of them did the cleaning while the rest of them made more mess? they are doing that in this forum.
I must disagree with that notion: Bitcointalk don't hire people for the bounty campaigns - the new emerging companies do that. And that's the problem: in the real life Konami can choose among thousands available and jobless cleaning ladies, pick few of them for the job, and if they lie around whole day doing nothing they can fire them and employ others that will do the job properly. But consider the following situation: there are only 100 cleaning ladies on the market and we have 1000 new companies that need their toilets cleaned? The best companies took the best workers, and coders in the other companies can not piss or shit at work, because they faint every time they approach the toilet. In that situation these companies have to do what they can in order to survive and continue with their business: Konami has to approach a garbage man, a housewife or a mason, to offer them lots of money and to hope for the best.
Of course it's not me who invented that, it's called the labor market theory  Smiley. So it's very important (and natural) to have big supply of laborers (of the different quality levels) when the demand for them is high. You shouldn't think of the Bitcointalk as an employer, but as a government. ICO projects are employers and they will take what they need from the labor market in order to satisfy their needs. That's why I'm talking about "stumbling" or "dying" - if they don't have enough labor for their marketing efforts, they will not succeed, and that's bad because of the reasons I've mentioned in the previous posts.

And now about the greatest mistake of it all when it comes to the survival and the development of the blockchain technology - and I see that many of the senior members here are repeating almost the same words as a kind of a mantra, over and over again. I don't want to sound like a grumbling old professor, but I'm in love with this stuff, and I wouldn't like to see it ruined because of this naive incorrect assesment, and not to try everything that is in my power to prevent this. So, that romantic mantra sounds more or less like this:

I am begging those people to leave and let this revolution to have a chance in development.

If you give me one example of a revolution that took place and had success without people, I'll send 1 BTC to your address Smiley. The whole trick with economy - and first of all with currencies - is something that is called "acceptance". It's a kind of a chanted circle: if more people accept something, more people will accept the same thing.
If I have pockets full of CNY and walk into a grocery store in Berlin I wouldn't be able to buy anything, because the owner of that store recognize no value in these paper bills: he can't take these bills and buy theater tickets for him and his wife because he knows that the lady at the box office won't accepted these bills for the same reason he didn't do that in the first place - she won't be able to buy groceries for CNY in his store. People in Berlin work for Euros, there are lots of them and all of the stores there accept them.

One of the things Bitcoin misses today is precisely that: people don't have faith (yet) that other people will accept it.

How do you cure that? If the owner of the grocery store every day faces people who come into his store trying to buy something for Bitcoins, talking about the other grocery stores where they could by products for Bitcoins, if he hears that his neighbor bought the theater tickets for Bitcoins, and his best friend payed for his vacation in Bitcoins, he will try once to sell groceries for Bitcoins - just to test how it goes. But, if enough people don't walk into his grocery stores with Bitcoins, and his neighbor doesn't have them, believe me, there will be no revolution.

So you have to supply people with Bitcoins and make a pressure on the poor grocery owner. Or even supply him. How do you do that?

Bitcoin is much like gold - you can invest your own work (which will pay for the equipment and for the electricity) and mine it. But cleaning lady who needs bread and milk can't earn enough to buy equipment and pay enormous electricity bills in Berlin. She doesn't have chance to make pressure on the grocery owner. But, that's what labor market is for! She can earn crypto. The more people have it, more people will accept it (again - it wasn't me, it's an old theory, proved to be right many, many times). That's why you, me and the makers of this forum need people more than they need us, actually. They can continue to work for Euros, US Dollars, or any other government controlled currency and off the whole revolution story - it's much easier. And nothing will happen then.

I'm a nobody but if I'm not finding any fine quality discussions, I would be forced to leave this forum.

You're not able to find any quality discussion on this forum? Than I must be blind and very stupid.

How many people do you think crypto can support?

It has to be able to support at least billions, or nothing will happen (but I'm sure you already know that).

It has spread, news about earning money to the wrong people. while the work force is busy doing something nobody wants, all the coders are self entitled to launching ICOs and sell something every other coder could develop. there are even some of the Konami's plumbers impersonating coders and selling Konami's games as their own, people only see Konami's name and would buy them.

Well, there's no help with that, that's called "industry" Smiley If their ICO employers are satisfied why that bothers you? But if you look at it more carefully, you will see that Apple alone (and several other companies) has larger Market capitalization than the whole blockchain industry, and that's why I think that this moment is a tricky one to apply some drastic measures. I believe some new forums and platforms for the labor force will soon emerge, and you'll be finally left alone - but is it a good thing?

Crypto industry is an industry because of this forum and it's founder and then administration keeping it alive for years. this industry has been sucking the life out of this forum. admins are trying to keep it that way, they would rather slow down it's growth and keep it free. 2 admins are not enough for 2 Million registered forum accounts. 20 new moderators are needed for this forum but the policy to keep it free doesn't allow them to keep it free and let it grow.
I agree. But it has to be a way other than suffocating the whole thing and maintaining the satus quo. The forum creators must find a way to control the quality of the labor force which will not scare them off. Maybe they can start a competition for the community to find the best solution(s). I believe that the coders from the community can help with some "linguistic crawler" that can detect low quality posts and give them some kind of bad "marks", there must be a way to control IP addresses and at least partially prevent account farming, I believe many members of the community have access to various AI technologies that can be used for that purpose. After all I think all of the seniors will be glad to help with the moderation. Every solution is better than repression.
126  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: April 04, 2018, 08:33:17 PM
Australija usvaja nove propise glede poslovanja burzi kripto valuta!

Burze će se sada morati pridržavati četiri glavna pravila kako bi mogle javno obavljati svoje aktivnosti:

 - Moraju usvojiti i sprovoditi AML/CTF procedure za identifikaciju, ublažavanje i upravljanje rizikom od pranja novca i financiranja terorizma
 - Moraju identificirati i provjeravati identitet svojih klijenata
 - Moraju izvještavati AUSTRAC o sumnjivim transakcijama, i prijavljivati transakcije u fiat valuti čija vrijednost prelazi 10.000 dolara
 - Moraju voditi određene vrste evidencija tijekom sedam godina.

Jeste li znali da je Nauticus već registriran kod regulatornog tijela australske vlade - AUSTRAC?

127  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / [ICO][BOUNTY][AIRDROP][REFERRAL!] - - 1% kamate dnevno! on: April 04, 2018, 02:01:01 AM
S ponosom predstavljamo novi projekt MMM tokena!

Naš token neće donijeti revoluciju u svijet visokih tehnologija. Ne planiramo vas lagati o glamuroznoj budućnosti našeg ICO projekta. Niti ćemo vam reći da uložite sav novac koji imate u nas. Sve što tražimo je da pročitate i razmislite o sljedećih 30 redova teksta, a zatim proučite našu bijelu knjigu kako biste se upoznali s filozofijom i potencijalom našeg tokena.

Naš token je snažan spekulativni instrument. Potpuno je transparentan, nudi zajamčene kamate i potencijal za izvanredan rast cijene (od 100x do 1000x) i ima jasno određen životni vijek. Njegova funkcionalnost, spekulativna svojstva i profitabilnost idealan su instrument za investiciju visoke razine rizika.
Uz to, naš pametni ugovor štitit će vlasnike tokena od gubitka. U slučaju da cijena tokena padne ispod cijene ICO prodaje, zamrznut ćemo i rezervirati polovinu sredstava koje budemo prikupili tijekom ICO prodaje. U bilo kojem trenutku, vi kao vlasnik tokena, možete automatski razmijeniti kupljene tokene za polovicu vrijednosti koju ste platili tijekom ICO prodaje.

U daljem tekstu bit će objašnjene glavne značajke projekta. Detaljnija objašnjenja i pojedinosti možete saznati u našoj bijeloj knjizi.

Pustili smo u promet 999.000.000 tokena, od kojih se neki mogu kupiti tijekom ICO prodaje po fiksnoj prodajnoj cijeni. Nakon završetka ICO prodaje automatski ćemo slati dnevne kamate od 1% sume tokena koje posjedujete u vaš novčanik.

To znači da ćete imati 1% profita svaki dan.

Kada se kamate koje budete primali tijekom mjesec dana zbroje, to znači da ćete ostvariti 36% kamate na početno stanje. Za period od šest mjeseci, to je 500%. Ako zadržite svoje tokene u posjedu cijele godine, iznos koji ste imali na početku uvećat će se 36 puta!
Sve ove kamate su potpuno transparentne. Zahvaljujući blockchain tehnologiji, svatko može vidjeti kada su i kome izvršene uplate, kao i koliko je tokena ukupno isplaćeno i koliko ih je ostalo.
Nakon prve godine, kamatna stopa će pasti na 0,5% dnevno, a nakon druge na 0,1% dnevno. Kamate će se isplaćivati sve dok se svi raspoloživi tokeni ne potroše.
Ulaganje sredstava u naše tokene znači da ćete primati dohodak koji je zajamčen našim pametnim ugovorom, tijekom – otprilike – šest godina. Uvjeti ovog ugovora neće se moći mijenjati!
Mislimo da smo iznijeli dovoljno podataka o ovom pitanju, te da ste shvatili da tokeni predstavljaju imovinu dok ih držite u svom novčaniku.

Sada o najvažnijem dijelu: vrijednosti tokena. Većina će vjerojatno postaviti jedno savršeno razumno pitanje: zašto bi tokeni uopće povećavali vrijednost? Uostalom, ako je token inflatoran kao što je zamišljeno, sa svakim novim tokenom koji bude izdat u opskrbu njegova bi cijena trebala pasti. Ali to uopće nije istina! Opskrba tokena može se povećati, ali sve dok se broj vlasnika tokena također bude povećavao, povećanje ponude neće smanjivati cijenu. Tko bi želio prodati neizmjerno profitabilnu imovinu? Tko bi prodavao imovinu koja stvara 36% mjesečnog prinosa? Tko bi prodavao imovinu čija cijena neprekidno nastavlja rasti?

Osim kamata koje se dobivaju na tokene, najznačajniji rast vrijednosti posljedica je spekulacije, a uspjeh spekulacije ovisi o prisustvu tokena na burzama i privlačenju maksimalnog broja korisnika koji će trgovati našim tokenom.
Iz tog razloga, sva sredstva koja se prikupe tijekom ICO prodaje bit će uložena u oglašavanje i promidžbu tokena. Dalje, većina prihoda koji budu ostvareni nakon početne faze, također će biti uložena u promociju. Mi smo, poput vas, otvoreno zainteresirani za sve veću potražnju (i cijenu) naših tokena, i poduzet ćemo sve korake kako bi to postigli. Razvili smo višeznačnu strategiju za PR kampanju koja uključuje i sustav preporuka i airdrop programe. Iako je u ovom trenutku nemoguće otkriti sve aspekte kampanje, morate vjerovati da će sva sredstva iz ICO prodaje biti upotrebljena isključivo za popularizaciju tokena – to je i naš interes.

Vjerujemo da postoje vrlo veliki izgledi za višestruki porast vrijednosti tokena tijekom prvih osamnaest mjeseci nakon svršetka ICO prodaje. Neobična imovina kao što je ova koju mi nudimo bit će nošena valom kripto hypea, potaknut će interesiranje zajednice i tako stvoriti daljnju potražnju. Rani kupci će imati najviše koristi od svih. Njima će minimalna investicija donijeti maksimalni povrat. Ponosni smo što možemo objaviti da smo stvorili savršen spekulativni instrument! Da, neki će ljudi završiti nesretni. Ali vi nećete biti jedan od njih!

Molimo vas pogledajte našu bijelu knjigu kako biste saznali detalje o tome kako naš projekt funkcionira.

Propustili ste kupiti Bitcoin 2010. godine? Provedite pola sata čitajući našu bijelu knjigu i imat ćete priliku napraviti najbolje kripto ulaganje u svom životu!

Važna obavijest: Naša ponuda za predstavnike tvrtki je izvrsna, a imamo i vrlo profitabilne airdrop kampanje i kampanju preporuka. Potražite detaljnije informacije u našoj bijeloj knjizi.

Web stranica projekta:
Bijela knjiga:

===== ažuriranje od 29. 03. 2018. godine ====

Želimo još jednom detaljnije opisati projekt, s ciljem da se izbjegnu apsurdne usporedbe s Ponzijevim shemama i piramidama koje prave ljudi koji ne razumiju u potpunosti smisao našeg projekta. Dakle, evo nekoliko najvažnijih značajki:

1. Pametni ugovor. Za one koji se prije nisu sretali s ovom tehnologijom - to je skup određenih pravila koja su nepromjenjiva nakon što su jednom pokrenuta. Pametni ugovor nije ničije vlasništvo. To je program u kojem se izvršavaju unaprijed utvrđena pravila. Nitko ne možemo utjecati na provedbu tih programa. Jednostavno rečeno, cijeli naš projekt je skup pravila i uvjeta fiksiranih u pametnom ugovoru. Za razliku od Ponzijeve sheme ili piramide koja je pod kontrolom organizatora, program NIJE kontroliran od strane bilo koga, svatko tko to želi može mu pristupiti i pregledati ga i pohranjen je u Ethereum Blockchain lancu.

2. Novac. Mi ne kontroliramo vaš novac jer ga ne trebamo. Glupo je uspoređivati naš projekt s Ponzijevom shemom, čiji vlasnici prisvajaju novac klijenata u gotovini i žele pronevjeriti što je moguće veći dio tog novca. Za razliku od Ponzijevih shema, u našem projektu tokene na osnovu kojih ćete prikupljati kamate dobivate besplatno, a ne na račun bilo kog drugog sudionika. Novac iz ICO prodaje potreban je samo za ostvarenje malog, ali vrlo važnog cilja - pojavljivanje tokena na burzi. Plus za dodatne PR aktivnosti. Ali to je i cilj vlasnika tokena - što više burzi prihvati token i što više bude reklama, to će i njegova cijena biti veća. Vi nećete trošiti novac na token, već će ga trošiti projekt.

3. Kamate. Kao što je već rečeno - one su besplatne, stvaraju se iz postojeće baze tokena i zajamčene su za razliku od onih u Ponzijevoj shemi. Zajamčene su pametnim ugovorom. Vrijedi još jednom ponoviti - ZAJAMČENE SU. Uvijek ćete ih primiti prema uvjetima po kojim funkcionira ugovor. U slučaju Ponzijevih shema ili piramidalnih projekata sve može završiti na neočekivan način i vi možete izgubiti sva sredstva.

4. Zaštita. Postoje dva načina zaštite. Prvi: ako ICO nije uspio i suma od 500 ETH nije prikupljena, pametni ugovor će vam vratiti uložena sredstva. Drugi: ICO je uspio ali je cijena pala više od dva puta – vi ćete imati priliku automatski vratiti polovicu novca koji ste uložili. Pokušali smo predvidjeti rizike u što je moguće većoj mjeri (druga stavku smo mogli izostaviti, zato što nitko ne primjenjuje ništa slično!) i zaštititi vas od njih. Postoji li nešto slično u Ponzijevim shemama?

Pretpostavimo da ste zainteresirani, ali nemate novaca - kako možete besplatno dobiti tokene? Tako što ćete projektu učiniti usluge. Učinili smo da nagrade budu vrlo povoljne, a usluge koje trebate učinite razumljive i isplative. I drugačiji od drugih. Pročitajte bijelu knjigu ako želite znati kako možete sudjelovati. Nadamo se da će vas ovaj post motivirati da to učinite – jednostavno, ne želimo ovdje kopirati čitavu sadržinu bijele knjige.

Kakvi su nedostaci i rizici projekta?

Nitko ne može biti kritičan prema našem projektu kao mi. U našoj bijeloj knjizi doslovce stoji: stvorili smo "najiskreniji projekt". Apsolutno je otvoren – čitav kod ugovora javno je dostupan te ga možete preuzeti, pogledati i proučiti.

Ne želimo sakrivati nedostatke i rizike:

1) Nećemo moći ući na burze. To se ne dovodi u pitanje - naši će tokeni biti na burzama, 100% sigurno. Iskreno govoreći, pitanje je samo u "veličini" tih burzi. Vidjet ćemo kako će to ići.

2) Cijena će pasti ispod polovine početne cijene. To se može dogoditi, ali vi ćete moći vratiti polovicu investicije u tokene, u bilo kojem trenutku.

3) Uzet ćemo polovicu sredstava prikupljenih tijekom ICO prodaje (druga polovica će biti zamrznuta u pametnom ugovoru) i pobjeći s novcem. To bi bio genijalan plan, ali će za nas biti mnogo isplativije da token prodamo skuplje nego da pobjegnemo sa sitnišem. U svakom slučaju, što god se dogodi, token će funkcionirati. Već je pokrenut.

Dakle, to su svi rizici.

Uvijek možete provjeriti saldo NAŠEG osobnog e-novčanika na i možete sami provjeriti pametni ugovor na adresi

Ponovno vam preporučujemo da odvojite 10 minuta, pročitate bijelu knjigu i tek nakon toga donesete odluku.

===== ažuriranje od 01. 04. 2018. godine ====

Svima koji su napisali negativne komentare možemo poručiti: kako možete usporediti Ponzijevu shemu i naš sustav? Jeste li pročitali gore navedene informacije?

Ponzijeva shema podrazumijeva namirivanje ranijih investitora na račun novih investitora i kontrolu cjelokupnog novčanog toka. Nasuprot tome, mi imamo pametan ugovor koji nitko ne kontrolira, prema kojem se kamatna stopa plaća od ukupne količine tokena puštenih u promet. Mi ne kontroliramo vaša ulaganja i ne zarađujemo novac od njih!

U budućnosti će samo oni koji su tokene kupili tijekom ICO kampanje moći i trgovati njima. Upravo ti ljudi bit će vlasnici tokena i upravo će oni biti ti koji će odrediti njihovu početnu cijenu.

Naš zadatak je ubaciti tokene na maksimalan broja burzi, čime će se povećati njihova likvidnost i vrijednost. Mi ćemo to učiniti.

Sjetite se samo Bitconnect-a: sama platforma je bila zanimljiva i zasluživala je pozornost. Ipak, njihov robot za kreditiranje bio je izrađen točno sukladno Ponzijevoj shemi, apsolutno netransparentan i u potpunosti ovisan o novim investicijama. Veliku pomoć organizatorima predstavljalo je postojanje burze koju su mogli kontrolirati - to im je omogućavalo ostvarivati određena kretanja cijene i pomagalo je robotu za kreditiranje da isplaćuje kamate.

U našem sustavu sve je apsolutno transparentno – cjelokupan kod pametnog ugovora je javno dostupan, svi novčanici su na Ethereum blockchain lancu i potpuno su vidljivi za sve zainteresirane strane. Sve se može provjeriti i procijeniti. Proučite bijelu knjigu, ima puno zanimljivih i novih podataka glede projekta.

Kupite naše tokene! Vaši rizici su minimalni, a u slučaju da imate sreće možete dobiti i puno više!

Ako ICO prodaja ne uspije, sav novac ćete automatski dobiti natrag! Ako ICO prodaja uspije, ali prodajna cijena postane niža od cijene po kojoj ste kupili tokene, vratit ćemo vam polovicu novca! To je mnogo pouzdanija ponudba od one koju imaju drugi ICO projekti. Kupite najmanje 10 tokena (0,01 Eth) i za dva mjeseca ćete ih povratiti ili (mi u to vjerujemo!) će vam ti tokeni donijeti višestruku dobit!

Naš tim sastoji se od 4 osobe. Bavimo se poslovanjem u mreži od 1998. Imam ogromno iskustvo u različitim područjima i siguran sam da je ovaj projekt u budućnosti dokazan.

Trebamo samo vašu podršku i zajedničkim snagama ćemo učiniti da naš zajednički projekt bude poznat u svijetu!

Još jednom - pročitajte bijelu knjigu, ima puno zanimljivih i novih podataka glede projekta.

Ja sam samo prevoditelj na hrvatski najave ovog projekta. Nisam odgovoran ako razvojni programeri i tim projekta ne uspiju postići navedene ciljeve i ispuniti obaveze. Pridružujte se bounty kampanji i ulažite sredstva u projekt na vlastiti rizik.
128  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: April 03, 2018, 01:17:37 AM
Nauticus nudi jednostavno i jeftino rješenje za tvrtke i organizacije svih veličina, omogućujući trgovcima da prihvaćaju bilo koju valutu.

Pročitajte više o platformi za plaćanja trgovcima na stranici 22 bijele knjige:

Projekt je trenutačno u prvom tjednu ICO prodaje, a softcap je već dostignut! Ostvarite do 25% bonusa!

NTS tokene možete kupiti pomoću: PayPala, VISA i MasterCard kartica, Bitcoina, Ethereuma, Bitcoin Casha

Nabavite NTS tokene OVDJE:

129  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system= Rubbish posts on: April 02, 2018, 09:54:51 AM
One question:  Would you endorse people who don't know how to program anything and can only write rudimentary code to get jobs at Konami or Square Enix making video games?  They should be allowed to make games, right?  Konami would be discriminating against them if they weren't hired, right?  Think about it.  It's the same question a lot of us have asked here, and it's what these shitposters don't seem to ever grasp.
The answer to your question: no, I woudn't (plain and simple Smiley). But that rises another more complex question: Would you endorse people who know how to code to clean offices, corridors and shit from the toilets in Konami? Would you endorse them to set up the network in the offices, repair computer equipment, electric system and chairs? Would you endorse them to make commercials for Konami, catchy slogans, marketing plans, will coders be the one who will pack boxes into trucks, deliver them to the shops, sell game DVDs, represent the company at courts? You think about that, because without these "little" and "unimportant" people, Konami would never be able to make and sell 1 bloody game Smiley. There were little garage companies which functioned like that, but they've never succeeded to grow big, and now you can't even remember their names (I know quite a few of them: Corrosion, Tranxgames, etc.) It's romantic, it's beautiful, but they always eventually die, because - there's no money in romance (sad but true).

And that money thing brings me to your second question, which is even more important:
Do you really think any of these shitposters care about bitcoin?
Absolutely not, and I can give you the theoretical and practical proofs to support that. Why would they? They convert Bitcoins in fiat, because they do buy what they need - you said. And that's the whole trick! THEY BUY WHAT THEY NEED. That's what money's for. They can not yet buy what they need with BTC, but what do you think will happen when they get that chance? How would they think and act in the situation in which it will be cheaper and more convenient for them to buy bread, milk, clothes, books and everything for BTC, instead to convert it to fiat, pay bloodsucking bank fees, taxes and God knows what kind of other concoction that governments can think of. So, the whole trick is to grow big enough - they don't care now, because USD is more convenient as a universal means of exchange, but it won't last forever. They will learn to care, but in order to do that they have to be there and use it.

I don't know Theymos, but I can not stress enough to you (and especially to him) how important it is not to frighten away this still fragile and by no means perfect community. There will be times for drastic measures, but this moment is still premature, the crypto market is still young, cheap and controllable, we all should gather people, new people, rich or poor, educated or simple, not scare them and silence them. I beg you, or anyone who knows Theymos well, to talk to him. The system has to be easier (a bit, not much, just to give some hope to the growing community) for the plumbers and cleaning ladies to earn crypto. If they don't have crypto, they will never start to use it and learn to love it. The system should work in such a manner that they can see people around them advancing in ranks, not being stuck forever. There are other ways, he can lower the crossbar a bit, engage more community members to control posts, control IP addresses for cheaters (who are the part of every system big enough - that's why you have the police Smiley) or anything else that will result in people advancing in levels. There's no industry without making money, there's no company without employees who hope to advance and who feel themselves part of the whole thing  - it's the simple human logic. Please, be extremely careful.  
130  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system= Rubbish posts on: April 02, 2018, 02:00:29 AM
The problem lies in your attitude toward this forum.  Bitcointalk is not a "job"; bitcoin is not a "job".  This is a forum
And that's where I think you're wrong. This forum is much more than "a forum" - it's a place where people can work for crypto currencies. You don't have that opportunity on other forums - this is the place. I guess you guys maybe didn't want that to happen, but it happened - and, don't get me wrong, it's a good thing. I'll explain what I mean by that.

Just remember the "good old times" when Bitcoin was worth 1 USD, and the power consumption has far exceeded any logical an economic reason to mine. Wasn't you thinking then: "This is a good thing, if people can only understand! If we can only convince people that this is future, if only people start to use this technology, their life will be easier, they'll be making money, they'll be pissing on governments and banks and accountants. This will be the future if they can only make a little mental effort and understand the greatness of this, and start participating!"
And they did.

Bitcointalk is not a job, you're right, but it's the place where people can find a job. And because they could do that, the word of crypto industry has spread, other people did find out about a whole new industry that needs free work force for its growth, work force that will not work for money, but for some "money wannabee", some new strange currencies and the promises they offer. And they tried. When they have earned money, they started to buy and invest, and the wheel that was stuck for years, started to move.

Bitcoin is not a job, but without jobs around it, it is worthless. Just think about it and you will see (begin with the graphics cards industry). Without altcoins, bitcoin is nothing more than an interesting "hacker's game" or however they called it in the newspapers just a few years ago. There's no industry without jobs. There's no bitcoin (or any other currency) without people. How many people in the world have USD, and how many of them can speak English? If you try to listen to every man or woman who works for USD, use them, pay bills with them, that would be a chaos - you're right. But it's precisely that chaos what made USD the world currency. If only well educated, eloquent people, economists, and blah, blah, worked for and used Dollars as mean of payment - it would not exist.

Don't get me wrong - I believe that you and everybody here did the great thing for the blockchain technology with Bitcointalk and that tech will do good for the people in return. But the technology HAS TO SPREAD if it wants to live, it's a normal development path. It has to have more currencies, more users, more workers, more marketing, more everything. I'm just afraid that diverting ignorant and low skilled people from the only place where they can earn crypto (at the moment), you're suffocating the development. I can give you the numerous examples of the similar stillborn industries that have died out because their makers were not ready for the thing they have created, tried to make it an elite thing, and blah, blah, but I'm already shitting a lot.

Try not to maltreat people too much, because if they go away, development will stumble (and when it get stuck, it will unfortunately die) and all of us who believe in this thing will have nothing (and I don't speak only about money).
131  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system= Rubbish posts on: April 01, 2018, 10:18:24 PM
Merit system will keep shit-posters stucked at their current ranks. In the future, when more and more campaigns require minimum number of merits to join, shit-posters will be eliminated somehow. When they can not join any campaign in the forum, they might leave and find others better places.
And you people really think that's good? To drive off, repel some people who are willing to join and work for the world of crypto? Do You really think crypto/blockchain tech have a future without "shit-posters", "rookies", "ignorant people", people who do not speak or write English well? If these people for any reason don't recognize their own interest in the alternative economy system, you'll end up selling pizzas to each other for 50M BTC.

Just try not to forget one thing: these people to whom you're laughing and whom you call "shit-posters" are precisely those who keep marketing wheels of the emerging crypto projects moving. If they didn't work for peanuts, promises of the newly forged coins, and possibilities of eventual payment in some new coins wannabee some very interesting coins would not exist today.

If "ignorant people" don't start to use crypto, there won't be any crypto in the future. You, "masters of the crypto world", will be selling each other worthless bytes in your Kingdom in the clouds.

Mass adoption is the mother of success of every human activity. And that requires masses.

Does anyone dare to publish the list of the members who have advanced to the next rank since the merit system has been introduced? Published or not, look at that list and think about the following: for how long will all the members of the community who are not on that list stick to the idea, talk nicely about the things that are going on here, try to attract new people, new work force, new "nodes", new customers, new users, or they will declare the idea "elitist", and walk away?

Be careful about what you wish for - you may get it. And please, please, be careful not to destroy and suffocate the blooming of the crypto world you've made possible with this forum.
132  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: April 01, 2018, 08:29:35 PM
Jeste li znali da su tokeni svih burzi uvećali svoju vrijednost od 12. 02. 2018. godine?

Binance coin: pušten u promet 25. 7. 2017. godine po cijeni od 10 centi
Najveća cijena: 22,76 USD
Trenutačna cijena: 8,27 USD

Kucoin: pušten u promet 24. 10. 2017. godine po cijeni od 72 centa
Najveća cijena: 20,44 USD
Trenutačna cijena: 3,25 USD

Huobi token: pušten u promet 10. 02. 2018. godine po cijeni od 1,58 USD
Najveća cijena: 2,59 USD
Trenutačna cijena: 1,73 USD

Požurite investirati u Nauticusov coin - bit će pušten u promet 25. 05 po cijeni od 0.00001 BTC

133  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 💲🚀[BOUNTY][ANN] GLOBCOIN - Signature|Twitter|Facebook Campaign and many more on: April 01, 2018, 10:56:40 AM
Somehow i was expecting the community to be bashing me more than standing together with me.

Who could blame you, for Christ, you're just a worker here, just like us :-) You've run this campaign in a marvelous manner, and I hope you got your fee in the form of a fixed fiat or at least btc/eth sum. It's just that we don't have translation spreadsheet yet: when we'll be able to see it? Thanks, mate, and cheers!

I will try to get it done asap. So sorry for that. I am down with the last 2 spreadsheet which is translation and content.

I need to work with the dev team and the excel spreadsheet for telegram is killing me. usually we need not do the telegram excel sheet cause we dont have control over the telegram channel, but i end up helping to filter and it is an insane amount of work trying to filter out all the fake and scammers.

As for whether i got my fee, i certainly do hope so but what i wish more is that you all got your bounties. Right now, i have been working on a "trust" level for the past 2 months. I could have chose to stop the bounty until the payment is made or they find a new one to take over but I do not want to abandon my community so i carried on in the hope of "Trust".
Jesus... If even you guys have to work 'on trust' then this community is definitely ready for a union. Just to fight for bounty escrows and for KYC for employers. The whole situation with merits and scam projects is becoming ridiculous.
134  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 💲🚀[BOUNTY][ANN] GLOBCOIN - Signature|Twitter|Facebook Campaign and many more on: March 31, 2018, 11:58:12 PM
Somehow i was expecting the community to be bashing me more than standing together with me.

Who could blame you, for Christ, you're just a worker here, just like us :-) You've run this campaign in a marvelous manner, and I hope you got your fee in the form of a fixed fiat or at least btc/eth sum. It's just that we don't have translation spreadsheet yet: when we'll be able to see it? Thanks, mate, and cheers!
135  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: March 31, 2018, 08:20:16 PM
Glavna prodaja Nauticus tokena je OTPOČELA! Požurite i kupite tokene s 25% bonusa!

(Softcap od 8 milijuna USD već je dosegnut tokom pretprodaje! Prikupljeno je 10.665.891 USD)

136  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus-Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina * SOFTCAP DOSTIGNUT 10M USD!* on: March 30, 2018, 07:18:53 PM
Nauticusova eCommerce platforma će prodavačima i kupcima omogućiti pristup tržištu širokog raspona roba i usluga na kojem će se prihvaćati sve glavne kripto i fiat valute.

Pročitajte više u Bijeloj knjizi, na stranicama od 19 do 21!

137  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 💲🚀[BOUNTY][ANN] GLOBCOIN - Signature|Twitter|Facebook Campaign and many more on: March 29, 2018, 08:34:05 PM
Hi everyone, i am now doing the updates/final check for all the bounties.

I already get the number of fund rise so i will also be adding that to the spreadsheets.

-Translation bounty spreadsheet is still on the way.
-More details on when the token distribution will be made.

Yeee! Thanks! So, what's the sum? I couldn't quite get it from the website counter, it was divided, fiat, crypto, private pre-sale... :-)
138  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus - Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina pomoću Blockchain tehnologije on: March 29, 2018, 08:14:28 PM
Nauticus je dostigao soft cap!

Pretprodaja tokena završava za manje od 48 sati! Kupite prije kraja i ostvarite bonus do 35 posto.
Nauticus je dostigao prvi cilj - soft cap od 8 milijuna dolara - čak i prije početka zvanične ICO prodaje. Za deset dana Nauticus je prodao 10,25 milijuna dolara u NTS tokenima i suma prodatih tokena nastavlja da raste. Ovo je fantastična vijest za sve naše investitore.
"Na mjestu na kojem se trenutačno nalazimo, budućnost projekta Nauticus izgleda sjajno. Zahvaljujemo svima koji su nas podržali ", rekao je izvršni direktor Bryan Ng.
Nauticus zajednica je sada narasla na 203.619 registriranih korisnika, što će pružiti fantastičnu bazu korisnika za početak funkcioniranja burze.

139  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / Re: [ANN|ICO] Nauticus - Bolje bankarstvo i e-trgovina pomoću Blockchain tehnologije on: March 29, 2018, 08:18:39 AM
Jeste li čuli za program preporuke projekta Nauticus? Smiley

Svatko tko klikne na vaš link za preporuku i kupi najmanje 500 coina, bit će nagrađen sa 100 dodatnih besplatnih coina, a istu sumu dobit ćete i vi!

140  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 💲🚀[BOUNTY][ANN] GLOBCOIN - Signature|Twitter|Facebook Campaign and many more on: March 28, 2018, 09:19:36 PM
Do we have any info about the final sum that will be distributed for the bounties and the publication date of the final spreadsheet? Looking forward to the stakes/rewards calculations! Cheers!
And just one thing more: do we have to submit the docs for some kind of the KYC procedure?
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